#a bi kid who looks like a FREAKING ROMAN GOD who would be on my team for props if he ever had time
qqueenofhades · 1 year
would you ever write a modern/no-powers au for dreamling/sandman?
"Look, Mee," Hob says, for the fourth or fifth time that conversation. "I'm sure your brother is, uh, great, but I'm not sure -- "
"Come on," his best friend says, also for the fourth or fifth time that conversation. "Honestly, you'd be doing me a massive favor. I can barely get him out of the house most days, so I figured that at least the two of you could faff off and be really pathetic together?"
"Thanks." Hob switches the phone to his other ear and glares suspiciously out at the garden; when you've got two small children and it's quiet, you figure something's gone terribly amiss. Robyn and Alison haven't burnt the place down or gotten run over in traffic, but they're playing with something small, muddy and possibly still alive, and Hob debates whether he has to sprint out and save them from certain death. "You're a great friend, truly."
"I know," Morticia says airily. That does, bewilderingly, seem to be her actual name (were her parents massive Addams Family fans or something?) but with Hob and the rest of her friends, she generally goes by Mors, or Mee for short. He looked it up once. Ancient Roman god(dess) of death, which made him laugh, at least when it didn't kick him in the teeth. "You can thank me later."
"And I want to spend time with your brother... why?"
"Because." Oh God, here it comes. He can hear her trying not to say it, the same way everyone's tried not to say it in the going-on-eighteen months since his wife went into an ordinary central-London NHS hospital to give birth to their second child and didn't come back out. "You know it would be good for you, Robbie."
"Right." Hob's voice turns wry. "Can't have me wallowing alone in my misery? You know I've got the kids to look after, and they're talking about extending my contract at Birkbeck. I'm keeping busy."
Keeping busy. It always sounds stupid, even if it's the truth. Like you can chase overwhelming, soul-crushing grief away just by getting out of bed and making breakfast for the kids, holding Robyn's hand as you trundle off on the school run and tell him to have a good day, the thousand and one ways you think you're massively arsing this up and Ellie would have been so much better. Every time the doorbell rings or someone comes up the walk, he thinks -- for a stupid moment he thinks -- and then of course it isn't. You think about women dying in childbirth like it's something out of medieval times, or some third-world country. Not in England in the twenty-first century. Not in London. Not as if your daughter is beautiful and bright and alive, and every time you look at her, you remember that her mother isn't, and the happiness you feel is poisoned by grief again, cold and blue and endless as the ocean. You laugh with the kids at some Disney cartoon one moment, and the next, you're crying alone in the kitchen, in bed, in the silent darkness. And no matter how much you ask, she doesn't answer. You think she does, sometimes. You're just fooling yourself.
You know, Hob thinks. Maybe it would be good for him. At least it would let him spend time with (if Mee's account is anything to go by) the one man in all of London more pathetic than him. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. Even if she is trying to set him up, she wouldn't admit it. She isn't, surely? Trying to match her brother off with her best friend, widowed-single-dad-part-time-lecturer who's clinging onto sanity by the bare edge of his fingernails? Right? Fuck. Should never have told her that he's bi. Doubled her meddling possibilities at a stroke. And yet. He's so lonely, he almost doesn't care.
"Fine," Hob says resignedly. "I'll see if I can get a sitter for the kids. And it better not be that grotty brewery in Shepherd's Bush you dragged me to last time."
"No." Mee sounds like she's laughing at him. She probably is laughing at him, or else she thinks he's become such a pathologically undatable freak that his only chance for happiness ever again is with her equally pathetic little brother. "Nice new Asian-fusion place. Hammersmith. Fifteen minutes from you on the Tube. Don't chicken out, Robert."
And with that, well --
There's pretty much no choice.
Hob finds a sitter for the kids, promises to pay her twenty quid an hour (it's London, after all), and grumblingly picks out some clothes. He's not good at this. It's been almost ten years since he was dating anyone, and Eleanor was from a rich enough family that there was no chance of ever impressing her parents; he could have turned up in anything from Savile Row to a bloody dishcloth and they still would have hated him. Then he finds himself fucking around to the point where he's going to be late, the Tube will be a nightmare anyway, and panics again and rushes out the door with barely a word about what to feed the kids and when to put them to bed. Is nice Olivia from down the street judging him? She almost surely is.
Hob grimly toddles off to Hammersmith, exits into a light rain, and spends an inordinate amount of time searching for the restaurant. When he finally steps inside, he's not quite sure who he's looking for. Mee texted him a picture of her brother, but Hob has trouble believing that such a pale, pasty, and terminally uncharismatic twink could ever be related to her. One of them has to be adopted, and he's laying money on this one, whose name is -- no, seriously -- Morpheus. Morticia and Morpheus. What is wrong with their parents? Determined to doom their children to an eternity of primary-school torment?
Hob contemplates turning around and leaving, but now he's come this far, Olivia will definitely judge him if he returns within the hour, and frankly, he's judging himself. Even worse, he's fairly sure he's just spotted his man. Morpheus (come on, really?) is sitting by himself at a corner table, looking appropriately dark and broody, in his emo-goth dark coat and toilet-brush hair. Just like the photo. He's admittedly not bad-looking in person; he's got a pale, chiseled beauty that is briefly arresting, almost unearthly. Still, though. Definitely a wanker.
"Hello," Hob says, deciding to bite the bullet. He strides over, hand outstretched. "I'm Robert Gadling, and I think you're the bloke I'm supposed to be meeting? I know your sister."
Morpheus's mouth makes a small lemon-sucking motion. He rises to his feet, regards Hob's hand as if not certain what to do with it and/or wondering if he can get away with not touching it, and finally shakes it, brief and cold and dry. "I am," he says curtly. "You may sit."
Well, good. Glad they got His Majesty's permission. No unauthorized sitting happening here, no sir. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Hob puts his bag on the floor and slides into the chair across from Morpheus. Like every Londoner at a loss for a better opening line, he reaches for the weather. "Shame about this piss, isn't it? And it was all the way up to twenty degrees last week. Did you have to come far?"
"No," Morpheus says, still not displaying any particular delight in being forced to spend this evening in the presence of another human being and looking as if he is very much hoping the floor will suddenly open up and swallow him. "Not far."
Hob waits, in vain, on the chance that Morpheus might elaborate. He does not. Well. This is going swimmingly. Are they on a date? Did Mee tell him that they were on a date? Is Hob sure this isn't an extremely elaborate prank, and she just plucked one of her single friends from the vast and bewildering mystery of her acquaintances? Truly, it is no wonder that Morpheus is, in fact, unattached. He's got the personality of a soggy rag and the face of -- well, not that. He is pretty. But Hob is not that shallow. Thanks very much.
Conversation suffers badly until they order drinks and food; or rather Hob orders, and Morpheus says that he'll take just a glass of wine. He does loosen up slightly as they talk; Hob does most of that, but Morpheus listens with cool, intent attention. From time to time he asks a question, but he doesn't interrupt, and finally Hob, trying to make it as light-hearted as "my wife died eighteen months ago and this is the first not-date I've been on ever since" can possibly be, admits it. He braces for Morpheus to get up, to run, to fire off an indignant text to Morticia or anything else, but he doesn't. He just nods once. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I know that it is... difficult."
All of a sudden, Hob is forced to consider the startling and unsettling possibility that Morpheus himself knows something about this. He can't say why or how that might be, but life is full of mysteries. "I -- yeah." It's an abject relief to say it and to have someone acknowledge it simply and matter-of-factly, not smother him with sympathy or cluck about how hard it is. "So if I'm off my game, that, uh. That's why."
Morpheus thinks about that for a long moment. Then all at once, out of nowhere, he smiles. It completely transforms his face, it twists like a fishhook in Hob's gut, and all of a sudden, he wonders in alarm if he is, in fact, entirely that shallow after all. "Believe me, Hob Gadling," Morpheus says. "It has very much been my pleasure."
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thundergoodspeed · 2 years
asking my producer/costumer if i can wear my enby pride flag in character to the booth our group is gonna have set up at provo pride
(she’s probably gonna say yes but since i’d be representing the group [and our lgbt diversity] at an actual event i have to get permission xD)
0 notes
the-ghost-king · 4 years
what r some of ur favorite headcanons abt nico?
Anon you have made my freaking day:
When he's drunk he's like one of those girls crying in the bathroom to another girl about how beautiful they are. Is your friend drunk and sad? Nico will take care of them, he's going to yell at them about how beautiful they are in front of a mirror and remind them that they shouldn't put up with that from someone else
He's a snake or frog gay not a rodent gay
I will bet my life on the fact that nico wears name brand shit and doesnt even know it... What do you mean a normal persons t-shirt doesn't cost $100? What do you mean you don't replace your clothes every season?
Nico doesn't understand how fashion or room decor works, but he's really good at it. He doesn't know what he's doing but he just somehow miraculously knows what looks good
I know lots of people have headcanons about Nico hating water but I disagree- he's from Venice and water always reminds him of the Aqua Alta which is his favorite season
He's always sort of known he was gay he just didn't have the words to describe exactly what he was feeling and he alone had some internalized homophobia and he kind of thought as a kid that he would "grow out of it" kind of sort of (he finally understood what he was feeling when he was probably like 8 but that's too many spoilers for my wip)
He's a legacy of Apollo (or whatever the Greek equivalent is- Apollo made his family ✨famous✨ and I have actually worked this into a current wip; might be willing to share that paragraph) and he's a legacy of Victoria too... He has some Middle Eastern ancestry, some Germanic and Norse ancestry, and some Asian ancestry so he's not just related to Greek/Roman gods but I haven't decided on specific gods yet so I'm doing a bit more research before settling down to any specific ones (also I have a whole post on Nico's most likely genetic makeup before anyone goes off about how it's unlikely someone would be part of all these religious groups; Venice has been a major global trading port for years and I hc Nico's family as basically royalty so they were definitely marrying out of country fight me)
Although he is a child of so many different polytheistic bloodlines his families idea was always "if those gods exist why can monotheistic gods do so too?" and so (I hc Nico as being raised Catholic because of social positioning headcanons and laws in 1920-40s Italy) Maria raised her kids to respect all religions and their god(s) despite how very very illegal this would have been at the time
Nico was basically a child prodigy; he's a polygot who probably has advanced skills in music as well if you ask me
Maria thought Nico might not be entirely heterosexual™ once but she kind of just shrugged it off because it's easier not to think about something like that when it might be harmful because of the time period, she did try to shield him and Bianca from some of the worst cases of homophobia in fascist Italy though; Hades totally knew Nico was not straight though and he was just down with it (Hades is the type of guy who has tried to date men 1 or 2 times and realized it wasn't for him so he's straight with a few exceptions so to him it was chill... I hc Maria as bi but like, she struggled to accept it so only dated men)
Nico and Reyna (and Hazel too) all get some sort of paper at some point where they adopt one another as official siblings basically... They're probably drunk or something when they do it and try to get it legalized somehow (not sure if that's actually possible irl) and if it's not a possibility then they just get it done through New Rome somehow
I think I'm going to stop here for now but this was a lot of fun, thanks anon
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nekoabiwrites · 4 years
Oh my god, they were roommates...
IT’S @not-so-innocent-bi-sander‘s BIRTHDAY! At least in my time zone~ And I tried my best to make a fic that covers all that Jordan loves :D
AU: Human/College AU Pairing: Prinxiety Words: 3408 Warnings: Panic attack, nudity. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Virgil didn’t think he’d ever see him again and yet, here he was... and he was hot!
“Across the hall from your room is our final roommate, Virgil Evans. He pr-”
“Virgil Evans?!”
The loud exclamation of his name had something clicking in the young adult’s mind. The voice was eerily familiar, though Virgil would have sworn up and down that it was just a hallucination and that no one was even out on the landing. The now muffled voices and the thumping of heavy things hitting the ground told him that someone was definitely out there, or at least was before they moved into the empty room opposite his own. There was no way it could be… could it? He went to shake the thought from his head and get back to work, but a sudden excited knocking at his door interrupted him. With a slight shake of his hand, Virgil walked up to the door and grasped the handle to see who was on the opposite side.
Everything stood still immediately once the door was opened. Virgil was, metaphorically, flung back in time by the mere sight of the man before him.
They had both been akin to outcasts in middle school; one a fledgling emo who was too scary and quiet, the other a small pudgy child who was too loud and excitable. Somehow, they were complete opposites yet fit so well together, almost like puzzle pieces. They liked to play make-believe, watch Disney movies, draw and paint. Though, on a deeper level, there was far more in common.
Virgil had been in denial in middle school. He realised that he found his friend absolutely adorable and really cute, and he realised one day during a pretend scene of true love’s kiss saving the day that he actually did like kissing his friend. But Virgil couldn’t say that, it could ruin his best friendship and – most definitely – the rest of his entire life. So, it stayed hidden and Virgil pretended like all of his emotions weren’t there. Up until the day he left.
One day, Virgil was waiting in the usual spot when his friend approached him, looking sad. He told Virgil that his family were moving away, and he was going to have to change schools. It felt as though Virgil’s entire world was crashing around him. A week passed and he was gone. Virgil was back to being alone. He thought he’d never see his friend again. Apparently, he was dead wrong.
“I can’t believe it! It’s actually you! I’d recognise your emo ass anywhere, though I didn’t expect you to get better at it!” His old friend laughed heartily, giving Virgil a once over.
Virgil rolled his eyes and leant against the doorframe, arms crossed, “Didn’t expect you to become a meathead like your brothers, but I guess we were both wrong, Roman Prince.” Virgil put extra emphasis on his last name, which caused a grin spread across his face as the man before him almost inflated with indignation.
“How dare you!” Roman pressed a hand to his chest dramatically, “I will have you know I surpassed them greatly with my grades, thank you very much!”
“Like that was hard.”
“Are you undermining my achievements?!”
“A little.”
They continued to argue back and forth for a few more minutes before a quiet voice interrupted them and both of their heads turned to the new participant in the conversation. “Um, are you two fighting? Please don’t fight, at least not on the first day…”
Virgil ducked his head in embarrassment, “Sorry, Pat… Didn’t mean to freak you out…”
“Yes, many apologies. We weren’t arguing. Just old friends teasing each other as you do!”
Patton’s eyes lit up, “Wait! Are you the friend from middle school that V-”
Immediately, the emo was out of the doorway and in front of Patton, his hand clamped over his mouth. “Patton, shut up!” Virgil hissed, his face already beginning to burn in embarrassment.
A chuckle had Virgil’s stomach churning, “So, Virgil has mentioned me, hm? I guess I am unforgettable.”
“Whatever. I’ll be in my room.” Virgil muttered, slinking back into the dark bedroom. He shut the door in Roman’s face, who tried to get one last comment in. He listened carefully to the sounds in the hallway; the short conversation between Roman and Patton, the footsteps descending the stairs as the door across the hall shut and vague noises of Roman unpacking started. Only then did Virgil allow himself to whisper scream as he collapsed onto his sheets. He asked a question in his mind, ‘How the fuck did he get hot?!’
Virgil hoped that, over time and with exposure, his sudden surge of attraction to his old friend would dissipate. Perhaps Roman would have weird habits that would turn Virgil off or maybe his personality – having changed over the years – would grind on Virgil’s last nerve until every ounce of attraction fizzled away. Of course, things were not that simple.
Roman was just as energetic and friendly as he had been years prior, easily making friends with not only the other roommates living with them but also many other students, and even the grumpy old lady who lived in the house next door who always complained about the weird phantom noises they were apparently making at 3am when they were all asleep (or at least, lying in bed). He always had time for Virgil though.
By the end of the first week he’d been living in the house, Roman had somehow gained an all-access pass to Virgil’s room at most reasonable times of the day. To the point that the two would just sit and do work before eventually falling into long discussions – or arguments – about nothing in particular. Some days, they’d simply fill each other in on their lives since they parted ways. Roman was extremely invested in Virgil’s life and what became of the other kids from their school, and Virgil could say the same about Roman.
It was during one of these conversations that Roman asked a particularly interesting question. He was laying on his front, head held up by his hands. There was an open notebook to the side of him, though it was all but forgotten at this point.
“I haven’t heard you mention anything about the topic but I’m very interested, so I’ll ask anyway. How many of the girls did you have throwing themselves at you when you got older? I bet that dark and mysterious vibe got them all, didn’t it?” Roman wiggled his eyebrows playfully, grinning slyly as Virgil choked on the drink in his hand.
The emo put the cup down and smacked his chest a couple of times before rasping out a short “What?! No. The fuck?!”
“Oh… Sorry, I just thought with your good looks and the whole… aesthetic you have going on, you’d have the pick of them all.” Roman said sincerely. Virgil’s cheeks darkened at the compliment and Roman’s eyes quickly lit up. He swung around, throwing his legs off the side so he could assess Virgil closer, “Virgil… I don’t mean to pry, and you don’t have to answer me but… were there any… guys?”
The immediate spinning of Virgil’s desk chair told Roman everything. The sly grin creeped back up onto his face as he stood, approaching the chair that now faced away from him. Roman faked a gasp before resting his crossed arms on the back of the chair, “Did I get it right?”
Virgil huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. In a single swift movement, he grabbed the rainbow stress toy from his desk (a gift from Patton) and threw it over his shoulder, attempting to hit Roman’s shoulder with it. However, the tug on the back of the chair and the undignified high-pitched yelp followed by stumbling steps had Virgil thinking he’d missed his mark. It didn’t stop him from laughing after he turned in his chair and found Roman pouting at him indignantly.
“Oh, yes. Laugh it up. It’s just so funny that you tried to assault me!” Roman tossed his head with a sniff, a haughty look upon his face.
Virgil managed to control himself a little in order to respond, “You look like such a jock, but you are way too gay for that. And I hope that this answered your dumb question, Princey.” He picked the stress toy off the ground and held it up for Roman to truly get a look at before putting it back on his desk.
Roman perked back up once he saw the toy properly, “Well, thank goodness for that! I don’t think I could have lived knowing someone as pretty as you was straight.” He situated himself back on Virgil’s bed and went back to looking over his notes, while Virgil stewed over what he’d just heard.
The weeks passed and nothing was getting better for Virgil. It had gotten to the point where he couldn’t just bottle it up within himself anymore, he just had to talk to someone. That’s how he found himself laying on his back on Logan’s bed, staring up at the precise constellations that dotted his ceiling.
“If you truly want my opinion, Virgil, it seems there is enough evidence to show that your affecti-”
“Ahhh, don’t call it that!” Virgil threw an arm over his eyes, as if that would help him get away from the truth of his smart friend’s words, “Is there anything else you can say instead?”
Logan placed his tablet pen back into its holder, twisted the lid of his laptop back to its regular position and turned to face his bed. His left leg crossed over his right and his arms tightly crossed over his chest, looking at Virgil with his stern steely gaze. The emo lying there almost squirmed away, as he could feel the piercing gaze even without seeing it.
“Ughhhh, I knew you’d be no help!” Virgil slid himself off of the sheets and onto his feet, heading towards the door, “I’m gonna go see if Patton’s in. Maybe he’ll help me more!”
Logan said nothing, simply shrugging – which Virgil caught sight of in the mirror next to the door – before turning back to his work, “If you think he’ll help, then go ahead. Unlike you, I am actually trying to complete my studies, so you’ll know where I will be.”
A light twitch of a smile came to Virgil’s lip as he muttered a thanks under his breath before fake-storming out of Logan’s room, shutting the door behind him. He pulled his phone from his pocket and went to text Patton. His attention was so focused on his phone that he didn’t notice the sound of a new door opening near to him. It was only when he collided with something warm and solid that Virgil realised someone else was in the hallway with him. He quickly lifted his head to apologise, but found his words catching in his throat at the sight.
Roman stood just in front of him, still damp from his shower that he’d clearly just finished. His hair was slicked back with the water, though a few strands had fallen across his forehead from the slight jolt of someone walking into him. Virgil’s eyes couldn’t help but follow the trail of a droplet that had already run its course down Roman’s torso, drinking in every detail of his clearly well-looked after body. He was just muscular enough to have definition, as well as being incredibly broad chested – which really made Virgil realise how much taller Roman had grown as Virgil had clearly made contact with his pecs when they’d bumped into each other. His eyes travelled even further before Virgil could even consider tearing his eyes away from the sight before him. Roman’s body was almost that unbelievable triangle shape that he’d only seen on magazine covers, advertisements and movies. It even had that V-shape that guided Virgil’s gaze to the towel that was hanging low on Roman’s waist, being held up by only one of Roman’s hands.
All of a sudden, Virgil came back to himself. Thankfully, it had only been a few seconds since the impact, and both had been a little startled. Virgil, however, took several steps away, blushing a deep red. He stuttered, attempting to find something to say as he backed up to Logan’s door again. As he fumbled behind him for the door handle, Roman approached slowly, looking concerned. Virgil hadn’t even noticed he’d started to panic.
“Virgil. It’s okay. We’re both okay. Try to breathe…” Roman spoke calmly, holding his hands before him. However, he’d seemingly forgotten that his hand was the one thing keeping the towel from falling to the ground. As he went to reassure Virgil with both hands, Roman could feel the fabric fall from around his waist.
Virgil outright screeched pterodactyl-style and dove into Logan’s room, his face burning. He didn’t see Roman also turn a fantastical shade of red as he saved at least some of his modesty as the door had been slammed shut just as quick. The larger of the two listened at the door for a few seconds. He waited until he heard Logan speaking to Virgil, coaching him through breathing techniques to quell his panic, before heading back to his room to get dressed.
In Logan’s room, Virgil was slowly uncurling from the tight ball he’d managed to get into in his panic as his breathing was starting to return to a somewhat normal level. His eyes were swimming and his head was pounding, but he was able to make out the shape of Logan kneeling beside him.
“Are you feeling better, Virgil? Would you like me to fetch you some water?” Logan asked, analysing Virgil’s body language.
“That… um, please… yes.” Virgil wheezed, stretching out on the ground. He carefully stretched each muscle from the tips of his fingers to his toes as Logan cautiously stepped around him and out of his room. Virgil allowed the sense of embarrassment to wash over him again and his face continued to burn, though his panic was manageable. He could not believe that he’d almost lost it over Roman, of all people. He went to audibly groan whilst slapping his hands across his face, but the sound of Roman’s voice had him stopping mid-movement to listen to every single syllable.
He heard Roman address Logan, clearly both in the hallway nearer the kitchen.
“How is everything?” Roman asked, concerned.
“He is doing relatively well, compared to the state he came to me in, if that’s what you are asking.” Logan’s voice was getting closer. Virgil sat himself up, so he wasn’t caught by Roman lying on the ground.
“That’s good. Um, could you tell him that I’m sorry for whatever happened. I don’t know if it was my fault or what, but I just want to cover my bases, just in case.”
“I’ll be sure to let him know. I think it’s best if you don’t come too close. Seeing you again may cause a slight relapse.” Logan stated as his voice came right up to the door. Virgil was now sat with his back pressed against the bed, trying his hardest to look natural.
“O-oh. Right. Of course. Um, well… I hope everything is okay…” Roman sounded disappointed, but a set of footsteps started to retreat away from the room and up the stairs.
Logan then opened the door and entered, his face as stoic as ever. He handed the glass of water to Virgil before sitting himself back into his desk chair and continuing to work. Eventually, there was a rustle of bedsheets that told Logan that Virgil had gotten off of the floor and sat himself back on Logan’s bed. Virgil was muttering something under his breath.
The chair spun back around before stopping on a dime as Logan sighed, “Virgil, if you are going to say something, please let me hear it. I would like to help you, but I can’t if I don’t know what’s going on.”
Virgil gave his friend a withering look that had no malice behind it as this was just the way they worked, “I said ‘I’m going to fucking die’” Virgil made air-quotes around his words.
Logan smiled wryly, “If you’re going to do that here, could you at least make it quiet? I do have a project to finish.” He waited to see Virgil smirk and stick his tongue out playfully before turning back to his laptop, giving Virgil some space to think.
It was after dinner when Virgil started to make his ascent back up to his room finally. There had been a long conversation with Logan once the emo had his thoughts in a semi-coherent order which had ultimately ended with the conclusion that both sides had a mutual interest and that Virgil should really just go for whatever he wanted. It was just as that final point was made that Patton knocked on Logan’s door in order to call him out for food.
“Oh! Virgil! I was about to call you and Roman down, but since you’re here, come on out!” Patton cheerfully said, grinning from ear to ear. The peppy student practically skipped away to call out to Roman, leaving Logan’s door wide open. Both of the other students emerged, slipping into the kitchen quietly. As food was being served up and they were all eating, Virgil avoided eye contact with Roman, even as his roommate was trying his hardest to catch Virgil’s eye. He was working out the script in his head, as Virgil knew he would never do it if not today.
It was only once he was halfway up the stairs and Roman called his name that Virgil even contemplated looking at his roommate again. When he did, his face flushed pink once again at the memory of what he’d seen. Virgil pushed that all away however, as Roman took the stairs two at a time to catch up to him.
“Are you alright? I wanted to check on you after what happened earlier, but Logan said I probably shouldn’t. Just in case. But I wanna make sure you’re okay.” Roman rattled off as they both headed up to their rooms.
Virgil stopped outside his room, leaning against the closed door. “Yeah, I’m good. Just was a little… surprised, I guess?” He mumbled, looking at a very interesting piece of the carpeted floor.
“Good. Good. I didn’t want to uh… traumatise you or something.” Roman laughed nervously, which got Virgil’s attention. He’d never heard Roman nervous before.
Slowly, Virgil raised his gaze, “Well, um, thanks? I guess? Logan helped me. We talked about a lot…” he trailed off, unsure of himself.
“What did you talk about?”
“Just… what happened and things.”
Virgil was shifting his weight from foot to foot, his nervousness getting the better of him. He was trying to remember the script he came up with in his head, but nothing was coming to him. This wasn’t how this was all supposed to go. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. The emo growled under his breath before practically shouting, “I fucking like you, okay?!” Immediately, Virgil clapped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened in shock at his own outburst.
The silence rang out between the two students. Virgil was unwilling to move and Roman was almost moving in slow motion. He tentatively reached out, loosely grasping Virgil’s wrist in order to pry his hand away from his mouth. It only took a step to close the distance between them, “I like you too, Virgil. Took you long enough to notice.”
Virgil was shocked this was working out the way it was. He was barely aware of what happened before Roman’s lips were brushing against his own, silently asking a question that required an answer. Instead of words, Virgil simply threw himself onto Roman, crushing their mouths together.
Immediately, his back was pushed up against his closed door once more as Roman took charge of the situation. The larger let go of Virgil’s waist in order to grab the door handle and push it open, leading Virgil inside. As the emo let his bedroom door swing shut, he watched Roman tug his shirt over his head and tossed it aside before taking one large step to close the distance between them once again. The lock on the door hit home immediately.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander​​ @didsomeonesayprince​​ @llamaly​​ @justanotherpurplebutterfly​​  @iaminmultiplefandoms​​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​​ @lowkeyvirgilobsessed​​ @louisthewarlock​​ @fangsandrainbows​​ @xxladystarlightxx​​ @sleepyssnail​​ @ao-koshka​​ @notalwaysthevillian​​ @pumpkinminette​​ @doces-e--tuga​​ @coloursintheblur​​ @safesandersides​​ @hogwarts-my-love​
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queerbutstillhere · 4 years
Hi how are you? Yo remember that Jercy fluff piece with them realizing they’re gay for each other and both going ‘oh’. If you are up to it please make a part 2 it was so cute and I want them to like confess or something I stg you are such a good writer and your stuff is so cute thankssssa ❤️❤️🥰🥰
HI! Thanks for Asking!!! I’ve been wanting to write a part two to this for a while!!!! Click the link just below for part one!
Part One!
It had been two weeks since their sleep over.
Neither one had addressed anything, but the sad pining from across the dining pavilion and the mildly sexual sparing fights and the constant flirting was driving their friends insane.
(So insane that they had literally made a bet on when the two were going to get together. Nico and Annabeth said it wouldn't be until the last day of summer camp, while Will and Grover insisted it'd be within the first few weeks.)
The truth of the matter was neither one of them had any idea how to handle this. 
Sure they had both been in relationships, but that was with girls, plus what if the other one didn't feel the same? Coming out to themselves had been a whole thing on its own, let alone coming out to their friends. Percy had told Annabeth first, and she just smiled and ruffled his hair. Meanwhile Jason nearly had a breakdown, bursting in on Will and Nico(who had been trying to have a nice evening in) and just ranted to them for nearly twenty minutes. They had heard so much about how hot Percy was in those twenty minutes. Nico had responded bluntly with "then go fucking kiss him, you dumbass".
"But what if he hates me after!" Jason had cried, truly distraught.
"He's not going to, trust us, Jason," Will had assured him.
Jason had promptly ignored their advice and returned to wallowing in self misery and hopeless pining. If only he had known it wasn't hopeless.
Percy, on the other hand, was accepting this rather gracefully. He wasn't terribly surprised he was bisexual, or pansexual, whatever. He'd spent enough time in Camp Jupiter, working out with hot Romans to have begun to realize that he wasn't just attracted to women. The problem was that he was hardcore crushing on his best friend. The boyscout, Jason Grace. Who was probably straight.
Why was his life a constant wheel of disappointment?
So, with the two idiots hopelessly in love and hopelessly dancing around each other, their friends abandoned the bet and decided to start playing matchmaker. Their rules were simple, however. They would not outright tell one that the other was crushing, because it was Percy and Jason's job to come out to the other. Even if it was so painful to watch.
There were so many times when they had arranged a group hangout, and then everyone else bailed fairly early, in the hopes that they would get talking and confess. But alas. It had yet to happen, and they were nearing mid July.
The turning point came when a group of them were hanging out around a campfire, late at night, and Percy, having forgotten that he hadn't told everyone, just spoke without thinking.
"I'm thinking about coming out to my mom."
There was a brief pause of silence before Will spoke.
"Yeah? How do you think she'll react?"
"Dunno, I think she'll be okay?" Percy said, glancing up from his intense staring into the fire, and then looking over at Jason.
Jason's blue eyes were the size of the full moon behind him, his mouth hanging open.
"What?" Percy asked with a laugh, and then it hit him.
Jason didn't know.
"Oh," he said softly. "Yeah I'm . . . Bi or something."
"O-oh," Jason squeaked out, voice cracking uncharacteristically. "Cool."
Nico suddenly burst out in laughter, immediately getting yelled at by Will and Katie Gardner. Percy frowned at them, before glancing at Jason, nervousness filling him. What was Jason thinking? He was chill with Nico and Will, surely he'd be okay with Percy being Bi?
Jason was freaking out. Very silently. He did know how to keep his chill. But he was struggling. Because his brain was a screaming mess of "oh my gods he's bi. Oh my gods I might actually have a chance with him. Oh my gods-". Listen, he's just a chaotic, messy disaster bisexual, he doesn't know how to do these things.
It took nearly two days for him to bring it up, and even then it was just to Nico at breakfast.
"How long have you guys known he was bi?" Jason asked softly.
Today Nico was sitting with him. Will had pulled a late night at the infirmary and was still asleep, so Nico had no reason to sit with the Apollo cabin. The big three kids usually sat together, but Percy had gone home for the weekend, so it was just Jason and Nico sitting at what would have been the Cabin 1 table, but had just become the joint table.
"For like, weeks."
"Why didn't you tell me!"
Nico shrugged, pushing around his eggs on his plate. "Wasn't my place? You remember when Eros outed me?"
"Oh, right. Shit. . . "
Another shrug from the younger teen. They sat in silence.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
"What!" Jason asked, glancing up at Nico, who was now done with his eggs.
"Percy? Are you gonna tell him you're not straight?"
"I dunno. I dunno what I am."
Nico frowned, reaching to steal Jason's bacon. Jason didn't complain.
"What do you mean."
"It's like…. It's hard to explain. Like." Jason sighed, turning to face Nico. "Katie is really pretty, right?"
Nico turned to look at their friend, shrugging lightly. "Yeah."
"But I'm not like… attracted to her, or really, any woman? And when I realized I thought, oh, maybe I'm gay, but like. Malcom is really handsome. And I'm not attracted to him either."
Nico's gaze swung to the co-counselor of the Athena cabin. Then he looked back to Jason, frowning lightly.
"So then I was thinking, maybe I'm ace?" Jason continued, rambling now, more than anything. "But bro, Percy is hot as hell, and I'm incredibly attracted to him. So I'm just confused."
Nico was silent, staring down at the table.
"Demisexual?" He said randomly.
"What? What's that?"
"It just. . . Demisexual's don't really experience sexual attraction unless they have a strong emotional bond with someone. It's kinda what you just described to me."
Jason stared at him with wide eyes."Holy shit."
Nico smirked slightly, collecting his dishes and standing. "I gotta go get Will, but feel free to come chat during lunch."
"Yeah," Jason murmured, staring at the table and Nico walked away.
Mind blown.
By the time Percy got back Monday, Jason was mostly through his crisis. He had spent most of his free time Sunday researching sexualities and mostly demisexual. He felt that Nico had been right. 
Percy came jogging over after his return Monday afternoon. Jason was in the middle of sparring with a kid from the Ares cabin when Percy called him over.
"Hold on," Jason told his opponent as he stepped back. 
He still fought with the Roman style, and it drove the Greeks insane, Percy most especially.
"Yeah, sure," the younger camper said with an amused smirk.
Jason turned away and walked over to Percy. He was wearing an orange t-shirt and what looked like boardshorts, as well as sandals, and a couple bracelets that ran up his forearms. He was grinning, sunglasses pushing his messy black hair up.
"Hey, boy scout," Percy hummed, hands in his pockets.
"Hey, Percy, how was your weekend?" Jason asked, throwing an arm around Percy's shoulders and leaning on him.
Percy groaned dramatically, tilting his head away. "You're gross!" He exclaimed, yet slipped his arm around Jason's stomach, turning and leading him away from the other kids who were sparing in the small arena.
Jason couldn't ignore the flutter in his stomach as Percy's strong arm pulled him in tight against his side.
"My weekend was great. Estelle was so stoked to see me, we went to the park all day Saturday while mom and Paul went out grocery shopping."
"That's great!" Jason exclaimed, thinking faintly that he couldn't wait to see Thalia.
"Yup, and I talked to mom and Paul. . ."
Percy had stopped walking but hadn't let go of Jason yet, swaying them back and forth lightly.
"What about?" Jason asked, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to remember.
Percy looked down at him, looking amused.
"What?" Jason asked with a slight laugh, head tilted to be able to look at Percy comfortably.
"I was coming out to them this weekend?"
Oh gods Jason was an idiot.
"Fuck, I forgot!”
Percy laughed, eyes crinkling slightly. Jason's heart fluttered as his friend grinned down at him.
"Did you have a busy weekend?"
"Uh, a little? Nico and I hung out most of Saturday, Sunday I was in charge of activities."
"Oh yeah? It's good that you and Nico are so close," Percy hummed out.
"Yeah. He's a good kid. Wiser than his age."
"That's for sure."
They looked up at each other in silence for a bit, neither speaking, they were incredibly close, Jason could probably just lean in and kiss him…
Two things happened at once. First, Jason watched Percy's eyes flicker down to his lips, as he licked his own and started to lean in. And then they both heard the explosion from across camp.
"Oh shit," Percy exclaimed, pulling away. 
Annoyed shouting could be heard.
"Harley," they both said at once, then laughed.
"I got it," Percy said, pulling away. "See you 'round!"
Jason watched him jog away and just then processed that Percy had been about to kiss him.
Thursday night at campfire was the next time they were actually anything close to alone. They were sitting together, off to one side, munching on their smores and listening to campfire songs.
"Hey, do you wanna get out of here?"
Jason looked over at Percy, realizing suddenly that Percy was looking at him and not the campfire.
"Come on, we're counselor's aren't we? Let's abuse our powers," Percy told him, standing and offering his hand to Jason.
Jason put his clean hand(his other one had marshmallow on it) in Percy's and let himself be pulled up. Percy snagged a bag of marshmallows and led Jason towards the lake.
"Why'd you get the marshmallows?" Jason asked with a laugh as he sat on the dock.
"The nymphs like them."
Percy ripped open the bag and pulled a few out. He held his hand out and a few nymphs popped out of the water, snatching them and then disappearing.
"Huh. . . " Jason said softly, staring at the ripples in the water. Percy kicked off his shoes and then sat next to Jason, dangling his feet into the lake. 
They sat in silence for a while, shoulders just barely brushing, Percy occasionally giving the nymphs more marshmallows, occasionally eating one himself.
"Hey, Percy."
"I think. . . " Jason stopped, clearing his throat. He was staring at the water, watching the way it rippled around Percy's ankles. "I think I'm demisexual."
Percy was silent for a bit, then looked over. "Okay. . . Could you explain that to me?"
Jason smiled slightly as they made eye contact, he carefully explained it to Percy, who listened silently, absorbing this information, his feet kicking through the water as he thought.
"Thank you for telling me, Jason," Percy said softly, putting his hand on Jason's thigh. "And I support you completely."
"Thanks," Jason said softly, smiling at Percy.
Percy grinned back, offering him a marshmallow then looking back over the lake. Silence stretched over them, they could faintly hear the campfire songs drifting over.
"Percy?" Jason said softly, trying to get his attention.
Percy looked over at him, and Jason leaned in, quickly kissing him. Percy made a slightly surprised noise but was instantly pressing back into him. Jason pulled away first, just far enough that he could look at Percy in the pale moonlight. Percy swallowed, licking his lips before leaning in and kissing Jason again, hand resting on his leg.
"Wow," Jason breathed out.
Percy started laughing, falling back to lay on the dock.
"Hey!" Jason protested, hitting his friend's stomach. 
"I'm sorry! But we kiss and what you have to say is 'neat'?!"
"Shut up! I didn't think you actually liked me back!!!"
Percy just laughed and shook his head, looking up at him.
"Jason, you were literally my gay awakening."
Jason felt his eyes go wide. "Oh-"
Percy grinned at him. "You remember that weekend you spent the night at my house?"
Jason nodded.
"That's when I realized I was attracted to guys, and specifically you."
"Oh. . . " Jason said, yet again.
Percy nudged his hip. "And here I was worrying you did like me like that."
Jason made a noise that can only be typed as 'ajdjshdhs', shaking his head rapidly. "No. You're- you're the first person I've actually felt this way towards in. . . Well a long time."
"Really? Not even Piper?"
Jason shook his head. "That was a weird situation . . ."
Percy shrugged. "Yeah, you're right."
He sat up and turned to face Jason, crossing his legs. Then he laughed again, shaking his head.
“Wow.” He whispered, mocking Jason.
"Shut up!" Jason yelled, lunging and shoving the still laughing Percy off the dock. 
Send me a prompt!
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OC shitpost
So, I notice a lot of u on here are into PJO/HOO/anything Rick Riordan writes.
And that’s who I can think of off the top of my head. If you don’t read him you should, but I’m warning you that the second series (HOO) is slightly iffy.
While the man and his writing has some flaws, I’ll admit he made a damn good storyboard to work with. I have made several Riordanverse OCs, and would like to share them with you all.
First up, my anxious fire boy, Cal Kowalski! Note: I tried to do my research on Judaism and autism, but if I have offended anyone with this character, please let me know and I will change it!
Name: Caleb David “Cal” Kowalski
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Height: six foot one, someone stop this boy from growing
Mother: Deborah Kowalski, fire chief for the Cleveland fire department. A force to be reckoned with and extremely inventive-once used a nearby lake to fuel the fire hose when there were no hydrants nearby
Godly Parent-Vulcan. A lot of people forget he’s also the god of fire, so when he saw Deborah risking her life to fight it, he was smitten. Completely fell for her when he admitted that he watched her work as a fire chief. Her response? “You’re a god, right? Stop watching people and buildings burn and start fucking helping.”
Sexuality: bi. Let’s be real, he’s admired Ichor and Jason more than once. Is completely devoted to his also bisexual girlfriend. More on her later.
Camp: Jupiter, Fifth Cohort. Has considered moving to Half-Blood, but dropped it after Octavian...oh right, there are people who haven’t read the books. Let’s leave it at that.
Nationality: Polish.
Religion: proudly (though not supremely devoutly) Jewish. Will make all the jokes about his religion. Was very confused when his mother told him his father was a god
Weapon: Roman infantry axe, or dolabra. Has heard all the woodcutter or lumberjack jokes. Has come up with a few of them
Personality: actual golden retriever, loyal, kind, hardworking, patient, and generous. Won’t fight unless it’s in self-defense, for training, or against monsters. Even then, does so reluctantly. Shy, clumsy, awkward introvert. Not great with public speaking, social interaction, or crowds, though he tries. Ride-or-die friend once you get to know him. Happiest when working at the forges or with his close friends. Autistic. Stims by lacing his fingers together or through card tricks, often says inappropriate things at the wrong time, tends to compartmentalize negative emotions, can talk about forging, metalworking, and firefighters for hours on end, needs systems and routines to function, thinks in very black and white terms. Goes nonverbal when angry, sad, or frustrated.
Geothermokinesis-can manipulate molten earth, phase change earth into lava and vice versa, cause magma to rise from deep within the earth, forming miniature volcanoes, turn nearby rock molten, and telekinetically project blasts of lava, magma, or molten earth at targets
Weaknesses-socially awkward, gullible, black and white thinking, tends to think badly of himself, survivors guilt, lava he creates can spread and cause more damage if left unattended, can be harmed by his own powers, powers are linked to emotional state so he has to keep his temper or things start to melt
-Fire chief mom with large extended family
-mom met Vulcan one night while firefighting, it was rocky at first but after some talking things through and some kissing they made it work
-cal was born that August
-when Cal was three, tragedy struck
-his mother was diagnosed with mesothelioma
-they suspected it was from a fire in a chemical factory shed fought
-the firefighters she was chief of helped raise Cal while his mother underwent treatment,as did his extended family
-He grew up shy and quiet, the opposite of his mother but very much like his father, had difficulty reading, and could never pay attention that well if he didn’t like something
-It took a few years, several theories (some well meaning, some extremely inappropriate, some both) and an official diagnosis at the age of seven before the people taking care of him realized he was autistic, dyslexic, and had ADHD, and that they had to respect that instead of treating him like a normal kid
-some of his extended family thought that meant he wasn’t normal
-he doesn’t talk to them anymore
-the firemen and ninety percent of his family were totally fine with it, even when other things started to happen
-they found him in the courtyard at age ten, a miniature volcano spouting lava into the air and him frantically trying to turn it off
-the Mist shielded them from seeing the entire thing, but they still sat him down and had a Talk about playing with fire
-but Cal knew what happened
-At age twelve, his mother took a sudden turn for the worse. When he went to see her with Hector and Brandon, two firefighters, he was turned away by a doctor that did not look at all like a doctor to him
-The Doctor insults him, only to be challenged by Hector, who can see through the Mist
-He tells Cal to run and see his mom before punching the doctor square in the face
-Cal makes it to his moms room, only to find her struggling and squirming as a monster in a lab coat shoves a pillow onto her face
-Terrified but furious, he scares off the monster with a blast of lava from the ground, which also sets the room on fire
-Making it out of the room, he turns to his mom, only for her to tell him that he’s the son of a god
-He predictably freaks the fuck out, running with her to where he last saw the firefighters
-Only to find that Darnell is dead and Hector is losing the fight against something that looks way too much like the estrie he’s read about once in the Sefer Hasidim
-Seeing Cal, Hector grins with bloody teeth before driving a fire extinguisher into the things head
-it collapses, but before it can get up again the building groans as the fire spreads
-They flee the hospital, forced to leave Darnell behind as the alukah pursues them
-When they get back to the house, everyone is in an uproar. Why is Deborah back, why is Hector’s mouth bleeding, where the hell is Darnell
-While everyone is arguing and taking care of Deborah, Hector and Cal’s aunt Aviva take him into Cal’s room
-He and Aviva confirm what Cal’s mom said, also telling him about the existence of Camp Jupiter. It turns out he is a former legionnaire, having come to Cleveland two years before Cal was born to look after him at Deborah’s request. Aviva can just see through the mist, though Deborah confided in her in case she died before she could do so herself.
-They don’t have much time. After what Cal did at the hospital, his aura is going to attract every monster from here to Columbus.
-He gives him a weird-looking axe, explaining that this dolabra was once his when he was a legionary but now he wants Cal to have it
-They all share a hug, with Hector telling him that everyone in the house has his back
-There’s a knock on the door, revealing the monster from earlier, now disguised as a human social worker via the Mist
-Uses a bunch of ableist language to explain why they should give Cal to him
-No one in the house buys his bullshit, even when he appears human
-The firefighters don’t like the government in general because they offered no workers comp for the cancer their chief got from the factory, and they’ve watched her fight against something that the government was supposed to help her with, the government draining her money all the while. But now this jackass is insulting their kid.
-The extended family are unwilling to give him up, and especially not to a man who insults and belittles him
-monster gets fed up, says that if cal stays here he’ll keep coming for him until he gets what he wants
-cue the entire family telling him to get bent
-Aviva tells Hector to take Cal and go, that she’ll explain to them why and that they all love him
-Roadtrip to California with monsters on their tail
-the estrie catches up to them in Oakland, flanked by its monster buddy, which Cal now knows is a telekhine
-it’s pissed at cal because he’s a demigod and because his father took over their forges
-they fight, and Cal uses the dolabra and kills the telekhine, burnt from his earlier encounter with it
-he’s extremely grossed out by this
-Hector intercepts the estrie before it can get to Cal and fights the estrie, but he’s out of practice and is fatally injured
-Cal watches him die and is furious, pleading to know why the estrie did it
-the estrie just wants to kill a Jewish human, it doesn’t particularly care that he’s a demigod. Hector was in the way.
-Using his powers intentionally for the first time, Cal opens up a volcanic fissure under the estrie and sends her down into the magma
-He then takes Hector to the camp tunnel before passing out
-He’s found there by Gwen, who stands for him
-Some time after, she pulls him aside and tells him that she read in the local paper (all praetors and centurions read the outside paper to get the news for the camp, fight me) that there was a suspected terrorist attack in Ohio around the time Cal came in
-He breaks down and tells her it’s his house, there are no confirmed survivors except for three firemen and his mother
-Alex comes along a month later, and they dance around each other for a while before making it official
-he writes letters to his mother whenever he can
-Darnell taught him how to play cards and do card tricks, both for fun and as a stim if needed, he burns a card every year on the day he died
-he definitely had a thing for Jason before he started dating Alex. It never went anywhere though.
-he makes the menorah for the camp-wide Hanukkah celebration (cmon you’re telling me everyone at CJ is Christian or atheist or agnostic? Cmon man)
-he imagines his dolabra is a fire axe when he’s fighting monsters
-his aunt taught him to cook Polish cuisine, among other things, and his kotlet schabowy is to die for, but he’s recently branched out into Chinese food due to his girlfriend’s complaints about how the restaurant chains near them only serve shitty Chinese food
-can jump rope like a boss due to many hours with his younger cousins
-terrified of heights
-that’s all I’ve got so far! If you guys have any other questions about him, send me an ask!
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I was tagged by @thegreatwhiteferret - thanks lovely!
87 Random Questions
1. Where do you live? Canada.
2. One cool item you own? An old typewriter given to me by my uncle.
3. Moon or stars? The stars.
4. Places you’d like to travel to? The Mediterranean or Vienna.
5. Favorite song? Must be dreaming by Frou Frou.
6. Do you have any fears? I am afraid of fucking dragonflies...ugh.
7. Do you feel different than you did last year? Oh definitely.
8. What is your race? I am
Metis-Cree Nation. So basically, Metis is a combination of Cree and French/Scottish people.
9. Pet peeves? Finding hair in food, I fucking cry every time.
10. Any siblings? I am the oldest of five siblings, so there’s me and my younger sister plus three younger brothers.
11. Are you a gamer? No, video games make me dizzy.
12. Sexual orientation? Bi-sexual.
13. Does a broken mirror mean bad luck? Nah.
14. What do you feel is your mental age? I feel older sometimes, always have.
15. How old were you when you started dating? 14, yeah it was gross.
16. Where do you do most of your online shopping? I don’t really shop online tbh.
17. Favorite animal? Foxes.
18. What’s one film from the 2000s that you like? Moulin Rouge! Is my absolute favourite film.
19. What’s your favorite scary movie? The Conjuring! I loved it, it was impressively thrilling.
20. Fun fact about yourself? I like eating burnt food, sometimes I burn some of my food on purpose because I like the charred taste.
21. Shoe size? 7.
22. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most? Suga from Haikyuu!! We’re literally the same person, it’s so weird.
23. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? Somewhere warm, probably Vancouver.
24. Ever wore clothes that were just wayyy too tight? No, I perfer comfort over everything else.
25. What’s on your mind? I hope my face clears up soon (Had an allergic reaction to shampoo).
26. Are you religious? In a way, kinda more of a traditional sense as far as my Indigenous background goes.
27. How tall are you? 5’6.
28. Favorite band? 65daysofstatic
29. Do you remember 2009? Yeah, I just graduated high school and got really sick that year, some days I was sleeping 15/16 hours because I got really sick and had no energy.
30. Cats or dogs? I’m allergic to both so I don’t care either way.
31. Fruit or vegetables? Fruits.
32. Do you want to get married? Nope!
33. Do you want children? No, but I wouldn’t mind adopting or fostering kids.
34. Flamingos or peacocks? Flamingos! They’re so much nicer.
35. What superpower do you wish you had? I wish I could fly, or have super strength.
36. Are you a germ freak? Yes. I have wipes to wipe down all surfaces all the time, and I organize every day.
37. Did swearing baby, ghost car, or ghost caught on tape scare you as a kid? No.
38. Do you prefer sweet or salty? Sweet.
39. Tea or coffee? Tea, I think of coffee as more of a treat to have every now and then.
40. Are you superstitious? In a way. I knock on wood three times if I say something that might jinx me.
41. Do you like stripes? Such a look.
42. Favorite shows as a kid? Digimon! And Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
43. Favorite shows growing up? Digimon and Fullmetal Alchemist
44. Favorite musical? Moulin Rouge!
45. Favorite movie? Moulin Rouge!
46. Birthday? October 31st. I’m a Halloween babe.
47. Are you a grammar Nazi? No, and that’s an awful term.
48. Ever gotten drunk? I’ve never been drunk in my life, true fact.
49. Do you have a carrier bag? I do! So much easier to carry stuff around.
50. What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? Probably nothing.
51. If you were the opposite gender what would you change your name to? Jude or Julian.
52. What song is stuck in your head? Seventeen for the Heathers Musical.
53. Celebrity crush? Don’t really have one tbh.
54. If you could live in a non-English speaking country, where would it be? Czech Republic, I’d go live in Prague, or Italy.
55. Are you a good dancer? I’m a great dancer! Many styles too!
56. Have any allergies? I have 15 different allergies, most of them food.
57. Any bad habits? I rub my eyes too much when I get nervous.
58. Ever broke a bone? I’ve never had the pleasure.
59. Are you a city or country person? City, I hate being in the country.
60. Do you like your home country? I give Canada a lot of shit, but honesty it’s not a bad place.
61. Sunflowers or daisies? Sunflowers.
62. Tulips or roses? Roses, champagne coloured ones are my favourite.
63. Oak or maple? Oak.
64. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney.
65. WYR be obese or anorexic? This is an awful question what the fuck?
66. WYR be over 6 feet or under 5 feet? Oh! Over 6 feet for sure, and I would wear three inch heels and just dominate every where I go.
67. Rubies or sapphires? Sapphires.
68. Are you stubborn? Nah.
69. Have you been in scouts/Girl Scouts? Nope.
70. What type of music do you listen to? A little bit of everything.
71. Favorite vine? The get silly one with the little cat, I watch it late at night to help me sleep sometimes.
72. Beaches or castles? How bout a Castle on a beach? Because that would be fantastic!
73. Pick the closest book to you, and write the line you opened to:
“No,” he whispered with a sigh as his head rested on my shoulder. “No, I suppose I don’t.” - the heart’s invisible furies by John boyne. This is a fantastic book by the way!
74. Anyone in the same room as you right now? Yassine. My room mate, we cook supper together sometimes, and talk about our days, I can kinda tell he likes the company, he’s one of those social people who suddenly live in a place where he can’t be as social, poor kid.
75. Which is worse; throwing up or diarrhea? I haven’t thrown up since I was five, so that was 22 years ago, so I’m going to say diarrhea.
76. Butterflies or lady bugs? Butterflies! They’re so pretty!
77. Do you say “K” when you’re mad? I say oh-kayyyy, because I’m usually trying not to snap at someone and that’s how I calm myself.
78. How do you react when people purposely scare you? It’s kinda hard to sometimes, but when they do, I just startle and start laughing afterwards.
79. Most overrated celebrity? Cate Blanchett - she named her son after Roman Polanski people, that woman ain’t shit.
80. Do you have a globe in your room? No.
81. Do you have a dream catcher in your room? I don’t surprisingly, but I sometimes like my nightmares, they can give me story inspiration sometimes.
82. What do you see when you look out your window? My courtyard, it has a really nice tree and bench that I can’t wait to read on when it’s warm out again.
83. Have you been on an airplane? Yup!
84. Do you believe in aliens? I do! I used to kinda be terrified of them because of this Movie I saw when I was a kid, called Fire in the Sky. Like that movie made me cry I was so scared, and then my friend Princess told me she wouldn’t be scared of aliens, because in a way they’re like people, just beings from far off places, and why be scared of someone not from Earth, so I got over that fear pretty quickly.
85. Do you believe in ghosts? I do, mostly because I’ve seen plenty in my life. Good and bad ones.
86. Do you believe in God? Yeah man! I believe in all of people’s beliefs, because that’s important to them in a way. Much like I believe in Creator, why shouldn’t I believe in a god?
87. Do you believe in yourself? All the fucking time, it’s one of my many strengths.
I never know who to tag, whoops! I tag whoever wants to do this! :):):)
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Break My Heart: Chapter 1  (A Solangelo Fanfiction)
Imagine you take your average “Three Days in the Infirmary” fic, and then add a twist. This would be your fic! And the twist is a prophetic dream that throws Will Solace into turmoil. 
I hope you all enjoy!
Read on AO3
“Okay, but in all seriousness. What are you going to do?” Cecil asked him, resting his chin on his hands. “Not all of us get dreams to give us forewarnings about the treacherous nature of the dating waters, so how will you use your newly acquired powers?”  
“Well, since starting anything with Nico di Angelo obviously isn’t going to go anywhere, and I had no idea why, I…I guess I’m just not going to go for it. If I tried it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Will said as he waved off Cecil. “I mean, how hard could not falling for one boy be?”
It was a dream.
A caveat being that it wasn’t just a dream. Demigods, as Will Solace had learned early on, don’t just have casual viewing experiences. Especially if the demigod in question was a child of Apollo, who was indeed the god in charge of prophecy despite all of Apollo’s notoriously bad decision making. That didn’t mean that Will couldn’t have your run-of-the-mill weird trippy nonsensical dreams, or other dreams that tended to be inappropriate for young impressionable demigods. But that did mean that Will had to be able to tell the difference between the two, and the difference was always this: in regular dreams the scenery would be foggy, whereas the prophetic dreams were sharp, colorful, and loud.
And that was what this dream was; it was vivid, it was real, it was prophetic…it was about Nico di Angelo?
They were sitting together at the end of the dock, the autumn breeze crisp and clean as it flitted from the lake carrying with it the scent mist and strawberry. The sky was almost blindingly bright and blue, while the trees were just tinged with just a blush of color. Will turned to the boy next to him, noting his leather jacket and feeling a thrill that nearly set his heart on fire. The Will who was a part of this dream welcomed it, while he succumbed to his confusion.
“Will…I…” Nico was saying to him, looking up at him with eyes wide and…was that a blush staining his cheeks? And he looked healthier than any time that Will could ever remember Nico di Angelo being, his cheeks filled out, the dark bruises under his eyes only shading them, his hair pulled back in a little ponytail, and his skin had color to it versus the warmed-over-corpse white shade he had been on Half Blood Hill during the battle.
And Will was holding his hand (how had he not noticed that was beyond him, but somehow it felt natural, so natural), and Nico’s fingers were curled with his own instead judo-flipping him and killing him with a well-placed strike. On that note, why were his own nails painted?
“Am I…is this…alright?” Will’s mouth moved and asked, and Will could feel his own cheeks heat up in return. He was just wearing a flannel and jeans but he felt entirely too warm, as if he would explode from nerves. Nico didn’t move, something guarded in his expression, before he met Will’s gaze evenly. It was intense and dark, and Will could feel his stomach twist up in a hundred knots.
“Hey Will?”
“I don’t think we should do this anymore.”
Will woke up with a start, his heart racing in his chest. He felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath him, he felt the sickening feeling in his stomach as if he had just missed a step on the stairs and his foot had fallen through the air, he felt the recoiling blow of rejection like a slap to the face. The dream was there, and he replayed it in his mind again and again as his heart rate fell, trying to parcel out some sense from it but finding nothing.                                                                                          
“What in the name of the Gods?” Will asked himself, before looking around his mostly empty cabin. Thankfully the younger kids were still asleep, not disturbed by his sudden outburst. Kayla and Austin were probably still in the infirmary with Roman children of Apollo who had accompanied the legion to Camp Half Blood. And it was still before dawn, probably too early for him to be getting up. But if Will was good at one thing, it was avoiding his own problems by helping to solve other people’s. And this dream was something he definitely wanted to avoid before being more awake to deal with it (or possibly never).
And so Will crossed the camp in the dark after throwing on some fresh clothes and a sweatshirt, and walked into the infirmary. Phoebe looked up from the desk at him in confusion. She was the leader of the Roman medics, and had been nice enough once they had gotten past the initial awkwardness. That awkwardness being attributed to an unfortunate relative of both of them named Octavian, and though Phoebe had definitely not been a fan of the guy, there was also the principle of the matter. Will supposed they both had inherited Apollo’s protective nature in the end, and death wasn’t easy for either of them. So they had mostly agreed to focus on their work, and leave everything else to fall as it would.
“You are here early,” Phoebe observed stately, taking another sip of her coffee.
“Anyone I can help?” Will asked, sitting himself up on the desk and looking through a chart. With his general level of sleep deprivation and dyslexia, he barely made any progress before the words began shifting on the page.
“You know that you should be sleeping, you need the rest,” Phoebe pointed out to him, running a hand through her hair.
“I had a weird dream is all, I’m not going to be falling back asleep anytime soon,” Will dismissed her, shoving the dream as far back as he could in his head for the moment.
“Well, if you must, check out Alicia’s leg, you know, the child of Mercury. She was awake and groaning about it earlier, but I also have a feeling she was trying to pickpocket Kayla and she isn’t awake enough to ward off attacks,” Phoebe told him with a huff, standing up to go to the coffee pot and pour him a cup with a splash of cream and sugar. She handed it to him, and Will smiled back gratefully before going to do just that.
Alicia’s leg was in good condition and healing well, and Will managed to avoid any wandering fingers. Ellis Wakefield’s broken ribs were on the mend, and Will knew that because Ellis could hiss out insults after being poked and prodded with minimal gasping. Lacey from Aphrodite was sleeping soundly and the cut on her forehead was looking fine, while Nyssa from Hephaestus’ fingers were looking much less swollen. And Suzuka Yamato, a Mars legacy, reported her head was feeling better by communicating with both him and Ellis Wakefield in a series of expletives in Japanese, Latin, and English.
He continued to do the rounds, scooting his tired siblings who had done the nightshift out of the infirmary to get some rest, and tugged at his sweatshirt’s sleeve absently. The sensation reminded him of what he was working so hard to avoid, and eventually he had to say something to someone.
“Hey, Phoebe, has Nico di Angelo come in at all?” Will asked Phoebe, trying to be as nonchalant as possible, as he returned to the desk with the excuse of making a fresh cup of coffee.
“You mean the son of Hades?” Phoebe asked, her eyebrows drawn. “I haven’t seen him. Why? Should I have?”
“Well…I told him to report to the infirmary for three days,” Will excused quickly. “I guess this means I have to go get him.”
“Well, I would rather you not die. I will talk to Chiron about it,” Phoebe said with a sniff. “I’m sure he’ll corral him and have a conversation about the importance of healing wounds.”
“Nico wouldn’t—“
Phoebe’s look was enough to get Will to do the smart thing and shut up. And maybe she had a point. After all, Nico had apparently been the one who would break up with him, so maybe the guy secretly hated him and would try to fight him if he approached. But that still didn’t mean that he should let Nico be injured, the more rational part of Will’s brain pointed out, and if they had at least had a thing or would have a thing then maybe Nico also liked him somewhat. (And Will had to admit, after the birthing and just running into the field of battle, he had been hopped up on adrenalin and had probably been more forceful then he had needed to be, and he had been previously hoping the days in the infirmary would give him a chance to apologize.) But the whole thing didn’t make any sense to begin with, Will tried to reason back. Everyone knew that Nico had had a crush on Annabeth Chase. Maybe Nico was bi? Maybe Will would have just been the unfortunate rebound. Or maybe Will had been making the moves on him and was about to be rejected—
Will’s head hurt, and he desperately needed council. So Will went to sit next to Cecil who was nursing a pulled tendon and a sprained ankle. He poked his very good friend awake, and like a true friend Cecil blinked awake, groaned, and then immediately turned over.  
“Bro…no…just no…” Cecil groaned dramatically, trying to dig himself back under the covers like a bear attempting to return to hibernation. Will wasn’t having it.
“Cecil, please, I need to talk to someone I think I’m going crazy,” Will told him as he pulled off the covers, Cecil sat up to snatch them back and Will let them go.
“Yeah you have to be pretty freaking mental to be up so early, and making me be up so early!” Cecil snapped back, before seemingly giving in and laying back down. “Alright, alright, I’m awake. What do you need?”
“I had a dream, but it wasn’t just a dream it was a prophetic dream,” Will tried to explain before realizing that had not been an explanation and groaning.
“Okay? And? You get those sometimes right?”
“Well yeah…but this one was different…it…” Will trailed off before shifting uncomfortably. Cecil did not look amused by Will’s fidgeting and rolled his eyes as he reached over to swipe Will’s coffee.
“Alright Will, seriously spit it out—“
“Nico di Angelo was breaking up with me,” Will blurted out.
Cecil immediately choked and coughed out the liquid, and after getting through the worst of his coughing fit, Cecil stared at Will with something akin to disbelief as he set Will’s coffee back on the side table.
“You’re joking, that’s supposed to be funny right,” Cecil said as he wiped his face with his arm, and when seeing the suffering look on Will’s face he broke out into a grin, “wait you aren’t joking? Seriously? Damn Solace you’ve got so much game you see it ending before it even starts.”
“Okay seriously I’m having a moment so I would appreciate some concern,” Will groaned as he let his head fall into his hands. “You can at least pretend to be my actual friend.”
“Why would I do that when this is so much more fun,” Cecil noted before humming as he laid back against the pillows, “that’s crazy though, seriously.”
“I know, you’re telling me!” Will said as spun on his chair absently.
“And you are sure it was a prophecy, and not just some weird lucid dream?” Cecil asked seriously, a brow quirking in his favor. Will dismissed it with a glum shake of his head.  
“Yeah, I can tell the difference. It was prophetic, very prophetic, with the sense of impending doom and everything,” Will explained nervously as he continued to spin, until he got dizzy and settled with nervously tapping his foot to the frantic rhythm of his panic instead.
“Well tell me what happened,” Cecil said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
And so he did, recounting the plot of dream, every little detail he remembered, and the state that he woke up in. Cecil hummed and nodded along, only interjecting once or twice for clarification. At the end, they both sat quietly for a moment, the infirmary coming to life as Roman demigods did their rounds. Cecil finally broke the silence,
“We’re pretty sure that Nico was breaking up with you. Or at least rejecting you. And the way you describe the dream…well…it sounds like it took place a few months from now. It had to at least be September or October-ish.”
“So what should I do?”
“Well, I don’t know. Do you like Nico di Angelo?” Cecil asked curiously without judgment.
“I…he’s cool, and heroic, and he’s pretty attractive. You saw him in the battle, and I do want to help him. But I don’t know, it’s hard to like like a person I don’t know. And I don’t really know him,” Will said in return with a noncommittal shrug.
“Apparently, you are going to get to know him pretty well,” Cecil pointed out and he flipped to laying on his stomach. “Well enough that you are going to start dating, or at least making moves on him.”
“Don’t be a douche,” Will told him with a sigh.
“Okay, but in all seriousness. What are you going to do?” Cecil asked him, resting his chin on his hands. “Not all of us get dreams to give us forewarnings about the treacherous nature of the dating waters, so how will you use your newly acquired powers?”  
“Well, since starting anything with Nico di Angelo obviously isn’t going to go anywhere, and I had no idea why, I…I guess I’m just not going to go for it. If I tried it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Will said as he waved off Cecil. “I mean, how hard could not falling for one boy be?”
“Infamous last words,” Cecil noted as he lay back down completely. “Don’t worry there are way more fish in the sea.”
“What am I? Percy Jackson? I—at least get your leg elevated,” Will muttered as he pulled pillows from the side and helped Cecil get readjusted with a small piece of ambrosia, not bothering to address the implications of Cecil’s previous comment.
Will left Cecil’s bedside soon after that and Phoebe immediately looked towards him.
“Chiron’s going to bring Nico di Angelo in later,” Phoebe reported without any preface. “He said he was going to have words with him, so, let’s hope for the best.
“Alright,” Will said before putting on his best smile, which felt oddly placed. “Better get to work then.”  
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fires-of-ninjago · 3 years
Since it's pride month, I thought I'd talk about my experiences with coming out...and just as a side note, there are STILL family and friends that I'm coming out to, despite being out for a large number of years, so I might be periodically updating this thing.
I first came out to my sister when I started college. I never really had that close of a relationship with her, since we did not grow up together, but I still trusted her more than anyone else in my family at the time. The very first thing she asked me when I told her was if I had told our dad, which I said no; she said good. We both agreed that he wasn't ready to hear it. The second thing she made me promise was that she wouldn't steal my (potential) boyfriend so long as I don't try to steal hers! (We both agreed and that was the end of it).
The second person I told was my step mom. She cried and gave me a big hug; not because she was disappointed, but because of how much I trusted her! After going over some of the usual questions, she then helped me come up with a plan to tell my dad and the rest of my family.
Tell my dad was...painful. Don't get me wrong, I love him, and I know that cares about me, but somehow, he thought that I was gay because I didn't...want...kids? It kind of threw both me and my step-mother through a loop, because we weren't expecting it. Granted, I do eventually want kids, but it's just going to require extra steps. (My dad just loves being a grandpa and he wants to make sure that he's apart of the lives of any potential grandchildren!)
My grandmothers were just plain funny! My one grandmother grabbed some wine (that she had made b/c she was bored) and asked me if it tasted alright (which meant that nothing had changed). And my other, and I swear to god about this: Gave me a stern look, turned away from the oven, and told me that her hash browns were made from potatoes! XD (She apparently knew since I was about four years old because I was exactly like one of my great-great uncles, and she didn't tell a soul!)
My one grandfather had a really hard time accepting it, which I'll admit, I didn't really care about. The man actually used to run a insurance fraud ring from the late 70's through the early 90's so we all kinda knew never to trust him by default. Especially after he fled the country to avoid being arrested by the IRS in the late 90's.
My other grandfather was never told. We just never really had the chance to do it; he was the youngest out of 21 kids, and in the span of like, five years, the last 13 who made it past the year 2000 all died within four months of each other! He was the last to go; he passed away last year at the age of 94 after a series of drug OD's (or maybe COVID, we're not really sure).
I never got the chance to tell my mother; she was sick for a very long time and had extensive brain damage, so I don't know if she would have ever even understood me. I like to think that she wouldn't have cared either way, but also can't get all of the gas-lighting and abuse out of my head...
My cousins have been either hit or miss, with two (and only two responses). They either don't care and just want to know if I'll help them pick up one of my aunt's/uncles from the bar because they're too shit-faced to drive, or they freak out and demand to know why I'm not both straight and Southern Protestant/Baptist! (Which I find hilarious, because we're either Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Jewish, Shia or (in both of my grandfather's cases) Dakota and/or Apache!)
In the end, it really hasn't mattered that much to me, because despite all of them, I've kinda become the de-facto Patriarch of a found family of around a dozen or so people; gay/bi/lesbian/straight and a few other things in between! And honestly? My bio fam that I still talk to consider most of them as cousins. (Its a big and very personal thing to get an invitation from them to a holiday gathering, especially from my dad!)
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