#Character Biography
gentlelass · 1 month
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Alright, a revamp of this woman’s character bio is what I promised, and a revamp of this woman’s character bio is what I’m giving you! This is far less in Lackadaisy’s canon style than the previous one I made and more conforming to my own, and I like it just that way. Hope you’ll like it too 💓!
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fablesuntold · 5 months
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🃏Biography. The Joker🃏
Most of this is made up by the mun— do not steal or reblog as I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Also do not copy this layout.
Basic info:
Real name: Jack Oswald White— but this information has never been disclosed to anyone else so only he knows his real name.
Preferred alias:
Mister. J.
John Doe.
Age: 31 years old.
Birthday: Born October 31st.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Nationality: American.
Born in: Gotham City, United States.
Currently residing in: Gotham City, United States.
Morality: Chaotic evil.
Occupation: Full time menace to society/Self proclaimed King of Gotham City.
Height: 1.8m / 5’11”
Weight: 76 kg/ 12 stone.
Hair: Neon Green/Brunette before the acid incident.
Eyes: Bright blue.
Tattoos: Joker has a range of tattoos from head to toe. Most resemble his alter ego. From jesters to playing cards and toothy smiles, his skin is decorated like tapestry with the art. His favourite tattoo of all is the ‘Damaged’ on his forehead as it best describes his mental state of mind. He plans to get more, possibly something that could be used to mock Batman with because why not~? He just loves to rile the caped crusader up.
Piercings: The only piercings Joker currently has are his ear piercings and a tongue piercing. He much prefers tattoos but will likely get more anyway in the future.
Scars: Due to many battles and run ins with Batman over the years, Joker has sustained many injuries much like his archnemesis. Scars litter his pale skin, some jagged and deep and some faded. Luckily his tattoos cover the worst of them— partly the reason he got them to begin with.
Other: Thanks to a rather intense fight with Batman before being escorted to Arkham Asylum, Joker’s regular front teeth were brutally smashed out and had to be replaced with silver caps— thus why his mouth takes on a more metallic look.
Faceclaim: Jared Leto.
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Mother: Sophia White.
Status: Unknown.
Relationship: Joker doesn’t remember much about his time spent in his mother’s care. At the age of seven, he was placed into an orphanage due to his parents not wanting him anymore, though he briefly recalls his mother’s hand combing through his hair one last time before she turned on her heel and made a swift exit from his life— a strange display of affection for somebody who so easily gave up on him. The true reason as to why she gave him up remains unclear, but the abandonment has stuck with him more than he likes to admit. He can’t help but to wonder though.. was there a part of Sophia that regretted leaving her son behind?
Father: Damien White.
Status: Deceased.
Relationship: Much like his mother, not much is recalled about his relationship with his father. All he remembers is that his father used to shout a lot and smack his mother around when she stood up to him. Perhaps the reason he was put into care? Joker doesn’t know, but he no longer possesses the quality to care about why exactly they’re no longer around.
Siblings: He’s an only child as far as he knows. Given the fact that he doesn’t know his family at all though, it’s a possibility that he could have siblings somewhere out there.
Spouse: N/A. (Depending on the verse, I usually ship him with Harley Quinn and have a few plot ideas if anyone is interested. Bruce Wayne is also an option too as an enemies to lovers/enemies with benefits plot.)
Kids: N/A. (Again, depends on the verse.)
Pets: He once owned a pet Hyena called Chuckles, but it was quickly confiscated and sent off to a zoo when Joker was apprehended by Batman and sent to Arkham Asylum.
Friends: Joker doesn’t consider many people his friends, but his closest companions are Harley Quinn, Jonny Frost and of course he’ll claim Batman to be his best friend even though Batman loathes the bones of him.
Personality traits/Characteristics: Narcissistic, sarcastic, witty, cruel, unpredictable, brazen, overconfident, wild, crude, apathetic, heartless, clever, impatient, impulsive, aggressive, cynical, enigmatic, obnoxious, possessive, envious, greedy, menacing, loud, immature, twisted, wicked, evil, mischievous, irritable, selfish, boastful, excitable, assertive, demented.
MBTI Type: ENTP. He’s an extrovert who is creative and loves a good plan. However, he’s easily distracted by new possibilities and can often stray away from his original plans to pursue another manic idea. He’ll do anything to achieve his goals even despite the resistance from others he knows he’ll be met with.
Any mental illness: Joker suffers from schizophrenia— psychotic disorder which often results in random bursts of violent outbreaks and excessive delusions, hallucinations included. His mind is often muddled with wild fantasies that can only be described as insane and no amount of therapy has been able to provide him relief. Past therapists at Arkham Asylum conclude that he may be bordering on dissociative identity disorder too.
Weapons: Depending on his mood, Joker uses a range of weapons from handguns to bombs and melee weapons.. but his absolute favourite of them all is his trusty submachine gun. Nothing gives him a thrill quite like letting those bullets fly all while laughing hysterically about it.
A rough childhood behind him, Jack was born into an abusive household and exposed to violence at a young age. With his father mercilessly beating him and his mother almost every night in an alcohol induced rage, it’s no surprise that his morals were corrupted from the get-go. However, he wasn’t around his father long enough for him to be a major influence in his life when his mother decided enough was enough.
Waiting for her husband to consume enough alcohol for him to pass out, Jack’s mother wasted no time in driving her son to the nearest orphanage and after a whispered ‘you’ll be safe here’ and a quick kiss to his forehead, she disappeared off into the night never to be seen or heard of again.
Growing up, Jack always knew he was different to the other kids in care. He wasn’t interested in what they were interested in, dolls and action figures only doing so much to appease his tormented little mind. Instead, Jack found himself fascinated with crime and death which quickly caused concern for staff at the orphanage when told time and time again about his morbid curiosity. To say the least, staff often found themselves uneasy around him, especially when he started to display symptoms of early schizophrenia— the exact same symptoms that deterred any potential foster parents away from adopting him.
By the time he reached eighteen and with no success of a foster family, Jack was released as a young adult into the world— and that’s where his life of crime began. Quickly getting in with the wrong crowd after a club brawl gone wrong, Jack joined one of Gotham’s many notorious gangs of thugs where he quickly began to climb the hierarchy. For the first time in his life, Jack felt as though he had a purpose. Like he had a life worth living with people who understood him. But all of that came crashing down within the blink of an eye.
One stormy evening, Jack found himself on the end of a drug bust when Batman intercepted the deal. Him being the supplier, he was chased through the streets of Gotham until a promising escape route beckoned him in the form of a chemical factory. Little did he know this is where his life would take a drastic turn.
On the cusp of escaping, it wasn’t until Batman took a swoop at him from the top floor did he lose his footing and take a tumble into a burning container of acid that quickly burned and bleached his skin a sickly white, lips stained red and chemically altering his hair to a neon green once he finally emerged after almost drowning. It was that exact same acid that drove him further down the road of insanity. Pronounced dead by Batman, he’d once again been left behind.
Following that night Jack became obsessed with Batman and swore revenge, and in the following years he adopted his alter ego— becoming well known and greatly feared as ‘The Joker’ thanks to his unique appearance which oddly resembled that of a clown.
From bank heists to mass murder and destruction across the city, it didn’t take long for Batman to find him once again and many altercations with him later, Joker unfortunately landed himself a one way ticket to Arkham Asylum after a particularly lethal fight with the masked hero. Therapy sessions were made a mockery of, and Joker only laughed at anyone who attempted to help him, only requesting to speak to Batman. This resulted in him being doomed to spend most of his twenties confined by white cushioned walls and restrained in a snug straitjacket for everyone’s safety— including his own.
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@ohmyarda's expressive portrait of Tar-Míriel Ar-Zimraphel illustrates @grundyscribbling's biography of the character.
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The downfall of Númenor is one of the (maybe the?) most cataclysmic events in the history of Arda. Involving a literal reshaping of the world and the consequent annihilation of an entire people, it was brought on by the rebellious voyage of Ar-Pharazôn to Aman, against the laws of the Valar. As his (unwilling) wife, Tar-Míriel had a front-row seat to the whole slow toppling of Númenor. Yet, as Grundy notes in this month's biography of Míriel:
"The text does not record Míriel’s reaction to any of these events."
As Grundy's biography of Míriel shows, she emerges as a sort of grace note on Pharazôn's story, at first just a name but then given something of a story of her own. I say "something" because her story is still very much enmeshed in her victimhood at his hands, so much that what she thought or how she reacted (or didn't) to the decisions he made go completely unrecorded.
We've now surpassed more than 150 character biographies on our site. Our reason for beginning that project back in 2007 was to provide resources for people creating fanworks. And while, if asked at the time, we probably would have said a primary aim was making more accessible the histories of some of the more complicated characters, Míriel is a reminder that an equally important purpose is bringing to light those characters whose histories Tolkien left missing, like Míriel. (She is mentioned twice in the published Silmarillion.)
Maybe her reaction to the ending of her world will at last be recorded.
You can read Grundy's biography of Tar-Míriel here, pubished by the @silmarillionwritersguild.
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buttercupcd · 6 months
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:○} ✨️
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winksasleeplesseye · 1 year
First (and last) day as a cop, Leon Kennedy has what it takes to survive...even in a zombie outbreak.
His journey begins outside Raccoon City, finding chaos has already descended upon the city at a gas station. Luckily, Leon has the sense needed to survive.
His weapon of choice nicknamed MATILDA is handy enough to get through some sticky situations in the RPD and NEST Lab alike. He'll gain a few other trusty pieces over the course of the evening.
Want to see his story unfold alongside S.T.A.R.S. Operative Amara Webb? PLAY HERE
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woody-dave · 9 months
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Woody's biography, before you go into the future, you need to leave your biography.
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vladyolive · 2 years
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Found a new hobby: making character profiles for my fan art interpretations of DC characters, starting with Superman villains.
I’m a massive Lex simp.
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kroashent · 1 year
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Kroashent Character Spotlight: Akiko
For August/September, I'm taking on a little side project, cleaning up and finishing some of the placeholder characters on the Kroashent WorldAnvil. Oftentimes, inspiration strikes suddenly, leaving me with a lot of unfinished concepts that don't quite fit cleanly into the mix. I'll be returning to answering Q+As soon (questions are always open and welcome) and writing the next chapters of the book. In the meantime, working on a lot of commission work, so this is something of a side project when the tablet is charging.
Val's Notes: Akiko provided an interesting challenge. The initial Marie-Morgane project was drawn from the base classes of Dungeons and Dragons, adapted for Kroashent's aesthetics and lore, and then with a mermaid twist. While most classes are drawn from the tropes of the Western European medieval fantasy, the Monk has always had an East Asian flair, drawn from Wuxia fantasy and Japanese Jidaigeki. Given the general location of Ys-Beneath-the-Waves as it might correspond to our own geography, this provided an interesting challenge.
It made sense to make Akiko a wandering warrior, in the style of Jidaigeki protaganists (and more than a little Samurai Jack vibes), whose long travels come to an unexpected and peaceful end in the Beacon City. Akiko is also one of those characters who, with a rich personal history, becomes a fixture in other character's stories. Many (unwritten) stories of the Marie-Morgane take place in her shop and garden.
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xthaliax · 2 years
Their bio in Dev (lmao)
They’re a bunch of (kinda) backgrounds, I’m sorry if my grammar is bad, lmao. (might have more later lol) 
(non-binary girl, omnisexual)
Kirara/ri is a fox yokai at her middle teens.
Battle nexus, heiress of the Kitsune Clan, daughter of former head Kaguya and battle nexus champion, Masaru. Kira has two sides; normal and chaotic. She has a neutral with cats. Little by little, she passed her life through trauma and depressed times bullied by her cousins, Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo, but they gave her supportive advices as they were very strict and verbal abused by their arrogant mother
In the future, she’s a medical alchemist and martial artist volunteer. in addition she has earned her four tail as she mastered the ways of good virtues and her intelligence increased, arranged married to Leo for the sake of greater for her clan (what her arrogant aunt Kagura says). In the dark future, she cures for the injured veterans. Even though, Kira has her turtle/fox pups with him 
She did mature throughout the years but she still has her very smart, scary yet sly/cunning personality on the inside her heart
(demi-girl, pansexual)
Toshiko Miyagi is a young fox yokai and she's the adoptive sister to Kirara when her parents also died, her age and appearance can mistaken anyone either if Toshi is a kit or a teen. Toshi works as a housekeeper to the Hamato Family. Toshiko is what she's as a runt with two sides of personality: a sadistic side of chaotic, mischievous, cunning, extremely smart, goofy but has a soft side with well, caring, fluffy oriented good side by the turtles and Kira; she goes a explosive breakdown when some stuff was broken. Like most kitsunes, Toshiko has a huge hatred for cats (even though she has a admirer neko yokai boy named Kotaro (nicknamed Felix) who likes her so much) as she doesn't want the cat cooties outside from the lair
She has a notable relationship with Leo as she gives a sly smile at him as she brags she's his future brother in law, however she won't shut up about it
In the future,s she grows into a gal with Hanabi vibes. And is the adoptable aunt to Leo and Kira’s kids.
She still has hidden shenenigans with her closed very hysterical and goofy.
(demisexual panromantic)
Yukino is a yuki-onna teen raised by her noble clan ruled by female yokai only, and the great-great granddaughter of Otakemaru, a powerful oni. Her family surname is unknown, as which is what important, either Fuyujio, Setsugekka, or Kazahana? She is Kirara’s best friend and one of Leo’s love interests. In her youth, she was trained by a professional battle nexus yokai the arts of three jutsu. Yuki is very well-good sided, hospitable, and caring, but she has the inner yokai terrifying demeaor.
Dark future: strong warrior and a stay at mom of two kids, Hokusai, a ninja in trainee, and Elisabetta, the future daiyokai
Light future: a mystic teacher and married to Leo, still has two kids with him
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ontapon · 2 years
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We start off a simple biography of Buckley from my first project/series known as Nachinko Buckets. A simple biography is shown below:
Buckley is an innocent, inquisitive, and optimistic snowboy with a bucket on his head who tends to have a habit of lying down on the floor reflecting through his imagination which leads him into a ton of creative or at times bizarresituations. Buckley has a bucket as his signature accessory and has his responsibility of keeping his bucket, but when he loses his bucket, he panics whenever he loses it. Buckley does have a clumsy nature as he tends to catch one foot on somethingre sulting him to stumble on the floor. Despite his clumsiness,he still cares about his friends and he does have some positive moments here and there.
© 2023 Gadeton, All Rights Reserved
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lightermagicwofld · 2 years
Here is Lighter character biography. ALSO TO MAKE SURE THIS IS THE CHARACTER SHEET THIS IS NOT REFERENCE TO ME IN REAL LIFE OK now we got out of the way Let begin.
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Name: Lighter Sheet Star.
Age:19-23. Sexuality: Pansexual. Gender identity: Nonbinary.
Goal: To make her dream become true and to become stronger.
Likes: Drawing,Dreaming,using magic,watching cartoon,dancing,being happy,exploring different places,flying,seeing friends,etc. Hates: Losing,Working a LOT,not able to do what she want, were she upset, was being nice do not work or make it work,seeing friends sad, was her magic stop working randomly,etc. Wepones:
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Powers: able to grow back limb,Flying,Star blast,strength,and sometimes ables to Cody or get center power for a least couple of hours or days. Short backstory: Lighter is a girl created from a random woman name c who send her down to earth and get raised by a random woman and man name mr and Ms Willamette Almost done Problem: Getting central emotion at the wrong time, hurt easier,sometimes getting scared earier, and being dumb. Here ones more fact here 3 song she like
That all
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fablesuntold · 3 months
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🪓 Biography. Joel Miller 🪓
Most of this is made up by the mun— do not steal or reblog as I’ve put a lot of thought into this. Also do not copy this layout.
Basic info:
Name: Joel Miller.
28 years old. (pre-outbreak)
48 years old. (part 1)
53 years old. (part 2)
Birthday: Born September 26th.
Zodiac sign: Libra.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Nationality: American.
Born in: Austin, Texas.
Currently resides in: Jackson City, Wyoming.
Morality: Morally grey.
Carpenter (former/pre-outbreak)
Hunter (former)
Smuggler (former)
Height: 180.3 cm/5’11”.
Weight: 91 kg/14 stone.
Hair: Brunette/Greying.
Eyes: Greenish Brown/Hazel.
Scars: A deep scar across the bridge of his nose and multiple smaller ones loitering his body head to toe from years of surviving in a world riddled with infected and dangerous people alike. His most prominent scar sits on his side where he fell from a height and landed on a metal rod which impaled clean through his abdomen. If not for Ellie, Joel would have certainly been a goner right then and there.
Other: Joel is often covered in grime and dirt from days of hardship— the dried blood under his fingernails basically stained. On bad days his face looks more weathered, the stress of living in a world where the dead freely roam the streets causing his wrinkles to appear more visible. The bags under his eyes have quickly become a common sight too.
Psychical appearance:
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Mother: Bonnie Miller.
Status: Deceased.
Relationship: Growing up, Joel was close to his mother as it was only the two of them and Tommy. He helped her take care of Tommy until she developed early onset dementia— which she later succumbed to and passed away in the nursing home she was placed in. It’s safe to say that Joel was devastated when his mother passed.
Father: Travis Miller.
Status: Unknown/presumably deceased.
Relationship: Travis left after Joel’s younger brother, Tommy, was born and decided to cut all ties to his family. Leaving Joel to be the man of the house, he grew bitter and indifferent toward his father. He can barely remember anything about the man, and doesn’t wish to either. It’s why he vowed to be a better father than he ever was when Sarah came along.
Siblings: One younger brother named Tommy. Given their father’s absence, Joel acted as both an older brother and a father to Tommy growing up. The two always did have a close bond, but once the virus broke out and Joel felt as though he’d lost everything.. their relationship soured to the point of psychical fights and they eventually parted ways, only to meet again years down the road.
Spouse: Joel got hitched pretty young (18) to a girl named Carla (18) after she fell pregnant due to a one night stand. Unfortunately the two could never make it work, and given the fact that Carla disliked motherhood, she packed up her things and left Joel to be a single father— never to be seen again, cutting both her husband and daughter out of her life.
Kids: One daughter named Sarah (12). Being a single dad, Sarah only had Joel to depend on and even though he worked most of the time to provide for her, the two were close. They often went to soccer games together, zoos, museums, coffee shops and hung out at the movies whenever Joel wasn’t busy. Unfortunately on outbreak day, Sarah didn’t stand a chance when she hurt her leg during a car accident upon trying to escape from the city. She was later fatally shot by a solider who was given the order to shoot anyone who approached in case they were infected, and she tragically died in Joel’s arms from blood loss. Joel has never recovered from her death.. though he does start his journey to healing when happening upon a young girl named Ellie who he takes under his wing over time and ultimately ends up adopting— a found family he didn’t know he needed or wanted.
Pets: Joel never had time for pets, but he promised Sarah he’d get her a hamster or a Guinea pig. The outbreak occurred before he could fulfil that promise, just another thing Joel looks back on and regrets.
Friends: Due to trust issues and the fact that it isn’t smart to trust anyone in an apocalyptic world, Joel doesn’t consider many people as friends. Although he developed a somewhat deep connection with Tess, another weathered survivor who shared the same morals and beliefs as him. The two partnered up in a quarantine zone, and ever since they met they were inseparable— Joel would even go as far as to say he likes her— and their occasional hookups. Nothing serious. Not that he’ll ever admit it, but he’s also close to Bill who he knows he can count on when in a sticky situation.
Personality: A hardened survivor, Joel can come across as cruel, cold and hostile to those around him. Some of the choices he makes can be seen as ruthless, reckless and selfish.. but he does what he has to do in order to survive. With the mind set kill or be killed, Joel isn’t very merciful to those who stand in his way and when provoked, he can be a very dangerous man, reverting to torture tactics and violence if need be. Deep underneath all that gruff, there’s a man with a big heart. He’d do anything to keep his family safe, and his overprotective nature can often land him in heaps of trouble.
MBTI type: ISTJ. Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. This MBTI type is practical, realistic, and dependable and are often seen as the strong protector or leader in a group.
Any mental illnesses: After Sarah’s death, Joel fell into a deep depression and even tried to take his own life because he saw no point in carrying on. In his mind, he failed to save his own daughter and he had nothing else to live for. Luckily, he changed his mind last minute and when holding the gun under his chin, his hand jerked away just before the shot could hit him, the bullet narrowly missing his ear by an inch. This failed suicide attempt left him deaf in one ear.
Weapons: Joel has a vast range of weapons which he’s collected over the years. Ranging from hunting rifles, pistols, bows, sub-machine guns and various melee weapons. His favourite is his trusty old revolver though— something he started the apocalypse with and reminds him of home.
Growing up in Texas, it was only Joel, his mother and his younger brother after his father left one evening and never came back. Joel supported his mother the best he could in taking care of the family until she developed early onset dementia and died a couple of years later.
It was hard to grieve her death with Tommy to take care of, and as a result Joel began drinking heavily at the young age of fifteen. This bad habit drove him to make some risky decisions and by the time he reached sixteen, Joel got the news that a one night stand of his (Carla) had fallen pregnant— and that’s when Sarah came along. Despite being young and scared out of his mind about parenthood, Joel dropped out of school and got a job as an apprentice carpenter so that he could provide for his young family— vowing to be the best father he could be.
Over the years Joel tried to make it work with Carla, even going as far as to propose to her when they were eighteen.. but sadly the two never could see eye to eye, wanting different things in life, and by the time Sarah was three years old, Carla was out of the picture after leaving in the middle of the night with little to no explanation— deciding that family life just wasn’t for her. This was the start of Joel’s deep distrust toward people.. but at least he still had Sarah.
Being a single father wasn’t at all as difficult as Joel anticipated it would be though, and over the years him and Sarah became best buds.
On the night of September 26th 2013, Joel’s birthday, a global pandemic broke out— one that quickly ravaged the world and tainted it with the undead, the Cordyceps virus, Joel would later discover. Unfortunately after trying to escape the city at the start of the outbreak with Tommy and Sarah, the trio got into a car crash which ended in Sarah’s ankle breaking. Joel carried her as far as he could, promising that he’d get her somewhere safe.. but tragically he failed to keep that promise when coming across a solider who had been given strict orders to shoot anyone who approached him on sight in fear of the civilians in the city being infected.
Before Joel could do so much as shield his daughter, she was hit and passed away in his arms from blood loss. After losing Sarah, Joel became cold and hostile to the world around him, developing an even deeper distrust toward everyone— soldiers in particular. It was this exact same hostility that lead to him and Tommy parting ways after many arguments and psychical fights broke out between them.
With no one to rely on and a world populated with infected, Joel saw no point in continuing on. He soon attempted suicide but ultimately decided against it when the watch on his wrist, the one Sarah gifted him for his birthday, halted him in his tracks before the bullet could make contact.
From there on out, and a few reckless decisions later with groups he briefly ran with, Joel spent most of his days in and out of quarantine zone camps looking for a new purpose, and that’s when he took on the role of a smuggler. A role that would unknowingly change his life for the better.
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Maria Filatova @rittare's beautiful painting of Húrin, lord of Dor-lomin, illustrates the second half of Húrin's biography by @melestasflight.
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In the first half of Húrin's biography, @melestasflight makes the case that he is a prototypical hero within the legendarium, a character who possibly inspired Third Age heroes like Aragorn. In the biography's second half, Húrin's life takes a turn for the tragic. (But of course! It is The Silmarillion!)
Húrin might have one of the rawest deals in a book of raw deals. After sacrificing himself so that Gondolin could survive, he experiences physical and psychological torment in Morgoth's hands, helplessly watches the tragic demise of his family, and once freed, goes forth not to a hero's welcome but to mistrust and a series of betrayals. Melesta teases out the elements of this part of the story that have deeper historical and literary resonances, including what Húrin's story tells us of heroism.
You can read Part 2 of Húrin's biography here, published by @silmarillionwritersguild
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
Yuuki Koishikawa
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Yuuki Koishikawa (小石川 優生 Koishikawa Yuuki) is the (fan made) heroine for Diabolik Lovers: Tormented Reverie. Being the final heir of her family line, she carries the family debt to Karlheinz. As such, she was made to live with his six vampire sons.
Kanji: 小石川 ゆうき ( 優生). Also Known As: My Doll (by Kanato), Puffy (by Ayato), Bitch-chan (by Laito). Yuuki means Superior Living
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Basic Info ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
Birthday: June 1st. Sign: Gimini. Age: 16 (beginning), 19 (ending). Race: Human. Sex: Female. Pronoun(s): She/Her. Height: 157.48 cm (5’ 5″). Weight: 49.90 kg (115 lbs). Hair Color: Pastel Pink. Eye Color: Jazzberry.
Occupation: Former Student at Ryoutei Academy High School. Relatives: Kanato Sakamaki (love interest), Takahashi Koishikawa (father), Rumi Koishikawa (mother/deceased). Hobbies: Humming, Dancing, Hair Maintenance, Reading Manga. Favorite Food(s): Chocolate. Japanese Voice: Kanae Itou. English Voice: Tia Ballard.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Birthday: June 1st. Sign: Gimini. Age: xxx. Race: Vampire, Human (formerly). Sex: Female. Pronoun(s): She/Her. Height: 170.18 cm (5’ 7″). Weight: 58.97 kg (130 lbs). Hair Color: Pastel Pink. Eye Color: Jazzberry.
Occupation: Wife of Kanato Sakamaki, Lolita Fashion Mode. Immediate Relatives: Kanato Sakamaki (husband), Kanaye Sakamaki (son), Yukio Sakamaki (son), Rini Sakamaki (daughter). Extended Relatives: Ayato Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Yuko Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Spencer (adopted nephew), Isaiah Sakamaki (nephew), Isabella Sakamaki (neice), Laito Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Shu Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Reiji Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Rika Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Edward Sakamaki (nephew), Subaru Sakamaki (brother-in-law), Ayano Sakamaki (sister-in-law), Izumi Sakamaki (neice). Hobbies: Humming, Hair Maintenance, Reading. Favorite Food(s): Anything sweet. Japanese Voice: Kanae Itou. English Voice: Tia Ballard.
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Appearance ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
In the first story, Tormented Reverie, Yuuki is an adorable young woman. She has puffy, pastel pink hair which she typically keeps in two low twin tails that drape over her shoulders. Her eyes are Jazzberry colored, being a medium dark shade of magenta pink. In the past, her school uniform consists of the typical female uniform for the academy. Instead of the jacket, she wore a purple cardigan, and wore loose legwear, as opposed to traditional tight ones.
Yuuki's style of clothing throughout the story is inspired by pastel goth fashion. Her outfits are later picked out by her keeper, Kanato Sakamki. She has worn a number of different outfits; a pink long-sleeve loose sweater, a loose off-the-shoulder grey sweater, a baby blue sun dress under an off-shoulder short-sleeve sweater, cat-eared hoodies, and off-the-shoulder striped long-sleeve shirt. Typically most outfits are accompanied by a skirt and appropriate footwear.
[image soon]
In the second story, Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream, Yuuki has matured into a beautiful woman. Her long pastel pink hair now stays styled in a single off should ponytail, which she either twirled or left free, depending on the situation. Her eyes are Jazzberry colored, being a medium dark shade of magenta pink.
Yuuki's style has changed over the years, as she no longer dresses herself. All of her outfits are designed and picked out by her husband Kanato. She dresses in clothes reminiscent of her old style, with an emphasis now on more lolita style, rather than pastel goth. Her employment gives a number of different outfits, however, she can typically be seen in gowns when in the Mukai and semi-formal wear in the Human World.
[image soon]
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Personality ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
In Tormented Reverie, Yuuki has a cheerful and likable personality and strives to see the good in others. Yuuki is not ashamed to admit her desires, and this is often met with shock. She can come off as a bit vain, taking great pride in her looks and style.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream finds Yuuki years later, now quite dependent on the assurance and recognition of her husband. Carrying herself with poise and purpose, Yuuki presents like a porcelain doll. She will often manipulate others and make compromising decisions. She is prone to sudden fits of frustration but has never taken it out on anyone. Mostly expressing these emotions alone. On the surface, however, one would see a dotting housewife who loves her husband. 
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ History ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
After arriving at the Sakamaki House, Yuuki was given no time to process the situation or the loss of her mother. The six Sakamaki brothers allowed her one month to choose which of them was her caretaker/keeper. In the end, Yuuki chose Kanato, feeling a deep connection with him.
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Now proper royals of the Bat Clan, Kanato and Yuuki live out their lives in the Makai. Having three children, the two have done their best in raising them. For both, it was no easy task, and parenthood proves every day to bring new challenges. Together the two depend on and support one another - even if it's not always in the healthiest of ways.  
╔═══ ∘◦ ⛧ミ Trivia ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╗
Tormented Reverie
While she does like attending school, Yuuki is not particularly good in any subject
She will spend hours in front of a mirror - her appearance is important to her.
Despite the desire to do well - Yuuki has a terrible singing voice
Her bedtime and morning routines take just under an hour to complete
Her favorite dessert is Chocolate Parfaits
She is afraid of bugs
Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream
Yuuki works as a Lolita Fashion Model in the Human World
She is a pathological liar
Her appearance - although now never changing - is still important to her, she will spend hours in front of a mirror.
While she no longer fears them - Yuuki does dislike bugs
Yuuki has an obvious favorite child - and one she clearly dislikes
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moyer15 · 3 months
Character Bio: Melody Quill
Name: Melody Quill
Species: Earth Pony
Mane: Deep mocha
Coat: Light cinnamon
Cutie Mark: Music sheets with music notes flying off them, accompanied by an old quill pen.
Age: Early twenties
Personality: Melody Quill is gentle and introspective, often lost in thought. She has a deep passion for music and finds solace in composing melodies that reflect her emotions and observations of the world around her. Her autism gives her a unique perspective, allowing her to notice details and patterns that others might overlook. While she may struggle with social interactions at times, she expresses herself most fluently through her compositions.
Background: Growing up in a small village known for its rich musical tradition, Melody Quill discovered her talent for music at a young age. Despite facing challenges related to her autism, she found comfort and joy in the harmonies she could create. Her Cutie Mark appeared during a moment of inspiration when she composed a piece that resonated deeply with the listeners, capturing the essence of both her musical skill and her affinity for writing.
Musical Composition: Melody Quill excels in composing music that evokes emotions and tells stories.
Attention to Detail: Her autism gives her a keen eye for detail, whether it's in music or the natural world around her.
Interests: Beyond music, Melody Quill enjoys spending time in quiet natural settings, where she can draw inspiration for her compositions. She also has a fascination with old quill pens and collects them as a hobby.
Role in the Community: Despite her quiet demeanor, Melody Quill is respected in her community for her musical talents. She occasionally performs at local events and teaches music to young foals who show an interest in learning.
Relationships: She has a few close friends who understand and appreciate her unique perspective, providing her with the support she needs to thrive both personally and musically.
Aspirations: Melody Quill dreams of composing a symphony that captures the essence of harmony in both music and in life, hoping to inspire others with her compositions.
Trivia: She has a special affinity for the sound of rainfall and often incorporates its rhythm into her music compositions.
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winksasleeplesseye · 2 years
City of the Dead 
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“Cynicism isn’t realistic, it’s easy. And people love things when they’re easy but never when they’re hard…it’s why optimism is all but dead. No one wants to try to be hopeful.”
Person of Interest: Amara S. Moore
DOB: February 15, 1977
Age: 21
Height: 5’7
Eye Color: Hazel/Brown
Occupation: Former S.T.A.R.S. operative, Bravo team sharpshooter/communications specialist. Private investigator.
Race/Nationality: Black/White, Haitian/Jewish American
Amara self describes herself as a military brat occasionally though that changed when she joined the police academy at 19 years old. This led to permanent residence in Racoon City due to her interest in a change of scenery and the promise of a city on the verge of modernizing.
Graduating early at the top of her class in 1996, she excelled on the beat, which led to her recruitment to STARS in 1997.
There, she met and befriended Chris, Jill, and Rebecca alongside police lieutenant Marvin Branagh.
As chaos descends upon Raccoon City, Amara heads to the last refuge left in the police station to help her fellow officers but what she gets is more than anyone can handle.
“This is not how I imagined my first day…”
Person of Interest: Leon S. Kennedy (like he actually needs an introduction???)
DOB: 1977
Age: 21
Height: 5’11
Eye Color: Blue
Occupation: RPD Officer
Race/Nationality: Caucasian/Italian
Leon suffered a traumatic childhood due to his family's connections to crime. This ultimately led to him being orphaned after his entire family was killed. Kennedy only survived with the aid of a single police officer, an act which inspired him to one day become a police officer himself in order to similarly protect as many people as he could. Upon graduating from the police academy at the age of 21, Kennedy requested an assignment to work for the Raccoon Police Department. His reason was the widely publicized bizarre murders in and around the Arklay Mountains.
Having received a call to stay away, he does just that. After being broken up with and still hearing no word from his new post, he (with a slight hangover from drinking) heads to Raccoon City for answers.
"Why does everyone think I'm going to get in trouble?"
Person of Interest: Claire Redfield
DOB: 1979
Age: 19
Height: 5’6
Eye Color: Blue
Occupation: College student
Race/Nationality: Caucasian
Claire grew up with her older brother Chris after their parents died; with this event, the two developed a very close bond. After weeks of not hearing from her brother, Claire headed to Raccoon City in search of him.
What she finds is a hell of a lot worse.
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