#a jeronica short story
alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale, Ep. 7x05 - Tales in a Jugular Vain (spoilers)
Like last week, I had to take a break before I wrote this. Unlike last week, it's for a good reason. I'm going to be honest, the first fifteen minutes of this episode...I thought I was going to hate it. But this might be the best episode of Riverdale in a long time. And I think it should be mentioned, this episode literally ends with a to be continued; so the ending of the episode isn't the ending at all. Far from it.
So, I'm going to do this a little bit differently. I'm not really going to go into the four stories Jughead wrote (rather I'm not going to spend time writing about what they were about). They're clearly going for a Tales From the Crypt Vibe (although John Water's seems to get mixed in by story three). I didn't like the first two stories. I thought the third was pretty good. And I loved the fourth one.
Riverdale finally did the classic Archie story. Betty and Veronica fight over Archie as he strings them along. Then, they see him with another woman. But do they let him sting them along like in the comics? Fuck no. They dug his coffee and cut him in two (and it is the best scene ever. Betty and Veronica are just so happy). And, yes, there is some misogynistic tones in this story (ok a lot and in three of the stories). This is something I will get to in a minute. Just...I've always hated the love triangle and, to me, this was the best way it could end. So, just let me have my happy moment.
So there are two things going on in this episode which, and I cannot express this enough, ends with a cliffhanger. The first is the very real history of comics in the 1950s; how they we're seen a threat to the "very decency" of the American way. That their stories are corrupting the youth; even though, as Jughead says, many of them were morality tales. But, even if they weren't, it's the age old story of blaming something for the issues in society instead of dealing with the issues of society (Or in this case, the psychologist says that comics are to blame for the death of Ethel's parents and they should be focusing on punishing the writers instead of, you know, actually finding the killer). And so, the psychologist is going to go on a crusade against the writers. And who's name is about to pop up on a list...well, one Mr. Jughead Jones. I wondered if he would end up in the Sister's and I have a feeling that may be the case. So, let's be clear, this episode touched on the whole Comics Code and the complicated history...but the point wasn't to deal with it in this episode; it's to set up for whatever happens to Jughead next. And, as strange as it is to write, I actually do have a feeling this might be the one topic Roberto may actually have a bit of knowledge on.
What the episode mostly focuses on, or the parts between the stories, is Jughead and Veronica. Veronica comes over and is hoping for a date with Jughead. However, she finds out he has a deadline to write four short stories. But, she's very supportive and asks him to tell her the stories. As he goes on, and as it becomes clear that he has used the people he knows in these stories, Veronica finds herself less enamored with him. She even points out that, the way he writes his female characters, is...gross. It is misogynistic. And so she leaves and that's the end of Jeronica. And, at first, it seems like we have another moment were we have the writers using the characters to call out the things that the fans have been complaining that the writers do (kind of like the Pussycat episode in season 5). Here's the thing...that's not completely inaccurate; but it's not what's completely happening here. When Jughead is confronted by Veronica about the way he has portrayed the people he knows as these...well, they're very unflattering views; Jughead gets defensive. He says their just stories. Later, Jughead tells his publisher that Veronica just didn't get his vision. And the thing is...this isn't new (well, the misogyny is new, but not the complaints). We have seen this since season 2. Jughead decides to use Toni's grandfather's story without his permission. He uses Betty's trauma as a way to keep a book contract. Apparently he really mischaracterizes the Serpents in his book (although we don't know exactly how). Hell, it can't be denied that Jessica might actually have stolen his story because she's afraid of what he's written (he does have a history). That fact is that Jughead Jones has never learned two things about writing. While it is true writers write what they know; good writers know not to mischaracterize their friends and, most importantly, good writers know that just because they are a part of a story, that doesn't automatically mean that it's their fucking story to tell. The writers have touched on this for years and never really dealt with it.
It seems like that writers are setting up for a really interesting juxtaposition here (if they can pull it off. Big if). On the one hand, we are dealing with this fascist belief that anything outside of what people considered the norm must be condemned and punished. On the other hand, we have a writer (Jughead) that doesn't understand that, while everyone should have the freedom to write without punishment, that doesn't mean that...how to put this, people have a right to be upset. Not everybody's going to like you write. And people have the right to be upset when you use them in an unfairly flattering light or use their story without their permission (or go off on tangents that make no fucking sense. Oh, and straight up lie). Now, whatever is about to happen to Jughead will far exceed what Jughead deserves (again, he doesn't deserve punishment; just needs someone to hit him with the brick of truth and tell him exactly how his writing has been hurting others). IF this is where there going (and IF they can pull this off...I really don't know if they can); this is an interesting debate. How do we make a society where writers are not punished for holding beliefs or writing things that others may considered outside the "norm," but still holding writers accountable for when their writings do harm others? And to what degree? (Because there's different levels of harm. There's what Jughead has done in the past and then there's JK Rowling). Look, the rest of the 1950s plots can jump off a cliff. But if the writers actually are dealing with censorship and Jughead's lack of self-censorship; I may not end up hating this season after all.
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mot-hesbian · 26 days
***Updated version***
I'm opening shop for fic requests, once again!
Send me a sentence prompt (e.g. "Why are you like this?"), a short (1 or 2 sentence) story idea, longer if you are up for a bit of a wait for me to write it, or a trope for a certain character, duo, or ship and I'll write a fic for it!
Specialties are just what I write about most often or characters I'm confident about writing, same goes for relationships. If there is an 'and' that means it's platonic.
Fandoms include:
Gossip Girl (my specialties are (in order) JENNY, LILY, Blair, Dan, and Eric, these are just the ones I write about most frequently. Ships I specialize in are Jenny x Agnes, rufly, Lily x William (I don't ship them, but I am fascinated by the toxicity), dair, blairena, blenny, etc.)
Gilmore Girls (specialities: Luke, Lorelai, Jess, Rory, Paris, Emily, and Richard probably, ships include Rory x Paris, Luke x Lorelai, Richard x Emily, and maybe some background Rory x Jess. I would like to explore possible Jess x male characters tho ngl.)
Riverdale (specialties: Alice, Fp, Hermione, Betty (my Betty is either a rep of how toxic she is on the show or an ooc version of her cuz I'm salty about bad mental illness rep), Jughead (no whump or woobifying him, he is a regular character who deals with less bs bc I don't feel like writing over the top bs in my stories...at least not to the extent of the show), VERONICA, Archie, Josie, TONI, and Cheryl. Ships I'm good at are Beronica, Falice, Barchie, Veggie, Jarchie, Jeronica, I'd be willing to watch season 5 to learn about Jabitha so I could write that, Choni, etc.)
Bridgerton, books in particular, but I can work with the show (specialties: Penelope, Colin, Lady Danbury, Violet, Eloise, Benedict, Sophie, Hyacinth, Felicity. Most characters tbh. Polin, whatever Daphne and Simon's ship name is, Benedict x Sophie, Hyacinth and/x Felicity, Lady Danbury and Penelope, Kanthony, (preferably one-sided) Eloise x Penelope, etc.)
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rythmicjea · 2 months
20 Questions (plus a bonus) for Fic Authors
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Riverdale (and I have an ongoing Zack & Cody fic)
Past: Doctor Who, The Magicians, and Star Wars
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Haven't broken 100 kudos on a fic yet but I'm close!
I. My Dearest Korkie with 91
II. 6-2-4-8-4-6-3 with 75
III. Plums and Mugs with 70
IV. Casualty with 69
V. Kindness in Lies with 54
5. Do you respond to comments?
Every. Single. One. I love them. Fuck me up with questions about what you've just read. If it's not spoiler-y then I'm happy to explain. Hell, even if it might be a tad spoiler-y I still will lol.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof... that would probably be a tie between We Had Fun (the main character just straight up kills people) or We Belong Together (where it seems like the couple doesn't actually end up together, but I promise they do!).
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love making people cry. I used to say "if you're not crying, I didn't do my job". But um... do WIPs count if I already know how they are going to end? lol
I'm going to say for finished I Only Have Eyes For You (This will make you cry) and The Magician Queen (this is a classic Holiday Hallmark Happy Ending)
For WIP (that is actually finished I'm just not posting all at once) The Suite Adult Life
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. I welcome thoughtful critiques though!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
LMAO. By looking at my repertoire you would think the answer is "no". However, I literally wrote a collection of short stories just to write smut. It ended up more tame than expected and very romantic. BUT I do have some pretty explicit scenes in some stories.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No. I've just not been inspired and I tend to stay away from reading crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No :(
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I've tried to get people to write with me.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
OMG that's like asking who my favorite child is? I mean that's just so unfair- it's Jeronica. Jughead/Veronica is my heart and soul. 80 years of sexual tension just can't be beat lol.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hate to say it but... I don't have any. I think Not Another Riverdale Love Story (nicknamed Narwals) is the closest. But I know how it's going to end and I just posted chapter 7 and am currently working on chapter 10. OO! I know, it's pure porn. Just pr0n all day long. Rockin Around The Christmas Tree. I have two out of the four chapters posted. I have the last chapter 75% of the way finished. I just have to write smut for one pairing and then it'll be finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Existing dialogue and minute details. I like to use and reimagine current dialogue of the shows into my stories. And I drop blink and you miss them hints throughout.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. I've gotten a lot of compliments but I still think I suck at it lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm pretty good at French but I love writing dialogue in another language. I don't write whole scenes in it. But I have two characters that know passible Japanese so I dropped some in a chapter. But I make sure to translate in the ending A/N.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon!! All the way back when NO ONE knew what fanfiction was.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh goodness... I love them all for different reasons. I think if I were to do this as Word Association it would be My Dearest Korkie. It's G-rated and less than 400 words but packs a punch! I think it really proves that a G-rated short short story can be just as good as a 300k+ multi-chapter E rated fic.
Bonus Question
21. What story of yours do you think needs more love?
The Suite Adult Life - I wrote this without knowing the show existed until I was suggested clips on YouTube. I never watched the clips, I just did one google search, read one synopsis, and one relationship timeline. Then out popped 100k+ words... I'm still kind of baffled by it lol.
Tagging- anyone else who wants to participate!
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circlemidnight · 11 months
hey, so... do you (by any chance) know if the '"open ending/multiple endings" ship' is just about who ARCHIE decides to be with, or if it will included more couples as well? like, i could have never predicted JV would have an actual chance, and less that they'd have the same chance as the (arguably) main/long-lasting ships of the show!? it's nothing short of amazing. how powerful they are.
Ah, I think some of those rumors/leaks turned out to be false. I think it's better to just rely on the bts and statements made from people on the show. Rumors tend to snowball into unrealistic statements the more they are spread. Unless they are giving a specific detail of a scene then I wouldn't put much faith in them being true. And keep in mind the style of the season, it's been very simplistic, low stakes, with quick resolutions to things. I don't think they are setting up some big complex ending or a cliffhanger that's gonna enrage everyone. It's gonna be something bitter sweet, lighthearted but not crammed with possible what-ifs to every ship that came before. But I'm sure there will be many winks and nudges of nostalgia in the last episode. Right now if I could guess I would say it's probably just left unclear if Betty and Archie figure things out, but to me it seems like they are wrapping up Jeronica as an endgame pairing. There is a lot of mirroring of their first episodes this season together, she's helping him create Archie Comics, and they have written them more like a secondary romantic plot and not really this big will-they-won't-they dramatic conclusion to be reached in the final episode. They're also the only "random pairing" that actually got back together. From the bts, we know they are riding in the backseat of the jalopy together, which I doubt they would be doing if they have another breakup. also just my opinion but it makes a lot of sense to me that the two people hurt the most by the cheating would find happiness and move on together? If they are talking about changing the future, Veronica and Jughead never being hurt has a really big impact on the story. In comparison, the two who cheated are figuring themselves out and not committing to anything or anyone because they are still working on themselves. Plus, if the last episode is from Betty's POV it will likely focus on whether or not she finally gets with Archie this season, because her story is kind of meandering but rolls back to her feelings for him the same way that they showed hints that Veronica never got over Jughead. The multiple endings thing came from what Madchen said: No, we don’t get out of the 1950s. So I guess that is a big spoiler. I will say you do experience the characters in three different… dimensions, that you get to see a lot of closures that are outside of the 1950s. I can tease it that way. I think that’s safe enough. So, make of that what you will. I'd say it's either you get to see what would happen if they went back to their own time, their future in the next few decades if they stay in the 50s, or maybe the afterlife and some kind of cycle beginning again once they all die and time resets for them. The word closure implies that it's not really open ended though. It's possible if they go back to the future the ships reconfigure, but they choose to stay in the 50s, so does that count as canon? But like, I think in one dimension or another Jeronica is endgame. It's very close to the end of the season to be stirring them up with more drama again. At the very least I believe they will graduate as a couple, which is a win for me. It's been very out of the blue that we got so much content, but I'm glad they left it till the end so they have more of a chance of being happy together!
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jhsharman · 1 year
The Great Indoors
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You may think there aren't much changed here, but upon inspection -- I guess they threw Veronica an undershirt, and flattened her butt a bit (one less shiny ass gleam). A little weird they left the word "color" in "color tv" -- they frequently drop what has come to be a default setting so redundancy.
The thing I have learned since putting up this blog -- and keeping going longer than I thought I would -- is that that Riverdale show did some weird things to how Archie gets related online. Apparently they came to a conclusion that everyone needs to hook up with everyone else at some point, and there will be a fan base that develops particularly enthralled with each coupling. Slash fiction of a sort. So. Veronica and Jughead -- did they become an item on that show such that it leads to a scouring of the comics for accompanying images?
The concept of "Bughead" makes sense to me, and has its presence in the comic books. But then -- "Jeronica"? Well, I suppose the fun there may be plucking out the few stories where this apply -- when the generally adversarial relationship between the two characters -- and that is a fun theme -- turn somehow -- though, with some exceptions of plucking humor out of context and one sided fooling to get at the other one -- I see no romantic element in any of it. But. On that angle. You have this one, " The Survivors", which pits Jughead with Veronica against Archie and Betty. And Jughead teams up with Veronica to put Reggie in his place in "The Invisible Man" from 1962. 1993's "Escort Supreme. And -- well, unless I want to expand my parameters, or look deeper, I have just that short a list.
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yanagrebenyuk · 1 year
If riverdale ends with everyone ending up in a new version of the town where they’ve succeeded in “bending towards justice”, erasing everything from the previous seasons so they can all live happily in new!Riverdale, would that be a satisfying ending for you? It certainly won’t for me, but unfortunately that seems to be the direction we’re headed… and I don’t like it :/ invalidating the first 6 seasons of your show makes the entire show pointless.
This whole season lowkey feels like a waste so far - there’s no plot progression! All we’re doing is slogging through things we as the audience already know (I don’t need to see why Varchie doesn’t work for the 80 billionth time, or watch Kevin struggle to come out when he’s always been out and proud, or watch Cheryl torture herself by being with Archie when we all know she’s a lesbian). Why bother investing in these new relationships like Kevin & Clay, Jeronica, or Cheryl & Toni if none of this is going to matter… unless it is going to matter beyond the 50’s, in which case the previous 6 seasons get thrown out the window and we disregard everything these characters have gone through, their lives and families, and all of their development. Making the last season of your show an AU is just a godawful choice. It’s fun for maybe an episode or two, but it certainly shouldn’t be more than half the season! We’re only 3 episodes in and it’s already tired, laughably irrelevant, and blatantly mocking fans and the relationships we’ve all come to love.
I like the idea of the characters in the '50s (most of them at least) not being weighed down by the pain and the trauma of the last six seasons. But you are right, that works when it is something like Rivervale for a few episodes. It doesn't hit the same way in the final season — especially when it looks like most of it will be set in the '50s.
The only way I feel like it won't fall flat for me is if they return to the present day with their memories. Specifically, though, I think they would need to regain their memories in the '50s and spend a good chunk of time in the know before they get to the present vs too much time as these new versions of themselves.
I think in an ideal world this '50s storyline could be compelling if it shapes the characters we already spent so much time with. Like if Betty and Archie still find their way back to one another proving that they are meant to be in any universe. Or Cheryl and Toni getting their happily ever after which helps them get back together in the present without all the big obstacles still at play.
Long story short, I do agree with all of your points. We have only seen 3 episodes out of 20 but it feels too ambitious for a season that needs to wrap things up. The only thing from the '50s that we actually need (in my opinion) is Clay. Take him and leave everything else.
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
A Jeronica Short Story 😈
Inspired by 3x11, Red Dahlia
Note: due to smut, you can read the whole thing here on AO3. It’s just sexy times, nothing much more to it. Not noir, I’m not that good.
For Aubrey, as per usual 🖤
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“Working late I see?”
Veronica storms through the office, leaving an echo sitting in the air of her expensive heels clipping on cheap linoleum flooring. Jughead drags his eyes from the old typewriter he uses for aesthetics sake and places them on Veronica legs, moving upwards. Veronica’s smile is curt but the sound of the rain against the window makes Jughead’s concentration falter when he’s trying to summons every part of it. Grounding himself in the presence of Veronica Lodge is all that matters in the moment but she’s too observant and too invested in the truths that she’s always been able to skim out under Jughead’s well placed lies.
“I assume you’re here to find out who done it,” Jughead answers, spinning in his chair and faking disinterest, pulse pumping with Veronica here.
“After my father woke up, it was the first thing he asked me. I told him it was Tall Boy.”
“Did he believe you?” he asks, trying to hide concern.
“I think so,” she paused for a moment, dragging her eyes away from me to her bag, “if it’s good enough for my father, it’s good enough for me. The second half of your payment…”
Jughead stands to reach out for the payment that he doesn’t want. He watches Veronica’s hands, trying not to meet her eyes too much but her fingers linger with his a little longer than they should. He can feel the back of his jaw tighten as her smell becomes stronger the closer he gets. He wonders if she’s silk or lace today, the feel of her skin under his nails is so etched in his mind, he can almost feel the expanding of her chest against his when he gets in deep….
She turns away to leave.
Jughead pulls himself out of his mind when he asks; “You don’t want to know who really did it?”
“Forget it, Jughead. It’s Riverdale.”
Veronica walks out and Jughead follows quickly behind her, not wanting her to get away. “Veronica!” he calls.
She turns around and grabs his wrist when he reaches out for her, trapping his pulse under her fingers but he smiles with an easy high smile and relief. He bites his lip as she spins on high heels, fluttering eyelashes while he remembers why he does this and why he does it for her . But she pulls him close by his belt around his hips and pulls his suspenders to bring him down to her. “You're driving me crazy already, baby,” he whispers in her ear. “Are you trying to kill me?” he smooths hands up the back of her thighs but she reaches behind herself and grabs his wrists again.
“You don’t think I’ll let you in that easy, do you Jughead?” she frowns against him, tiptoeing to taste his lips.
“This is why I fucking hate Riverdale,” he murmurs against her.
He lets her walk away because she wasn’t his girl and Riverdale wouldn’t let her be.
La Bonne Nuit needed security and that was what Jughead was.
Veronica met him at the door. Four in the morning was noisier for them than others and that was the way Jughead enjoyed it. “I don’t need you tonight, Jughead,” she sang with sleep in her voice and malice singing through it.
“You don’t know how much I need this,” he says, holding back the urgency in his tone, drinking it down. He steps from desperate foot to foot with his hands in the pockets of his jeans and his needy cigarettes next to his itching hands. Hands that were begging to be on her. “Come on, baby, it’s been a hard couple of days... Your Mom... your Dad..." he sighs, "I don't know, but it's getting to me."
She tries to slam the door in Jughead’s face but she doesn’t try hard enough, telling Jughead that maybe she needs him just as much as he needs her. “I gave you your payment.”
Jughead groans with his hands in his hair before shutting the door to La Bonne Nuit, flicking the locks before he turns to chase her. “You know I’m not here for that…” She stares at him and he sits on words, unsure of what to say but he feels venom in his glands and a rattling in his back because even though she doesn't say it in so many words, Jughead knows that Veronica feels the same darkness in her soul that’s in his fucking soul. He swallows loudly and clears his throat, he wonders briefly if he can change, and then suddenly, he wonders nothing at all. “You're mad at me.”
She sits with her legs crossed on her makeshift bed. “You’re working side by side with Betty.”
“Last I knew you had Archie in one hand and Reggie in the other," he shrugs back.
She rolls her eyes and sighs loudly before Jughead falls to his knees, crawling towards her. “I still need you, you know that right?” Veronica bites her lip and it makes Jughead smile, running his tongue over his teeth. He gets to Veronica’s legs and kisses both insides of her knees. “I can tell you know I need you.”
He moves his hands up her legs and to the insides of her thighs, touching her softly, feeling her after five long days without her. Veronica tries to shut her legs, faking annoyance and turning away but she lifts her hips higher with Jughead’s hand locked between her. She looks Jughead in the eye when she says; “I’m still annoyed, Jones.” Her eyes cold in the way she looks at him but anything was good enough for Jughead if it means she’s with him.
"I know," he agrees, standing up to get up onto the makeshift bed before pushing her to lay down.
Jughead works quickly as he pulls down the silk between her thighs, he feels everything when he runs his hand up and down between her, slowing his heart, letting her soak in to him. I’m finally home , he thinks to himself, closing his eyes. Five days is too long when she’s not with him and her nails aren’t digging into his back...
Read the whole thing on AO3!
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ladyinrosso · 3 years
Prompts in search of a writer part 2: what about a varchie/jeronica/veggie “The killers” au?
Imagine this:
. Riverdale, 1940s. It’s a late afternoon. Hitmen Fangs Fogarthy and Sweet Pea enter Pop’s searchin for former boxer Biff “the Red”. Once the two men leave, Tabitha is able to warn Biff, those real name is Archie Andrews, but he refuses to flee, and wait for the two men to do what they have came to.
. Life insurance investigator Jughead Jones is assigned to find and pay the beneficiary of Archie’s policy. This should be an open-and-shut case, but there’s something (the man waiting for his death, holding a string of pearls) that convinces him that there is a lot more in this story than what it seems at first sight. The beneficiary, an hotel maid named Katy Keene, at first doesn’t remember ever meeting Archie, but then she joins the dots: he’s the man of some years ago, the one she has stopped from taking his own life after the woman that was with him had left him without saying a word in the middle of the night.
. Jughead then speaks with the Red’s childhood friend, detective Betty Cooper. The woman, who once had feelings for Archie, tells him how Andrews’ boxing carrer was cut short by a hand injury, and how that led him into a bad crowd. A crowd where he has met his downfall: mobster Reggie Mantle’s woman, the cunning and unbelievably beautiful Veronica Lodge.
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. Mad Dog is Archie’s former cellmate, Dilton and Moose are the other two Reggie has recruited for a payroll robbery at Blossom’s Company.
. “Keep out of this, Red. She's his girl” “Mind your own business, Archiekins. I can take care of myself.You touch me and you won't live till morning.”
. Jughead intrigued by the mistery that Veronica is
. Ava Gardner and  Edmond O’Brien at the Green Cat, but it’s Jeronica and the     place’s name is White Wyrm.
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dailyjeronica · 4 years
what are the most important jeronica episodes so far?
Hello, sorry for answering late!
We have got only short scenes and small moments, but I would say:
Season one 
1x04 (they bicker about Twilight Drive-In, “You’re you and I’m me” quote) 
1x10 (their first full scene together morning after Jughead’s birthday party, Veronica calls him Torombolo)
1x13 (the “You and I have a lot in common” scene, Veronica holds Jughead’s arm when they help Cheryl)
Season two 
2x02 (conversation about their fathers, Veronica follows his advice)
2x10 (a few small moments)
2x13 (they argue about Hiram taking over Southside, their fathers meet in  Sunnyside Trailer Park  – I think you can call this an important episode, because Northside/Southside conflict is a big part of their story)
2x14 (The Kiss™)
2x16 (they “argue” [it’s mostly Jughead being angry] about Southside High closing and Veronica running for student council president)
2x22 (Veronica approaches Jughead with a plan to stop Hiram from monopolizing Southside, scene at Pop’s)
Season three
3x09 (Veronica goes to see Jughead to retrieve an egg Cheryl and Toni stole, Jughead offers her Serpents' protection, they come up with an arrangement, scene at Pop’s with Reggie)
3x11 (Veronica pays Jughead to find out who shot her father, The Big Sleep references)
Season four
this one short scene in 4x10 where Jughead finds Veronica at Stonewall party
I think that’s all. Sorry for any mistakes, English isn’t my first language. 
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mot-hesbian · 3 years
I'm opening shop for fic requests!
Send me a sentence prompt (e.g. "Why are you like this?"), a short (1 or 2 sentence) story idea, or a trope for a certain character, duo, or ship and I'll write a fic for it!
Fandoms include:
Gossip Girl (my specialties are (in order) Jenny, Lily, Blair, Dan, and Eric (although I will write for other characters if asked to). Ships I specialize in are Jenny x Agnes, rufly, Lily x William (I don't ship them, but I am fascinated by the toxicity), dair, blairena, blenny, etc.)
Gilmore Girls (Luke, Lorelai, Jess, Rory, Paris, Emily, and Richard probably, ships include Rory x Paris, Luke x Lorelai, Richard x Emily, and maybe some background Dean x Rory or Rory x Jess. I would like to explore possible Jess x Dean tho ngl.)
Riverdale (Alice, Fp, Hermione, Betty (my Betty is either a rep of how toxic she is on the show or an ooc version of her cuz I'm salty about bad mental illness rep), Jughead (no whump or woobifying him, he is a regular character who deals with less bs bc I don't feel like writing over the top bs in my stories...at least not to the extent of the show), VERONICA, Archie, JOSIE, TONI, and Cheryl. Ships I'm good at are Beronica, Falice, Barchie, Veggie, Jarchie, Jeronica, I'd be willing to watch season 5 to learn about Jabitha so I could write that, Choni, etc.)
I'll add more when I'm in a better headspace for other fandoms rn I'm hyperfixating.
Send in an ask if you're interested!
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My Thoughts on Ep 5
Okay, let me say this first. I kinda like crazy Jug? Like I've always been a fan of the psychos and he's checking all the requirements to be one.
No Jeronica interactions here shippers, but we got a parallel scene between the two of them which would have made me happy before 3x04 but that FP x Hermione scene fucked up my expectations.
We got Choni tho also Sweet Pea and Fangs. I'm happy that we got our Serpents back (even though they're playing G&G). And Jug shouting at Cheryl to shoot him? Love it, peak craziness right there. 10/10 losing his mind.
Also, Betty in a Serpents jacket. Thank God it's not pink if it was pink I would have turn off the episode right then and there. And Barchie was so cute? Like damn, this is why I ship them.
Oh God, I have so many opinions about this episode. Long story short, Jughead getting obsessed (sadly not with Veronica) and this episode is about a prison break.
P.s Jughead bowing to the Gargoyle King? Who said that his dad didn't teach him manners?
P.s.s Ugly wig is back, ladies! Thankfully not Dark!Betty's wig
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preppymayhem · 5 years
5, 8, 21, 36, 40, 46, 51!
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
I have never been a superly monofannish person, and I have written for a fair number of fandoms, but discounting fandoms that I was assigned for fic exchanges I have written for Gundam Wing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Escaflowne, Mighty Ducks, Inuyasha, City Hunter, Dawson’s Creek, Avatar the Last Airbender, Sailor Moon, Ouran High School Host Club, Eureka Seven, Steven King’s IT/IT (2017), V (2009) and due to my one lone Beronica Fic, I guess you can say I have technically written for Riverdale. About a month ago I orphaned a lot of my older works because they had become a bit incongruous with what I want attached to my name, so not all of those fandoms are still present on my AO3.
Fandoms that I’ve written exclusively for Yuletide as my main assignment are:  Soul Eater, Diana Wynne Jones’ Archer’s Goon, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Claymore, Drive Me Crazy, and Notting Hill.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
Well this is a fun story, but it is sort of a set of factors that brought me to watch an old 90s teen soap opera in this the year of 2018/2019. I should start by saying back when I was a part of the actual target demo for teen shows I only watch Buffy and didn’t deign to watch any of those other inferior teen shows and actually counted not being a weekly viewer of Dawson’s Creek as a point of pride. (It was very much one of those “I’m not like those other girls” nonsense attitudes, oh bb!Kristen you stupid, stupid girl). I did however osmose certain things about the show because at that time, you just sort of did. So how did I go back and actually watch this show well….
The first factor was that in the back half of 2017 I had the weirdest dream, where I literally dreamed the plot of my current WIP Boy Problems for Disney’s The Mighty Ducks which I had not seen or thought of in years (God told Joan of Arc to save France, God tells me to write steamy obscure dudeslash fic, Thanks God!). 
The 2nd Factor was that in like October of 2017, I watched Riverdale which I binged and then kept through to the winter finale of season 2 and then 5 months later thinking I was free (spoiler: I was not in fact free) and I started sort of following it and now I am here sort of following it week to week, but mostly mocking it while dreaming of my super gay alternative, and being increasingly annoyed with the fandom’s tendencies to make superficial comparisons to other show, a fandom trend I have always hated and that harkens back to Zutara fandom in ATLA (Zutara is not 1xr or Van/Hitomi, thanks). 
And the third factor was that way back in like July or August or some time there was a clickbait article that was basically TV shows characters that should have ended up with someone else/wrong endgame pairings which I clicked mostly because I wanted to see what they wrote about the How I Met Your Mother finale (I love reading takes on the HIMYM finale, I find it fascinating) and well the clickbait article stated that Dawson/Joey should have been endgame. This intrigued me because it contradicted everything I had ever heard/osmosed about the show.
So I decided that I would watch it to draw my conclusions and to see if what I had heard was wrong (which I thought was a possibility because I don’t by my nature trust giant ship fandoms like PJo was back in the day, it’s something I still sort of keep to this day), and I was like I will mock it and at the very least I will be able to have ammo against stupid fandom comparisons and due to a shared actor, maybe pick up good screen caps for like a moodboard for The Fic that had now progressed from being a dream to a thing that actually exists. 
And so I started it and as God would have it, I got invested, and now find that the Clickbait article was wrong, fandom needs to shut up Bughead/Barchie/Jeronica is not like Pacey/Joey thankyouverymuch, and I can’t use caps for a mood board because I would just cry and can’t associate anything from the show with anything else. 
So that’s story about how this dumb binch got invested in Dawson’s Creek years after everyone has moved on!
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
No Joke, the first fanfic that I wrote down and then posted was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover that was basically just a retelling of the story of Sailor Moon with added giant robots. If you are like “Please tell me it wasn’t Senshi/Pilots” I am afraid I can tell you that (The pairings were if I recall Heero/Serena, Duo/Amy (What?!), Wufei/Raye, Trowa/Lita (cause they were both tall) and Quatre/Mina (Oh Quatre sweetie, I’m so sorry)) I killed Mamoru, and Relena just didn’t exist because this was set more in the SM universe than the GW one so I just brought over the pilots. It was multi-chaptered and I wrote a chapter a day. I wrote five parts of it covering all 5 arcs of Sailor Moon. 
Yes, I was totally better than those other girls as you can see. And no, those fics no longer exist online. In my defense I was 15 years old, I had not yet realized I was a lesbian and if I were to write that story now it would be Usagi/Relena because that story would be effing amazing.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
I enjoy a long slice of life romcom if I’m honest. The plotting of both my longest fics (Boy Problems and Living Arrangements) are the sort of stories that i love to write and come the easiest to me. I am also partial to quiet thematic characters beats and fics that explore characters putting things back together which if I can ever get back to 1xR as a ship that inspires me, I would love to do just a slice of life romance of them paralleling and finding their way back to each other. Also just cute romcom premises are always fun.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
I am so off and on when it comes to prose. Like there are times where I can do it and I love it, and other times it’s a struggle and I have to fight from just making everything dialogue (I maintain confidence in my dialogue.)
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I think both Boy Problems (Mighty Ducks) and Living Arrangements (Dawson’s Creek) are the most apparent clear examples of where I am right now as a writer, but they are longer and the fandoms aren’t super in anyone’s face. I would say of my shorter one-shots, Save the Last Dance (Gundam Wing) and Once Lost, Now Found (City Hunter) are the most emblematic of me as a writer and my approach to characterisation. I also every once again get into to hugely stylistic gen pieces that I generally feel very proud of like Creation in Nine Acts (Avatar the Last Airbender, a mock creation myth for the Avatarverse, written before Korra was a thing but was not meant as the literal creation myth anyways) and State of IT (IT a short vignette from IT’s point of view.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I don’t know if this a thing I love or hate, but I am tired of fandom’s missives of you MUST COMMENT/KUDOS on everything you read. Comments/kudos/likes/reblogs on fanworks (not just fic) are great, but I don’t think that anyone is obligated to do any of those things. I think what I would rather do than rant or gush is to say that I think if you are a creator try to at least find comfort in validation of respecting and loving your own work. Write for yourself first and foremost. I think when I let go of the need for validation was when I really allowed myself to grow and appreciate myself as a writer. I wasn’t worried about what other people would think but just if I can read this and enjoy it and allows me a little more time thinking and writing about characters that I love than I am good, and I post it as a sort of second thought for if I enjoy it there may be others (even if it is one other person). So I guess I would leave it at that. If you’re a reader, don’t worry if you don’t leave feedback, no one is owed it and you don’t have to give any if you don’t feel that you can. And if you are writer, I would urge you to focus and write for you first and foremost and treat any feedback as a sort of treat on top of the pride of knowing you saw something through.
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veronicassadboi · 6 years
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In which it appears that one person takes photography seriously, and the other has fun.
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curlsandcrown · 7 years
I would like to request an au where Betty, Jughead, Archie and Veronica all live together in an apartment owned by Veronica's father and they are all together and they are in college and Veronica and Jughead fall out over something which leads to J telling off V and B and A have to find a way to get their significant others to talk to each other but then being stubborn refuse to and it ends really fluffy and cute
Title: Why Did You Say It?Summary: Jughead and Veronica get into an argument, leaving their respective partners and best friends in an awkward situation. Bughead/Varchie with Jeronica backstory. (Ao3)Word Count: 3,878Warnings: smut (18+)A/N: Thank you so much for your request! We did a lot of thinking and talking about what exactly could get these two to argue, and this ended up going in an AU direction. It includes some backstory between Veronica and Jughead and a little Bughead smut. We hope you like what we did with the idea! 
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Jughead comes out of his room and heads towards the kitchen in the lavish apartment that he shares with Betty, Veronica and Archie. It’s all floor to ceiling windows with plush couches and every entertainment console there is for him and Archie to play while the girls do their toes. Not to mention the fridge is always fully stocked no matter how much he eats.
Moving towards the kitchen, he looks around for a snack then grabs a beer, heading towards the living room so he can catch a movie before Betty and Archie come home from their late night class. Then they’ll all go out for a late night dinner celebrating the end of the semester.
“Jug! Is there anything good to snack on? I’m starving.”
He turns his head towards the hallway and Veronica comes out in shorts and a t-shirt, very unlike her since she’s always dressed to the nines but he has noticed lately that she’s been more comfortable wearing simple clothes around their apartment now.
“I grabbed chips and salsa.”
She makes a happy noise then he hears the pop of a cork, knowing that she had the same idea that he did. Sometimes it’s scary how alike they are.
“So, I have something to tell you but I’ll need some liquid courage first.” 
Veronica sits in the oversized armchair next to where he’s at on the couch and takes a long sip of her wine. “What’s on?”
Jughead shrugs and hands her the remote. “Not a whole lot. You pick something.”
They sit in silence while eating and watching some movie that’s on HBO. After a few more drinks, she turns towards him and he laughs a little at the small glazed look that’s taken over her eyes.
“Guess what Archie did the other week.” She pauses then meets his eyes again. “Or didn’t do.”
He already isn’t liking this “Just tell me, Veronica.”
She rolls her eyes dramatically at the use of her full name and leans onto the arm of the chair, her other hand holding her wine glass like it’s going to be some scandalous secret. And knowing her, it probably is.
“We were having sex and it was hot, Jug, but he didn’t get me off. At all.”
“Doesn’t he usually get one or two in?”
This conversation should be making him cringe but instead, he takes another drag from his beer bottle. He really shouldn’t know this much about Archie or their sex life.
“Yes! It’s like he didn’t even care about my pleasure.”
He pivots his head from side to side, contemplating the change in the redheaded man in question. “Was he drunk?”
Veronica nods. “It was after we left Cheryl’s ‘Weekend Spectacular’ party.”
Jughead laughs, a little breathless as he says, “ Archie is usually a bit on the selfish side when he’s had more than a few drinks.” He leans his head back onto the couch but looks over to his friend. “I was drunk and got you off more times than I can count on one hand in a single night compared to my two.”
“And what does that have to do with Archie not getting me off once,” she deadpans with a small smile on her lips.
“That I was able to do something that he hasn’t achieved yet.” He shrugs and takes another sip.
Her smile falls almost instantly. “I guess Betty and I should thank the girls who showed up to your high school “frat” parties who taught you a thing or two,” she snaps.
He thinks back on that particular night with her as well, remembering that it was a pretty good night. Until it wasn’t. “Here we go,” Jughead replies with an eye roll.
“Or are you saying that you’re just a natural when it comes to sex whereas Archie isn’t.”
Setting his bottle down, he sighs then looks over to Veronica. “I won’t deny that I was a part of the Serpents in high school and yes, I did learn certain things by the time I got to college. Obviously, my background still bothers you and that’s why you turned down my date.”
She sputters, which is very un-Veronica like. “You didn’t even ask me out on a proper date! Your words were ‘do you want to do this again?’ How am I supposed to equivocate that into you wanted to go on a date?”
“Because I said, ‘I usually don’t have sex before I ask someone out’ but you were the exception!”
A small, sober and rational part of his mind is trying to tell him to reel in his temper and the level of his voice but both of them are getting louder as this goes on.
“The exception!?”
“Yes! But since I don’t look like the handsome, All American guy next door like Archie or come from money like the other douchey frat brothers that were at Cheryl’s party, you decided a one night stand was good enough. As long as you got the orgasms that you wanted.”
He can tell she’s angry and soon that Latin fire was going to be directed right towards him. But maybe a small part of him wanted to be burned - his insecurities flaring up from God knows where.
“How could you say that? You are such an idiot! Of course, I wanted to go on a date with you. I don’t just spread my legs for anyone.” Her voice is getting louder by the second too.
“Glad you made that clear enough when you snuck out of my dorm the next morning. No note, nothing!”
“I was getting us coffee and coming back! But then I got lost because we were drunk when we went back to your place.”
He throws up his hands. “Because I lived in a dorm and not some fancy apartment like this one. It never would’ve worked because I wouldn’t have been able to give you a luxury apartment looking at the New York skyline. You judged me the second you were sober and went running for the hills.”
It was a step too far. Veronica is angry but he sees the tears forming in her eyes. She stands up and she’s almost hovering over him, yelling.
“How dare you say that I was judging. As if you don’t judge everything now even though if it weren’t for me, you’d still be in that same dorm!”
Jughead flinches as if she’s slapped him but he stands up and almosts drops down into her face as well. “I didn’t ask for any of this! Or your pity!”
Right then, Betty and Archie come through the front door with horrified looks on their faces as they catch the tail end of the argument. His girlfriend’s eyes are darting between the two people that she loves and Archie looks like a deer in headlights.
“Fuck this,” he says and storms towards the room he shares with Betty.
He hears cussing in Spanish as Archie tries to figure out what’s going on in the living room while light footsteps are running after him. His fingers almost grab the door to slam it shut but he knew Betty was right behind him. Instead, he runs his hands through his hair and he’s tempted to rip some strands out while he’s at it.
“What happened, Juggie?”
His fingers tug at the strands of his hair again. He wishes he knew what the fuck just happened in there. Jughead shakes his head, not knowing what exactly to tell her.
“We were drinking, then she was telling me about something with Archie and next thing I know, we’re yelling at each other.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He knows they heard the last bit - that he’d still be a poor college student if it weren’t for Veronica. Sometimes he wonders why Betty is still around him.
“There’s not much to say, Betts. This is between me and Veronica. I’m going to get some air, take a walk.”
She’s biting her lower lip and he knows that she’s worried. “Okay, but promise you’ll be careful?”
Jughead moves towards her and brushed a curl back behind her ear. “I love you, Betts.”
He moves out of the apartment, hearing a still fired up Veronica and lets the door slam on his way out.
She moves into the kitchen in her pajamas and her hair in a high knot on top of her head. Archie is making breakfast, or trying to from the way he drops burnt toast onto a plate. Her eyes dart around but her boyfriend is nowhere to be found.
“Have you guys seen Jug?”
Veronica scoffs and butters her burnt toast, ever the sweet and supportive girlfriend.
Archie gives her a sympathetic look. “Haven’t seen him all morning, Betty.”
She looks to Veronica who takes a bite of her toast but remaining quiet. “He didn’t come home at all then,” Betty says quietly.
Just as Archie is about to say something, Veronica gets up and moves to the room she shares with Betty’s childhood best friend. She lets out a sigh, her heart aching that this isn’t just something that will blow over.
“We need to fix this, Arch. Did she tell you what happened?” Betty sits down and takes a bite of toast.
“Just that he made an offhand remark that triggered an old memory. Then we kind of ended up in bed all night.”
Archie laughs and shrugs. She wonders if it’s nice to be blissfully oblivious sometimes. No wonder why he was in bed with her all night. Betty has heard stories and she’s lived that night over and over again, countless times before because Veronica will sometimes tease her when Betty is a little stiff while trying to walk the next morning. And she also knows they never went out after that particular ‘old memory.’
“So what are we going to do? We won’t survive if the two of them are fighting the rest of the year.”
“Honestly Betty, I think we should let them work this out. It’s their past and they just need to talk it over.”
He claps her shoulder like she’s one of the guys and goes to his room. Betty cringes, wondering if they’re going to go at it again. And she doesn’t like the idea of them talking it over - that’s what got them to this point.
She tries to text Jughead again then goes about baking something for when he gets home.
A few stress baking hours later, Betty takes a hot shower and leans her forehead against the cool tile. All she wants to know is that he’s safe. Her hand moves through her wet hair, detangling it before starting to wash it.
The door opens and she knows there’s only one person it could be since no one else would come in if they heard the shower running. She looks over anyway and her heart soars at the sight of Jughead. There’s fog on the shower door but she can tell he strips off his shirt and pants before coming over.
Betty turns to face him and her heart breaks when she sees how much darker the bags are under his eyes.
“You’re home.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.”
She shakes her head and embraces him, lifting her head so their lips connect. Betty melts against him, her arms wrapping around his neck as their chests meet. He moves her up until he’s got her back pressed against the tile and deepens the kiss. She thinks that this will temporarily fix whatever is on his mind.
“I missed you last night,” she whispers as he kisses along her jaw.
“I’m sorry, baby. You know I love you, right?”
“Of course, Juggie. And I love you. Always will.”
He must accept the answer because soon she’s being lifted, her legs wrapping around him. For a man of words, she’s always surprised that he’d rather show her how he feels rather than saying them. It’s either soft kisses and slow, gentle love making or full of raw passion. It seems that this time it will be rushed kisses and quick movements.
She gladly takes it, wanting him to trust that he can channel and vent his anger with her, that she will be there to catch him when he falls.
His hands roam over her breasts as he enters her and Betty has never been more grateful that she went onto the pill because of moments like this. Her head tilts back against the tile as he quickly thrusts into her, fingers digging into each other’s flesh as their harsh breathing begins to become louder than the rush of water. She arches her chest against Jughead, the angle causing him to slip in deeper.
“Come for me, baby, please,” he whispers breathlessly into her ear before his lips move to the spot behind her ear that makes her body tingle.
Soon the fire starts to pool low in her abdomen as his teeth bite along her collar bone. All it takes to send her over the edge is the swipe of his tongue to ease the sting.
“Yes,” he moans out as she clenches around him. “Fuck, Betts.”
Once she’s done riding her orgasm out, he shuts off the water and moves them to their room and deposits her on the bed, climbing over her before Jughead starts to worship her body. Her nails are scratching his back and she briefly wonders if Veronica regrets missing out on this kind of attention.
The next day, Jughead leaves their room since Betty has taken up residence at their desk to study for a final. He’s starving from all the energy he used up and the emotional toll that his insecurities have left. As he gets closer to the kitchen, something clearly smells like it’s burning and Jughead makes a face as they get to the offending smell. “What are you trying to kill, Arch?”
“I was trying to cook something for Ronnie. She’s been…” he trails off before remembering that the two of them were currently fighting. “Sorry, man.”
He shrugs and reaches over to grab an apple since it’s the closest piece of nourishment he can get to without walking into the stream of smoke coming from the stove top.
“She’s pissed. I get it.”
Archie scratches the side of his face and looks towards his room with the woman in question. “Do you think you could just maybe, I don’t know, apologize?”
He blinks slowly at the redhead, taking a bite of his apple and chewing slowly. “If you think this will just blow over with an apology, you don’t know your girlfriend at all.”
Jughead tosses the apple into the trash then moves into the kitchen, pushing Archie out so he can salvage whatever it was he started to cook. With a disgusted shake of his head, he tosses it all into the trash and starts to make a giant pot of stew.
Nearly an hour later, a door shuts and he hears quiet footsteps coming down the hall. He figures it’s Betty coming out for a snack like she usually does after studying for a while. Jughead smiles after he stirs the contents inside the Dutch oven that is on the stove.
“Hey, baby,” he turns and drops the spoon onto the counter when he sees Veronica. She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at him. “Well, you’re not my girlfriend.”
“Starting up with that again? You don’t have to remind me,” she snaps and does the same thing that he did earlier by grabbing some fruit off the counter.
He sighs and leans back against the counter. “What’s the problem, Ron? You love Archie. Did you want to be my girlfriend?”
Veronica stares at him and he can see that fiery anger coming back. One day, he’ll learn to keep his mouth shut when it comes to her and certain topics. Especially concerning that night.
“Maybe I did.”
His shock must be evident on his face because she turns and grabs her purse then leaves the apartment. Jughead stands there, his mind reeling at the thought. How different everything would be.
“Juggie? Are you cooking?”
Betty moves into the room and she is all smiles until she sees the look of horror that he’s no doubt wearing. He shakes his head in disbelief before he runs to the door and grabs a coat then disappears out the door. Going down the hall, he quickly moves down the corridor but as he hits the down button for the elevator, he sees Veronica sitting on the stairs. The elevator dings but he stares until Veronica’s eyes meet his, her hand moving to wipe a tear away.
“Ronnie,” Jughead says quietly before moving to sit next to her. He sets his jacket to the side then angles his body towards hers. He licks his bottom lip and averts his eyes. “Look, I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Why did you say it?”
He shrugs. “Because it is one thing that I’m better at than him. Guys like Archie always get everything - the girl next door, the beautiful socialite, scholarships that don’t leave someone in crippling debt,” he pauses and looks up at his friend. “Guys like me don’t get that.”
“But you have Betty.”
“For how long? Until she realizes that I’ll never be able to give her a place this nice? Until she sees that I’ll be paying an absurd amount of student loans for the rest of my life and I can’t afford a ring to ask her to marry me?”
Veronica’s eyes soften towards him and she takes his hand in hers. “Betty doesn’t care about any of that Jug. She loves you because you’re you. You know how to take care of her in the ways that count and I know that for a fact because she brags about you all the time. Jug, you could live in a studio in Queens and she would be the happiest out of all of us because Betty would be there with you.” He watches as she faces him more directly and takes his free hand in hers. “That is so rare, Jughead.”
His eyes drop to their hands and he sighs. “My insecurities came full force when you brought up the Serpents. My past can’t ever escape me, even when it’s just a completely random topic about Archie.”
“I just wanted to talk to one of my best friends, Jughead. It wasn’t even that big of a deal and then suddenly we’re yelling at each other and that sucks. I will never understand what you’ve been through and things that you have to worry about, but you know that my life has never been perfect even if it looks that way.” Veronica looks down and takes a deep breath before letting it out. They’re still holding hands and it’s obvious that it’s a comfort for both of them in this conversation. They’re not exactly the two most open people in the household. “Sometimes I hate that I live in an apartment that my dad pays for, but it’s a good place for all of us to be together. I don’t want you to be one of those people who looks at me and thinks that everything is wonderful because you know me in ways that Archie nor Betty can as my best friend, even when it comes to some sexual things.”
She’s looking at him so earnestly and he nods, finding himself apologizing once more. He clasps her hand between both of his and looks straight into her eyes.
“I’m sorry, again. I love Betty and sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for her, but if you think I am, then I’m going to trust your judgment on that. If anyone else has her best interests at heart, it’s you.”  
Veronica doesn’t say anything for a few moments, so he removes his hand from hers and moves to get up before she grabs his hand again. When he looks down at her, her eyes are softer than he’s ever seen before.
“Jug, I have your best interests in my heart, too and I want to know that if I want to say something about Archie or anything else in my life that it won’t start a screaming match against us again. We can’t do that to ourselves or Betty and Archie.”
Jughead nods quickly and she stands up, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.
“I swear I won’t do that to you again.”
“And I guess I’m sorry as well,” she says and he can hear the grin on her mouth. When she pulls back, she looks up at him and that grin is completely erased from her face.
“Hey, so, before I came out here, Archie was trying to cook. In our kitchen.”
The look of panic on her face causes a laugh to escape his lips and he follows her into the apartment and through to the kitchen. He waits until they’re in there to point out that he stopped Archie from burning the place down and he made the stew still sitting on the stove.
“Is this your dad’s famous beef stew?” Veronica looks over at him with a smile, already moving to fix two bowls for them.
“Why yes, it is,” he replies with a laugh.
Veronica is just about to eat a spoonful as they hear arguing coming from the living room. They look at each other quizzically before leaning over the counter to see what’s going on.
“Betty, I told you to drop it. Let them figure it out on their own.”
They hear a huff and her voice raises slightly. “Archie, I can’t just let them work it out on their own. You didn’t see the devastated look on Jughead’s face when he came home yesterday.”
Jughead’s eyes widen mid-bite then he looks over to Veronica. He rolls his eyes then shakes his head lightly in a ‘no’ fashion even though he knows that the raven-haired girl sees right through it. She grins and mouths ‘devastated over me.’ He rolls his eyes again, knowing he will never live that down now even though Betty is right, he was upset about it.
“Arch, I love them both and I don’t think it’s healthy if we don’t interfere.”
Now they move into view for Jughead and Veronica. Betty’s back is to them but Archie is still oblivious that they’re there even though he has a straight shot view into the kitchen.
“And I love Veronica but I know when to not interfere with her moods!”
At this point, Jughead is over it so he motions to Veronica for them to just walk in there.
Once they both have a full bowl of stew, they move out of the kitchen and toward the living room to settle in front of the television. They’ll probably argue over what to watch, but for now, they’re going to enjoy the time hanging out together after their fight while Betty and Archie are being too stubborn to notice that they’re even in the same room as them, completely made up.
Written by J + R. J wrote like 99% of it… because she’s much better at arguments and drama than R.
Requests are still open! 
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Riverdale S4 Ep14 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Imagine walking into your house with nothing on and being found by your parents lmaooo that’d be so awkward…. at least Veronica and Betty look good (as always)
- Seeing Betty break down like this is so nice to see because it shows that she’s not as put together (or perfect) as they try to make her out to be, and that could have been an interesting plot for “Dark Betty” but they’ve pretty much run that into the ground with random bullshit that makes no sense so umm :(
- People were raving about “Veronica being a bad friend” (Even though she’s only ever been a good friend to B despite B treating her awfully) when all she’s doing is asking questions, as you should when you find your friend holding a rock that killed your other friend… But God this “perfect murder” bs is so dumb like??
- Betty, inviting Kevin back is even more suspicious because you never talk to him anymore lmao but sure 
- Archie really thought his mom knew about the murder somehow lmao???
- So ten minutes or so before the episode (for me) aired, people were saying Mary is bisexual or a lesbian or something without it being confirmed why would you guys get my hopes up please—
- Veronica going off 🥺🥺 Cami is such a great actress we love to see it
- God this faking Jughead’s death thing could have actually been interesting but they had to ruin it. Like there’s not even a clear reason what the fuck is even going on or why with the Stonewall Preppies. Like, is it all just to create “the perfect murder” because if so that’s so boring and dumb….
- NOW THEY BRING UP BETTY DROWNING CHUCK??? At least they didn’t make it sound like it was a good thing like last time. But I’m glad they kind of showed that Archie has also put Betty on the same pedestal Jughead has where she can do no wrong and she’s perfect, but Veronica, who’s actually seen the dark side of Betty, knows at least a sliver of what she’s capable of. I know they won’t actually tackle that or use it and make it an interesting, well thought out storyline, but a girl can dream for this show to have SOMETHING going for it.
- The whole reason why this storyline is so fucking boring and everyone wants it to be over with (not only because it’s only about Bughead and Betty like always) is because it makes no sense and it’s so over the top. It’s a shame they tend to destroy all the possibly good plots.
- Now Betty is lying to Charles… typical.
- If they actually made Betty be the one who killed Jughead that’d be incredible because she’s gotten away with so much bullshit and it would be such a twist. But the writers are too far up her ass so :/
- Someone actually beating Betty at “her own game” and bringing her down a peg? Love that, wish we saw more of it. The only few times we ever got it was when Sweet Pea rightfully called her out for using the Serpents, and Veronica when she finally stands up for herself.
- ARCHIE WAS ABOUT TO CONFESS NOOOO BETTY WHY. So we get a Barchie window scene but it’s Betty (who came out of nowhere like how would she know does she have his room bugged or something?) commanding Archie to not tell his mom smh Barchie’s were ROBBED
- Imagine Jughead’s dumbass telling his almost-sister girlfriend about his plan but not his SHERIFF father………… like the smartest thing would be to get his dad’s help and not some impulsive girl who never thinks before she does shit. (On this note though I’m making a Jeronica drabble/short story where Veronica helps Jughead fake his death and it’ll be much more interesting than this forced, cluttered bs so be on the lookout!)
- HOWEVER the Souphead and Jughead discourse is pretty interesting because we’re not sure whether they pulled a PLL (even though everyone hated it) by bringing in someone we’ve never heard of before and having them be the culprit (aka the “Jughead” who died), or if Jughead is actually dead and will start playing as Souphead (which would be really really good) (by the way, us Jerronica’s claim Souphead so um we can just alter our headcanon a bit if that’s the case)
- Betty stop pretending that your mom and your future step dad are dumb… just tell them what happened Jesus Christ
- Veronica 🥺🥺🥺 I feel for her because my mom’s in a somewhat similar position. Oh… he wants her to get along with Hermosa??? Maybe his illness is real because I was thinking he was gonna be like “it would be nice if you stopped going against me” which would obviously be a fake out but he chose to ask her to get along with Hermosa instead……… interesting……..
- DON’T TELL ME BETTY’S DUMB FUCKING ASS DIDN’T HIDE THE ROCK WITH HER AND JUGHEAD’S DNA ON IT?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? And you call Betty the detective lmaoooooooooooo If Veronica was in charge this wouldn’t have happened lol
- CAN YOU JUST LET BETTY GET ARRESTED SO THERE’D BE AN ACTUAL INVESTIGATION INTO THIS BULLSHIT?!?!?! Also not Charles, an FBI agent, lifting up evidence they’re switching in plain view…
- THE STONIES RUINING VERONICA’S CHANCE AT COLLEGE?!??!?!? BITCH PLEASE WHY ARE THEY DRAGGING VERONICA INTO THIS?!?!? Suddenly it’s not Hiram, but the preppies………??? God I’m so sick of this
- Veronica is such a G like Betty has treated her like trash and she’s still here for her. Also, every time Veronica comes into the plot with a plan it’s always thought out well and she just… always comes through but Betty is the girl with the plan??? make it make sense luv
-  If they make Charles in on it for some reason or some how that would be interesting but really sad because I like Charles and Falice deserves better.
- If Donna is the one who actually hit him, wouldn’t there be her DNA on it too???
- BETTY MAKES ARCHIE GO?!?!!?!?! GOD POOR FP THOUGH NO— lmao so people just let Bret and Donna go up to the door okay…….
- Imagine if they actually handled Jughead’s death storyline well and made it enjoyable and interesting, imagine how great it could have been instead of this forced, boring bs sigh
- The fact that they don’t let Veronica mourn Jughead smh… also can we stop with the fucking infuriating detective!Hermosa we already have Betty and that’s awful enough.
- So now Betty only wants to get rid of Donna and not Bret??? Fucking WHY??? This isn’t about her being better than sleuthing and being a bitch than you, Betty, this is about Jughead, your step-brother boyfriend. Also, Betty you ain’t scary or badass and never (scary, she has had SOME badass moments) have been
- Hey, Betty’s wearing Jughead’s jacket… that’s low-key cute but you didn’t hear that from me.
- Why they put Varchie together in one cell and Betty in another?? lmao what—
- So I think Archie did tell his mom, and now the parents are in on it and the arrest is just to make the preppies think they’re safe/slip up… anyways thank God that’s over
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jandjsalmon · 7 years
Oh ye who's wise on all things bughead, can you please recommend me some good angsty, bughead fics. And by angst, I mean heart-wrenching, gut-twisting angst -- I wanna get deep w/ my emotions. Thanks B 😘
OOOkay - so I have to apologize @jeemyjamz for taking so freaking long to get back to you with this angsty list of fics. I also had THREE Anon requests asking for the same thing and I think because of the enormity of the ask - I felt like I couldn’t answer anyone’s asks because I have a brain block when it comes to deep devastating angst. Seriously - angst is hard for me to rec because I don’t generally read fics that will destroy my heart. I usually like flangst - fluffy angst (or angst with a happy ending) - especially when it’s plot driven - or super fluffy one shots. Too much angst hurts me - and it bleeds into my real life. (Like that couple weeks in April when we had to get through the 12 chapters of Long Live Rock. I was insufferable at home. Thought my husband would divorce me. I was short tempered and weepy. Poor Salmons.) 
But  - because I suppose I should try to keep my reputation as someone who reads a little something - here are some fics that aren’t FLUFFY and are various levels of sad that I can rec:
Firstly, I feel like I should point out that aside from the 12 chapters of Jeronica that is smushed kinda in the early middle of Long Live Rock by @ficmuse - that fic isn’t actually that angsty. It’s more of a plot driven, magic fest of campy awesomeness. That is solely why I’m not linking it on this list.
Nextly - I know I said I don’t read angst often - and this story is probably a good illustration of why. The Tales of an Endless Heart series by @lessoleilscouchants is freaking AMAZING and has literally cracked my soul open into little itty-bitty pieces a’la a horcrux. Where the fic sits now - we’re kind of on a not as angsty slide upwards (I hope permanently) but dude… literal, wet, fat, devastating, and heartbreaking tears fell down this fic reccer’s face during this series. So if you’re into masochism (like Juggie in this fic) you should read it. Seriously.
Also - my girl @lusterrdust knows how to break a heart or two. If her fic out of nowhere (and in fact - BOTH of her Somewhere in Time fics) doesn’t fail to destroy your heart, then you’re not a person. red sunrise is all about the end of the world and how scary hopeless it can feel being chased down by zombies while searching for the love of your life. And seriously heed the trigger warnings on drown because it freaking HURTS.
And let’s talk about dear @gellbellshead - who usually writes cheerful things. Well, she brought us Don’t Leave Me as well. Freaking tearfest of a story. Thanks for that, dear.
Along similar lines - but not quite - we have a doomed soulmate fic by the ever lovely @juggydunes. To die by your side (Is such a heavenly way to die) doesn’t just have a clever name - we’ve convinced her to continue with another chapter… so that’s pretty spectacular, I feel.
Then there was a fic I came upon this afternoon by @betsjuggiecooperjones which didn’t have a name but was a Missing Scene between episodes 11 and 12 that was just so super good and mostly sad but then happy at the end (see how bad I am with the solely angsty stuff?)
Same thing with one of my most favourite stories every by @camelotskingz Your Eyes Look Like Coming Home starts out pretty freaking angsty… but there is some reprieve at the end. I mean - it’s cute and super clever - but there are a few scenes in the middle there that I felt my heart was being ripped open… so I think it fits the bill. Not to mention To B.C. I Still Love You is pretty much one angsty ‘throw-up on someone when you’re kissing them’ ride of pain. It’s one you should check out - if you haven’t already. (who am I kidding - I’m sure you’ve checked it out!)
Here’s one from the VERY early inklings of the fandom - it’s called Polaroids by AugustApollo - and it’s technically unfinished… but the two chapters that are there are pretty stand alone as they are. It’s so so good. It was in the first fifty entries or so on my big ass spreadsheet that I started in March (!) and my answer to whether this fic was gonna be epic was a big old YES - so I promise you’ll like it. And it’ll hurt you. But it’s so well written. Maybe if more people review it, we’ll get more polaroids of their life, you think?
Heartfelt by absurdvampmuse is a post Juggie’s birthday fic of pain… but pretty much any fic regurgitating the painful things Juggie threw at Betty in that garage is the epitome of angst for me - this one was just really great. I guess it’s not doom and gloom rip your heart out angst - but it’s definitely not fluffy.
Even Still by @peacelovebughead​ freaking crushed me. So I’m counting it as an angsty story - even if it has a happy ending.
Then of course there is As I lay Dying by @avenuepotter​ - which is a retelling of Hamlet… so of course it’s not gonna have a happy ending for anyone. But while it’s angsty af - it’s also clever and I’m never one to turn down a good Shakespeare retelling.
And lastly (for today) there is this one… There Was a Garden by mona_chopsis_0 - Until this afternoon, I had never read it but holy hannah on sunday! Where the hell have I been and what rock have I been living under? - because this is a freaking FANTASTIC fic - and yeah, it’s angsty - but also it doesn’t make me want to die from the pain a the end so more people need to read and review it. Seriously. AND I know I know the formatting it terrible. Whoever decided that BEG you to read this story and ignore the uncomfortable formatting - because it’s FREAKING GOOD. Like so super good. Read it and review it! 
Okay - I’m calling it a day on this rec list for now. There are SO MANY MORE fics to rec - so if anyone else has favourite angsty fics to share - please please reblog with the links for all of us - because even though I’m going to hate myself for saying this - I could always do with more fic to read. lol. Love you, my dear, wonderful, and awesome Bughead Family. 💙💛
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