#I ALMOST responded to someone on Twitter PLS
lady-tortilla-chip · 10 months
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utilitycaster · 6 months
do you really think the reason Imogen doesnt get as much meta as Caleb (who got every little detail discussed with thousands of notes!) is because people are afraid of a reaction, when its so obviously sexism?
The same reason she doesn't get the exact number of notes as Caleb? No. There's multiple reasons. I'm sure some is misogyny. Some is probably audience size for the respective campaigns, and some is simply accumulation over time - a post about Caleb from 2019 has had 5 years to gather notes.
But also. Are you fucking stupid. You literally showed up because of my tags to be kind of a dick in my inbox. I and multiple people who committed the grave sin of *checks notes* interacting with me were sent hate messages for hours on a Saturday night because I hinted in the tags that I kind of liked Fearne and Ashton as a ship while not being terribly into Imogen and Laudna, and some absolutely deranged loser decided this was an appropriate response. I was called out by someone who had made a blog specifically to block me when I responded to a reblog from someone else on a post I had made stating that Gelvaan was almost certainly not homophobic in canon and that treating Imogen's psychic powers as a metaphor for queerness has a lot of really unfortunate implications. And this hasn't even touched on that one person whose entire raison d'etre appears to be harassing every single person who doesn't think Imogen, Laudna, and their relationship is perfect; and who specifically made multiple alts to harass me. Like, the "It's Obviously Misogyny" people are genuinely putting more effort into being a dick to me than in writing meta about Imogen. You might be one of them.
I talk to many of my mutuals, some of whom really like Imogen, and yes, people do decide "you know, this could be interpreted by someone as too critical, and I don't feel like dealing with the heat" and keep that meta to the DMs or don't share it at all.
You know that post that Matt liked on Twitter that people have been, let's not mince words, jacking themselves off about ever since? If you actually try to say something with substance and evidence about how Imogen has Liliana's fear (the fear that meant that when Imogen begged her mother to leave the Vanguard, Liliana turned her own daughter down, claiming to need to stay with other children) or Delilah's love (which made her cruel, ruthless, and ultimately all-but doomed her) or Ludinus's desire for power (led him to commit endless atrocities) but resists these things in her desire to be a good person - and frankly, I think painting her with the same brush as Delilah or Ludinus isn't even true but I would love to dig into her similarities to Liliana - some asshole who smugly reblogs that post every time someone says "not to be controversial I think Imogen sometimes says things that could maybe be hurtful to other people I think" will throw a full temper tantrum and might send them an incoherent anon calling them a little hypocrite.
It's also fascinating because a lot of the tantrum-havers who will defend Imogen of even the most anodyne "perhaps this is not the most positive trait" and who will cite harassment Marisha received 7 years ago as a reason to not breathe a word of criticism about Laudna - and many of these people joined the fandom about 2 years ago if not sooner - will do this at the very people who have been supporting Keyleth since Campaign 1 was still airing. I mean, seniority doesn't mean anything but if you're lecturing people about something you weren't there for and they were? Clown behavior. Oh and a lot of those people doing the lecturing? Don't really like Keyleth very much, because she does things like "be angry" and "support Orym" and "have a measured viewpoint that doesn't match theirs" and "pretty clearly, along with Allura, who they also barely ever talk about, is directing Bells Hells along a specific path of that pesky moon plot because contrary to a weirdly widespread belief this is the moon plot campaign and not the baking cookies in a cottage campaign."
I mean, half these people forget about Fearne much of the time. The only NPCs I see many of them even talk about are the Vanguard generals and occasionally Abbadina when she's convenient for an argument. Not a damn word for Orlana or Birdie or Dancer or Weva or Rashinna, and they mostly treated Deanna, Prism, and Deni$e as nothing more than implements to shove Imogen and Laudna together but man do they have mountains to say about Bor'Dor. Hell, go to the blog of someone who whines about the way people treat Imogen and look through their meta, if they have it, and the vast majority of the time it's about Ashton and Orym and Ludinus and then they spend the rest of the time complaining about how The Big Mean Fandom is So Mean to Girls but they sure don't have much to say either because turns out if you can't say anything even remotely critical of a female character, it's really hard to write anything, and that's assuming they actually care about writing about female characters instead of just being an asshole, which as stated above is, in my mind, in doubt.
If you have ever spent a single second harassing actual living women online because you didn't like their thoughts on a pretend woman you are, at least in this specific scenario, easily the shittier person. Personally I am confident in my feminist bona fides through, you know, real world activism and how I interact with and support women and feminist causes socially, professionally, financially, and politically in my actual life, but yeah even I sometimes say "you know, I have thoughts about this thing regarding Imogen...but I've had a rough week and I don't feel like having one of the fandom tar pits on my ass" so I'll send my thoughts to a few friends and then idk, write about something else. And I'm pretty thick-skinned (this is the other problem with this strategy; you filter out the more measured and kind and sensitive people first and you're left only with people like me). A lot of people have flat-out given up writing about Imogen (or Laudna, much of the time) because they don't feel like dealing with backlash over some really mild statements. And because you send kind of dickish anons I suspect that it's more likely that you might be part of the problem than part of the solution. So no, it's not the only reason, but it's absolutely a significant one. Congratulations. You played yourself.
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salted-caramel-tea · 6 months
What are your thoughts about?
I was gonna try and collect my thoughts coherently before I started talking bu ti cant be bothered doing that so like. about the dream and that one circle of mcyt that just fucking hate them .
actually this is about how I have felt observing the dream space recently.
im uncomfortable?? not with the dream team, I still really love them and I enjoy their content and I do still watch sap naps streams if im awake for them but honestly taking time just to spend time on my f1 blog has been like a weight lifted from my shoulders.
just talking about dtblr, ive seen people trying to make the best of the situation by live-blogging sapnaps streams making jokes spreading positivity for all 3 of them but it doesn't really of much to take away from the pressure of the situation. Every day it seems like some cc somewhere has something to say about dream or George or sapnap and every day we rush over here to discuss it. it almost feels like theres this pressure to perform and to respond to what is being said, we need to discuss everything as a controversy no matter how stupid or insignificant the situation is and we contribute to the snowballing of tiny things that honestly dont need the attention the theyre getting and its tiring to watch. like im at the point where im scrolling past 'did you see what x said' because honestly I dont give a shit I dont give a shit about a cc who spoke to the dteam on discord maybe twice talking about their 'truth' I really dont care .
im genuinely just fed up with the way the creator space and fan spaces behave. Dream posts 'pls talk to me' and creators say 'but that won't get me clout' back to him.
who gives a shit if dreams stole punz girlfriend. who cares if dream sent a dm that might have been considered rude to Sara Simons a fully grown ducking middle aged woman with better things to do than start twitter drama. who gives a shit about sniff having one insignificant negative interaction with dream over a year. none f this is your fucking turret its just airing out high school level petty drama that could easily be fixed with a fucking dm . its pathetic. the way so many creators are going 'I too am a victim' and its 'he sent me a private message I didnt like' who fucking cares. and all of this 'ill stream explaining my story' what story. that he made a joke in bad taste. its performative. they want views they want twitters support they want to seem like theyre on the RIGHT side so theyre just pulling any old story out of their ass to add to the mentality of the mob and make it seem like yes I too hate dream because he is so awful when in reality he was probably just a bit of a twat like a lot of guys in their early 20s are . the only way hes gonna know that he did something that made u annoyed or upset or even mildly fucking miffed in the case of Sara fucking Simons is if you tell him. and we saw that bc 5 mins later shes saying oh its all fine he messaged me . see how fucking easy it is to actually fix these tiny ass issues if you actually have a conversation before launching a hate campaign on twitter dot com . and people going off to run with it and add it to the pile of 'poof' they have. hell ive seen someone saying they appreciate dream saying they want to talk about situations and saying they want to chat with him about an experience they had with one of his friends like what does that have to do with dream actually why not just take the initiative and talk to the actual person involved instead of making dream do it for u. its all just drama mongering
on a more serious note I really dont know how to feel with the whole situation with caiti. George didi fuck up and im not moving from that stance- whatever happened he made her feel uncomfortable and went on the defence instead of prioritising apologising to her for the way she felt about the situation.
what I cat fucking stand is how weirdly this situation has evolved. the initial statement was that he had touched her waist and tickled her and cat didnt like that. THAT CONTACT the touching of her waist was spread across twitter as a sexual assault. which its fucking not and it pisses me off as a victim to see how loosely terms of sex crime are being thrown around bc no matter how uncomfy you are touching your waist is not a sex crime. there was no mention of inappropriate touching actually, just that he had crossed a physical boundary with her and ive already talked about why I can empathise with that delayed reaction in feeling deeply uncomfortable with the situation . so it confused me as to why people on tiktok were spreading misinformation that his hands were down her pants and cat coming out of left field with he was grabbing my tits. because none of that was ever discussed in any of her prior statement and that seems like pertinent information when were discussing sexual assault. and from what ive seen her friends timeline of events dont match up with hers. her timeline of events onset even match up that well with her other comments on the situation and all of it just feels so fucking odd. why do the details change depending on who you ask and when you ask them
but I wasn't there. I dont know what actually happened. having experienced it you automatically hold that understanding towards her despite all the backlash because people blamed me too, they didnt believe me either and you never want to completely dismiss it no matter how weird the story seems because what if. keeping myself in the situation is stretching myself in two different directions where one is dismissing the claims of assault because nothing adds up and the other is she might be like me .
the reaction to caitis initial statement has snowballed extremely out of proportion if u ask me. nobody needs to know everyones personal grievances with dream or George or sapnap and to say that youre sharing these to support victims is a straight lie bc it has nothing to do with victims they receive nothing from your story that he made a bad joke 3 years ago or whatever and everything to do with the fact that you are utilising an opportunity to gain relevancy again and I dont want to partake in their relevancy.
I dont want to partake in any of this fucking drama actually. it's non stop. it's constant. its all over my dash all day every day but maybe its just the ppl im following idc. but I dont want to come back into a community where im going to find myself fighting to justify why I still enjoy the content of some creators while there are other creators receiving less vitriol for breaking the literal fucking law . its exhausting . its been years of it for me .
im not mentally well. I have a lot going on in my family life and I didnt realise how bad things were until I told my work friend I hadn't seen in a while my 'family drama' and she and the assistant manager pulled me aside and said 'im so sorry youre going through that right now are you dealing with everything alright?'. I have my final exams within the next month. I need to pass these to graduate. I have so much that is already causing me stress in my life and so much of the misinformation around the situation is so triggering and untagged and I dont want to log on and see another bout of 'x responds to x' 'x talks about dream' 'x shares thoughts on George situation' . I cant fucking do that right now.
people have called it the cowards way out, bailing at the burden of controversy but im not switching sides. im not deactivating. im not becoming a dranti. I still talk about the dteam i still like the dteam but I cannot force myself to endure other peoples stresses at the time being . thats all ive been thinking about rlly .
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thebentleyao3 · 2 years
Genuinely need to know how the pro soccer Daniel/pro karateka Johnny storyline escalates.
What’s their reaction to the shipping? Do their publicity people try to capitalize on it? Do they show up at each other’s games? Does the knee injury come back? Is there a World Cup/what ever karate guys do?
Sorry if these are two many questions—never sent one of these before so I figured i’d just ‘ask’ lol.
Tell me about this!
PLEASE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR ASKING TOO MANY QUESTIONS you have no clue how long ive wanted someone to ask me about this au In this AU, Johnny joined Cobra Kai at the same age he did in the series, and Daniel also learned karate from Mr Miyagi in his senior year. He ended up joining the soccer team at West Valley though, instead of getting kicked out like in the movie. Johnny and Daniel had a stupid, petty rivalry that never got as serious as it did in TKK. Even though Daniel still loves karate, he ended up pursuing soccer as a career after highschool. Since Johnny never fought Daniel in the All Valley, he won first place for the third year in a row and eventually started fighting internationally. The whole story starts because during an interview, Daniel gets asked about how he got into soccer specifically, yaknow, why not any other sport? And Daniel talks about how he used to play with his cousins all the time back in Jersey, and it reminds him of his dad because he taught him how to play when he was little. Then he starts talking about how he does karate too, ever since he was in highschool. The interviewer jokes a little, asks him if he's a fan of any specific people, and Daniel, little shit that he is, responds with "Oh yeah, sure I am. Ever heard of Johnny Lawrence? Big fan of his! I never miss a single match. Can't get enough of the guy :)" The somewhat niche soccer rpf fandom loses it over this. CONSTANT posts joking about Daniel's celebrity crush and how he was basically twirling his hair giggling kicking his feet over johnny in the interview. Johnny was already losing his mind when people started making jokes about shipping them but things are only made worse by the fact that during an interview before a pretty big match, they just won't stop asking him what he thinks of the memes about him and Daniel Larusso. He's so fed up he eventually just says that he and Daniel go "way back" and that they had a classic highschool rivalry, Larusso was just messing around in the interview! Somehow this only makes people more serious about shipping them?? People start talking about how they just give off the biggest bitter ex energy Daniel finds this all hilarious, even more so because he knows Johnny absolutely does not. He starts making jokes about it on his official twitter account, which obviously pisses Johnny off MORE. Meanwhile, Johnny's PR team (mainly Shannon and Bobby, obviously. don't ask me how.) start begging Johnny to let them start teasingly responding to speculation on social media for "publicity". As for whether they show up to eachother's games...ohohoho. I already had them hatewatching all of eachother's matches in mind but with the shipping only getting more popular, Johnny decides to actually buy tickets and go to one of Daniel's games. To tell him to quit making people think they liked eachother, obviously. Only, he gets...really really into watching Daniel play? There's something about seeing him move, so focused as he evades his opponents without any problem. Johnny gets so into it that he kind of forgets why he even came. the second Daniel spots him in the stands though? he stumbles, distracted, and trips over his own feet. he feels red in the face for the rest of the game. once almost everyone has left the stadium, and Daniel's on his way out, johnny stops him. they get into an argument in a secluded area, somewhere behind the seats, and that should be that right? except for the fact that the minute they both get home they see the most mortifying fancams of "johnny's face watching his bf play SCREAMS in love" and blurry pictures of them having an "intimate" conversation after the match.
that's about all I've got on this au, so sorry i didn't answer all your questions. im also SO sorry this got so long oops that was my bad...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING AN ASK!!
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peachy-sxnrise · 7 months
why are people on the internet so mean.
so the sims released the trailer for their new pack today and i was really excited for it, and my favourite sims youtuber, kayla (lilsimsie) was too when i watched her reaction video. in the video tho she missed a little text box that said one of the new items allowed you to summon the grim reaper at will, a feature i knew she'd be really excited about.
so then i went onto twitch and opened her livestream since i knew she was live and wrote in chat "pls tell me y'all told simsie about the summoning the grim reaper at will thing in the trailer after she missed it three times", to which a couple people very nicely replied "yes!" and "she did!", to which i replied "yay! I knew I could count on y'all!". i initiated this because I was excited for the feature and I knew Kayla would be too, and I hoped to spark a conversation on stream about it since I like her being excited about things.
I'm about to close the stream after this when I hear kayla say my username and start talking about what I just put in chat. she was perfectly nice and not targeting me in any way, just pointing out that so many people had brought up that she missed it. but then EVERYONE in the chat is going "people are so toxic" like constantly on repeat everyone is saying it. also, whole Kayla is talking someone says "you've done it now y'all you've broken her". and then kayla says "truthfully I did notice in editing I was just trying to get the video out quick and also I didn't want to take the time to add something onto the end because I had just found out my parents dog had cancer."
meanwhile, people are still yelling in the chat that people are so toxic for bringing this random feature up repeatedly (I'd just opened the stream I thought it would have already come up and i wasnt expecting kayla to respond to my comment if it had cos in that type of scenario she would just ignore the comment if shed already seen a similar one)
so basically the entire chat is yelling at me for bringing something up (in a very friendly way btw) because i thought kayla would be excited about it, and they're all making me feel shit about it and then I get the news that the reason kayla didn't go back and add it in afterwards is bc she found out her parents dog had cancer. which is really sad and obviously im sorry about that and kayla didn't do anything wrong in this situation.
but the CHAT oh my lord why were they so mean ;-; Kayla was perfectly nice about the way she addressed it, as we're the chat mods when they informed me that yes kayla had in fact been told about it, but the rest of chat were so freaking mean ;-; how on earth does this situation make me toxic. I was excited about the new feature. I knew Kayla would be excited for it too. I just wanted to hear her talking about it. I had no way of knowing if shed already been talking about it since I hadn't previously been watching the stream. but I'm toxic. great.
and then afterwards I knew I needed to rant about this whole situation bc it was pissing me off and I can't let go of things until I say them outloud (or type them ig) and I considered my boyfriend, but he was offline, and I considered my mum, but she was asleep, and then I realised I don't have a best friend to rant to. it got so bad I even considered twitter even tho I almost never use it anymore. eventually I decided on tumblr even tho I don't have a following who would be interested so no one's gonna reply to this being like "oh I'm sorry that happened that sucked" or whatever, which is fine ofc, but I just which I had someone in my life who I could be saying this rant to instead of saying it to an empty corner of the internet.
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hornime · 4 years
voyeurant | kenma kozume x f!reader
he tentatively wrapped a palm around the shaft, shuddering at the contact, his eyelids fluttering shut. god, i’m such a pervert, thinking about her like this. she’d hate me if she knew i saw her like that, knew that i was touching myself thinking about her tits...
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warnings: 18+, timeskip!kenma, kinda dubcon, kenma’s unintentionally pervy, male masturbation, poorly written video game content (i tried my best), mutual pining but u both are oblivious
w/c: 1.5k
a/n: yes, the title is a shitty pun of valorant. no, i will not be changing it. also this tiktok about timeskip kenma made me giggle so pls enjoy.
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voyeurant: part one ↓ | part two | part three:
“fuck, i hate this map,” kenma grumbled into his headset.
your voiced chimed in his ears. “is it ascent?” you turned to see his face on your screen, pinched in annoyance. “ha, it is ascent. sucks for you.”
“which one are you on? haven?”
“you know it,” you chuckled. “your favorite.”
“i hate you.” he weighed his options, did he really want to play this game? the layout of the world made it irritatingly hard to strategize, and today’s losing streak was making him more agitated than usual. with a sign, he closed the application. “fuck this. i’m gonna go piss.”
“yeah, yeah, you’re such a big baby. and...” you released your mouse, throwing your hands up in triumph, “we just won. at this point, i’m gonna outrank you.” you were joking, of course. kenma wasn’t just a gamer, he was kodzuken, one of japan’s best pro-gamers, and you were just someone that played as a hobby. but it was always fun to tease.
“hmm,” he hummed. “i’m sure you will.” he turned his head to look directly at his webcam, smirking, “in your dreams.”
“ooh, catboy’s getting feisty!” he flinched at the nickname. “go pee so i can beat you at your best.”
he obliged, pulling his headphones off and looping them on the top of his chair. he casually raised his middle finger at you while smoothing out strands of his hair, prompting a series of profanities to escape your mouth, none of which he could hear. he chuckled playfully as you responded with two middle fingers of your own, before moving out of the camera to get to the bathroom.
you and kenma had met in an... interesting way, to say the least. after going moderately viral from lashing out at him for refusing to heal you in a game of overwatch—while he was streaming—the two of you reconciled over a twitter thread and exchanged gamer tags. since then, you’d struck up an easygoing friendship, characterized by almost nightly discord calls and occasional flirting. but we’re just friends, you often reminded yourself. and you were fine, well, mostly fine, with that.
tonight was like any other night: both you and him spending hours in a video chat with nothing better to do than mindlessly play games and bash each other. it was more than enough to strengthen your relationship but fell short of giving you the romantic tension you craved.
with kenma off in the bathroom, you, already bored, spun wildly in your chair. forgetting that your earbuds were still plugged in, the white wire caught on an opened can of coke sitting on your desk, spilling the sugary drink all over your keyboard and the front of your shirt. 
“shit!” you quickly scrambled for paper towels, but the still-connected wire yanked you backwards. in your haste for something to wipe the soda with, the fact that your camera remained on in the video call completely slipped your mind. making the split-second decision that the trip for a towel wasn’t worth it at this point, you quickly whipped off your shirt, dabbing the keys with the part that was still dry. since you were home, you’d gone braless, and your current predicament had you flashing your webcam.
now, kenma had seen a lot of things from your side of the call: he’d seen you get chewed out by your residential advisor for being too loud, you with two sticks of pocky poking out of your mouth like walrus tusks, and you doing random cosplay moves you’d seen on tiktok. what he wasn’t expecting to see, not even in his wildest dreams, was a screenful of your tits, slightly damp from the cola that had seeped through the fabric of your long-gone shirt.
he stopped in his tracks, still out of the frame of his camera, eyes wide and heart racing, desperately trying to calm down and prevent the gradual hardening of his cock in his pants. unable to deny his desires, he continued staring at your plump breasts on his computer, you completely unaware that he could see you.
you quickly threw your soaked top in the laundry basket before throwing on a random sweatshirt and trying to calm your frazzled nerves. you tentatively touched your keyboard, groaning internally when you fingers lightly stuck to the buttons. it’s gonna take forever to clean this, you mourned.
“hey,” kenma mumbled, reappearing on screen and shaking you out of your thoughts.
“hey.” you noticed his flushed expression. “are you okay? you look really red.”
“uh, yeah. i actually uh, i feel kinda sick. so i’m gonna, gonna go.”
“oh, okay.” why’s he acting so weird? “feel better!” you disconnected from the call with a huff, disappointment morphing your face into a pout. well, you thought, better get to cleaning.
kenma, on the other hand, was still, swallowing as the bulge in his boxers became agonizingly hard. though the only thing left on his screen was his reflection staring back at him, the luscious view of your bust was etched in his mind. his hands moved to free his cock, the tip an angry red and smearing pre-cum over the waistband of his underwear. 
he tentatively wrapped a palm around the shaft, shuddering at the contact, his eyelids fluttering shut. god, i’m such a pervert, thinking about her like this. she’d hate me if she knew i saw her like that, knew that i was touching myself thinking about her tits...
“fuck,” he whined, slowly stroking up and down. his thighs trembled as he fell back into his chair, mind wandering. he couldn’t stop himself, his thoughts become more and more lewd, fantasizing about how your breasts would bounce as he thrusted into you, how your thighs would wrap warmly around your head as he ate you out, how you’d cry out his name so prettily when he made you squirt around his fingers.
it was all too much, and as the circle he made with his fingers tightened as he reached his tip, he lurched forward, alarmed at how good everything felt just by thinking about you. i can’t cum, i can’t, the small part of his brain that wasn’t completely overtaken with pleasure tried to reason with him. there’s no going back if i—shit—if i cum. she’ll know, somehow, if i—if i cum, i—
the ecstasy kept clouding his judgement and his body worked against his mind as his hand pumped faster and faster while his conscience screamed to stop. his wrist wetly slapped the base of his cock, the sounds of both his hands and his moans getting too loud for comfort, but all he could think about was you. your eyes, your mouth, your chest, your legs, your ass, your pussy. god, he wanted to be in you so badly.
he couldn’t hold back, his insatiable need to cum overriding his senses, and the translucent liquid twitched out of his throbbing cock in spurts, drenching his fist and his balls. “fuck, fuck, fuck. i’m—fuck.”
he collapsed against the back of his chair, chest heaving with the sheer intensity of his orgasm. he combed a hand through his hair, the consequences of his actions now weighing heavily on his shoulders. i’m never gonna be able to look at her in the eyes again, he lamented. how am i ever gonna—damn it. 
the sudden ping of a notification had his eyes raising from the mess on his pants towards his computer screen. 
meanwhile, you were messaging kenma, a little off-put by his sudden radio silence but chalking it all up to his mysterious sickness.
[11:05 PM] you: hey ken! hope u feel better
[11:05 PM] you: if u get the chance u should check out what i added to our minecraft house. its perfect for sick victorian orphans like u
[12:14 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: why arent u responding
[12:05 PM] you: guess
[12:05 PM] you: ok u got me ill tell u
[12:05 PM] you: its a hot tub
[12:05 PM] you: but with soup
[12:05 PM] you: but the soup is lava
[12:05 PM] you: genius right
[12:06 PM] you: anyway get some sleep and feel better <3
[12:06 PM] you: lmk if u wanna play animal crossing
[12:06 PM] you: actually no u should sleep. rest ur eyes and shit
[12:06 PM] you: no animal crossing for u!
[12:06 PM] you: sleep well so i can destroy ur ass in val tmrw
[12:06 PM] you: >:)
he sighed as he read your one-sided ramblings. he really liked you.
and he really wanted to fuck you. lucky for you, you wanted the exact same thing. 
if only kenma knew what you did on the other side of the screen, hands in your undies and his name on your lips...
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>> part two
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
DUDE THANK YOU!!!! AND OMG YES THIRST TWEETS!!! Here, I'll share my headcanons
gets endless amount of thirst tweets every week. every goddamn week. and he doesn't even have a twitter/instagram account.
does not give a single fuck about people thirsting over him
he thinks it's despicable when people appreciate his music because of his looks and not because of his talent
bored ™ 99.9999999% of the time when he reads them
a lot of the thirst tweets he receives are about his abs (from that one time he took off his shirt on the stage jesus fuckin christ), his voice, his jawlines, and, of course, his hair
his thirst tweets are really, really thirsty
they'd be like, "I'll let Eren Jaeger from Empire slit my throat with his jawline every fucking day" or "send Eren Jaeger my fucking way I HAVE HANDS AND I HAVE HOLES AND I AM WILLING TO PUT THEM TO GOOD USE" or "Eren Jaeger can honestly sit on my face, suffocate me with his balls and my ghost will say thank you daddy" or "just spent my evening thinking about softly running my fingers through Eren Jaeger's hair as I ride his fucking tongue"
his response is usually just: takes a deep breath as he runs his eyes quickly through the tweet, stares into the camera and says, "you need help. seriously."
sometimes he doesn't even say anything. he just takes out the tiny paper from the jar, silently reads through it with boredom written on his face, crumples the paper with one hand and tosses it down to the floor
the staff would be like "you're not gonna read it out loud?" and he's like "you don't want me to read that out loud."
if he finds the tweet to be amusing, he'll read it out loud slowly as he faintly smirks to himself but that's just about it
more often than not he just goes "no" *throws paper* "no" *throws paper* "no" *throws paper* until there are no papers left in the jar, then he'll look at the camera, smile cynically and say, "this is why I don't have a twitter account and I'm never gonna make one, thanks guys" (credit to @justasketch for this one)
fucking loves thirst tweets. eats them as breakfast every morning. it boosts up his self-esteem.
intentionally does dirty things on the stage to get even more thirsty tweets coming his way
takes every thirst tweet like a goddamn compliment
he could get a tweet like "i don't even really like chocolate but god knows i'd lick chocolate off Jean Kirschtein's body any day" and he'd be like, smirking at the camera while saying, "sweetheart, the real question is, what part of the body?"
responds with very dirty words that buzzfeed has to cut off his sentence short. there's this tweet that says "can i just suffocate Jean Kirschtein with my boobs already?" and he'd say shit like "well, baby girl, why don't you suffocate me with your boobs while I stick my fucking coc--" and the camera changes back to eren
is secretly hoping to get the nastiest tweets out there so when he got something like "Jean Kirschtein's personality is so perfect, he can softly punch me in the face with his lips" he'd be "what, that's it??? COME ON, EREN GOT SOMEONE SAYING SHIT ABOUT EATING HIS DICK FOR BREAKFAST AND I GOT COMPLIMENTS ON MY PERSONALITY??? SERIOUSLY???"
didn't get as many tweets as Eren did during their buzzfeed thirst tweets and it pissed him off for days
sometimes when he lies on his bed at night, he can still hear eren's voice when he read his thirst tweets. it just haunts him everyday.
does not understand the concept of thirst tweets. he just thinks people are being super weird. or rude.
ones that he does understand, make him blush so hard, he covers his face with both hands
says "oh god" or "dear lord" many times as he reads
gets almost as many thirst tweets as Jean, but they revolve more around his ass. or about him destroying someone's ass.
is not familiar with the dirty slangs
or scientific ones
he could get a tweet like "I want Reiner Braun to wreck my mucous membrane" and he'd be like "what's, uh... what--which--what mucous membrane are we talking about?"
"Reiner Braun always makes me jizz a little bit" and he'd respond with a frown, asking the staff "do women jizz? I don't--I had no idea."
there was this tweet that went "Reiner Braun is the only one I can trust to destroy my bussy" and he was like "what's a bussy?" and when the staff told him "it's their butt" it took him a good ten minutes just staring at the paper to process the thought and contemplate his life choices
gets pretty nasty tweets too, like "I'd lick Reiner Braun's butthole from balls to back every day, anywhere he wants" and he'll look like he's on the verge of throwing up, saying "our Lord does not appreciate this kind of talking"
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basilly · 4 years
similar fake dating hcs but for wilbur this time?
yess! i love wilbur haha
fake dating wilbur headcannons! || irl!wilbur x reader
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. pronouns: they/them
. romantic fluff
. the photos are ref- imagine as you! (you are a small streamer in this, as it would make social media posts easier)
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. recently, you had met someone while doing errands, instantly hitting it off
. you had gone on a couple dates and you had felt as though the two of you had clicked
. being close friends with wilbur meant you told him everything
. unknown to you, wilbur harbored lots of feelings towards you and had for a long time
. upon hearing of this ‘someone’ who intrigued you, he had felt a little down and encouraged, which you did pick up on
“Hey wil- you alright? You’ve gotten quiet”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it, tell me more about them” (absolutely killed him inside there)
. however, to your disappointment, the person you were talking to, had started to barely respond and was beginning to ghost you- which caused a small tear in your heart
. afterall, you had thought this person might’ve been the one
. once it had been brought up to wilbur- 
a.) he was very angry towards them- how dare they ghost someone as fantastic as you
b.) he thought of a very good idea that- in any chance could give him the chance for you to realize that he would make a good boyfriend
“Idk wil- i thought there was something... now i don’t really wanna do anything.”
“hey y/n, i have an idea- why don’t we fake date. Like just for a bit, this way we can make them jealous- all we would have to do is post each other once in a while and appear on each other’s streams, maybe a fake date in there once or twice”
“thats- thats not a bad idea... how do we break up though?”
“we can just say we worked out better as friends”
“okay- deal!”
. after that, the two of you set out to take some fake twitter posts
“okay im going to set the camera up there-” the timer started going off, and wilbur tried to carry you bridal style- however he is a bit clumsy...
“wilbur IM GOING TO FALL-” luckily you did not fall, but the photo did turn out cute.
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. everyone was super excited for you guys, many of the comments stated they “called it” and you guys were the perfect “best friends to lovers” trope
. wilbur had then created the plan to act like a real boyfriend in order to prove himself- or at least get to know the feeling of just once of how it felt to date you
“hey y/n, why dont we go on a “date” for more photos?”
“Yea, sounds like a plan! I’m free later this week.”
. on the day of the date, wilbur had actually bought you flowers, dressed up a bit, etc.
“flowers? you didn’t need to get me flowers.”
“well, as a fake boyfriend you still need to be treated the best- that other person was such a coward to ghost you.”
. he had taken you to a cute cafe about 15 minutes away
. throughout the entire date, wilbur was being the mst supporting and perfect ‘boyfriend’, ordering and paying for you, pulling out the chair, opening doors- it felt like a real date
. suddenly you had gotten nervous, and had actually felt really good, better than usual
. you had almost forgotten it even was a fake date
“oh wait I totally forgot- we need to take some photos.”
“oh right right”
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. later that night, while lying in bed, you thought about how truly convinced everyone was, that wilbur and you actually made a good couple
the date had even felt.. so real
. nonetheless, the two of you prepared for a stream that was going to happen later in the week, so you can show on camera your ‘chemistry’
“Hey guys- today is another geoguesser and talk to chat stream! But this time, I’ve got a special guest! Give a big welcome to my s/o, y/n!”
. chat was in a frenzy, it went by so so fast but you were able to see some messages like 
. you weren’t quite sure of what the last one meant, until you rewatched the vod that night
. wilbur was looking at you like you created the world and you guys made it so convincing it was like it was real
. although, you actually had felt- happier and excited when you noticed what they meant
. a sudden realization came to you
wait.. oh my i like wilbur
. since the two of you had planned to meet up the next day, you decided to tell him then
. you were so incredibly nervous, hoping he liked you back- he could be right? 
“hey wilbur”
“hm? yea what’s up?”
“I- have a sort of problem.”
“what is it?”
“So there’s this guy right- and he’s been super helpful and he’s even fake dating me to help get someone jealous but- I think i like him.”
. wilbur was actually stunned. he didn’t think the fake dating would work
. quickly he wrapped his arms around you 
“wait for real? i’m not dreaming am i?”
“yes for real stupid”
. he quickly pressed his lips against you cheek, elated his long time crush finally liked him back
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an: i hope you liked it! i wanted to choose a diff plot then karl’s and i wrote this at 5 am so lmk if smth needs adjusting :’) thank you all so so much for the likes and reblogs! I’ve gained 1000 notes in 4 days! that’s insane <33
requests are still open!
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stark-tony · 4 years
tododeku fic recs
* = incomplete
meet you again someday (after we take the long way ’round) by theroyalsavage
summary: Midoriya Izuku's life is saved by a boy with the strongest Quirk he has ever seen. 
Eventually - inevitably - he falls in love.(An AU in which Todoroki never attends UA, they never clash at the sports festival, but they come together all the same.)
pairings: tododeku
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
that is just the way by celestialfics
summary:  Shouto has his first sleepover.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff
warnings: none
what is right and what is easy by theroyalsavage
summary: Midoriya Izuku is not chosen to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. He does not slay a dragon, or rescue innocents, or brave a maze of dark magic. He does not win accolades, or fame, or glory.
Instead, Izuku meets the son of the greatest dark wizard of the age, a Durmstrang student with hair like a sunrise and eyes like a war. And maybe, he just might win something else.
pairings: tododeku, kiribaku, tsuchako
tags: fluff, angst
warnings: none
First Time For Everything by kazzarole
summary: Midoriya is the catalyst of many of the 'firsts' in Shouto's life--it just makes sense that Shouto should share his first kiss with him, too.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff
warnings: none
alone together by celestialfics
summary:  Five times when other Class 1-A kids notice Todoroki and Midoriya in their own world.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff
warnings: none
A Simple Warmth by patster223
summary: “I’m trying to make Todoroki a sweater for his birthday, but…” Izuku pokes at the tangle of yarn. “It’s more complicated than I thought it would be.”
In which Izuku sucks at knitting, his classmates are eager to help out, Todoroki finally gets to be cozy, and knitting is a vector for romance.
pairings: tododeku
warnings: none
Conventional Taste by WowBoring
summary: He didn’t think it would matter if Midoriya were taking him to a sewer convention; it was probably still going to be the highlight of his Golden Week.
In order to avoid a visit from his unpleasant grandparents Todoroki attends a hero convention with Midoriya, and learns a few things along the way.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff
warnings: abuse
pls respond by Esselle
summary: 'Midoriya: UR SO CUTE
Shouto chokes on nothing. How is he supposed to respond to that? Is he supposed to respond at all?
Midoriya: Look at your big head aaaaaaaaaaaaah Midoriya: *Image Attached*
Oh, Shouto thinks. He was talking about Shouto's Nitotan, which is now smashed to one of Izuku's cheeks in the image Izuku just sent, as Izuku squeezes it joyfully. Even if Izuku wasn't talking to him directly, the butterflies in Shouto's stomach feel a bit joyful, too.
He types out: I wish I were that Nitotan right now. Then he snorts, and erases it.'
Izuku has a wide variety of special moves, but his Key Smash might be the most powerful of all.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
i can keep a secret, could you? by handcrusher (ameliafromafairytale)
summary: The last thing Todoroki wants is for his father to figure out that 1) he's gay and 2) he's dating the boy he's supposed to overcome as a hero. So, he and Midoriya devise a plan.
Just how long can they keep it up?
pairings: tododeku, tsuchako, momojirou
hold on tight by lunalou
summary: "What are you doing?" Shouto asks.
"Hugging you." Midoriya returns in a patient voice. His arms tighten around Shouto's waist and he presses his forehead more firmly against his back. "You know it's a hug, Shouto-kun. Don't play dumb."
or, five times somebody from 1-a hugs todoroki and the one time he hugs them first
pairings: tododeku
If I'm Being Honest.... by I_dont_know_man
summary: Midoriya scrunched up his nose in confusion. “Uh, Shouto, why are you glaring at me like that?”
“I-” Todoroki began to lie, until nausea slammed him like a door to any room that Bakugou entered. “I--” Todoroki grit his teeth, and glared daggers into the wall behind Midoriya. Goodbye, friendship. It had been absolutely divine while it lasted. “Because you’re very attractive.”
They say honesty is the best policy, but it sure as hell had a knack for Todoroki making a complete and utter fool of himself. 
  In which Todoroki is placed under a mysterious truth-telling quirk and suffers, Uraraka laughs at him, Midoriya is confused but smitten nonetheless, and Twitter is the thirstiest site on the planet.
pairings: tododeku, kiribaku
tags: humor, fluff
Guiding Light by furihatachlookie
summary:  It was his mother's idea to enroll him at the local elementary school. His father believed a private tutor was better, but nobody can argue with a mother who's made up her mind, and a balanced exposure to kids his own age sways his father's judgement enough to agree and sign the papers.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, angst
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu's Elite Study Club by hanwritesstuff (hannahkannao)
summary: “Well, as I see it, we have two options.” Shouto holds up two fingers. “We can either ignore this and pretend it never happened or... not.” He doesn't know which one he wants. “What does not entail, exactly?” Yaoyorozu asks. “...I don't know.”
In which Todoroki accidentally learns something about Yaoyorozu, Yaoyorozu accidentally learns something about Todoroki, and they spend a considerable portion of their study sessions... not studying.s
pairings: tododeku, momojirou
tags: fluff, humor
Do What You Will, If That's What You Want by stanzas
summary: “What do you mean you’re retiring?” Bakugou asks nicely, or at least as nicely as someone like Bakugou can ask. The question is phrased more like a demand.“
Call it a mid-life crisis,” Shouto answers, like Bakugou asked him what the weather would be tomorrow, and takes a deep sip from his coffee. “I’m thinking of changing careers.”
The world of heroes is quick to adapt to surprises, but Pro Hero Entropy’s (very premature) retirement announcement throws almost everyone for a pretty impressive loop.
pairings: tododeku
tags: hurt/comfort, angst, humor
extra, extra! by rythyme (pugglemuggle)
summary: Shouto & Creati: ACTUALLY Dating?! by Hitachi Hitomi at September 18, 2047 3:42 pm."Ever since heartthrob 
Todoroki Shouto and the Everything Hero "Creati" made their official debuts, the two 22-year-old heroes have been nothing but professional towards each other. But was this all a sham to cover up the truth?" 
Or: The media thinks Shouto and Creati are dating. Hint: they aren't. A multimedia TodoDeku & MomoJirou fanfic told through news articles, gossip columns, twitter, tumblr, text messages, and more.
pairings: tododeku, momojirou
tags: fluff, humor
you broke the dark and my whole earth shook by aloneintherain
summary:  Shouto had imagined himself as the country’s top hero for decades. Endeavour had put those images in his head when he was a child, and they had stayed there, growing like a fungus, until Shouto had reached adulthood. Even now, he was only just beginning to realise he didn’t have to live his life according to almost thirty-year-old decisions made by his abuser. He could do more. Be more. Outside of the hero community.
Izuku gets a job offer in America. Somehow, this brings Shouto and Izuku closer than ever before.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
count your blessings, not your flaws by PitViperOfDoom
summary:  Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
pairings: tododeku
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: bullying
call the fire department (i'm burning up with love) by Edgedancer
summary:  An (abridged) list of things Todoroki Shouto did not have before U.A.: Loud neighbors. Fire alarms. Friends. Midoriya Izuku.
pairings: tododeku
long nights and daydreams by dreamtowns
summary: According to the public, Pro Heroes Deku and Entropy are an amazing Hero Duo, best friends, and the most eligible bachelors in the world. According to their fans, they’re head over heels in love with one another yet oblivious to the others’ feelings. According to their friends and family, they’ve been in love with one another since high school, but, for reasons unknown to them, refuse to act upon said feelings.
According to said heroes, they have been (secretly) married for six years.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
extra-salty/twitter-verse series by SportsAnimeRuinedMyLife (KnightOfRage)
summary:  In his third year at UA, Todoroki Shouto works in a burger place, catches on fire and falls in love. Only two of those things are on purpose.
Or...Todoroki Shouto's exciting adventures in customer service.
part one of the extra salty/twitter-verse
pairings: tododeku, kiribaku
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
More Than Skin-Deep by Emmeri
summary: It was a fact, really. That he was ugly. Having a scar which takes up half his face kind of does that, in Todoroki's eyes. So why does he overhear the girls call him the class pretty boy?
He'll just have to ask Midoriya about it; he has too little filter to tell anything but the truth.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, angst
Your Biggest Fan by Latios
summary: He opens the bag on the floor to see what could have been left in there-- and promptly freezes, staring at the contents inside.
“Midoriya.” He calls.
“You bought our hero merch?”
Aka, Class 1-A starts to see themselves appear on merchandise in their local stores. Todoroki tries not to buy things, and fails.
pairings: tododeku
tags: fluff, humor
Marry The Mole by Haurvatat
summary: “You're going to break up with him before he can propose.”
The hands went down and the steel wall of Midoriya's entire being went up. “...Excuse me?”
“And in return-” Enji gritted his teeth, “-I will deposit 20 million yen in your checking account.”
The gay drama fic based on a tumblr post absolutely zero people wanted to see but YOU'RE GETTING ANYWAY
pairings: tododeku
tags: humor
ascended fanboy by aloneintherain
summary: “I want to honour them,” Izuku said softly. “When I cosplay, I just want people to see how amazing these heroes are.”
Shouto brushed a thumb over his cheek, careful not to smudge his makeup. “They do. I promise.”
Or: Izuku and Shouto attend HeroCon, five years post-graduation.
pairings: tododeku
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
ROSE I AM FREAKING OUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE PREQUEL STUFF???? WHAT IS GOING ON, my god... I was literally about to go to sleep, decided to check Tumblr one last time and see this.... what WHAT!! WHATTTT!!!!!! I don't even know if this is good bad or what but just JENSEN IS PRODUCING A SUPERNATURAL PREQUEL AND DEAN'S GONNA BE THE NARRATOR OR Sth LIKE???? -🐸
YEAH i am normal about this <3 (jk i am also freaking out) welcome to: people screaming to me in my inbox about prequelgate ft. j/2 fallout theory. let's goooo!
Another copypasta and suddenly chaos machine is full on gay I love this prophecy
you know whats funny i just checked the j/2 tag and i feel like for the first time in a long time they are starting to realise that maybe THEY should be the ones who are "gutted" *sips tea*
Nevermind just read prequel and well good luck I guess but just you know kind of bleh who wants to watch John Winchester well let’s have hope anyways
i know a lot of people are bummed out but i am kind of very excited actually?? i trust robbie and even though yeah j*hn winchester turned into a nasty abusive bastard, it can be interesting to explore how it all started (imo). it's just the first of many stories they can tell.
I can only accept this circus if it’s Dean telling the stories to his and Cas’ kids and then we have a revival to show that the whole finale was in fact the end Chuck wanted there Jensen I fixed it
i would not say no to this
heyloo bee anon here
um- wtf is happening?
jackles prequel series?? why? i want to be excited about this but sheesh im scared
because supernatural is never dead <3
okay, but, jensen... john winchester ≠ jdm, you don’t have to go /that/ hard for him 🙃
true true... though i am waiting for jdm to comment on this, please i need it
Rose you really picked the worst time to sleep for real
bestie it was literally 4 in the morning, what do you expect from me sdfjsfhsf
I can’t literally can’t we were all right LMAO j2 fallout theory is real and cockles (Misha supporting Jensen) is [gunshots] I’m just laughing cause what the hell is this timeline we’re living LMAOOOOOOOOOO
we would always end up here <3
Do we have the copypaste anons to thank for JP basically confirming the J2 fallout? lol 🦚
yes, everybody say 'thanks annoying idiots!'
Anticipating that there's going to be a lot of yelling about the prequel on here: I am cackling, but also, I mean, the first time Dean got a look into his parent's past, Cas was the catalyst: literally entered Dean's mind and catapulted him to the 70s. So idk, it's not completely unreasonable to expect some Cas cameos, maybe setting up a parallel timeline since Dean is narrating. What I'm saying is, this is Jackles, he's getting JDM and Misha in on this lmao -Honeymoon Anon
you were right lmfaooo also i fully agree. misha's tweet further cemented that thought for me. he knew about this prequel and i dont think he is cas-baiting us, i think he'll be involved. i'd also be obsessed to see jensen and jdm act together again (though idk who jdm could play seeing as it's a prequel and he is way too old to play young j*hn)
longlivethetribbles heeft gevraagd:
Heyyyyyy bestie, are you SEEING the absolute madness going on right now holy shit
well a little late but I SURE AM BESTIE
bestie wake up pls s16 finale just dropped.
- 🍯
and WHAT a great one it was
I love coming home from work to see all of the chaos unfolding on Tumblr and Twitter. I'm absolutely buzzing right now. I'll probably still be here by the time you wake up and check tumblr 😂 - 🐢
lmaooo and were you still awake?? did you see my freak out??
Oooh bestie wake the fuck up, I know you’re gonna be excited for this one jsnsjsj
god i had SUCH a morning like. it's 12:00 now and all i did since i woke up is check tumblr rip
short summary: jen and dee gain the rights, they post on ig/twitter about a prequel ft john and mary that no one asked for, the fandom loses its everloving shit as usual, they trend on twitter thanks to the beloved twt intern who missed us, misha qt’s jen about cas possibly benefiting from being in the prequel, then j*red qt’s jensen abt how his feelings got hurt by him not being told about a prequel his character as no involvement in & he initially throws a tantrum, and the rest is history - 🦋 anon (ps: i hope this helps a little, i’ve been scattered brained trying to keep up with it all night lmao so pls let me know if i missed anything, bug crew !!)
thank you so much darling i figured it out eventually but this is a helpful summary!!!
I hope you enjoyed waking up to all of this XD -🐢
i sure did!!! also that answers my question about you being awake lmao
well the party was still going strong this morning so im not TOO "gutted" see what i did there lmaooo
Now that you are caught up with the news... So idk if you remember this but...didn't jarpad tell jackles he was up for a reboot in an online panel? And jackles answered that this was news to him??
yeah i think you are right but he was clearly joking and didnt expect jackles to actually be working on something already
J2 anon spare more of those anons let's finish this - tea anon
please, we're having a ball in this bitch
I saw a post on tumblr where someone said now that Kripke gave J&D the rights, maybe they’re starting with a prequel just to end on a reboot in years time and honestly ? I wanna believe that so badly. This is tinhatty but what if this is all calculated in a way that makes it so that Jensen is slowly starting to fix everything that was wrong with spn - now that he has the rights and he’s slowly making spn his own story ?! I mean he did say in his ig post he wants to ‘fill in the rest’ - and maybe Mary and John’s story is only the beginning of spn related content from J&D to come ??? Maybe he wants to give spn the justice it deserves ?? Thoughts ??
i dont think this is tinhatty at all i think this is very possible and not that much of a reach. i could see this happening yeah for sure
want to hear something funny. I found out I had a ruptured blood vessel in my eye because I was sending my friend a video freaking out when the prequel news dropped and I noticed the corner of my eye was red af. and when I got back online jared had tweeted.
rose.. bestie... how are you feeling about The News? nsfshsf being european is a curse </3 🐞
i feel GREAT im living for it i feel on top of the world tbh (and yeah it really is dsjfhs)
What am I waking up to I can't WHAT I rested my eyes for like 5 minutes help *hits reblog button* - anon anon
yep yep essentially djfhs
“Jensen and Misha are Co workers who barley talk”
I can’t be sure of course but I’m fairly certain that this is the copypasta that brought the j/2 fallout theory back to life. Who’s apparently ‘barely talking’ now? skansjsjsj. It’s almost prophetic, these j/2 anons have superpowers I’m telling ya.
-poker face anon
next time we get one of them we should be thanking them lmaooo
ok, but are we gonna talk about the "When Daneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew that the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester [...]"-quote because the way this is phrased implies they formed CHAOS MACHINE Productions with the intent of telling this story (first), i haven't been in this dumpster long enough but the name just tickles me in that Misha way, isn't it so sus??? am i missing something???? i mean with this announcement they SURE lived up to that name... 🧩-anon
you are absolutely right, chaos machine SCREAMS misha and we are all here for it!!
hey hey hey. joining the clownverse, there's no way THEE cas girl danneel doesn't know just how much the fandom loves misha and cas. so 2 + 2 = misha in the spn prequel!
So I think I finally managed to catch up on wtf happened while I was asleep and my brain melted. What a shit show to wake up to.
Anyway thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of a Mary&John sequel. I think it has the potential to be good (It has the potential to be really bad too, so I'm kind scared).
🕯️🕯️🕯️ manifesting Mary being badass and John being kinda useless🕯️🕯️🕯️
As for the Jensen and J*red thing.
I can see Jensen not telling J*red even if they are still friends, because J*red is kinda good at accidentally telling Secrets. He could have told him right before he announced it so, so that J*red didn't have to find out from twitter. He was on the show for 15 years, he is bound to get asked about it. The public twitter meltdown was really unprofessional so. Like you have Jensen's number J*red. You could have sorted that out in private like a normal person, but instead you choose to act like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Is it weird that I'm actually going to be kinda that for them if the actually had a falling out, even tho I don't like J*red all that much. They seemed to be really important to each other and while I thought before that the might have triefted apart a bit, I didn't think that the where actively fighting.
- 🐌 anon
the thing is, the polite/normal thing for jensen to do was text him before announcing it on twitter. it's weird he didn't, and that makes me believe that maybe yeah they did have a falling out. especially with the way j*red responded to it on twitter. if he had no other reason to be this upset (no prior beef or falling out) you'd think that he wouldn't be responding like this. on the other hand, the man is a mysterie to me so who the hell knows. i'm not gonna mourn about it if they did/do grow apart because j*red is just.... awful imo.
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quercus-queer · 4 years
BA’s Reckoning
Yes, I stole this title from the Sporkful podcast. You should check it out!
So just a reminder the whole thing that kicked this off was when Tammie Teclemariam tweeted the photo of Rapoport in brown face (yes its brown face its a purposeful caricature of Puerto Rican ppl, his girlfriend called him her papi in the caption as well) saying he should simply write the article on Puerto Rican food then (the issue was Illyanna Maisonet, a Puerto Rican food writer, got rejected rudely by Rapo for her pitch to write about Puerto Rican food) Which brings up the larger issue of BA being racist and not covering any other dishes besides Eurocentric ones, and the ones that aren't Eurocentric are almost always either whitewashed or done by white people which is what happened with Masionet’s article (this is where Amanda Shapiro and Meryl Rothstein come in).
This led to a zoom meeting where Rapo made a shitty apology leading Sohla El-Waylly’s instagram posts, where she condemns Rapo, talks about her 50k salary despite having 15 years of restaurant experience (She ran a fucking restaurant and 50k in NYC is pathetic), being hired to help white editors, and not being paid for ANY of her video appearances (none of the poc you see in videos have been compensated including the zoom videos). Which has led to many people at BA being exposed for being terrible (Conde Nast is the parent company and owns BA, Vogue, Architectural Digest, Allure, Glamour, Wired, Epicurious,Teen Vogue among other things... also take note how most of these have consistently been criticized for their racism or “race problems”)
ANYWAY here’s a general guide of what each BA person has done, this is in no way comprehensive, feel free to investigate on your own, always fact check and form your own opinions!
Adam Rapoport: Brown face, not paying his non-white employees for their video appearances, treating his assistant Ryan Walker-Hartshorn (a black woman) like shit (she was working overtime and was barely making rent with what he was paying her), he's sexist (see every video with Molly) and racist (mixing up Sohla and Priya Krishna and never apologizing) and more!
Check out the Business Insider piece, twitter (Tammie’s, Christina Chaey’s, and Priya’s), Sohla’s podcast and interviews, and someone made a compilation of Rapo being condescending I think
Matt Duckor: Disgusting, racist, homophobic, sexist all around terrible person, probably the most obviously terrible of the bunch (see Rick Martinez’s insta plus Duckor’s own tweets), strung along Sohla for months saying that her pay was “stuck in legal” so that she would keep appearing in videos, gave Sohla a contract when this stuff first started happening to try and shut her up, HE is the one deciding pay for everyone at BA and was the one not paying poc for video appearances.
Check out Rick’s Insta, Twitter for Duckor’s tweets (screenshots bc he deleted his account)
Carla Lalli Music: First off, ppl are pointing out she was condescending af to a lot of her guests on her show (except for the white ones). The racism at BA did not start nor stop with Adam Rapoport and guess who was editor in chief before him? Yup, Mrs. Carla Lalli Music! Necessary amendment: Carla was the food director NOT the editor in chief and she is currently an editor at large... still a powerful position though and I think the sentiment still stands. She had a pretty pathetic twitter thread about how she should’ve done more but was focused on the sexism/focusing on women, strange because she also sent that shitty email to two women along with Delany and Brad after the two of them, Delany, and Brad were talking in the kitchen, telling them not to enter the kitchen without permission (not enforced on Brad or Delany obviously, only the two women who happen to not be white) I misread the article, Brad was a part of the convo, he did NOT receive the email, and didn't respond to the articles request for comment.. he fucking works in the test kitchen, i’m an idiot and that's on me
Business insider and her twitter 
Alex Delany: I have a post with the screenshots of the confederate flag cake he made himself because he felt the “need to express some southern heritage in cake form. Such a glorious cake...” for his friend moving to South Carolina, the lovely vine with the classic “F*g is a bundle of sticks joke” also have a post discussing that, he’s wildly underqualified for DRINKS editor and overpaid, also his girlfriend is Allegra Lorenzotti whose mother Eva Lorenzotti, is in Jeffery Epstein’s black book which is concerning (though who knows maybe Delany is dating a different wealthy Allegralo), also those sexist tweets
I have screenshots from Tumblr, ppl have the vine on twitter along with the sexist tweets (he deleted his twitter and Tumblr btw)
Andy Baraghani: There are screenshots of Alyse Whitney’s (an asian woman) twitter thread saying Andy purposefully undercut her articles multiple times because of a petty feud with Antoni from Queer Eye by using his friendship with Amanda Shapiro (Whitney’s editor) to kill the story, which is shitty and brings up the bigger picture of BA being cliquey and getting in with a friend of a friend and such which is just a toxic work environment
Amanda Shapiro: Puerto Rican food article, Alyse Whitney’s articles, she’s a perpetuator of the toxic work environment, stealing Nikita Richardson’s work and getting credit and pay for it (pls check out her twitter and the articles with her), also racist, should not be in charge
Chris Morocco: Made one (1) basic post (simply a reply to Molly calling him out actually) at the beginning of all this agreeing to not be in anymore videos until his coworkers got paid/backpay, he said he was complicit (duh) but also that he had no idea this was happening, but guess what? He is the one that hired Sohla for only 50k! There is a whole can of worms about how little Sohla was hired for despite her experience plus talent along with her current pay and Chris is a part of that. Also both his gumbo video and Halo Halo recipe are downright disrespectful at BEST and they should not have had a white man doing them (again with the white people doing articles/videos that can be EASILY given to someone whose actually part of that culture) and before anyone says anything yes the gumbo was for Chris’s show (strange how only white ppl get shows or in Andy’s case unless you’re friends with a higher up) still doesn't make the video less disrespectful, also he’s SAID he is friends with Anna Wintour (head of vogue, and a racist “there’s no room for black women” the reason the vogue challenge is happening)
Brad Leone: Himbo status permanently revoked, “Brad who just found out racism is real”(Sohla said this in the Sporkful podcast) is NOT acceptable for a 35 year old white man whose coworkers are suffering in a clearly toxic work environment, the screenshot with “I didn’t sign her contract she did” is NOT how you respond to your coworker being underpaid and disrespected by the company she works at because she is not a white man. I do not like him anymore, he has made apologies but ignorance to this extent is willful and I don't completely buy it the rumors he was upset Delany was going to be fired/would quit if Delany was fired/was mad at Sohla is not something I was able to confirm but based off of what I’ve seen he really needs to prove himself to be better, he can stay if that’s what his coworkers want but he is on thin fucking ice
Stuff I can't accredit to a single person, but BA is racist: 
NIKITA RICHARDSON, pls check her out on twitter
They sent Sohla to interview black chefs (bc BA has a bad track record) because she was the darkest and there were literally NO black chefs working at BA
Making Priya only cook Indian dishes (which were kinda whitewashed) I actually think this may have been Duckor
Tokenizing the poc staff (they would make them be in the kitchen when filming the white hosts shows and push them in front of the camera to highlight nonexistent diversity)
Paying Hawa Hassan only $400 for her video (probs also Duckor)
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gokubrain · 3 years
same anon as before and I kno u say it's fine but like I kinda feel obligated to talk about db cause its db ldnabdb so sorry again but yea!!!! it's so wild that to this day even the official vas for Geta and Goku will make little jokes about the 2 having an immensely special relationship (like that time sabat said vegeta has a goku wig for "reasons") and like even tho those are jokes I get kinda happy from it cause its being acknowledged! and god Goku really was the first person, possibly ever, that vegeta put his entire faith and hope in and even after he died he kept aiming for Goku and brings him up at least once in almost every appearance he's made ever. and Goku wanting him alive (wanting!) so they could have a rematch, which ultimately lead to them having the special relationship they have now just speaks volumes of relationship potential this series hasnt see much of. I know it's kinda nuts but gosh I just feel like those years of when I was super young and thought of how close these 2 have been validated now that I know how to use some sense of critical thinking for this series. toriyama really made characters that could be good gay rep and he has absolutely no idea about it.
yeah omg actually let me tell u smth cool, chris sabat followed me on twitter for a bit and i talked to him in dms about kakavege LOL he said he could totally see a relationship between them !! so that's rly cool
but yeah when the literal voice actors for the characters have grounds to make jokes about them being gay then you know something must be up HAHA
i'm getting a little overwhelmed (/pos!!) so sorry if my following thoughts are a bit jumbled LOL BUT
SAME THO when i was younger i shipped them but as i got older and was able to read deeper into literature and had more experience doing so with other media i was like wow,,, they really truly are gay huh LOL
it's really very fitting i feel like that like. IDK LOL like they're both so similar in terms of like,,, okay okay LOL
i have a hard time putting it into words but fighting is a thing that is very important to both goku and vegeta so the idea that a big major life-changing battle is what brought them together (AND APPARENTLY WHAT TAKES THEM OUT AS WELL ACCORDING TO DBO LOL) is soo romantic LOL AND like. yes god it's so crazy i bet when vegeta heard goku want to spare him his heart just beat out of his chest LMAO LIKE. EVERY TIME I WATCH THE SAIYAN FIGHT I'M LIKE WOW,,, THEY MUST BOTH BE HAVING SOME RLY CONFUSING FEELINGS RN LOL LIKE THIS IS LITERALLY WHERE EVERYTHING STARTS FOR THEM!! this is even confirmed by goku's whole "pls spare vegeta i Must see him again" speech at the end of the fight LOL AND ALSO right after that speech and after krillin spares him vegeta's like "i'll be back motherfucker" which i always interpret as vegeta having mild gay panic and being unsure how to respond to such reckless kindness lol
like i know goku's reason for sparing him is because he wants to get stronger and beat him and vegeta's reasoning for saying he'll be back is revenge and both of those things are true but i can't help but feel like there are some underlying feelings here akin to that feeling you get when you realize you like someone lmfao like. yeah you guys wanna fight again huh? because that fight was unnecessarily homoerotic and you just HAVE to experience those feelings again huh?? okay homos
sorry im rambling a bit but while reading ur anon i was reminded of another very important kakavege scene in the freeza arc where vegeta is fighting freeza and he's about to die but then suddenly goku arrives!! and it's such an important moment for both kakavege and just for vegeta's (questionably written, i know) characterization. to this point vegeta has been listening to everyone else talk about goku, when's goku gonna show up, we need goku to come save us, goku can beat freeza, goku goku goku and i'm sure vegeta was absolutely disgusted by this LMAO LIKE he didn't really get it, but when he's about to die by freeza's hand and suddenly goku shows up i feel like vegeta experiences for the first time this wave of relief that the other z warriors are all too familiar with. like everyone always has to hold out until goku gets there and when he finally does the relief is just absolutely palatable. vegeta witnessed this happening first hand when goku finally arrived during the saiyan arc but now he's experiencing what it's like to be on the other end and have goku arrive in shining armor to save him LOL I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE?? like it's such a turning point for vegeta where he realizes he's actually elated to see goku here at the final hour, even if vegeta does bite the dust here it's obvious that he has faith in goku's ability to kill freeza by his dying speech (WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER KETTLE OF FISH, HOLY SHIT LOL. VEGETA CRYING AND BEGGING GOKU TO KILL FREEZA?? HE'S SO QUICK TO BE VULNERABLE HERE I'M SURE IT RLY WRACKED GOKU TO SEE HIM LIKE THAT LMAO)
but yea yes, kakavege is very dependent on this concept that goku is actually vegeta's savior and always has been!! he spares vegeta's life the first time they meet and then comes to avenge him in the freeza arc and ultimately vegeta's drive to be better than goku changes who he is as a person and its like. goku is the ONLY one who saw any worth in vegeta, everyone else hated him and wanted him dead LOL SO
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tyongf-nct · 4 years
the after part - choi san {smut drabble}
just a warning before the warning: I’m on mobile so I can’t use a keep reading feature. this involves watersports/piss kink so if you’re not into that, DONT read it (pls). This idea came from an anon a while back and I had sudden inspiration defintely not from scrolling on twitter ps this gif makes me think dirty things
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dynamic: san x female reader
warnings/tags: smut, watersports/piss kink, degrading themes but no direct degrading dialogue, oral sex (female receiving), only reader comes
San sucked on the sensitive skin between your thighs, pulling high-pitched moans from you as lewd noises echoed through the large hotel room. A voice in the back of your head hoped no one could hear you through the walls, but the pleasure that came from San’s tongue took over your conscious mind.
“Feel good, baby?” He mumbled against you. The vibrations went straight through your core and deep into you, a shiver passing over you as you moaned out a yes. You could feel his lips curve into a smirk, satisfied with his work as he licked you to an orgasm. Your back arched with every long stripe he licked up your center, warm tongue collecting your wetness and combining deliciously with his saliva. He nibbled ever so lightly on your clit, tearing a surprised gasp from you at the sting of pain. San chuckled, apologizing with a kiss to your inner thigh.
“Can you come for me?” He asked with a sweet tone. You whined at an embarrassingly loud volume when you looked down; his lips were glistening from the various liquids you had produced and he had donated with his mouth. His cheeks were flushed and hair touseled sexily from the constant tugging of your ten fingers. He had a sloppy, lopsided grin that made him look even sexier than he already was.
You nodded, unable to say anything coherent at this point, and slapped your hands down on the bed when he went back to your core. It took only a few more seconds of flicking his tongue until you were coming, sharp and electrifying pleasure racing through your veins as you moaned San’s name repeatedly, chanting as if he were a prayer and you were begging for something to someone who wasn’t listening.
He finally gave you a break, scooting away from your core as you lay stagnant on your back, chest heaving with the effort of stealing air back into your exhausted lungs. You watched San wipe his mouth with the sheets from your peripheral vision—“Unsanitary,” you thought—before gulping down the glass of water that had been resting on the nightstand.
“I have to piss,” he announced. Your ears perked; you had been waiting to hear those words for a few days, waiting for the right moment. You had always wanted to try it—having San relieve himself on you. You felt dirty for even thinking it, for wanting it, but the thought turned you on so much you didn’t much care.
“Hey...I have an idea. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, obviously, but please don’t judge me. I already feel weird about it,” you said. He sat back down on the bed, quirking an eyebrow in curiousity.
“I would never judge you, baby. What’s your idea?”
“I was thinking...maybe, you could, you know...pee on me. I mean,” you coughed, sitting up to really look at him, “Like, watersports. You’ve heard of that, right?”
San sat with his mouth open, ears reddening as he considered it. You cursed internally, thinking you asked too much of him but he interrupted your thoughts.
“Fuck, that sounds really hot. How long have you wanted to do this?” You chuckled awkwardly, looking down as heat rushed to your face. Your fingers played idly with the pillowcase, eyes anywhere but San’s face.
“I don’t know...a while. I was too scared to say anything.”
“Why? Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course!” You insisted, “You know that I can be shy,” you laughed lightly. He chuckled, nodding his head in agreement before grabbing your chin to lift your gaze to his own.
“Well let’s head to the bathroom. Too messy for a bed,” he said resolutely. You opened your mouth to respond then closed it, not knowing what to do except exactly what he said. You trailed after him on the short hotel carpet, a shiver running over you as you entered the chilly bathroom. It was sparkling clean, almost sterile, and a deep sense of arousal rushed through you at the thought of dirtying it.
“Kneel on the floor, I’m literally about to piss my pants,” he instructed. You wanted to laugh but your hormones had full control at this point. You kneeled on the cool tile, heart beating as you looked up at his toned figure. His cock wasn’t hard like it normally was when you were on your knees in front of him, but you could see the bulge of his full bladder.
Without much warning, San started to pee, a warm stream of clear urine leaving his cock and soaking your chest. You blurted a moan, the sight of him pissing on you had your core throbbing once again. The contrast of his warm piss and the cold temperature of the bathroom sent hot flashes of pleasure zipping through you and straight to your center.
“Fuck, you look so dirty like that. I’m gonna get hard just from this,” he groaned. You breathed out a light laugh, watching the steady stream of piss fizzle out to just a few drops he shook off. You looked down, your entire front covered in his...release. The tiles of the bathroom floor were covered in a big puddle, even just the thought of bending down to wipe it all up made your entire body heat.
“After we clean this mess up I need a handjob,” San groaned. You giggled, nodding and standing gingerly to start the process.
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nayutai · 5 years
Sleep Walker
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⇢ Genre fluff (this nearly killed Jesus Christ fluff authors are powerful)
⇢ Pairing Jimin x OC
⇢ Word Count 4251
⇢ Summary Jimin finds himself wandering into a 24-hour coffee shop after his efforts to sleep have proved unsuccessful where he finds more than just the caffeine boost he needs to get through his day
⇢ Notes this goes out to my love bug @tae-tae-drives-me-kray​ 
Working the night shift at a 24-hour coffee shop makes for a very boring shift. Most of the customers clear out by the time that two o’clock rolls around and those who do pop in are on their way to their own early morning shifts and generally don’t stay long. They also don’t usually start arriving until at least 4:30. For Amira, this means that she can eat snacks and binge watch Supernatural until the day time people show up for the most part. At $11 an hour it’s a pretty cushy gig if you don’t mind the fucked up sleep schedule. 
The sound of the bell above the door tinkling loudly just before three sends Amira flying from her perch on a stool behind the counter. Whoever it is giggles melodically at the flurry of creative curses that come out of her mouth as she rises to your feet dramatically. She gives them a dirty look that softens at the way their eyes twinkle even in the low light of the cafe. 
“Are you okay?” At least they have the decency to ask about her well-being after nearly giving her a heart attack. The lower half of their face is covered in a mask and a baseball cap sits low on his head. If it weren’t for the fact that this person’s eyes look so friendly she’d be standing a lot closer to the silent alarm and the baseball bat that her manager allows her to store under the counter. 
“Just peachy for someone who was on the verge of death. What would you like to order?” He rattles off the name of some frappuccino thing with an assload of ingredients and Amira has the sudden urge to beat her head against the granite countertop. Being that she works night shift, most of her barista knowledge circled the memory drain a long time ago due to the fact that the most complicated thing the early morning demographic orders is flavored iced coffee. A walk in the park compared to the science experiments that the daytime crew is required to mix up throughout the day.
“I’m gonna keep it real with you, chief. I forgot how to make this but I don’t have the authorization to do refunds so if it’s bad you’re stuck with it.”
“At this point, it could be dishwater and I’d drink it as long as it’s got caffeine.” 
And yet he ordered one of the froo froo drinks Amira thinks to herself. Those drinks have the least amount of caffeine out of everything on the menu. He’ll be asleep before he even finishes his drink.
“Well if caffeine is what you need, this drink isn’t what you want. I’ve got just the thing though.” You put away the clear cup for the frappucino with his consent and reach for a regular coffee cup. “What’s your name? I know you’re the only one here but it’s against store policy for any cup to leave this hellhole without a name on it.” He seems to panic at the thought of giving up his name, a wary look morphing his gaze. Her brows creases as she watches him contemplate how he wants to answer what she thinks is a very simple question.
“Jimin...” He says after a minute.
“Ha, that’s cool. There’s a guy in BTS with the same-“ Amira’s hand freezes halfway through writing his name as her drowsy brain starts connecting some very important dots. The news lady on channel six had said they’d be in town this weekend but never in a million years did she expect something like this to happen. She peeks at him from beneath her lashes. He looks ready to bolt out the door at the slightest provocation so she do her absolute best to remain calm for his sake. 
Alright, sis you can do this. Just stay cool, calm, and collected. Mama ain’t raise a loser you can do this.
Jimin visibly relaxes when Amira starts writing again and turns to start making his drink. It’s a special concoction she makes for her fellow graveyard peeps. It’s strong enough to knock a donkey on its ass which is why it’s such a hit. One of her regulars, a long haul trucker, tells Amira all the time that he doesn’t know how he’d make it through his long drives without the liquid defibrillator that he practically orders by the gallon. Definitely doesn’t seem safe but he’s got an incredible driving record and he always brings her a fistful of the soft peppermint candies she’s partial to. 
“Thank you for not freaking out. I’m not really supposed to be here.” Jimin mumbles as he accepts his drink. He loves interacting with fans but not at two a.m when he’s barely able to stand up from his lack of sleep. 
“I gathered as much. Not many global superstars stroll through here at this hour or at all really.” Amira give him a smile that she hopes puts him at ease and, judging by the way his lips turn up a bit, it may have worked. 
“Couldn’t sleep and we’ve got interviews all day so at this point I don’t have time to sleep hence the desperate need for caffeine.” He takes a cautious sip of the drink in his hand. She wasn’t kidding when she said that it would help. The caffeine hits his veins with the force of a speeding bullet train and Jimin already feels more alert just a few sips in.
Somehow, talking about his sleep troubles snowballs into a conversation about Disney movies and why Maleficent is the baddest bitch in the Disney realm when the blaring of his ringtone cuts her rant short. A heavy sigh escapes him at the interruption. He’d much rather listen to the adorable barista in front of him continue her impassioned argument, but duty calls. 
“Guess that’s my cue. Thank you for the drink and the company.”
“No problem! If that shit starts fucking with your heart rate though you did not get it here. I refuse to be attacked by your twitter army for giving you heart palpitations. I ain’t built for that type of guerilla warfare.” Jimin full on belly laughs, nearly dropping the rest of his drink in the process. He couldn’t get rid of the goofy smile on his face even if he wanted to. 
He grips the door handle in his hand but something is holding him back. Something feels unfinished and his feet refuse to move any further until that changes. Jimin turns around to see the source of his frozen feet standing behind the counter again, staring at his still form curiously. Before he can stop himself, Jimin crosses the short distance, snatching the pen stuck to the top of her apron to scribble his phone number on a nearby napkin. The gagging noises she makes when she realize what he’s just done make him feel justified in his rash decision. This time when he backs away, the smile on his face is one of mischief.
“Don’t let this be the last time I talk to you or I’ll never forgive you.” Jimin’s steps feel lighter as he treks back to the hotel to face the wrath of his manager. He hopes desperately that she texts him later. A frown replaces the grin behind his face mask at the prospect of his new crush not contacting him after tonight. His steps falter slightly as he processes the fact that he just met her not even a full hour ago and has already developed a full-fledged crush on her. Oh, Amira, so powerful and yet so unaware of it.
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[Amira]: best friend
[Amira]: rise from the dead
[Amira]: I have a story to tell and before you even ask no it can’t wait until a decent hour
[Pomegranate]: if this doesn’t involve you meeting BTS or you hitting the lottery and paying off my crippling student loan debt I promise I don’t care 
[Amira]: ….sometimes I swear you’re psychic
[Pomegranate]: BITCH DID YOU HIT THE LOTTO????? 
[Amira]: shut up I didn’t hit the lottery but I did meet someone from BTS…
[Amira]: Jimin to be more specific
Incoming call from Pomegranate
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“Well look what we have here. A traitor.” Jimin rolls his eyes at Taehyung’s dramatics but his best friend and bandmate is having none of it. “How dare you go traipsing off into the concrete jungle without me? We’re supposed to cause mayhem together and you left my ass in the middle of the night like I’m some side chick.”
“It’s really not this deep, Tae.”
“To you. Which is exactly why I snitched to Sejin.” Of course, Taehyung was the one to rat him out to their manager. He could be quite vengeful when he felt that he’d been wronged and obviously he took not being invited on his late night coffee hunt as a personal affront. The Capricorn energy coursing through his veins absolutely could not let that stand.
Jimin opens his mouth to respond when his phone vibrates in his pocket. He ignores it for the sake of pacifying Taehyung but when it vibrates twice more his curiosity gets the best of him. 
[Unknown]: uhhhh hi? 
[Unknown]: ew that was awkward as hell pls forgive me
[Unknown]: shit I didn’t even tell you who I am wow anyways this is the barista you tried to kill earlier also known as Amira
Jimin snorts at Amira’s messages which piques Taehyung’s interest in a major way. He can’t recall a time when his friend has ever looked so disgustingly happy over a text message from anybody. Just as he’s about to lean over to look at the screen, Jimin shoves the sleek iPhone right in his face. He’s babbling on and on about how funny and cute this Amira person is which only serves to further confuse Taehyung.
“I just want you to know that none of that made sense to me.”
Taehyung is almost sorry that he asked as Jimin launches into an impassioned retelling of the beautiful girl that made him a drink that is sure to keep him up until the end of time. A slow smile spreads across Taehyung’s face as he connects the dots. Jimin has a crush. A big one. He can’t wait to tell the other members that their precious Jiminie has finally found someone that meets his incredibly high standards. Out of all the idols back home, both male and female, that have practically thrown themselves at Jimin’s chelsea boots and it’s a random cafe employee that manages to make him totally enraptured.
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“So let me get this straight,” Amira’s eyes follow her best friend Cameren as she paces back and forth across her living room. “It’s a regular degular night at work until some guy in a mask walks in and scares the shit outta you. Lo and behold that guy is fucking Park Jimin from BTS and you make him drink that god awful elixir of the damned you insist on serving to people and he actually liked it?”
“Not just that.” She fishes the napkin with Jimin’s number on it out of the pocket of her sweatshirt and carefully unfolds it so that Cameren can see the string of digits scratched into the napkin. The creative string of curses that fly out her mouth would make most people blush but after more than a decade of impassioned screaming, Amira doesn’t even flinch. Her eyes widen comically though when she notices Cameren reaching forward as if to snatch the napkin out of her hand. She thanks God for gifting her with reflexes quick enough to keep it out of Cameren’s reach.
“Bitch! Let me see it.”
“No! He gave me this because he obviously trusted me not to pass it around and I don’t plan to disappoint my future husband this early in the game.” She replies indignantly. 
“Look at you. All delusional and shit but whatever I respect it.” Cameren declares as she props herself on the coffee table in front of her best friend. “So, did you text him?”
“Of course I did. Who do you think I am?” Cameren opens her mouth to respond with what is no doubt going to be some witty quip about exactly who she thinks Amira is, but she’s interrupted by the tell-tale ping of her phone receiving a text message. The shocked look on Cameren’s face is perfectly mirrored on Amira’s as she slowly picks her phone up from the couch cushion she’d sat it on. 
[Kristoff Hater]: you’re too adorable to be awkward
Amira sits frozen in place as she reads and rereads his message. There’s no way he just said that. There is absolutely no way in hell that the Park Jimin himself just called her adorable. Have the heavens finally opened up? Did God decide that today is the day that she secures the biggest win of all? She’s in such a state of shock that Amira doesn’t even notice Cameren trying to get her attention until she starts physically shaking her shoulder. Amira’s voice box is still refusing to function so she simply hand over her phone to let Cameren see the message for herself. Her friend’s answering shriek perfectly voices Amira’s own feelings.
“He’s typing again!” Cameren thrusts the phone back into Amira’s hands just in time for another message to appear on the screen but she quickly close the conversation when Jimin starts typing once more. It takes longer than expected but the tell-tale ping from her phone makes Amira’s  heart skip a beat at what he could possibly have said this time. 
[Kristoff Hater]: speaking of you being adorable I need a contact picture so go ahead and hand one over and no one gets hurt 
[Kristoff Hater]: or don’t because you’re an autonomous human being and that’s totally up to you but I would really appreciate a picture of your face because I think you’re you’re cute and wow I’m rambling over text which is super embarrassing so I’m going to stop typing now byeeeee
This time, Amira is the one screaming.
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“It’s official. You scared her away.” Taehyung claps Jimin on the back from his spot behind him in the van. Jimin continues to stare dejectedly at the stagnant conversation with his mystery woman. It’s been hours since he’d went out on a limb and asked her for a picture with not even a hint of a response. He’d originally thought that he’d eventually get over it and go back to normal but now he’s not so sure.
“Leave him be, Tae.” Namjoon pipes up from Jimin’s left. “It’s important to fully feel and process your emotions no matter how depressing they are.”
“Oh, so now the wannabe philosopher is going to preach to me?” 
“It was probably too good to be true any-she texted me back!” 
[Coffee Almost Bae]: I’m so sorry 😭
[Coffee Almost Bae]: In the interest of total transparency I had a meltdown because you called me cute and I’ve spent the last fourteen hours trying to psych myself up to respond 
Jimin nearly melts into puddle of feelings right where he sits. This girl is entirely too cute for her own good and she doesn’t even realize it. His fingers start flying in response, but his frantic typing is interrupted by another message.
[Coffee Almost Bae]: I believe you asked for this {image attached}
He’d thought that Amira was cute when he’d first met her at the coffee shop but seeing her in this picture is making his heart race. She’s clearly at dinner with friends judging from the crowded table full of food behind her. He’s incredibly appreciative of the way her jeans snugly hug the hourglass frame that her work uniform hides. His eyes are then drawn upwards to her face and he finds himself getting lost in the sheer brilliance of her smile. Eyes bright with a playful energy. Jimin is sure he’s never seen anyone more captivating.
“Yeah I’m definitely in love.” He proudly shows off Amira’s picture to the rest of the group, relishing in the comments about how pretty she are. Jimin chooses to ignore Yoongi’s comment about how he wasn’t sure that she actually existed until he saw the picture. His heart flutters in his chest as he stares fondly at the picture on his screen. He’s so caught up in her beauty that he forgets that you have to actually reply to the text messages in order to keep a conversation going. Until his phone vibrates in his hand.
Jimin’s eyes go wide as he realizes the unforeseen consequence that his awestruck staring has resulted in. The concerned questions from the other members roll off his back as he tries to fix the mess he made. The two extra concert tickets that he’d been holding for two of his friends suddenly come to mind. Frustrated with the way he keeps misspelling words in his haste, Jimin throws caution to the wind and hits the call button. He doesn’t know why he’s so desperate to fix this, especially since he just met this girl less than forty eight hours ago but he can’t deny the nerves coursing through him as he waits for Amira to answer the phone.
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“Cameren, he thinks I’m ugly. I just know he does.” Amira whines and it’s nearly Cameren’s breaking point. She sighs frustratedly over the phone as she does her best not to yell at Amira for overthinking and sending herself into a panic. 
“This man saw you in an unforgiving barista uniform, bare-faced, at three in the morning and still somehow thought you were cute.” Cameren can hear Amira inhale to interrupt her but she powers through, giving her no option but to listen. “If he saw you looking like that then there’s now way he thought the picture you sent him was ugly so stop overreacting. He’s a fucking international superstar someone probably stopped him for an autograph or something. Or maybe he thinks you’re insane for losing your shit because he took more than five minutes to respond.”
On a more rational level, Amira knows that Cameren is right, but it’s not every day that a girl actually gets to live out their fantasy like this. So naturally, she’s insecure and full of nervous energy that is near impossible to get rid of. What if his sleep deprivation made him delirious? What if fully awake Jimin thinks he made a mistake? Cameren is still ranting when Amira’s phone beeps with another phone call. She pull the device away from her ear to see who it is and nearly choke on her own spit.
“He’s calling me! I gotta go.” She ends the call with Cameren and answer Jimin’s before her overactive nerves can convince her not to. The second Amira accepts the call, all that can be heard is Jimin apologizing profusely. Somewhere in there he mentions something about concert tickets and soundcheck and her brain decides to finally kick in to get some clarification.
When he finally starts speaking slow enough for her to understand him, Amira is stunned even further into silence. Front row tickets to their next concert with a primo soundcheck position? Yeah, there’s no way she could pass that up, but there is one issue. Their next concert is in Toronto. As if he can sense what she’s thinking, Jimin immediately offers to fly Amira and whoever she wants to bring with her to Toronto. The sound of raucous laughter in the background drowns out his next sentence, so she can only assume the rest of the group is giving him shit for that.
“I can’t let you do that, Jimin.” Amira already knows that Cameren is going to kill her for this when she fills her in later, but she doesn’t want him to feel like she’s using him for free stuff. He tries his absolute best to change her mind but Amira doesn’t let up. 
“At least promise me that last night won’t be the last time I see you.”
“I promise. Now go to sleep before I tell army you’re neglecting yourself because I can hear the exhaustion all in your voice.” Jimin laughs at her playful threat which makes her heart swell with pride at being the one to make him laugh like that. After being a fan for so long, Amira can perfectly picture the adorable way his eyes have probably scrunched closed as he laughs with his whole body. The reluctantly bid each other goodbye after Jimin makes her promise once more that they’ll meet again.
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Months have passed since the day Jimin turned Amira’s life into a wattpad fanfiction and since then life has changed in numerous ways for both of them. Amira has gotten a new job. A new dog. A new house. Meanwhile, BTS has hopped from country to country playing to sold out stadiums. Broken fistfuls of records that established western acts admittedly balk at. And yet, despite all these changes, Jimin and Amira’s presence in each other’s lives has remained constant. Whether it be a funny meme he saw online, a FaceTime call at an indecent hour because time zones are weird, or even a postcard from whatever part of the globe BTS has ended up in. Despite their best efforts though, their late night conversation over coffee did not get the follow up that they’d promised to have. 
Amira is on her way back to work after meeting up with Cameren for lunch when she gets a text from Jimin. It’s a picture of what looks like a schedule for the upcoming month and it looks pretty empty save for a flight to LA on the fifth. The image is accompanied with several eye emojis and Amira connects the dots immediately. The second she returns to the office, she submits a request for two weeks of leave time. After snapping a picture of her screen, her fingers fly across the screen with a quick message to Jimin.
Amira hasn’t seen Jimin in person since that night at the coffee shop and that thought keeps her up at night as the days fly by. No matter how much careful planning they put in to try and see each other something always seemed to come up and foil whatever plans the two of them had concocted, but this time feels different. Like everything might actually fall perfectly into place. That brings up the question about how Amira is going to handle being face to face with Jimin again. All of his flirting and little pet names have been hard to handle over text but to be in the same room with him and keep her cool is going to be a new kind of challenge. He’s been very direct about what his feelings are and though she feels the same, Amira has been hesitant to reciprocate his romantic sentiments in fear that what she feels is rooted in her love for BTS as a fan. Cameren has been Amira’s saving grace with her pep talks but nothing could ever truly prepare her for the force of nature that is Park Jimin spending two uninterrupted weeks in her house. 
Jimin arrives in a whirlwind of designer luggage that he quickly tosses aside in favor of peppering kisses all over Amira’s face while she playfully attempts to fight him off. Her terrier Luna runs circles around the both of them in a frenzy at having a new friend to play with her. Amira’s heart is beating erratically in her chest as Jimin switches tactics, choosing to simply hold her close to him.
“Hello to you too, Ji-” His lips pressing against her own stops Amira’s sentence in its tracks. 
She’s always admired how soft his lips looked but to find out just how soft they actually are sends a rush of endorphins coursing through her. All of the qualms she’d had about falling for him melt away like ice cream in the summer sun. Her insecurities suddenly seem so significant as his lips mold against her own like they were meant to be there. A deep groan rattles Jimin’s chest when she gets over her initial shock and reciprocates. He tastes of strawberries and the faintest hint of mint when he explores her mouth with his expert tongue. Amira decides then and there that she would gladly die of suffocation if it meant she could kiss Jimin till she croaked.
They could’ve remained locked together for an indefinite amount of time if not for Luna tugging on Jimin’s pant leg with her teeth, demanding her fair share of his attention. He doesn’t hesitate to scoop the energetic fur ball into his arms, scratching behind one of her ears as Luna practically vibrates in his arms.
“I think this is the part where I tell you I’m in love with you and want to be your boyfriend.” He lifts Luna next to his face and Amira knows she’s in trouble. “Don’t you want to wake up to us every morning? At least for the next two weeks?”
“Kiss me again and you’ve got a deal, boyfriend.” 
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calmlftv · 4 years
telephone - m.c. (part 1)
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w/n: this was supposed to be a cute and soft blurb that turned into 10 pages on google docs, so it’s officially the longest thing i’ve written about 5sos! this part is a bit boring and slow so i apologize. part 2 coming soon! 
word count (part 1): 1.7k
warnings: n/a! 
Ever since the quarantine started, you were bored. Absolutely, totally, and completely bored. Because you took it all so seriously you stayed home as much as possible, and while your home was quite literally squeaky clean, you just couldn’t take the silence anymore; your friends were all still working from home, so while you had all the time in the world to talk, you tried not to bother them too much.
One day, just after dinner, your boredom had once again brought you to your Twitter feed. While it was probably the 4th time you had read through the same tweets, you finally found a new one; something your friend had liked during the day, probably while they were on a break from work. You paused when you read it, really thinking before you opened up iMessage. The tweet contained a phone number, and while you had no idea who this person was, you thought “why not?” and sent that first text.
Hello??, you sent, your boredom truly bringing you to this uncharted territory. Saw this phone number on Twitter, and lockdown is boring. Pls don’t be a serial killer. 
You set your phone down but left the conversation open, biting your lower lip as you stared at the screen. After what felt like forever but was only a few seconds you locked the screen, deciding you were just being weird and getting up to grab a snack for yourself. From the kitchen you heard the ping, your head snapping in that direction as you paused your actions. After a second you put everything down, your curiosity getting the better of you as you wandered back to your room and picked up the phone. 
An emoji appeared on the screen, one of the crying laughing ones, before a new blue bubble appeared below it. Am not a serial killer, the bubble read, causing you to sigh a bit in relief. Just a man who is also bored of lockdown. 
Locking the phone you set it down again, standing and pacing your bedroom as you thought. Could you really take this person's word for it? Could you really trust they weren’t tracking your cell phone right at that moment, just waiting for the right moment to grab you and carve you up for dinner? 
On the other side, however, was the loneliness of lockdown. Could you really go another day without talking to someone? Your friends do what they can, but loneliness has really crept up on you in this quarantine. Letting yourself trust this person was telling the truth wasn’t going to be the worst thing in the world, right?
Without much more thought you picked up your phone again, opening the conversation again and typing out your response. 
I’ve decided to trust you, Mister Stranger. You paused, sending that message before starting a new one. What’s your name, again? Unless you prefer being the handsome Mister Stranger.
You practically threw your phone on to your bed as you waited for the response, now forgetting about the snack you had prepared that was still sitting on the counter. Surprisingly your phone dinged rather quickly, the object being in your hand before you could even think about it. 
Well, you don’t know who I am, so how do you know I’m handsome? 
You bit your lip. Mister Stranger had a point. 
Good point, Mister. Maybe a name and a face, then? 
Another answer within a few seconds: You first.
You took a second to find a really cute photo of yourself and sent it, your name following in a separate speech bubble after it. The response was a smiling photo of the cutest blonde man you’ve ever seen; he had a chocolate Easter bunny in one hand, his blue eyes sparkling while he held it up for the selfie. He looked cute and sleepy all at once, like he had been just about to lie down in a nap. 
A second speech bubble appeared soon after, containing a name and a question. 
Name’s Michael. Michael Clifford. You really don’t have any idea who I am? 
The question was odd, your curiosity peaking again as you responded. 
No idea. Should I know? Are you really a serial killer after all? 
Definitely still not a serial killer, Michael’s response read. Hopefully you were making him laugh. Just a bit strange that you’re texting someone and you have no idea who they are. 
Oh I’ve done much worse with strangers. Almost immediately you blushed, regretting the response right after you had already sent it. 
Oh, she’s saucy. A winky face was added after that. That’s alright, we don’t need to dive into that at all. What have you been up to in this lockdown?
It didn’t take long for you to grow comfortable with this stranger -- Michael -- as you talked, both of you obviously invested in the conversations you were having. If you were honest, you really enjoyed the attention; you know people you care about have lives outside of you, but finally getting the attention you’ve been craving for so long was almost euphoric. So when Michael pointed out what time it was you cursed under your breath. 
Not like it matters anymore, you joked, adding a winking emoji to the text. But I should go to bed. Chat in the morning?
Michael quickly responded with the affirmative, causing you to smile as you said your goodnights. Once you were finished talking you laid in bed for a bit, looking up at the ceiling while your thoughts swirled around in your brain. Eventually you finally caved in to your curiosity, pulling out your laptop and typing Michael’s name into the Google search bar. 
The results were...nothing like you had expected. 
Photos ranged from obvious teenage years to the present day, his face splashed across your screen as you dove in a bit deeper. You got to laugh a bit at his multi-colored hair styles as you scrolled through, reading tabloid titles and gossip pages and even pausing over social media accounts dedicated just to him. It seemed like his band was much more popular than you thought; not that it would have affected the way you spoke to him, of course, it was just surprising that you had never heard of such a popular band. 
Your snooping eventually leads to uncovering his Instagram page, causing you to scroll through different posts and give him a quick follow. With his follower count so high you were sure he wouldn’t notice, so you brazenly snooped and looked at the photos of him. His dogs were adorable, and the photos he had with his girlfriend (?) were precious. Mentally you made a note to ask him about those things in the morning before you turned off your computer. 
Settling in once again you went through the conversation in your head. Usually small things about how you texted would bother you and sometimes other people, but this time nothing seemed to have been standing out; you would double, triple, or quadruple text Michael and he would do the very same with you. Having someone meet that energy was...different, but very much welcomed. 
With these thoughts swirling around your head, you drifted off to sleep, dreaming of puppies and a world without a possibly deadly virus. 
Sunlight filtered through your window, the wispy curtains you had hung not doing very much to keep the light from waking you. Slowly you were pulled from your sleep, a small groan escaping you as you reached for your phone. The time read 8:16 a.m., another groan emitting from you as you flung your blankets off of your body. Groggily you dragged yourself into your bathroom, running a hand down your face as you yawned and put your phone on the counter. You reached up and ran a hand through your hair as you checked your notifications, catching up on social media as your phone rested against the sink counter. 
A memory surfaced when you saw your missed texts, your fingers immediately tapping the conversation from last night. You forgot you had updated his contact to be his name, followed by the obvious dog emoji and you couldn’t help but smile. You really thought you were so clever, in the best way possible. 
After giving it much thought -- really, about 2 seconds -- you sent Michael another text. 
Good morning! Hope you have a great day today, x. 
For good measure you added a smile emoji and left it at that, not expecting any sort of answer until much later anyway. You dismissed the app and pulled open your favorite music one instead, playing your favorite playlist as you got into the shower and went about your day. 
Things got quiet again after that. Doing your spring cleaning occupied your thoughts, but on occasion they drifted back to your conversation with Michael; after your good morning text didn’t get a response you had simply given him space, sure he was just a busy guy with other things to do and worry about. Being in a band was tiring, and lockdowns probably didn’t stop everything he had to handle. 
During all your down time you had decided to listen to Michael’s band, going through the entire discography two or three times within the almost two weeks you didn’t hear from him. They really were incredibly talented, you decided, and a handful of them found their way on their daily rotation as you danced around your home. 
One day you were watching the television, just surfing through the different channels while you lounged on the couch. You were about to shove a fitsful of popcorn into your mouth when you came across the broadcast, the California state governor issuing another address about the state of emergency he had issued months ago. You sat up straight and turned the television up as the governor spoke, a smile on his face as he proudly announced the end of the lockdown. 
You immediately jumped up and cheered, knocking the full bowl of popcorn to the ground as you grabbed your phone. Immediately you were texting your group chat with all your friends, planning a killer kickback for the following weekend to celebrate your newfound freedom. Without any hesitation you tapped open the text thread with Michael, your single text from however many days before still sitting there unanswered. You don’t know why but you sent him one more, asking him if he wanted to come to the kickback before you finally noticed the mess on the floor. 
Still giddy you started to clean, this time not resenting the fact that you had to. 
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lgcxmiyeon · 4 years
hello everyone i’m still honestly stunned i managed to bring in miki / miyeon in time for the latest acceptances (ㆁᴗㆁ✿), but here’s my bab kyo miyeon, mikaela, aka miki! below the cut is a little tl;dr for her, about her life and personality, and all of her pages are practically up! i have both twitter and discord for plotting so do hmu if you’d like them if those are much easier plotting spaces for you! 
about | profile | plots | satellite
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born mikaela kyo miyeon, most people call her miki for short, or miyeon if they’re more comfortable using her korean name. she responds to either, just not mikaela
left sk when she was 3, stayed in cali until she was 18
started dancing when she was REALLY YOUNG, been to only dance schools for all of her life or almost all of her life
auditioned for legacy in jan 2018, got accepted as a trainee because of her dance and average singing skills
was a part of the competitive dance team satellite from 18-20 yrs old, left after becoming a trainee, but still close to them
she’s a HUGE homebody, if anything, this video right here is miki’s vibes, mood and energy all the way through (link)
she had a poodle dog back at home with her family in america, but her puppy isn’t with her now. 
a puppy magnet, apparently dogs are really comfortable with her and she doesn’t mind them
usually a quiet and shy introverted homebody, but changes once she’s on stage
she’s highly insecured about her looks, and has gotten lip fillers to make herself look better, only that its gotten a bit overboard
she tends to search herself on search engines and get sad about what people says
the giver archetype, 150% passion 160% effort despite talent, loud when she’s familiar with you, laughs with her whole face and body pls, her room is a treasure box of all kinds of movies
big emotional kid, 100% to cry over a puppy getting sad video, crybaby, scaredycat
she probably seems quiet and cold if she doesn’t know someone, like don’t come near me pls thk u i might stab you
is an actual cinnamon roll when you’re close with her, with high affection rates and big hugging feels
has an ahjumma laugh
big worrywart and overthinker
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