#Zekrom’s eyes are red but his power is blue
fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
*Walks in. Drops art for old au. Walks out.* /j
Can you believe I had the idea for this au in July? Me neither. Anyways! Wing boys. And a bonus Nobori with baby antlers for @ghostypetrainer .
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pinkhairandpokemon · 5 months
(( OOC: uhhhHHH I dunno what to specifically tag this as but SOMEONE GETS FUCKED UP SO. BE AWARE ))
Yesterday, Blake’s frustration had been running high, and they’d been more than ready to execute this plan. Put an end to their organization’s schemes once and for all, before any more damage could be done. Throughout the course of the day, though, that sureness had all but completely fiddled out. Especially following that small argument they’d had with N only a few hours prior.
When they saw Cole come up those steps, though, they knew there wasn’t any turning back now. For better or worse, they had to follow through.
“You managed to find your way up here, I see.” N remarked, his gaze on the trainer several paces away cold and calculating. Waiting patiently for the other’s response. Blake stood at the king’s side, looking at nothing, while their heart pounded beneath the fabric of their uniform.
“Yeah, believe it or not, I’m not really all for the idea of you Plasma bastards waking up a Legendary Dragon in order to take control of the region,” Cole scoffed, crossing his arms and keeping that defiant stance he always held when facing off N. Or anyone who tried to stand in his way, for that matter. A Samurott stood at the ready by his side, fur bristled on end and the jagged point on its helmet glinting in the sunlight.
The king didn’t reply for a moment. Rather, he looked down at the Dark Stone nestled safely in his left palm, eyes tracing the lines of light reflecting off its smooth, dark surface.
“You’re definitely brave. That’s something I’ve always admired in you, you know.” N mumbled, gaze trailing back up to his opponent, though he showed no sign of amusement. “Your tenacity, your unrelenting will to do what you think it’s right. It’s a true shame that determination is so… misplaced.”
“Yeah, yeah, haven’t heard that one before,” Cole brushed him off with an eye roll. “Look, I’ve tried time and time again to just talk things out with you. To sort out our differences without a fight. But time and time again, you’ve refused. So here’s how this is going to go- you’re going to surrender the Dark Stone, not awaken an ancient power that’ll release hell upon Unova, and we’re all gonna go home happy! Okay? Please?”
N laughed at that, like he’d just been told a joke. Cole shot him a glare to affirm he wasn’t joking, but the king ignored it. “You’re sorely mistaken if you think unleashing chaos onto Unova and forcing Zekrom to bend to my will is my goal here. I’m not like the monsters who brought destruction down onto places like Galar and Unova. I plan to befriend Zekrom- earn her favor so she’ll help me pave the way for a better world.”
He clutches the Dark Stone tighter. “Once I do, I’ll defeat Alder, then stand at the top of the Pokémon League as its champion and issue out an order to all of Unova’s trainers- to release their Pokémon.”
“How exactly do you expect people to listen to you, then?” Cole argued. “Just because you’ll be champion and have a big scary dragon on your side doesn’t mean people aren’t going to resist… Believe it or not, there’s plenty of people in Unova who aren’t going to crack and give up on their Pokémon that easily.”
“Maybe not,” N concurred with a shrug. “But they will over time. One way or another, I will free the Pokémon of this world-”
“Look, are you just gonna keep monologuing at me, or are we gonna get this over with?” Cole cut him off, balling his fists in impatience. His Samurott gave a snort beside him. “I’m getting really sick of hearing this over and over again. I don’t wanna fight you- but if you won’t stop and listen to reason for even a second, then I’ll put an end to this myself.”
“You think you’re up to the task?” N challenged. Shadows around him began to warp and distort, before a Zoroark emerged at his side. The black and red fox carried a menacing aura, blue eyes seeming to glow in the darkness. “You might’ve beaten me in our previous disputes, but I was holding back for the safety of my friends. Don’t expect me to do so now.”
“So you’ve finally decided to stop being a wet blanket, huh?” Cole huffed, quirking a brow in doubt. He flicked his gaze towards his Samurott. “Looks like we’re doing this, then. Calder, battle ready!”
Without a beat of hesitation, Samurott responded and jumped into action, stomping out onto the stone floor that would serve as their battlefield and unsheathing one of its long scallop blades from the slot on its arm.
Nox didn’t even need a vocal command. He stalked forwards on all fours, red mane bristled up like spines and eyes trained on the Samurott meters away as he awaited N’s command.
The two trainers exchanged a few more words across the field, Cole murmured some words of encouragement to his Pokémon, N and Nox shared an affirmative nod. It all went by in a bit of a blur for Blake, words flying over their head until the first crack of claws and blades colliding together snapped the grunt out of the nervous daze they’d fallen into.
They jolted, alert and present now. Their eyes flicked back and forth between Nox and Calder, the two Pokémon becoming blurs of red, blue, black and yellow as they clashed, leaping here and there across the floor. Then their gaze fixed on Cole, who shot them a knowing look across the room. Then, they shifted to N- and the Dark Stone huddled securely under his left arm. Just barely in Blake’s field of reach from where they stood.
Was this it? Was this supposed to be their chance? The expectant glances from Cole in the corner of their eye didn’t go unnoticed. Their mind raced with questions and second guesses on whether or not they should really go through with this, bouncing back and forth between “Just grab it!” and “Don’t! Not yet!”. Dragons, they wish they had talked this out more with Cole beforehand. They wished they’d thought this through, instead of running off their reckless anger alone.
They froze. They waited. And waited. And waited. They could tell from here that Cole was growing anxious with their hesitation by the second, without even needing to look at him. They waited, watching the Pokémon exchange blow after blow until they both looked like they were at their wits’ end.
Nox, although bruised and battered with his fur sticking out every which way, made another jump at Calder. The Samurott faltered on its paws, but looked up just at the right moment to see the Zoroark closing it. With a mighty roar, Cole’s valiant and loyal starter swung its arm upward and snatched Nox in mid-air, claws digging into the collar of fuzz around his throat. With a just as lethal amount of force, he then slammed his opponent into the floor, cracking the marble underneath.
“NOX!” N shouted, panic bulging in his eyes at the sight of his best friend being crushed under the weight of the armored behemoth.
The Zoroark hissed and pried at the Samurott’s claws, but to no avail. Blake knew he’d be fine, though- Nox had survived way worse. The only reason Cole wasn’t claiming victory now was because this was it. N was distracted. Nox was pinned down. Blake could practically hear the younger trainer screaming “Now!” at them in his mind.
Not a second to lose. Blake’s arms shot forwards, almost like they were moving on their own. The second they felt the Dark Stone’s cool, smooth surface under the fabric of their gloves, they knew it was time to run. The artifact slipped seamlessly out of the king’s grasp in his distracted state, not even giving him a second to realize what was going on before Blake had turned heel and bolted.
“BLAKE!” The sound of N exclaiming their name was almost drowned out by the sound of their footsteps thundering up the steps, and the sound of their own heart practically reverberating in their ears. Fuck, I should’ve went down, the thought quickly brushed past their mind, realizing not only that going up was a ticket to a dead end, but they would’ve had Cole’s protection if only they’d ran the other way.
Too late now. For all they knew, the Shadow Triad could have been right behind them, and turning to stop and look back for even a blink could spell a sword cutting through them.
So, they ran. As fast as their feet could take them, and as swiftly as these narrow spiraling steps would allow. Up, around, up, around, faster, faster, up, around, they repeated the course of their movements over and over again to themself in their mind, if anything as a distraction from the immense strain on their body. Frigid cold stung their throat, turning it as dry as sand, and their lungs heaved violently with every shallow intake of the quickly thinning air the higher they climbed.
Why are there so many stairs? They wanted to choke out and collapse right then and there, but they didn’t. Practically wobbling and rocking from side to side, they continued their frantic ascent to the next floor, the final floor, where there wouldn’t be anywhere to run after that. Hopefully they could come up with something before then. Not likely, but they hoped.
The sky above was cloudy and dark, but there was still enough light out here compared to inside for Blake to be blinded as they erupted through the final passageway and emerged onto the tower’s peak. Squeezing their eyes shut, they stumbled across the flat ground, putting so much focus into not dropping the Dark Stone that they forgot about keeping themself upright. They lurched forwards and landed on the cold, scratchy ground with a thump, Zekrom’s slumbering form still clutched tightly to their chest.
Rolling over to their back, they gasped desperately up at the sky for oxygen, ragged breath almost coming out as pained cries. The wish of having an inhaler briefly crossed their thoughts, until they remembered they were still in the middle of a chase, and were in even deeper water now that they’d reached the top of Dragonspiral. No where else to go but down, and that was where some unpleasant fate- most likely immediate assassination by the Triad- awaited them.
Their best bet was to wait until everyone caught up, try to avoid whatever was bound to be thrown at them and make their escape downwards. Not a very sound plan, but the only one they had. Hopefully their body would hold out until then.
As the grunt stumbled back onto their feet, the screeching wind and their still heavy panting blocked out the sound of footsteps approaching, until a familiar voice rang out from behind-
“Blake! Stop!”
They looked back to catch a glimpse of tea green hair rise from the stairway, and took off like a frightened prey animal. They sprinted clumsily across the tower’s roof, tripping over themself and almost teetering smack-dab into a pillar at one point, miraculously managing to keep themself from getting a second face-plant full of rock.
The edge came up on them sooner than they would’ve liked. Blake skidded to an abrupt halt, scrambling away from the ledge like a newborn Deerling trying to walk. It was a long, long way down. The cloud cover up here was so thick, they could hardly see the expanse of ocean stretching out below the tower. Echoes of thunder crackled everywhere around them, and there was the occasional flash in the dark misty skies looming above. Any moment now, and a burst of rainfall could come crashing down on them all.
“Blake!” They whirled at the sound of his voice, almost knocking themself over with the amount of friction they used to turn. N stood barely a yard away, hair messy and wind blown under his now crooked hat. There were a thousand emotions flooding behind his storm cloud colored eyes, all wanting to burst out, but couldn’t- like they were clogged up in a drain pipe. Confusion. Hurt. Anger. Betrayal. The desperate, dwindling hope that this was all just a misunderstanding.
Nox dashed to his side. Blake noticed Cole and the Shadow Triad appear from the stairs over his shoulder.
It wasn’t until now that they felt the burning of hot tears flooding down their puffy, sweat-stained face. When had they started crying?
“Blake, what are you doing?” N croaked out, eyes searching them for an answer. “Give me the stone back-”
“No,” they sputtered out, taking a step back. Their voice wavered, but still held strong.
N paused, and looked at them with surprise. Then, his brows furrowed, and his tone became more stern. “Blake, give it back-”
The wind whistled past. Silence.
“What are you doing?” N rasped out, his voice cracking. He looked ready to either cry or scream at them. Maybe both. It was such a stark contrast to his usual collected demeanor.
For a moment, Blake’s words caught in their throat. They knew exactly why they were doing this. But they knew trying to blubber out an explanation for themself again would be as pointless as it had been before.
“I… I can’t let you do this,” they declared.
There was nothing left to be said.
N clenched his fist, then unclenched again. All sorts of conflicting feelings were rising up in his chest. Reluctance burned behind his eyes, but still, he gave the command.
“…Nox,” his Zoroark’s ears perked up. “Take the stone back.”
Nox stood up on his hind legs, and crept forwards, like a predator closing in on its chase. Blake’s shoulders tensed, and they sucked in a sharp inhale as they took another step backwards. They felt their heel hover over an absence of ground, which caused their heart to do another leap in their ribcage.
Nowhere else to go.
Nox lunged. From the way he moved, Blake could tell he wasn’t aiming to hurt them. He was most likely planning to yank them away from the ledge, while snatching the Dark Stone back at the same time.
But that wasn’t what happened.
A burst of light exploded from the single Pokéball dangling on Blake’s belt. The form of an Axew appeared, but the light didn’t fizzle away like it was supposed to. Encased in a white glow, Petra threw herself onto Nox and tackled him to the ground. Once she was on his chest, her silhouette began stretch and grow. Her rounded tusks grew into sharp points, and new, stronger muscles began to materialize in her arms, legs, and tail.
Soon enough, the light dimmed out, and a Fraxure took her place. Petra’s sudden evolution left everyone around her with a gaping jaw, but the Dragon-type didn’t take a moment to stop and revel in her newfound strength and appearance. Instead, she hauled Nox over her head with a grunt, before throwing him into a nearby pillar without so much as a twitch of struggle.
“FRAAAAAAAA!” She bellowed in triumph, exposing her red-tipped tusks to everyone as a display of power. A warning not to mess with her. Or her trainer, for that matter.
“Petra-?” Blake sputtered out in shock, eyes sparkling at their Pokémon in awe. Of all the times she finally chose to evolve, she couldn’t have picked better.
It didn’t take long though for it to click that now wasn’t the time to stop and gawk, though. Blake felt the Dark Stone buzz under their arm, and gritted their teeth when they realized they couldn’t stay up here for long. The approaching storm was calling to the stone, slowly lulling Zekrom out of her centuries-long slumber.
Petra turned to them and understood- almost like she could sense the draconic energy thrumming inside the orb herself. She gazed at the artifact like a subject would at a ruler- but also with same the sense of urgency to get it out of here as her trainer.
Blake gave her a nod. “Come on!”
In a heartbeat, the Fraxure was at their side, acting as a barricade between them and N before they shoved past the king together. He stumbled around after them, but didn’t break into a pursuit just yet.
Instead, the first thing he noticed was the blue energy pulsing and building up beneath the surface of the Dark Stone. His breath hitched when he realized what was about to happen.
Blake didn’t listen. They only read his shout as a desperate last attempt to get them to surrender, not as a warning like they should have. Everything happened in a blur around them as they made a beeline back for the staircase- Cole had sent out half his party to hold off the Shadow Triad, clearing a safe path for them. Petra had made it there first, and waited right at the first step for her trainer.
Blake was just seconds away from the stairs. Seconds away from getting away. Seconds away from saving Unova, possibly the world, from putting an end to all of this-
The sky flashed. There was a deafening, crackling boom, and Blake barely knew what was happening before an agonizing, indescribable burning shot down the length of their left arm.
It felt like it had been torn clean off, or maybe fizzled away into cinders like a sheet of paper. But, it was very much still there, reduced to a sizzling black chunk of flesh as Blake’s body hit the floor like a sandbag.
Not everything went black right away. They stayed conscious long enough to hear a scream of their name. Someone rushed to their side to hold them. They couldn’t tell who. They figured Cole, but the voice sounded a pitch too deep.
Raising their eyes to look up took the same amount of effort it would to lift a mountain, but they did anyway. Perhaps they were hallucinating, but their gaze met N’s. Everything was so blurry, they couldn’t discern his expression. But fragments of his voice cut through the haze and reached their ears.
“No no no no, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please- don’t-” They’d heard him sad before. They’d heard him cry before. They’d never heard him so broken before. “Stay with me, don’t close your eyes, just st-”
Were they in a dream?
They were on the floor. Their arm felt numb, the edges still simmering with pain. Cole and Petra hovered over them, the former shouting things at them they couldn’t hear while occasionally glancing up at something.
Blake turned their head. More accurately, it tilted off to the side by itself, from the lack of strength to keep it upright.
They saw something. A shadow. No- claws. Scales. Sparks of electricity dancing under jet black hide.
Their gaze trailed up. A towering, dark figure, casting a menacing silhouette against the sky with the membrane of its wings. Rumbling with an ancient, newly reawakened power.
N was on its back. His hair swayed to and fro in the wind. His hat was nowhere to be seen.
They extended a trembling hand out towards him. He was so far away. But they reached for him anyway. Please, don’t go-
He didn’t even look back.
Zekrom took to the skies.
He was gone.
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ghetsis · 2 years
“Rules”: repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, feel free to add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!  
tagged by: I do what I want tagging: you
Name: Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius Age: 59 Birthdate: December 27th Species: Human (sprinkled with Zekrom) Gender: Male Orientation: You’ll never be good enough. >:/ Profession: Cult Leader/Criminal Mastermind/Tyrant/Asshole 
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Grey-green, long and very silky soft. No, you can’t touch it. Eyes: Blood red and as gentle or intense as he wishes. His right eye which he keeps covered has a white iris with red sclera and his color blind. Something the red monocle helps with. Skin: Fair aside from his right half which has blackened scar tissue and Lichtenberg scarring stemming from his right fingers.  Height: 6'7" Weight: 201 lbs
Siblings: None. Parents: Father - Adagio Harmonia, Mother - Roseline Gropius (Both deceased)  Grandparents: Deceased. Other Relatives: Adopted (and disowned) children: N, Anthea, Concordia Any Pets?: Zinzolin
Gaslight-Gatekeep-Girlbossing his way to power, ruining lives, breaking necks with one hand, reading people, manipulating people en masse, actually formidable in a pokemon battle, acting, public speaking.
—— positive —— Intelligent, calculating, methodical, inspiring.  —— negative —— Extremely manipulative, selfish, abusive, greedy, power-hungry, dangerous, arrogant, vain, rash, misanthropic, despotic. 
Colors: Black, gold, purple, red, dark blue. Smells: Woodsy smells, wildfire, patchouli. Textures: Silk/satin, cold metal, leather, paper
O T H E R   D E T A I L S
Smokes?: No. Drugs: No.   Driver License: Yes, but he never uses it. He has drivers for that. Ever Been Arrested?: No, unfortunately.
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dgyum · 1 year
encounter with the Wishmaker and the resulting consequences
Jirachi: tell me what is your greatest of desires that never would  come true otherwise?
N crying and sobbing: to be safe and to have a genuinely loving father, living with pokemon that aren't constantly abused to keep me in line with some unknown plan or another
Jirachi pratically fuming with anger and sheer rage opened her third eye which shone with the deepest black, red and blue light i have ever seen alongside the Millennium Comet, all of the sky was bathed in that same light as Jirachi fulfilled N's wish then a thunderstorm gathered overhead and the Hero of Ideals brought out of his pocket the Black Stone and fighting atop a recently awakened Zekrom a madman that wanted with Ghetsis help to drain all power out of the three dragons of creation so that using a machine he invented he may fuse with that power and become the world indisputed God-King, the ensuing fight saw me descend from the skies atop a willingly fused temporary fusion of Reshiram and Kyurem even releasing one Ice Burn after another even if doing so considerably shortened the fusion when it ended i ended up riding Reshiram while Kyurem provided support at a certain point of the fight i pulled off myself channeling a Glaciate and releasing it as a wave in such a way that it perfectly mixed with Reshiram's flames roaring to life melting the asfalt and simultaneously freezing and melting Ghetsis and the guy he was helping
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osseincactus · 2 years
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I wanted to draw Archie with fins so the only reasonable solution was to redesign all the rr leaders (and Volo for Dio) I know a lot of people have made designs for them but i wanted to so...
Read more for info about them all:
Giovanni: Obviously the Leader Leader of Rainbow Rocket. He succeeded in taking over Sylph Co. and ruining everything with Team Rocket, so now he's just kinda rich and annoying. Nothing really crazy with him other than that... he's got a lot of money, he's got a lot of power and he's mean enough to flaunt it. He's trying to use the wormholes in Alola to further his own reach.
Maxie: Used Groudon to try to expand the land and in the process killed basically everything... there are a few people and pokemon just barely surviving around I'm sure but for the most part everything is pretty desolate. Plus holding the Red Orb for long enough fucked him over and now he's just kinda partly fused with Groudon. On the bright side he deals with the heat really well and doesn't get dehydrated so he's perfect for the fucked up world he made. He likes that it's warm in Alola but he's not a huge fan of the water...
Archie: Like Maxie, he used Kyogre to expand the Oceans and also killed basically everything, except water Pokemon. The Blue Orb fused him with Kyogre and now he has gills and can breath under water, but in the opposite way of Maxie he gets dehydrated quick and needs a lot of water. Sometimes he just up and leaves from the rr mansion so he can go swimming, since he's more comfortable in the water. Everyone else just waits for him to show back up instead of trying to find him.
Cyrus: Used the Red Chain to force Dialga and Palkia to help him create a new world, as well as Giratina. Protip: Don't force God's kids to do stuff, you will start bleeding from your eyes. The wings are because I like them, there's six of them and each set is based on a legendary of the Creation Trio. He's still the same person. He doesn't talk to the others much and spends a lot of time in his own room doing his own things.
Ghetsis: He succeeded in getting everyone to release their pokemon, leaving him with almost complete control over Unova and further. He's a lot like Giovanni, where he's just kind of a pretentious ass and he likes to rub his power in everyone's face. He got rid of his one arm because I don't think he'd keep an arm that barely works around for much longer if he could help it. He also has a sort of Reshiram/Zekrom motif throughout his outfit since he has acquired both of them. He bothers Giovanni a lot, since he's determined to use him to further his own plans...
Lysandre: Used the Ultimate Weapon and Yveltal to kill everyone... However killing everyone on the planet takes a lot of energy to accomplish and royally fucked him up. Like AZ he got a whole lot taller but it also burnt most of his body, blinded him and kinda ruined a big chunk of his critical thinking. He's a borderline scp creature that's fueled by blood lust. He's useful for keeping anyone from bothering RR but the Leaders try to keep their distance from him for the sake of themselves. He does go through moments of clarity where he's mostly himself but sometimes he also just tries to kill anything that's near him.
Volo: He isn't an RR member obviously but I made him a design for Dio! I just wanted to give him a new outfit. I highly doubt he's super happy with the new world he's created seeing as it doesn't really change much even if he is basically God now. He's still kinda miserable and lonely. I'm sure he regrets it but it's not like he can go back on it and even if he could he's got a facade to keep up.
Lusamine isn't here mostly because I already really like her Mother Beast design so maybe I'll just draw it at some point...
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splenderai · 2 years
assign pokemons to ur yu gi oh blorbos right Naow
i will draw them with some pokemon but first let me share their trainer cards that i made:
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so for joey, he has the following team for the following reasons:
- arcanine: this absolute dog boy deserves a puppo, and what better than an arcanine !!! a fierce and loyal pokemon that really just screams joey to me. also, one of joey's signature monsters is the flame swordsman, so i wanted to include a fire type (and almost included aegislash for the same reason before swapping it out for another pokemon)
- scrafty: joey's a fighter, so he needs at least one fighting type on his team. scrafty has this punkish attitude like it's looking for a scrap, but it also looks after the ones it cares about, much like our favorite blonde here
- shiny charizard: C'MON... IT'S THE RED EYES BLACK DRAGON
- dragonite: EXCELLENT choice for joey as it's a kind hearted and altruistic pokemon who has been known to save people who are drowning. JOEY LITERALLY DID THAT IN CANON DURING BATTLE CITY. he also jumped off a ship to rescue yugi's exodia cards ! also, while it's generally a gentle pokemon, dragonite can also go into a destructive rage when those it cares about are endangered.
- braviary: another top tier pick for joey as it's a fierce pokemon who will fight, even when it's injured and near death, to protect its loved ones.
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so i was absolutely not going to make a team for kaiba that wasn't all dragons because let's be real, this guy's nuts for dragons
- duraludon: its gigantamax form is literally a ginormous skyscraper. IT'S KAIBA CORP.
- kingdra: it's blue, regal, and just a great pokemon - no other reason really
- tyrantrum: the name is literally a combination of tyrant (or tyrannosaurus) and tantrum - it's just our favorite grumpy ceo in a nutshell lmao.
- hydreigon: it's a three headed dragon !!! it's the ultimate dragon !!!
- salamence: okay so this pokemon is the final evolution of bagon, which is a little fella who dreams of flying but has no wings. bagon literally hurls itself off cliffs because it wants to fly that bad. once fully evolved into a salamence, this pokemon revels in its ability to fly and swoops through the air with joy. this reminds me a lot of how the kaiba siblings struggled a lot as children and how seto had this beautiful dream of making children happy. he and mokuba went through a tough upbringing, but they both looked to the blue eyes white dragon as a source of inspiration and hope. now seto's ceo of one of the most powerful companies making products that bring smiles to kids' faces all over the world. he's finally flying.
- reshiram: OKAY THIS IS LITERALLY THE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON AND, AS I SAID EARLIER, THE PAIR TO ZEKROM so obviously i'm going to make a parallel to joukai because i have intense brainrot
that is all, thank you for coming to my ted talk y'all.
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akira-asashi30 · 2 years
I'm new to this. So uh... Hello Submas fandom!
So...uh I had this idea that I want to share with you guys! It's about the train twins legendary dragons au!
So, we know that Ingo and Emmet are the dragon of ideals and truth respectively. And Ingo got yeet to Hisui, lost his memories and became a warden all that stuff.
Guys imagine the angst if Volo tried/manage to control Ingo. The angst it will bring to his Hisuian team and Lady Sneasler. Especially Gliscor as she is his ace and the only one in his team that had the type advantage over the two dragons with her being a flying/Ground type.
Especially if Ingo give the MC his team beforehand, guy had good instincts can't blame him. Can you imagine fighting your own trainer like that? Fighting someone that took care of you to save them.
Like his team knew that their trainer is strange, attracts many pokemon (electric for Zekrom, fire for Reshiram), they didn't even think that damn, our trainer is a legendary?! (Alakazam had a guess that maybe Ingo are kinda connected to the Nobles or something because of his presence. Lady Sneasler already knew from the start.)
Imagine you the MC at the Temple of Sinnoh with the clan leaders and seeing the person that you know and trust got controlled by a madman.
Irida would try to walk to Ingo but Adaman hold her close. He had a bad feeling about this and then Boom! Out of nowhere the red chain circled around Ingo, who already screaming for them to go. Volo stepped out of the pillars with a smile, his hands holding the red chains.
You see the polite and strange person that you kinda knew, turn into a mindless dragon that obeyed the puppeteer. A mighty roar were heard across of Hisui. The Nobles turn their head towards the Temple, fearing for the dragon.
So for Zekrom Ingo :
All of his team have advantage over Zekrom. We know Ingo go to for dragon type coverage are Alakazam and Machamp as both of them have Dazzling Gleam and Ice Punch.
For Electric types are Probopass and Gliscor respectively. (Earth Power)
With Zekrom being a physical attacker, Tangrowth, Probopass and Magnezone will be the tanker while Machamp and Gliscor cover for Alakazam.
Magnezone is an electric and steel type so they can't do much but they can try to burn or freeze Ingo using Tri-Attack.
Now for the angst that is Reshiram Ingo :
Tangrowth and Magnezone will have a bad time fighting Reshiram as they are weak to fire and Reshiram is a special attacker. They'll try to help anyway.
Machamp will cover for Alakazam while Probopass and Gliscor is the Ace for this fight. Magnezone fainted almost immediately, followed by Alakazam. Machamp and Tangrowth stayed strong until they fainted to Blue Flare. Nosepass fired earth power and alternate with power gem before fainted protecting MC pokemon.
All of MC, Irida and Adaman pokemon nearly not enough to defeat the Dragon of Truth. The only remaining are Glaceon, Gliscor and MC starter. Irida and MC starts talking trying to get Ingo out of control when they heard the roar of the Noble Lady Sneasler and the telltail signs of thunder of Noble Lord Electrode.
Lady Sneasler looks to the dragon's eyes and turn to look at Gliscor. Gliscor nods at the noble before turning to the fight again.
Volo command Ingo to attack but strangely enough Ingo didn't move. Lady Sneasler and Gliscor saw the struggle in the dragon eyes before it vanish and start attacking them again at Lucifer's orders.
Lord Electrode, Glaceon and (MC starter) provide backup while Gliscor and Lady Sneasler lead the charge. The Dragon allowed the barrage of moves against him before retailied with flamethrower.
All of them except of Volo heard a voice echoed in their minds,
"Attack me with all you've got!"
"Don't be scared! The truth will guide you to your destination!"
They manage to win because of the Dragon struggles, the way he tried to speak only to find out it unable to. The Dragon blue eyes turn silver for a second before turning back into it's human form. The red chain breaks into pieces while Volo stood there motionless. Irida and MC run towards Ingo while Adaman stood infront of them, protecting them from Volo.
Gliscor clicking her's pincers while Lady Sneasler flexing her claw. No one hurt their friend like that and get away like that.
(You guys can flesh it out I guess. That the general idea anyway.)
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yama951 · 2 years
Jubilife City, Sinnoh Region, 2022 AC
Emmet, Elesa, and Looker booked a hotel before arriving at the Sinnoh History Museum. One of the museum’s workers guided them through to a meeting room.
“Ah, you made it. I’m Cynthia, the guy next to me is an ICRS agent from the Temporal Division.” Cynthia said as she stood up to shake their hands. The agent glanced at Emmet, curious.
“They weren’t lying that we would be dealing with Zekrom in a human form.” the agent muttered as he stood up for the presentation. “Okay, so what we’re dealing with is a whole temporal headache. Before we start…” he then called out his gallade and they went to double check the room’s doors and windows. The gallade then stood out by the door like a guard. The agent then placed some papers on the desk. “Basic NDAs. Mainly to prevent messing up with the timeline if the knowledge gets leaked out. Technically we don’t need it because higher powers, that is the celebi, tend to cultivate the forest-tree of time, but again, that’s a headache cause I would need to explain how three dimensional time works.”
“I am Emmet. I’m already getting a headache just listening to this.” Emmet said as he sat down and signed the NDA. Elesa, Cynthia, and Looker joined in signing their NDAs.
Once signed, the agent pulled out the arceus themed smartphone.
“Was this Ingo’s?” he asked as he placed it on the table.
“No. He would never get something that bulky and gaudy.” Elesa commented as Emmet grabbed the smartphone and easily unlocked the password.
“It has Ingo’s password and screen background. It even has his apps.” he commented.
“Then why the phone case? That is a phone case right?”
“No, it’s a part of the phone itself.” Cynthia explained. “It has an infinite battery and who knows what other abilities it has but it’s still early in our analysis to figure out what it has. Given the appearance, I think it’s blessed by Arceus for some unknown reason. Most of the data remains scrambled for some unknown reason though.”
Emmet stared at the smartphone, feeling something was off about. He brought the phone close to his face for a stare and a sniff.
“I am Emmet. Something’s not right with Ingo’s phone, and I don’t mean its appearance.” his silver on crimson eyes suddenly glowed. “It’s not in an Ideal state. It’s tainted.” he growled out.
“Em…” Elesa muttered, wanting to ground him once more, only for Emmet to stand up, sparks coiling around him, emanating a deep draconic rage.
Emmet’s growling just got louder in frustration as he glared at the phone.
“I can’t enforce the Truth.” he started. “I can’t undo whatever power that corrupted his phone, blessed and damned in equal measure.”
“Do dragons speak like that?” Cynthia whispered to Elesa.
“Like a Galaran wordsmith? Yeah.” she answered, her worry growing.
Emmet then grinned as he went deeper into Zekrom’s power.
“I am EmmMet!” he shouted as a sudden burst of pressure pushed everyone away. In their minds, images of numerous wars, battles, competitions, sports, and contests of every magnitude and form flashed as the Will echoed a self-evident ideal.
I am Victory-in-Battle!
“By my WILL, I order the foul corruption, That Which Is Not, to appear before my regal presence! SHALL thee, oh abhorrence mine, appear before me? Or MUST I Proclaim it upon existence!?”
“E-Emmet…” Elesa’s shouts came out as a whisper before the roaring dragon, before the antediluvian power that was coalescing before her.
The smartphone then glowed a light that seemed to touch everything and everyone in the room in a transcendent radiance, before a vile and viscous grayish dark teal sludge leaked out and floated into the air, reforming into a strange yet familiar shape, a porygon-z.
Yet it was completely wrong somehow, that it pained the eyes of those watching.
Its blue was a dull grayish dark teal. Its red was a sharp magenta. Its eyes were yellow in a way that wasn’t yellow. The Erd color of the color spectrum if Elesa recalled right. Red, orange, E, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, all seven colors of the rainbow.
A child-like giggle echoed from the porygon-z.
“It’s been too long, big brother. Or maybe you’re more of a cousin?” the not-child’s voice sweetly giggled as Elesa looked at its three? 1, 2, E, 3, yes, three limbs.
A hand covered her eyes, trying to pull her away.
“We’re not safe here.” the ICRS agent warned, holding back his terror. “Don’t look at it. Don’t try to understand it. It’s a cognitohazard.” he said as Elesa glanced down to look away and noticed his hand repeatedly pressing a button in his pocket. “Everyone else, do the same. Look away.” he told Cynthia and Looker, who also looked away from the strange porygon-z. “Let’s move as far away as we can.”
“I can’t leave Emmet with that thing.” Elesa nearly shouted despite the agent and Looker pulling her away.
“We’ll still be in the same room. We just shouldn’t look at it.”
The childish giggling seemingly echoed around them, only for Emmet to raise his arm in front of the retreating group in an act of protection.
“We are not related, oh abhorrence mine.” he growled.
“But we are, or at least the being you came from. Not the younger lightning, the one before that. The Original Dragon, the Dragon of Self-Evident Will, the one that made itself real by screaming its Will into the Original One’s pattern and not by the Original One’s thousand and one arms. You inspired us in that respect, big brother.”
“You are lying.” Emmet bared his fangs.
“But you are but a dream of the Dragon of All Ideals. What is an Ideal but a lie? You are a lie born of the first liar in their sleep. How real are you, compared to me? Are you even real?” The giggling returned only for Emmet’s clawed left hand to glow in a dark purplish-red, the tell-tale sign of dragon type energy. “The sinister one is having a tantrum again.” the false porygon-z pouted as Emmet roared in primeval rage. It was torn apart by a slash of Dragon Claw and continued giggling until it faded away. The baleful sludge vanished as if it never were.
The Ideal of Purification achieved.
Elesa’s head suddenly ached, along with the others, as her mind felt like something was dislodged out of a box that wouldn’t have the space to fit it.
She still managed to run to Emmet for a hug.
“That… whatever was that, it’s lying, Emmet. You are real! You are real. I've been your best friend for years! Ever since we met on our pokemon journey!” she cried as she felt a clawed gently pet her head down to her hair.
She looked up and saw his draconic ears had returned, but also his left hand had turned clawed and covered in tiny black scales. It felt strangely leathery despite appearances as black lines now graced Emmet’s face. Tears fell from the silver on red eyes as his prideful stance wavered, letting himself rest on Elesa’s arms.
“Thank you, oh treasure ours. Your presence has soothed the raging beast once more.” Emmet said with a chuckle.
“You are Emmet.” Elesa began.
“I am Emmet.” he repeated with gravitas.
“You are Emmet.”
“I am Emmet.” he said with certainty.
“You are Emmet.”
“I am Emmet.” he panted with relief as the powerful pressure faded from the room.
“No more dragon in your headspace?”
“I hope not.” Emmet said as he looked at his now draconic dominant hand and grabbed the smartphone, using his still human right hand. Unlike before, the data in the phone has been restored, whatever the fake porygon-z did was undone. “This message is new.” he said as he opened the message, dated on the day of Ingo’s disappearance.
You are in grave danger, Dream of All Truths, and so I grant you my blessing, for I can’t intervene directly lest All That Is be shattered by the strain. Let this be your ward and your charm, to protect you in your wandering. May you stay True to your Truths and not the Distortions of them. Have patience for my child, for their rage has blinded them to the plots and machinations made by the nonexistent. When you are lost, remember this, ‘all lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive’. May it guide you in your travels, oh companion mine.
Everyone was crowding to read the message, which the text glowed in golden light, on the phone’s screen.
Huh. I did not expect that.
Giratina said in their Origin Forme as they also read the message, floating behind the group, to their surprise and momentary panic.
The ICRS agent then told everyone that he called for backup via morse code and that they might be quarantined for a few days as standard procedure, just to be on the safe side even with legendary pokemon. One thing’s for sure, the issue has definitely become a possible greater threat.
Minutes later, Cynthia was walking back and forth, talking to herself about the theological implications and the definitions of the words of the message, sometimes glancing at her written copy of the text, hoping to get a new angle.
“... does companion mean partner or friend? Was the Original Dragon an equal of Arceus? Was… whatever that was telling the truth about how the Original Dragon of Unova self-made themselves? What did it mean by Arceus’ thousand and one arms?...” Emmet managed to hear as he sat next to Elesa, feeling rather tired.
Giratina floated nearby, curled up.
“I am Emmet. You are Giratina. You heard what that thing said.”
The Missing Number. I know of their effect on their surroundings, forcing itself to be the number between two and three, and thus allowing other things to enter through reality and break it down. The phone’s blessing made it unbreakable but their corruption broke the underlying mathematics that made the code function. It was lucky it only scrambled the data.
Giratina then turned to the ICRS agent.
I suggest checking on everyone that worked on descrambling the corrupted code. It might have infected their minds and thus spread. Mathematicians are especially in danger, for the equations and realities the Missing Number allows would ultimately bring forth the Nemesis Continuum and it would damage reality greatly, and I know Palkia would take their time before fixing it.
“R-right…” the agent said before he started making some calls.
The Missing Number remains a child still. Insisting on their spot between two and three yet denying anything else, denying a decimal or a fraction or an exponent or even a set of ten in their number. They demand their place between two and three, nothing more and nothing less. The fact that it shall break math and physics matters not to them.
Giratina then huffed.
“What it was saying. About myself and the Original Dragon…”
You exist. The fact that you exist on this side already proves that you are meant to exist. Of the Original Dragon, I do not know. I know that the elemental plates were made and that my siblings and I were made with dragon type energy but I did not meet the Original Dragon in the beginning of Creation, even back when I ruled over the Sacred Reality, where one set of natural laws and when one single timeline existed. It was only after the fractaling of the Sacred Reality into its current multiversal form did I see the Original Dragon through the mirrors and reflections around Unova. It crashed into the earth in a meteorite, yet damaged only a forest. Perhaps it was their Will alone that prevented a greater disaster.
Giratina then rubbed their chin with the tip of their tail.
Now that I think of it, there is no reality where the Original Dragon did not land in Unova from my vantage point in the Distortion World. That is an interesting paradox…
Before Emmet could ask for more, the doors to the room burst open and a gaggle of ICRS agents and their pokemon in protective gear andvarious equipment entered to scan and bring them for quarantine and questioning, keeping some distance from Emmet, Cynthia, and Giratina in the process.
All Emmet did was see his reflection in the mirror, upon the black lines that now tattooed on his face, and feared a human fear, of his twin brother not recognizing him once he saw him once more.
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True Intentions
So, the latest Pokemon Masters event gave me Feelings, and therefore I had to write something for it.
Needless to say, this contains Pokemon Masters event spoilers, verbal/mental abuse, and one reference to physical child abuse.
And in case the “read more” breaks, this is also tagged as a long post.
N stepped into the cave, his heart thudding. He could see the oh-so familiar cloaked figure in the distance, and he swallowed hard. He was not alone, for which he was very grateful, but companionship was not doing much to assist his nerves. 
‘You’re sure about this?’ his companion dubiously asked. In Nate’s opinion, N was making a huge mistake, and it was not yet too late to turn back.
‘Yes. This is the answer I’ve come to. I’m sure,’ N insisted, and Nate held back a sigh. Damn it. ‘...Thank you for coming with me, though.’
‘It’s fine,’ Nate replied. ‘I wouldn’t want you to go and see him alone.’
‘Mmmm,’ N murmured. He knew only too well that Nate had a point. ‘We need to be careful when dealing with a man like… him.’
N had tripped over his words. He was uncertain how to refer to the man they were meeting. “Ghetsis”? “Father”? As much as he wanted to call the man “Father”... it was too soon. Much too soon for that.
‘I’m still a little worried,’ N confessed, after a pregnant pause.
‘Yeah, well no matter what happens, I’m on your side,’ Nate promised.
‘Thank you…’
Any further conversation was cut off,  by a sudden interruption. 
‘N! You’ve come to see me!’ a voice called out. For a moment, N froze; when they entered, Ghetsis had his back to them. His and Nate’s conversation had been in whispers, and he had assumed Ghetsis had not seen them yet. 
He shook himself out of his reverie, his face calm, stoic, as he turned to lock eyes once again with the man he called Father, his abuser.
At least in appearance, Ghetsis had not changed. N sincerely hoped that was the only thing that remained static. Incredibly tall, Ghetsis towered over those he met, and his own son was no exception. He still used a cane. N’s gaze lowered to the gloved hand that held onto it, as his mind helplessly wandered to thoughts of what was hidden beneath the cloak. Was Ghetsis’ health the same? Had it improved? Or perhaps worsened?
That was the most likely scenario; Ghetsis always had a great love of expensive wines, scotches and other such alcoholic drinks, and it had taken its toll on him. Combined with one arm, the nerves permanently damaged by his Hydreigon, Ghetsis was an incredibly unhealthy man. 
N lifted his head, staring his father in the eyes. One was still covered, and the other just as vividly scarlet as he remembered. It was difficult for him to maintain eye contact, but he forced himself to push through it. 
‘I’ve come to let you know my answer,’ N declared. He had taken a quiet, deep breath in before speaking, to ensure his voice would not wobble, nor crack.
His head had been spinning, ever since Ghetsis initially approached him. Wanting to be a father to him again…
Though in order for him to be a father “again”, he had to have been one before. N knew that, deep down. But it was a thought he tried to keep pushed to the back of his mind. 
‘Let’s send out our Pokemon,’ N added, when Ghetsis remained silent, just observing him. 
Zekrom and Kyurem were both released from their Pokeballs, two thirds of the Tao Trio coming eye to eye with one another again for the first time in years. 
‘Well? What’s your answer?’ Ghetsis demanded. Still so impatient. 
‘...I don’t think it’s possible for us to become a true father and son so easily…’ N cautiously replied. His nerves were threatening to spill over, and he grabbed the brim of his cap. Something to focus on, while under his father’s scarlet gaze. ‘But… if you’ve really had a change of heart, and are seriously prepared to face people and Pokemon, then… maybe one day, it will be. That’s why I need you to show me that you have love in your heart -’
Ghetsis, the lower half of his face hidden by his incredibly high collar, clenched his jaw together tightly. How the fuck was he going to do that?
‘- through battle!’
Oh. The former Plasma leader relaxed. That was alright, then.
‘Father!’ The word escaped N’s lips, as he called out to the man before him. Ghetsis’ eyes slid shut.
‘I am grateful you’ve given me this opportunity…’ he started, his voice soft. N’s demeanour changed a little - Ghetsis was accepting what he said? Then maybe, just maybe, he had been telling the truth, after all! If Ghetsis could work on his issues, and treat those around him like human beings, and N himself like one, instead of an extension of Ghetsis, then -
‘Thank you for this chance.’ Ghetsis’ voice pulled N out of his thoughts again. The Plasma leader’s face twisted into a wicked grin, as he leant forward on his cane, a malicious glint in his eye. ‘To capture Zekrom for myself!’
No. No, please, God, no -
‘What?’ N gasped. The words left him winded, as though Ghetsis had struck him with his cane.
And it was a feeling he remembered all too well.
‘Now! Restrain Zekrom!’ Ghetsis commanded, his voice thunderous, as N tried to wrap his head around what was going on.
How could you be so stupid? Of COURSE Ghetsis was going to betray you, it’s what he DOES! the former king mentally chastised. How could he have been taken in so well? How, even now, with years free from Ghetsis’ influence, could he still be so easily manipulated? 
As Ghetsis slammed his cane down on the rocky ground, several unfamiliar figures in black and white masks suddenly leapt out, having been waiting for Ghetsis’ signal. More Pokeballs were flung into the air, as more Pokemon were sent out, between N and Ghetsis. 
Crackles of electricity zapped around Zekrom, the giant legendary held in place. N had frozen up again, feeling helpless, lost for what to do. 
‘Zekrom!’ he cried. 
‘It can’t move,’ Ghetsis said, a sinister chuckle coming forth. ‘I took special measures to use Pokemon that can hold it in place.’
N’s hands clenched into tight fists, shaking. How could I be so stupid? The entire thing had been a scam. Not only had Ghetsis prepared his Hydreigon to counter his team, not only had he made sure the Shadow Triad had Pokemon that could take down Zekrom, he had now done the same thing again on Pasio, to ensure he got what he wanted!
And like a fool, I fell for it, N’s mind traitorously whispered. 
‘What d’you think you’re doing?!’ Nate angrily snapped. He looked as though, if the Pokemon were not there, he would run at Ghetsis and try to physically attack him. 
‘I can’t believe you’d actually do such a thing…’ N’s voice was flat, hollow, belying the deep sense of betrayal that was rooting him on the spot. 
‘Of course I would!’ Ghetsis taunted, cackling. In typical Ghetsis style, he seemed to be relishing rubbing salt into the wound. When he spoke again, his voice was a disdainful sneer, not making the slightest effort to mask his contempt for his own child. ‘I only put on that ridiculous act so that I could get my hands on Zekrom! That is all you’re worth to me! As if we could be a true family! Me? With a freak like you?!’
N’s jaw was clamped tightly shut, only barely managing to contain an outburst of pain at Ghetsis’ words. He had heard that insult too many times.
“He’s nothing more than a freak without a human heart!”
He had lost count of just how many times that word had been wielded like a weapon against him throughout his entire life. Every time he had attempted to talk to his father, particularly about his ability to talk to Pokemon, it had always gone the same way.
And that was no doubt the reason why, as an adult, he was still being called a freak. Because Ghetsis had always refused to believe his claims. 
The fight had left N, and he did not bother to counter his father’s harsh words. But Nate was livid. 
‘How dare you play with N’s feelings like that?!’ he yelled, launching his Pokeball into the air, Braviary bursting from it. ‘I’m going to help N protect Zekrom!’
With an instruction to attack, and N still paralysed, Nate began to battle the Team Break grunts that had gathered under Ghetsis’ command, and easily took them down. As the last opposing Pokemon fell, Ghetsis’ expression twitched, ever so slightly. 
‘...Not bad,’ he conceded. ‘I can feel your anger!’ And it fuelled him.
‘Next is the pair holding down Zekrom!’ Nate declared. The Team Break trainer in question looked concerned as Nate attacked again. 
‘That’s enough.’
A new, commanding voice interjected, as yet another Pokemon appeared. The sleek, yet threatening form of Mewtwo landed between Ghetsis and Team Break, and N and Nate, pushing the latter two back. Mewtwo extended one arm, launching a hard blast of psychic power, taking Braviary down. Trying not to panic, Nate recalled his Pokemon before it could hit the ground, as N gawped at the newcomer.
‘Is… is that…?’ His voice trailed off, his eyes wide in horror when he recognised his father’s ally. 
‘Stay out of my way,’ Giovanni warned, his voice a low snarl. He looked almost exactly as N remembered. He had not seen anything of Team Rocket himself, not even on the news; Ghetsis had done too good a job when Team Rocket were around, of keeping N secluded and ignorant of the outside world. But the boy had heard things from his sisters, and done his own research since escaping Team Plasma. 
This Giovanni did not look too dissimilar to the man he had seen in photos. Perhaps a little older, his face slightly more lined. A few flecks of grey in an otherwise jet black head of hair. But the biggest difference, was the symbol emblazoned on the breast of his jacket. Not a red R, but multicoloured. Reds, yellows, greens and blues, one colour transforming into the other. 
Rainbow Rocket Giovanni rolled up a sleeve. In doing so, he revealed not just the fact that his arm was so heavily tattooed that his skin colour could not be seen, but more importantly, the Mega Bracelet enclosed around his wrist. 
‘Giovanni?’ N questioned, as the man in question approached, coming to a stop beside Mewtwo. ‘W-What are you doing here?’
The realisation that an already bad situation had just gotten worse caused N’s voice to crack. Which in turn made Ghetsis smirk. N was afraid. Good.
‘I just so happened to meet Ghetsis, while recruiting Team Break members,’ Giovanni explained. The apparently leaderless team had been like a gift for him. Already organised, already with their own Pokemon, all they needed was someone to take them under their wing. Someone to guide them.
And who better than Giovanni?
‘He told me all about his plans. And if he’s able to get his hands on your Zekrom, then that works out perfectly for me.’
In just getting him this far, this Ghetsis had already proven himself to be much more useful than the one he had already met and recruited into Rainbow Rocket. But, Giovanni was a smart man. He knew that the Rainbow Rocket Ghetsis had already tried to manipulate him, and was absolutely prepared for the current Ghetsis to try and do the same. Ghetsis no doubt had his own hidden agenda, but he was certainly not the only one. 
‘Yes, so I should thank you for gathering these pawns, and sharing your information with me,’ Ghetsis smirked. ‘I’ll be sure to return the favour. Now, our preparations are complete! I will soon possess a legendary that combines two powers!’
‘No…!’ Nate gasped. 
‘The fusion of Kyurem and Zekrom…’ N murmured, the memories of the exact same thing happening before flying through his mind. 
‘Watch this moment closely!’ Ghetsis cried out, as he approached the trapped Zekrom, Giovanni keeping close behind him. 
‘Zekrom!’ N called.
‘Ghetsis, don’t do it!’ Nate added. He knew too well that there was no way Ghetsis would listen, but without his Pokemon and badly outnumbered, there was not much else he could do. 
‘Kyurem! Absorb Zekrom, use Absofusion!’ Ghetsis ordered, an unhinged, determined grin set upon his face. 
‘Now’s my chance,’ Giovanni quietly said, watching the scene intently. He snapped his fingers. ‘Do it.’
Mewtwo reappeared, floating in the gap between the two other legendaries, facing Kyurem down. 
‘What the -?’ Nate spluttered. N looked similarly taken aback.
‘They stopped them from fusing?’ he questioned, not entirely certain whether he believed what he was seeing. 
‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Ghetsis spat, glowering at Giovanni. He slammed his cane on the ground again. ‘Giovanni!’
‘Well, you see… I too have a plan,’ Giovanni replied. ‘I know how you operate, Ghetsis. Perhaps a little too well, and the way I see it, once you have both of these legendaries under your command, your next move will be to secure more pawns to make use of. And as these Team Break members answer to me, I know that it’d be me you target next.’
Ghetsis remained silent, teeth bared. As Giovanni observed him, he could see that he had been completely right. Granted, it would not have been out of character for Ghetsis to lie, and claim he had nothing of the sort planned, but he surmised Ghetsis would only have done that if he were calmer. And the ex Plasma leader, as he was currently, looked apoplectic with rage. 
Ghetsis’ raging, hateful silence was the only answer Giovanni required.
‘So, I intend to take Kyurem and Zekrom before that can happen!’
‘How cunning,’ Ghetsis hissed. ‘But it’s too little, too late.’
More masked members of Team Break appeared, again, on Ghetsis’ cue, standing beside him, as Giovanni’s eyes widened, just for a second. 
‘You are not the only one who has a talent for convincing people to join you,’ Ghetsis gloated. ‘I am more than capable of that, too! A faction of Team Break is already under my command!’
Oh, shit. This was not what Giovanni had in mind. He knew exactly what Ghetsis was planning, yet the son of a bitch still out-witted him!
Despite his inner panic, the Rainbow Rocket leader’s expression continued to be a smug grin, as though it was all a game they were playing. He would be damned if he was going to let Ghetsis know that he was rattled.
‘I guess I underestimated you after all,’ he admitted. ‘In that case… Mewtwo, get them!’
‘Rise! We must defeat Giovanni!’ Ghetsis roared. 
‘...So they’ve broken their alliance,’ N mused, as more Pokemon were sent out. With the attention mostly taken off Zekrom, N felt he could breathe a little more easily. ‘...I suppose they were never actually allies in the first place… 
‘I want to help Zekrom, but there are way too many Pokemon over there…’ Nate fretted. 
‘Go, Volcarona!’ 
Another new voice entered the fray, as a familiar Volcarona appeared over N’s head, striking the Team Break Pokemon. As they were knocked out, N and Nate spun around on their heels to see the former champion, Alder Castillo, striding forward. He was staring directly at Ghetsis, his expression set into a look of grim determination, with a young redhead behind him. 
‘Alder! Silver!’ Nate greeted, a wave of relief washing through him to have some backup. 
‘I had an unpleasant feeling that something bad would happen,’ Alder stated. The sensation of foreboding had been with him ever since he learnt Ghetsis was back. He knew that N had been ambivalent about forgiving him, and having a proper father and son relationship with the man again. And Alder did not want to completely squash his hopes of that happening. He had been direct with stating that he did not trust Ghetsis, but seeing the look of utter defeat in the young boy’s eyes, Alder had to wonder just what he had missed. That maybe he had not been severe enough. Perhaps he should have explicitly told N not to trust his despicable excuse for a “father”, even for the faintest fraction of a second. ‘I’m glad we made it in time. We took care of the Team Break members at the entrance, but reinforcements are on their way right now! We need to get out of here!’
Silver, the young redhead, was not paying any attention to Alder. Nor was he even paying any attention to Ghetsis. No, his gaze was firmly on Giovanni, and his expression was one of hatred. 
‘Oh?’ Giovanni questioned, glancing over. He was uncertain how to react, so he kept the same usual smug demeanour. This boy was not his Silver, but was a Silver. And clearly things had gone the same way between him and his Giovanni, as they had in the Rainbow Rocket leader’s timeline. 
‘I have more important things to worry about right now, than him,’ Silver declared, without giving one single fuck about the fact that his voice was loud enough for Giovanni to hear. Not that Giovanni seemed bothered. He was used to it from his own Silver. ‘Come on, hurry up!’
Now freed, N turned back to the rest of the group to see Zekrom land before him.
‘I’m so glad you’re okay…’ he murmured, relief sparkling in his eyes.
‘Let’s get out of here,’ Nate urged. 
Sensing that the situation was no longer in their favour, the Team Break grunts who had followed Ghetsis began to retreat, much to his annoyance.
‘Tch… Worthless fools,’ he growled. 
‘Now that a former champion has arrived, I suppose I have no choice but to give up on Zekrom,’ Giovanni decided. For now. ‘Kyurem, on the other hand, will be mine.’
‘I warned you before…’ Ghetsis started, his voice dripping with rage, before suddenly ramping up to a scream, ‘NOT TO UNDERESTIMATE ME!’
The cane struck the ground, as Kyurem roared. Alder winced at the noise, but Giovanni seemed unbothered. A snap of his fingers later, and he was gone, along with Mewtwo. Alder glanced back, seeing N approach, and noticed how the boy looked mentally exhausted. It was no surprise, Alder guessed that N must felt like he had been put through the wringer.
Because he had been. He was about to speak up, to try and reach out to N, when Nate interrupted with another insistence that they should leave. He was right, the less time they spent in the cave, the better. Giovanni might have been gone, but there was still Ghetsis to contend with. 
N stopped before he reached Alder and Nate. And, without breathing a word, he turned his back, and strode over to his father. 
‘...What?’ Ghetsis questioned, a look of annoyed confusion on his face. N refused to clarify, but stayed by his side. 
‘What are you doing? Just leave him!’ Silver irritably told N.
‘Yes, what are you doing?’ Ghetsis agreed, clearly as baffled as his son’s friends. 
‘...I want to save Kyurem, regardless of whose Pokemon it is. Even if that means I have to help you...’ N finally answered, without looking at any of them. Part of him had to wonder what the hell he was doing, siding up with Ghetsis, after how Ghetsis had betrayed him, insulted him, and openly laughed about it. He told himself that he was not doing this for Ghetsis’ sake, or even his own.
This was for Kyurem.
‘...I won’t call you my father, Ghetsis.’ That was fine with the Plasma leader. His skin always crawled when that word left N’s mouth. Disgusting. N turned and looked at him. ‘But if you co-operate, I’ll help you get out of this!’
‘I see. Very well. That’s convenient for me,’ Ghetsis replied. No “thank you”, but of course not. N had never gotten a “please” or a “thank you” from Ghetsis in his life, and he definitely did not expect that to change now. ‘Let’s take him down, N!’
‘N and Ghetsis, standing side by side…’ Nate muttered. The idea left him unsettled. It was wrong. He brought the Pokeball with his unconscious Braviary in it up to his mouth, whispering to it, as he used a revive. ‘Just a little longer, we need to help N…’
‘Hey!’ Silver called out, as Nate and Braviary took off. 
‘It’s too late to stop them. Let’s just make sure that they have a safe escape route,’ Alder told the redhead. 
‘The plan is to hold off Mewtwo until he can’t come after you any more, alright?’ N told his father.
‘Yes,’ Ghetsis crisply agreed.
‘Well, why don’t we put it to the test?’ Giovanni questioned, as he was joined by his own Team Break grunts again, now they had recovered from the previous fight. ‘Let’s see what your little father-son team up can do!’
Nate’s Braviary, and the two other legendaries opposing Giovanni started the battle, fighting ferociously against the Rainbow Rocket leader and his underlings. It was not long until it was just the legendaries against each other, and with Mewtwo outnumbered, it was Giovanni’s team that fell. 
‘...Hmph, I suppose that does surpass my expectations,’ he reluctantly confessed. 
‘After him!’ Ghetsis then commanded. 
‘No! You remember what I said earlier, don’t you?! We’re getting out of here!’ N countered. 
‘What?’ Ghetsis hissed, angry that N spoke back to him. But he could see that this time, N was not going to be moved. ‘Fine.’
‘Too bad,’ Giovanni said to himself, as the others left. ‘This would have been so much easier had you stayed here...’ He glanced to the cave exit. ‘Go after them.’
Giovanni had assumed that it was just him, Mewtwo, and his underlings left. That the others had all left with Ghetsis and N. So he was surprised when he saw himself suddenly face to face with his son.
‘That’s enough. Your plan failed,’ Silver glared. ‘Let them go, or else!’ 
To Giovanni’s surprise, the Pokemon that Silver released was none other than Ho-Oh. 
When did Silver obtain a legendary of his own? Giovanni thought, as Ho-Oh flapped its wings and released a loud cry. 
‘...Change of plans,’ Giovanni decided, recalling Mewtwo. ‘We’re leaving.’
His decision confused his underlings, who had been readying themselves for another fight. 
‘B-But sir…?’ one hesitantly questioned.
‘The more people you command, the harder it is to control them. I think learning that much is enough for today,’ Giovanni replied. He tilted his head, glancing to the side at Silver. ‘Besides… I’m very pleased by what I’ve seen today.’
Silver pulled a face, and blinked. Was Giovanni complimenting him? For standing up to him? Obtaining Ho-Oh? But once the shock quickly wore off, his expression turned back to angry. He was not going to be taken in, be swayed by Giovanni’s words! This man had no idea who Silver was, if he thought a few pretty words could appease him.
It was probably a lie, anyway.
Silver headed outside the cave again, where the rest of the group - unfortunately, still including Ghetsis - were waiting for him.
‘I think they’ve stopped coming after us now,’ Silver declared, without offering any explanation as to why he had stayed behind. None of them needed to know about him challenging Giovanni. Or what Giovanni had said to him. 
‘I see. In that case…’ Alder pointedly looked back at Ghetsis.
‘You want to come after me, now? I can’t allow that to happen,’ he warned. ‘Perhaps we can come to a truce for today. What do you think, N?’
‘...I know that you haven’t changed, at all,’ N said, and Alder was relieved. He had been concerned that siding with Ghetsis to protect him might have caused N to start reconsidering, again. He wanted nothing more than for N to have a father he could be happy with, but as long as his father was Ghetsis, that was just not possible. ‘If you do anything to harm the people or Pokemon here, I will be the first in line to stop you!’
‘I’ll keep that in mind,’ Ghetsis replied, tone thick with sarcasm. Clearly he did not believe N to be a big enough threat to him. ‘Then, farewell.’
‘Wait, Ghetsis!’ Nate then called. Ghetsis paused, not turning back around to face them, but instead peered over his shoulder, to see what Nate wanted. ‘I hate you. I’ll never forget what you did in Unova! But you’re still N’s father! You raised him, and spent all those years together!’
Ghetsis had no idea where Nate was going with his tangent, and neither did N. N’s childhood had been spent cooped up inside one room. A very spacious room, admittedly, but still locked away from the rest of the world, and fed only whatever information Ghetsis deemed worthy of him knowing. As much as N longed for change, he was no longer blind to the horrendous circumstances that stole his childhood. 
So why was Nate bringing it up?
‘Are you really going to say you felt nothing when the two of you were fighting side by side?!’ Nate demanded. ‘It’s not too late to change your ways! Please, at least think about it!’
Oh. N braced himself. He was certain that Ghetsis was going to scoff, laugh hysterically at such a ridiculous notion, and he knew it was going to hurt. 
‘Nate…’ N began. 
‘Ghetsis!’ Nate repeated, when he got no reply. And N’s heart sunk to his stomach, when sure enough, Ghetsis began to chuckle. At last, he turned back properly to face them, and erupted with laughter.
‘You naive fool! Our relationship is nothing more than that between a master and his tools! What happened here changes nothing!’ he barked, before turning his evil scarlet gaze onto N. ‘As long as I can keep using you, I don’t care what you call our relationship! I do whatever I please! I am not your ally, not your friend, and I am certainly not your father!’
In unison, N and Nate both tugged on the brims of their headwear. Nate in embarrassment, and upset for N, and N to try and cover his face. He was attempting to be as expressionless as he could, but the hurt shone in his eyes.
‘How dare you -!’ Silver began, readying to go into a full force rant. 
‘Despicable,’ Alder quickly interjected, unwilling to let the youngster draw too much of Ghetsis’ attention. ‘You’re the one without a heart!’
‘If that’s all,’ Ghetsis sneered, their anger and words bouncing off him. With another - but more sardonic - farewell, Ghetsis was whisked away by Kyurem, leaving them free of him at last.
‘I had a bad feeling this might happen,’ Alder sighed. ‘N, my apologies. I think I should have stopped you before you went to help him.’
‘Don’t apologise,’ N said, to Alder and Nate. ‘It was my decision. Please, don’t be sad on my behalf.’
‘...Nate, are you crying again?’ Silver questioned. He looked embarrassed.
‘You truly have a kind heart,’ N gently told Nate, ‘one that resonates with others. You got angry for the people of Unova, you yelled at Ghetsis for me… and now, you’re even crying for me...’
‘I can’t help it! It’s just all so messed up!’ Nate wept. ‘You’re not asking for anything special! You just want a normal relationship with the man you call your father! It’s not asking for much! Why can’t you have that too?!’
‘Nate… It’s okay.’ It was a lie, but a lie told for N’s own sake as well as Nate’s. Right now, he felt like being strong for his friend distracted him from his own pain. ‘I may not have a father, but I have good friends like you.’
‘N…’ Nate sniffled.
‘Yeah, you can survive without a father,’ Silver chimed in, and N nodded in agreement.
I’m blessed to be surrounded by such kind people and Pokemon. That’s enough for me. I suppose… a father figure was just never meant to be.
...But it was nice to hope for it.
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
Hi there! I'd love to hear more about your SwSh Fantasy AU, specifically (if you're okay with talking about it) Alexis' cursed powers and how Naomi got trapped by Eternatus!
Hello @epicspheal , hope your having a good day/afternoon/night!
My SwSh Fantasy Au honestly was something that came up in my head and that I proceeded to ramble about it. The oy reason why it exists is because I am deeply in love with Lore Keeper Sonia and she deserves the world. But then it became more than that. It was still me rambling. Like. A lot. But I proud of my rambles.
Also, in typical SwSh Fantasy Au fashion, this is going to be incredible long! I like to ramble, sorry. Here we go!
So! Alexis' curse. That's a doozy. Your gonna need some total not just last minute world building for that! Just kidding, Alexis' curse, while not completely fleshed out, I have a basic idea about what the world is like. Besides, that's for Naomi( lol)
So: Just like the games, Alexis was the Hero of Unova. Unlike the game, there weren't dragons that chose him to be it's tamer....yet anyway. The story goes like this: Unova was under the tyrant rule of Ghetsis ( he can become tyrant in a fake universe lol), and just like every Greek myth, there's a prophecy that a young hero will slay him and free the land. And, just like every Greek myth or just myth in general, the man gets angry about it and goes on a witch hunt for whoever the prophecy is about and kill them. Problem is, the prophecy never said who, so he commits mass murder to find one person that he doesn't know the name of. Spoiler alert, he doesn't find them. Now, I'm just gonna fast forward, because this is a SwSh Fantasy Au not a Black and White Fantasy Au. Long story short, prince N meets A and E, rebellion led by their parents cause there badasses, everyone gets traumatized/ questions their life at some point, and Alexis is gifted the power of Zekrom cause he's the chosen one. Which is what Ghetsis uses against him as he dies; turn his gift into a curse.
Alexis curse is basically that he looks a bit more like Zekrom: his eyes are now red, he has sharp fangs, they're lightning marks that glow neon blue, and his arms and legs are charcoaled ( like, they are pitch black compared to the rest of his body). Canon Alexis had a scar over his right eye. Fantasy! Alexis has it way worse. It's not gone or anything, but it's, uh, bad.Does this make him look like a badass? Oh absolutely. But everyone knows that if one looks like a badass, they need a hug. Alexis' curse makes his powers near uncontrollable, and much more destructive than they were before: both to others and himself. If it wasn't for N and his top tier healing( which he learned from his sisters) Alexis would have been dead the minute he was cursed. He has to wear a magic pendant ( which doubles and looks like a compass....it's important, but I'm not gonna get to deep into it yet) to make sure his powers are manageable. The curse also reacts badly to severe negative emotions like stress. If you thought canon Alexis was in a bad headspace, you could only imagine how Fantasy! Alexis is like. Fortunately, he has lots of love and support, so it ain't to bad. Eventually, after many failed attempts at a curing the curse on their own, they eventually find one solution: to find Eternatus. The being that can take energy and magic substance away and make it its own. The problem is that this thing is incredible dangerous, and has tried to cause destruction once before.
They( Alexis Elliot and N)completely ignore this solution and decides to travel for a better idea( which is about a few years).....that is until they get a dream about a young girl, pleading for them to save her. A girl who claims to be their cousin, bearing the necklace of their mother and her twin brother. A girl named Naomi.
Naomi was always a mystery to an outsider. Mainly because no one knew she exists. Except Hop, but whenever he told anyone about, they would say that he has an active imagination, or some weird comments about " oh your thinking up a girl now?". He was 6. They both were actually, before she disappeared one day. There was no goodbye, no note, nothing. So you would imagine Hops surprise when he gets a dream( he's 15 now) about a prophecy of the wolves, which involves him and a girl his age named Naomi. The same Naomi he would play with when he was younger....
But this ain't about Hop, this is about Naomi. What happened to her?
So, as I said, Naomi is A and E's cousin. Her dad, Soul, is A and E's mom's, Jazz, twin brother. He left Unova for Galar to explore, only to have settled down with his wife and Naomi's mom, Cheyenne.
While Hop knew about the prophecy at the age of 15, Naomi, specifically her parents, was given this prophecy to begin with. They both knew how dangerous it was to be out in the open with a child of prophecy. Everyone knows that if one person knows a prophecy, another do as well, and that other person is usually the person who doesn't want that prophecy fulfilled. So, to protect their child, the couple moved and lived in the Slumbering Weald, right behind the castle. The pros of living in the Slumbering Wealds is that it's heavily protected by the Wolves of Galar, so they would be safe from any harm. The cons is that it's just you there. So when followers of Eternatus somehow find your location and attack your family and kidnap your six-year old daughters you can't really call for help.
Yeah, at age six, Naomi was kidnapped by Eternatus followers, and have stayed captive since. Why haven't they killed her off? She doesn't know. All she knows is that no one knows she exist( Hop does, but she thinks he forgotten her. He hasn't), and that she had very little power ( Eternatus had been slowly weakening her in it's presence). But she has power, even if it's small. So, with the little power she has, she calls for help to anyone that will listen. She somehow find her cousins. How does she knows they're her cousins? They're twins, one of them is cursed, and they look exhausted even in the dream realm. They're her cousins.
And .....that's it! Again, this is just me throwing things on a wall and hope it sticks, so sorry if this doesn't make much sense!
I would have gone into Lore Keeper Sonia, Pirate Nessa, King Leon and Prince Hop and such, but I have them pinned, Part 9 and 10 respectively. I hope you enjoyed my overtly long explanations! Feel free to ask me more about it, if you want! :)
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cloudbatcave · 4 years
The Things We Lost to Trying
Chirae’s breath turned to a white cloud in the frigid air, but as he leaned into the black dragon at his side, he hardly felt the cold.
The two sat in the mountains around Icirrus City, looking into the sunrise. He’d have to move soon - they were low on food.
“Why did you stay with me, Zekrom?”
The dragon merely thrummed with electricity and didn’t answer. They never had, not since the night they reformed from the dark stone in a surge of power right before his eyes. He’d had to blink away blue streaks for weeks after.
The young man ran a hand down the beast’s smooth side. He had been surprised when he’d first touched it - expecting the legendary to be rough or scaly like he’d heard most dragons were.
He’d still pulled his hand back, hardly able to believe he could touch them, that he was allowed.
But Zekrom had been the one to take his hand (so gently, despite the powerful claws) and put it on them. He’d snatched it back at first, terrified, worrying he’d get shocked - but no, they just wanted to be touched.
He’d wondered, then, how long they had been alone as the dark stone. Unable to feel, to experience the world at all.
“Did you come out just because you were tired of being away? To make sure N and Reshiram didn’t screw up the region you helped make?”
All the creature did was bonk his head lightly with their muzzle.
He stared into the distant red disk of the sun, exhaling hard again. Even months later, words get caught in his throat when he thinks of that night.
“I didn’t help Unova because I was pursuing some great ideal. Shit, I never wanted to be there - it should’ve been Cheran, he always loved that crap. No one ever asked me what I thought.”
Chirae kicked a stone across the rocky path. It tumbled and rolled out of sight.
“I wanted to stick it to Plasma. That was it. I felt a little bad for N, but everyone just acted like I had to fight him, that that was the only way. Like hell it was.”
Zekrom blinked their red eyes at him. He hated them a little for their inscrutability - couldn’t other legendaries speak with their minds? If Zekrom had chosen him, why didn’t they respond?
He hugged them again anyway. They were still the only one who could understand. Even his mom didn’t get it, couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to go back to school yet, or why he didn’t talk to his childhood friends anymore.
She thought he needed help. Bullshit. He needed the world to actually acknowledge what had happened at plasma’s castle and actually try to make sure it didn’t happen again. What if N changed his mind? What if Zekrom turned into the stone again? Nothing was certain. Nothing was safe.
When he’d tried sleeping in his own bed, it had felt foreign. He couldn’t rest.
So he’d left Nuvema again, a note on his mom’s chair. A short apology, no explanation.
He couldn’t give her what he didn’t have.
But he had Zekrom. He had the sunrise, slowly climbing into the sky and turning the snowy mountains a gleaming orange.
“I guess it matters that we all still have our Pokémon, yeah? Even if some people don’t deserve theirs. Maybe that should be what we do next. Do what plasma said they were doing, actually get it right.”
The dragon put their arm around him, and for now, that was all the answer Chirae needed.
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sage-nebula · 6 years
@em-exceeds-change-zearu --- Hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to respond to your tags in a new post since the original post was long enough as it was, haha!
#also i love all of these picks and the thought that went into them #and that he has a varied team that's flexible and can take on tons of things #ALSO I'M GLAD YOU DIDN'T MENTION ZEKROM #I WAS DREADING A RED EYES BLACK DRAGON REDUX WITH ZEKROM #(even if zekrom and reshiram are huge walking red eyes and blue eyes jokes) 
See, it’s because I put a lot of thought into it that I didn’t mention Zekrom! Zekrom doesn’t work for the Red-Eyes Black Dragon at all (and ditto for Reshiram with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon)!
From a visual standpoint, I get why the comparisons were made. Zekrom is a black dragon with red eyes, and Reshiram is a white dragon with blue eyes. But that’s where the similarities end. While monsters in YGO have only very loose elemental associations, the fact still remains that the Red-Eyes Black Dragon is a fire dragon, while the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is an electric dragon. We see this in their attacks. The Red-Eyes Black Dragon’s attack is Black Fire Bullet (JP) / Inferno Fire Blast (EN), while the Blue-Eyes White Dragon’s attack is Burst Stream of Destruction (JP) / White Lightning (EN). “Burst Stream of Destruction” isn’t specifically electric, but it isn’t fire, either, and the look of it certainly looks electrical whenever it attacks (which is likely what led to 4Kids naming the attack what they did). Either way, these attacks make it clear in both the manga (JP) and the anime (EN) that Red-Eyes is a fire dragon while Blue-Eyes is an electric dragon.
But with Zekrom and Reshiram, that’s reversed. Zekrom is Electric/Dragon, while Reshiram is Fire/Dragon. Their types do not match up with the YGO dragons at all. And while some might say that’s a minor quibble, it really isn’t. Jounouchi is pretty heavily associated with fire, even setting Red-Eyes aside. Just off the top of my head:
The yo-yo he was pictured with in the cover art for chapters 48/49 was a “Fireboy” yo-yo;
He defeated Chopperman by setting him on fire with the candle + oil combo;
One of his most memorable cards is Flame Swordsman (though him saying it was his favorite card was an anime invention, but nonetheless);
He stayed behind with Yuugi during the fire at the Black Crown and made it out with only minor injuries; 
When he got to name an attack during his duel with Malik, he named it “Jounouchi Fire”;
The God card he’s most heavily associated with is Ra, and Ra is the one that uses flames to attack (versus Osiris’ wind and Obelisk’s lightning);
Speaking of, he survived Ra’s flames at first brush (he died a few minutes later, true, but even that was only temporary)
Jounouchi is pretty heavily associated with a fire motif, and so it makes sense that his signature dragon would be a fire dragon, rather than an electric one. And likewise, Kaiba seems to be associated with lightning and electricity far more than he is with fire. Kaiba is all about technological advancement, is always surrounded by computers, robots, and the latest technology that he himself invented. The God card that he’s associated with, Obelisk, is one that has lightning spark around its fists when it attacks. It makes sense that his dragon is an electric one, rather than a fire one. Switching that around by associating Jounouchi with Zekrom and Kaiba with Reshiram is a huge mistake. It doesn’t fit at all.
Moreover, the thing about legendary pokémon is that most of them come with a stronger meaning associated with them. They’re cool looking and have types, yes, but each of them also usually symbolize something, or have something they watch over, protect, or stand for. For Zekrom, that’s ideals (and fighting for one’s ideals), and with Reshiram, that’s truth (and fighting for the truth). While Jounouchi can be an idealistic person, what Zekrom actually looks for in its champion is someone who wants to push their ideals onto others, to lead the world with them, and that’s not Jounouchi. Jounouchi doesn’t want to push his ideals onto others; he lives his own way and that’s that. Likewise, Kaiba’s not really concerned with the truth outside of how it benefits him, and he’s not opposed to flat out ignoring or denying it when it doesn’t, so I don’t think Reshiram would choose him as a champion either, haha.
So yeah, I saw no reason to bring up Zekrom. The Red-Eyes Black Dragon is represented by shiny charizard, and that’s that.
#i also didn't consider sivally/silvuddy at all!!! #but considering that it's literally named...silver buddy... #(gladion you fucking nerd) #it's perfect #the nickanme is perfect #he would approve #maybe silvuddy is something he gets in duelist kingdom? #like. in pegasus' basement or something #but this is pokemon world and you mentioned gladion existing in this crossover canon so HMM. MMM. #I'M STUCK ON HOW HE GETS IT TOO 
I did imagine this as taking place in the Pokémon World, yeah, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t adapt Duelist Kingdom as well. All we have to do is make it pokémon battles instead of Duel Monsters duels. So Pegasus owns an island with a castle, and he decides to host his own battle tournament on his island (that takes place over a more reasonable span of time than just two days). Maybe entrants have to collect star badges instead of star chips, or maybe it is star chips if badges would get him in trouble with the local League. In any case, he has his own unofficial, not-government-sanctioned tournament, and it’s very much like Duelist Kingdom except everyone has real monsters and therefore people like Mai and Bandit Keith have a much harder time cheating than they did in the actual canon.
(Well, Gladion doesn’t have to exist in the crossover canon, haha. It’s just an idea I threw out there. I don’t know if any relationship I could invent for him would be as fun to write as the one I had between him and Alan, so it’s not like I’m very attached to the idea of him existing in this story.)
#...oooh #kaiba imports it into his Tower Of Death scenario because he paid big monies to Aether Foundation #jou ends up taking it back #the same way how in other trials they utilized things that belonged to their enemies against them #(maybe replace the stupid ride of fear part with it BECAUSE HONESTLY THAT WAS THE LOW PART OF THE TOWER. IT WAS STUPID.) 
Hmm, that could work! Although honestly it might make more sense for Kaiba Corporation to have created Type: Null. Kaiba spared absolutely no expense when it came to creating Death-T, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that:
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According to the currency converter I use, in 1996 (when this was written / would take place), ¥10,000,000,000 would be $87,989,745.57. Kaiba spent eighty-seven million dollars to build a theme park to kill Yuugi with. Money was not an issue for him whatsoever.
But that said, Type: Null seems like the type of creature Kaiba Corporation would have created, particularly if they existed within the Pokémon world. Maybe not so much once Kaiba takes over and turns it into a gaming company, but back when it was still a company for developing military weapons? The concept of pokémon being created as weapons is not at all foreign to the series (Mewtwo and Genesect being two prime examples), and I could see Gozaburo wanting to top all of them by creating a chimera that replicated the powers of Arceus. So maybe Type: Null had already been created and cryogenically frozen, and Kaiba released one of them in the hopes that they’d be able to kill Yuugi and the others. That could work. That said, I did really like Chopperman as Jounouchi’s personal challenge, particularly since he knows it’s a trap and walks into it anyway because he feels it’s the right thing to do (what a Gryffindor), so yeah, replacing the horror ride would definitely be preferable, particularly since how sexualized that scene was re: how the ride groped Anzu was unnecessary and gross and hands down the worst part of Death-T. :/ 
Haha, Jouji is his nephew, actually! Honda was on babysitting duty for his big sister that day. I will say that I do like the fact that Jouji exists purely because it lets us know that Honda has a big sister, and I’ve actually utilized that by fleshing her out into a character for a few fics I’ve written (including my magnum opus), which makes me somewhat attached to her. That said, we don’t actually need that, because Honda brings her up again when he brings clothes for Shizuka to wear when he picks her up from the hospital:
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(Sorry for the scan quality, it’s the best I can do right now. Also, the “I don’t know if they’ll look good on you” --- that’s VIZ being kind of loose with the translation. In the original Japanese what he says is more like, “I don’t know if they’ll suit you,” which makes sense given Shizuka is far more demure than what Honda’s sister is implied to be like, given her taste in clothes.)
This little mention here is actually part of why I characterized her the way I did when I wrote her; that she wore “loud” clothes when she was younger spoke to a punkish style of dress, and in my mind, attitude therefore. Either way, though, Jouji is the first way we find out that Honda has an older sister, and that happens much earlier than this, so I guess that’s at least a little good he brings to the story.
Still, though, I agree with you overall, haha. I don’t like Jouji as a character at all. I don’t like the toilet humor during the horror game ride (though that still wasn’t as bad as the ride itself groping Anzu), I don’t like how he’s perverted as a baby, and I don’t understand how old he’s supposed to be. He seems like he should only be a year or so old, but if that’s true, how can he talk that well? How can he understand more mature concepts? It feels like he should have been at least five or six, but then I suppose he wouldn’t have been able to be carried around . . . ugh. Either way, he didn’t really bring anything of merit or value to Death-T. The closest we got was that he was the bait to lure Jounouchi in, and I liked that because, again, Jounouchi knew that it was a trap, but he walked into it anyway because he felt it was the Right thing to do, both because Jouji had helped them once before, and because Jouji was a baby. (And there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment right before the games actually start where Honda is trying to get Jouji to shut up, and Jounouchi says, “Don’t make him cry!” Jounouchi really does have a soft spot for kids, aww. It’s the big brother in him, probably.) Plus, the fact that Jounouchi won that literal fight to the death while holding a baby in his arms is nothing short of badass, and I’ll never take any badass moments away from him. ♥
But yeah, Jouji was a worthless trash character, lmao. There’s a reason why, although I’ve written Honda’s older sister, I haven’t actually written Jouji. I’ve no use for that annoying thing.
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
What's your fave gemstone ghetsis?
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“Well, rarities are always nice. . .if you’re trying to court me, only Painite will do.
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“Just kidding. 💕”  One of the Shadow Triad bring him the castle battlements mozzetta he would wear over his shoulders in the past.  On each raised bastion was a large gemstone--the whole thing was clearly heavy, and yet nobody had ever seen Ghetsis struggling with the weight, nor did it seem to slow him down in the past. . .at present, whole he didn’t struggle so much with it either(impressive, given he was only using one arm and he’d lost a certain amount of strength in his body overall) and simply drew the garment into his lap.
“Perhaps you would think. . .reds, purples.  The colors of royalty.”  His fingers traced the cushion cut gems, a brilliant aqua shade to them.  “And you’d be right.”
A chuckle as he stroked the blue gems, still shined to perfection and well maintained despite the rarity with which he wore it at present.  “As I said, the rarer the better. . .but some are wonderful simply based on appearances.  These for example, are blue topaz.  Its natural occurrence is fairly rare.  Grandidierite and red beryl are also beautiful, though among the most rare gems in the world. Inclusions usually devalue gemstones, but I like the look of many of them.
“Perhaps it’s a non-answer, but. . .there exist stones--though perhaps not gemstones--called the Golden Light and Dark Stones--where the Light and Dark Stones are hibernating forms of Reshiram and Zekrom, the golden variants are not.  Instead, they summon Reshiram and Zekrom.  Of course, these are rare, said to possibly not even exist, and if they are they’re very heavily guarded, but. . .I know of a few possible locations I’d been meaning to explore. . .before certain events happened.”
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Ghetsis gave a sigh, pausing to gather his words, speak slower to prevent himself from stumbling over his own mouth.  “There are also the ‘timespace orbs,’ which seem to be sheddings from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, which hold an amount of their power.  I have several--however, Soul Dew is a gemstone made of the deceased spirit of a Latias or Latios that I’ve yet to acquire--however there’s said to be other crystals associated with the ‘Eon duo’ that have yet to truly be named.  Last I heard of them they were called Enigma crystals which is, I suppose, a reasonable name for a mysterious gem and I imagine, should they be acquired and they’re found to summon the Eon beings, one would only need to kill them to acquire their soul dew.
“The Red and Blue orbs were broken and their many pieces are called Rubies and Sapphires--not to be confused with actual rubies and sapphires, of course.  To my knowledge there are also Jade orbs, or there’s at least one--all of these are from the Hoenn region, mind, and supposed to be connected to their Legends, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza respectively. 
“What else. . .ah.  Magma stone--actually related to Heatran in Sinnoh, not Team Magma in Hoenn.  And then there’s amber. . .perhaps amber is my favorite, if it could be counted.  After all, containing the DNA of Pokémon, especially those prehistoric. . .amber is an important part of historical research and the Fossil Revival movement!  There’s so much we can learn from that which nature has entrapped. . .imagine what they’ll learn in the future from what we entrap today.
“I suppose that not all of those count as gemstones, but. . .they’re most certainly pretty and surely serve some interesting purposes.  From a practical standpoint, amber is amazing.  Life orbs are useful for Pokémon battles and are fascinating little things. . .the timespace orbs are lovely, but a gem made from the soul of a legendary Pokémon, that is a truly rare and powerful stone.
“And as for regular, simply decorative gemstones. . .well, why choose a favorite?  Certainly some are ugly, but that is why they’re cut and shined and made something beautiful.
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“But. . .a Diancie may just be the best gemstone there is.  Merely a mutated Carbink or not, a naturally occurring Diancie--or well-made artificial mutation--is a being of great power and value.  The gems of a naturally occurring Diancie could perhaps be considered among the rarest in the world.  After all, rare as other gems may be, most cannot defend themselves, and certainly not with the strength of a mythical Pokémon. . .I imagine a Diancie’s eyes would be harvestable.  I wonder what power that one little piece alone could hold.”
Of course, he doesn’t mean this in a threatening way!  Certainly not!  Simply the kind of questions any good scientist would ask, right?  He’s racking his brain to think of the gemstones attached to any other Legendaries and Mythical Pokémon--perhaps the stones on the chest of a Regigigas?  His understanding is that the Lake Guardians’s gems regrow if they’re damaged or removed, which makes them essentially sheddings the way the Creation Trio’s orbs are. . . .
He honestly hadn’t thought about gemstones in some time.  He was no treasure hunter, but a connoisseur of Legends and Myths and the artifacts that often come with them. . . .
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Oh to go out and explore again. . . .
(In the back of his mind, he wondered what a certain daughter of his was up to these days.  He’d search for her name, if he could remember her mother’s surname.)
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Let Alexis activate his Chosen powers. Let his eyes glow the familiar red if Zekrom. Let his hair start to lightly float as the blue electricity crackle around him. Let him smirk knowing full well that his enemies will fall before him because he knows he's the shit like the cocky little bastard he is. Let him be bored with his enemies, genuinely disappointed in in their lack luster attempts of stopping him. Let him get angry. Let him get mean.
This sounds like Alexis going through a villain arc when I honestly just wanted him to go a little off the walls. Just a bit.
Bonus: All of this but with Elliot doing the same thing with her Reshiram powers. Her dyed tips glow as does her eyes as she laughs mockingly at her enemies, taunting them as she casually rests her elbow in Alexis' shoulder. Though look closer and you see in her eyes that she's pissed. You've pissed off the Dragon Twins. Good luck surviving.
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Yangverse Michronicles, Volume 1
Basically, microfics. This set contains a Haloween and Thanksgiving special, among other things.
Triggered On a quiet day in a small house in Unova, a human-ified Reshiram woke up from a nap, yawned, and looked around. "...Where's everybody else? Hopefully they haven't gotten in troub-" She was interrupted by a loud "Not again!" from Roger in another room. "...I should probably check that out." She rushed into the house's living room and let out a sigh of relief to see Roger playing a video game on what he had told her was an "Super En-ee-ess." As she sat next to him to watch, she heard him grumble under his breath. "Cobaliondammned Lavos fight gets me every time..." Reshiram blinked. "Lavos?" Roger started at her suddenly speaking next to her, but then grew annoyed again gesturing to the screen. "This game's called Adamant Trigger. That thing on the screen is Lavos, evil space monster who wants to suck out all life on the planet after crashing in on a meteor - and puts up one hell of a boss fight." Reshiram gazed at the pixelated monstrosity on the screen, her brow furrowing at it curiously. Roger furrowed his own brow at her. "...Something about the giant space pinecone Joltik get your attention?" "Yes, actually," said Reshiram; "What you said about it coming in on a meteor, it sounded... familiar..." Roger shrugged. "Tom said Lacunosa had a myth about Kyurem being like that, but he, you, and N all found out a lot of Lacunosan stuff about Kyurem was bullshit. Plus, Kyurem was part of the same dragon you and Zekrom were, right?" "Yes..." said Reshiram, frowning. "Though, I don't remember much of what we were like before the split or how it happened... It's all a haze..." Roger snickered. "Maybe you all are from space or something." Reshiram didn't respond at first, instead thinking back to the dream she had had just before. ---- Falling, falling, you rip through the sky, flame surrounding you. Before long you crash to the earth, ripping it to pieces and sending shockwaves throughout the land. You lie still a very long time, until something deep in the earth feels the shockwaves, crawls, stalks, slithers, stomps toward you. It digs its teeth, fingers, tendrils, claws into you and fills you with energy, strange and powerful, making you want to burst forth anew someway, somehow... ---- Reshiram shuddered, then covered it up with a forced chuckle. "Roger, don't be ridiculous. I'm the goddess of truth." "...And as such I'm pretty sure the truth's more complicated than me being a glorified Lavos."
Heated Tensions
In Sootopolis' Cave of Origin, a green-haired, teal eyed young woman with Kyogre-esqe earrings, facial tattoos, and matching spear felt her way through the cave, a light-blue-haired, green-eyed young man lacking such adornments nervously following.
"S-So, Narissa?" said the young man to the woman. "What's this visit for again?"
"The other Sootopolis villagers have been reporting very odd things happening around the crater... Pools of water boiling over, strange rumblings in the ground, the peaks' huts are built on shifting without warning... As the Chieftain, I have to figure out if the volcano's active again."
The young man looked around, noting the increased amount of steam, heat and, oddly, glowing red crystals compared to blue ones. "...And why did you bother bringing me along?"
Narissa looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Apollo, we've known each other for years, we're in a relationship, and from both those I trust you and I know you can help me out here?"
Apollo stared at her for a few seconds, all the possible answers to her rushing through his mind.
I don't think I can help you. I'm useless.
You saved our tribe and founded this village. I barely did anything.
I don't deserve your trust or respect. I don't deserve anyone's. He gulped slightly, then smiled half-heartedly at her.
"Alright... Thank you."
Narissa furrowed her brow briefly before giving a small smile herself and nodding. "Alright, let' go."
She headed off; Apollo stared after her a while.
And I can't even tell you the truth of it all still.
I'm worthless.
...I'm weak.
He sighed and followed.
The two advanced through the cave only to stagger back and yell at the sight and heat of a pool of lava having formed where the central pool of water normally was.
"Oh no..." said Apollo. "The volcano, it's getting active again..."
"Last it reignited was when the meteor that Mega Evolved Rayquaza hit it;" said Narissa; "I don't know if anything we can stop caused it thi-"
They both yelled again as an incredibly loud roar echoed through the cavern, followed by a booming telepathic voice that was nonetheless distinctly feminine. ~Who's causing this obnoxious racket?!~ A massive, red, reptilian Pokemon with thick armor plates embedded with markings that flashed blue intermittently steadily emerged from the lava as Apollo and Narissa backed away slowly. Her yellow eyes snapped open, and upon seeing the two her expression grew furious and she gave another roar and telepathic yell. ~Humans?! Who let humans into this cave?!~
"Don't panic," whispered Narissa to Apollo.
"Too late," whispered Apollo back.
Narissa hesitated before stepping forward to address the behemoth. "Lady Kyogre did. She gave us this crater as sanctuary. It's our home now, and I'm the chieftain."
The red beast before them only seemed to grow more enraged. ~That bitch Kyogre always screws things up! I made a deal with her on swapping out using this cave as a resting place, and what does she do with it while I'm gone? Invite a bunch of fucked-up perfectly good monkeys to crash at the place when it's supposed to be private!~
She leaned in close to Narissa and snarled.
~This is Groudon you're talking to now. I'm no softie, and I don't like trespassers. I suggest you and your other human friends get the fuck out.~ Narissa flinched at the massive heat Groudon radiated, but scowled back.
"We earned this crater. We fought off our worst enemies to get it. You can't just take it back."
~Of course I can! I'm Groudon! You ain't gonna sway me human, chieftain or not! Get out before I blow this place to kingdom come to get rid of you personally!~
Narissa stammered, but hesitated at Groudon's words and intense glare.
At her previous words and Groudon's response, however, something stirred within Apollo, and his mind started racing.
Groudon... She could easily...
No, I I can't let her... I...
He gulped a third time, then stepped forward and gave Groudon a truly icy glare.
"You'd really be that cruel, Groudon?"
Groudon's attention snapped to him, and she leaned in to Apollo, glaring and snarling again. He could feel the same heat radiating off her Narissa did, and suspected it was taking all her self-restraint for her to not use it to sear the flesh off his bones.
~Cruel? I'm dealing with trespassers here!~
"Your "trespassers" are villagers who lost their homes to vicious raiders and had to hole up here to stay safe, and then fought them off again, and now you're willing to murder them all just for being around?"
Groudon huffed a cloud of steam, then put a claw to her chin.
~When you put it that way... Yeah, blowing you all up is harsh even by my standards.~
She glared at him again.
~But how can I trust you apes to take care of this place? I decidedly still have the option of escorting you out of here less lethally.~
"We have been taking good care of this place. We've been keeping the water clean, making sure the village huts are built to align with the cliffs, growing more berry gardens everywhere we can..."
At his last words Groudon grinned. ~Berry gardens? Now we're taking! Always told Kyogre we needed more plant life around here to soak up the sun...~
She looks between Apollo and Narissa and nods.
~Hmmm... From everything you've been saying I suppose you humans get my permission to stick around too. Just don't screw the place up.~
She turned to Apollo and grinned.
~And I like you kid; you've got spunk when you wanna show it. Keep that up.~
Apollo simply stared at her shocked in response as she descended back into the lava.
He was similarly shocked when Narissa hugged him.
"Apollo, thank you,I wasn't sure what to say to her at all..."
Apollo hugged back. "Thank you, it... It just seemed like the right thing to do..."
Narissa broke the hug and grinned. "Tell you what, why don't we get you some Groudon adornments like my Kyogre ones to celebrate?"
Apollo blinked, then grinned back. "Sounds like a plan to me."
They both pumped their fists in victory and rushed out of the cave.
No Good Deed
Kyurem crept warily through the trees of the forest around the Giant Chasm, noting the melting snow everywhere as spring approached. Good time of year to get some fresh air outside their cavern, they figured, so long as they weren't spotted by the local huma-
"Help, someone help!"
Kyurem froze, and not in the manner of their Ice typing either; the voice was distinctly  that of a female human, but she sounded scared, panicked, desperate.
Kyurem stalked toward the source of the noise, until peeking out from the trees they discovered the source - a human woman, surrounded by several others, looking down at a small human boy floundering in the meltwater of one of the small canyons surrounding the Giant Chasm.
"Ron, don't panic,someone's getting help!"
Kyurem hesitated. The humans of Lacunosa, they'd hurt them so many times - but they couldn't leave this boy to drown. Leaving all fear behind they charged straight down into the canyon after the boy, ignoring the screams from the humans above.
"It's Kyurem!"
"It's going to eat him!"
The boy saw Kyurem coming and backpedaled only to stumble and choke on more water. Kyurem hesitated, and, realizing their claws were too small to carry the boy safely, haphazardly tried to grab the collar of the boy's shirt with their teeth and drag them quickly out of the water. The boy and the onlookers only screamed more. Kyurem froze again, realizing backpedaling out of the canyon would be difficult but that the other humans would likely attack if they proceeded forward. They decided to  take a third option by trying to lift the boy and carry them to their side of the canyon.
Suddenly, they noticed a yellowish-green blur out of the corner of their eye. A Haxorus, they quickly realized, before they were cut into deep by the other Dragon type's axe-like tusks, glowing with blue-green flames in a Dual Chop. Maintaining their grip on the boy but swinging them around wildly, Kyurem retaliated with a Glaciate, sending a flurry of icicle spikes through the earth and cold air toward the Haxorus, knocking him over and pinning him in a refrozen chunk of meltwater.
Suddenly, Kyurem heard the whirr of engines. They looked up to see what appeared to be a rescue helicopter, only for bullets to impact with several loud cracks into the icy crest on their head. Giving a screech-like buzz of agony, they finally dropped the boy just as the Haxorus cut himself free of the ice and scooped said boy up, clambering back to the other humans as Kyurem fled in the opposite direction, more bullets impacting nearby and into other parts of their body as they fled out of the canyon and back into the forest in panic, running until the noises of bullets and helicopter blades and screaming humans could be heard no more.
Kyurem huddled into a corner of their cave in the Giant Chasm that night, barely moving as the parts of their body hit by the Haxorus' strike and the bullets regenerated. They always healed quickly, but the pain always lingered, and the scars lingered even longer.
Eventually Kyurem mustered themself to lope over to a rocky outcrop where a Crimson Lady action figure lay, clutching it gingerly in their claws and inspecting its features as the words of another being that had hurt them long ago echoed through their mind.
You were always too attached to those humans! You trusted them, tried to lead them, guide them, even walk as one of them! But look where that got you - they revered and respected you, but now they fear and hate you - and they always will.
Kyurem gazed at the figure, trembling, before clutching it to their chest tightly and letting out faint buzzes that if any other being were around to hear them sounded almost like sobs.
Dedicated to Harambe the gorilla
No Survivors The boy in the blue jacket ran. He had only himself. His Pokemon team were all dead, murdered by those of the maniac. The maniac that was stalking him now. He ran, hid between the pillars, barely let himself gasp for breath lest he hear. He turned a corner and saw the maniac in front of him, the teeth of his crazed smile glinting in the darkness. He barely had time to scream as a chainsaw rent his limbs from his body, then his head, his dismembered parts and his blood spilling to the floor. The murderer let his chainsaw fall silent, the blood dripping across his white shirt and green hair. He smirked. "Some Hero Of Ideals you are." And stalked off. --------- The assembled Gym leaders further outward into the castle heard the screams. "What in the name of Jiminy was-" Clay started to say. He was cut off by Skyla being dragged into the shadows screaming, the screams being muffled then growing louder as blood soaked the floor from within the shadows, followed by a flying leg. The other Gym leaders all backed away as they reeled in shock and vomited, but then heard a growl from behind them. They turned to see a snarling Reshiram, who immediately incinerated Drayden alive as he screamed. The rest turned to flee the white dragon, only to see N approaching, bloody chainsaw buzzing, as he grinned. "It's her or me, you all." The Gym leaders huddled together as the two approached them from each side, N chuckling all the while. ------ In a dim room, Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, and Ghetsis were tied to a series of chairs, N circling around them with his chainsaw, smugly smirking. "Well well well! If it isn't all those dreaded crime lords of various regions who find themselves superior to me. How amusing." He stepped up to a quaking Giovanni. "You... You're just an annoyance. Let's deal with you quickly." Before Giovanni could scream N's whirring chainsaw came down upon him, splitting him clean in two as the others squirmed and yelped. N approached Maxie and Archie next. "Oh! I've heard tell you two are lovers!" He quickly chainsaw-sliced both their chests open. Their agonized yells were shortly cut off by N ripping both their still-beating hearts out with his bare hands and shoving them in the other's chest, grinning. "How adorable!" He approached Cyrus next, who cowered and whimpered. N scoffed. "And you tried to remake the universe? Cute." He shoved the chainsaw into Cyrus' gut and twisted, Cyrus screaming as N ripped out his organs to splat in a dismembered mess nearby before he fell limp. N grinned again. "I made a galaxy out of your entrails! Pretty neat, huh?" At last, he rounded on a gibbering, terrified Ghetsis, grinning even more maniacaly than before. "Ah, daddy dearest! I have a special fate in mind for you..." "No... No please..." N lifted the whirring chainsaw above his head and cackled. Ghetsis screamed as- ------- "Tom, that is officially enough!" Tom turned to his companion Roger with a confused expression as the campfire before them flickered amidst the looming trees and dim moonlight. "But... But I was getting to the good part!" Roger scoffed. "Yeah, of a chainsaw murderer story about a guy sitting right next to us!" Indeed, N sat to the other side of Roger, pointedly avoiding Tom's gaze and shifting around uncomfortably. Roger turned back to Tom with a glare. "Why are your weird stories always about N anyway?" Tom paused, blinked, then turned to N. "...You're inspiring." N grimaced. "Perhaps you should find me inspiring in some other manner?" A burst of orange flames headed in Tom's direction as he yelped, only for them to stoke the campfire as he looked up at the white-feathered draconic source. ~Okay,~ said Reshiram, ~This is clearly a sign it's MY turn for a scary story.~ Tom gulped, then gave Reshiram an over-the-top sneer. "Bring it." N gulped himself. "Tom, you probably shouldn't-" Reshiram smirked. ~It's called The Belly Button Eater.~ Roger scoffed. "Like that old folk tale about Thundurus?" ~Thanks for the reminder to check up on him. But worse.~ "How?" said Tom, still forcing a sneer. Reshiram made a broad gesture with her wings. ~One night, a lonely man named Dave was working late at his office, when a Glalie suddenly appeared and said, "I am Solonn. Follow me..."~ ----- It was broad daylight. The trees were dappled in the rays of the sun as bird Pokemon continuously chirped. Reshiram awoke, yawned, then preened herself. She then blinked, looked to the house she and the others were living at, then to a nearby shed and sighed. She opened the shed door to find N, Tom, and Roger, clutching each other close trembling and cowering. ~Okay, guys, look, I may have gone over the top with the story but it's been two days and-~ "Belly button eater!" they yelled in unison. Reshiram sighed again and closed the door. *** Happy Halloween.
Life's Bounty
Pandora was in a hurry like no other.
She was used enough to her human form to set out much of the plates and silverware herself, cheating a little by letting her psychic power right the position of a bit of tableware occasionally, but the other people and Pokemon helping them out were essential in cooking and laying out the food.
Nevertheless, when they were done and Pandora sensed multiple presences near the door, she turned to them with a grim expression.
"I'm sorry, you all, but you must leave now."
A villager assisting her blinked. "Right after?"
A Machamp assisting crossed her bottom set of arms. <We were going to get paid here!>
At this Pandora extended a hand pulsating with psychic energy as the double helix symbol on her head between her pink bangs glowed. "As Kanto's Lady of Life I command you to leave! You shall all receive full compensation when I get the chance!"
Startled at the display, the workers all fled out of a side entrance, leaving Pandora to sigh and turn to the door of her temple.
"You can come in now, everyone."
The door burst open to reveal a young platinum-blond man with rainbow highlights in a black and blue robe, accompanied by an entourage of people with hair as pink as Pandora's in a variety of physical ages, shapes, and sizes.
Pandora rushed forward and hugged the platinum-blond man then her fellow pink-haired individuals in quick succession. "Father, siblings, welcome!"
She moved back and closed the door with psychic power. "Now Farther, remember you can't assume your natural form here... You keep breaking through the ceiling!"
The young man rubbed the back of his head. "Well, got it."
Pandora smiled. "Other than that, enjoy the feast all you want. And the rest of you, feel free to be who you are!"
At that, with a cacophony of pops, the various assembled pink-haired people shifted to Mew, and started flying around, snatching bits of food from the table and gobbling them down. Pandora had assumed Mew form herself and smiled, before being embraced by two Mew with crystalline flowers hanging around their necks.
"Mithos, Collette, you're here!"
"Hi sis!" said Collete.
"Dad found out how to get us far away enough from our Trees to visit!" said Mithos.
"Oh, that's wonderful!" said Pandora, hugging them back.
She then noticed another Mew in glasses sulking in the corner, which she floated over to.
"Bartelby, are you all right?"
Bartelby hesitated before responding. "Not really."
Pandora frowned. "You're still upset about... Her, aren't you?"
He diverted his attention to the feast, with the Mew plucking various items of food from their plates to eat and toss at each other.
"Why do we even do this every few hundred years? We're spirits of life incarnate, we don't even need food."
"Well, it certainly tastes good at least," said Pandora.
She looked over to the platinum blond young man gorging himself. "But everyone enjoys it - especially Father, he loves seeing all his children together in one place."
She smiled. "And... I do too. With how hectic life has gotten it's just nice for us to be a family."
Bartelby thought a bit and cracked a small smile.
"I guess I empathize with you there..."
Pandora floated in and gave him a hug.
Meanwhile, the platinum blond young man was about to bite into a large, ripe berry when Mithos gleefully snached it from him and soared up into the air.
"Hey! Mithos, you get back here this instant!"
His body stretched and glowed and changed into Xerneas, whose antlers gouged huge gashes in the ceiling as he tried to snatch the Berry back.
Everyone froze. Pandora stared aghast. Bartelby put his paws to his forehead in exasperation.
Xerneas simply chuckled nervously. "Um... I can fix that."
Happy Thanksgiving
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Nate’s Body
Height: 5′11″
Weight: 170lbs generally, can be lower if needed for a movie, although he tries not to go dangerously low.
Hair: Medium (about chin length) and messy brown hair, mostly on the darker side than on the lighter side. Depending on the lighting, it varies from medium to dark-brown. He purposely styles it messy.
Eyes: Chocolate brown eyes, rather large and very expressive. Has a slight and not fully developed epicanthal fold due to his Kantonese heritage on his mom’s side. They are usually always on the move, allowing him to be more observant than normal.
Face: Winds up being rather chiseled and angular, similar to his father’s. Very photogenic, which helps with being on film. Nothing really seems to be out of proportion compared to the rest of his face. His teeth are white and clean. His eyebrows lean on the thinner side, and his mouth, nose, and ears are medium sized. Overall he takes to his Kalosian father more, although he wound up being featured in one of those weird tabloid lists stating something like “You won’t believe these celebs are kantonese!” (He has a hatred for tabloids anyways, but he found that one especially awkward).
Facial Hair: Nate can grow a decent beard, but chooses to be clean shaven unless he absolutely needs to.
Body: Overall very well defined muscle due to his interpol training. Enough to have developed arms, pecs, legs, and an eight-pack, but not enough that he’d be a full on bodybuilder. A good way to describe it is a good mix of a runner’s build and a fighter’s build. He also has a decently long legs and arms, allowing him for a good reach when it comes to fighting. He’s well kept and clean, which is needed to look good in the movies. Nate doesn’t have hair on his body these days due to waxing.
Scars: One small one on the bottom of his palm, barely visible, that he got from slipping from a rock. A pair of fang puncture scars on his right ankle from an Arbok that he got during a mission. One rather large one on his back from being hit by a Guillotine on mission, which cut through his Interpol Armor. It goes from the upper-left shoulder to his lower right back. Thanks to the power of medical technology, it has healed well, but is still very visible there. It’s a reminder that he’s lucky to be alive. He’s definitely had to cover that up before with makeup or some other technique for certain movie scenes.
Tattoos: Nate has a pair of tattoos on his his upper back: one a set of flames and the other a set of blue lightning. This has relation to Black and White Kyurem, as well as Reshiram and Zekrom. The lightning does cross Nate’s scar, but somehow incorporates the scar decently well. Nate also has a small Steelium Z-crystal on the middle of his chest (where the solar plexus is, similar to the grey crystal on the chest in the picture), as tribute to his closest friend and partner Lucario. In addition, he has a small Lucaionite tattoo on his right ankle, which is connected with an ankle bracelet tattoo, with a Key Stone on the other side of the bracelet. Finally, Nate has a yin-yang like tattoo that is directly related to Black and White Kyurem, showing the wings of Reshiram and Zekrom alongside the blue and orange-red connector tubes of the respective Kyurem forms. Both the Reshiram and Zekrom sides are also adorned with a bit of ice, which also relates to Kyurem. This tattoo is located on his lower back.
Tattoo Timeline is located here
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