#Yuno Kamora
suginami-division · 2 months
Suginami, home to a “zombie” team and an…”interesting” private investigator at the least. As the late afternoon sun hung lazily in the sky, Edogawa Shuu was bound to receive a birthday visitor.
I wonder what contents are inside…
Inside his heated office, Shuu was fixated on the frustrating paperwork in front of him. It had been a long day of work, finalizing case reports and all the other detective shenanigans. However…a small box accidentally crashed on the tiled floor, possibly from Shuu knocking it over.
Scrambling to pick it up, he immediately checked for damages. With relief, he quickly opened the surprising package, eager to see the gifts sent to him.
Inside…Was a questionable romance book…and a collection of plushies~!
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“I hope this message finds you well, Edogawa. Because a few…odd stories were left stranded on my shelf, I’ve decided to present one for you. I hear you also like…cute odds and ends? These plushies may be old, however they are just as cute. Happy birthday…”
-Yuno Kamora, Fukuoka Division.
“Yuno?” Shuu hums. “And from Fukuoka? I don’t remember him…”
Clearing some of the gifts and letters off his desk, he decided to make a quick search to see who this unfamiliar name was. He knew he had done an interview about a Fukuoka team. So why wasn’t the name registering in his head?
And that’s when it popped up; A rival team in the Fukuoka division. It turns out that this Yuno Kamora is a butler…
“Butler? Wait, so like Jack?” His brows furrow as Shuu murmurs to himself. “Don’t tell me they’re working together. There's no way they could be associated. Like, what's the chance of that?”
Shrugging to himself, Shuu’s train of thought is broken by the rest of the gift. The cuteness of the plushies were calling to him, tempting out of the pressing concerns in the back of the private investigator's mind. Pulling one of the plushies out, Shuu’s excitement was thwarted by a stack of letters and papers getting knocked off his desk and scattering onto his office floor. A quick huff of frustration and Shuu knew he had to clean up before he could have fun opening the rest of his gifts!
Thank you for the gift! And what is the implication in giving Shuu a book about attachment theory...? 👀
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shizuokadivision · 4 months
Inside the box…Was a pistol…? And a note…? However could a butler get such gifts…?
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“Take this, I presume you wish to sharpen up on target practice…Just keep in mind, Cross my team, my division or myself…I will be forced to give no mercy. Let’s just stay on neutral terms, Does that sound cooperative to you…?”
Sakura held the gun in her hands not at all bothered by the sight of it while the Kito-gumi were one of the major arms traffickers in Japan they weren't the only ones still, the balls one had to have to give her a weapon for a present. 
“Tch.” Irina icily glared at the gun. “Inferior quality. Whoever he got this from should be shot in the head for selling this subpar gun.” 
Sakura snorted. Of course, Irina took offense. As head of the Kito-gumi’s arms trafficking, no gun was sold without passing her harsh inspection. 
“Irina here,” Sakura tossed the unloaded gun to the Russian. “You have my full permission to bring it to Kito-worthy standards. Go nuts with the upgrades. I know you love to tinker with them.”
“My pleasure Boss,” Irina said a small smile on her normally cold expression. “You won't even recognize it when I’m done”
“I expect nothing else, Irina.” 
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shinagawa-division · 4 months
The wedding of Tomi Choten and Miho Kobayashi was now in full swing. People were dancing, ordering drinks and making conversations with others…It was truly a night to remember.
In a black and gold suit, His golden blond hair sideparted, Yuno was nervously holding a small intricate box. His legs slightly shaking, He mustered up the courage and walked over to Kobayashi and Choten, Who were seemingly in deep conversation.
“Pardon me, Lord Choten, Lady Kobayashi…?” Yuno bowed as the 2 turned to him, Both their eyes glued on the box in his hand.
“Both of you look majestic this evening…So, We OverDrive decided to bestow a few things to the both of you…Of course, I would have been more comfortable if my masters accompanied me…” Yuno chuckled, Motioning to Eko and Mai who were talking near them.
“So please, Enjoy my gift to you…” He finished, Handing the small box to Tomi as he gave one last bow, Returning to his team members.
Inside…Were 2 golden matching bracelets…
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[There will be more gifts along the way, Mai and Eko’s are still to come!]
“Hm, not the worst gift I’ve gotten but this is hardly anything special.” Tomi commented as he inspected his bracelet, mostly likely seeing if the gold was real or not.
“Be nice, my love, at least he made an effort, he was quite nervous.” Miho gently chided as she took the time to admire her own bracelet, Tomi huffed out a small laugh as he wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her close to him.
“Well it’s no secret why, as he said, you look absolutely beautiful, it’s honestly quite distracting, both me and our guest are blinded by your radiance.” Tomi sighed lovingly as he gently nudged his head against hers, Miho couldn’t stop the giggle that came from her and pressed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“Flatterer, we’re already married, are you going to make this a habit?”
“Absolutely, I’ll say it every day if I have to.”
Thank you for the gift!
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aoyama-division · 5 months
It was early spring as the city of Aoyama was sparkling as ever. Although, It seemed shinier ever since Aoyama’s own Jet Set Trio just celebrated their next anniversary. Not only that, A surprise was definitely waiting for them…
A surprise from the 2nd team of Fukuoka, Of course…
Inside Tomi Choten’s mailbox…Was his phone?
“Hey, JST. You’ve probably heard of us before, But we’re OverDrive, Fukuoka’s 2nd team.” Eko informed.
It was a message?
“We just wanted to wish you guys a happy anniversary. Consider it as a milestone for JST, I guess.” Mai explained.
From Fukuoka?
“Have a happy anniversary, OverDrive wishes you the best on your rap journey.” Yuno complimented.
“We’ll probably see you guys in the DRB, So have some fun till then~!” OverDrive said in unison as the message ended.
"I think I met these guys on my birthday a week ago!" Karada yelled.
"You did?" Luis asked, a cigarette in his mouth, an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, they suddenly just appeared on my T.V. in my living room while I was watching something." Karada explained. "It was freaky!"
"On your T.V.?" Luis asked, skeptical.
"I know it sounds odd, but it's the truth! I thought I was on a secret channel or something."
After being alerted that he had located Tomi's cellular device in the mailbox, the Chōten family butler, Hino, returned it to his proper owner, who was sitting with his friends in his family's liquor room. Upon activating it, a strange message appeared on the socialite's cell phone, which was addressed to not only him, but also the rest of JST.
"What I want to know how these peons got a hold of my cell phone in the first place." Tomi stated as he swiped through his phone, making sure everything was how he had it. "Much less how they got inside of it."
"Are you sure you didn't just leave it sitting around somewhere at a party or something?" Luis asked.
"Do not insult me, Luis." Tomi said, frowning at his acquaintance before going back to his phone. "I keep my cell phone with me at all times. I have sensitive information on this thing. The last thing I want is anyone getting their hands on it."
"Well, so much for that." Luis said, rolling his eyes as he stubbed his cigarette out in an ashtray.
"You might wanna go take it to a shop or something in case someone hacked it." Karada suggested.
"Or better yet, just buy a new one." Luis stated, shrugging his shoulders. "No offense, but it boggles my mind how someone as materialistic as you still held onto a phone that old."
"...Maybe that would be for the best." Tomi agreed, looking at his cell phone. With a sigh, he placed it down, making a mental note to have Hino dispose of it later. He frowned as he realized he was going to have to go through the whole ordeal of making sure his new phone was exactly the way he wanted, which was going to take a serious amount of time.
"Ugh, the ways of peons never ceases to amaze me..."
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fukuokadivision1 · 7 months
Sanyu's Thoughts on OverDrive
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Eko Seishin
"Why does this guy look so familiar... oh yeah. He's that idol that's been appearing around Fukuoka, as of late. Aoi, I think his name is. Truthfully, I was never really into those type of people. So they can sing, dance, and have a group of fans. Big deal. Do something really interesting, and then I may be impressed."
"Other than that, I don't know much about the guy. He and I live in completely different worlds. ...Still, something about him doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what it is, but the alarms in my body almost always seem to go off when he's around. My intuition has saved me more times than I can count, so if they say something's off about this guy, then there must be..."
Mai Yousei
"Mai? I think they're the only one from this team that I know. Ming once asked them to come to her school to teach her kids how to dance and what-not. They were pretty good, which was kind of ironic considering they seem so weak and tired. I met them when I came to pick up Ming from work, and she introduced us. ...I don't know what happened after that. We kinda just stared at each other for a while, examining each other. I get the feeling that, like their leader, there is more to this person than lets on. I get the feeling they may have been used by Chuohku like I was. If so, they have my sympathies..."
Yuno Kamora
"The only other guy aside from the leader that I know next to nothing about. Apparently, he works as a... 'butler-for-hire'? I didn't think people here in Fukuoka could afford to have someone serve them... at least not in the slums where we live. Now over in the fancy part of town where Chuohku has their HQ, yeah, you may see one or two families that have a steward or something, but not many. You have to remember, Fukuoka, we're pretty much near the bottom when it comes to money and economy, so wealth doesn't exactly flow throughout this city."
"But getting back on topic, as I said, I don't know much about this guy. He looks fancy and courteous enough, but... I don't know..."
"...Really Chuohku? You guys went out of your way to force me and my friends to form a rap team for your damn rap tournament here in Fukuoka. And now, you want to make another Fukuoka team? Why?! ...Gah, what the hell am I doing? I may as well be screaming at myself for all the good it does to ask for a reason from you guys. You'll always do whatever the hell you want with no concern for anyone else, whatsoever."
"As for these guys, I don't really know why they're entering this tournament. Probably at the whims of the government like us. I've nothing against them. Truly, losing to you guys would be the quickest way to get out of this tournament. ...But if I know Chuohku, they probably have something special planned for the loser, and I refuse to have anything to do with those bitches ever again, so... sorry about this, but... only one team can represent Fukuoka. And it isn't going to be you guys."
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toyama-division · 8 days
Asato Rikiya, the leader of Toyama’s rap team ECO BooN, answered the door to the sound of something swinging back in forth against it. Stifling a groan as he picked the box up, a soft tinkling had escaped the package.
Including a note that was fastened against it.
“I hope these shall be music to your ears, PS — don’t mind the fact they were shaking in the box as they were previously packaged…”
— Yuno Kamora, Fukuoka Division.
Inside…Were a set of wind chimes, included with a box of Takoyaki.
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Seeing a remarkably normal gift at his doorstep was a pleasant surprise. After last year's strange watermelon focus, Asato was taken aback upon finding a windchime and food gifted to him. And by someone, he wasn't all too familiar with. He wasn't sure what made the Fukuoka team butler want to give him something, but he wasn't going to turn it down by any means.
"Isn't that a nice gift! Who is it from?" Toshiko, Asato's grandmother suddenly blurts out from over his shoulder. "Kamora? My, since when did you befriend him?"
"I... I didn't." Asato shrugs. "He just sent it... For fun?"
"That's a little strange... Are you sure you should accept it?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
The old woman looks pensively at the gifts. It was a rare moment for Asato to see her so unsure, but before he could open his mouth again, she brushed it off.
"It's probably nothing dear. How about we find a good spot for that chime?"
In return, Asato gives a hesitant nod and follows his grandmother back into their house with the gift in tow.
Thank you for the gift! AND THE MELON CYCLE IS BROKEN but I know this is temporary lol
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fukuokanodivision · 9 months
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OverDrive is Fukuoka’s representative rap team. It consists of butler Yuno Kamora, professional dancer Mai Yousei and their leader, idol Eko Seishin.
Their theme colour is electric blue, hence being similar to the natural element electricity. But it also highlights their drive to reach their ambitions.
The groups symbol is an electric blue music note that all 3 members have on an accessory; A chain on Eko’s watch, a design on Mai’s hat and a clip on Yuno’s bracer. It’s meant to represent their huge connection to the hypnosis mic which lead to the teams formation. The groups hand sign is the palm slightly down, which in body language means dominance.
Eko, Mai and Yuno are all childhood friends, as their strong ties put them together. In this sense, their rap styles are similar, but have their originality. All of them have had encounters with the hypnosis mic, which drives them to reach their goal through the hardships they’ve faced alone and as a team. They decided to enter the DRB to get closer to Chuohku and overthrow The Party of Words for good. ______________________________________ Now becoming a blockbuster team, their combined ambition only soars higher and higher. Continuing to make massive waves, OverDrives true chain of objectives unknowingly changed. Now immersed and placed in the DRB, their main objective resides in having “fun” with the other divisions, with their 1st official team “mission” lying on one acquired target — Taking their division back by force from a few “forsaken” defenders. (Asks/Collabarations are encouraged here.)
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Character Profile New Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard
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Character Profile New Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard [Revival] Birthday Event 2024
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Character Profile New Character Profile Family Profile Timeline Moodboard The Kamora Files Birthday Event 2024
🎶 Extras: Character Inspirations Before & After Team Dynamics Voice Claims Profile Cards/Rhyme Anima + Extra Wardrobe Character Playlists House Aesthetics Day In The Life Handwriting Pride Month Head-Cannons Isekai Outfits Stageplay [Give Me The Mic] OverDrive Sanrio Collabaration Valentines Day 2024 REWIND [0.5 Anniversary Event] BLACKLIGHT [TRIDECAGON Live Stage Event]
🎶 Drama Tracks: Track 1 - Part 1 Track 1 - Part 2 Track 1 - Part 3 Track 1 - Part 4 Track 2 - Part 1 Track 2 - Part 2 Track 2 - Part 3 Track 2 - Part 4 🎶 Songs: Survival Of The Illest Hoodstar Division Battle Anthem Kizuna/Bonds Division Rap Battle Rhyme Anima’s Mixtape -Fukuoka- Alternative Rap Battle Glory Or Dust Hang Out! SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS Next Stage Rhyme Anima Beyond The Way [REWIND Ver] 🎶 Albums: 1st Album 2nd Album 🎶 Mixtapes: Valentines Day Mixtape Next Step [Shuiro Birthday Mixtape] Spring Mixtape Hegemony Mixtape Summer Mixtape REWIND Mixtape BLACKLIGHT Mixtape Autumn Mixtape
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setagaya-division · 2 months
Aside from Aomori, Setagaya’s ENIGMA, particularly the resident animal lover Elliot Shimizu’s own birthday was on the rise. Talk about a joint birthday…
In downtown Setagaya, Elliot was against the wall of an alleyway silently reading. With an ash coloured cat rubbing his legs, he was plainly enjoying himself. However…That didn’t last long…
“Did you miss us, freak…? You seem to be enjoying yourself~…” 3 recognizable bullies chorused, surrounding him. As a few minutes of their laughter passed, a few gold bars had caged them over top of one another, also causing them to be as quick as they came.
“Did they hurt you…?” A figure dressed in a suit asked him, his gaze darting to Elliot and the cat between his legs. Although…Elliot was looking at something else about this mysterious figure…
His eyes were glowing gold and a few black splotches were enlarging on his face…
“I’m sorry if I scared you. You’re Shimizu Elliot I imagine? I’m Kamora Yuno, you’ve probably heard of one of my teammates before…” Yuno explained, setting a box next to him.
“I’m sorry this must be brief. So…Happy birthday Shimizu.” Yuno smiled as he left the alleyway while patting the cats head.
Inside…Was a miniature maneki-neko.
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As Elliot watched Yuno disappear into the alleyway, the shy boy could only watch his back, still a bit startled and out of sorts by what transpired. Truthfully, he never even intended to come this far away from home.
The school day had ended, and he was supposed to head straight home, but a soft mewling from a nearby alleyway piqued his curiosity. There, under a pile of discarded boxes, was a stray cat, its eyes wide with fear. Elliot couldn't resist; he gently freed the creature, offering soothing words that only the two of them could understand.
"Hey there, little one. No need to be scared anymore," Elliot whispered, his voice a calming balm to the frightened feline.
The cat, now free, rubbed against his legs, its purrs a sign of gratitude. Elliot smiled, feeling a kinship with the small being. He decided to stay a while, enjoying the company until the bus would arrive to take him back to the familiar part of town.
...That was, until he was cornered by a familiar group of bullies who had met more than a few times at school. If not for the arrival of the strange person who had somehow managed to encase the three villains. Elliot didn't know what freaked him out more: the fact that he had came very close to getting beaten up again, or that his potential oppressors were trapped in gold.
"T-Thank y-y-you," Elliot said quietly, though the strange man had already vanished. Elliot didn't know if he was thanking him for saving him, or for the gift he had left behind. He would have still stood there, staring at the alleyway the man had disappeared into had he not heard the mewling from the cat he had saved beneath him.
"...Guess we both got lucky today, huh?" Elliot asked, the cat meowing in agreement as they shared a moment of newfound camaraderie.
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saitama-division · 2 months
Saitama, home to a “queenly” and highly regarded divison protecting their lives from Chuohku. Considering that, a special models birthday was just around the corner.
Well…Not just a “model” anyway…
While Lola Takahashi was excitedly working on a new clothing project, it appeared something was waiting for her. Right on the side of her desk was a small package. Seems normal, right…?
“Hm, I wonder who was nice enough to give me this…” Lola thought to herself as she slowly, but surely opened the box and awaited the contents inside.
Inside…Was lavender perfume…?
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— Later —
Seconds later, Lola was face planted on her desk, having smelled the strangely strong scent. It appeared she was knocked out cold…and will be for a long time.
Though…a strange voice had echoed in her head.
“Maybe you’ve blinded everyone, even your own teammates on what you have done…but it will not go unnoticed. You can come at me, I daresay you may earn victory…however, I simply cannot let something so hidden go unpunished.”
“So, this is your “silence.” Let that sink in as you awaken…”
It turns out, that voice was right behind her. Taking one last look in, the butler strode off. Not before easily scratching a good chunk of Lola’s office door…
- Later -
"Lola? Lola, wake up. Lola!" Kureha shook the Model awake as Lola groggily opened her eyes and hissed in pain, placing a hand to her forehead.
"What..?" The blonde croaked out and Kureha raised an eyebrow, looking at her best friend in concern. "Are you alright? I kept calling you but you didn't answer, I got worried so I came over here to find you asleep. Did you stay up or something?"
Lola furrowed her eyebrows, confused and momentarily disoriented. She tried to recall what had happened before she passed out-no. The Model's face turned into a scowl as the memories came back to her, she didn't passed out, she was knocked out, someone fucking knocked her out in her own home.
Spotting the bottle of "perfume" still on her desk, Lola snatched the thing and stood up much to Kureha's confusion, she walked over to her window and opened it before throwing the bottle out and shutting her window once she heard the satisfying "crack".
Kureha only blinked, still confused and even more concerned than before. "Uhhh...do I even want to know?"
Lola walked over to her desk and grabbed her phone, angrily tapping on it. "Some bitch ass motherfucker thought it would be funny to send a message but they messed with the wrong bitch." She gritted out as she typed, while she didn't know for sure who the sender was, she had a pretty good fucking guess and was now she was pissed.
After a minute, Lola clicked her phone off and turned to Kureha. "What time is it?"
The Artist shrugged. "5:30, why?"
The Model groaned and shut her eyes, she couldn't believe that bitch made her miss half the day already! "No reason, just go wait in the living room, I'll be there in a minute."
Kureha slowly nodded and left the room, leaving Lola to stew in her frustration for a moment before a ping on her phone got her attention, she looked at it to see the message.
"Come see me when you got the time, we'll talk more, this isn't the first time something like this happened."
Thank you for the gift! (Bitch)
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katsushika-division · 2 months
Not long after Rintaro’s birthday surprise, The member of OverDrive were all set on GC mode, Taking a glance at Eko’s recording of his “well taken” birthday message to the arsonist.
“First Jet Set Trio, Sakurai Clan, Silent Tradegy, Sounds Of Silence and now Death Row Block. How many teams do you plan to make us as targets, Onii-san?” Mai asked, Putting their camera on.
“Mai-san may be right on this one.” Yuno agreed.
“Relax. Sure, Some want to rip us to pieces…However…” Eko explained, Getting sly eyed
Both Mai and Yuno knew what was coming.
“If we want to fulfill our mission, We have to play dirty. It’s obvious they won’t heed our warnings, So we have to take it by force. There are some unlawful people in the world too, You know.” Eko mentioned, Putting his arms on his head.
“We can’t come out on top without making sacrifices. Threats and baiting won’t work, So using our mic’s is our best bet. If all of them come for us…Our infamy might be our worst enemy.” Eko finished, Placing the earlier footage into the secret channel.
“You have a point, Just promise me you won’t cut too much corners or beat around the wrong bushes, Okay?” Yuno asked, Crossing his arms.
“Promise accepted, Partner.”
“You know…I kinda like this new style we have. We can’t let the other divisions take our glory now…” Mai chuckled.
“I could never ask for better friends and teammates…Hehehe…Hahahah-HAHAHA~!” Eko chuckled, His laugh growing larger as Mai and Yuno both laughed along with him.
“Idiots.” Akari scoffed secretly watching OverDrive from her tablet. “You got another thing coming if you dare try to harm my family.”
“Akari ready to head out?”
“Coming Rin-nii!” Akari shouted back placing her tablet beside her. “Just thinking about how to deal with a few pests!”
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arakawa-division · 3 months
Arakawa, Known to possessing a rather…Silent themed team in terms of the DRB. The 2nd and most unknown member, Hoáng Diêu’s own birthday was on the horizon.
Let’s see what awaits on her special day, Shall we?
As an above heightened figure walked inside Lotus Bloom Jewelry, Most of the customers stopped to look at him. With blond hair and golden eyes…Some people started whispering…
Suddenly, A few security guards surrounded him, Detecting him as an outsider. After a secure hold on him, They surprisingly were no match. One by one, Their voices were silenced as an imaginary cage quickly caged them and let them go.
The only sign was…Gold glowing eyes…?
Who was this visitor!?
“Does anyone know Diêu Hoáng here? Something was addressed to her.” The figure asked, Noting one of the guards taking the parcel in his hands and taking it away.
With a nod, He strode out, Hoping to catch the next train out of there.
Inside…Was a diamond bracelet set included with candles and a note.
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“I hope you enjoy these, Lady Diêu. My family decided to pass them onto me. So, Happy Birthday.”
— Kamora Yuno, Fukuoka Division - OverDrive.
Diệu, who was busy in the back room designing something for a client of hers perked up as all of the noise in her shop had suddenly grown quiet. Walking out of the backroom, she stopped as she saw everyone eyeing a man in a cape with only blonde hair and golden eyes to see. Her eyes grew slightly larger as the individual quickly thwarted her security, which only made Diệu's interest in this man grow.
As the man asked for her, the woman in question raised her hand, a playful gleam in her eye. Taking the picture, she thanked him with a wink before he left as quickly as he came, leaving the shop still in shock at just who the individual was and what he wanted with the proprietor.
Opening the package, Diệu looked in surprise at the candles and the jewelry she was gifted with. The candles were already a good enough gift on their own, but the necklaces just made this even better.
"Yuno Kamora, huh?" Diệu stated, as she looked back at the entrance. "I'll definitely be keeping an ear and eye out for him and his team."
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suginami-division · 1 month
Shuu’s Thoughts on Fukuoka Division
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Eko Seishin
“OMG Aoi?! Why is he…? I thought Traffic Light disbanded?! Wait, they reformed to become OverDrive? Why didn’t I know about that? Well… I guess I’m focused on all this other stuff, not including the D.R.B. we’re stuck in. Soon as Aoi-chan had posted that they were disbanding, I just moved on to other idol groups, ehehe…Sorry!”
“Then, it makes sense that Aoi-chan is leading this team. I just can’t say that he’s my favorite member. His attitude on stage always felt… Forced? I dunno, but I wasn’t into his performance back then. I wonder if maybe doing rap instead will change up his spirits. Only one way to find out though, right?”
Mai Yousei
“Shuiro-chan~! See, Mai-chan was always my favorite. Their moves were always so smooth. I wonder if Mai-chan is just as cheery as they were on stage in their Traffic Light days. I saw their attitude as an inspiration for me to stay positive about the grim parts of my work. Hearts might be broken and tears might fall, but I knew my clients were on their way to a better path… Wah, I can’t wait to finally meet Shuiro-chan! Being in the D.R.B. has been a huge dream come true. If I didn’t accept Ryu-chan’s invitation, I would have never gotten the chance to meet people like Shuiro-chan!”
Yuno Kamora
“K-Kiiro… Yuno has been pretty busy, with the Kamora Files stuff. I can’t say I’m not opposed to it? I just never thought he hated criminals that much. It’s kinda scary, ehehe… Like Jack, kinda. Funny how both of them are butlers with these weird secrets. But while Yuno is just hellbent on jailing anyone who made any slight crimes, Jack is… It feels like he’s trying to satisfy the orders of somebody while juggling the need to be ‘good’. So I guess if I were forced to side with a suspicious butler, I’d choose Jack? Besides, I’m sure a Kamora File with my teammates is gonna pop up. I-I don’t think he’d try to write about me. I get to solve crimes sometimes, but not often. So that should mean I’m on his nice list, right? Right?”
"Who am I kidding. Somehow Dai-chan got written up about his 'crimes'. That poor boy is trying to do good, he isn't bad! Yuno made him cry!"
“I never expected to see Traffic Li- I mean OverDrive, together again. I mean, like I said earlier, I thought they were doing their own things! I mean, sure looks like they are pursuing their own interests. Aoi-chan is still an idol, but Shuiro-chan is focused even more on dance, and Kiiro-chan is a butler with a writing job on the side! I wonder how their fans feel about their change in careers… Well, I know what I’m gonna do when I get back home today! Gonna have fun reading all the forums talking about these three~”
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niigata-division · 3 months
Niigata? That’s a new division to discover. A more recent one that’s popped up in this last year or so, With a protective team under the cities belt…One of the members, Hayami Ayumu had a surprising birthday to celebrate.
And a special visitor was on it’s way.
Giving the Hayami residence 3 firm knocks, It appeared a young girl had answered, Staring back at the blond haired steward holding a box in his hands.
“Who are you? Have you come to see daddy?” The girl asked, Analyzing him.
“Yes, I have child. Is he around anywhere? Would you mind taking me to him?” The steward asked, Seeing the girl lead him inside.
“Daddy! Someone wants to see you!” The girl called as Ayumu was brought out into the living room, Also bewildered at the surprise guest.
“I deeply apologize for the intrusion, However you’re Hayami Ayumu from Niigata, Right?” The steward asked, Receiving a nod.
“I’m Kamora Yuno, From Fukuoka. I make up part of their second team, OverDrive. And…I wished to send this to you.” Yuno explained, Setting the parcel down.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Sir Hayami. Your daughter here is quite the sweetheart.” He added, Giving the girl one last smile, Bowing as he strode out of the house.
Inside…Was a package of black coffee.
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“Sara dear,” Ayumu slightly frowned. “I know you’re a big girl now but please don’t open the door for strangers without me present. You never know who’s standing behind it.”  
“Okay Daddy” Sara nodded at her father’s words. “But what did he get you?” The young girl stood on her toes trying to get a peek at the gift Ayumu had gotten. 
“Just some coffee love.”
“That’s it?” Sara pouted. “That doesn’t sound like a gift.”
“Hey, any gift is appreciated. No matter what it is.” 
Sara huffed not truly satisfied with what her father said and headed to her room to play with her toys leaving Ayumu alone. Ayumu stared at the bag of coffee in his hand. Honestly, he was expecting something worse given what he heard other D.R.B. contestants receive from Fukuoka’s second team. Even if his gift wasn’t as bad as what the other received still the paramedic had to wonder what OverDrive was truly up to. 
“I always knew the Division Rap Battles would be an experience but they failed to tell me that it would be this exciting.”
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taito-division · 4 months
Bright and early, Taito city retained its usual charm. The cities spirit shining more throughout. However, A special day for a certain kendo instructor had also arrived…
Wouldn’t it be fun for 3 surprise guests to appear?
This early in the morning…?
With a firm knock on the other end, Azusa Furukawa opened the dojo’s door. Both surprised and intrigued for her supposed visitors on the front steps.
“Ah, You must be Furukawa. We have a matter to discuss, If you don’t mind.” Yuno explained, Bowing his head politely. Though, His excitedness was terrible to hide.
“We decided to give you something, A token of…Celebrating your birthday~…” Mai chimed in.
“Apologies if this is too much, I hope we didn’t come too early. Even I’m still bleary eyed now” Eko put in, Handing her a normal sized box and stifling a yawn.
“Happy Birthday, Furukawa…” All of them said in unison, Waving as they left the dojo and out into the early morning air.
Inside…Were a set of bo staffs.
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[Happy birthday from Fukuokanodivision~]
"Oh," Azusa said as she observed each staff with interest. Though she had spent the majority of her life training with the sword, her father did teach her how to use other weaponry from time to time, the bo staff included. She wasn't a master at using it, of course. If you'd asked her to teach a class, she probably could only teach the bare minimum. Still, she could defend herself with one if the need ever came up.
"Thank you," Azusa said, bowing to the Fukuoka team. Truthfully, she hadn't been aware that Fukuoka had another team, but their presence wasn't unwelcome. Thanking them once more, she bid them farewell and then looked at each staff that was given to her.
"No time like the present," she thought as she picked up one of the staff and began practicing it, the dojo filled with noises of her yells and the wind being slashed to and fro from the staff.
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shizuokadivision · 4 months
The eerie city of Shizuoka, Crime in its apex form. Even Yokohama would be matched with such a similar city…Not only that, Also including a reckless division. Of course, It seemed the city was rather omitting something…
Call it a certain birthday for a yakuza boss named “Renegade…”
Centred at the Kito-gumi’s headquarters, Yuno was carrying a box in his hands. After knocking on the door 3 times, Non surprisingly a few figures had rushed out to see the blond haired butler.
“There’s no need to be so concerned, Nor would I have the slightest stupidity to come here…” Yuno stated before they could protest, Waving his free hand. It turns out, Yuno was actually holographic to them.
“Anyways, Please address this to Kito Sakura if you will…And, I suggest dropping the dagger act already. There’s no point in my team becoming such accomplices with her and getting paid for it later.” Yuno explained, Handing the parcel to the closest one from him. With a flash, He’d dissolved as the others made their way back inside.
“So that was a member of one of Fukuoka's second team,” Sakura muttered as she crossed her arms viewing the security cameras again. “Fancy trick they got there.” 
“Seems like he works as a butler Saki-chan,” Shinji hummed, reading a file in his hand. 
“Butler my ass. He’s certainly more than a butler.” Sakura huffed. “Anyway, I worry about him later when it’s not my birthday. What did they say about the gift?” 
“They say it passed inspection and had no obvious danger. Shall I bring it down for you to open?”
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fukuokadivision1 · 7 months
Tasuku's Thoughts on OverDrive
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Eko Seishin
"'Mr. Aoi', himself? He's the closest thing Fukuoka has to a top-notch celebrity, I guess. ...But then again, since we're all part of this rap tournament that's sponsored by Chuohku, we've all been in the limelight. So... if you stop and think about it, doesn't that all make us kind of celebrities too? If so, it sure doesn't feel like it. I mean, aside from rapping in front of all of Japan, nothing about our lives has really changed. We're still doing the same old stuff that we've been doing long before..."
"Bah! Sorry, I went off a tirade there. Bad habit of mine. Anyway, this guy is sort of a bigshot here, but... you know, as good as he is, there are plenty of idols out there. He's just one face out of a billion others. ...Hey, sorry to say, but it's the truth."
Mai Yousei
"Like Sanyu mentioned, I met this person when she and I came to pick Ming up from work. Kind of a surprise for a person as weak and scrawny as them to be such a high-profile dancer. ...Or maybe, they've just been through some stuff and I should stop being so judgmental. Ming even mentioned that they haven't had an easy life too. ...Maybe that's why I caught Sanyu and them staring at each other, as if they knew what the other one had gone through. Kind of ironic that people in pain always seem to be able to find and commune with one another..."
Yuno Kamora
"Sanyu was kinda surprised to see a real-life butler. Not much of a surprise since she wasn't born into nobility like Ming and I were. Me, once you've seen one servant, you've seen them all. And truthfully, I didn't care much for the ones in my household. I didn't like forcing or commanding them to do anything that I couldn't do myself. My stepmom would say that that was what they were there for, but I didn't view it like that. I know they were just doing their jobs, but I hated relying on others to do things for me. That's kinda how I still am, to be honest."
"Anyway, I don't know much about this guy. He seems courteous enough, but that's about it."
"Not to quote Sanyu, but... what the hell, Chuohku? After all the drama you guys went to force Sanyu into your little game, now your adding another Fukuoka team into the mix? And let me guess, we're expected to face them in the semi-finals to determine just which of us is going to be the team to represent Fukuoka, right?" *sighs* "And you guys wonder why everyone has such hate for you all. Because you all pull crap like this and just expect us to be 'okay' with it."
"...Well, whatever. What's one more team, am I right? Nothing against these guys. They all seem like a nice group of people, but... if the choice is between us and you, then I'm choosing 'us'. Sorry. Hopefully there are no hard feelings after this."
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