madscientistreaction · 4 months
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cool guy with a sword
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skellymom · 5 months
"Ballroom Blitz"
The Bad Batch Clone Fic Gift Exchange
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(Pinterest pic credit: Not Labeled)
 @hexerein SURPRISE! Here is your gift for the @cloneficgiftexchange ENJOY!
Used BOTH of your prompts:
"This is not a clone clubhouse." Appears in this introduction.
"I don't believe that is the proper use of delicate equipment."
Characters: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker and 3 female OC's to pair with them. Stayed away from the tropes mentioned that you didn't want used. Had these OC's dancing around in my mind for several months...and YOU gave me the inspiration to use them! Thank you!!!
Story is written in third person as I LOVE supporting characters and being omniscient about the surrounding environment, building it up like YOU are watching a movie.
Summary: Clone Force 99 visits a dumpy nightclub for "science". These guys can't stay out of trouble. Tech finds friendship, Hunter figures out a secret, and Wrecker falls in love for the first time.
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Swearing, fighting (no blood), explosion, fire, clone angst, sexual suggestion only.
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Dancers waited behind the stage for their cue scanning the club’s dance floor. 
A Chiss named Saxe remarked with a disgusted look as she spied numerous shiny's among the crowd, "This is not a clone clubhouse."  
Rueby rolled her eyes at Saxe and sassed, “Honey, I thought this was a clone WHOREHOUSE!” 
The other dancers laughed at the clap back. Most of them KNEW the clones enjoyed the woman, men, and the genderfluid staff genuinely, happy to lap up the attention, tipped handsomely, and brought their favorites gifts as often as they had GAR leave to visit. Plus, they were handsome, non-threatening...most of the time. Usually only did the occasional stupid thing, which the Republic covered for monetarily. 
However, there was the rare dancer that didn’t appreciate these men. Usually, the uppity, better-than-you types. Rueby shot a disdainful glance at Saxe who backed off. Saxe then exited the stage to relieve one of several cage dancers. 
Rueby took a deep breath and did her most inspiring power pose, psyching herself up for the next number.  
She made her entrance oozing sass and sex appeal.  Cat walking, swinging her hips and ass.  Kill you/fuck me eyes trained on the audience.  All 6 and 1/2 ft of strongly muscled dancer's frame with ONE mission in mind: TO SLAY! 
The seedy club flooded with patrons.  Officially over capacity for fire code and safety.  But the deadbeat owner of the Flushed Orchid considered this a suggestion and not a rule.  He paid off the authorities to stay open.  They looked the other way on fire codes, treatment of his dancers, dealing of spice/death sticks/sketchy backdoor tub liquor, along with other unsavory activities. 
Rueby gyrated and flipped her hair around to the eardrum splitting music.  Multicolored lights trained on her through the dark while she danced her heart out on the elevated stage. She LIVED to dance. The harder, louder, and dirtier the music, the better. A collective whoop went up from the crowd as she backflipped and ended up in the splits on the floor. 
Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech wandered into the club taking in the chaos.  
“Eh...if you guys want to leave; I have no problem...” Hunter wasn't really a fan of the lights, noise, crush of people pressing by, or the prospect of getting a beer spilled on him. 
“The Coruscant Guard HIGHLY recommended this establishment.”  Tech practically yelled over the din.  “I’m here to conduct RESEARCH.” 
Hunter wrinkled his nose. “Tech, this place is a DUMP!” 
“True, it’s not 79’s. My data gathering there is complete.  I required another study environment.” 
“WHAT WERE YOU STUDYING?”  Wrecker’s regular voice could be heard perfectly within the loud environment. 
“The pre-mating rituals of the general populace of Coruscant.”  Tech answered.  “Specifically, their affinity for meeting at extremely loud and crowded places that handicap their ability to communicate effectively.  In addition, to observe how the consumption of alcohol changes the degree of their deeply held inhibitions.” 
Hunter shook his head.  “Go head, gather ‘data’.  I’m going to the bar to inhibit my senses.” 
Tech made a beeline for the stage.   
Wrecker followed...then he spotted Rueby! 
A beautiful, strapping Zeltron woman, with ample hips, and a Calypgian behind.  Her smooth skin was a beautiful shade of passionate red. Wrecker heard of legends regarding woman warrior giantesses.  Women almost as large as himself.  Probably even strong enough to sweep him off his feet.   
And she was hanging upside down off a metal pole, sensually caressing her deep indigo hair. 
Wrecker followed Tech through the crush of gyrating bodies on the dance floor.  They could only get 20 feet from the stage. 
Tech was too busy being IN the crowd, watching the “pre-mating ritual” of the people around them. 
Wrecker was entranced.  Rueby was now SPINNING ON THE POLE and holding herself horizontally off it with minimal effort!  While wearing stiletto boots.  
Rueby DEFINITELY noticed Wrecker.  She smiled right at him and released pheromones in her excitement. 
Honestly...this was a FIRST for Wrecker.  He usually noticed food, bombs, and the infatuations of his brothers.  For himself...it just never seemed to be the same. 
Until tonight.  Wrecker was experiencing an AWAKENING. 
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Meanwhile, at the bar, Hunter flagged down Tipsy, the Twi ’lek barkeep.   
“What’ll it be Handsome?” She usually flirted playfully with the patrons.  And her tips reflected the extra attention they appreciated. 
“Take some Spotchka.” Hunter smiled. 
Tipsy filled the glass, sliding it across to Hunter.  “YOU boys don’t strike me as the usual clones who hang out here.  What’s your story?  IF you care to tell...” 
Hunter sipped his drink.  The lavender hued lady taking an interest had him rethink hurrying Tech and Wrecker out of the bar early. 
“We’re defective.  Belong to Clone Force 99.” 
“Oh!  Heard about you guys!!!”  Tipsy leaned forward on the bar taking extreme interest.  “Crazy stories.  You guys are OFF THE CHAIN!” 
Hunter grinned.  “Hm...we get the job done.” 
“Good looking AND capable.” she winked. 
Hunter blushed and took another sip. 
Several Reg clones and a Gotal summoned for service at the other end of the bar. 
“Be back later.  Gotta serve the patrons.” 
Hunter watched her go, grinning into his glass. 
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Vix loaded up her tray and waded out into the tight crowd.  She HATED nights like this.  Being short and petite felt stifling in the crush of bodies.  On top of that, carrying a tray full of drinks and hoping not to spill anything was nerve wracking. 
She was SO CLOSE to earning enough money to quit this dump and start school.  Her plans were to study Botany off-world.  The thought of sitting in a quiet hololibrary and studying up on plant life relieved a bit of stress until... 
...someone YANKED on her tail!  Vix yelped angrily, baring her teeth. 
Tech heard Vixs’ protest and looked up from his holopad. 
He noticed she was a small Amaran female who seemed to be in pain.  Their eyes met briefly.  His in query to her predicament, her’s in frustration. 
Vix flattened her ears and turned away from Tech to the large Houk holding her tail in his grasp. 
“Hello foxy lady.”  He leered. 
“Sir, the view is the ONLY thing I’m obliged to give you.  Let go of my tail!”  Her anger rising. 
“Aww...such a cute little angry redhead...” 
“I do believe the lady politely requested that you release her coccygeal vertebrae.”  Tech was now standing next to Vix. 
“Wut?” The Houk was dumbfounded. 
“HE SAID LET GO OF MY TAIL, YOU ASSHAT!” Vix screamed above the din of the nightclub.  Some of the patrons stopped dancing, turning to watch the fracas. 
The Houk’s attitude went from stupid to vitriol.  “BITCH!” 
Vix had enough.  She threw the tray of drinks at him. 
He finally let go of her tail.  But he went for the throat with his big hammy hands. 
Tech pulled her out of the way, the Houk stumbled past knocking over patrons.  Many of the dancers stopped and stared at the altercation. Some of the clones stepped up to assist but fell back seeing it was only the Defective Clones who were in a bind. 
The Houk got up and ran for them again.  Vix yanked the holopad from Tech’s hands and threw it with all she had, hitting the Houk right between the eyes.  It stopped him only minimally, as he bellowed in anger. 
"I don't believe that is the proper use of delicate equipment" Tech quipped as the Houk picked him up off the ground and was lifted above its head. 
“Oh...NO... I’M SO SORRY!!!” Vix was terrified Tech would meet his end trying to help her. 
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Tipsy and Hunter were really hitting it off, until... 
Her eyes went wide in horror, pointing over Hunter’s shoulder “Is THAT one of your guys over there???” 
Hunter spun around to see Tech being held aloft horizontally above the crowd by an angry Houk.  To his credit, Tech looked extremely calm.  But the Houk looked as though he was going to throw Tech across the room. 
“WHAT THE KRIFF DID HE DO???”  Hunter just wanted a drink or two, then leave to go to bed.  
There was NO way Hunter was going to get across the bar to save Tech’s ass in time.  Too many bodies in the way...but he tried to wade through... 
Until Wrecker’s fist connected with the Houk’s face.  He went down like a sack of bricks.  Wrecker caught Tech from falling into the crowd. 
That move caused TOTAL MAYHEM!  Drunken patrons with pent up emotions took this as a sign to commence in a BAR FIGHT!!! 
People started screaming, fighting, breaking things. Mob mentality took over, infecting the whole establishment. 
Wrecker stood above the fray with his tall frame.  Still holding Tech to keep him from being dragged under in the craziness.  Vix wasn’t as lucky. 
“Vix!”  Rueby yelled from the stage.  Wrecker turned to see his Zeltron crush dive off the stage into the crowd like it was a river.  She came up pushing bodies furiously away from her path.  One patron decided he wanted to throw a punch her way.  She picked his ass up and threw him across the room. 
“Rueby!  HELP!!!”  Rueby pushed and struggled her way through the crowd towards the small panicked voice.  Then dipped down below the frenzied sea of bodies.  A minute later, Rueby emerged pushing bodies out of the way while holding Vix. 
Someone’s death sticks ignited something flammable in the room, and huge flames erupted.  The patrons who weren’t fighting were pushing and trampling each other to escape the burning building. 
“WRECKER!  TECH!!!”  Hunter was now caught in the fray and being pulled away from his brothers. 
“RUEBY!”  Tipsy could see Hunter was too far out in the crowd to bring him back to the bar.  “Help him!  WE ALL HAVE TO GET THE KRIFF OUT OF HERE!!!”  Tipsy pointed to Hunter.  Then she grabbed a chair, busted out the window, and jumped through it. 
Rueby recognized the boys by their matching armor, knowing they belonged together. 
Wrecker nodded. 
“WAIT!”  Rueby yelled.  “CATCH!!!” 
She tossed Vix over the heads of the crowd to Wrecker.  He shifted Tech to his right arm and caught Vix with his left.  She yelped in terror.   
“Hold on!”  Tech grabbed onto Vix “This is going to be a VERY bumpy ride!!! 
Wrecker mowed through the crowd, hip checking people out of the way and hopped up on the stage. 
Rueby pushed and body slammed people out of the way best she could in the chaos.  Reaching out to Hunter as he extended his hand to her.  She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him up and out of the crowd.  As her other hand could reach, she grasped the front of his armor and yanked him up over her shoulder...like he was a tiny child. 
Hunter was used to Wrecker doing this, but not a beautiful strapping woman wearing next to nothing.  She was holding his leg with one hand and gripping his buxom bottom with the other.  He could feel the fire, smell everything burning, the screams of fear were too much for his ears...it ALL was too much for him right about now. 
He just wanted a drink.  How did everything go SO WRONG??? 
Rueby managed to make it to the stage.  Wrecker set down Tech and Vix.  Then pulled Rueby up.  She set Hunter down. 
“We gotta bolt!  When the bar catches fire, WE’RE BANTHA BARBECUE!!!” 
Everyone ran like hell to the backstage exit. 
Hunter, Vix, and Tech made it out first.  They ran behind the trash dumpster for safety. 
Rueby and Wrecker barely made it out when all the alcohol in the bar ignited. 
The back door blew off its hinges, slammed into Wrecker, who slammed into Rueby.   
Hunter, Vix, and Tech watched their friends literally ride the heavy metal door across the back courtyard, over the tower railing...screaming bloody murder all the way. 
They disappeared out of view... 
...as their screams carried off into the distance...and down. 
“HOLY SHIT!” Hunter was mortified. 
“They...are they...” Vix couldn't even finish. 
“Sounds as though they are in freefall.” Tech’s head was cocked, listening.  “It’s an awfully long fall down to The Bottoms of Coruscant.” 
They ran past the courtyard, up to the railing, and leaned over... 
...to see Rueby and Wrecker hugging each other tightly, sitting on the steel door like a magic carpet as it gracefully glided up towards them. 
“How the HELL???”  Hunter was STILL mortified. 
Tech was glad he recorded the whole ordeal.  What an amazing visual. 
The door glided up over their heads coming down to rest on the balcony.  Both Wrecker and Rueby were safely out of harm's way.  But they wouldn’t let go of each other for quite some time. 
They all stared at each other for a minute speechless. 
“You’re welcome!”  Came a voice behind them. 
They all spun around to see Anakin Skywalker standing up in his hover craft hands raised.   
Obi Wan Kenobi was in the driver’s seat.  “Detonation Surfing seems to be a rather dangerous sport to take up, wouldn’t you say?”  His eyes twinkled. 
“You’re pretty lucky we drove by when we did.”  Anakin smirked.  “That first date would have been your last.”  
Wrecker sheepishly glanced at Rueby, who hugged Wrecker tighter. Her Zeltron pheromones had him in a state of horny bliss. The danger aspect of what just happened had her shivering against him...in an excited manner. 
“Anakin and Obi Wan thank you for assisting Wrecker and...” Hunter deferred to... 
“Rueby!” Tipsy appeared, running up and embracing her and Wrecker. Then she ran to Vix and Tech hugging them both. “I’m SO GLAD everyone is safe!”  
Tech was surprised by the physical contact. But not put off about it either. 
Tipsy then embraced Hunter and planted a HUGE kiss on his lips. He leaned in, embracing the Twilek, kissing her deeply, then pulled away, face bright red. He turned to see everyone staring at him... 
...Anakin Skywalker gave Hunter a conspiratorial look and smiled...something passed between them both in an instant... 
...and it occurred to him suddenly WHY Anakin was so odd with Rex the other day on the landing pad, why he seemed to spend SO MUCH time with Senator Amidala. 
That DOG! His secret was safe with Hunter.  
“General Skywalker, General Kenobi.” Hunter cleared his throat and nodded to them both. 
Kenobi spied the nightclub on fire behind him then addressed Anakin. “Seems there may be more souls in need of our assistance.” 
Before Kenobi could brief his padawan, Anakin Force jumped from the craft...over the guardrail and the group, then ran TOWARDS the fire disappearing from view. 
Kenobi shook his head and sighed “A Jedi’s work is NEVER done. Stay safe, everyone!” He swung the craft around and headed towards the burning building. 
The group waved as he sped away, stunned by their Jedi antics. 
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The night wasn’t a total loss.  
Our merry group convened at the local Waffle Hovel. It was Wrecker’s idea. 
The men pushed together several of the small tables to fit everyone in their party. Besides, Baash the “Awful Waffle’s” owner, was used to seeing people in all sorts of conditions after partying all night on Coruscant. He didn’t care, long as they paid the bill. 
Rueby, Tipsy, and Vix lamented that their wallet’s burned in the fire...as they certainly didn’t have pockets in their skimpy attire to carry on their person.  
“No worries, ladies. We’ve got you covered.” Hunter’s headache left him as soon as they stepped into the quiet establishment, smelling the wonderful aroma of Baash’s Space Flapjacks.  
His attention was also taken up by Tipsy, who sat across from him. They made silent goo-goo eyes at one another. 
Same for Wrecker. He and Rueby eyed each other over their menus, making funny puns about the food. 
Sitting across from one another and between the two smitten duos were Tech and Vix. They babbled and info dumped excitedly realizing they both shared a passion: Botany. 
“...we were lucky to have survived the carnivorous Meat Flower of Dagoba, and I must say...” Tech trailed off. “Whatever is the matter?” 
Vix had suddenly gone silent and sad. “I was SO CLOSE to being able to quit the Flushed Orchid...and start my studies. Have to find another job that will hire an Amaran...don’t know if we are going to see our last credits from this one.” 
Tipsy added “Bet that slummy boss of ours will take all the insurance payout credits and run off.” 
“He was probably betting on it being the Fried Orchid at some point. That man let the place go SO badly. And he’s got friends that will ignore the way he kept it to get those credits.” Rueby was angry. 
“We know people at 79’s who will happily hire you. That is if you want to continue bar work and dancing?” Hunter offered. 
“Yes! It was much harder to get hired in due to it being more upscale. I’ll take it!!! Tipsy perked up. “The pay is SO much better too.” 
Rueby smiled. “Whooo! I’ll get to dance at the REAL CLONE CLUBHOUSE!!!” 
“OOH, and I can visit ya at work in-between missions!” Wrecker was excited at the prospect. 
“Oh honey...YOU can visit me ANYTIME.” She released more pheromones. Wrecker almost floated away with pure bliss. 
Vix exhaled and exhaustedly hung her head. “I can’t do it. Tried so hard...but, the bar scene just isn’t for me.” 
Tech politely intervened. “I am quite certain you will qualify for some financial assistance, including dorm rooming as well...If you choose.  In addition, I shall speak to Coruscant University’s head administrator. They have some...’ wiggle room’ filling seats at their lectures.” 
Vix was speechless.  “Wait...what’s the catch?” She warily inquired. 
Tech and Hunter were taken aback by the query. 
Rueby and Wrecker ignored the conversation and kept flirting. The rest of the people at the table no longer took precedence. They were in their own little world. 
Tech added curtly “Vix, remember the clones who witnessed how you and I were treated tonight? And their refusal to step in to help a stranger in need...and a fellow brother.” The memory struck a chord with the otherwise emotionally removed clone. 
“Oh... Yes.” Vix’s face clouded with disappointment. 
“We are NOT like THEM.” Tech glibly answered.  
Hunter softened and fixed Tipsy and Vix with puppy dog eyes “Just want to help. We know what it’s like to struggle. There are no strings attached. WE PROMISE.” 
“Ehhhh, MY FAVORITE CLONES! And they got some company here. HELLO LADIES! What are we orderin’ tonight eh?” Baash swooped in. “Tonight's special is Baash’s Hash! Best spicy potatoes this side of Coruscant. Ha-HAAA!!!” 
Tech and Vix debated the various choices on the menu while Baash patiently assisted. 
“Mmmm...I LIKE spice...” Rueby eyed Wrecker. 
He giggled like a maniac. 
“Get a room you two.” Hunter sassed. 
He was then hit in the face with a wadded-up napkin from across the table. 
Tipsy’s lekku went from a light lavendar to a blushed grape color. He noticed her sly smile. Then he detected a heady scent just under the aroma of cooked food. 
She leaned forward and whispered, “Let’s get one of our own.” 
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(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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Okay. Hi. Sorry, sort of just started posting about out of nowhere. But the Hetalia hyperfixation is BACK with a vengeance. Mod Ruebi and I are both back in.
Uh, I have a few drafts I need to finish that are like. Four years old. I also have a lot of new ideas and like. Hey. Requests open, send something in babes.
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saturno-sol · 1 year
Whisper question!
Is whisper more plot driven or character driven? I am realizing some of my questions kinda depend on this? If it's plot driven and kinda has a vague direction the story is going with some kinda resolution, then questions about like... how the plot progresses make sense. If it's mainly character driven, with the only goal being to write Ivory and Rueby in the waists doin shit, I will try to ask more stuff about the blorbos :3
Hi! And thanks for all these questions dnfkks im trying to keep up (and probably answer more later)
But for now im thinking Whisper will be half plot half character! I like doing character studies but this is definitely something that will have a story in it, especially going back to Hallownest, hope that answers your question!
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Starring Brandy Norwood, Andrew Burnap, Neal Huff, Kathryn Hunter, David Manis, Mary Catherine Wright, Ellen J. Maddow, Mary Testa, Morgen McKynzie, Kerry Flanagan, Rueby Wray, Chasity Monroe Orr, Charlize Essence Orr, Scottie DiGiacomo, Toree Hill, Desi Ramos and the voice of Wendy Heagy.
Screenplay by Max Eggers & Sam Eggers.
Directed by Max Eggers & Sam Eggers.
Distributed by A24. Pictures. 95 minutes. Rated R.
That is 95 minutes of my life that I will never get back. Look, you learn early on in the movie reviewing world that you won’t like every movie you see. That’s just part of the gig. However, it’s a pretty rare stinker which makes you literally angry as you are walking out of the theater – I spent my time watching this when I could have been doing… anything else in the world?
Truth to tell, I went into The Front Room pretty naïve to what it was about. I had seen the trailer, so I had a basic idea of the storyline. (By the way, it turns out the trailer gives away a pretty significant late plot point which should have never been included in the ad, and it probably wouldn’t have been in a better film, or a better trailer.)
However, two things kind of intrigued me about the film. First of all, it was a horror film starring Brandy (Norwood), the 90s soul-pop singer (“The Boy Is Mine,” “Have You Ever” and “Sittin’ In My Room”) and TV actress (Moesha, Cinderella). It’s not even that surprising that she was doing horror, because she was in the two late ‘90s I Know What You Did Last Summer retro-slasher films. I was not even that big a fan of Brandy’s work, but it had been probably 20-25 years since I had seen her do anything of note. So, the attraction was more about me wondering whatever became of her. (Well, I did see her in a bad Netflix Christmas romance movie last year with Heather Graham and Jason Biggs on Netflix. But no matter how bad that film was, it’s Citizen Kane as compared to this.)
The other interesting thing to me is that it was being distributed by A24, a movie studio which is known for taking some real chances and releasing some truly eccentric films. Honestly, only about one in three of their films totally work – and lots of them are extremely strange – but they are always interesting and different.
Well in fairness, The Front Room is different. It’s even interesting, I suppose – I was never bored or distracted during the film. Of course, that was partially because I was constantly shocked that this movie could sink as low and be as heavy-handed and completely unrealistic as it was. I mean, I get it, horror movies aren’t supposed to make sense in real life (and honestly, this was not so much scary as it was disturbing and disgusting), but even by the loose logical standards of thrillers, The Front Room is built on some real whoppers.
And the bogeyman in this film is a 5’1” tall, extremely frail little old lady who needs two canes to walk.
The story… so to speak… is about Belinda (Brandy) and Norman (Andrew Burnap), a young academic mixed-race couple expecting their first child. (I mention the fact that they are biracial not because I care about it, but because that becomes a plot point later.) She is an adjunct professor at a local college hoping to get full-time status, he’s a struggling lawyer hoping that a big upcoming case will open the door for his dream job. They have bought their dream home, and they are struggling financially (she can’t even afford to buy paint for the baby’s nursery).
Everything changes when Norman receives a call from Solange (Kathryn Hunter), his stepmother. From the second that he hears her voice, Norman goes into PTSD mode; a simpering, deadened, frightened child. Solange tells Norman that his father is dying of cancer and if he wants to make amends with dad, it’ll have to be now. Norman refuses to go to see him, calling his stepmother a holy roller, evil and the bane of his existence. However, when dad dies, Belinda convinces him to go to the funeral, saying he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t.
At the funeral they are given a Faustian bargain. Solange would give them all of her money (it is never said exactly how much that was, but it was obviously a very substantial amount) if they would allow her to live with them, which was apparently dad’s last wish. They are torn – particularly Norman, who actively dislikes the woman – but with that money so many of their problems would be solved.
Therefore, they agree to it, and Solange starts to insinuate herself into their life and home. From the beginning she is a cramp on their lifestyles, her devout religiosity, her backhanded compliments, her insistence on imposing her will on the house and their new baby, her frailty and medical issues. Many of Solange’s snipes are small and petty – she insists on referring to Belinda as Belinder and Norman as Norman Gene (which reminded me of Marilyn Monroe every single time she did it). And it turns out that she is a proud daughter of the Confederacy, which of course makes Belinda uncomfortable.  
Soon she is spitefully using her frailty as a weapon – I’m serious, you’ve never seen so much poop, pee and vomit in your life – to make Belinda’s life a living hell. Oddly, Norman, who was so afraid of the woman that he nearly faded into himself just weeks earlier, seems to settle into Solange’s chaos with a shrug. Also, it appears that Solange may have some sort of psychic power – she seems to know things she would have no way of knowing. She also may be less feeble than she seems (Belinda sees her walking without her canes at one point). And she is constantly bringing weird religious friends into the house who seem like cast members from a road company of Rosemary’s Baby.
Now, it may be a fool’s errand to point out the many, many plot inconsistencies which pop up here. For example, when Solange’s medical needs become too much for Belinda to deal with, why don’t they just hire a home health nurse? They suddenly have all of Solange’s money, they could undoubtedly afford it. Also, how does Norman go from despising and distrusting Solange to taking the old woman’s word over that of his own wife?
The biggest problem is Solange herself, though. The character is so over-the-top, so cartoonish, so completely unbelievable that she is nearly impossible to take seriously as a villain. Hey, I dislike holy rollers as much as the next guy, and I have my share of crotchety elderly relatives, but I don’t buy this character for a second. Frankly, it’s pretty ageist and anti-religious.
Then The Front Room uses the most cynical, amoral “happy” ending that it could possibly have grafted onto its diseased flesh. I actually cringed when I heard people clapping for this plot point at the screening I went to.
I cannot stress strongly enough how much I hated (yes, I used the “h” word) The Front Room. Avoid it at all costs.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 6, 2024.
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hani-standi-blog · 6 years
✉ @ Keke ( thatmaroonsuperhero-ruebi-ichijo)
🚘 He let out a huff as he fell back into the bed, he was bed ridden due to sickness "Come on' Ruru..A go' work ta do' He groaned out, covering his forehead with the pillow "Am..no a bab'" he huffed
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Hit the read more if you want to know about the personal things that have been keeping me away from the blog, ignore this post if you don’t care. It’s long and there’s a lot to cover.
Alright, where to start... well, if you’ve been around long enough, you’ll remember Mod Ruebi and me used to run this blog together. She’s still somewhat active in helping me with requests, but for the most part, it’s all me now. Ruebi and I had a falling out a bit after the blog’s original hiatus.
The cause of that falling out is trust. Our friend group consists of a close-knit group of people, we trust each other with everything. There’s five of us now, but we were four back then. A new person had tried to come into the group, we’ll call her Alice. Not her real name or even her screen name.
At first, Alice was great. Ruebi and I got along with her, our other two friends also got along with her. Everything was fine. Then, I had a night where I felt horrible. If you don’t know, I selfship. I selfship to cope with things. That’s important to this story. I followed Alice’s blog here on Tumblr, I knew her blog when I saw it ask a blog I followed- one that occasionally roleplays as one of my main f/os. I saw it the night I felt like shit.
To paraphrase “omg you’re so hot I shouldn’t love you but I do” to anyone else, this might seem like she’s not saying it in a selfship way, but trust me, she was. If she knew we liked a character, she did too. None of us said anything because we thought she did it for coping as we did. I’ll get into that in a bit. Anyway, I already felt like shit but that made it worse. I was talking to one of our other friends, one I’m still friends with today. We’ll call this friend Josie.
Josie tried to reason with me that she might not mean it as selfshipping. She said her screen name. Keep in mind, this conversation was happening on Quotev, I was on an account that Alice didn’t follow, Josie was on an account that she did, so while she didn't see anything I said, she saw everything Josie said. Alice immediately assumed Josie and someone else was talking shit about her. I only saw Josie’s responses to Alice, but all my misery turned into anger when I saw her accusing my friend of talking about her behind her back. I got angry when I saw how the tone in Josie's posts would switch from trying to help my emotions and trying to get Alice to back off. I went to an account she followed and told her off. I got very heated and very angry. I included her knowing the shit I’ve been through and why I need the character she sent that message to as a coping mechanism. I got very angry, I let my emotions drive what I said. I was upset at her for turning everything around to be about her all the time, I was angry about her calling Narancia’s boyfriend a snake. I was pissed at her, I didn't think about what I said.
An hour later, I’ve deleted what I said to her and apologized. She doesn’t seem to care. Next day- because this happened around 2am- Ruebi and Narancia are told what happened. Narancia tried to talk to Alice to see what her side of the story was, we all just tried to be civil and move on. Alice refused to move on. Alice started talking about us, started calling us names. Josie, Narancia, and I had unfollowed and blocked her at this time. Ruebi still hadn’t. Alice kept talking about us for six months. She kept posting about us and making fun of us for six months.
I don’t blame Ruebi for this anymore. I’ve moved on and I’m not angry anymore. But back then, I was upset and hurt by it. I talked to Josie and Narancia about it, they both agreed that we needed to talk to Ruebi about it. I did it for them since at that time I was the only one of us that talked to her every day. Her bond with Narancia and Josie had already dwindled, because of Ruebi needing to get away from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, which the rest of us were (and still are) basically obsessed with. JJBA is where the character in all this comes from. I explained the situation, how I know I shouldn’t make her choose between friends, but that seeing her still talking to Alice after what Alice did hurts. I explained it to her. As far as I’m aware, that still talk occasionally
But that is not the straw that broke the camel’s back. No, that draw was when Narancia came to me with a link to a new account. One that Ruebi had made in secret to get away from the rest of us. To talk to Alice and get away from us talking about what made us happy.
That’s what caused the falling out to be so bad. We’ve taken a break and I’ve talked to her recently. We are trying to repair some form of friendship, she's not active on the blog, but she does still help me with things on the doc.
Alright... with that part out of the way, we can get into the recent stuff.
My nephew- my oldest brother’s son- is going through a lot. I’ve been talking to him and trying to be there for him over discord as much as possible. To put it simply, he’s trans, his mother is a terrible parent (not that she doesn’t accept him, she does, but other reasons), and he has suicidal tendencies. I’ve been trying to talk to him every week at least to remind him that he has someone who loves him.
My father... oh boy. No other way to say it, he is an abusive asshole. He kept my mother awake for a week. On purpose. He pissed on the floor. And I’m not saying that he pissed his pants- which he does- in saying that he pulled his penis out of his pants and pissed on the floor. On purpose. The bathroom was open. That’s the kind of person he is. Anyway, we have him in the Jackson VA hospital right now, but we’re looking at moving him into long term care. Mom can’t take care of him anymore, she’s afraid for her and us. He cut off her c-pap’s vent one night. He tried to kill her.
Ah... I think that’s everything big that's been happening. I’ve been stressed out and trying to keep friends and family from getting stressed. I’ll be back soon though. I have a few requests finished and some of my own things in drafts.
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Hello, followers! Mod Oasis here! It’s been a long time since this blog has posted anything, hasn’t it? Ha... Well, you guys are due an explanation for the silence. 
Mod Ruebi and I had a falling out, and before that we fell out of Hetalia. I’m posting here now to let you guys know that I’ve gotten back into it, and that I want to try and start again. I might have to make a new blog to do it, but we’ll see if I can do it here.
I also moved blogs. I don’t use the one linked to this blog as much anymore. I will be linking my new blog and removing this one, but things will be a lot slower. I will keep you guys posted on if I decide to open up for new mods.
Finally, everything is going to stay. The rules will be updated in a new post, the old ones will be marked as outdated. I will be deleting everything in the drafts except one or two things that I still want to finish. Once everything is set up, I’ll be opening the ask box.
With all that out of the way, welcome to the new followers! I’m surprised to see new people here but hey, thanks for liking the blog! New content will come at some point, I can’t promise any regularity but I can promise at least one post a week. I’ll try to keep it more active than just that.
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hani-standi-blog · 6 years
FIGHT. ( thatmaroonsuperhero-ruebi-ichijo) ( Car guy!!! Mechanic!)
Intro Quote(Versus): "Oi~ Ru-Ru~ Isn't this a Lil' stupid? I'll beat ya quickly~"
Intro Quote(Team Up): "Come on, Kid~ Maybe i'll let ya 'old the wrench~"
Taunt: "Ru~Ru's too afraid ta hit me~ too Afraid~"
Special Attack: "Oil Spill~" (Keke pours oil on the ground and slides under Ruebi's legs, Hitting a wrench off the back of her head)
Assist: "Shit, come on Kid, Don't need ya going down on me"
Ultimate Attack: "Bloody Hell" ( Keke take out a blade and Cuts his chest, Allowing aloy of blood to fall out, allowing warriors to form an array of arrows, shooting them at a rapid speed at the girl)
Ultimate Team Attack: "Ya aim fir the Neck, I'll aim fir the legs' 
Win Quote(Versus): "Shoulda just stayed outta my garage kid"
Win Quote(Team Up): 'Woo!! Lets go out an' DRINK!!"
Lose Quote(Versus): "Aww Shit..I ain't 'earing the end of this"
Lose Quote(Team Up): "Take..over fir me, Will ya?"
Knock Out Quote(Team Up Self): "Slipped on the Oil.. I'm takin' a rest"
Knock Out Quote(Team Up Partner): "OOOOO~ I'm 'ellin' 'er dad~ Whilst we wait. i'll beat ya up~"
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⋆⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⋆ Hi guys! It's Ruebi, the sort of co-owner of the blog!! I haven't touched this blog in a while :"( It's mostly!! Mostly bcuz stuff happened. Me and Oasis are cool rn, we homies! We sort of talked about me coming back to the blog bcuz I've fully accepted that I keep coming back to Hetalia at least once a year-- (the brainrot is just stronger rn tho LOL, which is why I wanna come back)
TBH with you I've just been in the sidelines watching n lurking in the blog so I've never really left !! I also haven't really been motivated to like write imagines bcuz I get so scared that the interps are wrong LOL- BUT NOW- I will do my best at handling imagines n scenarios (although I think my strengths are more at writing novels n stuff)
If by popular demand, I can post my America x Reader novel in tumblr, just feel free to tell me or something. If you don't want to read it on tumblr, it is posted in Wattpad, AO3, and Quotev under the title "Love Letters: From me, to you || A.Jones". After this point, I will post my Hetalia reader insert novels here too, probably under a separate tag.
I also wanna introduce a new concept! Where it's almost like a drawing ask blog (I'll be handling this part mostly.) Asks can now be formatted as a question or as a confession to comfort characters and I will be able to sketch images on how I think they would react and stuff
I will put the rules for this new thing soon!
Anyway, it's cool to talk to u guys again! I hope in the future we can all be good friends!
- Ruebi
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Going to a theme park with the Axis + Romano and Prussia!
(I've been procrastinating too much, it hurts. I’m apologizing in advance if I don’t get their personalities right, but please enjoy reading it - Mun Ruebi)
Italy (Feliciano Vargas)
Feliciano was already planning for this day! He was finally bringing his s/o to one of his country’s amusement park, Gardaland! He already had a hotel room in the park’s hotel all set for them to stay in if a day wasn’t enough for them. Of course a day wasn’t enough. Two days at the park was good enough for him. This park was a full package to him. There was a hotel for them to stay at, an amusement park, and an aquarium! One day would be dedicated to visiting the park and the other for the aquarium. The man was already squealing at his plans to the room that he was appointed to, letting his partner put down their stuff before he dragged them back to where the park entrance was. His dragging would be slow enough for his s/o to catch up with him of course. This baby doesn’t want his partner getting hurt because of him. Since he has been here a couple of times, he’s already had some rides in mind. Most of them were ranging from level 1-3 on the thrill scale. Roller coasters were definitely off his list, mostly because of how intimidating they looked to him. He would be willing to ride one for his s/o. Just don’t expect him to be calm about it. He will scream and would be holding his partner’s hand tightly before becoming giggly at the thrill of it. Now Feli wouldn’t be hesitant to get onto another one. The list would expand because of him adding the coasters there. The whole day would be filled with laughs with Italy making everything fun for his partner.
“Ah! Bella/Bello! We should go to this one next!”
Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt)
Unlike his brother, Gilbert, Ludwig would mostly focus on what his partner wanted to ride, rather than his. He wanted them to have as much fun as possible. He’s not really a picky guy. He would ride the Silver Star if his partner wanted to ride it with him. Of course, the man would have some fun on the ride. How many times did he ride it with Gilbert? Two? Three? He couldn’t remember and he didn’t want to focus on the topic of how many times he’s rode a specific roller coaster. Germany brought his partner here to have fun with them. He wasn’t a screamer when it comes to those type of park attractions, he would be quite silent. Well unless his partner was giggly during the ride, then he’ll probably slip a laugh or two. There would be some hand holding during the whole day, mostly because he wouldn’t want to lose his s/o in such a crowd but it’s also because he wanted some form of pda there. The German is not really one of those people that would display his affection to the public. He’s a shy boy- (uwu) The whole day would be filled with fun. Ludwig would be doing his best to keep his s/o entertained with all these park rides.
“Is there a ride you had in mind, liebe?”
Japan (Kiku Honda)
Kiku doesn’t usually visit amusement parks but since his s/o asked him for a trip to the Disneyland at Tokyo, he cannot turn that request down. He wanted to make his partner happy, make sure they were enjoying themselves as they lived with him. He wanted them to feel his love, even though he doesn’t do cuddling or anything couples usually do. This was a way to show them and he wanted to make everything perfect for them. They would start up their day at the park with a ride that’s calming. The carousel is probably the first ride Japan and his s/o would get on before they explore the whole park. The man wouldn’t dare get on a roller coaster and would be very happy if they didn’t. He didn’t favor those attractions, preferred the ones that wouldn’t give him the feeling of fear, the ones that were slow. If his s/o wants to ride a roller coaster, they would need to convince them. They’ll be very lucky if they managed go make him ride one. Kiku would be silent during the whole ride. His eyes would be wide and his grip on the handle bars would be tight. Once the whole coaster stop, he would start breathing again, his heart calming down and relieved that it was over. After that, he would not ride another one, no matter how much his s/o would plead him about it. He would be tense around roller coaster entrances and would see if his s/o would want to ride another one. Japan would let them but he won’t go on one anymore.
“Please (name)-san, can we ride something else?”
Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt)
This was bound to happen. This trip to Europa Park was bound to happen. Knowing this German, he would have a lot of ride in his mind. His number one thing was riding the highest roller coaster out there. The Silver Star! The man was already getting excited at the sight of his s/o there with him and experiencing the ride with them! Gilbert was rushing past the crowds just to get in line. His eyes would sparkle at the sight of the park attraction, it’s highest peak being 73 meters high with the max speed being 130 km/p (or 80 mp/h). His hands were tight around his partner’s, giving them a smirk as he noticed their nervousness. Of course he would tease them about it but he wouldn’t go far. His teasing would be soft enough to encourage his partner to join him on the ride. He would them as much comfort if they were genuinely scared of the thing. Gilbert would be ecstatic to see that his s/o would join him! One of his hands would be holding their hand during the ride, while the other one would be used to put it up. Not unless he put the both of them up. That one can’t be helped. It would make him happy to see his partner enjoying the ride, giggling and smiling after the ride. The Prussian had other roller coasters in his mind if they enjoyed this one. If his partner was shocked or scared by the end of it, he would bring them to another ride to calm them down, giving them kisses until they were okay to get on another park attraction. 
“Kesesese! That’s the spirit, liebe! Let’s go on another ride!”
Romano (Lovino Vargas)
Romano..well, he never really thought of bring his s/o to the park. He’s not fond of the amusement parks since they were noisy. Something more fit for his brother rather than him. He was the calmer brother between the two of them, preferred somewhere that’s not filled with screams and other happy noise. It irritated him but...if his partner wanted to go to an amusement park, he might as well bring them there. Though, he is going to be a grump for the whole day. He won’t soften up in public, not with his reputation of being the meaner older brother. When it comes to park attractions, he would be fine with anything that’s not a roller coaster. Much like Feliciano, they were also intimidating to him and need some convincing before he could get on the ride. He gives in to his partner though, not wanting to actually hurt their feelings, though he will seem angrier than usual. Lovino would be secretly huffing, crossing his arms and looking his arm, not looking at his s/o before they were on the ride. He was also a screamer and will stay as a screamer during the ride. He would be cursing out before any drops. He would be panting during the end of the ride, having a blush on before he would drag his s/o out of there and request for another ride that’s not a roller coaster.
“T-Tch, there are other ride out there, idiota, why did you have to chose that one?! W-Whatever, just pick another stupid ride so we can get this over with.”
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Under the street lights
(This is gonna be a series w ho o ps)
“Under these street lights, I can finally see the charm you hold, your grace, and the smile I love to see on your face. I wonder sometimes...”Why me?” When you know there was plenty of more fish in the sea. But you always seem to disagree when your reason was simple. You love me.”
Pairing chosen: Japan (Kiku Honda) x reader
Genre: Fluff
Pronouns used: She/her
Two bodies walked underneath the bright lights of the nightlife of Tokyo, Japan. Both were close to each other, huddled under a single umbrella painted a dark blue. It was hers not his, but the streets were his. (Name) was not clueless about her friend's current position in life, she knew. Kiku was close enough with her to expose his occupation to her and to his surprise about the job he had, she wasn't surprised at all. The female was quite proud of him for gaining that position in the government, but that would make her under him in the social triangle. She was only a civilian, and he was the visual representation of the country they both reside it but they both had an inseparable friendship.
Their eyes connected and both smiled under the umbrella held by him. To the public, they just looked like the regular couples you could find everywhere at the nights of Japan. The duo had no destination whatsoever, they wandered to places they wish to visit. Some to stores filled with things they don't need and some are parks and street food vendors parked near the local garden. It wasn't great to visit the streets of tokyo when it's raining, but to the man, he thinks this was nice enough. People weren't on the streets when it's raining and a quarter pass 7 pm, so the city wouldn't be as full as the day. It wasn't at all that late, but the rain only decreased the chances of people on the sidewalks. 
Slowly they walk past stores that display many things behind the glass windows. Though she doesn't notice, he cautiously stares at her and ready to look ahead when she does. Luckily for him though, a small window of a pet shop has caught her (color) eyes. The Japanese male was ready for anything, he even brought some money if she wanted anything to buy. He already lost a small portion of the said money to share some local street food, the memory stuck in his head.
(Name)'s eyes begin to sparkle as she stares a small cat on the show of the pet store. She seem to sparkle as a whole under the night lights of the popular city, and the rain made it better. He became amazed at how she was able to look gorgeous under the bright orbs that glow in the night sky. She was like a lucky flower for him and he was a star of her life. His chocolate brown irises glance at hers as she grabbed his hand to drag him into the store. Her face showed a smile that was bright as the stars at night and his heart couldn't help but flutter with delight. Must he be falling in love with her?
Kiku followed her around the small store as she approaches the kitten that caught her eye. It dark brown eyes reminded her of her Japanese friend that was willing to take her around Tokyo during a rainy night. The black and white coat reminded her of his hair and the white suit that he would wear for business. (Name) wanted to keep it and care for it like she does for the male standing beside her. Her hands gently brush the furs of the small cat, with it purring in delight.
"Why don't you pet it with me, Kiku?" She suggested, standing up so she could be height level with her friend. Her hands let the man get a better look of the mixed coated cat. "I'm sure it'll like you, we should adopt her-". Something about that felt like it was a good idea for Kiku. She wouldn't have to be lonely anymore when he's gone off to meetings or whenever he's too busy to at least talk to him. He shines a small smile on his face as he shyly pets the small fragile being. The female in front of him smiles as well, looking him right in the eyes.
"Of course, (Name)-san, you can keep her." He replied back, "I don't think i'll have enough time to take care of her, as I already have a pet of my own." (Name) nodded her head happily, looking down at the small pet and softly rubbing the head with her thumb. The duo approach the register to pay up, with the lady at the counter smiling. The male went ahead to ask what the price was, pulling out a card from his wallet.
"There's no charge at all whatsoever, that little lady right there always wanted to be adopted so i'm giving you her for free." The kind older woman grinned at the duo. "So no need for that card anymore." Kiku nodded, putting it away to his wallet. She smiles back to the store cashier before looking at her new companion. The male beside her mutters out a small thank you as she follows him. They both exit the store, not catching what the lady said before they left. "They'd make a cute pair someday."
(Name) believe her and Kiku's journey has to come to an end. It was reaching 9 pm and most of the stores were closing up at this point. The pitter patter of the rain wasn't as strong as earlier. It had become a small sprinkle of rain falling, but there was still need for an umbrella. The umbrella was shot open and she quickly huddled closer to him, both walking at a same pace and trying to find where the train station was. If they took a train, the way to her house would be quicker and easier than just taking another walk. Though, he didn't really mind.
The station was still busy with people commuting to go back home from work, or just going to work to go to their graveyard shift. The male bought two tickets that would be close to his friend's house and waited near where the train should arrive. Underneath the covers of the station, they both sat together close at a small bench just a few feet away from the tracks so it wouldn't startle the kitten. She got her pet close to her, basically cuddling it as he stared straight to see if their train would come. 
(Name) lifts her vision off her new pet and onto Kiku's straight face. He wasn't showing any emotion at this point, but some part of her found it really adorable. Her (color) eyes would stare into the dark brown ones, the ones not even looking at her. She felt the blood rush up to her cheeks, feeling herself blush before him. He really was handsome in a way that she can't describe. He amazed her as much as she did to him. Her heart started to pump and her stomach started to feel funny. Perhaps she was also falling for him.
The loud sounds of the train startled her into facing the other direction to where the train was coming from. With her sleeve, she covers half of her face to avoid being seen with the light pink tint on her face. The train slowly approaches the station until it came to a stop. With the fast train they're taking, the ride would be less than 15 minutes. The duo quickly stood up in order to take any available seat inside. Luckily it wasn't crowded inside, with some of the seats empty for two. They sat next to each other again, this time the kitten was sleeping in her hands.
Her (color) eyes seem to connect with his chocolate brown ones again, with each a small smile on their face before they look away with a flustered look on their face. Both were shying away from each other for the whole 10 minute ride to her home. The train soon stopped at their station and (Name) and Kiku went ahead to visit her place. They walked again from the station, which was another 5 minutes for them and then came to a sudden halt at the apartment entrance she resided in.
With a sheepish smile on her face, she moved a single stray hair on to her hair and looking straight at her Japanese friend. "I um... I had fun tonight, I wish we can do this again". She held her new cat closer to her chest to give it warmth from the cold winds of the rain. 
He nodded as well, with a small tint of pink peppering his cheeks. "O-Of course, we could you would like. Maybe next Saturday again?" Kiku suggested, keeping the umbrella as still as possible as she was standing in front of him. She seem to have nodded, with an even bigger curve on her lips. His brown eyes look somewhere else as hers kept on his face. "Good night, I hope you sleep well tonight."
"Same to you." (Name) replies back. She looked at his cheeks as he was looking away. Her next move was going to be bold but it'll shape her future on whether or not he had feelings for her as well. With her cheeks slowly heating up, she stood on her toes and lighly pecked his rosy cheeks. The sudden feeling of lips on his cheeks startled him as she felt him jump a little at the touch. She stands back on her heels with her running up the stairs to her apartment. She felt her heart begin to burst with that one simple move. She felt a sensation that was weird to her, she's never felt this way before in her entire life. Maybe she has found the one for her.
Kiku looked straight at her with a blush still stuck to his face. A smile crept up his lips as he slowly touched the cheek that was kissed and lightly rubbed it.  He smiled at her, waving before he slowly walks back to the train station to catch a train home. He could hear her shout out another good night, making him look back and smiling. Something special happened to them at night and they couldn't deny their feelings.
Sorry this is shit lmao, but i’m quite proud of making this series :^)
I plan to write more characters in the future and I’ll try to spice things up a bit.
--Mun Ruebi
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I apologize for not thanking you fast enough, but I really enjoy my matchups. It not only made me happy/smile, but I could see the the thought and effort you put into and I really appreciate it, thank you very much.
I’m happy that you’re happy! Sorry everything has been taking forever if you’re even still interested in this blog. With school started back up for Ruebi and a horribly busy schedule for me, neither of us really have a lot of time. The apology part goes to everyone else still interested! Also, matchups will be opening just as soon as I finish the last one in the drafts, terribly sorry to the person who asked for that one.
-Mod Oasis
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