#Zhang Rui En
kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: Bride's Revenge (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “Bride's Revenge”
ES PSUB [La venganza de la novia] EP01: Se casa con el que no ama | Romance/Traje Antiguo | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75DNYvvzDpw
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audriel · 9 months
fourteen: behind the scenes
this story can be said a character study of Fang Rui and his relationships (tbh when is it not lol).
in truth, in the earliest draft, there's only one relationship that's become the focus, but as it typically happens, the character and the story tend to take a life of its own. but ultimately what brings it to completion is the Secret Santa prompt. as per en's request, the two characters chosen to become the main focus in their relationship with Fang Rui are Ye Xiu and Yu Wenzhou, with two more from the Chinese Glory team. so special mention to en (empatbelas) since they’re the reason this story gets completed.
Huang Shaotian: in comparison to the other three, there's no obvious interaction in the novel that suggests that they are closer than the typical familiarity between top gods of the League. it doesn't help that Huang Shaotian (and Fang Rui himself) is friendly with everyone. Huang Shaotian among the first to comment in Fang Rui's weibo post, then Fang Rui joins Happy's bullying of Huang Shaotian during the pre-match handshakes in the playoffs. until the prequel 'Summer of Blue Rain' that is.
not only Fang Rui shows up in Blue Rain, he also calls Huang Shaotian, Shaotian. again, considering how naturally friendly they are, it might not be enough as an evidence of their closeness. however, it's important to note that both spend time together in Blue Rain, and considering how tight-knit Blue Rain is and how social the two are, it's not impossible that they are more than merely colleagues and rivals, but friends that chat and hangout together outside of games.
Zhou Zekai: in the novel, there's only one notable interaction outside of games between the two, which is when they encountered each other after Samsara-Happy first regular match of Season 10. then there's a mention of a familiarity that's typical between pro players that debut together during the finals, but it doesn't suggest Fang Rui is as close to Zhou Zekai as Wu Yuce or even Zhou Guangyi, though it's interesting to point out that he called the latter Old Zhou, likely because he called Zhou Zekai, Little Zhou. however, then there's the prequel.
there's a pattern in the prequels: For the Glory and the Expectations of the Mediocre. all the stories tends to revolve around first meetings: Ye Xiu-Su siblings. Ye Xiu-Han Wenqing. Ye Xiu-Wu Xuefeng. Sun Zheping-Zhang Jiale. Yu Wenzhou-Huang Shaotian-Wang Jiexi. Wang Jiexi-Fang Shiqian. Yu Wenzhou-Huang Shaotian-Zhang Xinjie-Xiao Shiqin. Zhou Zekai-Fang Minhua. and based on the characters that become the focus, they are all play important roles for each other: partners, rivals, tacticians. they are equals.
and in the latest prequel, in what supposed to be Zhou Zekai and Samsara focus, suddenly a wild Fang Rui appeared. and he's not a mere cameo, unlike his previous appearance. he actually has an actual interaction, genuine exchange. and for people who's quiet and introverted like Zhou Zekai, they tend to stick close to people they're familiar with when they're getting into new place aka the League. Fang Rui might be the first friend he made outside Samsara, and quite possibly, his partner and/or rival in the future (or BB just plain adore FR, which is... fair, me too).
Yu Wenzhou: before the prequel, it's less likely for Fang Rui to be close to Yu Wenzhou, in comparison to Huang Shaotian. although there's a notable interaction in the playoffs when Lu Hanwen attempted to play dirty, the keyword here is 'attempted', making Fang Rui rolled on the ground laughing as he gestured wildly towards Blue Rain team. the one being shown having a reaction towards him is Yu Wenzhou (though this also points out how good of a relationship he has with his old team that he dares to openly tease them right in the middle of the match, it's the playoffs too).
then there's the prequel, while Fang Rui appears to mainly summon Huang Shaotian for his new silver weapon, he stays behind and calls Yu Wenzhou, Wenzhou. Unlike Huang Shaotian, Yu Wenzhou is more reserved and not to mention he's Swoksaar successor and future captain, even young as they were, I don't think any ordinary newbie (as per timeline suggests that the Challengers League conclude around the same time of S3, Fang Rui should only have less than a year in the training camp) would have that kind of familiarity with Yu Wenzhou. i come to believe, as reflected in this story, that in actuality Fang Rui is closer to Yu Wenzhou than Huang Shaotian.
Ye Xiu: and lastly, putting the most important relationship and the one that started everything. as i fall in love with Fang Rui, i recall vividly all his scenes and his interactions with others. his dynamics with Ye Xiu particularly caught my eye. Wei Chen is the first who can keep up with his trash talk in Happy, but ultimately after they officially enter the Glory Pro Alliance, it's Fang Rui. Su Mucheng is undeniably his best partner, but Fang Rui is Ye Xiu's partner in trash talk and in close range offensive. there are plenty of instances of these two working together in dealing damage in close range (i can give the receipt, if anyone wants it). these are some of my favorite interactions:
"Nice snipe." Fang Rui's Boundless Sea said in the public chat.   "I can't stay rusty forever :)" Ye Xiu replied with a smiley face. -Chapter 1163
"Clearly explain? You didn't explain at all!" Fang Rui said. "I saw that he was looking at them himself!" Ye Xiu said. "What use is looking at them himself! Are the rules that easy to digest? You need to properly teach him how to exploit the loopholes in the rules." "You shut your mouth, is exploiting loopholes and whatnot something that a respectable pro player should do?" "But there will always be a few sneaky players that do this. To defeat their sneaky tricks, you first have to understand how they'll be sneaky!" said Fang Rui. -Chapter 1164
"The ones who should be strictly criticized are the two players who went up next. Two players, and you couldn't take down the opponent's one player? Especially the third player, the great general anchoring the group arena, Fang Rui! The team didn't spend so much money to get you over here just so you could be a useless dim sum! You couldn't even take care of a Wang Jiexi?" Ye Xiu berated him. The tone of that "couldn't even take care of a Wang Jiexi" was deafening! Ever since Wang Jiexi had entered the Alliance, the reporters had never heard this kind of sentence before. "Yeah yeah yeah." To the side, Fang Rui confessed, ashamed, "I messed up, I couldn't focus my spirits to play well. Someone like Wang Jiexi, I should at least be able to fight ten of him." "That's a bit much!" Ye Xiu said. "Eight?" Fang Rui said. "Mm." Ye Xiu nodded. -Chapter 1195
“What do you mean? We purposefully gave you a shot at him, y’know?” In the chat, Fang Rui replied to Wei Chen. “Look at what wonderful people we are, giving you a chance to show off in front of your disciple. Where’s your gratitude?” Ye Xiu added. “Fine, thank you, you dumbasses,” Wei Chen retorted. -Chapter 1415
At such a crucial moment of time, Happy’s team members were still relentlessly trash talking Wei Chen, reminding him that it wouldn’t look good if his junior to defeated him. “You’re twice his age!” Ye Xiu reminded. “More than,” Fang Rui corrected. “If you get cut down so easily then that would be quite the embarrassment,” Ye Xiu said. “Indeed.” This time, Wei Chen didn’t reply. Naturally, this wasn’t because he was alright with being mocked like this, but it was because he couldn’t spare any effort into arguing with these two -Chapter 1416
“If you were my opponent, I definitely wouldn’t have fallen for that,” Fang Rui said honestly to Ye Xiu. “Nah, you definitely would have,” Ye Xiu replied back honestly. “Definitely wouldn’t have.” “Definitely would have.” -Chapter 1525
“How’s it going there? If you’re still holding on, type 1,” Fang Rui messaged. “11111111111,” Ye Xiu typed a line of 1s, showing that he was doing great. “Wow, amazing! What are we even here for?” Fang Rui replied. He was actually very shocked. -Chapter 1618
those interactions never fail to bring a smile to my face. their exchange is easy, comfortable. while at the same time when they do it during games, neither loses their focus. there also are times when they use it to cover their real intentions or use it as a mental attack, making their opponents second guess. then, i thought of the teams they left behind. 
i cannot imagine Excellent Era with Liu Hao and Wind Howl with Tang Hao responding positively to their trash talk or their overall playful, not so serious exchange, not realizing it’s also their way to lighten the team’s mood. i imagine how lonely it has been, how difficult and uncomfortable it might be, and yet here they are in Happy. another person, their teammate who can actually give as good as they get, without getting offended or losing focus in game. it’s like finding someone who can get your jokes. if i’m that happy in that situation, i bet Ye Xiu and Fang Rui are too.
and i want to particularly highlight these two interactions:
"Good joke. On the other hand, look at how sincere I am," Fang Rui said to Ye Xiu after leaving the stage, and was met with a kick. -Chapter 1139
"You useless dim sum! Are you looking for death! Hurry up and kneel!" Ye Xiu hit Fang Rui on the head. "My mistake, my mistake!" Fang Rui was weeping and crying. The others didn't know whether to be angry or amused. This communication issue was really a big problem! -Chapter 1208
my memories might be faulty, but i really, really cannot recall Ye Xiu being as physical with others as he has been with Fang Rui (besides Su Mucheng, but like that’s only once too, i think cmiiw). that’s display of another level of comfort right there
this also brings me to the other dimension of trash talk (and dirty playstyle).
Fang Rui had completely ruined the tense atmosphere in the stadium. The peak-level match had suddenly turned into an in-game 1v1 in the Glory Arena.  -Chapter 1605
Fang Rui received a warm welcome from Happy’s fans. As they cheered, he strutted around as if Happy wasn’t the team falling behind right now. He walked onto the stage, waving his hands towards the crowd as if he had won. It was only until the referee rushed over and berated him did he go into the player booth dejectedly. The crowd laughed. The tense atmosphere from Zhang Jiale’s 1v2 had lightened considerably. [...] The public chat had been very calm previously, but Fang Rui’s presence changed that. “How mighty! 1v2!” Fang Rui gave praise towards Zhang Jiale. “It’s not over yet!” Zhang Jiale replied.  “It pretty much is,” Fang Rui said. [...] You could say it was dirty, but that explosive burst of qi was very heroic. You could say that it was tyrannical, but hiding behind a wall and gathering qi was very dirty… In any case, Happy had won this round. It was a clean victory, chasing back the advantage that Zhang Jiale had gained. If Fang Rui’s previous interactions with the crowd had eased the crowd’s tension, then his dominating performance this round was a tranquilizer to Happy’s fans. -Chapter 1491
these excerpts can be said to be the best examples of how much a mood maker (or destroyer) Fang Rui can be. he can only pull this off if he is perceptive, he’s sensitive towards people’s moods and knows how to influence them. so it’s not a stretch to say that Fang Rui is a master at people’s psychology. and interestingly, this exchange sounds a bit familiar…
"Our captain is mighty." "If you've got the time to spout useless words, why don't you use it on moving your character instead?" The praise that he had typed into the public chat was only met with Ye Xiu's disdain. [...] Liu Hao would never forget the icy contempt that Ye Xiu showed towards his well-meaning compliment. To Liu Hao, calling out a beautiful play by a teammate was a way of boosting the morale of the team, but Ye Xiu maintained that his praise was too excessive. -Chapter 1279-1280
why is there such a difference in response from Ye Xiu? is it because of it’s directed towards an opponent instead of teammates, as it can be disruptive? Ye Xiu’s explanation in that very same match is that Liu Hao is always unable to put one hundred percent of his attention into the match. there are far too many other things he’s concerned about. is that all, or is there something else?
my first and main guess, is that Ye Xiu has a higher and better regard for Fang Rui. this started from their first official interaction in the novel.
"In the end, it's the experienced players who are harder to deal with!" When Ye Xiu saw Fang Rui's decision, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. [...] In the end, it's the experienced players who are harder to deal with! Fang Rui came up with the same evaluation. -Chapter 1110
what’s also interesting in this chapter is that this shows their thoughts, and their thoughts are strikingly similar. this also might be BB sowing the seeds early of how Fang Rui would have fit in Happy under Ye Xiu easily.
“He’s not wasting the foundation that Mo Fan lay down for him. What a reliable guy!” Ye Xiu sighed. -Chapter 1447
Reliable, such an assessment coming from Ye Xiu should be a huge compliment. after all, this is the man who believes that Glory isn’t a single-player game. 
“You gonna be okay?” Ye Xiu grinned as he asked Fang Rui. For the other Happy players who didn’t know that Fang Rui wasn’t himself right now, it didn’t sound like anything was wrong. The team had four senior members. Apart from Su Mucheng, the other three weren’t exactly the most serious people. It was common for them to talk trash about each other. But Fang Rui knew that these seemingly normal joking words had real meaning today. “Even if I’m not, I’ve got to go. The team really can’t do without me,” Fang Rui said proudly. The others on Happy didn’t find anything wrong, but Ye Xiu could hear what Fang Rui was implying: Yes, we don’t have any other choice. No matter how things are, I have to go. Ye Xiu didn’t say anything more. He wasn’t completely clear how Fang Rui’s condition was, but he knew that Fang Rui was a responsible player. He wasn’t going to play if he didn’t think he could win. It could only mean that he could still fight. He didn’t want to go before probably because he only wanted to fight if it was necessary, and right now was the time. -Chapter 1655
THIS. this might be what sets Fang Rui apart from Liu Hao the most: he’s a responsible player. he always sees the big picture, he thinks of the ultimate goal: victory, and he never forgets he needs a team to achieve that. his trash talk and his playful demeanor onstage and offstage, his silence when he’s not feeling the best, his voluntary choice to step up when needed… are all in consideration of victory, and being as perceptive (and former vice captain) as he is, he knows how important morale is. Liu Hao can preach as much as he wants that he wants to boost the team’s morale, but Ye Xiu isn’t buying it, he knows Liu Hao’s doing it for himself, not for the team, not really as he’s always concerned about other things irrelevant to the game, to victory.
it’s no wonder that Ye Xiu finds it easy to trust Fang Rui despite having less time to build a rapport with, especially compared with the rest of Happy who has been building the team with him from scratch, and even when he’s not exactly close to Fang Rui. i say this with confidence because it’s noted that Ye Xiu needed to open a new chat window to pull Fang Rui to Happy, which means their only contact is limited to around official matches or All-Stars.
Ye Xiu’s trust and reliance in Fang Rui shows up many times throughout the novel, but it’s notably obvious in during the playoffs.
“I would’ve been fine even without your help,” Fang Rui suddenly said. “Huh?” Steamed Bun replied. “Not you, Steamed Bun,” Ye Xiu typed a reply as fast as he could. Though he knew that Fang Rui was talking to him, but if they let Steamed Bun misunderstand, then things would go downhill very fast. “We’re counting on you, Steamed Bun,” Fang Rui also broke out into cold sweat, hurriedly pitching in and making sure that Steamed Bun was focused and happy. [...] Ye Xiu and Fang Rui’s hearts calmed. Let him be as wasteful as he wants; it’s better than going completely out of it. “It’s all up to you!” Ye Xiu once again made sure Steamed Bun focused, but his words had a second meaning. Fang Rui understood, knowing that Ye Xiu was actually talking to him. As for Steamed Bun, the other cheerfully gave an acknowledging reply. Fang Rui didn’t dare tell him the truth of the matter. -Chapter 1474
Ye Xiu is trusting the handling of Steamed Bun, the most difficult to understand player in Happy, the greatest wildcard and variable in the game, to Fang Rui.
then there’s the playoffs against Tyranny.
Back on the battlefield, Happy had regrouped under Ye Xiu’s orders. They clearly didn’t want to continue fighting with Tyranny here. They wanted to reset the battle and fight in a different place. During this gradual process, Happy’s players began to regain their calm. Even Ye Xiu had felt distressed over the loss of Fang Rui. He wasn’t nearly as calm as he appeared. The others were even more so. -Chapter 1565
before finally Fang Rui is sent out of the game, until the very end Ye Xiu tried to save him, even when Fang Rui himself told the team to leave him. In that scene, Ye Xiu is even shown to be visibly distressed, which says a lot.
"Du Ming's in really good condition today. Be careful," Ye Xiu said to Fang Rui. "In better condition than me?" Fang Rui scoffed. "Haha," Ye Xiu laughed. "What's 'haha' supposed to mean!" Fang Rui could feel the disdain from Ye Xiu's laugh. "You're getting paid the most out of all of us. Please," Ye Xiu said. -Chapter 1605
the please tacked on really shakes me to the core, i can imagine it's more so for Fang Rui. that proud and stubborn Ye Xiu, needs to resort to something close to begging in desperation. i may be reading into things, but another interesting point in this scene is how Ye Xiu is not hiding his disdain. Ye Xiu is really careful in revealing his emotions, particularly negative ones. and yet here he is, doing so. for me, it’s like the mask is off, the guard is lowered, in that single moment.
“But… No matter what the map is, have you thought about not letting Fang Rui go onstage?” Chen Guo said. Ye Xiu fell silent.  -Chapter 1635
Just two of them were left. Su Mucheng stood behind Ye Xiu, watching him reclassify the recordings, articles, images, etc. from before and save them. “How do you feel?” Su Mucheng suddenly asked. “How do I feel? You mean about Fang Rui?” Ye Xiu said, without turning his head.  -Chapter 1636
By then, Ye Xiu had returned to Happy’s area. He also had to decide on the next person Happy was to send up. But this was not an easy decision. Even though Ye Xiu did not lose in spirit to Zhou Zekai, not even he could suppress the opponent’s confidence. Zhou Zekai would continue his fight-to-the-death attitude and launch an aggressive offensive. Happy needed to send up someone with lots of experience and ability to quickly adapt to changes to tango with Zhou Zekai. Fang Rui! He was the most suitable choice. When Ye Xiu thought this, his gaze wandered in Fang Rui’s direction. But just as he did so, his heart sank a little. Fang Rui was also looking back at him, but his gaze gave off an abnormal sense of calm. Ye Xiu understood Fang Rui. Even though he was the epitome of playing dirty, he was definitely not the kind to bully the weak and avoid the strong. Fang Rui must also understand how crucial this coming match was. In these moments, judging by Fang Rui’s usual personality, he probably would have already volunteered to play next without being asked. But now, not only Fang Rui did not speak up, but he still stayed silent when he caught Ye Xiu’s eyes. Ye Xiu immediately knew that Fang Rui wasn’t at his best. The burden from last match probably hadn’t been completely erased by the two days’ worth of rest. Fang Rui staying silent was his way of not hurting Happy’s morale. But at this moment, he decided to stay silent after he exchanged looks with Ye Xiu. This was because he knew Ye Xiu would understand him right away. -Chapter 1651
Mo Fan, who hadn’t contributed anything last round, looked even more dejected when he returned. The comforting from his teammates were completely ignored. “Don’t worry,” Ye Xiu looked towards him. Mo Fan walked right past him. Those words were too light. How could he casually wave off such a devastating defeat? “Your teammates are still fighting,” Ye Xiu continued. Mo Fan turned his head. Ye Xiu was no longer looking at him. Mo Fan followed Ye Xiu’s gaze to Fang Rui, who was still holding his clenched right hand up in the air. “So we haven’t lost,” Ye Xiu turned his head to look at him. -Chapter 1655
Fang Rui patted Qiao Yifan, and his attitude was also very sincere. “Without me, you guys will be the ones working very hard.” Everyone laughed. But after laughing, they felt that these words, although shameless, were true. Fang Rui’s strength, Boundless Sea’s strength, were stronger than the new players and new accounts of Happy. Without him, the rest of them really would have to work very hard. “Then we’ll work harder.” Ye Xiu nodded. -Chapter 1675
the first to the last scenes are Ye Xiu not denying Fang Rui’s strength and importance to the team. it also shows Ye Xiu’s tendency to look to and for Fang Rui. i want to remind you of the scene when Ye Xiu was checking on everyone’s state before the playoffs, and kept wondering of Fang Rui’s whereabouts until Su Mucheng told him that he went to bed early. Don’t also forget this infamous scene:
It was a shocking performance, but as Ye Xiu watched and watched, his original smile grew a bit heavy. He glanced at Fang Rui’s booth again, and seeing that there was still no movement, he quickly walked over. [...] Even though Ye Xiu was still smiling, that heaviness from earlier still hadn’t faded. When he saw Su Mucheng looking at him, he returned the gaze, answered Su Mucheng’s doubts. -Chapter 1634
Ye Xiu is the first to notice the abnormality of Fang Rui and the first to make a move to check on Fang Rui. he's also the one who doesn't buy Fang Rui's act.
this trust and understanding go both ways.
"It was well done," Fang Rui nodded. "But it wasn't easy, no?" "What?" Chen Guo was puzzled. When she looked at Ye Xiu, she discovered that he didn't look too happy about his win. Even though Ye Xiu wasn't the type to show his emotions easily, his expression wasn't very relaxed despite winning. Chen Guo realized her perspective of the match was too shallow. She looked at Su Mucheng, and from Su Mucheng's gaze towards Ye Xiu, she could see… worry. [...] "It wasn't easy," Ye Xiu said.  -Chapter 1273
The trophy. The gleaming golden trophy, symbolizing the greatest Glory, was finally given to Happy. Ye Xiu accepted it with both hands. But immediately afterwards, the trophy slipped between his fingers. “Ah!!” As the crowd cried out in surprise, to Ye Xiu’s left and right, Su Mucheng and Fang Rui swiftly reached out to support the trophy. -Chapter 1727
It’s Su Mucheng and Fang Rui who are the first to react and help Ye Xiu to support his tired fingers to lift up the trophy, and Fang Rui himself is unlikely to have fully recovered by then too.
whoops it grows into such a long analysis into Fang Rui and Ye Xiu’s relationship. i’d also point out that Ye Xiu’s trust and reliance on Fang Rui is not baseless, besides the legendary play that heralds Fang Rui’s return to godhood. it’s been pointed out that Happy’s excellent record is due to Fang Rui as much as Ye Xiu’s. (not core player my ass. sorry my beloved dimsum, but we’re gonna agree to disagree)
Fang Rui growing accustomed to his new playstyle was an indispensable contribution to Happy's recent strong performance. After being thrown off by Ye Xiu's unspecialized Lord Grim, the various members of the Alliance now faced another playstyle that they couldn't immediately understand, that caused them just as much difficulty as Lord Grim. -Chapter 1225
this, alongside the brief mention that player(s) from abroad seems to disdain these kinds of dirty tricks from Wei Chen, makes a strong argument that if Ye Xiu has his pick in the national team roster, he will certainly have Fang Rui.
meanwhile, it is merely my speculation that Fang Rui is the one replacing Han Wenqing. however, i feel it’s not without basis. the numbering on the national team, for one. then there’s the distribution of class and ability. I’ve read some analysis, and many are leaning towards Fang Rui as one of the candidates. more so if Wei Chen’s comment of dirty playing is being disdained is true and not mere exaggeration, Fang Rui’s not being the first choice is much higher and for Ye Xiu, who needs to work miracles as the Team Leader in the short time, for him choosing Fang Rui is a no brainer: a player that is unpredictable and unfamiliar to opponents, and a teammate whom he trusts and relies on, with whom he can pick for both individual and team competition. 
i kinda have to add the last one because the younger members of the national team are not very known for their teamwork. and Fang Rui, both as a player and as Qi Master, is incredibly versatile. he has high adaptability. case in point: him fitting in the grassroots, online game background Happy with surprising ease. for this reason Happy is nigh invincible in online games and robbing BOSSes compared to other pro players. this shows that that online game style is not easy for pro players with a formal training background, and yet here Fang Rui who debuted in the Fifth Year easily fitting in like he’s been with Happy from day one.
that’s why i headcanon Fang Rui as a diplomat’s son, who is used to moving to different countries, learning different languages and cultures. it’s also why he’s so perceptive when it comes to people and language (read: loopholes). in the national team, he will be the unofficial vice captain to Yu Wenzhou and right hand to Ye Xiu. while they have single rooms during training, they will have roommates during the actual competition abroad, which i think will make more sense, in the case of anything going wrong (lateness, forgetfulness, you name it). so it’s likely for Ye Xiu and Fang Rui to room together. yeah, i definitely have some ideas for the World Invitationals, writing them is another matter.
thank you for reading this long author’s-note-turned-meta! i’d love to hear more from you about this story (and my note).
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shookethdev · 2 years
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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eyenaku · 2 years
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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haobinist · 1 year
Ok. Wow. Boys Planet. ZB1. Many thoughts.
Very happy for our 9 shiny boys! Unfortunately there was no 12 member lineup twist, I knew it wouldn’t happen but part of me thought just maybe it could lol.
Before I discuss the lineup I just wanna say it was so nice to see all the eliminated trainees. WOONGKI BOY!! Haruto!! Seunghwan (and the banner of his own face that he brought lol)!! ollie wonka with two functioning arms!! Wang Zihao!!WUMUTI TI TI TI!! The NINE.i boys!! Chen Kuan Rui, esp his reaction to Hao’s ranking!! And everyone else as well. Boys planet truly would not have been the same magical experience without all of them, even if they weren’t performing on the final stage.
Im so sad for Keita, Jay and Park Hanbin especially. I really hope they get scooped up by wealthy, well connected companies and continue on having successful careers in the kpop industry. I’d def be there to support them! pH-1 is already joking abt working with Keita on Instagram and even tho that’s obviously not a concrete promise of anything I’d love to see something happen between Keita and H1ghr Music lol.
I’m gonna go thru member by member now, in an attempt to organize my thoughts.
1. Zhang Hao
Holy shit !? Hao P1 !? Absolute slayage. I was so surprised. Tbh, this week I was stressing about how his rank might drop because of losing filler votes, but here he is ranked #1 :D congrats to him for making history as the first foreign center in produce/planet history!
2. Sung Hanbin <3
Mother is debuting!!! Not in P1, which was a twist, but still with a very high rank. This man has a really bright future ahead of him and I’m so happy that I get to support him along the way!
3. Seok Matthew
I was genuinely concerned as to whether or not he would debut, Matthew p03 had me gagged fr I was so happy for him. He’s such a ray of sunshine and has great chemistry with literally everyone he interacts with.
4. Ricky
The SCREAM that was SCRUMPT. Would not be surprised if my neighbors had called 911 honestly. So happy for him!! Honestly, it’s between him and Zhang Hao for my bias in the group. Ricky has grown on me immensely since I started watching the show, also I think he has the best fan edits in the whole fandom like not even just ZB1, of Boys Planet contestants in general. For some reason I feel like the group name really suits him? Like if u showed me a picture of Ricky and said “he’s in a group called ZB1” that would make sense.
5. Gunwook
yet ANOTHER pleasant surprise! I obviously knew he was in the conversation but I was expecting him to be up for like 8th or 9th, esp after he dropped in the 3rd ranking. He started the show with such a tough guy image, but he’s really such a softie and I love it.
6. Kim Taerae
Main vocal slay :) can’t wait to hear more of his high notes and see his big smile onstage. Also I feel like the new dark hair really brings an edge to his image that we haven’t seen before. He might be a reverse Gunwook, seeming very soft and cute at first but actually being tougher than anticipated lol. I was nervous for him after seeing he was 11th in the interim, but clearly the voters pulled thru.
7. Kim Gyuvin
I have not been the biggest Gyuvin fan in the past, but I gotta say he’s really growing on me. He’s like a big goofy puppy dog that can dance really well. His reactions to seeing the other trainees winning (especially Yujin) were so endearing! The other day I watched his en garde fancam on loop aksjfgh he does have a very interesting captivating energy and I appreciate that.
8. Kim Jiwoong
Our hyung <3 so happy for him, he’s been through so much with his previous debut but now he’s finally done it. It’s also nice to see someone who is so clearly openly supportive of the queer community in the final lineup. Not to say that the other trainees aren’t ofc, I think they r all allies (if not queer themselves), but like, jiwoong acting in BL and being friends with Holland, the literal only out k-pop idol, is a different kind of support that I’m happy to see. Most idols tiptoe a bit more, but jiwoong actually does things that r clearly in support of us yknow.
9. Han Yujin
Our maknae :) seeing him drop so much was really surprising, for a moment I thought he wouldn’t make it tbh. I’m fairly neutral on him, I think he’s an amazing dancer and has so much potential, but if I’m being honest he wasn’t necessarily one of my picks. I’m not mad that he’s here by any means tho. I know ZB1 hasn’t even debuted yet so it’s kinda silly to be theorizing about what he’ll do after, but hes young, talented and popular enough that I think once they reach the end of the 2.5 year contract he’s gonna redebut and reach success all over again.
So, that’s it! Boys Planet is over! The lineup is announced! Zhang Hao, Sung Hanbin, Seok Matthew, Ricky, Gunwook, Taerae, Gyuvin, Jiwoong and Taerae. Our Bep1er- now officially known as ZEROBASEONE :D it feels so surreal, but I’m so excited to stan these boys.
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tntsportsmex · 1 year
¡Siguen en la lucha! 🇨🇳
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China se llevó la victoria ante Haití en la segunda jornada, a pesar de la expulsión de Zhang Rui en el 29'. 👀🔥
Las Steel Roses podrían arrebatarle el boleto a Dinamarca a la siguiente fase.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
Hehe don't worry for long answers. I don't have a specific top 9 as well but I'd say from my favourite trainees there are Gunwook, Haruto, Chen Kuan Rui, PHanbin, Ricky, Woongi, Seungmin (my TO1 babies),Keita, Zhang Hao, Matthew, Jongwoo, Wumuti, Seowon, Jay (his lmr high note is constantly on my mind), Hanbin, Seunggeon,Kum Junhyeon, Seunghwan and more ahshsjjss
I just love everyone actually ahjwjwjwe What do you think about the new songs?? I think my favourite ones are En Gard, Over Me and Switch
Have a really nice day!! :))
no cuz a nine-membered group is not enough give us MORE ✋🏽 like some nct type of shii idc i'm here for it
about the new songs i like most of them except for like.... supercharger cuz what the fuck was this??? my two favs are en garde and over me too!!
have a nice day as well!!
(fun fact, i live in france and when they said "supercharger" i first read "supercherie" which is like a fraud/a trickery ?? and i was like damn that song's really bad)
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bitcofun · 2 years
New York City, New York, 1st December, 2022, Chainwire UnUniFi is extremely happy to reveal the conclusion of a $1,500,000 tactical fundraise led by gumi Cryptos Capital, with involvement from Coincheck, Hyperithm, MZ Web3fund, Arriba Studio and gC Incubation. The real energy of UnUniFi is NFTFi performance with an exclusive appraisal algorithm, integrated with our interchain yield aggregator. -Yu Kimura, Founder UnUniFi is a Layer1 blockchain procedure for offering effective NFT loaning through an internal NFT market on the Cosmos environment. UnUniFi procedure began advancement in Q4 2021, and released its mainnet in May 2022. This tactical fundraise marks the conclusion of our seed financing round, with the assistance of equity capital funds and financiers from worldwide. UnUniFi will utilize the financing from this seed round for ongoing advancement and scalability in line with the Roadmapwith an instant concentrate on providing the item releases and product-market fit (PMF. We are extremely grateful for such terrific assistance so early in our advancement, and we eagerly anticipate recognizing our objective"to provide every NFT the chance to DeFi. Why is UnUniFi Special? UnUniFi will be the very first NFTFi platform to develop an exclusive NFT evaluation algorithm computed utilizing genuine need information, while permitting its users to create automated DeFi yield on obtained possessions. While other NFTFi platforms use a peer-to-peer or liquidity-pool financing design, UnUniFi integrates genuine need for the NFT itself with the intrinsic need for liquidity generation, providing NFT holders much faster and more versatile access to loaning. This innovation is scalable for institutional users and can be executed externally by other platforms as an NFT assessment oracle. In addition, UnUniFi's API, customer library, Bubble plugin, and frontend reward module all integrate to permit the task to end up being the very first effective community with a genuinely "decentralized frontend". Discover more: How does UnUniFi work? Lots of jobs have actually attempted to construct a funding environment around NFTs, because NFTs have actually ended up being a considerable property class. Due to the distinct nature of NFTs, low liquidity triggers scenarios where it is tough to recuperate funding capital. Throughout distressed markets, this ends up being a traffic jam. UnUniFi consists of a market facilities with integrated rate discovery performance; this enables liquidity to be protected from the start. Our company believe UnUniFi will have the ability to produce chances for the substantial market of NFTFistated Rui Zhang, Managing Partner of gumi Cryptos Capital. What Comes Next? While the conclusion of the seed financing round represents a substantial turning point for our group, UnUniFi's instant focus is on understanding its Q4 item releases and PMF. These goals consist of: giving market NFTFi performance with the capability to collateralize NFTs; the Interchain Yield Aggregator for automated DeFi yield; allowing of Cosmos IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) and more. These core performances will assist recognize the structures of a really decentralized NFTFi platform. Through staggered updates and statements the objective is to continue developing fast public awareness about the status and schedule of our upcoming releases. In order to broaden the UnUniFi environment, the group is actively looking for and working out with NFT jobs (an NFT is not restricted to art or pfp.-- there are numerous prospective applications in realty or securities domains, and so on.dApps, and other prospective partners to recognize tactical collaborations. UnUniFi continues to accept queries from external partners for factor to consider, where suitable, and welcome other tasks to call us and sign up with the UnUniFi environment. In the meantime, we continue dealing with our deliverables and pressing forward
in our objective to motivate the prevalent adoption of NFTs as a genuine possession class through useful and functional DeFi innovations. About UnUniFi: UnUniFi is a Layer1 blockchain procedure for offering effective NFT loaning services through an internal NFT market with Auto DeFi Yield, all constructed on the Cosmos environment. UnUniFi will be the very first NFTFi platform to produce an exclusive NFT assessment algorithm computed utilizing genuine need information, while permitting its users to create automated DeFi yield on obtained properties through an interchain yield aggregator. UnUniFi intends to be a dApps platform with NFT cost details at its core; the internal NFT market offers important information for the NFT cost discovery function, scalable for use by external platforms and Cosmos IBC combination. Follow United States: Site Twitter Discord Github Contact Christopher Lee, UnUniFi,[email protected] Share this short articleClassifications Learn more
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japaneseadventures · 5 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) Characters
This list was made based on the Chinese and Japanese Wikipedia entries for Prince of Tennis (2019), and the Dramawiki for the names of most of the actors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes/ have any more to add!
Legend: [CHN Character name] [Name in Chinese characters] (Actor): Original JPN Name Names with readings I'm not sure of are in italics
Yu Qing 育青 / Seishun Academy
Lu Xia 路夏 (Peng Yu Chang): Echizen Ryoma
Mu Siyang 穆司陽 (Xie Bin Bin): Tezuka Kunimitsu
Qiao Chen 喬晨 (Dong Li): Momoshiro Takeshi
Chi Dayong 池大勇 (Zhu Zhi Ling): Oishi Shuichiro
Zhuo Zhi 卓治 (Zhang Yi Jie): Fuji Syusuke
Tang Jiale 唐佳樂 (Xu Ke): Kikumaru Eiji
Yan Zhiming 嚴智明 (Li He): Inui Sadaharu
He Xinglong 賀興隆 (Fan Lin Feng): Kawamura Takashi
Zhang Baiyang 張百揚 (Wu Xu Dong): Kaidoh Kaoru
Qi Ying 齐瑛 (Song Yi Ren): Ryuzaki Sakuno
Peng Shang 彭湘 (Lu Jia): Osakada Tomoka
Huang Jing 黃靖 (Yu Kai Ning): Combination of Arai, Sasabe, etal
Ma Xiuwen 馬修文 (Zhang Ke Yuan)
A Mu 阿穆 (Li Jun Zheng)
Qi Na 齐娜 (He Jia Yi): Ryuzaki Sumire
Lu Xiangqian 路向前 (Wu Qi Jiang): Echizen Nanjiroh
Hao Dahe 郝大河 (Jin Yu Bo):  Yamato Yudai
Yu Hang 育航 / Gyokurin
Bu Zhongchuan 钟歩川 (Jin Hao Chen): Fukawa Kimiyoshi
Wu Quan 吴泉 (Zhang Hang [YOUNG-G]): Izumi Tomoya
Yu Feng 玉峰 / Fudoumine:
Xu Ziping 徐子平 (Chen Shang Ze): Tachibana Kippei
Yan Jiang 燕江 (Wang Yong Feng): Sakurai Masaya
Shi Tienan 旋铁男 (Yang Chen Yi): Ishida Tetsu
Sima Yiwu 司马亦武 (Kong Chui Nan): Ibu Shinji
Shen Weiming 申伟明 (Liu Cheng Lin): Kamio Akira
Chen Desen 陈德森 (Gu Yu): Mori Tatsunori
Wei Kefei 韦克飞 (Ming Peng): Uchimura Kyosuke
Xu Xingzi 徐杏子 (Sun Jia Yu): Tachibana An
Xing Yao 星耀 / Hyotei Academy
Ji Jingwu 纪景梧 (Ren Yan Kai): Atobe Keigo
Hua Chonghong 华崇宏 (Yu An): Kabaji Munehiro
Hu Liangliang 胡亮亮 (Yang Ze): Shishido Ryo
Song Ci 宋慈 (Shi Zi Xun): Akutagawa Jiroh
You Shixing 游世星 (Fan Xiao Dong): Oshitari Yuushi
Yue Yang 岳阳 (Gao Xin): Mukahi Gakuto
Ji Nuo 吉诺 (Jiang Xin Qi): Hiyoshi Wakashi
Feng Zhiyuan 冯志远 (Jin Zhong Xi): Ootori Choutaro
Coach Fu 付教錬 (Tian Jia Da): Sakaki Tarou
No. 3 (Shisan) High School 市三 / Yamabuki
Ya Jiuxin 亚久辛 (Wang Yan Yang): Akutsu Jin
Shen Qianshi 沈千石 (Lou Ming): Sengoku Kiyosumi
Nan Jianzhi 南建知 (Liu Yu Feng): Minami Kentarou
Tan Yitai 谭一泰 (Huang Xing Yuan): Dan Taichi
Fang Yadong 方亚东 (Peng Gang): Higashikata Masami
Ma Lintao 马林涛 (Zhang Yuan Kun): Muramachi Tohji
Coach Tian 田教練 (Hong Wei): Banda Mikiya
Chen Huijing 陳慧敬 (Yang Cai Ying): Akutsu Sayuri
Guo Zi 國子 / St. Rudolph
Zhuo Yu 卓宇 (Zhao Zi Qi): Fuji Yuuta
Guan Yue 关岳 (Lan Bo): Mizuki Hajime
Qiao Ze 乔泽 (Liu Ming Kai): Akazawa Yoshiro
Ling Tian 梁田 (Jerry Chang): Kaneda Ichiro
Liu Zecheng 刘泽成 (Tang Xiang En): Yanagisawa Shinya
Qin Yifei 秦一婓 (Deng Zhi Yuan): Kisarazu Atsushi
No. 6 (Di Liu) 第六 / Rokkaku
Kui Jian 奎建 (Lei Ming): Aoi Kentaro
Yu Zifeng 余子风 (Fu Yan Zhang): Kurobane Harukaze
Lin Xiyan 林希彦 (Yao Jun Zhe): Itsuki Marehiko
Tian Ye 田野 (Wang Hao Yu): Amane Hikaru
Zuo Xiaohu 左小虎 (Li Zheng Jun): Saeki Kojiro
Mu Jinliang 穆金亮 (Zhai Xu): Kisarazu Ryo
Liu Muyun/Mr. Six 劉牧雲/六爷 (Hou Tong Jiang): Oji
Hai Guang 海广 / Rikkaidai
Bai Shiting 白市廷 (Ren Yun Jie): Yukimura Seiichi
Tian Zilong 田子龙 (Xiang Yun Long): Sanada Genichiro
Ke Jie 柯杰 (Tan Xu): Jackal Kuwahara
Liu Lian 柳濂 (Wang Yi Bo): Yanagi Renji
Jin Wentai 金文太 (Cao Jun Xiang): Marui Bunta
Yuan Chi 袁驰 (Shen Qi): Kirihara Akaya
Wang Yaren 王雅人 (Xu Rui Lin): Nioh Masaharu
Lu Sheng 吕胜 (Li Shu Ren): Yagyuu Hiroshi
Ying Cai 英才 / Ginka
Xiang Jingtian 向静天 (Chen Peng Wan Li): Fukushi Michiru
Chen Dahai 陈大海 (Ma Wenchao)
Lin Ye 林叶 (An Zi Yang)
Other Characters
Sha Sha 沙莎 (Liu Yong Xi): Shiba Saori
Li Na 李娜 (Li Na) [Bookstore owner]
Jiang 姜 (Jiang Shang): Tatsugoro [Racquet repair man]
*(2020.03.11) Fixed typo on Bai Shiting's actor name. Thanks to @tsunaminh for pointing it out!
*(2020.03.16) Fixed Ji Nuo's name! Thanks to @rlkkai for pointing it out!
*(2020.04.08) Fixed typo in Lu Xiangqian's name
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💗 My Asian Man Crushes ❣️
• Jung Il Woo
• Na In-Woo
• Woo-sik Choi
• Lee Sang Yeob
• Cho Seung-woo
• Park Sung-woong
• Joo Won
• Woo Do Hwan
• Go Soo
• Han Suk-Kyu
• Yoon Shi-yoon
• Yoo Min-Kyu
• Yeo Jin-Goo
• Kim Jisoo
• Yokohama Ryusei
• Yuki Yamada
• Tadanobu Asano
• Ryo Narita
• Kaneko Daichi
• Takasugi Mahiro
• Hayato Isomura
• Murakami Nijiro
♍️ My C Ultimate Men ❤️‍🔥
• Zhang He
• Yu Cheng En
• Li Fei
• Wang Hao Ge
• Xiao Kai Zhong
• Wang Hao Xuan
• Qin Junjie
🧚🏻 My Heart & Soul 🥷🏻
• Zhang Yi Jie (ดั่งดวงตะวัน)
• Shi Zi Xun (เฝ้าฝัน)
• Li Chung Lin
Forever Devoted to U 🫰🏻
• Zhu Zan Jin
• Zhang Xiao Chen (รักนะจุ๊บๆ)
Adore U Madly 😤🥺
• Qiao Zhen Yu (🥹)
You bewitched me 🫠
• Yang Xu Wen 🤧
Broke my rules for U 😤
• Guo Jia Nan
• Yuan Zi Ming
I kinda like you a lot 😗
• Zhou Jun Wei (อรุ่มเจ๊าะ)
• Li Jiu Lin (ท่านชาย…)
Slowly Sink into You 😷
• Xia Zhi Guang
• Zeng Shun Xi
• Wei Zhe Ming
• Wang Hong Yi
🧝🏻‍♂️ Fascination 🫰🏻
• Liu Xue Yi
• June Wu
• Li Yun Rui
• Xia Zhi Guang
• Zhang Wan Yi
• Jing Chao
• Ji Chen
• Deng Kai
• Wang Zu Yi
Damn Daddy…🫨🤒
Oh Boy….🥹...!?
I’m so Confused 😭🤯
• Peng Guan Ying
🔆 C interested 🔆
• Quan Yi Lun
• Chen Zhe Yuan
• Zhang Hao Wei
• Zhu Yi Long
• Dylan Wang
• Qu Chu Xiao
• Chen Fei Yu
• Wang Rui Chang
• Wang Xing Yue
• He Feng Tian
Always support 😎
• Daniel Wu
• Mark Chao
• Wang Zhuo Cheng
• Hu Ge
• Chang Chen
• Karry Wang
• Ethan Juan
• Wang Duo
• Wu Xiubo
Papi ..!?
• Peter Ho
• Li Ze Feng
• Qin Hao
• Zhou Lu La
👊🏻 Big Fan ✊🏻
• Yang Hui Xiang
• Yang Yang
• Fu Xin Bo
• Zhu Ya Wen
• Chen Kun
• Chen Yi
Imma Fan of you sirs 🤘🏻
• Luo Jin
• Cheng Yi
• Lei Jia Yin
• Eddie Peng
• Zhou Ting Wei
• He Feng Tian
• Xu Zheng Xi
• Gong Jun
• Lu Fang Sheng
😶‍🌫️ Mix Feelings 🥶
• Chen Xing Xu
• Sheng Yi Lun
• Huang Xuan
• William Chan
• Wang Yi Zhe
• Tan Jian Ci
I maybe like you…sirs 👌🏻😀
• Xia Ning Jun
• Liu Yi Chang
• Zhao Dong Ze
• Wu Yu Heng
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acuguy · 5 years
Higo (Ficus carica) Hojas: expectorante, diabetes Fruta tostada: bronquitis, catarros pulmonares, coqueluche Hojas en agua caliente y luego machacadas: callos Medicina China: Se enfoca en los meridianos Tai Yin y Yang Ming. Referencias: Nuñez Melendez, Esteban PhD. Plantas Medicinales de Puerto Rico. San Juan: Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico. 1982. Jie Tian, Yue Zhang, Xiaomin Yang, Ke Rui, Xinyi Tang, Jie Ma, Jianguo Chen, Huaxi Xu, Liwei Lu and Shengjun Wang. Ficus carica Polysaccharides Promote the Maturation and Function of Dendritic Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, 12469-12479 SA Hashemi, S Abediankenari, M Ghasemi, M Azadbakht, Y Yousefzadeh, AA Dehpour. The Effect of Fig Tree Latex (Ficus carica) on Stomach Cancer Line. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2011; 13(4):272-275. Ramgopal Mopuri, Muniswamy Ganjayi, Balaji Meriga, Neil Anthony Koorbanally, Md Shahidul Islam. The Effects of Ficus carica on the activity of enzymes related to metabolic syndrome. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 26 (2018) 201-210. #acupuntura #medicinachina #medicinanatural #plantasmedicinales #hierbas #salud #higo #ficuscarica #taiyin #yangming [email protected] (at New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/B71rDxandcP/?igshid=5ukjnz53o7zy
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Bride’s Revenge (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Bride’s Revenge”
ES PSUB [La venganza de la novia] EP01: Se casa con el que no ama | Romance/Traje Antiguo | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75DNYvvzDpw
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liraatencio · 4 years
∴[Film Complet]∴☛ 猎谎者 2020 Film Complet en Francais «√OpenLoad✧
Regarder 猎谎者 2020 Film Complet en Francais,猎谎者 2020 Film Complet en ligne Gratuit,REGARDER 猎谎者 2020 streaming vF Film Complet HD
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Against the Tide. 8
Story: 8
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
This is a solid crime drama, it flows really nicely throughout after maybe a few episodes in. The characters are really well written as well as all the actors acted 👌. The mystery is pretty awesome throughout as well as the storyline keeps you on the edge of you seat wanting to binge through the whole series.
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Spectacle chrétien en français - Il n'y a qu'un seul Dieu (Discussion théâtrale)
L'Éclair Oriental, l'Église de Dieu Tout-Puissant a été créée à cause de l'apparition et de l'œuvre de Dieu Tout-Puissant, de la seconde venue du Seigneur Jésus, le Christ des derniers jours. Elle est composée de tous ceux qui acceptent l'œuvre de Dieu Tout-Puissant dans les derniers jours et sont conquis et sauvés par Ses paroles. Elle a été entièrement fondée par Dieu Tout-Puissant en personne et est conduite par Lui comme le Berger. Ce n'est pas du tout un homme qui en est le fondateur. Christ est la vérité, le chemin et la vie. Les brebis de Dieu entendent la voix de Dieu. Aussi longtemps que tu lis les paroles de Dieu Tout-Puissant, tu verras que Dieu est apparu.
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ca-se-passe-la-haut · 5 years
Premiers résultats du rover chinois Yutu2 sur la face cachée de la Lune
Les premiers résultats scientifiques du rover chinois qui arpente la face cachée de la Lune viennent d’être enfin publiés. Ils concernent la composition du sol sur lequel roule Yutu2, et révèlent des minéraux provenant des couches profondes de la Lune, son manteau, de quoi mieux cerner l’histoire de la formation lunaire.
On sait que la Lune est formée d’une croûte, d’un manteau et d’un noyau, mais qu’elle ne possède pas de système de plaques tectoniques comme la Terre. Les planétologues estiment par ailleurs que la Lune est passée par une phase d’océan de magma qui en se refroidissant, s’est peu à peu solidifié. Au cours de cette solidification, les roches denses riches en magnésium et en fer, comme l’olivine et le pyroxène à faible teneur en calcium se seraient cristallisées à la base de l’océan magmatique. Lorsque trois quarts du magma se seraient solidifiés, les minéraux les moins denses comme les silicates d’aluminium flottaient à la surface et auraient formé la croûte. Les derniers éléments à se solidifier auraient été ceux situés juste en dessous de la croûte. Ce scénario de formation implique nécessairement l’existence de différentes strates bien distinctes radialement dans les couches profondes de la Lune. 
Or, jusqu’à présent, aucune preuve directe de la composition du manteau lunaire n’a été apportée. Aucun échantillon rapporté des mission Apollo ne correspond à un matériau de type « manteau », mais avant tout de type « croûte ».  Il aura donc fallu aller sur la face cachée pour observer pour la première fois une roche riche en olivine et en pyroxène peu calcique, et c’est le rover Yutu2 qui a permis cette observation. 
La sonde Chang’e-4 et son rover Yutu2 se sont posés en janvier dans un cratère d’impact de 186 km de diamètre appelé le cratère Von Kármán, situé dans la grande région du bassin Aitken près du pôle sud qui s’étend sur près de 2500 km de diamètre. Le lieu n’avait bien sûr pas été choisi par hasard. La sonde américaine GRAIL avait pu notamment estimer l’épaisseur de la croûte pour en déduire une probable formation par un impact important ayant pénétré en profondeur dans le manteau sous-jacent. Un tel impact aurait eu pour conséquence de projeter de grandes quantités de matériau du manteau sur la surface. On comprend l’intérêt des planétologues chinois et d’autres pays pour une exploration de cette zone en particulier. 
Chunlai Li (Key Laboratory of Lunar and Deep Space Exploration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) et ses collègues chinois ont utillisé un instrument du rover Yutu qui est appelé Visible and Near Infrared Spectrometer (VNIS), un spectromètre qui permet d’analyser la lumière réfléchie sur le sol et d’en déterminer la composition chimique.
Des mesures ont été effectuées à deux endroits différents au cours du parcours initial du rover, au maximum à quelques dizaines de mètres du lieu d’alunissage. En trouvant de l’olivine et du pyroxène, les chercheurs chinois, dans leur article publié aujourd’hui dans Nature, suggèrent que ces roches proviennent bien du manteau lunaire, qui auraient été éjectées lors de la formation d’un cratère proche, le cratère Finsen, de 72 km de diamètre.
La détermination exacte des abondances relatives de différents minéraux détectés n’est malheureusement pas encore à la portée de ces premières mesures, mais des études plus approfondies impliquant une modélisation fine de la taille des grains par exemple devrait en dire plus. D’autres mesures in situ par Yutu2, sur des cibles spécialement sélectionnées (des cailloux particuliers) devraient aussi permettre d’éclairer d’avantage le contexte géologique de la zone explorée et répondre à des questions qui peuvent se poser, comme la possibilité que l’impact géant qui serait à l’origine du bassin Aitken ait pu produire une couche massive de roche fondue de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres qui serait elle-même stratifiée.
Le fait d’avoir détecté pour la première fois des roches du manteau lunaire à sa surface est déjà une belle avancée et aura des implications sur la compréhension à la fois de la composition du manteau et de l’histoire de la formation de la Lune (par une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques de l’océan de magma : profondeur, taux de refroidissement, viscosité, processus de convection…).
Au-delà, l’enjeu pour les spécialistes est aussi de comprendre l’origine de l’asymétrie importante qui existe entre la croûte de la face visible et celle de la face cachée de la Lune.
Chang’E-4 initial spectroscopic identification of lunar far-side mantle-derived materials
Chunlai Li, Dawei Liu, Bin Liu, Xin Ren, Jianjun Liu, Zhiping He, Wei Zuo, Xingguo Zeng, Rui Xu, Xu Tan, Xiaoxia Zhang, Wangli Chen, Rong Shu, Weibin Wen, Yan Su, Hongbo Zhang & Ziyuan Ouyang 
Nature volume 569, pages 378–382 (16 may 2019)
1) Le rover yutu2 en action (ImageChina)
2) Cartes des deux faces de la Lune (LRO/NASA)
via http://bit.ly/2JIpDUE
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