#Zack Loveday
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2019.01.02 | Imagine how Ste would feel if he saw you shacked up with James. Well, this ain’t about him.
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gargoyles42 · 6 years
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My whole family's falling apart. [...] That's what affairs do.
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jamesnightingales · 6 years
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bernietaylors · 6 years
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hollyoaksloversx · 6 years
Jarry Reunited, The Wicked Step-Father and Louis Love-Dead...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (21st - 25th January 2019)
It was goodbye to the Lovedays this week as the three original members of the family bid farewell to Chester. At the pig farm, Louis was terrified having discovered that Breda was the village’s latest serial killer but he soon came up with a plan to get himself released. Knowing that Breda was keen for Louis to reconnect with Leela, Louis told her that that’s what he intended to do. Breda was delighted with the news and agreed to let Louis go, but her plans hit a serious snag when Simone turned up out of the blue. Having overheard Breda criticising her to Leela, Simone wanted to have a word with her and rather than just head round to the McQueen’s later, Simone decided to track Breda down at the farm. Luckily for Breda, she was able to get rid of Simone, but Louis used the situation to his own advantage and made a bid for freedom whilst Breda was distracted. Unfortunately, having two broken legs and being confided to a wheelchair seriously limits the amount of ground one can cover and Louis didn’t get very far before Breda caught up with him...
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Breda was furious with Louis for trying to escape and began to question his trust in her. Her suspicions were confirmed when she discovered her confession down the side of Louis’ bed, and realised that he was only saying what he thought she wanted to hear regarding Leela. Despite Louis pleas, Breda whacked him round the head with a phone, killing him. Later, as Breda disposed of Louis’ belongings, a mystery figure was seen watching her. Meanwhile, back in the village, with Louis out of her life, Simone made plans to leave the village, telling her family that she was going to transfer to another Price Slice store in Derby. However, Martine kindly gifted Simone her air miles, telling her to go to Jamaica instead. Zack was also heading for pastures new when he received a message from Holly. The pair declared their love to each other via video call and Zack quickly decided to join her in Paris. As Lisa said goodbye to two family members she soon gained another, when Breda forced her to spend some time with Daniel by ‘accidentally’ leaving him in the shop. Breda was delighted when she overheard Lisa tell Leela that she’d enjoyed having Daniel around and offered to look after him again in the future.
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Elsewhere, keen to discredit Jonny, Sinead got in contact with Ste’s step-father, Terry, hoping that he could provide some much needed answers on the newcomer’s identity. Terry proved to be no help in this department and soon set about trying to worm his way back into Ste’s life, claiming to be a changed man. Persuading Ste to give him a place to stay, Terry then stole from Leela’s purse and conned Ste into giving him money for a job interview. The wool was finally pulled from over Ste’s eyes when he walked in on Terry picking on Lucas and demanded that his step-father leave. Terry agreed, but on one condition; Ste help him steal the new TV’s about to be installed at The Bean. Ste reluctantly agreed but soon got cold feet and called the police, who sadly arrived too late to catch Terry in the act. Terry was furious that Ste had gone against him and brutally beat him up. The following day, with Scott being blamed for the break-in, Ste confided in Jonny about Terry’s role, and the abuse he’d subjected him to. Jonny promised to help Ste, and got his henchmen to beat Terry, seemingly to death, in a car park whilst he was trying to flog the stolen TVs. 
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Meanwhile, Harry was crushed when James rejected him again in favour of building a relationship with Romeo. Keen to help his friend move on, Zack set Harry up with one of mates, however, the date was interrupted by James, who was left upset to see Harry supposedly moving on. With a big shove from Romeo, James was encouraged to go back to The Hutch and tell Harry how he really felt. James declared his love for Harry in front of the packed restaurant and was delighted when Harry agreed to give their relationship another shot. 
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Also this week, there was delight for Alfie and Yasmine when both were offered internships; Alfie in America and Yaz with the Chester Herald. However, Alfie soon worried about leaving Cindy whilst she was still unwell and decided he wasn’t going. Going against Alfie’s wishes, Yaz told Cindy about the internship, and she begged her son not to put his life on hold for her. Alfie then worried about leaving Yaz behind for the duration of his placement and secretly arranged some work experience for her at a newspaper close to where he would be based. Unfortunately, Yaz didn’t take the surprise well, believing that Alfie thought her placement in Chester wasn’t good enough. She soon came round and agreed to go with him, but wasn’t sure that Misbah would let her go. She’s 18, isn’t she? Misbah gets no say...
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In other news this week, Diane was furious when she spotted Lily and Romeo kissing and her aunt’s reaction devastated her so much that she started self harming again. Finally, Sienna was left feeling uncomfortable again after another run in with Laurie at school. 
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5 Things We Learnt This Week:
1. Good manners cost nothing. Breda McQueen is a lot of things: Nanny, man hater, serial killer. However, you can’t fault her manners. She’ll always make sure she gives herself the cheap, cracked crockery.
2. Filming restrictions are easy to get round. “Holly’s meant to be in France, but obviously we can’t go there to film just one scene, so how do we make it clear to the audience that that’s where she is?” “I know! Just stick her in a beret and stripy top! Job done!”
3. Money worries are easily forgotten. Remember all the fuss made about Lily and Prince’s money troubles last year? Why is Lily now living with Tony and Diane, when she’s presumably still paying for the place she had with Prince? That’s not going to help the purse strings! 
4. It’s important to make use of every bit of space you have. Location filming can be difficult. It can be expensive and you might not find the right location for the time you need it. It’s far easier, therefore, to stick up a couple of signs in the grounds of the set and make sure that no buildings are in shot. Dot a couple of picnic tables around and have a couple of dressing-gown clad extras and nurses walk about and et voila, you’ve got yourself a private mental health hospital! 
5. It’s important to advertise your business and many people do so using their cars. But forget a window or bumper sticker, that’s going to get you nowhere. Breda advertises her services as a nanny by having a giant teddy bear on the roof of her car. I wonder if any other villagers will start doing likewise? Tony could have a giant knife and fork, Jesse a pair of scissors and a comb and Liam a bag of cocaine and a gun. 
Characters Featured:
Alfie, Breda, Cindy, Daniel, Diane, Goldie, Harry, Holly, James, Jonny, Laurie, Leela, Liberty, Lily, Lisa, Louis, Lucas, Martine, Misbah, Myra, Romeo, Scott, Sinead, Simone, Ste, Sylver, Terry, Tom, Yasmine and Zack. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Carl Costello, Adam Donovan, Glenn Donovan, Pauline Hay, Ellie Nightingale, Russ Owen. 
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vampirenicotine · 6 years
these storm week spoilers i actually have absolutely no fucking idea what’s gonna happen but im happy that zack is at the wedding & digital spy is asking if he’s a jarry shipper??? lmao that must mean he knows something? maybe he finds out? or sees them kissing at the stag do? either way im glad that more than likely we’re getting harry & zack scenes again FINALLY they remember that friendship
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jackbatchelor3 · 6 years
‘They’ve got a lot in common.’ - Breda McQueen
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helenhuntingdon · 6 years
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I miss him so much.
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Dulac: Loveday, do you have something to say to Robin?
Loveday: ... I'm sorry I flicked snow in your face.
Dulac: Robin?
Robin: I'm sorry you're my sister.
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endeavoursofvic · 7 years
REALLY?! We finally get a Holly/Cleo Episode and they don’t even interact? Holly hasn’t talked to Cleo since the accident/Drugs/Joel and Cleo hasn’t talked to Holly after the rape >.< I need my girls to interact. They both totally need eachother right now. (not even gonna get started on how Zack & Hary have also not been there for either and/or eachother) 
My 4 kids are all in pain/trouble and they are supposed to be there for eachother :((((
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evie-a · 7 years
I really hope that this Zack storyline isn't leading up to him shaking Daniel.
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gargoyles42 · 6 years
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Yeah! Yeah? Yeah, whatever. Do it. Text him. I want a date.
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bernietaylors · 6 years
maybe i... rly liked that ep?
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hollyoaksloversx · 6 years
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New title shots from w/b 13th August 2018.
Mercedes, Nana and Mac have been added back in following short breaks. Nana and Mercedes feature in new shots. New shots for Sally, Myra, Goldie, Cleo, Joel, Holly, Harry and Zack. New characters added: Liberty, Brooke, Romeo, Max, Bobby, Breda and Sylver. New shot for returning character, Russ. A new title card at the end as Mercedes and Russ replace Luke, Mandy and Ella.
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hollyoaksmusings · 5 years
Harry’s life is just disappointing Zack honestly lol
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