#Yuuji only exists because Kenjaku wanted a vessel
lady-tortilla-chip · 10 months
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cruyuu · 1 month
Yeah I hope sukuna gets a good ending. THAT fandom even liked sukuna despite all his crimes until he killed number 1 poll then suddenly they played the moral card, when they were even convinced GOJO would teach sukuna about love
And kenjaku even abused women eeeh
Honestly I want to see Sukuna smiles not smug, but a genuine smile for the first time, I don't want him to just make funny suffering faces and give those people more material
Hi, anon!
My gripes are not with the fandom (since I don't really care) but rather with the narrative itself. The story itself constantly says that there's no good or bad, but rather that everything is grey.
Like just look at 265 and what Yuuji says to Sukuna. Humans aren't purely good or evil. They're in shades of grey and all lives are created equal. They don't even have to serve a role, they can just exist. They exist outside of memory! (And this is coming from someone who couldn't hear his thoughts nor access his memory...)
At first, I thought it was weird that Yuuji was telling that to Sukuna if he's just going to kill him. Hell, he says he loathes him! So why the contradictory behavior? Why ask him to come back? Why not just kill him?
It is fitting for him to be at the receiving end of that whole speech only if he will live and only if the "end of the cycle of curses" is erasing the good versus bad (right versus wrong) dynamic which Sukuna and Yuuji embody (one has to die, the other live), but accepting the morally ambigious one. I don't know the end game plan and my thoughts are all over the place when it comes to canon because of that, so forgive me.
If Sukuna believes himself to be unworthy of living simply because of being selfish, of not caring for other people opinions and just living for the sake of living, then that explains his vehement anger towards Yuuji still allowing him to live. Because Yuuji hears and listens to other people's wishes and lives according to them, and hence he is considered morally righteous (both by society and by Sukuna), a total opposite of Sukuna. He's someone who's good and pure unlike himself. (But Yuuji himself says that is not the case and we, the readers, know because we've been following his story. He's morally grey more so than embodying pure good.)
The question which is asked is: Why isn't Sukuna condemned for not living according to what is right? Why isn't Yuuji passing judgement onto him? Why isn't he dead but is free to return to his body? He's the epitome of evil, he's a vile monster, he's the absolute worst contrasting Yuuji's absolute best, and if he continues to live he'll just cause more death and misery to Yuuji, so why isn't he dead?
And the answer is: "Because there's no strictly good or bad. I'm not playing the role of a hero and you're not playing the role of a bad guy. We're just ourselves."
Hence, Sukuna cannot be condemned even though he represents someone who deserves to be. This is why he's The Fallen. The one banished from Heaven. The one who's supposed to recieve punishment for his wicked deeds.
Well, if he's the Fallen, then Yuuji is as well which is cleverly illustrated in the narrative:
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He did recieve punishment before, technically. That's why his body was destroyed and why he dwelled within the fingers and never made it out with a proper vessel. He was destroyed but he still survived, and managed to reincarnate himself in a different era which is not treating him the same as the one that did before. Instead of being met with distaste and caution, it's everything opposite. It's everything he can't understand. He's being praised, he's being loved, he's being lifted into Heaven again (and yet he ate his twin and was poor, so technically, he was somebody society wouldn't look at at all).
Yuuji was made to he his vessel, yet again, he's not what Sukuna expected. Instead of being perfect, he's a cage. Instead of being insignificant, he is strong. Instead of being a polar opposite, rejecting everything, he's just taking everything from Sukuna and being accepting, greeting him and interacting with him like he's an old friend despite the fact that they are enemies.
Do you see how everything is the opposite of itself? Quite amazing really.
This is why I love the idea of him surviving. He deserves a happy ending as much as everybody else because everybody was satisfied in the manga despite being selfish, cruel, whatever. If they can, then why can't he? If their mistakes can be forgiven, why can't his?
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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Sukuna doesn't like it when what's his gets called a thing.
Pairing: Sukuna x Yuuji Genre: general, a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, suggestive Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: 18+, mentions of violence, Sukuna is his usual manipulative and evil self :), unhealthy relationship dynamics, possessiveness, some suggestive things. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
You can also read it here on AO3 if you prefer that
This story is based on chapter 203 of the JJK manga. But Kenjaku meets Yuuji, Megumi, etc., and tells them what he told Choso. Our dear King of Curses is watching the scene.
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"As long as that thing continues to co-exist with Sukuna, the cycle of curses will never end. You won't be able to stop it."
Kenjaku looks smug as he reveals his plan to the small group of sorcerers standing in front of him.
Sukuna's fingers tighten around the skulls that function as armrests on his throne from which he is watching the scene through the pair of eyes on his vessel's cheekbones.
So far, he found it quite entertaining to see the brat and his friends fight and struggle only to run into the one who is responsible for all of this chaos. Kenjaku who happily informed them that everything was going according to his plan.
The King of Curses had smiled to himself in amusement as he leaned back on his throne and enjoyed the little show.
Until now.
He doesn't know why he suddenly feels a wave of anger wash over him. But his eyes narrow as they stare at Kenjaku. At his smiling face, so conceited, so proud of himself. Kenjaku thinks he is the perfect puppet master pulling all the strings in this little game.
But that's not what sets Sukuna off. It's something else he realizes.
"That thing," Kenjaku said when talking about the brat.
How dare he!
A loud cracking noise echoes in the vast cavern of the Malevolent Shrine as the skulls under Sukuna's hands get crushed between his long fingers and crumble to fine dust.
Hot rage is surging through Sukuna. The disrespect! How dare this maggot call Sukuna's vessel a thing! His perfect vessel! Made specifically for him. Made to be his alone. Fit to be the vessel of a King. The vessel of a God!
How dare Kenjaku call what is Sukuna's a thing!
Sukuna doesn't care that he himself only refers to the boy as a brat or that he loves to tease him and see him suffer. This is something different. After all, Yuuji belongs to Sukuna. Sukuna can do as he pleases with what is his.
But he won't let anyone else do that. He won't let anyone disrespect the boy like that. Because doesn't this also mean an indirect insult towards Sukuna himself? If his vessel is just a thing, what does this make Sukuna in Kenjaku's eyes?
Before he consciously knows what he is doing, Sukuna already tugs at the invisible string that connects him to the brat. A moment later, Yuuji tumbles into his domain, landing with a loud thud and a pained cry at the foot of Sukuna's throne.
Golden eyes snap to Sukuna's, glaring at him with a hostile sparkle.
"Hey! What was that for? What do you want now?"
Sukuna huffs before he manifests directly behind the boy, a large hand darting out to wrap tightly around Yuuji's throat, effectively cutting off his angry ramblings.
"Shhh, brat, calm down before you give me a headache."
Sukuna can feel how tense the boy is as the King of Curses presses his body against Yuuji's back, his hand still wrapped tightly around the brat's neck.
They have never been so close. Never like this, at least. Not when they aren't in the middle of a fight.
Sukuna can feel the brat's pulse flutter under his palm. Oh, how delicious. Usually, he finds great joy in the boy's fear or anger. For a moment, he is tempted to give in to it, to cause the boy more distress. To taunt him, to rile him up, to get under his skin like no one else can.
But he represses that urge. Now is not the right moment for this. Tonight Sukuna has other plans.
He leans down until his lips brush over the boy's ear, smiling when the light touch makes Yuuji jump.
The King's voice is deep, smooth, a seductive caress.
"I don't like how he talks about you. How he calls you a thing. If someone is allowed to call you that, it is only me."
"Fuck you! Get away from me! You are both vile!"
"You don't understand, brat. I will kill him."
He can feel the boy gulp, his adam's apple bopping against Sukuna's hand. Sukuna tightens his hold on him a bit more and adds softly,
"I will kill him for you, Yuuji."
The boy shivers at the use of his name. It's the first time Sukuna said it out loud. He can't help but think it feels so right on his tongue.
Not thing, not brat, not vessel. 
It's a special feeling of ownership to call him by his given name. The discovery makes Sukuna laugh softly, mouth opening against Yuuji's ear, his fangs lightly grazing over the earlobe and down to the boy's neck.
Sukuna breathes him in, smirking at the fear he can smell, mingling with the faint scent of cherry blossoms that always sticks to the boy.
When he speaks again, it is against Yuuji's neck.
"I will make him crawl and beg and show him who is just a thing. He isn't even that. He is nothing. I will erase him and everything he ever was. He did his part. The only part that mattered. He gave me you. My perfect vessel. The only one who was strong enough to take my soul into himself. So strong and beautiful. And all mine."
His voice has become a whisper, a soft caress against the boy's skin, breath ghosting over the heated skin of his neck. Sukuna's lips brush lightly over Yuuji's pulse point before they press a kiss to it.
He can't remember if he has ever touched someone with so much tenderness. Probably not.
When Sukuna tries to recall his former intimate encounters, those are memories of violence. Brutal touches, feral bites, and kisses that drew blood. Bruised bodies he used for his pleasure and that were only allowed near him until the King had sated his hunger. Some of them he had let live. Others not.
But this is different.
The boy in his arms isn't one of those nameless concubines or one of those pathetic sacrifices they brought to his temple.
No, Yuuji is his vessel. He was made for Sukuna. Made to host a King. Made to provide sanctuary for a God's soul. How could he ever be just a thing? Or just a human or a curse? He is more than that. And finally, Sukuna's eyes were opened to this truth.
Sukuna lets his mouth linger there against the boy's soft, warm skin, lips lifting in a smile.
"You are a God like me, brat. And we will show everyone that this is our world. I will kill him for you. And I will kill everyone else who stands in your way or dares to disrespect you. You and I will rule this world." 
Sukuna can't help but chuckle when the boy squirms in his arms, struggling to get away from him but failing. How cute.
And how nice it feels to feel that warm and strong body moving against his. To feel that smooth skin under his hands and lips. To hear that pretty voice cursing him and calling him names. How sweet it would be to hear other sounds coming out of that pretty little mouth. To hear cries of pleasure and whimpers of devotion.
And at that moment, Sukuna realizes that maybe he chose the wrong approach to all of this when he decided right in the beginning to treat his vessel with cruelty and mockery.
Maybe he should have done it differently. Maybe he should have helped the brat when he reached out to him with tears running down his face and desperation in his big golden eyes, begging him to save his friend. Maybe Sukuna should have healed that other boy. Maybe he should have bound Yuuji to him in more ways than just this soul connection. Maybe he should have made the boy love him.
It's too late for that now. Yuuji will never love him. But he doesn't have to. He will always belong to Sukuna, regardless. Sukuna doesn't even have to force him to become his. Yuuji is already Sukuna's and always will be. It's a fact. Just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Whichever way you look at it, Yuuji was made for him. Made to offer this second life to Sukuna. And finally, Sukuna can see how precious this gift is that was handed to him.
He should have seen it sooner. Should have appreciated Yuuji sooner. But luckily, he can still change his ways. He can take care of what's his now. He can protect Yuuji and give him everything he needs. And maybe one day, if Sukuna is patient enough, Yuuji will grow to at least not despise him anymore.
Until then, Sukuna will find great amusement in Yuuji's passionate struggles. The King of Curses quite enjoys a little challenge. At least he won't get bored with that angry Prince by his side.
This time, after a thousand years, Sukuna won't be lonely on his throne.
Oh yes, he can see it clearly now. How they will rule this world together. Strong and beautiful and so terrifying. No one will ever dare call his Yuuji a thing again.
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Thank you so much for reading! I got really angry when Kenjaku called Yuuji a thing, and it made me imagine how Sukuna would react. Would he see it as a personal insult? Would it maybe make him appreciate how perfect his vessel is? And that’s how this story idea was born. I hope you enjoyed it!! Please let me know what you think. Comments and reblogs make me happy!
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cursedvibes · 8 months
What is so special about Takaba that can made him cause the downfall of Kenjaku? Sorry if it's a dumb ask. I was so shock when it really is the end for Kenjaku.....
Also, if Takaba vs Sukuna, can you imagine the outcome? Like, personally, I think the fight will end < 5 seconds......🤣
I actually think the fight between Sukuna and Takaba would be quite long, assuming neither of them loses interest halfway through. Takaba isn't gonna kill Sukuna, just (unintentionally) wear down his consciousness and soul, while Sukuna also can't hurt Takaba. The only thing that might hurt Takaba is the world-bisecting Dismantle and I'm not even sure about that. This Dismantle cuts existence, but Takaba's cursed technique can alter reality, so would this cut be effective or also subject to Comedian? Anyway, I think a fight between them would be a very pointless back-and-forth.
Now as for why Takaba is so special: in short, he is exactly what Kenjaku had been looking for, what they wanted deep down and being led to indulge in that and allow to emotionally connect with someone else is what made them vulnerable to Yuuta's attack.
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All Kenjaku wants is entertainment, discovering new things and also sharing them with others, even if or especially when those people disagree with them. Before the fight started, Kenjaku was kind of lost. They achieved their life-long goal of capturing Tengen, the merger should be imminent, but they discovered that that won't give them Tengen's attention either and on top of that, they essentially lost their oldest friend. Even if Tengen wanted to talk back, by being under Kenjaku's control she lost all will and that is boring. She stopped being an equal.
So the person Kenjaku strived against and who they did all this for is gone. On top of that the Culling Game turned out less exciting than they thought. Everything was quite predictable and there wasn't as much chaos as they had hoped. Even the foreign nations invading and Sukuna switching vessels was quite predictable from Kenjaku's point of view. All they could do was go through the colonies and kill the remaining players to start the merger of Tengen and the Japanese population in hopes that at least that will be interesting to witness. Throughout all that they were still looking for someone who could fill that void their dwindling number of friends caused (mainly Tengen).
That's when Takaba shows up and disrupts all that, already drawing Kenjaku's attention through his extra-ordinary cursed technique.
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Takaba is there with the stated purpose to steal the show and Kenjaku agrees with him because this kind of distraction is exactly what they were looking for. A fun little side project of trying to figure out this clown. The main difference between Kenjaku and Sukuna is that Kenjaku entered this fight with the will to change and take in new perspectives, very unlike Sukuna, who currently makes it his job to try to make Yuuji bend to his worldview. Takaba was so effective on Kenjaku because Kenjaku was willing to engage with him from the beginning and was open to whatever insanity Takaba suggested because things were getting quite boring anyway, so why not. He peeked their curiosity.
Kenjaku is searching for entertainment and Takaba is willing to give that to them. He proposes to find something more interesting/funny for Kenjaku than the merger and Kenjaku even says they might be willing to let go of their merger plan if he succeeds. Even when they just met, Kenjaku was willing to consider his perspective because they were unsatisfied with how their current plan was turning out. All Kenjaku wants is something unexpected and that is what they got in their fight against Takaba.
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The following "fight" they continue to have this open perspective for Takaba's actions. Any time things get a little too personal or they feel his technique trying to influence them, they shut down, but they stay open to his spoken suggestions. When he declares he will make them laugh so hard they will puke up their stomach they are entertained and even the promise of a good one-liner gets them excited.
Which is something I really appreciated about this fight, it showed us who Kenjaku is when they aren't in villain mode. They are quite normal, bit wacky, but most importantly very human and that's the part Takaba brought out of them through their shared love for comedy. And that is what made them lose the fight. They stopped thinking about their insane merger plan, Sukuna's fight, the people they still needed to kill and essentially just "relaxed" and were able to be themselves. Playing around with Takaba's reality-bending technique is what made them actually enjoy the Culling Game, not the prospect of the merger or the bloodshed or whatever. Simply put, Takaba gave them something they didn't experience for hundreds of years because their fixation on Tengen and consequent plan always took precedent. Through that fixation Kenjaku lost what actually made them happy and excited, but they were too far gone to turn back.
Takaba brought that back through their comedy show. The comedy show is essentially all Kenjaku is looking for, in a very ordinary setting. It is a quick exchange of ideas and thought experiments. Since the show was improvised, both had to think on their feet and adapt to each other. They both surprise each other and have to adjust to the new scenarios. It's unpredictable due to the other person's input. Both being able to keep up and build on what the other offered is what made Kenjaku enjoy the experience. It's not just Kenjaku pushing things forward, but a team effort and simply through that they have less control over the process. That goes back to what Kenjaku said in Shibuya, about wanting to create something that exceeded their own expectations and that they have no control over. This isn't applied to people, curses or cursed energy, but I think it is still what this all comes down to and exactly that it is so ordinary compared to what Kenjaku previously stated they were searching for in the Death Paintings for example is what's important here, I think.
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The comedy show was like the illusions they threw at each other before, just in a more grounded setting. Which showed us that Kenjaku doesn't need complex techniques or world shattering events to have fun, be entertained or intrigued. Being able to be themselves and goofing around with someone else who is exactly on their insane wavelength was enough. Comes back to highlighting Kenjaku's humanity beneath all those insane and cruel plans.
Kenjaku wasn't willing to quite accept what Takaba provided them throughout the fight either, holding very desperately on to their carefully curated and collected image that allowed them to go through with their 5D chess plan. Takaba tried to pry them away from that with his antics, but they resisted instinctively. But when they determined the scenario (the comedy show) and there was no emotional manipulation present through Takaba's technique, they ended up having the most fun. They were concentrated on their skits with Takaba, essentially indulging in what they claimed to be their determining factors for friendship and they both didn't want any interruptions to that little bubble they created, which was when Yuuta pried on that emotional vulnerability Kenjaku showed.
So you could say Takaba manages to involve Kenjaku personally and worked through all those defences to pry out Kenjaku's true character. I don't mean this in a "Kenjaku is actually a pure little bean" way, I think they always had a very morbid humour and their curiosity and search for entertainment eventually became obsessive. Likely influenced by their split from Tengen. Tengen seemed to have been the person Kenjaku was most fixated on initially and who they relied on for friendship, attention, fun and exchange of ideas. And when eventually they didn't get that anymore, they became forceful. Takaba instinctively tapped into that original need, since he himself is also very desperate for connection, validation and someone who he can have fun with and indulge in his passions with. They are very similar in that regard and that was why they hit it off so well.
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Kenjaku's last words summarize it pretty well. They echo what Kenjaku realized during their fight with Takaba, except here they don't deny that feeling and there is no cursed technique forcing them to say this. It is unfortunate that they had to tap out before seeing the result of the merger themselves, but they got what they had actually been looking for. Their time with Takaba was one of the most entertaining things they experienced in their life and going out on that high-note makes their death less painful. The base need for fun with someone who doesn't bore them was fulfilled, Takaba managed to do what he initially set out to do at the beginning of the fight.
Kenjaku still put everything in place for the merger to be carried out, but I think what's important here is the focus of their actions. All they ensure is that Tengen won't die with them and that Sukuna has the means to start the merger if he wants to. They don't force him however, in the end it is still up to Sukuna to decide what should happen and that unpredictability is what Kenjaku actually enjoys. Something they can't control. It is unfortunate that they won't get to see it, but that seems to be alright with them. The way I interpret their last words is that they had their fun at the end of their life and now it is up to Yuuta, Sukuna & Co. to find their own deadly entertainment.
So essentially it all came down to Takaba matching Kenjaku's particular brand of insanity, tapping into their special interest and he also showed up at a time when Kenjaku was already questioning their decisions and was very desperate for meaningful company. Then Yuuta showed up and burst that bubble.
Overall, I think it is actually a very good end for Kenjaku because it showed us who Kenjaku is at their core and how they might have initially started out before the fixation on Tengen and the merger took over their life. As The Mastermind and main villain Kenjaku is in control, but by going back to the basic need for companionship and simple entertainment Kenjaku made themselves vulnerable. Indulging in these attachments (ones Sukuna claims to not have btw) they lost. Plays into the theme of strength=loneliness and consequently emotional attachments bring "weakness" as we also often see with Yuuji.
The timing of Kenjaku's death is bad, especially because we haven't gotten any meaningful interactions between the main villain and main character, who are also parent and child. Quite the missed opportunity...and well, having Yuuta do the beheading didn't fit there either, since he's completely removed from all that. I have to say though, chapter 249 made me like Kenjaku's death a lot more. It doesn't even really feel like a defeat because the main threat isn't gone and Kenjaku went out feeling satisfied with how things went. The experiences they had with Takaba feel like a good end for them, it just came too early in the story.
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hxhhasmysoul · 8 months
Hi, I really like reading your JJK analyses. Do you think that Itadori ate Sukuna's finger out of his free will? A lot of fans think that Itadori deserves to be punished for Sukuna's crimes because he willingly ate the finger (and because Sukuna is apparently a force of nature so he cannot be punished). I disagree, but what do you think?
Okay, so this really touches on a lot of stuff in-world for JJK and in general, philosophically. And philosophy is not my strong suit XD
Let’s take care of the last part of this first. Sukuna is a human, not a force of nature, not a god, not a curse. He’s a human in full control of his mental faculties: not mentally ill in any way, but especially not in a way that could make him incapable of controlling himself, not intoxicated, not coerced, not controlled by an outside force through magical means. So he’s fully responsible for all his decisions regarding his actions when he has control of Yuuji’s body. He’s hard to hold accountable, true, but it’s the problem of those who’d want to punish him. You know, skill issue.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the Yuuji part of this claim.
Free Will vs Fate
The first thing is whether free will exists in the JJK world and to what extent. And I feel it does but there’s also a fate component, for example in relation to Tengen and Six Eyes. So there’s some limitation to the free will, at least for some characters. Is Yuuji entangled by fate with anyone? He could be. There are hints that his connection to Sukuna might date back to Heian. It’s hard to tell at this point.
Then we come to the concept of choice. Let’s say Yuuji had the free will to eat the first finger on that school roof, that there was no fate involved. How much of a choice did he actually have? 
Some people like to entertain themselves by saying things like “you always have a choice�� even when the choice is between two horrible outcomes. For example working a job that is very destructive to your body and mental health but having a home or having no job and becoming homeless. They like to pretend like there’s a viable choice here. 
And this is also the case with Yuuji. His choice was eat the finger and hopefully save Megumi or run and live with the guilt of whatever fate befell Megumi, likely never even finding out what actually happened, considering how secretive the sorcerers are. Is this really a viable choice? 
I don't think it is. The manga rushes through this part in a typical first chapter fashion. In the anime Megumi warns Yuuji not to eat it but he doesn’t even tell Yuuji why. He doesn’t warn Yuuji that he’s likely to die, let alone that Yuuji dying would be the preferred outcome to the alternative, aka an evil homicidal bastard returning among the living. So Yuuji is working with the information provided and to him it seems either they both die or they get both saved. To him it feels like a fair gamble at that point.
And all this disregards the circumstances of that choice:
Shock and grief of losing the only family he had merely minutes or hours earlier
Last words of the said family member which are eerily relevant to the situation with the curse
Shock of learning about the supernatural
Shock of seeing his friends badly injured and knowing they could’ve died
Mortal danger
Extreme time pressure
All these render any discussion of free will in that decision making process a little shaky. In philosophy the influence of a person’s mental condition on choice, free will and ethics is actually a field of study.
Circumstance or Part of a Plan
Yuuji was created to become Sukuna's vessel as a part of Kenjaku’s plan. And for that plan Kenjaku manipulates the lives of others and creates situations to get certain outcomes. Like they did with Yuuji's friendship with Junpei. Once Junpei was involved by Mahito but also befriend by Yuuji, mother used that to test barriers for their own plans and also to test Yuuji. And probably confirm Sukuna’d made a vow with Yuuji. Kenjaku doesn't tell the disaster cursed about the vow, but they know much more about Jujutsu and Sukuna than the curses, they knew Yuuji was going to come back to life after the detention centre. Likely because they knew Sukuna would make a vow.
This makes me ask questions like: 
Why was Sukuna's finger, an object of such importance, in an average school?
Why was Yuuji in that very school?
Why was that finger easily accessible?
Why did Yuuji find it? Was he drawn to it?
All these put complete free will on his part into question, unless we assume this was all a complete coincidence that by complete chance played into Kenjaku's plan.
But even if someone believes that, Yuuji would've been fed a finger at some point. How would it play into him being deserving of punishment? If he was coerced, would he still deserve it? What if he was tricked? Would he deserve it because he allowed himself to be incapacitated or tricked? I mean it's not an uncommon position assholes take towards victims of violence or scams.
Crimes and Complicity
Now let's look at Sukuna's crimes and Yuuji's complicity in them. 
The first time Sukuna has reign of Yuuji’s body is on that school roof. 
Sukuna then kills the curse and fantasises about massacres. The latter isn’t really a proper threat of violence because it’s not directed at any particular person or persons. That’s it, then Yuuji takes over. No crime so far. 
Then Gojou comes and arrogantly and irresponsibly decides that it’s a good idea to check Yuuji’s control over Sukuna in the open, there isn’t even a veil raised, no crowd control. Sukuna proceeds to do some property damage - his first actual crime. Is Yuuji responsible for that? Not really, he’s a traumatised and badly hurt minor who was pressured to relinquish control of his own body by an adult. 
The second time Sukuna comes out is in the detention centre.
Yuuji waits for his friends to be far away and then gives Sukuna control. It is very much a calculated risk, Yuuji believes in his ability to prevent Sukuna from rampaging and assesses the cursed womb as a bigger danger to everyone than Sukuna in his body, and he’s mostly right. 
Sukuna does more property damage and severely beats up Megumi and kills Yuuji. The latter is Yuuji’s choice to stop him from killing Megumi. So yeah, he’s responsible for Megumi’s injuries because he didn’t factor in how his own injuries and mental exhaustion would prevent him from fully controlling Sukuna. And in a kind of twisted way Yuuji is responsible for Sukuna’s last crime of killing Yuuji himself, because if he didn’t come back Sukuna wouldn’t have killed him.
Then Sukuna tricks Yuuji into a vow and makes Yuuji unaware of the existence of the said vow..
For Sukuna’s third outing Yuuji isn’t responsible in the least.
Yuuji gets killed by Chousou and if he was left alone, he and Sukuna could’ve died then and there. The only reason he survives and Sukuna is let loose is because the twins and then Jougo force feed him more fingers overwhelming his soul’s capacity to cage Sukuna. Considering the level of trauma Yuuji had sustained then, it takes him more time than at the detention centre to take back control. And yeah, Sukuna commits a mass murder.. And more property damage ;-)
Even if someone decides that Yuuji had completely free will to eat the first finger (I wouldn’t if it’s not obvious so far), under regular circumstances Yuuji is perfectly capable of caging Sukuna, rendering him incapable of committing any crimes apart from verbal harassment and threats of violence. 
The sorcerers knew that perfectly well, because Gojou has tested it, on the roof and then by feeding Yuuji another finger after Wasuke’s cremation. 
The elders decided to murder Yuuji, and his two new friends as collateral. Thus created an abnormally traumatic situation. Which led to Yuuji losing control over Sukuna. 
Not learning from that debacle that Yuuji should be kept away from harm so they can slowly feed him the fingers, the sorcerers put Yuuji on the front line in Shibuya. And the whole Shibuya incident is orchestrated by Kenjaku, though not micromanaged. I don’t think they predicted Sukuna’s rampage. That was on the twins a bit but mostly on Jougo, the former are kids, Jougou is ancient, he should’ve known better.  
Blame - Who Deserves Punishment?
That all being said. Yuuji would’ve been fed Sukuna’s fingers one way or the other. He ended up under the care of the sorcerers who went the most fucking irresponsible way possible about handling that. 
Would the mass murder in Shibuya not happen if Kenjaku fed Yuuji the fingers under different circumstances and Yuuji was under their care? Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn’t. Would other mass murder happen instead? Maybe, maybe not. Would Sukuna have killed Gojou? Absolutely. Unless Gojou’d stayed in the box. 
This whole idea reeks of the fandom’s dislike of Yuuji. Nobody talks like that about Gojou and the elders where it’s pretty easy to point to the ways they are very clearly complicit in various tragedies in JJK, including the way the Shibuya incident went. 
And I guess they forget that Kenjaku exists?
Yuuji is a child and new to the jujutsu world. He follows instructions and puts trust in the adults in the jujutsu world. Most detrimentally to himself, he puts trust into Gojou who fails him over and over again. 
Yuuji doesn’t proactively go into the world to seek the fingers or fight curses. He finds himself in situations and tries to handle them, but he’s not the creator of the said situations. He’s not the driver of the events. He doesn’t act recklessly. 
Even if we consider eating the first finger, Yuuji's act of full free will. Yuuji ate the finger out of desperation and ignorance but still he managed to prevent Sukuna from doing any harm. He handled his questionable choice.
Then Yuuji was captured by Gojou, the strongest of the sorcerers and an adult. A person fully aware of curses, jujutsu and the threat of Sukuna. And Gojou decided to let Yuuji live, even though he could’ve killed Yuuji on that very school roof. Gojou kept Yuuji alive despite the elders’ will. He kept Yuuji alive knowing full well that by doing so he put a target on Yuuji’s back because he dragged the boy into his little political scuffles with the elders. He kept Yuuji alive and didn’t protect him, and didn't really put much work into educating Yuuji so he could protect himself better at least.
The truth is, if we’re looking to blame someone for Sukuna’s crimes, other than Sukuna (and he is the one to blame first and foremost!), or at least Kenjaku or Jougo, then it’s mostly Gojou and the elders to a lesser degree.
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voxofthevoid · 2 years
JJK 213 💀
If 212 stabbed me in the heart, 213 has ripped out my guts and poured acid on them. Mother of fuck.
I say this with a measure of glee because I do love a narrative that emotionally eviscerates me.
Spoilers and thoughts under the cut
It’s long and rambling because I’m basically sorting my thoughts out.
The chapter felt pretty short this time, but there sure were some mindblowing developments: Confirmation that Sukuna can use Megumi’s cursed technique (and dial it up to eleven WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MOTHRA-NUE); Megumi’s ideal vessel status (rejoice, sukufushi shippers, it’s now canon that Sukuna always wanted to be inside Megumi! Too soon? Sorry.); the Angel’s cursed technique in its full glory (I cannot wait to see that animated...eventually); and my boy Yuuji being made into a slightly mashed donut (I joke, but I’ve been nail-biting worried about this since I read the chapter and this will continue till we see confirmation of his survival).
The vessel business
Megumi cannot catch a fucking break, can he? I’m not convinced he’s truly gone, especially because Gege did leave that breadcrump about Megumi having the potential to suppress Sukuna. But that brings me to my major issue with this recent development: if Megumi can suppress Sukuna, it implies sorcerers who can eat his fingers and not only survive but also prevent him from incarnating exist--because what are the chances it’s just Megumi and he just happened to get embroiled in all this? And despite calling him a potential cage, Sukuna doesn’t seem surprised that this is a thing Megumi can do, the way he was with how thoroughly Yuuji caged him. In fact, he seems to have settled on the formula to get into Megumi right after realizing this. All that’s fine, but it raises the question of what, exactly, makes Yuuji special.
I don’t mean it in a “why is Yuuji the MC kinda way” because (a) I love that dude to death and am following the story mostly for him and (b) Yuuji’s emotional arcs have always been a lot more compelling than his powers (or lack thereof), and I think having Sukuna out of him, possibly permanently, is an excellent development as far as his character arc is concerned (more on that later). My issue here has more to do with Kenjaku and the implied alternations they made to Yuuji in the womb: I’d say it’s a fair assumption that Yuuji’s superhuman physical capabilities and unusually powerful ability to constrain Sukuna aren’t natural, and as much as I love the “they just wanted some dick jokes,” I’m pretty sure Kenjaku didn’t conceive and deliver a kid for shits and giggles. Granted, it would kinda suit their personality; however, plot-wise, it’d be a waste.
At the moment, it looks like, while the degree of Yuuji’s ability to suppress Sukuna is unusual/unnatural, other sorcerers are capable of hosting and even caging him. So what exactly is Yuuji’s purpose, at the narrative level and in terms of Kenjaku’s plans? Did they account for Sukuna potentially breaking free, and if they did, what was the point of making a custom vessel for the guy? And is being Sukuna’s vessel all there is to Yuuji (not as a person or character but from Kenjaku’s perspective)? I have a feeling that’s not the case, but I’d need to go reread the manga to try and see why I’m so sure Kenjaku’s interested in Yuuji beyond his potential to contain Sukuna. Either way, I’m curious how the narrative will handle it. Which brings us to--
Yuuji’s survival and future arc
Gege, please.
I am fairly sure protagonist plot armor will kick in and Yuuji will survive (and honestly, him dying at this point would feel pretty damn pointless--I’m all for major character death, but if you’re killing the main lead, make it worth it, ya know?), but fucking how? He’s naturally a lot sturdier than most people, but dude’s got a fist-sized hole in his stomach and got punched through, what, three buildings? He’s got to be on his last legs there. Yuuta isn’t anywhere in the vicinity either. Lowkey hoping for Mumjaku to pop out, but that’s mostly because I have been dying for some interactions between these two since the big reveal about Yuuji’s parentage.
Assuming he survives (he better, GEGE), I’m honestly pretty excited to see how his story will progress from here. Yuuji’s whole thing since the start has been to save as many people as he can and die a good death as a martyr, and with every new trauma the narrative has piled on him, that desire has only increased to the point that it’s now a fixation. The guy seems actively suicidal after Shibuya, and the only thing keeping him from killing himself is the fact that he can’t allow himself to die meaninglessly after all the death Sukuna caused and all the people Yuuji himself failed to save. If the plot had progressed in the direction it had been taking before Sukuna used that binding vow to fuck everything to hell, Yuuji would happily have let the Angel erase him and Sukuna. And he could have called it a good, noble death because he was dying to save Gojou and eliminate a good 75% of Sukuna’s power.
And now he doesn’t have that. His death would no longer serve any greater purpose (...assuming Sukuna doesn’t somehow hop back into him, but that’s starting to look unlikely). To make a difference and help people like he so desperately wants, Yuuji will have to live. I am dying to find out how he’s going to reconcile that with his current mindsent.
Assuming he survives.
Hana and the Angel
I’ve been seeing a lot of hate for Hana after this chapter came out, regarding her decision to rush to Megumi, but honestly, it’s perfectly coherent characterization. It’s certainly a foolish decision, but it’s a completely emotion-driven, considerably panicked one that is in line with everything we’ve seen of Hana so far. She is in no way any more well adjusted than any of the main cast. Her childhood was Trauma Central: Eldritch Horror Edition, and she fixated hard on the boy who saved her despite their paths crossing for a grand total of five seconds. Megumi clearly registered her, since that’s the only way Sukuna would know to use that memory to manipulate her, but he doesn’t even acknowledge her. And there’s no indication they’ve ever interacted since; in fact, I’m rather confused on how Hana even recognized Megumi. Or whether/how she kept track of him all these years, given there’s no indication she was a sorcerer before getting Kenjaku-ed into a coma (presumably) and then hosting the Angel. Yet, she’s convinced she’s in love with him and they’re fated. Hardly a healthy coping mechanism, but it is what it is.
If Hana had a random crush on Megumi and ignored the Angel to fall for Sukuna’s trick (which seems pretty transparent to us readers, but Hana really doesn’t know the actual Megumi enough to tell that he wouldn’t be caught dead doing that pose, sweet fuck, my eyes), it would be some shit writing, but Hana isn’t acting out of infatuation or puppy love but a nearly lifelong fixation.
And it’s probably going to get her killed. I don’t see Hana getting out of that on her own; she hasn’t noticed Stretchy Headman there, and the Angel’s warnings clearly aren’t reaching her. The only way I see this moving forward without them both dying is for the Angel to take over completely--and we know she’s opposed to that, but would she make an exception with death imminent? I hope so. Because losing these characters, especially the Angel, at this juncture would just be a waste.
Now excuse me while I go scream into the void for the next two weeks.
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jgnico · 3 years
hi nico! do you think it's possible for the higher-ups to be in collusion with kenjaku? utahime has proposed the existence of a traitor between the higher-ups before when mechamaru was disclosed as one. but is it possible that not only one but them as a unit are 'betraying' the school and the jujutsu society? in terms of fearing getting their power, could they have agreed on a plan to emprison gojo while supporting kenjaku? or would they never agree to such thing because of the danger of kenjaku's plan? I hope this isn't a messy question, would love to hear your thoughts on it and if you have any theory on the matter 😊
I've actually thought that Kenjaku was connected to the higher-ups for quite some time now, but I don't think he'd be working with all of them. For all of their (many, many) faults, the higher-ups do want to preserve Jujutsu Society, so their goals and Kenjaku's are on opposite ends of that spectrum.
Rather, I think that Kenjaku pretended to be one of them in between Yuuji's birth and Geto's death so that he could pull strings when and where he needed to to ensure that whatever they were doing wouldn't jeopardize his future plans. And so far everything that's happened in connection to the school --even during the Flashback Arc-- has worked out in his favor.
Side Note: It is interesting to me that when Geto is brought up as the perfect puzzle piece for Kenjaku's plans -- "then came along a boy with Curse Manipulation" ch. 145-- it shows teenage Geto. Not the adult version of Geto that Kenjaku is inhabiting or even post-defection Curse User Geto, but Geto as a student. So that's a fun detail to think about.
Another option would be Kenjaku working behind the scenes at the Star Vessel Association --which later becomes Geto's cult-- because they were incredibly well funded and well-informed for people that apparently didn't have any actual connection to Jujutsu Society. Which is why the higher-ups never deal with them post-Riko; they aren't operated by Curse Users, just normal humans, despite having the necessary knowledge and connections to hire someone like Toji --a "sorcerer-killer" that's completely disconnected from Cursed Energy (fate) and makes it possible for Tengen to evolve because him killing Riko meant that no other Star Plasma Vessels would ever replace her.
Both are ideas that make sense to me, I just don't think that Kenjaku lucked out on having the stars align perfectly for him. I don't think that he's the type of person to leave anything involving his plans up to chance, and we've seen from his actions concerning Yuuji that he's comfortable playing the long-con to get what he wants.
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torgawl · 3 years
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was thinking about the whole symbolism of chains in jjk. they are shown when speaking of the binding contract sukuna made with yuuji and they are also associated with toji. especially, considering toji as an anomaly in the jjk world turned the world upside-down by, unknowingly, breaking the chains of destiny linking the six eyes, the star plasma vessel and tengen and even breaking away from cursed energy itself. all this through heavenly restriction, he became the only one to ever exist to possess a zero ammount of cursed energy. he surpassed a limit unreachable to anyone else. and that's exactly what led yuki, who has similar ideologies to geto of wanting to cut the evil by its root, to be interested in toji in the first place.
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this breaking of chains is said to have destroyed everyone's fate (especially considering the present scenario in jjk) but what if this breaking of chains and this detachment from cursed energy is actually what the jjk world needs to thrive? what if toji wasn't a curse to everyone but the one to birth a blessing (quite literally, considering megumi's name too)?
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this next stage of humanity yuki talks about, what if it's the solution for the problems they are facing? tengen’s barrier allows the existence of jujutsu sorcerers next to the creation of curses and this phenomenon also means that japan has a monopoly over cursed energy, as yuki stated before as well. what if yuki has the possibility to go through with her plan now that she is in charge of protecting tengen? obviously the whole situation is rather complex because tengen isn't an entity, he is a higher being and if he merges with the people of japan there's almost certainty that evil and curses would spread at an alarming velocity and condemn earth, which isn't ideal. so i don't even know what i'm exactly referring to while writing this but, i feel like all these elements could be a big piece in restoring the jujutsu world and its interaction with cursed enegery. yuki was always very vocal about her ideas and never gave up trying to come up with a plan. when toji died she had to back off from her plan one, obviously. but isn't it curious how while she says that, in the manga, a picture of young maki appears? the same maki who recently slaughtered the zenin clan and has been shown to have multiple parallels with toji? what if the peak of her character isn't killing the clan and breaking herself free? what if she manages to break these chains of destiny too and help save humanity somehow? what if an ultimate happening or alignment of stars involving the three big figures whose destiny was changed by toji - tengen, gojo and, in this case not the star plasma vessel, but the people of japan - is the answer to everything? i do not want to believe in the merging of everyone or the sacrifice of people in japan and the culling game doesn't seem to be the last arc either of jjk so I don't think what I'm saying even makes a lot of sense (even though it's kind of a mix of multiple ideas and theories that have been talked about before). even considering gojo's existence which is the sole reason for the birth, substience and evolution of more and more cursed spirits and cursed energy... doesn't it make sense that maybe his death, intentional or not, could be part of the solution to end it all? this is very all over the place and I am not sure how to exactly make sense of it. not saying yuki will be the one behind it all. I'm more wanting to express that maybe her original plan isn't that crazy and unattainable, if all the necessary conditions for it are met. and it would be quite ironic if after all geto's ideals were achieved by the idea he opposed when talking to yuki for that first time and by kenjaku, as well. all the symbolisms and details in jjk are not coincidence and thinking about toji and yuki's plan as well as geto/kenjaku's plan made me think and wonder about what can possibly happen once again. did not research enough to propose an actual theory or understand if it could make sense, so these are just a few thoughts on the matter ahahah.
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cruyuu · 30 days
I also don't have any hopes for the ending anymore after last chapter. Just easy fanservice, Yuji will never get his deserved focus again, and Sukunas doing silly suffering faces EVERY page. Of course he will get the humiliating pain ending while Kenjaku, who did way worse things died happy and had a fight where he was happy
Sukuna's love part will never be touched again. Would have adored more chapters with yuji and sukuna walking around their memories and seeing their own. This is why I HATE fans pressure, though I can't understand why even more popular stories like Evangelion and Bleach can let the author make endgames against the popular ones but the new mangas have to be so.....safe. I think the best thing would be splitting the fandoms, make a good ending about Yuji/Sukuna (sequel about them would be so good) and make some spin off about gojo or some LMAO HE ISEKAI'D and have a manga just about him where everyone smells his farts, but for the love of god, take him away from yuji and sukuna manga, everyone wins
You're completely right, anon. I agree with you.
Fans of both Sukuna and Yuuji aren't allowed to have anything except more questions. The story puts them in focus (hell, the story exists because of them), places their relationship in focus, places Yuuji as Sukuna's nephew through reincarnation yet... nothing. None of that seems to matter at all.
Everything else matters more than getting answers to those questions surrounding them both. Like: who is Sukuna? Why does he behave so contradictory? Why is Yuuji not acknowledging his lineage? Why did he talk of people existing outside of roles and say he loathes Sukuna only for us to see that he's still serving a role as Sukuna's vessel (because he wants him back)? Hell, now that hurting one is hurting the other is considered canon, if Yuuji does kill Sukuna, he'll just end up killing himself yet that... nobody is talking about that. Even Yuuji and Sukuna themselves aren't acknowledging this fact at all lol.
I know this manga still hasn't ended and I would love to be proven wrong but it all ends in like 4 more chapters and that isn't enough really. It still won't erase those little frustrations I have and will fall flat for me.
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cursedvibes · 8 months
For the ship ask, shamelessly targeting your weaknesses: TenKen and ItaMahi
And because I like to set tiny fires: SatoSugu
Oh, spicy! Time to fan that fire 😆
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I got interested as soon as we met Tengen in ch 145. Her calling Kenjaku a "child" (unfortunately the official translation forgot about that) and Kenjaku previously calling her basically a stagnant, unimportant geezer made me sure there must be some drama hidden in their past and boy was I right. I initially only saw them as a broken up teacher-student dynamic, where the favourite student went astray or maybe a parent-child one and I still hold onto that (not even Tengen is save from Kenjaku's mommy issues), but it evolved way beyond that. I really fell down the rabbit hole when the fight against Yuki started and I've been down here ever since. Still see them mostly as queer-platonic though, not necessarily romantic or sexual, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of pining and longing and vore to work with.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
I like how we see a completely different side of Kenjaku when they are around Tengen. They act like a petulant child screaming for attention or a slighted ex. They get loud and petty, very unlike their usual composed appearance. And even if Tengen is good at hiding it, she clearly feels something for Kenjaku too because we wouldn't be in this situation if she had just told one of her six eyes users to kill Kenjaku once and for all. It would take more effort to pull them back at the last second than just let them pulverize Kenjaku. Also, generally the dichotomy between them (dark/light, young/old, progress/stagnation etc) and how they are still always drawn to each other gives so much to explore and it only gets better the more information we get. And there's the implication that they both experimented with Sukuna's body, possibly at the same time. Morally dubious scientist power couple?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
There aren't really that many opinions on them out there...maybe: let Tengen be old. Her whole thing is aging, so I don't think she looked like in that one sketch we got in the Heian era or Nara period before she merged with a Star Plasma Vessel.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I'm usually not big on shipping Yuuji with anyone, but the end of the Shibuya arc definitely unlocked something for me and the anime gave me new fuel. Some great fanart and fic did the rest. I think what I like most about it is how it brings out a more cold and cruel side of Yuuji, very unlike what we see in his relationships with other characters except maybe Sukuna, but with Mahito it feels a lot more raw.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
There is just that pure hate and contrary to Sukuna for example, they are on eye level. They develop together, they challenge each other, they bring out the worst in each other. During their fight you really get the feeling of them just desperately clawing at each other and wanting to kill the other by any means necessary. Very beautiful. Mahito enjoying himself during it and Yuuji taking his own satisfaction in chasing him down make it especially juicy. It's so animalistic and pure and could easily turn into great hate sex.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't like when people turn this into basically Mahito just torturing and raping Yuuji, but unfortunately that is a big part of the content that does exist for this ship. The great thing about this ship is their dynamic of push and pull and that there isn't any clear power imbalance between them and I personally enjoy seeing Yuuji push Mahito into the dirt and humiliating him. So I only like it if Yuuji is either the more dominant one (don't care about top or bottom) or it switches between them.
Why don’t you ship it?
Well, I do think they have some feelings for each other that go beyond being ex-high school friends and I think that's pretty much canon too, no matter if you think those feelings are platonic or not. They give me the impression of being very repressed, but who knows, maybe they used to date or maybe they fucked right up until Gojo blew a hole into Geto. Who cares. As you know, it doesn't work for me for similar reasons as you have. I can't stand Geto and I think he brings out the worst in Gojo. Like Gojo is at his most annoying when he's whining about Geto (although his behaviour during the Sukuna fight is a close second). I used to have a bit more appreciation for their bond during Hidden Inventory, but the ever-present fandom of this ship soured me a lot on it. I prefer to stay away as far as I can from it now.
What would have made you like it?
Geto being a less punchable person? Being less bigoted and overall being a grand idiot about it too? There's not much about it that would honestly make me ship it unless you massively change the characters involved.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It was very nice of Gojo to not destroy Geto's body out of sentimentality and leave room for Kenjaku to jump in :)
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cursedvibes · 1 year
This doesn't really have any deeper point, I just wanted to talk about what makes me like a main character by using the example of four of my favourite ones.
*Spoilers for Houseki no Kuni, JJK and Innocent Rouge*
Phosphophyllite & Itadori Yuuji
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These two are undoubtedly my faves right now. As much as I like lists, it is hard to rank one above the other as characters because I love both so much and I think they are very well written. Phos might be slightly above because I think HnK is a better story and Phos better integrated into it, but they also have a slight leg up due to the series being almost over and their character development mostly concluded, while Yuuji still has what will likely be his most crucial moments (relating to his confrontation with Sukuna & Kenjaku) ahead of him. HnK is also clearly centred primarily around Phos, Kongo and their relationship, thereby they are given a lot more attention. JJK is more focused on its cast and while it all ultimately serves to develop Yuuji, the others are given ample time to be fleshed out as well. I might be a bit sceptical of recent developments in jjk, but I still think that its writing is at its best when it revolves around Yuuji. He is a very central character and it is clear how much Akutami cares about him and his journey throughout the story. Now onto why I like them and characters like them.
Phos and Yuuji both fall into the theme of loss of innocence, compromising of morals and gain/loss of humanity. Both go through traumatic changes that fundamentally and lastingly change them and that change is very physically noticeable. In Yuuji's case it is his scars and lost ear and pinky, in Phos it is essentially their entire body. Due to these changes the two have to grapple with how much of themselves and their initial convictions they can hold onto in a world that is out to hurt them. Everything they do is done out of a wish to protect the people they care about, but they have to realize that more often than not they are unable to help them and even bring more suffering onto others by merely existing or trying to follow their goals. Yuuji has a little less agency in that, since Sukuna running amok was not his fault and he could not have known the consequences of making a binding vow with him at the time it happened. Those kinds of innocent mistakes are what haunts both of them however. The story is ruthless in punishing them for every little misstep they make.
Both are also manipulated by far greater and more experienced forces that force them down a path of suffering to eventually become something greater. During that, both of them are objectified and given and taken away their humanity as the others please. In Yuuji's case it is Kenjaku, who literally designed him to be a vessel, cage and eventually pseudo-cursed object and with Phos it is Aechmea, the Doctor and to an extend Kongo. They are turned into a human through suffering only to be pushed into divinity and loneliness for the sake of the world at large. Phos has learned to come to terms with that. They had their revenge, endured 10.000 years of mental torture and managed to come out of all of that somewhat sane, if fundamentally different of who they used to be. It will be interesting to see how Yuuji will deal with the challenges that are waiting for him and who he will be by the end of jjk. It won't be as drastic as what Phos went through, but I don't expect that either. That's not the kind of story this is.
Also, both are characterized by their understanding of others. Yuuji can naturally get along with others, he has an intrinsic understanding of them and can see even minor specialities about them others would discard as unimportant. He also has his natural grasp on the soul that only increases as the story moves on. Similarly, Phos has the ability to understand other human-like lifeforms, even if they aren't gems. They can talk to the Admirabilis and hear the ice flows talking to them clearly. Phos is also the first one to try and succeed in communicating with the Lunarians, going so far as to imitate the air holes in their necks to establish a connection. Understanding others and emphasizing with them might not always be as easy for them as with Yuuji, but they do have a special way of communicating with and uniting others, even if that union is done by deception or against them. In both cases it comes down to the humanity within them that gives them this ability.
What ultimately draws me to these two and what makes me love them so much is the "corruption" arc they both go through. It is messy, they are never excused for what they do, the narrative doesn't coddle them and any personal flaw they have is pointed out and amplified in the story. All too often you have it that a main characters flaws are excused, they are given chance after chance and can handle challenges that others break at with relative ease due to whatever innate advantages. They are fundamentally good and the story doesn't dare to challenge that.
With these two it is different and I especially like how you can see the marks the story has left on them. They are also allowed to show darker sides. Phos' selfishness is brought up time and time again and we see how they hurt the others around them. Not only that, but in their quest to safe everyone, they end up going so far as to massacre their friends. Yuuji only tries to help, wants to find a meaningful death and despises sadism, but he ends up realizing that he has a similar cruelty inside him. He doesn't hesitate to kill if he has to and can be just as gruesome towards the people he hates, mainly Mahito and Sukuna. He wants to see them pay, suffer and die for what they did, he is not above that. That is honestly when I love him the most. He already had a chilling stare as a middle schooler and it has only gotten deadlier.
Marie-Josèphe Sanson & Charles-Henri Sanson
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The way Charles changes from protagonist in Innocent to an antagonist in Innocent Rouge might be one of my favourite developments in fiction. He turns into what he tried to fight, all while having still somewhat good intentions and thinking he is doing the best for everyone, he's "just being realistic". He inflicts the torture his father put him through on his own children, thinking he is helping them harden and grow up. We are shown how this trauma and submission to the ruling class is a viscous cycle only someone as excentric and fearless as Marie can escape. She breaks the status quo by refusing to bow to any rules or accept any restrictions ever. Be they a country's laws or gender roles, she does not give a fuck.
Both have to struggle a lot in both parts of the story. Charles sees his grand visions for the future he had as a child compromised as he grows up, tries to keep his family from making the same mistakes and hurts them just as much in the process, which leads to him losing what he really cares about. He buried his attraction to men and his softer side and discouraged it in his children as well, only to see his son kill himself in front of him after he couldn't behead the boy he was in love with. He gets absolutely broken down for what he did and the path he decided to take.
Marie has to fight every step of her way. She has to be strong both physically and mentally or she would not have prevailed this long and reached her goals. Her own family despises her and tries to make her submit to tradition, gender roles, the class system, the queen, but she rejects all of it. She did not start the revolution alone, but she was an integral part of it and a strong hand that kept the people safe. I've seen people be upset with her end of the story, that after all she's been through she dies, but I don't really mind it that much. It was not a defeat and she has accomplished the most important thing by paving the way for a better future and raising a kid that can follow in her footsteps. She did not solve class struggle, but she was there to accompany the most important steps. There's only so much she alone can do, so it is all on the next generation now.
Tldr: What draws me to a main character is that they suffer, they have to be meaningfully and lastingly altered by the story and their flaws have to be explored and highlighted. Additionally, I also appreciate some moral greyness and if the topic comes up, they should be anti-establishment (I don't accept any bootlickers like Naruto). They don't have to change an oppressive system all on their own, but they should at least question it and work to better it. They don't have to succeed in their goals, but that loss shouldn't be brushed aside.
Some examples of other MCs I like and who fall into some or all of those categories:
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Kamiya Toshiro (Fool Night) - Ai Coleman (Dorohedoro) - Johnny Joestar (jjba)
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
As a Sukuita shipper myself, I can’t explain it but it feels like Sukuna cheated on Yuji with Megumi by switching bodies. It’s a dumb way of explaining how I feel but damn it Yuji and Sukuna were supposed to suffer together til the end.
This is absolutely valid! I feel the same way! It's really like Sukuna is saying, "You aren't enough for me. Megumi is much better, so I am leaving you for him." I am so hurt on behalf of Yuuji. I know it's not the way it truly is in the manga because the ship isn't canon, and I would never want it to be canon because obviously, Sukuna isn't good for Yuuji. But my shipper heart sees it exactly as you do. It's like a really bad breakup where Sukuna cheats on Yuuji and abandons him for his best friend.
I loved that Yuuji and Sukuna shared a body, that they were always together, and that they would one day die together. I loved that their souls were connected. I loved that Sukuna could hear Yuuji's thoughts. I loved how close they were. I LOVED the fact that Yuuji was MADE for Sukuna!! It was so comforting to me somehow.
Yuuji belonged to Sukuna and Sukuna also belonged to Yuuji. It was fate. It was like they were tied together by that red string and that was a very romantic idea to me. I know it is fucked up, but hey we are Sukuita shippers, right? We know our ship is crazy and toxic, and fucked up, but sometimes those things give comfort. And knowing that Yuuji only existed because Kenjaku wanted to gift him to Sukuna gave me comfort.
Now it seems so useless. If Sukuna can just jump into another vessel, it's nothing special anymore. I thought Yuuji was the only one who could host him! I thought he was the perfect vessel for Sukuna and that maybe a little part of Sukuna actually appreciated him for that. But now it's really like he never wanted Yuuji in the first place and never saw how wonderful of a gift Yuuji was :(
I wanted them to be together until the end too. It would have been strangely romantic to see Yuuji and Sukuna die together, maybe even see one last interaction that showed that Sukuna felt something.
Omg this got so long!! I had to put it all into words I guess. Thank you for reaching out to me!! You are definitely not alone in how you feel. <3<3 I am sending you lots of love and hugs!! We will get through this together! In our minds, Sukuna is still with Yuuji <3 I promise I will continue to write Sukuita stories where none of this happened!
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