#Vincent Wei
kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Cdrama: Bride's Revenge (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “Bride's Revenge”
ES PSUB [La venganza de la novia] EP01: Se casa con el que no ama | Romance/Traje Antiguo | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75DNYvvzDpw
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(via MAID'S REVENGE) Da figlia di una ricca e prestigiosa famiglia a cameriera personale del governatore della città, l'uomo che forse ha ucciso la sua famiglia.
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Almost Famous. 5
Story: 6
Acting: 8
Chemistry: 7
Comparable to: Heartstrings (kdrama) ; Dream High (kdrama)
At first glance the drama doesn’t seem to be all that bad. It’s cliche predictable and cheesy, yes, but so is half of all the other dramas that are out there. I mean heck, It doesn’t take much to get me to watch whatever before I switch to something different. In this case the acting is sort of mediocre and the storyline is ‘meh’ up till episode 7. Didn’t bother me one bit. It wasn’t until after that episode everything went topsy turvey for me. Stories weren’t making sense in the the sense where in one scene there’s a conflict between characters and immediately after in the next scene after making such a great deal over a situation and not even addressing it, boom everything is back to normal. Friendships are mended, relationships are back to ‘platonic’ handholding. Nonetheless the first half isn’t quite that bad. Second half I’ll admit it’s oofing hard to get through but that’s where the ‘multiple couples’ storylines take off. So…..🤷‍♀️
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valdaycare-au · 1 year
"dependable" crew of babysitters, more like DATEABLE. i am down bad for them.
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We're a bunch of hot shits here, that's not surprising at all!
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Date... able??? We're babysitters, not participants in a dating show. Are we????
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Someone wants to be babied, it seems. (Very fatherless of them.)
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I'm sorry, I-uh... We are single, I think??? But not ready to mingle...??? We're babysitters...
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(too flustered)
(Mateo is assigned for social media rep such as these, but since you flustered him so much, Vincent has to answer for us. -Ling Ying Wei)
Monsieur, Madame, whatever you are and whatever you identify with, I believe you need to get off your phone and touch some grass.
(Vincent, play nice.)
Pardonnez-moi, Mademoiselle Ling. What I meant to say is that we take care of children and not those who act like children.
We're not available.
But thank you for thinking we're... what do you call this, "dateable". You have good taste. Oh and also if you DO want to, text me when you're free. Here's my number: [redacted for our employee's safety]. J'adorerais sortir un jour. Call me. ;)
(ooc: @domiiiq312 had the hardest time drawing the two daddies—i mean, the two nice, freakishly tall gentlemen named sasha and vincent in the panel so if you guys can just show some love for it, it would be appreciated. she almost cried. gone sexual. police were called. ALSO GOOGLE TRANSLATED FRENCH.)
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sagnaevi · 3 months
Keeping me from breathing, I need some kind of healing, I'm feeling neurotic. Some say I'm neurotic - I'm addicted to all of it. I'm barely breathing.
I think I'm losing my mind. It's such a fine line - It's such a fine line.
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soapoperamen · 1 year
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Steven Vincent Leigh (Wei-Lee Yung, Sunset Beach)
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lamaery · 10 months
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100 Portraits Training | Part 3 and 4 These are mostly from my ref folders for Adolin and Renarin :D Part three
15 - 16) Australian actor Remy Hii
17) Filipino-American actor Vincent Rodriguez III
18) German tennis player Alexander Zverev
19) Filipino-Canadian actor Manny Jacinto
20-21) Chinese weightlifter Lü Xiaojun
22) Burmese-Amercian mixed martial artist Aung La Nsang
Next to actors I looked for sportspersons to use as references, because they have enough of a public image that I could reference them with name (which felt better than just using random people from the internet). Actors are often shown often being very attractive (I should take more refs directly from movies...) and it was nice to also try more day-to-day faces. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, of course, but I wanted to look for pictures which didn't having the person they showed looking beautiful as their main objective.
Part four
23 - 24) Burmese mixed martial artist Aung La Nsang
25) Indonesian badminton player Tontowi Ahmad
26) South Korean sabre fencer Oh Sang-uk
27)Philipine pole vaulter Ernest John Obiena
28) Filipino-Canadian actor Manny Jacinto once more
As for links in this one hmm... This page by the Consortium of Asian American Theaters and Artists has shot overview of some terms which are important to be aware of for representation (albeit from a theater perspective, but it's still useful) This piece by Khoo Wei Shawn is a brief look into how racial representation has changed in the cartoons using the Ducktales series as an example. His footnotes could be useful for anyone wanting to get deeper into the topic, too. And lastly another take on racism in animation by Ruth Dubb. This one looks at the depiction of black people in early American cartoons and the stereotypes that came with those. Most sources I could find were from an American view. Or least from people living within a Western and American context. In part that's probably due to the language barrier (I have some in German, but there we go again... difficult to share that with most people here). Different countries have their own history of people being racialised and how that intersects with other issues and themes. So if you know of or have interesting takes from non-American sources and perspectives on the topics, please share. :)
Part 1 – Start of the project Part 2 – Kaladin Part 5 – Dalinar Part 6 & 7 – Shallan and Jasnah Part 8 & 9 - various people and skin tones Part 10 – a little bit for The Lopen Part 11 & 12 - Wit and Navani Part 13 - ofmd und Dev Patel :)
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kittlesandbugs · 4 months
FHR: Chess maneuvers (Ao3 Link) Pairing: Sidestep/Wei Chen (featuring @mihqorio's Caleb 💜, Chen POV) Warnings: Chess Word Count: 566 Summary: Chen and Caleb are playing chess and feeling each other out while being on opposite sides of the law.
In this low stakes game, you see the higher stakes racking up. The hard cant of his lips as he frowns, his brilliant green eyes glued to the board, to your fingers plucking up your bishop and forcing his rook from its square. You take the piece, intricately carved marble weight registering where cold stone and sharp corners can't against your prosthetic hand. But your memories can make it real, even if your synthskin can't. 
"Fuck," he bites off quietly as you set his rook amidst your growing collection of his forces. 
Your lips curve in a smile that's more than a little smug. "Your move, Basri."
There's indignation in his eyes, in the sharp huff of a breath, at his own lack of forethought on his last move. Stupid. Sloppy. He can't afford a mistake like that when it matters. You know the feeling all too well. His long delicate fingers slide up his face as he cups his own bearded chin, brows narrowing in consternation. 
Your eyes return to the board before your mind can wander into the distraction of memories of the previous night, of those nimble fingers and their skillful manipulations. The pieces are scattered in a puzzle of what-if's and what-could-be's. If you count the pieces, the game is still in your favor. But you both know that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. The lone agent Mercenary has achieved far more than anyone anticipated against a full board stacked against him, sliding through defenses from unexpected angles to strike hard and fast. 
His eyes dart from piece to piece, calculating angles of attack and potential retributions like the one you just gave. He's grown more cautious over the years. More deliberate in his play. Less willing to sacrifice his resources in a high stakes gambit. Sidestep was bluff and blunder, a diamond rough and unshaped. Mercenary is honed, matured, sharpened by need and experience you can't fathom. It's still him though, deep down, you felt it at Carter's mansion. You were certain in Vincent's recounting of events at the hotel he was guarding. Does Caleb know just how much he's changed since Heartbreak? Does he know just how much he hasn't? 
He finally settles into on a move, his hand sliding down from beard to board to pluck up his knight. His lips quirk up on one side, and you scour the board to find what he sees. There, by your king, an opening you hadn't realized you were creating in taking his rook. 
"Check," he says, sitting back from his focused hunch with smug satisfaction. 
"Shit," you mutter, examining the rest of the board. Your king is hemmed in by his queen poised to strike. Only your own queen is able to take the knight, but it will be at the cost of her as well. The end game is approaching far more rapidly than you anticipated. "Well played," you admit as you try to puzzle out his new plan, and craft one of your own. 
His smirk grows wider and his posture relaxes, all confidence that he has this one in the bag as he watches your next move. 
Does he see the little pawn you have lying in wait amongst all these heavy hitters? As you pick up your queen to set off the chain reaction, you know there's only one way to find out. 
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threepoint14art · 3 months
AHSGOAHGS OK AQUI VA: (incluye a owynn, lamentablemente.) TLDR: Cami estaba super tensa cuando la gente le hablaba a owynn después de que el tipo casi haya sido asesinado por freddy, confundió a eak con otro tipo y pues X en toda la carota
[menciones de suicidio! procedan con cuidado]
Cami y Owynn son primos, ambos de lado paterno. Osea que sus padres son hermanos, pero mientras que el papa de owynn es abusivo, el papa de cami es su hermano menor que huyo de todo eso para Brazil. La niña vivió en Brazil hasta que tuvo 8 añitos, pero eventualmente a su papa le daba mucha culpa saber que su hermano mayor todo loco tenía hijos, por lo que se mudaron (despues de mucha deliberación) para que esos niños (owynn, vincent y otra primita que tenían) tengan un lugar seguro, un adulto normal en el que confiar, todo eso.
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Como ella y Owynn tienen la misma edad pues se hicieron amiguitos rápido, jugaban juntitos y todo eso, y así fue por dos añitos y cuando cumplieron 10 todo se desmorono :D!!!!!
Primero es que Owynn se había rompido e intentó matar a su papá! con la medicina que le robó a Freddy! yayyyyy Owynn y Freddy se tratan de matar entre ellossss
Owynn pierde horrorosamente, su otra primita muere, y Owynn trata de suicidarse, Cami obviamente destrozada le pregunta qué le ocurre y que pasó para que TODO ESO ocurra, Owynn (luego de burlarse de ella por preocuparse)  le cuenta toda la desgracia que le persigue, su papá es terriblemente abusivo, todo lo de Freddy, y cómo le hacían bullying super extremo. Entre esas personas que le hacían bullying esta este wey
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Es un buhó (importante), que realmente le hacía la vida imposible al Owynn. Cami viendo los pedazos que quedaron de su primito, obviamente lo quería muerto
¡Sorpresa! se lo encuentra por la calle y se lanza a matarlo. Cami tiene (básicamente) un cuchillo en el brazo. Así que quien gana no es un misterio. 
Estaba toda histérica porque ese niño hizo que su querido primo intentara matarse. Pero como solo empezó una pelea aparentemente sin ninguna razón, en la mitad del día, en frente de bastantes personas. La detuvieron.
Puesto que es mucho más alta y que no tenía una cara muy redondita que gritara "NIÑA DE 11 AÑOS", la gente la vio como una adolescente tratando de matar a un niño pequeño. Gente trató de detenerla, consolaban al niño mientras la jalaban lejos como un animal rabioso. Todo el mundo la ve como un monstruo. se mudan porque todo el mundo la ve como un peligro!!! y técnicamente lo es! 
Owynn cambia, obviamente, dejó de actuar normalmente y se volvió mucho más cruel y sarcástico y confiado. Cami se vuelve un poco más reservada porque que todo el mundo te grite y te odie te afecta un poquito. También se volvió muchísimo más protectiva de Owynn.
Cami conoce a Eak y a Town!!!! yayyy amiguitos!!! le ayudan a sentirse más normal, eventualmente quiere que su primo juegue con ellos :D y los presenta. Y pues no sale muy bien!
Eak es un chico muy firme en sus creencias, que dice todo lo que piensa, terrible combo de personalidad si quieres coexistir cerca de Owynn. Todo está bien por un rato pero Owynn ahora es una persona bastante cruel, y piensa que puede hacer lo que quiera con Cami, además de decirle que haga cosas le jala el pelo , la sacude y la insulta. Eak lo ve como un bully y le reclama de que porque la trata así, y se ponen a discutir.
Eak, enojado e impulsivo, empuja a Owynn. Cosa que al niño le duele bastante porque su torso ya estaba todo herido desde antes. Cami ve su cara de dolor, ve plumas, y por alguna razón piensa que quien está al frente de ella es ese mismo maldito niño. Y antes de poder realmente pensar en lo que estaba haciendo,se mete y le corta la cara.
Inmediatamente se disculpa un millón de veces y se pone a llorar, Eak se va corriendo y Owynn le grita ochentamil insultos porque el tipo odia ser defendido. Cami solo se sigue disculpando con el aire y llorando, Owynn entre todo lo que decía, menciona que deje de llorar porque es obvio que iba a hacer daño, porque es una Mantis y esos animales son depredadores que dan muchísimo miedo, son superdepredadores que hasta pueden llegar a matar pájaros. Y eso se le graba en la cabeza a Cami.
Es peligrosa, es muy alta y tiene cuchillas como parte de su cuerpo, le daba miedo a la gente, y tenían razón. Hirió a alguien y solo en unos pocos segundos hizo mucho daño. Eventualmente habla con Eak y le explica lo que paso, porque reaccionó así, le dice absolutamente todo con la única esperanza de ser perdonada, y funciono! Y siguen siendo amigos, pero Eak tiene una cicatriz gigante y verla todos los días es un recordatorio del peligro que presenta por existir. Es obvio que normalmente las mantis no le pueden hacer nada a los humanos, pero es solo por diferencia de tamaños, y ella es una versión gigante de un superdepredador. Tiene miedo de sí misma y de lo que puede llegar a hacer.
Eak trata de calmarla constantemente diciéndole que no le importa, que se ve cool. Pero aunque se esfuerza en ocultarlo de Cami, en realidad se nota que le tiene algo de miedo. Quiere superarlo de verdad, porque sí entiende las razones de Cami, sí la perdona, y no quiere tenerle miedo a nada. Es un chico valiente que hace muchas cosas más peligrosas de lo de ese día, y yeah piensa que ya es tiempo de que lo supere lol. <- así no es como funciona el trauma pendejo
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the-babygirl-polls · 9 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Two
Hello everyone! Here is the lineup for the second week of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone for their submissions!
Grim Reaper (A Date with Death)
Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
jerma985 (Twitch)
Knock (Nosferatu (1922))
Buggy (One Piece)
Eustass Kid (One Piece)
Amos (Rewritten)
Dr. Boris Habit (Smile For Me)
Uchiha Madara (Naruto)
Klaus (Rewritten)
Morgan "Mac" Macallister (Rewritten)
Dr. Nightshade (Rewritten)
Rosamel (Rewritten)
Hunch Curio (Mentopolis)
Augustus Sinclair (Bioshock 2)
Daniel Fucks (Mentopolis)
The Fix (Mentopolis)
Laurance Zvhal (Minecraft Diaries)
Alex Cabot (Law and Order: SVU)
Doppo Orochi (Baki the Grappler)
Dr. Josef Heiter (The Human Centipede)
Seam (Deltarune)
Norman Osborn (Spiderman (2002))
Ruby Knowby (Ash Vs. Evil Dead)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Kaoru Hakaze (Ensemble Stars)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lucifer (Obey Me)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda)
Flora (Winx Club)
Hayato Inui (Etsusa Bridge)
Darcy (Winx Club)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Jurgen (Warhammer 40k)
Damian Tenma (Ace Attorney)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Obi-wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Simon Blackquill (Ace Attorney)
Louie (Pikmin)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Peter Stamatin (Pathologic)
Copycat (Venture Bros)
Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts)
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Subspace (PHIGHTING)
Karl Weissman/Charles Whiteman (Bodies)
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
Tianlang Jun (Scum Villain's Self Saving System)
Bolearis (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent)
Ashley Joanna Williams (Evil Dead)
Mason (Roblox)
Firebug (Town of Salem)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Hikaru Gero (MarriageToxin)
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars)
Tiw (My School President)
Richard Karinsky (Caroline in the City)
Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier (The Terror)
Daan (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Joe Hills (Hermitcraft)
Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Seon Ahyeon (Debut or Die)
Tena Sorimura/Phantom Solitaire (Deadmount Deathplay)
Yotasuka Takahashi (Blue Period)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Park Moondae (Debut or Die)
Ulysses S. Grant (American History)
Cardinal Copia (The Band Ghost)
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3)
Captain John Hart (Torchwood)
Narciso Anasui (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Seteth (Fire Emblem)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Soren (Fire Emblem)
Roland (Library of Ruina)
Tohru Adachi (Persona 4)
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona 4)
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polyamships · 8 months
January Polyam Shipping Day roundup
Hi everyone! In January, we had 5 entries across 5 fandoms. All are linked below.
Ikemen Vampire: The Call of Light (fanfic) by @fang-and-feather (jean d'arc x reader x vincent van gogh)
Baldur's Gate: Enough (fanfic) by @alpaca-clouds (astarion x original character x tav x themberchaud)
Arrowverse: i think you'd look better in a collar (fanfic) by @frosty-the-killer-doll (mona wu x nyssa al ghul x sara lance)
Mo Dao Zu Shi: 婴运而生 | in which Wei Ying rises again (podfic) by @semperfiona (jiang cheng x lan wangji x wei wuxian)
Final Fantasy XIV: The King Is Dead - Long Live The King (fanfic) by @theoreticalconstruct (aymeric de borel x estinien wyrmblood x haurchefant greystone)
Thanks to everyone who took part in January!
Gentle reminder that if you want your fanwork to be included in the roundup it needs to either be submitted/@ us on tumblr or in the official ao3 collection, and if not uploaded on the day in question let us know what prompt it’s for. And if we’ve missed any items please send us a note and let us know.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Bride’s Revenge (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Bride’s Revenge”
ES PSUB [La venganza de la novia] EP01: Se casa con el que no ama | Romance/Traje Antiguo | YOUKU
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75DNYvvzDpw
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ttrpgbrackets · 11 months
The featured games!
In the interest of being a thoughtful community member, below are links to all of the games featured in our bracket, submitted by followers!
Ascendancy can be found on Ruby Soleil-Raine's itch.io.
Patchwork World can be found on Aaron King's itch.io page. Patfinder can be found on Paizo's online store.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Monster of the Week, For the Queen, and Blades in the Dark can be found at Evil Hat's online store.
Pokemon Tabletop Adventures 3rd Edition can be found here.
Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist can be found here.
BXLLET and its expansion SHXLL CASXNGS can be found on Legendary Vermin and Rathayibacter's itch.io pages.
Justicar can be found on Nevyn Holmes' itch.io.
Troika can be found on its website.
Exalted Third Edition can be found on Onyx Path's website.
Glitch can be found on Drivethrurpg.
Lancer can be found on Massif Press's Itch.io.
Monsterhearts and The Quiet Year can be found on Buried Without Ceremony's website.
Wraith: the Oblivion and Mage: The Ascension can be found from White Wolf on drivethrurpg.
Fiasco can be found from Bully Pulpit Games.
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine can be found on drivethrurpg.
Beam Saber can be found on Austin Ramsay's itch.io.
Spire: The City Must Fall and Heart: The City Beneath can be found from Rowan, Rook, and Dekkard
Guardian Mecha Generations is by Chris Longhurst, though a direct link could not be found by this author. Submissions and asks with more information are welcome.
Public Access can be found from The Gauntlet.
Leverage is no longer in print, but was designed by Cam Banks and Rob Donaghue for Margaret Weis Productions
Disparateum can be found on Rathayibacter's itch.io.
World Wide Wrestling is found on Nathan Paoletta's website.
10 million HP Planet can be found on Sandy Pug Games' Itch.io.
Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined can be found on Riley Hopkins' itch.io.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying can be found from Cubicle 7 Games
City of Mist can be found from Son of Oak Games
Final Bid can be found on liberigothica's itch.io.
Apocalypse World can be found on its own website, by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker.
Lasers and Feelings by John Harper can be found on its own website.
We Are But Worms can be found on itch.io from Riverhouse Games
Kingdom can be found on Ben Robbins' website.
Kernel can be found on Ava Ayers' cohost.
Ironsworn: Starforged can be found on the Ironsworn website.
Capers can be found on NerdBurger's website.
Fellowship 2nd Edition can be found on liberigothica's itch.io.
Eidolon: Become Your Best Self can be found on the Eidolon Playtest patreon.
Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast can be found on Possum Creek Games
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game can be found from Greater Than Games
Fathom can be found on Brandon McLeod's itch.io.
Apocalypse Frame can be found from Binary Star Games.
We Used to be Friends can be found on Jonathan Lavalee's website.
I was unable to locate a link to purchase or read Perennial Ultimatum: Bloomward. If you have any information on this game, please feel free to submit a post.
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apanwithnoplan · 2 years
Agent Names (Updated + Harbor)
Brimstone: Liam Byrne
Viper: Sabine Callas
Raze: Tayane Alves
Chamber: Vincent Fabron
Omen: John, Fred, Marcus, Yohan, or Dimitri [nothing has been confirmed]
Sage: Ling Ying Wei
Cypher: Amir El Amari
Neon: Tala Nicole Dimaapi Valdez
Breach: Erik Torsten
Sova: Alexander (Sasha) Novikov
KillJoy: Klara Böhringer
Jett: Sunwoo Han
Skye: Kirra Foster
Fade: Hazal Eyletmez
Pheonix: Jamie Adeyemi
Yoru: Ryo Kiritani
Astra: Efia Danso
Kay/O: Kingdom Anti Yield Operative ( or Kill All Your Opponents)
Reyna: Zyanya Mondragón
Harbor: Varun Batra
Brb gonna cry-
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valdaycare-au · 4 months
Who hoards the coffee maker between all of them? 👀
The daycare isn't that well-off but we're lucky to have a coffee maker. (I asked Ying Wei about it, and she said that it came from the previous management...? I'm not that well-versed with the history of this establishment, to be honest). Not everyone drinks coffee, of course, but if I have to answer this including everyone into the picture...
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I will say however that there is a... spike of hoarders among our interns when they have a project or college assignments to finish up, mostly the new recruit Zhao Yu, who apparently majors in Computer Science—which causes conflict with Vincent who practically holds the pot his entire shift.
So, Kirra then implemented a strict rule that everyone is only allowed to two small cups of coffee per employee every day. It's a jab to Vincent, of course, but I feel like it was more of her looking out for Miss Ling since she tends to palpitate from drinking too much... that poor woman needs to rest sometimes and not rely on bean juice, really.
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sorenblr · 11 months
Hey soren, this one for you buddy: ¡chinga tu madre!
Don't be a stranger, give me your five—no, six favourite Halloween flicks. Cinematics to rot your molars to.
Uh, I'm thinking this 'wey' might be 'loco'!
Luckily I have made a record of my seasonal viewing on Letterboxd for the last several years. A lot of this is just filling in the blanks for genre staples that I missed out on during the majority of my life where I barely paid attention to film. The six that stand out to me are...
Phantasm (1979): This is a shockingly positive portrayal of male pattern baldness, and it shows just how devastating an orb can be.
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988): Elvira wants to fuck a hot dumb guy, but things don't go quite as planned when this free spirit and her *gulp* generous endowment run afoul of small town prejudice! She does end up fucking the dumb guy, though. Sometimes things are as simple as we make them.
The Masque of the Red Death (1964): Vincent Price is like some sort of scary man.
Bride of Frankenstein (1935): The part at the end where Boris Karloff says "She hate me!" should have been sampled in a hit rap song... perhaps even two.
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949): A remarkably faithful adaptation. The only major embellishment is Bing Crosby crooning over the proceedings, which is a choice that I believe Irving himself would have made had it been available to him. Ichabod really is just a horny hungry guy who is also some sort of birdlike homunculus. He's a real piece of shit.
Blade (1998): Here's a picture I took of my Blade DVD (big ass AND1s and banknote worth 500 hungarian forint for scale):
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I know what you're thinking, and yes, the special features are just as epic as the film itself.
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