#a complete fanfic if possible but im an open mind
fabizetha · 2 years
Do someone have any fanfic recommendation of an identity reveal but like, not just between Marinette and Adrien, but everyone? Like, the whole Bustier's class or the entire Paris or a bigger social circle tan Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino? I would like to read something like that but not really finding any which catch my attention... or any at all
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yawarakaizai · 11 months
Yan!dazai mindbreaking angel!reader ooo
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SENDER Angel!Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT Yandere!Dazai (BSD) CONTENTS NSFW DARK CONTENT 16+ , obsession/possession, drugging, mind-breaking, reader is a hostage?, unhealthy relationship, dubcon/nc??, abuse (physical implied + mental), slight somnophilia, lowkey angsty, dazai is an asshole!, smut part isn't really detailed (WARNING; This relationship is unhealthy and should not be used as an example. Reader here does not hold Dazai accountable. If you are in an abusive relationship, please seek help from someone you trust or a professional! This fanfic does not idolise nor condone abuse within relationships) NOTE All these years of feeling inadequate and dumb. You were proud to have grown accustomed to Dazai's routine, even if he had promised you months ago he had changed. COMPANY Dolly
A/N combined 2 asks I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE ASK BUT IT WAS A YANDERE DAZAI NSFW IDEA im so sorryy ... also any other yan dazai req ! !! srry for the long wait ;; !! reader is an angel !! she was kind of created ,,? kinda like sigma !! the og req had an idea abt aphrodisiacs but ... not sure if i want to write about them just yet :( so sorry!!
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Dutiful and pristine, you were a model wife.
Delicate and gorgeous. Just how he liked you to be.
You were brought her to serve as his prize. His reward for years of watching you from afar, stalking you like a lions meal. And you, pure and kind-hearted, not once ever suspected a thing.
Dazai was your co-worker after all. A smart, handsome man with a positive future.
Back before this all, you were nothing but a mere fascination to not only him, but your peers as well. You were never offended or hesitant to answer questions others would have about you. How you came to be, whether you remember anything, and if those feathers of yours regrow.
You coped with everything by dissociating as much as possible. If you could believe hard enough - Dazai was still the Dazai you knew before. The man next to you who'd pout when ordered to finish his report, the one who would turn to you and try to flirt or make you giggle, knowing Kunikida would never dare give out to you.
How could anyone, after all? You only manifested a few years ago. What was it, eleven, or twelve. You can't remember. There was little you remember anyway.
The first few months with Dazai were a blur. You'd have blacked out for the majority of the day until he'd wake you up and force you to eat. If you'd refuse, he'd starve you until you'd beg.
You had tried to protest by going days without food or water but he always got his way in the end. You had to give in at some point.
The biggest obstacle was finding the guts to hate Dazai.
You were afraid to hate him. You were afraid to hate.
He'd treat you so gently and with love. Funnily enough, you blamed yourself for it all. You didn't know why or how, but you felt like if you had done things different, none of this would have happened.
Osamu was sweet. He always did what was right. You respected Kunikida and Fukuzawa immensely. If they trust Dazai, then so did you.
If you knew that you were a lamb handed to a wolf, maybe you would have ran much earlier.
Dazai did not show himself upfront. No. First, it was the mind games. The ghastly figures that would appear outside of your window in the form of blackened shadows, doors you remember closing being wide open when you return home, bangs and creaks around your home when you lived alone, your items disappearing from their usual spot, laundry vanishing completely, and countless mysterious messages from anonymous.
Second, it was you asking for help. You turned to who you admired best. The Armed Detective Agency. Ranpo scanned your phone. He read each message out loud before looking at you, then back down at your screen. He slid it back towards you. " There's nothing suspicious. It's just a prank. "
You felt relief. Ranpo had his ability, after all. The ability to figure out any mystery. He could not be wrong.
How dumb of you to think Ranpo would not be the first person Dazai would go to for his sick joke.
Third was the fever. It hit you like a brick. It was the first time you had been infected with a human illness. Dazai kindly offered to tend to you in his free-time, as everyone else was too busy. You were grateful that Dazai, an important member of the ADA, was sacrificing his time in helping you. He'd stop by almost every day and night to feed you and make sure you're alright. The more you drank that chalky water he'd give you daily before bed, the more you lost your ability to walk.
Fourth, was the inevitable. You waking up in a bed that was harder than yours. Upon observing around you, you realised you weren't in your house. And you don't recall ever sleeping next to Dazai. Naturally, you were afraid. You were in hysterics while he tried to calm you down, telling you stories on how it's safer for you to be here, and that you were an ungrateful bitch for not being grateful enough to him.
You didn't want to hear any of it. So? You were kept in his lovely basement.
There, you were badly treated. Sleeping on cold concrete and eating what scraps he'd leave on the floor for you like some animal - any form of resistance was met with harsh punishment.
You lacked survival instincts. You not once ever felt the need to. Working in the ADA, you were nothing but an accountant. You'd hear about the missions they'd go on, but to you it all seemed like the things you'd see in action films.
But this was real. The way your heart pounded in your ears every time you'd hear steps coming down and the way he'd tug your hair 'till your scalp would burn is something that the actors would never be able to portray properly.
It took you a while to realise you weren't going to make any progress by doing the opposite of what he wanted.
Though, you were admittedly conflicted.
You provided Dazai something interesting. If you let him use you, to spare yourself of his harsh punishments, would he get bored of you? Would he rid of you completely? Would he treat you more terribly to purposely make you act out just so he'd have a reason to strike you?
These were questions that would keep you up.
You couldn't be strong-willed for long. Hope that Kunikida or anyone else would come looking for you dwindled as the days went by and none would come but Dazai.
At some point, you had lost your voice for a while. In that period, Dazai took complete advantage of the fact. When you could do nothing but thrash and cry until you submit underneath him.
He'd pull out, collapse next to you and hold you close to his bandaged chest and apologise until he fell asleep with your hot breath against his skin.
Dazai had been your first time. He took an angel's virginity. You were frozen for the rest of the night. You were almost neutral to what had happened. You even wiped his tears away with your thumb. He apologised. He must surely be remorseful. He promised he wouldn't do it again.
You lost your halo that day.
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'' Fetch me some water, I'm thirsty. "
His hand came off your head where it had been caressing.
You looked up at him through long lashes, slowly nodding your head and raising to unstable feet.
Ever since you were allowed to stay out of the basement, he's been helping you regain your ability to walk after the drugs had left your knees shaky.
Your movement was slow but gradual, at least.
If you wished to remain with Dazai, you'd have to obey him. And obey you did.
You fetched him his requested glass of water albeit spilling a tad bit on your way back, you presented him with it.
He peered in, then slouched back into the couch, gaze returning to the television screen. " I said orange juice. "
You were sure he said water.
" But you said water. " Your voice was meek compared to his.
" Are you saying I am lying? "
That shut you up.
You apologised, and travelled back to the kitchen to throw away the water and replace it with orange juice.
You'd bring it back, and he'd look at you with disappointment. " Why are you bringing me orange juice when I asked for apple juice? "
He sounded so convincing that you thought maybe you were mishearing. You held the orange juice in your hand tightly, apologised, and left to get the apple juice.
By the time you returned, you were shaking. The apple juice was dripping from the overfilled glass and onto the floor. You were trembling. " It's- It's apple juice. Because y-ou said.. "
Your gaze was so distant. You were so far away. You were no longer on this Earth. Dazai had to keep you grounded.
" You must be taking me for a fucking idiot. "
He slapped the glass right from your hand, your whole body jolted in shock when the glass shattered against the floor.
You two had just been cuddling on the couch, watching a noir movie like a happy couple would.
Dazai had to keep you grounded. He had to keep you on a leash lest you wander.
" Get over here. " He sighed out after a long pause. Instinctively, you answered, " No. "
It's been so long since you were punished. You didn't want to go back to them.
" I didn't do anything wrong ", your voice croaked out to reason. You should have figured at some point Dazai would get bored of a normal life style.
" I said get over here, Y/N, my patience is already running low. I'm not going to hit you. "
And no matter what you've been through, you'd wake up praying Dazai was kinder. He had overheard your nightly prayers one day and in an act of irony or sympathy - hung a cross over your bed.
You fiddled with the hem of your skirt before waddling to between his spread thighs. Hand reaching for your hip and guiding you down to sit on his lap, you avoided eye contact.
You were clearly afraid of being punished for something that was not your fault. You couldn't tell Dazai it wasn't your fault. That would be calling Dazai a liar. And that would get you hit. Good wives don't get hit.
True to his word, he did not raise his hand to you at all.
Once he opened his mouth to speak, you attentively turned to him. His training worked wonders on you. He made himself your God in a matter of months. You no longer worried your pretty little head on whether Kunikida would save you. All you had to do was clean around the house and prepare Dazai's meal - living to serve your husband.
" You've been such a good girl, don't ruin it with this, 'kay? " He didn't sound mad anymore, but you could still pick up on the fact he was not exactly happy with you either.
" Yes, 'samu. " You nod, toying with your fingers nervously.
" You're such a sweet wife. So dumb. So cute. Love seeing you panic. "
You bit your bottom lip at that, chewing on skin.
'' D'ya think It's about time we started our own family? "
You thought at first you didn't hear him properly. You knew you were trying to convince yourself so.
" Ahah.. " You were hesitant. He picked up on it. His dark brown eyes felt like lasers. " I don't think I can. I'd love to, 'samu, but I can't. "
He let go of his soft grasp on your hip to allow you to stand up.
It was 9pm. You should head to bed.
His silence and poker face felt foreboding.
" Goodnight, love. " You tried to remain cheerful.
You went to bed earlier than Dazai. You climbed into your shared bed after having taken your nightly medication.
You fluffed out your wings - once white, now grey - then tossed and turned until you slept.
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" Hah.. hah.. "
The burning heat is what hit you first.
Confusion was second.
" Wakin' up, pretty baby? "
Your mouth opened by itself before your eyes did, and when you tried to speak, to ask what is going on, you let out a soft moan.
You feel something sink in deeper in your pussy, the wooden bed frame hitting against a wall. Oh.
" 'Samu! " Your eyes shot open upon realising what was happening. Dazai had not done this for a while. The room was dark. Judging by how dry your mouth was, you had been fast asleep for a while.
Dazai was propped on his knees between your thighs, naked from what you could make out.
You looked further down to realise that he had shoved his dick in you while you were asleep. Your nightgown was pulled up over your stomach and his hands were holding on loosely to your hips.
Your hand reached out to grip onto his wrist, your legs unable to close. " No, you said you were gonna be better, you said no more of this. " Oh, you sweet poor child.
" It's alright. " He responded casually, pulling out just to slam back in. Although your vision was limited, you could feel his piercing stare studying your contorting features. " Just this once, yeah? "
You remembered your conversation with Dazai earlier. The sudden question about having a child.
When you tightened around the base of his shaft, he knew what you were thinking.
" Don't get all scared, baby. You'd make an amazing mom. " He would bend down, his mouth next to your ear as he'd begin thrusting.
You lay unresponsive and silent, staring at the ceiling - your only solace.
His huffs, groans and sighs muffle themselves on your pillow, your body would temporarily jolt in spasms with each orgasm.
Dazai continued for hours.
At some point, your hands were tangled in messy brown hair, your mouth hung and your voice would plead for 'more', 'there', 'deeper'.
Your sweet husband never pulled you back when you drifted off to space with your longing gaze.
He barely even met you in the eye.
Dazai finished his rounds before you noticed. It was a period of him not touching you that made you turn your head sideways to meet him laying next to you, his chest still raising and falling as he'd regain his breath.
You hadn't moved your body.
Adjusted to the dark, you couldn't help but stare at the pitiful man who spoke nothing to you.
An emptiness weighed your heart down and the liquid love he had planted in you seeped - unwelcomed.
You still felt bad for him. Surely, definitely, this was not his fault.
" I'd like a girl. "
Your lips trembled, you smiled to hide it.
" Two.. daughters. "
The corners of your lips quivered with your fake expression. He could see your eyes gloss and your shivering body, blinking rapidly until your tears slid down.
You never did want children. Not with Dazai, at least. Not for another few years. Not here, not now, not with him. Not this Dazai.
He left you waiting for a while, until he rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling that enamoured you with amazement when he had made love to you.
" Yeah. "
He sounded uncertain, before continuing his response. You had expected it. All these years of feeling inadequate and dumb. You were proud to have grown accustomed to Dazai's routine, even if he had promised you months ago he had changed.
" 'm sorry. "
" I know. "
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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ilwonuu · 7 months
I so love yeosang smutty fanfics. Can you please please do one for me where she's an atiny and them two got paired in the same hotel room by accident due to the hotel. He enters while she's in the shower and so forth
Please and thank you
yes yes omg ty for the request!!! i literally hope this isn’t too bad… I LOVE THIS IDEA BTW I HOPE U LIKE
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↴ kang yeosang
⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚
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➶ summary- the universe gives you a one chance opportunity to be in a room with your idol.
➶ warnings- protected sex, dirty talk, strangers to fucking lmfao, pet names (pretty, angel)(yeo), neck kisses, kinda softdom!yeo, lmk what else
➶ a/n- i literally LOVE writing for yeo sm<3
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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you have just gotten back to your hotel room after to seejng ateez. you are completely drained wanting to quietly change out of your concert outfit. you make your way into your bathroom getting into the shower.
yeosang wanting the same as you as he unlocks the hotel room. he makes a weird face at the sight of other peoples clothing on the floor. he curiously looks at the bathroom door. seeing the light and the shower is definitely on. he gets a little scared now.
meanwhile you are just finishing your shower as your idol is casually in your hotel room. you get out of the shower after hearing a faint voice. “um excuse me? i think you’re in the wrong hotel room.” you hear the person say through the bathroom door. “one second please!” you call out quickly grabbing a towel to cover yourself opening the bathroom door. “i just paid for this roo- yeosang????? what the fuck yeosang?” you are shocked beyond shocked. he is standing. right in front of you.
“yea? what.. im sorry miss but i think you have the wrong room.” he repeats himself. you shake your head suddenly. “no- i just paid for this room when i got here..” he is now confused. “do we need to talk to staff?” he says.
yeosang’s eyes slowly trail to your figure as you’re standing in front of him naked under the towel. “im gonna be honest you can do all that. i just went to your concert and im tired.” he laughs at you softly. “i just performed at that concert you think im not tired?” his voice is inviting as if he is waiting for something. his eyes are still on you as you smile at him. “i really cannot believe im talking to you- okay! anyways i honestly don’t mind sharing if you don’t. ill sleep on the couch.” you say before going to grab your things but he stops you.
“no need. i can sleep on the couch.. of course you take the bed.” he grabs his stuff moving it away from the door. “o-okay..” you curse at yourself for stuttering. but how could you not? the boy you just saw on a screen is now in front of you. in your hotel room. and he looks more attractive in person. he’s so sweetly spoken and polite with his movements. you’re watching him as discreetly as possible.
he pretends to not see your glances. you see him kick off his shoes and other accessories he had on him. “i know i interrupted your shower but can i shower when you finish up?” he moves closer to you as he asks you.
you just nod without a verbal response. “this is kinda weird right?” he says being a few feet away from you. “i mean yes- but i swear im not a crazy fan. but gonna be honest as long as i didn’t scream” you say laughing. he just nods.
“what if i wanted you to scream for a different reason?” he looks at you with a curious expression.
“w-what?” you are embarrassed with your stuttering but yeosang’s words are far more important at this moment. he just moves closer to you in the bathroom.
“need me to repeat it angel?” he chuckles a little stopping after seeing your still shocked face. “did that make you uncomfortable because if it di-“ you cut him off with a addicting kiss. him now being caught off guard but kissing you back nonetheless.
your towel falls of your body due to yeosang pulling you to lay back on the bed. you moan into the kiss at the cold air against your damp body. “what do you want pretty?” he asks as he leaves a trail of wet kisses against your shoulders. “f-fuck me yeosang..” you don’t care about your stuttering anymore. just wanting the boy to touch you. you are beyond to needy to care.
he nods at you. “are you sure?” he caresses your cheek. “yes please..” you squirm as you feel him spread your legs. “you’re fully dressed and im naked! take these off.” you pull his shirt over his head.
beyond shocked at his chest. its not like you haven’t seen some of it. but all of him in front of you. he looks so sexy you might die. he’s just laughing at you as he kicks off his pants. leaving him in his boxers hovering over you slightly.
you feel his hand move down to massage your thighs softly making you moaning quietly. “let me prep you alright pretty?” yeosang’s words making your arousal drip onto your thighs slightly. the nickname fully making you submit. “p-please yeosang touch me.” he doesn’t waste anytime. his fingers collecting your arousal as he rubs them up and down your slit teasingly. “touching you now pretty.” he smiles at how his actions cause to get a pout out of your for more. “y-yeosang please…” you are now crying out for him and he’s barely done anything.
you feel a finger slide into you causing you to open your legs more as he starts to fuck it into you. “you think you can cum from this angel?” he looks down as your expressions are just changing with the pleasure. he mentally takes that as a yes answer. he begins to speed his fingers up faster curling them to hit the spot you need him most.
“fuck yeosang don’t s-stop!!” he has a smirk on his face as he pulls his finger out. you whining at the loss of pleasure. “be patient pretty. giving you what you want hm?” he smiles at you as he looks at you. “let me grab a condom.” you nod watching him grab it out of his bag. he is already back to you.
you watch him as he pushes his boxers down to free his dick. him groaning at the new feeling. his dick looks big. bigger than you thought it would be. it makes you a little nervous but you want it. he rolls the condom onto his dick before he lines up with you. “ready pretty girl?” he questions you again. “yes yeosang- f-fuck.” he hears the first part of your sentence cutting you off by pushing inside you.
he starts to fuck you shallowly and slowly causing you to moan. you head is thrown back as he lives kisses against your neck. “you okay pretty?” all you can do is nod with closed eyes and your mouth open spit spilling just a little bit.
yeosang thinks you look beautiful like this. seeing you fucked out and its all for him. his hips speed up causing you to moan out.
you look at him through clouded eyes. taking in every little detail of the boy in this moment. he is using your waist for support. chest and head sweaty causing a few strands of hair to stick. his face is in a pleasured expression as it mixes with his focused one. he is making sure you feel good always checking your face for any sign that you were uncomfortable.
“yeosang r-right there please don’t stop.” you pleading out to him as every thrust he is hitting the perfect spot. you’re mind is so fuzzy you can even think of your name. you are completely lost in pleasure.
“yea pretty? this spot feel so good?” he teases slightly now stopping his movements. him hitting the spot over and over. you feel him start to kiss your neck again. you’re moaning at all overstimulation of touch. you love it. you love his touch and his words. he knows how to make you feel perfect.
“s-shit pretty im gonna cum.” you hear him say causing you to open your eyes a little more. “me too yeo.” he curses at the nickname as he continues to fuck you. “fuck angel so fucking wet.” his eyes are on your cunt watching his dick fuck in and out of you. “im cumming yeo!” you yell out coming undone on his dick. his cum shooting into the condom. as he slowly rocks his hips inside you. getting both of you to ride out your highs. he pulls out of you. pulling off the condom and throwing it in the trash. you watch as he heads into the bathroom coming back with a damp rag.
you smile at his gesture. “this okay?” he asks before you nod. him cleaning you up gently.
“maybe it was a good thing with hotel messed up the room huh?” he asks causing you both to smile. he finishes cleaning you up before standing up. “im gonna shower! after you want to cuddle?” he asks grabbing a few things out of his bag. “sounds perfect.” he smiles at your response before running off into the bathroom.
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gakumeii · 1 month
This is the first time im posting my KP thoughts anywhere but I spent a good 20 minutes at work today analyzing Chay’s age because I was annoyed at how often ppl say he’s 17 in fanfic. So my tumblr is getting the first actually written post from me,, hi.
First off, I looked up Chay’s birthday, which is apparently in July. Now in my school system, it would make him one of the youngest in his grade, as our school years go from September to June, but I looked up Thai school systems, and their school year goes from May to February, making Chay a fairly “old” student. Thai students usually start M6 (their last year of hs) at 17, turning 18 along the way (from my research, as I am obviously not Thai myself). So Chay is turning 18 somewhere along the story right? I also looked up university admissions, and the dates I saw most often for first rounds of interviews and early admissions were around mid-october.
From those, it isn’t completely unreasonable to assume that Chay was already 18 when Porsche dipped and when he first met Kim as well. When he went to the interview, even if it was the earliest possible admissions, it would’ve been in October, after his 18th birthday. Prior to that, it’s unclear how long he’d known Kim, but it probably wasn’t that long, considering he’d went to visit the university he already planned to attend. University open houses are usually around September, which, again, Chay would’ve been 18 for.
Anyway this has not left my mind for the past like— month but I finally decided to do something abt it cos i saw a post abt Chay’s bday being in July, which made me do Totally Normal Person Behaviours and do this analysis (?) if u can call it that.
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cloudbersoo · 1 year
would you mind?|zhang hao
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synopsis: how to get over a guy you didn’t even date in ten easy steps with the help of zhang hao.
tags: zhang hao x gn!reader, acquaintances to lovers, university au, fluff, slight angst, y/n likes someone else at the beginning, y/n is very drunk, making out when drunk, shy!hao, bestie!matthew has no filter, roommate!taerae, hanbin keeps laughing, what did jiwoong do though? y/n overthinks a little sometimes, mentions of sex and implied sex but no explicit smut! (im a minor and can’t write smut for the life of me)
word count: 6k (how did this get so long?)
a/n: this is my first fic in like six years and the first in english altogether! idk how to feel about this one but i thought to post it anyway. writing this honestly made me respect fanfic writers so much more, it really isn’t easy! this took me like five days to make. not sure how often i’ll be doing this but i enjoyed writing a lot. sorry for any grammar errors or such, i proofread this a couple of times, but my english isn’t perfect, so some mistakes might go past me. anyway, thanks and sorry! enjoy reading!
my playlist while writing: in bloom & new kidz on the block by zb1, cream soda & private party by exo, roller coaster & party o’clock by nmixx !!
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i. drink your feelings away
“finally you’re here” matthew mumbled in his slightly drunken stage, leaning onto a wall as you closed the door behind you. you could hear the music and people’s chatter coming from the living room. the smell of alcohol was also very strong, especially on your friend. you wished you could just turn back and go home. you were way too miserable to party right now but the sweet smile matthew was giving you was making you stay. you couldn’t possibly disappoint your best friend on his special day.
“yeah, sorry for being late” you finally answered to the birthday boy as you handed out your gift with a forced smile. “happy birthday matt.” 
he took the bottle of wine and chuckled. “thank you y/n” he said, looking at the bottle of his favourite. “for this and for coming tonight” he continued as he raised his gaze to you apologetically. 
“of course” you uttered, trying your best to convince your friend you wanted to be here, as if you didn’t just think about leaving two seconds ago. your convincing didn’t seem to be working as matthew sighed. matthew put down the bottle and walked in front of you. he examined your face for a while before he embraced you in a hug. “he didn’t deserve you anyway” he whispered close to your ear.
the guy who broke your heart just a few days ago. he didn’t mean to, you suppose. he just didn’t realise you were totally in love with him when he introduced you to his partner of three years. how stupid could you be?
you held your tiers in at the mention of him. not today. you can cry about it later. 
you embraced your friend for a while as you collected yourself. “you know what matt?” You finally spoke as you made eye contact with him. matthew hummed, looking at you with anticipation. 
“i’m going to have fun tonight.”
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ii. embarrass yourself
about five bottles of soju and a couple beers later you were completely out of it. you were somewhere in matthew’s apartment, kitchen or living room, you were not entirely sure. laying on the cold floor with zero thoughts of your shattered heart. you felt at peace. your peace, however, didn’t last long as it was eventually broken by a familiar voice calling your name. 
“y/n? you okay down there?” the voice asked with amusement. you opened your eyes and were met with hanbin’s gaze from above you. he must have found your state hilarious as he bursted out laughing. 
you got up from the floor with difficulty and flopped next to him on the couch. “never been better” you mumbled to your friend with a relaxed smile. you started making yourself comfortable and leaned your head on hanbin’s shoulder. what you failed to notice in your drunken state was the other person sitting on the couch. the one you were currently cuddling up to.
“hao” your friend started. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen y/n so wasted” hanbin laughed with tears in his eyes. 
suddenly, you were too aware of your surroundings, like there was no alcohol in your system anymore. you quickly got up and saw that hanbin was not in fact the person you had leaned into. the person sitting next to you was hanbin’s good friend, zhang hao. the boy’s face flushed as he looked at your shocked face.
oh my god.
you were not that familiar with zhang hao. you knew he was good friends with hanbin and matthew. he was from the music department just like your roommate taerae, and you were pretty sure he played the violin. he was reserved and quiet, and definitely not the most fond of you (even though your friends have tried to convince you otherwise). a friend of a friend. that’s what he was. not someone who you could comfortably cuddle with. this is so embarrassing.
“i’m so sorry!” you quickly blurted out as you hid your face behind your palms. you could still hear hanbin’s laugh as you were thinking about your way out of the situation. 
“it’s o-okay” zhang hao managed to stutter. you were in too deep thought to hear what the boy in front of you was saying. you searched for your other friend in the crowd. it’s time for me to leave. as you found matthew by the balcony with a girl, you turned back to the men on the couch. “i’m just gonna go!” you quickly said to prevent any more embarrassment and made your way to your best friend.
he saw you coming from afar and smirked at you. “you’ve definitely enjoyed yourself” matthew said delightfully. oh. he definitely saw everything.
“you saw nothing” you bit back and leaned onto your friend as the alcohol started to kick back in again. “i’m going home” you continued. could you even walk straight? no. but you could just call your roommate to meet you halfway.
“in this state? no you’re not” the boy slurred just as drunk as you were. he wrapped his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep you from leaving. you were glad your friend cared about your safety even when he was drunk. his company, however, was not enjoying the sight in front of her and you could tell you had interrupted something. 
“i’ll call taerae to pick me up, don’t worry.” you assured your friend. “i’ll leave you two alone now.” you gave a smile to the girl and mouthed “sorry” as you left the two before matthew could protest any further.
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iii. make a foolish choice
walking down four sets of stairs with your hands occupied by your phone was a challenge. you somehow made it though and were trying to contact your roommate. he was not answering. where is he? your apartment wasn’t that far from matthew’s but the darkness was creeping you out a little. you sent a quick text to taerae, saying you were coming home before you started your journey. 
you had made it past a couple turns when you started feeling like someone was following you. you’re just being paranoid, that's all. but the feeling only grew stronger as you clearly heard footsteps behind you. you were already walking as fast as you could in your state. is this the end?  “i’m gonna die-”
“y/n,” you quickly turned around to the familiar voice. 
zhang hao.
“oh it’s just you” you said as you relaxed until it hit you. zhang hao. the reason why you had run away from the party in the first place. your surprise finally showed on your face, which zhang hao found amusing. 
"sorry if I scared you” he let out an airy laugh while awkwardly standing in front of you. for some reason you had never really looked at the boy. he was tall and his hair was still styled nicely even after a long day. he was wearing a light blue button up shirt with black jeans that seemed way out of your price range. there was something about the way he was looking at you under the glow of the streetlights. he was looking at you with stars in his eyes, like there was no one else but the two of you in the world. the sight of him almost made your heart skip a beat. he had a few moles on his face, one right under his eye and another on his cheek that you wish you could kiss right now. has he always been this pretty? 
no. why is he here? 
he tried to give you a reassuring smile as he took a step closer. “you shouldn’t walk alone at this hour, it’s not safe for you.” he continued like he had just read your mind.
“so you think I'm safe with you?” you asked, slightly teasing. it was definitely the alcohol speaking.
the boy’s eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth to say something but failed. “well- I mean” zhang hao finally responded with panic, not quite sure what he was supposed to say. you couldn’t hold your giggles which seemed to ease his nerves. his figure seemed to relax as he walked past you. “my apartment isn’t that far from yours, so we can just walk together. it’s safer for both of us.” zhang hao finished. 
lies. you’ve once picked hanbin up from his apartment and it's nowhere near yours. however, zhang hao didn’t need to know that you knew. you wouldn’t mind walking home with him even if the two of you weren’t that close, because he was right – this was safer (not because he suddenly made you think of things you haven't before).
so, the two of you continued walking towards your place. zhang hao didn’t say much as you walked, only telling you to be more careful as you almost stumbled to the ground. he also decided to hold you up from your waist from that point on – which you definitely didn’t mind. he didn’t seem to mind either as there was no signs of annoyance that you would’ve except from zhang hao in this situation.  
“we’re here” he said as the two of you stood in front of your apartment building. you really didn’t want him to go. you really didn’t want to be alone at all. because you knew the moment you were alone again you’d break down again and cry about the guy who broke your heart. just for this one night, you wished not to cry yourself to sleep. maybe it was foolish of you to ask zhang hao of all people to comfort you, but right now you couldn’t think of anything else. 
“would you like to come in?”
“do you need help to get to your door?”
you both had talked at the same time. you broke eye contact as the two of you chuckled. so he didn’t want to leave yet either? as it got quiet again you decided to look at the boy again. zhang hao seemed hesitant as he studied your face. then he smiled at you as he said “if that’s what you need.”
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iv. get cockbocked by a roommate
some might find the silence between you and zhang hao awkward, but you found it soothing. he was drinking the water you had given him as you sat on the kitchen counter. he looked even more handsome up close. the way he was leaning onto the counter and the way he was looking at you. oh, how much you wished to make him yours tonight. would he mind? 
your mind stopped wandering as the boy put down his glass on the sink. “i should probably go and let you sleep” he said quietly as he stood in front of you. he was incredibly close to you, his hand on your knee, his nose almost touching yours – like he didn’t want to leave. you couldn’t help but lower your gaze to his lips. they were pink and puffy, slightly wet like they were waiting to be kissed. you looked back to zhang hao’s eyes but they didn’t meet yours. he was doing the same thing – staring at your lips. 
maybe you were going to regret it. maybe this wasn’t right, kissing your friends’ friend. but you couldn’t possibly think about any of that as you leaned in. 
his lips felt as soft as they looked. it took a moment for zhang hao to realise what was happening but eventually he kissed you back. his left hand landed on your cheek as his right hand went up your thigh. the kiss deepened as you put your hands around the boy's neck, pulling him closer to you. you don’t remember the last time you have been kissed like this. he was driving you insane and you wished he’d never stop. 
“y/n?” you hear a voice say at the door. 
you and zhang hao froze before you rapidly let go of each other. sleepy taerae rubbed his eyes walking into the kitchen as you tried to calm your beating heart. so he didn’t answer because he was asleep. you took a look at zhang hao who’s blush was prominent even in the dark. “when did you get home?” your roommate asked as he yawned.
“zhang hao walked me, i was just giving him some water before he left.” you blurted out an excuse, which wasn’t inherently a lie – taerae didn’t need to know what happened after that. your sleepy roommate didn’t look suspicious and seemed to buy it. “he was actually just about to leave.” you took another look at zhang hao, trying to get him to say something. 
“yeah, i’ll just get going then.” he said, bid taerae goodbye, and was out of the apartment in mere minutes. 
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v. overthink your life choices
lunch used to be your favourite time of the day, mostly because you used to share it with jaemin all the time. matthew barely ever had time to eat lunch with you, which is how you got to know jaemin in the first place. the two of you clicked instantly and you thought there was something between you. how wrong you were. the past week you have been distancing yourself from jaemin and he hasn't been asking after you. you really meant nothing to him in the end. even now he’s just a few tables away loudly debating about something with his group of friends, completely unaware of the effect he has had on you.
taerae’s giggles seem to wake you from your slumber. you moved your gaze from jaemin to your roommate. he was laughing over a video hanbin had just shown him. “what is jiwoong doing?” he managed to say between giggles. 
“speaking of the devil” hanbin said as he waved past your shoulder. jiwoong walked to your table with zhang hao next to him, which was odd as the two of you’ve had a similar relationship with the chinese boy up until a few days ago (unless jiwoong had also been making out with him recently). “what did i do?” jiwoong questioned his friends as he placed his lunch on the table.
“nothing, nothing. where’s matthew?” hanbin said as he hid his phone with a grin.
“he’s on a date” you said nonchalantly. everyone at the table suddenly turned their heads towards you. they had totally forgotten you were even there as you had spent most of your break staring at a certain someone. you should get your shit together.
“oh right, zhang hao! thanks for walking y/n home the other night.” taerae said as zhang hao sat next to hanbin. well shit. you hadn’t told anyone of what had happened with zhang hao after matthew’s party. you hadn’t even talked to zhang hao since then. you felt awful that you had tried to use him to forget about someone else, and then kicked him out as your roommate found the two of you. you weren’t sure how you were supposed to even bring it up to him when you were never alone with him anyway. 
“you walked her home?” hanbin questioned as he turned his head to his left where zhang hao was sitting. the boy only gave his friend a small nod as he dug into his food. his aura seemed so different in the daylight. his hair wasn’t styled like at the party, it was a bit all over the place. the way he stuffed his mouth full of food made him look cute. his cheeks were slightly pink with blush. while observing the boy, you had completely missed the teasing smile on hanbin’s face.
how were you supposed to talk to him? thanks for walking me home and making out with me in my kitchen. does he even want to talk about it? the two of you had seen each other around campus a couple times since then and he hasn't tried to talk to you once. maybe all of it was just a spur of the moment thing for him that he now wished to forget about.
you sighed as you decided it was your time to leave for class. there was no way you were going to talk to zhang hao now anyway, not in front of all your friends. “my lecture is starting soon, i’ll go now.” you said as you stood up. taking your things with you and hearing people say their goodbyes, you were on your way.
“wait, are we just going to ignore the fact that matthew is on a date?” you could hear jiwoong ask behind you.
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vi. get help
“so…” matthew said in a teasing tone as he sat across from you at the library. 
“so, what?” you questioned, like you had no idea what your best friend was referring to. well, in your defence, you never knew with matthew, but you had a feeling this conversation topic started with a z and ended with hang hao. “you and hao?” he continued, just like you had anticipated, raising his eyebrows. 
“what about me and zhang hao?” you continued, acting clueless in the hopes of him dropping the conversation. 
“after what i saw at my birthday party and then hearing he walked you home, i hoped the two of you worked out the weird tension between you two and finally fucked” your friend blurted out in a very matthew way, like it was the most obvious conclusion to come to in the world. 
“we did not!” you raised your voice a little too much as you tried to defend yourself. you got a few judging stares from the people around you who were trying to study. something you were supposed to do as well, instead of having this conversation about zhang hao. “we didn’t fuck…” you continued more quietly. there was no reason for you to lie to your best friend. not when you could use his help.
“but you were going to?” he gave you a knowing look.
“well yeah, but then taerae woke up and i panicked and i kinda kicked zhang hao out-” you started rambling. wait. “how did you know we almost fucked? did he talk to you? what did he say? does he totally hate me now?” you continued like you were going to lose your mind. and now matthew was laughing at you, trying his best to stay quiet. 
“i haven’t talked to anyone, except hanbin, he’s just as convinced there’s something going on between you and hao as i am” your friend finally spoke. if only you knew what was going on between the two of you. you sighed and hit your head on the table. “what’s the problem y/n? you know, you could just text him and ask him" matthew said.
“i don’t have his number” you mumble in despair. 
“what? how can you not have his number?” matthew asked, confused.
“why would i? was i supposed to ask for it when we were making out or something?” you said as you lifted your head from the table, looking at your friend who definitely didn’t need to hear any more details of that night.
matthew took his phone out of his pocket, and gave it to you after a moment. “here, take his number and text him”
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vii. become friends
you were currently sitting down at a park you had agreed to meet with zhang hao. matthew was able to convince you it was better to sort things out with zhang hao sooner than later. but now that you were here, waiting for the guy, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. it was warm as summer was finally coming and you felt like you were sweating buckets. was it the weather or your nerves – you were not quite sure.
“hi, did you have to wait long?” you hear a familiar voice from your left and see zhang hao’s figure coming towards you. he waved at you while giving you a sweet smile. damn. he’s so pretty. 
“oh no, not at all” you answered, trying to give the boy a smile to hide your nervousness. 
“what did you want to talk about?” zhang hao said calmly as he sat down next to you. unlike the other night, now he had left much space between the two of you. he didn’t seem nervous at all, which made you feel uneasy. maybe this wasn’t as big of a deal for him as it was for you. 
“at matt’s party, i’m sorry for being such a mess and dragging you into it” you decided to tell him. “i had a few too many drinks that night.” you took a look at zhang hao. he seemed surprised, maybe a little hurt as he tried to get comfortable on the bench. was that not the right thing to say?  “i mean, i probably made you uncomfortable and then i rushed you out of my place when taerae woke up, it was super rude of me to-” you were starting to ramble. 
“i wasn’t uncomfortable” he cut you off. he finally turned to look at you again “i wouldn’t have come in if i was.” there was the look again, making your heart beat louder on your chest. he was looking at you like he did under the streetlights, like you were the only person in the world that mattered. you wouldn’t mind getting lost in his eyes. “so don’t be too sorry, i enjoyed it as long as it lasted.” he gave you a shy smile.
this was the first time the boy had made you blush, usually it was the other way around. you broke eye contact to hide your shyness from him. “cool, cool” you started quite awkwardly. “we should probably be casual about all this, since we're friends and all…”
“we’re friends now? i’m cool with that” zhang hao replied with amusement.
“i mean, we’ve known each other long enough to call us that, i guess” you tried to reason, not realising your friend was only teasing you. as you turned your gaze back to him you saw him still smiling at you. this man will be the death of me. “well that’s that. sorry i can’t stay longer, i have places to be. bye zhang hao.” you said as you got up from the bench. you had nowhere to be, but you couldn’t possibly handle being in zhang hao’s presence any longer. 
“bye friend!” he yelled after you still with a teasing tone.
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viii. feel nothing
you and your new friend zhang hao have gotten along well since your talk at the park. nothing has changed that much, except now you greet each other at campus, engage in conversation together, and sometimes share memes with each other. you have tried to convince matthew that you and zhang hao are really just friends and nothing more. matthew just can’t help himself when he teases you with kissy noises every time you interact with zhang hao. he’s the only other person that knows about your little secret. even hanbin doesn’t know, because if he did — everyone would. 
you were finally finished with your last class of the day, walking out of your department building. you felt at ease as everything in your life was finally going well. you were able to sort things out with zhang hao, you weren’t particularly struggling with any classes, and you were barely thinking about him, who shall not be named. 
as if on cue, there he was standing a few meters away from you. jaemin. he wasn’t alone though, as he was having a conversation with someone. you couldn’t quite tell what the two were talking about, not that really even mattered to you. contrary to popular belief, your heart no longer ached at the sight of him. you continued your journey with no intent to interact with jaemin, at least not until you realised who exactly he was talking with. when you were close enough you could recognize the other man’s voice.
what was zhang hao doing with jaemin? the sight in front of you felt really odd, but you couldn’t possibly look away. zhang hao almost towered over jaemin, paying attention to what the latter was talking about. he was wearing glasses that complimented his face well. one of his sleeves was rolled up revealing his toned arm. he looked so mesmerising, you couldn't help but stare.
it didn’t take long for you to be caught staring as jaemin called out your name. “wow it’s been so long. how have you been?” he asked happily as you took a few steps closer to the two. zhang hao was surprised to see you, his gaze moving between you and jaemin. his face filled with worry made you think he must have heard about jaemin and you from someone (definitely not from hanbin). you gave zhang hao a reassuring smile as you greeted jaemin, who was ready to embrace you in a hug. 
“i’ve been well” you sounded a little awkward as the two of you let go. an act that used to make your heart do backflips no longer felt like anything. “what were you two talking about? i didn’t know you even knew each other.” you asked out of curiosity as you stood next to zhang hao, who suddenly put his arm around your shoulder. you turned your head towards your friend, trying to understand what he was up to. 
“we’ve shared a few classes here and there” zhang hao said as he turned his head to face you. he was so close to you again, making your heart beat louder on your chest. “you’re ready to go?” he continued. you could only show your confusion on your face as you didn’t trust your voice to say anything at the close proximity. “dinner? remember?” he gave you a wink.
what? you were completely lost. what was this man talking about? 
“oooh, date night?” jaemin cooed in front of you. he took his headphones out of his back and put them over his ears. “i won't waste your time anymore then. y/n we should totally catch up sometime!” he didn’t wait for your response before he left. 
you and zhang hao stayed close to each other in silence for a while. you wondered if he could hear the way your heart was beating for him. you tried to look for answers from his face but to no avail. finally, zhang hao moved and removed his hand off of you, what had felt like way too soon. “sorry” he said as he stood in front of you. “you must have felt awkward seeing him” he continued, scratching the back of his neck. 
“did you do all that to get rid of him? i’m fine, i don’t like him like that anymore” you felt the need to clarify to him.
“oh” he said, blush breaking to his face and neck. “well, i was getting tired of him anyway” he excused and removed his gaze from you to hide his embarrassment. you thought he looked the cutest whenever he got shy or embarrassed. 
your laugh seemed to peak his interest again, as he turned his gaze back on you. your blushing face, matching his own. a comfortable silence fell between you again. ”just friends huh?” you could hear matthew’s teasing voice in your head.
“y/n?” zhang hao eventually spoke. you hummed as a response, waiting him to carry on. “have you eaten yet?” the boy continued hesitantly. 
“no, not yet” you answered truthfully, not quite sure where the conversation was going. zhang hao stayed quiet for a while. he was nervously shifting on his place, turning his face away from you once again. he was trying to find the right way to ask you.
“would you like to go out for dinner then?” he asked carefully. 
“sure!” you answered enthusiastically. you were starving at this point and wouldn’t mind spending some time with friends as well. “who else is coming?” 
“well, i thought it could be just us…” the boy responded, still not daring to look at you. 
“oh! that works too. sure. yeah.” you replied, definitely not embarrassed that you didn’t get the hint right away. “does indian sound good to you? i’m craving butter chicken” you continued, trying to move the conversation onwards, while your heart kept beating hard against your chest. 
“if that’s what you want, it’s good with me” zhang hao said and the two of you started your way out of campus, both a blushing mess.
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ix. feel everything
you were not entirely sure what to think. had you just been on a date? zhang hao didn’t explicitly call it that, but it surely had felt like one. the dinner went smoothly, it didn’t feel awkward and the two of you were able to talk to each other comfortably. he constantly smiled at you and asked you questions about your life, putting the effort into getting to know you. he even insisted on paying for your meal in the end. 
you got to know things about him as well, as zhang hao no longer felt shy talking to you. he’s an only child and very close with his mom. he chose to play the violin, because it’s much easier to carry around compared to a cello. him and jiwoong have gotten closer lately because jiwoong had asked him to help him with a song he has been working on. he also revealed that he was glad that the two of you have gotten closer, which made you question things even more.
you were walking to your apartment in silence, completely sober this time. zhang hao had insisted on walking you home again, “as a man should” he had said. the way his hand was accidentally brushing against yours every once in a while was giving you butterflies in your stomach. you were not entirely sure if the man next to you even realises how much of an effect he had on you. you weren’t walking that fast because you really didn’t want the night to end. 
must to your dismay, you ended up in front of your apartment building. it felt like deja vu, standing in front of him again. you didn’t want zhang hao to leave, but you weren’t sure if it was appropriate to invite him in. you couldn't hide behind the confidence alcohol had given you last time. you didn't know what to say, so you settled on just staring at his face, completely mesmerised. he was doing the same, his gaze wandering on your face, like he was trying to remember each little detail of you. 
“i should…” zhang hao started, now looking straight into your eyes. “i should probably go now” he continued, not at all convincing. he made no effort to move, which finally gave you the confidence to talk. it won’t hurt to ask, right?
“i could offer you a glass of water before you go” you said, tearing your gaze away, still slightly scared of what he might answer. “you know, taerae’s not home tonight…” you added. as you heard no answer from the boy, you hesitantly took a look at him. he was smiling at you again, the way he had been all dinner. 
zhang hao took a step closer, raising his hand to hold your chin, making you hold eye contact with him. he lowered his gaze slowly to your lips, looking at you like you were someone to be desired. “you sure?” he finally spoke in a lower voice, still staring at your lips. you could only hum in response. and then he leaned in to kiss you. 
his lips were soft, but he pushed them hard against yours. he tasted like cherries as you kissed him back. the kiss deepened quickly as his tongue pushed past your lips. his arms lowered to your hips, pulling you closer, as you put yours behind his neck, playing with his hair. you didn’t stop until you both were almost running out of air.
zhang hao let out an airy laugh. “i’ve wanted to do that for a while” he confessed, your arms still tangled around each other. he was looking at you with so much adoration.
“yeah? me too” you smiled, your cheeks slightly pink. you let go of the boy to open the door to your apartment building. he held onto your arm as the two of you walked towards the elevator. you turned to look at zhang hao, who’s cheeks were a shade of pink as well. he noticed you staring and gave you another sweet smile. the door finally opened, and he couldn’t even wait till you got to your apartment, as he stole another kiss from you as you entered the elevator.
“i honestly thought you didn’t like me at all” you admitted to him as you parted from the kiss.
“that’s what hanbin always told me” zhang hao answered, now with a pout on his lips. “i was just too shy to talk to you, you’re like the most gorgeous person i’ve ever laid my eyes on” he continued, no longer daring to look you in the eye. even he seemed a little surprised by his sudden confession. 
you’ve received compliments before, but hearing one from zhang hao felt different. your cheeks heated up again, and you could feel your excitement all the way down on your stomach. you wanted him so badly, you could only wish he felt the same way. when the elevator stopped, you decided to quickly peck the boy's cheek before you dragged him to your apartment.
once the door to your apartment closed behind you, you were all over each other. his lips connected with yours as your arms roamed all over your bodies. you couldn’t get enough of him, wanting him even closer to you. you stumbled over to your bedroom, where you gave him one more kiss before backing away.
zhang hao looked at you with concern. “are you okay?” he asked while still holding you closely.
“yeah, i just- i want to make sure you want this as much i do” you answered, studying his face for any signs of regret or hesitation. 
“i really like you y/n, and i want this more than you think” he admitted. he detached one of his hands from you to remove his glasses out of the way, putting them down to your nightstand. he lowered his hand on your cheek, cherishing it gently. “let me show you just how much you mean to me.”
so you let him, as you kissed him again.
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x. fall in love
you were still out of breath as you cuddled up to zhang hao’s bare body. he wrapped his hand around you and squeezed you closer to him, twirling your hair with his fingers. you laid your head against his chest, drawing circles on his toned body, sighing with content. you felt zhang hao’s lips against your forehead, giving you a peck after peck. the act made you giggle, turning your gaze to him.
“what?” you asked.
“nothing, i’m just really happy” he answered, giving you one more kiss on your lips. he looked at you with so much love and warmth, which made you feel like you were dreaming. you couldn’t help but wonder what made you deserve to meet someone like zhang hao. no one has made you feel this good in such a long time, if ever. suddenly, very overwhelmed with your feelings, you hid your face on the crook of his neck.
you felt zhang hao’s chest vibrate from the laughter he let out. “cute” he whispered quietly, mostly to just himself, cherishing your head again. you got comfortable again, almost falling asleep in his embrace. his breath also evening out as he was slowly drifting away to sleep too.
“i really like you too, zhang hao” you sleepily mumbled against his skin, before the two of you fell into dreamland together.
- end
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“why do you always call me zhang hao?”
“maybe because it’s your name??”
“yes, but everyone calls me hao. you’re the only one who calls me zhang hao”
“well, hao, i’ll call you that from now on”
the boy’s face flushed red as he finally heard you say his name. 
“oh my god, you’re so cute!” 
he turns his face to hide his blush from you.
“shut up”
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mah-t-wordblog · 6 months
hey~ im back with another request if you don’t mind! Can I request a Lee Giyu and Ler Tanjiro? I feel like Tanjiro heard from one of the other hashira he was ticklish and was like 👀
If you don’t wanna write it that’s completely fine! Have a nice day/night!
Hiiiiiiiii ofc 💛💛
You can teach him a lesson
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Lee: Gyuu Tomioka
Ler: Tanjiro Kamado
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Tanjiro ran, when he smelled hatred, through the corridors of the great Butterfly Mansion
He was about to enter a room when he heard a voice say:
“I'm going to catch that boy, and I'm going to kill him” the deadly voice said
Tanjiro stopped abruptly, hiding behind the open bedroom door.
He gasped, that voice… was it Miss Shinobu? Why was she so angry? Who was she mad at?
“I'll finish him off, I will” Shinobu sighed, calming down “but first I'll find out who's behind the door”
Shit, she’s a hashira
Tanjiro felt butterflies in his stomach, he appeared at the entrance of the room, blushing because he was eavesdropping, something he didn't like to do.
“Tanjiro! What brings you here?” Shinobu smiled, but Tanjiro could feel that she was angry.
“I-I smelled anger and came to see what had happened.”
Shinobu laughed at his embarrassment
“It’s okay darling, I was just talking to myself about Tomioka”
Tanjiro widened his eyes “Tomioka?! Do you want to kill Tomioka?”
Shinobu smiled, Tanjiro could see her expression twitching
“Yes, he’s quite annoying, don’t you think?” She looked at the desk full of homework she was sitting at, she had a lot to do “but I'm very busy. Oh! I have an idea! Can you kill him for me?”
Tanjiro was scared “WHAT?!”
Shinobu laughed "you're not really going to kill him silly" she got up and went towards Tanjiro
“And then what am I going to do?”
“You’re going to tickle him”
What? Tickling? What was happening? Tanjiro had never thought about the possibility of Gyuu being ticklish.
“H-he’s ticklish?”
“Of course he is! This is how we teach him lessons.”
“And you want me to go teach him a lesson?”
“Yes” she said affectionately, as if she hadn’t just said that she wanted to kill him.
Tanjiro surprisingly broke into a wide smile
"I got it! I loved the task, miss!”
Shinobu laughed “first of all, one thing…”
“Tomioka won’t crack a smile unless you squeeze his weak spot.”
Tanjiro looked confused “and where is it?”
“Right here” she said giving his knee a squeeze.
Tanjiro jumped back, shaking off the feeling.
“That’s right, darling”
"I understood!" Tanjiro ran out without waiting for anything else.
Shinobu stood still, then laughed
“He will pay you handsomely…” and went back to her work
Tanjiro was already on the other side of the mansion, looking for the water hashira
While running, he bumped into someone
"I'm sorry, I-" Tanjiro looked up
He saw it was Gyuu
“Okay” Gyuu just turned around and tried to move on
"Hang on!" Tanjiro grabbed his arm
The man turned and looked at him blankly “yes?”
Tanjiro blushed, but he felt a glimmer of courage inside him.
“Miss Shinobu told me to teach you a lesson!”
So Tanjiro simply pressed that place on Gyuu's legs and made him fall to the ground.
“What the f-“ Gyuu was choked, he felt the tingling rise up his body and the urge to laugh increase, but what the fuck did Shinobu want now?
“TAHANJIHIRO” he shouted, trying to sound furious, at the same time as he was laughing
“Wow, Tomioka” Tanjiro laughed “I didn’t expect to see you laugh like that”
The man tried to grab Tanjiro's hands, but they were squeezing his entire body at an impressive speed, it seemed like the boy had a lot of experience with this.
“I think you owe her an apology, sir.”
Tanjiro observed him “your smile is beautiful sir, I think that's one of the reasons why everyone tickles you, to see you smile, isn't it?”
“JUHUST STOHOP” Hashira suppressed his laughter
“Okay, okay, sorry”
The boy stopped
Gyuu let himself melt into the ground, like jelly, he secretly loved the feeling of being melted like this
“I’m sorry sir, orders from Miss. Shinobu” Tanjiro said, giving Gyuu an evil smile, as if to say that he loved it.
The hashira observed the boy, then slowly stood up with a strange smile on his face.
“You better start running, Tanjiro”
“B-but, it was Miss Shino-“
Tanjiro's eyes widened when he saw that Gyuu was going to jump on top of him.
The boy ran away as if using thunder breath, and the man followed, at the same speed.
They say that Gyuu Tomioka is not one to feel sorry for whoever he attacks, poor Tanjiro
It was “poking a jaguar with a short stick” as some Brazilian would say, it seems like he messed with the wrong person
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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rat-typewriter · 2 years
Yay!!! Someone's writing for Arven!!! Could you please write something, either Headcanons or a fanfic your choice, about Arven with a librarian s/o who helps him find information on Herba Mystica and the titan pokemon. So lots of study dates in the school library where she works that slowly turn into actual dates 👀
As someone working at a library rn, this one is pretty self indulgent lol but I hope you don't mind! Thanks so much, I hope you have a great day!! (I also lowkey wonder if you remember me since I've left asks here before...)
Omg omg hello fellow librarian!! I used to work in a library! Tysm for your request sunshine, and i hope you enjoy!! This is a little rushed so im sorry about that :,,)
Perfect to me - Arven x Student Librarian!Reader
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Warnings: None
Proofread: like,,,, some of it is
Summary: Mabosstiff is doing a lot better - you're the first person Arven wants to tell
You tried to turn up your music for the seventh time - forgetting it was already at full volume. Your phone buzzed angrily, a notification popping up - trying to warn you of the damage you were doing to your ears. 
You were more-or-less all alone in the library; anyone who had come in this late was frantically studying at the desks, so you were free to shelve books and dance awkwardly. 
You skimmed the spines of the books and hummed quietly to yourself. The song reminded you of Arven - it felt like sunshine and long, green grasses with a warm breeze. You smiled at the thought of him; even his name gave you butterflies - you couldn’t quite believe you'd been dating three months. 
You first met when he was always asking for obscure books and journal articles - and without having to do too much detective-work you figured out that he was searching for the titan's herbs. You mentioned it one night - after a few weeks of him coming in almost every day - and he let you meet Mabostiff. You'd never seen such a sick Pokémon, but you found yourself with a certain respect for the somewhat-harsh boy who sat in front of you, stroking its nose gently. After then, you always stayed past the end of your shifts - scouring the shelves for any clues to help Arven and Mabostiff.
You found the section you were looking for and slid a book from your trolley onto the shelf. Straightening up, you were about to reach for the next book - but, through the shelf, you came face-to-face with Arven.
You leapt out of your skin, ripping your headphones out in the process.
Arven grinned and laughed; wide-eyed you scolded him.
"Oh my god, Arven." You said, as you rounded the shelf - moving to face him. "How long have you been there?"
"Not too long." He smiled - his smile was so contagious you found yourself struggling to maintain your annoyed expression.
"Well, don't scare me like that!" You replied, trying to suppress your giggle. Being around Arven made you go stupid (in the best way possible, of course). It was addictive - hell, he was addictive - you never failed to have fun, even when poring over fifty year-old books and digging through the dusty archives.
"Okay, okay - I'm sorry." He replied - not looking even the least bit sorry. 
"You should be." You said, folding your arms with mock disappointment. "Libraries are no places for fun."
"Of course, it won't happen again Miss L/N." He said - his tone's solemness matching your own.
For a moment you stared at each other seriously - before you both erupted into giggles. 
Yeah, you thought to yourself, I really like him.
Before you'd even caught your breath again, he grabbed your hand and tugged it.
"C'mon, there's something you gotta see." 
Had Arven been any other boy - you probably would have assumed that they were about to take you down some dark corridor and axe-murder you. But when you looked at him and he softly smiled back at you - you trusted him completely.
He led you out of the library and down the stairs - to one of the fire exit doors in a back corridor.
He held it open for you and you stepped outside into the dark car park. The cold March air ruffled your hair and you shivered; you heard Arven close the door and then stand beside you. In the dim light of the flickery fire-exit sign you could only just make out his features. He stood close to you - his arm brushing your own - but he didn’t seem to mind; neither did you. 
He grinned and pulled a Poké ball out of his pocket.
He didn’t mean?
“Arven?” you said, excitement rising in your voice. “He’s better?”
He grabbed your hand and nodded frantically, somehow smiling even wider than before. He tossed the ball, freeing Mabosstiff - who, for the first time whilst you’d known him, stood in front of you. Arven, who was still smiling wildly (and seemed unable to speak) looked between the two of you, his eyes suddenly full of tears
 You laughed, dropping to your knees and putting your hand out for the Pokémon to sniff. Mabostiff nosed your fingers and let out a low ruff.
"Hey, buddy." You said, quietly - finding yourself fighting back tears as well. "Good to see you up and about,"
Mabostiff nuzzled against your leg and you giggled - wiping your eyes. Arven, who was looking just as teary-eyed as you, crouched down, levelling with you and Mabosstiff.
"I can't believe you did it," You whispered, stroking the Pokémon's ears.
"Me neither." Arven said. The closeness of his voice surprised you a little. You turned to face him, finding that his face was only a few centimetres from your own. Fireworks were going off inside your brain as you stared at his dark eyes. 
He's gorgeous, you thought. I've never noticed how pretty he is. 
Your words caught in your throat and you found yourself unable to form a sensible reply. He held your gaze; his mouth slightly agape.
"Hey," You whispered, giggling slightly.
"Hi," He laughed back.
His smile was radiant, even in the darkness. You were so close you could practically feel the heat from his body. He glanced at your lips, so quickly you were almost convinced it didn't happen - but it was there.
He spoke slowly. "Can I, uh, ask you something?" 
You glanced at his lips.
"Would you mind if - uh - could I-" He stammered, his growing more red by the second.
You laughed quietly and he did too - easing your nerves a bit. 
You met his big, dark eyes and knew you were too far gone. So, with only a moment's hesitation, you leant in.
Your heart felt as though it was going to rattle out of your chest, but the feeling of his lips against your own left you floating. His hand moved to your face and you steadied yourself against his knee.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god-
After a moment, you pulled apart - bumping noses as both laughed breathily. 
"Wow," You whispered.
"Yeah." He laughed.
You leant back, moving from your crouched position to sit on the concrete instead - your head slightly spinning. Mabosstiff looked between you, letting out a low ruff. Arven grinned, ruffling the fur on its head.
"Were you watching us?" He said, narrowing his eyes at the Pokémon. "Cheeky." 
You laughed and Arven turned to look at you. Your heart skipped a beat and your mind was empty.
He likes me. 
"So," You turned away, looking out into the darkness. "You like me?"
"Well, yeah." 
You turned back to face him, his expression barely visible in the dim light, but you could still see the redness that suddenly appeared.
"Well, uh - I mean, why wouldn't I like you?"
You snorted. "I could name a few reasons."
For a moment he was quiet, staring at you - clearly thinking hard.
"Nope." He said.
"I can't name any."
You laughed and he nudged your shoulder.
"You're perfect to me."
You could feel the blood rushing into your face as you leaned into his side - tucking your head beneath his chin. You both sat quietly until Mabosstiff flopped down across both of your laps - Arven letting out an oof as it did so.
"You're heavy, buddy." He said to the dog. "Not a puppy anymore, eh?"
"They grow up so fast." You said, wiping a fake tear.
Arven mock-sniffled. "My baby is all grown up!" 
Suddenly, you blurted out his name. "Arven?"
He turned to you. "Yeah?"
"You're perfect to me too."
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
(op of sonic commercial fic post) the WHAT
Okay i need to contextualize how I found my favourite fanfiction ever written on ao3. Back in uni, I used to procrastinate my papers for my politics degree by seeing what kind of things would pop up if I typed the names of the people in my papers into the ao3 search bar. During my course on espionage, I was writing something or other about the red scare and self-espionage, so of course like herpes, Joseph McCarthy was sprinkled everywhere. I open ao3 in a separate tab and type in "Joseph McCarthy" to see what I can find. I am immediately graced with the greatest fic ive ever read:
I am obsessed with this fanfic. This fic goes beyond a simple crackship and plays this concept completely straight, going so far as to ponder questions about how this would be possible in the spyfare of the cold war, carefully filling the plothole of "cis men can't get pregnant" with a soviet agent spiking his drink with experimental drugs to impregnate roy cohn. The implications in that alone have me at a yarn board. I havent slept in days. Why would the soviet union want roy cohn pregnant? What do they have to gain from this? How does this help the arms race? What are the practical warfare and/or espionage and/or stalinist applications of the mpreg drug, or did soviet scientists just make this for fun?
Either way, the mpreg drug made it possible for roy cohn to get pregnant and then he popped out donald j trump. And i think about this fic all the time. I love it so much. I hope the author knows how much this fic has taken over my thoughts because every time im stuck in the most boring station ever at work my mind wanders to "why would the soviet union make an mpreg drug to advance the nuclear arms race?"
I also sent this to my now ex girlfriend at the time after i read it and she was the only one who played with me in the space at the time. Then again, she also used to send me fanfic links about tucker carlson fucking the green m&m so
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renalord · 1 year
Greetings! I've comes across your blog and happens to notice in your masterlist fandom genshin is apart of it. Apologies if I read wrong somehow but if your requests are open, I would love to request a fluff for Rosaria, may I?
- 🧸 anon
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✰ pairing: rosaria x gn!reader
✰ synopsis: rosaria takes reader to a nice tavern.
✰ warnings: alcohol, mentions of drunkenness.
✰ authors note: hi, 🧸! thank you so much for your request! i havent seen many rosaria fanfics on here, and since shes one of my favorite characters this felt like a great opportunity to write for her! keep sending in requests!
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stay calm, stay calm, stay calm. that was all you could manage to think of after rosaria had walked up to you and asked if you wanted to accompany her to angel’s share. to be honest, it surprised you that she asked you and not kaeya, assuming the two of them often went to the quiet tavern together.
“you want to go with me? why not kaeya?” you questioned, looking for an answer to your ponderings.
“hm? oh, he had work to do. something about abyss mages or whatever. the fatui.” the gothic nun replied, pink eyes scanning yours. you couldn’t help but notice the way her usually pale, almost vampire-like skin turned a golden hue in the warm hours of dusk. also, what a lame excuse. you expected something better from her, since you knew well that kaeya was free for the rest of the night, and rosaria knew no less. but still, it was endearing how she made up a lie in order to spend time with you. well, at least you hoped it was for that reason.
“reeeaaally?” you put on your best fake ‘ohhh’ tone. “we should get going then. don’t want this beautiful scenery to go to waste.” rosaria agreed, making her way towards angel’s share, right behind you. there was nothing you could do besides smile.
a ring sounded throughout the tavern as you both entered, bringing the attention of the bartender, charles, to your two figures.
“ah, rosaria, y/n. welcome in. what can i get for you?” he gave a friendly smile, already mixing something up.
“my usual. what about you?” rosaria turned to you, leaning on the counter as she sat. her gaze wasn’t deadly, or even cold when she looked at you. she seemed dazed.
“uhh, wolfhook juice. thanks.” you pushed out one of the barstools, sitting on it and scooting in. you took a brief moment to glance at rosaria who was outlining circles with her finger on the counter wood, completely lost in something. wow, her attention span was not great at night. you decided to take your chance to speak. “something on your mind, nun?” you gave her a small smile, indicating your teasing tone in the nickname. she just blinked, looked up at charles who was bringing her her drink, and then to you.
“no. not at all.” her voice was hoarse, but she cured it with a sip of her beer. “it’s nothing.”
“are you sure? you seem unfocused.” you continued questioning her, thoughts beginning to wander through all the possible things she could be thinking about. rosaria wasn’t your acquaintance, but calling her your friend also seemed a bit off. it was more like you two were close partners, nighttime buddies. still, you couldn’t help but ask yourself if she thought more of you, wanted more of you.
“im fine. its just exhausting reciting prayers and saying ‘amen’ all day.” yeah.. was that job really best suited for her? probably not. but as long as she was content with her life, it didn’t bother you. your attention was brought back to her when she sighed after finishing her last gulp of beer. “well, it might be something else too.” she confessed. “i don’t usually experience a lot of emotion around people, but when i’m around a certain someone, my heart starts beating faster and i feel like i could go into cardiac arrest at any moment.” weird way of putting it, but okay. “it’s like they’re special. their power is making my hands sweat and my stomach turn. it makes my head ache.” she groaned quietly, and you could see that she was focused on the wood intently, trying her best to cover her face by putting a hand on either side of her head.
“that’s.. well, that’s normal. you like them. but do you mind telling me who it is?” your eyes wandered on her sitting figure, so severely hoping the next words to come out of her mouth would be ‘it’s you.’
“it’s.. i dont understand it. i think it’s you.” PRAISE BARBATOS, YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! the wolfhook juice in your mouth went dry at rosaria’s sentence, and you could immediately feel the sour taste of the berries going through your tastebuds. you froze, doing nothing but staring her down. she shifted in her seat, raising one hand to glance at your reaction. her throat moved as she gulped, and she suddenly felt hot. “y/n?”
“hm?” was all you could muster out through your shock, eyes still wide from the impact of her confession. rosaria continued speaking.
“do you..” sigh. “do you feel those same things happening to you whenever you talk to me, too?” there was a hint of hope in her voice.
“i think..” you took a moment to come down from your high back to your normal state, inhaling a deep but discreet breath. your mouth and heart opened to give a response. “i think i do.”
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© 2023 all rights belong to renalord on tumblr. thank you for reading. i hope you had a great time. reblogs are always appreciated.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Have you read one fanfic on AO3 titled Re:Incarnated? One of the most interesting and new aspects of this story for me was Subaru being reborn as a half-elf by Satella. I bet no one has ever thought and acted on that idea before, but there are some questions that bother me, for example, in the canon series there are moments where Subaru relies on Earth's modern technology and knowledge to solve difficult problems, Subaru becomes a half-elf in the world of Rezero and that means that he forgets about his previous life on Earth in Japan, and then when faced with the same dilemma How should Subaru solve it? But I feel these questions should go wait for the original author's update to get answered.
I have to say that fic opened a new door for my inspiration, and I also started to think about creating my own Subaru's elf or half-elf AU, and even imagined a crossover with Lord of the Rings (after all, there's a ton of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter crossover fics on AO3 and fanfiction) Like one day Subaru is for whatever reason transported to Middle-earth by Satella accidentally and experienced something there, and then how he was found and adopted by the elves of Middle-earth, I think it would be very interesting how the elves of Middle-earth were surprised to find out that elves existed in the Otherworld, Subaru looks similar to them but differs in a few places,and then how Subaru got along with the elves of Middle-earth, and how he explored his own existence and self-worth,how would it be different than the canon series (My half-elf Subaru's character isn't too far off from the canon) Sorry I'm getting a bit carried away, I'm an incorrigible and extreme fan of crossover tropes, I hope you don't mind too much!
yoo sorry i took so long to reply to this ask but please know im delighted to see any asks in my inbox and pfft its interesting hearing about what people are thinking + what they find interesting themselves!!!
as for re:incarnated - i read a chapter or two AGES ago, so i really dont remember much of the fic sadly T^T but ill consider possibly going back to it and reading through it!!! i have a very long to read list though so ill see pfft. and yeah i think that fic was def like. one of if not the first fic to have like half elf subaru as an idea be explored and it also shows a Different method of the isekai trope (being reincarnated!!!) which is fun i think!! plus like. putting "re:" in fic titles is EXTREMELY extremely common in this fandom which i suppose makes sense given. the source material is called rezero. granted most of the time (this is just my opinion btw and i mean no harm by it HAH), to me a lot of fics with "re:" in the title dont justify why the "re:" is actually there. "Re:Incarnated" though is an EXTREMELY good use of the "re" imo. i love the pun <3
yeah as for the fic material itself - i do think its interesting to like change small bits of characters. not in the sense that youre changing like the Core of who they are but i Like seeing experimentations with characters to see like small differences. which is why i love aus (such as the literal canon aus we get in the form of the What Ifs and such!!). if that makes sense. that probably makes more sense in my head HAH anyway!! i always feel like changing a characters backstory is SO HARD to pull off without completely changing a character bc it shapes them a lot. but half elf subaru is definitely an idea that can be done in an interesting way imo and im curious to see how re:incarnated handled that. i know ive considered like emisuba roleswaps myself where emilia was isekaied from earth and subarus a half elf which was kind of like re:incarnated but also not like re:incarnated bc subaru had a similar backstory still but now with a fantasy world background (and vice versa for emilia) aljdfdlsjf. but yeah like i like seeing people experiment with these characters and make fun aus!!! and for me personally its hard for me to find ones i like in this fandom + this fandom doesnt do all the usual fic-isms (like there is next to zero soulmate aus for example HAH) so. interesting i suppose!!
as for your own half elf subaru au - im delighted that you were inspired by re:incarnated and are having fun with your own au as well!! :D while i basically know next to nothing about lord of the rings, your idea definitely sounds interesting, though i dont usually read crossovers that arent fusion aus - but i REALLY love the idea of like two different elf species from two different worlds going ??? at each other HAH thats fun stuff!! and i definitely like when despite all the AU things going on, characters like subaru arent too far off from canon in all the big important ways (ie his whole personality) bc for me, its like - theres a reason why we love these characters and i love trying to capture the heart of who they are even with au things, you know? :o but hah yeah ive made my own crossovers though in private (not to post, just for fun pfft) and i hope you keep having fun about your own half elf subaru au bc it sounds very neat <3 ty for sharing anon!! :D
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rei64bit · 2 years
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 5]
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Night 5  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)
================================================  ***Warning: Slightly NSFW at the end.***
✎  Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall cause Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 2.8k
✎  Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... more  // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎  Note: Im not a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
One of the cultures in Asgard, All-father will held feast at the mead hall occasionally to reward the Aesir, the Asgardian and the einherjar for their loyalty and hard work for the sake of Asgard. Tonight, is one of the many nights everyone will join in mead hall feasting and drinking.
Normally you only join not more than one hour and you will be back to your room since you don’t drink and you don’t really hang around to gossip with others either, mostly just exchange a few words just to be polite.
“Woah! Isn’t this the newly wedded couple, how lovely to see you two to getting along” You heard Baldur not far from you, he placed his hand on your shoulder and one on Heimdall who sat next to you. “Get your filthy hand off me” Heimdall hissed.
“Still not very friendly as always, my brother? How can you even get married to this beautiful lady here” Baldur trying to sniff on your hair even you know he can’t feel, taste or smell anything, its almost like he doing it purposely just to piss Heimdall. Not sure what to say, you smile awkwardly at Baldur’s comment on you.
 “y/n did my brother treat you well huh?” Baldur putting both hand on your shoulder lean on you, which is too close. “If he is no good to you, you can always come to me the god of light and peace haha, Nanna wouldn’t mind a second --” Heimdall gave Baldur a punch in the stomach before he can finish.
They better not fight at time like this, but what can you say. “Would you kindly shut up already, brother?” Heimdall barked at Baldur. “I mean what I say y/n, my door is always open for you” Baldur continued, completely ignoring Heimdall.
Refuse leaving your side, Baldur now sit right next to you, laying his head on the table facing both of you, his eyes swiftly moving between you two like he trying to find something out.
“You with kid yet?” Baldur asked. “huh?” The question from Baldur suddenly hits you and you don’t understand what he is trying to say.
“Guess not haha, perhaps you need from help from me hm?” Baldur grinned at you while toying with your hair. Honestly his blue eye is breathtaking like a pool of cool icy ocean that can drown you if you are not careful, staring at you makes you feel like deer in headlight. You blushed as Baldur trying to flirt, not sure what to say, you decided to just continue eating your food.
“Is Nanna forget to put a leash on you or what? Can you stop your mating call attempt on my wife?” Heimdall is losing his patience toward his brother, he looks daggers at him. “Why don’t you just go and do your wife till her brain out, oh wait I forgot, you can’t get hard at all. HA” expecting Baldur will get angry on Heimdall insult, but it’s exactly the opposite.
Baldur is getting intrigued, moving closer and closer. “Who knows brother, maybe y/n will be the one to broke this curse, you never try you never know.” Baldur grabbing your hand trying to put it on his chest, and before he can do that, sword piercing his hand. Heimdall is pissed, getting humiliated in front of everyone, and Baldur seems too willing to start the fight.
“Enough you two” and Thor shows up. Heimdall is totally not pleased with his older brother interfering in this.
“Well well, isn’t it nice to have your brothers around, how sweet. Thor why don’t you mind of own business and get out that here. Me and my other half-brother have something to talk about, take your leave and go! Nor that you should care.” Heimdall sneered at Thor.
“Well, you are right, not that I care, but the All-father who witnessed the this whole nonsense might not be pleased with you two. Perhaps you two should just cut. it. out.” Thor drinking again and walked away without paying much attention to this mess.
Thor is always the one to stop the fight between his two younger brothers, it used to be Tyr’s job but after the incident Tyr is no longer around..and you missed him. You always like talking to Tyr, he is so gentle and kind to everyone, you like to hear his story where he has been traveling around other realms and pantheon. His voice is always soothing and makes you feel safe around him.
Both Baldur and Heimdall decided to just drop it, Heimdall was so pissed with Baldur he didn’t notice All-father was standing not too far and looking in their direction sighing and shaking his head.
Baldur’s wife, Nanna coming to Baldur side was worried what he did to provoke Heimdall. Hope Nanna didn’t overheard what Baldur been suggesting..this will be awkward.
You turned your head to another side to avoid conversation with them and noticed Heimdall get up from his seat. “urm, Heimdall?” “Just peeing.” And off he goes.
Now it is just you with Baldur and Nanna at your side. Great..
You never talked to Nanna before, she seems friendly, but you can’t tell. There is one time you saw her shouting at her handmaiden although you are not sure what happened that make her so furious. You really don’t want the god of joy, peace and moon hate you now, dealing with Heimdall is enough.
“Well- I guess I’m going to get some fresh air.. guess I will see you guys later” You smiled awkwardly and started to walk before Baldur call you again to continue.
Standing outside the great lodge you trying to find place to just relax and the first place that come to your mind is that wall. Most of the time no one will come up there during this time, you can have your peace for a while. Reached the top, stroll around and finally back to your usual spot.
The memories of you sleeping up here are flashing in your head. Every night was cool and quiet, with the moonlight shining on your face as if the moon watched you fall asleep. It was peaceful.
Not sure how long you stay, you heard your husband voice from behind. “Will there even a time you able to stay at one place?” Looks like he went back to mead hall to find you but to no available.
Feeling sorry, you try not to look at him. He is still standing behind you with his hand crossed. “Hey.. urm welcome back?” You tried. “Just stop it, you always make things awkward.”
“You can go back first; everyone is there and having good time.” You continue. “Who know if you going to try catch the moon again and I don’t want to be the one clean up the mess you made after you fell to dead.” He still remembers what happened last time which is embarrassing.
“…I’m not drunk.” You tried to deny. “sure, you are not.” He continues. “I mean it, I only drink one tankard.” “sure.” “…” Now you not sure what to say anymore, and trying to find any topic to talk about.
“ha--Let just go back already, I’ve been staying on the wall long enough.” Sighed, Heimdall getting impatient ready to go back and you trying to catch up on him.
Walking beside him, you peek on his face from your eye corner, you wonder if he still mad from what Baldur said just now.
“Try not to stay to close to that fool.” Heimdall keep walking. “Why? He doesn’t mean what he said.” You replied. “Haa--aren’t you very naïve? Unlike you, I know him well and better than you, what he capable to do to get what he wants.”
Both of you reached the platform and Heimdall started it. And out of nowhere, he walks closer to you, way too close that his face fully occupies your peripheral view, and his glowing bifrost eye like it wants your soul.
“Unless, you like the idea of infidelity..” Shocked for what he just said you are speechless and just stared back at him with mouth slightly open. Heimdall is trying to find if you have the intention of such disgrace so he can torture you with it, but he is unlucky.
Heimdall might not be in love with you….yet, but he is not someone can stand disloyalty especially his spouse who should be on his side no matter what.
The word disloyalty makes him saw Freya face in his mind and it make him frown. Despite what Freya told him before the night she left, he still believes she is the traitor, unfaithful c*nt. His father loved her despite her being from Vanir and granted her so many wishes even himself don’t want to count.
Heimdall also the one who inform All-father that Freya is running away and whereabout too. Everything All-father casted on Freya is what she deserved. “I didn’t agree to what he said, he clearly just joking and teasing you to make you mad come on.” Your voice brings Heimdall back from his thought. You now getting a little mad for what he trying to paint you as such person. As if this arranged marriage is not enough, what he said just now is literally putting salt on your wound. Don’t even started on the spell he casted on you not long ago, it pissed you for the next few days and only recently you just calm down and accept it, plus All-father claimed he will always watch over you.
Not wanting to stand next to him, you move one step ahead with your hands crossed and wait for the platform to reach the ground.
Perhaps he is overstepping here but he is not going to apologize, not in a million year. Instead, he is going to make use of the spell he casted on your earlier this week to interfere and manipulate your emotion toward him.
When you turned your head back to look at him again, he smirks as he knew he succeeded cause your face expression getting gentler and no more frowning. “Stop looking at me like this.. its creepy..” You blushed from the way he looked at you. “Oh? Should I ask for permission to just look at you now, wife?” Yeah.. just as usual..
Return to great lodge, the first person that you see is guess what Baldur again “look! The lovely couple is back from their short honeymoon, do you have fun yet y/n?” Heimdall groan at Baldur comment. Nanna grab on Baldur hand pulling him back to his table not wanting the fight to start again.
You started to drink more, this time with Thor. Thor is good at drinking cause this is the eight tankard and he is still standing tall, while you wobbly back and forth. Your mind is foggy now, everything that comes to your mind is silly and funny.
Started to giggle you looked at Thor who asked you to join him drinking. Before you can, a hand behind you snapped your drink. “Is it your habit to fuddle someone’s wife when your wife is not around to drink with you, you drunken fool.”
Thor totally ignored Heimdall and just kept drinking, this is not the first time he said something like this, there are worse. “Heyyy No one force me to drink- just chill-” Did his wife just ask him to chill? Chill? You can’t believe this women.
Because of the alcohol, you can’t stand still. You are trying to hold on to Thor who stands next to you to balance yourself since he is so tall, but Heimdall was quick enough to hold your hand first that make your head lays on his shoulder. His hand is holding your waist, so you won’t fall and make a scene and embarrass him.  “You know, Heimdall, you are much cuter when you talk normally or not talking at all.” Even you don’t mean it, but your comment insulted him.
“You women are so--” Heimdall paused on what he trying to say, turning his head to look at your eyes.
He can sense something from you, it was due to the spell and your body is sending some kind of emotion or feeling to him, it feels hot on cheat and slightly trembling with heart beating faster than usual. He just realized; you are in heat.
It’s quite interesting to see you in this state, which is rare, and he wanted to continue teasing you and see how far you can go, so Heimdall pulled you closer to him, hand tighten on your waist and let your whole body lean on him.
While watching you, Heimdall drinking your mead. “mm….” Closed your eyes you mutter, face rubbing on his chest while both hand hugging on Heimdall.
Despite had his way with some women before just to satisfy his need, this time felt different. Perhaps because you are his wife, or you are doing this in public, but he is not sure. There was something about you hugging him tightly and being so lovey-dovey toward him, it’s very different compare to his experience with other women.
His heart beating faster just looking at what you are doing. Continue drinking what is left in your mug, Heimdall’s hand slowly moving from waist to lower, grabbing firmly... Thor is watching you two the whole time, peek from his eye corner, enjoying this rare sight of his brother doing such thing.
“Shit..” Heimdall now remembers the spell, he is now feeling the same thing you have been feeling. He still want to enjoy this rare sight of you before gets to the main business.
Just when he still thinking whether he should just take you back to bed chamber now or staying here. Suddenly he noticed you are looking at him, raising his brows and waiting to see what you up to, you kissed him on his lip without saying anything.
Heimdall was hesitated to do anything further as you are drunk and he don’t wanna do it when you are like this, it’s like doing with a corpse, but now he sees this as an invitation to continue. He kisses you back and things get hotter.
Your hand moved from his waist to cradle his face and toying his hair. “Get a room you two!” Baldur out of no where said and laugh at both of you. Heimdall reply Baldur by throwing the tankard that was on his hand at his face, so hard it echoing the mead hall.
The door got kicked open with full force, Heimdall bridal carry you into the bed chamber belong to you two, it was dark, but the moon light helps him to see better.
This whole time while he is carrying you, you been nimble on his throat which makes him lose his cool. “God damn it women.” Heimdall cursed but the truth is he actually enjoying it alot.
Putting you down on the bed he looks at you. “Damn..women are you still conscious.” You look at him and giggle with both hands hugging his neck. “…you better not forget all this.” Heimdall lower his head and continue what he is been doing just now in the mead hall.
Just a few second all your clothes is on the ground, Heimdall feeling your skin, he wonder why you are so soft, the moon light shine on your skin and make it glows. Heimdall stopped on what he was doing and just stared at your face, your skin and chest which make you blush.
You are getting bold, instead of hiding your face, your hand tugging his clothes wanting him to continue. “mm…” Muttered as you pout like a kid. There is a storm inside of Heimdall’s mind, this is the first time he encounters a women like you, not in a bad way.
What you did just flipped his switch, now he won’t stop even if you ask. The noise you both make can be heard outside the room, let’s just say it’s intense.. Baldur was actually going to spoil Heimdall’s fun but was stopped by Thor.
Not sure how long time has passed, both you and Heimdall laying on the bed resting, the room was a mess, look like you two get too creative. Heimdall is holding you close to him. None of you say anything, just enjoy the moment and peace. Perhaps you don’t know what to say after what just happened. “Just sleep.” This is the only thing Heimdall said. Blanket covered both of you, the night is getting late so does your eyelid also getting heavier. Before you completely fell asleep, you heard Heimdall mutter something, but you don’t really paying attention as you needed to rest now.
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I’ve finally decided to upload the whole fanfic on here this is the start of it if you’d like to see more just let me know I’ll post a chapter a day unless anyone ask for more I’m really proud of this I know there are mistakes and all but here we go
Angst involved it does get mature eventually but for now just fluff and angst
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It was late the buzz of Manchester leaking through my bedroom window as I lay in bed on my laptop in the mist of an online game of Pub-G (lame I know ). I've been playing for hours. I was supposed to be going to bed at least 3 hours ago ,that was the plan as I've got School tomorrow but for some reason I can't bring myself to close the game for the night. Doing things to preoccupy my mind is all I've needed for the past two weeks I've started studying for my GCSE,s probably to finally complete them in a few weeks and I'm so stressed about them. I kept ending up in games with and user called GeoDan16 and if by fate we keep ending up as the last players in the game and battling one another. I've won 7 of the 11 games we have played. I've added his user in the lobby of the games and I'm just waiting to see if he adds me back , This was so I can possibly have someone to speak to as I play. It takes about ten minutes before the acceptance alert rings through my room , as my laptop, phone and IPad light up due to having the game on all of them for all occasions. Spotting the alert on the corner of my laptop screen I pick up my phone and swiftly type a message. Yes I know I'm using my laptop and I could message them there but it feels better to message on my phone and play on my laptop. I just type a simple
TrumanBlack: " Hey there ...... these games are wild . You played good tho ;)"
I then just put my phone back onto the bed next to me and decide I want to watch YouTube for a while and hopefully let sleep consume me. After racking through YouTube for a video to watch I come across "Daz Blacks latest video I click on it , select the big screen options and pause it before it starts. I place me laptop down next to me and slide from my bed and into my on suite so I can use the bathroom and brush my teeth for what feels like the 20th time tonight. I've smoked an excessive amount tonight and I don't understand why. Hearing my alert tone go off again I quickly finish up in the bathroom and make my way back to bed and see my notification my my phone screen "message from GeoDan16". I open my phone properly to read it
GeoDan16: "Yo :) , thanks , how many games was that ?"
Pulling my blanket back around me I press play on the YouTube video and sink into the heat of the mattress and softness of the duvet
TrumanBlack : "I believe it was 11 , and I won 7 LOSER"
GeoDan16 : "Uhhh...rude , I still won 4 so excuse me but you ain't the overall winner "
TrumanBlack : "No I'm maybe not but I still did better than you ;D "
I know this is probably weird to think as I don't even know this person but feel a buzz something that says I'm gunna love them , like I've known them years and we're just catching up
GeoDan16: "Were just going to have to have a winner takes all round someday huh....also Truman??, What kind of name is that it's kinda interesting is someone obsessed with the Truman show or something "
TrumanBlack : "Nah I just came up with the name when I was like ten and it sounded kinda edgy :D "
As I'm laying there my eyes start to feel heavy and I can feel them starting to drop and I yawn. But I try to ignore it so I can stay up a little longer and hopefully learn more about this person
GeoDan16: " So it's not your real name then ???"
TrumanBlack: "nope it's actually Matty , what about you , what's your actual name "
GeoDan16 : "Contrary to popular belief it's not geo or Dan ... the names George "
TrumanBlack: "George...That's an old guys name...how old are you....im not talking to some ancient man am I "
I laugh to myself because obviously I can't be he played well ...too well for an old guy BUT I've got to cover my tracks my mum always tells me to be more safe online
GeoDan16: "Nah man I'm 16....oldest in my year .... Year 10 what about you ...Matty is 100% not your full name what are you 12?... rebelling against anyone who calls you your full name "
TrumanBlack : "I'll have you know George that I'm actually 17 not 12 and no my full name is Matthew but I only get called that at school or when I've pissed my mum off or my best friend.....but also year ten so your from the UK then"
GeoDan16: "yeh southwest London ....Wbu "
TrumanBlack : "ay im from Manchester "
It's not very often you meet someone from the same continent as you this late at night on these games so this is quite cool
TrumanBlack: "why you up so late then Georgie???"
GeoDan16: "I ain't been called Georgie since I was 7 Matthew :D , also I just can't sleep it's soooo cold right now ....and you ?"
TrumanBlack : "just stressing about GCSE's man ....I know I'm not dumb but my maths and physics are gunna go down the drain and I don't wanna fail "
GeoDan16: "ahh I feel ya bro ....I've just started studying for my GCSEs too but your must be year 11 and going to be doing them soon right ?"
TrumanBlack : "yup they start in a few weeks "
My eyes are now struggling to stay awake and my screen has become a blurry mess as I attempt to keep my eyes open and without realising it my phone slides out of my hand onto the duvet and my eyes shut slowly
GeoDan16 ; "I could help if you like "
I don't see or hear this message come through as I'm too far gone and too tired to realise and I just fall asleep and hopefully dream of good things
GeoDan16 "g'night Matty "
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thetoweringneedle · 1 year
Soooo this is me Laddy, and im here to post a lotta giant/tiny fanfics of battle for dream island!! so this is essentially going to be an account full of fanart with characters being huge or tiny, aka size difference!
For those who dont have an idea about what g/t is, it's a domain about size difference and related traits such as size shifting (growth or shrinkage), and to some extent physical contact with giants. This blog specifically will be dedicated to g/t fanfics of bfdi, made in form of stories or art! (before you ask, i have NO bad intent of running this blog as it's supposed to be fluff and NOT kinky, just to make sure that no one gets concerns about it. I also respect people's opinions on size difference, and so should you!)
MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW if interested, i'll always try to post frequently and stay in touch with g/t fellas out there on tumblr! not that i care so much about clout, my life priority is to be creative which is why i'm also interested in coding, composing, making 3d models and much more...
i'm also on other platforms (which aren't exclusively tied to g/t), so you got my other links:
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. most importantly needle is such a girlboss and needs so much more popularity!!! 🫶
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if you ever have an urge to see ur bfb/inanimate insanity favs as giants, then don't hesitate to send me a note to ask me to draw them (chat is not allowed)!! i will allow 1 request/week and person to avoid having too many of them in my queue, since im a pretty slow artist. no pricing, it's free! (KEEP IN MIND that you shouldn't urge me to complete ur request as fast as possible as it will only get me more stressed, i take a long time to finish my stuff and i appreciate your patience)
and this also applies to icons! you just gotta tell me whom you want me to make an icon of, and which object or other character they'd tower over or be smaller than. flags are also allowed! Unlike art, I can make those icons pretty fast, so you can request 2 per week!
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molotovbortles · 1 year
I use this https://quillbot.com/grammar-check it's free but you can only use it for a while so I use guest mode for it when times up for being allowed to use it so I click out of guest mode completely and click on the icon to open it up again to use it. Only for my grammar though I hate the one were you use paraphrase it just makes it to formal so only use if for grammar mistakes. Also if you don't mind me asking what's the synopsis for the 2003 fanfic I love Mikey in that one. another thing off topic is what anime do you like?
OMG THANKS FOR THIS!! Cant wait to try it out!!
For the first question.. honestly it will be a wild ride lol. What I will give without delving into spoiler territory is that Mikey dies and journeys through hell along with a buddy. Hint for said buddy: he is in the idw comics, and my favorite anti hero. Why is he in hell you ask; know how I mentioned the good place?? If you know, you know. How he dies is a secret. (But it is a bit comical). The POVS will switch every so often from Mikey to his brothers to possibly the friend Mikey is traversing hell with; im sure you can tell how the angst comes into play with that info lol.
For the second question, I honestly love psychological horror animes. Some good anime I can think of off the top of my head is: Madoka Magica (my favorite anime ever), Higurashi When They Cry, Made in Abyss, and Steins Gate. All of these are awesome if you love anime with dark plots and amazing story telling.
Edit: I just remembered my third favorite anime of all time: Gakkou Gurashi. Its so forking good dude, you HAVE to watch it.
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sapphire-moment · 2 years
introduction post😺
hi!🌟 so, simply put, there are too many people i know irl who follow me on my main blog, and i still havent reached a carelessly authentic mindset, so ive opened a sideblog to post and reblog fanfics and the such(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) [←this also means I'll only interact with these kinds of posts via reblogs so as to keep my main blog seperate from this one]
english is not my first language, but i wanna get back into writing, and fanfiction is great practice so here i am!🎉 i hope this will blog will motivate me to write more often, so we'll wait and see😵‍💫
im very happy to take requests!🌀 when it comes to romance as the focus of a story i generally prefer writing sapphic pairs (whether it be ×reader or two established characters), but im willing to try different things if someone asks for them. beyond romantic pairings, im willing to write basically anything platonic. as for smut, i havent really made up my mind about that, mostly due to not really having experience writing it, so again, im willing to try. also obviously i might reject a request for any reason, but really im still tryna figure this out so we'll see! 🌌
i write for the following fandoms (and i will update this list as time goes on)☕:
Wednesday - especially Weems
Game of Thrones - especially Brienne (can you see the theme here), Lady Stark, Cersei. for the record im currently on season 6 so keep that in mind lmfao🫢
The Sandman - especially Lucifer (that one was already predictable im sure)
The Owl House - especially the older characters
yes, there are many common traits between those specific characters. surely this is relatable🦕 anyways, this is an incomplete list due to my shit memory, so i might randomly show up with a fic for a completely different fandom! life is full of colors and possibilities🥸🌾
so far im still setting up this blog, and when i hopefully start posting I'll also need to figure out the formatting so there'll probably be some fuck ups. lmk if something is just a bit Too fucked up to understand lmao🫡 i might post my fics to my old ao3 account as well as this blog, but I'll need to clean it up first so i dont know yet🌛
thats it i think! thank you for reading this far babes💞
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morwap · 2 years
Hi Morgan !!!
I saw that requests were open and decided to shoot my shot !! Is there any way I could request a female reader x Eddie fanfic or head cannons ?? Maybe the reader can be a friend of his who has similar traits as his and is overall very affectionate and kind? And we could get some jealous!eddie too !!
Remember that you have no pressure from me whatsoever about what you decide to write from my request, and know that I’ll be grateful receiving anything at all !! I understand that you might be busy or might not like my request, and that’s 100% ok as well ! I don’t want you doing anything your not comfortable doing :) 💕
And one last thing , you are majorly , seriously talented dude. Like as an author myself , I aspire to be as good as you one day and seeing you on my dashboard makes my day 100% better . Keep doing what you do !
you are so sweet and deserve the world! i’m sorry this took forever i’ve been trying to write for the past two days and the world was just not wanting me to write.
possessive and jealous!eddie, talk of drugs
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eddie never thought of himself as possessive or jealous until you walked into his life, he was just fine with his other friends (mainly the hellfire club) having other friends and hanging out with them without him, but with you it was different.
eddie wanted to be around you all the time, to be the one person you never got sick of, and even though he wouldn’t actually do it or admit it but he felt like he wanted to be the only person in your life and keep you away from everyone.
eddie was completely infatuated with you once you two met, getting jealous when robin would come talk to you in the library just because she hadn’t seen you in a while and he’d pout and wish she’d go away just until he could find something to occupy his mind so he wouldn’t keep thinking about you while you weren’t paying attention to him or were busy with someone else. always turning to dnd or music to take his mind off you since that seems to be the only thing that worked.
when eddie’s thoughts started to get to him about you forgetting he was even there and that you’d rather hang out with them, you’d bring your attention back to him and make him feel loved and that you needed and wanted him there and he swore you could read minds since it was always when he’d start really overthinking. when it was when he really needed it.
you didnt even have to do it verbally, it comforted him that he find you taking comfort in playing with the rips on his jeans or leaning onto him just make sure that he know that you know he’s still there and he’d respond with leaning back onto you.
eddie had never found himself more attached to someone, loving that you were affectionate since he never got that a lot. just as eddie thought you couldn’t possibly get any better, you started asking about dnd and the hellfire club which made eddie beyond happy and he started inviting you to every campaign.
learning more and more about you and was hesitant when you asked to buy some weed off him, but when you told him that you used to get it off someone else he told you to stop going to them and come to him, and only him. smoking in his van now became something he looked forward to since it would be just you and him.
him showing you different bands and songs he liked while the both of you shared a joint and sometimes if he wasn’t feeling shy he’d bring you inside his trailer and play some songs for you on his guitar which led to you asking him if he could teach you how to play.
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