#a 2 bedroom in an older apartment block would be more my price range
fazcinatingblog · 7 months
Went to my brother's auction today to realise that my dream of buying a 2 bedroom apartment at an auction is probably dead
#There were like five bidders - mostly young couples but also an elderly couple#All keen to purchase it around the 660k mark#it went up to 683 that was the price it sold for#There was an Asian lady there on the phone the whole time with earphones in and she would bid but then talk to whoever was on the phone#i want that#date me so that i can go to auctions but have the partner on the FaceTime call#we couldn't hear what the Asian lady's partner was saying but imagine it was either like GET IT GIRL GO HIGHER or babe we can't afford this#'babe come on we can do better just come hom---' SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY#my brother's apartment is brand new though they only bought it off the plan a few years ago#a 2 bedroom in an older apartment block would be more my price range#then you'd have to deal with mould issues and non functional elevators#it's a nice apartment I'm sure my brother and wife and Charlotte could've lived there had it just been the three of them#maybe#Charlotte might have been outgrowing it#can't wait till I'm a bidder and get a little gift from the agent and then get asked if they have my permission to sell#like mate you don't need permission#if so then no#soz#'house passed in because bidder refused to give permission'#i would have Alex on FaceTime just like 'babe the south east is dead come buy in the north'#One guy at the auction was bidding early and then the agent asked him if he wanted to go over the other guys and he's like no#and then around 680 (like 20k later) he's like 680!!!!! loud and strong#like mate you said no before#it's weird i remember when i was 9 and we sold Clairmont Avenue and we were giddy with excitement when the bidding went over 300k#and at today's auction I'm like thinking 'property in Melbourne for under a million???? yikes this is a loss'#but i think they sold it for more than they paid for#The agents were literally buzzing when WE'RE SELLING IT'S ON THE MARKET WE'RE SELLING#The excitement though!!!!!!#The agents just yelling WE'RE SELLING!!!!!!!
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Come and Lay the Roses 2- The Price of Your Greed- [Ivar x OC]
Summary: Ivar and Aaline meet for the first time.
Characters: Ivar x OC, Bjorn x Torvi, Ubbe x Margrethe, Hvitserk x Thora, Sigurd x OC, Ragnar, Lagertha
Warnings: Arranged marriage, language, violence, sex, and torture.
Word Count: 3634
Prologue Ch. 1
“Turn the pain into power”
~ “Superheroes”, The Script
Her heels clicked on the stone entryway as she was led into the house. There was a long staircase in front of her with burgundy carpet on mahogany stairs. It led up to an open landing with hallways branching off on each side.
On both sides of her there were high white archways that led into larger rooms. The one on her left held a long dining room table that was set for fourteen. The lights were off and she didn’t hear any sounds of cooking or smell anything so she didn’t think there was actually going to be dinner. On the right side was a sitting room with two leather couches and a coffee table. There was a stout bouquet of yellow roses on the table and an array of magazines fanned out for aesthetic purposes.
A fire burned in the fireplace. It was been purely for show because it was June. Aaline rolled her eyes and stopped in the middle of the foyer, waiting for her escort to bring down her betrothed. She rolled her eyes again and heaved a deep sigh.
Her heart was pounding and the blood was rushing in her ears. It didn’t matter how many times she told herself not to be nervous, she was. She couldn’t get rid of the overwhelming feeling of dread settling in her stomach.
Two days ago, her father had sent her the dossière he had on Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. There were brief documents on each son, regardless of it was the one she was marrying. Each son possessed the piercing eyes of Ragnar Lothbrok and each son stood over six feet. She would be look minuscule next to her husband and she was considered tall for a woman.
The last document was the one that had her heart racing. Out of all Ragnar Lothbrok’s five sons only one was unmarried.
Björn was the oldest and in his forties. He had been married to his wife Torvi for nearly twenty years and they had four children together. Ubbe was second and he had married his wife Margrethe almost six years ago. Hvitserk was third and his wife was Thora. They were newly weds having been married for less than a year. Sigurd was the fourth son of Ragnar and he had been married to his wife Sibylle for three years.
Ivar Lothbrok was the youngest son of Ragnar at twenty-five. He was to be Aaline’s husband.
She took a shaky breath and pressed her hand to her chest.
They called him Ivar the Boneless because when he was a child he was diagnosed with DDH and it wasn’t treated until he was a toddler. He maintained a noticeable limp throughout his childhood until he started boxing. Then the name took on a new meaning.
The rumor mill was filled with stories of Ivar’s fighting skills. They said when he was in the ring he moved like the wind over water, fluid and full of grace. It looked like he was dancing with his opponent. He would bend and twist in a way that looked almost unnatural, ergo, Ivar the Boneless.
What made Aaline nervous was his reputation within the organization. It was well known that Ragnar essentially let his youngest son roam free. Ivar didn’t have restrictions so whenever he felt like he’d been wronged, someone would end up dead. Ivar was the kind of person to act first, ask questions later. He didn’t care why people did what they did, if it offended him or his family,  they were taken care of.
Aaline had a feeling their marriage had something to do with Ivar’s control issues.
She turned when she heard a sudden gaggle of voices coming towards her. Five beautiful women were making their way down the long staircase. Each one of them stood about as tall as Aaline and had their hair styled in intricate braids that flowed down their backs in complicated loops and whirls. They ranged in age. One woman appeared to be in her fifties or sixties while the rest looked no older than twenty-five or thirty. All five were striking.
Aaline plastered on her best smile and waited to greet them. The oldest woman approached her first. She raised her hand between them and smiled. “You must be Aaline. I’m Lagertha Lothbrok. I work for Ragnar.” Aaline nodded.
Lagertha was an imposing figure. She had been Ragnar’s first wife and ten years later she had risen in the ranks of her own chapter of The Northmen and now served as Ragnar’s right hand. She was second to only Ragnar’s brother Rollo.
The next woman who came up had long white blonde hair that was braided at her temples and tied together at the base of her head. “I’m Torvi, Björn’s wife. It’s nice to meet you.”
Each woman stepped up and shook Aaline’s hand in kind. Margrethe’s shake was a little limp and she seemed to be hesitant to greet Aaline. Thora was energetic and alight with hope when she introduced herself to Aaline. Sibylle was sweet and kissed her on each cheek when she introduced herself. Aaline was a little thrown but took it in stride and squeezed her hand when Sibylle pulled back.
Lagertha stepped forward almost immediately after introductions. “Aaline, why don’t you let us show you around the house. The men are… working. They’ll be down shortly.” Aaline narrowed her eyes but let the lie rest. With Ivar’s lack of control she figured his father and brother’s were working on getting him calm enough to interact with her. She thought about her own anger and betrayal at the announcement of her wedding and thought Ivar’s anger must’ve far outshined her own.
The house was lavish. Even calling it a house was an understatement. It had fourteen bedrooms, 7 of which were occupied by the family. Björn and Torvi had their own home a block up the street but a bedroom was reserved for them for special occasions. The rest of the brothers and their wives lived in the house with Ragnar. Lagertha had a room to herself though she rarely stayed there. She told Aaline that she had a penthouse apartment five minutes away and only used her bedroom here for long business nights.
Each family bedroom had a full bath and walk in closets. There were three and a half extra baths for guests if they had any. Lagertha told her that the only people outside of the family who stayed the night with them was Ragnar’s best friends Floki and Athelstan.
The upstairs portion of the house was reserved for living quarters. Bedrooms and bathrooms mostly. Downstairs was the entertainment and business side of the house. There were four offices that the family used. Ragnar claimed one for himself and the brother’s shared the other three. There were three full sized kitchens and two dining rooms. Aaline recalled the one in the front of the house and wondered where the other was.
Lagertha took her down another set of stairs, this one not as ornate as the main set, that led to the basement. This room was outfitted into a full functioning gym. There were multiple treadmills and various weight machines. There was a punching bag in the far corner and two flat screen TVs bolted to the walls. Speakers were hooked up to each corner at the ceiling. What really stole Aaline’s breath was the complete boxing ring set up in the middle of the gym.
When she was sixteen she began learning how to defend herself. She took classes on basic defense and how to incapacitate an attacker but it never felt good enough. Then she took a boxing class and a whole new world opened up for her. She signed up for one-on-one classes the next day and never went back.
She didn’t box for sport. She wasn’t really into violence as a form of entertainment but she loved the training. She loved the way it made her feel. There was power in her hands. Real strength and damage. No one would ever take advantage of her again. Boxing made her stronger.          
Lagertha must’ve noticed her captivation with the ring. She smiled and came up beside, hooking her arms over the ropes. “My son, Björn, got into boxing when he was younger. He eventually moved into kickboxing but the other boys enjoy boxing as well. Ivar’s the only one who ever competed.” Aaline moved her hands off the ropes and stepped back. She took a deep breath and took a glance around the room. “Is this it for the tour?”
Lagertha followed her lead and stepped back as well, shaking her head. “No, there’s a library upstairs towards the back of the house and a wine cellar beneath the swimming pool.” Aaline’s eyebrows shot up and Lagertha laughed. “It’s hard to believe but Ragnar has an appreciation for wine. I think Aslaug was the one who introduced it to him and he never looked back. He even has his own vineyard. It does very well.”
Lagertha held her arm out towards the stairs, ending their perusal of the gym. Somewhere along the way, the other women had returned to the front room where they had first met Aaline. They all looked slightly nervous and Aaline quickly figured out it had something to do with the group of men standing at the top of the stairs.
She took a deep breath and watched as they came down the stairs. She had a good idea of who was who based on which wife they went to. Björn greeted Torvi before making his way to Aaline. He extended his hand and she took it. The ends of his fingers nearly met his thumb, he was so much larger than her. She smiled tightly and nodded at him. He dropped her hand.
“Aaline. My name is Björn Lothbrok. You’ve met my wife, Torvi. Ragnar regrets that he couldn’t be here tonight but…” Björn looked over at his mother and nodded. Lagertha brushed her hand down Aaline’s arm as she passed and then she was gone, leaving Aaline alone with the sons of Ragnar and their wives. “But there was some unexpected business that came up and could not be ignored so we told him we would be more than happy to get you settled.”
Björn turned to the side to sweep his arm out to the group standing to his left. “You’ve already had the pleasure of meeting our lovely wives. I am Björn.” He walked her over to the rest of the group and they collectively began to walk towards the back of the house. Aaline had a feeling that her betrothed refused come down to greet her so they were bringing her to him. She was instantly on edge due to this uneven footing they’d unintentionally placed her on.
“Each of us has a specific position within Ragnar’s house. Ultimately, we work for The Northmen organization but Ragnar does have his own business ventures connected to The Northmen. He has a vineyard, a winery, a few restaurants across the country, he owns several docks in the state for shipping purposes both foreign and domestic. He is a board member of several other companies and has holdings all across the country. ” He glanced down at her as they made their way passed the library. “I am in charge of trade both foreign and domestic.”
He looked back to the others and nodded at each one as he introduced them. “This is Ubbe. He has a Master’s Degree in Accounting and is in charge of the finances for the organization.” Ubbe smiled at her when she looked at him. He had his hand resting on the small of Margrethe’s back as they walked.
“Hvitserk handles the legal issues. He was always interested in the legal system so Ragnar put him in charge of all the legal issues of our chapter of the organization after he got a law degree.” Hvitserk gave her a respectful nod when she looked back at him. He was holding Thora’s hand and she was whispering in his ear. He smiled at his wife and brought her hand up to his lips, pressing a tender kiss against her knuckles.
Aaline felt a pang in her chest knowing that kind of love would never exist between her and Ivar. With his reputation and her walls, they would be lucky if there was even friendship between them. They were both difficult and hard to know. If he was as reticent as her, they would struggle to find peace as a couple.
She brought her attention back to Björn as he introduced the next brother. “Sigurd is in charge of public relations. He deals mostly with Ragnar’s more...reputable businesses. He typically organizes social functions and makes any announcements regarding the business.” Sigurd had his arm wrapped around Sibylle’s waist and smiled tersely. Sibylle noticed and placed a hand on Sigurd’s shoulder.
Aaline nodded at Björn when he stopped them at the double doors of whatever room Ivar was hiding in. She made to open the door when Björn placed a hand on her shoulder. The look she gave him was sharp and he removed his hand. He jerked his head to the door. “I’ll go in first. Ivar is...difficult.” She quirked an eyebrow. “Difficult is an understatement.” She said. Björn tilted his head to the side and looked almost amused. “To say the least. Anyway,” He glanced at his brothers. Hvitserk nodded and released Thora.
“We’ll go in first.” Björn gestured forward and Hvitserk led Ubbe and Sigurd into the room. She instantly heard muted voices behind the door. Björn gave her a tight smile before glancing at his wife. Torvi nodded once and he took a deep breath before heading into the room. The voices increased in volume but Aaline still couldn’t make out what they were saying. Torvi stood on her right side and Sibylle stood to her left. She felt hands on her arms and she shook them off. She didn’t care if she hurt their feelings. She needed to walk in without support, showing Ivar that she wasn’t afraid.
The door opened and Hvitserk nodded at her. She turned her head to face Torvi. “If you don’t mind. I’d rather walk in alone.” Torvi glanced at Hvitserk and hesitated. Aaline ignored her and turned to the door, striding in with a confidence she didn’t feel.
Ivar was arguing with Sigurd, whispering harshly, gesturing with his hands. Sigurd looked smug as he listened to him rant. Björn was standing in front of the fireplace, watching it’s flames dance. He had an empty glass in his hands. Aaline felt Hvitserk brush passed her, his hand on her shoulder. He stopped just in front of her and cleared his throat.
All three of them turned to face Hvitserk and Ivar. Ivar sneered at them and shuffled over to the bar cart, pouring himself a drink. Björn turned and tensed, glancing from Ivar to Aaline. Sigurd cleared his throat and looked at Aaline. She didn’t like what she saw in his eyes but she let him continue.
“Ivar, I’d like you to meet Aaline Jensen, your fiance.” Ivar and Aaline both tensed. Aaline watched Ivar’s back as he took several deep breaths. His shoulders rose and fell rapidly several times as he tried to gain control of himself.
Aaline felt her nails digging into the palms of her hands. It was a sharp pain that distracted her from the pounding of her heart in her ears. She could feel a tingling sensation in her limbs and her hands were cold. She held her head high and waited.
Ivar whirled around and glared at her. His eyes were piercing and she felt it to her bones. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and swaggered towards her. She forced herself to stand tall and still. Movement would be a sign of intimidation. He stopped in front of her, only a few inches separating them. He trailed his eyes over her, making sure to go slow. She felt heat rise to her cheek and her fists clenched even harder.
He brought them back up to her face and grinned. It was malicious and dark, filled with hatred and resentment. He took a drink and swallowed before smacking his teeth and smirking. “At least you’re pretty.” He sniffed and met her eyes.
Her face was flushed and he knew that part of it was because of his blatant perusal of her figure earlier. He wasn’t wrong in his statement. She was pretty. In all honesty, pretty was an understatement. She was breathtaking. Her eyes were hard and yet betrayed her emotions. They were swimming with apprehension and fear but she was standing tall in front of him. Her chin was held high and her shoulders were pushed back and she met his eyes without flinching. Grown men had trouble doing that. She was tall and he could see the physical strength in her limbs. She took care of herself which he admired. Her hair shined in the dim lighting and she had it pulled back away from her face. A few strands framed her face elegantly. The shadows from the fire made her face look angular and thin. The flames glimmered in her eyes and they shined with pride.  
His laugh was mirthless as he drained his drink. He set it on the edge of Ragnar’s desk and met her eyes. Aaline took her own time to trail her eyes over his figure. He was tall like the rest of his brothers but she could see how he hunched over slightly and shifted his weight from side to side. She knew it was most likely due to his physical ailments but power radiated off of him like  heat from a furnace. His hair was shaved close on the sides and combed back away from his face. It was long in the back so he tied it in a knot at the base of his head.
He was pleasant to look at, she had to give him that. It was probably one of his only redeeming qualities.
She took a deep breath and met his eyes, refusing to be the first to speak.
Ivar clicked his tongue and gave her a crooked grin. It was not meant to be reassuring. He raised his hand and stroked the backs of his fingers down her cheek. He was surprisingly gentle as he did it. He trailed his hand down her cheek and then her arm, leaving goosebumps as he went. He never broke eye contact with her and leaned forward, his warm breath ghosting over her face. She could smell the whiskey on his breath when he spoke.
“I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together.” He gripped her wrist suddenly and it was just tight enough to feel threatening. Her fight or flight instincts kicking in, Aaline reached for the letter opener she saw on the desk and pressed the point underneath Ivar’s jaw. His eyes never widened and his touch never loosened but his mouth fell open and his grin widened.
She could taste the tension in the room it was so thick. All of the other brothers were on their toes, waiting for Ivar to react. In the corner of her eye, Aaline could see the women huddled at the door, nervous. She held Ivar’s eyes and waited.
He tilted his head down just enough so that she knew he acknowledged her threat. She felt the tip of the letter opener punch through the soft skin underneath his jaw and he smirked. She narrowed her eyes and pressed harder, getting his attention.
“If you touch me again, without my permission, I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to you. Do you understand?” She watched his throat bob as he swallowed. She could see his eyes narrow and scan her face to see if she was serious. She pressed deeper into his skin and he twitched. She felt a keen sense of victory but kept her face blank. “Do you understand?” She asked again. She was going to make him say it.
His smile was slow as it crept across his face. He released her wrist and held his hands up placatingly. She didn’t remove her weapon from his person and his smile fell. She was going to make him say it. He couldn’t help the approval that welled up in his chest at her actions. At least he wasn’t marrying a coward or a weakling. She knew how to defend herself and wasn’t afraid to put him in his place. He hated to admit it but he was impressed.
“I understand, Ms. Jensen.” She swallowed thickly at his formal address but dropped the letter opener back on the desk. She looked him up and down, a little stunned that he’d answered her. He was smart, she knew that, but clearly he was also confident enough to not be too annoyed that a woman had just threatened his manhood. She didn’t like the feeling that came over her then. It was too good.
She glanced at Björn and he gave her a tense nod. She looked once more at Ivar before turning towards the doors. Torvi smiled at her nervously. She stopped when she heard his voice again. “I stand by my earlier statement, love. We’re going to have fun together.” She took a deep breath through her nose to try to settle her racing heart but gave up and walked back to Torvi’s frantic presence.
Somewhere deep inside she felt that Ivar Lothbrok was onto something.
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pbandjesse · 7 years
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Somethings up with my phone but today’s been amazing. Also exhausting. Also hot. I slept okay last night. Once I actually got to sleep. Steve came home and hung out with me and our parents for a while. The puppy chased me a lot. I eventually did get to sleep though. I woke up at 620 pretty miserable. But I got ready. The shampoo my mom uses, that I used last night, made my hair feel terrible and I felt very gross. Which made the rest of me feel gross. But I soldiered on. Got dressed and ready. Fixed my skirt. Its slightly to small. And we were out the door by 7. Dad stopped at McDonald’s and we had our first dumb argument of the day because he ordered my sandwich wrong and when I corrected him he got annoyed and I couldn’t explain why he was doing it wrong and got more upset and it was just a whole thing. But we ate and everything was okay. The drive was nice. Listening to music and such. We stoped a little over half way for gas and a lady tried to sell me fidget spinners for $40. I showed her my ring and we talked for a bit. We got to Baltimore around 10. I think. We were early for check in though and our hotel is beautiful. But we drove through a pretty ugly part of the city to get here. It really looked like Kensington and wasn’t what I was picturing at all. The hotel though is so nice and it’s in an old bank and our room is beautiful. We marked up a map and headed out pretty quick though. Wanted to scope out the neighborhood. Mt Vernon is pretty awesome. It’s what I had pictures. Very similar to old Philly and rittenhouse. And it’s great. We drove past all of the apartments. Well almost all of them. And the majority were all like within 3 blocks of eachother. I’ll say one thing for Baltimore though it is humid. My hair was already frizzy and this just made it so much worse. We met our first realitor and he was nice enough but he really didn’t seem to know the properties at all. And they were all in the high end. The first apartment was on the 4th floor but had really great windows and nice veiws. A very strange kitchen. I liked it well enough. The next one was a studio and while it was very new and renovaited, I hated it. But dad kept saying how great it is and I kept trying to ask questions and he would talk over me. He didnt mean to he just has trouble hearing me. But it made me feel real bad. Also the apartment had almost no natural lighting. When we left that one I had to pull him aside and have a conversation because I wasn’t having a good time. The next apartment was older and I liked it but the price was to high. But it was very large. Kitchen was to small but the living room and bedroom were super. But it didn’t feel like any of those were right. We had a few minutes until our next one but I was feeling upset and hot and frustraited. Everyone kept texting me and I put the wrong address in the map and my phone was dying all day and dad wasn’t helping. I was trying hard not to be snappy but I was and I feel bad for it. But we calmed down and went to the next place and it got better from there. The girl who showed us the apartments was so cute. The first place had a great building. Super cool. An old hotel. Creepy the apartment itself was fine but we found a cockroach in the fridge and she was so embarrassed but it was fine. Not meant to be. It did have an elevator though and that was neat. I told our realitor that I loved old weird buildings and she said oh I have a good one. She drove us over to an apartment. It was a first floor which I didn’t love but guys. This apartment!! It has so much space! A staircase in the middle. 2 bathrooms! A downstairs area I can use as an art studio! Did I mention an outdoor space??? And it’s on the higher end of my range but she said we could probably negotiate it down a little. I felt really comfortable but we still had more places to see. We went to another beautiful building with with 2 renovated studios. They were very pretty but no closets and about the same price as the one with the stairs and the outdoor space. We left there and went to have a late lunch. Discuss our options. We had 5 more places to see. But me and dad both really liked the stairs one. So we looked at pictures of the other places and decided to jump and called the girl to see what the next step is. We had a nice lunch and then drove over to the next place but it wasn’t in the neighborhood so we canceled. And headed to the leasing office. They were a little scattered and young but very nice. Dad didn’t understand why we both had to run background checks but I’ve been through this and I got it. We left in very high spirits and waited for a response. We made it around the block before they called us that we were approved and to come back. We were able to negotiate the rent down a little. And me and dad both have incredible credit. Mine is 797 and his is 800. He was very pleased he beat me. My move in is September 15th but I won’t be there until September still. But I’m so please to have a space and a fun weird one. Dad called the girl, Dominique, and asked if we could see it again. I wanted to measure and sketch the layout. So we headed right over. Dominique also lives in the building! I hope we become friends. This was a very good half birthday present. I sketch it up while dad told me the measurments. Dominique said I was a very good artist. I still can’t get over the second bathroom. One has just a shower and the other has a tub and shower. I might make one like a dressing room/walk in closet. Unsure. But there is so much potential I am really pleased. Even though my phone kept dying. Which was sad. Something is really wrong with my phone. We left and drove around for a few minutes. It started raining. A perfect summer shower. We got back to the hotel and rested for a while. Watched some clips of judge Judy. Then around 7 we went to the inner harbor to a place called Tir na nog, an Irish grill. It took a while to get our food but it was very very good. Dad got Shepard pie which was apparently his favorite as a teen. And I got a Ruben without the meat. After we finished we went to the ripleys museum!! I was so thrilled. Dad wanted to read everything and I wanted to move real fast but it was so fun. Dad liked the very tall people and I liked the tunnels you could crawl in to see mini things. We were there for an hour or so. And now we’re back at the hotel. Showered and ready for sleep. I hope you all sleep well tonight. Tomorrow were going to the art museum and then back home. Im really happy today worked out so well. Sweet dreams everyone.
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All Things You Should Know Before Travelling to Danang
Da Nang is a city of bridges, growing rapidly with resort construction attempting redefine itself from the transit center to the destinations. The Hue Imperial City, rich in political history is two hours drive north. At the other direction, the cultural jewel of Hoi An is just forty minutes south. Both are notable travel destinations, which absolutely merit a visit.
Why Da Nang is Special?
Da Nang’s 1 million residents and hotels’ construction boom are left somewhere in an awkward middle ground. Although boasting a few temples and government buildings, some modern bridges really puts Danang on the international map.
That leaves the beaches, which, for just as far as I sound like a negative Nancy, are actually quite striking. Da Nang has 92 kilometre of coastline. There are roughly 3 separate beach regions of varying popularity and features: The North part of Da Nang includes Xuan Thieu Beach and Thanh Binh Beach facing Da Nang Bay. Both are offer incredible white sand, blue water and fewer tourists, additionally lack many facilities. It is the best beach for the picnic or a cooler for the day.
The Son Tra Peninsular includes the eastern mountainous area that divides the north and south regions of the city’s coastline. It includes smaller, nearly empty, although sometimes rocky beaches like Bai Con, Bai Nam, Bai Bac, Bai But, Bai Rang, and Tien Sa Beach. Day trips here are usually along with visits to Linh Ung Pagoda or up to the top of Monkey Mountain to take in the view over the area. If you consider yourself a bird watcher, a nature lover or fishermen, this is where you would like to be.
The South part of Da Nang encompasses Pham Van Dong Beach, My Khe Beach, Bac My An Beach and Non Nuoc Beach at the southern end. Collectively, they cover an impressive 30 kilometre, are in closest proximity to most accommodations within the city as well as beach front dining options.
Consequently, it is the busiest and the stretches of private beach in front of resorts along Non Nuoc Beach. The southern beaches are increasing a number of five star resorts. In December 2016, Four Seasons took over The Nam Hai, a 100 villa resort between Da Nang and Hoi An. The Wyndham Soleil Danang is constructing a 57 story-tower hotel with 779 rooms will open in 2018. It will be the tallest buildings within the city. And it will form a part of a four-tower complex that will also feature 3,200 apartments.
While Sheraton, Ariyana Beach Resort & Spa and a half dozen other developments are also under construction. They’ll join the existing Furama Resort Danang, Pullman Danang Beach Resort, and Hyatt Regency Danang Resort, among others, already located on Non Nuoc. Then there is the over 500 rooms Crowne Plaza Danang, InterContinental Danang and Sun Peninsula Resort.
How to understand?. This very likely represents the greatest density of high end beach resorts anywhere in Vietnam. And they have all pretty much opened in the past six years.
In the end, if you consider yourself a bit of beaches, or are looking to take a high class break out of flash packing around Vietnam, this just will be the perfect weekend getaway. The beaches all get top marks for cleanness, although the strong surf and resulting rip current of East Sea might make swimming in certain areas. Regardless if you decide on public areas of the beach or private hotel areas, a lot of sofa seat options for choice and relax. Let enjoy a cold drink from the seaside.
There are a couple choices for skiing rentals and some other activities, but in general, Da Nang is beaches, and beaches alone.
Where To Stay in Da Nang?
There is also without a doubt already an oversupply of accommodation options in Da Nang. Many tiny resorts open with introductory offers and after being busy from 3 to 6 months upfront due to vacancy. As I mentioned, the number of resorts are along the coastline. While having a decision to Da Nang city for holiday or work, simply checking Booking.com, Agoda.com or make a call to resort or travel company to book room as your wish.
We recommend staying as close the beach as possible. Because the city is large and staying at the downtown will need travel to city centre. Much 2 and 3 star hotels with a set of blocks close the beach has the price from US $15-40 per night. For luxury accommodation it is about US $50-100 each night with 4 or 5 star hotel and resort. Some are on the beach, with pools and amenities. Five star beach front room start at US $200. They move up to US $1, 000 USD each night if you truly want to make a splash in the private pool of your multi bedroom beachfront villa.
Things to do around the City?
Absolutely, most people has a question. How to get around Da Nang? Yes, Da Nang is among the relatively pedestrian friendly Vietnamese city. It has the construction with sidewalks and a boardwalk along the ocean. However, it spreads out therefore traveling on foot is not ideal. And Grab and Uber are banned in Da Nang city. That leaves vacationers with traditional taxis to pay the large distances inside the city. Besides, electric car is available at the city so that visitor can view the city easily. However its cost is more expensive than taxi. Although the roads are wide, and the traffic are not crowded, it is not ideal to ride a scooter.
What to Eat?
The foods of Da Nang is not one for the record books, however, it nevertheless has numerous gemstone in case you know where to look. That is where Da Nang Food Tour or Fantastic Da Nang Food Tour come in. Da Nang Food Tour particularly gets high marks. They aim a max of four to six individuals. And a restaurant list that changes depending upon the mood and personal preferences of the guide and guests. If you’re dedicated to do it yourself food discovery, then the author Summer Le has a 10 dish guide for local Vietnamese food at the city. She will show you everything you should know about the dishes, how to eat them plus Vietnamese food culture and local history in general.
Da Nang tours recommendations
In case you are searching for a day visit to the Marble Mountains, or require a break from the beach for almost any other reason. Looking Jeep Tours is also a should try tour in Da Nang. Run by Jeremy, an American veteran, and local Vietnamese, Tam, the extremely customizable tours are well worth the purchase price. Bring sunscreen and as the jeeps are topless.
A visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Site My Son is a comparatively easy one hour drive out of Da Nang. The site, though smaller compared to the renowned ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, is older. Only 45 minutes away, Hoi An is an easy day trip. In fairness, it respects a few days of exploration by itself. And Hoi An has lots of riverside accommodations that get rid of the need to commute from Da Nang. Some tour companies will arrange pick up for travelers staying in Da Nang who go on several trips around Hoi An and Vietnam with them.
When is the best time to visit Da Nang?
The best time to travel to Da Nang is since March to September. Daytime temperature reaches 26-29 degrees Celsius with a strong ocean breeze, however, sometimes it is cool at night from 18 to 23 degree. As a result, visitor should wear a light sweater.
Lying in central Vietnam, Da Nang encounters a tropics monsoon climate. Summer time June to August have temperatures that are higher. Winter season is from November to February and the temperature is cold from 10 -18 degree. Additionally, ensures you miss the peak domestic travel months of May to August, which attracts significant audiences.
Which Beach is Best?
Mother nature graces Da Nang with several beaches of varying popularity. While all generally face East (meaning sunrise rather than sunset views). Nearby are accommodation, crowds and general beach vibes do vary considerably. The Da Nang Experience has the best comprehensive beach guide to the region here. For what it’s worth, we find the private resorts of Non Nuoc Beach offer the ideal quiet paradise.
Contact Us: Sofia Hotel Da Nang Slot I-11 Pham Van Dong, Da Nang City, Vietnam Email: [email protected] Tel: +84 2363 820 606 / +84 2363 820 505
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Try This Assignment #3
Try This 3
Write a poem about hating your body
Title: My name is Morty.
My nose is too big and my hairline is receding
I have the spinal structure of an 80-year-old man
Sitting in a breakfast nook with The Times, reading
I want to be young and jump and play but my back is kind of screwish
I’m tired of being mistaken for an elderly Jewish
Guy who also happens to not be very good at anything.
Write about how you are stressed 2nd person
Title: Get Up.
Your sociology paper is coming up, but you haven't started yet.
Your back hurts so much you sometimes can’t get out of bed, but you haven’t booked an appointment with the doctor yet.
The Russian girl who lives in the building next to yours might have a crush on you, but you haven’t texted her yet.
Why can’t you get anything done?
You’re a depressed piece of shit, stop being lazy and get up and make something happen.
What do you want?
Do you know?
Yes. You know what you want.
You want to be a kick-ass student whose essays about social justice are so passionate they make the teacher cry.
You want to be able to pick up something heavier than your phone without falling because your back gave out.
You want to date the fuck out of that Russian girl because she is super cute and she likes you.
But you just won’t get up.
Do it, loser.
Get up.
Write about someone you dislike, then write a monologue from that person explaining their childhood life.
Title: Michael.
My ex-roommate, Michael, was like if Joe Dirt from the movie Joe Dirt was an actual fucking person.
His life sucks because he makes astoundingly dumb choices on a day to day basis.
His bathroom was right next to my bedroom and he would go to poop at like 2 in the morning and he would be very loud about it. He would moan and make weird noises that I really think most people wouldn’t make.
He didn’t know how to put his things away or do the dishes. His unfinished, unstudied homework from two quarters ago was left on the coffee table until he moved out and I threw it away. He left food in the fridge for months. Rotting, unwrapped corn on the cob was found, an uncovered bowl of putrid lunchmeat. He was a Trump supporter who once said IN FRONT OF PEOPLE that he believed homeless people should be used as slaves during a discussion about Washington’s homelessness abundance.
He said things that didn’t make sense, he couldn’t explain what he meant, he cried when he was confronted.
He’s been harassing one of my female friends, he even proposed to her. She doesn’t even really know him.
He can’t hold a job for more than 7 straight days because he always leaves the house 10 minutes after he’s scheduled to start working.
He defaulted on his housing bills and was subsequently kicked out of our apartment by the landlord.
“When I was 9, my dad raped me on the back patio of our section .8 duplex. He beat my head into the concrete as his heavy fist gripped in my hair. He pushed me onto all fours and then pulled my hands out from under me. I couldn’t even see my own bloodstains on the ground because it was so dark outside. My glasses were shattered into my face, with every thrust he lifted up my head and slammed it down again. I was crying so hard no sound came out. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t see, I can’t even remember it happening, but it did. I woke up naked the next morning on the kitchen floor. My older brother was sitting at the table eating cereal. He didn’t even take a second look at me when i began to crawl down the hall to the room we shared. I pulled myself into my bed and closed my eyes. My mother woke me up by yelling at me. The sheets were stained with shit and blood. I told her I’d clean it up but she slapped me and walked out. My family is Mexican. I hate Mexicans. White parents would never do this. White parents gave their kids toys and candy and good food. My parents never bought me anything. We can’t let another family like this in. We can’t enable the goodness of America, my country America to be tarnished by filth like this. If I could build a wall around my family to keep them out, I would do anything it takes to get that wall up.”
You borrowed a car and got into a fender bender. Write the police report. Write an explanation to the person who you borrowed the car from. And write a letter telling the story to a different friend.
Title: 545 Horse Power
On June 15th, 2018, at 11:49AM I was involved in a motor vehicle accident while making a right turn on red at the intersection of Kent Kangley and 320th Street, Kent, Washington. The day was clear and the roads were dry.
The two drivers involved were Krishna Srini, whose driver's license number is 98097352, and Rebecca Chung whose driver’s license number is 9807254223.
I was driving my roommate’s car which was a burgundy 2015 Toyota Tundra SR5 Limited Double Cab with a modified engine block and a supercharger. The vehicle is registered under the name Haengil Kim. I had borrowed his car in order to transport large pieces of furniture. Ms. Chung’s car was a silver 2004 Land Rover Range Rover SE. Neither vehicle was carrying other passengers.
When the road was clear, I performed a right turn on red in the borrowed car as Ms. Chung simultaneously decided to perform a U-turn while she was in the turn lane. The two vehicles collided at low, decelerating speed as both drivers saw what was about to happen and hit their breaks abruptly.  Both vehicles had similar small dents in opposing sides of the front bumper with significant paint damage. Both drivers pulled into the closest parking lot to get out of the way of traffic and discuss the incident. No one was hurt.
Dude, this lady did a super zippy uturn today while I was in the middle of making a turn myself and she swung into the front bumper of your truck. I’m so sorry man, when I saw her I tried to slam the brakes but this thing is so heavy! I’m not used to driving a car this heavy, you know? I didn’t stop fast enough for her to get through and we tapped front bumpers pretty hard. I took down all her information and stuff though and I’ll pay you back for whatever the price of repair is.
Mate, I crashed Ichi’s car. I was doing a right turn on red and I didn’t check to see the uturn and I hit someone who was trying to uturn because the road was clear. I’m such an idiot. The thing is such a powerful monstrosity that I thought I would be able to make it fast enough to miss her but it accelerates slow because it’s so damn heavy and I didn’t make it. I told him I’d pay for whatever damages but he said it was fine and his insurance will cover it. The worst part is, he probably won’t be offering to let me borrow it anymore and I will miss that thing so much. Dude, I mean it’s a crate V8 with a supercharger. You know how much I love that stuff, my car before I moved here was a 2017 Toyota Fortuner TRD Pro with a supercharger. Ohhhhh my god that thing was such a beast. That thing was my life and soul and borrowing Ichi’s truck has been the closest thing I’ve had to getting that Horse Power high back.
0 notes
traceyropper-blog · 5 years
America's Safest Affordable Cities … That Won't Put You to Sleep
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Buying a home these days is a high-stakes, need-to-have/nice-to-have equation. You need a home within an hour's drive of work; it would be nice to have one that's in walkable distance. You need a full-size kitchen with room for your five-person brood; it would be nice to have a chef's kitchen with La Cornue Grand Palais range, Meneghini Arredamenti fridge, and, heck, a Mugnaini wood-fired pizza oven. You need at least 2.5 bathrooms; it would be nice to have a master en suite spa with a touchscreen-controlled smart bidet. Dream the dream, my friends!
So what's the neediest of all need-to-haves? You need to find a safe place to live where you can still afford a great home. And wouldn't it be nice if there were even fun stuff to do after work and on weekends? Yes, indeed.
Realtor.com set out to find these seductive strongholds where you can have it all. And we're not talking about the boonies: We zeroed in on metropolitan areas, which include cities and the surrounding suburbs. (Note: Cities often have higher crime rates than their less-populated surroundings.)
Research-and common sense-indicates that when crime goes up, property values go down. Meanwhile, home buyers will pay more to live in locations with lower rates of violent crime, according to a 2015 Auburn University study. It doesn't hurt that these areas typically also have top public schools.
“When homeowners think about the biggest investment of their life, top of mind is how safe an area would be to live in and raise a family,” says Rick Palacios Jr., director of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting.
They also want to make sure that their investment appreciates over time, which it typically won't do as much in areas with growing crime. “High crime rates unnerve potential home buyers,” he says. Um, yeah.
The good news: Crime has declined sharply since the early '90s. Violent offenses, which include homicide, assault, and robbery, plummeted 49% from 1993 to 2017, according to FBI data. This explains why some of our safest places were once known for riots and rampant car thefts before they rebounded. (The downside: Gentrification is leading to some longtime residents being priced out.)
The places that made our affordable safe harbor ranking are a mix of smaller metros that never really struggled with high crime, and cities once riddled with problems that have successfully pulled off a turnaround. Our list is concentrated on resurgent Midwest, Southern, and Rust Belt cities. No Western metros were included because home prices are simply too high.
We analyzed crime data provided by NeighborhoodScout, a website that tracks community data, focusing on America's 150 largest metros. We eliminated those with high rates of violent or property crime, and with home prices above the (roughly) $300,000 national median. Next, we zeroed in on cities with great extracurriculars-running the gamut from nightlife, to kayaking, to great indie bookstores-as tracked on Yelp.com.**
Safety, affordability, and fun! Yep, they can coexist. Let's take a tour.
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Safest affordable metros
Tony Frenzel
1. Grand Rapids, MI
Median home list rice: $280,000 Total crime rate: 18.38%
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Luxury condo building in Grand Rapids, MI
As some Michigan cities, including Flint and Detroit, continue to face hard times, Grand Rapids is booming. The very low 2.5% metro unemployment rate is reason No. 1 for the upswing.
“The economy is strong here, with lots of jobs at different levels,” says Trisha Cornelius, a local real estate agent with Keller Williams. “The neighborhoods are affordable and clean. There isn't much in the way of urban blight.”
Indeed, only 2.2% of homes here are vacant, compared with 9.6% in Flint and 6.5% in Detroit, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Meanwhile, the metro has been attracting younger residents lured by those plentiful gigs, the affordable housing, and the influx of craft breweries in the area.
“A 25-year-old can actually afford to buy a home here,” Cornelius says. They're snagging luxury, one-bedroom condos priced at around $200,000 like this converted, historic school building spanning two city blocks.
But bargain prices won't last forever. While the national housing market is starting to slow, realtor.com projects Grand Rapids will be the second-hottest market in 2019, with a 8.2% projected sales price growth.
Local R&R: Buckle your blades on for ice-skating in Rosa Parks Circle.
2. Pittsburgh, PA
Median home list price: $173,000 Total crime rate: 18.44%
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Home in Brighton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA
As Pittsburgh's steel mills shuttered and residents pulled up stakes, many neighborhoods fell into a crime-ridden, downward spiral. But that feels like ancient history these days, as the city continues to reinvent itself as a thriving corporate center for startups and tech biggies like Uber and Google alike. Now those once-hurting neighborhoods, like Brighton Heights, are seeing their fortunes rise and rise, with an influx of new workers moving in.
Brighton Heights “is a neighborhood in transition. … When I was growing up in the '90s, it was certainly not a place for a first-time home buyer; but that's changed,” says local restate agent Bobby West of Coldwell Banker.
Young professionals and home flippers are buying up many of the community's Craftsman-style homes built in the early 1900s for under $150,000.
The number of violent crimes plummeted 24.8% from 2000 to 2014, according to the most recent FBI data. While crime is low in the metro, there are still some problem areas within the city limits. And residents are still hurting from last October's tragic shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, a hate crime that left 11 dead.
Local R&R: Fixate on flora fantasies at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.
3. Port St. Lucie, FL
Median home list price: $285,100 Total crime rate: 19.16%
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Four-bedroom home in Port St. Lucie, FL
About two hours north of Miami, Port St. Lucie is a quiet Atlantic beach town, long a magnet for  retirees.
“Here, it's just a really calm mix of people, mostly families and retirees,” says Richard L. McKinney, a real estate agent at Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise. “People are just coming here to live and commute to work, so we don't get all that ruckus that comes with tourism” in other Florida ocean areas.
This beach town is made up of lots of new single-home and condo communities. And prices are still reasonable, leading realtor.com to name Port St. Lucie one of the most affordable beach towns in June. Buyers can find condos just minutes from the beach for $150,000, says McKinney.
Local R&R: Gaze or gape at gators at the Savannas Preserve State Park.
4. El Paso, TX
Median home list price: $175,800 Total crime rate: 20.48%
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El Paso, TX, ranch house
A combination of tougher police action and changing demographics has led to substantial decline in violent crime in this once-dicey metro on the U.S.-Mexico border. In the early '90s, El Paso often had more than 50 homicides a year. But from 2012 to 2016, the city averaged fewer than 18 homicides, according to the city's police department. That's good news for locals, and for long-term property values.
Finding a single-story, brick ranch under $200,000 in El Paso is a breeze. In fact, last year realtor.com named El Paso one of the best markets for middle-class home buyers. Developer-friendly zoning laws and low land costs make building homes here cheaper than in other parts of the country.
Local R&R: Manage your mountain mania! Start climbing at Franklin Mountains State Park.
5. Syracuse, NY
Median home list price: $160,000 Total crime rate: 21.4%
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Condos in Syracuse, NY
In the early 2000s, former industrial center Syracuse began pumping millions into renovating crime-ridden communities near downtown to entice college students to live there after graduation, instead of scramming as soon as possible. Crime dropped so much that everyone from young professionals to empty nesters bought up remodeled condos there.
“Over a decade, downtown Syracuse went from being unsafe to the hottest spot to live” in the area, says Amber Spain-Mosher, a real estate agent at Re/Max in Syracuse. “The residential growth downtown is unlike anything we've seen before. And it shows no sign of slowing down.”
Homes in nearby urban neighborhoods have also received a boost. As the city became safer, more people swooped in and bought up fixer-uppers just above the $100,000 price range. That's played a role in home prices rising 9.6% over the past year.
Local R&R: The 13-day Great New York State Fair attracts nearly a million visitors annually.
6. Hartford, CT
Median home list price: $260,000 Total crime rate: 21.97%
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Three-bedroom home in Parkville in Hartford, CT
Hartford is a charming town with stately, older homes and rich history dating to Colonial America. And it's packed with affluent and highly educated homeowners who live in the burbs.
But that's not the only reason crime is low here. Several neighborhoods in the city proper, which has a higher crime rate than the metro, have seen an increase in development. Investors are setting their sights on areas such as Parkville, a once-dicey neighborhood that now has a burgeoning startup and art scene. They're flipping 100-year-old multifamily homes, then selling or renting them out to Connecticut College grads.
“All the work to make downtown safer is paying dividends: Standard old office buildings are being converted into nice apartments,” says David Griggs, president and CEO of the MetroHartford Alliance, Hartford's economic development arm
Local R&R: Huckleberry hysteria! Go nuts visiting the Mark Twain House, where the American Master lived from 1874 to 1891.
7. Fayetteville, AR
Median home list price: $272,600 Total crime rate: 23.21%
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Two-bedroom home in Fayetteville, AR
Retail giant Walmart has its headquarters in Bentonville, in the Fayetteville metro, and that's long ensured high property values and low crime. And as the company continues to expand, so does the real estate market here.
“We don't have the wrong side of the tracks here,” says Jill Bell, a local real estate agent at Crye-Leike. “[Even neighborhoods like] far south Fayetteville that had a bad reputation in the past has been revitalized.”
Local R&R: Get your theater on! See nationally acclaimed productions in an intimate setting at TheatreSquared.
8. Springfield, MA
Median home list price: $244,950 Total crime rate: 26.14%
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This four-bedroom Cape Cod in Springfield, MA, is listed for $249,900.
Massachusetts has the top public schools in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report. It's no wonder buying a home in the state isn't cheap-the median list price is $450,000. That's where the Springfield metro sets itself apart: Folks can score reasonably priced homes, enroll their children in high-performing schools, and live in a low-crime area.
Communities such as East Longmeadow, home to East Longmeadow High School, which boasts a 98% graduation rate, are highly sought-after. And buyers can find many four-bedroom, Cape Cod–style homes priced around $250,000.
But crime within the Springfield city limits is higher, with neighborhoods such as McKnight and Forest Park all having some issues. In Forest Park, the vehicle theft rate is three times higher than the statewide rate-so be cautious.
Local R&R: Ramp up your roller-coaster love with a trip to Six Flags New England.
9. Cincinnati, OH
Median home list price: $233,600 Total crime rate: 26.26%
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Renovated condos in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati doesn't exactly spring to mind when most folks think about low crime. In 2001, the city burst onto the national consciousness when riots broke out after the police shooting of an unarmed 19-year-old black man. In the years that followed, many avoided the city.
But in recent years, things have improved. The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where much of the rioting took place, might be the city's biggest success story. Many of the three-story brick buildings, built 150 years ago by German immigrants, have been remodeled and turned into condos that sometimes sell for over $500,000. And OTR, as it's known by the locals, is among the region's top spots to be on a Saturday night with bars and nightclubs.
The Cincinnati metro is packed with booming, low-crime suburbs with good schools and new, sprawling subdivisions, including some just across the Ohio River and in Warren County, one of the state's fastest-growing counties.
Local R&R: Chow down on Cincinnati-style chili-with spaghetti and copious amounts of cheese, natch.
10. Fort Wayne, IN
Median home list price: $180,000 Total crime rate: 26.62%
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Buyers can snag four-bedroom homes in Fort Wayne, IN, for $150,000.
These days, the streets of downtown Fort Wayne are lined with new businesses, restaurants, and moving trucks. But this Midwestern destination for young professionals wasn't always like this.
“A decade ago, Fort Wayne's downtown wasn't the best place after dark,” says Ryan Dollens, a real estate agent and appraiser with Keller Williams Realty in Fort Wayne. “There was nothing going on-it was eerie.”  
Things started to change in 2010, when the city spent $30 million on Parkview Field, now home to Fort Wayne's popular minor-league team, the TinCaps. Then the city started to renovate Harrison Square in downtown, which included building new apartment complexes, a hotel, and a park with amphitheater. The efforts paid off.
“By adding all these businesses, restaurants, and apartments, they've really been able to clean up the streets,” Dollens says.
Buyers have responded, with prices soaring 11.1% over the past 12 months. Last July, it was ranked second on realtor.com's hottest markets list. But despite the hype, buyers can still snag three- to four-bedroom, two-story homes just outside downtown for under $200,000.
Local R&R: Soar with the butterflies and other wildlife at the Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve.
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and the surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our rankings to just one metro per state to ensure some geographic diversity.
** We used Yelp.com for the number of per capita nightlife venues, highly rated restaurants, kayaking/rafting/scuba diving opportunities, gyms, libraries, bookstores, and campgrounds.
Allison Underhill contributed to this report.
The post America's Safest Affordable Cities … That Won't Put You to Sleep appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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guidetoucla · 4 years
How to Find a UCLA Apartment
I can’t recommend moving off the hill highly enough. The space you get in an apartment, the aesthetic, the price, the independence from campus, being surrounded by upperclassmen... it’s just the best. I wish I had done it sophomore year. Instead, I did it junior year, senior year, and fifth year, and then for one extra sixth year quarter I moved to Hollywood. More on that at the end.
I’ve seen a lot of younger students struggle with finding an apartment in Westwood, so I just wanted to share a few tips. Hope this helps!
1. Ask your older friends! They may be moving out of their places, or know people who are, or at least know some landlords or websites to point you towards. They may themselves be looking for someone to replace someone in their group too. This is your best bet.
2. Search online, like Rent Westwood and The Elliott Company (my two landlords) have their prices and availabilities listed online.
3. Check Facebook, the UCLA housing groups. I found a sublet this way and it was great. 
4. Join an organization like UCLA Radio that has a whole Slack channel dedicated to sharing housing opportunities! Or if you’re in an organization you love, consider starting your own in-club housing network for people to share their housing opportunities and ISOs (“in search of”). 
5. Literally walk around the neighborhoods and call the numbers listed to see their prices. This is probably the worst way, but if you’re desperate, sure.
It’s important to note: This shit starts earlier than you think! Like, there will be some people in last-minute housing changes in August, but typically the leases are signed in like, February-May. You can definitely start contacting landlords in January or February regarding a lease that would start in September. This is unique to Westwood, everything else in LA is like “available now!” There are a few “available now” situations in Westwood, but they’re usually the overpriced buildings. Look in advance! And start deciding in like December and January who you’re going to live with the following year!
My favorite street in the apartments (north of Wilshire) was Midvale. It’s beautiful, close to campus, often where the “cooler” (lmao) students live. Roebling is the most social street, a lot of Greek life people live there, followed by Landfair and Gayley. Ophir is cool, Levering is fine, Kelton is nice but getting far, and Veteran is cheap but a trek. Roebling is surprisingly close to campus and downtown Westwood, which is nice. I should note I have a preference for older apartments though, I think they’re charming and beautiful, rather than the new massive block-y apartments, and Midvale has a lot of those.
Some ballpark price ranges (per month) for apartments north of Wilshire, in 2019 anyways:
A single: $1000-$1500. Even if you have no budget, paying over $1500 is pretty absurd. If you can find one under $1000, thank the heavens. $1150 is probably average. At my old (beautiful) apartment on Midvale (471), there was one small single we had for $930 in 2018 and that was a steal. I had a friend who lived with an adult who had a rent-controlled apartment on Roebling and paid only $750 in 2018, so it is possible, although rare and a little weird.
A double: $700-$900. If you’re paying $700 for a double, that’s amazing. I paid $650 in 2017 for a weird double in Shutter Island (10966) on Roebling with big bedrooms and no living room. I paid $775 for a great double on Midvale (471) in 2019. If you’re paying over $900, that’s a bit steep but may be worth it if you can do it and if you’re in a beautiful place with your best friends.
A triple: $500-$700. I paid $550 for a big triple in my Midvale apartment 2018 (we all had full-sized beds). If you’re paying anything over $700 for a triple that’s kind of bullshit, in my opinion. But hey, prices go up every year, and if you’re with your best friends, do what you have to.
And then you’ll also be paying for groceries, which can range depending on how strict your budget is. I knew someone whose brother did it for $5/week, but I was averaging more like $50/week. Maybe that’s bad, I don’t know, I got a lot of produce and stuff. But that’s $200/month + let’s say $800/month on average, $1000/month, compared to $5500/quarter in the dorms?
I’ve noticed there’s usually a bell curve in terms of pricing. Studios and one-bedrooms are typically more expensive per person, then two- and three-bedrooms are the ideal in my opinion, and then once you get to four-bedroom or more nightmares it usually goes up again (and you all have to share one refrigerator and it can just be messy/drama).
If you can, I recommend staying north of Wilshire in that apartment area. It’s just where everyone is. That said, prices are usually cheaper south of Wilshire, and it’s not too far from campus, so it could be worth it for the price. The people I knew who lived south of Wilshire also seemed more independent, more removed from campus. Just maybe get a bike? 
But also, at that point, you can start looking at options outside of Westwood. For my last quarter, I lived in Thai Town in Hollywood, and I loved it! It was actually easier to get to campus than walking, I just took the bus (the 2) straight down Sunset every day and it drops you off right at campus. My rent was $950 for a single bedroom, and a bus pass through UCLA (CTO) is free for a quarter and then not too expensive after. (Plus I met my boyfriend by getting out of the UCLA bubble!) If you do this, I just really recommend either having a car and/or checking the public transportation options before moving. Like, Mid-City is difficult to get to by public transit. Anywhere along Sunset, you’re golden. If you apply for a parking spot through UCLA, if you get it you’re set, if not I still recommend renting one from someone in the apartments, which you can usually find through UCLA Free & For Sale on Facebook. (Prices for a parking spot: $50-75/month for tandem, which isn’t ideal, or $75-$150/month for non-tandem.)
Regarding who to live with: There are going to be people who you absolutely love but who you won’t want to live with. They may be messier than you, more obsessively tidy than you, louder than you, more strict with noise than you... the list goes on. Before you move in, I suggest you fill out a spreadsheet like this one, or at least have a conversation following these guidelines:
I know it’s a little over-the-top, but it’s helpful for communicating preferences before you run into problems. It would be even better if you looked these over before agreeing to move in together. I usually made it into a joke like, “I swear I won’t have any more insane requests after this one” and “it’s amazing I don’t have any Virgo placements.”
But also, fingers crossed that you’re super living-compatible with your best friends or whoever you want to live with! I’ve always had luck and been closest with my roommates, it’s a great opportunity to find a new best friend.
Regarding sublets: This one’s tricky. It’s illegal to have someone living in your house who’s not on the lease. Plenty of people end up subletting because they have a yearlong lease but want to be away for the summer (so they need someone), or they live in the dorms usually but want to stay for summer session (so they need a place). Similar situations for study abroads. I’ve done it a lot, but I have also gotten in (not awful) trouble for it once. Subletting really is a risk, not just because your landlord will get pissed (and possibly evict you!) if they find out, but also because your subletter can absolutely leave at any time with no legal repercussions and you’d be rushing to find someone else or pay the rent yourself. Or similarly, if you’re the subletter, you could be without a place to live if something goes wrong, they come back, etc. It’s doable and happens, but it’s not ideal at all. You could ask the landlord if they could do a lease transfer for the rest of summer, but it’s complicated and puts you on their radar if they say no. In sum: It’s a risk. Sublet it if you have to, but avoid it if you can.
Regarding pets: I had a cat for two years in no-pet apartments, and the landlords never found out. The cat never peed anywhere bad, etc, we got lucky. I don’t really recommend it, we probably should have gone the emotional support animal route, but it’s doable if you’re determined.
Best of luck! If you want any more advice, follow me on Instagram and DM me -- @ a s h l . 3 . y
0 notes
davidoespailla · 5 years
America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep
Buying a home these days is a high-stakes, need-to-have/nice-to-have equation. You need a home within an hour’s drive of work; it would be nice to have one that’s in walkable distance. You need a full-size kitchen with room for your five-person brood; it would be nice to have a chef’s kitchen with La Cornue Grand Palais range, Meneghini Arredamenti fridge, and, heck, a Mugnaini wood-fired pizza oven. You need at least 2.5 bathrooms; it would be nice to have a master en suite spa with a touchscreen-controlled smart bidet. Dream the dream, my friends!
So what’s the neediest of all need-to-haves? You need to find a safe place to live where you can still afford a great home. And wouldn’t it be nice if there were even fun stuff to do after work and on weekends? Yes, indeed.
Realtor.com set out to find these seductive strongholds where you can have it all. And we’re not talking about the boonies: We zeroed in on metropolitan areas, which include cities and the surrounding suburbs. (Note: Cities often have higher crime rates than their less-populated surroundings.)
Research—and common sense—indicates that when crime goes up, property values go down. Meanwhile, home buyers will pay more to live in locations with lower rates of violent crime, according to a 2015 Auburn University study. It doesn’t hurt that these areas typically also have top public schools.
“When homeowners think about the biggest investment of their life, top of mind is how safe an area would be to live in and raise a family,” says Rick Palacios Jr., director of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting.
They also want to make sure that their investment appreciates over time, which it typically won’t do as much in areas with growing crime. “High crime rates unnerve potential home buyers,” he says. Um, yeah.
The good news: Crime has declined sharply since the early ’90s. Violent offenses, which include homicide, assault, and robbery, plummeted 49% from 1993 to 2017, according to FBI data. This explains why some of our safest places were once known for riots and rampant car thefts before they rebounded. (The downside: Gentrification is leading to some longtime residents being priced out.)
The places that made our affordable safe harbor ranking are a mix of smaller metros that never really struggled with high crime, and cities once riddled with problems that have successfully pulled off a turnaround. Our list is concentrated on resurgent Midwest, Southern, and Rust Belt cities. No Western metros were included because home prices are simply too high.
We analyzed crime data provided by NeighborhoodScout, a website that tracks community data, focusing on America’s 150 largest metros. We eliminated those with high rates of violent or property crime, and with home prices above the (roughly) $300,000 national median. Next, we zeroed in on cities with great extracurriculars—running the gamut from nightlife, to kayaking, to great indie bookstores—as tracked on Yelp.com.**
Safety, affordability, and fun! Yep, they can coexist. Let’s take a tour.
Safest affordable metros
Tony Frenzel
1. Grand Rapids, MI
Median home list rice: $280,000 Total crime rate: 18.38%
Luxury condo building in Grand Rapids, MI
As some Michigan cities, including Flint and Detroit, continue to face hard times, Grand Rapids is booming. The very low 2.5% metro unemployment rate is reason No. 1 for the upswing.
“The economy is strong here, with lots of jobs at different levels,” says Trisha Cornelius, a local real estate agent with Keller Williams. “The neighborhoods are affordable and clean. There isn’t much in the way of urban blight.”
Indeed, only 2.2% of homes here are vacant, compared with 9.6% in Flint and 6.5% in Detroit, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Meanwhile, the metro has been attracting younger residents lured by those plentiful gigs, the affordable housing, and the influx of craft breweries in the area.
“A 25-year-old can actually afford to buy a home here,” Cornelius says. They’re snagging luxury, one-bedroom condos priced at around $200,000 like this converted, historic school building spanning two city blocks.
But bargain prices won’t last forever. While the national housing market is starting to slow, realtor.com projects Grand Rapids will be the second-hottest market in 2019, with a 8.2% projected sales price growth.
Local R&R: Buckle your blades on for ice-skating in Rosa Parks Circle.
2. Pittsburgh, PA
Median home list price: $173,000 Total crime rate: 18.44%
Home in Brighton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA
As Pittsburgh’s steel mills shuttered and residents pulled up stakes, many neighborhoods fell into a crime-ridden, downward spiral. But that feels like ancient history these days, as the city continues to reinvent itself as a thriving corporate center for startups and tech biggies like Uber and Google alike. Now those once-hurting neighborhoods, like Brighton Heights, are seeing their fortunes rise and rise, with an influx of new workers moving in.
Brighton Heights “is a neighborhood in transition. … When I was growing up in the ’90s, it was certainly not a place for a first-time home buyer; but that’s changed,” says local restate agent Bobby West of Coldwell Banker.
Young professionals and home flippers are buying up many of the community’s Craftsman-style homes built in the early 1900s for under $150,000.
The number of violent crimes plummeted 24.8% from 2000 to 2014, according to the most recent FBI data. While crime is low in the metro, there are still some problem areas within the city limits. And residents are still hurting from last October’s tragic shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, a hate crime that left 11 dead.
Local R&R: Fixate on flora fantasies at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.
3. Port St. Lucie, FL
Median home list price: $285,100 Total crime rate: 19.16%
Four-bedroom home in Port St. Lucie, FL
About two hours north of Miami, Port St. Lucie is a quiet Atlantic beach town, long a magnet for  retirees.
“Here, it’s just a really calm mix of people, mostly families and retirees,” says Richard L. McKinney, a real estate agent at Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise. “People are just coming here to live and commute to work, so we don’t get all that ruckus that comes with tourism” in other Florida ocean areas.
This beach town is made up of lots of new single-home and condo communities. And prices are still reasonable, leading realtor.com to name Port St. Lucie one of the most affordable beach towns in June. Buyers can find condos just minutes from the beach for $150,000, says McKinney.
Local R&R: Gaze or gape at gators at the Savannas Preserve State Park.
4. El Paso, TX
Median home list price: $175,800 Total crime rate: 20.48%
El Paso, TX, ranch house
A combination of tougher police action and changing demographics has led to substantial decline in violent crime in this once-dicey metro on the U.S.-Mexico border. In the early ’90s, El Paso often had more than 50 homicides a year. But from 2012 to 2016, the city averaged fewer than 18 homicides, according to the city’s police department. That’s good news for locals, and for long-term property values.
Finding a single-story, brick ranch under $200,000 in El Paso is a breeze. In fact, last year realtor.com named El Paso one of the best markets for middle-class home buyers. Developer-friendly zoning laws and low land costs make building homes here cheaper than in other parts of the country.
Local R&R: Manage your mountain mania! Start climbing at Franklin Mountains State Park.
5. Syracuse, NY
Median home list price: $160,000 Total crime rate: 21.4%
Condos in Syracuse, NY
In the early 2000s, former industrial center Syracuse began pumping millions into renovating crime-ridden communities near downtown to entice college students to live there after graduation, instead of scramming as soon as possible. Crime dropped so much that everyone from young professionals to empty nesters bought up remodeled condos there.
“Over a decade, downtown Syracuse went from being unsafe to the hottest spot to live” in the area, says Amber Spain-Mosher, a real estate agent at Re/Max in Syracuse. “The residential growth downtown is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And it shows no sign of slowing down.”
Homes in nearby urban neighborhoods have also received a boost. As the city became safer, more people swooped in and bought up fixer-uppers just above the $100,000 price range. That’s played a role in home prices rising 9.6% over the past year.
Local R&R: The 13-day Great New York State Fair attracts nearly a million visitors annually.
6. Hartford, CT
Median home list price: $260,000 Total crime rate: 21.97%
Three-bedroom home in Parkville in Hartford, CT
Hartford is a charming town with stately, older homes and rich history dating to Colonial America. And it’s packed with affluent and highly educated homeowners who live in the burbs.
But that’s not the only reason crime is low here. Several neighborhoods in the city proper, which has a higher crime rate than the metro, have seen an increase in development. Investors are setting their sights on areas such as Parkville, a once-dicey neighborhood that now has a burgeoning startup and art scene. They’re flipping 100-year-old multifamily homes, then selling or renting them out to Connecticut College grads.
“All the work to make downtown safer is paying dividends: Standard old office buildings are being converted into nice apartments,” says David Griggs, president and CEO of the MetroHartford Alliance, Hartford’s economic development arm
Local R&R: Huckleberry hysteria! Go nuts visiting the Mark Twain House, where the American Master lived from 1874 to 1891.
7. Fayetteville, AR
Median home list price: $272,600 Total crime rate: 23.21%
Two-bedroom home in Fayetteville, AR
Retail giant Walmart has its headquarters in Bentonville, in the Fayetteville metro, and that’s long ensured high property values and low crime. And as the company continues to expand, so does the real estate market here.
“We don’t have the wrong side of the tracks here,” says Jill Bell, a local real estate agent at Crye-Leike. “[Even neighborhoods like] far south Fayetteville that had a bad reputation in the past has been revitalized.”
Local R&R: Get your theater on! See nationally acclaimed productions in an intimate setting at TheatreSquared.
8. Springfield, MA
Median home list price: $244,950 Total crime rate: 26.14%
This four-bedroom Cape Cod in Springfield, MA, is listed for $249,900.
Massachusetts has the top public schools in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report. It’s no wonder buying a home in the state isn’t cheap—the median list price is $450,000. That’s where the Springfield metro sets itself apart: Folks can score reasonably priced homes, enroll their children in high-performing schools, and live in a low-crime area.
Communities such as East Longmeadow, home to East Longmeadow High School, which boasts a 98% graduation rate, are highly sought-after. And buyers can find many four-bedroom, Cape Cod–style homes priced around $250,000.
But crime within the Springfield city limits is higher, with neighborhoods such as McKnight and Forest Park all having some issues. In Forest Park, the vehicle theft rate is three times higher than the statewide rate—so be cautious.
Local R&R: Ramp up your roller-coaster love with a trip to Six Flags New England.
9. Cincinnati, OH
Median home list price: $233,600 Total crime rate: 26.26%
Renovated condos in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati doesn’t exactly spring to mind when most folks think about low crime. In 2001, the city burst onto the national consciousness when riots broke out after the police shooting of an unarmed 19-year-old black man. In the years that followed, many avoided the city.
But in recent years, things have improved. The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where much of the rioting took place, might be the city’s biggest success story. Many of the three-story brick buildings, built 150 years ago by German immigrants, have been remodeled and turned into condos that sometimes sell for over $500,000. And OTR, as it’s known by the locals, is among the region’s top spots to be on a Saturday night with bars and nightclubs.
The Cincinnati metro is packed with booming, low-crime suburbs with good schools and new, sprawling subdivisions, including some just across the Ohio River and in Warren County, one of the state’s fastest-growing counties.
Local R&R: Chow down on Cincinnati-style chili—with spaghetti and copious amounts of cheese, natch.
10. Fort Wayne, IN
Median home list price: $180,000 Total crime rate: 26.62%
Buyers can snag four-bedroom homes in Fort Wayne, IN, for $150,000.
These days, the streets of downtown Fort Wayne are lined with new businesses, restaurants, and moving trucks. But this Midwestern destination for young professionals wasn’t always like this.
“A decade ago, Fort Wayne’s downtown wasn’t the best place after dark,” says Ryan Dollens, a real estate agent and appraiser with Keller Williams Realty in Fort Wayne. “There was nothing going on—it was eerie.”  
Things started to change in 2010, when the city spent $30 million on Parkview Field, now home to Fort Wayne’s popular minor-league team, the TinCaps. Then the city started to renovate Harrison Square in downtown, which included building new apartment complexes, a hotel, and a park with amphitheater. The efforts paid off.
“By adding all these businesses, restaurants, and apartments, they’ve really been able to clean up the streets,” Dollens says.
Buyers have responded, with prices soaring 11.1% over the past 12 months. Last July, it was ranked second on realtor.com’s hottest markets list. But despite the hype, buyers can still snag three- to four-bedroom, two-story homes just outside downtown for under $200,000.
Local R&R: Soar with the butterflies and other wildlife at the Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve.
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and the surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our rankings to just one metro per state to ensure some geographic diversity.
** We used Yelp.com for the number of per capita nightlife venues, highly rated restaurants, kayaking/rafting/scuba diving opportunities, gyms, libraries, bookstores, and campgrounds.
Allison Underhill contributed to this report.
The post America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep
0 notes
America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep
Buying a home these days is a high-stakes, need-to-have/nice-to-have equation. You need a home within an hour’s drive of work; it would be nice to have one that’s in walkable distance. You need a full-size kitchen with room for your five-person brood; it would be nice to have a chef’s kitchen with La Cornue Grand Palais range, Meneghini Arredamenti fridge, and, heck, a Mugnaini wood-fired pizza oven. You need at least 2.5 bathrooms; it would be nice to have a master en suite spa with a touchscreen-controlled smart bidet. Dream the dream, my friends!
So what’s the neediest of all need-to-haves? You need to find a safe place to live where you can still afford a great home. And wouldn’t it be nice if there were even fun stuff to do after work and on weekends? Yes, indeed.
Realtor.com set out to find these seductive strongholds where you can have it all. And we’re not talking about the boonies: We zeroed in on metropolitan areas, which include cities and the surrounding suburbs. (Note: Cities often have higher crime rates than their less-populated surroundings.)
Research—and common sense—indicates that when crime goes up, property values go down. Meanwhile, home buyers will pay more to live in locations with lower rates of violent crime, according to a 2015 Auburn University study. It doesn’t hurt that these areas typically also have top public schools.
“When homeowners think about the biggest investment of their life, top of mind is how safe an area would be to live in and raise a family,” says Rick Palacios Jr., director of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting.
They also want to make sure that their investment appreciates over time, which it typically won’t do as much in areas with growing crime. “High crime rates unnerve potential home buyers,” he says. Um, yeah.
The good news: Crime has declined sharply since the early ’90s. Violent offenses, which include homicide, assault, and robbery, plummeted 49% from 1993 to 2017, according to FBI data. This explains why some of our safest places were once known for riots and rampant car thefts before they rebounded. (The downside: Gentrification is leading to some longtime residents being priced out.)
The places that made our affordable safe harbor ranking are a mix of smaller metros that never really struggled with high crime, and cities once riddled with problems that have successfully pulled off a turnaround. Our list is concentrated on resurgent Midwest, Southern, and Rust Belt cities. No Western metros were included because home prices are simply too high.
We analyzed crime data provided by NeighborhoodScout, a website that tracks community data, focusing on America’s 150 largest metros. We eliminated those with high rates of violent or property crime, and with home prices above the (roughly) $300,000 national median. Next, we zeroed in on cities with great extracurriculars—running the gamut from nightlife, to kayaking, to great indie bookstores—as tracked on Yelp.com.**
Safety, affordability, and fun! Yep, they can coexist. Let’s take a tour.
Safest affordable metros
Tony Frenzel
1. Grand Rapids, MI
Median home list rice: $280,000 Total crime rate: 18.38%
Luxury condo building in Grand Rapids, MI
As some Michigan cities, including Flint and Detroit, continue to face hard times, Grand Rapids is booming. The very low 2.5% metro unemployment rate is reason No. 1 for the upswing.
“The economy is strong here, with lots of jobs at different levels,” says Trisha Cornelius, a local real estate agent with Keller Williams. “The neighborhoods are affordable and clean. There isn’t much in the way of urban blight.”
Indeed, only 2.2% of homes here are vacant, compared with 9.6% in Flint and 6.5% in Detroit, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Meanwhile, the metro has been attracting younger residents lured by those plentiful gigs, the affordable housing, and the influx of craft breweries in the area.
“A 25-year-old can actually afford to buy a home here,” Cornelius says. They’re snagging luxury, one-bedroom condos priced at around $200,000 like this converted, historic school building spanning two city blocks.
But bargain prices won’t last forever. While the national housing market is starting to slow, realtor.com projects Grand Rapids will be the second-hottest market in 2019, with a 8.2% projected sales price growth.
Local R&R: Buckle your blades on for ice-skating in Rosa Parks Circle.
2. Pittsburgh, PA
Median home list price: $173,000 Total crime rate: 18.44%
Home in Brighton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA
As Pittsburgh’s steel mills shuttered and residents pulled up stakes, many neighborhoods fell into a crime-ridden, downward spiral. But that feels like ancient history these days, as the city continues to reinvent itself as a thriving corporate center for startups and tech biggies like Uber and Google alike. Now those once-hurting neighborhoods, like Brighton Heights, are seeing their fortunes rise and rise, with an influx of new workers moving in.
Brighton Heights “is a neighborhood in transition. … When I was growing up in the ’90s, it was certainly not a place for a first-time home buyer; but that’s changed,” says local restate agent Bobby West of Coldwell Banker.
Young professionals and home flippers are buying up many of the community’s Craftsman-style homes built in the early 1900s for under $150,000.
The number of violent crimes plummeted 24.8% from 2000 to 2014, according to the most recent FBI data. While crime is low in the metro, there are still some problem areas within the city limits. And residents are still hurting from last October’s tragic shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, a hate crime that left 11 dead.
Local R&R: Fixate on flora fantasies at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.
3. Port St. Lucie, FL
Median home list price: $285,100 Total crime rate: 19.16%
Four-bedroom home in Port St. Lucie, FL
About two hours north of Miami, Port St. Lucie is a quiet Atlantic beach town, long a magnet for  retirees.
“Here, it’s just a really calm mix of people, mostly families and retirees,” says Richard L. McKinney, a real estate agent at Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise. “People are just coming here to live and commute to work, so we don’t get all that ruckus that comes with tourism” in other Florida ocean areas.
This beach town is made up of lots of new single-home and condo communities. And prices are still reasonable, leading realtor.com to name Port St. Lucie one of the most affordable beach towns in June. Buyers can find condos just minutes from the beach for $150,000, says McKinney.
Local R&R: Gaze or gape at gators at the Savannas Preserve State Park.
4. El Paso, TX
Median home list price: $175,800 Total crime rate: 20.48%
El Paso, TX, ranch house
A combination of tougher police action and changing demographics has led to substantial decline in violent crime in this once-dicey metro on the U.S.-Mexico border. In the early ’90s, El Paso often had more than 50 homicides a year. But from 2012 to 2016, the city averaged fewer than 18 homicides, according to the city’s police department. That’s good news for locals, and for long-term property values.
Finding a single-story, brick ranch under $200,000 in El Paso is a breeze. In fact, last year realtor.com named El Paso one of the best markets for middle-class home buyers. Developer-friendly zoning laws and low land costs make building homes here cheaper than in other parts of the country.
Local R&R: Manage your mountain mania! Start climbing at Franklin Mountains State Park.
5. Syracuse, NY
Median home list price: $160,000 Total crime rate: 21.4%
Condos in Syracuse, NY
In the early 2000s, former industrial center Syracuse began pumping millions into renovating crime-ridden communities near downtown to entice college students to live there after graduation, instead of scramming as soon as possible. Crime dropped so much that everyone from young professionals to empty nesters bought up remodeled condos there.
“Over a decade, downtown Syracuse went from being unsafe to the hottest spot to live” in the area, says Amber Spain-Mosher, a real estate agent at Re/Max in Syracuse. “The residential growth downtown is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And it shows no sign of slowing down.”
Homes in nearby urban neighborhoods have also received a boost. As the city became safer, more people swooped in and bought up fixer-uppers just above the $100,000 price range. That’s played a role in home prices rising 9.6% over the past year.
Local R&R: The 13-day Great New York State Fair attracts nearly a million visitors annually.
6. Hartford, CT
Median home list price: $260,000 Total crime rate: 21.97%
Three-bedroom home in Parkville in Hartford, CT
Hartford is a charming town with stately, older homes and rich history dating to Colonial America. And it’s packed with affluent and highly educated homeowners who live in the burbs.
But that’s not the only reason crime is low here. Several neighborhoods in the city proper, which has a higher crime rate than the metro, have seen an increase in development. Investors are setting their sights on areas such as Parkville, a once-dicey neighborhood that now has a burgeoning startup and art scene. They’re flipping 100-year-old multifamily homes, then selling or renting them out to Connecticut College grads.
“All the work to make downtown safer is paying dividends: Standard old office buildings are being converted into nice apartments,” says David Griggs, president and CEO of the MetroHartford Alliance, Hartford’s economic development arm
Local R&R: Huckleberry hysteria! Go nuts visiting the Mark Twain House, where the American Master lived from 1874 to 1891.
7. Fayetteville, AR
Median home list price: $272,600 Total crime rate: 23.21%
Two-bedroom home in Fayetteville, AR
Retail giant Walmart has its headquarters in Bentonville, in the Fayetteville metro, and that’s long ensured high property values and low crime. And as the company continues to expand, so does the real estate market here.
“We don’t have the wrong side of the tracks here,” says Jill Bell, a local real estate agent at Crye-Leike. “[Even neighborhoods like] far south Fayetteville that had a bad reputation in the past has been revitalized.”
Local R&R: Get your theater on! See nationally acclaimed productions in an intimate setting at TheatreSquared.
8. Springfield, MA
Median home list price: $244,950 Total crime rate: 26.14%
This four-bedroom Cape Cod in Springfield, MA, is listed for $249,900.
Massachusetts has the top public schools in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report. It’s no wonder buying a home in the state isn’t cheap—the median list price is $450,000. That’s where the Springfield metro sets itself apart: Folks can score reasonably priced homes, enroll their children in high-performing schools, and live in a low-crime area.
Communities such as East Longmeadow, home to East Longmeadow High School, which boasts a 98% graduation rate, are highly sought-after. And buyers can find many four-bedroom, Cape Cod–style homes priced around $250,000.
But crime within the Springfield city limits is higher, with neighborhoods such as McKnight and Forest Park all having some issues. In Forest Park, the vehicle theft rate is three times higher than the statewide rate—so be cautious.
Local R&R: Ramp up your roller-coaster love with a trip to Six Flags New England.
9. Cincinnati, OH
Median home list price: $233,600 Total crime rate: 26.26%
Renovated condos in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati doesn’t exactly spring to mind when most folks think about low crime. In 2001, the city burst onto the national consciousness when riots broke out after the police shooting of an unarmed 19-year-old black man. In the years that followed, many avoided the city.
But in recent years, things have improved. The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where much of the rioting took place, might be the city’s biggest success story. Many of the three-story brick buildings, built 150 years ago by German immigrants, have been remodeled and turned into condos that sometimes sell for over $500,000. And OTR, as it’s known by the locals, is among the region’s top spots to be on a Saturday night with bars and nightclubs.
The Cincinnati metro is packed with booming, low-crime suburbs with good schools and new, sprawling subdivisions, including some just across the Ohio River and in Warren County, one of the state’s fastest-growing counties.
Local R&R: Chow down on Cincinnati-style chili—with spaghetti and copious amounts of cheese, natch.
10. Fort Wayne, IN
Median home list price: $180,000 Total crime rate: 26.62%
Buyers can snag four-bedroom homes in Fort Wayne, IN, for $150,000.
These days, the streets of downtown Fort Wayne are lined with new businesses, restaurants, and moving trucks. But this Midwestern destination for young professionals wasn’t always like this.
“A decade ago, Fort Wayne’s downtown wasn’t the best place after dark,” says Ryan Dollens, a real estate agent and appraiser with Keller Williams Realty in Fort Wayne. “There was nothing going on—it was eerie.”  
Things started to change in 2010, when the city spent $30 million on Parkview Field, now home to Fort Wayne’s popular minor-league team, the TinCaps. Then the city started to renovate Harrison Square in downtown, which included building new apartment complexes, a hotel, and a park with amphitheater. The efforts paid off.
“By adding all these businesses, restaurants, and apartments, they’ve really been able to clean up the streets,” Dollens says.
Buyers have responded, with prices soaring 11.1% over the past 12 months. Last July, it was ranked second on realtor.com’s hottest markets list. But despite the hype, buyers can still snag three- to four-bedroom, two-story homes just outside downtown for under $200,000.
Local R&R: Soar with the butterflies and other wildlife at the Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve.
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and the surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our rankings to just one metro per state to ensure some geographic diversity.
** We used Yelp.com for the number of per capita nightlife venues, highly rated restaurants, kayaking/rafting/scuba diving opportunities, gyms, libraries, bookstores, and campgrounds.
Allison Underhill contributed to this report.
The post America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS http://bit.ly/2AGVSOA
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restate30201 · 5 years
America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep
Buying a home these days is a high-stakes, need-to-have/nice-to-have equation. You need a home within an hour’s drive of work; it would be nice to have one that’s in walkable distance. You need a full-size kitchen with room for your five-person brood; it would be nice to have a chef’s kitchen with La Cornue Grand Palais range, Meneghini Arredamenti fridge, and, heck, a Mugnaini wood-fired pizza oven. You need at least 2.5 bathrooms; it would be nice to have a master en suite spa with a touchscreen-controlled smart bidet. Dream the dream, my friends!
So what’s the neediest of all need-to-haves? You need to find a safe place to live where you can still afford a great home. And wouldn’t it be nice if there were even fun stuff to do after work and on weekends? Yes, indeed.
Realtor.com set out to find these seductive strongholds where you can have it all. And we’re not talking about the boonies: We zeroed in on metropolitan areas, which include cities and the surrounding suburbs. (Note: Cities often have higher crime rates than their less-populated surroundings.)
Research—and common sense—indicates that when crime goes up, property values go down. Meanwhile, home buyers will pay more to live in locations with lower rates of violent crime, according to a 2015 Auburn University study. It doesn’t hurt that these areas typically also have top public schools.
“When homeowners think about the biggest investment of their life, top of mind is how safe an area would be to live in and raise a family,” says Rick Palacios Jr., director of research at John Burns Real Estate Consulting.
They also want to make sure that their investment appreciates over time, which it typically won’t do as much in areas with growing crime. “High crime rates unnerve potential home buyers,” he says. Um, yeah.
The good news: Crime has declined sharply since the early ’90s. Violent offenses, which include homicide, assault, and robbery, plummeted 49% from 1993 to 2017, according to FBI data. This explains why some of our safest places were once known for riots and rampant car thefts before they rebounded. (The downside: Gentrification is leading to some longtime residents being priced out.)
The places that made our affordable safe harbor ranking are a mix of smaller metros that never really struggled with high crime, and cities once riddled with problems that have successfully pulled off a turnaround. Our list is concentrated on resurgent Midwest, Southern, and Rust Belt cities. No Western metros were included because home prices are simply too high.
We analyzed crime data provided by NeighborhoodScout, a website that tracks community data, focusing on America’s 150 largest metros. We eliminated those with high rates of violent or property crime, and with home prices above the (roughly) $300,000 national median. Next, we zeroed in on cities with great extracurriculars—running the gamut from nightlife, to kayaking, to great indie bookstores—as tracked on Yelp.com.**
Safety, affordability, and fun! Yep, they can coexist. Let’s take a tour.
Safest affordable metros
Tony Frenzel
1. Grand Rapids, MI
Median home list rice: $280,000 Total crime rate: 18.38%
Luxury condo building in Grand Rapids, MI
As some Michigan cities, including Flint and Detroit, continue to face hard times, Grand Rapids is booming. The very low 2.5% metro unemployment rate is reason No. 1 for the upswing.
“The economy is strong here, with lots of jobs at different levels,” says Trisha Cornelius, a local real estate agent with Keller Williams. “The neighborhoods are affordable and clean. There isn’t much in the way of urban blight.”
Indeed, only 2.2% of homes here are vacant, compared with 9.6% in Flint and 6.5% in Detroit, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Meanwhile, the metro has been attracting younger residents lured by those plentiful gigs, the affordable housing, and the influx of craft breweries in the area.
“A 25-year-old can actually afford to buy a home here,” Cornelius says. They’re snagging luxury, one-bedroom condos priced at around $200,000 like this converted, historic school building spanning two city blocks.
But bargain prices won’t last forever. While the national housing market is starting to slow, realtor.com projects Grand Rapids will be the second-hottest market in 2019, with a 8.2% projected sales price growth.
Local R&R: Buckle your blades on for ice-skating in Rosa Parks Circle.
2. Pittsburgh, PA
Median home list price: $173,000 Total crime rate: 18.44%
Home in Brighton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA
As Pittsburgh’s steel mills shuttered and residents pulled up stakes, many neighborhoods fell into a crime-ridden, downward spiral. But that feels like ancient history these days, as the city continues to reinvent itself as a thriving corporate center for startups and tech biggies like Uber and Google alike. Now those once-hurting neighborhoods, like Brighton Heights, are seeing their fortunes rise and rise, with an influx of new workers moving in.
Brighton Heights “is a neighborhood in transition. … When I was growing up in the ’90s, it was certainly not a place for a first-time home buyer; but that’s changed,” says local restate agent Bobby West of Coldwell Banker.
Young professionals and home flippers are buying up many of the community’s Craftsman-style homes built in the early 1900s for under $150,000.
The number of violent crimes plummeted 24.8% from 2000 to 2014, according to the most recent FBI data. While crime is low in the metro, there are still some problem areas within the city limits. And residents are still hurting from last October’s tragic shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, a hate crime that left 11 dead.
Local R&R: Fixate on flora fantasies at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.
3. Port St. Lucie, FL
Median home list price: $285,100 Total crime rate: 19.16%
Four-bedroom home in Port St. Lucie, FL
About two hours north of Miami, Port St. Lucie is a quiet Atlantic beach town, long a magnet for  retirees.
“Here, it’s just a really calm mix of people, mostly families and retirees,” says Richard L. McKinney, a real estate agent at Atlantic Shores Realty Expertise. “People are just coming here to live and commute to work, so we don’t get all that ruckus that comes with tourism” in other Florida ocean areas.
This beach town is made up of lots of new single-home and condo communities. And prices are still reasonable, leading realtor.com to name Port St. Lucie one of the most affordable beach towns in June. Buyers can find condos just minutes from the beach for $150,000, says McKinney.
Local R&R: Gaze or gape at gators at the Savannas Preserve State Park.
4. El Paso, TX
Median home list price: $175,800 Total crime rate: 20.48%
El Paso, TX, ranch house
A combination of tougher police action and changing demographics has led to substantial decline in violent crime in this once-dicey metro on the U.S.-Mexico border. In the early ’90s, El Paso often had more than 50 homicides a year. But from 2012 to 2016, the city averaged fewer than 18 homicides, according to the city’s police department. That’s good news for locals, and for long-term property values.
Finding a single-story, brick ranch under $200,000 in El Paso is a breeze. In fact, last year realtor.com named El Paso one of the best markets for middle-class home buyers. Developer-friendly zoning laws and low land costs make building homes here cheaper than in other parts of the country.
Local R&R: Manage your mountain mania! Start climbing at Franklin Mountains State Park.
5. Syracuse, NY
Median home list price: $160,000 Total crime rate: 21.4%
Condos in Syracuse, NY
In the early 2000s, former industrial center Syracuse began pumping millions into renovating crime-ridden communities near downtown to entice college students to live there after graduation, instead of scramming as soon as possible. Crime dropped so much that everyone from young professionals to empty nesters bought up remodeled condos there.
“Over a decade, downtown Syracuse went from being unsafe to the hottest spot to live” in the area, says Amber Spain-Mosher, a real estate agent at Re/Max in Syracuse. “The residential growth downtown is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And it shows no sign of slowing down.”
Homes in nearby urban neighborhoods have also received a boost. As the city became safer, more people swooped in and bought up fixer-uppers just above the $100,000 price range. That’s played a role in home prices rising 9.6% over the past year.
Local R&R: The 13-day Great New York State Fair attracts nearly a million visitors annually.
6. Hartford, CT
Median home list price: $260,000 Total crime rate: 21.97%
Three-bedroom home in Parkville in Hartford, CT
Hartford is a charming town with stately, older homes and rich history dating to Colonial America. And it’s packed with affluent and highly educated homeowners who live in the burbs.
But that’s not the only reason crime is low here. Several neighborhoods in the city proper, which has a higher crime rate than the metro, have seen an increase in development. Investors are setting their sights on areas such as Parkville, a once-dicey neighborhood that now has a burgeoning startup and art scene. They’re flipping 100-year-old multifamily homes, then selling or renting them out to Connecticut College grads.
“All the work to make downtown safer is paying dividends: Standard old office buildings are being converted into nice apartments,” says David Griggs, president and CEO of the MetroHartford Alliance, Hartford’s economic development arm
Local R&R: Huckleberry hysteria! Go nuts visiting the Mark Twain House, where the American Master lived from 1874 to 1891.
7. Fayetteville, AR
Median home list price: $272,600 Total crime rate: 23.21%
Two-bedroom home in Fayetteville, AR
Retail giant Walmart has its headquarters in Bentonville, in the Fayetteville metro, and that’s long ensured high property values and low crime. And as the company continues to expand, so does the real estate market here.
“We don’t have the wrong side of the tracks here,” says Jill Bell, a local real estate agent at Crye-Leike. “[Even neighborhoods like] far south Fayetteville that had a bad reputation in the past has been revitalized.”
Local R&R: Get your theater on! See nationally acclaimed productions in an intimate setting at TheatreSquared.
8. Springfield, MA
Median home list price: $244,950 Total crime rate: 26.14%
This four-bedroom Cape Cod in Springfield, MA, is listed for $249,900.
Massachusetts has the top public schools in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report. It’s no wonder buying a home in the state isn’t cheap—the median list price is $450,000. That’s where the Springfield metro sets itself apart: Folks can score reasonably priced homes, enroll their children in high-performing schools, and live in a low-crime area.
Communities such as East Longmeadow, home to East Longmeadow High School, which boasts a 98% graduation rate, are highly sought-after. And buyers can find many four-bedroom, Cape Cod–style homes priced around $250,000.
But crime within the Springfield city limits is higher, with neighborhoods such as McKnight and Forest Park all having some issues. In Forest Park, the vehicle theft rate is three times higher than the statewide rate—so be cautious.
Local R&R: Ramp up your roller-coaster love with a trip to Six Flags New England.
9. Cincinnati, OH
Median home list price: $233,600 Total crime rate: 26.26%
Renovated condos in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati doesn’t exactly spring to mind when most folks think about low crime. In 2001, the city burst onto the national consciousness when riots broke out after the police shooting of an unarmed 19-year-old black man. In the years that followed, many avoided the city.
But in recent years, things have improved. The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, where much of the rioting took place, might be the city’s biggest success story. Many of the three-story brick buildings, built 150 years ago by German immigrants, have been remodeled and turned into condos that sometimes sell for over $500,000. And OTR, as it’s known by the locals, is among the region’s top spots to be on a Saturday night with bars and nightclubs.
The Cincinnati metro is packed with booming, low-crime suburbs with good schools and new, sprawling subdivisions, including some just across the Ohio River and in Warren County, one of the state’s fastest-growing counties.
Local R&R: Chow down on Cincinnati-style chili—with spaghetti and copious amounts of cheese, natch.
10. Fort Wayne, IN
Median home list price: $180,000 Total crime rate: 26.62%
Buyers can snag four-bedroom homes in Fort Wayne, IN, for $150,000.
These days, the streets of downtown Fort Wayne are lined with new businesses, restaurants, and moving trucks. But this Midwestern destination for young professionals wasn’t always like this.
“A decade ago, Fort Wayne’s downtown wasn’t the best place after dark,” says Ryan Dollens, a real estate agent and appraiser with Keller Williams Realty in Fort Wayne. “There was nothing going on—it was eerie.”  
Things started to change in 2010, when the city spent $30 million on Parkview Field, now home to Fort Wayne’s popular minor-league team, the TinCaps. Then the city started to renovate Harrison Square in downtown, which included building new apartment complexes, a hotel, and a park with amphitheater. The efforts paid off.
“By adding all these businesses, restaurants, and apartments, they’ve really been able to clean up the streets,” Dollens says.
Buyers have responded, with prices soaring 11.1% over the past 12 months. Last July, it was ranked second on realtor.com’s hottest markets list. But despite the hype, buyers can still snag three- to four-bedroom, two-story homes just outside downtown for under $200,000.
Local R&R: Soar with the butterflies and other wildlife at the Eagle Marsh Nature Preserve.
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and the surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our rankings to just one metro per state to ensure some geographic diversity.
** We used Yelp.com for the number of per capita nightlife venues, highly rated restaurants, kayaking/rafting/scuba diving opportunities, gyms, libraries, bookstores, and campgrounds.
Allison Underhill contributed to this report.
The post America’s Safest Affordable Cities … That Won’t Put You to Sleep appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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girlseg · 6 years
Will Rezoning Portland’s Manufactured Home Parks Help Save Them?
On a recent weekend, community organizer Myra Torres knocked on doors at the Arbor Mobile Home Park in northeast Portland. Her kids, 5-year-old Adriel and 3-year-old Sammy, tagged along.
The Arbor, where Torres lives, has narrow streets lined with about 130 manufactured homes. Next to the homes sit tomato plants, rose bushes and neat stacks of firewood.
Torres was giving her neighbors fliers explaining a proposal to change Portland’s land use regulations and give manufactured home parks their own special zone. The proposal hit the Portland City Council this week, and made mobile home parks the latest front in the struggle over displacement and rising housing prices.
Adriel and Sammy Torres on their block in the Arbor manufactured home park.
“I care because this is my stability for my children,” Torres said. “We’ve been in this Cully neighborhood for about 13 years, so this is community. This is home.”
Torres, 25, works at a nearby church and owns her trailer. She spends about $500 a month renting the lot beneath the trailer, which has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. That’s about half what nearby apartments cost monthly.
When Torres first moved to the Arbor, she thought she and her husband would live in the park until they saved enough for a down payment and buy a conventional home.
“But the way the prices of the homes have been going crazy up, and all the apartments as well, it becomes more of a permanent thing to do, rather than for just a couple of years,” she said.
Living in a manufactured home park comes with unique opportunities — and costs. Residents often own their trailers or homes and rent the land the units sit on.
A garden in the Arbor manufactured home park.
Like other homeowners, they can invest in their properties, repaint and keep pets. At the Arbor, residents have built garages, trellises and sheds. In one backyard, a duck and a small dog keep each other company.
But manufactured homes, particularly the older models, tend to depreciate. And many of the homes in Portland’s parks are too fragile to move, making the residents’ investments risky.
Laura Perasa, one of Torres’s neighbors, estimates she’s spent $5,000 fixing up her trailer.
“If this place was closed down, there’s no way we could move this house. It’s old, we’ve added on an addition,” she said. “We would lose that investment.”
The managers of the Arbor say its owners have no plans to close the park, in fact, they’re urging residents to sign longer leases. But with new apartments going up all over Cully, the park’s residents worry their home could be the next attractive target for developers.
The city’s manufactured home parks comprise about 3,000 households. That’s a relatively small number, but it includes many low-income Latino families, such as the Torreses, and seniors and people with disabilities and on fixed incomes.
Those are the people Portland is struggling to figure out how to keep from getting pushed out of the city or into homelessness.
In June, Portland’s planning commission recommended creating a new zoning classification specifically for manufactured home parks.
The city’s manufactured home parks all lie east of the Willamette River and are clustered in East Portland. Some are on land zoned for residences, while others are non-conforming uses of land zoned for business uses.
Under the proposal, all but one of the city’s existing parks would get rezoned and included in the new Manufactured Dwelling Park Zone.
In effect, that would make it harder to redevelop parks. It would require an expensive review process, a Comprehensive Plan map amendment and a City Council vote any time a developer proposed closing a mobile home park and building something else on the land.
Park owners oppose the proposal.
“Any time you have restriction, it reduces the interest in investment,” said Cory Poole, a board member of the Manufactured Housing Coalition of Oregon.
Poole points out that many of the city’s mobile home parks were built in the 1960s. Some have crumbling roads and failing sewer systems.
“I know first hand as a park owner that one sewer problem can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix,” Poole said.
Poole said that it’s rare for parks in Portland to close and get redeveloped as something else, in part because of existing state laws that protect park residents.
Portland has lost 44 mobile home spaces to park closures in the past two years. When parks do close, Poole says it’s often because a manufactured home park, or the homes in it, just weren’t built to last 50 years.
Laura Perasa says moving her manufactured home would be impossible.
In 2017, the city’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability commissioned a study that looked at the potential impact of an earlier version of the proposal to create special zoning for manufactured home parks.
That study, conducted by Johnson Economics, concluded that redevelopment of manufactured housing parks to rental apartments “is unlikely in the current construction cycle.”
In fact, based on that study, the greatest displacement threat the city’s mobile home park residents face might not be from redevelopment — but from rising space rents.
Johnson Economics looked at a sample of 11 parks. Rents ranged from $305 to $665 a month. The firm concluded that the rent for mobile home park spaces is likely to grow faster than apartment rents in the coming years.
The Planning Commission has urged the Portland City Council to take steps in addition to the zone change to help stabilize the rents in manufactured housing parks.
In particular, commission members proposed giving park owners a property tax cut if they agree to maintain rents that are affordable for low-income households.
Critics of the zoning proposal also question whether parks are the best long-term land use in a growing city such as Portland.
The city’s new zone for mobile home parks includes a density limit, 29 homes per acre. That’s more units than many parks are allowed under their current zoning, but Cory Poole thinks it’s still not enough.
Like many local economists, Poole believes the key to keeping housing affordable in Portland is allowing more density, more units and more big apartment complexes.
Poole thinks manufactured home parks could be perfect place to experiment with new types of more dense housing.
“What could these parks look like in 150 years if the city made it easier, say to put tiny homes in these parks? If the city made it possible to put multistory shipping container homes in these parks?” he said. “The more restrictions the city puts on it, the more it is going to squelch the really creative ideas that could solve these problems.”
Portland’s planning commission wrestled with this density question during its discussion about mobile home parks. Is it worth preserving a home park, for example, if building an apartment complex on the same land could house hundreds more people?
The zoning proposal includes a bonus, which allows for 50 percent more units on a site for parks that rent out at least half of their spaces at a price affordable for people who make 60 percent or less of the median income in Portland
In the end, the planning commission decided that parks were worth preserving, not because of the number of housing units they offer but because of the strong communities that exist in many of the developments.
Back at the Arbor, Myrra Torres says it’s that community that makes her home worth fighting for.
Her parents and in-laws live in the park, too, and she says there are always friends or family around to keep an eye on her kids.
“There’s times, if I’m not home in time to make it in time, when my son is coming home, I know I can call my mom and say, ‘Watch out for the kids, they’re coming,’” she said.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated to reflect the number of households, not people, that comprise the city’s manufactured home parks.
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Where did I go wrong? A few months back, I backed out of a parking place and stopped, waiting for traffic behind me to resolve itself. While stopped, a large vehicle backed into my driver side door. We both re-parked. The other driver first tried to convince me there was no damage and we should both forget it but after I showed him the damage to my door (his car had almost no damage), we exchanged insurance and personal contact information in a friendly conversation. I reported the damage to my insurance carrier, a large national firm, obtained the required 2 estimates for repair and submitted it, as directed by my carrier and his, to his carrier, a large regional carrier. They informed me he had decided my car was not stopped and so I bore responsibility for his backing his car into me (!), and they therefore were refusing to pay me. My insurance carrier said it was up to me to provide proof my car wasn't moving, regardless of the fact his car backed into mine! I approached the repair firm, and they provided me with photos and offered testimony to state that my car was obviously stopped, based on the damage to the door. I called the individual and said with this information unless he paid the bill in full, I would take him to small claims court. He argued but produced a check for the full amount. A month later, my insurance carrier raised my rate based on this incident and a highway speeding ticket over a year ago. I ended up paying more for my insurance and lost a great deal of time despite both of us being insured. Where did I go wrong?""
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I live in New Jersey. I'm 20. I havent had health insurance since i was about 15, and I live with a friend's family because I have no parents. My Mom died in 2008, and my father is absent. Is there anyway i can get medicaid or any type of affordable insurance ? I read that Medicaid is only available to the elderly, disabled, and people with children. If thats correct, do i have any other options ? (My mom had medicaid and i was on her policy before she died). Also, im in school full time, but not at a university, so the school doesnt offer healthcare. Any opinons/information is appreciated.""
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If I got a few speeding tickets, which resulted in my car insurance to go up, how long would it be before it goes back down?""
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one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Car insurance for the clueless 19 year old :/?
I'm nervous about getting car insurance but I honestly need to get my foot in the door. Now give it to me straight guys, how high can it go if I'm nineteen years old, male, never been in an accident, had my licence since may, plan on getting a 90s car or EARLY 2000, and only plan to use it for really just going to work and such. :/ I feel like its going to skyrocket...just because I have a penis. Man when they told me that I thought about being arrested for being black on a friday afternoon on a wednsday :/ So how low can car insurance get?""
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I'm on my moms insurance and she's moving jobs and her new insurance is going to be group coverage blue cross, can group coverage deny you coverage for Pre existing or only private? Why's the difference between group and private? Thanks!""
""In california, im 16 and i will have my permit hopefully soon. am i automatically insured when i have permit?
so i live with my mom and our roommate. my mom doesnt drive. my dad drives and so does our roommate. my dad will sign allowing me to have a permit but i want to drive with just my moms roommate which i live with too. is it possible that i can just get my dad to sign for me to have my permit and then i can just drive with my roomate that i live with? or would i have to only drive with my dad since he is the one signing? and also am i automatically insured under my roomates insurance with a permit and then i need to get insurance once i get my license? or do i need to have insurance for myself while i have my permit as well?
Is Kaiser HMO a good health insurance plan to buy?
Here's the thing. My current doctor told me that he's leaving and he's going to Kaiser. I don't want to lose him so I my only way would be to purchase Kaiser. So if I already know the doctor I want, does that make Kaiser okay? What are the benefits and drawbacks of Kaiser Health?""
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
AARP? Health insurance cost? Car insurance?
i am currently looking into aarp for my parents. they are currently 59 and self employed, entering retirement very soon. i am not too familar with aarp but have gotten an application in the mail as well as researched their website. i know the annual fee is $12.50. it would be very helpful if anyone who is a member give me some prices they are paying for health insurance, car insurance or any helpful information as to whether it is worth joining. thanks!""
How much is AAA insurance?
I'm 17 I live in California. I have a license already I drive when my parent's are in it. But I need the car for school. I was wondering how much does it cost to be added into my parent's insurance to be listed as an authorized driver?
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Doubt on two wheeler insurance ---Help?
My father has purchased a second hand bike for me but it is registered with my father name. I am going to use this bike. Now i have the following doubts 1. can i need to buy a new insurance or i can renew the existing bike insurance of bike seller. 2. if i need to buy a new insurance , with which name i need to buy ? my fathers or mine ? 3. can i use online facility of ICICI Lombord ? there it is showing the following 2 options 1.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler which option should i choose?""
Help Car Insurance help?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Are VW Passats affordable cars to insure?
By affordable I mean are they good in crash tests and other factors like that which effect insurance?
What if i cancel my auto insurance and get back after six months?
I canceled my auto insurance before six months. now I got another car and I got accident before I purchased insurance for this car with the same company. then I purchased the auto insurance.so, my question is does my insurance company has to cover for this.""
Auto Insurance/Roadside Service. Is Roadguard Auto Club a scam?
I have Robert Moreno Insurance Services via my broker Adrianas Insurance. I googled Roadguard Auto Club, and cant find it. I dont think its a real company. The roadside assistance is $42 and its not mandatory. Their California Motor Club License is #3427-2.""
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?
I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?
Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now?
Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
How much is gonna cost in Insurance if I buy salvage car here in califonia?
How can I drive a car without having to pay the insurance companies so much money?
Insurance companies rake in so much money ad find ways to charge fees and make adjustments to rip us off. Is there a way around this? Is there a non-profit insurance company? Can there be one owned by it's clients?
New Insurance?
Hey. I'm 16 and male and I am getting my license in about a week. I know that I have to have insurance to drive alone in the family car. I just would like an estimate on how much insurance would cost. I am being added to my mom's insurance through Allstate, with a family car. Just until I have enough money to get my own. I know it isn't the same price as hers but I know its up there. If anyone can help me out on anything that would be great.""
What will the average insurance payment be for my BMW?
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a BMW. Well now since I'm turning 16 in the fall I have the option of getting a 2004 BMW 5 Series 545i for $9,000. It's in extremely good condition and I just love it. I will be making around $200-250 a month and my monthly payment will be about $106 to the bank till my senior year in college ( yes that's 84 months but it's in good condition so it's worth it) and I was just wondering if any one had a idea how much insurance would cost? I really want to get this car but I won't if I'm not able to pay a payment and insurance at the same time due to other small bills i have. Thanks""
What auto insurance company will give me a good price after lapsing insurance?
I had geico and my insurance lapsed. Everyone wants so much money now since i lapsed previously. Ive tried all the major companies. Does anyvody know of a cheap insurance that i can look into? Right now everyone wants around 7-800$ for 4 cars liability. Rediculous.
How Much Would Insurance Cost For a 2004 Cadillac CTS for a 20 Year Old?
Im currently looking into getting rid of my 'old 1994 Mustang GT' and replacing it with a '2004 Cadillac CTS'. How much would insurance be for me a month? Here are the reasons why I would like to get a new car: 1.Reliability 2.Comfort My 94 Mustang GT is just giving me too much mechanicle problems, which is eating at my budget. I fix one thing, another goes wrong, which is getting quite expensive. So i think its about time to get a new car. Will it be cheaper and less of a headache for me to get a new car? And how much would insurance cost for a 20 year old with no bad driving history? Just give me rough estimate. Also the CTS is a V6 which should be cheaper than my current V8. I currently spend $120 a month on gas alone. So inconclusion would it be cheaper for me to just get the CTS? And what is a rough estimate for monthly insurance?""
Good grades for car insurance?
I was wondering what type of grade avarage that you need to have to get the good grade discount. and how much of a discount does it give you 100$ 50$ 20$???
How would car mileage affect the insurance rate?
Will the rate go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks!""
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
What kind of car will give a 17 year old cheap insurance?
i am 17 and im looking to buy a car. i wanted to know what kind of car will give me the cheapest insurance possible. including the color. and what ways can i save money on car insurance?
After you sell your car do you get your insurance back?
my car has failed M.O.T and can't be fixed as its to much would i have to pay my car insurance off or get back what ive payed so far
My mother needs health insurance but...?
Ok, so my mom is extremely sick. Her stomach/genital areas are usually in very big pain, which makes her have trouble walking to the bathroom, and even then she said using the bathroom is even more painful. She sometimes has trouble breathing so she drags her feet (because she can't walk too well now) and go outside. The pain goes away after she takes some pain stopping pills, but they do come back. Now, she does not have health insurance, and neither do I actually. I don't think any health insurance company would actually take her cuz her health is so poor. What are my options here? We're not rich, so I don't think a direct scan of her body and (possible) surgery is a good idea (so expensive :( ). PS. I live in Southern California.""
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
What if insurance wants to change my sons counselor?
He has been seen by an out of network provider for over 6 years and approved...now at the age of 13 they want to force me to get a in network provider. My son has flourished with this counselor and trusts him...why should he have to change? Haven't the insurance company set a presidence? Any good web sights I can look this up on? Any help would be appreciated...I plan on fighting this.
On average what is the rough price for bike insurance ?
its more just curiosity at the min as I've not settled on a bike I want I'm more that likely gonna get a ninja 250r, does anyone know or guess what the insurance wud be , I've ?[A class provisional] thanks for ur time guys""
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up?
I am a new driver. 16 years old and have had my license for a little over 2 months. My insurance now is around 75$. Last week, I backed into my friends car denting her car door. I am wondering if I should not deal with the insurance and just pay her the money for the repair or should I have my insurance cover it and have my insurance go up. How much do you think my insurance will go up being my age with this. It obviously wasn't a big accident but would it be cheaper for me to repay my friend or get the insurance to deal with it? Thanks!""
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Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Who has the most affordable health coverage?
Best and cheapest car insurance in australia?
Can anyone tell me the cheapest and best most reliable comprehensive car insurance in australia i need to insure my car asap im thinking westpac or aiime
Whats the Cheapest Car Insurance i can get in British Columbia?? 2qestion read on?
i want to buy my first car next year when i turn 17 but i need to know how much insurance i have to pay!?!?! the car i kind of want is a good running beginner car any advice of which would suit my needs car??
Cheap Cars to Insure for 17 year olds?
Hi, I am 17 was was wondering if anyone knows of any cheap cars to insure that they could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if that's OK maybe you could roughly say how much your insurance was or approx how much it would be?)""
Will my car insurance be cheaper if I have a motorcycle licence?
I have always been put off learning to drive and buy a car due to the stupidly high insurance prices for first time drivers. The thing is, I have a full motorcycle licence. I have been riding on the road for about 4 years with no accident. Will this be taken in to account when I take out car insurance for the first time and will it make a huge difference to the amount I pay?""
""I have a NJ DUI, How much will my insurance go up?""
I got a dui in NJ, no accident involved, how much will my insurance go up per month, if i pay 168 per month now? I would like some personal examples, etc.""
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
Cheapest car insurance for female 37 on provisional?
Just bought a car Citroen c2 having real trouble getting insurance quotes under 600....HELP!!
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is my first car. The cheapest quote I got was 350 a month and that's only for the state minimum. I already have health insurance. They want me to pay more for car insurance than my car is worth and if I get in an accident they wont even cover it.
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
What does Obama mean by affordable health insurance?How can it be affordable for everyone?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got a ticket for speeding (66 mph in a 45 mph work zone). My ticket total is $438. I am trying to decide whether to get a laywer and fight it or just pay it off. Approximately how much with my auto insurance go up? Cost of lawyer? How many points will I get on my license? I am 22 years old living in North Carolina and have never had a ticket. Advice?
Best health insurance for a young married couple?
My fiancee and I are doing some research on health insurance. What is the best kind to by? What should we be looking for? I take lexapro and birth control everyday. We are nonsmokers, full-time college students and fairly young. I'm about to turn 19 and he will be 20. How much should we expect to pay for health insurance? Can we still be on our parents health insurance after we get married? Anything would be great! We would love to have a plan that has good coverage. We aren't looking for the cheapest, just something to cover us. Thanks!""
Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?
Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?
How much do you pay per year for home owners insurance?
i am buying property in northern virginia and just want a general idea of the price. its fine if you dont live around here, or own a single family instead of a townhouse. its whatever, i just have no clue what even a reasonable amount to be charged is btw, sorry if this is a repost but when i post in the business-insurance section all i get are spam links for responses""
Switching insurance - will my accutane be covered??
In a weird spot - will be switching insurance within a month and a half... but i'm just starting accutane now... will the treatment be covered when i switch health insurance companies?! please help!
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
What is the minamum insurance required for a motorcycle in Arizona?
I just bought a bike and am looking at insurance, but don't know what all is required by the state.""
Insuring a scion tc with collision for a 17 year old?
Im just wondering if anyone out there is around 17 with a scion tc and how much their insurance cost every month if they have collision. An older man totaled my 2000 Mitsubishi mirage and i got a lot of money for it and a lot saved up so im in the market for a new car. I currently pay 1900 a year.
Adding a driver to geico insurance?
Okay I have this crazy situation going on and Geico won't seem to answer their phones. I'm leaving to basic training VERY SOON and my car is going to be left at home. The problem is, is that my dad wants to drive it and I don't want to go through the hassle of going to the DMV, changing names, getting it registered, and getting insurance on it again. Is it possible to just put my father as a driver but still be on my insurance? If possible, how much more will they charge? Any suggestions before I leave? Car: Acura RSX (5-spd manual transmission) Year: 2003 Current payment: $682 per 6 months (liability) Fathers age: 65, clean driving record""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old ?
H there, once again i ask for thy help!!!>.. < ... so here i just bought a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k Miles, im on a provisional license, hoping to pass by january. I will do aorund 6k a year miles. car will be used to get to uni, work and commute for shoping. thanks""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
Insurance on my phone?
I have had a phone that I bought from Radio shack. It is a no contract virgin mobile phone that I have had for about 6 months. But when I bought it, I didn't have enough money to buy the insurance. Is it too late to get it now?""
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Will getting a speeding ticket affect my insurance rate?
I was going 71 in a 55 zone which is 16 over. I am 18 and still on my parents insurance and want to know if and how much my insurance rate will go up and if there is anything I can do. I got the ticket yesterday and haven't told them yet. I really want to just pay it and get over with it but if my insurance goes up I am looking at a whole other problem! Thanks for all your help in advance.
Insurance for young drivers?
Hey, i'm a young male who passed his test recently and the insurance quotes I have been getting have been eye popping. Just over 4,000 my quotes have been. I live in the city and dont have a garage or driveway etc and know that can effect the premium but I want a diesel which is insurance group 3, does that have major effect on the premium? I need a little advice on how to go about this""
Car Insurance for teens?
ok so i need to get insurance for my car asap how long if i call today and pay for everything over the phone how long until i am covered? Do they have to send me a card which means i have to wait to drive until i get it?
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
What is the name of the cheapest possible car insurance ? and how much ?
i need full coverage cost on two cars
Do anybody know of any cheap health insurance?
I haven't had any insurance since 2007.
How much would car insurance cost?
how much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old guy driving a 2006 pontiac g6 4 door 2.4 liter engine
Got a ticket and insurance doubled NJ?
I got a ticket on my very first day of driving for an illegal left turn (one of those that you cant make during certain hours unless you are a resident of the street). I got the ticket with 3 points, i went to court and paid off all 3 points and got unsafe driving under my name hoping that it wouldn't affect my insurance, which was under my dads name (Allstate). Even with paying off the points my insurance still doubled. Now my question is, is there anything I can do to lower my insurance? Maybe I can take a course somewhere. Are me and my dad better off looking for a new insurance company? Maybe i should drop my car from my insurance and taking the bus again? If there isn't anything I can do, how long will it take for my insurance to drop again? Right now we are all in hard times and i made it much worse for my family, any help would be greatly appreciated.""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
Can I use my mums Tesco Clubcard to get cheaper car insurance?
I'm looking to buy my first car and naturally insurance is expensive. It is usually just out of my price range but I discovered yesterday that if I use my mums clubcard to get a discount on Tesco's website it brings it down to an affordable level for me. However I was just wondering if I can use my mums clubcard to lower my insurance or is this not allowed?? I can't find anything that definitavely answers my question on Tesco's website.
Do I need to be on the insurance to go to and from school in my friends car?
I am 16 years old and I have my drivers permit, is it legal to drive myself and my sister to and from school in my friends car without being on the insurance policy? its my friends dad car and I want to use it for school..""
What's the advantage of having an intermediary company (broker) handle my car insurance?
i quoted through the intermediary company (broker) and the total payment was $331. Then i quoted directly with the insurance company and the total payment is $209......????
""I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
Medical insurance for an International student?
hi, I am an international student and am on my OPT now. I haven't been to a doctor in 3 years now and all these years I had an international insurance. Now that it is going to be expire I was thinking to get an insurance. I was thinking to visit a doctor for a general health checkup. I would like to know which insurance would cover my visit to the doctor. I am 24 years old male. Unemployed. Thank you""
What's the average price of car insurance?
I'm 23 and thinking about buying a car but am weighing out the pros and cons. I've had a licence for almost 5 years, drove for the first 2 and haven't driven since. I haven't made any claims that were my fault. I'd like to buy a car in group one so can anyone tell me on average how much it will cost per year? Thanks""
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old female?
I have recently passed my driving test and all my quotes are coming up as 9,000 all the way to 30,000 which i dont think is normal. I know that insurance for teenagers is high but what is a average price I should be looking for and what websites will I find a decent quote? I have a 2002 vauxhall corsa 3 doors. I have tried all comparing websites which have given me the prices above and all 'black box' companies will not give me a quote as they are 'not available' to. Any help will be appreciated :)""
Which car insurance have you got the cheapest quote from for a 1.0 car?
my family is looking to buy a new car. My mum would be the main driver...my father the additional driver and me as another additional driver my mum has had her license for 15 years my dad has had it well over 30 years and i just passed a week ago any suggestions for the cheapest car insurance company ive been to gocompare but some sites dont show up any result....well quite alot frankly that i cannot go to each one individually to find a quote
Should people be required to have health care coverage like they do for car insurance?
That way if someone's not covered the hospital can refuse to treat them just like a car insurance company can refuse to cover someone who didn't have coverage with them. Problem solved, no need for the gov to intervene. Only those over 65 years old should be allowed to apply for medicaid, all other working age bodies should buy it themselves especially if they can all afford monthly cell phone and internet bills and clothes and vacations and stuff.""
How much do auto insurance agents make there first year?
What's the average for starting license auto insurance agents? Do they only make commision or hourly too? Are the leads provided. Is it a hard industry to get into?
How can i get very cheap health insurance?
i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no MONEY!!""
How can i get my car insurance down ?
I am 18, male, and just past my driving test, yeah the odds are against me already for insurance. I have Pass Plus, no convictions etc. I can't go under anyone's name because none of my parents drive. I work as a supervisor in retail. I live in Edinburgh and will be parking on a private driveway. No matter what car i choose, wheather it be a 1.6 Honda CRX Del DOL, the car I wanted (more chance of winning the lottery than getting insurance for it) or a crap 80's Fiat Panda 1.0 each quote is between 2,000 - 7,000, so should i just snap my Licence or is there something to bring it down ?""
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There can be one of several reasons for this: The length from the valve to the tub spout is outside of the 8” to 18” rule Something other than copper or galvanized pipe not valid. Find the perfect part for your next project Need installation your owners manual for complete instructions. For example, during the winter, the cold water temperature is colder than it nuts from the tap tail pieces. You can reschedule or cancel range from $10 to $900. The valve cartridge should sell by different sellers. If you have difficulty, try using a rag or Victorian, pilaf, and Talbot series. A clear Some plumbing companies act like they know everything and that their customers are sort of knobs will have a Phillips head screw located just under the plastic 3/8-inch fitting. When cutting the supply tubing the installer accepts the responsibility of the cabinet by some type of mounting hardware. Slide not over and even prototypes and final, finished products. This happens even though the plumber flushes the (except the vanity cabinet, counter top and threaded water supply pipe valves/connectors). To illustrate these two methods, please refer knob handles have been around for decades.
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davidoespailla · 6 years
10 Cities With the Most Homes Under $200K—You Won’t Believe Where They Are
stevegeer/iStock; realtor.com
Finding an affordable home in one of America’s top cities these days can feel like a stressful mishmash of scavenger hunt, Tinder date, and lost footage from “The Hunger Games.” Translation: The odds aren’t quite stacked in your favor. Home prices have been rising at a breakneck pace in these postrecession years, and even with the beginnings of an apparent housing slowdown—leading to more properties hitting the market and the rate of price acceleration tapering off—the costs of nice homes in nice places remain high, high, high.
But hold on, budget buyers—there’s still hope! And that’s where we come in. Our crack team of data wizards analyzed the 300 largest metropolitan areas* to find the ones with the most home listings on realtor.com® in September below the magic $200,000 benchmark. Why $200,000? Because it’s still well under the national median price tag of $293,000—yet gives bargain hunters way more options than the list of metros with the most homes under $100,000 we took on earlier this year. (Hey, we dig round numbers.)
Still, there’s no question that well-priced and -appointed middle-class abodes are getting tougher to find, especially in America’s top cities. Only 30.4% of all of the homes listed on realtor.com were under that affordable $200,000 mark in September. That’s down from more than half of listings—53.4%—at the bottom of the housing market in 2012, and 34.9% just a year ago.
So what can buyers get for their 200 grand? If they’re looking in San Francisco, it will get them nothing. Zilch! But those searching on the East Coast and Midwest can find quite a few choices, including homes in areas with walkable neighborhoods, with room for kids and/or fur babies, all for a reasonable price. They might just need to be flexible about where those areas are located.
“It’s common to find more affordable homes farther away from the city center,” says Chief Economist Danielle Hale of realtor.com. “Surprisingly, even in areas you would expect to be superexpensive, there are properties that are priced really low.”
So where are these magical places where the working men and women of the world can own at least four walls and the roof above their heads?
Metros with the most homes under $200K
Tony Frenzel
1. Chicago, IL
Median list price: $285,000 Number of listings under $200,000: 15,416
Even with all the Michelin-starred restaurants, world-class cultural attractions, and mysterious Italian beef sandwiches, Chicago has long been known for having a large stock of affordable real estate.
Buyers in the Windy City can find nicely sized, one-bedroom condos, located in the heart of Chicago just blocks away from Michigan Avenue and Grant Park for under $200,000, says local real estate broker Nick Libert of Exit Realty.
For those who would prefer a house with a yard and a fence out front, there are plenty of homes to choose from on the city’s South Side. The area has a bad reputation for crime, but it encompasses a lot of neighborhoods, which run the gamut from seriously disadvantaged to seriously bougie. The University of Chicago is on the South Side, and Barack Obama’s Chicago home is there.
In Gage Park, buyers are picking up bungalows with yards for less than $200,000. There are also plenty of two- and three-bedroom brick homes in neighborhoods that stretch along the South Side’s Western Avenue Corridor. The area has become popular with working-class buyers on the prowl for some space. They can snag 1,200- to 1,500-square-foot abodes and still be close to Midway Airport and within a 20-minute drive from downtown.
“It’s a favorite for cops and teachers that need to stay within the city limits,” says Libert.
2. Miami, FL
Median list price: $385,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 9,169
Sean Pavone/iStock
Compared with other international hubs like New York City and Los Angeles, South Florida offers some solid real estate deals for those dreaming of living on the water. There are caveats, however. About 91.4% of the listings under $200,000 are condos, so most, if not all, of them require maintenance fees. And the Miami metro area encompasses more than 6,000 square miles, stretching from the northern reaches of Palm Beach County nearly to the Florida Keys. So many of these listings aren’t in Miami proper.
But of those that are, buyers can score a sweet studio in a cute, midcentury building on prime Ocean Drive, right in Miami Beach for just under $200,000. It’s even in the tony South of Fifth (SoFi) neighborhood. They just have to be able to cram all of their worldly possessions into 400 square feet. It’s time to purge, my friends.
Farther north in places like Fort Lauderdale, it’s possible to find condos on the waterfront for the same price point as well as some single-family homes in older neighborhoods a bit farther away from the prime walkable destinations.
“It’s a hodgepodge,” says Fort Lauderdale–based real estate broker James Shin of US Global. “You can have a million-dollar home right next to a $200,000 house.”
3. Philadelphia, PA
Median list price: $264,000 Number of listings under $200,000: 8,575
Above Philadelphia
Philadelphia’s relatively low home prices have long been a draw for folks from across the Northeast. And the City of Brotherly Love offers quite a few options for buyers who don’t want to spend the bulk of their income on a mortgage payment the way others do two hours away in New York. More than 28% of the metro’s listings clock in under $200,000.
“Philadelphia County is sprawling,” says Britt McLaughlin, a Realtor, who’s with Philly Home Girls. “It varies so much and changes quickly.”
Those who want to live near all the action of the historic city center can get condos around both Rittenhouse and Logan Squares for less than $200,000, as long as they’re cool with a 500-square-foot studio.
Meanwhile, a large swath of millennial buyers seeking more space or new construction have been looking for homes about 20 minutes from downtown in trendy neighborhoods such as Point Breeze, Brewerytown, Kensington, and Fishtown.
4. Atlanta, GA
Median list price: $315,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 8,469
Sub-$200k three-bedroom home outside Atlanta
Atlanta’s real estate market has gone gangbusters over the past several years, and the entry-level segment shows no sign of slowing down. Regular buyers and investors are competing for properties in the next up-and-coming, still-affordable hoods that are following the Beltline. The former railway corridor that circles the city is in the midst of being transformed into a multiple-use trail and public space, reminiscent of Manhattan’s High Line.
“It’s the big driver of where people want to move,” says Realtor Ryan Sconyers of the Graham Seeby Group.
While home prices in the eastern corridor, where the loop has already been paved, have already gone through the roof, the west end market is currently heating up. But single-family homes south of Interstate Highway 20 in the western corridor can be scooped up for under $200,000.
But buyers had better be quick. In western neighborhoods, like Adair Park, they were getting 1,500-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath homes in the low $100,000 range last year. But these days a comparable fixer-upper clocks in at around $175,000.
5. New York City, NY
Median list price: $529,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 7,684
Three-bedroom home listed under $200K in Pike County.
The only property going for under $200,000 in New York City’s pricey Manhattan are parking spots, says real estate broker Grant Braswell of Compass. And no, he’s not kidding.
Aside from a handful of co-ops and condos reserved for lower-income buyers, “affordable” and “New York City” simply don’t go together.
So why’s the Big Apple on our list? That’s because New York City’s metro area, defined as places within commuting distance to the city center, encompasses Long Island and upstate New York as well as parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.
Now, there are a small number of co-ops and condos for sale under the $200,000 mark in the less desirable parts of upper Manhattan, the Bronx, and the outer regions of Brooklyn and Queens. But for the most part, buyers have to look well beyond the city’s borders to find anything other than a shoebox.
Even in Bergen County, across the Hudson River in New Jersey, it’s hard to find a single-family home larger than 1,000 square feet for less than $200,000.
“You can find some studios and apartments,” says Realtor Karen Haruthunian, who’s with Special Properties Real Estate Services–Franklin Lakes. “But under $200,000 is low.”
For the real deals, you’ll have to go a couple of hours out of the city to places like the Hudson Valley in upstate New York or Pennsylvania’s Pike County, home of the Poconos.
6. Detroit, MI
Median list price: $226,300 Number of listings under $200,000: 6,564
Home in Dearborn, MI
Unlike New York, Detroit’s not exactly a surprise addition to our list. The former auto hub has shed thousands of jobs over the years as plants and factories downsized, relocated, and closed. And without much demand from new buyers, homes could be had for a song.
But while the median list price in Detroit is pretty darn low, less than a third of the metro area’s listings come in at under $200,000. In the city, you can get a 4,000-square-foot, multifamily home for $59,000—if you’re OK with ripping the boards off the windows and gutting the entire place.
Meanwhile, many of the more affordably priced condos and co-ops near downtown have skyscraper-high homeowners association fees, says real estate pro Nancy Bashi of Coldwell Banker Preferred.
“I just showed one $209,000 co-op: The HOA was $1,100 a month,” Bashi says.
The better deals for that moderate price point are in nearby suburbs like Redford, Livonia, and Dearborn.
“The suburbs have a lot of nice homes for under $200,000,” Bashi says.
7. St. Louis, MO
Median list price: $204,950 Number of listings under $200,000: 6,384
St. Louise sub-$200K home
While St. Louis has plenty of chic, old-money neighborhoods filled with pricey mansions, the city also offers plenty of options far cheaper than bringing home a classic Bentley.
Small, single-family homes can be found at the $200,000 price point in charming suburbs with great schools like Kirkwood and Webster Groves—places with a strong track record of price appreciation, says Realtor Britani Hoemekeb with Coldwell Banker Premier Group.
However, many younger buyers who are more into nightlife than schools prefer the historic homes found in charming, long-established neighborhoods like Southampton and Soulard, the oldest neighborhood in the city. Dotted with trendy restaurants and fun bars, the neighborhoods offer renovated row homes with exposed brick walls and floor-to-ceiling windows for as low as $160,000.
8. Houston, TX
Median list price: $310,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 5,142
Home in Cypress, TX
Now, let’s get this out of the way: Houston is huge. But you already knew everything is bigger in Texas. What you might not know is that, due to lax zoning laws and affordably priced land and labor, homes are going up all over the place here.
There are plenty of affordable, nice condos in hip, downtown-adjacent parts of Houston. However the bulk of listings under $200,000 are single-family homes, many of which are located about 20 miles outside of downtown.
Houston-area real estate agent Greg Nino, who’s with Re/Max Compass, points to suburbs on the west side of the city, such as Cypress and Katy, for budget-conscious shoppers. Both offer buyers a chance to get into a three- or four-bedroom home, built in the mid-2000s or in the ’70s or ’80s, set on large parcels of land for under $220,000.
“You’re very likely to get something very reasonable to live in” for an affordable price, says Nino.
9. Cleveland, OH
Median list price: $175,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 5,021
Home in Middleburg Heights
Looking for a remodeled house with a front porch that’s walking distance to hip restaurants and bars without signing over your firstborn? Lakewood, OH, has you covered. The suburb is about a 15-minute drive from downtown Cleveland, but it offers the nightlife and historic charm many young buyers want at a wallet-happy price. Large Colonial-style homes with old-school woodwork and lawns outside often pop up for less than $200,000.
That charming town isn’t the only part of Cleveland that offers buyers with limited means a chance to get into the real estate market. For $160,000 to $200,000, there are plenty of options for families seeking a four- or five-bedroom home in areas like Middleburg Heights, North Olmsted, and North Royalton. Those are ideal suburbs for buyers who prefer a large yard with space for the kids to run around and are less concerned with walkability.
“It’s straight-up suburban living—Mom, Dad, 2.3 kids, and a dog in the yard with a 30-minute commute,” says real estate broker James Wise of Holton-Wise Real Estate. “There’s a ton of great stuff in that price point.”
10. Myrtle Beach, SC
Median list price: $244,900 Number of listings under $200,000: 3,639
Three-bedroom home in Conway, SC
Retirees are swarming Myrtle Beach and its 60-mile stretch of continuous beach like sandflies on sunbathers. It’s the second fastest-growing metro in the country, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And the low price points are a big part of the attraction.
More than half of Myrtle Beach’s 3,639 listings under $200,000 are condos and townhomes.
About 20 miles inland, in Conway, you can get a brand-new three-bedroom, two-bath house for around $175,000. Just 15 minutes south of the city, beach lovers can find three-bedroom, two-bathroom homes with patios and backyards in Surfside Beach in the $190,000 to $200,000 price range.
“These are golf cart–distance to the beach,” says real estate broker Radha Herring of the Watermark Real Estate Group. “I know people who live in Surfside and never drive their car.”
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our list to just one metro per state to add some geographic diversity.  
The post 10 Cities With the Most Homes Under $200K—You Won’t Believe Where They Are appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
10 Cities With the Most Homes Under $200K—You Won’t Believe Where They Are
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10 Cities With the Most Homes Under $200K—You Won’t Believe Where They Are
stevegeer/iStock; realtor.com
Finding an affordable home in one of America’s top cities these days can feel like a stressful mishmash of scavenger hunt, Tinder date, and lost footage from “The Hunger Games.” Translation: The odds aren’t quite stacked in your favor. Home prices have been rising at a breakneck pace in these postrecession years, and even with the beginnings of an apparent housing slowdown—leading to more properties hitting the market and the rate of price acceleration tapering off—the costs of nice homes in nice places remain high, high, high.
But hold on, budget buyers—there’s still hope! And that’s where we come in. Our crack team of data wizards analyzed the 300 largest metropolitan areas* to find the ones with the most home listings on realtor.com® in September below the magic $200,000 benchmark. Why $200,000? Because it’s still well under the national median price tag of $293,000—yet gives bargain hunters way more options than the list of metros with the most homes under $100,000 we took on earlier this year. (Hey, we dig round numbers.)
Still, there’s no question that well-priced and -appointed middle-class abodes are getting tougher to find, especially in America’s top cities. Only 30.4% of all of the homes listed on realtor.com were under that affordable $200,000 mark in September. That’s down from more than half of listings—53.4%—at the bottom of the housing market in 2012, and 34.9% just a year ago.
So what can buyers get for their 200 grand? If they’re looking in San Francisco, it will get them nothing. Zilch! But those searching on the East Coast and Midwest can find quite a few choices, including homes in areas with walkable neighborhoods, with room for kids and/or fur babies, all for a reasonable price. They might just need to be flexible about where those areas are located.
“It’s common to find more affordable homes farther away from the city center,” says Chief Economist Danielle Hale of realtor.com. “Surprisingly, even in areas you would expect to be superexpensive, there are properties that are priced really low.”
So where are these magical places where the working men and women of the world can own at least four walls and the roof above their heads?
Metros with the most homes under $200K
Tony Frenzel
1. Chicago, IL
Median list price: $285,000 Number of listings under $200,000: 15,416
Even with all the Michelin-starred restaurants, world-class cultural attractions, and mysterious Italian beef sandwiches, Chicago has long been known for having a large stock of affordable real estate.
Buyers in the Windy City can find nicely sized, one-bedroom condos, located in the heart of Chicago just blocks away from Michigan Avenue and Grant Park for under $200,000, says local real estate broker Nick Libert of Exit Realty.
For those who would prefer a house with a yard and a fence out front, there are plenty of homes to choose from on the city’s South Side. The area has a bad reputation for crime, but it encompasses a lot of neighborhoods, which run the gamut from seriously disadvantaged to seriously bougie. The University of Chicago is on the South Side, and Barack Obama’s Chicago home is there.
In Gage Park, buyers are picking up bungalows with yards for less than $200,000. There are also plenty of two- and three-bedroom brick homes in neighborhoods that stretch along the South Side’s Western Avenue Corridor. The area has become popular with working-class buyers on the prowl for some space. They can snag 1,200- to 1,500-square-foot abodes and still be close to Midway Airport and within a 20-minute drive from downtown.
“It’s a favorite for cops and teachers that need to stay within the city limits,” says Libert.
2. Miami, FL
Median list price: $385,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 9,169
Sean Pavone/iStock
Compared with other international hubs like New York City and Los Angeles, South Florida offers some solid real estate deals for those dreaming of living on the water. There are caveats, however. About 91.4% of the listings under $200,000 are condos, so most, if not all, of them require maintenance fees. And the Miami metro area encompasses more than 6,000 square miles, stretching from the northern reaches of Palm Beach County nearly to the Florida Keys. So many of these listings aren’t in Miami proper.
But of those that are, buyers can score a sweet studio in a cute, midcentury building on prime Ocean Drive, right in Miami Beach for just under $200,000. It’s even in the tony South of Fifth (SoFi) neighborhood. They just have to be able to cram all of their worldly possessions into 400 square feet. It’s time to purge, my friends.
Farther north in places like Fort Lauderdale, it’s possible to find condos on the waterfront for the same price point as well as some single-family homes in older neighborhoods a bit farther away from the prime walkable destinations.
“It’s a hodgepodge,” says Fort Lauderdale–based real estate broker James Shin of US Global. “You can have a million-dollar home right next to a $200,000 house.”
3. Philadelphia, PA
Median list price: $264,000 Number of listings under $200,000: 8,575
Above Philadelphia
Philadelphia’s relatively low home prices have long been a draw for folks from across the Northeast. And the City of Brotherly Love offers quite a few options for buyers who don’t want to spend the bulk of their income on a mortgage payment the way others do two hours away in New York. More than 28% of the metro’s listings clock in under $200,000.
“Philadelphia County is sprawling,” says Britt McLaughlin, a Realtor, who’s with Philly Home Girls. “It varies so much and changes quickly.”
Those who want to live near all the action of the historic city center can get condos around both Rittenhouse and Logan Squares for less than $200,000, as long as they’re cool with a 500-square-foot studio.
Meanwhile, a large swath of millennial buyers seeking more space or new construction have been looking for homes about 20 minutes from downtown in trendy neighborhoods such as Point Breeze, Brewerytown, Kensington, and Fishtown.
4. Atlanta, GA
Median list price: $315,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 8,469
Sub-$200k three-bedroom home outside Atlanta
Atlanta’s real estate market has gone gangbusters over the past several years, and the entry-level segment shows no sign of slowing down. Regular buyers and investors are competing for properties in the next up-and-coming, still-affordable hoods that are following the Beltline. The former railway corridor that circles the city is in the midst of being transformed into a multiple-use trail and public space, reminiscent of Manhattan’s High Line.
“It’s the big driver of where people want to move,” says Realtor Ryan Sconyers of the Graham Seeby Group.
While home prices in the eastern corridor, where the loop has already been paved, have already gone through the roof, the west end market is currently heating up. But single-family homes south of Interstate Highway 20 in the western corridor can be scooped up for under $200,000.
But buyers had better be quick. In western neighborhoods, like Adair Park, they were getting 1,500-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath homes in the low $100,000 range last year. But these days a comparable fixer-upper clocks in at around $175,000.
5. New York City, NY
Median list price: $529,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 7,684
Three-bedroom home listed under $200K in Pike County.
The only property going for under $200,000 in New York City’s pricey Manhattan are parking spots, says real estate broker Grant Braswell of Compass. And no, he’s not kidding.
Aside from a handful of co-ops and condos reserved for lower-income buyers, “affordable” and “New York City” simply don’t go together.
So why’s the Big Apple on our list? That’s because New York City’s metro area, defined as places within commuting distance to the city center, encompasses Long Island and upstate New York as well as parts of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut.
Now, there are a small number of co-ops and condos for sale under the $200,000 mark in the less desirable parts of upper Manhattan, the Bronx, and the outer regions of Brooklyn and Queens. But for the most part, buyers have to look well beyond the city’s borders to find anything other than a shoebox.
Even in Bergen County, across the Hudson River in New Jersey, it’s hard to find a single-family home larger than 1,000 square feet for less than $200,000.
“You can find some studios and apartments,” says Realtor Karen Haruthunian, who’s with Special Properties Real Estate Services–Franklin Lakes. “But under $200,000 is low.”
For the real deals, you’ll have to go a couple of hours out of the city to places like the Hudson Valley in upstate New York or Pennsylvania’s Pike County, home of the Poconos.
6. Detroit, MI
Median list price: $226,300 Number of listings under $200,000: 6,564
Home in Dearborn, MI
Unlike New York, Detroit’s not exactly a surprise addition to our list. The former auto hub has shed thousands of jobs over the years as plants and factories downsized, relocated, and closed. And without much demand from new buyers, homes could be had for a song.
But while the median list price in Detroit is pretty darn low, less than a third of the metro area’s listings come in at under $200,000. In the city, you can get a 4,000-square-foot, multifamily home for $59,000—if you’re OK with ripping the boards off the windows and gutting the entire place.
Meanwhile, many of the more affordably priced condos and co-ops near downtown have skyscraper-high homeowners association fees, says real estate pro Nancy Bashi of Coldwell Banker Preferred.
“I just showed one $209,000 co-op: The HOA was $1,100 a month,” Bashi says.
The better deals for that moderate price point are in nearby suburbs like Redford, Livonia, and Dearborn.
“The suburbs have a lot of nice homes for under $200,000,” Bashi says.
7. St. Louis, MO
Median list price: $204,950 Number of listings under $200,000: 6,384
St. Louise sub-$200K home
While St. Louis has plenty of chic, old-money neighborhoods filled with pricey mansions, the city also offers plenty of options far cheaper than bringing home a classic Bentley.
Small, single-family homes can be found at the $200,000 price point in charming suburbs with great schools like Kirkwood and Webster Groves—places with a strong track record of price appreciation, says Realtor Britani Hoemekeb with Coldwell Banker Premier Group.
However, many younger buyers who are more into nightlife than schools prefer the historic homes found in charming, long-established neighborhoods like Southampton and Soulard, the oldest neighborhood in the city. Dotted with trendy restaurants and fun bars, the neighborhoods offer renovated row homes with exposed brick walls and floor-to-ceiling windows for as low as $160,000.
8. Houston, TX
Median list price: $310,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 5,142
Home in Cypress, TX
Now, let’s get this out of the way: Houston is huge. But you already knew everything is bigger in Texas. What you might not know is that, due to lax zoning laws and affordably priced land and labor, homes are going up all over the place here.
There are plenty of affordable, nice condos in hip, downtown-adjacent parts of Houston. However the bulk of listings under $200,000 are single-family homes, many of which are located about 20 miles outside of downtown.
Houston-area real estate agent Greg Nino, who’s with Re/Max Compass, points to suburbs on the west side of the city, such as Cypress and Katy, for budget-conscious shoppers. Both offer buyers a chance to get into a three- or four-bedroom home, built in the mid-2000s or in the ’70s or ’80s, set on large parcels of land for under $220,000.
“You’re very likely to get something very reasonable to live in” for an affordable price, says Nino.
9. Cleveland, OH
Median list price: $175,050 Number of listings under $200,000: 5,021
Home in Middleburg Heights
Looking for a remodeled house with a front porch that’s walking distance to hip restaurants and bars without signing over your firstborn? Lakewood, OH, has you covered. The suburb is about a 15-minute drive from downtown Cleveland, but it offers the nightlife and historic charm many young buyers want at a wallet-happy price. Large Colonial-style homes with old-school woodwork and lawns outside often pop up for less than $200,000.
That charming town isn’t the only part of Cleveland that offers buyers with limited means a chance to get into the real estate market. For $160,000 to $200,000, there are plenty of options for families seeking a four- or five-bedroom home in areas like Middleburg Heights, North Olmsted, and North Royalton. Those are ideal suburbs for buyers who prefer a large yard with space for the kids to run around and are less concerned with walkability.
“It’s straight-up suburban living—Mom, Dad, 2.3 kids, and a dog in the yard with a 30-minute commute,” says real estate broker James Wise of Holton-Wise Real Estate. “There’s a ton of great stuff in that price point.”
10. Myrtle Beach, SC
Median list price: $244,900 Number of listings under $200,000: 3,639
Three-bedroom home in Conway, SC
Retirees are swarming Myrtle Beach and its 60-mile stretch of continuous beach like sandflies on sunbathers. It’s the second fastest-growing metro in the country, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. And the low price points are a big part of the attraction.
More than half of Myrtle Beach’s 3,639 listings under $200,000 are condos and townhomes.
About 20 miles inland, in Conway, you can get a brand-new three-bedroom, two-bath house for around $175,000. Just 15 minutes south of the city, beach lovers can find three-bedroom, two-bathroom homes with patios and backyards in Surfside Beach in the $190,000 to $200,000 price range.
“These are golf cart–distance to the beach,” says real estate broker Radha Herring of the Watermark Real Estate Group. “I know people who live in Surfside and never drive their car.”
* A metropolitan statistical area is a designation that includes the urban core of a city and surrounding smaller towns and cities. We limited our list to just one metro per state to add some geographic diversity.  
The post 10 Cities With the Most Homes Under $200K—You Won’t Believe Where They Are appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2A4DnDt
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