#a garden across our collarbone chapter 3
ravioliinabox · 1 year
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Thanks to this fic by Pittedpeaches on Ao3, I have drawn something. Now EVERYONE GO READ IT, IT'S AMAZING!!!
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ray-is-they · 11 months
A Garden Across Our Collarbones
Chapter 19: A Soft Magenta Glow
By @pittdpeaches
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In other words-
I just wish I could write fluently just like that for Mk's POV in GAOC but I could only imagine it :þ
The only moment that I find hard for Mk to 'not-realize' was the part after Redson went through his sketchbook and complimented him with the same dialogue that his soulmate said.
And for a second there I was thinking- MAYBE he did realized something...
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Now it just made him felt like something clicked to him and well- yeah-
"I like it when you look like this the most."
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I figured I'd try putting the clip on redson's hair the one Mk gave them, ITS SO GOOD TBH...
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Here lies pitted peaches for making up to 154,133 words, 19 Chapters, 3,538 Comments, and 4,520 Kudos
Also dont forget for having atleast 118,859 HITS!!!
You came so far and you deserve so much rn <3<3
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imsoquarky · 1 year
They're both gay & sad and it's beautiful.
I am absolutely OBSESSED with all of @pittdpeaches's work. Most of my favorite fics come from him, including "A Garden Across Our Collarbone" & "From Three Thirty To Four". This animatic takes inspiration from chapters 3 & 12 of "A Garden Across Our Collarbone", but the entire song fits it so very well. I encourage you both to read his fics (especially if you're a spicynoodles shipper like myself) and listen to the song in full.
I would've loved to do a longer animatic that covers the whole song, but sadly I do not have that kind of energy or commitment rip.
I swear this fic has me on my damn KNEES. Slow burn is SO GOOD, but I keep thinking about how just one different move, one slip of the tongue, one GLANCE and they'd know. They'd know they're soulmates.
!!Fanfic link & more below the cut!!
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Admittedly, I don't have the energy to post this on Instagram rn, so uh.. Congrats Tumblr, a special treat for ya.
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maotherobot · 9 months
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I've been spinning chapter 20 of A Garden Across Our Collarbone since it came out. I made a small WIP back then but never finished it and after reading ch21 I got a burst of inspiration to fully finish it
So, thank you @pittdpeaches for writing this and :3
also dear god why is color theory so tough this was 90% me figuring out the background and how to color accordingly
Also go read A Garden Across Our Collarbone because it's an awesome fic with some awesome writing.
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lmkreblogs · 5 months
Author: Pitted Peaches
Word count: 214,795
Chapters: 26/26
Red Son desperately wanted to ignore it. He wanted to hike up his sleeves and tug on his collar and wait the sixty to eighty years it would take to get such humiliation off his skin. There was, however, a problem.
His soulmate was an artist.
(Soulmate au where what you draw on your body will appear on your partner. Canon compliant up to Season 3.)
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
The Seer’s Stone - Chapter Five
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Summary: Elain Archeron is tired of being the “lovely, sweet gardener” everyone wants her to be. After losing her beloved, her humanity, her life, she’s ready to claim her own path forward with the help of her friends, Nuala and Cerridwen, as she searches far and wide for the mysterious Seer’s Stone: an ancient artifact of old rumored to once belong to an ancient Oracle. But will fate itself step in to stop her? Or will Elain defy the strings of destiny that bind her and forge her own path forward, choosing her own fate, friendships, future, and love, along the way.
Pairing: Elain x Azriel
Timeline: Post-ACOSF
Wordcount: 3800
Taglist:   @downingg2001   @gracie-rosee   @nivem565 ​ // Let me know if you want on (or off) the tag list for future updates! Thank you all for reading <3
Chapter One | The Crone’s Trade
Chapter Two | The Oracle of Seraphyros
Chapter Three | Last of Our Kind (Azriel)
Chapter Four | An Empty Seat
Author’s Note: Not saying I’m going to write a Tarqwyn fic, but also not going to say I’m not gonna.  Writing Elain and Azriel together on page was so fun and I can’t wait for where their story here is headed 👀
Thanks for reading, y’all!
- Court
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Cassian teased Elain the entire flight up to the House of Wind. He tickled the extra sensitive spot between her collarbone and neck, sought out only the hard updrafts of cold wind that ripped at the skirts of her pale purple dress, and pretended he was about to drop her not once. Not twice. 
But thrice. 
Elain was pale and wobbling by the time he all but dumped her onto the terrace of the House, his laughter so loud and rich it echoed off the red stone walls that made up the private home and stirred a flock of blackbirds perched amongst the rocks to flight. She would have thrown up right then and there on her brother-in-law's shiny leather boots if she wasn't half as much a proper lady.
“Rhys would have never done that to me,” Elain insisted, stumbling as she tried to make for the wide-open terrace doors. 
Cassian’s laughter deepened further. “Well I’m not Rhys, and this is no Riverhouse. Best leave your expectations at the door, sweetheart.” 
“I suppose I should expect nothing less from the couple who allows a magic house to cook and clean for them.” 
“The House is our friend, thank you very much.” 
“My point.” 
Cassian cracked a smile. “Is it just me or have you grown some claws, Lainey?” 
“Always had them," Elain said, throwing a smile at him. "You all just never bothered to notice.” 
With that, she snickered at the look on his face and strode proudly into the House of Wind.  
Elain found Emerie and Gwyn sitting inside, both women were slick with sweat and panting heavily, their Illyrian leathers and sheathed weapons somehow perfectly at home amongst the casual décor and sunny interiors. The former waved weakly at her, clearly exhausted, while the latter sprung up to her feet, teal eyes sparkling and a wide smile spreading across her freckled face.
“Elain! Cauldron spare me, I’ve been waiting to talk to you.” Gwyn grinned, bounding eagerly over to her. “I tried that recipe from baking club, the one with cinnamon and cardamom. I browned the sugar and left the butter out to melt overnight, just like you suggest, and well, the dough looked fine. But then when I put them into the oven, well, things sort of took a turn for the worse—” 
“What she means to say is she almost set our new apartment on fire,” Emerie said plainly, the Illyrian woman's hazel eyes bright and clear.
“Almost, and did, are two very different words. Linguistically speaking.” 
Emerie shrugged. “Schematics.” 
Gwyn stuck her tongue out at the other Valkyrie. “If I wanted a grumpy opinion I would have just marched down to the Library and asked Merrill."
Elain cocked her head at the mention of the High Priestess, the woman and her moods all too familiar to her as of late. 
“I thought you’d finished your last shift at the Library ahead of your trip down to the Summer Court.” She said. 
“Oh, I have, but I still like to visit my friends there to catch up on the drama every now and then. Plus, I just... wanted to spend a little more time there before I depart for Adriata." Gwyn shifted nervously on her feet, her teal eyes flicking toward the wide expanse of widows. “I’ll be away from Velaris for two whole months if you can believe it. Apparently, learning the art of the spear is, apparently, no easy feat.” 
Elain nodded, remembering the priestess's mention of her plans to travel south to the Summer Court to learn the art of the three-pronged spear from the southern court from their time spent working together on the details of Nesta's mating ceremony a few months prior. 
All of the Valkyries who were comfortable with leaving Velaris were soon due to travel far and wide across Prythian to expand their knowledge of different weapons, fighting styles, and battle strategies. Gwyn amongst the ranks of them, and, apparently, the one who came up with the idea for the journeys in the first place.
“I hear Adriata is beautiful, though. Feyre often speaks highly of the city” Elain said. “And the High Lord who rules it." 
Cassin coughed pointedly from where he leaned against the doorway. 
."I've always wanted to travel south and see the white-sand beaches and bright blue water of Summer. And the Spear-Daughters of Summer are amongst the fiercest warriors in all of Prythian. Save for us Valkyrie, of course. But,” Gwyn shook her head, teal eyes dropping down to her feet. “ I mean, Mother bless me, I’ve never even left the Night Court before. The idea of traveling so far is just so... new.”
Elain blinked and a lovely, hope-filled image shimmered in her mind's eye.
Yes, so very new but how very beautiful.
She couldn't stop herself from reaching across the space between them and taking Gwyn's hand in her own, squeezing it once and offering a smile she knew was not her place to explain but one she could not suppress.
"I have a feeling you're going to be happy there, Gwyn. Truly happy." She said.
The priestess quirked a copper brow, her freckled lips parting as if to question the statement further, but then Nesta was sweeping into the room, her beautiful face fixed with a general’s hardness and a goddess’s grace, sword flashing silver at her side.
She paused in the doorway, straightening at the sight of her little sister, and raked Elain over with a critical eye that saw everything and missed nothing. Nesta’s lips twitched at the sight of Elain’s unruly hair, her wrinkled and wind-tousled clothes, the flush of green still on her face. 
Then frowned.
“Why do you look like you’ve just survived a tornado?” Nesta asked. 
Elain threw an accusatory look at where Cassian was leaning in the doorway, smiling smugly as he cleaned his nails with a hunting knife, wings splayed wide and haloed by the sunny terrace beyond.
If Nesta was iron and frozen flames, then he was steel and crackling fire. Two sides to the same coin, honed and tempered by sheer grit and determination. A perfect match.
"Bumpy ride," Elain answered sweetly.
"You're green. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Nesta. Just a touch... flight sick."
Her older sister’s eyes narrowed further. “Well, if you’re going to be sick, try not to lose your lunch on the carpets. The House is willing to do much and more, but cleaning up vomit is not one of them.” 
Cassian barked a laugh. Emerie merely rolled her eyes.
But it was Gwyn who leaned in close and whispered to Elain, “She found that out the hard way.” 
Nesta scowled. "I can hear you, Berdara."
"Perhaps that's the point, Nes," Gwyn said sweetly, tossing a curtain of copper-brown hair over an armored shoulder before turning to Elain and gently patting her arm. "I'll send you those spices you asked for as I find them. But, until then, best of wishes, Elain. The next time you see me, I'll be good and properly trained on how to drive a spear thrown a grown male's gut."
With a wide smile and dramatic flourish, Gwyn scooped up a wooden stave from the corner of the room, brushed past Cassian as if he were nothing more than a mere stalk of wheat, and sauntered out into the blinding light of the terrace and training ring beyond.
"Mother spare me," Nesta rolled her eyes, though even she couldn't hide the smile turning up the corner of her lips. "A few months out of the Library and she's got enough confidence one might think she's the future Princess of Adriata."
Elain only smiled.
A lapse of silence settled between them and Elain used it to glance around the room, noting the changes that had been made to the House since the last time she visited. The once heavy velvet curtains were replaced with light linens that billowed in the wind and light bright, natural light pour into the space. The old, dusty furniture had been replaced with more modern, but still comfortable, outfittings and nearly everywhere she looked a bookshelf lined the wall.
Even the marble of the hearth was new, the stone simple but chic and, above it, hung a portrait of Nesta and Cassian clad in armor and proud atop the high peak of Ramiel, swords raised and heads haloed with writhing crowns of silver flame.
Something in Elain's heart tightened. It felt strange to see this place, this home, filled with so many things that reminded her of her sister. And the new healing and happiness she’d found within it. 
"What?" Nesta asked, the question almost self-conscious.
Elain shrugged. "Nothing. I just like what you've done with the place."
"You came all the way here to assess my interior design tastes, then?"
Nesta glanced over at Emerie and Cassian and gestured with a slight jerk of her chin toward the open doorway. Leave us, that gesture said. The former groaned as she rose and trudged, albeit slowly, on muscular legs for the door, collecting a longsword and wooden shield as she went. The latter merely winked, blowing Elain a kiss and offering Nesta a look that would have had anyone else blushing red before swaggering out to the training ring.
Finally alone, Nesta let her guard down, the hardened general softening to a concerned older sister. Even the hard glint in her blue eyes seemed to ease up.
"Is everything okay? Your head, the visions?" She asked softly.
"Yes, Nesta. I'm—"
"And Feyre, the babe?"
"Everything is fine, Nesta. I swear it.” Elain assured feverishly. “I've just come to fetch a book, that's all. No need for any worries. Everything is perfectly fine. ” 
Nesta blew out what very well might have been a sigh of relief but then the worry furrowing her brow turned hard one more and the thin line of her lips became a scowl.
"You came all the way here for a bloody book?"
Elain nodded. "I need it for a gardening project. The collection of the local flora and fauna is far more impressive in the library here than in the one Rhys and Feyre keep at the Riverhouse."
The lie came so easily it felt almost as if it were the truth. 
Elain's gut twisted at the realization, twisted and withered at the utter lack of suspicion in Nesta's eyes. Nesta, who she had shared every secret with. Nesta, who had always been there and always understood. Nesta, who was her older sister and closest friend. Elain had never lied to her, never had a reason to, until now.
Until these last few months.
A clash of steel on steel drew Nesta's gaze out towards the veranda. Once that might have hurt her, might have made Elain feel small and overlooked, but she understood more now, could See more now. She and her sister had different purposes now, new lives and relationships that demanded more focus, more attention. Nesta had her Valkyries and her mate. Elain had the twins and her gardens and her ugly little secrets.
"Alright," Nesta said finally, nodding slowly. "Ask the House if you need help. It can find just about anything, anywhere, but only if you're polite. Come find me before you depart. We can take the stairs together if you're feeling up for it."
"I'm not sure my body could physically handle that," Elain chuckled. 
"You'd be surprised what your body can do when you put your mind to it."
Oh, but Elain did know. Perhaps a little too well.
But she merely smiled, grabbing her sister and hugging her tight, before bidding Nesta goodbye and watching, lovingly, almost enviously, as her older sister strode out to the training ring and her new life that waited within.
Alone and unwatched, Elain wasted no time getting down to business, hurrying at once for the stairwell.
The floor above was occupied by House of Wind’s library at the end of the hall with private bedrooms lining the narrow space on either side. Elain moved swiftly past them on silent feet, checking every other heartbeat over her shoulder until she stood before the closed door of the last bedroom on the left. 
She wasn’t sure how she knew this particular one was his, only that she could feel it. Could scent it. She’d never been inside, never even been close, but she knew it in her bones. 
Heart in her throat, she knocked once. 
And waited.
When there was no answer she knocked again, louder now. 
Again, no answer. 
So Elain rallied her spirits, forcing down every worry and fear that warred within her and tried the doorknob. Unlocked. She glanced one last time down the hallway towards the stairwell before slowly pushing the door open. 
The space beyond was well-lit, the linen curtains thrown away from the wide panel of windows that illuminated the meticulously neat and utterly empty room. 
The worn leather couch was unoccupied and the nearby neat column of books was seemingly untouched. No cloak hung from the iron peg in the entryway and her delicate ears caught no whisper of movement within.
“Hello?” Elain called out anyway,  nerves a maelstrom in her stomach.
But, again, no answer came. 
So she gathered her skirts and slipped quietly into the Spymaster’s bedroom.
The scent of mist and cedar and something more floral hit her at once. It was so familiar, yet the space around her so foreign. Elain couldn’t stop herself from taking in her surroundings, feeling as if she'd d stepped into another realm, a world entirely of his own that gave her the chance to steal an intimate look into his personality.
The unlit heart was completely devoid of ash or burned logs as if it’d been a long time since a fire had been lit within it, if ever at all. Nearly every visible surface was lacking even a speck of dust and every single thing within the room seemed to have a methodically dedicated place. 
Artwork hung on the walls, some pieces clearly done by Feyre’s hand, others older, more classic. A long bookshelf occupied the western wall and was stuffed full of books and greenery and trinkets from worlds Elain could only ever dream of visiting. Whirling golden instruments from the Dawn Court, fur-trimmed masks from the Winter Court, and tiny, carved wooden bobbles that could only hail from the Human Lands.
A potted Kingsflame flower bloomed in the corner, healthy and vibrant as if it’d been tended to both night and day, while a collection of seedlings were just now greening on the window sill. A star-sphere and a looking glass sat upon a nearby table, a bushel of carefully dried flowers and a worn hunting tapestry hung carefully above it.
And the books, Mother bless him, there were so many books. Perhaps even enough to rival the collection in the Library just down the hall. They occupied every spare space, all neatly stacked with obvious care.
Elain drifted further into the room, rounding a cutout in the wall and mounting a small set of stairs up to where a large, four-poster bed occupied most the space. It was made, clearly long-since slept in, but the bedding was surprisingly worn, the cobalt and amethyst quilt threadbare and bearing the hallmarks of something obviously handmade.
She found what she was looking for just beyond the bed. 
The large, elegant desk was framed perfectly by a cascading beam of sunlight as if it’d been waiting just for her.
The stacks of papers atop it were neat, the collection of scrolls and tomes in the cubby nearby even neater. A large ale glass that reminded her of the one her father used to drink from held a collection of quills and writing utensils, a fresh pot of ink capped and waiting beside it. Even the small astrolabe resting at the desk’s edge was clean and neat, the interlocking golden spheres polished so thoroughly they shined in the sunlight. 
Elain approached it as if she were in a dream, her attention clouded by her plan.
Find a map of the Prison, commit to memory, and bring it back to Kalla and the Twins so they could help her design a plan for infiltration. Find the fragments of the Stone, find the Staff.
Easy enough, Elain thought sarcastically.
She opened the unlocked center drawer and began to shuffle through the papers inside. Her eyes flew over the papers, drinking in different codenames and dossier titles and reports from spies in any and every court. If there was a secret, it was here. If there was any kernel of hidden knowledge, it was here. None of it mattered to her, though. Her course was set, her mind decided.
The Prison, the Middle, the Autumn Court. The Stone, the Staff, the—
"I never took you for a snoop."
Elain jumped at the low, soft voice and her hand immediately fell away from the map of the Prison she'd wriggled free, flashing instead to the dagger concealed at her side, and whirled.
Only to find Death standing in the doorway.
Azriel was dressed all in black: black knee-high leather boots, black leather breeches, a black tunic with black iron fastenings, black scaled pauldrons with matching black gauntlets, and a black cloak that flowed from his shoulders like smoke, even his hair was fully black in this light, but his eyes were bright gold and his face was flushed with life and color, as if he'd just come off a cold wind. Shadows swarmed around him, snakes twinning and whispering around his hands and shoulders, already murmuring her secrets.
Beautiful. Terrifying. A face she’d seen in countless dreams. 
Elain snapped her hand behind her back, straightening at the sight of him, and forced a demure smile, steeling herself against his assessing gaze until she was nothing more than a trembling fawn. Innocent, unaware, and entirely unassuming.
"Cassian asked me to fetch something," She said sweetly.
Azriel only cocked his head. "Did he?"
"Training plans. For the Valkyrie’s afternoon drills."
Azriel took another step into the room, shadows swirling. One in particular curled around his neck and murmured in his ear, whatever secrets it whispered drawing a small smile across his lips.
“They tell me when you lie, you know.” He said softly.
Cauldron spare me.
Elain swallowed hard, racking her brain for an excuse. “Nesta asked me to help find your travel long. She wanted to know if you'd be back before the Valkyries head out for their trips abroad."
"That's not it either, is it."
He took a step.
"Mor was worried about you."
Another step.
"You lie again."
They were so close now she could smell the wind on him, could see the veins of emerald in his hazel eyes. Could see the pale smattering of freckles that graced his cheeks, tiny constellations dusting his golden skin as if the Mother herself had tossed them there.
“I needed a map.” Elain breathed.
Azriel hummed. “That’s more like it.” 
He reached behind her and gently plucked up the documents she'd discarded between scarred fingers. Elain watched anticipatingly, heart hammering in her chest, as he unfolded them and studied the various maps of the Prison Isle with eyes that gave away nothing. A beautiful, tortuous face that gave away absolutely nothing.
“Why?” He asked after a long moment.
Elain straightened. “It’s none of your business.” 
“Is it not?" Azriel countered. "You are here in my bedroom, uninvited, trying to steal from me after all."
“I wasn’t stealing, merely borrowing. And your door was unlocked besides.”
Azriel leafed through the maps again, hazel eyes churning. Unable to bare the tension between them, Elain eached for the map and tried to snatch it from him, but he was too tall, too fast, for her to even come close. Instead, she found her fingers curling over the strong expanse of his forearm, his burnt skin warm beneath her grip. Their eyes met over the sparse space between them.
This was a mistake.
Elain yanked her hand away, fumbling as she took a step back. The edge of the desk pressed into the column of her spine but the dul pinch was a welcome reprieve from the heat building in her blood. Mother spare her, why did he have to have this effect on her?
"Why?" Azriel asked again, voice softer this time.
Elain sighed. "I just...I need to see if something's there. If something I thought might not be real is, in fact, very real after all."
"You saw something."
I wasn't a question. And Elain certainly wasn't about to answer. She tried to draw further away from him, desperate to put space between them, if only to stop the strange feeling that swirled in her belly whenever he was near, but Azriel only drew nearer.
"The Prison is not to be considered lightly," Azriel said. "The Isle itself is largely uncharted. The land is just as much a monster as the creatures locked away on it. It's law unto itself, unchecked and untamed."
"Right, because I'm utterly incapable of taking care of myself. I suppose you've forgotten it was me who stabbed the King of Hybern just like everyone else."
Elain could see the blow land. Something in Azriel's eyes flickered out at her words, the harshness with which she spoke them, but Elain refused to let herself feel guilt over them.
Desperate to be away from her, from the weight of his sad hazel eyes, Elain moved to shove past him. She didn't need the physical maps to navigate the Prison's vast isle and complex passageways. The mere glimpse of documents was all she needed. Her magic could help her recall them later, and in near-perfect detail too.
Azriel's hand flashed out and caught her wrist. A bolt of static skittered up her skin from where their bodies touched. "I don't doubt you, Elain. I never have." He said gently. "But you just can't wander into the Prison without a plan. There are residents there who scare even Rhysand. Who scare even me. I won't let you go alone."
"I'm not going alone. I do have friends, you know."
“The twins might be privy to a lot of things, but access to the Prison is not one of them. Rhys has only granted myself and a select other few the ability to bypass the wards there. No one else could ever even dream of getting past that sort of magic without his knowledge. Or his approval." Azriel released her wrist. Her skin felt cold without the warmth of his touch. "And something tells me you don't intend to ask Rhysand for that." 
"Rhys would grant me a palace amongst the stars if I asked nicely enough. Feyre too, for that matter." Elain said defiantly. She wasn't going to back down on this, not now that she'd finally spoken her mind. "Besides, I don't need Rhysand's permission. I don't need anyone's."
Azriel chuckled, the sound sending his shadows skittering and warmth radiating through her bones. "I’m not sure I’d call that spelllspinner you’re hiding away in the Library a friend. She’s far from trustworthy from what I’ve gathered.” He said and Elain did not fail to note the sly little smile that curved his lips. He knows about Kalla then. She did her best to master herself, unwilling in letting him know he’d surprised her with that reveal. “It’s not like she’ll do you much good, either way,” He continued. “One mere tug at the threads of those binding the spells to the Prison and your spellspinner will scramble her mind so thoroughly she'll forget her own name.”
Elain had been afraid of that. While Kalla was confident within her own abilities to manipulate and break the threads of magic, the twins hadn’t been so convinced, both Nuala and Cerridwen afraid of something exactly like this. The Prison was old, they’d warned her, and it’s magic older still. Breaking past those wards would be no easy task, especially not without Rhys or someone who carried his expression permission to step foot on the Prison Isle. 
But Elain had hoped, Mother had she hoped… 
Closing her eyes, Elain drew in a long, steadying breath and loosed it on a slow exhale. "Are you going to try and stop me?" She asked him finally. 
“No. Never.” 
“Then what do you want, Azriel?” 
Now it was the shadowsinger who drew in a deep breath of his own. Azriel met her eyes when he finally answered, his voice soft but resolute. “Let me help you, and Nuala and Cerridwen, with… whatever it is you’re trying to do. I won’t ask questions, won’t pass judgment, only lend help where I can.” He said. “You want on the island without Rhys or Feyre knowing? Fine, consider it done. The Prison is no place for recklessness. I won’t stop you, Elain, but I’ll be damned if I don’t do everything in my power to try and keep you safe.” 
Azriel extended the maps he’d caught her with as if he were offering an olive branch. Elain could only stare at him. His words were both hope and heartbreak. 
“You don’t have to face the darkness of that wretched place alone. Let me help you, Elain.” The spy master of the Night Court, the man who they claimed was Death given form, pressed. “Let me face that darkness with you.” 
Elain eased the maps from his burnt fingers and tucked them into the pocket hidden in her cloak lining before meeting Azriel’s hazel eyes. She offered him only one word in answer before brushing past him and striding from the room. 
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pittdpeaches · 9 months
Uhh, hello, l don't want to sound mean, but when will the new chapter of garden across our collarbone come?
Usually I try to update every 2-3 weeks, if that helps! It's an unofficial schedule so things are subject to change depending on whatever life throws my way, but I'm generally consistent with updates
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purble-turble · 2 years
1 not a question your fan art for, A Garden Across Our Collarbone, is really good, 2 thank you for sharing 3 have a good day :)
Thank you!! Spicynoodles is just my favorite ship by a landslide and combining that with a soulmates AU and PittedPeaches' freakin awesome writing, I was just so inspired I had to draw something for it! Btw that fic just updated with chapter 2 tonight ya'll, you gotta get in on this good good spicynoodles content, go read it right now if you haven't 😄
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
The Temple- Chapter 3
Taglist: @nahimjustfeelingit-writes, @quietstorm-73, @ladymac82
Read Chapter 2 if you haven’t already, and let me know if you want to be tagged. Don’t forget to check out my Masterlist!
CW: smut
Word count: 4231 “Hello, my prince. I am Aisha.”
The words sounded like a prayer on her lips. Aisha.
“N’Jadaka.” The prince gingerly grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, causing her to giggle at the tickling feeling. 
“I am aware. This is your first visit?”
“That obvious, huh?”
Aisha full on laughed this time, a melodious siren call. He wanted nothing more than to let her drag him into her waters and keep him for eternity.
“Painfully so. No worries, I’ll ease you into it.”
N’Jadaka’s ears perked up at her forwardness.
“‘It’ being…?
“The reason we were called to each other.”
He leaned in to whisper into her ear, just loud enough for her to hear him over the crowd.
“And what reason is that, beautiful?”
The prince’s arm went around her waist, and he felt her place a kiss just under his collarbone. N’Jadaka just about melted right then and there, so Aisha grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd in the opposite direction from the entrance. Instead of another large door, this part of the temple was only separated from the rest by an ornate purple curtain, and when she drew back the curtain his eyes travelled to the winding staircase before them. Vibranium lit the halls as his eyes took in the artwork on the wall, some different stories of Bast and others scenes of sexual pleasure featuring the oldest Daughters of Bast from thousands of years ago. After staring in awe at his surroundings, the prince’s eyes fell to Aisha’s ass. It was by no means the biggest ass he had ever seen, but it was the perfect size and shape for his hormones to go crazy.
“How much farther?” He asked, pulling her back towards him and placing his nose in the crook of her neck, taking in her sweet natural scent. 
“Not much farther, my prince. I promise.”
“I like when you say that shit.”
“My prince?”
N’Jadaka grinded his erection into her lower back and she reached back to grab him by the balls, making him release a whimpering sound in her ear. 
“Not yet...my prince. There is much we must do before I let you experience Bast’s blessings.”
He pulled back and tilted her face towards him, staring into her light brown eyes.
“What else is there?”
Aisha chuckled darkly and pulled him along once more, hand never moving from her warm cradle between his legs. He followed with his bottom lip wedged perfectly between his teeth, trying not to bite down as hard as he wanted to.
He swore the temple was bigger on the inside, or maybe it was just his raging hormones making the walk seem impossibly long. Once they arrived at what N’Jadaka assumed was her door he felt like they had been walking for forever. She opened it and motioned for him to enter.
“After you, your highness.”
N’Jadaka stepped in and took in his surroundings once more. The room was dimly lit and the lingering smell of incense greeted him before anything else. The only window was stained glass with a large kaleidoscope pattern that N’Jadaka was sure would look amazing in the sunlight. He took note of the massage table in the middle of the room, and then he noticed a bed as well as a chair over to the side. He could barely hear faint instrumental music playing in the background.
“So you’re a masseuse, too?” N’Jadaka asked Aisha.
“We are all well-versed in many physical arts, including massage.”
“So you’re good with your hands?” he asked with a devilish smirk.
Aisha smiled knowingly.
“Yes your highness, I am.”
“Well let's get to it then.” He rubbed his hands together and walked towards the massage bed, He stopped when he noticed the hole near the middle.
“Wait, is that for my dick?”
Aisha giggled.
“Yes, my prince. Some find it uncomfortable to lay on an erect penis during a back massage, and others enjoy it as part of a kink. We will see which one you are. Either way, you will be receiving a full-body massage in every sense of the word. Would you care to lay down?”
“Yes ma’am.”
N’Jadaka laid on his stomach, awkwardly placing his dick through the opening.
“Feels weird just hanging like this…”
“It always does at first, but if you wish you do not have to utilize it.”
“Nah I’m curious.”
“Are you ready to begin, my prince?”
“Uh yeah, let's do this” He said, trying to mask his nerves. He was instantly calmed down when she placed her hands lightly on his head to feel his energy and slowly trailed them to his feet, touching everything in between and acquainting herself with his body. 
“Lavender or eucalyptus oil?” Aisha asked the prince. He pointed to the lavender bottle and she pumped some into her hands before rubbing them together.
When her hands came up to knead at his tense shoulders, her strength surprised him. He had never felt anything like that before. Her thumbs beat the shit out of his tension and the heels of her palms ran it out of town. 
Aisha’s hands moved to his lower back and he let out a moan that he wasn’t expecting, before clearing his throat.
“It’s ok, you know? Moaning, expressing yourself in that way. If it feels good it feels good.”she told him. 
N’Jadaka nodded slowly, not trusting his voice at the moment.  
Her strong hands made their way to his backside and he giggled.
“Sorry, I guess I’m ticklish.”
“Plenty of people are, it’s a very sensitive area.”
She continued to knead his glutes and he tried to speak through his giggles.
“So- aha, how long have you be-been doing thi-sss?”
“Just two years. I got the call young so I started studying anatomy, massage therapy, reiki, and acupressure. When I hit adulthood I began my training to be a Daughter of Bast, and after three years I was able to officially call myself a Daughter.”
Her hands moved to the backs of his thighs, which was no better for him sensitivity-wise and he felt a stirring in his loins. He could feel his dick hardening and being pulled down by gravity herself the more it grew. 
“Three years? That’s a long time.”
Aisha smiled at his attempt to make conversation.
“Yes, but it flew by. It takes time to learn the physical arts, even with my background.”
“I like that y’all call sex ‘physical arts’”
“Not just sex, my prince, but intimacy. What we are doing now is intimate, yes?”
“Hell yeah it is,” he said with a smile.
“Everybody comes here for different reasons,” She began as her hands moved down to his calves. “Some require sex, some just need us to lend an ear, some need the relaxing environment, some need to be held...it varies from person to person.”
“Makes sense. So what do I need?”
“Everything I just mentioned. Life was not kind to you, and that much loneliness doesn’t just disappear with talk therapy. Humans require intimacy not just for survival, but for our mental state as well. And I don't mean just in terms of sex. No, I mean familial relationships, romantic and platonic relationships. Even the intimacy that comes from community. That love and support and closeness can come from anywhere, you just have to be open to it. But it is difficult if you’ve never been given that chance before. After all, a child not embraced by their village will burn it down to feel it’s warmth.”
A lump formed in the prince’s throat as he thought back to the scorched Garden of the Heart-Shaped Herb.  
“I’ve heard that somewhere before.”
“I’m sure, it is a very old proverb.”
Aisha massaged his feet and he felt his body respond to her touching the corresponding pressure points. He felt a rush of blood and his dick immediately jumped. 
“How are you feeling,” Aisha asked, already knowing the answer.
“Relaxed and horny. Yo this upside down glory hole is kinda nice though, I might have to get a bed like this...”
“May I pleasure you like this or would you prefer a different position?” 
N’Jadaka froze as if he had forgotten why he came here.
“Uh yeah, this is good…”
Aisha crawled under the massage table and sat on a pillow, cross-legged under his raging erection. 
“If it pleases you, I will start with my hands.”
“Oh, it pleases me…”
She pumped some unscented oil into her hands before bringing them up to his dick. It was sensitive to her touch and he winced as she grabbed the base with one hand and massaged the tip with her other hand.
“My prince, there is no pride or ego here. When you feel the need to release you do so. Do you understand?” “Yes.”
“I did not hear you.” She said as she squeezed a little tighter around the base.
“Good.” Aisha smirked and her focus returned to the task at hand. She used her fingertips to tease the underside of his dripping dick, watching with joy as it tried to twitch out of her grasp only to be pulled back in by her soft hand sliding up and down his shaft. His foreskin pulled back more and more as his dick grew in size and thickness the more she worked it. When she reached for his balls again he nearly lost it, letting out a loud guttural moan.
“Looks like I found it,” she giggled to herself.
She added more oil to her hands and coated his sack with one hand while working just under his head with the other, causing the vein under his dick to throb more and more until he released on her face with a growl. Each time his hips jerked, more spilled out and Aisha couldn’t help but get a taste. She swiped her finger across her face, gathering his cum, and brought it to her lips to sample the salty goodness. She brought the flat of her tongue to the underside of his already sensitive dick and ran it along the length to the tip, pressing her tongue into the still-leaking opening of his urethra hoping to catch every last drop. When she took him into her mouth, the prince stopped her.
“Hold on babygirl, I want to watch you suck my dick.”
Aisha crawled out from under the table and he stared at her cumstained face in awe. She looked even more beautiful than before. He slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the table before looking around the room.
“We doing this here, or…”
“Where do you want me, your highness?”
Aisha watched his dick twitch at her words and smirked at her power over him. 
N’Jadaka motioned to the high-back leather chair near the stained glass window and she grabbed his hand to lead him over to it. He sat down and she stood between his legs. They stared into each other's eyes before he pulled her in for a sloppy kiss, not caring that her face was dripping with his essence. Their arms snaked around each other and she caressed the back of his neck while he gripped her ass tight. He pulled back to admire her body, taking in her deep brown areolas, and bringing his tongue out to taste the sweet saltiness of her skin.
His tongue worked one nipple while his fingers kept the other company. He alternated between the two, lazily tonguing and sucking and nibbling her erect buds causing Aisha to let out a moan that was more music to the prince’s ears. It was one of those deep, low moans that starts in the gut and travels up the spine before loudly breaking free. Her nipples were extremely sensitive to his touch and as she came down from her high he peppered light kisses around her chest.
“My prince…” Aisha said between breaths. 
“Yeah, beautiful?”
“It’s your turn again.”Aisha said while sinking down to her knees before him. She began to drool at the sight of his already hard and leaking dick, throbbing because of her. She stuck out her tongue and opened wide before taking him inside her mouth to the hilt, tongue swirling around the bottom of his ever-thickening dick. 
“Fuck! Girl y-you better suck the fuck out this dick.”
Aisha swallowed and sucked his dick like her life depended on it, cheeks hollowing and spit dripping down her chin.
She removed herself from him with a loud pop, and a thick string of saliva connected her lips to his bulbous head. She traced her tongue along the underside of his dick from his frenulum to his ballsack. She brought his balls into her mouth one at a time and worked them on her tongue while lightly suckling on them. Her hand never left his dick, pulling back his foreskin and stroking along his shaft. 
“Babygirl, if you keep that up I’m gonna come.”
“No holding back, remember?” She took his balls out her mouth and looked at him with a devilish smirk before placing her lips around his head, and hollowing her cheeks to suck him hard and sloppy. Her tongue came out to massage his dick and he let out a stuttered moan before he burst inside her mouth.
Aisha made sure to clean her plate, sucking him dry and licking up anything left behind. He grabbed her by the chin and pulled her closer, smacking a kiss on her juicy, cum-covered lips. He loved how he tasted on her. 
“Do you have one more for me, your highness?”
“Of course babygirl, how do you want me?”
She didn't answer verbally, choosing to push him back and straddle him instead. 
“Oh so it’s like that?” He secretly loved her brief flashes of dominance.
Aisha lowered herself onto him, sliding all the way down until they were connected pelvis-to-pelvis. 
“M-my prince, you are v-very big.” She struggled to get the words out, distracted by the way his dick stretched her out.
“Yeah and you got that tight, pretty pussy babygirl. Lean back, lemme watch your pussy swallow my shit.”
Aisha did as she was told and planted her hands on his thighs before leaning back and allowing him a view of her treasure trove. 
“Ooh, fuck. That’s right, take my shit deep.” N’Jadaka.
“Your highness, it’s so deep.”
“You like that shit?”
“Mmm, yes sir.”
“Bounce on it then” He said as his fingers dug into her ass.
Aisha used her thighs to lift her body, then gracefully slid back down his pole with her hips circling like wind in a tornado. He was caught up in her storm, eyes intensely glued to hers. Her hand came up to grab his chin and hold him in place while her other hand sneaked into his messy dreads. Without breaking eye contact, she leaned down to kiss him and lightly snuck her tongue in his mouth. The kiss was soft and sweet as she grinded her hips slowly into his. They moaned into each other's mouths and climbed towards their peaks together.
“Mmm you feel so good your highness. How do I make you feel?”
“Like I’m on cloud nine babygirl. You got some strong juju in this pussy, I can feel it.”
Their foreheads leaned against each other and she picked up her pace, slamming her ass down on his lap.
“Keep that up and Im cumming in that pussy”
“Please, my prince. Cum inside me.” 
At her command, his body convulsed and he released his seed deep inside her. She pulled up and only rode the tip of his dick, making him release a whine-like moan into the crook of her neck while his dick throbbed once more, pushing out the very last bit of semen his body could provide. Aisha’s pussy clenched and she let loose a deluge of her juices onto the prince before sinking back down and relaxing onto him. Their bodies still connected, they stared into each others eyes and took deep breaths in and out until they calmed their heart rates down.
“How do you feel now, my prince?”
“Call me N’Jadaka.”
“Alright, then. How do you feel, N’Jadaka?”
He paused to think about it, leaving them in silence for a minute. Still inside her, his fingers aimlessly traced patterns into her hips while her fingers lightly ran through his hair. She laid her head against his chest and he placed his chin on top of her head. He had never been held like this before. So calm, so close.
“Lighter. Open. Tired.”
They both laughed at that last one.
“Lighter and open how?”
“I don't know how to explain it, I just- don't feel as heavy and closed off in my spirit.”
“That’s a good thing.”
“Yeah, I just-,” N’Jadaka began to tear up and Aisha brought her hand up to wipe them away as they fell. She gave him the time to let it all out. When he was able to talk again, he cleared his throat. “I didn’t know it could feel like this.”
“How what could, N’Jadaka?”
She pressed a kiss to his forehead and they continued to talk for a few more minutes before they finally parted. Aisha walked N’Jadaka back though the temple to retrieve his clothes and when they said goodbye neither wanted the other to leave. 
“I am sure I will see you again, my prince?”
“Come on with that ‘my prince’ shit.” he said with a smile, causing her to send him one right back. He pulled her in for a hug and they both took in each other's scent.
“Be safe getting back, N’Jadaka.”
“I’ll see you around.” He kissed her cheek and turned to leave, nearly tripping over a black ball of fuzz.
“Isa? Hey lil mama, what’s good?”
The cat purred and rubbed on his legs.
“It looks like she likes you. You know what that means?” Aisha leaned down to pet Isabis, too. 
“Nah, what?”
“You’re pure of heart-”
He looked at her and his eyes got misty before he noticed a smaller black fuzz ball making it’s way over to him.
“-and she finds you worthy enough to care for one of her babies.” Aisha answered with a smile.
“Aww, Isa.” He said as the cat moved to lick the kitten on it’s head before turning back to the prince. He reached out to greet his new friend but was beat to it by the kitten jumping into his large hand.
“It looks like she’s happy with her mama’s decision.” Aisha looked on with pride. This man had transformed right before her eyes and she couldn't be happier for him and his progress. “Do you have a name for her?”
He looked at the little black kitten intently.
“Nah, she’ll tell me what it is eventually.”
The two smiled at each other and exchanged kisses on the cheek once more before the prince was off to the palace with his new fur baby.
“Someone seems to be in a good mood,” Shuri teased the moment he walked in the door.
“Hello to you too, beanstalk.” N’Jadaka threw it right back at her, and fully expected her to make some jab at his scars but the kitten distracted her.
“Bast, she’s adorable! Where did you find her?”
“The temple.”
“Ohhhhh, I’ve heard they have kittens everywhere!”
“Yeah you still got a couple more years before you get to visit all these cute little guys. Isn’t that right….” N’Jadaka paused, thinking a name would come to him. “Damn, nothing.”
“What's the problem?”
“I can’t think of a name. I don't want to just be like ‘hey cat come here’, you know?”
“I get it, but once she shows you her personality it’ll be easier to name her.”
“Name who?!” Nakia rounded the corner with a scowl on her face.
Without a word, the prince held up his new kitten and her face softened. She immediately grabbed the kitten and sat down with her on the couch.
“She’s the cutest! Did you get her from the temple?”
N’Jadaka cleared his throat, not necessarily wanting to go into details with these two. Especially with Shuri’s young ears around.
“I did. There’s a cat that fosters the kittens-”
“Isa? Oh how is she?”
He chuckled at Isabis’ popularity.
“She’s fine, she pushed this one on me and now here we are.”
“I understand, T’Challa and I have two that run our lives. Once this baby gets here I fear we will be outnumbered.”
“What’s T up to anyway? I want him to meet his new little cousin.”
“He’s in his office getting some work done”
“Bet. Can I have my child back please?”
Nakia kissed the kitten’s head and reluctantly handed her back to N’Jadaka.
“Thank you!” He waved goodbye as the kitten climbed up his arm to lay on his broad shoulders. Neither of the three of them could contain their ‘awww’s.
The prince made it to T’Challa’s office on the business side of the palace. The guards saluted him and after he saluted back he noticed their ear to ear smiles. He felt a tug and realized they were smiling at his kitten trying to play with his hair.
He walked in, interrupting what appeared to be a meeting on the screens in front of him. He recognized several of the faces as Avengers. 
“My bad…”
He tried to slip back out the doors, but T’Challa stopped him.
“Nonsense, you should join-” The king paused at the adorable sight before him. “Actually, meeting adjourned. We can pick this up tomorrow.”
As the Avengers screens went black, N’Jadaka sat in the chair across from his cousin. As soon as he got close, the kitten leapt from his shoulder to the king’s desk.
“So I take it your time at the Temple was fruitful, umzala.”
“Fruitful? Nigga I almost fell in love and I came home with a child.”
“I mean, I know it's nothing because they do this all the time but damn she was something else.”
The kitten had taken to T’Challa, naturally, and began to climb up onto his shoulder.
“You’re correct that they are professionals, but that doesn’t mean a spark wasn’t felt. Our grandmother was a Daughter of Bast. She chose to leave the temple when she married our grandfather, but that was how they met.” The king explained while play-fighting with the kitten on his shoulder. 
“I didn’t think that was possible...so they're not married to Bast or something like that?”
“No, they are free agents. Some of them stay Daughters after marriage or children. Several leave and come back. Bast is the goddess of pleasure, and how unpleasurable would it be to force everyone into the same box?”
N’Jadaka nodded slowly, trying to wrap his brain around the new information.
“So have you named her yet?”
“Nah, I figure it’ll come to me. I can already tell she’s a handful.” He said as they watched the kitten jump down and begin chasing her tail, falling over in the process.
“So back to the temple. Who did you see?”
“I can’t say I know of an Aisha, I haven’t been in so long. Every time I go, Isa tries to push more kittens on me, and I hate denying her.”
N’Jadaka chuckled at the thought of Isabis and the king’s interactions.
“So this Aisha, are you planning on seeing her again?”
“Hell yes. How soon is too soon to go back?”
“You can go back whenever, but I would suggest waiting until you feel it is the right time.”
The prince thought over it for a moment before responding.
“I saw her before I met her. In a daydream. Then when I saw her in person I felt this warm pulling in my stomach like-”
“Like a chain pulling you towards her. Yes, I am familiar.” A goofy smile appeared on T’Challa’s face as he thought of his wife.
“So you get it?”
“I do, but does she?”
On the other side of Wakanda, Aisha lowered herself into a fragrant bath and thought over her day. She had told herself it would be an off-day, but then when she saw the prince she felt something in her gut tell her to go to him. When he kissed her hand ‘hello’ she nearly melted at the touch of his skin on hers. She wasn’t used to experiencing those feelings from patrons. 
When she caressed and massaged his body, she could feel the pain melt away. When she rode him she could feel his soul opening up and she gladly stepped through the door. She could feel his emotions and she opened herself to him, allowing him to feel hers. When they came together, she saw constellations in his chestnut eyes. 
She stayed in the bath, daydreaming about Prince N’Jadaka until the water ran cold. When she emerged from the water, she air dried her body and covered herself in cocoa butter before lowering herself to the floor for her nightly prayers to the goddess. 
Aisha pulled back her sheets and slid in naked. She laid there for an hour, mind racing over all the possibilities, before sleep finally took her in for the night. 
Next Chapter
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wolfcha1k · 4 years
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"One look and I can't catch my breath Two souls into one flesh When you're not next to me I'm incomplete 'Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to These flames tonight Look into my eyes and say you want me, too Like I want you"
"All my life I've been looking for a place my parents wanted me to find, and I found it… but now? All I can think about is Eep. My best friend, my first… and only love."
Summary: Guy and Eep reflect on what has happened in the wake of these two crazy moons since their Tomorrow was challenged. There's damage that needs to be fixed and broken hearts to mend. - <3 - I used a ton of references from the movie as well as loosely traced bits, the kiss was referenced from the ending of "A New Age". I wanted to draw a proper cover for my new "chapter" for my "The Sun Was a Wayfarer" series, which is a bunch of one shots/little stand alone stories set in the same timeline despite it kinda skipping around a bunch. This one is "All I Can Think Of" as of now it takes place after "It's Our Nature" and before "A Tomorrow of Our Own", ngl, this chapter was mostly to practice writing kisses, I had some fun actually writing it. Usually I get hella embarrased lol I'm gonna paste the story beneath the picture, hope you like ~
The Sun Was a Wayfarer - Series
<Previous> Its Our Nature <next> A Tomorrow of Our Own
The moment Guy saw a chance to get away from the Pack he took it, quickly grabbing for Eep's hand to pull her down a random direction into the garden. She started in surprise before willingly following him with a trust Guy didn't feel he deserved anymore after last night. Guy didn't stop until he felt they were far enough away that nobody would find them without looking very hard, hidden behind some of the large gourds and corn.
He spun around to face her, letting out a long sigh. Guy just needed a moment to look at her, dark eyes worried and concerned as the adrenaline of what happened just a few hours ago finally seeped out of his body. Guy was covered in bruises and ached all over but it was nothing compared to the pain of when he thought he lost her forever three times in the span of just two terrifying days of his life. Somehow The End of the World felt miniscule in comparison now that Eep was his world.
His Tomorrow.
He rested his shaky hands on her shoulders, relief making him dizzy. Eep supported the sudden slumping of his weight, her green eyes wide with concern. "Guy! What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine," he said, a tired smile on his face as he looked at her.
She held him up by the arms before lifting him up into hers. Eep sat down on the grass and positioned him on her lap, stroking the fringe of hair away from his face.
She could see the swollen purple bruises on his cheek and the black eye he had, his lower lip looked swollen and puffy. "You had a bad day," she sighed, cuddling him close.
"Yeah," he managed to chuckle, finding some amusement out of her words. "But it's better now that you're here…" He pressed a tired, sloppy kiss to her shoulder and rested his forehead there after. "Empathis on the better."
She just tugged him closer, as if her arms could squeeze the exhaustion and nerves right out of him. "I'm sorry," Eep suddenly said, muffling her face against his cheek. He felt moisture against his skin and the slight tremor in her arms and shoulders. "I'm really sorry."
Her warbled words cut him like a knife and he used his head to nudge her back so he could look at her. He could see the beginnings of tears on her eyelashes, gaze watery as she blinked it away stubbornly. Guy reached his hand to touch her face, feeling her recoil a bit before relaxing into his palm. He wiped his thumb under her eye, catching a tear.
He realized his own eyes felt moist all of a sudden, it'd been an emotionally charged couple of days. "It's okay, Eep. You didn't do anything wrong, I was just so stupid."
She sighed heavily, unwinding an arm from around his body so she could cover his hand with her calloused palm. Eep said nothing for several long moments, just clutched his hand like a life line.
Eep finally looked at him, tearing her eyes from the random direction she'd sent her sights towards. "Yeah?"
"You're not hurt, are you?" Guy sat up a bit in her lap, cautiously letting his palms trace her broad shoulders, fingers squeezing tentatively to see if she would flinch. He knew she was good at hiding things like injuries, nursing them in private as to avoid upsetting Grug, it'd also extended to him now. She was strong but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to worry over her.
"No, I don't have a scratch on me," she assured him but Guy didn't stop checking her. Eep let him fuss though, knowing it would make him feel better if he came to the conclusion himself. His touch felt nice though, Eep realizing how starved she was for it since being separated from each other.
He touched her back, her arms, her ribs, anywhere his hands could reach in a modest way, careful in his examination. After running a hand down her leg, his eyes fell to where the prohestic was once on her pinkie toe. "I'm so, so glad you actually don't have a toe there," he sighed, knowing it was one of the most nonsensical, bizarre phrases he'd ever uttered in his seventeen years of life.
"Guess getting bit by that bearyena came in handy for once," Eep quipped, trying to lighten the mood a little.
He also was relieved she hadn't been ripped in half during the struggle, it had to be a miracle of some kind. Guy didn't voice this though, just traced his hands slowly back up her body so he could hold her waist. He missed her so much and he was quick to show her that, words failing him as he gently brushed her lips in a kiss. He let his hands slide up her back to lovingly stroke her shoulders, feeling the muscles ripple under his palms. She shivered and he shook, he pulled her closer as if to warm them both but still the trembling never stopped.
He always did love her shoulders and muscles, the clinical and practical part of him admired the strength and power there, how they could flex and be used to take down beasts twice her size. Then there was the simplicity of just being a man who loved a beautiful woman and it inspired a different kind of appreciation in him.
One that he knew Grug who absolutely skewer him alive for, his heart longing and aching as he hugged Eep. He never knew he could be so needy, it should have been pathetic as a puppy following its master for attention, never satisfied.
They'd shared an intense kiss over the raging flames but it still wasn't enough after the longest dry spell he had ever known since meeting her. After that first kiss in the ocean, he never got enough of her now. He was greedy and never was ashamed of that when it came to loving her.
He only wanted to be with her until there were no more Tomorrows that crossed the sky.
Eep quickly cupped his face in her hands and surged forward against him, her ferocity taking him by surprise. He practically squeaked when he felt the nip of her teeth on his bruised lip but somehow he couldn't care less. Just welcomed it, tilting his head and taking in the taste of her as he brushed her tongue with his. It was like fire and he was more than happy to be burned, letting Eep fly with him like the wild tiger in his stories.
He drew away a moment, just the slightest breath away as he spoke, pressing a few rapid kisses to her lips with each word. "You." Kiss. "Have." Kiss. "No idea." Kiss. Kiss. "How much I missed you," Guy finished in a rush, breathless as he lowered his head to trail a series of kisses down the column of her throat, grazing his teeth lightly on the skin of her collarbone.
There was a hitch in her breath at the affection. "Can't be more than I missed you."
He went to nuzzle her ear, placing a chase kiss on her earlobe. Eep arched into him and he clutched her tight as if she were water slipping through his fingers. "I thought I was going to die seeing you up there," Guy uttered in a strained voice. He could picture it so clearly, seeing her leaping and bounding across skeletal remains hanging precariously from old tendrils of vine. The spiny mandrilla closed on her heels and he could do nothing but watch, screaming her name out in desperation until his throat went raw. "I screwed up and almost didn't get to fix it."
Guy felt Eep nudge his head away from her so they could look at each other properly again. She just traced her thumb over his cheek, tender as she marked one of his hand print shaped bruises. "You saved me," she finally said, leaning forward to steal a kiss, smiling against his lips as they brushed, once, twice and finally a proper one that had Guy's toes curling and his head fuzzy. "I was so happy when I saw you again, Guy."
He'd been more than shocked to have seen Eep and the others arrive, riding Chunky and a pack of wolfspiders. He had practically given his last rights, resolving painfully he would never see her again, never fix what he had done to her. His first and only love, he didn't need to meet any other girls to know what he felt was real and it was more than just a beautiful teenage romance.
"You want to talk about heroics? How many people come swooping in on a tiger and take on a giant monster single handedly," Guy pressed his forehead against hers, awed by her courage and humbled by her love for him. "And here I picked a tree over you."
"It wasn't just a tree," she lightly scolded him much to his surprise. "I get it now."
Guy felt moisture collect on his eyelashes and without another thought, closed the distance between them once more. He let his hands roam, touching every part of her out of fear he would forget how warm and solid her body felt in his arms. It was almost like a dream, eyes shut tightly and listening to the soft little gasps in her breath, the way her chest heaved against his own. He hated needing to breathe when all he wanted was this, reluctantly pulling away as he felt light headed, exhilarated and breathless.
"Never again," he promised her, nuzzling his nose against hers. Eep practically purred at the loving attention, letting her palms rest on his shoulders to gently knead the tension there. He shuddered, forehead pressed into hers, knowing the gesture meant so much more than simple touch to her. "I'd rather chop off both my legs than lose you again. Please never scare me like that, I couldn't bare it."
She kissed his lips, gentle before in all her passionate nature, looped her arms around his neck and kissed him enough that Guy was convinced he'd forget his own name.
But that was okay, because she reminded him, pulling away. "Guy, I love you," she only said, beaming at him.
"Please say it again," he pleaded.
"I love you."
He felt his eyes growing glassy again and Eep kissed a tear away from below his eye, soft and tender. He smiled at her, embracing her tightly once more from his comfortable position in her lap. "I love you more," he murmured, kissing her shoulder.
"I love you more," she protested, lightly shoving him to nibble his ear, feeling his weight push into her.
"No, I said I love you more first."
"And I'm telling you I love you more right back," she purred, lifting her neck to give him better access to her jawline when he started to press an open mouth kiss there.
He felt her pulse rush under his lips like she'd ran a marathon, skin flushed as red as her hair. He couldn't help but kiss her again and again.
"You're so stubborn," he grumbled good naturedly, nuzzling her.
"Takes one to know one, babe." Eep grinned at him, stroking the nape of his neck and fiddling with his top knot.
It was just them now and feeling thrilled that he had her to himself, gently nudged her down, feeling her eyes bore into his. Guy braced his arms above her, not caring his muscles throbbed in protest. He could see the sun as it set shimmering there, burning with more than mere fire.
Her eyes were nearly amber in the low light of the evening, glinting with love. Those same eyes reminded him of the first night they met, curious and glowing as the fire flickered. He touched her face, fingers curling under her chin, taking in her flushed cheeks and kiss swollen lips. It was a good look for her. She was beautiful, and no amount of sleeping suns in the sky would ever compare.
There must have been something in his expression for he saw her tremble and emotion swelled within him as he shut his eyes. He ached in more ways than just the pain from the ordeal with getting pummeled by a bunch of punch monkeys.
No more words were spoken for a long time, whoever reached for whom first he didn't care. All that mattered was now she was in his arms, heart pressed against heart and the gentle whispers of breath against lips. She arched into him and it took all his might to remember how to breathe. She palmed his shoulder suddenly with a growl, pushing him beneath her and he didn't fight her.
No one and no thing would ever separate them again, he thought as he caught her lips once more in a fluid movement.
Grug had panicked when he realized Guy and Eep had disappeared. After today, who could really blame him for it? Everyone was quick to volunteer to find them, Ugga crouching to encourage Sandy to use that skilled sense of smell of hers. The fierce little tot bounded into the fields, disappearing into the tall grass and crops.
"She's got the scent!" Gran exclaimed, hobbling after her youngest granddaughter.
Grug just worried and worried, Ugga absently massaging a kink out of his large neck. "Relax, the farm is safe. I'm sure Eep and Guy are alright, Grug."
"Still," he began with a frown. "I'd feel better knowing that with my own eyes, honey."
They'd followed Sandy through the gardens, the farther they went the more Grug fretted. It felt too long when Sandy finally paused, several large bushes and crops shielding the view. She pawed in the direction of it, turning to giggle and pounce into Ugga's awaiting arms.
"Good girl, Sandy," she praised, pressing her cheek against hers fondly.
Grug lead the way, parting the foliage. Everyone shoved about behind him and attempted to peak around him, making the caveman huff in annoyance.
The family came upon the couple hidden amongst the fields of other worldly produce, cozy together on the grass as they traded needy little kisses. Alternating between whispering, giggling and pressing a small kiss here or there, Guy and Eep were content in their bubble. Guy was curled up as content as a house cat right in her lap, Eep's arms around him in a hug. The sight would have infuriated Grug once upon a time ago but he'd seen a lot in just two days.
Things changed and so did he. His daughter deserved happiness and having seen just how broken Guy had been over her, he knew it wasn't just puppy love.
It was full grown.
"Aw," Dawn gushed as she peeked over Grug's shoulders, standing on her tiptoes. "How cute, are they always like that?"
The typical young boy that he was, Thunk made a face, his travel window lowering. "Bleh," he only said. "Again already?"
Gran snorted and leaned over to Dawn to say inconspicuously, "You have no idea, smart girl."
Belt's only response from around Dawn's torso was to make a swooning gesture, unwinding an arm to drape it over his face. Dawn chuckled when immediately after the sloth was gushing over Sash who'd leaned down to nuzzle noses with Guy's little friend. "I get the picture."
Hope folded her hands to her chest, "I can't believe we tried breaking them up… who does that?"
The words Hope said affected Grug more than he wanted to admit and guilt swelled inside him.
Ugga patted him gently on the shoulder, rousing her mate's quiet contemplation. "Well?" Ugga asked him in that soft voice of hers, gray eyes shifting back towards Guy and Eep.
"Leave them be," Grug told her and the others, shaking his head with a reserved little smile. He felt sad but there was a fatherly resolve in his heart. Eep would always be his little girl but he had to accept she had her own life to live now.
One with many Tomorrows that he knew Guy could give her, there was no doubt the young man was going to give her the world on a silver platter. The thought of her leaving was like a knife in his heart, even Guy would be a tough bone to swallow, after all, Grug had called him son. And as a father, he only wanted what was best for them, even if it meant it wasn't here with him anymore.
Gran stomped her cane on the grass. "Who are you and what have you done with our Lunkhead?"
Grug grunted, "What? I'm not allowed to have a change of heart now?"
Ugga leaned her head against his fondly. "I'm proud of you, big guy."
Grug didn't want to get emotional, feeling the moisture gather in his eyes. Phil threw an arm over his shoulders on the side Ugga didn't occupy.
"Something on your mind, bro?" His eyes were sympathetic.
He sniffled, "Nothing, really." Grug shrugged Phil's arm off and sighed.
"You can tell me," Phil encouraged, lifting a hand in an encouraging manner.
"I don't wanna."
"I'm knocking on the door, big guy. Let me in!" He persisted.
Grug side eyed him, knowing no matter what he said the lanky Betterman was going to get his way. "It's just… gonna be hard to let them go," he said, the words slightly warbled. He was a big scary caveman but he'd always been soft in the heart despite the stoney exterior.
Gran scoffed, the old matriarch beginning to hobble away. "There's our Grug now. The big baby."
Phil patted him on the back, "There, there, it'll be alright. Besides, I have a solution to your little problem."
He looked uncertain as Phil led him away from the serene couple, the rest of the family following behind. "What do you mean 'solution'?"
"Let's just say it's a wedding present for our favorite pair of lovebirds, Gruggers. You can help me get it ready, they'll take one look at it and want to stay forever." Phil then fondly nudged his friend's back. "Just please learn to use doors, Guy won't be happy if you tear a hole in their little love nest. Knocking will save you a lot of grief too."
"Love nest?" Grug echoed and for a moment the protective father that wanted to smother his daughter peeked out.
Before he could regret his decision, it was a joint effort to shove him towards the large tree on the property, hefting a sigh and pouting as Ugga just laughed.
And oblivious to the world around them, Guy and Eep stayed stuck together, joint by the heart.
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hellishchrissy · 5 years
chapter 8 - today we just lay here
Edoardo was the first thing Eleonora saw when she opened her eyes to the bright light of a new day streaming through the windows of the boy’s room. Edoardo was sprawled across the bed in an X-form, his face buried into a pillow so tightly that Eleonora worried whether he was able to even breathe. She gazed at the boy for a brief, tender moment, following how his body moved with his slow breaths. The mess of curls on his head was pointing into every possible direction. He looked soft. Younger. At peace, even, though the half-empty bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes on his bedside table broke the facade of innocence ever so slightly.
“You’re awake,” Edoardo mumbled as he pulled his face from the pillows. For a second Eleonora felt upset over the fact that she had never heard Edoardo’s sleepy, rough morning voice before. It was something that made her heart flutter, and she had to take a moment to get a hold of herself.
“I’m awake,” Eleonora answered, pulling herself to a more upright position.
Edoardo’s protest was immediate: his hand grasped at hers, giving himself a second to admire the sight of Eleonora in his t-shirt. Fuck, she should never wear anything else. It was a damn cliche, but Eleonora with her hair a knotted mess, the last traces of mascara from last night’s party still staining her under eyes and wearing a large t-shirt was a sight Edoardo could’ve kept on staring for hours.
Edoardo shook his head, pulling the girl clumsily to him. “Don’t. Stay here.”
Eleonora plopped back down on the bed, and Edoardo pulled her against his bare chest so fast the girl couldn’t get in a single word. They laid there, nervous, Edoardo’s fingers tracing incoherent patterns on Eleonora’s arms, all the while his eyes kept examining her like she was the most fascinating thing to grace this earth.
Suddenly, Eleonora felt like a giddy, nervous kid again. She wasn’t sure whether it was Edoardo’s eyes on her, or the fact the she could physically touch his bare chest, or perhaps the fact she could hear his breathing in the silence between them. It was frustrating to hear how steady his breaths were. Edoardo Incanti was not nervous. “Shouldn’t we get up? It’s your house, and there were tons of people passed out on your floors.”
Edoardo shook his head with a smile, his fingers slowly making their way to Eleonora’s neck, tickling at her skin. “No, I heard Fede kicking everyone out at like 7am before he left. Though I think he might’ve taken Eva with him.”
Eleonora couldn’t help herself from smiling at the nonchalantness that Edoardo was emitting. “So… We’re alone?”
She could’ve sworn she felt Edoardo’s heart missing a beat. But just as fast as it did, he recovered, covering the second of hesitation by clearing his throat. He shrugged, his fingers now tracing at Eleonora’s jaw. “Yeah. We’re alone.”
Silence fell again, and for the briefest moment Eleonora was so nervous she was nearly shaking in Edoardo’s arms. Edoardo’s burning touch on her skin was not helping her to put her thoughts into an order that made sense, and the silence between them was spreading thinner and thinner every single second that passed. “I could help you clean up a little,” Eleonora offered, strained.
The proposition only made Edoardo chuckle, and he shook his head. He smiled the kind of smile Eleonora had only seen a few times; it was a smile reserved for private moments. Moments similar to this, huddled under a blanket that was too small for the both of them. Moments where Edoardo’s touch was tickling at Eleonora’s skin, and they were alone. There hadn’t been many moments this intimate between them - merely that one time at the roof garden, and last night in the pool, but Edoardo’s smile felt like home.
“No,” Edoardo said, his voice soft. “Today we just lay here.”
And then he caught Eleonora’s face in his hands and kissed her.
SUNDAY 12:30
“Why did you want to end it? This?” Edoardo asked Eleonora, who was now laying on Edoardo’s bare torso, her face pressed against his chest.
Eleonora shrugged, propping herself up on her elbows to buy herself some time. Edoardo brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear, baffled at the sight of her yet again. “I thought… I heard you and Elena arguing and I just felt so threatened. And ridiculous, because I knew that I had caught feelings even though that was the last thing we were supposed to do.”
Edoardo’s expression fell blank when he heard Elena’s name mentioned, and for a second it looked he wouldn’t answer. Eleonora was tracing nervous patterns on his chest and stomach, avoiding eye contact as she awaited for the boy’s response. “Don’t feel ridiculous, Ele,” Edoardo said, shaking his head. He grabbed the girl’s hand in his, bringing it to his lips. “I hardly could even remember Elena’s name after I had spent two days with you.”
“Is that so?” Eleonora said, suddenly intrigued. She smiled an adorable smile that curved slightly more to the right, and Edoardo swore she had never looked more beautiful.
“Yes,” the boy confirmed, pressing a kiss on Eleonora’s fingertip. “Funnily enough, our play-pretend is the first real thing I’ve had in my life.”
And it was terrifying. It was fucking terrifying to lay there, looking at Eleonora, knowing that she now had the full opportunity of breaking his heart. She was the first one Edoardo truly felt for, she was the first one he had trusted himself to. And it was terrifying.
But before the terror could take over, Eleonora rolled on top of Edoardo, straddling him. And by the time she pressed her lips on his, Edoardo had forgotten all about Elena, about his own terror, and quite honestly about the entire fucking world around them.
SUNDAY 14:40
Eleonora’s hand was cupping at Edoardo’s face, pulling him over her. Her free hand was gripping his curls, her heavy breaths shaky in between their kisses. Edoardo’s arms were just as restless, his hands making their way down the hem of the girl’s - well, technically it was Edoardo’s - shirt. Eleonora’s body was moving with her rapid breaths, her chest rising and falling in a fast pace under the shirt, shivers running all the way down her spine when she felt Edoardo’s hand slowly making its way up her stomach and all the way up to her chest.
Edoardo’s fingers fiddled with Eleonora’s necklace, pulling her closer as he kissed the girl hungrily. Yet again his fingers started wandering, sliding down Eleonora’s sides, tickling at her ribs like he was trying to memorise every inch of her body just by touching her.
“Edo,” Eleonora sighed as the boy kissed her neck, giving them both a chance to catch heir breath.
“Mm?” Edoardo mumbled as he kissed her throat, slowly making his way to the girl’s collarbone that was exposed from the neckline of her t-shirt.
It was nearly impossible to think rationally when Edoardo was touching her, kissing her, making her dizzy. Fuck. “I can’t. I’m not ready… For sex.”
Edoardo’s kisses stopped, and he looked up. A second passed, and Eleonora was terrified of the older boy’s reaction as his eyes met hers. But he smiled.
“Okay,” he answered, pressing a light kiss on Eleonora’s lips. “That’s okay, Sava. You control the pace here.”
Relief. Fuck, it was a relief. “Okay,” Eleonora whispered, smiling.
“And though kissing you is very good, you know what else would be amazing?” Edoardo asked, smiling like a michivieous kid.
Edoardo grabbed Eleonora’s hand. “Breakfast.”
chapter 1 - this will sound dumb
chapter 2 - we need rules
chapter 3 - we’re in this mess together
chapter 4 - just don’t do anything i wouldn’t
chapter 5 - so fucking special
chapter 6 - it’ll mess everything up
chapter 7 - there’s no one like you, sava
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anythingfanfiction · 5 years
Ben Solo, the One and Only
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3
WARNING: This chapter does contain some smut at the end. If you’re not comfortable with that, you can stop reading when Ben says, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Aside from that, I’ll mark the stopping point with three stars (***). Take note that there is more writing under the gif & please don’t forget to read some notes all the way at the end of the post. Happy reading everyone!
Chapter 4
After their first kisses on the night of the festival, Ben and Vivian never left their meetups unscathed; there was always a bruise peeking out from underneath his collar or a mark behind her ear. It didn’t take long for Leia to see a few of her son’s hickeys and she sadly assumed each was from a different woman. In hopes of deterring him from picking up girls at bars, she gave him more missions. They were long, difficult, and keeping him away from Vivian.
It wasn’t for another three weeks until he could fly out to Viktas and by then, he had grown what he believed to be an impressive amount of facial hair. Although he spoke with Vivian nearly every day, Ben desperately missed her and wondered if there could’ve been anything that changed for her over the past few weeks. He also considered the possibility of telling his mother the truth about where he was going. Perhaps, if Leia knew it was to visit his girlfriend, she’d go easier on him. Ben smiled at the word, Girlfriend, huh.
He landed the Falcon with ease and raced to the garden where they’d usually meet. But to his surprise, she wasn’t there. It didn’t make any sense, her work shift should’ve been over by now and she should’ve been there. Ben walked a few laps around the garden and started to panic when he still couldn’t find her. He called her and thankfully, she answered.
“Vivian, where are you? I’ve been scouring all over the garden for you!”
“I know, but you missed a spot.”
“Look up,” she instructed and he did, only to find her waving at him from her apartment’s balcony. Beside her, sat her brother, Vincent. Even with the distance, Ben could see the grim expression shadow her brother’s face.
“I’ll be down in a minute, just let me finish up here, ” she told him before promptly hanging up. Ben saw her say something to Vincent before leaning down to kiss his forehead and ruffled his hair. Moments later, the two left the balcony and met up with Ben on the ground level. The men greeted each other but Ben could tell there was something off about Vincent. The latter didn’t stay for long and all Ben could care about was Vivian’s quickly making her way to embrace him. Nothing had really changed about her, though he thought she looked more beautiful than ever. He kissed her on the cheek, then on her lips and lastly, kept busy with her neck. What satisfied him most was seeing her cheeks flush red as she gasped and pulled on his dark locks.
She then reached up to curiously scratch the hair on his chin, “This wasn’t here three weeks ago.”
“I guess you can say it grew on me,” he joked, “You like it?”
“If I’m being honest, I’m not a fan. It doesn’t necessarily look bad but I prefer seeing you without it. This only covers your lips and doesn’t allow me to entirely see your handsome face.” she said while tracing his lips and face with her fingertips. “I also didn’t like how it scratched my face when you kissed me.”
Her words were enough to make him sigh and make a mental note to shave later when he got back home. She noticed his displeasure and added, “On the other hand, it does give you a more rough and rugged look than usual, maybe you should keep it until the wedding.”
Ben’s eyes lit up then looked confused, “Wedding? What wedding? Are you proposing to me right now?”
“I’m not, but Vincent is.”
“Vincent wants to marry me?” he sarcastically quipped.
“No, silly! He’s going to ask Cecilia.”
“I figured; the poor kid looked so pale I was about to ask if he turned into a ghost.”
The two decided to take a stroll to the market as they continued their conversation. While Vivian was observing a fruits stand, Ben asked her, “Are you okay with the whole thing?”
“Well, he actually wanted to propose around two years ago when they first started dating. They had been friends three years before that in school; I knew he was madly in love with her from the start and she wasn’t far behind. But I convinced him to hold back for a bit. At least now the two of them are working and they’re a little older, so I much rather them getting married now as semi-adults versus back then.” she explained, “I’m happy for him.”
Ben made a fuss about carrying her bags, insisting that it was the gentlemanly thing to do, but she could tell it was to impress her and she let him do as he pleased. They came across a tailor who had several garments displayed on mannequins and a sign that read, “Francine’s Fancy Fashion for Men”
Vivian stopped, looked up at Ben and smiled, “Do you have a suit?”
“Vivian, I already own a suit.”
“I know that, Ben. You’ve mentioned it several times already. But I was thinking that you should have a suit from Viktas; made from the land’s fine materials and traditional style. It would be the only appropriate thing to wear to the wedding! And besides, it looks so good on you!” she squealed.
“Ah! You two getting married, how lovely! My sister in shop next door can make you pretty dress to go with suit,” Francine, who was currently adding pins into Ben’s new suit, was a plump older woman with thick purple rimmed glasses and choppy English. Vivian could only assume it was due to learning it as a second language. 
“Thank you, but we aren’t the ones getting married. These are for my brother’s wedding,” she said, pointing at Vincent who was sitting on Francine’s couch with his already finished suit in hand, “The bride and I already got our dresses yesterday from your sister.”
“Good, good,” was all the seamstress said as she took Ben’s suit into a separate room to make the final alterations. 
When Vivian satisfyingly viewed the final product, she paid for the two suits and invited Ben to the apartment for lunch, mentioning that she had a surprise for him. He had been to the apartment on a few occasions, mostly to pick her up for a date, but he had never really been inside. It was a simple and clean space that mainly consisted of monotone colors, such as white and pale greys, that gave the home an overall modern feel. On the left, there was a medium sized kitchen featuring the needed amenities pair and a kitchen island with four metal stools. Past that was a glass topped dining table that could seat up to six people.
On the opposite side was the living room with a white sofa, a bookcase, glass coffee table, two love seats, and a viewing screen built into the wall. Beyond that main section, there was a hallway that led to 4 closed doors to which Ben assumed were bedrooms and a bathroom. Despite the plainly colored walls and furniture, there was colorful life coming from just about everywhere from the many flowering plants Vivian had on every table or shelf. Everything in the apartment looked so lush and lavish that it made Ben wonder just how much a doctor’s salary paid.
Before going into the kitchen to prepare lunch, Vivian disappeared into one of the rooms only to reappear seconds later and leave Ben a small, metal object in his hands. It was a razor. She reached up to kiss his cheek and patted on his chest, “Bathroom is in the first door on your right.”
All Ben Solo could do was sigh heavily as he walked over to the bathroom -thinking of how to say goodbye to his epic facial hair.
The ceremony was held two days afterward under a gazebo in the middle of the forest. It was such an intimate setting that Ben was surprised he was even there. The only other people attending the service aside from the bride and groom was Vivian and Cecilia’s parents. He stood by Vivian who was tightly pressed and embracing his left arm - not that he was complaining. She was wearing a layered floor-length burgundy colored gown with simple golden embroidery scattered throughout the bust and hemline. The dress had a plunging neckline that provided Ben with quite a view of her breasts and a fading mark he left a few days ago on her collarbone. 
Vivian nudged his head away when she caught his stare and signaled that Cecilia was already making her way to the gazebo. Ben stole a glance at Vincent to see him shedding tears of joy. Vivian smiled, leaning her head on Ben’s shoulder, hugging him tighter than before.
The customs progressed as they would on most other planets; an introduction, some prayer, followed by exchanging rings and so on. What Ben wasn’t expecting to happen, was for the officiant to take out a golden dagger and silk white scarf. Vivian squeezed his arm before letting go and approaching the couple. She was handed the scarf and wrapped it around Vincent and Cecilia’s hands. Then, she took the small blade and pricked at her index finger allowing for a single drop to stain the fabric. 
“With my blood, I bless your marriage and give you our bloodline’s approval. I wish you both happiness in your married life,” she declared. Soon after, Vivian was joined by Cecilia’s parents who followed the same actions. Once they finished, everyone returned to their original positions. Vows were exchanged and the union was finally sealed with a kiss. 
While pictures were taken around the gazebo, Ben asked about the whole blood dripping situation. “It’s a tradition here,” she explained to him, “you’re supposed to get the permission to marry from the oldest member in your family. That person will either attend the wedding themselves or dictate another two people to represent them for the ceremony. The blood is a sign of the family’s acceptance of the marriage and symbolizes all of the those who contributed to the bloodline. It’s something almost everyone looks forward to when getting married.”
By nightfall, all the pictures were taken and the area around the gazebo was set up for the party. Lights were strewn between the trees, while shimmery round tables with seats were scattered across the ground. There had been over a hundred people who arrived, each manifesting their desire to party. About an hour into the festivities, Vincent cleared the dance floor, announcing that he and his sister had prepared something special for Cecilia. Ben gave Vivian a questionable look to which she smiled mischievously in response while taking off her shoes.
She stood next to her brother and gave him a nod. They simultaneously lifted their arms in a slow pace to be brought down by the beat of a drum. From then on, their dance consisted of fast pace, energetic movements that were all coordinated with the percussion. Vivian and Vincent had one arm held out and another close to their chests as their bodies swayed backward. Ben had never been so mesmerized. She looked so happy to be jumping around with her brother; laughing to the downbeat with a smile so radiant it could've blinded anyone if they looked for too long.
There was a moment were Vivian picked up the sides of her dress and pushed them back and forth, similar to a bird flapping its wings. She repeated the action in different places so that she’d make a full circle around the audience while Vincent stood in the middle staring at Cecilia as he continued with his own dance. When Vivian reached where Ben was standing, he felt his heart stop. Her smile seemed to grow wider as she locked eyes with him. Her movements seemed to be more expressive, more meaningful than before. Her time there seemed to be longer than with any other part of the audience. She was dancing for him and wanted everyone to know it. Yet, she had to leave him at some point and join her brother at the center again. They ended their routine with a series of pivots and turns to land on their knees facing Cecilia with their arms outstretched. 
The audience erupted with loud cheers and chants while Cecilia burst into tears and ran to the siblings on the ground. She first embraced the two then kissed Vincent many, many times causing the audience to holler at them. This gave Vivian the chance to escape to get something to drink and catch her breath. Ben followed her to their seats as she suspected he would and sat next to her. She touched her forehead to his and whispered, “Did you like it?”
Ben cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her deeply as his response. When they let go, she ran her fingers through his hair and said, “I’ll take that as a yes.” 
The party continued for hours, but it wasn’t tiring. Ben was enjoying his time with Vivian and danced with her throughout the night. After all the other guests had left, Vivian and Vincent said their goodbyes. The latter warned his sister that it was late and to be careful on the way to the apartment.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safe,” Ben promised him and the two couples parted ways. ***
Yet, when the time came for Ben and Vivian to separate, they couldn’t find it in themselves to do so. He had her back pressed against her apartment door as he kissed her. Their lips moved in sync as desperate attempts to savor the taste of each other. Though neither of them mentioned it, he had a growing bludge in his pants that was begging to be set free. For just a moment, they broke apart to catch some air and Ben realized the situation, “I should probably go; it’s late and -” 
“No.” Vivian interrupted, “It is late and maybe you should go, but I want you to stay here tonight.”
Though he had always wished for it, Ben never expected for this moment to come. She opened the door and he lifted her off the ground.
“Second door on the left,” she breathed and resumed their kiss with her fingers laced around his neck.
Once inside, Ben paid no attention to his surroundings and set her down on the center of the bed without breaking their kiss. She slid her hands underneath his jacket and took it off, giving Ben the impression that she wanted him to do the same for her. So he slipped his hand to caress her legs and began lifting the dress off her body. Her breath quickened as he moved his mouth to the base of her neck; she called out to him, “Ben.”
No response. “Ben, I need to tell you something.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“No. I need you to know now.”
“Fine,” he answered and hoisted himself off to sit beside her.
“I’ve never done this before. Not just sex, but the whole boyfriend thing. You’ve been my first everything so far. First date, first kiss and now, first time,” she confessed.
“Do you want me to stop? We don’t have to do this.”
“No, gods no, I want this. Just know that I’m doing this without really knowing how to satisfy you and that it might not be enough,” she silently sighed, looking away from him with an ashamed frown. 
Ben felt different now to everything he has done with Vivian and to what they were about to do. He would be the one to take her virginity, her last remains of innocence. It gave him an immense feeling of pride, further arousing him, “You’re more than enough for me and it seems as if I can never get enough of you. Don’t be scared, I’ll try to be gentle.”
Vivian nodded, encouraging him to continue where they left off. In one swift movement, he stripped her of the burgundy dress and saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra. How naughty, my sweet little virgin. She quickly covered herself with her arms and Ben tsked. He grabbed her arms and forced them above her head, lacing his fingers with hers.
“Why would you hide such a beautiful, perfect body?” he asked and that beautiful, perfect body writhed beneath him. Ben took his time staring at her, trying to memorize as much possible before lowering his lips to one of her swollen nipples. He licked it, teasing the nub, preparing it for his teeth to scrape across her bare flesh. She whimpered loudly, thrusting her chest closer to his face. In return, he gave the same treatment to the other breast.
“You’re still dressed,” she complained, “I want you to see you.”
“So demanding,” he chuckled in response, “How about you strip me?”
Before Vivian could say anything, Ben let go of her hands and switched their positions so that she was now on top of him. She looked flustered and out of place, but still leaned over him and stroked a finger along his chest. Painstakingly slow, Ben’s shirt had come off and he felt her hands graze over his stomach, nearing the belt on his trousers. She left her hands on his groin in a way that made his pants strain even more. Her eyes shifted to his and he gave a reassuring nod. Vivian then proceeded to unbuckle his belt and remove his pants.
“Good girl,” he praised and shifted their positions once again; taking his turn in caressing her. From her breasts to the base of her ankle, he left a kiss on every inch of her skin. He spread her legs to witness the staining wetness her fluids were causing and tore her panties apart. She gasped at the sudden exposure and moaned even louder as Ben shoved his face between her legs. Her fingers tightly pulled on his hair, wanting more, while his tongue explored through her folds. He let out a deep groan that shook her entire body as he found what he’d been searching for - the most sensitive and precious thing inside of her. Ben licked on the nub harder to each of her screams; he could tell that she was so close.
But at the last minute, he removed himself causing her to whine and complain. He wanted her to finish the way they started. He took off his underwear to reveal his massively huge, throbbing cock. Vivian’s eyes clouded with lust, her thoughts contemplating all the ways he could penetrate her. Ben pumped himself a few times before positioning at her entrance, his hands clasped hers and, like before, were put on either side of her head. For a few seconds, they stayed like that, anticipating the next move, and then, he thrust into her. 
The sound that came out of Vivian’s mouth was foreign to them both; a combination of mewls, moans, and pleasured screams filled the bedroom. Ben waited for her body to adjust before pounding into her, breasts bouncing along with their pace. She’s so damn tight. He then let go of one of her hands and plunged it inside her as well. It didn’t take long for her to scream out his name and reach her climax. At the sound on his name, Ben followed her shortly, filling her up with his warm seed.
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When they came down from their highs, Ben nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. “I love you,” he whispered. It was soft and even he was shocked when it came out of his mouth. It was also true and he held no regrets in saying it. 
He removed himself from her causing her to whine in disapproval. She curled up to his side, resting her head on his arm and a hand on his chest.
“Ben,” she panted, “I love you too.” Her words were out of breath, but she seemed to have more to say. It definitely stroked and boosted Ben’s ego knowing that she couldn’t properly speak because of him. “Use your words, my love.” he teased.
“That was amazing,” she said, but hesitated to continue, “Can we… can we do it again?”
Ben wholeheartedly laughed and crawled his way on top of her again, “Sweetheart, we can do it as many times as you want. No matter when, how, or where you want it.”
He said this while leaving kisses on her neck that would surely bruise the next day and said to him, “Then I guess we’re in for a very long night.”
A/N: Another chapter completed! This one is actually longer than the first three combined! Hope you guys enjoyed this one & if you did, please like it + comment on your favorite parts! It took me some time to get it done but I hope it was worth the wait. The dance Vincent & Vivian did was inspired by a choreography done in my favorite musical (Once On This Island) but I’m no good at describing dances so Here’s a link to the video if you would like to see it! (The actual dance starts @ exactly 2:25). 
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Fracture 6/10
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Please note that this chapter references torture
If you like Juyeon, go love on @yoosungshoodie, since Juyeon is her OC and gave me her blessing to use her. The banner comes from @kiserusmoke!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue | AO3| Masterlist
There’s something else. I believe that whoever left the note is an employee of C&R.
Suddenly, Seven’s mouth was dry and he mourned the soda Vanderwood scrubbed from the floor.
“I asked my security team for the full details of who came and went to the apartment today and the last people to leave were Nari, Juyeon and housekeeping, in that order.”
“I’ll look into it!” He cried out, hoping his enthusiasm masked his concern. “Don’t worry about---”
He hung up before Jumin could even respond and hopped out of his chair to gather together as many maps and files as he could carry.
“Hey, hey,” protested Vanderwood, “what are you-” He flinched as Seven threw car keys in his direction.
“Come on! We have to go.” “Go? Go where?”
Seven frowned over the top of the mountain of research in his arms.
“If there’s a mole in C&R, we need to warn V. There’s no telling exactly how much they might know or use to their advantage...it could jeopardize the entire investigation,” he said. “There’s a safe house not too far from the castle, so come on, we need to hurry!”
Vanderwood frowned, glancing from the messy floor to his flustered expression. Neither mentioned that the safehouse Seven referred to came into their possession in the earlier days of the Mint Eye investigation, nor that every single team to use it was MIA.
“Fine,” he said. “But just so you know, this means the photographer guy owes us double.”
Jihyun arrived at the castle boundary at midnight, which was strangely apt the more he thought about it. The outhouse he had previously used as a camp had changed a good deal in the last few months, which he supposed made sense. It belonged to the cult in the castle, after all, perhaps intended as a sentry post or something far more sinister. Either way, the last time he saw it it contained little more than a handful of water bottles, a worn bible and a pamphlet or two. He had been careful not to disturb the shelves much on his last visit, sniffing at the water in the bottles before taking a tentative sip. Whether or not it was clean was anyone’s guess, but at the very least it didn’t make him sick. Now that he was back, it had a few new boxes filled with musty uniforms and somebody’s shoes. In the far corner was a crate of wine bottles, though he recognised none of the labels.
Assuming the inner workings of the castle had not changed too much, the guard rotation changed at five o’clock every morning. He did not have the luxury of time, though, and after taking the tarpaulin from the back seat of his car and stretching it across until he was satisfied its dark shape was almost invisible in the forest, he shrugged on one of the newer looking sets of robes from one of the outhouse boxes.
He reached for his phone before leaving, sighing at its low battery and reaching to dial Nari’s number. He paused, though, taking in each of his missed calls from both Luciel and Jumin. Even considering the best case scenario: that Luciel was the only person looking for him, Nari’s phone was not at all compromised and she was being kept in a relatively safe environment, he did not know her well enough to presume her response to the revelation she was in danger. The worst case scenario, on the other hand, was one he did not want to entertain: that he was being traced by multiple hackers and had been for some time, Nari’s phone was compromised and had been bugged since her death.
He threw his phone into the river, watching it disappear into the darkness as he pulled up the hood of his robes.
A few hours from then everything would be changed forever, and though the optimism of it was clear even to him, he hoped it was for the better.
Ordinarily, Jumin took his good instincts for granted; he was confident making increasingly difficult business decisions and planning the future of C&R in an ever changing climate. Items and industries that dominated their accounts in previous years no longer held any value and keeping the company ahead of the game was as much about intuition as it was careful research.
When it came to Nari, though, he felt scrambled; every negative possibility equally as plausible as the next. Deep in his gut he knew there was something strange about Nari’s disappearance. Perhaps she was in danger, or had left him the note only as an afterthought.
It seemed almost distasteful to prefer the scenario where she was in danger, and yet he spent the night waiting for a callback from Luciel that ultimately never came.
After their argument, he had scooped up Nari’s engagement ring, meaning to give it back to her when they next spoke. In her absence, though, he placed it on his bedside table and hoped that when he woke up it would all be a bad dream.
Come the next morning, Luciel had not returned his call and any to Nari went straight to answer machine. As much as he wanted to dial her over and over again until she answered, the off chance that she genuinely meant to leave held him back.
He hoped he was wrong, considered that as he put on his tie the next morning. Before leaving for work, he put the engagement ring in his pocket, smoothing his fingers across the metal in the backseat of his car.
It took him half the journey to draft a message and even then it was only half complete:
We need to talk.
Nari woke early, the time on her phone screen one that would ordinarily leave her groaning and pulling the covers over her face. This time, though, she all but flew out of bed, changing into her clothes from the previous day and carefully folding the itchy nightdress. To say it was a relief to be out of it was an understatement; as she rinsed her face in the bathroom mirror, she saw that her neck and collarbones were red and blotchy from the irritation.
After dressing for the day, she dialed Driver Kim’s number and sighed when he did not respond. She doubted he was still asleep, for that particular time of day perfectly matched Jumin’s daily departure for the office. Juyeon did not answer either and Nari sank onto the bed, logging in and out of the messenger to no avail. She remembered the number Ray had written down for her as an afterthought and for a moment or two considered calling him; he had, after all, offered her an ear morning or night. It was very early in the morning, though, and surely he had a home to go to.
By something of a coincidence, he answered her question not long afterwards; barreling into her room with a tea trolley while she scribbled notes in her organiser. She had several appointments that afternoon that quite possibly needed rearranging, though the scent of Darjeeling made it more difficult than usual to pay much thought to problems beyond the castle walls.
“Good morning,” said Ray, “did you sleep well?”
He lifted the teapot into his hands as he said so, only turning to pour the tea when she nodded.
“I feel much better today,” she said, accepting the cup he offered. “I’ll be out of your hair in no time!”
It was good tea; its warmth spreading from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. At first she did not notice Ray’s expression of conflict.
“About that,” he said, “I received word from your driver this morning.”
“Is he alright?”
“He will be better soon,” he said, “don’t you worry!”
He seemed reluctant to tell her any more than that and, as a consequence, her imagination ran wild. Suddenly all she could think of was Driver Kim standing in Jumin’s office describing the events of the previous day; Driver Kim bed bound with the flu; Driver Kim receiving word of an emergency in C&R. Each possibility was worse than the next and Nari cupped her hands around her teacup, pushing each dark thought to the back of her mind.
Even so, she did not know what Ray meant by ‘better’. 
“Our lady meant for you to take breakfast in the garden today,” said Ray, turning to her with a grin. “I wasn’t sure of your preferences, so I filled in a few of the blanks myself.”
“Will your boss be coming to eat with us?”
She had seen so little of the castle that she found herself increasingly curious of it. Were all of the rooms like her own? What sort of person was in charge? All she knew of the owner came from the few references Ray had made. Those small details were not particularly helpful in forming either an opinion or mental image, however, and Nari feared she had invented so much of the owner and her personality that the reality would leave her disappointed.
Ray had not expected her to ask such a question; it was written across his face. Almost immediately she wished she had never asked, for the owner surely had a busy schedule too and her overnight stay had inevitably left a few noses out of joint.
“Ah,” she said, “it doesn’t matter. I’ll grab my coat.”
When it came to his son, Chief Han liked to think that he knew him the best. Business was in the boy’s DNA and even as a child he had understood the proper order of proceedings for any given eventuality. His engagement to a commoner had come as a shock to everyone, Chief Han most of all.
Sometimes he forgot the circumstances of Jumin’s birth; forgot Jieun. Before Jumin, she had been the person he thought he knew best of all, only to learn otherwise when it was far too late.
“What was it you wanted to speak to me about?” He asked, sitting back in his chair to properly observe the man opposite. Jumin had skipped most pleasantries when they arrived at the restaurant, not even bothering to read the menu. In the end, Chief Han was the one to order coffee and light refreshments, wondering why he had been summoned for a meeting on such late notice.
“I wanted to talk about Nari,” said Jumin, his own cup untouched.
Retrospectively, he should have seen it coming. He had learned the hard way how difficult weddings were to organise, especially when the bride did not come from a privileged background as he had. More than one of his brides to be had ended their relationship without ever making it down the aisle, in part because of the influx of offers from media outlets and other companies. With this in mind, he had taken Jumin’s engagement as an opportunity to pursue every business deal and proposal he had previously dismissed. If the unreasonably short deadline didn’t strain their relationship, the more ridiculous of his suggestions surely would.
So far, Nari had not only been flexible, but almost excessively so. Chief Han knew it was only a matter of time before his requests became intolerable and doubtlessly that was why his son had insisted on a meeting. Perhaps the girl had already left him and his strategy had finally blossomed into fruition.
“I see,” he said, helping himself to coffee. “How is my future daughter in law?”
“Don’t speak as if you don’t know,” said Jumin, “I expected this sort of behaviour from my mother, not you.”
That was a low blow and Chief Han grimaced into his coffee cup before setting it down.
“I did not expect for my son to resort to petty insults,” he said, “and yet here we are.”
“As far as I can see, you have two options,” said Jumin, shrugging off the barb. “You give my wedding a wide berth and we start again with a clean slate.”
“Or I leave my post at C&R.”
Only then did Chief Han realise exactly how far he had underestimated his son. It was true that business was in Jumin’s DNA, but in his arrogance he had forgotten that outmaneuvering people was too. He had no idea if Jumin was serious or calling his bluff and that uncertainty was dangerous, as he was almost certainly aware.
Suddenly Chief Han was thirty eight again, with clammy hands and a fluttering stomach, staring down the mother of his son. It had been a long time since anyone backed him into a corner in such a fashion and for Jumin to do so twice in only a matter of months left him oddly sentimental, a fact that must have transferred to his face.
“Is something funny?”
“No, no,” he said, “it’s just that the way you said that...it reminded me of someone else.”
Only after he arrived at the castle did Jihyun realise any of the flaws in his plan. He had not thought very far beyond his arrival, heart thumping with adrenaline at the thought of breaking Nari out of one cell or another.
A lot had changed since his last visit to the castle, though. The staff he once knew by identification number had since been promoted, whether to a different division or rank, and many of the chambers that had been barricaded off were now fully realised. Worse, from what few tidbits of information he could glean from other acolytes, the saviour had devoted most of her attentions to the control room and a guest on the third floor.
The gardens were new; all manner of brightly coloured flowers where before there had been plain earth. There were mazes and archways, fountains carved out of stone and pathways so well worn that it was difficult to believe how recent they actually were.
Halfway through, towards the castle, he rested a hand against a tree and sucked in one breath and then two. His chest was tight, his mind foggy, and worst of all he did not know where he planned to go next.
No one he had talked to knew much about the mysterious guest on the third floor, only that she was important to the cause and being treated as a VIP. The obvious answer was Nari and Jihyun did not know if he should be relieved or not. Not one of the answers he had received confirmed or denied her involvement in the organisation and, as foolhardy as it was, he refused to accept it. There had to be a better explanation than Nari betraying the RFA.
He had thought about confronting Rika; begging and bartering for Nari’s life. Luciel’s words, though, were clear in his mind, that his plan was reckless to the point of suicide. Jihyun supposed he agreed with him, but there again, none of his imagined attempts at saving Nari ended with him going home. At some point, he had made peace with the fact that the chances of him leaving alive were slim to none.
If he was completely honest, he was ready to die; ready to rest his body and his conscience.
As if in response, someone called out from the garden.
“This place,” they said. “It must take you such a long time to maintain it!”
It took everything he had not to run to her the moment he saw her; Nari, her hair loose about her shoulders, hugging herself as she walked the main path to the pavilion in the center. Two steps ahead of her was a man in magenta clothes, pointing out individual flower beds as he walked.
“These are Lily of the Valley,” he said, stopping to kneel and lift one by the root. “Here-“
He twisted the stalk in his fingers as she turned to see, forming a simple chain that he lowered onto her head. Nari had not been expecting it, that much was clear and she took two steps back at his touch.
“Perfect,” said the man in magenta, turning to the side and giving Jihyun a clear view of his face. He had bleached his hair and his eyes were a different shade, but it was unmistakably him: Saeran. 
“Oh,” said Nari, reaching up to the flowers in her hair, “I...thank you!”
Jihyun had no idea what Saeran was doing in the castle, nor what exactly they had planned for Nari. She did not appear to be in any immediate danger, though, which left one possibility.
A possibility that became far more apparent as someone behind him clapped a hand to his shoulder.
Breakfast that morning was no less extravagant than the one from the day before. Someone, possibly Ray, had assembled a feast under a large pavilion in the center of the garden, surrounded by sweet smelling rose bushes.
Nari wished she had several more heads so that she could better admire the flowers, and her heart skipped a beat when Ray placed a crown of lilies on her head. She was not sure how to thank him for the gesture and stammered a thank you before approaching the breakfast table.
“Is something the matter?” Asked Ray, noticing her hesitant steps.
“Oh it’s...it’s nothing,” she said, blushing a bright red at her own transparency. “I just thought Juyeon would be here.”
The prospect of her own increasingly complicated schedule and the absence of Driver Kim left her more desperate than ever to see Juyeon. Perhaps Juyeon had passed on a message to either Jumin or C&R already. At minimum she must have gotten in touch with everyone they had arranged to meet.
“Oh, don’t worry, your assistant will be here soon,” said Ray, reaching to pull out a chair for her, “she told me that she had business to attend to and will join us as soon as she’s done.”
That did sound like Juyeon, though Nari hesitated before accepting the seat he offered. The castle, the grounds, Ray...it was all like something from a fairy tale and at the back of her mind she had a strange feeling about it. Perhaps because it was so idyllic, she felt more inclined to seek out its darkest secrets.
“Are you alright, Miss Song?” Ray asked after she had been silent for quite some time.
“I,” she said, a sudden rush of guilt when she noticed the concern on his face. “It’s nothing. Thank you for this meal!”
She accepted the chair he offered and watched as he reached for a tea set, preparing her Darjeeling just as he had before.
“If there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable, just say the word.”
Nari sighed at that, wondering how she could explain to him-to anyone- her feelings from the past few days.
“Do you ever just wish that you could live your life again? The same years, but with different choices,” she said, absentmindedly running her fingers over the empty spot where her engagement ring used to be.
It was a question that had lingered at the back of her mind even before she entered Rika’s apartment. Before she even graduated high school. Just saying it out loud made it seem like nonsense, though, and she chuckled as Ray positioned a fresh cup of tea in front of her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, hiding her face behind the cup, “that probably sounds ridiculous...I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
“Oh no!” Ray said, snatching up her hands in his. “I understand completely. Before I came here, I was…”
He shuddered at the thought, though tried -and failed- to pass it off as laughter.
“I was weak before,” he said. “Our Lady, she gave me purpose again, showed me the truth. I only wish I had known then what I know now, but spreading the word about everything we’ve accomplished here..well...it’s comforting. Surely there are others waiting to be saved as I was.”
Nari had yet to meet the manager of the castle grounds, but she thought she got a feel for her as she glanced around the garden. Only someone with a good deal of ambition and a kind heart would build such a unique environment and reach out to those in need.
“I think,” said Nari, squeezing Ray’s hand, “I’m going to like your boss.”
Believer B401 was far from pleased and Jihyun did not need to know the inner workings of the castle to guess why. He had frogmarched him out of the garden without so much as a word, pushing him through a side door and locking it behind them both. At first Jihyun thought he had been caught, only for Believer B401 to chastise him about his lack of discretion in regards to their guest.
“How do you mean to explain your robes,” he snapped. “Mister Ray gave us clear instructions!”
In a way, he was grateful for the interruption. Left alone to his devices he would almost certainly have acted without thinking.
“I’m sorry,” said Jihyun, “I’m on the intelligence team and only returned to the castle today.”
As excuses went, it seemed to do the job. Believer B401 let out a sound of annoyance and hit him in the shoulder.
“Don’t let it happen again,” he said. “If you jeopardize the operation, the Saviour might never forgive you.”
“What’s so special about the girl?” Jihyun asked, knowing exactly why Nari was important, but willing the acolyte to reveal more. Did they plan to recruit her? Was she a hostage, as her picture had implied? Just how did Rika plan to use her?
Unfortunately, he was out of luck in that regard. The acolyte did not know anything.
“All I know,” said Believer B401, “is that they put her under the care of Mister Ray and Miss Jenny.”
“Mister Ray?” He repeated, louder than he meant to.
“Ah, of course, you probably missed the ceremony. Mister Ray was the man in the garden.”
“Mister Ray,” said Jihyun, sounding out the name and wondering at its origins. There had to be a reason Saeran had chosen such a name…
And then there was the other question burning away at the back of his mind. If Saeran was Mister Ray, then who was Miss Jenny?
“Ahhhh, I always get the dirty jobs.”
Believer C607 leaned her head against the bars of the cell, taking in the shivering form of the prisoner.
“Hey,” she said, giving him a tentative nudge with her toes, “hey wake up.”
Despite her efforts, he lay still and she motioned for the nearest acolyte to open up the door. The cell smelled quite strongly of sweat, medications and other things she did not want to think about and she wrinkled up her nose in disgust as she stepped inside, taking extra care not to dirty her shoes.
“You had better start talking,” she said, kicking over the bucket of water they had positioned in the corner. The prisoner gasped as water spread across the floor of his cell, chancing a look at her as he repostioned his weight.
He froze on the spot as he took in her face, eyes suddenly desperate with recognition.
“J-Juyeon,” gasped Driver Kim as he reached to grab her by the waist, crumpling the magenta fabric of her blazer, “Juyeon, we need to get out of here, Miss Song-“
He groaned as she kicked him away, realisation setting in too late.
“First of all, don’t touch me with those filthy hands,” she said. “And secondly-“
She stepped back out of the cell and smiled at the second acolyte; a new girl whose hands shook as she held up a tray of instruments.
“If you want to leave here alive,” said C607, taking a set of pliers, “you will call me Miss Jenny.”
Jumin’s Mum’s name is Ji Eun and she shows up in my other fic The Other Woman
My headcanons for her (or rather the head canons and backstory I put together for vabverse) are thus:
Like basically she is also from a chaebol family except all of her brothers went into the top positions and her parents wanted her to get married because it was like?? The 70s?? Maybe even the 60s man idk how old she is anyway, she studied corporate law and took on a job with chief han, since he thought she was hot and she used him to get a job
She planned to use her position at C&R to prove she was good enough for a job at her parent’s own company, all while taking C&R apart from the inside
She fell for chief han though and agreed to marry him, later stabbing her family in the back and ruining their company instead
And then she had jumin and chief han started seeing another woman while she was pregnant
She left when jumin was like 3/4. She said if was for work and a new opening but in truth she wanted him (Chief Han) to change and see sense
I bet she made it super hard on chief han’s other girlfriends
Like they’d sneak around her and lie and she’d be like... Cut the bullshit, i know youre screwing my husband
Blackmailing them through various means. Paying them off.
Jieun works in business law and im betting she created So Many Contracts with the Worst fine print
Chief Han’s lovers (the ones who have illegitimate children) receive this tiny ass stipend but come public about it and they’ll be sued and lose their home
Eunha got her bitchiness from Ji Eun
I love her. 
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vizhi0n · 7 years
Sundown - Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whooo well here we go the moment you’ve all been waiting for sorta kinda. Plus we’re inching towards the end ladies and gents. 
@flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @kijilinn @ladylorelitanyfanfiction @hannibalssweaters @manawhaat @negans-network @i-am-negan-trash @jasoncrouse @kellyn1604 @crzcorgi @lucifers-trash-stash @genevievedarcygranger @heartfulloffandoms @strangersangel9 @tolieboy @superprincesspea @divadinag @alyisdead @rapsity @fxcking-negan @haleyea @my-achilles--heel @mypapawinchester  wow its letting me tag ppl that i couldnt tag before but NOT letting me tag ppl i could tag before this website is legit terrible)
Lemme know if you want to be tagged or untagged
Warnings: This chapter is just literal smut. Also loss of virginity, blood, Negan’s potty mouth. 
“Negan. Get your ass to bed, seriously.”
“I’ll be there in a fucking second,” Negan murmured. He grunted as he dragged one of the chairs across the room, tucking the back beneath the door handle. He took a look out the window once more before closing the blinds. I could only see his silhouette as he walked towards me, gently lowering himself onto the ground. He removed his boots before lying on his back shoulder to shoulder with me.
We stared at the ceiling for a good long while, until Negan shifted next to me.
“You asleep?”
“No,” I murmured. “It’s kind of hard when you’re this close to me.”
“What? Do you think I’m going to fucking stab or something?” Negan scoffed. “I’m not that fucking low. Unlike Rick the Prick.”
“He never—”
“He did. Stabbed all my men at one of my outposts in the middle of the night,” Negan replied. “Didn’t even give them a fighting chance. Fucking coward.” 
“i wasn’t there for that,” I whispered. “I wasn’t there for half of that. I was a fucking babysitter, remember?”
“Hey, I’m just stating the facts,” Negan replied. I finally gathered the courage to roll over and face him, careful not to jostle my sore shoulder. I could feel his breath on my face and the heat radiating from his body. When Negan smiled I could see the white of his teeth. “There she is.”
“Why are you trying so hard to get me to betray Rick? Do you really think I’m that gullible?”
“I want you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I want you. On my fucking team,” Negan explained. “I suppose I want you in that fucking way, too, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. It’s clear Rick doesn’t give a shit about you—”
“I don’t care. This whole thing if bigger than me, bigger than Rick—”
“Why do you think Eugene has stayed with us for so long? I wouldn’t have kept his ass around if he’d tried to run. That fucker would have been dead — you want to know why he sticks around? Because he trusts me, and he trusts the system I put in place.”
“Or he’s just scared.”
“He’s not fucking scared. And neither are you,” Negan’s thumb grazed across my bottom lip. “I promise, you’d be taken care of. Hell, you can still fucking garden. And there are plenty of mothers here who would love a babysitter. And you can fight. But you’d be respected. I’d make sure of that.”
“Did you make that same promise to Sasha before you killed her?”
“I never laid a hand on Sasha, and that’s the goddamn honest-to-God truth. She suffocated in that coffin—”
“A coffin that you put her in. Don’t pull that shit with me,” I was aware how close Negan was. His breathing was a feather-light breeze against my lips, dark eyes glinting in the moonlight. “You’re going to have to do better than that, Negan. Be better that. Be better in general—”
“You think I’d fucking change for you? Bullshit. And I don’t expect you to fucking change shit for me. Keep that scowl on your fucking face and don’t let it leave,” Negan purred. “That was my last offer. You said it yourself — we shouldn’t focus on the fucking future.”
“What should we focus on?”
“You know what I fucking want,” Negan’s hand brushed against my hip. “You know damn well what it is we can do to pass the time.”
I made a noise in the back of my throat. His kiss muffled my next words, rough fingers pinching the skin above my hipbone.
You’ve never kissed a boy before what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck—
His beard scratched my skin. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t something I was used to. My brain was officially on autopilot, unsure of what to do with the new emotions, these new feelings. His touches felt good. His lips felt good.
“Let me fucking make you feel good,” Negan murmured. His hand went from my waist to my jeans. He toyed with the zipper, chuckling against my mouth. “Lord knows you fucking need it after the fall you took.”
“Don’t remind me. I’m pretty sure I’m concussed — explains why I’m letting you fucking do this.”
“Hush,” Negan murmured. I was rolled onto my back, pinned beneath his heavy body. He was wincing as his injured leg strained, but he kept going. I chuckled as his beard tickled my neck. He kissed a stripe from my collarbone to my jaw, taking his time. I felt his length press against my thigh and I deftly grabbed it, palming him through his pants. His tipped his head back and groaned, giving me a perfect chance to suckle on his throat.
“You feel that? It’s all for you,” Negan cooed. “All fucking yours.”
I grunted, eagerly shoving  my hand beneath his pants. I was desperate to touch him. I wanted to touch him before I chickened out —
I glanced down, tugging at his cock. I could see his leaking head and when I met his gaze, his eyes were glazed over with pure, unadulterated lust.
“Fuck,” Negan breathed. He thrusts his hips into my hand, eyes fluttering. “Fucking fuck — I need to be inside you.”
Now are you going to tell him?
I released him, arching my back as he yanked my jeans down my thighs. I kicked them away, swallowing nervously as Negan freed his cock from the confines of his pants, wasting no time in caging me between his arms. He steadied himself, brushing the head against my wet folds.
“You fucking want this?”
I did. I verbalized it with a nod of my head. He was big, and it would hurt — I knew the pain wouldn’t bother me, and I was already wet enough. It was the closeness. I could already feel it — the sweat from his body, the smell of leather and salvaged cologne and blood. It was like a blanket I could taste the liquor as he kissed me twice on the mouth, easing the tip in slowly.
My toes curled into the carpet. I gripped the floor with on hand in anticipation, the other reaching up to tug at the hairs on the nape of Negan’s neck. He sunk in slow and deep until I felt full, until I could barely breathe —
“Shit. Holy fuck you’re tight — shit,” Negan rested his forehead against mine. After a brief moment he lifted his head, grunting as he continued to lazily roll his hips. “Were you lying about not being a virgin?”
“You never said anything about it having to be a dick inside me,” I groaned.
“I fucking didn’t, but you should have told me,” Negan slowed even more. When he went to pull out I stopped him.
“I want this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” I said through gritted teeth. “Keep going.”
He obeyed, stifling my cries with a kiss. He wasn’t going slow — I knew that the slower he went, the more it would hurt. My cries withered down to rhythmic whines as he gripped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him.
“Let go, baby,” Negan murmured. He reached down and circled my clit with his thumb. “Let go for me.”
He fucked me into oblivion, pinching my clit and increasing his thrusts until I was flailing, heels kicking at the carpet. He pulled out a few moments later, pumping his dick with one hand. Cold air hit my skin as he yanked my shirt up, painting my stomach with milky pearls.
“Fucking beautiful,” Negan whispered, chest heaving. He slowly eased out, and I winced. “Shit. Did I fucking hurt you?”
“No. I was already hurt, remember?” I struggled to speak, coming down from an intense high that I’d never felt before. It was a combination of pure ecstasy and pure pain. I had no desire to move any part of my body, and I didn’t. “Holy shit.”
His knuckles stroked my cheek. He pulled me into a kiss, settling down by my side. I slipped my hands beneath his shirt, skimming the pads of my fingers against his chest.
“Never done it with a fucking guy, huh? I was your fucking first?”
“How was I?”
“Fine,” Negan seemed a bit offended. I shrugged, hugging his jacket around my body. There was a soreness between my legs that I desperately wished would go away. Feeling a bit sorry for potentially damaging his already fragile ego, I admitted, “It was good. I liked it. I’d…I’d do it again.”
“Oh, I have the fucking stamina for that.”’
“That’s great, but I wasn’t talking about now. We both need to rest. Just…let’s go to sleep, okay?”
Negan nodded, spreading his arms Hesitantly I slipped into his embrace, not knowing what to expect. Gentleness was the last thing I’d ever though Negan capable of, yet here he was, holding me against him and stroking my back.
Close your eyes. Rest.
I did.
I opened my eyes first. A heavy arm was draped across my waist. I was snuggled up against Negan’s side, my head resting on his chest. The older man had yet to stir, so I was extra careful when I slowly peeled myself away.
I let him rest. His leg looked good, not infected, not swollen or pus filled like I’d originally feared. He wouldn’t be able to properly walk for at least a week, and I knew that we definitely didn’t have that much time before our luck ran out.
I uncapped some water and took a swig, feeling my stomach tighten. We’d each only consumed enough food to keep up and awake, but my body craved more. I wouldn’t listen to it.
It was still dark outside. Early. I certainly didn’t feel well rested and I was sure Negan would feel the same. Five hours of sleep was better than nothing.
“Get your fine as back down here,” I heard Negan murmured. I turned — he was staring, a smirk on his handsome face. “It’s fucking early.” “Negan—”
“C’mon. I want to taste that sweet pussy one more time before I die.”
I flinched at his vulgarity, before dismissing it — I used the same language, daily. Such a similarity was enough to make me question whether or not Negan and I had more in common than I’d initially realized.
“We aren’t dying. Quit being dramatic.”
“I’m not being dramatic I’m fucking being realistic. And I’m never one to pass up free pussy,” Negan crooked his finger and I groaned, surrendering and crawling across the carpet towards him. “Good girl.”
“I can’t believe you. I can’t believe that you even would want me—”
“And you say that…fucking why? Good pussy is good pussy, and you biting me turned me on way more than it probably fucking should have. Shit. I can’t believe you were a fucking virgin! You been saving yourself for someone fucking special?”
“No. Years of abuse and bullying really makes it hard to connect and feel vulnerable around people,” I tilted my head. “I mean, this was fine. It was better than fine. I just wish we, you know, had a bed. Maybe some music. Some fancy drinks.”
“I can give you all those things.”
“I mean, I have those back at Alexandria but okay.”
“But here, you’d have the best of all — me.”
I rolled my eyes and Negan laughed. “Man, if only your dick was the size of your ego.”
“Holy fuck that hurts.”
“Yes, it’s called a roast. It’s supposed to hurt,” I leaned on my side, using my elbow to prop myself up. I began tracing light patterns on Negan’s chest, humming, “How’s your leg?”
“Stings like a bitch, but I’ll live.”
“Stings to the point that you can’t run or just…stings? Like a discomfort but not a discomfort that’ll put you on the ground?”
“Look, if we end up having to make a break for it, you but your ass I’ll run,” Negan murmured. “But I’d rather it not come to that shit.”
“It might,” I said sadly. “We don’t have enough water to last.”
“My men will come—”
“Says who? There’s no telling what state their in right now, or how many are even alive. Simon looked and sounded pissed, Negan. This isn’t some little scratch you can put a band-aid on. We fucked you up, good,” I said seriously. “It’s now or never. I mean, seriously, don’t you want to get away from me?”
“No,” Negan whispered I rolled my eyes again as he leaned in, mouth brushing across my forehead before moving down to my lips. His kisses were intoxicating. His tongue was feather light against my own and he moved with gentleness I never thought him capable of.
“Negan,” I murmured, “C’mon. Get up. There’s no way you like me this much, stop pretending.”
“Who says I’m pretending? That’s all on you,” Negan held me still, pausing and staring into my eyes. “When’s the last time someone ever called you sexy?”
“Like, never.”
“For real?”
“Never. Dude, I told you, bullying, abuse and whatnot…” I turned away. “I really don’t want to delve deep into my tragic past or whatever. This was before the world went to shit. I honestly…I honestly think I’ve done better for myself these past few months than I did when everything was normal.” 
“What were you before?”
“I worked. I studied. I cried about stupid shit and isolated myself from everyone. I wanted to be an actress,” I laughed harshly. “Stupid. I even went to school for that shit. Thought I was going to make it or something. What about you?”
Negan didn’t reply. I sighed and added, “You mentioned your wife earlier. Who was she?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“This is supposed to be a mutual trust, a conversation where we equally exchange the same information,” I stared at the ceiling. “I feel like it is my business—”
“I don’t give a rats ass about you or your issues. It’s not my fucking job to coddle you and tell you how fucking special you are,” Negan snapped. “And it sure as hell isn’t my job to make you feel better by telling my sob story.”
“Do you even know how to hold a real conversation? Or is your default just ‘sarcastic, self-absorbed asshole?’”
Negan sat up, and I did the same. There was a burning anger in his eyes, but I remained sitting, stoic, trying not to give anything away. I had no doubt that he would kill me if he felt the sudden urge — fucking him had meant nothing.
Yet deep down you think it did.
“You’re lucky I find you fucking hot, or else you’d be a mess of brains on the fucking carpet right now,” Negan touched his thumb to my chin. “Watch what you say around me.”
“I’ll say whatever the hell I want,” I shoved his hand away. “Dude, you should no by now how little I think of your threats. Most threats, actually. But yours especially because they piss me off.”
Negan tilted his head to the side. I half expected him to grab Lucille and just use it on me, right then and there. His expression was so neutral that, for the first time, I found myself unable to outright tell whether he was pissed or not.
“I’ll let that shit slide. For you.”
“I’m honored. Is it because of my super hot, one-of-a-kind pussy?”
“No,” Negan replied sincerely. He laid back down as quickly as he’d sat up, adding, “It’s because I like you.”
I threw my head back and laughed. Negan didn’t join me. Instead he reached up and pulled me against him, mouth pressing eagerly against mine. His kisses were slower, more delicate, as if he were afraid of hurting me. When he pulled away he was grinning.
“I’d very much like to fuck you again,” Negan purred. “And then again. And again, until you forget your own fucking name.”
You have nothing to lose. You’re too far gone, anyway.
“Go for it.”
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cocoarosalia · 7 years
Rocking the Cradle chapter 6: Under the midnight stars
It had been three days since Eloise entered Marinette’s life and in that time she’d been completely absent from her nightly patrols. Sure, chat had been perfectly fine covering for her but she honestly just missed the adrenaline and feeling of blood pumping through her veins.
And she missed chat a little bit...but she’ll only admit to a little bit.
So as soon as she knew her little one was fast asleep she packed a few snacks in a little backpack, transformed into Ladybug and rushed off into the twinkling night for a much needed patrol.
Moments later she sat herself on the roofs of some houses near ‘La place de la Bastille’ just breathing in the night air when she heard footsteps attempting to sneak up behind her.
“Oh my,” she snickered “is that a stray I hear coming ever so closer”
“Never a stray my lady” Chat replied taking a bow before sitting himself next to her “I always have a home when i’m with you.”
“I’m gone for three days and already you’re laying it on thick”
“But wasn’t I always bugaboo?”
Ladybug pondered for a moment while thoughtlessly scratching behind chat’s ears  “I suppose you’re right. However, despite your flirtations you can be quite genuine when you want to be.”
She then stood up and presented the little bag in front of chat “Therefore, in thanks for that and the fact that you covered me the past three days, shall we play a game kitty?”
Chat tried to feign disinterest but his tail gave it away as it frantically swished back and forth in excitement. ‘Curiosity was always my weakness’ he thought bashfully.
“In this bag are pastries from a local bakery” she stated “your task is to tell me exactly which pastries are in the bag and from what bakery understood? I’ll let you have a sniff now and then again after a run. If you can guess them both correctly, all the pastries are yours but if you fail you have to walk the streets and endure all the attention.”
‘Ugh she’s playing hardball’ he grimaced. Adrien got enough attention during the day, he did not need it during the night too. That’s why he enjoyed being chat so much because for once, he could be free as well as hide at the same time. As long as he had the shadows of night, he could do whatever he pleased.
Oh but those pastries! Even from here he could smell their sugary sweetness baiting him so sweetly to just take a chance. ‘Restraint was always my other weakness’ he thought to himself.
“My lady you have yourself a deal” he agreed with his usual cheshire grin. Ladybug handed him the bag but told him to only crack the zipper a little bit so that he could get a good whiff and guess. He obliged and the caramelized, syrupy scent rushed to his nose like an avalanche.
‘Hmm’ he thought to himself ‘I can smell Gâteau de rois, croissants, macarons….but’ He took a deeper breath ‘there’s something else in here that I can’t place, something I don’t think i’ve had before. Or maybe I have? Dammit I can’t remember. Maybe if I-’
His thoughts were cut off short as his Lady took the bag from his hands and placed it on her back.
“I think that’s enough for a first round don’t you?” she said coyly repressing a giggle “Now then, let’s go for a run chaton”
“Wait” He said halting her before her sprint “I want to add something of my own to this wager of ours my lady”
The spotted heroine lifted an eyebrow in intrigue “And what, pray tell, would that be alley cat”
“If I win you must tell me where you’ve been the past three days”
She flinched ‘hmph playing hardball are we? Well he’s had three days all on his own so he’s got to be fatigued”
“Very well kitty I’ll take you up on your offer let’s just hope you don’t mind the spotlight!”
And with that Ladybug raced off the roof, hooking her yoyo on a lamp post and swinging off into the open night air
“I swear on my life I’m going to marry that girl” Chat said with an ever growing grin. Hopping up to stand straight the feline themed hero raced after her, tail flying wildly behind him.
Ladybug felt like her heart could burst with joy at any minute. ‘God I needed this!’ she thought as her feet pounded on rooftop. She could feel chat keeping close behind her so just for a little fun she made an abrupt stop and zipped around a quick corner thinking she lost him.
“Silly kitty” She chuckled “who would’ve guessed three days without me could dull your reaction time”
“Dull them my lady?” Chat said faking a hurt sound “Hardly.”
Ladybug grounded her heels into the gravel below her feet to slow her momentum, only just bumping her nose into chat’s admittedly broad chest just below his collarbone.
‘Fuck, he’s tall’ she thought with her face beginning to flare pink.
Chat was doing no better as he could feel her breath ghosting over his skin ‘dammit, the one time I pull the zipper down a little’
Shaking off the goosebumps rising on his arms chat fell back into his playful side.
“Now then my beautiful busy bug” Chat purred as he bent down to look into Ladybug’s stunning blue eyes “What exactly were you hoping achieve running away like that”
Marinette felt cornered for some reason; like how a cat corners a mouse. But she was never one to back down from a challenge.
“Wanted to see if you could keep up” she asserted not moving from her spot.
The low rumble of chat’s laugh made the hairs on the back of ladybug’s neck stand on ends and most certainly not in the bad way.
“Then now I pass the question onto you my lady” He stepped away to the edge of the roof “Can you keep up?”
He jumped off using his baton to launch himself a good building and a half away, shortly after breaking onto a full on sprint.
“If I wasn’t in love with adrien, and we weren’t sharing a child right now” She muttered to herself, still frozen in place “I would rock his kitty cat world”
And so began their game. Each trying to simultaneously keep up and lose the other. They leaped up buildings, swung around corners, slipped down alleyways to hide in the darkness. It didn’t really matter where they wound up; to them it was the rush that pushed their bodies forward. The air tasted sweet and Ladybug felt like she would never stop.
Alas though, body limits are a very cruel mistress and it wasn’t too long before they had all but collapsed atop the roof of the louvre. Their chest heaving for even a glimpse of air.
“So maybe going on a full parkour match across paris after being gone for three days wasn’t the stellar idea i thought it was” She said feeling like she was going to hurl.
“Bugaboo, I’m REALLY gonna need you to think of stuff like that before bringing us to the edge of death” Chat wished he could laugh with his statement but he needed every drop of air he could get in his lungs.
“Don’t black out on me yet chaton, there’s still our game”.
Chat groaned
“You know I could keep the pastries you know-” The bag was snatched right out from under her nose
He unzipped the bag, taking yet another hit of the confectionary sweetness. The smell was stronger now from his running. He thought it might hinder his guess and he’d be forced to walk the busy streets.
But then it hit him.
“Gâteau de rois, croissants, macarons AND you tried to slip me up with the beignets!”
Marinette made a sound of disdain “Fine. But you still have to guess where they’re from”
Chat visibly flinched and sniffed again, this time gentler.  He tried to think of all the bakeries in paris to help him but his mind couldn’t shake off the memories that flooded back to him.
‘I can smell Marinette’s shop with these pastries” he contemplated, his body relaxing ‘I can smell all those times her parents took care of me as if I were their own and moreover I can even smell my little ray of sunshine greeting me every morning. I don’t have very many memories with her yet but they’re sweet like these.’
“These are from the bakery on 12 Rue Gotlib, 21st arrondissement. Tom and Sabine’s bakery I think it’s called”
Ladybug sighed in defeat “Very well kitty the pastries are yours”
Trust me when I say that you did NOT need to tell him twice. Leaving a beignet and a croissant for his lady like a gentleman he wasted no time gobbling down the other sweets, having to stop only to drink some of the juice his crush gave him to keep him from choking.
They relaxed on the roof overlooking the louvre, watching people walk in and out as they pleased. The night was quiet and peaceful. The sight was even better as the river seine glittered with the city lights.
“She would adore it up here” Marinette mused to herself smiling as she pictured Eloise running all around the courtyard and finding the garden flowers far more beautiful than the centuries old art housed inside.
“Who would my spotted lady” Chat replied
‘I should totally become mute for the rest of my life’
She tried to come up with a quick excuse “umm no one kitty just a crazy thought from a sleep deprived heroine you know this job makes me crazy sometimes haha”
Chat was not buying it. Not even for a dime. But he still played along for her sake.
“Oh of course my silly mistake. Just one more question...just where were you the past three days”
Nothing…and I mean nothing was coming to mind to pass off where she was. Out on holiday? Its March. Family trouble? He’d ask further. Bad gas? She might be fighting baddies but she was still a lady of distinction dammit.
She had to admit defeat
“I’ve been taking care of someone. A niece of mine”
Well...not the whole defeat
“She’s only been with us 3 days now and she’s five so I had to make sure she was comfortable in my home”
“That’s all you had to say bugaboo. If it’s family matters I can’t question that” Chat thought about his lady with a little girl strapped to her hip and for a moment his partner and Elly flashed through his mind.
Ladybug breathed a sigh of relief but then paused for a moment.
“Do you ever want kids Chat”
Adrien almost choked on the juice he was drinking but covered it up smoothly (Not really don’t let him fool you)
“Well My lady while I’m not quite there yet. To have little ones running around in catbug like costumes with you would be a dream come true and I could confidently say that I’d die a very happy man”
Ladybug went to interrupt but the thespian wasn’t quite done yet as he hopped up on the ledge of the building.
“And to think! Waking up each morning to the sound of little feet running around sending them off on their way to school. The soccer practices, spelling bees, imagine the PTA meetings!”
“Chat I’m gonna need you to really focus here for a second you went so far to the left”
He plopped back down by her side
“Fine. To be honest I’ve definitely thought about it and one day I most assuredly do wanna do the whole ‘cookies and juice box’ thing.”
Marinette was surprised by his candidness. Not that she didn’t think he could be serious she just was pleasantly taken aback by how instantly he could give his answer to something so far in the future.
“How many would you want” she asked genuinely curious
“2, one noble prince and one precious princess”
“You’d spoil them wouldn’t you”
“Absolutely rotten” He then took a pause “But you know, I’d have to give all this up to do it.”
Ladybug was shocked “Why would you wanna do that? There’s so much you’d be giving up”
“Yea I know” Chat agreed “But the way I see it working a full time job then leaping out here every night to save paris I wouldn’t have time to be a real dad for them and that to me is more important. Plus god forbid dear old Hawkmoth found out about them I could never forgive myself.”
She mulled over chat’s words. He was right that there’d be an increase of danger and the work life balance would run her terrifyingly ragged but “I don’t think I could ever give this up”
Adrien looked over to her and saw her face lit up with a sense of determination “You are right kitty but honestly for me I’d be more fired up to fight.” She toyed with one of her pigtails. “I could never imagine just passing this life off on some other unsuspecting teenager just trying to make it through her own life. Plus as they say ‘If you want paris saved right, you simply must save it yourself”
Chat laughed at that last statement “You are truly something all your own my lady. I guess we know who’d be staying home and making dinner”
“Whatever you stupid cat. I could be domesticated if I wanted to be.”
“The very thought of you in an apron making breakfast makes my heart all a flutter”
“Oh shut up you stray”
Ladybug then rolled backwards into a standing position and told chat that it was time for patrol to be over. He agreed and right before they parted ways Marinette left him with a thought
“You know if you were to have kids they’d be complete wild childs, but I won’t deny they’d also have hearts of gold.”
“And if you were to grace the world with your children they’d be maddeningly stubborn but unquestionably loyal”
They then took their leave, both wondering how their wildly loyal Elly would do on her first day of kindergarten.
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