aukkenopsia · 4 months
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dragon husband for my frend zinthings
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dernooks · 2 years
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Agrar :)
Part of an art trade with @zinthings
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birbcat · 2 months
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Artifight 2024
All my attacks I did this year. Better than what I did last year and hoping to do more next year!
@evios @jonnothyvase @noirenambu @zinthings @hun1bee
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mistergaslow · 2 years
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Fanart of @zinthings' gnollboi, Muun.
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phosphoriteart · 8 months
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Little extra something for @zinthings – Dew and Müün are hanging out!
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bigcatbulges · 11 months
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Source - Zinthings
(Artist's Ko-fi Twitch Redbubble Gumroad and Discord)
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c-rowlesdraws · 2 years
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❌ dogs playing poker ✅ gnolls playing blackjack
(Sweet Pea with some new friends (other people’s characters)-- based on a picture drawn by @ Zinthings on twitter for Day 9, “Deal”, from @thebeardlyben’s Gnollvember prompt list)
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rubeau-art · 3 months
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Artfight so far
—- @coffeepotcat @waitingonthewind —- —- @verefex @zinthings @greekceltic
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sacherali · 2 months
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Ninth attack goes to Zinthings 🧡😎 I couldn't not draw him!!
Art Fight
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flame-shadow · 2 months
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Flicker Friend Muun for Zinthings [Attack #23]
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terrible-chudovysko · 7 months
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Belongs to @zinthings ❤
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volkolak · 2 months
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artfight attack/long overdue revenge for @zinthings because i wanted to do SOMETHING before it ends and who can resist a xenomorph in converse
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dahgraz · 2 months
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Artfight attack for user Zinthings' Szechuan
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Strange sense of beauty
Zinth had never been considered attractive on her homeworld. Her deformation of having only three arms instead of four made her appear like a defect in the eyes of society.
She went through her early years in the learning centers with a small group of friends, but never anything like a bond mate. It got so bad that she even went to her parents several times asking for constructive surgery to give her a new arm; be it organic or inorganic prosthetic. They refused each time saying such procedures were only for those that had been injured and suffered, not for those that had never been.
When she finally came of age she couldn’t take it any longer and left her homeworld. She joined with a galactic trading firm that situated her off world as a regional representative. The planet she found herself on was an alien world populated by a species known as humans. Strange creatures with only two limbs and their heads attached to their bodies via a bone spine rather than thread like nerve strands.
Still feeling rather like an outcast, Zinth never traveled much when she arrived on the human colony world called “Jin”. She went to work, went to the food at the end of each week, and then returned home. It was a solitary way of life, but she had not known any other.
It was after nearly a month at work that she made her first friend. Margret Thatch was a human liaison with the trading company and the two of them worked closely together for much of that time. She was kind and friendly towards Zinth while they were together. Eventually Margret got to know Zinth enough that she could see something was bothering her and asked her about it.
From there Zinth opened up to feeling like an outcast amongst her own people. The feelings of dread and loneliness constantly present around her, dragging her down each day until she got home and felt like she would shatter.
Margret listened the entire time and said nothing save for the occasional question here and there. When Zinth was finished, she put her hands on Zinth and told her they were going to have a “Girl’s Night Out” this coming weekend.
Zinth wasn’t sure exactly what that meant but Margret refused to elaborate further. All that she would say was to wear her most festive dress she had when she came over the weekend and then the real fun would start.
The work week came and went until finally the weekend arrived and Margret came to pick up Zinth. When she opened the door Margret was surprised to see her outfit. It was modest attire on Zinth’s homeworld, being a combination of what humans called a corset and skirt, but it seemed to impress Margret who gave a short applause before dragging her friend out of the apartment. Once outside she waved down a passing cab and the pair flew off to the night district of the city.
As the pair drew close Zinth was almost overwhelmed by the lights of the human night district; a name she was beginning to think was rather ironic. The entire sector was filled with neon lights of every color and shade dazzled her as the air cab flew onwards. Margret was ecstatic about where they were going. She called it a club, which in human culture was some form of gathering place for relaxation and music, and that she had been there many times and had made many acquaintances there. Zinth was about to ask more when the air cab slowly began its descent and stopped in front of the club.
There was a long line of people waiting to enter the club; many of them humans Zinth noticed were dressed more sparingly than either her or Margret. At the entrance was a tall human male in all black with a pad of paper. They seemed to be deciding who could go in and who would need to wait. Many looked as if they had been waiting in line for some time and this only added to the anxiety building up with Zinth. Just as it felt like she wanted to get back in the air cab and head home Margret took her by the hand and led her to the front of the line.
Zinth was silent and embarrassed as the others in the line saw this and began to voice their complaints until finally they reached the front. The human blocking the door took one look at Margret as she smiled and to Zinth’s surprise stepped aside for the pair to enter. When they finally got inside it was as if they had entered the realm of an entirely different planet.
Intense music was blaring from all sides as several dozen humans moved and gyrated to the beat. Lights flashed all around her and as Zinth looked up she saw that there were multiple dance floors even higher up, each one occupied by more dancers. So distracted by the liveliness, Zinth didn’t feel Margret pulling her into the crowded dance floor until she was already amongst the throngs.
The music was infections and as Zinth watched Margret begin to dance she found herself moving along with her. Her hips swayed and she raised her arms as the beat consumed her. She had never felt like this before on her homeworld, and though it was her first time experiencing this she had to admit she was enjoying it.
After what felt like an eternity the duo left the dance floor and went over to a waiting station. A human man was stood behind the counter with a large selection of bottles and beverages lining the wall. Margret ordered two drinks and the human left to go get them when the strangest thing happened.
Zinth felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a human male. He complemented her on what she was wearing and said she looked stunning.
Zinth felt her heart nearly stop.
No one on her homeworld had ever so much as looked in her direction, and yet here was a human saying she was stunning. What’s more was that this was not an isolated incident.
For the rest of the night Zinth was approached by human males, and females, complementing her and all seeking her attention. It was like she had become the center of the universe and it nearly made her weep tears of joy. Humans saw her deformed body and still sought her out while her own kind would have refused to acknowledge her very existence.
In the corner of her eye she saw Margret looking at her with a smile and toasting her good fortune. This made Zinth smile as she let one of the human females take her back to the dance floor.
She no longer felt incomplete, and she rather enjoyed the sensation.
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birbcat · 1 month
Chai does not approve of Elif. No one treats her Javid like an animal *pun intended*
(In response to this: https://x.com/Zinthings/status/1820985240011305195)
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doxiedreg · 2 months
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Artfight attack number 25 goes out to @zinthings! I've been meaning to attack them all month but as you all know by now, my energy has not been cooperating so now im doing a bunch of last minute attacks through the extension haha
Anyhow this is their noodle dragon character Szechuan Long, pondering the orb as he likes to collect orbs uwu
I started this piece in procreate and finished it in clipstudio because i hate procreate's workflow and i wanted the lighting to be perfect
Hope you guys enjoy!
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