#Zane's 200th vlog
hellllyeahh · 6 years
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Zane's 200
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koshydobrik · 6 years
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siwickisboy · 6 years
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davidsvlogs · 6 years
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i am very curious about the context of this
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1stglancefeelin · 6 years
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Kristen McAtee
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
vlogue : d.d
we can all agree how amazing everyone looked in the video right? I mean, just look at David, damn. 
brief summary: behind the scenes of the infamous vlogue
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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It was going to be perfect. The entire thing had been planned down to every movement we did, to every second of footage that would be included. 
All of us were ready, our outfits had been made to fit our roles, the photoshoots were done in secret, so only Zane knew who was who. And I got to be a knight. 
Well, a knight of sorts. My gown was silver, the sleeve made of lengths of crystals and my headpiece was pieces of metal spiked into a trident-shaped crown. 
I loved it. I knew we all were dripping with elegance despite us being kept in separate rooms of the mansion to keep the allusion, to remain in full ‘vlogue.’
Zane came into the large room, a round table in the centre and the windows lined the background. He wanted me to walk along the table, and then spin allowing the full effects of the dress to be shown. As when it shone in the right light, it reflected. 
“Right, Y/n you ready?” Zane asked as he stood with some of his crew hired for this footage. I took the chair out from under the table and balanced one foot on it whilst the other remained planted on the ground. “Okay take one and action!” 
I got onto the table and began to move along the table, the dress sweeping across the table either side of me and behind. The long tail adding a dramatic flair to my look. 
As we filmed I did a few pauses, dramatic looks into the camera before turning on the spot allowing the dress to be captured. 
Behind me, they were yelling in excitement, and I kept walking with a bright smile on my face. 
“You wanna help film Davids bit?” Zane asked and I was still dressed up, it had been a few hours since I filmed my segment as it had to have the perfect daylight behind us to get the sun flare on the lens. 
I held his arm, he too in his full attire. “For real?” I asked and his smile grew as he nodded. 
He led me into the what seemed like a grand hall, and I kept my eyes on the artwork on the ceiling. It was like something out of a Cathedral, the grandeur was unbelievable. “Y/n?” I heard David’s voice echo as I turned my head to see him. 
“Holy shit.” I muttered as he approached me, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. 
His eyes are all over my body, looking at every detail taking it in with a wide smile on his face. “Fuck they didn’t scrape any details did they.” His lips peck mine before he pulls away, putting his crown on and winking before he takes his first position. 
It takes a few takes to get him to stop laughing, and then he is into his character- the King. Seems fitting. 
“David, Y/n.” Zane motions for me to walk over where he sits on the throne. “If you stand behind him, and slide your hand down to his chest.” He shows me exactly what to do, and I follow his instructions. 
With us in full vlogue mode the music starts and I walk over slowly, knowing some of the footage will be slowed down, and other parts sped up. David kept his head forward, focusing on the camera as did I. I knew where my hand would go, and slid it down and posed, as did he. 
“Fuck that was awesome.” Zane jogged over, his footsteps echoing like my heels against the marble. He high fived the two of us and continued to direct David as they set up a new lens for another one of David’s snapshots. 
After a while I headed back and wandered around, I knew I’d filmed my bits for the day, and filmed some BTS that I knew Zane would want. 
Downstairs I heard the big doors into the hall where David was open, and everyone's voices echo. 
I’m leaning over the bannister, and David glances up and nudges Zane. “Yeah, just stay there Y/n!” 
Zane gets his camera and David directs him the best he can. I stay still, admiring the fine details in the beams across the ground floor. I feel like Juliet, and I love it. 
Sitting with David in his house we can’t stop tweeting about the video along with everyone else. All of the photos are out, including our stills we haven’t seen. 
“Y/n, baby you look hot as fuck.” David states as he swipes through the photos. “I want you to wear that outfit again sometime.” 
I move across and sit on his lap. “You better get that crown then.” 
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clickbaitsquad · 6 years
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planetdobrik-blog · 6 years
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thenwedied · 6 years
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He’s literally the cutest. How the freckin frack is he so gorgeous?
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cutecas · 6 years
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themomentyoumeantit · 6 years
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I don’t even know what to do with this
When your fav stans your other fav
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camichardo · 6 years
200th Vlog~Rumours
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davidsvlogs · 6 years
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i hate that i love him so much
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dobrikismyname · 6 years
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Look at my beautiful KING 👑
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