#Zutara hc
strawberrymilkyumyum · 8 months
zuko tries to slow down his pace when walking with katara because she's shorter than him, she's not gonna be able to catch up to him with her short legs right????
she is smaller but she is so fast he genuinelly can't keep up with her and has to ask her to slow down bc she just zooms off like a rocket
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zutarawasrobbed · 1 year
Zuko’s Fear of Fatherhood
Zuko is terrified at the prospect of having children one day because he doesn’t want to end up like his father. His council has started getting more pushy about finding a wife and making an heir to solidify his rule. He has constant panic attacks.
Zuko tells Katara all about this in letters while she rebuilds her home in the south. Her tells her he thinks the world would be better without another of his family’s kin in line for power. He’s convinced his family is cursed and intends to break it.
Katara responds with words of comfort and reassurance. She validates Zuko’s feelings and gives her personal opinion about the subject. She tells him she knows he never would be like the man who burnt him. She tells him it’s okay not to want children. But reminds him not to let fear drive him away from the prospect of it.
After years of rebuilding and Zuko constantly asking, Katara finally accepts Zuko’s invitation and becomes a Southern Water Tribe ambassador when she turns seventeen.
The first day she arrives, Zuko has come from yet another meeting strongly urging him to start a family and is stressed out until he hears the sound of children’s laughter in the courtyard.
He follows the sounds and finds Katara by the turtle-duck pond, happily reading children's scrolls to the children of palace workers. Suddenly the dread in his soul is gone and replaced with warmth; the idea of having a family isn’t so scary.
TL;DR: Zuko is scared shitless of fatherhood until he sees Katara reading to children, which awakens his brovaries.
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late-draft · 1 month
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Force of Nature
continuing my WIP series, see here more posters
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johnskleats · 3 months
hey so do you guys remember how zuko was deemed worthy and blessed with the true nature of fire by the guardians of light themselves and became 100x the firebender he was after, with a newfound understanding and oneness with his element
kind of like how katara handled the moon and ocean spirit with her own hands and was blessed with unmatched waterbending power and oneness with her element and also spirit water but get this, also the healing ability to bring someone back from certain death
y'all remember that
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 15 days
I love a Zutara HC but also consider this "Zuko and Katara gal pals" concept that just came to me in a dream: what if when Zuko's hair grows out again, they switch hairstyles for a day and go around annoying the rest of the gaang by acting like each other. What if Zuko goes to what's supposed to be tea time with Uncle Iroh and instead Katara is there with her hair done up like Iroh's and she's 100% committed to the bit. She's not breaking character for anything. She's learned how to play pai sho
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daisy-mooon · 3 months
"Mai is like Ozai-" Mai is fifteen.
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Okay, Zutara Headcanon Time
Druk was the first one to know that Katara was pregnant, even before Katara herself or Zuko found out. He got super protective of Katara and used to cuddle next to her stomach all the time. And even though Katara wasn't aware of the reason for this sudden show of affection she welcomed it because Druk was quite young and tiny at the time and it was like having heating pad on her belly.
The first time Zuko and Katara realised something strange was going on with him was during one of their friendly sparring sessions when Druk hissed at Zuko and became very overprotective of Katara and refused to calm down till Katara reassured him that Zuko wasn't actually trying to hurt her. They didn't figure out why Druk was acting like that until Toph accidentally congratulated them a month later.
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kaligraphy · 2 years
anyway headcanon that firebenders are like solar panels. the end
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yiangchen · 11 months
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strawberrymilkyumyum · 11 months
katara being like a cat around zuko and just laying on him because he's warm or like curling up around him when he's alone and offering to brush his hair for him and just always finding reasons to be around him like a cat looking for attention
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rifari2037 · 12 days
12. What are your steambaby headcanons?
Fire Lord Zuko and First Lady Katara's steambabies :
Princess Kya (14), the leader - a fire bender, an heir of the Fire Nation. She has golden eyes and light brown skin. She is just, brave, determine, and sometimes mischievous.
Headcanons :
Zuko teaches Kya fire bending in every martial-style bending. She isn't surprised her father teaches her water-styles more than other styles.
Zuko teaches Kya how to redirect lightning in honour to her beloved grand-uncle Iroh.
Azula (after her redemption arc) is very close to Kya because her niece has talents and badass like her.
Azula teaches Kya how to direct lightning and she learns it quickly. 'I doubt you're your father's daughter, it took him years to do that," is Azula's way to compliment her.
Just like her father, Kya secretly learns fire bender from the source. One day, Zuko and Katara accidentally sees Kya doing the dragon dance with his dragon, Druk, and amazed by that.
Prince Kazan (12), the protector - a non-bender, the youngest master dual swords. He has golden eyes and light brown skin. He is strong, smart, tactical, and eager to learn any weapons. Kazan (火山) means volcano in Japanese.
Headcanons :
Kazan has very similar face and gesture to young Zuko, except his skin is darker.
Kazan feels insecure when found out that his two sisters are benders and he's not. Katara is the one who notices his anxiety first and asks Zuko to cheer him up.
Zuko encourage him that he doesn't need to be a fire or water bender to be a great leader. Zuko also shows Kazan his dual swords skill, tells him that weapon skills are very useful at any time.
Zuko himself who teaches Kazan dual swords techniques until he mastered it at young age. This is in my head how Zuko teaches Kazan :
After Kazan mastering dual swords, he start learns other weapons, especially water tribe weapons from Hakoda and Sokka. Dual swords still his main weapon and he still practising it.
Kazan often reminds Zuko of his childhood, sometimes it brings back to his past trauma. Zuko feels afraid that he will act like his father to his children, especially his non-bender son. Katara always reminds Zuko that he is not the same as his father at all. He is always a good father to them.
Princess Izumi (8), the healer - a water bender, a young peacemaker. She has ocean eyes and pale skin. She is calm and quiet, has a kind heart and motherly.
Headcanons :
Izumi is very close to her mother, Katara. She's almost always by her side.
Izumi has motherly nature combination of her two grandmothers, Ursa and Kya. She's quiet but wise and very intelligent.
Izumi often being a peacemaker when her sister and brother quarrel, most often because Kya playing prank on Kazan.
Katara teaches Izumi how to fight and heal, but Izumi is more interested in healing. She has excellent talents in healing.
Izumi not only a healer, she also has talent as a herbalist like Ursa. She learn herbalist almost herself. She can make poison, but prefers to use her abilities to make cure.
Years later when she turn 18, she become a good fighter and best at healing. She secretly learn blood-bending and use it to heal (only Kya and Kazan know about it).
Nb :
I thought about swapping Kya and Izumi just like in canon-TLOK, but I stick with my first HC in result, because I always imagined badass firebender Kya and calm intelligent water-bender Izumi.
I only wrote down good things about steambabies, I still haven't thought about their weaknesses.
These are my original headcanons. Every Zutara shipper allowed to use it into fanarts, fanfics, or add another headcanons, but please let me know and credit me ❤️💙
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
I love your gaang hc's! I saw you touched on sukka and zutara. Do you have any relationship specific head canons for them?
Sokka and Suki love hunting together. When Sokka proposed to Suki, she didn't have any male relatives for him to hunt with, so they went together to hunt for the main course of their engagement feast. Ever since, they go on a long hunting trip together for their anniversary. When their kids are old enough, they join in, too. Sometimes Sokka's family joins in. Suki's aunt (who raised her) has never been so inclined, but she comes to help watch the kids while they're gone sometimes when they're still too young to go, and will help clean the kill when they return. After Sokka passes, Suki keeps the tradition alive with her kids and their children, and for her last trip, her great-grandkids.
Zuko is a cuddle bug. Because of their status and Zuko's general discomfort with heavy PDA, he and Katara rarely do more than hold hands in public. When they are home, though, in their private rooms, he can often be found in Katara's arms, or resting on her (shoulder, lap, stomach, whatever position is easiest). When they are separated, Zuko has a pillow sprayed with her perfume that he sleeps with. Once they have kids, he loves cuddling them, too. At bedtime, the entire royal family can often be found curled up together on Katara and Zuko's bed while he reads them all sorts of stories or poems, or even essays from scholars around the world (age appropriate, of course). As the kids get older, they are less inclined to join family cuddle time, but Zuko can always curl up with his wife. After she dies, Zuko can't get a comfortable night's sleep, and he struggles with insomnia until his death about a year later.
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ultfreakme · 3 months
idk of it's just me but i don't understand, the atla fandom, from all ships existing would just slander zukka out of nowhere. like mf i just want to see my boys being silly and in love in fanwork, why they need to be so mean lmao
I think it's because for close to 20 years, Kataang and Zutara were reining supreme in ship wars and fandom space. Jetko was the main mlm ship before but it didn't have nearly the same popularity. No other ship could even touch those two and those two continued arguing about what's best for canon.
Now though? Zukka's the second most popular ship on ao3- all of those fics and content showed up in 3 years. And suddenly the Netflix actors are pushing for Zukka practically every interview while actively dissuading Zutara(and hinting strongly at Kataang- thanks Gordon & Kiawentiio going "he/she's my.....family, yeah let's say family *wink* *wink*"). They're getting extremely popular and now fucking Netflix, Entertainment Weekly and Deadline are tagging #zukka in the year of our lord 2024(thank you for your service Dallas Liu, braver than the marines). Popular ships unfortunately get hate, especially queer ships, like just as a baseline regardless of if it's a canonically supported or unsupported ship, if it's "morally correct or incorrect".
This 'crackship' that no one took seriously suddenly feels...like a threat to these people??? Like we can joke about hahaha zukka gayyyy but we all know that's just silly gobbledygook right? (Not saying Zukka should or could be canon, but just the fact that people are seriously considering it as a ship option in fandom makes people act weird)
A lot of the the points made for "why Zukka is bad actually" are so funny though, that my initial irritation is fading and I'm just laughing at it. Some highlights that made me actually lose it:
Zukka is misogynist to Katara because, and I shit you not, they think that we think Katara is homophobic sdjfhbbgvh. I was shook when I discovered this was a thing.
Zukka bad because Klance bad (war flashbacks to Voltron)
"Everyone just wants a gay ship smh the chronically ONLINE FANDOM BRAIN HAS ROTTED THE SANCTITY OF HETEROSEXUAL-[EXPLODES]"
Zuko is a colonizer who's oppressing Sokka by dating him (i have no stats but this sounds like a white person trying very hard to sound like they're super inclusive and understand the plights of the colonized and oppressed. and the best way to do it is shit on a fake ship about lines on a page)
Zukka bad because it makes no canon sense
I think people who are Big Mad don't get that we're genuinely just chilling and making silly stuff without thinking too much about what SHOULD happen in canon. Everyone in ATLA fandom takes the show and the fandom far too seriously, like losing a fan discussion is somehow a slight upon their personal morals.
We coasted along without much hate for a good while but the increasing popularity means Zukka as a ship is going to get bashed ;_; I think the best we can do is block and ignore instead of engaging(very hypocritcal of me rn tbh, I'll try to stop).
I don't think you expected this....giant wall of text but thanks for sending me the ask and I totally get your frustration" Just let us enjoy our silly hcs and content!!!
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months
do you have any steambaby hc? (zutara babies)
I don't have any steambaby fleshed out yet, if I'm being honest. Though I do love the idea that they have a daughter, dark skin and golden eyes, and maybe later a boy.
It also depends on the AU. For example, I would love for Zuko and Katara to have a girl named Izumi in my Kyoshi Warriors AU, because of their connection to the Painted Lady (whose human name was Izumi). I guess it depends on the development of any particular story. In some AUs I can see them having a couple kids, in others none. Maybe in one it's a daughter with golden eyes, or in another a nonbender boy.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
If Zutara is a feminist ship then it's absolute bottom of the barrel feminism SORRY like it's so downlow💀Katara's a fem girl with parentification trauma and open softness and Zuko's a masc dude who turned into a Team Dad to heal his inner child and break the cycle of abuse and high up walls so they're already a cisheteronormative ship based off that alone but there's also how while Zuko made up for what how he hurt Katara,his attacks and insults to her were racially motivated and that adds a thick layer of racialized misogyny AND directly goes against Katara's wishes to force Zuko onto her because she fought for a loooong time to break the mold of womanhood should only exist in 'what girls are SUPPOSED to be like' and frankly the emphasis on supposed 'realism' when it comes to girls and Zutara said by the shippers so often has transmisogyny underlaying it,if not then at least bioessentialism,with how cis and exclusive of unconventional girlhood it is and it dosen't help their case that they often feminize Toph when she gets older when in CANON she stayed gnc and ruthlessly talk badly of Aang because he's a boy who's feminine and gets hurt when bullied for it in-universe and he has a fucking right to even if he's cis!!!!They're making fun of him for being himself!'Fragile masculinity' my ass,if you saw a stud or a non-fully transitioned transfem you'd hurl and he thinks Katara's punk girl slay is the hottest shit ever and showed hints of crushing on Toph's butch ass too
But back on topic,this is why i can't stand Zutara man,there's nothing for me to relate to!I'm a punk femme woc like Katara and i headcanon her as trans,bi and autistic like me because i relate to her in some very important ways(though i hc her as transfem while i'm transmasc bigender)and this is also a big part of the appeal of Kataang for me because i'm the girl who had a crush on Aang instead of Zuko Zutara shippers always told you don't exist and i loved Taang because i was rowdy tomboy like Toph but i never had a beef with Kataang,i didn't see anything wrong with it!!!I minded my own damn bussiness and let Katara just vibe instead of making her some evil bitch!And while i'm in love with Zuko now thanks to the comics going into the Gaang's adult years,my canon self-insert ship with him is him and Ty Lee because i'm a super bubbly and optimistic pastel girl who's interests are considered 'stupid/silly/lame' by society and is high maintenance but nice to everybody instead of demanding and it turns out that me as a kid and me now are those ways due to autism and transgenderism!!!!
Zutara does nothing for the woc in me because Katara dosen't look like me since i'm black,i love her and Zuko as bickering found siblings,i have older sister/maternal feelings towards Aang like Zuko does older brother/fatherly ones,i see Mai as a comphet (trans) lesbian but love Maiko because she's weirdgirl rep and Zuko's in love with her and there's also black etchnic subgroups in each nation confirmed in Turf Wars so i don't got anything stopping me from making an Atlasona instead of ruining characters and dynamics!!!!!Zutara is such a less than nothing ship if you're 'not a normal girl' and the fandom's make it beyond crystal clear how they feel about us so that's why i hate it so much in addition to what ass is is!The only thing Z/k's were 'robbed' of is the ability to get a grip,a boyfriend,friends who think they're goddesses platonically like mine do to me and me them and media literacy seeing as Atla's title refers to Aang being the sole survivor of a genocide based off an irl one but they will do everything and anything to remove that out of the context in analysing him and the franchise as a whole
And not to diverge topics again but this is why i'm okay with shaming and mocking Zutara re Natla(and no i don't mean harrasing,i mean og posting)by me and anybody else,they deadass SHOWED PART OF THE AIR NOMAD GENOCIDE and ALSO ADDED 'TOKEN GOOD' FIRE NATION SOLDIERS and it's so beyond fucking racist and disturbing that they're trying to do any gotcha or praise of it involving their military war ship.You's grown and Zuko loves Aang the most anyway,you normie losers
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artkaolinite91 · 2 years
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Zutara Week 2022- Day 2 Familiar
Just my HC auntie Azula which kinda forgot her own nephew 😂 (she was busy travelling the world lol)
The second pic was from my last year artwork..which you probably familiar with :3
Tag: @zutaraweek
🚫 please don't use, edit and/or repost my artworks!
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