#Zak dingle
sugdensdingle · 10 days
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Aaron Dingle & Robert Sugden return (2014)
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bobbie-robron · 8 months
On this day… 21st of October
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foreverrhapsody · 6 months
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gone2soon-rip · 6 months
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STEVE HALIWELL (1946-Died December 15th 2023,at 77). English actor, known for portraying the role of Zak Dingle in the ITV soap opera Emmerdale, which he played from 1994 until his death in 2023.Steve Halliwell - Wikipedia
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Round 3
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hawleywilby · 2 years
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thelovetheystole · 4 months
They really are starting 2024 off with emphasis on misery, aren't they?
•Aaron doesn't care if he lives or dies at this point
•Charity is plagued by ptsd, and Mack has lost all access to his son
•Chas has breast cancer, and a really agressive one at that, which inpacts Paddy and the whole Dingle clan
•Now Cain might have a medical crisis as well
•Eric has Parkinsons, David up and left, and his partner Brenda is grieving for Heath
•Bob and Cathy are grieving too, and also really struggling with their relationship and her condition
•The Kings are facing losing Angelica to prison, their friendships in the village and also their careers
•Belle is not going to be happy for long, Tom will snap sooner rather than later
•Rhona and Marlon have bonded with the baby and Gus will want to take her any moment, which will devastate them and/or split their family
•Sam and Lydia are suffering because of what happened to her
•Jai is still miserable about the whole Rishi/Amit situation
•Peace among Cain and Caleb will be destroyed when the affair comes out, and Nate and Tracy are doomed
•On top of all of this, they might plan for Zak to pass away, and then, the whole village will mourn
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sendinthehuskies · 9 months
Can we talk about the full Zak Dingle accent
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scrapyardboyfriends · 10 months
It was not his decision. The producers said they wanted a shocking twist and that they would be killing him off for a big new story to kick off. He was quite teary talking about it when interviewed.
Anonymous asked: Rishi was axed :( Bhasker said on a TV interview this morning the producer rung him up and told him they were killing him off for a big story and a big surprise.
Aww that's sad that he was axed, especially because Bhasker seems like such a nice guy who really enjoyed the job.
Thinking about it more, I'm really of two minds about it all.
On the one hand, I can commend them for actually making a real decision and taking a risk like this rather than just killing off characters whose actors have quit. I can also commend them for managing to keep this quiet so that it was actually a shock death despite the heavy foreshadowing in the episode.
And I said before, they haven't really known what to do with Rishi for years and without Priya too, he's definitely become more of a spare part but at the same time, he's a more relevant, less dull character than say Harriet who they also axed. And with the story at hand and Jai's impending guilt, it's definitely a death that will be more meaningful than some others. And I think in that sense, it's potentially a good risk to take.
On the other hand, the story to get there is...meh. I mean I've seen it pointed out that this is like the fourth or fifth time they've gone for the whole I'm not your dad it's my brother story and that's totally true. We had Cain be Zak's and not Shadrach's. We had the whole Adam is James's son and not John's and the really stupid story with Amelia being Daz's and not Dan's, which was extra irrelevant. So it's really just an overdone story at this point, which is pretty par for the course with the terrible trio. But it also just feels even more cruel to the characters since they then killed Rishi off without any resolution and I'm sure Jai's guilt over all of this will be exhausting to watch. It sort of feels like shock for shock's sake and cheap drama. It depends on what they do with it.
I can commend them on wanting to build up a non Dingle family, but I feel like this whole story has been rushed and a bit short sighted. Everyone immediately knew the brother twist and that Suni would be Jai's half brother. But like imagine if they'd brought Suni months ago and used him in the Nicky story instead of Ally. We'd have seen Nicky sort of reluctantly start something with Gabby and then meet Suni and hit it off with him and it would be clear that something was happening between them and we could have gotten the gay reveal before the Caleb reveal so you would have been intrigued why he would continue this relationship with Gabby and that would make the Caleb reveal more interesting. Plus we could have really seen the Nicky/Suni relationship develop as part of a larger plot and then try and work things out after it all came out rather than Ally just immediately exiting stage left never to be seen or heard of again. And then we wouldn't have immediately suspected that Suni was Jai's brother.
I don't know. I just think there were ways to rebuild the Sharma family without it having to be a paternity twist. And if they then bring in Suni's dad or Suni's sister than it really does feel like they just cleared out one set of Sharmas (Rishi, Priya, Nikhil) and replaced them with another (Amit, Suni, Nisha) and that's not really building up the family.
Ah well...at least I like Suni as an addition so far. There's that. But I'm sad for Bhasker and I'm not exactly looking forward to Jai's impending grief and guilt spiral and I really hope they don't do to Jai and Laurel what they did to Leyla and Liam after Leanna's death. I want Jai and Laurel to stay together and I don't want anyone to relapse please. We can touch on it, but I can't deal with any more drug storylines for quite a while after the Leyla debacle.
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Sad, Seve Halliwell has died. He's the actor that played Zak Dingle.
I didn't know this about him;
Halliwell was once arrested for sleeping rough in an empty government building in London. He was sent to a prison in Ashford for two weeks and was later released on probation. He also spoke openly about his experiences with depression throughout this period of his life.[5]
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sugdensdingle · 8 hours
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June 5th 2005
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bobbie-robron · 5 months
On this day… 27th of December
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robronrewatch2023 · 7 months
August 4th summary
We watched from 2015/12/30 p1 to 2015/12/31 p3.
The police arrest Ross for Robert's shooting. Debbie tells them he was with her at the time. Robert asks Andy if it was Ross and Andy claims it was someone he didn't know, but Robert becomes suspicious when he sees the two of them talking. By threatening to call the police about Andy's role in it, Robert forces Andy to admit it was Ross, and Andy explains their deal of swapping targets. Robert is angry but agrees to let it drop because going to the police would bring up Andy and Katie.
New year party at the Woolpack. At Ross and Debbie's, Robert confronts Ross with a gun, making him admit to shooting him. Ross says he really struggled with it afterwards. Debbie and Andy walk in on them and Robert makes Andy admit to the shooting to Debbie. Robert pulls the trigger... but the gun is empty, because he just wanted to scare Ross. Debbie says she could never trust Ross again.
Chas finds Gordon's wallet in the Woollie and phones him; they make plans to meet up. Zak turns up with his new girlfriend and is kicked out. Lisa and Belle go home, then all the Dingles burst in at midnight to celebrate the new year with them.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
To answer to your ask about Charity and her relation with her blood relatives. Actually out of the bunch, Caleb is the least problematic as no, they are not blood related, Faith is the wife of a Dingle and not a dingle by blood. If I am not mistaken, Charity is the daughter of Zak’s brother, Marlon is also the son of a brother of Zak and obviously Cain is the son of Zak even though they started to have sex with each other when they thought he was shadrach’s son which is the same as Shadrach is Zak’s brother. So basically they are 1st cousin which is considered incest.
I obviously don’t have any patience with homophobic people and their comments on how many gay storyline and characters there is in Emmerdale, however it makes me laugh because how dare you be complaining about an « unnatural » or « inappropriate » relationship when there is bunch of incest or a character will have sex with the father, the son, the brother and the uncle of a same family (almost Moira with the Barton’s). Like soaps is not for you then.
Honestly the dingle family tree confuses the fuck out of me (the only one that matters is Aaron and we all know who he's married to)
But yes have you seen the comments on the official ED fb lately?? People bitching about there being too many gays/black people/people of colour/anyone that's not Cain dingle. I mean I don't know where they live but where I'm from gay people AND black people actually exist - shocking, I know - and it's been a while since I've been to Yorkshire but I just assume they still exist there too. I guess some people really can't deal with the fact there are people out there who are different from them.
Anyways, here's some robron love to brighten your day
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Round 2
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I found this on NewsBreak: Soap Opera Legend Steve Halliwell Dead at 77
I found this on NewsBreak: Soap Opera Legend Steve Halliwell Dead at 77
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