#Yuuki Koishikawa
adiabolikpastel · 1 year
The Lost Kanuki Kid
Incase you missed the post about it - today (6/1) is Yuuki's birthday! The sweet girl would be 21 - if we are keeping with real time.
disclaimer that in her story tormented reverie, Yuuki ages from 16 to 18 - and then tormented reverie: another daydream takes place centuries later. This information would be revealed then, in Rini's route.
This year I decided to do something a little dark, and talk about Yuuki's 21st year - rather than just her birthday. Now, this is totally spur of the moment - I had not planned to do this, I didn't even realize she was 21 until I looked back on last years birthday posts.
So, strap in - this one is going to be a doozy. There is quite a bit to unpack and it gets rather Yuuki-lore heavy. You might need to read The Koishikawa Family Debt before you read this, just to understand the back end of things (it needs fixed by its the bare bones). I'm going to dress this up as nice as I can - like I said this is something I just decided to do today.
there is mention of other OCs that are not mine, but have a home here in the Tormented Reverie story line. they belong to @pureblood-prey @subaruxayano and @/sanin-oni-lovers respectively.
Trigger warnings: abuse & child abuse / infant death
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While most humans spend their 21st either partying or working or even finishing college - Yuuki was in the same place she'd been for the last five years. 'Trapped' in a mansion with a vampire boy - though she'd hadn't felt trapped really in years. On the contrary, life had been something of a dream. As if a haze were put over what was supposed to be - and Yuuki lived in this big house that never changed.
But on this particular night, the unthinkable happened. A small spark of life made itself known inside of Yuuki. The news came as a shock to the couple, but Yuuki was as happy as could be. The coming months were filled with trials and tribulations as they prepared. The idea of sharing his doll did not sit well with Kanato, but he pushed those feelings down the best he could.
By this time there were not many left in the mansion. Ayato and Yuko had moved out. Reiji and Rika off to college. Subaru and Ayano gone as well. Which left only Shu and Akumu - who were not very helpful. So Yuuki did a lot of things on her own, but little by little she was able to convince Kanato that this baby would be a good thing. And that they would raise it together.
This was hard for Kanato and Yuuki both - since neither one of them had great childhoods. Kanato's internal nagging couldn't help but remember the neglect his mother felt from his father - and how that neglect moved onto him. As it was, he barely understood what it meant to love Yuuki - how could he possibly love someone else too. The concept was lost on him.
Yuuki was worried about her own lack of a parental figure too. She was rejected her entire life by her father - unwanted. Now that she was having her own, she wanted to shower it with all the love it could ever need but... would Kanato feel the same? She tried to open him up to the idea of them being a happy family. Assuring him that between the three of them there would be so much love that the whole world would be jealous.
While he had his doubts, Kanato did what he could to open up to the idea of a baby 'sharing' his doll. Only because it would be part of him as well - so it would be more of him for her to give attention to.
Finally, the day of the birth came. It was full of panic, no one probably more so than Kanato, even though he wouldn't show it. It was a rough delivery for Yuuki (i wont say its like Twilight pregnancy, but the baby do gotta eat fam so there was blood a-drank). Unknown to them at the time, the 'doctor' who had been monitoring the pregnancy and now doing the delivery was Karlheniz. A girl, ironically, entered the world after all of Karl's waiting and planning.
He reveals himself as Yuuki passes out from the delivery. Kanato is left to confront his father, who tells him that this child will be his ultimate undoing. Things have gone just as he had wanted - and he will continue to monitor the child's development. Kanato questions him, but receives no answers. Karl leaving the child with Kanato for the nurses to assist with the rest.
Once their daughter was home, things became difficult. The endless crying. Yuuki was meant to see to it all, as Kanato had no patients for the baby. After just the first few days, Kanato had all but become distant. He would purposely steal Yuuki away from the baby - as it was left to cry, needing fed or held.
The 'doctor', who had made house calls during the pregnancy, would continue to come and check on the baby. Unknown to Yuuki, he was watching and testing for something specific. The babies developments and constant needs were good indicators, but his blood test would confirm it. This baby was not only half human and half vampire - it was born just the way that Karl had hoped.
She was diagnosed with a developmental delay, and Yuuki was told to give her extra care. This was something Kanato simply couldn't stand. Yuuki would spend all her time with the baby, and it felt more and more like Kanato would be abandoned again. He started to resent his daughter - sometimes purposely drinking from Yuuki so much that she would be unable to awake to care to the baby.
Karlheniz noticed this - however, his experiment was finished. He found that a human and a vampire could produce a child with the faults found in the human's DNA. Once the conclusion was documented, he stopped coming to check on the child.
This went on for less than six months.
Finally, Kanato could stand it no longer. Yuuki was his until this child came into the picture. So, one day while Yuuki was sleeping, he went to see his daughter. She lay in the crib, sound asleep for once. Kanato decorated the crib with stuffed animals, and covered her with a blanket. Then with no remorse, set the room on fire.
To ensure the deed, he carried the flames through the mansion, ending in the room he and Yuuki shared. Kanato grabs Yuuki and jumps from their window, holding her firmly. Yuuki begged and cried for him to go back for the baby. To let her go back. He would not allow her to go.
The mansion was engulfed in flames. Cries of the baby finding their way through until they too were swallowed. Yuuki was unable to move. Her heart sinking as she watched the building burn. Kanato took her into his arms, holding her tight. Assuring her that he was there - and that he would be for eternity.
Something in Yuuki died that day. She devoted herself completely to Kanato from that night on. She lived for him. Breathes for him. And within the next year, she died for him. Taking officially to the world of the night - and became his vampire bride. While she forced her mind and soul to move on from that night - there will always be a part of her heart that is forever lost.
And that is the story of the lost Kanuki Kid. The first child between Yuuki and Kanato - tragically lost due to Kanato's instability. Centuries later, after Rini is born - Yuuki and Kanato take her in different ways.
Kanato sees her as his most precious baby doll. He showers her with his love and affection. Yuuki sees her as a ghost form the past. She cannot stand how much love Kanato has for her, when he struggled with all their other children. Not to mention she is jealous of the attention being taken from her as well.
For sticking around this long, I have an art gift. Many years ago (2016) I was given then by a friend at the time. While this wasn't meant to be the daughter - they drew it before I had any designs for a Kanuki child. I like to think she might have grown up to look something like this, but the art itself was intended to be a boy.
I hope that you enjoyed(?) this dark look into the Kanuki story. As I stated this would be a story that only gets unlocked in Rini's story - and depending on how things worked out you would either learn it from Yuuki or from Kanato.
art gifted by @/vibegravy
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deathcar · 1 year
2023年9月10月 イベントメモ
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* 10/25 更新
[↓ 10月]
8/31(木)-9/2(土) 青山 Blue Note (2公演) Donny McCaslin https://www.bluenote.co.jp/jp/artists/donny-mccaslin/
9/1(金)-9/3(日) 文京区 小石川植物園 Sounding Garden of Koishikawa https://soundinggarden.org/ aus + Cuusheでの展示参加
9/2(土) 新宿 紀伊國屋ホール (12:00/12:30) よしおか寄席リターンズ シンクロニシティ / モダンタイムス / ハイツ友の会 / キュウ / 虹の黄昏 / ヤーレンズ / 涼風 / ひつじねいり https://live.yoshimoto.co.jp/live/live-6769/
9/6(水) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) Amyl and the Sniffers Japan Tour 2023 https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3905
9/9(土)-10(日) 横浜 赤レンガ倉庫 Local Green Festival [9/9] BREIMEN / dawgss / ego apartment / eill / Gilles Peterson / Hana Hope / Lastlings / Lucky Kilimanjaro / Mina Okabe / NIKO NIKO TAN TAN / Ray Barbee [9/10] Awich / CHAI / CreativeDrugStore / Furui Riho / iri / Kroi / Mndsgn & The Rare Pleasures / Nao Yoshioka / どんぐりず / 離婚伝説 https://localgreen.jp/
9/9(土)-10(日) 落合 soup (18:00-) Khotin Japan Tour 2023 https://www.artuniongroup.co.jp/plancha/top/news/khotin-japan-tour-2023/
9/9(土) 渋谷 7th floor (2公演) HI HI SI SI FES 馬喰町バンド / KIMIYA SATO MIKUSA BAND https://bakurochoband.com/
9/9(土) 三軒茶屋 PLAYs (18:00-) LISTENING TO COLORS Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano / Lisa Lerkenfeldt / J and the woolen stars / Ultrafog https://t.livepocket.jp/e/d2p4c
9/9(土) 東新宿 真昼の月 夜の太陽 (18:30/19:00) Kimpomme & Four Pens Japan Tour 2023 Four Pens 四枝筆 / Kimpomme https://fastcutrecords.com/?pid=175452346 miaouが1曲参加予定
9/10(日) 八丁堀 七針 (16:00/16:30) galaxy train vol.43 April Magazine / boys age / pervenche / 大石裕美 https://twitter.com/GalaxyTrainTape/status/1677508184641257472
9/10(日) 尾山台 Fluss (18:30/19:00) Kimpomme & Four Pens Japan Tour 2023 Four Pens 四枝筆 / Kimpomme https://fastcutrecords.com/?pid=175452346
9/13(水) 六本木 ビルボード (2公演) Mndsgn & The Rare Pleasures with Devin Morrison http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14251&shop=1
9/14(木)-15(金) 六本木 ビルボード (2公演) Terrace Martin http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14250&shop=1
9/14(木) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM (18:00-) DUB SESSIONS 2023 Adrian Sherwood / African Head Charge / GEZAN https://www.beatink.com/products/detail.php?product_id=13386
9/14(木) コスモプラネタリウム渋谷 (18:00/19:00) Mitski "The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We" Album Listening Experience https://mitski.com/ http://bignothing.blog88.fc2.com/blog-entry-14609.html
9/15(金) 幡ヶ谷 FORESTLIMIT (19:00-) LISTENING TO COLORS J / Lisa Lerkenfeldt for tape & cello / Ultrafog / 0:brei https://avyss-magazine.com/2023/08/28/45818/
9/16(土)-17(日) 上野公園 TAIWAN PLUS 2023 [9/16] aDAN薛詒丹 / Sorry Youth 拍謝少年 / 許富凱 / 旺福 [9/17] Fire EX. / Kivi + 曾妮 + 真愛 / イルカポリス 海豚刑警 / 黃子軒 https://tw-plus.jp/exhibition/2023
9/16(土) 渋谷 7th floor (18:00/18:30) LEMONS Mai Mishio with Goodfellas / oono yuuki band http://7th-floor.net/event/lemons/
9/16(土) 渋谷 CIRCUS (23:00) Seb Wildblood & Tropics https://circus-tokyo.jp/event/seb-wildblood-tropics/
9/17(日) 浮間船渡 TRINITY (13:00/14:00) The Hotelier / Oso Oso / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Origami Angel Japan Tour 2023 https://www.nothingfeelsreal.com/2023/04/blog-post.html
9/18(月/祝) 下北沢 SHELTER (18:00/18:30) UlulU One Man Live 2023 https://www.loft-prj.co.jp/schedule/shelter/259296
9/19(火) 代官山 蔦屋書店 (19:30-) Sufjan Stevens "Javelin" リスニングパーティー http://bignothing.blog88.fc2.com/blog-entry-14616.html
9/21(木) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) joan https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/joan23/
9/21(木) 代官山 晴れたら空に豆まいて (19:00/19:30) Olli Hirvonen Trio https://invs.exblog.jp/30348620/
9/22(金) 渋谷 WWW X (16:30/17:30) The Hotelier / Oso Oso / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Origami Angel Japan Tour 2023 https://www.nothingfeelsreal.com/2023/04/blog-post.html
9/22(金) 築地本願寺 (17:00/18:00) Temple Expansions Nala Sinephro / Soccer96 / Donna Leake / Ghost In The Tapes / ermhoi with The Attention Please / NAGAN SERVER and DANCEMBLE / 石橋英子 https://templexpansions.com/
9/23(土) 新宿 ACB HALL (16:00/17:00) The Hotelier / Oso Oso / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Origami Angel Japan Tour 2023 https://www.nothingfeelsreal.com/2023/04/blog-post.html
9/23(土) 表参道 WALL&WALL (17:30/18:30) 7th Anniversary 優河 with 魔法バンド / maya ongaku http://wallwall.tokyo/schedule/20230923_yugawithmahoband_mayaongaku/
9/23(土) 築地本願寺 (18:00/19:00) Temple Expansions Wu-Lu / Allysha Joy / Donna Leake / 石橋英子 https://templexpansions.com/
9/24(日) 吉祥寺 NEPO (11:30-14:30) BOOGIETOWN vol.16 麓健一 / Achico https://bedtownbedtown.com/boogietown
9/24(日) 吉祥寺 WARP (15:00/16:00) The Hotelier / Oso Oso / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Origami Angel Japan Tour 2023 https://www.nothingfeelsreal.com/2023/04/blog-post.html
9/24(日) 代官山 UNIT (15:30/16:00) 鈴木実貴子ズ『ファッキンミュージック』レコ発東京編 https://mikikotomikikotomikiko.jimdofree.com/
9/24(日) 渋谷 duo (17:00/18:00) Kodaline https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/kodaline_2023/
9/25(月) 渋谷 duo (18:00/19:00) Anna of the North Anna of the North / 柴田聡子 https://www.livenation.co.jp/show/1431559/
9/26(火) 八丁堀 七針 (19:30/20:00) Greg Fox & Carlos Gutiérrez https://www.ftftftf.com/
9/28(木) 渋谷 CIRCUS (18:30/19:30) Leaving Records Japan Tour 2023 Green-House / Matthewdavid https://www.artuniongroup.co.jp/plancha/top/news/leaving-records-japan-tour-2023/
9/29(金) 三軒茶屋 昭和女子大学 人見記念講堂 (18:00/19:00) 折坂悠太 らいど 2023 https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3918
9/29(金) 渋谷 o-nest (18:30/19:00) exPoP!!!!! Vol.155 butaji / 東郷清丸匚 / クボタカイ / 大石晴子 / 北村蕗 https://expop.jp/tickets/155
9/30(土)-10/1(日) 長野 五光牧場オートキャンプ場 EACH STORY 〜THE CAMP〜 2023 Black Boboi / East Forest & Peter Broderick / Fabiano do Nascimento / Green-House / Matthewdavid / The Vernon Spring / カフカ鼾 https://www.eachstory.site/
9/30(土) 千石周辺 (13:00-18:00) Smalltown Supersound ちいさなまちの音楽会 https://www.mujinrecords.com/smalltownsupersound
9/30(土) 表参道 WALL&WALL (17:00-) Temple Expansions Alabaster DePlume / Donna Leake / Soccer96 / Wu-Lu / Allysha Joy / Fuzzy73 / Rintaro Sekizuka https://templexpansions.com/
[↑ 9月]
10/1(日) ユアエルム 八千代台店 (14:00-15:30) 金曜シン・ラジオ 友近!秋のシン睦会 友近 / ちゃらんぽらん冨好 / ロバート秋山 https://www.yourelm.co.jp/yachiyodai/event/detail.html
10/1(日) 有楽町 ヒューリックホール (16:15/17:00) TRICERATOPS「RETURN OF THE GREAT SKELETON 2023」 http://triceratops.net/tour
10/2(月) 代官山 晴れたら空に豆まいて (18:30/19:30) East Forest & Peter Broderick Live in Tokyo 2023 East Forest & Peter Broderick / Onigiri trio (角銅真実/古川麦/巌裕美子) https://www.inpartmaint.com/site/38204/
10/3(火)-4(水) 天空橋 Zepp Haneda (18:00/19:00) 羊文学 Tour 2023 "if i were an angel," https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3879
10/3(火) 渋谷 ヨシモト∞ドーム (16:45/17:00) これはシンクロニシティのチャンネルですのネタ動画を収録するためのライブです https://bit.ly/46hpU7V
10/4(水) 代官山 晴れたら空に豆まいて (18:30/19:30) Leaving Records Japan Tour 2023 Green-House / Matthewdavid / Chihei Hatakeyama https://www.artuniongroup.co.jp/plancha/top/news/leaving-records-japan-tour-2023/
10/4(水) 新宿 Marble (19:15/20:00) rocknomukougawa2023 おとぼけビ〜バ〜 / 鈴木実貴子ズ https://bit.ly/461KHw4
10/5(木) 豊洲 PIT (18:00/19:00) Rex Orange County https://www.creativeman.co.jp/event/rex-orange-county_2023/
10/6(金) 渋谷 WWW (18:00/19:00) Yellow Days https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3986
10/6(金) 渋谷 o-nest (19:30/20:00) LIGHTERS ONE MAN SHOW “Enchantment in the Cosmos” https://twitter.com/lighters_jp/status/1684881728383700992
10/7(土)-8(日) 東新宿 新宿文化センター (11:30/12:30) SHIN-ONSAI OGRE YOU ASSHOLE / ROTH BART BARON / South Penguin / world's end girlfriend / ZAZEN BOYS / あらかじめ決められた恋人たちへ / えんぷてい / ゆうらん船 / ろくようび / THE ティバ / □□□ / 池間由布子 / 児玉真吏奈 / 蓮沼執太フィル / 前野健太 https://shin-onsai.com/
10/7(土)-8(日) ルミネ荻窪 7F (12:00-20:00) 中央線文化祭2023 佐々木健太郎 (Analogfish) / みらん / 畳野彩加 (Homecomings) / 江野利内 https://www.lumine.ne.jp/ogikubo/topics/topics_details.php?article_no=9360
10/7(土)-9(月/祝) 立川 GREEN SPRINGS (11:00-20:00) たちかわ妖怪盆踊り2023 https://yokaibonodori.tokyo/
10/8(日) 吉祥寺 武蔵野公会堂 (11:30-19:00) SFマルシェ2023吉祥寺 imai / SAGOSAID / SaToA / オオルタイチ / ジョンのサン / 横沢俊一郎 https://sf-marche-1.jimdosite.com/
10/8(日) 代官山 UNIT (14:30-22:00) DOME aus / BBBBBBB / Bogdan Raczynski / Cwondo / Daisuke Tanabe / FELINE / Grischa Lichtenberger / Howie Lee / world's end girlfriend / ∈Y∋ / コバルト爆弾αΩ / サイケアウツG / 食品まつり a.k.a foodman https://www.instagram.com/dome.fest/
10/9(月/祝) 渋谷 O-WEST (17:00/17:45) 〜two strike to(2) night〜 驚天動地の渋谷編 cinema staff / downy / Climb The Mind https://shibuya-o.com/west/schedule/15562-2/
10/9(月/祝) 早稲田 RiNen (18:20/18:50) pocopenとフモケン pocopen / 麓健一 / Shinnosuke Sugata http://blog.livedoor.jp/wasedarinenblog/archives/32934942.html
10/10(火) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) Sorry Live in Tokyo https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3969
10/10(火) 恵比寿 ガーデンホール (18:00/19:00) Masego Live in Tokyo https://kyodotokyo.com/pr/masego.html
10/10(火) 渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO (18:45/19:30) DMBQ / ENDON / ジムオルーク+石橋英子 https://www.club-quattro.com/shibuya/schedule/detail.php?id=14935
10/10(火) 新宿 ルミネtheよしもと (19:30/20:00) 霜降り明星のひでんマシン https://ty.funity.jp/ticket/show/page?clientid=yoshimoto&show=L223101020&sno=1&skb=3&showno=1
10/11(水) 渋谷 duo (18:30/19:30) Phony Ppl Live in Japan https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3975
10/13(金) 錦糸町 トリフォニーホール (18:00/19:00) Blue Note Tokyo 35th presents In Concert at Sumida Triphony Hall Tigran Hamasyan / 大西順子 https://www.bluenote.co.jp/jp/lp/in-concert/junko-onishi-tigran-hamasyan
10/13(金) 下北沢 北沢タウンホール (18:30/19:00) オードリーのネタライブ オードリー / クロコップ / ザ・ギース / ジャガモンド / トム・ブラウン / マシンガンズ / ヤーレンズ / ラブレターズ / ルシファー吉岡 https://t.livepocket.jp/e/7n_gi
10/14(土)-15(日) 御殿場 遊RUNパーク玉穂 METAMORPHOSE '23 Carl Craig / Darren Emerson / Dorian Concept / Joe Claussell / Los Hermanos / Mano Le Tough / Nai Palm / Timmy Regisfordi https://www.metamo.info/
10/14(土)-15(日) 錦糸町周辺 すみだストリートジャズフェスティバル https://sumida-jazz.jp/sj/
10/14(土) 神田 POLARIS (19:30/20:00) Christopher Willits / Chihei Hatakeyama https://polaris231014.peatix.com/
10/15(日) 渋谷 WWW (17:30/18:30) mei ehara ワンマンライブ "カンバセイション" https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/017006.php
10/16(月)-17(火) 半蔵門 国立劇場 (18:30/19:00) ナイツ独演会 実況の人が『そうですね』ばっかり言うでしょう https://www.maseki.co.jp/live/knights_dokuenkai2023
10/16(月) 新代田 FEVER (18:30/19:00) exlovers Japan Tour 2023 https://lit.link/exloversjapantour2023
10/17(火) 代官山 晴れたら空に豆まいて (19:00/19:30) 箱舟旅行 第22回 冬にわかれて / ゆうらん船 http://haremame.com/schedule/75555/
10/18(水) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM (18:00/19:00) BADBADNOTGOOD Live in Tokyo https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3970
10/18(水) 代官山 UNIT (18:30/19:30) exlovers Japan Tour 2023 https://lit.link/exloversjapantour2023
10/18(水) 渋谷 WWW (18:30/19:30) Ana Roxanne https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/017131.php
10/19(木)-20(金) 赤坂 草月ホール 岡野陽一単独公演「岡野博覧会」 https://www.p-jinriki.com/news/2023/09/006303.php
10/19(木) 恵比寿 BATICA (18:00-) Magie Fondante.2 Ålborg / LIGHTERS / SaToA / 幽体コミュニケーションズ http://www.batica.jp/schedule/magie-fondante-2/
10/19(木) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) Kassa Overall Japan Tour 2023 https://www.beatink.com/products/detail.php?product_id=13425
10/20(金) 渋谷 WWW X (18:00/19:00) The Album Leaf Japan Tour 2023 The Album Leaf / raays https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3943
10/20(金) 渋谷 WWW (18:30/19:30) Hovvdy Live in Tokyo Hovvdy / 青葉市子 https://smash-jpn.com/live/?id=3989
10/20(金) 表参道 VENT (23:00-) Stimming https://t.livepocket.jp/e/vent_20231020
10/21(土)-22(日) 富士山麓 朝霧アリーナ 朝霧JAM '23 [10/21] The Album Leaf / BADBADNOTGODD / CHO CO PA CO CHO CO QUIN QUIN / Hiroko Yamamura / Hovvdy / Kassa Overall / Maika Loubté / OGRE YOU ASSHOLE / OOIOO / toe with 原田郁子 / 青葉市子 / 折坂悠太 (band) / 冥丁 [10/22] Chet Faker / DENIMS / DJ Nature / Helsinki Lambda Club / Kitty, Daisy & Lewis / OMSB / sunking / TENDRE / toconoma /Tommy Guerrero / Waajeed / くるり / さらさ https://asagirijam.jp/
10/21(土)-22(日) 川崎 東扇島東公園 PACIFIC MODE 2023 DJ Fart in the Club / DJ Trystero / E.O.U / FOODMAN / Kush Jones / Lil Mofo / Malibu / Mari Sakurai / PLO Man / SAMO / suimin / Ulla / Ultrafog / YELLOWUHURU https://www.pacific-mode.com/
10/21(土)-22(日) 代々木公園 earth garden "秋" 2023 https://www.earth-garden.jp/event/eg-2023-autumn/
10/21(土)-22(日) 多摩センター パルテノン多摩 exPoP!!!!!@TAMATAMA2023 Emerald / Homecomings / KIRINJI / Laura day romance / みらん / 角舘健悟 / 猫戦 / 柳瀬二郎 / 離婚伝説 https://tamatamafes.com/contents-article/48HkiLDS
10/21(土) 木更津 KURKKU FIELDS (16:00/17:00-19:30) 円都LIVE YEN TOWN BAND / Lily Chou-Chou / Kyrie https://100nengo-art-fes.jp/2023/08/28/ento_live/
10/23(月) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM (19:00/20:00) 坂本慎太郎 LIVE2023 https://www.liquidroom.net/schedule/sakamotoshintaro_20231023
10/24(火) 代官山 晴れたら空に豆まいて (18:30/19:30) sunking Japan Tour 2023 sunking / De Lorians http://haremame.com/schedule/75730/
10/24(火) 下北沢 ADRIFT (19:00/19:30) FLOAT odol / 優河 with 魔法バンド https://adrift-shimokita.com/event/
10/24(火) 神保町 試聴室 (20:30/21:00) 夜がターリン 池間由布子 http://shicho.org/2023/10/1_231024/
10/25(水) 六本木 ビルボード (2公演) Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14377&shop=1
10/26(木) 八丁堀 七針 (19:00/19:30) sunking Japan Tour 2023 sunking / mmm with エマーソン北村 & 菅沼雄太 http://www.ftftftf.com/
10/28(土) 浅草 隅田公園 (14:00-20:00) すみゆめ踊行列 こでらんに~ with アズマリ / ジンタらムータ+久下惠生 / モノガタリ宇宙の会 / モノラルミニプラグ / mmm / butaji / 井手健介 / さとうじゅんこ / 町あかり / にゃんとこ / パピポンズ / 片岡シン / 山口屋左七 / 向島栄翠 https://sumiyume.jp/event/momotosenose2023/
10/29(日) 御茶ノ水 RITTOR BASE (14:45/15:00) クリストファー・ウィリッツ:立体音響ライブ&セミナー with special guest ILLUHA Christopher Willits / ILLUHA https://rittorbase.jp/event/948/
10/29(日) 横浜 ビルボード (2公演) Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann http://www.billboard-live.com/pg/shop/show/index.php?mode=detail1&event=14417&shop=4
10/29(日) 下北沢 SPREAD (18:00-) LISTENING TO COLORS Joyul / Ulla / Ultrafog https://t.livepocket.jp/e/jr9qb
[↑ 9月 | ↑ 10月]
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adiabolikpastelrp · 2 years
Roleplay Master List
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Welcome to the roleplay master list!
Here you can find all of the different roleplays that involve the OCs of @adiabolikpastel. Each will feature other characters from different blogs, which will be credited to the roleplay's individual post.
Sorted below are the OCs and the many or few roleplays they have. Each one is titled and listed in chronological order. Additionally, the status of each story is provided.
For any questions; please refer to the Blog Guidelines.
●・○・●・○・● | Tormented Reverie | ●・○・●・○・●
Yuuki Koishikawa
Yuki Awashima
A Little Help (w/ Alrick & Lily) ~ Haitus
●・○・●・○・● | Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream | ●・○・●・○・●
Kanaye Sakamaki
Full Moon Scare (w/ Tsubasa) ~ Completed The Demon and Vampire (w/ Spencer) ~ Completed Something in her Eyes (w/ Izumi) ~ Discontinued You Get It (w/Isabella) ~ Completed An Unexpected Encounter (w/ Spencer & Isabella) ~ Completed
The Unexpected Meeting (w/Juliet) ~ Completed Unnamed Role Play (w/Zion ft. Juliet) ~ Haitus
One Final Push (w/Isabella ft. Spencer) ~ Haitus
Yukio Sakamaki
A Night Out in Town (w/ Isaiah) ~ Completed Hate, Loath and Despise (w/ Juliet) ~ Haitus When Yukio Met Silas (w/ Silas) ~ Discontinued
Rini Sakamaki
Only in Wonderland (w/ Leon) ~ Completed
●・○・●・○・● | Excruciating Duplicity | ●・○・●・○・●
Skye Oakly
Little Parakeet (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed With a Guy (w/ Alrick) ~ Haitus
Loving You (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed Break (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed
Callista Loren
Rosalyn Dupont
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the-sloth-woman · 3 years
Yuuki: LILLY-CHAN!!! You and I should collab on TikTok~! I have been doing a lot of different dance ones! Kanato-san says they are no good - but that doesn't stop me! It's so fun!
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Lilly: Hello Yuuki~! That would be so much fun, I'd love to do a collab with you! We could have a sleepover and film a bunch of fun dances together! But only if Kanato lets you come over, I wouldn't want to make him too mad...
Lilly: It would be fun to do one of those prank videos on the boys, but I can see both Alrick and Kanato losing it on us if it made them upset, haha... I guess we'd better stick to dancing!
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bloody-bara · 6 years
Could I have Yuuki Real Happy and Kanato Real Mad please :3
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Ah, ignorant bliss
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Update] ミュージカル「テニスの王子様」コンサート Dream Live 2020 (musical tennis no oujisama concert dream live 2020)
(higawari) cast update under the cut^^
Akutsu Nichika as Echizen Ryoma (越前リョーマ) Aoki Ryou as Tezuka Kunimitsu (手塚国光) Ezoe Takanori as Ooishi Shuuichirou (大石秀一郎) Minaki Ibu as Fuji Shuusuke (不二周助) Taguchi Tsukasa as Kikumaru Eiji (菊丸英二) Takenouchi Daisuke as Inui Sadaharu (乾貞治) Iwata Tomoki as Kawamura Takashi (河村隆) Ookubo Tatsuki as Momoshiro Takeshi (桃城武) Nakajima Takuto as Kaidou Kaoru (海堂薫) Ryouga as Horio Satoshi (堀尾聡史) Nakamigawa Toshiki as Katou Kachirou (加藤勝郎) Okuda Yumeto as Mizuno Katsuo (水野カツオ)
Tateishi Toshiki as Yukimura Seiichi (幸村精市) Tazuru Shougo as Sanada Genichirou (真田弦一郎) Isawa Takuma as Yanagi Renji (柳蓮二) Gotou Dai as Niou Masaharu (仁王雅治) Oosumi Yuuta as Yagyuu Hiroshi (柳生比呂士) Ooyabu Taka as Marui Bunta (丸井ブン太) Kawasaki Yuusaku as Jackal Kuwahara (ジャッカル桑原) Maeda Ryuutarou as Kirihara Akaya (切原赤也)
Mashiko Atsuki as Shiraishi Kuranosuke (白石蔵ノ介) Andou Shuutarou as Koishikawa Kenjirou (小石川健二郎)   Emoto Kouki as Chitose Senri (千歳千里) Morita Rikito as Konjiki Koharu (金色小春) Yatsu Tsubasa as Hitouji Yuuji (一氏ユウジ) Chida Kyouhei as Oshitari Kenya (忍足謙也) Mori Ippei as Ishida Gin (石田銀) Hirono Ryouta as Zaizen Hikaru (財前光) Hiramatsu Raima as Tooyama Kintarou (遠山金太郎) Saki Masato as Watanabe Osamu (渡邊オサム)
Aoki Soramu as Tachibana Kippei (橘桔平) Kento as Ibu Shinji (伊武深司)
St. Rudolph:
Satou Yuugo as Kisarazu Atsushi (木更津淳) Oohara Kaiki as Fuji Yuuta (不二裕太)
Morita Touya as Sengoku Kiyosumi (千石清純) Kawakami Shouta as Akutsu Jin (亜久津仁)
Isaka Ikumi as Oshitari Yuushi (忍足侑士) Kitano Satsuki as Mukahi Gakuto (向日岳人) Utsumi Akiyoshi as Hiyoshi Wakashi (日吉若)
Miura Hiroki as Atobe Keigo (跡部景吾) [※ May 31st ONLY] Kobayakawa Shunsuke as Shishido Ryou (宍戸亮) [※ May 31st ONLY] Tamura Shougo as Akutagawa Jirou (芥川慈郎) [※ May 31st ONLY] Yamazaki Shougo as Taki Haginosuke (滝萩之介) [※ May 31st ONLY] Yamaki Takanori as Kabaji Munehiro (樺地崇弘) [※ May 31st ONLY] Watanabe Aoto as Ootori Choutarou (鳳長太郎) [※ May 31st ONLY]
Yashiro Takuya as Aoi Kentarou (葵剣太郎) Futaba Kaname as Saeki Kojirou (佐伯虎次郎)
Mutou Kento as Kite Eishirou (木手永四郎) Yoshizawa Tsubasa as Kai Yuujirou (甲斐裕次郎) Iwaki Naoya as Hirakoba Rin (平古場凛) Raita as Chinen Hiroshi (知念寛) Takada Makoto as Tanishi Kei (田仁志慧) Sonomura Masashi as Shiranui Tomoya (不知火知弥) Matsui Haruki as Aragaki Kouichi (新垣浩一)
Moriyama Eiji as Echizen Nanjirou (越前南次郎)
May 22nd ~ 18:30 Watanabe Daisuke as 4th Generation Tezuka Kunimitsu (青学4代目 手塚国光) Furukawa Yuuta as 4th Generation Fuji Shuusuke (青学4代目 不二周助) Hirata Yuuichirou as 4th Generation Kaidou Kaoru (青学4代目 海堂薫)
May 23nd ~ 12:00 Tawada Hideya as 7th Generation Tezuka Kunimitsu (青学7代目 手塚国光) Yata Yuusuke as 7th Generation Fuji Shuusuke (青学7代目 不二周助) Kuroba Mario as 7th Generation Kikumaru Eiji (青学7代目 菊丸英二) Ishiwatari Mashuu  as 7th Generation Momoshiro Takeshi (青学7代目 桃城武)
May 29th ~ 18:30 Kubota Yuuki as 1st Season Atobe Keigo (1stシーズン 跡部景吾) Akiyama Shintarou as 1st Season Oshitari Yuushi (1stシーズン 忍足侑士) Kamakari Kenta as 1st Season Shishido Ryou (1stシーズン 宍戸亮)
May 30th ~ 17:00 Kobayashi Yutaka as 2nd Season Mizuki Hajime (2ndシーズン 観月はじめ) Ookubo Shoutarou as 2nd Season Kaneda Ichirou (2ndシーズン 金田一郎) Jinnai Shou as 2nd Season Yanagisawa Shinya (2ndシーズン 柳沢慎也)
more to be announced!
homepage nelke
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kiriharas · 5 years
New Prince of Tennis Birthday list
I haven’t seen a birthday list that’s been updated with the world cup players so I wanted to show them some love and put one together! Please note that this is manga only.
Most recent update: 04/04/2021 [CONTAINS HYOUTEI/RIKKAI FANBOOK SPOILERS] (A character’s bday changed, added Sakurai’s old bday, red highlights senpai has a name now, fixed a typo)
2 - Dan Taichi (Yamabuki) 3 - Kabaji Munehiro (Hyoutei) 3 - Mouri Jusaburou (Japanese U-17) 5 - Suzuki Shun (Japanese U-17) 14 - Ryuzaki Sakuno (Seigaku) 15 - Shiranui Tomoya (Higa) 18 - Leon Wakefield (English U-17) 23 - Dodo Obando (American U-17) 25 - Ishida Gin (Shitenhouji) 28 - Richard Sakata (St. Icarus) 31 - Hermes Kounellis (Greek U-17)
1 - Duke Watanabe (Japanese U-17) 3 - Koishikawa Kenjirou (Shitenhouji) 5 - Kaji Kazena (Japanese U-17) 7 - Liliadent Krauser (Nagoya Seitoku) 8 - Fuwa Tetsuhito (Japanese U-17) 9 -  Murata Hiramasa (Japanese U-17) 13 - Noah Dorgias (Australian U-17) 14 - Ootori Choutarou (Hyoutei) 16 - Apollon Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 17 - Habu Itto (Midoriyama) 18 - Fuji Yuuta (St. Rudolph) 19 - Suzuki Yasuharu (Ginka) 22 - Ralph Rhinehart (American U-17) 24 - Jonathan St. Georges (French U-17) 28 - Nomura Takuya (St. Rudolph) 29 - Fuji Shusuke (Seigaku)
2 - Katou Kachiro (Seigaku) 3 - Hirakoba Rin (Higa) 4 - QP (German U-17) 5 - Yukimura Seiichi (Rikkaidai) 6 - Watanabe Osamu (Shitenhouji’s Coach) 7 - Kimijima Ikuto (Japanese U-17) 10 - Karupin (Ryouma’s Cat) 14 - Sakaki Tarou (Previously May 24th, since 23.5) (Hyoutei’s Coach) 16 - Kurobe Yukio (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 17 - Oshitari Kenya (Shitenhouji) 19 - A. Frankensteiner (German U-17) 21 - Tachibana An (she may have another birthday stated in a game? citation needed lol) (Fudomine) 25 - Kadowaki Satoru (Makinofuji) 26 - Matsudaira Chikao (Japanese U-17) 29 - Arai Masashi (Seigaku) 31 - Matsudaira Chikahiko (Japanese U-17)
1 - Tooyama Kintaro (Shitenhouji) 2 - Akutsu Jin (Yamabuki) 3 - Peter Lambiel (Swiss U-17) 4 - Tamagawa Yoshio (Previously September 23 in Tenipuri Party, updated in Rikkai Club Guide STRENGTH) (Rikkaidai)  7 - Mizuno Katsuo (Seigaku) 9 - Oliver Philips (American U-17) 10 - Tashiro Masahiro (Ginka) 11 - Hirari Tonpei (Japanese U-17) 12 - Zeus Iliopoulos (Greek U-17) 14 - Shiraishi Kuranosuke (Shitenhouji) 15 - Shudo Satoshi (Rokkaku) 16 - Clive Miller (American U-17) 17 - Osakada Tomoka (Seigaku) 18 - Mouri Tatsunori (Fudomine) 20 - Marui Bunta (Rikkaidai) 23 - M. Nobuteru (Tube Republic U-17) 25 - Don Pacino (American U-17) 27 - Toono Atsukyo (Japanese U-17) 29 - Edgard Delacroix (French U-17) 30 - Oishi Shuichiro (Seigaku)
5 - Akutagawa Jirou (Hyoutei) 5 - Todoroki Goro (Japanese U-17) 11 - Kaidou Karou (Seigaku) 14 - Orion Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 15 - Takei Toshio (Japanese U-17) 15 - Ushida Tetsuo (Murigaoka) 21 - Sanada Genichirou (Rikkaidai) 21 - Aragaki Kouichi (Higa) 25 - Alexander Amadeus (Swiss U-17) 27 - Mizuki Hajime (St. Rudolph) 28 - Minamoto Takuma (Midoriyama) 29 - Tanegashima Shuuji (Japanese U-17)
1 - Red highlights senpai a.k.a. Yuuki Kazuki (Hyoutei)   3 - Inui Sadaharu (Seigaku) 4 - Yanagi Renji (Rikkaidai) 7 - Albert Federer (Swiss U-17) 10 - Tsuta Akane (Midoriyama) 13 - Prince Ludovic Chardard (French U-17) 15 - Fukushi Michiru (Ginka) 19 - Leopold Camus de Charpentier (French U-17) 20 - Milky Millman (Australian U-17) 24 - Mutsu Yuuma (Japanese U-17) 25 - Mutsu Yuuho (Japanese U-17) 26 - Konomi Takeshi (Mangaka) 28 - Miyako Shinobu (Japanese U-17) 29 - Chinen Hiroshi (Higa)
1 - Timothée Moreau (French U-17) 2 - Kiko Balentien (American U-17) 3 - Minami Kentarou (Yamabuki) 3 - Urayama Shiita (Rikkaidai) 4 - Byoudouin Houou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Banda Mikiya (Yamabuki’s Coach) 6 - Rocky Meredith (American U-17) 14 - Nakagauchi Sotomichi (Japanese U-17) 15 - Charlie Palmer (English U-17) 17 - Mifune Nyuudou (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 18 - Ikeda Masaya (Seigaku) 18 - Sakurai Masaya (Previously July 1 in 20.5, updated in 40.5) (Fudomine) 19 - Ban Rikiya (Japanese U-17) 20 - Zaizen Hikaru (Shitenhouji) 20 - Taira Yoshiyuki (Japanese U-17) 23 - Momoshiro Takeshi (Seigaku) 24 - Kitamura Wataru (Midoriyama) 25 - Chitose Miyuki (Shitenhouji) 26 - Kita Ichiuma (Yamabuki) 27 - Tokugawa Kazuya (Japanese U-17) 28 - Michael Bismarck (German U-17) 29 - J. J. Dorgias (Australian U-17) 30 - Daimaru Daikichi (Shishigaku)
3 - Akazawa Yoshirou (St. Rudolph) 3 - Date Danji (Japanese U-17) 4 - Migihashi Itarou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Hakamada Izou (Japanese U-17) 7 - Tsuuge Ryuuji (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 8 - Ryuuzaki Sumire (Seigaku’s Coach) 8 - Nitobe Inakichi (Yamabuki) 9 - Thalatta Heracles (Greek U-17) 10 - Jürgen Borisovic Volk (German U-17) 13 - Tenjin Kousuke (Japanese U-17) 15 - Tachibana Kippei (Fudomine) 15 - Ochi Tsukimitsu (Japanese U-17) 24 - Tristan Bardot (French U-17) 25 - Vulcan Lartius (Greek U-17) 26 - Kamio Akira (Fudomine) 27 - Yujirou Kai (Higa) 28 - Kirajou Jirei (Uekawa Uni Golf) 31 - Itsuki Marehiko (Rokkaku)
1 - Doumoto Gouki (Ginka) 1 - Oswal Delon (French U-17) 3 - Jean Fitzgerald (Australian U-17) 4 - Saitou Itaro (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 6 - Bill Hewitt (American U-17) 7 - Randy Pug (Swiss U-17) 10 - Higashikata Masami (Yamabuki) 11 - Hitoji Yuuji (Shitenhouji) 11 - Takase Masato (Midoriyama) 12 - Mukahi Gakuto (Hyoutei) 14 - Saotome Harumi (Higa’s Coach) 21 - Kuki Kiichi (Kakinoki) 22 - Dankmar Schneider (German U-17) 25 - Kirihara Akaya (Rikkaidai) 25 - Horio Satoshi (Seigaku) 29 - Shishido Ryou (Hyoutei) 29 - Kurobane Harukaze (Rokkaku)
1 - Saeki Kojirou (Rokkaku) 3 - Akiba Kouyou (Japanese U-17) 4 - Atobe Keigo (Hyoutei) 7 - Tezuka Kunimitsu (Seigaku) 12 - Mac McGregor (Australian U-17) 13 - Eric Paddington (English U-17) 15 - Oshitari Yuushi (Hyoutei) 19 - Yagyuu Hiroshi (Rikkaidai) 21 - Henri Nouvel III (Swiss U-17) 23 - Tanishi Kei (Higa) 26 - Oni Juujirou (Japanese U-17) 27 - Oomagari Ryuuji (Japanese U-17) 28 - Uchimura Kyosuke (Fudomine) 29 - Taki Haginosuke (Hyoutei) 29 - Ramon Crawford (Australian U-17) 31 - Muromachi Touji (Yamabuki)
1 - Hayashi Daisuke (Seigaku) 3 - Ibu Shinji (Fudomine) 3 - Kuwahara Jackal (Rikkaidai) 4 - Yamato Yuudai (Japanese U-17) 5 - M. Haruhata (Tube Republic U-17) 7 - Ojii (Rokkaku’s Coach) 8 - Alan Hopkins (American U-17) 8 - Kitazono Kotoha (Tsubakikawa) 9 - Kite Eishirou (Higa) 9 - Konjiki Koharu (Shitenhouji) 16 - Sasabe Junichi (Japanese U-17) 18 - Kawamura Takashi (Seigaku) 20 - Kisarazu Atsushi (St. Rudolph) 20 - Kisarazu Ryou (Rokkaku) 21 - Kiraku Yasuyuki (Midoriyama) 22 - Amane Hikaru (Rokkaku) 22 - Kongawa Junpei (Midoriyama) 25 - Sengoku Kiyosumi (Yamabuki) 28 - Kikumaru Eiji (Seigaku) 30 - Ishida Tetsu (Fudomine)
1 - Mitsuya Akuto (Japanese U-17) 2 - E. Siegfried (German U-17) 3 - Evangelos Papadopoulos (Greek U-17) 4 - Niou Masaharu (Rikkaidai) 5 - Hiyoshi Wakashi (Hyoutei) 7 - Irie Kanata (Japanese U-17) 9 - Yanagisawa Shinya (St. Rudolph) 9 - Washio Issa (Japanese U-17) 11 - Geisel Jackson (American U-17) 20 - Aoi Kentarou (Rokkaku) 23 - Echizen Ryouga (Spain U-17) 24 - Echizen Ryouma (Seigaku) 28 - Nishikiori Tsubasa (Yamabuki) 28 - Chris Hopman (Australian U-17) 29 - Hara Tetsuya (Japanese U-17) 30 - Bertie Borisovich Volk (German U-17) 31 - Kaneda Ichirou (St. Rudolph) 31 - Chitose Senri (Shitenhouji)
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD 2018: September Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Yuutori Buka ni Namerareteimasu 2 ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/11
Cast: Shirai Yuusuke x Okitsu Kazuyuki
Synopsis: Second installment of the series.
2. Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no ~Summer Vacation 2018~ ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/14
Cast: Can I not? It’s so long. 😭
Satou Takuya x Suzuki Yuuto
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Tamaru Atsushi
Takeuchi Ryouta x Okitsu Kazuyuki
Furukawa Makoto x Murase Ayumu
Shirai Yuusuke x Masuda Toshiki
Yashiro Taku x Shingaki Tarusuke
Eguchi Takuya x Kawanishi Kengo
Yamashita Seiichirou x Kobayashi Yuusuke
Hatano Wataru x Hayashi Yuu
Horiuchi Ken x Hirakawa Daisuke
Synopsis: Third anniversary mini drama cd featuring all then pairs spending their summer vacations.
3. Beautiful Life + ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/26
Cast: Kawahara Yoshihisa x Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: Beautiful Life after story.
4. Idol Datte Koi wo Suru vol. 1 ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/26
Cast: Kawahara Yoshihisa x Yamanaka Masahiro
Synopsis: During his second year of being unemployed, Koishikawa Hiromu became a manager of an idol unit under “La-Plus” after being invited by an acquaintance to apply. He was in charge of a four member group named “EmpReal” and he becomes considerably close with the group’s youngest member - Kiriya Kureha. One thing leads to another and Kureha asks him for sex? He's fucking sixteen! Stay right there, I'm calling the police!
5. Rakka ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/26
Takahashi Hiroki x Ono Yuuki almost made me interested but no
Furukawa Makoto x Nakajima Yoshiki
(first story) Stockholm syndrome. Basically, this is a poor psychotic man’s MODS. When Ringo, a top-selling bitch (literally and figuratively), gets his face cut up in revenge by one of his clients, he gets taken in by the creep who just watched him get cut up because if he ever stopped it then Ringo wouldn’t have lost his job making him unable to get a chance at him. 
(second story) Leo x the shop manager. Idk. I don’t read the scans and I have no intentions to.
6. MAKARE ~Ma wa Kitarete Kare wo Otosu~ Vol. 3 Ji Hen “Vollerei” & Ten Hen “Fleischeslust” ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/28
Horie Kazuma x Nakazawa Masatomo
Furukawa Makoto x Nakajima Yoshiki (oh that's twice in one month you two 😂)
(Vollerei) It’s been two years Taichi and Lucifer have gotten into their contract and they’ve been spending their days peacefully until one day when Taichi discovers that he could use magic. Sensing that his magic resembled what Satan once had - Lucifer was quick to warn him and help him conceal his abilities but despite their efforts, a visit from Pandemonium’s council in search for “Satan’s Memory” will surely blow his secret out of the water.
(Fleischeslust) After an attack by some demon upon the world above, Helvim, along with Michael and his subordinates, engaged in battle. During the fight, both Helvim and Michael were attacked but at the end of the day, it seemed like nothing major - until they discovered that they could no longer use their magical powers the day after. After consulting a doctor, they find out that they were under a curse put on them by the demon that attacked and that they couldn’t use their powers if they weren’t by each other’s side.
 7. Wankokei Buka no Shitsukekata ✘
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Release Date: 2018/09/28
Cast: Itou Kento x Shirai Yuusuke
Synopsis: "Please use this fleshlight in front of me." Sasaki works for an adult toy company. Souta Nakamura, a puppy-like jock (who's also an idiot) gets transferred to his department. Souta's very motivated and begs Sasaki to test his sample product. Sasaki agrees, but he feels awkward using a fleshlight while being watched... But things start to go even further and they eventually...! An office love story between the "jock puppy" Souta and the socially awkward Sasaki, who himself is in an odd relationship! (Renta!)
Huh, I actually don’t like any of these. What am I going to do in September then? 😂
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seikatsugakuen · 6 years
Rina: Domingo, 28 de Abril del 2008.
Ring ~ Ring ~ Ring ~ Ring~ Akemi: (medio dormida) Tsuruya… Te llaman… Rina: ¿Mmm? ¡Pero si son las ocho de la mañana…! Cogí el móvil con pesadez, maldiciendo a quien fuera que llamaba a estas horas de la mañana un domingo, el único día de descanso del Seikatsu Gakuen. Rina: Moshi moshi… U.U ¿?: ¿Tsuruya Rina-san? Rina: Sí, ¿quién es? ¿?: Verá, soy la secretaria de Tsuruya Akira-san, Maruyama Sakura, él me dio órdenes de hacerla llamar. Rina: ¿Akira? ¿Qué órdenes le dio? Maruyama: Nada importante, únicamente quería confirmar que asistirán usted y su hermano menor a la boda. Rina: Sí, claro, por supuesto, lo siento por no haber avisado. ¿Cuándo y dónde se celebrará la boda? En la invitación no ponía nada.   Maruyama: La boda del señor Akira y la señora Saitô se celebrará en el hotel Hilton Tokyo Bay el día dos de mayo. Rina: Entendido, muchas gracias. Maruyama: Pase un buen día. Rina: Igualmente.
Colgué el teléfono, pero aún así no volví a dormir: Ya había dormido bastante ayer. Al menos había conseguido calmarme un poco y pensar qué hacer. Tenía que ir a la enfermería para que el enfermero me hiciera una revisión y me dijera si era normal lo que había sucedido, y si no lo era él podía mandarme también al hospital. También tenía que ir a hablar con Taiki para preguntarle respecto a lo que había leído en la revista. Conocía a Taiki de bastante, por lo que podría preguntarle con calma sin parecer una loca celosa. Además también quería hablar con Yuu-chan, Yukari y Shizune, ellas podrían contarme todo aquello que no recordaba, ya que era angustiosa la idea de haber olvidado algo importante. Al final del día tenía que volver con Killua a casa, ya que Sachiko iba a venir a buscarnos. 
Salí de la habitación en dirección a la cafetería. Había poca gente, ya que la mayoría ya se había ido de vacaciones de la Goleen Week, y los que se quedaban eran generalmente los que necesitaban apoyo de alguna asignatura. De pronto vi a Shizune, pero no fui directa a saludarla ya que me fijé en que hablaba con alguien, ¿Tanimura Tomoka? Aunque más que hablar, parecía que discutían. Opté por acercarme poco a poco.
Shizune: Te repito que yo no estoy intentando seducir de ningún modo a Morimoto, así que no te inventes historias. Ah, ¡hola Rina! Rina: Etto… ¿Qué ocurre? Tomoka: No te importa, Tsuruya. Shizune: No tienes por qué hablarle así. Si tienes celos de mí no lo pagues con Rina. Tomoka: ¿Celosa? ¿Yo? ¡Já! Solo digo que no te acerques más a Morimoto o te enterarás. Solo eso, Yoshizaki.
  Tanimura se fue, ya que Kozue la estaba esperando, y esta última nos dirigió una breve reverencia de cabeza a modo de disculpa. Kozue era la compañera de habitación de Yuu-chan y era muy simpática con nosotras. Shizune contuvo su expresión molesta para aparentar que no había sucedido nada. Shizune: Aun está colada por Morimoto, hay que ver ^^U… Rina: Pero si no eres tú la que persigue a Tatsuki, sino todo lo contrario O.O Shizune: Lo sé, he intentado explicárselo, pero es dura de mollera la tía. Además, ella cortó hace tiempo con Morimoto, me lo contó el mismo. Rina: Qué horror, no debería hacer eso solo por celos. 
De pronto me acordé de Miwako y Taiki y tragué un poco de saliva. En parte entendía a Tomoka y lo que estaba pasando, pero solo en parte.
  Shizune: Bueno, cambiemos de tema. ¿Estás bien Rina-chan? ¿Es cierto que perdiste la memoria? Rina: Vaya, en el Seikatsu las noticias vuelan… Sí, esta tarde quiero ir a que me mire el enfermero, no es normal que no recuerde nada, Shizune. ¡No recuerdo nada desde el jueves hasta hoy! Shizune: ¿Cómo es eso? Qué raro, ¿no? Rina: ¡Sí! Las datos de mi memoria pasan desde el final del miércoles hasta ayer cuando me desperté junto a Morimoto… Shizune: (abrió muchos los ojos y se puso blanca) O___O ¿Qué te despertaste qué…? Rina: Oh… Esto Shizune… No es lo que tú piensas… O//O Shizune: (y entonces Shizune comenzó a chillar) ¡¡¡Quefuertequefuertequefuertequefuerte…!!! Rina: ¡Shizune! (Shizune se calló) ¡Yo no me he acostado con Morimoto! ¡Ni con Tai-kun tampoco! ¿¡Qué manía os ha entrado!? La cafetería: O___O Rina: Etto… ¿Podemos ir a otro lugar...? U.U
Salimos de la cafetería, yo toda roja y Shizune pidiendo explicaciones con cada paso que dábamos. Fuimos caminando por los jardines del Seikatsu mientras yo le iba contando lo que había ocurrido. Rina: ¿Entiendes? Con eso quise decir que me desperté después de desmayarme, y allí se encontraba Tatsuki-san, pues le estaba dando clases de matemáticas. Shizune: Ah, vale, vale. ¡A la próxima explícate mejor! >//< Rina: ¿Estás celosa? ^O^ Shizune: ¿¡Qué!? ¿De Morimoto? No bromees con eso, RinRin xD Er… Sigamos con lo de tu amnesia ^^U... Rina: Mmm… Pues eso, eso es todo. Siento un vacío en mi cerebro y es como si algo se me escapase de las manos. Solamente me acuerdo de una triste canción… Shizune: Espera, rebobina. ¿Una triste canción? Rina: Sí, bueno, creo que era un violín el que interpretaba esa pieza musical, era realmente triste. Solo me acuerdo de eso y no sé por qué. Shizune: Esto sí que es extraño. Tendré que preguntar a los de la clase de música si alguien toca el violín, pero vamos, que yo sepa es Kobayashi únicamente el que toca... Y solo toca en su habitación o en la sala de música, desde tu cuarto no has podido escucharle. 
Rina: (Con ojos vidriosos) Esa canción era muy bonita… Me gustaría volver a escucharla... Shizune: ._. (Silencio absoluto, mientras sopla el viento) Rina: ¡Ah! Shizune: ¿¡Qué!? ¡Qué susto O.O! Rina: Hahahaha. Te iba a decir que me llamó la secretaria de Akira para decirme el lugar de la boda. ¿Te apetecería venir? Shizune: Ohh *w* ¿en serio? ¿Puedo? Rina: ¡Claro! Es una fiesta y podemos llevar acompañantes. Shizune: ¡Guay! Pero… ¡oh, no, espera! ¿Y los vestidos? Rina: No te preocupes por eso, el lunes vamos a ir Killua, Honoka y yo a una tienda de lo más elegante a comprar los trajes ^^ Shizune: ¡Genial! ¡Hacía mucho que no iba a una boda! ¡Arigatô, RinRin! ^o^ Rina: No me llames de ese modo… ¬__¬U
  Seguimos un rato charlando por el Seikatsu, hasta que Shizune se fue a su cuarto a llamar a su madre para avisarle de que pasaba la Golden Week conmigo. Iba yo enfrascada en mis pensamientos, tatareando la canción del misterioso violinista, cuando me choqué con alguien. Rina: ¡Lo siento… Okawa-san! Kaede: Oh, ten más cuidado, Tsuruya ¬¬ Rina: Gomen U_u… Oye, ¿Has visto a Tai... a Taiki, por casualidad? Kaede: No, seguramente que estará con su novia, Fujiwara. Rina: ¿¡Qué!? ¿Entonces es cierto lo de la Sweet? Kaede: Claro, esa revista la llevan personas extremadamente serias, ¿qué te crees, Tsuruya? Rina: Oh, no lo sabía… Yo… Lo siento, tengo que irme. Me fui corriendo de allí, casi echándome a llorar por el camino. Kaede: ¡Hay que ver lo inocente que es esta niña…! ··· «Tai... Taiki... Es verdad... Al final es verdad que tienes novia, y encima es Fujiwara Miwako, la famosa y guapa actriz que va a nuestra clase... Yo jamás podré estar a tu altura...» Yuuki: ¡RinRin! ¿A dónde vas con tanta prisa? ¡Hey! Rina: Oh… Hola Yuu-chan U.U… Yuuki: ¿Qué te ocurre? Bueno mejor dicho… ¿Qué ha pasado? ¡Tienes muchas cosas que contarme! Rina: Pues verás… 
Le conté toda la misma historia que le había narrado a Shizune, lo de la pérdida de memoria, lo de la canción del violín... Pero a Yuuki también le conté mi preocupación: aquella dichosa revista y lo que me había dicho hacía un instante Kaede. Yuuki: ¡Pero Rina! (de pronto se echó a reír) Rina: ¿De qué te ríes, Yuuki? ¡Yo no le veo nada de gracioso! TOT… Yuuki: Cómo puedes ser tan ingenua… Bueno, cierto es que perdiste la memoria, pero aun así…   Rina: ¬___¬ Yuuki: Lo de Sadamoto y Fujiwara es mentira, ayer nos lo dijo la misma Fujiwara a Shizune y a mí cuando la encontramos por el pasillo, por lo visto el tío que salía hablando era su ex. Ahora mismo Taiki estará pegándose con él. Rina: ¿¡Qué dices!? ¡¿QUÉÉÉ?! ¡¡Ahora me lo dices, Yuu-chan!! Yuuki: ¡Tranqui! Me dijo que podía él solito, incluso no me dejó ir a partir caras con él… ¡Qué desconsiderado! Rina: Pero… Esto es… ¡¿Y si le hacen algo?! ¡Puede acabar mal, Yuuki! ¡¡Llévame ahora mismo a donde está!! Yuuki: Rina, no te pongas histérica, ya verás que no ocurre nad…
- Pipipipi -
Rina: ¿Qué es eso? Yuuki: Oh… (Yuuki revisó su móvil) parece que Taiki cambió de opinión ^^U. Tengo que ir a ayudarlo. Rina: ¡Espera Yuuki! Quise correr tras ella, pero alguien me retuvo. Rina: ¿Quién…? ¡Koishikawa-san! Koishikawa: Etto… o///o Bueno, Shizune-san me dijo que había perdido la memoria y que vendría a la enfermería, pero como no la vi decidí buscarla para hacerle unas cuantas pruebas...
Rina: ¡No…! Pero ahora no puedo…¡¡Taiki…!! Koishikawa: Por favor, Tsuruya-san, no se oponga, puede que lo que le pase sea grave y no debemos esperar. Rina: … Está bien... U.U…
Me fui a la enfermería acompañada del enfermero Koishikawa, pensando en lo que estarían haciendo Yuuki y Tai-kun. Koishikawa: Etto >.<… Por favor… ¿Puedes decirme lo que te ha ocurrido, Tsuruya-san? 
Y por enésima vez en el día relaté la historia de cómo había perdido la memoria: Que si no recordaba nada, que si me había desmayado y me había levantado junto a Morimoto, mi compañero, que decía que le estaba dando clases pero yo no me acordaba, que si lo único que recordaba era la melodía de violín... Vamos, todo lo que le había contado a Shizune y a Yuuki, sin contar lo de la revista, claro. 
Koishikawa: Oh, entiendo. El desmayo podría haber sido perfectamente un caso de anemia o bajada de tensión, pero como tu condición es estupenda yo optaría por lo segundo, no obstante la pérdida de memoria me preocupa. ¿Puedes recordar si antes de desmayarte estuviste bajo presión? Hice el esfuerzo una vez más, pero no conseguí nada. Rina: No, lo siento. No recuerdo nada, tengo la mente en blanco. Lo más reciente que tengo en la cabeza es la canción de violín, antes de ello solo recuerdo lo que pasó el miércoles. Koishikawa: Mmm… Eso del violín no me cuadra, pero puede que estuvieras escuchando música antes del incidente. Como tu condición es buena y tu pérdida de memoria únicamente se remonta a tres días no creo que tengas que quedarte, no obstante llamaré al hospital para conseguir unas pastillas que estimulen tu memoria, puedes venir mañana a recogerlas. En caso de que ocurriese algo ven inmediatamente. Rina: Muchas gracias, Koishikawa-san. Koishikawa: O///O... No hay de qué… ^^U Después de estar metida una hora en la enfermería salí a respirar aire fresco, eran ya las cuatro de la tarde y no había rastro de Yuuki ni de Taiki. Saqué mi móvil y llamé a Yuuki.
- Este móvil está apagado o fuera de cobertura. Deje su mensaj…
Probé con el de Tai-kun.
- Buzón SoftBank, por favor, deje su mens…
¿¡Qué les habría pasado!? ¡Una situación así y ellos sin móviles! Decidí salir en busca de Yukari para ver si ella sabía algo. Iba a tocar la puerta de su habitación cuando escuché unos pasos acercarse. 
Tsujiai-sensei: Estos alumnos… Han perdido todos sus fundamentos, no sé qué diablos hacen en este instituto, gente incompetente. Naruse-sensei: ¿Escuchó las nuevas, Tsujiai? Tsujiai-sensei: ¿Qué nuevas? No suelo estar al tanto de los chismorreos de los alumnos, siempre son cosas estúpidas y sin sentido. Naruse-sensei: Dicen por ahí que Sadamoto Taiki está en el hospital por pelearse. Tsujiai-sensei: ¿Sadamoto? Ah, ese niñato está en mis clases. Le está bien empleado. Naruse-sensei: Sí, también acude a las mías. Los rumores cuentan que lo hizo por una chica, por Fujiwara Miwako. Un artículo nada agradable sobre ella salió ayer en una revista. Tsujiai-sensei: ¿Lo ve, Naruse-san? Cosas tontas de jóvenes. Los alumnos deberían dedicarse a estudiar en vez de hacer tanto el tonto, en mis tiempos sí que sabíamos apreciar lo que era la educación. Naruse-sensei: Estoy de acuerdo con usted, Tsujiai-san. Los profesores siguieron hablando mientras continuaban su camino, pero yo no hice por seguirles: Ya había escuchado suficiente. ¿Taiki, en el hospital…? En vez de llamar, casi tiro abajo la puerta de Yukari. Rina: ¡Yukari! Yukari: ¡Rina! ¿Qué te ocurre? ¿Qué te pasó ayer? Rina: ¡Te lo explicaré por el camino! Le conté a Yukari no solo lo que me había pasado a mí, sino también la situación en la que se encontraba Taiki y probablemente Yuuki.  
Yukari: ¡Qué malvado, Tsujiai-sensei! Y tampoco me esperaba esto de Naruse-sensei. Rina: Lo sé, pero vamos a coger un taxi, de lo contrario no llegaremos nunca.  
Por suerte el taxi no tardó en llegar a la puerta del instituto, y no necesitamos muchas indicaciones: Con decirle que necesitábamos ir al hospital nos dejó delante del pequeño hospital privado que tenía el Seikatsu Gakuen. Muchos pensarían que era un lujo, pero más que un hospital parecía una clínica privada. En recepción no tuvimos que esperar, una chica joven con una sonrisa colocaba un par de papeles tras el mostrador. 
Rina: ¡Señorita! ¿En qué habitación se encuentra Sadamoto Taiki? Recepcionista: Lo siento, Sadamoto no puede recibir visitas por el momento. Yukari: ¿Cómo? Somos sus amigas, deseamos verlo, por favor. Recepcionista: No, lo siento. Son órdenes de la doctora.   Rina: Y otra cosa, ¿sabe si Amane Yuuki está ingresada aquí? Recepcionista: ¿Amane? Sí, la ingresaron a la vez que a Sadamoto, pero ella tampoco puede recibir visitas, lo siento mucho.   Yukari: ¿Y cuando saldrán? Recepcionista: A Amane le darán el alta mañana si todo va bien. Sadamoto tendrá que esperar hasta el miércoles. Salimos el edificio, desilusionadas pero a la vez tranquilas de que estuviesen en buenas manos. Cogí el móvil y llamé a Killua. Killua: Moshi moshi. Rina: Killua, ¿está Honoka contigo? Killua: Sí, está histérica porque no la dejan ver a Taiki. Rina: ¿A ella tampoco? Bueno… El caso es que invité a Shizune a venir con nosotros a la boda de Akira. ¿Vamos a ir mañana a comprar los trajes, entonces? Killua: No creo que haya problema, total, los médicos no nos van a dejar ver a Taiki... Iremos mañana y así al menos le dejaremos descansar. El miércoles le recogeremos. Rina: Vale… Nos vemos esta noche. Killua: Hasta luego. Yukari: Menuda Golden Week… Tú pierdes la memoria, a Taiki y a Yuuki les zurran… ¡Parece que la única que me salvo soy yo! Y riéndonos, volvimos al Seikatsu. A las nueve de la noche un coche que mandaba mi padre vino a buscarnos a Killua, Honoka, Shizune y a mí para regresar a casa, no obstante yo no podía quitarme a Taiki de la cabeza... 
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
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Ah~ Thank you so much!
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shattered-heathens · 7 years
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In this rare encounter a skitty and mareep meet for the first time~
Yuuki ( @diabolik-yuuki ) Maxine (shattered-heathens)
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
Hi mun! Hope you are well :)!
I'm very curious to know what your OCs (both female and male) do when an important ball is coming up in the Demon World.
For example: the ball that Karlheinz does during the Lunar Eclipse 🌑, the Autumn Ball 🍁🍂, the Halloween Ball 🎃👻, the Winter Ball ❄️, or some other important ball that the other demon clans celebrate. To be more specific, how do your OCs prepare for events this important? What kind of dresses/clothes would they wear and where would they buy them from?
Ohhhhh golly. Okay - this will be quite a long one. I will put everyone under the cut, along with breaking it up by Universe to help.
I will say that - as far as 'buying' things go - I have no real answer for that. I am not much of a shopper myself, so I am not really familiar with any kind of actual store that does dresses or like makes special clothes.
Thank you for this ask! It took me days to put it together, but it was so much fun to think of! I hope you enjoy it~
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Preparations for Yuuki, as time has passed, have gotten easier(?). Instead of Kanato just telling her - "hey you're going to this with me" - it's now more Reiji tells her there is an event, and she must tell Kanato. So, she gets to be the one that has to convince him to go.
She loves parties. After getting through the first couple, and loosing those nerves, she loves getting dressed up and parading around the dance hall. It doesn't even bother her that other demons are around - she just loves being dressed up with Kanato. LEM does a better job showing this.
Now being my oldest OC - I have actual commissions of her from special events. Ones like the Hallows Eve Ball and from the LEM series. For her those, really once she chooses Kanato - her options of clothes are whatever he picks out. She looks cute in strapless dresses - so Kanto normally picks out those. Frills and bright color are great too - but he is found of purple on her. Yuuki's original style of dress was close to a Pastel Goth vibe when she came to live there - but since dating Kanato she isn't too picky, its whatever he wants. For a time he tried Lolita style clothes - but they didn't suit her.
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He was invited to a ball!? In all seriousness, Yuki is like the third or fourth after thought for Laito. He really does not think about him, let alone think about bringing him to a ball. If he does go, it will always be last minute, and it will always be as a game for Laito.
Prepare is not something he gets to do. If it were up to him, he might try to find a nice button up and a vest - try to look presentable. However, it's never up to him~ so in a dress and wig he shall be. Whether that is in an actual dress to be with Laito as a 'date' or in a maids outfit so that Laito can force him to be shared around with everyone. Laito normally keeps him in longer dresses - going for a innocent look rather than an overly sexy, since Yuki is a man - and doesn't have breast to accent.
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As she gets older - Kanato still dresses her. While now she wears Lolita for work - when it comes to almost anything else, Kanato dresses her in clothes reminiscent to those like Cordelia used to wear. Long straight dresses. Something draped off her shoulders. Accenting her chest.
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He is probably the most professional of his family - and as such he takes balls quite seriously. He never waits until the last minute to prepare, and always arrives on time - but tends to leave after a round of socializing has been done. While he understand their importance, he is not a party kind of guy.
As he's gotten older, Isabella has made this easier. He loves nothing more than seeing her dressed up like the queen she is - so that makes him stay a little longer. He typically will dress in royal attire, if not in a suit at the very least. Kanye carries himself seriously, and dresses the way he wishes to be seen.
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If he isnt the center of attention - he looses his sh*t. So, needless to say, Yukio dresses like he's the bell of the ball - cause he is. Like his mother, he will spend hours getting ready. Trying on multiple outfits. Throwing a tantrum because he doesn't feel pretty enough. Barge in on everyone else getting ready to complain about lack of clothes. He's just a total pill really.
As he's gotten older, Silas has helped this. While still vein as all get out - he only really needs Silas to say he looks good. He wants everyone to envy them as a couple, more so than himself. So he's calmed down as far as throwing a fit - but still dresses like the most extra person in the room.
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Sweet girl - she wishes that she were allowed to dress herself. However, Kanato sees her as his Baby Doll - and dresses her up in the most extra Lolita and high society cute clothes he can. Getting ready for her involves Kanato basically ordering her a new dress for very event. He tries to get her in something new, which makes her closet the biggest in the house. Kanato will have familiars help her get dressed - change his mind - put on something different- change it again - the cycle repeats. He also likes to match her if he can, that way he can parade her around the ball showing off their matching outfits.
This causes Yukio and Yuuki both to be annoyed. Yukio, because he is an attention hog and has loathed Rini since she was born. Yuuki because she wants Kanato's attention, and has been jealous of Rini she she was born. Rini - while loving her father deeply- does wish he would allow her to do things on her own.
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He. is. that. B*tch. He owns any outfit he wears - to the fullest. Skye has a plethora of fake breast that he can use for any type of dress. There are even dresses he can pull off without them. He is not afraid of any type of shape or style of dress. If he likes it - he's going to wear it and make it work. To prepare he will spend hours getting ready. If the event is important enough he'll take days. Going to the spa - getting his nails done - facial - the. works. Skye ensure that he is the topic of conversation at any event - and if he isn't he makes it so himself.
It is a recent development that Karl has started presenting him as a date - and Skye takes that very seriously. If he is going to be seen with the most powerful man, he's going to look the part. Karl has allowed Skye to start picking out his outfits as well - so from time to time he will have them match.
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The actual bell of the ball. Calli has been dressing in gowns her entire life - and she loves it. So much so that she barely wears pants - as she feels that dresses are skirts help her feel free. She has attended a great number of balls and event sin her life time. However, with her father being a relaxed as he is, it's not that she needed to over dress.
As such, Callista has learned to dress elegant and classy, while still not being restricted of movement. She is a fan of modest clothing over ones that reveal too much. Loves to have layers and textures - longer ones are better for special events, but she is normally in dresses all the time.
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She will never be anything more than a maid in the Vibora Kingdom. This is something that I have talked about with @the-sloth-woman, since the Burai I use the same as hers. So, there is no scenario that she would 'change' the way she dresses. That being said - different uniforms could be used for different events.
She prepares like any servant would. Assisting with set up, in the kitchen, doing really what ever Burai ask of her. She is his personal attendant, so if he is feeling like it - he could have her dress him.
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The Twins
I know they are not official yet - but I wanted to think about them and try to figure out what they would wear. They have different styles from one another.
She loves to show off her body, and wears dresses that show off her breast / back / legs - really where ever. Showing off skin makes her feel more powerful - when she is all ready a powerful woman. She also loves accessories, sun glasses / hats / jewelry. She is the boss, and shows that off every chance she gets.
He - while still keeping in fashion, prefers comforts over anything. He doesn't mind showing skin - but it will hardly look professional or formal when he does. Designer comfy pants are his weakness, he loves the feel of them. His outfits are also simple, compared to his sisters. He even counts as her accessory more times than not.
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers ~ Tormented Reverie ~ Yuuki's Prologue [part 2]
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Yuki: (Tell them... but I don't even know the answer.
Why are they all staring at me like that?
What do they even want me to say?)
I... well...
Boy w/ Teddy: Would you please hurry up?
Waiting for you to explain is upsetting Teddy.
Yuuki: Oh, sorry...
I am not sure why I am here - to be honest.
A man - he took me from my house, and then left me here.
Boy who was 'Asleep': Huh, the hell is that about?
Boy w/ Hat: A pimp perhaps~?
Boy w/ White Hair: Disgusting!
Boy w/ Glasses: Honestly...
No one is simply left on our door step for no reason. Surely there is some of explanation.
The brothers bicker amongst themselves. Yuuki can't help but take a moment to glance around. This place felt larger on the inside, though that could just be because it was dark outside.
Yuuki: (What am I going to do?
These guys seem weird... and I should focus on calling the police.
Maybe I could sneak past them to find a phone...?)
Yuuki moves to creep into the other room, but is stopped by one of the boys. He towers over her, his red eyes glaring down.
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Boy w/ White Hair: Where do you think you're going?
You are the one who woke all of us up - doesn't seem fair trying to running away.
Yuuki: Ua - well I just-
Boy who was 'Asleep': For once Mr. Punchy is right!
You woke Ayato-sama up, time to pay for it
The corpse from before appears behind Yuuki. His lips smirked as fangs descend into view.
Yuuki: W-woa now just a minute...
Boy w/ Hat: Not fair Ayato-kun~ I did say that I would take her, nfu.
Boy w/ Teddy: I would like some too, after all, we were woken up as well, ne Teddy?
Yuuki: H-Hold on a minute...
What are you guys talking about...?
(They're aren't planning to -!
No no no!
Someone please help me!)
???: Ah... that man was here earlier
Just as the boys began to touch Yuuki, a new voice makes itself known.
Boy w/ Glasses: Useless thing, when were you going to tell anyone?
The glasses wearing boy descends the stair case and walks into the sitting room. The other boys fallow his movements, stepping away from Yuuki. Laying on one of the coaches is another boy, though he looked still asleep.
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Sleeping Boy: A few days ago... said "a debt paid" or something.
She is supposed to stay with us.
Yuuki: ah! Y-Yes!
They said that to me as well - something about a debt...
The boys all turn to face Yuuki. Emotions mixed among them, but their eyes all seemed to be looking at something delicious.
'Mr. Punchy': Why didn't you say something at the start!?
Boy w/ Glasses: Goodness, seems there was a reason.
In any case, she is not to be eaten, it would seem.
Yuuki: Eaten!?
Is that what you were going to do!?
No way, I wont stay in a house of cannibals!
Sleeping Boy: We're not cannibals... vampires
Ayato: Shu what the hell!
Boy w/ Glasses: Hopeless.
Yuuki: Vam...pires....?
Boy w/ Teddy: What more is there to explain?
Are you stupid?
Boy w/ Glasses: Enough of that, now that we know she is supposed to be here - who will be in charge of watching her?
She cannot be allowed to simple roam about.
Boy w/ Hat: Nfu, Laito-kun has no problem keeping this Bitch-chan.
Ayato: I was the first one to be woken by her -
That means her blood belongs to Ayato-sama!
Mr. Punchy: Always so high and mighty!
We were all awoken by the yelling, you're not special!
Yuuki: Hold on...
My blood doesn't belong to anyon-
Boy w/ Teddy: Food shouldn't speak, unless it wants to be eaten faster.
Shu: Do what you want - just keep it down...
Boy w/ Glasses: This wont do, simply choose someone if it is that much of an issue.
Yuuki: Choose someone?
You can't expect me to make that kind of choice without knowing any of you.
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Boy w/ Glasses: So troublesome.
'Mr. Punchy': Just pick someone!
Boy w/ Glasses: Acting as though your blood is that precious, such arrogance.
It has been a while since we have had a woman to educate.
Very well, a trial run perhaps will speed things along.
Ayato: Trial run?
What does that mean?
Laito: Ooo a game of pass the Bitch-chan~
Such a dirty mind Reiji-kun, nfu.
'Mr. Punchy': Don't be gross!
Yuuki: (A trial run?
Something like that might be fine...
Then again, being passed around by six vampires...)
H-How long would I have to decide?
Shu: The next new moon...
Reiji: Ah, so that was tonight.
That should be fine then.
Introductions are in order so that you may choose accordingly. I am Reiji- the second son.
Over on the coach is Shu, the eldest.
The triplets, Ayato, Kanato and Laito.
Then lastly, Subaru, the youngest.
Present yourself to us then. Since we will be housemates from this day forward.
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Yuuki: Oh...
(This situation... it's all because of that man.
He must be the one they are talking about too.
I guess for now - I don't have a choice.)
it's Yuuki...
Yuuki Koishikawa.
-- END --
[part one]
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers ~ Tormented Reverie ~ Yuuki's Prologue [part 1]
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The more I love you,
the more I want to completely devour you.
If we were to become one,
will this thirst, this pain, be cured?
The closer I get, it feels as if
the distance to you keeps getting further.
It is as if you are a hazy mirage at the other end of the desert.
[Lord Ritchter]
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。 。 .。
A limousine slowly makes it's way up the graveled drive of a mansion, which looms against the night sky.
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Yuuki emerges from the vehicle, it's driver and other occupant shrouded in the darkness. Thunder echoes in the distance, giving warning to an incoming storm.
Yuuki: (This is crazy... with all that just happened...
How can I be expected to stay here? And that man -)
Yuuki attempts to look back at the limo as she walks to the door, but it is no where to be seen.
(What is going on!?
Have I truly been abandoned here?)
Yuuki reluctantly knocks on the door.
Yuuki: ... Hello!!
Is anyone there-?
Yuuki knocks on the door again, after there is no answer.
Yuuki: Hello?
What is going on... it doesn't look like anyone is home.
I don't understand!
Why was I brought here!
-- flashback begins
Yuuki: Mother... who are they?
Mother: Yuuki, stay back!
You cannot take her!
A scuffle ensues with two large men, and Yuuki's mother. It's a blur, and ends abruptly with the sound of a gun firing.
Yuuki: Mom!
In the door way stands a single man, his face smudged out by the smoke of the gunshot.
Mysterious Man: Grab her - the final debt shall be settled tonight.
-- flashback ends
(What am I going to do...?
No one is going to come for me - but if I run...)
Rain starts to drizzle as Yuuki stands alone. She tries the door once more.
Yuuki: Excuse me!
I don't need to stay here but, if I could just get out of the rain.
Maybe there is another entrance?
Yuuki looks about and begins to walk away when the door creeps open.
Yuuki: -eep!
Startled, Yuuki stares at the door. When no one presents on the other side, she slowly opens it more. Welcoming herself into the seemingly deserted mansion.
Yuuki: U-Um...
I-I'm sorry for just coming in but... it started raining - and the door.
A man - I was brought here after my...
Is anyone home?
(Is there really no one here? But the door opened.
This is too creepy!)
Yuuki cautiously makes her way into, what appears to be, a sitting area.
Ahh... This is the worst...
(I wasn't able to grab anything before they took me.
Without a cell phone, I can't even call the police.
This is a kidnapping after all, right?
And what they did to mom too...)
Maybe I can find a phone in here-
Lightening strikes, illuminating the room. What was thought to be vacant, had one occupant. Laying on the far sofa, a body.
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Yuuki: Kyaaaa!!
Yuuki screams, fleeing the room. Returning to the foyer, and attempts to leave. The door was closed once more, and bound shut.
Yuuki: No no no!
Let me out please!
I don't want to die!
This is a joke, right!?
I don't wanna be abandoned in a horror house!
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???: Such an outburst!
Who is making all this noise?
A voice calls from atop the grand stair case. Yuuki turns, seeing a young man standing at the top. His face a soft glow from a candelabra.
Yuuki: I-I-I...!
???: Honestly, how did you enter this place?
???: What the hell-?
Who's making all that noise?
Can't a guy get any sleep around here?
Another voice nags from the other room. The body from before leans against the wall. As lighting flashes once more, all of the lighting in the mansion springs on as well.
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N-No no no no no
This is impossible! Insane!
Just let me go back out in the rain!
Yuuki crouches down, covering her ears and shutting her eyes.
???: Quit all that annoying whining.
Teddy and I just woke-up... Reiji make it stop.
???: Oh-ho~ I had thought that was a girls voice.
I wouldn't mind taking her back to my room, if no one wants to claim her.
As two new voices enter the room, a loud crashing sound echoes to through the sound of the rain. Yuuki looks around, seeing new faces with the other two.
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???: This is no way to wake up - would all of you just shut up!
??? Oi!
Quit punching the walls!
I was the first to ask about this human, so I will be answered first.
???: Annoying... shut up both of you or I'll cut you into pieces.
???: So violent~
???: Huh!?
You just try it pipsqueak! You're no older brother of mine!
???: Enough all of you! Even my patients is wearing thin.
No one is 'taking her' until we find out why and how she came to be here.
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Yuuki: (This is bad.
Like, really bad, right!?
Who are all of these guys?
What do they think they're going to do to me?)
???: In any case, tell us what brings you here.
-- To Be Continued --
[part two]
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Yuuki Koishikawa
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Yuuki Koishikawa (小石川 優生 Koishikawa Yuuki) is the (fan made) heroine for Diabolik Lovers: Tormented Reverie. Being the final heir of her family line, she carries the family debt to Karlheinz. As such, she was made to live with his six vampire sons.
Kanji: 小石川 ゆうき ( 優生). Also Known As: My Doll (by Kanato), Puffy (by Ayato), Bitch-chan (by Laito). Yuuki means Superior Living
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Basic Info ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
Birthday: June 1st. Sign: Gimini. Age: 16 (beginning), 19 (ending). Race: Human. Sex: Female. Pronoun(s): She/Her. Height: 157.48 cm (5’ 5″). Weight: 49.90 kg (115 lbs). Hair Color: Pastel Pink. Eye Color: Jazzberry.
Occupation: Former Student at Ryoutei Academy High School. Relatives: Kanato Sakamaki (love interest), Takahashi Koishikawa (father), Rumi Koishikawa (mother/deceased). Hobbies: Humming, Dancing, Hair Maintenance, Reading Manga. Favorite Food(s): Chocolate. Japanese Voice: Kanae Itou. English Voice: Tia Ballard.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Birthday: June 1st. Sign: Gimini. Age: xxx. Race: Vampire, Human (formerly). Sex: Female. Pronoun(s): She/Her. Height: 170.18 cm (5’ 7″). Weight: 58.97 kg (130 lbs). Hair Color: Pastel Pink. Eye Color: Jazzberry.
Occupation: Wife of Kanato Sakamaki, Lolita Fashion Mode. Immediate Relatives: Kanato Sakamaki (husband), Kanaye Sakamaki (son), Yukio Sakamaki (son), Rini Sakamaki (daughter). Extended Relatives: Ayato Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Yuko Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Spencer (adopted nephew), Isaiah Sakamaki (nephew), Isabella Sakamaki (neice), Laito Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Shu Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Reiji Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Rika Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Edward Sakamaki (nephew), Subaru Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Ayano Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Izumi Sakamaki (neice). Hobbies: Humming, Hair Maintenance, Reading. Favorite Food(s): Anything sweet. Japanese Voice: Kanae Itou. English Voice: Tia Ballard.
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Appearance ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
In the first story, Tormented Reverie, Yuuki is an adorable young woman. She has puffy, pastel pink hair which she typically keeps in two low twin tails that drape over her shoulders. Her eyes are Jazzberry colored, being a medium dark shade of magenta pink. In the past, her school uniform consists of the typical female uniform for the academy. Instead of the jacket, she wore a purple cardigan, and wore loose legwear, as opposed to traditional tight ones.
Yuuki's style of clothing throughout the story is inspired by pastel goth fashion. Her outfits are later picked out by her keeper, Kanato Sakamki. She has worn a number of different outfits; a pink long-sleeve loose sweater, a loose off-the-shoulder grey sweater, a baby blue sun dress under an off-shoulder short-sleeve sweater, cat-eared hoodies, and off-the-shoulder striped long-sleeve shirt. Typically most outfits are accompanied by a skirt and appropriate footwear.
[image soon]
In the second story, Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream, Yuuki has matured into a beautiful woman. Her long pastel pink hair now stays styled in a single off should ponytail, which she either twirled or left free, depending on the situation. Her eyes are Jazzberry colored, being a medium dark shade of magenta pink.
Yuuki's style has changed over the years, as she no longer dresses herself. All of her outfits are designed and picked out by her husband Kanato. She dresses in clothes reminiscent of her old style, with an emphasis now on more lolita style, rather than pastel goth. Her employment gives a number of different outfits, however, she can typically be seen in gowns when in the Mukai and semi-formal wear in the Human World.
[image soon]
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Personality ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
In Tormented Reverie, Yuuki has a cheerful and likable personality and strives to see the good in others. Yuuki is not ashamed to admit her desires, and this is often met with shock. She can come off as a bit vain, taking great pride in her looks and style.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream finds Yuuki years later, now quite dependent on the assurance and recognition of her husband. Carrying herself with poise and purpose, Yuuki presents like a porcelain doll. She will often manipulate others and make compromising decisions. She is prone to sudden fits of frustration but has never taken it out on anyone. Mostly expressing these emotions alone. On the surface, however, one would see a dotting housewife who loves her husband. 
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ History ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
After arriving at the Sakamaki House, Yuuki was given no time to process the situation or the loss of her mother. The six Sakamaki brothers allowed her one month to choose which of them was her caretaker/keeper. In the end, Yuuki chose Kanato, feeling a deep connection with him.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Now proper royals of the Bat Clan, Kanato and Yuuki live out their lives in the Makai. Having three children, the two have done their best in raising them. For both, it was no easy task, and parenthood proves every day to bring new challenges. Together the two depend on and support one another - even if it's not always in the healthiest of ways.  
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Trivia ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
While she does like attending school, Yuuki is not particularly good in any subject
She will spend hours in front of a mirror - her appearance is important to her.
Despite the desire to do well - Yuuki has a terrible singing voice
Her bedtime and morning routines take just under an hour to complete
Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Parfaits
She is afraid of bugs
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Yuuki works as a Lolita Fashion Model in the Human World
She is a pathological liar
Her appearance - although now never changing - is still important to her, she will spend hours in front of a mirror.
While she no longer fears them - Yuuki does dislike bugs
Yuuki has an obvious favorite child - and one she clearly dislikes
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Navigation ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
Yuuki's Birthday '23
Hello Everyone!
I hope that you have been enjoying all of the content lately! Thanks to the sweetest Anon-chan(s), there have been a lot of world building for the Excruciating Duplicity universe - as well as I completed the Character Analysis' for all of the Lorne Family!
Today though, is a very special day...
It's Yuuki's Birthday!
For those that might be newer, Yuuki is the first OC on this blog - and what got me here. She is the only OC that has a fully developed story, and is also the only one with two sequel stories. I have slowly been working on publishing the official release for her story - and I thank everyone for their patients with that.
For her birthday last year I didn't do anything - and the year before that I wrote Nineteen Nuptials - which reading it now was such a good piece for her character. Well this year she would be 21, which in her story marks the year that she and Kanato find out that ...
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Yuuki is Pregnant!
Yes on her 21st birthday the Kanuki ship learns that the still human Yuuki is with child. The very reason for Karlheniz sending her to live with his sons finally bares it's fruit. For those new to the blog, you may not know about this child - and those that have been here a while only know the bits and pieces.
Well, today I want to celebrate Yuuki's birthday with finally publishing the official story. You are also more than welcome to send in ask for her, or to just wish her a happy birthday! I know it's strange to celebrate her birthday by talking about something like this - but I think that it's the proper tone how her 21st year played out.
So please stay tuned today to see the story. I'll be rebloging some Yuuki highlights today too!
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