#a lot has been going on mb bffs
madscientistreaction · 4 months
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cool guy with a sword
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sainamoonshine · 6 months
Re: Murderbot tv show
Okay so. I hope nobody gets mad at me for this post but given the following facts:
1) TV adaptations are like AU fanfics, they often have to change stuff for various reasons and while the bad ones just change it and keep the rest as-is, the good ones do the work of asking « okay but what impact does that change really have on the rest of the story tho? Let’s really explore that. »
2) we haven’t had a casting announcement for Overse and Volescu yet
I am thinking about a scenario in which the characters really have been cut from the story and how I would do that if I were them. (Not saying I think that’s what’s happening, I mostly think the characters just don’t have enough lines or screen time to count as « main cast » according to the rules of the industry so there wasn’t a press release abt their casting.)
So, cutting Overse from the storyline of ASR is fairly easy, she’s more of a background character until Network Effect. But Volescu? Now, Volescu can’t just be cut, he has to be replaced, because somebody needs to get talked up the side of that crater by MB at the beginning. (And then he only has a few lines and isn’t in the following books at all, so yeah he would be a logical character to remove, sorry!).
Anyway so you can’t replace Volescu in that scene with Mensah, because she’s coming in with the chopper. I want to see Ratthi almost get killed going back for the equipment so I wouldn’t consider him for the scene either, and I don’t think Pin-Lee would freeze like that.
A decent option would be Arada — who then could namedrop Overse for some fanservice that would make everyone angry, I guess — but I think the juiciest option, story-wise, would be Gurathin. Because then it would make all the viewers so fucking pissed that even after MB saved his life he still doesn’t trust it. Imagine the drama! The betrayal! You could really set up a lot of strong interpersonal conflicts and story arcs right there.
Aside from the obvious MB and Gurathin drama, would could have Pin-Lee replace Volescu as the one who helps him look thru MB’s code but she chooses to trust it instead; you could compare MB saving him at the beginning with it fishing Ratthi out of all those mud pits and how Ratthi decides he wants to be MB’s bff; etc. It would also set him up as a sort of « antagonist » that would explain why his casting was announced as playing « against » Skarsgård.
Anyway just thinky thoughts. Also I think it would be hilarious.
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tekutiger · 11 months
FFXIV Patch 6.51 !!
Good Gods a lot has been happening. I finally have a moment to stop and post something 😅
I've been tending to my own personal island, traversing a new island, braving a crazy new event that Manderville added to the Gold Saucer with these hyperactive beans?
I'll be posting a lot of screenies below, some potentially spoiler-y so... unfold the cut if you're interested.
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(I'm more or less posting these for sentimental/archival purposes but) Fall Guys Event!
Very anxiety inducing at first but once I got the hang of it, not so much, and rather fun 😎. Ngl though, I did stop queueing after getting all the glamour and pets I wanted, and reaching one win 👑
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I need to hop back in for a couple more things but my router is literally dying and I'm waiting for my ISP to come out to fix the issue first. A lot of people, including myself, are learning from this event that the snapshotting sucks. So, I'd really prefer to have my net fixed before attempting to queue more.
Oh!! Something I wanted to throw out there for people who don't want to run this a whole lot but want to put the Fall Guys furniture to use. If you just buy ONE piece of each thing, you can place multiple of that furniture item on your island. Go crazy and make a "fun space". I've been considering doing it, lol. Just food for thought 😋
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Island Sanctuary!
I'm not even remotely done here yet. I've hit Rank 20, got the Felicitous Furball glamour, and the 100k crowrie mount/bike, but there's a 200 Felicitous Voucher mount that is going to take agesssss to acquire. I've seen some people with it already. Likely bought the vouchers off the MB or traded with friends. The going rate for those vouchers on my server is 90k-95k each (atm). Buying all 200 of them would make the mount 19m (currently). I'll be patient and slowly earn them, lol 😋
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Aloalo Island!
Okay, I'll just be transparent here. I love the Variant Dungeons 🥰. Maybe Zenos wasn't wrong when he was blabbing on about how I'm an adventurer looking for a challenge, or a test of skill. I feel like Variant Dungeons do that decently enough to keep me in a good place (don't get rusty), but don't push me too much to be annoyed (*cough*fliptables*cough*). I'm not a raider- I'm not OP. But I do like a little push or a challenge here and there.
So, for me, I see these as fun, with rewards that are worth the time and effort.
I cannot say the same for the Criterion version of them however. I haven't done them and I see a lot of people raging over the terrible rewards. If it's that many people, it's worth looking into and from what I have heard, they're right to be upset.
If you need raid gear to do Variant Dungeon and the reward gear is under or on par with the raid gear that's needed to do it- that's a huge no. I don't have all the facts or experience to know first hand how true that is though 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Posting these 👆🏻 because this is my favorite path. I've always loved mimics and had this slight obsession with them since I played Ragnarok Online many years ago (my first MMO ever).
Silly little treasure chests, you're so evil and cute 💝
(Coulda sworn I got a screenie with the parasol but I cannot find it 🙃. Same with the new hair on my female bun... might edit it in later but probably not.)
Edit: (I'm editing one in at least 🙃)
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World of Warcraft: Retail (The War Within, Worldsoul Saga)
So, totally unrelated to FFXIV, but also related in a way... my BFF's BF talked her into playing WoW again, and she talked me into playing WoW again, lol (with the help of the cinematic). It's been FOUR years since I've played.
The reason I say it's "related in a way" is because I want to still play FFXIV at the same time and upkeep my FFXIV 'muscle memory'. I started doing the Loporrit Dailies recently - need to continue doing that. I still need to hit Series Level 25 in PvP - so I'll continue doing those daily. I need to continue getting my Island Sanctuary Felicitous Vouchers. And lastly, I began doing the weekly Custom Deliveries for Anden and Margrat. I intend to finish those for the Glamour and Mount. (It boggles my mind how people can say "I'm bored" in FFXIV. There's SO MUCH to do, always. Just admit that you're not bored, you're lazy 😑.)
If the muscle memory thing doesn't make sense, here's an example: It's when you drop/neglect one game for so long (let's call it Game A) to start playing another (Game B), that you completely forget the controls or lose the reflexes you once had for Game A, because you're too consumed living in Game B. I do not want that.
Just thinking about returning to WoW, I feel a bit overwhelmed. All of us used to play Horde for the majority of our gametime (my BFF and her BF, & some of my other friends who've quit). But before I quit, I was trying to make the permanent swap to Alliance (played Alliance for about a year). She's still playing Horde with her BF so I won't be playing with her unless I continue to play Horde. I'll need to find an Alliance server. It'll be cool if I can find a guild that has people who play both WoW & FFXIV. I need to look up which addons I'll need. I fear for all the crap I left in my inventory LOL.
But mainly. When I saw that new cinematic with Thrall and Anduin my heart broke. Anduin has gone through so much trauma in the time I have been away. All I could think about was "Wtf did they do to my King?" And now I feel like I'm crawling my way back and I'm over my head on how to do it. I need to know what happened to him.
(In BfA,) Azeroth turned into a joke and I was isekai'd away Anduin, I'm so sorry 😭. I'll bring some of the light back with me and give it to you, from Eorzea 💖
(FFXIV x WoW collab, when?)
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bigbangsmasher · 5 years
no mercy??? your hour of judgement has come. ✆ ✉ ☏ ⁇ ø ✘
From: ( •̀ ω•́ )
To: tsubaki y. (bff!)
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Sent at: 8:42 AM
> hey its gonna be noels birthday soon
> you noticed right?
> it’s kinda funny that she was born on christmas and her name is noel
> haha
> anyways they do this thing in cotes ward with like
> lanterns on the river
> i was thinking we could do that together
> in her memory or something
> not that shes dead it;s just
> you know
> feels weird shes not here
> anyways just text me ok? (`・ω・´)”
> btw sorry if i woke you up!! im just going for a jog and didnt want to forget
Draft composed at: 9:30 AM
> sorry i blew up about the ragna thing
> i know i cant say shit i wasnt here
> i just kinda like always thought it would always be just us
> i mean you and me and noel
> but i guess thats selfish huh
> hey what if i was here this whole time
> do you think it couldve been different
> i dont think im jealous but
> asljk;nsakl
Message not sent!
Sent at: 11:17 AM
> tsubaki tsubaki tsubaki o(^▽^)o
> i saw this sweater i think youd love let me know what you think!!
> Attachment: 2.32 mbs
> sorry that was a cute dog i saw
> Attachment: 3.01 mbs
> we could have matching ugly sweaters!!
> i know im a genius (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
> we should just have a big party and invite everyone
> hey isn’t it kind of funny that 
> like
> things are just kinda better here
> no fighting like back home
> no ones trying to destroy the world or kill us or anything
> its just nice to be able to enjoy life for once
> i dont think i couldve lived a life like this without you
> and noel too!
> did i ever tell you that?
> when i see you guys im just like
> aaaaaaaaaa
> sorry, it’s just been kind of an emotional week for me
> i’ll tell you about it later okay?
> you better love the sweater!! σ(≧ε≦o)
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Sent at: 5:35 PM
> yooo tsubaik what zis utp
> i vwent mto thwe chalice with vsome frirends iit was lit!!
> hhits onxe girl asys shse qa pharaoh shes great
> and thies other wguy is fkrom 200 ylears ago
> tlisten i didnit rwant tgo say it out loud ubt
> ji thivnk iyouve gotten bigger
> yin the boob depmetntra
> what was your szie agani
> ybou hgotta makhe sure you get thpe right bra size
> lets og shpopijng together okay?
> lil hdelp you find thee rignht one
> (。_・^)ノ
> (。^・)_qノ
> i cant dro ithe emioj im too frucked up
Sent at: 11: 23 PM
> i found a doujin with my face on it
> Attachment: 2.47 mbs
> is that bullet? yeah right lmao
> i mean shes not bad looking but no thanks!! (;-_-)/
> ragna is in this?????
> wtf
> im not a sub
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Sent at: 2:03 AM
> sorry to bother you i know its late
> but like
> im sorry i just
> ive been thinking about things
> like in this city
> i know stuff is a lot different here and things change
> its about ragna okay
> i mean i just
> i guess
> i
> i dont know
> i always kinda thought like
> i dont know
> i dont even know what i dont know
> lets get breakfast tomorrow ok? we can talk about it
No, delete that last bit.
> forget it its not important.
Delete that too. Tsubaki wouldn’t like her to think that.
What’s there to say? Maybe she should never have sent those texts in the first place. Makoto sighs, staring out of her window at the dark Spirale skyline. Tsubaki will answer before long, she knows, so she she has to say something.
> i hate feeling like this
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8eht · 6 years
q - u? :)
 q: how do you feel about collaborations?
i don’t have too much of an opinion on it, to be completely honest. im pretty particular about what i like reading though, so if their writing styles differ too much i won’t be able to enjoy it really.
with that being said, i give lots of props to those who actually collab w others bc im so picky abt my writing and have extremely specific ideas and if details aren’t described exactly how i imagined it in my head it causes me so much anxiety and distaste for it and askfhaskjfhasfkja. so it must really be difficult and i rly respect those are able to achieve that type of teamwork i could never tbh
r: are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
the first writer that comes to mind is tahereh mafi. i know her style is def not for everyone and neither is mine so sajkfhaskjf. feelinggenious on wattpad actually wrote a post about why they don’t like her style and expressed the reason being is that its “written in a chaotic, hallucinating-ish, journal style that’s oozing and overflowing of metaphors” and that ppl may find its a “lump of metaphors and horrid imagery” n binch thats exactly why i aspire to be on her level someday asfjhsfjhasfk. but i love it so much tho!! and thats exactly how i would want mine to be described as tbh
another person that stands out is tabitha suzuma. i’ve only read one book by her, but i remember ppl on goodreads reviewing it and saying its like 418 pages of poetry. she brings out so so so much emotion and all of her characters (even the younger children) are so three dimensional and they honestly felt like real people to me. the story is so so traumatic and hard to read, but i, at least, went thru so so so many strong emotions and sadness and happiness throughout the entire book. not many writers can do that to me and i admire her so so so so much. she took an extremely taboo subject and made it so you actually feel for the characters involved. i wont mention the book due to reasons but if anyone is interested u can message me or w/e!! 
and lastly, i mention her literally every moment of my life and she really is my biggest muse ??? i guess but its nicole dollanganger. she a songwriter which is technically a writer so i think she counts. not many ppl have heard of her bc she basically just came from bandcamp. but she’s been described as being like lana del rey but with way scarier and more horrific lyrics. i listen to a lot of her songs when i write to keep me going tbh. but i wouldnt rec her music to anyone who can be triggered by v*ol*nce and etc!! so keep that in mind
ask me more fanfic q’s!!!
s: any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
i love angsty bffs who are secretly in love with each other but are too much of stubborn and frightened buttholes they never say anything. so they always fight and get jealous and wow … im so weak for this d*mb shit. hmmm also practice kissing tropes and hurt/comfort and ajkdhaskfjasf. im boring ok i know this dont tell me
t: any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
ok so theres not many that i CANT stand, but theres a lot i literally have no interest in. i rly am against anything obviously problematic or gross. so theres that. but in terms of just popular tropes that im not into ??? anything paranormal (which is hilarious bc i love anything else paranormal n that includes books but for some reason in fanfics i just ??? cant do it.) however there have been a few that i love so i wouldnt disregard a fic completely jsut bc it has supernatual elements. i wouldnt disregard a dystopian fic tho maybe. idk wuts wrong with my brain and why it chooses some things and not others aksjfhasfkasf. but anything thats not everyday boring basic ass shit i usually cant get into it rip
so yeah. theres actually way more bc im so so so so picky af to the point where its disgusting brtywgasfjk
u: share three of your favorite fics writers and why you like them so much.
IM CHEATING !!! ok so instead of writers im gonna go w three of my fave fics bc thats easier for me.
1. letters (things unspoken) was the first fic i ever read that i really, really loved. its super heavy and so so sad so be warned if u wanna check it out. listen i didnt just tear up reading this ok. i straight up sobbed like a lil annoying binch and it really really broke my heart and wow. it involves d**th so. and its monsta x fyi
2. when i get weary of the sky is unbelievable. i havent read it in such a long time so i even forget a lot of it but i remember it being so incredible and well-written and asofhasufohas. im not gonna try to get into my reasoning bc as i said its been quite some time since ive read it and i dont want to give it an improper description. but anyway its abt pentagon!
3. desperate inhales;; relaxed exhales is shortish but its so good omg. im surprised it wasnt written by me tbh bc the author has a similar writing style as i do imo. its everything i could ask for in a fic i think. and wow its actually a svt centered fic amazing. which is wild bc 98% of the fics i read are seventeen related but yet 2/3 of the ones i mentioned are writers for different groups oops
idk why but i feel embarrassed if any of these writer have a tumblr and follow me but prob not and idek why i care but im such a shy awkward bean afhjksjkaf
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fuxmolders · 7 years
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request for bff/unrequited~~ def messy thing for marnie willow!!
okay lemme preface this by saying i'm one of the worst req writers known to man so this might be a mess. i'm gonna try and not ramble on but~~
marnie (emilia clarke) here is basically a gold digger. rather, a gold digger with dignity, if that makes sense. she doesn't go throwing herself around but she is in the market for an affluent man tbh. and always has been. she wants a better life. which means a more monetarily stable one. she gets by as a paralegal but like it's new york so shit ain't cheap and she grew up rather poor, so. she's working towards getting a law degree but ya know. more is more. she came thisclose to bagging one but it didn't work out. she's not the luckiest in love whether rich or poor tbh and she's almost 30 so time is ticking and all that.
anyways so guy here is her best friend. i imagine they grew up together, mb very close? next door perhaps? a few houses down? or they met at school? or if you want they could have met a little later in life. whatever works. but over the years guy has developed feelings for marnie. whether he's aware of them or not is up to you? but she's pretty damn oblivious either way. more centered around herself if you know what i mean. but they've been through Some Shit together, i'd say. so even if they're not talking because of some petty argument (probably happens more often than not), they always have each other's back.
i'd like to develop the plot more along the way so i don't want to dictate too much. the broad strokes are that he's not well off, or wasn't growing up, just like her. i kinda imagine he's either stuck in some dead end job, or he has a small business of his own (v small, not super profitable but not too shabby). he's just definitely not the person marnie wants to end up with. and he probably is v aware of that. it can be yikes. i like friction and angst A Lot so this won't be super fluffy, but they are bffs so ya know, it can be cute too.
he should be at least her age, mb a year or two older depending on what route you take w/ him. i'm not like super picky about faces so it's mostly open but just run that by me. if you have someone who would fit this you already have made, you can run 'em by me too. idk just i have a lot of feelings about this plot so?? pls do the thing. thx.
preferably hmu on discord @foxmulder#0699 if you’re interested!! best way to reach me!!
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Our tastes and likes are a funny thing. Growing up, we’re easily teached that all things fit in boxes: some things are for boys and others for girls, some things are to be liked at a young age and others are for a more mature person, between other stereotypical ideas. In my opinion, the real meaning of growing up is to out grow those teachings. As time passes we go through our life, we grow and evolve, everyone of us sees, hears, touches, does and feels different things. Each one of us has different timings in life and that’s ok. That’s why our tastes and likes are so diversified and that’s an amazing thing - how boring would life be if we all liked the same stuff at the same time. It’s also amazing to find those who do love the same things we love at the same time we do, it’s a great feeling of understanding and belonging. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to love (something or someone). I believe things come to us when we need then. And they never actually leave. I once read the expression “old like” (I think) here on tumblr - like something you used to like a lot and be super dedicated to but haven’t thought of in a long time - it’s not like you stoped liking it, your life just kept going and now you have other stuff as your main focus, but that old like is still part of you. I think that’s beautiful.
With all that said, I want to write a little bit about my relationship with k-pop, SHINee and, specially today, about Jong-hyun.
10 years ago, back in 8th grade, I was introduced to anime by my now very dear bestfriend - I owe a lot of my passions to her and how we shared them helped me a lot through some hard times in life, it still does, so, thank you girl. It was my first glimpse (and then great love) of asian culture. A few years later, in highschool, exactly because of our interest in anime and asian culture we were introduced and became friends with a girl that was crazy and intensely passionate about Korea and k-pop - she was always talking about it with such intensity, it used to scare me a little bit. Nowadays she lives and studies medicine in Seoul, I’m proud to say she’s one of my heroes and a great inspiration. At the time, because of her, I saw some k-pop MVs, I don’t remember the songs or the artists in particular but I remember Bigbang and Girls Generation were pretty popular back then. But for me it didn’t click. I was amazed with their dance moves but the music wasn’t really my style at the time and so I didn’t give it much thought. I honestly felt k-pop and k-music in general would never be of my interest because I’ve always been super connected to the music in itself (melody and lyrics) and I felt k-pop put it in second plan, and also because it was in korean and I don’t understand a thing. 
But, as it is said, never say never. 
Through this year I started to see glimpses of k-pop come to light in the media I use, mainly from american sources. It was BTS. I became specially aware of them after their UN speech. I had a curious reaction: even though after ckecking their music I didn’t become a fan, I was really happy to see them being sucessful and bringing k-pop to the table in this side of the world, and opening doors to many other artists, not only from Korea.
Little did I know that a few months after I would became extremily invested in the k-drama scene and interested in the korean culture in particular. I had been interested in k-dramas before but didn’t have enough time to actually go for it, but now, since I’m between adventures (aka jobs and traveling) and finally have some extra time, I did. After a few dramas, once again, my bestfriend pointed me in the Hwarang direction - it was the first one she watched and she has a gigantic crush on Park Hyung-sik - she indicated it to me after learning I have a gigantic crush on Park Seo-joon. It was while watching promotion videos for Hwarang on youtube that Minho caugh my eye and google let me know he was on a band: SHINee. So, a while after, when “Countless” by SHINee was on my youtube suggestions I check it out - and that’s when it clicked. 
I really liked “Countless”, the music is fresh and captivating, the video has great colours and a sweet aesthetic and the guys have distinctive voices. The fashionista in me also loved their style. I watched “Good Evening” - which has a fantastic art concept - and while enjoying the music it also made me want to see more of their dance. From there I didn’t stop. I went to my bff, since she has been into k-pop for a long time, and she mentioned “Sherlock”, “Juliette” and, of course, the classic “Ring Ding Dong”. I also checked “Replay”, “View”, “Your number”, “Tell me what to do”, “Everybody”, “1 of 1″, ... It’s amazing the different styles and rythmes on their 10 years old career. I became a fan!
Even if some of their older songs don’t really go with my current taste, I like them. They kind of make me feel like a teenager again and, in a way, I’ve missed it. I’ve been missing feeling like eveything is possible, like I can dream without caring to be realistic. SHINee made me feel free, I think that’s the best way to put it.
While trying to learn more about them and watching their MVs, I noticed someone was missing from the first videos I had watched, the most recent ones. SHINee is a 5 members band. That’s when I learned about Jong-hyun: the guy with the soft and startling voice committed suicide last year. He was an incredible artist and musician, super professional and dedicated, he wrote many (I think all) of his solo songs and some for SHINee (which isn’t very common in korean musical industry), among other artists. And from what I got to see he was also an incredible human being, with a warm and dorky smile, a great sense of empathy and always supportive and caring. I feel bad for only finding their music and loving it now, for only learning about his talent now that he is gone. But it brings me solace to know I am one more person to know about Jong-hyun and to not let him be forgotten. 
This click I had after listening to SHINee made me curious about other korean music and so I’m having a great time all around spotify and youtube listening to different playlists. I’ve found that there’s more to k-music than just the popular k-pop - it has been an interesting and enrinching experience. 
So, to SHINee and specially to Jong-hyun, for helping me into this new world, 
대단히 감사합니다
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