#a handful of lamia's
under-write-reblogs · 2 years
A Handful of Lamia’s
Just a one-shot. Honestly, it wasn’t even really supposed to be this long… it just got out of hand, I guess. 
Basically, the Tumblr user @vex-bittys wrote an adoption scenario for my alternate account (@under-art-reblogs  [ https://at.tumblr.com/vex-bittys/hi-there-ive-been-doing-a-lot-of-research-and/ist81pzebyyk]) with two of her lamias bitty types and it inspired me to write this. 
If you’re interested in Undertale bitty’s or lamia’s in general (along with a few other hybrid companions) they are a wonderful, amazing, (insert any other positive word here), person to check out!! I adore their blog even if I haven’t interacted much. 
Hope you enjoy! (Also the Ao3 link is below if you prefer that over tumblr)
As a young, introverted adult, life could sometimes be a bit lonely. Sure, you interacted with your coworkers a lot, and you had a small circle of friends you talked to and hung out with on occasion… but it didn’t make going home to an empty, quiet house any easier. 
You had considered getting a pet for a while, but you felt like all the typical, familiar options weren’t the right fit for you.
You adored the most basic of all pet companions: that being cats and dogs. 
After all, you’d always had at least one or two while growing up, but that was the main issue. There was always someone in the house to keep them company and keep an eye on them while you were a child. Most of the time they tended to be sweet… but you’d grown up with a good handful that could get into heaps of trouble in a very short amount of time. 
Not to mention, a cat or dog might need more attention than you could give them. Daily walks and brushing just a necessary thing required to provide for them (at least in your opinion), along with all the affection you could possibly give them… and just leaving them alone in a house all day didn’t sit right with you. And while a sibling might help keep them occupied, you would still worry about not being able to fully provide what they needed. 
So a quiet no for both of them, at least for now. Unfortunate, but at least there were other options, right?
Small mammals like mice, rats, guinea pigs, or even a rabbit might work. Except they needed a companion or two to keep them company, plenty of space, and they could be relatively smelly pets if you didn’t keep up with cleaning. Not to mention, they didn’t live for very long in comparison to other animal companions. It would break your heart to bond with some only to have them pass away in just a few years. Plus, on the off chance one of them managed to escape while you were out, you didn’t want to come home to chewed-up wires or other damages in your home. So not a great fit either.
Birds were an absolute no. While interesting to watch and pretty to look at, you knew yourself…. and you had little patience for excessive noise. Being an introvert was difficult, and whenever you were home, you wanted to recover your energy from the day… which meant that having an animal constantly squawking in the background of your home would get on your nerves far more than fill the loneliness. Not to mention they were high-maintenance pets that needed someone with experience to care for them properly. You weren’t really willing to research for a pet you knew you probably wouldn’t enjoy keeping long-term. So another no.    
Reptiles were yet another option you considered as you had always found them fascinating, but they were more… “look-at” rather than “play-with” pets. Many of them might not necessarily mind if you went home and held them every day, but they wouldn’t necessarily have a positive connection with you other than perhaps learning that you were the one to provide them with food. Not to mention, you didn’t really like bugs, and the idea of feeding a lizard crickets every other day… ick. No thanks. Ultimately, you knew getting one as a pet wouldn’t help solve your problem of wanting companionship, as interesting as you found the idea. So another no. 
….You wanted something that would greet you when you came home. Who would sit beside you while reading or occasionally watching a few movies, maybe even just relax nearby while you were writing in order to keep you company. Of course, this was a silly thought if you wanted a mere animal companion. They may be sweet, but very few could form a genuine connection with their owners and provide what you were seeking.
Thankfully, you knew that ‘The Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center’ had plenty of lamia’s (as the name implied), which acted as true companions, not just pets. At least they did, so long as you bonded and properly cared for them. Which made them perfect for you. 
Lamia’s were capable and intelligent enough to look after themselves while you were out of the house, but also be willing to keep you company whenever you left and if they were comfortable with you. Unfortunately, you hadn’t known about them until you moved into the city and overheard someone talking about getting another. But for a while, you had been consumed with rebuilding your life and hadn’t thought it would be fair to adopt one during that stressful time of trying to settle into a new routine. 
Thankfully you now felt comfortable enough to welcome one or two lamias into your home if they were willing. And if you got two, they could keep each other company on the off chance you couldn’t bring them with you outside the house for any reason. And after having done plenty of research, along with setting up a few places in your home for them to call their own and create a personal nest for themselves, you were fairly sure you knew of the two types that would suit you best. 
The obvious first choice for a companion had been the Chain lamia. After all, each Chain created a unique SOUL-bond with their ideal owner to connect with them and understand what they needed most. It allowed them to sense and experience the emotions of the person they bonded to, both positive and negative. And of course, it would let you do the same for him. It would give you a way to understand his needs and provide the companionship he also likely craved. They were someone to share the ups and downs of your life with, and since each bond was unique, you were sure you and your Chain would find hobbies to bond over. Not to mention they were typically known as loyal and protective, two traits you preferred in any companion.  
The other had been a King lamia. While a bit more proud and high-strung than a Chain, so long as you respected them, they were just as loyal companions. Despite their name, they preferred to act as the hero of any home they were a part of, patrolling and protecting what they considered their space, which usually translated into their owner’s home. And apparently, many of them shared your hobby of having one of their main past-times being reading, which you were sure the two of you could connect over. Not to mention, they could be very helpful. Fairly willing to do menial, routine tasks if given the praise they deserved for doing such things… and in all honesty, teaching a King about the tasks you usually couldn’t find the energy to perform and praising him for choosing to do so when you couldn’t sounded pretty rewarding.  
… someone who understood your feelings at a deep emotional level and was always willing to keep you company, and someone who shared a loved hobby of yours and who would protect your home while you were away? It seemed like the choice was made for you… and hopefully, two of the lamias would think you were the right fit for them as well. 
As you made your way closer and closer to the adoption center, you got more and more excited. Feeling almost like your very SOUL was pulling you towards something… which according to your research on Chains, it probably was. It seemed like your bondmate was waiting for you.
As you walked towards the adoption center entrance, you looked in through the window to hopefully catch a glimpse of the lamias inside, wondering if you could spot the Chain you knew was nearby. And you did… for a split second. 
You locked eyes with a miniature Chain sitting in the windowsill, eagerly watching those passing by. And upon catching sight of you, he rushed forward in excitement… colliding hard into the glass, seeming to have forgotten it was there. Hearing a distinctive thud even from outside the center, you rush in, the bell clinging gently above you despite your panicked rush. Seeing the poor lamia slumped over, you reach out in an effort to provide comfort and make sure he was alright. 
As soon as you make contact you could feel the comforting, warm sensation of the bond settling into place as you look over his bruised skull. You’re sure the Chain would feel it too if he hadn’t just bonked himself unconscious.
…Apparently, your panic hadn’t gone unnoticed as you hear a flurry of activity behind you, with several other lamias rushing towards the front desk, probably to get Miss Vex or one of the Nurse Papythons, but you do notice one lamia making their way towards you. A King. And he certainly looked determined about something.
Unfortunately, you think his laser focus had something to do with what happened next. You didn’t exactly see what it was, but it seemed that in trying to reach both you and the Chain he failed to notice something else cross his path… whether it was a particularly sturdy toy or maybe even another lamia he tripped mid-slither over something, knocking his head on one of the corners of the windowsill before faceplanting onto the floor. 
Sitting between two lamias who had just dazed themselves with their enthusiasm, you don’t think anyone could blame you for feeling a bit thrown off and confused by the bizarre events that had unfolded in under three minutes. 
Guess fate had a sense of humor… but you had definitely found the two lamias meant for you. (Though maybe you could invest in some bubble wrap for them, just to be safe).
By now, Miss Vex and several other lamia’s had made their way towards you again, and offering an easygoing smile, she implored you to stand and follow her so you could begin filling out the adoption forms. Reassuring you that the Nurse Papythons would have the two lamia’s sorted out in no time. 
You can’t help but chuckle as you look over the form, filling out the little bit of information needed. It was mostly a promise on paper saying that you would take care of both of them to the best of your abilities and also informing you on how to contact the center if you ever had any questions or concerns. 
Once you had signed it, the only thing left was to wait for the two lamias to recover enough to sign the form themselves. Hopefully the King would still be willing to do his display for you before signing the form. (You knew it was probably important to him).
Telling Vex this, she offered a smile explaining that he was also one of the only Kings currently in the adoption center who had made an effort to learn healing magic. …Not unheard of for a King, but not necessarily common either. 
A few minutes later, both lamias slithered out from behind the desk, making their way towards you and the adoption form. 
The Chain reached it first, hastily signing the paper before indicating he wanted to sit on your shoulder. You happily allowed him to slither up, where he let out a pleased hiss at finding the hood on your jacket was lined with faux fur, quickly making himself comfortable by burrowing into the soft sensation before looking back towards the desk and letting out a questioning chirp.
The King was still standing there, not quite meeting your eyes. 
Lamias naturally used hisses and chirps to communicate with each other, though they were capable of learning to speak whatever language their owner used… and yet, without him saying anything, you could tell he looked rather embarrassed for his earlier enthusiasm. His pride clearly bruised more than his skull for not being the one to save the day.
You can’t help but reassure him that you thought his eagerness was quite impressive, and you were confident that he would have done wonderfully had it not been so chaotic at the time. …Seeing as how he didn’t quite look convinced, you asked if he would like to do his display to prove his might. 
At the suggestion, he lit up, lifting himself to his full height, flaring his hood, and bowing. The King had some beautiful dark splotches along with the usual extravagant skull marking in the center.  
His stunning display was almost hypnotic in a way… it was almost like he was dancing, and you couldn’t help but applaud with enthusiasm as he finished, even though you already knew that you were going to adopt him. 
He was a prime example of all things noble and heroic, especially if he knew healing magic… the noblest task of all (at least in your opinion). And upon hearing that, it seemed his pride was restored. So he signed the adoption form as well, seemingly pleased with himself. 
Before leaving, you picked up a few other things for your new companions, allowing them to pick out a few other necessities of their own choosing before waving to Vex and leaving… off on your first adventure with your two lamias. Hopefully it would go better than your introduction, but whatever came next, at least the three of you would no longer have to face it alone.  
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Do you have any headcanons for Gray and Lyon you could share? Especially about them being brothers.
Of course!
People are so confused when they find out the two actually like each other. Everyone assumes they hate each other (because they literally say they hate each other) so when they find out the boys are actually besties its mind blowing
Lyon refers to Gray as his brother all the time. Gray doesn't do it as often, but will introduce Lyon as his brother
Because of the time they trashed Lamia Scale, the boys are not allowed in the guild hall together without supervision
They tell embarrassing childhood stories about each other (Lyon started it, but Gray is more brutal)
Gray literally threw Lyon off the guild's roof once? No one knows what happened. They just know that Lyon came flying past the windows screaming and Gray came down grinning like a manic
They are the type of siblings that will still be throwing down in the retirement home. Fighting to the death with their walkers and shit
Of course, the boys love each other deep down. But they would rather die than openly admit it to the other
Lyon sobs at Gray's wedding and makes the sappiest, drunkest speech. Gray bullies him about it for eternity
They are known as the Ice Make Brothers. Especially during the grand magic games. It seems they are always being paired together (also always fighting in the games)
They make sure to meet up every couple of months and catch up. It almost always ends in a fight but that's their love language and they always leave smiling
Gray flexes his new demon slayer magic on Lyon all the time. Lyon claims Gray's magic is stupid and he doesn't need anything other than ice make to kick his ass (Lyon is slightly jealous of it but he'll never admit it)
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leafwateraddict · 9 months
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Heh i
Dont look at me
Post im referencing with this
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danganronpa-mm-au · 1 year
Can you please draw Merman!Kazuichi, Naga!Gundham, and Centaur!Sonia together? Thanks!
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"Behold! The source of my power!" Sorry it took so long for me to get to this. Hope you still like it. I had the rough sketch lying around my folder for a while but I never got to actually finishing it
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princeofhags · 1 year
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guess this will be a WIP for the moment because my apple pencil crapped out on me, but Iraestra Incoming
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deathfavor · 29 days
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who wants to be in a toxic relationship with lamia -
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catboygirljoker · 11 months
you should say more about lamia. for his fans (me)
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 ughgghuuguuguu thank you.....
lamia (he/they) is a bristly autistic motherfucker in his mid-to-late twenties who doesnt take care of himself nearly as well as he ought to. their gut reaction to sincere (or insincere) affection is to panic and tell people to fuck off. they are The Bearer of a Curse. despite The Horrors he fights tooth and nail for a better future for the people around him. actually he fights a little too hard. he could stand to take a nap and eat a bagel or something. their favorite things are sweets, sitting alone on a roof, stimming by killing monsters, and dilfs.
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above is an image of the sim i made of them, Happy, and in a Pleasant Conversation. very in character for him tee hee
Deep Lamia Lore under the cut. spoilers for the fic of which i have posted not a single word
also: content warning for speculative fiction parental abuse. putting this below the readmore because the fact that it happens is a spoiler lol
lamia has had horrific nightmares since he was little. their father was a researcher at what i can best describe as a magical laboratory and promised lamia that he would find a way to help them with the nightmares, saying that they're caused by the Darkness in their Heart. in the meantime the nightmares only got worse and worse. well it turns out his dad was lying the entire time. his dad's research was in how to transfer darkness from one person's heart into another's, and he's been transferring his own darkness into lamia's heart the entire time. ("darkness" and "heart" in this case are both pretty vague concepts that can mean a lot of things, this is how ive decided to play with those ideas for this character)
ten years ago the town he grew up in was taken over by an evil witch who unleashed a bunch of monsters on the town and nearly destroyed it, at which time his parents abandoned him because, well, it's not like his dad would be able to continue his research if he couldn't get to the lab. their current occupation is killing monsters and trying to protect people and restore the town. he runs himself absolutely ragged, barely eats, barely sleeps (because nightmares). he has friends, but there's really only so much they can do to support him when they're also trying to do the same thing he is.
despite his bristliness he's also the type of person to just give and give and give of himself until there's nothing left, not out of any kind of misplaced goodhearted altruism necessarily, because he feels he has to. they've had a couple really awful relationships--not abusive per se, but relationships with people who implicitly blamed them for the Darkness in their Heart and wanted to shape them into something more palatable.
this is the short version. and YES theyre a kingdom hearts oc. theyre a very angsty and tonally dissonant kingdom hearts oc. i made them up so they could kiss a weird old man who talks like a surfer. they have a keyblade and everything. its an old rusty broken keyblade that doesnt even work right. but it's like, Themes.
and before anyone is concerned about the age gap, lamia is 1. a fucked up but fully grown adult and 2. the same age or older than some of the most common characters xig is shipped with. so
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hypnolordx · 3 months
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A little fan art sketch I did for Penken’s birthday, featuring his lamia OC, Annie. This one marked a lot of firsts for me (first nsfw sketch, first lamia sketch, etc.), but it was an interesting challenge to tackle. Enjoy!
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hel-phoenyx · 9 months
"I want to learn politics."
The face of her mother is blank. Her father, right next to her, throws her an encouraging look, while her second mother looks at the Queen of the Divine Mandate, axiety filling her eyes.
She knows what she asked is huge. A mountain to climb for her and for Lina, a lifetime of hate and paranoïa to unlearn. But it is necessary.
You don't prepare for a kingdom's succession while sitting idly studying what little was salvaged from the Ragnarök. You don't assure prosperity tranfering the power to a brother who didn't even wanted to reign, and is now locked away in his own heart and grief.
Her mother knows what she's asking.
This is not about learning how to rule a kingdom.
Not only.
"You want to study how to be a queen."
"Yes. Please listen to me before shutting me up, mom, she interjects as Lina was about to speak. The royal library is almost entirely destroyed, and your reign is already exceptional enough. Korrin doesn't want the throne and frankly, he isn't made for this. We reached peace, but now we have to maintain it and there is too little info on how to counter so many types of crisis the new government exposes us to. I know how to find the intel. And I know where."
"Ink Republic."
That wasn't a question.
She could recognize that sour face on her mother's traits anywhere. That was the one she has seen in a mirror everyday since she was born. She knows from who she was born, and how to convince her.
She also knows this is not enough.
"I am not sending you to... Him."
"Lina honey, objected her father. This is not about an old fight. Redemane I would understand, kind of, but nobody in the kingdom knows where your hate towards Faloi stems from. And he is the best teacher she could hope for."
Lina's face twisted.
"This is not about hate. You don't know anything about that man."
"Then talk to me."
He walked towards her. Hands open. Only worry on his ever-juvenile face.
"Talk to me, Lina. Please."
That was enough to shut her up. Because, as a lot of people learnt the hard way, Lina the Ist Frosilaen never would talk about what she saw.
She sighed.
"Would he even teach her ? From what I know, we didn't assess how deep Adam ran his teachings into him. And Adam hated us."
"I am as for a month penpals with him, interjected the princess. He expressed nothing but joy at the idea. Of course, I still consider the possibility it would be a trap to bring to him the head of the heiress, but I think I can be well-prepared enough for such kinds of traps."
A little smile grew on her lips.
"I am, after all, Lina Frosilaen's proud daughter. If I can survive the H.A.R.D.I, I can survive a grouchy cousin, dont'cha think?"
Her mother gaver her back her smile.
"Touché. And I would be stupid to underestimate you. Alright, if you are hellbent on going, then go. But I want monthly reports and letters, and if I get only the hint he raised his hand on you, you come back here immediatly and I break every diplomatic treaties he's currently trying to make me sign."
"I think that's fair enough of a condition, laughed Baku. No one would risk the wrath of the one who lead the four nations to victory against a Worm."
"Does that mean you're leaving soon ? Interjected Shera. Baku, we should bake some goods for her to bring to Ink Republic ! Oh, and say hi to my cat, if he's still alive, she laughed. And to Faloi, too! And, and-"
She was cut in the middle of her sentence by a stern look from the queen, who concluded the meeting by dismissing the princess with a move of the end. Positively overjoyed to have obtained what she came here for, she didn't protest. The modalities of her departure would be organisez soon enough. The Traveller blood in her veins made that very easy.
This was one of the last days princess Lamia Frosilaen-Claro would spend at the Divine Mandate's castle.
Her arrival was annonced with the reverence due to a princess, but Lamia still was surprised at that respect to protocol. From his letters, Faloi seemed to be a very anti-monarchy man, something she could respect to a certain extent; adding to this the state of Ink Republic and you'd get a combo where giving respect to princesses would be nearly impossible.
And yet, even though she came alone, without guards or maids, she was recognised and treted with nothing less but utmost respect. This was... Nice.
The guard that led her to Faloi's office bowed before knocking, announcing her. She was a bit surprised by the use of "cousin" except of "foreign princess", but said nothing. An interaction can teach a lot about a man's true feelings, and if Lina feared Faloi would not recognize her family with the same zeal than an uncle she never knew, that fact melted like snow with the use of that epithet.
She didn't have time to mull this over, though. Faloi, after a second of silence, instricted her to come in, and she did, using all her observation power to record what Ink Republic has to offer.
President's office was not that different from the Queen's. Books everywhere, reports she can only assume to be top'secret, and in the middle of the room, a desk covered in documents, that a blonde man with long hair was reading with utmost care.
She never saw Faloi Frosilaen in person. Her mother was hellbent on never letting him on the Divine Mandate ever again. So she was, in a way, picturing a man with the same hair of her mother, jet-black, and the same hard traits. A vision that quickly shattered when he lifted his head.
There was no Frosilaen in his face. He was fair-skinned, yes, but not to Lina's extent, and his cheeks were covered in worry wrinkles. His traits were soft, more of a woman's than a man's, but she could still see the strenght and the magic hidden behind that apprent softness.
The only thing common with her mother, she noticed, were the bags under his pink eyes.
He stood up, and held his hand open in front of her. She shook it.
His hands were carrying so much strenght she suddenly wasn't so sure about being able to take on "the grouchy cousin".
"Welcome, Lamia. Have a seat, have a seat. I was almost finished."
"Many thanks. What is that ?"
She pointed the book he was reading, now with a page tore down, marked with the seal of the President. Faloi frowned.
"One of the many laws of that country we must absolish. If you must, consider this book is the first of about thirty."
Lamia laughed.
"Considering the utterly ridiculous size of Ink City, I concur the laws are of the same level."
"You have no idea. Ink Ciry is for a lot of people, the God's Haven, bur for me, this is nothing but an administrative nightmare."
"And I do know a lot about nightmares considering my dad's side of the family, she laughed again. Still, I didn't expect that nickname. You see a lot of gods these days ?"
"My... Well, Love comes by often. Coming in to... "repair the mistakes of her predecessor". Death also pays us a visit from time to time. The others are strangely mute."
Not surprising for Lamia. She witnessed firsthand the whole cosmogony's revolution, with the Worm almost eating two members of the Supreme Council and one of the Four Horseknights. Moon still was recovering at Wake'li, apparently following Love's example at Ink City. No one heard about Disease since the death of her Avatar.
Universe's whole return probably is the cause of such a silence. but she knew better that to instruct Faloi of the implications of such a change. She just shrugged at the intel.
"Well, we don't have it any better. I wouldn't be too surprised if I was you. Except Desire, not many gods come by often, and Moon chose to recover in the Mandate. The others observe the same silence. Eithe rthe Ragnarök affected prayer transmission, or Universe's return makes them too afraid."
"That is a vaid possibility indeed. But let's drop the chit-chat and talk about something more serious."
he closed the book and towered around Lamia, far enoigh to not make her feel threatened, but close enough for her to feel his genuine curiosity.
"Your letter didn't help me much about what you were searching for. I can understand the sparse resources in the Mandate, but why call for me, specifically ? Even though I am in the middle of diplomatic treaties with the Four and most of all the Mandate, I am still a foreign dirigeant, and I thought your mother's hate was shared by all the royal family."
There was something in his words Lamia coudn't quite pinpoint. Was it loneliness ? Or sadness, maybe. A secret hope for an anwser that would satisfy him behind utmost professionalism. Something normal people probably could not even detect, considering the banality of Faloi's tone.
She didn't know if what she was seeing was from her imagination, her observation abolities, or if her father's power on fear detection passed more on her than she thought. But no matter, the best diplomacy choice would be to play along and tell him part of the truth. As much for trust than to put him at ease with her.
"Mom's uneasiness with Adam's lineage is well-known but not shared. Furthermore, she is as overwhelmed with work as you, but said work is less varied. I figured you would give me a better field teaching, and at the same time help improve our diplomatic relationships in a fluid way rather than with treaties. I will take the throne at some point, after all."
A pale smile grew on Faloi's lips.
"And so you decided to come learn under the dirigeant with the most political problems the whole continent has ever seen. Quite audacious if I can be frank with you."
Lamia flashed him the same smile.
"Well, better get every experience there is, don't you think ?"
If anyone asked her, Lamia would say was acclimating quite well to Ink Republic. Learning everything she could and finding herself in her element, during a very eventful stay. And for the most part, that was true. She was enjoying herself a lot during the months she spent in Ink City.
After all, there are no better teachings that discovering three coups, dismantling one and finding herself on the verge of being assassinated two times.
She already recruited one of the assassins, and got herself intel in places Faloi wouldn't even be able to check. Her cousin, she learnt, wasn't as keen on listening what prostitutes had to say than her. Not because of some sort of contempt, but more because showing his face in a brothel would be the death of his career.
She, on the other hand, was playing around the whole frivolous princess image the deputies had of her. Showing claws only when necessary, quickly she built herself the image of the idiot that can't understand what she's listening, only thinking of sheer pleasure.
People that saw her bare fangs are now dead.
So yes, she was enjoying herself quite a lot. that is, until she noticed.
Lamia is and always has been an observant woman. She knew what people thought of her in a whim, and what man to fear or what other to disregard. She knew how to assess power and influence of anyone she talked to, or what are the signs of intelligence she should pay attention to. But she knew nothing about love.
Nothing, except the longing looks Korrin would give her when Aelie's subject came on the table, on one of their countless calls. Nothing, but how her mother found happiness in her husband and wife, the laughs and the hugs and the kisses. They found both happiness and suffering in love, something she was stranger to.
Well, the most accurate term was "romantic love". Something she never lived for herself, and something Faloi seemed to be placed under.
She noticed the first incongruities in his behaviour when she came by. Chifuniro Eccesias, Genos's Director. Apparently a technological utopia, buiuld on intelligence and innovations, values that Lamia could respect. She knew enough to know better, though.
Daughter of a black mage, the treatment of her father's species made her blood boil the first time she read about them, and that allowed her to see how that utopia was rotten to the core.
Rotten apples always make people sick. She was afraid to see how Faloi was biting it nevertheless.
This was not voluntary. Just some things she noticed from time to time. Faloi's strange forgetfulness everytime he saw her, something she apparently was a stranger to. The easiness she was able to put in many reforms that were beneficial to her. Some looks she was giving to her President, looks that were shared.
That got bad enough to warrant an emergency meeting.
"This is not like you, she started. You are holding just fine, but I got used to absolute perfection coming from you. Maybe it's just an impression, but I'd better adress the problem before it becomes dire."
He nodded.
"I think I see what you mean. Me, too, I can see I am not as efficient as usual when it comes to that woman. But the "why" is a mystery to me."
"Oh, I can explain to you just fine. You're in love."
"I'm in.... what ?"
"You're in love. Congrats, cousin, she laughed in front of his astounded expression. Apparently work didn't kill that part of you."
"That sass is hash but fair. I didn't think I would ever have time to... Well. Fall in love."
"She is quite lovely. And a woman of your tastes, added Lamia with a little wink. I am quite fond of her peace reforms, and you two would work together just fine..."
Her face went serious again.
"... If she wasn't the leader of a country before under your tutelage, trying to wring you of every privilege she can. Please be careful."
She meant it.
Seeing the execution of a traitor didn't bring her as much joy as she believed at first.
Of course she was expecting Chifuniro to betray them. She saw the whole guild of Snakes ordeal unfold almost in front of her very eyes. But Faloi had been a little too much blinded by emotion. Just a little. And this is what it brought him.
The head of Chifuniro went rolling at their feet. Followed the ones of the leaders of the guild, the ones who tried to put the Seraphims back in power. Everything went back to the usual tension, as fine as Ink Republic could be.
Shifahrad's tail was moving very fast next to her. She was nervous, and rightfully so. The snakes were her first emplyers before Lamia took her under her wing, and seeing their ending would not help her uneasiness. Thinking that all this, the example they made of them, would have been done to her had she not eccapted the princess open hand does that to people.
Lamia was aware of that. But what was occupying her thoughts the most was Faloi's tired expression.
"it was the good decision, she said. You made an example of her. She herself understood it at her very last moments. No Genosian is stupid enough to not know when they lost."
"I know. And I don't... Regret, in a way. But still..."
"I can imagine it hurts, yeah. And you hate how it does nevertheless."
Faloi nodded.
"Bull's eye. Observant as ever."
"I learnt from the best."
Shifahrad laughed. A little, empty laugh. Probably she was aware, if not sharing, the hollowness living in her employers' head right now.
Lamia extended her hand. Putting it on her cousin's shoulder.
"You know, Faloi, considering what you shared during those years, you have a right to feel hurt."
"I have no time to regret a traitor."
"You have time to regret a woman that loved you and that you loved. Please don't let work take that away from you."
But she could see in his eyes it was too late.
A little laugh escaped his lips. Empty.
"Lamia Frosilaen-Claro lecturing me on feelings as she is an emotion guru..."
"Oh com'on, I am not that emotionless."
"You're no better than me, though. Sadly there is no time left for me to prove it, is there ?"
Inded there was not. Lamia's stay was coming to an end, her departure planned for the day after the execution. She had been too estranged of her own kingdom for too long, and her return was the perfect occasion to put Lynthe to safety. She couldn't postpone it for the sake of her cousin. Even if this was the worst time to leave him alone.
"Sadly yes. But knowing mother, she will be all-too-happy to give me all the diplomatic missions now. I'll be back soon enough."
It semmed for a moment he wanted to say something. Something stuck in his throat for a long time. But Lamia waited, and silence was her only answer. Up until Faloi shrugged, still looking at the execution site with empty eyes.
"That's a good thing. Say my salutations to Lina for me. If she even eccepts them."
It had been almost twenty years since that conversation. Nevertheless, when Lamia entered the President's office, it seemed like the last time she was truly alone with him was yesterday.
Faloi hadn't changed much. He got older, compared to her who didn't even get a wrinkle. More tired, too, but that was to be expected. Almost fifty years of leading Ink Republic and he couldn't even throw an election like he so ardently wished to.
His face still lit up a little when she came up unannouced in his office.
"Lamia, it is good to see you."
"Likewise. The years didn't treat you well, but I am happy to see you in somewhat good health."
Faloi smiled a little bit, but his next reply was cut with a very annoyed voice coming from behind Lamia.
"Apologies for the unpoliteness, but this is no time for a tea party. We have a whole fucking problem on our arms, for fuck's sake."
Lamia huffed. Ever so polite, father.
Faloi was hoverwer not destabilised. He got up and went to shake Baku's hand with a polite nod.
"Your Majesty. Thank you for coming in such a short notice."
"There is absolutely no problem. We kinda need all help we can to deal with that menace of a twin, don't we ?"
His tone was polite, but cold. Lamia didn't know if it was caused by Faloi himself or the menace they were here to talk about.
Faloi didn't let that go unnoticed. His tension in the shoulders, relaxed when he thought only Lamia was in the room, was proof of that. But then again, it could be due to both personal grudges or the inherent fear born from the sight of a nightmare harbinger.
"Right. Akira. I am not gonna beat around the bush, we are gonna need your expertise. Nightmare harbingers are not enough known in Ink Republic, especially that one. Yet, they are powerful enough to destroy Genos's main library..."
He went tense at Genos' mention.
"... And many others. Rumor has it they even managed to control Beleco for a time gods know how."
"I have my ideas knowing Beleco's whole structure, grunted Baku, but carry on. They're coming to Ink City, are they?"
"Yes. We need to stop them before they reach the city. And put an end to their life, if possible. I already gathered all the clerics and my army, but we have to cover the whole city, and we will need to know the best strategy to defeat him. Maybe Nru... ?"
"Forget about Nru, cut Baku, harsh. She has the ideal Domain against Immortals such as myself, but would be too slow to react. They would kill her instantly, and painfully."
Faloi nodded.
"This is what I feared. The problem is, we're out of options."
"Not quite."
Smiling coldly, Baku pulled out a huge book from his bag, marked at a very precise page.
"This is an extract of the workings of the first magister magicae. One, as we call him in history, had encountered Immortals in his research, and designed a spell able to block their regeneration."
"That would be.... Ideal, in fact. What are the drawbacks ?"
New cold smile. Lamia was looking at her father silently, jauging the anger in his behaviour. No, that was definitely not Faloi causing this. More like, the situation they were in.
In retrospective, she could get why.
"At least you're not as idiot as I feared. The major drawback would be that it's a very long spell to cast, count around five minutes. We would need to keep them in the same place for the duration of my incantations, which is complicated enough."
He closed the book, still looking directly into Faloi's eyes. Faloi who was listening patiently, waiting for the conclusion.
"Other minor drawbacks are that I would necessary be the one to cast the spell, since I am the most powerful healer here and an Immortal. As such, I can't use magic for anything else during the incantations. Akira, however, still will be able to use his other Domains."
"He will retaliate, added Lamia, calmly. And if we manage to hurt, but not kill him, this could put us in a dire situation."
Faloi nodded.
"I see. Well, I am afraid this is still the best solution we can get. But I won't have enough men powerful enough to protect you and restrain him, while protecting the population. Can't the Divine Mandate help ?"
"We would, if we could, sighed Lamia, but all our energy is dedicated to reconstruction right now. And bringing one of our mages in the fight would only anger her more. I am already 100% sure that if dad and Nru are in the same spot, she will use an instakill spell without hesitation."
"Alright. I may have a solution at hand, but we will need to wait and see if they come. in the meantime, you are my estimeed guests. Please make yourself comfortable."
"Oh, the memories, laughed Baku, a little bitterly. But I take the offer. I'll see you later, Faloi."
That's on what he left, bringing with him the book and that evergrowing tension. Lamia, however, stayed behind. Looking at her cousin behind the desk, you just seemed to age up twenty years.
"Apologies for his bluntness, she sighed. The situation in the kingdom is still... Well. Complicated."
"I take it the rumors on your sister's death are true."
Her heart ached. Shereen, poor little girl, so young and defenseless. Baku's pride and joy. Shera's pride and joy. Lina's little sunshine that won't ever shine again.
Lamia's little sister.
"Yes. Akira killed her. Dad didn't forgave himself for not seeing it coming."
"All my condoleences."
He was sincere, Lamia could feel it. Even though his tone was the same tired as usual, even though his face couldn't express anything, she knew he felt genuine hurt. For her, for Baku, and for her sister's demise.
He just hid it too well for other people.
"Thank you."
A look exchanged between the two of them.
Eyes saying more than words could ever.
"Faloi, with all due respect, what the actual fuck ????"
Lamia never was this impolite before, especially now that she was close from sixty. But in her defense, that woman was the last thing she expected to see in her cousin's office.
Well, the problem was not the woman. She seemed pleasing enough in her opinion, a bit too blunt, maybe, but Lamia could see between her eyes true intelligence and reflexion. No, the problem was the prosthesis taking place of her left arm. Undoubtedly of genosian facture.
A genosian in the president's office. That didn't happen since Chifuniro. and this is exaclty what she had a problem with.
"Ah, Lamia, said Faloi. May I introduce you to Ether, my councelor."
Said Ether was looking at her with distrust. Fair enough, thoight Lamia. She didn't exactly give a good first impression. Something she will have to repair ugently, especially considering that very high title.
Councelor. How in the Abyss did that happen, Lamia didn't know. But the questions wold come later.
She stuck her hand to the woman. Elven, probably around thirty. At least that's what her aura said.
"Apologies for the impoliteness. I am princess Lamia Frosilaen, heir to the throne of the divine Mandate, and charged of the diplomacy between my kingdom and the Republic."
"It is... an honor."
That girl doesn't know how to lie, thought Lamia. She was still distrustful. She even saw her tense at the mention of her family name. But there was something else. Some kind of longing look, that strenghtened when she looked at Faloi, and...
oh, Intrigue the First.
"Faloi, she said, would it be possible to talk to you privately as soon as possible ? I have urgent matters to discuss with you, and Shifahrad will get worried if I don't come back in time."
"Of course. Ether, if you please..."
She obtempered, but Lamia could see how much she didn't want to do that. Leaving Faloi alone, or leaving him alone with her ? In any case, it was getting very serious.
As soon as the door closed on her, she turned towards Faloi.
"Never did I thought I'd see a Genosian again in your office after what happened with Chifuniro, Faloi. Do I take it you have a type ?"
"I don't see what is prompting that."
"Oh please. She's head over heels for you, that's visible like my goddamn nose in the middle of my face. And you feel something for her too don't you ?" She cut in the middle of Faloi's attempt to respond. "Don't try to hide it from me. I know you well enough. Even if it's not love, there is something."
Faloi sighed.
"She is... Trustworthy. You saw how bluntly she acts and how true to herself she stays. This is something I missed. Having someone who will just tell me the truth."
That was fair enough. And that Ether didn't seem like Chifuniro. Or even herself. Master in the art of lies.
But still...
"I know you're worried, Lamia, sighed Faloi. I'm gonna throw back your words at you, but I know you well enough. But I have the situation at hand. She won't betray me."
That was a tone saying "She brings me a buttload of other problems but not that one, I am sure of". Lamia could read that easily. Somehow that was more reassuring than pretending the woman was the perfect advisor.
She nodded.
"Well, I know you will handle this. I trust you. But well, Ether matter aside, there was something else..."
And this is how that chapter was closed.
At least that's what she thought.
Her mother calling her in her office was rare enough for Lamia to worry.
She felt even more dread seeing her pale face next to an Ink Republic seal.
"You wanted to see me, mom ?"
Behind her, Lynthe and Shifahrad tensed . They met the queen already, in their fifty years at the place, but this was the first time Lamia askd them to accompany her in a meeting with her. Somehow that fact was less reassuring than the presence of the queen herself.
Lina was close to death. At least that's what her people thought. Her hair got greyer, her face was fillof wrinkles. Her right eye was losing accuracy evry day a little bit more. Still Lamia never saw her looking more old than she was today.
"Sit down. I need to talk to you."
Lamia obeyed. The dread was stopping her to protest.
Lina was too emotional.
Too... Sad.
What was happening ?
"Mom ?"
"Take a biscuit first."
She never did that before.
With Lina, it was always straight to the point. She asked what she needed, she told what she had to, and it was over. Her being adamant on making things go slow only made Lamia more worried.
Her fist clenched.
"Mom, what's wrong ?!"
Truly you don't listen, do you, sighed Lina. Alright. I received a letter of the Ink Republic today. With... Unsettling news."
She closed her eyes.
"Baku wanted me to announce that to the kingdom as soon as possible, but I judged I would tell you first."
Lynthe and Shifahrad shivered. Lina's tone was too... Resigned. Too calm. For her usual way of talking about Ink Republic. Lamia helped build solid diplomacy between them, with the help of Faloi working so hard to rebuild the bridge between them, but that didn't mean Lina liked what relationship they had.
She still hated Faloi. She still hated Paper continent as a whole. She shut up because it was for the Divine Mandate.
That made her attitude all the more weird.
"Is there something wrong with the Republic ? With the treaties ? Do I need to arrange a meeting with Faloi to-"
"He's dead."
Lamia stopped right on her tracks.
That didn't stop her mother. Blurting her information in an empty tone, her hands shivering on the desk.
"He's dead, Lamia. He tried to reunite all the dirigeants of countries wanting independance to sing a peace treaty and finally move on to reforms. They trapped him in his own negociation room to kill him, 83 vs one."
But Lamia was not listening anymore.
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
Faloi, dead. Her cousin, dead. The person she thought the most of a friend in that godsforsaken world, dead. Stabbed in the back by the people he tried to free.
Dead without achieving anything.
Something felt heavy on her cheek. And wet. She held her finger under her eyes, blinking when whe saw on her nail a droplet of water.
A tear.
Was she crying ?
Did she ever cry?
In all my lifetime, no one showed me more understanding than the first President of Ink Republic, my cousin, Faloi Frosilaen. Our family history may be sour, between the hate shared by my mother and his father, Adam Frosilaen, or the history between our two nations, but when I asked to learn under him, never he showed any grudge of some sort and always treated me as his equal, a woman worth of his teachings.
Our collaboration was the best thing to ever happened to the Divine Mandate. Under him, I went from princess to queen. I learnt how to manage a country, I learnt how to spot traitors, and I learnt to listen to the people. Ironically, he helped far more the Divine Mandate than he ever could the Ink Republic. The Divine Mandate would not be the kingdom it is without him. I wouldn't be the queen I am without him.
He was a good man. A bit idealist by moments, trying to do everything at the same time. Ruthless if needed, ready to sacrifice even his personhood for his dream. Sometimes, I wonder if he would have been happier if he just gave up. But give up didn't even come to his mind once.
I won't let him be remembered by the world as a tyrant.
Extract of Lamia the Irst Frosilaen-Claro coronation speech
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whump-tr0pes · 2 years
Lamia Lenis - Part 5
Or, a Carlo/Maxim/Dara/Ilya/Dee crossover AU  collab with the amazing @deluxewhump
Or, @whumptober prompts no. 2 “Nowhere To Run”, no. 7 “Shaking Hands”, no. 10 “Poor Unfortunate Souls”, no. 14 “Desperate Measures”, no. 16 “No Way Out”, no. 19 “Knees Buckling”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Maxim the vampire lives a quiet life with his beloved mortal, Carlo. That is, until Maxim’s friend Dara, an angel of the Lord, brings two creatures to Maxim’s doorstep - Ilya, a human bloodbag barely clinging to life, and Dee, their beloved demon who is willing to kill to keep them safe. Maxim and Carlo find more than they bargained for when they take in the traumatized pair.
Contents: captivity (sort of), isolation, blood, vampire whumper, muzzled, bargaining, offer of implied nsfw
Carlo put the heavy blue pot on the gas stove, waiting for the click of the gas and the little rush of flame. He took a seat at the small kitchen table beside Ilya, who was staring out the window into the blackness beyond the property. 
“It's woods, out there,” Carlo said gently. “Just lots of woods.”
“And a town,” Ilya replied, their gaze faraway. 
Carlo looked at their reflections in the glass. He shook his head. “It's far. Farther than it looks from the road coming up here. And it’s cold.”
Ilya blinked, turned their weary, haunted eyes toward him. “Not in the daytime, with the sun out. He lets you wander around, doesn’t he? He doesn’t lock you in.”
Carlo held their gaze, though something made him want to flinch away. He knew that look, that feeling. The feeling of being trapped— of being prey. Like an insect in a spiderweb, waiting for sundown. How could he explain he did not fear dusk, anymore? That he waited for it anxiously, but not out of fear?
“No,” he said. “He doesn’t lock me in.”
“So you could leave.”
Carlo swallowed. “I have nowhere to go.”
Ilya’s eyes narrowed a fraction. A drop of bright blood had seeped through the bandage on their arm. 
“I don’t want to go,” he explained. “I—I feel safe here.”
“Safe?” Ilya hissed.
Carlo blushed. “Yes,” he said a little too defensively. “Maxim… he took me away from another house. A….another vampire’s house. I’d been there for months. I don’t think… I don’t think I’d have lasted much longer if he didn’t take me when he did.”
Recognition crept over Ilya’s features. They looked Carlo up and down, taking in his soft cashmere sweater, his pink cheeks and his soft, clean hair. Yet they glanced a moment too long at the scars of his wrists and neck not to have noticed them.
“Those aren’t…”
“From him? No.” Almost proudly, Carlo added, “Maxim’s never left a mark on me. It doesn’t even hurt. I always…” he trailed off. It felt almost too intimate to share, though he wanted Ilya to understand. “I always let him. He doesn’t… he doesn't take it. I have to give it.”
Ilya raised an eyebrow. “Why, then? Why wouldn’t you just say no?”
Carlo got up to stir the soup, hoping it was warm enough to serve already. He felt Ilya watching his back as he did. Because he takes care of me. Because I love him.  
“Because it’s what I am,” he said at the stove, knowing Ilya was listening. “Vampires like me. They find me. And this one keeps me away from them.”
There was a creak, and Carlo glanced back to see Ilya lean back in their chair. Understanding settled in their features, hardened their mouth. They threw a glance at the demon, who stood at the door to the kitchen, as if guarding it. He wore the muzzle still.
“I get it,” Ilya whispered, nodding slightly. “I get it.”
Carlo bit his lip. “It’s not like… like that,” he said, mouth twisting. “Not like… whatever it is you’re thinking right now. I… I like being here. I like being… being his.” He hated the embarrassment that burned his cheeks, the shame that twisted in his stomach. The last thing he needed - the last thing he wanted - was Ilya’s judgment. “I w-wouldn’t be alive if not for him,” he said, weakly. 
“Is he going to keep us?” Ilya said. There was something different to their voice now, a steely hardness that made Carlo shift his weight uneasily.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, fingers tight around the wooden spoon he realized he was somehow still holding. 
Ilya rose slowly from their seat and took a step towards Carlo. “Is he going to hurt me? Hurt him?” they hissed, jutting their chin out at Dee. 
Carlo shook his head. “N-no,” he whispered. “No. Never. I told you, he’s not… he’s not… like that.”
Another step closer. “Does anyone else live in this house? Does anyone else know we’re here?” Ilya said softly.
“No,” Carlo murmured. His head was starting to swim. It suddenly occurred to him that both Ilya and Dee were between him and the door. And the drawer just inches from Ilya’s hand contained a knife - and a few other things, but most importantly a knife, a sharp one for some specific use that Carlo couldn’t even remember at the moment. His fingers were going numb around the wooden spoon. All he had to defend himself against a knife was a wooden spoon and a pot of hot soup - at least until Maxim returned with the key to Dee’s muzzle. Something about a specific type of iron, angel power type of stuff… 
Carlo couldn’t remember right now. His throat tightened, and he felt the heat of the stove against his back. “Ilya…” he said softly.
“We can’t be trapped again,” Ilya said, and their voice cracked. Their hands were shaking at their sides. “Me and Dee. We can’t. And the Vampire wouldn’t take the bait, so…” 
They took another step closer. Carlo let out a soft, airy sound of fear, and smelled the back of his shirt begin to singe. “P-please,” he croaked. 
Ilya slid to their knees in front of Carlo, head bent, shoulders bowing with bitter exhaustion. Dee whimpered softly and glanced down the hall. Carlo’s stomach roiled. 
“Please,” Ilya breathed, and tipped back their head. Their eyes were rimmed with tears. “Please, just… tell me what you want. If you get us out, I’ll… I’ll do anything.” Their chin quivered. A tear rolled down their cheek. They raised one shaking hand and traced their cold fingertips along the waistband of Carlo’s soft woolen pants.
@womping-grounds, @free-2bmee, @quirkykayleetam, @walkingchemicalfire, @inpainandsuffering, @redwingedwhump, @burtlederp, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @whatwhumpcomments, @cursedscribbles, @whumpywhumper, @stxck-fxck, @whumps-the-word, @justwhumpitwhumpitgood, @finder-of-rings, @inky-whump, @thatsthewhump, @orchidscript, @this-mightaswell-happen, @newandfiguringitout, @whumpkitty, @cinnamonflavoredhugs, @pebbledriscoll, @im-just-here-for-the-whump, @endless-whump, @grizzlie70, @oops-its-whump, @kixngiggles, @1phoenixfeather, @butwhatifyouwrite, @carnagecardinal, @mylifeisonthebookshelf, @wolfeyedwitch, @batfacedliar, @extrabitterbrain, @pumpkin-spice-whump-latte, @rabass, @melancholy-in-the-morning @whyisnamingthingssohard
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ottosuwuen · 5 months
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Two beautiful Lamia commisions I bought at a con!
Artists: Asukara and ZzzleepyBunny
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Would any full-sized lamia use their owner's kitchen to cook or prepare meals for themselves and/or their owners?
*Yes, though it is recommended that only full-sized lamias be allowed to cook for themselves or their owners unsupervised. Smaller lamias may have difficulty with the size of normal kitchen items and could seriously injury themselves or start a fire simply because their size prevents them from being able to work safely in the kitchen.
*This does not mean that all full-sized lamias should be allowed to cook. Some lamias are better at cooking than others, especially when it comes to their patience and attention span.
Excellent cooks, practice safety in the kitchen, will follow recipes and add a clever twist to familiar dishes: Papython, FireRing, King
Pretty good cook, can follow a recipe, is very safe in the kitchen: Chain
Ok cook, will only make simple foods, pretty safe in the kitchen: Corny, Honey Bo
A little too nervous or hyperactive to focus properly, might make mistakes due to this, also somewhat small even at full-size: Krait, Pygmy
Thinks he knows what he’s doing, who needs recipes or measurements, it’s supposed to taste/look like that, why is the house on fire, please don’t let him cook even supervised: Coral, Mamba
*Note that Corals and Mambas will also shove handfuls of herbs or spices into their mouths to “taste test” them. They will refuse all help and advice due to stubbornness and pride. If you want to let them “help” in the kitchen, try cookie or cake decorating which they can enjoy without causing... an Incident.
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leafwateraddict · 8 months
I want to draw more lamia sans >:]
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i just gave an offer that is a total scumfuck level lowball on the price of that figure to the guy who has it on ebay for 250 and he is 1000% going to ignore me because it is THAT much of an undercut of his price but to be fair to me his price fucking sucks. so. idk. maybe he'll be desperate because the listing has been up forever and nobody wants her but me
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
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danny-rachevaski · 1 year
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Aidiladha raya?????????
Yep, well actually this is also baju raya for aidilfitri also :> The whole family wishes you a happy Eid! :D
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