#Alfie Nightingale
nelkcats · 1 year
Immortal Nanny
Bruce Wayne had never been a father. He knew what it was like to be a good father, and he knew what good fathers should be like, but adopting Richard was an impulse, a moment when he decided to give a child the comfort he needed, as he himself had needed in the past.
But just because he knew and understood didn't mean he could do it, or that he could become a good father instantly. Alfred would be a great help, of course, but it was he who had to raise the boy, Alfie was too old to start raising another child.
So, it was only natural that he forgot all about his busy life as "Brucie Wayne", adopting Dick hadn't stopped the million interviews or meetings, and while Alfred was extremely capable, Bruce still decided to hire a nanny.
Daniel Nightingale was a bit of an outsider (in a good way), he was studying at Gotham U, and was doing very well in his chosen career; though his records were strangely empty, Bruce knew he could trust him. His tired look and the shy smile he gave him upon arriving at the mansion was enough to calm his concerns.
Perhaps it was because he was just starting out as Batman at the time that he didn't investigate further.
Anyway, Dick loved Danny, from that first day, he used to tell Bruce about his "adventures" and how much fun he had. On one occasion he even told him they had a snowball fight (which confused him, because it was July but he was too tired to question the excited kid).
So, Danny became Dick's, and later Jason's, official nanny. He never complained and always smiled. The boy got along quite well with Alfred and would attend to any emergency, although he was never involved in the vigilante business.
It was only after Jason's death, when Tim arrived, that someone began to question Danny. Tim wasn't sure about Danny, there were a lot of things...that just didn't fit, and if the old photos of the mansion were any indication, the nanny wasn't getting any older.
Dick wasn't ten anymore and that was pretty obvious, but Danny looked exactly the same. Tim frowned, puzzled as to how no one had investigated such an oddity before. Alfred simply looked at him with an amused smile. He wondered how long it would take for the family to notice the (rather obvious) secrets of the elusive nanny.
Alfred couldn't blame the boy, the easiest way to hide something was in plain sight. And he knew the halfa would never hurt his family.
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bluerosefox · 5 months
When Jason had been going to Gotham Academy, he had (for a good reputation for the media and to help him catch up on his penmanship, remember he had been on the streets and dropped out of school before getting picked up by Bruce for a while) signed up for a penpal project for 'less privileged people' to write to.
(Although Jason was annoyed the penpal project stayed within the states and only selected a middle of nowhere town, he knew the Richie Rich Elites would never subjugate their 'Heirs' to actual kids in need of learning how to read and write)
But Jason didn't mind his penpal.
Danny Fenton was a riot to talk, err write to in all honestly.
From his dry punny humor (and boy can he give even Dick a run for his money in the pun department but hey using some of them actually got Dick to warm up to him a few missions ago) and death jokes so many death jokes, to his nerdy love for space Jason enjoyed writing to Danny.
Even the short stories he would write about a ghost kid protecting a small town from other ghosts was interesting to read. He really liked the different kinds of ghosts there could be. Granted some seemed very OP like that Clockwork dude.
Jason liked writing to Danny, and even after the penpal project was over they had plans to keep sending letters, maybe even exchange numbers soon...
But then he died by the hands of the Joker.
The letters leaving Wayne Manor may had decreased but the letters being sent never did or at least until a few years ago.
Then Jason somehow returned to the land of the living.
Got taken by the LoA, tossed in the green waters and turned into their Pit Raged weapon for a while before leaving them behind and setting out for his revenge against the Joker and to force B's hand.
And becoming a Crime Boss for a while too. Can't forget that.
Point being with all this going on, the old warm memories of exchanging letters with Danny Fenton was pushed into the back of his mind and forgotten about for a while.
It isn't until one afternoon at Wayne Manor that while roughhousing with Dick, who had Jason in a brotherly headlock as they walked down a hall to one of the sitting rooms, that while Jason had slipped out of Dick's hold had stumbled into a hallway desk that had a few things on the top of it, one of the things being a small box that tumbled off when Jason hit it.
The box lid opened and out of it spilled out a good number of letters.
"Shiii-p, dang it Dick!" Jason said when he looked at the mess he accidentally made and stopped himself from swearing, the place might be named Wayne Manor but everyone knew this was Alfie's domain and no swearing was a rule within his halls.
Dick only laughed and teased only in a way a sibling can do "Hey not my fault your as big as a tank Jaybird! We should get you some caution signals if you keep bumping into things!"
Jason flipped him his favorite finger, thankfully Alfred only knew when they swore thus it did not summon him, and bent down to the letters.
His hands froze when he recognized the hand writing and the address it was sent from.
"From: Danny Fent Nightingale
Amity Park, IL"
To: Jason Todd-Wayne
Gotham City, NJ.
Wayne Manor"
And when Jason opened the letter. He really wasn't expecting what was written inside.
I'm finally leaving Amity Park. I can't be there anymore, not after everything. I'm too tired, and emotionally hurt. Everything is just to much. And I can't keep doing this to myself. My parents still can’t understand there is nothing ‘wrong’ with me or why I refuse to let them take care of Ellie, I refuse to let her live the way Jazz and I did, Jazz has to much on her plate already with her own life and college but she’s been hounding me to reach out to mom and dad, Sam refuses to listen to me when I tell her I want to be more than ‘Phantom’ in Amity Park, and Tucker is so busy trying to get into a good college and job we barely have time to talk nowadays. And don’t get me started on Vlad, that fruitloop’s been breathing down my neck since Ellie’s deaging.
Despite how much of a hellhole you like to call it, I think Gotham might be my, no mine and Ellie’s best bet of living some kind of life, especially now since the whole deaging she had to go through, she needs an ectoplasm rich city as well and since she has no actual papers because she was my clone and I remember you saying Gotham has people who can create new identities and-
I’m rambling again, to letter you again. I really need to stop it.
I can’t keep pretending you’re going to read these.
I know you’ll never read these. You’re gone. I can’t even find you in the Realms no matter where I look.
I’m sorry. For using you as, well, a way to vent my life for last couple of years. I shouldn’t had done it but it helped me.
Believing my friend was still alive and getting my letters I mean.
Again I’m sorry.
This will be my last letter to your ghost, pun unintended.
Goodbye Jason. Wish us luck in your city.
-Danny Fen-Nightingale...."
The sent date on the letter was roughly eight years ago.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Betta Fish Do Part 24
WC: 3102, Masterpost
Danny stared up at the towering facade of Wayne manner from its front steps.
Yep, clearly cursed.
Jason didn’t seem much more cheerful from where he stood next to Danny.
“We can still run,” Danny offered.
Jason just sighed, “No, we came through the gate so Alfred knows we’re here. If we left I’d get the eyebrow next time.”
“Ah,” Danny said with a sage nod. “The eyebrow, of course. Very scary.”
“Just you watch, once you’ve been around long enough and stop being an esteemed guest, you’ll get the eyebrow too,” Jason warned.
The warning just made Danny grin.
“What?” Jason asked, eying the smile wearily.
“You planning to keep me around long enough for me to stop being an esteemed guest?”
Jason huffed out a laugh and leaned over to brush a kiss to Danny’s temple. “You bet I am. You’d have to die to be rid of me. Oh wait…”
Danny laughed and bumped his shoulder against Jason. “Okay, well, I’ll fear the eyebrow when it gets there. First I have to get through tonight.”
“You did fine with the horde of annoying siblings.”
“Yeah, well, they got to kick my ass repeatedly in Mario Kart and Party. I don’t think that’s going to work with your dad or the guy who’s basically your grandfather.”
“Not really, Bruce is surprisingly bad at video games and Alfred would never.”
“Shame, getting beat up and getting back up is my best trait,” Danny said with a dramatic sigh.
“Just be yourself. It was enough for me,” Jason said.
Danny felt a blush crawl up his neck and cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, sap.”
Jason chuckled, pressed one more kiss to Danny’s temple, and finally took the last few steps to knock on the door. It opened almost instantly to an extremely distinguished older man in a tailed suit and white gloves.
Danny swallowed nervously.
“Master Jason, it is very good to see you tonight.”
“Hey Alfie,” Jason said. He stepped into the manor and pulled Danny in by their linked hands. “Alfred, this is my boyfriend Danny Nightingale. Danny, this is Alfred Pennyworth.”
Alfred gave a little nod. “A pleasure to meet you Master Daniel.”
Danny couldn’t help but wince at that. With the manor it brought back far too many memories that Danny didn’t want to think about. “Um, I prefer Danny, if… that’s not a problem, Mr. Pennyworth?”
“Of course not, Master Danny. But you must call me Alfred then.”
“I can do that, Alfred,” Danny said with a relieved smile. As he was handing over his coat and scarf, he picked up some noise from the stairs and tried not to turn that way.
“Remember, Bruce tonight, not Brucie or you know who,” Dick whispered in a way that Danny wasn’t supposed to hear. The benefits of death.
“Yes Dick, I think you’ve said that enough,” someone who must have been Bruce answered. At least he sounded mostly amused by his son’s harping.
As much as Danny was very aware that the Bruce Wayne was Jason’s father, it was still something to see Bruce Wayne coming down the stairs. He looked nothing like the public figure, not dressed down like he was in a dark shirt and a cozy looking cardigan.
It was almost worse because now Danny felt completely wrong footed.
“Jason,” Bruce said with a smile. “And you must be Danny.”
“Yes sir,” Danny said as he reflexively shook the offered hand.
“Just Bruce, please. That’s quite a grip you have,” Bruce said.
Danny’s blush deepened and he quickly released Bruce’s hand.
“He said he trains with a xiphos and a dory,” Damian said from the side of the room where he basically just seemed to appear.
“Greek weaponry?” Bruce asked with a raised brow. “That’s unusual.”
“My teacher’s Greek and a fan of historic weaponry,” Danny said, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m not very good with them though, as much as she hopes to change that. I prefer hand to hand.”
“He’s pretty good at that. We spar once a week,” Jason said. He stepped to stand beside Danny, which Danny was grateful for.
Even aware off all the eyes in the room tracking his movement, Danny couldn’t help but lean into Jason’s side. It helped ease some of his nerves when Jason instantly draped an arm around his shoulders.
“Who else are we expecting?” Jason asked.
“Just Tim and Duke, they’re upstairs,” Dick answered as he finally came forward. “Hey Danny.”
“Hi Dick,” Danny said, “and hello Damian.”
“Yes, hello,” Damian said with a sniff. “Did you bring your xiphos?”
Danny did his best to stifle a smile. “Sorry, I don’t have one at my place, you’ll have to wait until I can make a trip back to Illinois.”
“Is that where you’re from, Danny?” Bruce asked as he waved them towards a room to the left.
“Born and raised. I came from a little city called Amity Park,” Danny explained, as if Batman didn’t already know that, especially after Tim’s digging.
Jason steered them over to the the two seater sofa in the sort of sitting room only rich people had. Once they had settled in, he took Danny’s hand, rubbing his thumb across Danny’s knuckles in a grounding touch.
“Gotham must be quite the change.” Bruce took an armchair for himself while Dick nudged Damian to the other couch.
“It is, I’ve never lived somewhere so big. I won’t pretend it hasn’t been overwhelming at times, but it’s also really nice that the city has so much to offer. I’ve been enjoying living here.”
“You’re here for school if I remember correctly?”
“Aerospace engineering at Gotham U,” Danny explained. “It’s my first year, but I’ve got all my gen eds done so I’m somewhere between a sophomore and junior.”
Bruce gave a little nod and leaned back in his seat. “Are you considering a masters or doctorate?”
“I am, opportunities get so much better with one, but I’ll just have to see in two years. I’m, um, on scholarship so it will depend if I can get a stipend for grad school,” Danny said, once again reminded of how awkward it was to be on a Wayne scholarship while knowing the Waynes. (Sitting in their manor only made the feeling worse.)
“I hope that it works out for you. Wayne Enterprises has an aerospace division, you know.”
“I do,” Danny said. He really wished he could stop blushing over everything behind said to him. “It’s somewhere I’ve strongly though about applying too. If I want to stay in Gotham, it’s really my only chance too.”
Jason’s hand tightened around Danny’s for a moment.
Bruce seemed to catch it, of course he did. It made Danny very aware he was in a room with Batman. With lots of other Bats.
“Are you hoping to be able to?”
“Yeah. There’s…” Danny gave in an glanced at Jason. It wasn’t as if the others weren’t going to pick up on it anyways, so he might as well act honestly. “… a lot to stay around for, right now.”
“Well, I think you can at least be confident you’ll get an interview,” Bruce said with a chuckle.
It made Danny shake his head a little. “I mean, I’ll take that, but I don’t want a job unless I’m actually good for it. I get that networking is a real thing, but that should only get me in the door. If I get to work for WE, I want it to be because I worked hard, because I am working hard at this, and because I deserver the job.”
Bruce smiled. It was a slight thing, but for the first time that night Danny felt it was completely real. “That’s noble of you. Don’t worry, none of the family sits on hiring boards at that level.”
“Um, that’s good,” Danny said, realizing that he just basically told a family made from nepotism that he didn’t want to accept nepotism. He shot a desperate look to Jason.
The jerk just laughed at him.
“Don’t change,” Jason said before pressing another one of those soft kisses to Danny’s temple.
Danny was really starting to like them.
“Hey Danny, good to see you again,” Duke said as he came into the sitting room. It sounded honest coming from him. “Sorry I wasn’t down when you got here.”
“Hey Duke, homework?”
“So much homework,” he lamented.
“Yeah, the end of this semester is going to crush me,” Danny said. “I’ve got, like, three projects starting next week.”
“Good luck, dude,” Duke said, leaning over from where he had sat on the couch to fist bump Danny.
Danny looked up as someone cleared his throat to see Alfred in the doorway. “Master Tim is still missing?”
“You know how he is,” Bruce said.
“Indeed,” Alfred said, sounding like he wanted to sigh but was too proper to. “I shall fetch him in a moment. Dinner is served, sirs.”
“Stick a fork in me I’m done,” Danny said right before he face planted dramatically onto the couch.
“You did great,” Jason soothed, hanging up the coat that Danny had discarded mindlessly next to the door.
“Eempfatinerifatmn mone.”
“You’re going to have to stop making out with the throw pillow if you want me to understand you,” Jason said before having to duck the aforementioned throw pillow as it was thrown at his head.
“I said I just had dinner with Batman, I’m done,” Danny said as he rolled over. He blinked up at the ceiling. “Oh, we’re at your place.”
“How out of it were you on the ride?” Jason asked. He sat on the arm of the couch and brushed back some of Danny’s unruly hair.
“Dinner with Batman,” Danny reiterated seriously.
“Point taken. But really, you did great.”
Danny grumbled.
“You did. You have Damian curious about how you fight. Duke and Dick think you’re funny. You even talked shop with Tim.”
“Tim still doesn’t trust me, or Dick,” Danny pointed out.
“Tim doesn’t trust anyone,” Jason said. “And Dick likes you, he just needs time still. It was a scare for him and it hasn’t been that long. Alfred thinks you’re darling, I’m pretty sure, and Bruce smiled; real smiles.”
“I just…”
“You’re just over thinking it. Why don’t I take you to bed before you fall asleep,” Jason said. Then he realized what he had said. “That’s, I mean, just to sleep. If you’d be comfortable with that? If not I can drive you home or…”
Jason trailed off as Danny snagged his hand and kissed his knuckles gently. “Now who’s over thinking?”
Now smiling softly, Jason asked, “That a yes then?”
“As long as I can borrow a shirt to sleep in, that’s a yes.”
“You’ll be swamped,” Jason warned as he stood. He bent down and picked Danny up in one easy motion.
Danny gave a little squeak and quickly wrapped his arms around Jason’s neck. “I can live with that when I get first class service like this.”
“Lazy fish.”
“You like it.”
“I do.”
Jason stopped in surprise as he entered his office after a meeting on Monday. “Bruce?”
“Jaylad! I thought that we would go and grab lunch.”
“I, sure,” Jason said, confused despite himself. “Just give me a moment to finish up a few notes from the meeting?”
“Of course. I’ll meet you in the lobby in… five? Ten?”
“Ten,” Jason agreed, moving around to sit at his desk.
It was only his training to focus that stopped him from being distracted by the fact that Bruce wanted to get lunch. It’s not that it never happened, just that it was rare enough to be odd. For all of the Brucie persona (though that had been toned down ever since Damian showed up), Bruce was actually very busy at the company and Jason had thrown himself into the deep end of the foundation. It was hard to find time even without the rest of their lives getting in the way. And it would be a lie to say things were never awkward between them still.
Exactly ten minutes later he was meeting Bruce in the lobby.
“I was thinking that cafe down the block, the one on Polk,” Bruce said.
“Yeah, that works, they’re pretty good,” Jason agreed. He let them get out on the street before he asked, “So is this lunch for a reason?”
“Somewhat. I wanted to talk with you about last night’s dinner.”
Jason’s heart jumped a beat.
“Danny seems a very nice person,” Bruce said. Jason braced himself for the ‘but’. “And I’m glad that you felt comfortable bringing him to the manor for dinner. It means a lot to me that we’re in a place that you’re willing to do that.”
“You don’t have concerns?” Jason said, honestly shocked at how easy Bruce, the notorious over planner, was being about this.
“Of course I have concerns, Jaylad, I’m a parent. I’m concerned how you’ll do if it doesn’t work out. I’m concerned if it does. I’m concerned for you having to deal with the press, both of you. And I won’t pretend I’m not concerned about his parents, they sound one step away from being evil scientists. It makes me concerned about what Danny had to go through growing up,” Bruce said, “but none of that stops me from being happy for you that you’ve found Danny.”
“Oh,” Jason said, at a loss for any other words. He had honestly expected to have to go over the same issues and worries that Tim had again with Bruce. Maybe Timbit briefing Bruce had really worked… or maybe Jason was still too used to expecting the worst of Bruce, even when it wasn’t fair. It was a little easier these days to see where they had both messed up. “I’m happy with him, Bruce. He… everything is just brighter since I’ve known him. And I don’t want to have to hide that from you all. I mean, I did at the start because it was all new and I was still figuring it out, but… I want you to be able to know him too. He’s important to me.”
“Well, he’s welcome over at the manor whenever, barring emergencies of course,” Bruce said, alluding to the night life. “I think Alfred is determined to feed the boy after the way Danny praised the meal last night.”
Jason chuckled and held the door to the cafe open for Bruce. “Yeah, it’s easy to feel that way about Danny.”
They were seated quickly and both spent a few minutes looking over the menu. After they had ordered, Jason fiddled with his glass of water, wiping away a trail of condensation. “Hey Dad?”
Bruce looked up right away. It was rare for Jason to ever call him ‘Dad’ these days. “Yes son?”
“I’ve been thinking about going to college?”
“Okay,” Bruce said, folding his hands and giving Jason his undivided attention. “Tell me your thoughts?”
“So,” Jason said as soon as Danny picked up the phone. “You can officially consider yourself to have the stamp of approval.”
“Huh?” Danny tried to pull his thoughts away from the equation he was staring at.
“Bruce cornered me for lunch. You are formally welcome at the manor any time.”
“Oh, wow, okay. That went better than I thought,” Danny said.
“I told you you did great,” Jason said.
“I guess at least not badly,” Danny said.
“Fine,” Danny said with an exaggerated sigh. “I did great. I am amazing. I am the very best there ever was.”
“Damn right,” Jason said. “How has your day been?”
Danny flopped back onto the floor. “Ugh, project one is already eating my soul.”
“Anything I can do to help in these dark times?”
“Make sure I see the sky every now and again?” Danny joked. “And maybe… we can repeat last night?”
It was the best sleep Danny had gotten in a long time.
“Of course we can.” The noise on Jason’s end changed, and Danny had to assume he stepped into his building. “Speaking of the end of the semester, are you leaving Gotham for the break?”
Danny tried not to tense. “Maybe around the new years but I thought I’d just take it easy before. Sleep off the semester.”
“What are your plans for Christmas?”
Yeah, there it was.
“Um, really I thought I’d just hole up and watch a bunch of really bad movies like Sharknado Five.”
“They’ve made five of those things?” Jason asked. He sounded mostly horrified and a little curious.
“Six, and three spin offs.”
“Huh. Well, I know it might be, a lot, but if you want, you can come over to the manor for Christmas?”
Danny frowned down at where he was absentmindedly picking at the seam on the couch. “I don’t… really like Christmas? The whole season sorta gets to me so I would really rather just… not.”
Here it comes. Three, two, one…
“Okay,” Jason said simply. “Can I give you your present for, I don’t know, Solstice instead? Just since I already have it.”
Danny couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face if he tried. Jason didn’t mind. He wasn’t pushing or bullying or guilt tripping about it. It was just… okay. “Yeah, Solstice sounds perfect.”
“Good. And I’ll make you something to stick in the oven for food.”
“You don’t have to,” Danny said, even as the very thought warmed him.
“I want to. Also it might butter you up to say yes.”
“Yes to what?”
“Going with me as my plus one to the Wayne New Years Eve Gala.”
“A gala?”
“Just, the press already knows about you. It might be weird if you don’t come? And I… it would be nice to have you there.” The nerves were clear in Jason’s voice.
Danny really couldn’t say no to that, could he? Besides, he could visit Jazz after New Years still. “Okay, but you have to make sure I look alright.”
“Done. You’ll be the prettiest orca there.”
Danny covered up a snort of laughter. “Isn’t it supposed to be penguin suits for tuxes? Besides, orcas aren’t even fish, they’re really big murder dolphins.”
“I could put you in a gold suit, then you’d be my goldfish.”
“Jason, no,” Danny said, trying hard not to keep from laughing.
“You’d be the talk of Gotham.”
“You mean the laughing stock.”
“I wouldn’t let them, not about my fish,” Jason said. “Can we bargain for blue? It would match your eyes.”
“Maybe, we’ll see,” Danny said. “I’ll be watching for you adding in fish references.”
“I would never!”
“You’re a liar.”
“You like it.”
“I do.”
AN: Danny has survived meeting the family! He is very sleepy, but he survived! Sorry for the people waiting for a pissed off Bruce, but that's not my Batman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tim's research and questioning last week did its job to let Bruce feel prepared and Bruce really does want his children happy.
And a gala on the horizon for the next part! How exciting!
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost!
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demonic0angel · 24 days
DPxDC Next Generation Kids (click for clarity)
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Continue reading for notes and introductions :)
1) Jove Bryce Wayne (11) - Steph and Cass’ adopted son. He trains under Cass and Bruce, and is widely admired by the other kids for creating his own fighting style with the dancing skills he gets from practicing with his mom (to his delight). Fun fact, he is albino!
2) Marillyn “Mari” Maddy Grayson-Nightingale (10) - Dick and Dan’s daughter. She was an accidental pregnancy, but both of her dads love her very much. Fun fact, she gained her baba’s personality and is rather rebellious and mischievous, which causes Dick to feel sympathetic for Bruce.
3) Elinor “Ellie” Catherine Nightingale (9) - Jason and Jazz’s eldest daughter. She, along with Mari, train under Dick, Jason, and Jazz in order to protect themselves. Fun fact, she looks and acts just like Jason when he was young.
4) Thomas “Tommy” Bruce Drake (5) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s oldest son. He is an evil genius who uses his cuteness to take over the world. Fun fact, the entire PhantomBat family have given up on convincing him not to, so now they’re just trying to instill morals into him and stall for time (they still love him tho).
5) Marianne “Ann” Talia Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest daughter. She is Alfie’s twin and is the fun and sunshine to Ellie’s seriousness and Alfie’s gloominess. Fun fact, she got her blonde hair from Sheila Haywood, but she doesn’t know that.
6) Alfonso “Alfie” B Nightingale (5) - Jason and Jazz’s youngest son. He is Ann’s twin and is rather gloomy and antisocial compared to his sisters. Fun fact, he supposedly looks like Bruce when he was young, so he gets away with a lot when dealing with Alfred.
7) Rain Axel Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s son. He is Misty’s twin and can be rather mischievous, often causing trouble and chaos for the fun of it. Fun fact, he often teams up with Mari to prank everyone in the most ridiculous ways possible.
8) Misty Lilith Nightingale (4) - Danny and Valerie’s daughter. She is Rain’s twin, and is even more shy than Alfie and can start crying when stressed. Fun fact, although she can be anxious easily, her temper is even worse than her mom’s.
9) Ken-el / Kenneth “Kenny” Clark Drake (1) - Tim, Dani, and Kon’s youngest son. Since he is the youngest, he is doted on the most. Fun fact, he has already unlocked most of his halfa abilities due to his Kryptonian heritage.
+ Jove’s name relates back to Cassandra’s because they are both names of mythological characters. Jove is another name for Jupiter (AKA Zeus).
+ Both of Mari’s names are actually a weird, mashed up version of Madeline and Mary (and also inspired by Mar’i cough).
+ Jason and Jazz’s daughters are named after Elinor and Marianne from Sense and Sensibilities and their middle names are from Jason’s mother figures in life. I imagine that Jazz had a falling out with Jack and Maddie, so she didn’t really care.
+ Alfie’s name is inspired from Alfred and his middle name is only “B” because Tommy was born first and Tim took the “Bruce” middle name.
+ Alfie and Ann, and Misty and Rain are inspired by Misty and Jackson, the canon kid characters of Sam and Danny. Both pairs of twins have an 8 month difference of age.
+ Why so many twins?? I used the twin idea first for Jazz and Jason, but when I thought of Danny and Valerie, I kept switching between ideas, so I eventually settled on twins for them too. Trust, it was a weird coincidence for Danny and Jazz too when they had twins at nearly the same time.
+ Misty and Rain’s middle names come from Tucker and Sam (Axel Foley and the episode “Life Lessons”). Their first names are inspired by Misty Fenton and I just found another name for Rain to match the theme.
+ Tommy and Kenny technically have different dads, (Tommy is Tim and Dani’s, and Kenny is Kon and Dani’s), but it doesn’t really mean anything, since they don’t pay attention to it.
+ The idea of Tommy, who is like Tim’s clone and absolutely evil, was so funny to me. He’s prob my fav child OC. His entire family know about his manipulative tendencies but he loves them so they let it go. (Damian and Dan have already pledged their allegiance to their future overlord.)
+ The short period of time where Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were pregnant at the same time was hell on earth for everyone.
+ Technically, Bruce only has 7 grandchildren (he cries when he thinks about it a little too hard), but bc they’re so close to Rain and Misty, Bruce thinks of them as his grandchildren too, so he always says he has 9. Danny and Val are like ??? But Rain and Misty totally believe that he’s their grandpa (which he is delighted about).
+ Damian is married to Jon and they have no kids, unless you count the farm they inherited and all of the animals that Damian adopted as his fur babies. However, Damian was young when the kids kept coming, so he became the designated babysitter and then the favorite uncle, which all of the other Batboys despise and are jealous of.
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doyelikehaggis · 1 month
I saw there was a picture of Ela-May and Charlie too. Do you know if there were any other cast members there?
There was! Here is a list of the cast members I recognized, but there were a few others I didn’t! Here is the tiktok that showed a lot of the cast arriving at the event!
• Danny Mac (Dodger Blake)
• James Sutton (John-Paul McQueen)
• Charlie Wernham (Robbie Roscoe)
• Kelly Condron (Zara Morgan)
• Tyler Conti (Abe Fielding)
• Jessamy Stoddart (Liberty Savage)
• Billy Price (Sid Sumner)
• Owen Warner (Romeo Nightingale)
• Nate Dass (Dillon Ray)
• Jason Roberts (Damon Kinsella)
• Ryan Mulvey (JJ Osborne)
• Ashley Taylor Dawson (Darren Osborne)
• Ellis Hollins (Tom Cunningham)
• Isabelle Smith (Frankie Osborne)
• Anya Lawrence (Vicky Grant)
• Elá-May Demircan (Leah Barnes)
• Ruby O’Donnell (Peri Lomax)
• Nick Pickard (Tony Hutchinson)
• Jessica Ellis (Tegan Lomax)
• Rory Douglas-Speed (Joel Dexter)
• Nadine Mulkerrin (Cleo McQueen)
• Harvey Virdi (Misbah Maalik)
• Annie Wallace (Sally St. Claire)
• Tamara Wall (Grace Black)
• Jonny Labey (Rex Gallagher)
• Jimmy McKenna (Jack Osborne)
• Lily Best (Lizzie Chen-Williams)
• Charlie Behan (Charlie Dean)
• Jeremy Sheffield (Patrick/Jez Blake)
• Parry Glasspool (Harry Thompson)
• Alfie Browne-Sykes (Jason Roscoe)
• Oscar Curtis (Lucas Hay)
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luxe-pauvre · 2 years
In No Contest: The Case Against Competition, Alfie Kohn describes “pseudofeminism” as seeking “the liberation of women through the imitation of men.” It is a compounding of two assumptions: first, that gender differences are tied to character differences, and second, that the character types associated with men are more valuable, or even critical, for success. Of course, it’s not just women who are imitating men; it’s men too. Emmy Noether, Florence Nightingale, Yvonne Brill, and the women of Bletchley are just a few examples of how women have been successful without necessarily emulating the behaviour of men. Unfortunately, to counter the effect of women being valued only for traditionally acceptably “feminine” pursuits, there is a tendency then to celebrate them for being the opposite. There is a recent glut of books celebrating women who were “just like men,” emphasising that women can do everything men can do, or emphasising traits that are not the traditionally “feminine” ones. Their titles include words like “headstrong,” “badass,” or “rebel,” and I fall over them anytime I look for books about female role models from history. Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead seems to urge women to adapt themselves to the (male-dominated) business world in order to be successful in it. It has been criticised in many ways, and one is that it seems to assume that in the current structures women can succeed if they just try harder, regardless of built-in sexism, racism, and other inequalities of access. And “trying harder” all too often seems to consist of trying harder to behave like successful men. I don’t think our aim should be to show that women can be “just like men.” I don’t think we should have to imitate or emulate typical male behaviour in order to be successful. Jessa Crispin includes this in her bracing takedown of some common forms of feminism: “a fight to allow women to participate equally in the oppression of the powerless and the poor. Making sure women can do all the things men do is some sort of progress but it doesn’t necessarily represent or cause a great leap forward for all other women. Sheryl Sandberg’s approach has been criticised as a “trickle-down” version of feminism. Having Margaret Thatcher as prime minister didn’t exactly bring about the end of discrimination against women in the UK, and the glass ceiling is alive and well despite her apparent shattering of it. Asking women to behave like traditionally successful men assumes that that sort of behaviour is crucial for success. It is what I referred to [...] as the assumption “Y is important for Z” where Y is some quality that men are perceived as having more than women do. Thus if women want to be successful, they must learn quality Y — that is, emulate the men.
Eugenia Cheng, x + y: A Mathematician's Manifesto for Rethinking Gender
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mortaljortlebortles · 2 years
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Brooke Hathaway and Mandy Richardson -Hollyoaks
I will put more photos of the scene and link in the YouTube video then add the subtitles below( as unfortunately it one of very few of that season that doesn’t have subs in the video)
I love Hollyoaks so much because it is mostly accessible, has strong positive mental health representation, especially of psychosis and its causes(Cindy Cunningham, Alfie Nightingale, Liberty Savage and Sienna Blake) and wonderful LGBT representation and cuteness and kindness.
This scene is one of my favs, mot just because Tylan is awesome and actually autistic himself, but because it shows the lack of education about autism as Mandy fails at first to comfort Brooke because she thinks they are upset because they are autistic not because of the world. It is cute and talks about mother’s worries, the fact all kids have difficulties and its about them being supported and bullying and how awesome Brooke is and how autism is just part of them. 
It is amazing as someone with sensory issues ( and suspected autism) to see that kind of love and care that Mandy shows. 
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adoribullpavus · 2 years
I’ve been enjoying watching James and his family these past Christmas episodes. Also, I am so very glad Ste doesn’t want them to get back together yet. My main worry about that in the first place was that it may be too soon for them.
It makes me happy to see that they are actually thinking this through and not just rushing back to their relationship. In the meantime though, I hope we get some episodes with them even if they are just as friends for now. Then, when the time really is right, they can be happy together.
james is always at his best when with his family. even back in the original nightingale days, his relationships with ellie and alfie were the rare chances we got to see james' true heart. and now he has romeo and juliet to fill that gap. no matter how much he fucks up, he'll do anything for his family.
i'm very glad oaks didn't rush their reunion. they still have a lot to work on and i have a lot of respect for ste not wanting to go back to how they were. they need to talk it all out, get all their feelings out in the open, and go from there. hopefully we'll have some cute, fluffy moments until then. ste is definitely gonna be supporting james throughout juliet's cancer journey, so we should have plenty of content.
may 2023 be the year stames finally get to be happy!!
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gargoyles42 · 6 years
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icekitten · 6 years
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James Nightingale stills from today’s First Look.
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jamesharrys · 6 years
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a week in iconique™ yaz moments
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hollyoaksloversx · 6 years
Jarry Reunited, The Wicked Step-Father and Louis Love-Dead...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (21st - 25th January 2019)
It was goodbye to the Lovedays this week as the three original members of the family bid farewell to Chester. At the pig farm, Louis was terrified having discovered that Breda was the village’s latest serial killer but he soon came up with a plan to get himself released. Knowing that Breda was keen for Louis to reconnect with Leela, Louis told her that that’s what he intended to do. Breda was delighted with the news and agreed to let Louis go, but her plans hit a serious snag when Simone turned up out of the blue. Having overheard Breda criticising her to Leela, Simone wanted to have a word with her and rather than just head round to the McQueen’s later, Simone decided to track Breda down at the farm. Luckily for Breda, she was able to get rid of Simone, but Louis used the situation to his own advantage and made a bid for freedom whilst Breda was distracted. Unfortunately, having two broken legs and being confided to a wheelchair seriously limits the amount of ground one can cover and Louis didn’t get very far before Breda caught up with him...
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Breda was furious with Louis for trying to escape and began to question his trust in her. Her suspicions were confirmed when she discovered her confession down the side of Louis’ bed, and realised that he was only saying what he thought she wanted to hear regarding Leela. Despite Louis pleas, Breda whacked him round the head with a phone, killing him. Later, as Breda disposed of Louis’ belongings, a mystery figure was seen watching her. Meanwhile, back in the village, with Louis out of her life, Simone made plans to leave the village, telling her family that she was going to transfer to another Price Slice store in Derby. However, Martine kindly gifted Simone her air miles, telling her to go to Jamaica instead. Zack was also heading for pastures new when he received a message from Holly. The pair declared their love to each other via video call and Zack quickly decided to join her in Paris. As Lisa said goodbye to two family members she soon gained another, when Breda forced her to spend some time with Daniel by ‘accidentally’ leaving him in the shop. Breda was delighted when she overheard Lisa tell Leela that she’d enjoyed having Daniel around and offered to look after him again in the future.
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Elsewhere, keen to discredit Jonny, Sinead got in contact with Ste’s step-father, Terry, hoping that he could provide some much needed answers on the newcomer’s identity. Terry proved to be no help in this department and soon set about trying to worm his way back into Ste’s life, claiming to be a changed man. Persuading Ste to give him a place to stay, Terry then stole from Leela’s purse and conned Ste into giving him money for a job interview. The wool was finally pulled from over Ste’s eyes when he walked in on Terry picking on Lucas and demanded that his step-father leave. Terry agreed, but on one condition; Ste help him steal the new TV’s about to be installed at The Bean. Ste reluctantly agreed but soon got cold feet and called the police, who sadly arrived too late to catch Terry in the act. Terry was furious that Ste had gone against him and brutally beat him up. The following day, with Scott being blamed for the break-in, Ste confided in Jonny about Terry’s role, and the abuse he’d subjected him to. Jonny promised to help Ste, and got his henchmen to beat Terry, seemingly to death, in a car park whilst he was trying to flog the stolen TVs. 
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Meanwhile, Harry was crushed when James rejected him again in favour of building a relationship with Romeo. Keen to help his friend move on, Zack set Harry up with one of mates, however, the date was interrupted by James, who was left upset to see Harry supposedly moving on. With a big shove from Romeo, James was encouraged to go back to The Hutch and tell Harry how he really felt. James declared his love for Harry in front of the packed restaurant and was delighted when Harry agreed to give their relationship another shot. 
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Also this week, there was delight for Alfie and Yasmine when both were offered internships; Alfie in America and Yaz with the Chester Herald. However, Alfie soon worried about leaving Cindy whilst she was still unwell and decided he wasn’t going. Going against Alfie’s wishes, Yaz told Cindy about the internship, and she begged her son not to put his life on hold for her. Alfie then worried about leaving Yaz behind for the duration of his placement and secretly arranged some work experience for her at a newspaper close to where he would be based. Unfortunately, Yaz didn’t take the surprise well, believing that Alfie thought her placement in Chester wasn’t good enough. She soon came round and agreed to go with him, but wasn’t sure that Misbah would let her go. She’s 18, isn’t she? Misbah gets no say...
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In other news this week, Diane was furious when she spotted Lily and Romeo kissing and her aunt’s reaction devastated her so much that she started self harming again. Finally, Sienna was left feeling uncomfortable again after another run in with Laurie at school. 
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5 Things We Learnt This Week:
1. Good manners cost nothing. Breda McQueen is a lot of things: Nanny, man hater, serial killer. However, you can’t fault her manners. She’ll always make sure she gives herself the cheap, cracked crockery.
2. Filming restrictions are easy to get round. “Holly’s meant to be in France, but obviously we can’t go there to film just one scene, so how do we make it clear to the audience that that’s where she is?” “I know! Just stick her in a beret and stripy top! Job done!”
3. Money worries are easily forgotten. Remember all the fuss made about Lily and Prince’s money troubles last year? Why is Lily now living with Tony and Diane, when she’s presumably still paying for the place she had with Prince? That’s not going to help the purse strings! 
4. It’s important to make use of every bit of space you have. Location filming can be difficult. It can be expensive and you might not find the right location for the time you need it. It’s far easier, therefore, to stick up a couple of signs in the grounds of the set and make sure that no buildings are in shot. Dot a couple of picnic tables around and have a couple of dressing-gown clad extras and nurses walk about and et voila, you’ve got yourself a private mental health hospital! 
5. It’s important to advertise your business and many people do so using their cars. But forget a window or bumper sticker, that’s going to get you nowhere. Breda advertises her services as a nanny by having a giant teddy bear on the roof of her car. I wonder if any other villagers will start doing likewise? Tony could have a giant knife and fork, Jesse a pair of scissors and a comb and Liam a bag of cocaine and a gun. 
Characters Featured:
Alfie, Breda, Cindy, Daniel, Diane, Goldie, Harry, Holly, James, Jonny, Laurie, Leela, Liberty, Lily, Lisa, Louis, Lucas, Martine, Misbah, Myra, Romeo, Scott, Sinead, Simone, Ste, Sylver, Terry, Tom, Yasmine and Zack. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Carl Costello, Adam Donovan, Glenn Donovan, Pauline Hay, Ellie Nightingale, Russ Owen. 
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bernietaylors · 6 years
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ellie saying goodbye to her family
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“You are no longer my father.You’re not just dead to me.
You never even e x i s t e d”
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jackbatchelor3 · 6 years
Hollyoaks: Best Birthday Ever
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romeoquinns · 6 years
alfie hating on devdas only to tell yas to pause it so he doesn't miss the dance sequence was the funniest thing
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