#Yushiro is a dad
imconfusedbutok · 5 months
yushiro and his son - incorrect quotes
Daichi, being Daichi: I desire moisture.
Yushiro: Just fucking say you want water you little shit
Yushiro: My son, do you fear death?
7 year old Daichi: I'm seven. Yes.
Daichi: Papa, why are your boobs so big?
Yushiro, shirtless: …what.
Yushiro: …They aren’t… boobs…
Machi: Do you have to wear a bra like mommy?
Yushiro: No???
Yushiro with younger Daichi: Say I got that fish!
Daichi, a smol child: I GOT THAT MUDDAFWAKING FISH!
Yushiro: *wheeze*
Hayami: Daichi nO-
(Yushiro taking Daichi to a farm when he was a child)
Yushiro, talking to a person who works there and half paying attention to Daichi:
Daichi, who doesn’t think he’s listening: *A chicken starts running at him*
Yushiro: *Turns his head*
Daichi: Watch it you stupid feathery fuck! *Throws rock at the chicken*
The Chicken: *Dodges it and runs at Daichi*
Daichi: *Screams and runs for Yushiro*
Yushiro, crying he’s laughing so hard: Okay, Daichi, come here-
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zenitsustherapist · 6 days
sketchbook update !! :3
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Hi there! Can I request a part 2 for the Female Tanjiro Reader with Yandere - Cater, Jack, Floyd, Epel, Sebek and Silver? Everyone thinks Reader is a pushover because of how nice and helping she is… until someone torments her brother Nezukuro (That name is absolutely cute) as she’s FIERCELY protective of her brother and desires to return to her world to kill Muzan for massacring her entire family and turning her brother into a demon
BOMUS: Reader shows them her Training Regimen, using the forest and mountain areas (That Jade doesn’t use so he doesn’t get hurt) with traps similar to the Mountain she used to train back in her world (Along with some of the boulders weirdly shaped… until she admits she cut them in half for training)
Reader is VERY encouraging towards Jack, Epel, Sebek and Silver about training (And very willing to show them how her training works to get them to try it)
She doesn’t understand half of what Cater is talking about with technology and slang, but since he gives off a good scent she trusts him and just smiles asking him what he’s talking about (Like when Tanjiro was having a conversation with Kanao)
Reader straight up tells Epel his girlish features are ‘very attractive’ (Reader finds comfort in Epel since he reminds her of Inosuke, even if he’s trying to attack her) and after hearing his struggles only tells Epel he’s attractive/handsome not ‘cute’ (And happily encourages him to try her training once he sees just how strong she is)
Reader sees Silver similar to Nezukuro, and will (VERY carefully not wake him up) move him to places where he’ll sleep more comfortable (Under some shade, a bed, his room, an unoccupied room in Ramshackle) and gushes over Nezukuro having a ‘Napping Buddy/Friend’
Reader is iffy about Sebek since he startled her brother (And reminds the Kamados of Yushiro) and will absolutely get into a full-blown argument with him if he insults her brother saying Malleus is obviously better/more handsome (Thus engaged a side of Reader no one never knew existed; the Sebek Side of her over how amazing Nezukuro is) as well as break a rid of his or two at the beginning for laying a hand on her brother (Nez just wanted to hug Malleus and give/receive head-pats)
Floyd is just going to have a BLAST with his Shrimpy and other Shrimpy
As for Jack, he might just call his mom and dad to let them know he might’ve just found his mate (I can see Jack respecting Nezukuro since he’s strong and protective over his older sister, as well as overcoming his Demonic Self and not devouring humans, takes a lot of willpower and mental strength)
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Tanjiro Reader (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Cater Diamond
“W-whoa I didn’t think a human body was capable of that!” 
“Thank you?”
He’s enamored and incomparable to you
You’re deeper than any post he could’ve made
Sweeter than any candy he might post 
And if it weren’t for your complete lack of knowledge about technology
He would have convinced himself he wasn’t worthy of you
But as you struggle to understand how to even take a photo 
He’s taken a thousand of you
He’ll teach you enough
But he’ll probably block all the comments on your posts
Tracking down and bringing an end to any of the comments who seem a little too encouraging
In terms of your ability to smell, well it seems that since you’ve gotten to NRC theres an overwhelming sense of deception, dishonesty, and even some blood
But in your investigations, you’ve found nothing
Maybe that’s just the smell all of Twisted Wonderland has
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Jack Howl
“(Y/n) you’re speed and strength is like none other! Show me your techniques please!”
“Of course! You can come with me on my training route while you practice your water breathing!” He’s floored by how powerful you are even without your sword
While you can explain what Nezukuro is going through he can only speculate in congruence with your own strength
In your world…you have to be that strong to protect yourself from the evil demons?
Then maybe it is best you don’t ever return
But it hurts when his heart swells when you rave about Muzan’s defeat with such fire
But how can he care for his mate if they’re all too eager to return in hopes of killing a creature beyond any reasonable human’s limitations?
He still stuck on that
But while he’s deciding he’ll train alongside you
Becoming a wolf worthy of your love 
And hopefully strong enough to join you when you return
That is if he decides to let you leave
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Floyd Leech 
“Mantis Shrimp! And Bamboo Coral! Training today?”
“Yup! Would you like to join us?”
Oddly enough keeps up pretty well with you
Only stopping when he decides he’s had enough and demands you carry him
“Come on Mantis Shrimp you can do it!” 
He doesn’t hide his desire to keep you 
Always challenging you 
You take it lightly evading him as you say how he reminds you of land animal
It’s his attempts at testing your strength
How else is he going to get you to do what he says
Maybe it’ll be different in water but he’s one to take out all competition
Even the mirror that might just bring you home
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Epel Felmier
“Your handsome face remind me of a boar back home!”
“A boar?” 
“Yeah, he’s very strong and he’s awfully excitable.”
“Yeah?! More excitable than me?!”
Is kind of annoyed that there’s anyone resembling him
But he’s blushing at the compliment 
He will not stand for anyone comparing your training routines to what men should be able to do 
You should know by now 
Your gorgeous anomaly that’s physically much stronger than him
But he’d sooner pass out from a flying log than admit that
But you don’t have magic let alone his ability to protect and encase anyone he so pleases
So if worse comes to worse and you or Nezukuro tries to leave
He has just the antidote
But he’s sure his manly charms will have you swooning and begging not to ever leave his side
Maybe he should ask for some guidance from Vil
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Sebek Zigvolt
“It’s okay Sebek! Everyone has to start from somewhere!” 
“SILENCE! I’ve been training for years…”
“..That’s okay.”
So insecure and infatuated he can’t handle being around you
You truly are in a league of your own 
Which surely justifies how you occupy his thoughts all the time
When you mention his resemblence to Yushiro, he protests
“I-I’M NOT INLOVE WITH MALLEUS-SAMA! But rather someone else of comparable quality.”
You and Nezukuro have a hard time at first 
But he grows on you
As does his obsession with you
In his twisted psyche it makes sense he one day best you 
Because that means obvious ownership 
Which is why he can’t help but do anything you ask 
It’s only because he hasn’t overcome you yet
But when that happens he’ll be sure to let everyone know of your engagement
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“You carried me? With Nezukuro on your back?”
“Yeah, well I didn’t want you sleeping in the rain. I’d rather my lap than some mud!”
He’s swooning when he’s not sparring 
You’re so good at the sword and maintaining your muscularity
Not to mention everytime you look at him he just can’t seem to talk right
Father suggests making your stay permanent 
But maybe he’d give your world a try, there’s plenty of magic in Twisted Wonderland
Maybe he’d help defeat the horror that befell your family and whisk you away 
And then you could start a happy family
You Nezukuro and Silver 
He’d kill for that harmony
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echantedtoon · 26 days
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Im just going to be doing this third installment for the rest of the most memorable demons (minus Rui's siblings, Spider Mother, Rui himself, Nezuko, Daki, and Genya again for VERY obvious reasons) on who I think is the best and worst dads/moms. No real order this time tho.
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-He would be a mixed up bag of good and bad traits tbh. When you first told him he flat out told you to stop teasing him. "Stop your childish games. It's a waste of time." You legit have to go get Kokushibo and have him look over your form through the transparent world and have him confirm to Muzan that you were indeed NOT lying or trying to prank him for Muzan to believe you.
-He's oddly silent for a long moment after just staring at you for a long while before going "Oh...Well this is a surprising turn of events."
-He can absolutely act like he's invested in his child and loves them. He's an asshole but a very convincing one to where even you couldn't tell if he was genuine or not. How he is towards the child is a mixed bag in of itself. He doesn't treat the child with harm or too much aggression. If anything he's actually more curious about seeing what a demon-human hybrid could accomplish.
-Look. Your child is either fully demon or fully human with your mixed genes. There's no in-between. If it's fully human then he's rather disappointed in the result. In turn he loses a lot of interest in the kid and just allows you to essentially raise them yourself without too much interference. He might change the child into a demon when they get older but overall wouldn't see much point in bothering with the tyke.
-If the child is demon THEN he will have a bigger interest. He's disappointed when you both find out that your child is in fact NOT immune to sunlight but he was already anticipating that anyways. He's very invested in making the perfect heir for himself.
-VERY strict perfectionist. Your child will be very smart, a good fighter, and as dangerous as a lower moon by the time they're eight because of their father's teachings. But at what costs?
-You wouldn't get to have a say in much of anything in their raising then.
-He plans out their schedule every day AND night for everything: Education, training, discipline, sleep, times they are to eat and who they interact with and when- He has very strict rules and if they aren't followed then they're training time is much more harsher. By default he also plans yours as the child's mother.
4½/10 Only because of the mixed bag of parenting style otherwise I'd score him much lower however an in between seems about right.
-He's a good dad in Rui's opinion to Rui but no one else and honestly I hate how he treats practically everyone else.
0/10 for obvious reasons
-Honestly not as bad of a father as one might assume. Whether the baby is between himself and Tamayo or himself and Y/n doesn't matter. He loves them all the same. Doesn't even care if they're human, demon, or a hybrid.
-Was shocked but not too shocked by the news of becoming a father, but it did take him a whole ass week to really come to terms with it.
-He's very skilled in medicine being Tamayo's assistant so he's able to help a lot with the baby's mother's pregnancy. Tonics to help her sore throat after they vomit, cures for aches and pains especially with swollen ankles, check ups to make sure baby's healthy. He's VERY attentive to his partner and their mental, physical, and emotional needs. Doesn't mean he's not a nervous wreck tho.
-Despite already knowing medical procedures including the birth, he still researches LOTS. Best educational toys, best fabrics to lessen the irritation of the baby's sensitive skin, etc- This man goes above and beyond so much it worries the mother. Tamayo has to get involved in order for him to be convinced to calm down.
-Is literally a nervous wreck when his child is born. Messy hair, bags under his eyes, nervous pacing- He doesn't faint but for a long while after the baby's born he'll just sit down and stare at the closest wall blankly and silently- "Yushiro, are you alright?" "Oh yes. Perfectly fine." "Then why are you just sitting there?" "Just...having a moment, Dear." Give him a moment. His brain is still processing the chubby sleeping mass in his arms after so long.
-Once reality finally slaps his brain into gear, he just cries. Good tears going down his face as he blubbers and holds his baby close to him on instinct. Praises mama too. Commenting on how baby is as beautiful as her and they have her eyes.
-Terrified and protective dad. He knows the dangers and keeps baby at home with mom safely tucked away in their hidden home away from danger. Only takes them out when both himself and Tamayo go somewhere. Strength in numbers.
-Loves holding his baby and sharing his painting hobby. Tamayo found him holding baby as they messily slapped hands full of paint all over a canvas. "Yushiro, what are you doing?" "Exploring their artistic skills of course."
-Man hangs all of his child's artwork proudly on the walls. Once nearly threw hands when one of Tamayo's patients said it wasn't that great.
-He can be very strict or hard on his child due to stress, fear, or stubbornness however and it has lead to some loud fights.
8/10 best father on this list no doubt
-Have you seen how creepy he is in Kimetsu Gauken?? Absolutely NOT!
-0/10 Id rather take my chances with Muzan with a massive temper
-Is already an experienced parent having prior experience with her past family she lost. So she would definitely know what she's doing and what needs to be done. Already a good start.
-Is very calm and casual about the entire process as she's been through it before although Yushiro is practically worrying his entire hairline off fussing over her. Even though she tells him multiple times to stop worrying so much.
-Can really take care of herself through the entire process being a doctor and a previous mother before so there's really no complications outside of having to stay hidden for safety reasons.
-Has already prepared, planned, and set up a nursery with all the essentials on top of having an emergency bag in case they have to flee right away.
-Yushiro becomes the de fault uncle/dad figure worrying over the baby and crying when Tamayo allows him to hold baby and help care for it while she's busy. He becomes very protective and attached to mini Tamayo.
-Very good parent. Rarely if ever raises her voice to her child. Teaches them everything she knows about medicine and other skills so her child grows to be very smart. Has Yushiro help train them with his attack mode in case they ever have to fight anyone.
-Only downside is that she is unsure if she should offer her medicine to baby if they were born demon in fear it might harm them.
10/10 best mother out of all the demons in kny
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helloescapist · 8 months
Yushiro.......yushiroyushiroyushirooooo 🤧😚🥺😩 so real of you, tbh. I'd love to hear your take on Yushiro and Reader being tasked with babysitting?? I feel like he'd be the kind of guy to only like his own kids, if at all 💀 but idk, I can only imagine him either being liked against his will or having the pettiest beef with a seven year old 😭😂
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*fan girl screaming*
Oh you. Yushiro, a cactus by any other name would be just as barbed. I adore this prickly pear. But the more and more I think about and fawn over this idea…. I feel like I need an entire soapbox (and separate post) for Yushiro as a dad. He would one hundred percent be the dad that snuggles an unwanted family pet. The Kamado child is NOT as cute as his. Godzilla scream.  But for now, I give you this.
Babysitting Headcanons | Yushiro
Word Count: 2523
Setting: Yushiro x gn!reader
Content Warnings: SFW, babysitting, domestic fluff, spoilers for post war [canon pairings]
Summary: headcanons on what Yushiro would be like as a babysitter.
A/N: you cannot convince me Yushiro would NOT look at Nezuko's little one, and think sure-- they're alright. but [YN] and his kid would be precious.
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Taking care of a child, even if only for a small period is not a decision Yushiro takes lightly. It is one that is approached with sincere consideration. The spell weaver is more than aware of the implications taking care of a weaker creature entails as well as his own short comings.
Because of this, in most cases, he will adamantly refuse. Often without even providing his own reasoning. The demon is the sort to utter a sharp, “No” before slamming the door in the requestor’s face at full force.
If it hits them, they should have been more considerate of their manners. Serves them right.
However, I can imagine that are some existential circumstances in which he will allow himself to be dragged into the duties of a caretaker. But he’s going to complain.
There is of course if you should make the request of him. Yushiro will muddle through every practical excuse he can outsource for not choosing to take care of the Hashibara brat. Such as the fact he is not confident it is housebroken. The occasional one that he deems substantial, he’ll spill from his lips as quickly as he has conjured it.  Surely the Kamados are available.
However, the moment he sees the smile that has graced your features. The way your finger coos and beckons play, delighted by the little oinker’s cherub features. It’s going to be a long night. He’s a sucker, a simple. He knows it, and it will take little convincing once he sees the yearning touch up on your features.
Yushiro is threatening Inosuke to remain mindful of the time.
However, I think there are special circumstances in which he would be the one to offer childcare. Such as when Tanjiro inquires if the two of you would be up for taking care of the little ones for a bit.
Initially, Yushiro has rejected his request. Insisted that you’ve far too much to do for the time being, and Tanjiro being Tanjiro accepted he bold faced lie with a smile. The tilt of his head, the jingle of his hanafuda earing as he reassures Yushiro that he understands, he will just ask the Haribaras to take care of his little ones while he runs errands.
The gentle natured man waving his hand, the similar gestured copied by that of the child at his side, and one secured to his back as he sets off for Inosuke and Aoi’s residence.
Yushiro will accept it; try to convince himself that the Haribaras are more than capable of caring for a child.
Right? No, no of course they are. Their own children are doing well enough.
It’s only when he sets to work to procure groceries for the night’s dinner, passing Aoi upon his route that the realization sinks in. Inosuke. Has. The. Child.
Discarding all of his items in a single hall, the mad dash to the Haribara residence. Every fear evident on the sweat of his brow, the boar’s childcare a resemblance of torture. He will give Tanjiro a lecture for ever being stupid enough to leave the little ones in ITS care.
One way or another, whether brought on by your insistence to spend time with the little piglet’s façade of adorableness as if for one moment it will not mark the furniture as it snuggles into your arms, or of the obvious stress and rage, fretting over the stupidity the younger brat had inquired.
The Kamado children slung under his arms, leaving him only too kick down the door if you had somehow not heard his approach. A rage fueled scolding threatening to boil over.
Either way, the children are now in your care for the night.
To his dismay, smaller children insist on clinging to his sleeves. Beckoning him to play, daring to challenge him. Similar to the way an older cat is pestered by smaller children.
He doesn’t understand why the child insists on interacting with him. He has met its based needs; you’re more than available.
Does it really not understand that he has expressed he does not wish to be touched? Why is it doing that? Not the books. Not the books! He has told them time and time again! The bookshelf is unleveled, they’ll hurt themselves. Why doesn’t it listen? What is this sticky texture? Dogs have better manners.
It will be a lot of back and forth banter, ones that edge upon the fray of his insanity. Some part of his questions how any demon in their right mind would make a meal of such small annoying creatures.  
The Kamados willing opted to further their bloodline.
Before, the fatigue has met his age. The ends of his hair curled and jutted at odd ends, submitting himself to whatever sticky torture the little credent’s have in store for him. Yushiro is just too worn out to fend himself off any further.
Where as the smaller child’s mere close proximities, its insistence to remain at his side, to lay upon his laps, and listen to the textbooks he has at his disposal are of high demands, it is the older child that has truly sparked his ire.
The slit of his cat like, lavender eyes tracing the silhouette of your form, and the little trespasser who dares to insist entangling his arms around your waste. That of a little duckling that insists upon toddling after you despite the fact you are attempting to prepare its dinner. It’s honeyed false words, sweet and well-practiced.
Far too smooth for its age, lulling you into its hold with its large eyes. How it convinces you to dismiss the way he dares to quip a knowing smile Yushiro’s way from time to time. Such as the way you pet its head.
The little bastard knowing all too well the angle its working, drawing his ire more and more. The little one has made a dangerous enemy. The way the Kamado child nuzzles into your chest, claiming the majority of your attention under the false pretenses it misses its mother. Not once has Yushiro ever seen that little narcist snuggle its mother so possessively.
The war of words, the little human’s tongue as sharp as his own leaving only the older demon in a poor lighting. As  though Yushiro had gone out of his way to initiate a war with the brat, the only one to receive your scolding for such immature behavior. It started it. He’ll pout from his seat, as the younger children cling to his features.
He’s not taking his eyes off of it.
Would be quick to seize the opportunity to instigate turmoil for the older child, such as allowing the younger children to launch an attack on their sibling. He didn’t see a thing.
Just gave them the blueprints.
Or the teasing pout of his tongue when he reminds you if the human’s impending bedtime. Still a brat. How agitated he openly expresses himself, the grit of his teeth when the little boy dares to point out that his mother tucks him in before bed and waits at his side until he drifts to sleep.
A worthy opponent.
Yet, as the later hours captures their small features. Innocence, and peaceful snores that meet the dead of night. Serene in the heaves of their chests beneath the heavy blanketing. Unaffected by their surroundings, succumbed to full bellies and the gentle lull of your lullaby. Drifted to sleep where they dropped.
The tender way he tucks them to bed, a secret he ushers you to keep from the others. The small smile that finds his lips, quick to tuck in the child that has strayed from its futon, and sooth the ends of the older child his enemy.  
Hush the occasional distress that falls between the roll of their bodies, eager to scoot just a little closer to his side. At first, he is refusing their approach. All too well of the importance of bedtime routine and trying to instill it on the small human despite its efforts.
The blissful late hours giving way to the fall of your eyelashes, in which the child launches one last chance to curl into Yushiro’s lap. He’ll tell himself, that it’s the fatigue, or perhaps trauma bonding, but he does not fight the curl of  the child’s chubby hands as it tucks to his side.
The delicate way he finds himself cupping the child to his chest and rocking it into the depths of the night. A lullaby that he had carried from his humanity, near erased amongst the passage of time.
If you should stir to the high of his voice, he will deny your inquiry in the morning. Swear that your dreams have robbed you of your senses. Denied at every turn.
Would be the type to wake up early in the morning if your babysitting duties have resulted in an impromptu sleepover. Inosuke would be the type to lose track of time and leave his kid far longer than promised. An early riser, quick to set to making breakfast.
Rice that has been given an added touch of umami as well as sweetener to appeal to the little ones, fried eggs, and octopus sausages, procured from his funds the means of adding extra apple rabbits to the plates.
Don’t you dare draw attention to it.
Yushiro is still going to give the Kamdos an earful for daring to leave their child in Inosuke’s care, incase you had forgotten, or to flip the bill to Aoi if any of the furniture should require laundering after a few “accidents”.
 After you’ve waved the families away, he’ll insist he’s relieved to see the little trespasser have left, but you will not miss the gentle tone in which he utters each little one’s name. Nor the way he safeguards the drawings they little ones have left in the garden sands.
Swears the little ones would cry if their artwork were disposed of---- not that he’s welcoming it back any time soon!
Truthfully, I don’t think it’s so much that Yushiro hates children by default. Rather, I believe he’s well aware of his own emotional short coming.
Children, especially toddlers have high emotional needs, and require a well-developed caretaker to address each one as they come. That of which, Yushiro knows he lacks the emotional aptitude.
Because of this, I can see babysitting suddenly being sprung on him coming at a cost of his emotional well being. He’s stressed. Holding the child away from his body as he walks. All while pondering, what is he supposed to do with this?
No, without an fully drafted plan of care, or routines unique to the expected child, Yushiro is panicked and uneasy. You may smile and reassure him that it will come to him—it’s merely nature. But what if such instincts were absolved in his demonic state?
Speaking of care of routine, I can imagine Yushiro being the type that when he has agreed to take a burden in even for a small time, he’s the sort to take meticulous notes on its care.
How often should he feed it, does it know how to use the facilities on its own? The look on his face when the parents insist that he addresses their bundle of joy as such, rather than a dog. He’s reminding them a dog has better manners.
As a care taker, Yushiro is the type to instill strict regimen—to be fair all of his rules are all well thought out with the intentions of protecting the child.
However, he is rigid, and when the child does not abide by instruction, he’s likely to be far more temperamental than he should. Especially for smaller children. Oh god it’s crying.
Realistically, he’s kind of an ideal babysitter by the parent’s standards, especially when he has reviewed the day’s agenda, and emergency contacts, but for the child, he’s a near nightmare. You want a treat? Here’s an extra serving of peppers.
Though, he is rather combative and competitive by nature, and I suspect that you may enjoy walking upon the smallest, pettiest of competitions that ignite play in the old soul, such as sniffing out a hidden child in a game of hide and seek, or parrying wooden sword after practice weapon with ease.
Secretly delights in the awestruck eyes as the children gaze up at him. Offers a knowing laugh, and offers to teach them—when they’re older.
He will not instruct milk drinkers.
That being said, I can see him having warmer bedside manners for children, such as the Kamados that he is more familiar, or exposed to regularly. Perhaps because it gives him a small obtainable interaction, he has see the way Kanao soothes her children, or the firm approach Aoi regards her little piglet with; he’ll do his best to apply what he has observed to practice.
In fact, because of how routine infants often are, I suspect that Yushiro would not only enjoy taking care of a baby, but would find it a comfort in comparison to the sticky terrors that toddlers provide.
Babies are simplistic, in a way that provides him wit the confidence to meet their needs with little hesitation. He has studied the child’s cries and cooes, and responds accordingly.
The little “eh”, as it struggles to arch its back, Yushiro will be proactive, quick to usher the child in the righted position, and offer gentle pats across its back. Praying for the burp to release the infant from its discomfort.
The little creature is so small and frail between his fingers, he would likely not be up to applying the proper force into his pats only frustrating it and him.
Always worried that he may break it, and yet, they are simple creatures. Able to address their needs in the smallest of coos, delighting in the snuggles that are offered.  
But, the cries will send him to his knees.
Just as it would with the toddlers, because at the end of the day, Yushiro struggles processing his own emotional needs, so much so that he simply cannot handle the tears. He feels guilty that he is unable to address their needs. Or have a clue what the need is.
It is essentially his own hinderance in the emotional caretaking category that has him shudder away from emotional interactions. Frustrates and guilts him that he has not the means to soothe their tears, nor meet their cries as he should.
Aware that he may become frustrated.
But this experience has left him to run analysis of your relationship, of your hopes, and perhaps... having a little one of your own.
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capobegone · 9 months
Can you do headcanons of Kiriya Ubuyashiki and his grandkids???
Hello anon!! I would love to! I’ve thought about this a couple times in the past, I hope that Kiriya had a wonderful life after the events of canon. As for headcanons:
-He lives with his sisters in a much more humble estate after their previous home was destroyed. Because it’s no longer being used as a headquarters, there really is no need to live in a mansion, so they settle down in a nice house close to the Butterfly Estate.
-Kiriya is an academic through and through, just like his father. He spends much of his young adult years recording as much as he can possibly remember of his family history to make up for what was lost in the explosion.
-After becoming Oyakata-sama, Kiriya saw visions of his father telling him to trust in Nezuko. He still sees them to this day, as is common for the Ubuyashiki heads.
-Every once and awhile, he’ll be laughing with his sisters or wife only to look up and see his mom or dad watching fondly in the corner :’) <3
-He remained in touch with Yushiro after it all. They have not seen each other in person since Kiriya was a young man in his twenties, but they regularly exchange letters. Kiriya is very hopeful that Tamayo will be reincarnated soon so that Yushiro may finally find peace.
As for his grandkids:
Our boy Kiriya is the oldest man in Japan in chapter 205 of the manga. Assuming that it takes place 100 years after Muzan’s death, placing it in the modern era, Kiriya would be ~108. A manga extra tells us that on the night he turned 30, he was convinced that he would die of the curse. He stayed up with his wife, sisters, and children, expecting to pass away that night, but he lived and was overcome with emotion. This means he had kids by 30, and most likely grandkids by 50. By the time he is 108, he probably has great and great-great grandkids.
-One of his grandsons moved to America in the 1970s with one of the Rengoku boys (their families remained very close after the war on demons). They attended college there together and remained very close, and there is now an American branch of the Ubuyashiki and Rengoku families. They come to visit every now and then, and are very excited to see their extended family.
-One of his granddaughters has a very successful career as a musician. They say that her voice has the power to move the masses.
-Kiriya’s grandkids all adore him. For the most part, they think of the war on demons as a tall tale their grandfather spun when they were young, but he doesn’t mind it that way. It proves that nature has finally heals, and he has the truth recorded in records anyway should it ever be needed.
-Kiriya burst into tears the first time he held his great-grandson, who stared up at him in wonder rather than crying. As he grew into a young man, his personality remained gentle and empathetic, but there is a strange wisdom to him that reaches beyond his years. Each time Kiriya sees him, he is overcome by the similarity between his bright young descendent and his own late father. He secretly wonders if his father’s spirit has been reincarnated.
-Kiriya named his first daughter after his mother, and when she had daughters of her own, they were given the names Hinaki and Nichika.
Anyway that’s what I’ve got!! Thanks for the opportunity to talk about the Ubuyashiki family, I love them dearly. And sorry for the late response!! I take a bit to get around to answering asks but I truly do enjoy it so thank you for sliding into the inbox :D
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myreygn · 1 year
your thought of giyuu being unable to swim is so funny🤣💀are there any other demon slayer characters you think can’t swim?
*pulls out a 60 slide powerpoint* i'm so glad you asked!
jk but i do have some thoughts haha i'll put them in categories (if there's anything in canon i'm ignoring it, this is based on their vibes and my brain only)
can swim, someone probably taught it to them: inosuke (the boars taught him idk he can definitely swim tho), the butterfly girls (if they didn't know already kanae and shinobu taught them), tanjiro, nezuko, kanae, shinobu, kyojuro, senjuro, mitsuri, muichiro, sanemi, genya, kokushibo, yoriichi, daki, yushiro, tamayo (learned it when they were kids), sabito (tried to teach giyuu and failed miserably), gyokko (i mean come on)
can swim, learned it the hard way tho: tengen (his dad tossed him into a river when he was eight and left him to figure it out on his own), gyutaro, akaza (someone probably tried to drown them when they were human kids)
cannot swim, please don't leave them alone around deep water: zenitsu (fell into a pond once and nearly drowned, refuses to get near one ever again after that), giyuu (he's like a stone idk what's wrong with him tbh), obanai (has never been taught and at this point is too afraid to ask), gyomei (water is already dangerous af if you can see it okay), douma (kinda on the fence with this one; on the one hand he might've found the time to learn it during his 100< year lifespan but then again why would he), rui (too sickly to go swimming as a human and too lazy to learn it as a demon), muzan (he can walk on water tho. he's jesus.)
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threads-makomo · 1 year
Hi hi! I'm Marvolo/Marv, I use he/they/it/xer/star pronouns! I'm 19 and I really wanted to start taking requests! Something happened recently with my dad so I thought maybe doing little drabbles and headcanons of some of my favorite characters might help get my mind off of things!! I'm also willing to do poly ships such as Giyuu x Reader x Sanemi as long as it isn't like minor x adult shit or just headcanons for ships that don't include reader. I'm not all that sure how to do like introductions and shit so I'm sorry if this is kinda half assed, I'll be taking requests on discord ik putting my discord on here is risky but fuck it, add me on there for requests or leave a comment on this post, pls I'm begging you 🥲
{ shits at the very bottom 💪💪 }
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☆ - will do nsfw for + yandere if wanted
♡ - romantic, Platonic + Yandere
♤ - Romantic or Platonic only
◇ - strictly platonicly
Also if you don't see a character on here I probably won't be writing for them, of course some of this will change as I get further into the show or as I get more used the characters { looking at you hxh and toh- }
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Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba:
Tanjiro Kamado — ♤
Nezuko Kamado — ◇
Zenitsu Agatsuma — ♤
Inosuke Hashibira — ♤
Genya Shinazugawa — ♤
Kanao Tsuyuri — ♤
Aoi Kanzaki — ♤
Sabito — ♤
Makomo — ♤
Murata — ♤
Sumi Nakahara — ◇
Naho Takada — ◇
Kiyo Terauchi — ◇
Muichiro Tokito — ♡
Giyuu Tomioka — ☆
Gyomei Himejima — ☆
Obanai Iguro — ☆
Tengen Uzui — ☆
Makio Uzui — ☆
Hinatsuru Uzui — ☆
Suma Uzui — ☆
Kyojuro Rengoku — ☆
Sanemi Shinazugawa — ☆
Shinobou Kocho — ☆
Mitsuri Kanroji — ☆
Kanae Kocho — ♡
Hotaru Haganezuka — ☆
Shinjuro Rengoku — ☆
Ruka Rengoku — ♡
Kagaya Ubuyashiki — ☆
Amane Ubuyashiki — ☆
Kotoha Hashibira — ♤
Yoriichi Tsugikuni — ☆
Yushiro — ♡
Tamayo — ♡
Enmu — ☆
Kyogai — ♡
Mukago — ◇
Rui — ◇
Nakime — ♡
Daki — ♡
Gyutaro — ♡
Hantengu + clones — ♡
Gyokko — ♡
Akaza — ☆
Douma — ☆
Kokushibou — ☆
Muzan Kibutsuji — ☆
Hunter Hunter:
Gon Freecss — ♡
Killua Zoldyck — ♡
Alluka Zoldyck — ◇
Leorio Paladiknight — ♡
Kurapika Kurta — ♡
Hisoka Morow — ☆
Illumi Zoldyck — ☆
Chrollo Lucilfer — ☆
Silva Zoldyck — ☆
Kikyo Zoldyck — ☆
Pakunoda — ☆
Shizuku Murasaki — ☆
Machi Komacine— ☆
Shalnark — ☆
Feitan Portor — ☆
Komugi — ♡
Meruem — ♡
Kite — ☆
Sango — ♡
Inuyasha — ♡
Kagome Higurashi — ♡
Miroku — ♡
Shippo — ◇
Sesshomaru — ☆
Naraku — ☆
Kagura — ♡
Koga — ♡
Rin — ◇
Toga — ☆
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher — ♡
Larry Johnson — ♡
Ashley Campbell — ♡
Black Butler:
Sebastian Michaelis — ☆
Grelle Sutcliff — ☆
Ciel Phantomhive — ♤
Vincent Phantomhive — ☆
William T. Spears — ☆
Undertaker — ☆
Ronald Knox — ☆
Othello — ♡
Genshin Impact:
Kaeya — ☆
Noelle — ♡
Amber — ♡
Lisa — ♡
Venti — ♡
Diluc — ♡
Paimon — ◇
Qiqi — ◇
Baizhu — ☆
Wriothesley — ☆
Neuvillete — ☆
Furina — ♡
Zhongli — ☆
Arataki Itto — ☆
Ayato — ☆
Lumine — ♤
Aether — ♤
Cookie Run:
Pitaya Dragon — ♡
Lotus Dragon — ♡
Vampire — ☆
Eclair — ♡
Clover — ☆
Tea Knight — ♡
Pure Vanilla — ☆
Dark Cacao — ☆
HollyBerry — ☆
Golden Cheese — ☆
White Lily — ♡
Sugar Glass — ♡
Crowberry — ♡
Blackberry — ♡
Yogurt Cream — ☆
Lilac — ☆
Plain Yogurt — ☆
Eggnog — ☆
Almond — ☆
Roguefort — ☆
Licorice — ♡
Red Velvet — ☆
Scorpion — ☆
Pomegranate — ☆
Dark Enchantress — ☆
Frost Queen — ☆
Latte — ☆
Ice Captain — ☆
Oyster — ☆
Steven Universe:
Bismuth — ♤
Pearl — ♤
Amethyst — ♤
Spinel — ◇
Lars — ♤
The Owl House:
Luz Noceda — ♤
Camila Noceda — ◇
Amity Blight — ♤
Alador Blight — ♤
Edalyn Clawthorn — ♤
Raine Whispers — ♤
Hunter — ♤
Gus Porter — ♤
Willow Park — ♤
Afk Arena:
Daimon — ◇
Niru — ♤
Shemira — ♤
Lucretia — ♤
Flora — ◇
Vander — ☆
Silco — ☆
Sevika — ☆
Vi — ☆
Jinx — ☆
Ekko — ☆
Viktor — ☆
Jacye — ☆
Mel — ☆
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What I will write!!
Platonic ships
Ships headcanons
{ Example: Kyojuro x Tengen }
Suggestive content
Specific kinks for specific characters
Scenario Imagines
Literally any kink that doesn't have to do with bodily fluids { not including cum }
What I will not write
Kinks such as piss, scatt and ddlg, weird kinks in general
Noncon/r@p3 { furthest I'll go is dubcon }
Nsfw for minors
Bnha/mha. never.
Minor x adult, Killer x victim, shit like that
Examples: Kyojuro x Akaza, Giyuu x Tanjiro
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I want to add that sometimes things may not come out as often or I'll randomly go inactive, I struggle with motivating myself to do things and I get tired and burnout of things quickly, sometimes to where I won't want to have anything to do with it for months, and I want to go ahead and apologize for that. I'd also like to add that I am aloud to decline requests, wether I feel uncomfortable with the request or if I'm just not going to be able to finish it. That's honestly all I have left to say and shit. Have a good Day and thank you for reading :]
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Could you give us a little more content / Headcanon of Mama demon Tamayo and its 2 blessings/sons called Rokuta and Nezuko please? they are adorable
In order to answer this Ask as well, I need to first refer people back to the first Ask I got about this for context: basically, Tanjiro is dead and this is the Nezuko and Rokuta show now. Tamayo has essentially raised these children as her own, Rokuta doesn't remember his own mother's face, and the AU left off with Giyuu coming to collect the demons Ubuyashiki in interested in (and collect his haori, which Nezuko stole all those years ago in her getaway). I can also refer to this Ask which also gives more content for this AU!
And again, I also want to started by referring people interested in this AU to @gauekox for the Kaiba AU under development, which expands on this idea. I don't know all the directions that AU is going to go in, though!
So if we're focused here on Mama!Tamayo (Tamamayo?), there here's a doodle and some headcanons:
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--Nezuko isn't totally trustworthy around bloody patients; she's a Muzan-made demon, after all. However, despite the desire to chow down, she always fights it, however much physical stress it causes her. Tamayo has figured out that Nezuko's sleep isn't just a retreat from temptation but in fact the way she builds strength, so Tamayo has developed drugs to induce Nezuko to sleep or sleep deeper or stay asleep.
--Nezuko initially saw her mother and Tanjiro in Tamayo and Yushiro, but not being under the effect of Urokodaki's power of suggestion, sees them as Tamayo and Yushiro after she gets a good nap.
--Rokuta never confused Tamayo for his own mother, but over time, Tamayo's face has replaced his memories his own mother. He's admitted this to her, and it doesn't make Tamayo happy, she feels terribly sorry for Kie.
--Yushiro of course doesn't like having to share Tamayo, but does appreciate that he's treated less like a child now that there are actual children in their care. Rokuta learned pretty quick not to get on Yushiro's bad side, so Yushiro accepted him pretty well. As Rokuta grows up, he treats him like they're in the same company but with a difference in superiority. Rokuta goes along with that just fine, so their relationship is very civil.
--Yushiro doesn't like how touchy-feeling and huggy Nezuko is.
--Rokuta and Tamayo talk a lot, and Tamayo encourages him to talk about his family so that he can preserve his memories of them. He winds up talking about Tanjiro/Dad's earrings and Hinokami Kagura, and although it doesn't click for her right away, talking about it on multiple occasions eventually makes her realize that Hinokami Kagura may have ties to Yoriichi, and exactly what Muzan fears most.
--This makes her more willing to cooperate with the Corp, knowing that Giyuu chose to let Nezuko live and that Rokuta's latent skill (or inherited memories) may have a better chance of being effective against Muzan if he receives training in the Corp.
--With all the time that's passed, instead of Tamayo and Yushiro going out on the town together at night, often its Nezuko going around as Tamayo's shopping partner; they pass as a very close mother and daughter pair and Nezuko gets to wear a hat and gloves and western style dresses. Her speech is simplistic and juvenile, but she's gotten more practice than in canon.
--Nezuko likes to be babied by Tamayo, but always asserts than she's the one to protect Rokuta and doesn't act babyish with him. She does act babyish with Yushiro and gets said when he snaps at her. Tamayo scolds him and then he gets mad at Nezuko for getting him in trouble. It's their endless cycle.
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My nicknames for the demon slayer / kny characters (probably gonna be edited as time goes on):
Tanjiro: checkers, fox-cub, country bumpkin #1, cannon-ball, simba, glitched eevee
Nezuko: dynamite, foxlette, bunny-rabbit, local cleric
Zenitsu: bug-zapper, sparky, thunder, lightning bolt, zen-, simp lord, timone, pikachu
Inosuke: piggu, oinker, boar-boy, country bumpkin #2, mankey, pumba
Murata: squeaker, lucky clover, mister nine lives
Genya: fluff-ball, grumpy gills junior, half 'n' half, hyena-boy, beastie
Kanao: lucky-flip
Aoi: lapis, sky blue
Sabito: sabi-, fire fox, soggy/sabi-fox, fox-boy, the ginger, local red-head, short-stack, short-king, secret weasly
Makomo: momo-chan, sky-fox, quick-silver, shorty, daisy-chain
Giyuu: shadow, shadow-fox, fox-fox, espresso-depresso
Urokodaki: fox-dad, old man river
Kyojuro: Ren-, K(i)yo, Phoenix, fire-chicken, owl boy, (my apologies in advance) donut man
Shinjuro: mega butt-lord, maltov, head-butt practice, gunpowder fuse
Senjuro: owlet, Sen-, baby-phoenix, sweet bean
Kanae: monarch, lilac, sweet one
Shinobu: lavender, butterfly, grumpy one, chihuahua
Sanemi: feral-ass, gremlin man, feral pomeranian, cottonheaded ninimuggins, cotton poof, grumpy gills senior, shouty mc-lionmane the second (the original being nishiki from tokyo ghoul), deranged dandelion, dunkass
Uzui: loud-mouth, gaston knock-off, bastard ass, obnoxious mf, tryhard ninja, man-hoe, rich prick, pickpocket-bait, spoiled jackass, captain crack-head, testiclies high dumbass of testosterone
Muichiro: Mui-, -chiro, misty, cloudy-boy, spacer, space-cadet, pedo-buster, smol-bean
Mitsuri: love-bug, melon-stripes, best-girl (of the humans), cat-girl, sweet-girl
Iguro: snek, sneky-snek, snake-boy, snake-charmer, zebra-stripes, duo-chrome, dress boy (you all know the dress i mean if you look at his entire color-palette), icyhot, sneaky simp
Gyomei: gentle giant, beastie-tree, tibetin-mastiff, the tall one, prayer beads, mister budda beads
Kaigaku: Kai-, evil-sparky, local rogue, invert-color-zenitsu, black-lightning, gender-bent azula, tiger-cub
Kokushibo/mitchikatsu: koku-, mitchi-, -shibo, sixer, moony, Kaigaku's dad, ponytail
Douma: frosty, blondie, ink-splat, great-dane, daki & gyutaro's dad, rainbow-brain, lounge-lion, kaleidoscope eyes
Akaza/Hakuji: cat-boy, tabby-stripe, raging-bisexual, pinky, -kaza
Nakime: Naki, rapunzel, mademoiselle noir, Naki-nak's
Hantengu: -tengu, murder-hobo, bird-brain, lord of bullshitery, han-, mousey
Gyokko: shape of water, fish for brains, dollar-store axolotl, house-plant, shitty-wizard, pedo-fish, off brand anish kapoor
Daki: material-girl, alt-timeline barbie (if you know you know), miss wears pink on wednesdays
Gyutaro: pretty paint-splatter boy, cutie-spots, pretty pretty gyutaro, floofy-hair, sharky, snarky-shark, gyu-, taro-taro, hyena-shark, hyena-man, mantis, floof-floof-cotton-poof, paint/ink splatter cutie
Enmu: enmu the tank engine, train-boy, emu, goat-eyes, (^w^)/OwO face, crazy-train, (in reference to his disembodied hand alone) off brand thing, HMS (his majesty's simp), the OwO translator
Ubume: n/a
Rokuro: geode, lower moon dad 2, rock-uro
Hairo: grouchy wolf, grumpy guns, dollar store cowboy
Wakuraba: elf-ears, off-brand legolas
Mukago: fuzzball, whiskers, fluffy-horns
Rui: spidy, spider-boy, ru-ru, rui-ru, web-slinger, tiny bean, smol gremlin, precious pain in the ass, adorable lil shit, squishy, squishy-cheeks, raging ball of white fluff, spidy/spider-paws
Kamanue: baby-dragon, kama-kama, kama, nue
Kyogai: tiger-stripes, tiger, kyo-, looks like a dad (not even kidding he looks very similar to my actual dad just put a goatee on him), mister its a kilt, captain funky music, big drummer-boy, lower moon dad 1
Tamayo: tama-san, tama-tama, the science queen
Yushiro: bratty-cat, simp king
Susumaru: maru, susu, maru-chan
Yahaba: triple a, mister hand-eye coordination, off brand death the kid
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blazingstarship · 2 months
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YUSHIRO WIP!! (Still dont know about his hair but oh well)
Look at how handsome he is😭😭 ugh the fudo dna is strong as heck, he got some looks from his grandpa and dad. He’s in his early 20’s and no, he isnt a sci.enist hehe.
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anotheruseronthissite · 10 months
Demon Slayer Role Swap - Hashiras: Douma Edition
Plot Points
Douma, like in canon, was put in charge of the cult
he became close to Inoske’s mom, Kotoha, but actually gained feelings for her. he was happy. But everything changed when the demons attacked
yeah demons attacked Douma’s cult. I would have made it the Kocho siblings, but they’re good in this AU so Idk who to make attack the cult.
most of the followers, including Kotoha, die or flee and are never found. Douma and Inoske are among the few survivors. Douma is found by Akaza, who arrived too late.
Douma becomes a demon slayer to avenge Kotoha (plus the other followers, tbh he cared less about them then). Eventually, he rises the ranks to become the Ice Hashira.
The places where his cult resides (the remaining survivors + others that joined later), become replacements to the Wisteria Houses. They’re places for demon slayers to relax and recover.
Character Info -
Age: 24
Description - Platinum blond hair with odd rainbow eyes. He wears the normal demon slayer uniform (+golden colored buttons because hashira) and a red haori with a black substance like design coming down from the shoulder area plus a purple cloth with a black square-rectangle pattern that he drapes on his shoulders.
Weapon: Nichiren fans
Breathing Style: Ice Breathing
Slayer Mark?: No
Species: Demon
Additional Info:
Douma knows nothing about medical stuff, despite being in-charge of the rest stops for demon slayers. It’s really Tamayo and her Tusguko, Yushiro, dealing with injuries demon slayers
Douma has a chill and generally relaxed attitude. He does adjust this attiduite when the time calls for it.
Douma genuinely considers Akaza his best friend. They get along well enough together in this AU.
Douma is Insoke’s dad. Not biologically but Inoske sees no difference.
Douma did murder Kotoha’s husband and mother-in-law, he feels no actual remorse for it and no one actually knows he did it. Except for Inoske, but he doesn’t mind since Douma told him how they treated Kotoha.
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Forgiving (SBP au after the Muzan fight) (Source: Hazbin hotel) (Slight spoilers???)
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Isn't SBP!Astaroth the purest little sweetheart or what? 🫶🏻
So, this is after the fight with Muzan. As in a month or two after it. This has the tiniest spoilers for DQA (Demon queen Astaroth) but Astaroth does in fact hurt Yushiro while she's a demon. Think of Susamaru smacking his head off with her Temari that one time in season one, that's basically what happened in the au But, there's no hard feelings since she obviously didn't know any better Yes, Astaroth is wearing her dad's kimono, cuz I thought it was cute
& because I know someone's gonna ask, yes Yoriichi & Taro are alive as well ;)
& again, the idea for Koku's eyes blending into his mark is by the ever so lovely @sharp-shiny-things
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imconfusedbutok · 5 months
OC’s - Main AU
First one is Hayami. She’s a demon slayer who marries Yushiro. They have three kids. Twins, named Machi and Daichi, and Emiyo. Daichi got his dad’s invisibility, Machi got the ability to make cards to see through the eyes of others, and Emiyo- well. Lil Emiyo Can see ghosts.
Second is Shieka. Older adopted sister to Rui. Basically, she found Rui after Muzan killed the whole village and raised him like her little brother. He became a hashira, then was turned into a demon- but then became like nezuko. He’s cute and tiny.
third, Sakura. Douma’s childhood friend, he fell ill and had a crAzY dream Sakura became Kaito and they were turned into demons and Douma died and came back as Daisuke, they hated each other for a while then fell in love but hey it was all a dream. After that, he could kinda feel emotions but only partially and ended up marrying Sakura. But he died in the final battle.
now, finally, Naiomi. She was friends with Mui until he died in the final battle. They lost. She found him again and turns out he was turned into a demon. She became his friend again but she died. Her little sister came to avenge her and she and Masumi ended up being friends… until it went wrong. But that’s it :D
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 1 year
Okay so, I decided to tally up all of the timeline cross over shenanigans that according to Spider-Mod are part of something called "Con-Space".... so heres the list of how many of us demons and the respective slayers/pillars are on here... (some of these are due to multi-character blogs)
Muzan: /////-/ (6)
Kokushibo: /////-/////-/ (11)
Douma: /////-/////-///// (15) (why are there so many of you?!?)
Akaza: /////-//// (9)
Hantengu: /////-/////-// (12)
Nakime: ///// (5)
Gyokko: ///// (5) (as if one wasn't enough)
Kaigaku: //// (4)
Daki: /////-/////-// (12) (good luck gyutaro/s)
Gyutaro: /////-// (7)
Enmu: /////-/// (8)
Rokuro (L2): (0)
Wakuraba (L3): (0)
Mukago (L4): / (1)
Rui: ///// (5) (there are more of me...)
Kyogai: / (1)
Kamanue (L6): / (1)
Ubuyashiki: //// (4)
Kyojuro: /////-/////-/// (13) (why are there so many of you too?!?!)
Mitsuri: /////-///// (10)
Muichiro: /////-/ (6)
Gyomei: ///// (5)
Shinobu: /////-/////-/// (13) (NOPE!)
Giyuu: /////-//// (9) (nopenopenopenope-)
Sanemi: /////-/ (6)
Obanai: /////-/// (8)
Tengen: /////-// (7)
Sabito: /////-// (7)
Makomo: /// (3)
Haganezuka: // (2)
Tanjiro: /////-// (7) (....mildly concerning...)
Zenitsu: ///// (5)
Inosuke: /////-// (7)
Genya: /////-/ (6)
Kanao: // (2)
Nezuko: /////-/////-/// (13) (....also concerning)
Murata: / (1)
Urokodaki: / (1)
Shinjuro: / (1)
Jigoro: / (1)
Senjuro: / (1)
Aoi: / (1)
Yoriichi: /////-///// (10) (?!?!?!?!)
Kanae: /////-/ (6)
Chachamaru: / (1)
Kaburamaru: (0)
Yuichiro tokito: / (1)
Yushiro: / (1)
Tamayo: // (2)
Spider mom: / (1)
Spider brother: (0)
Spider sisters: / (1)
Spider dad: (0)
Mama kamado: (0)
Mama hashibira: // (2)
Mama rengoku: / (1)
Kamado brothers (besides tanjiro): (0)
Hanako kamado: / (1)
Papa kamado: / (1)
Big sister tomioka: / (1)
Suma: // (2)
Hinatsuru: // (2)
Makio: / (1)
Udon guy: / (1)
Amane ubuyashiki: / (1)
Uta tsugikuni: // (2)
Susumaru: / (1)
Yahaba: (0)
Koyuki: / (1) (...akaza dont forget theres more than one of you running around and all of you love her pretty equally i think)
Kotetsu: / (1)
Umm....this is a lot especially with the concerning amount of hashira....and there may be more that mod and I have missed or more in the future...this will likely be updated every now and then....that said some of the other families and....partnerships (?) are missing members as well.
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pinkluhvv · 2 years
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[f. name] - first name
[l. name]- last name
[s/b. name] - sister's/brother's name
[bsf. name] - best friend's name
[e. color] - eye color
[h. color] - hair color
[h. length] - hair length
[f. place] - favorite place
[m.name] - moms name
[d.name] - dads name
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Bungou Stray Dogs
╰┈➤ Fukuzawa Yukichi, Akiko Yosano, Atsushi Nakajima, Doppo Kunikida, Jun’ichiro Tanizaki, Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Kirako Haruno, Katai Tayama. ADA. Ougai Mori, Chuuya Nakahara, Kouyou Ozaki, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Ichiyo Higuchi, Ryurou Hirotsu, Gin Akutagawa, Motojiro Kajii, Sakunosuke Oda⁺, Ango Sakaguchi. PM. Francis S. Fitzgerald, Edgar A. Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, John Steinbeck, Lucy M. Montgomery, Louisa M. Alcott, Margaret Mitchell, Mark Twain. TG. Teruko Okura, Michizo Tachihara, Saigiku Jouno, Tetchou Suehiro. HD. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mushitrou Oguri, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma, Tatsuhiko Shibusawa. MISC.
╰┈➤ Kenji Miyazawa, Kyoka Izumi, Naomi Tanizaki. ADA. Elise, Kyusaku “Q” Yumeno. PM. Aya Koda. MISC.
Jujutsu Kaisen
╰┈➤ Satoru Gojo, Kiyotaka Ijici, Shoko Ieiri, Akari Nitta, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Maki Zenin, Toge Inumaki. TOKYO. Utahime Iori, Mai Zenin, Kokichi “Mechamaru” Muta, Kasumi Miwa, Noritoshi Kamo, Aoi Todo, Momo Nishimiya. KYOTO. Kento Nanami, Mei Mei, Sukuna Ryomen, Mahito, Choso, Suguru Geto, Junpei Yoshino⁺. MISC.
╰┈➤ Panda.
Demon Slayer; Kimetsu no Yaiba
╰┈➤ Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Amane Ubuyashiki, Giyuu Tomioka, Mitsuri Kanroji, Obanai Iguro, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Shinobu Kocho, Kyojuro Rengoku, Kanae Kocho, Tengen Uzui, Kanao Tsuyuri, Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Aoi Kanzaki, Sabito. DEMON SLAYER CORPS. Muzan Kibutsuji, Tamayo, Yushiro, Nakime “Biwa Demon”, Kokushibo, Douma, Hantengu’s Clones [ Sekido[Anger], Karaku[Pleasure], Aizetsu[Sorrow], Urogi[Joy], Zohakuten[Hatred] ], Gyutaro, Enmu. DEMONS. Suma, Makio, Hinatsuru, Hotaru Hagenezuka, Yoriichi Tsugikuni. MISC.
╰┈➤ Hinaki Ubuyashiki, Nichika Ubuyashiki, Kiriya Ubuyashiki, Kanata Ubuyashiki, Kuina Ubuyashiki, Muichiro Tokito, Sakonji Urokodaki, Jigoro Kawajima, Shinjuro Rengoku, Sumi Nakahara, Kiyo Terauchi, Naho Takada, Makomo, Senjuro Rengoku, Kotetsu. MISC.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
╰┈➤ Nene Yashiro, Kou Minamoto, Teru Minamoto, Sakura Nanamine, Natsuhiko Hyuuga, Aoi Akane [female], Akane Aoi [male], Lemon Yamabuki. STUDENTS. Tsuchigomori, Yako, Hanako-kun, Tsukasa Yugi, Mitsuba Sousuke. MISC.
╰┈➤ Tiara Minamoto.
╰┈➤ Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryuosuke Tanaka, Tobio Kageyama, Shoyo Hinata, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kyoko Shimizu, Hitoka Yachi, Ittetsu Takeda, Keishin Ukai, Yui Michimiyam Mao Aihara, Rinko Sudo, Moe Kikuchi, Manami Aoki,, Chizuru Sasaki. KARASUNO. Tetsuro Kuroo, Lev Haiba, Kenma Kozume. NEKOMA. Toru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Shigeru Yahaba, Akira Kunimi, Kentaro Kyotani. AOBA JOHSAI. Takanobu Aone, Kosuke Sakunami, Kaname Moniwa, Mai Nametsu. DATE TECH. Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Akinori Konoha, Yukie Shirofuku, Kaori Suzumeda. FUKURODANI. Wakatoshi Ushijma, Eita Semi, Satori Tendo. SHIRATORIZAWA. Kiyoomi Sakusa, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya, Atsumu Miya, Saeko Tanaka, Alisa Haiba, Akane Yamamoto, Yuji Terushima, Hana Misaki, Runa Kuribayashi. MISC.
╰┈➤ [BLANK]
Moriarty the Patriot
╰┈➤ Henry Antrim, James Bonde, Fred Pollock, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Miss Hudson, John H. Watson, William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Miss Moneypenny, Sebastian Moran, Von Herder, Mary Watson.
╰┈➤ [BLANK]
Tokyo Revengers
╰┈➤ Takemichi Hanagaki, Chifuyu Matsuno, Seishu Inui, Takashi Mitsuya, Haruki Hayashida [Pah-chin], Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Senju Kawaragi, Taiju Shiba, Hakkai Shiba, Kazushi Yamagishi, Atsushi Sendo, Takuya Yamamoto, Kazutora Hanemiya, Keisuke “Edward” Baji, Shinichiro Sano, Emma Sano, Hinata Tachibana, Yuzuha Shiba, Hajime Kokonoi, Haruchiyo Sanzu, Izana Kurokawa, Kakucho, Kanji Mochizuki, Ken “Draken” Ryuguji, Manjiro “Mikey” Sano, Naoto Tachibana, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Shion Madarame, Shuji Hanma, Takeomi Akashi, Tetta Kisaki, Wakasa Imaushi, Keizo “Benkei” Arashi.
╰┈➤ Mana Mitsuya, Luna Mitsuya.
Black Butler
╰┈➤ Sebastian Michaelis, Bardroy, Finnian, Mey-Rin, Snake, Vincent Phantomhive, Rachel Phantomhive, Francis Midford, Edward Midford, Paula, Charles Grey, Charles Phipps, Grelle, William T. Spears, Ronald Knox, Undertaker, Angelina Dalles [Madam Red], Lau, Beast, Dagger, Joker, “Prince” Soma Asman Kadar, Agni, Aleister Chamber, Ran-Mao, Claude Faustus, Hannah Annafellows, Angela Blanc, Ash Landers.
╰┈➤ Ciel Phantomhive, Tanaka, Elizabeth Midford, Doll, Peter, Wendy, Alois Trancy, Pluto.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
╰┈➤ Aiura Mikoto, Hairo Kineshi, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Saiki Kusuke, Saiki Kusuo, Saiko Metori, Teruhashi Kokomi, Teruhashi Makoto, Toritsuka Reita, Yumehara Chiyo.
╰┈➤ [BLANK]
Angels of Death
╰┈➤ Isaac Foster, Catherine Ward, Daniel Dickens.
╰┈➤ Edward Mason, Rachel Gardner.
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Genshin Impact
[note; don't ask me to write Mika]
╰┈➤ Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Aloy, Ayaka Kamisato, Ayato Kamisato, Baizhu, Barbara, Beidou, Candace, Childe/Tartaglia, Chongyun, Cyno, Dehya, Diluc Ragnvindr, Eula Lawrence, Ganyu, Gorou, Shikanoin Heizou, Hu Tao, Arataki Itto, Jean Gunnhildr, Kaeya Alberich, Kaveh, Kazuha Kaedehara, Keqing, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Lisa Minci, Lumine, Mona Megistus, Nilou, Ningguang, Noelle, Raiden Shogun/Ei, Rosaria, Kirara, Kujou Sara, Shenhe, Sucrose, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer, Scaramouche/The Balladeer, Xiao, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Yae Miko, Yanfei, Yelan, Yoimiya, Yun Jin, Zhongli.
╰┈➤ Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Collei, Diona, Dori, Faruzan, Fischl, Klee, Nahida, Qiqi, Razor, Sayu, Xiangling, Yaoyao.
Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
╰┈➤ There are just so many... I eliminated everyone who can’t be romantic so just find a cookie that isn’t platonic.
╰┈➤ Angel Cookie, Apple Cookie, Bell Pepper Cookie, Cherry Cookie, Chess Choco Cookie, Chestnut Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie, Devil Cookie, Firecracker Cookie, Gingerbrave, Gingerbright, Grapefruit Cookie, Gumball Cookie, Lollipop Cookie, Mango Cookie, Moon Rabbit Cookie, Mustard Cookie, Onion Cookie, Pancake Cookie, Peppermint Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Pond Dine Cookie, Pudding Cookie, Skater Cookie, Snow Sugar Cookie, Soda Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Strawberry Cookie, Tiramisu Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Wizard Cookie.
Honkai Star Rail
╰┈➤ Himeko, Welt, Dan Heng, March 7th, Kafka, Silver Wolf, Arlan, Asta, Gepard, Bronya, Seele, Sampo, Pela, Serval, Natasha, Jing Yuan, Tingyun, Sushang, Qingque, Luka, Blade, Yukong, Luocha.
╰┈➤ Herta, Clara, Hook, Yanqing, Bailu.
Twisted Wonderland
╰┈➤ Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Azul Ashengrotto, Cater Diamond, Deuce Spade, Dire Crowley, Epel Felmier, Floyd Leech, Idia Shroud, Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Leona Kingscholar, Lillia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia, Rook Hunt, Ruggie Bucchi, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver, Trey Clover, Vil Shoenheit, Divius Crewel, Sam.
╰┈➤ Ortho Shroud, Grim.
Check THIS for more…
Things I can write
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Platonic One-shots [Friendships/Siblings/Daughters/Sons, but no incest]
and Romance [meaning it focuses on the relationship, not meaning it's inappropriate]
Basic Rules
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Please do not demand me to do something out of my comfort zone 
╰┈➤ smut, incest, pedophilia, etc.
I will try my best to write every request since I do have almost all the time in the world.
and lastly, if I write your request and something isn't to your needs then please message me and I will fix it as best as I can.
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I — P3dophilia
II — IncestIII — Smut[aka sex, explicit scenes]IV — Slurs
V — KidnappingVI — Fetishes of any sort
VII — I’m not the best at making long-term stories so don't really expect themVIII — Non-consent/R@pe
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I — Male readerII — Female readerIII — Gender Neutral readerIV — Short storiesV — Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Significant Other ScenariosVI — One-shotsVII — Mini-seriesVIII — Polyamorous
In the anime/tv-shows section, ANYONE listed romantically can also be platonic. No one listed platonic can be listed romantically.
If anything is misspelled I am sorry
And lastly,
I love you all, thank you for taking the time to read this!
My account is open to any gender, race, or sexuality so thank you for reading through this!
I will always choose you
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