#a bitch gotta pay rent so they aren't homeless
herd-reject-arts · 4 months
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Anyone wanna buy some skulls? I'm not gonna have enough money by the 1st to pay my rent, so I'm kinda selling all my shit... I have almost entirely North American mammals, but I have a baboon, too (featured below)
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Male chacma baboon. He's missing one tooth, which I replaced with a charoite stone forever ago. I have to degrease him every few years because he's a nasty boy (like, the skull will be white and slowly gets greasy again over time, which is lame). Open to offers, as I don't know what he's worth. Very good monkey boy, I just need money more than I need skulls right now...
Not really interested in parting with my pathological skulls since those are my favorites, but if you're looking for anything specific, hit me up, because I probably have one or two. I also have tons of dogs in various conditions.
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finsterhund · 2 years
Conservative party of BC is bitching and moaning about how medical euthanasia is available to mentally ill people and it pisses me off because like the abortion argument there's nothing wrong with medical euthanasia. And people who want to die are going to try it anyways but they're going to do it in a way that's unsafe. The problem is that the government should be allocating more resources to solutions to prevent people needing it as a last resort. The issue is that the only solution the system can currently give is the euthanasia for certain situations when we wouldn't be as inclined to seek it out if say for instance rent was affordable and the disability pensions were a living wage. But these people are also AGAINST THOSE THINGS. Better sex ed and easier access to birth control and assistance for child care are the only things that will lower the need for abortions but the anti abortion people are also against those as well. The underlying reason as to why the people who want to ban medical euthanasia are against programs to keep disabled people safe, housed, out of poverty is ultimately that these fuckers don't care about the people affected. It is all about control. Keeping disabled people around but not thriving so they're good little wage slaves. Forced to work beyond our limits because the resources available are not enough to sustain us. Forcing people to carry babies to term to create more future impoverished wage slaves even if the resulting child doesn't have a snowballs chance at a good upbringing or future.
This extends to people who aren't disabled as well of course, but disability income is less than minimum wage and we need additional help so it's more noticable. I read somewhere that the average lower middle class person in America has longer hours and less vacations than fucking feudal serfs. The industrial revolution brought with it far more work for far less pay.
It's sickening and I hate it so much.
Imagine thinking the solution to people wanting to die is to try and ban dying safely instead of trying to stop people from wanting to die. Hell world.
Also I read a while back that homeless people in Ireland in the 80s could be given apartments. For free. And I just.
And I know things get even better in some other countries. So things getting better is possible. But we have these freaks that fetishize the industrial revolution and are part of doomsday cults fucking everything up for us. Gah.
Then there's other things like how car dependant we are these days. If you're unable to drive to the grocery store that's not even close to being walking distance you gotta buy food from the overpriced gas station instead. You have a bike? Well good luck trying to actually cycle there with the roads the way they are. Hopefully you don't have a disability that prevents you from driving and a roommate who drove off into a "ditch" or whatever. Stuff like that.
Someday I hope that everything is just a little bit kinder. I know things have gotten better. But it's so frustrating to know things could be so much more better but there's people actively fighting against it. Using their power and their thirst to keep that power to accomplish it.
To avoid rambling on again about how I hate capitalism and borders and not being able to live with my American friends in a little house with a parcel of farmland I'm going to leave it here and focus on my current project of trying to measure the ratio between the length of Whisky's ears and the size of his head but just know that I don't want to give up. Not right now at least.
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