#Zeph does an art
zyphnn · 2 years
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Day 1: The Force @codywanweek
heavy liberties taken w this one! some good old ‘obi wan force healing cody’ trope
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kairosclerossiss · 1 year
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What does he have that i don’t?
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greenbirdtrash · 3 months
Hear me out.
The Ministry and their educational training programs for air ghoul handlers which is basically a falconry of some sorts.
Teaching the willing siblings all about air ghouls, including the proper care for these oversized "hellbirds", from basics like general handling, health maintenance and overall bird of prey husbandry rules to actual "field practice" and even the chick-rearing and imping, the ultimate art of feather-mending.
They already have a small bonded flock which is used to living and working with humans and other ghouls, and these are typically the same ghouls who's willing to participate in different educational demonstrations related to the subject. They're well-trained and social (take Cumulus and Zeph for example), generally being content to interact with the siblings as they master their bird husbandry skills.
I can totally see some siblings engaging in collecting the various molted feathers from previous seasons to help ghouls with primary/secondary feather damage (or those who got injured and currently staying in the ministry's rehab, but still need to exercise their wings like any normal bird does) and this thought lives in my head rent-free from now on.
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saltyfryz · 10 months
I know I've been neglecting my Tumblr as of late regarding my art, so to remedy that I have decided to dump my newest sans OCS on you and (mostly) all their information :3
Heres pt 2 with Plum and Cypher;)
First up is!
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Cassiopeia, or Cassie for short is the Sans of this universe(which I don't have a name for yet) she is 5'2 and trans.
Her drink of choice is tea! all kinds, she's not picky! She actually is a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to the stuff. And when she wants to treat herself she likes to add condiments to her cup to add a bit of flavor.
Her personality is similar to og sans but she's a lot more elegant in her mannerisms. She's also VERY slow to anger/irritation and even slower to show it. Let's just say, never play poker with her.
She still has 1 hp, and isn't a fan of physical combat. She likes being covert and subdues any treats with the stardust that surrounds her skull. As when inhaled it can give the victim a calming effect or put them into a deep sleep, depending on how much they've puffed. She does also have bones and blasters but rarely needs to use them due to her stardust being so effective.
Instead of being a quantum physics nerd, Cassie is a medical doctor. I'm not sure what specifically but what I do know is that she is very educated on human Bodies and monster souls. She had tried to learn quantum physics when she was younger but it just didn't click with her, she was never a numbers gal.
I like to imagine she's friends with Baggs sans or Wine. For Baggs, I think they would grow close while having deep conversations about their respective jobs and tell stories about all the crazy injuries they've had to deal with. That, and she can use her stardust to put him to sleep, that's my head canon at least. She also likes teasing him about his height, she thinks his reactions are hilarious.
As for Wine, i feel like they like debating each other. Their favorite topic to debate over being what's the better drink, wine or tea. And let me tell ya, it will get very intense. And not in the 'toss a couple chairs at each other' kinda way, more so in the calm on the surface yet internally wishing death upon the other, all in good fun of course. The most hostile thing they'd do to each other is send a passive aggressive yet deeply accurate comment. Sometimes Coffee likes to sit in the corner and listen to them while he draws, it's good background noise.
As for Papyrus or Zephyr,
His personality is a lot like og pap, just more blunt and a lot more willing to initiate a friendly sparring session.
He's kind of a gym junkie, always training out to get stronger. He absolutely LOVES working out and even has weighted plating for his boots, gauntlets, shoulder and knee pads.
Due to his love for sparring, he often gets into friendly brawls with the other members of the royal guard stationed in snowdin, and has beaten every single one. These feats were obviously reported to Undyne. And Undyne, Impressed by his feats, offered Zeph a position in the royal guard. Papyrus obviously was ecstatic, and accepted immediately.
However due to actually getting a position in the royal guard, the rose tinted glasses he'd always held onto have been a bit wiped down due to the actual nature of the guard not being quite what he expected. Still though, he holds out hope for all the fame and recognition he rightfully deserves.
Zephyr is a full on tank when it comes to fighting, he's a heavy hitter and very agile, even with his weighted gear. He mainly uses punches and kicks for precise direct hits but isn't afraid to give his appoint a good knee or elbow to throw them off.
His weapons of choice are brass knuckles, they pack a punch on their own but when he's feeling a bit murdery, he's able to reinforce them with his magic.
Besides training he also loves to paint. Any blank surface you can think of, he's painted on. He's painted his armor, shorts, safety pads, and his own face!
He even paints on lashes to match with Cassie's (which are made of magic). He changes the paint on his face everyday, it's always something new but he seems to favor cloud and sun motifs.
When Zeph isnt training he is always neck deep in a painting project, weather it be one he was working on for several days or a new idea he just made up and really wanted to do. Sometimes he has Cassie help with some of his projects, though she either lazily draws a sick man, or a handprint. Typical lazy sans behavior, it annoys Zeph to no end but he never paints over any additions made
Due to being a Doctor, Cassie is a slight germaphobe(more so in her workplace) but she puts that aside and gets her hands dirty for him
The clouds around his head change with his mood Like pepa from encanto. He can also manipulate them, making the clouds big and fluffy to ride on or catch someone when falling, or even creating fog or mist to act like a smoke screen.
Zephyr's dish of choice is pastries, some witch he lends to Cassie to go with her tea. It's more of a casual thing than something he's passionate about though
Next up is my favorite at the moment! OUTCODE: E770R2095E!! Or Code:E for short! Pronounced Cody ;)
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He his, like his name states, an outcode. However no one really knows where he comes from. Ink's theory is that he was supposed to be an error sans, but something went wrong and now he's just here.
He exists somewhere in the anti-void, no where close to Error, seeing as how he had no idea Code:E existed for the longest time. Having nothing to do with his time, he sits in the anti-void going over codes.
When he's eventually discovered by Error, immediately Error is pissed as he feels Code:E is trying to copy him. And true to his title, he tries to destroy Code:E. However, it didn't quite work out. Every time Error tried attacking, it had always just fazed through him, leaving Code:E completely unbothered. Eventually he finds that Code:E has no soul. Due to this he has no emotions and Error can't check his code, and even if he tried it would be completely an utter gibberish.
Dispite not having any actual emotions, he has this inate want to learn and grow, asking questions about anything and everything. He often gets compared to an AI by Error because of this.
He has no real powers or magic but can copy the code of any sans type just by looking at them, other outcodes included. And when I say copy, I mean copy. With one look he knows all about you, your au, your powers, everything. Usually when this happens his eyes gloss over with static as he lists everything he sees in the code out loud.
Being able to copy code, he is also able to copy the appearance of the sans he sees and even use their magic.
When he can't do something or is just thinking really hard on one thing in particular, Code:E's eyes get staticy and his form glitches a helluva lot more.
He can also create portals to other universes with the pink tear like glitches under his eyes. Though he never uses it, as he never sees the need to. He mostly uses them to observe and learn about the multiverse. He spends most of his time sitting in the little anti-void where he first was created. Just sitting there.
Doing nothing.
All alone.
Well, not totally. Due to Error being a complete drama queen, he often complains about Code:E aloud allowing Ink to overhear. And ink, like the nosy like little shit he is, annoys Error to show him what's got his strings all bundled up. He eventually caved and led Ink to Code:E. And after a pretty disturbing interaction, Ink complains to the star sans' about him. Upon hearing it, Dream, always with the bleeding heart, decides to visit Code:E and announces that they're friends. Code:E doesn't quite understand it, but goes along anyway as Dream teaches him about more aus and how emotions work. Even so, he rarely has time to visit due to his role in the multiverse.
But their is one person who does visit regularly..
And his name is-
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RETRO!! A fellow outcode!
He's a very outgoing and rambunctious spirit, going all around all kinds of AUs to do anything he wants! Weather that be wreaking havoc with pranks or just relaxing under the stars in outertale. However due to his chaotic neutral nature, he often has run-ins with both the star sans' AND the bad sans' usually having to escape in outrageous ways and hide in the anti-void for a few hours.
And during one of his little escapades, into the anti-void he meets Code:E. At first he's startled, especially when Code:E tries copying Retro's code, and can't. Leaving Code:E perplexed and Intrigued as this had never happened with any sans he had seen. He asks all sorts of questions about Retro, some more personal than others, and after giving some non answers Retro asks about Code:E.
Code:E is absolutely floored(as floored as one with no soul can be) as no one had actually asked him anything about what he wanted to do or needed. He told him as such and for some reason, this had hit Retro directly in the soul. He had found it relatable. And so from that moment forward, Retro vowed to be Code:E's friend. He even gave Code:E his nickname. And later, his poncho.
I bet your wondering about the gell I described in the photo, well it's simple really. It's basically the gels from Portal. THATS RIGHT IM UNORIGINAL!! FUCKING SUE ME!! /J
In all seriousness though, yes I did just give him the powers from Portal, and yes he can make actual portals, but these help him travel through aus. The portals are his magic while he made the gel with science. For his portals idk if I want it to only work on white surfaces so that can be up to interpretation
Alright that's all the info I got! Here are the doodles I have that I have no idea where to put! The ones with Cassie and Zeph are a bit old so plz ignore any design inconsistencies!
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liloinkoink · 2 years
Lamplight AU
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What is Lamplight? Short answer, a DnD/Fantasy Third/Last Life Renchanting AU!
Long answer, here’s 20 Questions, the ficlet meant to introduce the concept.
Medium answer, Ren is a powerful god stuck in the form of living fire. Martyn is his sole follower. Martyn and Ren help free one another from imprisonment by the Watchers and are now traveling the world on a two-man adventure of fond companionship and occasional arson.
This AU has been written as I feel like it with absolutely no regard for chronology. If you have any questions about it feel free to ask! I also have a tag for it, “lamplight au,” which is where any writing, asks, or art go.
I’ll update this post with writing and art as it happens. Writing is organized chronologically, art is organized by artist and as it’s posted.
This AU was planned with the help of @/unexpectedly-haunted, whose designs for Martyn and Ren are linked at the start of the art section!
You can also find an archive of Lamplight on my writing blog, @driflew, under the same tag.
[AU itself is platonic, but ship content gets made for it]
And, for some other fun notes...
The (unofficial) Lamplight fan Discord Server can be found here!!
Martyn replied to my post saying he knows what Lamplight is, which is a wild thing to be able to say.
[Please do not spam the chats or the askboxes of Martyn, Ren, or anyone else with talk of this fic! Don’t need to annoy anyone with it, thank you!]
[Now that it's confirmed Martyn does know what Lamplight is, here are my thoughts on reading it on stream (he can can if he wants!)]
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Lamplight writing
(for any works posted on both ao3 and tumblr where there are differences in content, consider ao3 the ‘correct,’ ‘updated,’ or ‘canon’ version. The AO3 versions are better, edited for quality, pacing, and often with extra bits not found in the tumblr versions)
The AO3 series with all works can be found here.
[If you enjoy Lamplight, I have a kofi? Please don’t feel the need send me anything excessive! The option to tip simply exists if you enjoy the series and are feeling generous.]
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Torchlight Arc
[Torchlight short fic: Ren POV] [this scene is also on Ao3, in Moonlight ch2]
Heliography (multi-chapter, complete)
[tumblr preview scene, incl in Heliography ch1]
Lamplight Arc
Strange Traveler (ao3) (tumblr)
From Here to There (incl 20Q and other scenes)
Incident at the Sleeping Hound (ao3) (tumblr)
Winter's Herald (ao3) (tumblr)
Moonlight Arc
Moonlight (multi-chapter, in-progress)
(ch one is also on tumblr, but significant edits were made when it was moved to ao3. i’m leaving the first version here unchanged, just for fun, but be aware it’s different)
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worship the ashes (ship, noncanonical)
featherlight (Treebark Week D2: Light/Dark. ambiguous on both the ship status and the canonical status… anime filler arc status lmao)
somniphobia (ship, noncanonical) (og version is also on tumblr, a fic from taking treebark Lamplight requests: Ren doesn't sleep)
Heat Haze (Treebark Week D4: Warmth/Breeze) (ship, noncanonical)
the only place i don't feel cold (Treebark Week D3/4: Build/Burn, Infernal/Divine) (ship, noncanonical) (og version is also on tumblr, a fic from taking treebark Lamplight requests: God of...)
Leaflight Series (Lamplight Roleswap) [ask about the Leaflight concept]
Cover Me in Roses
Ficlet of a different Lamplight offshoot
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Other Writers
Help with plotting the AU has come from my friend Haunted, whose contributions to design, plot, and general function as a rubber duck have been greatly appreciated
Desert Duo subplot series by @/cosmicretribution (Haunted's designs)
Boat Boys subplot series by @/boatboysrowout
i said fuck it long ago
Canon-divergent horror series by @/sixteenth-days
so no head?
Oneshots (non canon)
the heart of the pyre by Zeph
striking steel by Apollo
guiding light by Apollo
Devotion of a God by Tide
Trespassers by Tide
Bog Bodies by Tide
Nearly Forgotten by Anpan
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Lamplight Art
if you want to draw Lamplight art, go ahead! i would love to see it! @ me and/or Haunted and i’ll put it here! if i don’t see it, send me a message! and be sure to check out these artists’ work and show them some love!
Haunted’s Lamplight Official™ Martyn design
Haunted’s Lamplight Official™ Ren design (ft. Martyn)
Haunted's Lamplight animatic, FIRE--this is an animatic for the latter half of the fic Torchlight and is really cool!
I hit the fucking link limit so the rest of the art can be found HERE
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bellathetmntgeckolady · 2 months
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If I had a nickel for every time Isabella interacted with some dragons, anthro or otherwise, I'd need a coin wrapper ready.
It's not that many times, but oh she does have a reputation with dragons (or big reptiles in general, looking at you, Zeph!) and it gets messy sometimes.
Both poses are from Mellon_Soup.
(Posting more Isa art before her spots are confirmed. I have her profile finished I just need to do a 360 head turn and expressions then boom I'm done.)
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auraee · 1 year
- 𝕃𝕠𝕥𝕦𝕤. -
𝔸𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖.
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✿ 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 ~ It's finally done! I first started this in Febuary and now I'm offically finished with it! Writer's block (and crimpling doubt about my abilities towards my writing) had me in a chokehold for the past few months, but today I managed to shake it off a little and try and finish this once and for all. I did enjoy writing this for what it's worth though! Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments, I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Also, also, if you'd like to check out my other pieces some of which are pretty old as well as my current work check out my writing blog! It's linked here ↝ ✿ Also, also, also, if you like read act one and act two to this story first (I highly recommend you do that so this makes sense and so you can enjoy it at it's fullest) it's linked here! ↝ ✿ Act two is here ↝ ✿
✿ 𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀!
✿Tagging ~ @potofstewie @wanderingfaee @mitsuris-pussy @comatosebunny09 @cherrykamado @atobler19 @gingerspicelattemix @seimorponekami (you might all enjoy this!)
✿ ℝ𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖 ~ Never land - Zeph
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✿ 𝔻𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ~
𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪-𝕚𝕟-𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ~ A lady-in-waiting or court lady is a female personal assistant at a court, attending on a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman.
ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 ~ is a stiff or structured petticoat designed to hold out a woman's skirt, popular at various times since the mid-19th century.
ℂ𝕠𝕒𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕤 ~ A coat of arms is a symbol that represents a specific family or person. Originally appearing on shields or flags, coats of arms were once used as a way of distinguishing one knight from another on a battlefield.
𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕦𝕣𝕒 ~ Serradura dessert or Sawdust pudding is one of the easiest traditional Portuguese desserts to make. A crowd-pleaser, this simple no-bake Portuguese dessert is made with Maria biscuits, condensed milk, whipped cream, and vanilla extract.
𝕋𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕪 ~ These are sporting events in which two knights (or two groups of knights) jousted on horseback with blunted weapons, each trying to knock the other off, the winner receiving a prize.
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𝔸𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 ~ 𝔸 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥.
“The air in here is wonderful, my lady.” 
 My gaze wandered the flowers in the conservatory. “I trust that you feel more at ease now, yes?”
_____ nodded, keeping her pace towards the flowers. She lifted  the hem of her dress to hop across the slim crystalline stream.
The Conservatory was beautiful during the day, but even more so during the night. Violet rays of the night danced along the stain-glass panes, flora here grew in abundance, contributing to the room’s romantic air. A collection of scents and colours formed the most beautiful piece of art, and _____ stood right in the middle of it all, having found her rightful place on the floral canvas. The moon’s eye fell on her teal gown, making it look as though it sparkled with moonlight with every step she took. 
I’d often find myself venturing here with the princess. She almost always seemed to be contemplating something when she did. Probably something political. Worry would dawn her doe-like eyes while her lips would curve to a weary pout.
I’d often find her staring quite intently at whatever bundle of flowers she was in front of. It was almost as though they’d suddenly jump up and scamper off if she wasn’t looking. 
 Her mother’s illness had deflated her. Leaving her with limited time to come to terms with being solely responsible for the future of our nation. I know that we have no control over when illness arises. It comes to everyone and that’s the truth but, in recent times ______ seemed so… lost. And when she’s lost, she’d decide to do the safest thing. The things she believed would make her court and the rest of the kingdom happy as crowned princess. 
She’d lose all sense of self and mimic her mother. 
I lingered a few metres behind my lady, wandering behind her as her knightly shadow while she watched the flowers as she did many times before. Perhaps talking to flowers was another ability she had that she never told me about. 
“Are you going to give me a reason why you left the festivities?” I asked, lending my weight on top of the beams of the central pavilion. 
Not lifting her gaze, _____ rolled her lips inward. She took a deep breath before she replied-
“I’d rather not, thanks.” 
“Do I have to pry it out of you then, your highness?”
_____ yanked her gaze away from the bundle of tulips. Her inky brows furrowed forming a cautionary bridge on her temple.
Well, I suppose that did it.
____ fiddled with her fingers. I watched her mind churn to choose the words she’d say next. “I’m… worried, Kyojuro.” She mumbled. “About the festival.”
I titled my head to the side. From what I could tell the event was going without incident. I remember from books written, that during the occasion the crowned royal must remain safe as the likelihood of attacks on the royal family tends to increase during the fourteen days of Lotus festival. I’ve had the knights under my command patrol the palace grounds long before the holiday began, thus leaving the responsibility of watching over the princess to myself, to counter any attempts to hurt her. Thankfully nothing has been reported to me, but I still refuse to let down my guard. …Perhaps it had something to do with her mother?
“I’m not quite sure… I understand my lady—” “Look up, Kyojuro!” _____ squeaked, her heels creating creaking sounds from her pacing. “The sign from the gods still hasn’t come yet! Was my offering not good enough? What if they don’t rekindle our promise? What then?!” 
Under the eye of the moon, _______ took another shaky breath in. Her eyes looked as though they were made of glass. Brittle and twinkling with the threat of tears.
I suppose that the sign was taking a while, but I don’t imagine it made much difference to her mother when she made the offering at the previous gala. Besides, we were still ways away from sunrise. 
I wish she didn’t doubt herself like that, nor that she’d hide within herself whenever she was troubled. 
I have been trying to make sure that she knows that she could confide in me whenever she needed to and it’s worked somewhat, but still. I need to try harder, for her sake.
 “You know, your highness. I’ve also experienced similar worries.” I said. 
_____ paused and stared. 
“Well, not exactly like yours— l-let me explain.” I cleared my throat. “I believe that you and I are not so different in some regards. The legacy my forefathers left behind long ago is now left to me to uphold. To strive to be even half the pillars they were requires tremendous amounts of work.”
That’s right. This sense of duty was embedded into my mind since childhood. To keep the Rengoku lineage alive, to have our name continue to bask in honour as it has done now for thousands of years. While my father was away, my mother would tell me and my then baby brother, stories of my father and grandfather and their duties to the kingdom. From the ventures made alongside comrades to the timeless battles fought for the kingdom… It was all fascinating. Over time I began to see my journey towards knighthood more clearly. I’d ask my father to train whenever he was home. There were occasions where I remember catching the slightest hint of hesitation in my father’s eyes.
I don’t think it was that he didn’t believe in me, no, it was more so that he was worried. 
Just as there was a sense of accomplishment on the path to becoming one of the pillars to the crown, there were hardships as well. 
Not returning home being one.
I wanted to assure my family that I had what it took and put my all into my training. So when I signed up and rose the ranks nigh effortlessly, my family was thrilled— I was thrilled. Through the trials I had made friends. They were both my brothers and sisters in arms. We had experienced so much together and with being much younger then, we thought we were unstoppable. 
Until about seven years ago.
There was an attack on three of the western outposts. Treasure hoarders. Supposedly, an informant had told them there were goods not yet transported further into the kingdom to be found there if they’d look. Their operation was intricate, reasonably thought out. Prior to making their assault, they knocked out most of the patrol guards if not killing them. 
After having caught light of the situation at the western border, we made haste. Though it happened so long ago, I remember the chain of events like it had occurred moments ago. Chaos. A spiralling storm of flame, bloodshed and death. Before the mania of it all, someone failed to inform us of something. There had been a third party. Lingering in the shadows, they took advantage of the distraction and went in search of the item. So not only did we lose most of our siblings in arms, we failed to keep the treasured goods safe. 
Something my father told me plagued my mind weeks after the incident. 
“Your friends… who laughed and drank with you the day before— are likely to end up dead the next.”
The incident brought about questions that I hadn’t thought about during my youth. I realised that my father was right. This line of work has no shortage of loss and mourning, and only those who could endure it all would be given the title of pillar. 
“I see… I’m sorry you had to experience that while so young, Kyojuro.” _____ said. Her eyes flickered away. “It must’ve been horrible…”
Earnesty dwelled in the princess’s voice, spreading its warmth around the confines of my heart.
“I decided to tell you that story because I wanted you to know that we are both bound by duty and we share instances where we wonder if we’re good enough, if we could ever hold a candle to those who came before us.”
_______ hummed. No larger than a wind spirit, a tune sent away to lands unknown. Warmth continued to radiate from her a smile replacing the threat of tears.
“Over time,” I continued. “I had to learn to trust in myself and in my abilities just as much as the loved ones who supported me did. What I thought of as flaws were just unique traits that required nurturing, so don’t sell yourself short. You’re far more capable than you know! Look at what you’ve done so far? Why do you choose to forget what amazing things you’ve done already?”
Perhaps this was inappropriate, but in the moment it didn’t seem to matter. 
I held ____’s hands. Not particularly surprised at how much smaller and softer they felt in mine. Music from the festivities slithered in through window panes, its melody feathery and light due to our distance from its source.
“Would… you like to dance, your highness?” 
The princess’ smile faltered a little, her gaze scurrying away to a shrub growing not far from where we stood. “Ah, I’m not sure about that, apologies for my humming. That might have given me away.”
“I don’t see the need for apologies! Surely, you know how to dance, no?”
______ giggled, raising her hand to my shoulder. “Well, my good knight, I’ll have you know that I have two left feet, so this dance won’t be as gracious as you think it will be.”
I grinned. “Ah, well, your highness I’ll have you know that I have two right feet, so I think we’ll balance each other perfectly.”
“Didn’t you mention that you were taught when you were young?” 
“Well, yes— but never mind that!”
“Mhm... right, right.”
Our fingers intertwined, my other hand cupped the princess’s clothed waist. There was a moment’s pause before I began leading our dance. My movements were slow at first, deliberate so I could get a gauge on her highness’ skill for dance. The tender flow of music effortlessly took us both.  _______’s eyes remained fixed on her feet, following my movements with utmost focus. It was difficult to hold back a chuckle.
Another endearing quality to her highness.
Together we made our way around the conservatory, twirling around the display of lush flora the royal family has preserved for centuries. Our bodies rocked in toe with the music, under a floral arch, then another and another. In time, the princess gained confidence in her movements and lifted her gaze. Mesmerising is the way I’d describe them. Enamoring me the way gold and jewels would capture and enchant a covetous dragon. Enticing it with its glow to never let it out of its sight. 
Why… am I having such thoughts?
She is to be queen one day and I am her guard. I shouldn’t be thinking about her gaze, or her star lit smile or her touch. 
She’d far… far sooner be interested in another man of similar calibre and love him.
Yes... that’s right. 
She should love a man deserving of her grace. Someone who’d keep her safe, adore her oddities, make her laugh…
She… shouldn’t settle for anything less.
Sharpness of a pointed object punctured my lungs, carving a bloody path to my heart. A dragged exhale left me, my lips rolled inward only to spill out a small chuckle moments later to _____’s  playful antics. 
I musn’t crack— not in front of her.
“Oh my, Kyojuro look! T-the goddesses! They’ve responded!” ______ squealed, elation enveloping her every feature. 
When my gaze reached the sky there they were— the approval of the gods. Streaks of seafoam and coral coloured light paved the inky skies. Curving and bending like rivers of magic, winding their way into my soul and granting me with a sense of peace that was unfamiliar to me. The pace of my heart quickened when I finally took my gaze from the skies and gazed over at my lady. I was glad that her attention was fixated on the light display in the sky because I was sure that the warmth in my cheeks was probably bright enough to compete with it.
“I… did it. Didn’t I?” She finally spoke.
“Yes your highness, you did.” I said, offering her a smile. “You should be proud—”
Before I could finish, _____ leapt into my arms, coiling her arms around my neck while burying her face at its juncture. I could feel her smile on my skin. For a moment I stood motionless, my hands at my sides before I steadily guided them to her waist to hold her.
Must she make this so pain-stakingly difficult?
“M-my lady, please. I understand you’re happy, but you surprised me….” I gulped, my hands descended ever so slightly. “You shouldn’t jump into people’s arms like that!”
Supposedly amused, _____ chuckled, whispering a candy laced apology to my tender warm ears, effortlessly lodging all of my muscles into place. 
I don’t know how much longer I can take this.
“B-but as I was saying,” I continued. “I believe you should be proud of yourself and your efforts. Clearly, your worry was misplaced.” 
_____ pulled finally away from me. Regret stirred in my stomach as she parted from me, but I quickly squashed it. 
“Yes… perhaps it was.” She began, her face now filled with ease. “Do you hear it, Kyojuro?”
“Hear what, my lady?”
“The citizens, for one.” _____ smiled, placing her hand on her heart. “Their happiness makes me happy. But if you listen close, you’ll hear something else. A melody— different from the one at the ball, playing just for the two of us.
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sweethartlullaby · 6 months
you, among the art ix
word count: 807 genre/theme: fluff and angst, sculpting series, graduate student and her professor/supervisor, female and male pairing songs: could you love me while i hate myself - zeph as always, imagine whoever you would like... sweethartlullaby ꕤ masterlist
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He briskly walks down the hallway. The wave of students has gone but he will not want to be caught in the middle of it all when classes end. 
The ring on his finger still feels strange, somehow heavy. They agreed to not take sculpting away from him, something he is forever grateful for. His wife stays at home, waiting for him to come back each night. 
On the other hand, she hasn’t written back to him for almost a year now. The last time he wrote back, he wished her well and the best of health. He learned to let it go after a while but he cannot admit that the hole has gone. 
As he turns, he catches something in the corner of his eye. 
At first, he thinks it’s a mistake. Why would she be here? And when he turns, he realizes that it was not a complete mistake. It’s a portrait of her and she looks exactly the way she did when she left. 
He gets closer and reading the name seals it for him. He reads her description and can’t stop the smile that makes its way to his face. She truly made a name for herself. He only feels the urge to stop when he reaches that part. 
Unfortunately, her life was taken away in a car accident this May. She was on her way back to this university. When she was found, she was holding onto a scarf. 
He looks at the items below the description and he instantly recognizes the scarf. It looks dirtier than when he first gave it to her and he can see the spots of blood on the fabric.
He suddenly can’t feel his fingers or his face. In times like this, shouldn’t his heart be beating in his ears? Shouldn’t he feel like he is dreaming, because isn’t this what it is? Isn’t this a dream? Isn’t this something she had just done to joke on him? Isn’t this a lie?
His ring feels light now. His whole body does. 
The woman in the picture no longer feels familiar. It must be someone else because she isn’t gone. Her picture is above the wrong description. They must have confused her with someone else. He looks around frantically, gripping the handle of his bag even tighter. There are even more pictures, her with Madame Aki, her in more galas, her on stage during her final project presentation, wearing the same damn smile in all.
When he feels that all pairs of her eyes are on him, he runs out to his office, pushing past people as he struggles to breathe. The silence of his space is deafening and sudden. It feels as if all the air has been sucked out of his lungs. Everything around him has stopped and the only movement he can make is his collapse onto the ground. 
The breaths he takes are shallow and when he finally feels something, it’s the tightness in his chest. His hand clutches the fabric above his heart which he hopes will give him some air. When he finds it, he starts to cry. 
Watching her felt like the sun finally decided to look at him. It was as if the heavens had congratulated him on not drawing that blade across his wrist last night. She was electric and she spoke with such determination, that he felt it in his bones. He was overflowing with joy and it had come out as a laugh instead. He had embarrassed himself in front of his colleagues but worse of all, she was frozen. 
When he wrote her his apology letter, he prayed that she would accept his proposition. So when she did, he kept thanking the gods. He promised himself to give her only the best. Falling for her was simply something that happened along the way. 
And he fell hard. It wasn’t as if he had never liked someone before but this was something beyond it. Suddenly, he wanted to protect her. He wanted more than the best for her. He knew he had someone waiting for him. He knew he had a life beyond being her supervisor but that was all that he wanted to do. 
He had a dilemma that day when she received that letter from Madame Aki. He debated abandoning everything and moving. There was art in Japan, someone of his fame wouldn’t be destitute. He needed a sign and he never got one.
So now, he sits in his empty office, hearing the echoes of her laughter ring. He cradles his head in his hands, the ring burning against his scalp as he thinks about how she was on her way back to him. Could he have said it then?
And I would have followed you to the ends of the earth.
a/n: and we are done! thank you so much again for reading. i might add the previous and next parts soon but please refer to the masterlist in the meantime! this was much more dramatic in my head and i wanted it to literally rip hearts out (so please let me know if this had any effect on you hihi) i think something i ended up doing differently than planned was having nine chapters instead of ten. at first it was just because i combined some chapters but i realized it ended well. i thought of it as they never really got to reach 10, never really got to finish their story and so it ends at 9. it's going to forever be incomplete because that was taken away from them. that is just my reason for it but you're free to interpret it however! i hope you have enjoyed this series and i thank you for your unending patience. thank you and i apologize for any mistakes!
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zyphnn · 2 years
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some recent paintings from on/around campus :)
gouache and watercolour
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blighted-elf · 7 months
OC Mannerisms
Tagged by @spyridonya, thank you!! 💜 As you did this for your WotR tiefling, I will do the same for mine, because I'm always wanting to talk about Zephyrus.
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(Full art piece here)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES >> She speaks four languages fluently. Kelish and Osiriani are her first languages, the ones she speaks at home in Nex. She has since learned Taldan and Chthonian/Abyssal.
TONE OF VOICE >> Zeph is very well-spoken. She sounds serious and dry even though most of the words that come out of her mouth are pure sarcasm.
ACCENT >> The limited voice options in WotR have thrown me off, but in my mind, she has what could be the real life accent of someone who was born and raised in Morocco but moved to Los Angeles in their youth. She leans more into an American accent when speaking Taldan and more Moroccan when speaking either Kelish or Osiriani.
DEMEANOR >> She is both as poised and vain as a noblewoman and is as restless and animated as a small child. Even in tiefling-hostile countries, she walks with the same confidence as a human or elf might. She is utterly unphased with what those around her are doing and it very much shows - she is not only the main character in her world, sometimes she feels she is the only character.
POSTURE >> She has good posture. Straight back, looking forward.
HABITS : (Bold = constantly, italic = occasionally)
head tilting / swaying / fidgeting (with her tail) / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ As her father's a professor at a prestigious Nexian school, this nepo baby is very well educated and a bit pretentious about it. I spoke a little about her parents here if anyone's interested.
EMOTION >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ This is a bit of a tricky one to rank in dots. She is rather emotional and is not shy about showing it, but not a lot phases her. She is rather indifferent for the most part, and utterly dramatic when she does care.
SENTENCE STRUCTURE >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ Much like I wrote for vocabulary. Zeph is quick witted and largely unserious.
I'd say somewhere in the middle. It's not something uses consistently, but not for any moral reason (she's just as likely to shout some Kelish curse when she stubs her toe as anyone else) but just because she sees no real reason to.
FREQUENCY >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity) >> ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️ BOLD THAT APPLY
arse / ass / asshole / bastard / bitch / bloody / bugger / bollocks / chicken shit / crap / cunt / dick / frick / fuck / horseshit / motherfucker / piss / prick / pussy / screw / shit / shitass / son of a bitch / twat / wanker
straightforward or cryptic? -> Unless she's being manipulative, 99% of the time, she's very straight forward. So much so that it often catches people off-guard, which she LOVES. It amuses her greatly. During the Daeran romance, she occasionally sprinkled in some well-time cryptic lines just to keep him on his toes (ie. saying "It was our destiny to end up together" right before spilling wine on his expensive suit.)
finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? -> It depends on the situation. She can be rather careless at times.
masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? -> She's for sure one of my most typically feminine characters.
formalities or with abrasiveness? -> She's very abrasive and will only use formalities as a joke. She doesn't care about others, save for her parents and a small handful of others (Daeran, Camellia, Woljif, etc. as well as a couple people back home)
praise or equivocation? -> Another tricky one. She generally uses whichever she needs to get what she wants, and stroking another's ego for no reason just isn't something she does.
frankness or flattery? -> Much like the above. When not trying to manipulate, she is frank.
excessive or minimal hand gestures? -> The hand gestures are constant. As is the animated tail moving.
name-calling or magnanimity? -> She's more likely to be witty about it rather than resort to name-call, but she's certainly not above it either.
friendly or blunt? -> Zephyrus can appear friendly when she wants to, but it's not very common.
almost always / frequently / rarely / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
almost always / frequently / sometimes / never
almost always (she's not sticking around if she's bored lol) / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
yes / no / only ironically
but / though / although / however / perhaps / maybe
walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don’t
upper (I think of her as middle-upper class, but she carries herself as a noblewoman) / middle / lower
accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
- Anything that wasn’t touched on?
Not really. I think this covers just how much of a chaotic neutral/chaotic evil spoiled brat my beloved tiefling is. She is absolutely terrible, and so fun to play.
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🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them? Zephyrine and Ophelia
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that’d ruin a friendship for them? (For Ophelia and Fleur)
👽 Describe your OC as if they were an urban legend or myth! (For Cooper)
Thank you!
Ask list
🍵 Are there any rumors about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humored ones? Got any gossip to share about them?
Zephyrine: Since no one in her external friend groups have never seen her house before, rumors mostly speculate on what kind of house she lives in. Some say mansion, some say penthouse, some say in one of the many high end condominiums in the city. Though also because of that, and how often Zeph wears expensive-looking make up and rides a motorcycle to school, there are alsp rumors that someone... older might be paying those things for her.
Ophelia: There are rumors about Ophelia; bad mostly. Often how about she's some psychopath deep down because of all the horror and grotesque monster art she has in her sketchbook. Others are more about how she probably keeps dead animals for fun, or murdered someone before because of how unfazed she is when her class did a live frog dissection back in 10th grade for Biology.
💗 Relationships? Who are their friends, their family relations, lover(s), foes? What sort of personalities really tick them off and what others do they like? Is there anything that'd ruined a friendship for them?
I'll make it a bullet point so it's easier, and I'll be writing the only ones who are important (sorry to Fleur's maternal side of her family and Ophelia's parents). I'll leave out the last question since that's a spoiler.
》 Jules (Father)
》 Mrs. Heartstein (Mother)
》 Murphy & Ziyad (Younger brothers (adopted)
》 QPR: Cooper
》 Good friend: Weylyn
》 Acquiantance: Zephyrine, Ophelia
》 "It's complicated": Eliseo
Friend potential
》 Likes: People who don't mind the silence and respect her boundaries. Fleur doesn't ask much in a person.
》 Dislikes: People who constantly whine and complain. It gets on her nerves constantly to hear someone complain then not do anything about it.
》 Carmen (Older sister)
》 Everest (Older brother)
》 Cryptid (Family dog)
》 Best friend: Zephyrine
》 Acquaintance: Weylyn, Fleur, Cooper
》 Terrified of: Eliseo
Friend Potential
》 Likes: Anyone that genuinely wants to be with her and treats her as someone normal
》 Dislikes: Anyone that is remotely similar to her bullies
👽 Describe your OC as if he was an urban legend or a myth
Cooper is... something.
It's as if he knows something he shouldn't, always with an innocent and cheery smile. He'll simply one day look at you, give you a knowing look as his smile widens to a grin.
What the fuck does he know?
It's odd since he only just showed up one day and looks at you as if you've known each other your whole lives. Even if he declares himself as Fleur's closest friend and with the latter agreeing, you can't be sure about that. You can't proove that, you have no evidence.
"Are you jealous?" He would often ask, everytime you end up staring at someone for too long; someone who has it better than you. An innocent smile is on his face, eyes narrowed with a glint.
You swear you saw his teeth get sharper the longer you keep him waiting for a reply.
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cadcnce-archived · 1 year
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sword fight!!! :: closed
send ‘ Swordplay ’ for my muse to pin yours to the ground while fighting/sparring. send ‘ Swordplay + reverse ’ for your muse to pin mine.
@starryskied sent: Swordplay ( Zeph from ms. blue bird herself )
It's not a matter of if Zephyr deserved comeuppance, but when. Something or someone will surely, finally, catch up with the cheeky bird. Debauchery was only scraping the surface. There was an entire history even before arriving tired and haggard with his half dead sister on the front door of Rhodes Island building up a karmic debt. And apparently, he continued to be good at evading his debtors. Isn't there only so much one can get away with? And no, HR reports don't count. It may take something else for him to get the point. In this case Astesia's blade.
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"I really really don't want to fight you, you know?" Troubled words spared while evading another strike of that flourishing rapier. It's unfortunate, that even at his most earnest Zephyr carries an air of someone who can't be taken seriously. Dubious to a complete fault. And cunning to a degree that everything might be a game. Either to save his own life or mess with someone else's. Talk was cheap, and even with a wealth of vocabulary the bounty accrued on him by the astrologist would take more than a speech to assuage.
So what else did he have then?
Well, his dexterity and agility for one. Swiping from tables and slipping around chairs for a chunk of your life making change and trading gossip around the clubs and casinos that made up the underbelly of Ursus is worth something. Not to mention surviving the fights when you got caught or had turf to defend in the alleys. He's been doing this since he was little. Surviving. To the great dismay of those who wished death upon him he was slippery even before the arts came into play.
They weren't, not for now. In such close quarters and with his attention on that sword it's not that he couldn't, but running away invites a certain level of cowardice on his resume and against a refine lady like Astesia that just wouldn't do. It'd be one thing if one of the elite operators or city clearers like Blaze were around where he didn't stand a chance at a parry. Oh, absolutely he would be halfway across the landship by now to save his skin.
That beautiful blade draws close to his neck and a flash of steel preludes the knife that catches it at the hilt. Zephyr knocks the attack away as footwork evades him a breath to the side from the attempted riposte that follows from the woman. She moves quick, and so does he. One might think this a tie as far as capabilities went, and they'd be wrong. The longer the battle draws on the less an advantage Zephyr has. He's a get in and get out kind of assailant. Quick attacks to take an opponent by surprise, it's why his arts made him such an effective combatant.
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"Shit, you're not actually trying to kill me are you?!" This is the question that should have been asked earlier, alas, perhaps the optimism had run a little high after the supposed prank went poorly. Astesia had every right to be offended and wish retaliation for her honor. Zephyr just wanted to take his fidget spinner and leave. That wasn't going to work. And he's realizing it by the moment that in her current state an apology wasn't going to work.
Clang! Swish!
It's not the cleanest way to fight, but getting in and kicking away her lead foot and then breaking her guard with the pommel of the knife in his hand was about the only chance he had. A gust of wind to put him behind her and she's on the ground, just as angry as one might expect. But at least she doesn't have her sword, and Zephyr is no longer on the table to become swiss cheese.
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"Are we good now?" There's the optimism again! As if it ever went away, and only blipped. It seemed that comeuppance wouldn't come so easily, but it was only stemmed. Much like the other Liberi's merited rage. "I'm sorry. Okay? I'm... sorry I spun a fidget spinner on your boob while you were asleep. Now if you promise not to gut me I'll get up. No hard feelings! We'll let this go..."
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lindajenni · 4 months
feb 18
sunday solace - He speaks even in His silence "He answered her not a word." matt 15:23   "He will be silent in his love." zeph 3:17 it may be a child of God is reading these words, perhaps having bore some great crushing sorrow, some bitter disappointment, some heart-breaking blow from a totally unexpected quarter.  you are longing for your Master’s voice bidding you “be of good cheer,” but only silence and a sense of mystery and misery meet you — “He answered her not a word.” God’s tender heart must often ache listening to all the sad, complaining cries which arise from our weak, impatient hearts, because we do not see that for our own sakes He answers not at all of what seems best to our tear-blinded, short-sighted eyes.  the silences of Jesus are as eloquent as His speech and may be a sign, not of His disapproval, but of His approval and of a deep purpose of blessing for you. “why art you cast down, o my soul?”  you shalt yet praise Him, yes, even for His silence.  now i would like to tell you another of my little stories. this is an old and beautiful story of how one christian dreamed that she saw three others at prayer.  as they knelt, the Master drew near to them. ------- as He approached the first of the three, He bent over her in tenderness and grace, with smiles full of radiant love and spoke to her in accents of purest, sweetest music. leaving her, He came to the next, but only placed His hand upon her bowed bead, and gave her one look of loving approval. the third woman He passed almost abruptly without stopping for a word or glance.  the woman in her dream said to herself, "how greatly He must love the first one, to the second He gave His approval, but none of the special demonstrations of love He gave the first; and the third must have grieved Him deeply, for He gave her no word at all and not even a passing look. “i wonder what she has done, and why He made so much difference between them?”  as she tried to account for the action of her Lord, He Himself stood by her and said: "o woman!  how wrongly have you interpreted Me.  the first kneeling woman needs all the weight of My tenderness and care to keep her feet in My narrow way.  she needs My love, thought and help every moment of the day.  without it she would fail and fall. the second has stronger faith and deeper love, and I can trust her to trust Me however things may go and whatever people do. the third, whom I seemed not to notice, and even to neglect, has faith and love of the finest quality, and her I am training by quick and drastic processes for the highest and holiest service. she knows Me so intimately, and trusts Me so utterly, that she is independent of words or looks or any outward intimation of My approval.  she is not dismayed nor discouraged by any circumstances through which I arrange that she shall pass; she trusts Me when sense and reason and every finer instinct of the natural heart would rebel; because she knows that I am working in her for eternity, and that what I do, though she knows not the explanation now, she will understand hereafter. I am silent in My love because I love beyond the power of words to express, or of human hearts to understand, and also for your sakes that you may learn to love and trust Me in Spirit-taught, spontaneous response to My love, without the spur of anything outward to call it forth.” ------- "what do you think?  if a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying?" matt 18:12  that's our Lord's way. oh, to know Him so well and trust Him so much that words alone cannot even express their depth.  yes, He “will do marvels” if you will learn the mystery of His silence, and praise Him.  every time He withdraws His gifts is so that you may better know and love the Giver.
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smilepebble · 11 months
here they are! this is very long as i put some story for a few of my pokémon choices, as well as an explanation on how pokémon fit into the lore of the game. there's also spoilers for the whole game in here, so because of that and the length ive put it all under a readmore.
in this pokémon au, i didn't replace any monsters or animals with pokémon. instead, they're defined as creatures capable of being tamed by humans, capable of evolution, and capable of using magic in some way, shape, or form.
humans are still able to use magic like in the original game, including the dark arts. humans who often fight (i.e. mercenaries and soldiers) still fight with weapons, and fight alongside and/or against pokémon. legendaries exist, but they are not very well known. pokéballs also don't exist yet in this au, so pokémon sometimes come and go as they please. trainers will often only bring 2 or 3 pokémon with them at a time, and very few people have full teams.
and here's the main character teams themselves, in the order i got the characters in during my first playthrough :) each character (for the most part) got 5 regular pokemon and one legendary. i imagine in a gameplay perspective that legendary would be summoned similarly to using a divine skill.
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Main team: Meowth, Dragonite, Lapras, Pachirisu, Floatzel
Legendary: Lugia
Meowth: the family pet, who is especially close to tressa. she found it as a stray a few years ago, and has taken care of it ever since. it follows her everywhere.
Dragonite: received as an egg as a gift from Leon when she first set off on her journey. its the child of Leon's Dragonair.
Lugia: in ch3 when Tressa went to search for the Eldrite, she went alone, forgetting to consider the danger in her excitement. when the venomtooth tiger ambushed her, Lugia appeared to help her fight it off. when the rest of the party caught up to help her, Lugia disappeared. it appears again in ch4, and Tressa befriends it.
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Main team: Lucario, Aggron, Hisuian Samurott, Arcanine, Staraptor ★
Legendary: Zacian
Lucario: Olberic's oldest pokémon, from his days as a knight. it's too old to battle anymore, so it likes to train the younger members of the party. it and Erhardt's Lucario are littermates.
Aggron: it lived in the Cobbleston area when it was an Aron and liked to follow Olberic around. despite its intimidating appearance, it is very gentle and a bit shy.
Zacian: it and Zamazenta used to fight alongside Olberic and Erhardt, but disappeared during the fall of Hornburg. they reappear when Erhardt saves Olberic during the revolt against Werner in ch4. it is more outgoing and playful than its sister.
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Main team: Umbreon, Primarina, Oricorio, Mismagius, Masquerain
Legendary: Yveltal
Primrose does not have any pokemon in the beginning of her story. she used to have a Piplup as a child, but it was killed in the fall of house Azelhart.
Umbreon: a stray Eevee Primrose met not long after ch1. it evolves not long after Primrose comes to really trust her new friends and see them as family. (probably sometime between ch2 and 3)
Primarina: met in the coastlands as a popplio on the party's way to Atlasdam. it reminds her a bit of her Piplup. it gets along well with her Umbreon.
Yveltal: a pokémon that Primrose has kept catching glimpses of since she set out on her journey. she finally meets it face-to-face outside of Everhold expecting to have to battle it, but instead it speaks to her, lending her its support and it's power.
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Main team: Politoed, Meganium, Froakie, Azumarill, Audino
Legendary: Ho-oh
Politoed: a poliwag that Alfyn saved from an injury. it immediately got attached to him.
Meganium: was a gift from Zeph when Alfyn left on his journey, after switching satchels with him. its sweet scent helps soothe Alfyn's patients.
Ho-oh: replaces the ogre eagle from his ch4. instead of chasing it off, he befriends it instead, treating its injuries after the battle.
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Main team: Liepard, Mimikyu, Chimecho, Meowscarada, Alolan Marowak
Legendary: Lunala
Therion had a Glameow before Darius betrayed him. it fell to it's death when Darius pushed them both off the cliff. Therion later remembers it died trying to cushion the fall for him.
Liepard: found Therion at the bottom of the cliff as a Purrloin and tried to help him. it sticks by his side despite his hesitancy to have a new partner pokémon.
Lunala: when Therion was pushed off the cliff, a Cosmog found him and Purrloin and teleported them near a town so they could get help. it's very elusive, but he can often tell when it's around. it evolves into Cosmoem during ch3 and into Lunala during the confrontation with Darius in ch4.
Chimecho: a Chingling that often wandered around the Ravus estate. it, like Purrloin, decided to follow Therion. despite his apparent annoyance towards it, it evolves pretty quickly.
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Main team: Chien-Pao, Luxray, Braviary, Noivern, Sawsbuck
Legendary: Rayquaza
H'aanit, Z'aanta, and Susanna can all speak to and understand pokémon.
Chien-Pao: Linde!! the only one of her kind, and a reincarnation of one of the treasures of ruin, which were thought to be related somehow to the Gate of Finis. she and Hägen do not age normally, as they are soul-linked (as in the nuzlocke type) with their human companions.
Luxray: the ghisarma in ch1 attacked a pack of Luxray, Luxio, and Shinx. H'aanit saved a Shinx cub from being slaughtered during the confrontation. the Shinx's parents had both been slain, so it decided to stay with her and Linde.
Rayquaza: replaces the dragon from ch3. H'aanit chases it off to get to the herb-of-grace, but it returns in ch4 to help her defeat Redeye.
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Main team: Frosmoth, Chandelure, Togekiss, Alolan Ninetales, Gardevoir
Legendary: Zekrom
Frosmoth: a Snom that Ophilia has had for several years now. she and Lianna befriended their first pokémon together.
Chandelure: a litwick that Ophilia found in the cave of the first flame.
Togekiss: an egg that Ophilia received not long after leaving on her journey.
because Togepi, Litwick, and Snom are quite young and weak, Ophilia has to do most of the battling for her team at first.
Ophilia finds the dark stone during her ch3, after defeating the two cultists.
Zekrom: Matthias was planning to use Zekrom to help unleash Galdera and create his ideal world, however the dark stone refused to react for him. it reacts to Ophilia and is unleashed when she confronts him and Lianna. Zekrom is very levelheaded compared to its counterpart, and is a calming presence to Ophilia and Lianna, despite its intimidating appearance.
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Main team: Reuniclus, Ampharos, Decidueye, Espeon, Sigilyph
Legendary: Reshiram
Reuniclus: a Solosis that Cyrus has had since he started studying at the academy. it's very affectionate towards him, however it seems shy to everyone else. it is clumsy, and afraid of battling at first, causing Cyrus to get into a lot of bad situations. it gets braver over time thanks to Cyrus' patience and care for it.
Espeon: the child of Odette's Flareon. it was especially adventurous as a young Eevee, which made it hard for Odette and her pokémon to take care of it. Cyrus agrees to take care of it on Odette's condition that he be more careful in his investigations.
Cyrus finds the light stone after defeating Yvon.
Reshiram: the light stone was one of the many things Yvon had hoarded for himself. he planned to use Reshiram to exert his own power, however the light stone refused to react to him. it reacts to Cyrus and is unleashed when he confronts Lucia. Reshiram is very hotheaded compared to its counterpart, and Cyrus often has to calm it down.
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
How does Zeph look like with her new puppet in the post MA off the string au? Powerful Woman vibes?
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art isn't arting lately so -fart noise-, i got Scorched (burnt out) but Basically what i'm thinking so far:
Zeph's new puppet is gon take a lot of inspiration from Haboob's (that thing has been... messed with to hell n back even in morally questionable directions so it's a Solid design) and takes some of Sparrows' DNA to go more into the organic side of the Iterators for better mobility, ability to regenerate and also cuz giving her a digestive system sounded easier than trying to pull off whatever is going on in Gen 3s and more reliable than whatever magic happened to the other generations that they can just move about. she might also have gills, definitely no hole in the back
she retains her key features like the antenna (holes in headphones added for better hearing), the snake mark, general face shape, height, even the Gen 1™ leg shape... n she's bound to get her age wrinkles back sooner than later with how many dumbasses she's surrounded by + all that trauma is still in her noggin, but yeah. more organic than other Itties, sturdier n stronger than Ancients were
Gem is tryin to take all the credit for it, but the whole medic team (+ Haboob) worked their ass off to give Zeph the best of both worlds
major wip though
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acefantasiesworld · 11 months
note: for the record yes I know some of this may make no sense, my brain came up with idea and I went with it. I also don't have any art for zephyr yet but there may be some in the future??
name: zephyr von streke alternate names: zephyr the psycho, vesper, zeph race: half human, half plant age: unknown but guessed to be around 60 height: 5’9” favorite things: donuts, stars, caterpillars, jellies
Relatives- Eustass von streak(biological father), Mary von streak (biological mother) Magnus rowe(adoptive brother/caretaker), Layton rowe(adoptive brother/caretaker), Holly von streke(adoptive daughter), Cody saverem(biological son), baby sprout/baby saverem(biological son)
About zephyr- Born Vesper von streak to the von streak family in New Kansas city, Zephyr is the son of new kansas city’s mayor. Born with an unknown disease that leaves him dangerously sick and frail, he is set strictly to stay within his home. Despite his family’s slightly high status, Zephyr's parents are quite the opposite privately then how they are publicly and exploit his sickness to gain profits and use them elsewhere rather than seek help for a possible cure to Zephyr's ailment. During the years until he becomes a young teen, Zephyr is constantly visited by a kind man who makes the young boy forget about his worries and ailment whenever he is visited.
 Not long after the man’s last visit to new kansas city Zephyr is sold by his parents for money to the city’s scientists for experimentation using their plant. Though the people who take Zephyr in actually try to find the cure for his sickness in which they end up finding a way using their plant when he’s 22, the experiment permanently rids him of his disease but it also stops his physical aging leaving him to look like a young adult presently. Along the way he ends up abandoning the name Vesper von streak and begins to go by Zephyr von streke while living with the scientists. Not long after Zephyr becomes a gunman but also partially works as a traveling bounty hunter, along the way he ends up finding a little girl named Holly with no family, he ends up adopting her as his own child and raises her in the newest built part of new kansas city.
Appearance- Zephyr is a tall slim man with tanned skin and dark hair with a single streak of white running through the right. His hair is usually pushed back to keep out of his eyes or sometimes frames his face just resting above his cheekbones. His eyes are fern green with bright flecks of amber though he’s usually seen with dark sunglasses either wearing them or having them rest atop his head (uncanny moment, his eyes naturally glow due to the experiments hence the glasses, his eyes look like bright green glow sticks in the dark). Zephyr’s outfit consists of a tight fitting black turtleneck with sleeves running mid forearm, black high waisted leather pants and midcalf combat boots. On top he adorns a large black trench coat that lays over his shoulder with his arms not in its sleeves. Inside his coat are built in holsters that carry his guns and blade for quick access, the coat is also reinforced to withstand impalements from attackers. Sitting below zephyr’s collarbones is a necklace that holds a glass sphere which contains a single red paper petal of a flower from a planet no longer habitable which was gifted to him by vash a long time ago.
Personality- Though silent most of the time Zephyr is quite the whimsical character especially with children as he adores them to bits and pieces. He’s very friendly with strangers as well and is quite approachable and willing to help at any given chance. Coincidentally Zephyr lives by the same morals as vash does, having been taught by him and all so even during his years as a gunman and bounty hunter he hasn’t ever killed anyone, only ever having wounded his attackers and such. He has a major soft spot for vash since he’s known him back when he was younger.
Others(fun facts & such)~ Despite there being no flourishing plants and wildlife on no man's land zephyr is highly fascinated with the purple emperor butterfly caterpillar, a little green caterpillar with what almost seem like little horns on its head and a cute little face. He’s only seen images of this little bug in nature books saved from earth. The same goes for moon jellies and the purple striped jellyfish, their unique shape and colors being an amazing wonder to him. If there was a chance to ever get to see them alive he would probably cry like a small child getting a puppy as a gift.
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