#hidaya hijazi
headassdobrik · 4 years
This saved my life
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poshvalentine · 4 years
HIDAYA FLEW OUT!???!??!??!!
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davidsvlogs · 5 years
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Butter Chicken | Zane Hijazi
Requested by anonymous: could you do one where reader and zane are dating and zane takes reader to meet hidaya and he’s nervous on how they’ll get along but they get along really well?
"I'm so nervous." Y/n squeezed Zane's hand as the uber pulled up to his sister's house.
"Don't worry, she'll love you." Zane reassured her. Although, he was more reassuring himself. Hidaya texted him all the time, but they never talked about y/n, and he wasn't sure if they would get along.
Y/n followed her boyfriend up the steps carefully. He knocked on the door, both of them a bundle of nerves.
"Zane!" Hidaya shouted as she opened the door, she pulled her brother in for a hug. They hugged for a moment before Hidaya glanced at y/n.
"Oh, Hidaya, this is y/n. Y/n this is Hidaya." He introduced them and they shook hands awkwardly.
"Hey, y'all come inside." Hidaya lead them in and the smell of butter chicken filled the house.
"You made butter chicken?" Zane asked excitedly. He was attempting to start conversation and break any awkward tension between the girls.
"Momma made it. Y/n, have you ever had it?" She asked y/n, who was still awkwardly standing by the door.
"No, but I'm down to try it!" She followed them into the kitchen where Zane made her a plate.
"Oh my God this is delicious." She said as soon as she took a bite.
"I know, right?!" Hidaya laughed as the couple stuffed their faces.
Things were going well and both y/n and Zane were relieved.
"I'm glad you're not some trashy Instagram model." Hidaya mentioned causally. Y/n and Zane were both taken aback, but y/n decided to mess with her.
"I am." She said seriously. Hidaya's eyes widened and Zane choked on his chicken.
"I'm sorry." Hidaya apologized before looking away. Zane stayed quiet, going along with the joke.
"I'm kidding, I'm not an Instagram model." She laughed, and Zane joined in.
"Oh thank God! I thought I offended you." Hidaya let a breath out before laughing along with them.
The trio spent the night laughing, joking, and playing games. The girls got to know each other and told stupid stories about Zane, realizing they were a lot closer than they thought.
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hellllyeahh · 6 years
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Zane's 200
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acreativeme · 5 years
Hidaya’s Approval
Zane Hijazi x Reader
Y/N and Zane had been dating for 6 months before he took her down to Florida to visit his family. Zane met Y/N while out on a hike with Jeff and Todd. She was running with her pit bull, Bucky, and german shepard, Rosco. She had stopped at this pet watering fountain to give the boys a break. She had happened to be bending down to fix her shoe lace, when Rosco’s leash slipped out of her hand and  he took off towards the three guys.
“Rosco! Come back!” She yelled, shooting off after him. Bucky barking, happily running after his brother.
Rosco tackled a bleached haired bearded man,licking his face. The other two boys in the group froze, probably thinking that the dog might turn on them. Y/N tripped, running and bending down to grab the leash.
She landed next to him, which caused Rosco and Bucky to jump on her. They started licking her, almost getting their tongues in her mouth. “Guys! Sit!” Her voice was loud and strong. Surprising all three of the boys, the two strong-willed dogs jumped back and sat down. Y/N stood up with her hands on her hips, “what have I told you boys about running away from me?!”
Both dogs looked off to the side, whining a little bit. Y/N  rolled her eyes and turned to the three guys behind her. “I am so sorry! Rosco is friendly and has had all his shots, I promise.”
The blonde haired man smiled at her. “It’s okay. I’m fine. I was just taken by surprise by the slubber attack.”
Y/N giggled, brushing her hair back. “That’s funny. I’m Y/N.” She held out her hand for him to shake.
He gripped her hand and grinned at her. “I’m Zane. This is Jeff and Todd.”
She smiled at them, but returned her focus to Zane. “Nice to meet you.”
They exchanged numbers and haven’t gone a day without speaking since. Y/N had fit into the group right away, bonding with Erin and Carly the most. The group loved that she wasn’t an influencer or apart of social media crowd. They were honored to know someone that actually saved people for a living. To honor her privacy and preserve her job, they only put her in clean vlogs or just kept her out of them all together. She liked doing videos with Carly and Erin, because they didn’t go overboard and kept things simple.
After getting the approval of his friends, it was finally time to get the approval of the other important woman in Zane’s life. Hidaya. It was actually Y/N’s idea to go visit his family and meet his little sister. Zane was hesitant at first, but once he saw that they were talking via DM on twitter and that they got along, he gave in.
Now they were on the plane, Y/N gripping his hand tightly. Y/N was well aware of his fear of flying, so she had made a playlist of songs that reminded her of him. She use the Airpods that David bought her for her birthday last week and the regular headphones that came with her phone to listen to it. Zane was leaning back in his seat, gripping her hand and mouthing the words to They Don’t Know About Us by One Direction. Y/N giggled as she noticed that he didn’t miss a single word of the song. She squeezed his hand, closing her eyes to get some shut eye before reaching Florida.
~A long flight later~
Zane grabbed both his and Y/N’s bag from baggage claim, turning around to see her snap a picture of him and giggle. He frowned.
“What are you doing, darling?” He asked, setting the bags down in front of her.
She looked up from her phone and smirked. “Nothin’.” She quickly hit send, so that he couldn’t see what she was doing.
He clicked his tongue. “Uh huh! You liar. I can’t believe I am dating a liar. How am I supposed to introduce a liar to my innocent little sister?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed. “We both Hidaya is only innocent when it comes to dating and even that is up for debate.”
He leaned down and kissed her. “I’m gonna find out what ya sent.”
She pushed him away and grabbed her suitcase. “Let’s go. Your mom is waiting for us.”
“How do you know that?!” He asks, following after her.
“Oh. We talk. Even exchanged a few recipes, you didn’t know?” She teased looking over her shoulder.
“I adore you.”
~A long car ride later~
Y/N’s eyes were trained on the window as the SUV drove through Zane’s hometown. Their fingers were interlocked, as he chatted with his mom and stepdad.
“So, how’s work Y/N?” Zane’s mom asked, glancing in the rearview mirror.
Zane nugged her. “Huh?” She blushed.
Smiling at her, Zane’s mom repeated her question. “How’s work?”
! It’s good. We had one of our toddler patients go into remission. I had a crying fest with the parents after the doctor left, it was exciting.”
Zane’s mom stared at Y/N with pure pride in her eyes. ���That is wonderful news.” Hitting her turn signal, she looked over at Zane. “You know, I love that you found such a kind and compassionate woman.”
Y/N’s blush became deeper. Zane smiled at her. “Thanks, mom.”
~Ten Minutes Later~
Waving goodbye, Zane and Y/N drug their bags up the walkway towards his father’s place. Zane was about to knock on the door, when it burst open and Hidaya flew out. She launched herself into Y/N’s arms, causing her to drop her bags.
Laughing loudly, Y/N wrapped her arms around the younger Hijazi. “Hiya, Hidaya.”
Hidaya pulled away from her, grinning like a mad man. “I can’t believe you are here, Y/N! I thought dumbo was never going to bring you to visit.”
Zane looked between the two girls. “How do ya guys know each other so well?”
The girls looked at each other and grinned. “Twitter, duh!”
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Next on keeping up with the illiterate hijazi’s
Hidaya: mold, m-o-l-d?
Zane: Born Me Alive? Oh burn...
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siwickisboy · 6 years
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vlogsquadonfilm · 5 years
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amourphousblob · 5 years
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clickbaitsquad · 6 years
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davidandlizzza · 6 years
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I can’t wait for Zane’s 200th vlog!
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poshvalentine · 5 years
In honor of the Met Gala being tonight, this seems only right
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davidsvlogs · 5 years
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can’t believe that hidaya turned 18 yesterday!!
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davidobitch · 6 years
hidaya is a big mood
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hellllyeahh · 6 years
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