#a little rant ish thing
wren-kitchens · 7 months
mildly frustrated at how many 'we need to talk about lizzie more' posts ive seen and the distinct lack of actual posts of art or writing about lizzie that ive seen cross my dash
like guys i thought we wanted to talk about lizzie and not the fandom's problems when is that happening
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sainzinnorris · 2 months
nico rosberg is obsessed with lewis 😍😍😍
of course he is. they met at the age of 12/13 ish and have been friends for two decades. they've been friends for almost as long as they've been in the sport. they were friends in their very formative years. although the sport brought them together, it doesn't mean it was just the sport alone that held them together.
they were kids too. they were competitive in everything. from racing to see who finishes pizzas first to making promises under the grecian skies of being in formula one together. lewis went from watching nico's debut monaco gp in 2006, to actually getting their shared podium in 2008, the famous cool down room hug and the sheer content in their eyes.
nico rosberg fundamentally shaped lewis hamilton and vice versa. it's undeniable no matter how many times lewis refuses to say his name but leaves presents for nico's daughter. no matter how many times lewis physically dodges out nico and sneaks away , he'll always know about nico's retirement because nico had texted him about it upon which they had a little chat about.
so of course nico knows lewis. how lewis is as a person, as a driver and a world champion. so he knows the exact corners where he loses time, his racing style, what he's comfortable with, and how he's literally the ❛ greatest of all time . . . ❜
so he's entitled to criticize and praise lewis however he wishes because he knows him. he knows lewis both objectively and subjectively. the reason why nico's opinion weighs in heavier is because of their shared history that was beyond the sport. he will always be his best friend irrespective of the potentially irreparable damage, their history runs deep and is etched into their hearts forever.
so if he wants to run a fucking show about everything lewis, he's entitled to do so, without any criticism from anyone..😐
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invinciblerodent · 5 months
and another very small, very minor entry on the list of Things I'm Getting Just a Tiny Little Bit Miffy About Seeing Repeated (Not Angry Just Ever So Slightly Annoyed)TM:
dnd elves do, in fact, mature at the same rate humans do. they're not "like children" or "not considered full adults" until they hit 100- not to anyone other than other, older elves.
like I get where the thought comes from, I fully understand it, I've read many of the source materials myself, I've read Mordenkainen's and see where the misunderstanding comes from, but... to a human, or a tiefling, or anyone else shorter-lived than an elf, a 50-, 60-, 90-year-old elf is just like a 50-, 60-, 90-year-old of their own race would be. they just look much younger than their age, and act in accordance with their personality, which is.... much less tied to someone's age than many may think. (I mean, have you never met a 50-year-old who seems just staggeringly immature? a 20-year-old who is wiser than their years would allow? have you never been to a retail establishment???????)
it's only the other elves who view a younger one as emotionally immature, and that's mainly because they have yet to bury their first generation of friends and loved ones: something a shorter-lived person only has to do once, while elves may very well go through several cycles of that in one lifetime. They have also not yet had their Drawing of the Veil, when they stop being able to access primal memories, memories of their soul's previous lives, but it's mainly the "all my once-powerful and vibrant friends are now frail and dying from old age, and yet here I remain, as young, strong, and beautiful as the day they met me, untouched by the inexorable crawl of time, what is mortality, what is death" thing.
if the people of Faerun in general thought of a 40-year-old elf as immature, as if they were a child, Astarion would have just patently not been an appointed civil administrator and judicial officer (which is what a magistrate is) 200 years ago. like he could have of course been lying when he said that that's what he was, but taking it as the once-truth, nobody would have let someone they see as a child fill such a position of responsibility. It was, however, a perfectly mundane thing for a learned adult man, such as he was, to do. (what he may or may not have done with the power he allegedly had, the kind of person he was, and whether letting him have power was the right move overall, is pretty much completely irrelevant at this juncture. corrupt officials exist regardless of age, just look at the judicial system of any country today.)
an older elf like Halsin, their maturity is not just on a different level, it's measured by a different metric than that of a shorter-lived character.
it's hard to accurately roleplay or grasp something like this with our human minds, none of us have ever spoken to a 300-year-old after all, but.... a 100-year-old elf is not a "young adult", unless you're an elf yourself. If you're a human, they're just... an adult.
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cloudysfluffs · 3 months
Don’t listen to haters, everything ever spread about Vivzie was disproven. Your art is cute.
#WEIRD take man#first of all there are so many accusations about viv this is so unspecefic#also. no they havent?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ive seen so much proof. i see more every single day#i mean thank you. for the compliment.#but being critical about media (even media you enjoy) is a good thing.#its important to unpack how the creators beliefs influence the work they produce#disc horse#this is the first thing i saw when i woke up today and it baffled me so much that i couldnt sleep more like i planned lol#anyway. im not saying anyone cant enjoy the show(s). obviously i do A LITTLE if im making fanart#im not saying you have to drop a media if its creators are problematic. in facf i dont like that take#just remember you are not immune to propaganda and vivzies rac/ist/anti/semetic opinions are very much influencing these characters writing#and things like her (SELF ADMITTED) ra/pe fet/ish arent helping.#sorry. this is a rant ive been wanting to say for a while bur have never got to lol#im just so confhsed by what this person even meant??? some of the bad shit shes done is IN THE SHOW. its in there#you can see it. with your eyes . help#anyway again this is literally the first thing i saw when i woke up LMAO if i completely misinterpreted this ask lemme knkw#the assumption that ive just taken the word of a few ''haters'' and havent done my own research into this topic is kind of insulting#what did you expect me to say....??? did you think id just be like 'oh ok :3' ans blindly retract all negative statements
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goldxnfemme · 11 months
I find it very weird that people who consider themselves "advanced" in feminism feel so comfortable dissing what I'll put nicely as feminism 101, as if everyone has to go from 0 to 100 in a day or else it's all trash and fake
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frogwithastrawberry · 2 months
*spends hours on a drawing*
Wow! I'm really proud of this!
*shows it to someone*
'Why did you mess up ____?'
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ethereal-hollow · 1 year
Why does everyone who make "genetically correct" warrior cats make them brown, when domestic cats can be the most orange fucks on earth
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You're telling me my man Firestar isn't this orange?? Why should Firestar the orange cat be a black/brown tabby
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disorentedfae · 1 year
Funny thing, it actually cost farmers leads to grow organic food, and then they can charge more because it is organic.
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b0mblover · 5 months
low doesnt mean 0
By: J
Cw; denouncing (the christian one specifically) god.
Religion (its entirely about me and my mothers fights about religion)
Probablt dont read this if you’re religious, or do, your life.
your proof of a god- starts and ends at my birth- and his death
“your chances were so low they mightve well have been 0” “its near impossible that you were born perfectly healthy” -except i wasnt, it was 14% chance, not 0% there was still a chance- if theres a ball to gamble, then theres always going to be some kind out outcome, no matter the unlikelyness of it all.
“What do i have to do to prove to you that theres a god”
change the past, change the past, 
“you have no proof that hes not real”
if “he” were, why can i not see? why did that happen? why is life the way it is?
“If he isnt real then how did XXXX happen?”
because. there was the physical possibility, just as everything else, there was the possibility to become whatever i call myself at this point in time, there was the possibility to meet the people in my life, there was the possibility to be happy. My so called “luck” has nothing to do with it, your so called “god” has nothing to do with it, to be harsh, however, “everyone is unique” sure, lets go with that, youd say the exact same line with any other people- as long as they were vagely good people, even if they werent, you said it still then. “The you dont value them” i love them, no matter what? of course i don’t believe that they’re replaceable, ive already learned, however, theres no such thing as “the perfect friend group” for anyone, sure, some can be much better or worse, but as you said “everyone is unique” so, if theyre all different, you cant compare then to each other- theyre separate people, with completely different lives, you, as an outsider in my life, have no say of whos better in my life or not. 
If your so called “god” is real, then why is this low-end still manipulating me? -次
(funny thing, i wrote so many more tags than whats showing up- apparently theres a tag limit!)
#A little treat for the people who scroll through my blog since im not linking this to anywhere#yes i put j/次 in twice. its because how i format. this was supposed to be a drabble in my notes app. sometimes i just need to have it wrote#that i wrote it. to feel real or whatever#fun ish fact! there was a low % of me being born. and my mother loooves using that as a “god is real” argument.#literally ignoring what a % means. like maybe id vagely believe you if it was 0 but it wasnt??#sho if your some how reading this#Hi#and sen whos probably reading this?#Hi bae#god theres so much shit on my mother that i could just expose#yk might make a thing on that. itd be funny#(chill she ruined my entire and i mean literally my entire life. i couldnt give a damn about her feelings. she deserves it)#why do my fingers smell like caramel atm??????#ive just been laying in bed??? we dont even have caramel????#god i love ranting in the tags#did you guys know that im veeeery gay and have a crush on [redacted]?#yk what might aswell post my life update in the tags#Tw! my entire life#basically i have a crush on one if my friends. which is already painful enough for me bc my mother teases me about if i do and i keep sayin#that i dont bc i didnt. and i do now so i cant let that slip. anyways. theyve been showing up in my dreams more and more. literally this#and its kinda embarrassing? bc i really hate being in love (ik shock to someone probably) its bothered me allll of my life#and usually id just yk ~confess~ and get the feeling to go away over time#but it isnt going away and no way in hell am i telling them bc yk. were friends. and i sure as hell dont wanna ruin that or make them#uncomfy. so whenever i talk to them i feel all weird bc yk. i dont wanna fuck up and flirt with them or smth (even more annoying bc i#normally flirt with my friends even if i dont like them romantically) so i just dk what to say to them. bc i obviously wanna talk to them#but i get a pit in my stomach. weve talked for months idk why i feel like this now#plus idk how to get rid of the feeling. someone just bash my head in already please.#[redacted] im so sorry. for everything (shut up with the “you did nothing wrong” idc if i did or not) (scratch that. it goes for everyone)#the urge to post my main on this is consuming me but i wont bc… well uh 🧍 ~things~#J’s misc shit
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tyrantt00 · 5 months
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Slither wing
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*clasps hands*
...So do I need to actually introduce this AU or can I just launch right into it-?
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soarrenbluejay · 3 months
Supervillains for a community. (Well, except those jerks over in Gotham, insular lot, but they’re they’re one problem) Of course they do- supervillains are a group defined by strong opinions and a willingness to see them through, often with a healthy dash of societal failures and trauma as a catalyst.
The fentons, while not active even on the online message boards, are well known and explosive when they do show up, full of fascinating insights and hours long rants on mad science on hair pin turns courtesy of that ADHD attention span. Bit of the cryptids you feel honored to bump into kind of deal. Besides, like a good quarter of the community as it aged, they’d settled down and had kids (not necessarily in that order) and taken it very seriously! Out in the middle of nowhere, where even the most fearsome government outpost members, the local branch of the IRS, quake before them in fear. Out of the way.
Reveal gone okay-ish, Danny moves to Gotham still to get some air bc now things are Akward and he landed that engineering scholarship which is loads better than any other college would give him with his track record. So- the mysterious Fenton children are finally crawling out of hiding! Everyone is psyched! And roll in to Gotham en masse to witness the fireworks!
Except Danny is Determined To Be Normal. He’s had enough of the throwing himself into harms way shit for a lifetime- he wants to be free to peacefully built Rube Goldberg machines and unintentional increasingly complex bombs to his hearts content. JAZZ, on the other hand- the coveted token Normal One, has finally snapped! She’s watched her baby brother she practically raised throw himself into danger over and over and could do nothing, and now that she’s exposed to this whole network of superheroes outside of small town Amnity, some of those uglier emotions are coming out. And boy is she pissed! And can’t afford to show it much while filing the paperwork to have Arkham legally razed to the ground!
See I love this idea of like, niches in superhero society. A villain the heroes know they can plop their kiddo down with for an exciting afternoon brawl while they take care of a particularly grisly case and come back to a few hours later ranting about some new life lesson and a new move they really want to try. A villain who has a functioning moral compass despite their somewhat batshit long term goal and you can contact to fuck with another villains’s plan so they can laugh at them and you can have an easy afternoon. One who pries up hostile architecture and fills in pot holes, idk man. Get creative here, there’s such potential!
So Jazz becomes a Training villain- someone the heroes know their sidekicks will walk away from in a fight 100% of the time, usually with some new lesson to ponder and only a couple of bruises. Sometimes even snacks!
She also absolutely ambushes mentors to check that they’re worth the kiddo, which they appreciate once they get over being jumped in a dark alley by a 7 foot Amazon trained force of nature. They are not used to being on that side of the jumping, it’s a little unnerving.
(Yes, she low key adopts Shazam upon checking in with him on cursory ‘is the main hero of this city and asshole’ checkin. Yes, the super clones get yoinked out from under Superman’s negligent thumb to go have a blast with Ellie. What about it?)
This however only encourages more assorted weirdos to crawl out of the woodwork. It’s not often one of their own forfeits their potential spot for the running of the coveted Most Normal I Swear prize, but when they do it’s bound to be good! But jazz is off hounding various heroes and punching the faces in of pedophiles and shit whenever there’s no cape within easy reach, and so is a mite bit harder to contact than Danny, who has innocently gotten an apprenticeship under a clockworker for access to their workshop and is gleefully going about doing nerdy shit with great abandon.
Plus this is Gotham. No one gives a shit if someone in the Mad Alchemist uniform and still smoking from their latest experiment pokes their head in a window to bother the local shrimp teen- none of the usual social rules apply, everyone’s crazy here! So everyone drops any and all attempts at masking and just acts their genuine unhinged selves, much to the alarm of the Bats and frustration of Danny.
Bc he cannot get these mfers to go. Away. Even liberal use of the creep stick has little effect when the interloper is calibrated for an opponent with super speed or laser vision or whatever, and he’s trying to maintain his guise as a Normal College Student Do No Investigate.
So he calls in the big guns. He’s not super active in the supervillain kids group chat ever since things in amnity calmed the fuck down post becoming King and then immediately using a loophole that says he will not take the throne until he is grown, as defined by finishing learning his trade a la the medieval standards Pariah set up. So he can just take his sweet ass time with his graduate degree and out of inter dimensional bull shit that much longer! Point is, he hasn’t taken the chance to rant over there in a while, so his Crazy friends are getting a lil worried.
The change to come over and shout at their batshit crazy but (mostly) well meaning parent AND see Danny? Score!
The bats, however, are getting awfully suspicious about this one kid that villains from all over the country are flocking to, especially young and upcoming ones as of recently! And he’s acting his engineering course- all the worst rogues are known to have flown through their PhD studies prior to Cracking. They seem to have a real problem on their hands with this Fenton guy.
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Here's a lil idea that I simply do not have the time to make a full fic of, but I gotta get it out or it won't leave me alone.
Steve thinks he's in a happy, fulfilling relationship with Eddie, while Eddie's insecurities have him believing he's just a place holder for the future Mrs. Harrington.
It comes to light when Steve does something cheesy and romantic and Eddie, not able to handle it because it's too romantic, tries to joke about it like "why would you bother to put all this effort in just for me?"
And Steve like "what do you mean? You're my boyfriend and I wanted to"
And then Eddie like "yeah, no, I know that. I just don't understand why." And then he goes on a little self-deprecating rant, explaining all the ways he's not good enough for Steve, all while Steve just stares at him, brow furrowing more and more as Eddie speaks.
When Eddie finally runs out of words, Steve says, "I don't understand? What have I done to make you think this?"
And Eddie kinda blue screens. Because Steve hasn't done anything to make Eddie think this; he's been a perfect boyfriend. It's just... it's inevitable, isn't it? That Steve'll move onto to bigger, better things? Eddie says as much.
"Because it's- because you're Steve Harrington!"
Since Steve's brow can't possibly furrow anymore, he starts to frown now. "I still don't understand?? Why did- do you think I'm just going to be going through the checkout at Melvald's and just decide I want to marry some random woman instead of being with you?"
"What? No. It's not- I don't think you'll intentionally decide you want someone else more just randomly but, like..."
"There's no 'but' here, Eds. I asked you out because I want to be with you. You said yes because, I assume, you want to be with me, too! Was I wrong to assume-"
"NO! No! I do want to be with you!"
"Then.... you think I don't want to be with you?"
"I didn't say that."
"Sorry, it felt like you were implying it. So. If I haven't done anything to make you think I don't want to be with you, and you just said you want to be with me, then what... I don't understand where these thoughts have come from. Have you- were you just going to go through our whole relationship waiting for something bad to happen?"
And Eddie can just look down and shrug because, well, yeah. He had been thinking that. He has been waiting for the other shoe to drop. And now they're having this conversation and he's ruined Steve's sweet, romantic gesture with his own bullshit. So, even if the shoe wasn't going to drop before, it will now, because he's gone and fucked it up by putting his insecurities onto Steve and-
"What can I do to help you believe I'm in it, for as long as you want me?"
Eddie looks back to Steve then, because that's not what he expected to hear. "What?"
Steve steps closer, the furrowed brow and the frown gone, replacing it instead is the sappy look he catches on Steve's face every now and then, when Eddie's doing something particularly Eddie-ish. "Tell me what I can do to help you believe in this. In us. And I'll do it. Every day until we die."
"Steve," Eddie warbles out, surprised by his own watery voice. "I-I'm sorry. I-"
"Hush," Steve says, gentle and sure as he takes Eddie's face in his hands. "No apologies. I get it, so you don't have to apologize. Just. Talk to me, okay? Because I'm not holding out for something better. Not when you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Besides Robin."
"Besides Robin," Eddie agrees, nodding his head as much as he can in Steve's grasp. "But, uh, things like this. This helps." He gestures at the romantic candle-lite dinner slowly getting cold. There are flowers in a vase, and a cheesy little Garfield plushie sitting on the table, leaned against Eddie's wine glass. It's a Tuesday night in June and nowhere near a birthday, or holiday, or anniversary. Steve's just made him a sweet, romantic dinner just because.
"Oh good. You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself by not doing this weekly," Steve whispers before placing a kiss to Eddie's forehead, nose, then lips. "Now. Let's eat dinner before it gets too cold."
And it might take a while, for Eddie's insecurities to fade, but Steve keeps being Steve, which means perfect if not a little snarky, and then the next thing Eddie knows, it's been several decades and Steve will walk with him hand in hand to the courthouse and stand in line for hours to quickly get married. (They'll spend another two years planning the actual wedding because Eddie's dramatic and Steve's a perfectionist.)
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frmisnow · 2 months
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—🐟 ‧₊˚ — : " you are so mean !! "
summary. just a collection of fluffy (& suggestive) moments that could've been a whole fic... but didn't become one!
notes. *insert tiktok audio: did you miss us? cause we missed you* i've been wanting to write quite often since me taking a break but the weeks have been TOUGH- regardless i did rly miss all of you ;( hope you enjoy this lil bf! bf! bf! jungkook drabble headcanon-ish thing (?) as a makeup gift for me being gone!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
warnings/includes. the most teeth-rotting boyfriend kook there is rly, two very very in love individuals!!, suggestive (making out & hickeys mentioned), drunk
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✧˖ #001. A WISH 4 TATS & ALCOHOL = A MESS.
"this is a horrible idea," you mumbeled as you both stumbeled into another darkly light street, "i got this," jungkook hummed, carefully examining the road to the nearest tattoo shop google maps suggested on his phone.... which was upside down.
"jung- that's not right," shaking your head, turning his phone around, his mouth opening and closing again, "oh"
"you're so smart!" he squeezed your cheeks together, creating one big large pout, placing a quick peek right after which of course turned into the both of you manically making out, leaning back onto the graffiti-filled dirty street wall, the taste of alcohol blatantly evident.
whenever a person would walk by, jungkook would momentarily stop (still holding your face) but turning around and mouthing a quick 'sorry', doing a big ass bow to highlight his apologies- the person would just walk continue walking faster to get out of this alley (and the both of you)
you'd give him a tiny slap on the head murmuring something about him being stupid which he'd dramatically pout about (and probably kiss you to prove you 'wrong' which was just an non-sensical excuse really).
safe to say you woke up the next days with two super cheesy tattoos grazing both of your thighs and a whole lotta hickeys!
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work was shit literally. the days were tough to the point where the only thing you were looking forward to at the end of the day was seeing jungkook.
ever since your work has been loading you with more & more labour, you could tell he always tried to show up earlier than you, it was in his best efforts to greet the exhausted you, open the door with the widest smile and instantly tightly hug you.
today was no different- at least you thought, in fact it turned out that you completly forgot about your own birthday, leading to you being even more surprised when you walked in directly to an even more wider-smiling jungkook then the usual, holding about five pink ballons.
a rather... messy cake delicately placed on the desk, light-up candles grazing the very very colorful dessert, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" he yelled out, the large grin never making it's way off his face.
"you're so old," he babbeled jokingly, the second he saw your watery eyes immediately embracing you, mumbling something about 'i didn't mean the old-thing anyway' which made you smile again.
so the night ended with the both of you eating the surpisingly well-turned-out cake together as he listened to you rant about how shitty your boss and work place was, nodding along and grinning at some of your comments.
something in his gaze was so loving and always attentive- certaintly this was one of the best birthdays you had.
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✧˖ #003. YOU ARE SO MEAN!
"one more beer and i might just say you are developing an alcohol addiction," you perclaimed, taking the glass out of jungkooks hands (that were dramatically holding on for dear life) with a little bit of force, in response getting a loud noise of dissapproval from his direction.
he rested his head on the desk, eyes still open, examining you carefully, "don't say that!"
"oh i will," you bopped his nose sarcastically, your tone more sassy than serious, taking a sip of the beer that you now declared yours.
jungkooks face disappeared into his arms as fast as it was visable in the first place, a whiny mumble being heared through the hair that was in your view: "you're so mean"
you could firmly hear the pout in his voice which made you smile when you responded: "and you are very tired, let's get you to sleep"
leaving the beer on the kitchen table, you used your whole power to lift the grown man of the chair (who was now just as desperately like before fighting back), whines and tiny groans being heard through out the kitchen as you lead him to the bathroom.
"i didn't mean the mean thing by the way," he muttered almost inaudibly while brushing his teeth slowly, "no, i know" you ruffeled through his hair, wrapping your arm around his waist, the both of you looking into the mirror at the same time, the reflection making you both giggle.
"i'm never drinking with you again!"
"you don't mean that"
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sergeantkitty · 4 months
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Y'all, my man Lucifer just likes himself some duckies.
Anyway, feel free to read through my rant of why I think he likes ducks so much. SPOILERS for S1 Ep8 toward the end.
(Click image for better quality.)
So in case you don't know, there's this famous(ish) Christian story called "The Devil and the Duck". I'm gonna try my best to summarize it here.
This boy gets a slingshot as a present and decides to be a little shit and impulsively uses it to shoot his grandma's pet duck. This kills the duck and the boy feels extreme guilt. His stupid bitchass sister reveals that she saw the whole thing and holds the boy's guilt over his head (remember this phrasing for later) and makes him do her chores and stuff for him, using what he did as blackmail and a guilt-trip.
The boy for a while keeps doing his sister's bidding until he cracks under the guilt and exhaustion from all the chores, and in a break down he apologizes to his grandma, admitting what he did to the duck. The grandma then reveals that she saw what happened from a nearby window, and although she was deeply hurt by what the boy did, she still forgave him immediately. She says that she'll always love the boy since he's her grandson and that seeing his immediate regret was enough for her. She was just waiting for him to admit it, apologize, and stop letting his sister manipulate him.
In the story the boy represents humanity/any person, the sister represents the devil, and the grandma represents God/Jesus. The boy commits a horrific sin and feels immense guilt over it and the sister/devil holds the sin over his head and tries to convince him to do her bidding since the sin was so great that there's no way that grandma/God could forgive him. The lesson of the story's pretty obvious from there: don't let the devil guilt you with your sins into giving up and turning against God since God sees all your sins and faults and still loves you and forgives you anyway, so long as you apologize and repent for your sin against him.
I think Lucifer as we see him in Hazbin Hotel is placing himself both as the devil (obviously) but also the boy in the story. He's clearly interpreted more as a sympathetic, guilt-ridden figure. He surrounds himself with memorabilia of his greatest regret: the downfall of man (hence the apples and snakes.) Now keep in mind that I've highlighted the phrasing of "holding over [one's] head", well that's because that's the specific phrasing used in the story. Now look at Lucifer's hat. It has the snake and apple. Lucifer is LITERALLY holding his greatest sin over his own head and has given up on his dreams and happiness in favor of doing the bidding of his own personal devil: his depression. He's let himself whither away in isolation and gave up on trying to be a proper king for the people he granted free will to since in his mind they're all wretched sinners abusing that gift. All he sees is the bad side of humanity.
I think to him the duck symbolizes the dreamer still inside him, that bit of hope left in him, that hope that even though he's the cause of evil in humanity he'll still one day be forgiven and maybe even be let back into heaven. We see heavenly figures like Sera and Emily feeling clear sympathy for him in S1 Ep6. They don't hate him, they just fear earning the same fate. Even going into S1 Ep8 we see him decide to stop letting his depression rule over him and help Charlie redeem sinners. He's working to, in some way, repent for his greatest sin because, thanks to Charlie, he's seeing the good in humanity again.
Do I have any way of knowing if this is even REMOTELY accurate? ...No... but I like the thought of this being the reason behind Lucifer's duck hyperfixation, and I haven't seen anyone talk about this or bring this possibility up. Anyways, thanks for reading my little rant :3
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sand-jam · 1 month
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MORRO RANTING (through my old art)
the drawing above is like a year old?? most of the drawing that are coming are at least half a year old so just yeayea noticed i never posted these bad boys because i didnt have an account yet so im doing it now
anw thats morro with punk clothes because i thought he seemed punk-ish but mmm not so sure anymore but it looks fun
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^heres a little headcanon of mine: morro used to help out mystaké!! Basically the idea was that yknow how Wu was always off and gone on some journey at least in the earlier seasons?? So like what if he did that with Morro around too so mystaké had to look after him sometime?? IDKIDK honestly just like the thought that Wu isn't the only notable person in morros life so im headcanoning everything
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^ undecipherable sketches while brainstorming morro's training + first sketch i found of the aunt mystaké headcanon
feel like morro wouldve been a really creative kid with his powers (at least before the green ninja shit) and would be trying out stuff like the parachute or the little arm glider flappy flaps
theres also some familial sketches with Wu and Morro like the one where Wu cuts Morros hair because who else would yknow its all just headcanons
also really like the one where he jumps off the monastery mountain like a baby bird love that canon 100%
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^drawing i did mainly to practice my side profiles but also to play around with morros hair which is sometimes more of a mullet when i feel like it
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^old exploration of what if those weird eye things he has are actually burns
still draw him with these every now and then
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^this is the first ever time i drew him!! I think its more than a year old by now?? I think my art improved a bunch since then
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self explanatory
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^this ones from a few day ago
Really love wojira duo and I like the fact that their powers are different from the rest because they didn't come from the first spinjitzu master
I like to think that wind and water are more 'sentient' elements and the masters of them have to sort of listen and understand them?? ykwim?? I think Morro was more naturally attuned to his element so he basically trained himself because Wu didn't understand and years later when Wu trained Nya he just made her do the same stuff he saw Morro do
I think thats enough for now
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