dcldraws · 26 days
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Bob Velseb from Spooky Month Series belongs to: Sr Pelo Henri Zygomaticus belongs to me (@demoncatlady) Michi & Mochi belong to: @blu3d3vil Color Palette's from @/color-palettes Just Keep Your Heart Where it Should Be
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Tangerine in space
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Hallelujah Tester
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They Will Be Back
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nopizzaaftermidnight · 4 months
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maridotnet · 1 year
"I'm sure you hear this all the time, but" I say, right before giving the most unheard of compliment
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ask-ud-sans · 2 years
New Phone
Didn't the joke go: "Who dis?"
Oh well, at least I can quickly type out my thoughts here. Much faster than writing on book if I'm otherwise occupied... (Though I can't save this in my bookcase so I'll need to rewrite everything on the books once I have time.)
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
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Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 1
Plot: Egyptian reader finds themselves yearning for the attention of Wednesday
Thrown into War ch1 
Word count: 2k
Warnings: blood, bit of violence
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After a grueling week of listening to the groaning spewing out of a loud werewolf’s mouth and the sounds of boxes being unpacked, broken down, then thrown out from across the shared dorm, Wednesday was finally able to get some sort of thought down on her typewriter.
This was the week before a new prison sentence that was covered up by a ‘fun’ thing called education, but last year was more of a thrill than any of her other school years. Getting kidnapped, fighting evil forces, beating up an ex-teacher, sending an ex to jail, and learning to be more affectionate to people she cared about—the thought made Wednesday’s zygomaticus major muscle twitch. Quickly brushing it off, Wednesday had one more hour before her sentence started. The schedule wasn’t too different from last year's, but the people were. Wednesday was involuntarily filled with facts about who was in her new classes there, statuses, drama, and abilities by none other than Enid.
Wednesday had gotten everything ready for herself; now it was time to get this beast across from her to cooperate. The black-haired girl could wake her roommate up in the most abrupt way possible, but that was mostly the last thing Enid needed right now. The wolf’s growling and grinding in her deep sleep were more intense than usual; clearly, she was on edge. Wednesday hadn’t had a clue how to wake someone up in a thoughtful way, so the second best choice was her second favorite right hand. 
The extra hand in the room crawled and climbed its way up to Enid, and started to shake the girl gently. A low, loud groan bounced off the ancient walls, and as a result, Thing rattled her harder.
"AM I LATE?" Enid threw herself forward, as did Thing.
"No, you’re actually early, for once," the stoic voice replied.
"But you have less than 40 minutes to get ready."
And with that, the 40-minute race began. Enid was able to get ready and look good in 35 minutes and 5 seconds, almost bumping her third record down. They were able to use the extra 4 minutes and 55 seconds to get down to the quad to be the first to get breakfast. After the bell rang, people started rolling in. The only people the pair cared about were Yoko, Divina, Kent, Ajax, Eugene, and Bianca.
"I’m not ready for this at all; I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I know I did this last year, but I’m just not ready." Kent rambled out his anxieties. 
"I know! I think I’m just excited about the new kids and teachers; I want to see who they replaced for Ms. Thornhill." Ajax continued the flow of conversation.
"Wasn’t her name Laura or something along those lines?" Bianca questioned. 
"Laurel" Wednesday corrected
"Right, right, Wednesday you have fencing for first period right?" Bianca asked the goth girl, and she nodded in return.
"I sure hope you learned how to beat me during the break" Bianca chuckled.
"Believe me, I have."
"You guys have fencing together again?! Dang it! I loved seeing you guys argue about who should have gotten the point!" Yoko complained.
"Divina and I have them; I’ll make sure to fill you in," Enid commented to console the vampire.
Wednesday rolled her eyes and removed herself from the table to put her tray away; in doing so, the bell rang for the first period. The four with fencing walked in a group to the studio. Classic coach Vlad was there to greet the aspiring fighters again.
"Welcome back, you four. I'm glad to see you back again. If you want a refresher on how to battle, I will be setting up a tutorial for the new students; if not, get your gear on and go do practice matches." The coach shared.
Bianca nudged Wednesday jokingly, the shorter girl grumbled and continued to walk to her black uniform and mask that were placed during prep week. They all quickly changed and started matches as the coach reprimanded the newbies for their stances. The doors opened for a latecomer.. History repeats itself. That snarky grin flashed the room, the Ra’s eye marking on your right eye was as gold as the morning sun, and the scent of euphoric blue lotus followed when you walked past people.
"Vlad! Nice to see you again!" You called out while continuing to walk closer. Arms lifted up above your head for emphasis. 
If Bianca were a werewolf, her ear would have twitched. She was so out of focus that Wednesday scored a point on her, yet she didn’t care; she just focused on that voice across the room. Wednesday stared at her, confused.
"Y/n… Don’t you have to be working somewhere?" The older man inquired.
"Yeah, about that, after Weems got hurt from the poisoning, the board wanted a background check on the admin here. A 16-year-old was definitely not someone they wanted working as staff; I guess they didn’t like my records. But! I still have perks; I just have to be an actual student, which is useless for me." You Informed.
"Thank you for saving Weems again. I’m guessing you’re my student then." 
"Hey, what’s a scorpion for?" but yes, sir, I am!" You said it excitedly.
"I saw your old mask on the rack; it must have slipped my mind," Vlad mumbled.
Bianca continued to listen, she took off her mask to get a better look at who was speaking. Wednesday assessed the siren's facial features, which showed clear indications of fear, panic, and nervousness. Wednesday worried slightly for her friend, who was this person who had her opponent more scared than when she threatened Bianca? As if it were on queue you looked over to the pair for a split second, then to the equipment rack, eyes landing on the two. You walked past them with haste to get changed, Bianca was definitely on edge when they started up again; she could barely even get into the proper stance. 
Once you changed, you planted yourself on the bench between the coach and the pair fighting, watching like an animal looking for its next prey. You mumbled something to Vlad, and Bianca was thrown off again. Of course, you noticed.
"Bianca I can feel and smell the fear off you, geez!" You yelled across the room.
"What the hell are you doing here?! Don’t you have to be scrubbing the halls?" Bianca snapped, throwing her mask on the ground and practically jogging towards you. 
"I’m a student now." Returning the attitude
"Hurry up and duel that Addams kid," you commanded.
How did you know Wednesday's name?" the raven-haired girl questioned privately. Surely you’ve never met each other; clearly, you have tension with Bianca, so her friends wouldn’t have talked to you. Who are you?
"I’m not going to listen to you, L/N. Clearly, you lost your status." Bianca huffed up
Vlad has now stepped in "Ms. Barclay, it won’t hurt to do one duel, plus I want to see you two's improvement."
"Thank you, coach," you gleamed.
Bianca grumbled and went back to her spot, picking up the mask as well. The two got back into their stances. Bianca seemed more professional, dead set on winning, but a part of her was still nervous. Wednesday and Bianca bowed and were off, continuing to parry and attempt blows at each other until she could strike out Wednesday. Each. Consecutive. Time.  It irked the raven girl. Drawing her out of thought, you spoke.
"Addams. Duel me."
"What?! I beat her each time, though! Duel me!" Bianca cried out 
"You’re not focused on her at all; I don’t want to fight someone who has no thought of trying to improve." Your voice was gloomy and almost sounded bored with the conversation.
"I have! You haven’t been here to know that!" She protested 
"If you improved, you would have seen me try and beat me."
Bianca shut her mouth, moved over to the bench, and practically threw herself down. You finally got up and put on that custom mask of yours, it had a small streak of red going down the right eye area. Wednesday studied everything she could about you, once you were face-to-face with her, she could finally get the height of you and your physique. She had to look up to look you dead in the eyes.
"I like you. You’re focused, and you try to understand everything you can before launching yourself into a battle. I like it, that’s why I wish to fight you." You smiled down at her.
Before she could say anything, you got into placement and waited for her to do so. Once she got into her comfortable stance, the raven girl gathered information on your stance; clearly, you know what you’re doing. After the bow of respect, you two slowly approached each other, Wednesday attempted a strike, but was completely shut down with ease. 
You threw out a lazy strike, even that almost hit her. She tried two quick blows, but again, she shut down. What confused her was the fact that your block almost seemed to be there before she could even perform the move.
Could you read minds?
No, this doesn’t look like it, she’s seen mind readers, and this isn’t it. But that stupid smile was plastered on your face; it messed with her nerves a bit.
The pace quickens, and you shoot somewhat lazy shots. She strikes fast, just to be shot down again and again, It felt like hours, but really it was less than 2 minutes. Finally, you put what seems to be your all into this. The speed quickened, as did the eyes watching you two. She almost couldn’t keep up, this was too fast for her. You’re making the raven sweat. An opening for you, you shot like a snake.. no like a scorpion? Round one was finished, and you took the lead.
"Point for L/n!" Vlad exclaimed.
"Whatcha thinking, Addams?" You questioned.
"I want," she hesitated, "no mask, no tips. First blood." A Wednesday classic 
"Deal!" You were excited— something realistic. Throwing off the mask, that stupid smile was still on your face.
Wednesday and you fixed your blades and got back to bowing, then the stance, and you were off. The pace picked up from where it had dropped, she was able to keep up more now, so much so that she was able to hit you in the stomach. She was more hopeful now, but she was so hopeful that she completely forgot about the deal she set. First blood. Leave herself open. You went for her jugular, leaving a perfect cut that dripped down a small streak of red on her neck. 
"Point L/n." The coach yelled out.
"Y'know, Addams, I had padding on there,  realistically, if we’re in an actual duel out at random, I wouldn’t have padding on." You explained.
"Take it off then." She quickly blurted
"Hm. Alright then!" 
With haste, you quickly took off the top padding. This was very much illegal in the rule book, but who cares? This was getting interesting, and Wednesday followed suit. There was your school's white button-up under it. Once you got situated, the deal was still on, and the regular steps occurred. The two of you were faster than before, but it was fast for you to land a blow just on her chest. She completely paused, and blood leaked right above where her heartbeat was. A rapid flow of blood stained the button-up; her heartbeat was racing; she was definitely overworked, but this was different, she enjoyed this duel, of course, not the loss but this. Wednesday couldn’t explain why it was frustrating her. 
"You’re terrific Wednesday. I hope I can duel you later again, but I must go." You explained.
Picking up your stuff and putting it back into its respectable spots, Wednesday watched a little confused as you left abruptly. She looked around for a second, watching everyone go back to practicing. The raven-haired girl went to check on her cuts, but they were completely gone—not a stain, not a scar, just a tiny hole in her shirt.
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miz-orque · 4 months
I love how Jimmy's face is built. It's so gaunt and his zygomaticus major and orbicularis oris combo is so stringy and flappy looking idk. I'm surprised Dorio managed to make his face squish when she stomped him
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chirprepository · 4 months
unfortunately, every little fiber
remembers incessantly that you exist.
orbicularus wrapped around maxila,
on zygomaticus, on depressor anguli.
to the penitent and worthy your grace is unquestionable.
but to me, the sinner, the worshiper of the swirling, howling hole at its center,
the feeling in my hollowed bones
is all but holy.
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itr0ars · 4 months
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cady hasn’t missed homeschool in forever, for your information. she doesn’t miss being left to her own devices, of which there were next to none in the matter of gadgetry manufactured after the twentieth century. yes, she had fun making cairns out of broken abaci, but now she has real interests, like keeping up with music that makes her ears cry and going to malls that give her hypothermia. she doesn’t miss extirpating essays and dioramas obsessed with the past and ruining her chances at a normal future with friends and/or loyal followers. yes, she was too busy applying cuticle creams under her desk to pay attention to their analysis the tragedy of julius caesar, but she trusts that mentally homogenising those parties can only end in happiness. she doesn’t miss her parents picking her up. yes, she hates the bus because it’s always late and the driver always has to get out and argue with the owners of pets he almost runs over, but she barely talks to them over breakfast anymore, anyways.
maybe she misses gretchen treating her like a person instead of a sounding board. she can see the lecture hall now as they step out of school; squint a little and she can read the sans serif text tepidly projected onto a screen: why is gretchen wieners so desperate, so voluble, so courageous yet so compliant? are her mating instincts triggered by seeing memes about regina’s pole being thoroughly rocked? does her existence rely on a hamster wheel spun by noise? there’s a voice in her head going stop thinking that, she’s your friend and another going stop thinking that she’s your friend but cady knows that if she stops thinking she’ll have to start thinking about getting her test signed and getting her hair wet because the sky’s turned a deep, dark grey and gretchen must’ve talked herself vacant of saliva an hour ago.
@fetchkitty — ❛ is there anything else i can do for you? ❜ ( accepting. )
that’s better, gretch. use the somewhat pretty head beneath that secret-holding hair for something productive. “ well, i know we’re technically rivals now, but you’d never let that get between our friendship, right? i mean, it’d be totally awkward if you or karen had to dance with any of the nominees for king. “ the smile on her face is totally murdering her zygomaticus muscles. her nails are digging into the crumpled paper that is her calculus test, but her other hand is reaching for gretchen’s and she hopes that’s enough of a distraction. “ i was thinking we could update all of my social media accounts. wouldn’t want someone digging up my linkedin and deciding i care too much about the degradation of nairobi national park to be cool. ” she clears her throat before she can start citing the university of hawaiʻi. discussion for another time, with another time meaning when she’s lowered into her grave. “ for example. “
she attempts to retrieve her water bottle from her backpack, dislodging even more of kevin’s business cards. the wind sends them soaring to the quad, the bus stop, wherever the cady who cared too much about pollution went. “ when are you getting picked up? maybe we could spend some time at a restaurant or your house or whatever. “
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Autopsy of A Working Relationship
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YNXsyRA by Violet138 “You, uh, like kids?” “I love kids.” Sharon smiled, fully and her zygomaticus major muscle split in two, forming a lovely dimple. “They’re so sweet and innocent and I love working with them, you know?” Not at all. Finley hated getting kids at the morgue. “Oh yeah. I love working with kids." Sharon seemed to remember what he did, both of them settling into the most horrible silence of Finley's life, outside of when he came out to his mother. Madly, he kind of wanted Gotham to work its usual magic and have some armed gunmen walk into the restaurant, or Poison Ivy to strangle him using the rose on their table or something.  Words: 6018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Gotham is... Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Original Male Character(s), Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Original Characters, Stephanie Brown, Batfamily Members Relationships: The Batfamily & Gotham, Bruce Wayne & Original Character(s), Cassandra Cain & Original Character(s), Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain Additional Tags: Original Character POV, Only in Gotham, Medical Examiner, morgue, Character Study, One Shot, GCPD Corruption getting cleaned up, post the batman 2022, batfamily dynamics, kind of a crackfic, Gotham City is Terrible, Gotham City Police Department, warning description of autopsies, and dead bodies please be safe y'all read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YNXsyRA
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dogidentifier · 8 months
Why can't animals smile?
Well, have you ever seen an animal smile? I mean, really smile like we do? Probably not, and that's because animals don't have the same facial muscles as humans do.
Our ability to smile comes from the zygomaticus major muscle, which pulls the corners of our mouth upwards. Animals, on the other hand, don't have this muscle. They do have muscles around their mouths, but these muscles are used for eating and communicating, not smiling.
But just because animals can't smile like we do doesn't mean they don't express happiness or joy. Dogs, for example, wag their tails when they're happy and excited. Cats may purr or knead when they're content. And let's not forget about the big toothy grin of a happy panting dog!
Speaking of dogs, have you heard about the Dog Identifier app? It's seriously the best dog breed identification app out there. With over 170+ dog breeds to identify, it's perfect for any dog lover or owner. Plus, it's super easy to use - just snap a picture of the dog and let the app do the rest. Trust me, you won't regret downloading this app!
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Botox Injection for treating gummy smile by Dr. Chetna Singh
When we think of Botox what comes to our mind is an antiwrinkle injection, but there are a number of surprising uses of Botox which has nothing to do with reducing wrinkles.
Botulinum toxin A( famous by the trade name botox) works by blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscle(in which it is injected) thus the injected muscle can no longer contract. So botox injection is injected into a targeted muscle to make it unable to contract (in other words partially paralyze it or relax it).
To name a few uses of botox other than reducing wrinkles on the face are reducing hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) in underarms and palms, reducing the size of oversized(hypertrophied) masseter muscle thus making a squarish face look more oval and slimmer, treating migraine headaches, improving the symptoms of depression, treating neck pains and back pains.
But today what I am going to focus on is the use of Botox in treating or improving a gummy smile.
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In order to get that perfect smile people are ready to go under the knife, but what if I tell you that it's not necessary at all, and just two small injections on either side of your nose will do the trick, good news huh! And not only that it's easy on your pocket as well.
A whole lot of muscles are present in our face which are responsible for different facial expressions and there are a group of muscles that contract together to make us smile which are- levator labii superioris, zygmaticus major, zygomaticus minor, orbicularis oris, levator anguli oris and risorius. The overactive or over contraction of these muscles results in a gummy smile  
Tag = Botox treatment in Gurgaon, Cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon
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krisztamayer7 · 8 months
Final animation with sound
This is the final outcome for the animation.
LO2 - Demonstrate your ability to use the knowledge gained to generate highly original and appropriate ideas.
I am really proud of this piece. There is things that can be pushed for future thought. However for something that i created for experimentation i think this idea got pushed to its full potential. There is a clear change in colour grading once noticed , this is to show indication visually of temperature increasing. The type is legible and the face is clearly increasing temperature too. The idea being quite conceptual it is not too clear that Zygomaticus is the name of the facial muscle you use to smile unless you already know that. In combination with the sound there's a clear link to laughter with the smiling shaped muscle behind the illustration.
LO3 - Presentation and communication of work with professional approach to planning.
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accuratebodylanguage · 9 months
When you’re interacting with others, how do you know if they’re digging 💕 what you’re saying and connecting with you? 😊
One big clue is if you see genuine smiles and better yet, laughter!
A smile LIGHTS 💡up a room!   When you smile, your brain 🧠 releases 
✅  neuropeptides and 
✅  neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin and 
✅  endorphins 
for an overall feeling of happiness 😊 along with stress and pain relief. 
Can you tell the difference between a genuine smile versus a social smile?
Let’s take a look  👀 starting from the TOP.
In a genuine smile, the entire face should be lit up and engaged!  Here’s what to look for in a genuine smile:
✅  the forehead is relaxed
✅  eyebrows in the outer ends are slightly pulled down
surrounding the eyes
✅  the orbicularis oculi narrow the eyes or eyelids resulting in crows’ feet to appear on the outer edges
✅  lower eyelids show lines and wrinkles and are relaxed under the eyes
✅  cheeks are plump, tensed, raised up
✅  genuine smiles are wider showing more of the teeth and gums 
✅  creating puppet lines that are more pronounced from the outer edge of the nose to the mouth corners.
✅  the forehead appear relaxed and smooth without stress lines
✅  the eyes slightly or completely closed 
✅  underneath and also the outer corners of both eyes wrinkle as the orbicularis oculi muscles lift and pull towards the temples
✅  the orbicularis oris mouth and zygomaticus major and minor cheek muscles lift upward in gravity defying direction to open the lips wide and expose the teeth and gums.
When you can get others to feel so at ease and comfortable enough that they are smiling and laughing, then you’ve achieved deep rapport and connection.   
When you smile, the whole world naturally matches and mirrors smiling with you!  😊
See the difference in this social smile compared to the genuine smile that I flashed earlier?
From Head to Toes, the BODY Always Shows the TRUTH.
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ask-ud-sans · 2 years
Heading out to see Blueberry! We agreed on him teaching me how to take good pictures with the new phone. The settings are a lot different from my earlier models which surprised me.
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110dentalorthodontics · 11 months
Zygomatic Implants: A Breakthrough Solution for Severe Bone Loss
Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, providing individuals with a reliable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth. However, traditional dental implants may not be suitable for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw. Fortunately, advancements in dental implant technology have led to the development of zygomatic implants—a breakthrough solution that offers hope to those who were previously deemed ineligible for conventional implants. In this article, we will explore zygomatic implants, their unique features, benefits, and the remarkable difference they make for individuals with severe bone loss.
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Understanding Severe Bone Loss
Severe bone loss in the upper jaw can occur due to various reasons, including long-term denture use, periodontal disease, trauma, or congenital conditions. This loss of bone density and volume poses a significant challenge when it comes to traditional implant placement. Without adequate bone support, traditional implants may not integrate properly, leading to implant failure or the need for extensive bone grafting procedures.
The Innovation: Zygomatic Implants
Zygomatic implants, also known as zygoma implants or zygomaticus implants, are a specialized type of dental implant designed specifically for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw. Unlike traditional implants, which are anchored in the jawbone, zygomatic implants are anchored in the zygomatic bone—the cheekbone. This unique placement provides a stable foundation for dental prosthetics, bypassing the need for extensive bone grafting procedures.
Understand the Facts and Statistics
Success Rate: Zygomatic implants have demonstrated remarkable success rates in clinical studies. According to research published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, the overall success rate for zygomatic implants is around 95%, making them a reliable option for patients with severe bone loss.
Longevity: Zygomatic implants have shown impressive longevity, with studies indicating survival rates of over 10 years in 90-95% of cases. This long-term stability offers patients the confidence and peace of mind that their dental implants will last for an extended period.
Reduced Treatment Time: Zygomatic implants provide a streamlined treatment process compared to traditional implants combined with bone grafting. By bypassing the need for bone grafting, patients can experience shorter overall treatment times, allowing them to restore their smiles and regain oral function more quickly.
Benefits of Zygomatic Implants
Overcoming Bone Loss: Zygomatic implants offer a breakthrough solution for individuals with severe bone loss. By utilizing the cheekbone as an anchor point, these implants provide a stable foundation for dental prosthetics, even in cases where traditional implants may not be feasible.
Minimally Invasive: Zygomatic implant placement is a minimally invasive procedure compared to extensive bone grafting surgeries. This means reduced surgical complexity, decreased healing time, and a quicker return to normal daily activities for patients.
Restoring Function and Aesthetics: With zygomatic implants, patients can regain full oral function and enjoy the confidence of a complete and natural-looking smile. The implants provide stability and support for dental restorations, enabling individuals to eat, speak, and smile without hesitation.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Severe bone loss can significantly impact a person's quality of life, leading to challenges in eating, speaking, and self-esteem. Zygomatic implants offer a life-changing solution, restoring oral function, improving facial aesthetics, and boosting overall confidence and well-being.
For individuals with severe bone loss in the upper jaw, zygomatic implants represent a groundbreaking solution that overcomes the limitations of traditional implants. These implants, anchored in the cheekbone, offer stability, longevity, and improved quality of life for patients who were previously told they were not suitable candidates for dental implants. With their impressive success rates and streamlined treatment process, zygomatic implants have become a game-changer in restorative dentistry. If you or someone you know is struggling with severe bone loss, consult with a qualified implant dentist to explore the possibility of zygomatic implants and embark on the journey towards a beautiful, functional smile once again.
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nursingscience · 1 year
Muscles of the body
➖Important muscles of the body:
1. Kissing muscle : Orbicularis oris
2. Toe dancer’s muscle : Gastrocnemius
3. Smiling muscle : Zygomaticus
4. Chewing Muscle : Buccinator
5. Blowing muscle : Buccinator
6. Prayer muscle : Sternocleidomastoid
7. Pouting muscle : Depressor anguli oris
8. Swimming Muscle : Latissimus dorsi (Also called Rowing muscle)
9. Tailor's Muscle : Sartorius
➖Related questions
▪️Circular muscle of lips that closes mouth and protrudes the lips : Its the "Kissing Muscle" : Orbicularis oris
▪️Which muscle raises corners of mouth up : It means "Smiling" : Zygomaticus
▪️Total number of muscles in the body : 639
▪️Longest Muscle : Sartorius
▪️Shortest Muscle : Stapedius
▪️Strongest Muscle : Masseter.
▪️Weakest Muscle : Stapedius
▪️Largest Muscle : Gluteus maximus (buttock muscle)
▪️Smallest Muscle : Stapedius
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