#yes yushiro gets it on
imconfusedbutok · 5 months
yushiro and his son - incorrect quotes
Daichi, being Daichi: I desire moisture.
Yushiro: Just fucking say you want water you little shit
Yushiro: My son, do you fear death?
7 year old Daichi: I'm seven. Yes.
Daichi: Papa, why are your boobs so big?
Yushiro, shirtless: …what.
Yushiro: …They aren’t… boobs…
Machi: Do you have to wear a bra like mommy?
Yushiro: No???
Yushiro with younger Daichi: Say I got that fish!
Daichi, a smol child: I GOT THAT MUDDAFWAKING FISH!
Yushiro: *wheeze*
Hayami: Daichi nO-
(Yushiro taking Daichi to a farm when he was a child)
Yushiro, talking to a person who works there and half paying attention to Daichi:
Daichi, who doesn’t think he’s listening: *A chicken starts running at him*
Yushiro: *Turns his head*
Daichi: Watch it you stupid feathery fuck! *Throws rock at the chicken*
The Chicken: *Dodges it and runs at Daichi*
Daichi: *Screams and runs for Yushiro*
Yushiro, crying he’s laughing so hard: Okay, Daichi, come here-
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Hi, could I request for a Lady Tamayo!Reader paired with Buddha?
This reader was revived by Brunhilde to be the doctor for the 13 champions and she's loyal (not too loyal) to her bc she saved her from her punishment from being a demon.
The scenario would be that they met when she treated him after his fight and they got to know each other after that?
Please and thank you
Here it is! Special thanks to @nixes-noxes for proofreading/editing to make sure that the characters weren’t OOC. Enjoy and have a lovely day/evening!
Warnings: manga spoilers
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Buddha was…a difficult patient. Despite all of the odds that were stacked against him in his fight with Zero, he won. Yet his victory for humanity isn’t an excuse to sneak out of his room to bask underneath the canopy of his bodhi tree and enjoy a passing breeze with sun shining down from the sky.
That is one of the reasons why Brunhilde had summoned Lady [First Name] [Last Name] from Helheim despite being a demon; before she had been killed by Muzan after drugging him with an elixir during their confrontation in the Infinity Castle, Lady [First Name} had been a doctor. Together with her companion Yushiro, she helped as many humans as she could with their alignments,including those who had been afflicted with Muzan’s poisonous blood and became flesh-eating demons.
In retrospect, dying to give the Demon Slayers a chance to destroy the man who had ruined her human life wasn’t a terrible thing…but Lady [First Name] had not expected to wake up in a dark wasteland teeming with demons that were just as dangerous, if not more, than the demon king himself. It was through sheer dumb luck that she had survived for so long until the Valkyrie had brought from her ‘punishment’ and offered her the position of being humanity’s chief physician in the medical wing.
It did not take the young woman very much time to give Brunhilde an answer. At this point anything was better than being stuck in Helheim. Disinfecting wounds, monitoring a patient’s health, and making sure that they are being properly fed? Yes. She can do that.
But the demon did not recall that being the ‘chief physician’ also meant chasing after a stubborn god.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Lady [First Name] walked up the steep grassy hill as best as she could in her [Favorite Color] kimono and zori sandals till she was standing right behind Buddha, munching on snacks that she specifically recalled telling him to cut back on until he was ready for the next stage of his treatment.
“Why am I not surprised to find you here, my lord?”
“Should ya even be surprised anymore, doc?” Buddha snarked back, unwrapping a candy bar and throwing it in his mouth. “Besides, do you really believe I’d miss an opportunity to get some fresh air?”
She frowned. “I never said that there was a problem with being outside, Lord Buddha. In fact, it is supposed to improve your sleep, cognition, and overall well-being rather than being confined indoors all of the time. I did, however, say that you can but it would be in everyone’s benefit to inform myself or the staff that you wish to go outside instead of sneaking out. Lady Brunhilde was quite upset when she came to the medical wing earlier this afternoon to find out that you were…missing.”
“Bruni will be fine, she’s a lot tougher than she looks, believe me. Let her focus on the eighth round. I might have won but we still need more wins if the gods’ll leave the humans alone. More importantly,” He glanced over his shoulder, a single aquamarine orb staring right at her. “Do I even know you?”
Lady [First Name] tilted her head, staring at him for a moment before smiling softly. It appears that Lady Brunhilde was not joking when she had casually mentioned just how laid-back Buddha is…or simply doesn’t give a shit about anyone. The Valkyrie’s words, not hers, thank you very much. But being a doctor secretly researching demonic transformations or performing blood transfusions did not have its own issues. She also had to handle human patients too. Inhaling a deep breath through her nostrils, she calmed her anger before answering Buddha.
“All you need to know is that my job is to ensure the mental and physical health of all humanity’s champions, Lord Buddha. It goes against my oath as a doctor to force a patient to do something against their will. In this scenario, however, I offer…an ultimatum.” She paused, staring at the blonde-haired deity. Since Buddha didn’t interrupt nor look away, the demon took this as a cue to elaborate.
“I will speak to the staff and allow you to lounge outside here or in the greenhouse until a fixed time. When that time is up, you must return to your room and rest. Yes, this is a curfew, but this is the best that I can offer you right now. You may no longer be in critical condition, though there is a chance that your health or recovery might have some setbacks.”
She could tell immediately that Buddha wasn’t too thrilled with this restriction. No one likes having someone hovering over their shoulder or counting down the minutes until they have to go back to their room when all they want is a little time to themselves before running through medical tests for the nth time of the day.
“Is there any chance you can include snacks-”
“That will be taken into consideration once your bloodwork comes back, Lord Buddha.” Lady [First Name] chuckled, witnessing one of the most powerful gods pouting petulantly like a child. Shaking her head, she decided to do something that she hadn’t done in all of her years of practicing medicine: she sat next to him under the bodhi tree, paying no heed to getting grass stains on her kimono as she stared up at the floating islands of Valhalla in comfortable silence.
He did not say anything….that was progress. Maybe?
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phantasmiafxndom · 10 months
Please request 1 (or all 4) of the following demons for this scenario: Akaza, Kyojuro, Gyutaro or Yushiro. They are both watching a romantic movie in the living room, a kissing scene happens and the owner asks if they have ever been kissed. When they say no, he asks if they want to know how they feel and answer yes, they receive a kiss on the lips. It's just a chaste kiss, just lip contact and it only lasts a few seconds. And then he goes off to do his business, leaving the demon alone
This is assuming that the characters have already caught the feelings~ ;3
. . .
He's left frozen in place, eyes wide as he struggles to process what just happened. Despite an utter lack of experience with affection of any kind, Akaza knows that kisses are supposed to be significant, right? And the one you just gave him was so, so gentle. His chest suddenly feels all fluttery and tight— there's no reason for him to respond so much to just a momentary touch, and yet, the moment just keeps replaying in his head. It's hard to tell what he's feeling, beyond a flustered sort of confusion.
His normal response when you do something kind to him is an immediate, loud expression of thanks— and yet, this time, Kyoujurou can't get a single word out. There's a flush creeping across his face as you walk away, and his mind is running a mile a minute trying to make sense of why you did that. He can't deny that he's had the passing thought of being kissed by you before, but the reality is a hundred times more overwhelming. He'll pull himself together soon enough, but for now, he's just stunned.
It's almost cruel to do that to him with no warning— the spike of panic that follows the kiss is dizzying. Gyuutarou can hardly believe you actually did it. He's disgusting. Anyone can see that and yet, you still kissed him. It couldn't have meant anything, and yet, his heart is still twisting up painfully at even that small scrap of affection. As soon as you leave, he's curled up in a ball of self-conscious misery, unable to stop thinking about every little thing that could have displeased you about those brief few seconds.
He nearly pulls away the second it registers that you're kissing him, and there's no containing the startled little yelp that escapes. Once you pull away, Yushirou looks dangerously close to passing out— he's red-faced and trembling, tripping over a jumbled sentence of what might be thanks. Leaving afterward is a mercy; he's embarrassingly overwhelmed and very much needs the time to process what you did. Was his crush on you really that obvious? Were you just pitying him with the kiss, or could it be...?
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dreamgirllz · 7 months
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Author note: HII yes I know it’s been about a month 🗿 forgive me… this is very tooth rotting 😍
Tanjiro(you work for lady tomoya)
-zenistu(you're a slayer he met on a mission alone)
-inosuke(you're a slayer he met)(And yes he has had character development with the help of tanjiro)
After lady tomoya's first place was destroyed she moved safely to another one. Tanjiro would visit sometimes. Before tanjiro even met you he fell in love with your scent. He didn't know he was smelling you but he'd find himself smiling as he thought of a lovely spring day. That's what the fragrance reminded him of.
Your scent lingered around the mansion even though you were working outside bringing lady tomoya things for experiments.
You two finally met when tomoya called you in to meet tanjiro. As soon as you two made eye contact his cheeks went a pretty pink.
"Oh hello l'm taniro and this is my sister nezuko!" He walks to you shyly reaching to shake your hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I must be heading back now." You said leaving, lady tomoya starts explaining things to him about his sister.
But he was Infatuated. Yushiro hit tanjiro's head, "how dare you space out as lady tomoya is speaking?! Are you crazy!" Tomoya laughed and told yushiro to calm down, which he did immediately. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what got over me! I'll pay attention more." He said giving his famous sweet smile. "You can always visit tanjiro, she always busy. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind some help. Tomoya clearly knew what was going on. "R-right, I'll see when I have some time off."
Even though tanjiro was a busy slayer he always tried to make time, cramming things in just to spend a few hours talking to you. He's just so good to you, you better return the sweet boys feelings.(or else 🤭🔪)
We all know any girl that passes zenistu he's head over heels trying to marry her. But after encountering you there was no way he was going to go up to any other girl.
Zenistu was on a mission alone, of course against his will. In his mind he's thinking why they give him a demon this hard! In reality he wasn't really trying. He was too busy just running for his life.
Zenitsu caught your eye as you saw a yellow man running through the woods. In the directions you came from. Then you saw the demon chasing him, you run behind them obviously to save him. The yellow boy runs into the tree, possibly getting a concussion. The demon reaches out to strike him as he screams loudly. You sever the demons head off saving the boy just in time.
"Woah!! Did you see that I almost died! These slayers are going to cause my death before can get close to getting a wife!!!" He screeched through out the woods, you rolled your eyes.
"Aren't you a slayer? Why are you running from a lowly demon like that?" You said reaching into your pocket pulling out bandages. He went dead silent after hearing your angelic voice. You wrap his head up to stop the bleeding on his forehead. "Your so quiet now? Is there something wrong, It doesn't look like you lost a lot of blood just yet." He stared up at your facial features in a Infatuated way. "Are you married?" He asked in a soft tone, you shook your head no. "What makes you say that?!" He shot up from the ground, "THAT GIVES ME A CHANCE!!! PLEASE BE MY WIFE PLEASE!!!!"
He chased you through the woods begging over and over again for you to marry him. (Good luck 🥱)
Inosuke was on a mission to the mountains to slay a demon who's been giving other passing slayers problems.
He marched up the mountain looking for the demon but instead finding you on the ground shivering really bad. He couldn't tell if you were a man or a girl. The demon came out of nowhere trying to launch a silent attack.
"HAHA! You thought I would fall for that lame slow attack." Of course he did taunt the demon...
He fought the demon for about 5 minutes with out a scratch on his body. * that was way to easy! I want more!" Then he remembered that he found a slayer not to long ago. He went back to the area, and threw you over his shoulders; running down the mountain. The ride was bumpy and definitely very uncomfortable. As soon as he met the forest floor he dropped you on the floor. "Ah! What the." your eyes shot open making eye contact with a pig man on top of you looking down. You thought it was a demon but you realized it wasn't. "Are you a slayer? Where's a your shirt it's freezing out here." He laughed loudly, "the strongest slayer doesn't need a shirt! I'm too cool for one! Don't think I saved you because I care!" It was hard to understand, but you knew he was spewing nonsense. "Don't worry I wasn't planning on saying thank you anyways" you say struggling to get up. "Your welcome! What? I saved your life praise me girl! Banjiro said I have to save people it's a good thing or whatever. Praise me, I'm your god!" You collapse from the cold, "hey this is no place for sleeping wake up! Oh." he finally realizes you were freezing to death.
He took off the fur from around his waist when covered you with it. He then took you in his arms and headed to a near by abandoned house.
You wake up in the house and look around, wondering where you were. "Woah! This is the second best nirichin l've seen. Of course mine is the first best one!" He said examining your blade. You breathe out feeling relieved. "So you actually dragged me here?" You asked looking up at him, "duh! Who else is that amazing!?" "Woah you carried me here all by yourself, you must be the strongest man alive." You joked, but he didn't see it as sarcasm. He doesn't know what sarcasm is.. His heart got tight in his chest.
"You think so. he asked sitting down by you.
"Yes definitely", you lay back down laughing. He just spaced out looking in your direction. He didn't understand he was feeling Infatuated.
Not many people at all have anything nice to say to him other than tanjiro. Even if you were being sarcastic he took it seriously. (Please a sarcastic and passive y/n would be so perfect for inosuke.)
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sunflower-author · 4 months
Haii :3
can I request a yandere platonic lady Tamayo who is very protective of reader
Anyway I hope you like this<3
     "Y/N I told you many times haven't I," Tamayo scolded you, in your room.
"I just wanted to go out to see the festival... It only happens once a year..." You complained.
"Still that doesn't justify sneaking out. You could have lost control, gotten lost, or Kibutsuki might have found you, or-"
"I had human blood yesterday, and you know I handle a least a week without it, and I know the village, I've been reading about it for a while, and we haven't heard about... 'him' being around here my entire lifetime..." you cut her off by saying.
"You've never been around so many people, since you've been turned into a demon, there was no telling if you could handle, all the new walking blood bags around you, and reading about things is different than actually seeing things in real life, as for Kibutsuki, even he we heard no word about him being here, there is still his underlings that lurk around here. remember the last time Yushiro told us about the encounter he had with one of them?" Tamayo asks you.
"... Four days ago..." you say looking down, feeling guilty, knowing that she is right.
"Exactly four days ago, they are probably still hiding in this town somewhere, it's dangerous to go out alone...  you know, if you truly asked me and Yushiro, we would have taken you..." Tamayo says sighing.
"Yeah right... you're just saying that right now... but we both know if I asked you before, you would have said no, lecture me more about being outside, humans, demons... 'him' exactly what you're doing right now," you say, knowing the type of manipulation tactics she has used on you ever since you met her.
"All I'm doing is trying to protect you... ever since I met you, don't you forget who was the one that saved you all those years ago... That demon was about to devour you, and I was the one who killed him, if I wasn't there, you would have been dead..." Tamayo said. 
Every time the two of you argued and she had enough, Tamayo would always bring up your past trauma, guilt-tripping you to go along with whatever she was saying.
You stay silent knowing that you can't say anything, after she pulls 'that' card on you.
"I care about you Y/N, I truly do," Tamayo says sitting down beside you on your bed.
"Listen, maybe when you're older... give it a few years, and I promise, you me and Yushiro will all go to that festival," Tamayo says, with her signature smile.
It makes her look innocent, but we both know it is always used to hide what she truly is feeling. Her obsessed, psycho, crazy side, or maybe annoyed, irritated side, probably both.
"Older? I'm old enough, I am in my teens no doubt late teen years, in a few years I might well be in my twenties," you snap back at her.
"Correction, you would be in your twenties if you were still human... Demons age differently since they can live well longer compared to humans, menially it takes... even I am not too sure." Tamayo says calmly. 
"Yes you have been here a few years, however menially you've probably only aged a few months, and let's not forget about your physical state, when you get turned into a demon, you stop growing physically," Tamayo says.
As she put her hand on your head, in hopes of comforting you a bit.
"I managed fine on my own before you found me," You counter back.
"You lasted what? A little over a year, before I found about to be devoured by a low-level demon-"
"I was younger, I was still getting used to being a demon, but now I know how to do things, thanks to you and Yushiro, I'll be able to handle myself, Tamayo," You cut her off, not wanting her to say anymore.
"And if you were to run into Kibutsuki? Then what? how will you defend yourself, if he found out you were associated with me? He would do unspeakable things to you Y/N," Tamayo says sternly.
"The chances of running into him are very small, just how much demons actually get to see his face?" you say again.
"Y/N L/N, drop this," Tamayo says, sternly, before sighing and calming herself down.
Finally having enough of this, you stay silent, you can never win against Tamayo. This is how all your arguing ends with her, once she says your full name everything ends.
"You acting childish, auguring with me, selfish for leaving me and Yushiro worried-" Realizing what she is saying stops, looking down at her lap, it is never her intention to make you feel bad.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"Yeah yeah, you didn't mean all those bad things you said and were about to say to me," giving her attitude. 
Rolling your eyes, you start to lie down on the bed, facing away from her.
"Well, since you're already mad at me, minus well tell you your punishment, no books for a month, and you will stay in your room for a week," Tamayo says turning to look at you.
You just stay silent looking the other way, waiting for her to go.
Getting the signal, Tamayo gets up from the bed walks to the door, turns off the light, grabs the door she looks at you for a moment.
"Goodnight Y/N," She says softly, only to be met with silence.
Sighing again, she closes the door, locking it.
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sensivs · 10 months
Could you please do a mitsuri x obanai x male reader when mitsuri and obanai died at the infinity castle?
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(also I didn’t really know if u meant in the infinity castle where yushiro did that little stunt with nakime or when they actually died so I went with them actually dying, if this wasn’t was u requested I’ll be happy to make a separate post!!)
(Females/fem-aligned r free to interact/read just pls don’t act weird and comment fetishizing stuff in my comments)
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Everything hurt.. everything… the feeling was absolutely unbearable.. but.. you had to push through.. for mitsuri.. for obanai.. for everyone..
You dragged yourself into an alley, one of muzans blows had hit you straight on the calf and now the entirety of it was gone. You bled everywhere, the burning sensation making you feel like you were on fire.
You ripped a part of your haori off, tying it above your knee to stop the bleeding. You then hoisted yourself up with the brick wall behind you, making the whole getting up process much easier.
You looked across from you only to see mitsuri and obanai, the two sharing a conversation which led Mitsuri to tears. You hated seeing your dear wife cry.. she was sensitive but to an extent..
You hopped on your working leg, making you look a bit goofy but it was whatever. “Y/N!!” Mitsuri yelled out happily, she was happy to see you but you saw in her eyes that she was in despair.
“Y/n.. you must take care of mitsuri while I battle muzan.. okay..? You two are in far worse conditions than me” you looked at obanai as if he had two heads. “You.. you can’t seriously be going out there to fight..! You must stay with us obanai!!” You now saw why mitsuri was crying as you felt warm tears drip down your cheeks.
“I.. I must make sure that muzan’s rain of terror comes to an end.. if I’m able to survive then I surely will come back to the both of you.. but for now you two must stay here with the kakushi” just as obanai was about to leave, you grabbed onto the sleeve of his haori.
“You can’t leave us obanai!! Please.. please don’t leave us..” you saw tears well up in obanai’s eyes, but he quickly blinked them away, gently ripping his sleeve away from you. “I’ll be back.. I promise you that” obanai took the hand he put your wedding ring on, giving it a loving kiss before he ran away.
You and mitsuri tried calling him back to no avail. He was going to defeat muzan and that was that. You held onto mitsuri as she cried into the crook of your neck.
You felt numb.. the pain you were experiencing was now (slightly) gone. You held mitsuri close to your chest, her ear connecting to your chest. Listening to the therapeutic beats of your heart.
You tilted your head to the right, watching as the night slowly turned into the morning. You no longer could hear the constant noise of muzan crazing into the ground/building as your brain was slowly shutting down, as if it was going to take a nap.
You then saw obanai make his way to you and mitsuri, your eyes wasted no time to start welling up with tears. “Obanai.. I’m so happy your back..” you quietly said, a smile grew on your face but was quickly shot down as you saw the state of obanai’s face.
“Obanai! Y-Your eyes!!” You wanted to move but you didn’t want to disturb mitsuri. “I’m fine my love.. are you and mitsuri okay..?” “Yes we are but.. her..” you paused for a bit, choking back tears “her heartbeat is slowing down..”
Obanai hummed, he felt around until his hand landed on yours. He then felt it up and down, wanting to cherish your touch. Kaburamaru slid onto obanai’s arm and began making his way to yours, his scales felt weird to say the least but you never made a big deal of them since you knew how much obanai’s snake meant to him.
Kaburamaru then perched himself around your neck, as if he was trying to give you a big hug (he wasn’t choking you or anything but he was applying a bit of pressure on your neck). You sniffled softly as you then grabbed obanai by the arm and pulled him into a tight hug with mitsuri in the middle.
“Ah… obanai.. your back..” mitsuris eyes fluttered open as she took in his once beautiful face. “Oh my.. obanai..” you saw tears prickling mitsuris eyes, she wanted to hold obanai’s face so bad.. but she couldn’t.
Obanai then took off his haori, draping it over mitsuris poor, cold body. “What a gentleman..” you chuckled as you then transferred mitsuri into iguro’s arms. Letting him be able to hold his love.
He couldn’t see her, but she knew that she was being looked down in love by the snake hashira. “Ah.. I don’t feel any pain so.. I guess I’m dying..” you saw the sparkle in mitsuris eyes slowly dull down.
“I’ll probably die soon too. You’re not alone” obanai held mitsuri closer, her head now pressing against his chest. “No.. don’t die yet.. I’m sorry I wasn’t much use in the fight..” mitsuri then began to cry once more.
“Don’t say that mitsuri..! You definitely did damage to that rotten man, your actions will go down in history..” y/n wrapped his arms around obanai’s and mitsuri. Embracing them in a tight, long hug.
“Please.. don’t leave me.. you two..” you sobbed silently with your head pressed against the middle of iguro’s chest. “Please y/n.. live your life as long as you can.. we may be gone, but remember that we’re always with you..” obanai started. “Yes n/n.. you must live and love without us.. but you’ll be fine.. when we are reborn.. we can all be together.. hand in hand.. and love once more..” Mitsuri said through choked sobbed.
You all held onto each other tightly, until the kakushi came around the corner and finally assisted you.
But when you tried removing yourself from obanai’s grip, you found yourself stuck. Turns out, his grip on you was so tight you ended up with a deep, dark bruise on your waist.
extra ending cs I’m feeling nice (*^ω^*)
You worked with your wife in the kitchen of your brand new diner you, your wife and husband had opened. You three could finally live in completion..
“Ah! It’s.. uh.. OH!! YOSHITERU!!” You called out to the boy across the street. His attention shifted to you, the glint already in his eyes glowing bigger.
“Wanna come over here and have a quick snack before school!?” You called out once more, just as he was about to answer, his face contorted into one of fear. Before he quickly shook his head and quickened his pace towards his school.
“Hm? Why’d he turn down the offer? He always gets a quick bite before going to school!” Mitsuri sounded quite sad, “do you know why he left iguro?” You saw your husband jump a bit before turning around and shaking his head, a bead of sweat slowly running down his temple.
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fleemotional · 3 months
What if Giyuu Tomioka was missioned to protect the new hospital for demons - part 1
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Cw : mention of murder, war, slight violence
At the end of the war, the world became a safer place. Still, the Demon Slayer Corps were active.
Many people infected by Muzan have remained demons after his death. Kiriya Ubuyashiki made it mandatory for them to register at a place named the Tamayo Hospital, created to protect and if possible, heal demons. It has three departments : redemption, humanization and reintegration.
The redemption room is kind of an Emergency Room. It welcomes demons in extreme conditions : violent, reluctant, mentally and physically ill ... It's mostly about restraining them to protect the outside world without having to kill them. The headmistress accompanies each demon individually in their first steps at recovery and self-forgiveness.
The humanization hospital, handled by Yushiro, is the biggest one. Once a demon is stable enough, they are sent here to follow a personalized course of treatment based on different drugs created by Tamayo and Yushiro during the war. The goal is to allow them control over their instincts, to get them used to ingesting as small amounts of blood as possible, make them resistant to sunlight and in the best cases, even be human once again."
The reintegration office is under the responsibility of Aoi. When demons are as stable as they can be, they receive a certificate from Master Ubuyashiki recognizing them as recovered demons. It allows them to go back to society and be protected by demon slayers like anyone, unless one day they relapse in which case they have to be brought back to the redemption wing as soon as possible, starting back from the beginning. But the redemption wing's staff will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening by providing jobs, housing, health care, advice and monitoring…
Remaining slayers are hunting down the last demons refusing to cooperate. They also have to protect the hospital, which is highly at risk as the war is still recent and the demons still at the beginning of their healing journey.
"- You called, Master.
- Giyuu. I'm sorry to ask for you in such times, while you are rightfully retired ... but I'm in desperate need of hashiras. I called back Sanemi,but he can't handle all the responsibilities alone. Tengen is helping as well, but he is expecting, I can't ask too much of him. The only one left is ... you.
- Ease your worries, Master. It will always be an honor to serve the Ubuyashiki family. Nonetheless, I'm afraid I won't be of any use."
Kiriya had a bitter smile.
"- You've always been so hard on yourself."
He paused, going back to his serious demeanor.
"- As you must already know, attacks are multiplying on the Tamayo hospital … from patients, outsiders, humans seeking revenge ... The very few people we sent there are underqualified and alone. Please, Giyu Tomioka, go to the hospital. Train every volunteer who wants to help ensure the safety of those who turned to us for help."
Giyuu arrived in front of the hospital's gate, where a young woman dressed smartly, with black hair tied in a high ponytail with a blue butterfly hair clip was waiting for him.
“- Hoy, Tomioka ! Welcome to Tamayo hospital. I'm so happy you agreed to come and help us !
- I did not agree to anything. I'm just here to visit.
- Good thing I'm here to show you the place, then.”
Aoi started walking towards the enormous building ahead of them, Giyuu followed her. They arrived at an entrance labeled “Kocho”.
“- This is the reintegration office.
Giyuu : You named it after Shinobu and Kanae.
- Yes. You'll soon realize everything in this hospital is a memorial. My wing is named Kocho. The humanization one is named after Tamayo, obviously, Yushiro wouldn't have it any other way. And the redemption room is named Tsutako.”
Giyuu froze. Aoi kept walking.
“- What ?”
Aoi turned around to notice he had stopped.
“- What “what” ?
- It’s named what ?
- Tsutako.”
He stayed silent for a minute. Utterly appalled. As if he had seen a ghost. Maybe he had.
“- Do you know why ?
- No, not really. It was someone very important to the headmistress.”
Before Giyuu could answer, a voice with annoyed undertones snapped hil out.
"- Tomioka Giyuu. What are you doing here ?”
Yushiro looked more worried than annoyed.
“Aoi : We were just visiting.
- Yushiro : What ? Why ? No. This is not a museum. People here need peace. Hashiras don't really inspire peace.
- Yushi, he is doing nothing wrong.
- You are retired, you should rest. You're free to go to the butterfly mansion if you want to help, but unless there is an emergency, I don't want you in my hospital."
Without further ado, Yushiro turned around and started walking away, Giyuu could not help but ask.
"- Why is it called Tsutako ?"
Yushiro stopped and turned around to look the water hashira in the eyes, defensive. He knows. He knows everything. He may know even more than Giyuu.
"- Who's the headmistress of the redemption room ?
- Why should I tell you ?
- Because that is the name of my dead sister.”
Yushiro approached Giyuu as a way to look menacing but he stood tall, holding his mistrustful glaze, unfazed.
“- I have seen one too many slayers coming around to meet with old acquaintances and making a fuss. You won't have the opportunity to do that.
- Is it Michinoko ?
- Get. Out.
- I can't. I am here on request of Master Ubuyashiki. I command and train security here until further notice.
- That means you accept the job ?
- Not now, Aoi.”
Yushiro brushed his hair back with a profound sight.
Obviously. Ubuyashiki had to send him. Out of anybody.
"- Then, you should know that your entire legacy as a hashira and war hero is going down if you hurt anyone here.
- I wasn't planning on it."
Yushiro seemed unconvinced by Giyuu's answer. He finally turned around and started to walk away again.
"- Dawn is approaching. Hope you had a good sleep yesterday, because this is the beginning of your first shift as head of security. Good luck.
Aoi, show him the way.
- Hoy !”
And just like that, Aoi and Giyuu went in the opposite direction of Yushiro. Rapidly, they end up in one of the gardens in between each wing. In the distance, they could hear music. As they were getting close to what Giyuu guessed as the redemption room, the music got louder and the scene started to appear.
In the grass were sat many people, cross-legged, eyes closed and in front of them, on a slightly raised stage, was a woman dressed in an white kimono with small colorful embroidered flowers on the edges. She was playing biwa and singing a soft lullaby. Her face was partially hidden by her long white hair and her eyes were closed.
Like a sixth sense, she instantly met Giyuu's gaze. At the sight of her deep black eyes, there was no doubt for him. It was her. Against all odds, their paths met once again.
The woman was stunned. She stood up, dropped her biwa on the stage and ran through the nearest door. A little woman, all dressed in white as well, rose on the stage while three others ran after their mistress.
"- I am sorry everyone. Please remain calm. Mistress Michinoko is not feeling well, so I'll take the lead until it is time to go back inside. Thank you for your understanding."
And just like that, the little one sat, took the biwa and continued the song.
"- Giyuu. What exactly have you done to Miss Michinoko ?"
The hashira didn't knew what to answer.
"- Oh ! The switch between night shift and day shift will happen any minute now, we have to go meet them on the first floor."
They entered a very long room which looked like an ER with many empty beds.
“- Soooo, this is where we receive first time patients. They stay here for as long as needed. When they decide to start the healing program, they get to have a room in the upper floors, when they become dangerous, they go down to the containment facility in the basement. That's all I know ... I don't come here very often."
Slowly, the patients who were sitting in the garden listening to music started to peacefully fill up the room. Everyone went back to their bed, quietly, until they were all set. The room had no windows, just two big wooden doors leading to the main entrance, where a few security guards were standing. Giyuu walked right to them. A nurse went and closed the doors behind him.
"- Hey. You are from the day shift ?
- Kind of. I'm Giyuu Tomioka, I will be the head of security from now on.
- Giyuu Tomioka ! As in Giyuu Tomioka, the Water Hashira !
- Yes.
- Woaaaaaw ...
- It's an honor, sir !
- What are you doing down here ? In this creepy rabid asylum …
- Trying to make it a less creepy rabid asylum.
- Ha ! Good luck with that !
- It's time for us to go but there is 2 hours of common training in the afternoon. We'll see you there !"
Giyuu nodded in acknowledgement.
The whole day had passed without any new appearances of Michinoko, without anything special actually. As Kiriya had warned Giyuu, half of his team are incompetent but he already knows how he will manage to make them decent. Apparently, having eliminated the king of demons is enough to have their respect and attention at all times, which is pretty convenient for now.
The sun was disappearing in the horizon, Giyuu hadn't slept since he arrived. I was getting ready to leave his post.
"- Help ! Please ! Help us !"
Giyuu was instantly alert. A small woman, probably around 60, was running toward the main entrance.
"- It's my son ! Please ! Take in my son !"
Before anyone was able to react, an enraged 6 feet tall demon bursted in the courtyard of the Redemption wing. Few humans, probably of his family, were running after him, desperately trying to stop him from harming anything or anyone. He was unhinged. Giyuu and 3 of his students ran to them.
The ex-hashira, with the advantage of surprise, made the demon fall by kicking him in the knees.
"- Grab his arms ! Hold him to the ground ! "
Everyone who was here to help did as told while Giyuu grabbed the demon from behind, holding his katana still in its sheath against his throat.
He wasn't really strong, maybe a bit big but that's it. The real struggle for Giyuu was to handle a demon without killing him. What were they supposed to do now ? Hold on until he calmed down ? He was only more angry now that he was restrained.
Suddenly, the demon stopped growling, and Giyuu distinguished a soothing voice singing behind the sliding doors.
It was her.
Michinoko took the time to pass by every occupied bed, and softly caressed each patient's feet as she was walking through the aisle.
The doors opened for her. She walked calmly to the demon facing her, still singing, while his family and other caregivers were still trying to hold him still. She finally arrived at their level, and softly put her hand on the cheek of her new resident.
"- Hello, friend. It is such an honor to meet you. I am highly impressed. You managed to get back to your family and let them bring you here after regaining consciousness. It is proof that your humanity never left you. It is a gift."
There was silence. The demon stopped resisting. Tears started to flood his eyes. Michinoko took a few steps back as if she already knew the mother was coming to hug him.
"- My son ! Oh, my son ! You're here ! You're finally here !"
As the woman was crying from relief after years of suffering, Michinoko made a sign to the caregivers inside the wing to come and get the demon. The guards let go of him.
"- Miss, what is his name ?
- Subiko !
- All right. We will now take him in. I will allow one person to stay with him.
- Me ! It will be me. It's my baby ...
- Then, up we go."
Michinoko helped the mother to get up, while the caregivers helped the son, and all of them started to walk back into the redemption wing.
Giyuu, still a little shaken up, was just standing there doing nothing. He couldn't bear her coming this close to him and leaving like nothing happened.
"- Michinoko !”
The tall woman stopped and signed to her team to keep up and go inside.
“- I am sorry, Giyuu. I am not ready to talk to you. I don't know when I will be."
She went silent, visibly uncertain. She finally decided to turn and face Giyuu.
"- You won't be forced to stay here by anyone, not even your Master ... but please ... I am begging you ... teach my people how to protect this place like you did tonight."
Giyuu tried holding her gaze, but caved in. It was too heavy. Too many emotions. He had no choice but to distance himself from the situation.
"- I will, Mistress. I will."
A slight smile lit up her face.
"- Go ask Yushiro for appartements in the main tower. He is not allowed to refuse you anything."
Giyuu woke up to screams in the room above him. An attack ? In the main tower ? Where only the staff reside ?
Without thinking more, as head of security, Giyuu grabbed his katana before sprinting up the stairs. He easily found the room from which the noises were coming. The door was slightly opened. He peeked inside, Yushiro was standing a few feet from him, looking inside the room while the four little women Giyuu had seen with Michinoko yesterday were around him, all talking at the same time.
"- I am sorry Master, it came out of nowhere !
- She hid it well.
- No patient noticed though.
- She finished healing the new patient, and ran to her room.
- But it was too late for us to calm her down."
Was it the room of Michinoko ?.
"- Arh! Alright ! Michi ! Come here !"
A long distorted scream came from one corner of the room. It was hard to distinguished from where Giyuu stood, but there was someone.
Suddenly, the shadow moved and threw itself on Yushiro, knocking him to the ground. He immediately recognized the long white hair. It was Michinoko. She was in crisis.
Giyuu subconsciously placed his hand on the tang of his katana, but Yushiro rapidly rose on his knees and grabbed his assailant in what seemed to be a very aggressive hug.
"- Hey. Hey. It's okay, Michi. Snap out of it."
She was screaming and fighting his embrace.
"- Kaya, sedative."
One of the little girl nodded and ran to a small cabinet near the bed in which she found the medecine in a syringe. She approached Michinoko without any hesitation and administered it. They all seemed surprisingly used to all this.
The headmistress kept fighting for a bit until she exhausted herself. Then, she started to cry in Yushiro's arms. Her distorted screams became understable sobs.
“- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry …
- Yup. It is a really dumb thing you just did. Pushing yourself into such a crisis ? Come on, we are way past that now, aren't we ?
- Yes, but, you know, ... he ...
- I know, Kyaroru. I know.”
Slowly but surely, Michinoko calmed down. Yushiro stayed with her until she fell asleep. Giyuu couldn't move. He kept staring at the scene until eventually, Yushiro opened the door on him.
“- YOU ! Of course you !”, he loudly whispered
The healer closed the door behind him and grabbed the hashira by the arm, dragging him down the stairs, away from Michinoko's room.
"- You talked to her, didn't you ?
- I ... I'm sorry.
- What do you want from her ? Explanations ? Apologies ?
- No, I …
- I can give this to you. She was turned into a demon and she killed your sister. When she regained her will, she fled and hid herself from everyone until Tamayo found her. She was the second known demon freed from Muzan, and she has helped us with the sick ever since.
- I …
- She forgave herself for the murder of Tsutako. Your sister sacrificed herself to protect you, it was an honorable gesture and made Michi snap out of Muzan's influence. She will forever be grateful to her, and that's was she named her wing after her. What Michi never accepted, what still haunts her to this day is how she could attack you in the first place. You who only ever showed kindness and understanding. How could she attack you and then let everyone think you were a deranged liar for accusing her ?
- It wasn't her fault, she was infected !
- Don't you think she knows that ? If it was that easy, we wouldn't have a whole hospital dedicated to redemption and forgiveness.”
Giyuu starred at nothing, speechless.
“- She will talk to you when she is ready. IF she is ever ready. Until then, I advise you to focus on your mission. You are needed here. And protecting this hospital is also protecting her.”
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Visions of her (Sun breathing prodigy au) (The fire god festival arc)
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Okay, this was actually drawn last night, but it was way too late & I was way too lazy, so I'm posting it now
For my first time drawing Akeno, that isn't too bad. Cuz she is so prettyyyyyyyy Yes, I see her having a peach colored lipstick, don't judge me
& I also LOVE how I drew Koku's hair, cuz his ponytail looks so incredible 💜💜💜
Okay, so I have a couple scene redraws planned for the events that happen before this so you guys can understand why Koku looks so beat up, so I won't explain EVERYTHING in this post & just do that in the next two (Both from KNY s2, BTW. One with Tanjiro, & one with Daki & Hinatsuru). But, all I can say is it's Ryuko/Kurayami's fault
Anyways, when Koku got out, Tamayo & Yushiro went to see what the hell happened & saw him there His demon regeneration is getting slower due to less blood intake, so the more extreme a wound is, the longer it takes to heal. These are only some bleeding & scrapes from some glass, but it's not like it's going to be quick healing. That & his very unique demon state, too
Anyways, Tamayo was fixing up some wounds that have yet to heal, & as she does, Koku gets a vision of Tamayo as Akeno. Now that he remembered some of her by now, being her appearance & 20% of her face, he's beginning to see alot of his mom in Tamayo (Like how Nezuko sees Kie in her)
So, for that reason alone, & also just because of how he treats him with so much care, he's becoming pretty attached to her. It's really starting to feel like he's got his mom back in someway
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love them & this au so much ----------------------------------------------------
Lady Tamayo, Kokushibo, & Akeno Tsugikuni from: Demon slayer
Demon slayer by: Koyoharu Gotouge
Au by: Me
Au inspiration by: lqvezero on C.AI
Do not steal, trace or copy.
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demonslayedher · 1 year
I feel like there’s always been a lot of “what-if” questions with KnY, but the biggest one for me is What if Muzan never became a demon? Either by the doctor having successfully curing his illness without demonifying him or if he died early as expected, how would that have changed the course of the character’s history?
--His wives are free from his abuse, the doctor is sad he failed but he goes on to treat many good people, the Ubuyashiki mission-oriented branch of their noble clan doesn't even go on to exist because they just go along their normal merry noble way.
--Tamayo does wind up dying from her illness, but peacefully surrounded by her beloved family. Yushiro later dies, but more pissed off about it.
--Yoriichi and Uta live happily ever after. The Kamados move into an abandoned house down the road and their descendants are fruitful and forever happy neighbors. There was one time when Yoriichi was away looking for a midwife that Uta was almost killed by a wild animal, but a swordsman out there in the quiet of nature practicing his family's flame inspired sword techniques saves her, and he and his family also also become good friends of the Mt. Kumotori simple folk.
--Michikatsu goes on to have an illustrious samurai career and have illustrious descendents. Muichiro and Yuichiro therefore live in the city and go to a fancy private school where they are popular geniuses. It goes to their heads sometimes, though.
--Douma eventually dies an old cult leader without many complaints. Hakuji committed terrible acts, but he was then adopted by a new master, a swordman named Rengoku, who guided him in doing the work to amend his ways. Lots of very angry meditation before Hakuji ever finds enough peace with himself to enjoy gardening and tending koi ponds again.
--Gyutaro and Daki do indeed meet a sad end, but they meet a hypnotist who at least lets them see happy dreams as they die. They get reincarnated into kinder circumstances, albeit Gyutaro always feels a lot of jealousy for people who have things better than him and he'll probably bring about his own downfall again unless Ume steps in and stops him, because she knows he's kinder than that.
--Himejima has a happy family life with his orphans, and remains skin and bones. He eventually had to kick Kaigaku out for causing trouble, though. Himejima cried a lot over having the do that.
--Kaigaku is adopted by an old man who takes him in to train him in... say... electricity. Yes, Jiichan is now the Japanese Nicola Tesla and wants to make Kaigaku into a brilliant scientist. He recruits Zenitsu for the same task and Kaigaku is jealous. Zenitsu gets zapped in the lab.
--Urokodaki was a regular Edo ronin. After the Meiji Restoration, he started an orphanage. Makomo still lives there happily, Sabito has grown up and, uh, joined the military. Because Giyuu is so influenced by his childhood friend he winds up doing the same. Tsutako is happily married.
--Inosuke's out there doing his forest thing but eventually finds himself on the neighboring mountain making friends with the Tsugikuni and Kamado kids. This was after a brief stint being adopted by Himejima, but Himejima was too weak-willed in nicely asking Inosuke to behave, and he was heartbroken with worry when Inosuke wandered off. He saw Inosuke more like a stray cat than a human child.
--The Kochou girls attend a fancy school, Kanae has lots of offers for marriage but Shinobu is disinterested. They came across a girl on a bridge who was getting taken into slavery and brought her home. Aoi, having been sent away from her family home to do domestic work so as to earn money for her family (as was common in the day), works in the Kochou home. Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho happily grow up in their own families and are squeamish at the sight of blood, what with the lack of having to be exposed to it.
--Mitsuri's family takes a vacation out for an island holiday. Mitsuri was hoping for a romantic encounter but finds it odd that there are so many women. While starving herself and she gets dizzy and wanders off and gets hopelessly lost until she encounters a boy with a snake around his shoulders and two different eye colors, in a total separate part of the vacation mansion. He's alarmed that she's so faint and gives her the rich food he didn't have the stomach to touch, she comes back to life and cheerfully thanks him, and then they start chatting, and she's the best thing that's ever come into his sheltered rich boy world, and they have a whirlwind romance which involves her courageously using her strength to beat off his family and free him to join her on the mainland so that they can live happily ever after.
--Uzui and wives become vigilantes. Flamboyant vigilantes. Uzui leans into this personality and the newspaper are always filled with the latest exploits of that mysteriously flamboyant man, taking down corrupt officials and beating up criminals in back alleys. Nezuko is a huge fan and on a long awaited and saved-up for trip to try to meet him, she finds herself in trouble (it's easy to get disoriented in the big city, after all), and Zenitsu comes to her rescue and tazors the perps. It's love at first sight for both of them, and they start a long-distance letter writing relationship. Tanjiro is concerned that this boy Nezuko is writing to might be embellishing things.
--Life's been a lot better for the Shinazugawas since their pops got stabbed. The children have all started earning money once they're old enough, but Sanemi wants them to continue their educations, so he joins the military. He winds up getting in fights with Giyuu and Sabito but eventually they all become friends. Genya eventually tries to join too once the younger kids need less care and looking after, but Sanemi doesn't take kindly to that. Kanae becomes a volunteer nurse in the military and meets them all this way.
--In case it's not clear, the Rengoku family maintains the generations of bonds so Kyojuro and Senjuro and Shinjuro pay regular visit to Mt. Kumotori. Kyojuro teaches Tanjiro kendo.
--One day Tanjiro is strolling around the mountain and he sees mysterious blue spider lilies. "Those are nice," he says, and then no one ever pays a second thought to the flowers ever again.
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smolchildlevy · 2 years
Hii!! Can you write a Yushiro x F!Reader please! Scenario- Yushiro and Reader just got in a fight about how sometimes that he gets to closer for reader’s comfort to Lady Tamayo, if you do write it can it be some kind of smut? 😏 If not you can choose how it ends! Like does she forgive him or will he have to apologize to her first???
Ooo I’d love to! That’s actually a really good prompt too so ty for the amazing idea!! 🫶
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Too Close for Comfort
Yushiro x F!Reader
Warnings: little angst, arguing, v suggestive at the end lmao, established relationship, Yushiro being clueless for a lot of it-
A/N: Maybe I can do a part 2? Only if u want it ofc
Request/Ask here!
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Sometimes, Yushiro’s relationship with Tamayo can seem to be blurred between friendship and more in your eyes.
He seemed to always be around her, when not with you.
Which led you to where you guys are now.
“No nickname? What did I do?” He questions, clueless as ever.
“What did you do, huh? Hmm well let’s see. Maybe it’s the fact you’re getting wayy too close to Tamayo to call yourselves ‘just friends’ recently.”
“Y/N-“ He sighs
“I don’t wanna hear it.. If you want to be with her, then just go.” You tear up but you don’t let it out.
He starts to try and say something, but you walk out. You didn’t wanna cry in front of him now.
He is stunned by the accusation, and he doesn’t know why you could possibly think that he likes her that way.
You go to your room, putting your head in your hands and letting some tears slip out.
Meanwhile, Yushiro is trying to come up with a way to apologize to you for his cluelessness.
Then the perfect idea comes to mind.
He asks Tamayo if he could have the rest of the day off of everything to be with you.
She agrees to it, smiling to him and letting him know that it’s okay for him to ask for time off (of research and stuff) whenever.
He thanks her and heads to your room, knowing you’re more than likely there.
You’d stopped crying now, you’re just sitting there with your thoughts.
Which was interrupted by Yushiro knocking on your door.
“Come in..” you say.
The door creaks open. He walks inside and shuts the door behind him.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I made you think I didn’t love you.” He walks up to you and sits next to you.
Then, he turns his body to be further on the bed, and faces you directly, legs crossed.
You do the same, and now you’re knee to knee. You were willing to hear him out, since he sounded so sincere.
He gently grabs your right hand in both of his hands and looks you directly in the eye.
“The reason I’m always with her isn’t because I like her, it’s because we are getting really close to completing some important research.”
“I would never leave the woman I hold so dear to me. I’m sorry I made you think otherwise.”
You tear up again, this time letting it happen.
He was telling the truth. He really does love you more than anything.
You hug him tightly, to which he returned the warm embrace, and kisses your head.
Then after a bit, you pull back and he takes your face in his hands and uses his thumb to wipe off any excess tears.
You smile at the sweet gesture.
“There’s that smile I adore.” He smiles as well.
You blushed at the comment.
His hand goes to your knee. “Y/N, could I, maybe, show you just how much I love you and only you?” He asks as his hand goes a little higher up your thigh.
You get more flustered, “Y-Yes..”
He grins as he moves forward on his knees to kisses you with as much passion as possible.
Then, his kisses get lower, and lower.
He wasn’t going to let you leave now until you get it in your head that he’s madly in love with you and that you are his, and he is yours.
Part 2 (on my other acc) @silvermarley
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rubylarkspur22 · 3 months
So I am finally writing the coprotag Nezuko outline
Nezuko is fully self aware when she wakes from her long nap, during Tanjirou´s training. She has vague memories of her family but remembers everything since she became a demon. She meets Urokodaki and he explains the details of her and her brother´s situation. While waiting for Tanjirou to return she and Urokodaki experiment with her condition (they quickly figure out that she regains her energy by sleeping and that while she can eat normal human food, she gains almost nothing by doing so). Urokodaki also makes her a mask.
Afterwards the plot mostly follows cannon, expect more brother sister interaction, until Tamayo. Nezuko starts learning about her condition from Tamayo (and basics of hand to hand from Yushiro) and even borrows a medical textbook in hopes of better understanding how her demonic body works.
Let´s just say that Zenitsu and Inosuke won´t leave exactly best impressions during their first meeting, but they grow on her eventually.
In the spider forest I consider having her face against the spider sister, but the fight against Rui goes the same it does in cannon. The trial mostly follows cannon as well, with the major change being Nezuko ranting at the Hashira the whole time (especially Saneimi). While the 3 stooges recover Nezuko starts practicing swordfighting (but not breathing techniques yet), so she can pick up the slack if Tanjirou is downed.
Train arc goes more or less according to cannon (sorry Rengoku).
During rld Nezuko still goes berserk, Tanjirou still has to stop her, but she regains sense much quicker (basically immediately after Tanjirou starts to hold her). Then she interrupts Gyutaro during his talk with Tanjirou (and even copies his ranged blood attacks with her exploding blood and Tanjirou´s sword). Gyutoro taunts her that she doesn´t have the energy to protect her brother because she doesn´t eat people.
Swordsmith village is a more Nezuko centric arc, with this being the first time she interacts with a larger amount of regular humans who are aware of her conditions and her parallels to Genya. And on the topic of Genya, she actually teaches him how better exploit his abilities, while he teaches her repetitive action. After she gains immunity to the sun, she might at first think she died and that´s why she can suddenly walk in the sun.
During the pillar training arc she might finally start learning a breathing style and continues helping Genya train.
During infinity fortress she helps in the Kokushibou fight and helps mitigate the causalities in that fight (Genya lives!). She might end up joining Muzan fight as well (demon Tanjirou vs demon Nezuko), but I also had the idea of Sanemi stabbing her with the cure, because preventing Muzan from getting his hands on her takes priority. Ending will be mostly the same as in cannon maybe some additional characters survive.
On the topic of Zenitsu, I don´t think Nezuko would be willing to enter a relationship, while she is still a demon, but with her being aware, there might be more chemistry between them.
Also there might be alternate infinity fortress fights such as Mituri and Obanai fighting Akaza and Giyu joining Douma fight.
I love it! I'll have notes below the cut!
Nezuko getting an extra grandpa in Urokodaki while they experiment with her wonky biology, we love to see it!
Tamayo sees this child, and you know she's confused af. She needed a minute to process. But I definitely love the idea of her giving Nezuko some notes to work with!
Nezuko, looking from her brother to the pair of wack-o's he unintentionally adopted: Really?
Hear me out. Nezuko initially squares up on the sister, but her Tanjirou's in Deep S*** Senses start tingling. Rui thinks he's won, only to get dive bombed by a protective demon sister.
Sanemi is gonna need a minute to process, and some aloe for the burns Nezuko dished out. And she definitely cussed at at least one Hashira.
Rest in Peace, Rengoku Kyojurou!
Yes! Demon Sibling Square Up!
Not Evil Demon Sibling Tag Team! The demons are in trouble!
Heck, yeah!
Yay! Genya lives! Why do I see Sanemi waking up post-Kokushibo, and looking at Nezuko for a minute, confusing everyone? Then he pulls a syringe out of no one knows where and does not hesitate to ram it into her shoulder. 'Cause it took a good few hours to work in canon, iirc. So imagine she and DKT turn back at the exact same time.
This gives them time to actually establish a relationship! Early days definitely featured some good ol' fashioned suplexing.
Ooh! Fun!
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
I’m going to be doing a HUGE art project over the next couple months (idk how long it’ll take 😥) this idea came from @boo-simplified
I’m going to be redrawing every manga cover from KNY.
yes I know it’s a lot, and that I will want to give up really quickly. I will be taking any breaks from this project as I need them but I will try to get it completely done.
This is the order in which I will be drawing the manga covers! 😋
11- Nezuko full form
21- Tamayo and Yushiro
16- Kagaya and Amane
13- Genya
10- Tanjiro
23- Tanjiro and Nezuko #2
18- Kanao
6- Shinobu
19- Obanai 🥰
9- Tengen
22- Muzan full form
12- Muichiro (I swear that I didn’t do that on purpose)
20- Yoriichi
5- Giyuu
7- Inosuke
17- Sanemi
4- Inosuke and Tanjiro
8- Kyojirou
15- Gyomei
14- Mitsuri
1- Tanjiro and Nezuko #1
3- Tanjiro and Zenitsu
2- Tanjiro and Muzan
that’s all! I will do the same thing as Boo where I will post the sketch when it’s finished and then the final rendered piece when it’s finished
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kyojurismo · 1 year
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→ you must be 17+ to follow me as i produce and interact with nsfw content.
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→ i’m shy and really awkward most of the time, but i enjoy interacting and sharing opinions w others, so you can hit my inbox whenever you like !! i’d like to make a couple of friends here hehe.
DEMON SLAYER: kamaboko squad | the hashira ( including kanae ) | yoriichi tsugikuni | muzan kibutsuji | upper moons ( except kaigaku ) | enmu | kyogai | lady tamayo | yushiro | hinatsuru, makio & suma uzui | koyuki | dilfs edition?
INUYASHA: inuyasha | kagome higurashi | sango | miroku | sesshomaru | kikyo
JUJUTSU KAISEN: yuji itadori | megumi fushiguro | nobara kugisaki | maki zenin | toge inumaki | yuta okkotsu | noritoshi kamo | satoru gojo | suguru geto | nanami kento | toji fushiguro | ryomen sukuna | choso
MY HERO ACADEMIA: izuku midoriya | katsuki bakugo | shoto todoroki | eijiro kirishima | ochaco uraraka | denki kaminari | tsuyu asui | kyoka jiro | fumikage tokoyami | tamaki amajiki | hitoshi shinso | shota aizawa ( eraser head ) | nemuri kayama ( midnight ) | emi fukukado ( ms. joke ) | keigo takami ( hawks ) | rumi usagiyama ( mirko ) | yu takeyama ( mt. lady ) | kaina tsutsumi ( lady nagant ) | toya todoroki ( dabi ) | himiko toga | atsuhiro sako ( mr. compress )
SPYxFAMILY: loid forger | yor forger
★﹒YES & NOs
I WRITE: fluff | angst | hurt | comfort | smut | female, male & gender neutral readers | modern au | dom!reader | yandere | child!reader | headcanons | short & long fics
I DON’T WRITE: non-con | incest | pedophilia & big age gaps | specific reader ( unless it’s from an emergency request & i feel like i’m able to write for it ) | bullying & abuse from the characters | a/b/o au | eating disorders | suicide
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justagamerandaweeb · 6 months
Sweet - Tamayo x Reader
18+ MDNI
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Part 2 of Worth
"(Y/N), could you pass me that syringe over there?" Lady Tamayo said. You nodded and started to walk to the counter filled with medical supplies. You grabbed the syringe and stood still while looking at it.
Ever since that night happened with you and Lady Tamayo, you couldn't stop thinking about it.
Every time you came near her, you would always act flustered around her and she would be oblivious about you acting like this around her.
Of course, you wanted to tell her about what happened that night, but would always beat around the bush rather than straight up telling her. "(Y/N)?"
You snapped back to reality when you heard Tamayo call you out. "Oh, right. Sorry." You walked back to Tamayo and gave her the syringe.
You sat next to her and watched her put the needle in the small container and puts the syringe in the unconscious person's vein.
She puts her hand on the person's forehead and realizes that their head is getting cooler and the medicine was taking effect. She puts the person's arm back under the covers and gets up to put the medical supplies back.
You got up and walked with Lady Tamayo. As you were walking with her, you were pacing back and forth in your mind about what you were going to say. "What should I do? Should I be blunt and tell her or should I try to say it by giving her hints about it? Damnit, I hate it whenever I feel like this towards her."
"U-Umm, Lady Tamayo?" You said as she stopped walking and turns around. "What is it, (Y/N)?"
You felt a lump in your throat preventing you from speaking. You cleared your throat and struggled to speak a sentence. "Do your-remember when we... Umm... Can we talk somewhere private?"
"Okay." That was all Tamayo said before she softly grabs your hand and walks you downstairs. She opens the door to a room that you have never seen before, you didn't know there was another room. "Lady Tamayo, what is this?"
"It's a room that I have if demons come try and find us." She said as she closes the door behind her. "So, what did you want to talk to me for?"
Your heart started to pound as you felt your entire body temperature rise. "U-Umm, do you remember that night, when you told Yushiro to find that Demon Slayer?"
"Yes, I do."
"A-And when you..." A lump caught in your throat again so you cleared your throat the second time. "...when you kissed me and we almost..."
It didn't take long for Lady Tamayo to connect the pieces to what you were trying to say. She knew what you were referring to when you struggled to form a single sentence.
She puts her hand on your shoulder and you shivered. "I know what you're talking about, (Y/N), and I understand why you get so flustered around me."
"T-Then, why did you act so unaware when I was acting so flustered around you?"
She then leans in towards your face and kisses your lips, leaving you shaken. "Because I was waiting until you were ready to do this."
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. You were completely speechless from what was happening. Before you could even process what was happening, Tamayo softly cupped your cheeks and leaned in to kiss you again. Her soft lips touching yours made you blush even redder.
You felt your legs shaking and you were about to collapse when you felt Tamayo's arms wrap around you. She disconnects the kiss and said, "Careful, (Y/N). You don't wanna hurt yourself by collapsing on the floor. Here, let me." She started to bring your body down until you were both on the floor.
Her body was on top of yours. Her soft hand was cupping your cheek and she says in a soft tone, "The last time we did this, I was touching you without permission. This time, I want to make sure you are comfortable with doing this. Do you wanna do this with me?"
Your heart was beating so fast, that it felt like it was gonna burst out of your chest. You tried to breathe slowly to reduce your heart from beating so fast until it became a normal pace.
You wrapped your arm around Tamayo's neck and said, "Please, touch me. I want you to touch me." And made her lean in towards you to kiss her.
Her hand started to go through your kimono and started to softly fondle with your breast. You softly groaned as you felt her hand touching your sensitive breast.
She stops kissing you and said, "Are you okay?"
You nodded and responded, "Yes, p-please, don't stop." And softly moaned as you felt both of her hands touching your breasts.
Your hand was moving on its own and cupped Tamayo's cloth-covered breast. She gasped and you immediately jolted your hand back. "S-Sorry! It just felt right..." You said as you were trying to avoid eye contact with her, but your eyes kept darting back at her.
Tamayo smirks from how flustered you were and started to pan her hand down to the tie of your kimono, but stopped herself and grabbed your jaw.
"Can I untie your kimono?" She softly asked you in a quiet and gentle tone. You shyly nodded and she started to untie the layers of your kimono.
Once she took off the last layer, she grabs the rims of your kimono and slowly started to take it off, revealing your body to her.
Your breath was quietly shaking as you felt Tamayo's hands feel down your naked body. "Your body feels tense, (Y/N). Try to relax your body."
"I-I'm sorry, I can't help it. I-It's just that your hands are so soft... And your so... beautiful..." Tamayo pecks your lips before she started to twirl your tongue around your nipple, making you gasp and moan as she does so.
"L-Lady Tamayo..." You softly said as Tamayo fondles your breast and sucks the other one. You groaned as you close your eyes, and put your hand on the back of her head while she was sucking your breast.
You felt her tongue twirling around your areola and that made your breath hitch and let out a quiet moan. She suddenly stops and you said, "W-Why'd you stop?"
She then stood up and started to untie her kimono, making the face on your face redden. "I want you to do the same to me." She said as she took off the last layer of her kimono and was completely naked.
Your eyes widened at how beautiful she was. Her entire body was a beautiful pale white, and her thighs were a perfect mix between lean and thick, and her breasts were also the perfect mix of not too big, nor not too small, with light pink areolas.
"W-Wow..." Was all you said while you were astonished by her body. Her hand gestured for you to stand your body up and you complied. You both were sitting in front of each other, both of your bodies completely revealed.
"S-Should I... U-Umm..." You were stammering your words since you were too flustered to pronounce a sentence. You then felt Tamayo's hand touching your wrist and she puts your hand on her breast. "It's okay, you can touch me." She then leaned into you and connected her lips with you.
Your eyes began to close while kissing her, you started to move your hand and started to fondle your breast. She quietly groans as she felt your hand touching her, making her hands feel your back.
You both stopped kissing with blushes on your faces and Tamayo says, "Can you do anything else other than touch me?" She said as she was continuing to touch your back.
You look at her breasts and see that her nipples started to get erect. You touched her nipples and that made Tamayo's breath hitch. You immediately retracted your hand but Tamayo quickly grabbed it and said, "N-No, keep going, please."
You went back to kissing her as you start to lightly twist her nipple with your fingers. She moans as you fondle her breast, and twist her nipple. You stopped kissing her as a thin line of spit stretched between you two. You look down at her breast and back at her before you leaned your head down and started to suck on it.
She gasps as she felt your warm mouth sucking on her nipple and started to stroke your hair. "G-Good girl..." She whispered.
She wraps her arms around you as you twirl your tongue around her nipple while fondling her breast with your right hand. Tamayo started to feel a tingling feeling between her thighs and started to rub both of them against each other.
You stopped sucking her breast and were about to suck her other one until you heard Tamayo say, "Stop..."
You look up at her and said "W-Whats wrong? Did I... Did I mess up something?"
She shook her head. "No, you did a good job, I just want to... Do this...."
"Do what?" You asked her and she didn't answer you. She then put her hands on your shoulders and started to push you down to the floor.
You were about to speak but Tamayo stopped you by putting her lips on yours. You whimpered as you felt her tongue twirling around yours, french kissing you. She stops and looks at you with her enchanting lavender eyes. "T-Tamayo, what are you... doing?"
She cups your cheek and said, "I want to make you feel good, but I want the same in return." She turns her body around where she sits on you with her back facing you. She then laid down on her stomach to show her wet cunt to you, making the blush on your face redden harder and your heart beat faster.
"I want you to lick it, and I'll do the same... Okay?"
"O-Okay..." You took your thumbs to spread her lips open to reveal her wet pink insides and closed your eyes to lick her pussy.
She moans and whimpers as she felt your tongue licking her wet pussy. She leans down to your pussy and started to lick it as well, making you gasp and groan. You continued to lick her wet slit as your legs were lightly trembling from Tamayo licking your part.
You wrapped your arms around Tamayo's thighs and started to lick her pussy a little more passionately. Sticking your tongue inside her, sucking her juices, basically eating her out.
Tamayo groans as she felt your tongue enter inside her from time to time. She then started to flick her tongue on your clit and then made you make a sound that sound yelp. She stops and looks under herself to say, "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah... Keep g-going..." She then went back to licking your clit and your slit. You rubbed your tongue up and down on her lips to the point it was making lewd wet noises that sounded so vulgar.
She then stuck her tongue inside you and started to move her tongue around you and your legs started to tremble more. A few minutes went by and you felt something forming in your stomach and it was getting tighter and tighter as time went on.
You stopped and said, "T-Tamayo, I-I'm gonna!" She takes her tongue out and your body went limp. She sits up and looks back at you to see you panting heavily with your eyes closed. She gets off of you and lays down next to you and cups your cheek.
You open your eyes to see Tamayo laying next to you with a blush and a smirk on her face. "How do you feel, (Y/N)? Did you enjoy that experience we had?"
You nodded. "Y-Yes, but, we didn't finish. S-Shouldn't we end it while we still have time?" You said with a shy tone in your voice. Tamayo giggles and says, "Yeah, you are right. You were close, and I was too. So, how about we finish this way..." She scoots close to you and you felt her wet pussy grinding on your thigh.
"And I make you finish this way..." Her hand goes down your body and her fingers enter inside you, making you gasp and moan from her moving fingers. She then kisses your lips as you close your eyes and wrap your arms around her.
She cups your cheek with her left hand and closes her eyes. Feeling her pussy grinding against your thigh while she fingers you made this moment so much more intimate than it was before.
You both started to whimper as you both got closer and closer to your climaxes from making each feel good until the knot in both of your stomachs snapped.
You clenched your insides all over Tamayo's fingers as you came and covered your juices all over her fingers while Tamayo was gushing her juices all over your thigh to the point it was leaking down to the floor.
You both stopped kissing and looked at each other with half-lidded eyes and blushes on your faces, both of you breathing heavily as you were both coming off your highs. "That was... amazing..." You tirelessly said to Tamayo.
"Yes, it was... Are you okay, honey? Did feel good?" You nodded to her and said, "It felt incredible, Lady Tamayo." She kissed your forehead and puts your head against her chest. "I'm glad you felt that way, (Y/N). If you ever need to do something like this again, don't be afraid to tell me, okay?"
You slowly nodded. "W-Wait, w-what about Yushiro? How would he feel about this?"
"This will only be a thing between us. I promise. I'll make sure he doesn't find out. Now rest, and regain your energy for tomorrow."
"O-Okay..." Your eyes started to get heavy and your brain started to shut down until you went to sleep. She kisses your hair and says, "Good night, my sweet (Y/N)." Before she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
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tuliharja · 8 months
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation episode 12 & 13 review
It’s double review time for the last episodes of Bleach!
Man, the last two episodes were truly exciting ones with all the action from Zero Squad! I'm glad the animators, director, etc. decided to fully dedicate the two last episodes to Zero Squad. They all have their glorious moments which unfortunately didn't happen in the manga, so I'm glad in the manga they did.
But if anyone was badass, it was Senjumaru! So happy to finally see a badass female taking down multiple baddies in one well swoop! But if we backtrack a bit, it was still awesome to see each Zero Squad member fighting. While they were obviously playing with their Schutzstaffel (Elite/Imperial Guards) opponents (plus with Jugram and Uryuu too), it was still interesting they gave so much room for the Quincies to feel that sense of being at the top.
I think everybody can agree upon the fact Zero Squad had some interesting powers that suited well against their opponents.
It was nice how Kirio proved a stage to their battles, but in the end, also joined into the fighting mix.
Oetsu and Kirinji were both badass and while it looked like a moment Oetsu's game would be over, Kirinji proved himself as a top healer with his abilities. Which was a good thing when going against Askin.
Though the fact when Zero Squad members decided who should go against all the Elite Guards, I couldn't help but snort slightly as they sacrificed themselves to give the full power to one member reminded me of Yhwach stealing all 'non-worthy' Quincies abilities/lives... yet the difference in that was the sole fact the Zero Squad members agreed on that and made it willingly, unlike Yhwach's poor subordinates.
The fact that Yhwach just used all the Quincies below the Royal Palace (at Seireitei) as a stepping stone for him and his Elite Guards to buff it felt bad. Like yes, technically, Yhwach gave them all their powers (as far as I've understood things), but taking those and their lives? Yeah, I think if the Quincies had all known the full details of 'that' deal, they wouldn't have agreed upon it.
The pure rage and disbelief we saw on Liltotto's, Bazz-B's and Giselle's faces summarised quite well what most Quincies probably felt when they had to sacrifice themselves for their majesty.
And all for nothing, as Ichibe turned out to be too powerful toward Yhwach, even when he was at his peak... However, the fact that Ichibe named/made Yhwach a black ant made me chuckle for the future. Because if you didn't know, ants are actually very OP insects, despite the popular belief...
As a side note, Hiyori's comment at the beginning of episode 12 toward Urahara made me wonder why he is still so loyal to Seireitei. I get that it was his home for a long time and Urahara probably understands far better things than most of people, but I think Hiyori's musings were still valid. He would rather sacrifice his best friend (Yoruichi) and Ichigo and company, for the sake of Seireitei and by extension Royal Palace and Soul King. I get that they are middle of a war and sacrifices must be made, but talk about coldness. After all, Hiyori and the rest of Visored from the World of the Living arrived there just a bit late along with Yoruichi's little brother Yushiro, so if they all had gone there and helped...they would have been in much better standing against potential opponents. After all, the group that went there was quite small in numbers...so, why the rush? I get that Ichigo and company are quite powerful, but even so, now that we learned Hiyori and others did come (and were coming) felt like a bad move on Urahara's part. After all, they came there to help.
Not to mention it felt like something in Urahara had changed. I can't quite put my finger on it, but despite the fact he was still his crafty and mysterious self, there was this layer of...hmm, ruthlessness? Something like that. Not sure how to express that, but it feels like Urahara went back to being Omnitsukido's best assassin member who is on a mission and failure isn't acceptable.
Anyway! Senjumaru was truly the MVP of the last episode. I could barely hold back my excitement earlier when she was against Uryuu, because man, she looked sooo beautiful and badass when she made that wagasa (Japanese umbrella) to herself and when she released her Bankai? Talk about a huge and epic one! Her Bankai truly suited her and it was extremely pretty. Not to mention an interesting one. The way she used a cloth to trap her all opponents and defeat those before she sewed them into a cloth? What an interesting way to deal with them. It really made me admire Senjumaru even more.
That ending at the last episode...what was that? xD It really surprised me (and probably many other people) when Kon popped up and showed those few 'deleted' scenes. It was totally random, but fun all the same.
All in all, this cour (season) was a blast and it ended on an excellent high note!
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sxs-a2 · 1 year
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WARNING: Body shaming
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In Nezuko's POV of the Swordsmith Village Arc, this is where her feelings for Genya are explored. She wanted to interact with him, but Genya is either too shy or still holding a grudge over their fight from Final Selection. Her being unable to get a positive reaction from Genya crushes her confidence when it comes to dating. It gave her flashbacks of when Yushiro called her an "ugly hag", and it's beginning to affect her because Genya's not giving her any attention. Her self-esteem gets worse after seeing Mitsuri outside the bathhouse and the infamous "breasts almost slipping out" scene. Unlike Tanjiro, she doesn't react at all. She gives Mitsuri a "are you kidding me" type of look while staring at her figure. Her thoughts were riddled with self-doubt. She only decided to stay with Mitsuri in the bathhouse because Tanjiro likes her. This amplifies her jealousy of how easily Mitsuri attracts men. Nezuko doesn't believe Mitsuri after she said she joined the Corp to get a husband because she sees Mitsuri very beautiful and how she gets along with Tanjiro, so Nezuko thinks Mitsuri's love life is easier than her own. Note: Nezuko does not hate Mitsuri. She prefers her over Tengen since she doesn't gloat about her beauty like Tengen does. Nezuko just has body and love envy.
Between this and the mission to the Swordsmith Village, Nezuko goes to the Kakushi and asks for a different slayer outside. She would want an outfit similar to Mitsuri, but of course, she is too young. And they don't want protective big brother Tanji drama. So she settles with a uniform that mirrors Tengen. It shows off her figure/muscles and she secretly respects Tengen after the Red-Light District. And she keeps her robe around her waist.
So yes, this arc includes self-love issues. I'm so woke.
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