#Zatanna Zatara imagine
thebisexualdogdad · 9 months
John Constantine x male!reader x Zatanna Zatara headcanons
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*Matt Ryan as Constantine and Jade Tailor as Zatanna*
● 3 magicians/occultists sure make for a hell of an interesting relationship
● traveling around the world keeping the paranormal and supernatural at bay
● and always enjoying a good drink at the end of the day
● or before noon if it's just that kind of day
● which it often is because exorcisms can take a lot out of you
● going to Zatanna's magic shows and proudly cheering her on from the front row
● and always volunteering yourselves when she asks for audience participation
● John still gets a kick whenever she cuts him half
● when you or John annoy Zatanna she just casually drops a spell to turn you guys into rabbits
● "what did we do this time??"
● "you guys ate my leftovers again that I clearly labeled were mine!"
● Zatanna also has to stop you and John from doing stupid shit like when you drunkenly dare each other to try on doctor fates helmet
● "come on Z we weren't really gonna do it… again"
● Zatanna is extremely protective of her boys
● you've seen a lot of scary demons in your day but none are more terrifying than Zatanna when you or John are in danger
● John taking you and Zatanna to punk shows
● Zatanna pushing John into a mosh pit as a joke but he actually had a blast
● "bloody hell loves did you see that! That was awesome!!"
● stealing John's trench coat to mess with him
● "I would be mad because no one touches my coat but damn do you look good in it"
● and then one time you did a spell to swap John's and Zatannas outfit
● John was loving it "I mean it's a little tight on the boys but my ass sure looks good" he says as he's proudly checking himself out
● you've been banned from pretty much every movie theater because of John talking during the movie
● "he's the killer it's so obvious" he says as he throws popcorn at the screen
● "how can I be disturbing the other guests when this movie is bloody garbage!" He yells as you three are being escorted out by the usher
● it's not uncommon for one of you to find your partners surrounded by old books
● "what are we dealing with this time?"
● "not sure yet but in the last month there's been four mysterious deaths in Louisiana that we need to go check out"
● "I'll call Abby to see if she and alec can meet up with us, maybe they've heard something"
● "not that bloke again, he smells like a damn swamp"
● "John..."
● taking turns on who gets to be in the middle when you sleep
● but John always has to be the little spoon
● he refuses to be anything but the little spoon especially after sex
● and damn is the sex good
● using spells to make sex last all night long
● along with magically enhanced sex toys
● like self binding scarves
● magical wax that alternates between being hot and cold for the ultimate temp play
● or John being able to feel you inside him while you're fucking Zatanna
● Zatanna chanting spells that makes your bed float into the air
● you and John are sure to keep Zatanna thoroughly satisfied
● and Zatanna knows her way around a strap whenever she's in the mood to top you two
● John loves it when he gets a good pounding from both you and Zatanna
● and he will happily take one of you in his mouth while the other rails his ass
● lots of adrenaline filled sex after jobs go wrong and one of you nearly dies
● and pulling over to the side of the road to have sex in your car mid road trip to your next job after two of you have been fooling around in the backseat or one of you teasing the driver from the passenger seat
● so much sex around your magical safehouse in Atlanta
● which occasionally results in the unleashing of evil spirits when you accidentally knock over an mystical artifact
● "Oh that could have been really bad"
● "yeah we really dodged a bullet there but can you get back to going down on me now"
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Request - Could you do Headconon for being the supreme sorcerer (who has a similar origins to Doctor Strange) and dating Zatanna (Young Justice season 3, 4)
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•You first met Zatanna on a mission.
•John Constantine told everyone that they need help to stop Vandal Savage and Klarion the Witch Boy, to get the strongest supreme sorcerer to join them.
•Everyone thought John was talking about Zatanna.
•John starts to tell them about you.
•You did agree to help them.
•You did bump heads with Zatanna and her friends.
•They got to see your magic when you stopped the villains.
•Zatanna did ask for information about your magic and family etc.
•You told Zatanna some information about you, and you didn't want to tell her everything.
•When Zatanna went on solo missions, she would ask you to join her.
•You and Zatanna got to know each other a little bit more.
•Zatanna did see how strong your magic is.
•You and Zatanna would combine magic spells to fight the bad guys.
•Zatanna did ask if you are single.
•You would help Zatanna and her friends train, you use your magic and make it harder for them.
•You and Zatanna start to spend time together away from the others.
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•You and Zatanna are keeping the relationship a secret. Trying to figure out if it's serious or not.
•She would spend time at your place.
•Your first kiss with Zatanna, is when she came back from a mission.
•You start to open up more to your girlfriend.
•You and Zatanna would argue and then try to fix the problem.
•Zatanna likes to cuddle.
•For date nights, you and Zatanna don't talk about the team or missions, etc.
•Some nights, you would spend time at her house.
•You smile more because of her.
•She is very affectionate with you.
•She did tell her dad about dating you.
•Now you have to meet her father and you are a little nervous about it.
•He did ask you many questions.
•The relationship is strong but you or Zatanna haven't said those 3 words just yet.
•Roy, Raven, and Tim heard Zatanna telling you about date night and where to meet you.
•They followed her to a restaurant and saw her kiss you.
•They told the others about what happened.
•You didn't get mad about it, you knew eventually you and Zatanna would get caught.
•But she did get mad about it.
•But you told her not to be mad about it then kissed her.
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
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a/n: no hate to the requester I PROMISE. this is just a random statement. i know jealousy is normal but. i hate jealousy with a passion.
requested by anonymous
You’d been acting off for a while and your girlfriend, Zatanna, knew you well enough to know someone was going on. “Is something wrong, y/n? Did I do something?” You shrugged it off reluctantly, letting it boil inside some more.
“No, I’m just tired.” You walked off and Zatanna followed behind, needing to get to the bottom of this. “Z, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Is it because I was talking to Dick earlier.” She was right on the nose and you laughed at her guess. “I knew it. Y/N, you don’t need to worry about him. He was a fling when I was a teenager, he’s nothing compared to you. You’re my s/o, you’re the person I love, the person I want to spend my life with. I don’t want you to be upset with me over something to silly.” Her hands rested on your stiff shoulders and slipped behind your back to pull you into a hug. “You don’t have to worry about anything with me.”
“Fine.” You released all the tension in your body and slowly hugged her back, mulling over all she just told you. “I trust you…I trust you.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @azazel-nyx // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @ravenstrueluv // @cicatraize // @captainshazamerica // @bad4amficideas //
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iwritethat · 5 years
Zatanna Zatara: Who-Doo
A/N: Thought I should have some variety on here. :)
Zatanna refused multiple times, even going as far as to looking into dark magic herself - a thing she vowed to be forbidden. If she could do it then there was no need for the team to traverse the spookiest forest known to man for a psychotic dark magician discovered by John Constantine. That was her first warning, John meddled with the most dangerous sorcerers so why was this enchanter any different? She'd met you before on many occasions, considered you a true friend who she loved dearly but after the loss of her father she vanished from your life and didn't want to drag you back into hers - in response you delved deeper into the dark arts, to what extent, she dare not find out.
Regardless of her futile attempts, she had to accompany Nightwing and their team on their mission to assist in hopes of defeating Kalrion, Felix Faust, Wotan and the demonic army that hunted them. Regretfully, she was incapable of handling this by herself due to her inexperience with the blackest of magic and those were 3 of the most powerful sorcerers they'd encountered. With fearful thoughts racing through her mind, they instantly ceased when a gloomy cottage decorated with all kinds of warding fell into her peripheral vision - why they had to arrive in the dead of night she had no idea.
As they approached, the wooden shack door flew open with a hollow bang, talismans clattered and flame torches sparked to life as if welcoming them inside but the supernatural presence only caused them to freeze in place.
"Why so nervous heroes?" A devious laugh followed after the eerie voice that echoed behind them, causing them to turn back to the origin to find nothing but a whisper of wind along the deserted pathway.
"Zatanna what's g-"
"I don't know! I don't know! It's some kind of illusion." They'd never seen Zee so spooked, although they couldn't feel the darkening auras that lingered around the area like she could - something was very wrong with this place.
"It's no illusion, I'm right here Zee. You just didn't look hard enough..." They flicked back to the door instantly, readying a defence stance contrasting to your more laid back one as you leaned against your doorframe.
It was peculiar, they never seen anything quite like you. Your skin was decorated in elegant designs whether painted or tattooed they were unsure, your feet were bare but your ankles were laced with string, shells, bone and other fragments hanging off them that jingled as you walked much like those on your wrists. You were adorned with golden bangles, hair littered with braidings and feathers with your loose belt holding pouches and jars, a golden animal skull decoration handing from it. You were beautiful though many would deem your attire mystical like that of a voodoo god/goddess and the hissing Death Adder entangled around your arm certainly didn't help to put the team at ease. Zatanna had forgotten how beautiful you were, clearly the bayou had rubbed off on you but the difference from her memories of you still left her speechless. Although if you were to return to the city then you’d probably revert to your usual clothing.
"Are you coming in or not, Umbra doesn't bite... much. I can whip up some tea if you'd like since you need some demons taking care off and it's been a while Zatanna I hope you're alright." And your voice was like music to her ears, she'd truly missed you and began to regret the way she left things but still believed that your safety was more important than her feelings.
"We are not walking in there until we know we can trust you." Zatanna commented, stepping forward protectively as you raised a brow and clicked your fingers with a degree of flair - before they could even register what was happening, their surroundings morphed to that of a grand contrasting interior, artefacts littered the elegant shelves, presumably ingredients filled the delicate cupboards and it definitely wasn't the haunted forest they were in moments ago.
"Aha, no need to walk in Zatanna Zatara, and you are going to have to take the fact that you are all still breathing as your 'trust'." Your tone was cold yet kind, your abilities leaving the Team awestruck.
With a calm demeanour you offered them tea as they grew comfortable enough to confide their situation to you so you could potentially lend you assistance. However, chaos levelled the grounds outside of your illusive cottage, you felt the vibrations on the tips of your toes causing you to glare at your door.
Upon exiting behind you, the Team relished in the fallen demons littering the grounds with shadowy dust dispersing from their bodies no doubt assuring you of their demise.
"How did you -"
"It wasn't me." You stated rather proudly.
"TEAM GUARDS UP!" You heard Nightwing's bellowing voice, the curiously large 'log' he was inspecting suddenly moving smoothly through the undergrowth with piercing crimson slits causing them each to go on the offensive - however when your hand shot up to disarm them, weapons instantly locked to the ground like it was some form of magnet, they had no choice but to watch in horror. The beast brought its head down to your level, the snake massively oversized compared to any reptile that currently roamed the earth and it's scaly forehead gently met yours with your hands reaching up to greet it.
"Ah, thank you my darling. You did wonderfully."
"That's... a Titan boa..." Zatanna remained awestruck like the rest of her comrades, the sight alone enough to strike fear into even allies.
"Impossible, they went extinct millions of years ago!" Nightwing added, marvelling at the creature.
"You're both correct, but it's amazing what a little voodoo and some fossils can conjure. He's a loyal friend, he won't hurt you. Although more are on their way, are you ready to go?" You released their weapons, heading off toward the dangerous auras.
Zatanna appeared in front of you, hands on your forearms with a sense of urgency. "You're not coming!"
"Excuse me?" To say you were surprised would be an understatement, especially after your previous display.
"You’ve changed so much (Y/n) and your magic, it's forbidden! It could kill us, for all we know you could be working with Klarion."
"Voodoo is dangerous yes, but as is all sorcery - it depends on who uses it! If I was working with Klarion do you really think you'd be alive right now? No. Do you think Demons would be invading my territory? No. So I'm sorry I do not reach your incredulous standards and that I make you feel 'funny' Zatanna but you'll finally have to accept it." You brushed her off, walking around the worried magician
"How- How did you know that..." She became flustered, skin flaring a beautiful shade of pink.
"Oh come on Zee, I'm good at magic but it's not that hard to read a person." You halted, turning back to answer her, still frustrated with that lack of compassion you were receiving from her despite your proven efforts.
"Then... you're not very good at it..." It was an embarrassed whisper, yet you’d caught it.
"How so?" You looked back incredulously eyes shrouded in a brief golden glow.
However before you could extract an answer, the 3 demonic sorcerers made a chaotic entrance which only left you to sigh with your Titan Boa as well as your fellow comrades prepared for battle.
As predicted, your abilities were dangerous - exactly as Constantine had recommended and with assistance, you had all collaboratively sent the demons back to their realms, bound them into submission or reduced them to ashes. Although, not without cost, it was a thoughtless act but you'd seen Zatanna's fatal demise and without hesitation had stepped to her aid leaving you with a ravenous dagger imbedded in your skin. With a twist of your wrist, your magic decapitated the demon at close range and left you collapsing to the ground with a hiss.
"(Y/n)! No no, please no!" You heard the devastation her voice, the woman immediately embraced you, her hand gently grasping the handle of the knife over your own with a worried expression.
"Don't! Not yet! Geez Zatara, are you mad?!"
"I - I'm sorry, you can’t die - this is exactly why I didn’t want you involved! I can heal you if you'll let me!" She tried again, enchantment slipping from her lips.
"Oh what you trust me now? Stopped feeling 'funny'." You rolled your eyes, silencing Zatanna and removing her hands from yours.
"It's not what you think, I may not have expressed it as I should've. I didn't want you to get hurt, I value you more than that but anyone who gets close I lose, just like my father and I can't lose you (Y/n)..." Her tone was quiet, she understood what she did was miscalculated though her intentions were pure.
"Aw, knew you cared." You joked, smirk on your lips.
"This isn't a joke, if it were different, I would've asked you to dinner... We'd make one hell of a team... but obviously I couldn’t do that, it’d mean putting you in danger, and yet after we grew apart you still put your life on the line to save me. (Y/n) I wouldn’t be able to cope with your loss." You hadn’t explicitly noticed her tears, the way she took every detail to memory in case it was the last time she saw you and it made your heart melt.
"Dinner then, Friday night? I know this nice place down in Metropolis, that way you won’t have to lose me." Your smile was now genuine, pulling the dagger from you heart - to her surprise only the handle remained, the blade nonexistent besides the evidence of decay.
"You - how?" Her tears continue to fall, although her cries ceased, overcome with sheer happiness at your improved well being.
"Basic spell really, decomposed the dagger as it reached my skin but not fast enough, still got a little cut. But I can protect myself Zatana, don't worry about that - hopefully you know I won't leave you, as much as I can help it love." Half way through your explanation, she’d embraced you whole heartedly, pulling back with a beautiful relived smile on her features, her fingers intertwining with your own as you both basked in the content of the other’s company.
“Love? You’ve spent too long with Constantine.”
“So... that’s a yes to dinner?”
“Yes, although I should’ve asked a long time ago.” Zatanna laughed, the two of you walking back to your home so lost in conversation that you were oblivious to awestruck expressions left on your comrades regarding the events of the last minute - none of it making sense to them. Surviving a dagger to the heart? Ancient languages? Date plans?
Maybe you and Zatanna were meant for each other after all.
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batsyfamhq · 7 years
[NSFW] It’s a celebration
Dick Grayson x Zatanna Zatara 
Summary: Zatanna officially joins the league and holds an admission party however things takes a different turn when Dick Grayson entered the scene.
Warnings: smutty af
Word Count: 3,322
Note:  We worked on this story for a hella long time. I am happy I got to do it with my favourite person in the world. This is a collab with @nightwingsbutt on Instagram. 
Many emotions were spinning around in her head. It was an important day. Perhaps the most important in her life. Zatanna was surrounded by her idols and role models as they excepted her as one of their own. Today was the day she had been excepted into the Justice league and it was kicked off by a gathering of heroes. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince were discussing politics, Arthur Curry and John Stewart played a game of dominoes, Cyborg (Victor Stone) was absolutely slaying it as a DJ while Hal Jordan, Barry Allan and Oliver Queen danced the night away together as they were already pretty drunk. Dinah Lance, Iris West and Helena Bertinelli cheered the drunkin trio on. Seeing everyone out of their costumes and in such a great mood brought a smile to Zatanna’s face but she was still overrun with doubt. It was reasonable of course. Considering it was a huge moment in her life and large responsibility to take on. Plus the fact that her long time close friend, Dick Grayson wasn't there. Of course many heroes weren't able to make it considering the schedules that would go along with people who saved the world but it was still disappointing. 
Zatanna sat in her ravishing black silk dress. It was form fitting and clung to her strong fit body like a glove. Her curves looked magnificent in it. It had a slit that came up from her leg up to her thick outer thigh and the top was a v cut that descended down into her soft ample cleavage. Her body was curvaceous voluptuous but still slim and fit standing on a pair of dark red three inch heels. The beautiful minx of a woman was missing her top hat but instead wore a high messy bun that admittedly took forever to get perfect but was definitely worth it. She looked like a goddess but didn't feel like one. Zatanna snapped her head around when she heard a familiar voice. "Hey Z!" A cheerful voice was identified with a familiar face. It was Helena Bertinelli, one of Zatanna's best friends aka the Huntress. "Hey" Zatanna forced a smile across her lips as she faced her dark-haired friend. "um," Helena read her expression and she knew something was up "is something wrong?" Her voice soft and full with concern. Zatanna sighed, her eyes looked away as she searched the room for a specific person. "I was actually expecting someone." she replied with a disheartened voice. "maybe they were busy. Don't worry about it." Helena gave a pat on the shoulder. Zatanna brushed her hand off and shook her head in frustration "no Helena! I was seriously expecting this person to be here. He has been a big part of my life and this is the greatest moment yet and he still can't show up?" Zatanna exclaimed with frustration. 
She felt a gentle touch on her hand and she was ready to defend herself as it was part of her reflexes however as she was spun around to face the person, her expression soften. She looked up at Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. The only person who could put her mind at ease. Zatanna was so caught off guard as her attention was fully captured by the handsome man. His jawline sharp as a knife, his perfect cheekbones and those damned beautiful eyes. He had the looks of a supermodel. He wore a black suit with an opened jacket showing his black vest, white dress shirt and dark blue tie. His broad shoulders filled the suit out well but the thing that really made her heart stop was the look he gave her. His ocean blue eyes were piercing and almost intimidating contrasted with his signature charming smirk. "Hello gorgeous" he says. His voice is husky and smooth. You can tell he's just so damn full of himself. Zatanna rolls her dark blue eyes at him and coldly says "Where the the hell have you been?" She wishes she could shout at him but she wouldn't want to cause a scene. "C’mon Z I'm sure you know how hectic Blüdhaven is." He tried to recover but damage was already done. She looked at him with a death stare but it was no use to him. Dick came closer to her, his hands wrapping around her waist bringing her closer. He looked her deep in her eyes and said "I'm sorry." How could she ever stay mad at him? She deeply and truly wished that she could. "Okay then. At least you came." Said Zatanna. 
"Come have a drink with me." He said softly while his hand smoothly captured hers. "You sure about that?" Replied Zatanna. She knew Dick didn't commonly drink alcohol and she wanted to ask if he'd hit his head too hard. "It's a special night and I'm feeling this deep urge to give you something special. That something is going to be a good time." He said with a bright smile while he pulled her by the hand to the bar and away from Helena who wore a little smirk on her face. Perhaps she knew there was something between them. Something that's been left unsaid. Dick orders two vodka sodas for the two of them while Zatanna got comfortable on the seats at the bar. Before they toasted their glasses, Dick held back and gave her an excited smile "what are you smiling about?" She gave a small giggle. "I have been working on a little something for the occasion." The corner of his lips curled into a small smirk. "Okay.." Zatanna blinked and looked at him with anticipation "so what is it?" She bursted out with excitement. Dick chuckled "sonialutargnoc" he said proudly. The pair laughed. "You know, it's actually wrong but A on the effort." She gave a pat of encouragement on his arm "it's actually sonitalutargnoc, sweetie" she shrugged like it was the easiest thing to say. Dick gave a smile "guess that's why you're the magician." He raised his glass and the both had a toast before sipping on their drinks.
Few drinks later. "Wow, I think I'm drunk." Zatanna giggled as she rest her head against Dick's shoulder. "Me too actually." Dick chuckled softly. Zatanna glanced around and realized that the league was present then started to freak out "oh my gosh, Dick! I can't be drunk in front of the league. What would they think of me?"  She panicked. This was her admission party and she wanted to give a first good impression. "Hey, hey calm down" Richard rest his hands on her shoulders "we can go somewhere else and just sober up for a while."  He takes her hand and leads her out of the party to the lounge room. Dick held her hand as they walked into the lounge room. The lounge room had dim lights, a large circular table, finished off with a few chairs and beanbags. Dick lets out a soft sigh as he admires her beauty. She felt her cheeks heat up and a tint of pink shaded her cheeks "what are you looking at?" She giggled. "Nothing. I just didn't really get to tell that you look so beautiful. I feel bad because I wasn't completely honest. I wanted to tell you that you look so gorgeous. So absolutely amazing. You're amazing" He said as he walks towards her slowly. He gently tugs a piece of hair behind her ear as his eyes analyse her every soft feature. He leans in close to her ear like he was about to reveal a secret but instead he gave soft, delicate kisses down her earlobe. "Well finally." Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. "You said you wanted to give me something special." Zatanna says while she lets herself melt into his touch. "I want to pleasure you babygirl." He says in his deep smooth voice while his kisses trail down her neck to her shoulder. 
"Just take me." Zatanna shivers as Dicks hands slip the dress off of her shoulders revealing her red laced lingerie. Her soft milky skin pours out of the lingerie only to be met by his lips as he kisses her down her breasts while his hands bring the dress down with him. The man gets down on his knees now kissing down her stomach while the dress finally falls down to her feet. He looks up at her perfect body. She was truly magnificent her thighs breasts and booty were thick and ample while she had a slim waist. He's descending down into her core, kissing her below her navel. His soft lips embracing and appreciating her every curve. A fire is ignited inside the stunning woman. His every touch is met with tingles that almost make her weak in the knees. She feels a deep need to be touched. Touched where her oceans are beginning to flow. His hands grab her hard and aggressively gripping onto her perfect body tightly as he picks her off her feet. His hands squeeze her round firm booty as he carries her to the table and softy lays his little princess upon it. 
Zatanna looks up at him as that is all she could do at this point. He smirks back at her before kissing her up between her thighs. He knows what he's doing. It's his favourite thing to ever do. Tease. Teasing her until she's under his submission. Until she can't take anymore. Until she begs. He slowly slides her panties down her smooth legs and her perfect little wet pussy is revealed to him. Soft and pink. Practically gushing with anticipation. His eyes widen. "Oh god babygirl" he said in almost a moan. He comes closer. His lips just an inch from her paradise. He looks up at her. His eyes piercing and intimidating as always. He resists his urge to devour her like an animal to give her the look. The look that tells her exactly what he wants from her. "P-please." She whimpers. His response is a cocky smile and the delivery of his promise. Pleasure. His eyes close as his tongue is engulfed in her softness, her wetness. He moans at the taste of it. She's absolutely delicious to him. "O-oh oh Dick!!!!" Is tongue prodding and invading her like she's never felt before. He licks up her slit and around her soft lips. He wouldn't want to miss even a bit of her sweet gushing juices. "A-ahh!" small whimpers and squeals are struggling themselves out of her mouth as she fights the urge to shout and moan loudly. "O-oooh my god! Dick!." His hands grip around her thighs pulling her closer to him making sure she couldn't wiggle herself away from her pleasure no matter how intense it got.
 He was going to make her cum, he was going her make her shake, he was going to give her all that she could take and she was going to take it. She can barely breathe her hands claw at the table below her as she struggles controlling herself but her moans grow louder "yes... oh god YES DICK" his tongue variates from licking her up and around her slit and diving it into her entrance. He knows exactly what to do. The young hero doesn't need a single direction. He knows exactly what to do in order to make her little pussy quake. It feels so, raw so sensitive. Zatanna finally gives out and begins hollering to her hearts content. There was no use trying to hold it back any longer. It was too intense. "OH FUCK YDDAD!!!!" She yellls out. Dick puts his mouth in an o and begins sucking on her clit and clitoral hood while his tongue licks under the hood at her little diamond of a clit. Zatannas back arches and her core begins to quake. He's turning up the intensity, giving her more than she could even handle. She begins squirming away from him but he won't let her budge as his grip on her is so tight. Damn he knew how to use that tongue of his. "AAAH! D-Dick!!!! I'm gonna-" her speech is cut off by the feelings rushing through her body hard and fast. Her midsection jerks and her arms scramble at the table beneath her as she feels herself orgasm hard. "A-A-AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!" She lets out a scream in her shaky voice as her waist buckles against his hot mouth still going to work on her. She has multiple orgasms all together. She wishes she could count how many but her head was too wrapped up in the feeling.
Dick gets on his feet looking down at the young woman glistening with sweat and shaking on the table and removes his silk handkerchief from his suit pocket and wipes his mouth while giving her that cocky look he does. Zatanna is speechless. She wishes she could say something, anything but it seems like the girl who can speak backwards has found herself tongue tied. Dick begins removing his suit. One by one his articles of clothing disappear and in no time he is standing in front of her with his bare shirtless body revealed to her. His chest and abs seemed to be crafted by the gods themselves just like his jawline. His arms are powerful and built. She looks at his body like one who was stranded in the desert would look at a tall glass of water. Dick smiles "Why so quiet?" He asks. "It's just a lot to take in" she says with a bit of a laugh. "Hmmmm" Dick responds with his smirk before undoing his belt. Speaking of a lot to take in. She looks down at the sizeable bulge in his pants and almost feels out of breath again. He drops his pants showing his tightened black boxers. What was in it was just dying to come out. Finally Dick pulls down the boxers to reveal his strong hardened manhood. 
Zatanna’s eyes widen as she looks down his length. It's bigger than she'd even expected. His large cock pulsates standing tall in its freedom. His cockhead shines as it slowly drips sweet precum. She is finally shown his full body. "Wow it's- it's big" says Zatanna who can barely hold herself from blushing.He gave a cocky smile and walked towards the needy girl. She already knew what was about to go down, she was finally going to get the special prize which she had been eyeing moments ago. His hand gripped on her hips and pulled her closer, her back sliding across the table. She gasps lightly at his strength and looked up at him, desperately. "Aw, princess." He teased her with his charming smirk that would make the angels sin. Zatanna couldn't help it anymore, she needed him to fuck her and the only way out was for her to beg "Please Grayson, I need you" she whispered helplessly, like a needy little slut. Dick shook his head lightly and wrapped his hand around her neck, leaning in closer. His hot breath lingered along her neck "excuse me? What's my name?" He said in a low husky voice. His voice was more than enough to make her feel another wave of wetness. She whimpers softly "I want your cock, daddy. Please I need you to fuck me" she begged. Oh how this was music to Dick's ears, exact words he needed to hear. A smirk formed and he released his grip from her neck, pulling back to see how undone he had made her "Mmm, that's a good princess" he held her hips as he teased his tip around her wet entrance before sliding his length into her. 
This earned a low groan from him "fuck baby, you're so tight" he licked his lips. A moan fell from her lips as she felt his length filling her tight pussy up. Finally, what she wanted, his cock in her wet pussy. He started to thrust slowly into her so that she could get used to his size. He started to pick up the pace as his grip around her hips tighten. She moaned out loudly, gosh his cock felt so good in her. It was just the beginning but she felt like she was already losing her mind. "Daddy your cock feels so good. Don't stop" she moaned out. Dick places his hand back around her neck, gripping it but not too tightly "who said I will, princess?" He chuckled softly. Zatanna liked the way he choked her and his dominance, it was a turn on for her. She didn't even realize she had a daddy kink until now. He had his way with words and his thrusts were driving her over the edge. He lowered himself onto her and wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him as he picked her up from the table. She struggled to grip onto him but managed to wrap her legs around his waist. She gasped as she felt his cock deeper in her. 
Her back was slammed against the wall "damnit, Dick!" She groans softly. "Oops" he chuckled softly and held her leg over his shoulder. She used her right leg to balance herself up as he slide his cock back into her, this time he was deeper than before "holy shit, you're soooooooooo deep" she managed to speak up, her hands clenched onto Dick's shoulders. He held her close to his body and started to pound into her with his hard yet fast strokes. Zatanna moaned out his name loudly as her fingernails dig into his shoulders. The pleasure overcome the pain and she never felt this much of pleasure before. She never knew Dick could make her feel like this and she loved it. She felt her walls clenching around his cock, ready for her release. "D-daddy I'm gonna cum.." She whimpers. He held her closer, sliding his cock deeper into her as his chest pressed against hers "mm, princess. Cum for daddy." He whispered in his husky voice.
His voice was the finishing touch to make her lose herself. She came all over his cock, her body shaking from the high and she closed her eyes tightly as she took in the pleasure. He sped up. "Princess I'm gonna cum too." Dick moaned out while he kept his pace. "Cum inside of me" she moaned while her hands ran through his jet back hair. "Really?" He replied. "I'm a magician. I can handle it." She gave a naughty confident smirk. It brought a smile to his face and he sped up even faster. Dick gave his last few thrust before he released his warm cum into her pussy. "Fuck, baby." He groaned through his teeth. "Ah!" She gasps lightly as she was surprised by the feeling of his warm cum filling her up. "Gosh.." Dick breathe heavily as he pulled out. Both their juices slipped down her legs as she trembled. The pair naturally found there way to the floor. They held onto each other while still breathing heavily. Dick smiled. "Feeling sober?" Zatanna lets out a laugh "oh shut up!" She says as she gives his arm a punch.
Zatanna and Dick walk hand in hand back into the party. They're dressed up again but both look dishevelled. Zatannas hair isn't even in a bun anymore but instead is down and noticeably messy. They shyly walk back into the party, crossing their fingers that no one would notice how they look. Luckily the justice league was preoccupied with Oliver Queen who is currently standing on a table waling the lyrics to "Happy" by Pherell. They both smirk at each other. No one suspected a thing.
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