#a lot of lore and context is left out and it DOES get added to the main plot eventually
nururu · 11 months
which media is Norton from? i'd like to check it out!
PLEASE!!!!! hshdjwdunwd he's from a cross platform pc/mobile game called Identity V which is a 4v2 survival horror game! If you know anything about dead by daylight, is extremely similar to that. But I think the story and characters are more interesting. A lot of it is based on lovecraftian horror.
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rennybu · 8 months
hi.... i'm just a poor boy . who does not know the loam lore. would you be willing to share.... a summary.... (so curious i am a loam enjoyer)
oh my gosh hi griff..! oh there is so much to tell... i will h ave no choice but to put this under a readmore. the shortest answer is that he is my character of 3+ years in @jawsandbones homebrew dnd campaign and he is like a son to me. but to start off with baby pictures:
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LOAM was born 52 years ago in a city called TILDEN, which is blocked off overland by a CURSED* SWAMP that creeps closer every year.
*Misremembered and only Recently Re-Contextualized Major Historical event
His mom is a shy, worried, and loving woman named Bayla - she's a druid and sells medicinal mushrooms of all sorts. His dad is an unwaveringly positive (but incredibly serious) mason named Uttara who proudly works on all sorts of projects around the city, especially major infrastructure. Yay stoneworkers!
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(Because fantasy lifespans are strange and somewhat silly to me I just imagine Firbolgs to be stuck in their mid-20s existential dread until they're like at least 150. The backstory part of this spans literally 51 of his 52 year s of life. he's so young)
He got equal enrichment from time spent in nature with his mom as from time spent in the city with his dad. His nickname in the Tilden Firbolg community To This Day is "Always With Questions" - a kind of affix to differentiate him from any other Loams. He may not know much but he really would like to find out, please!!!! He sees a lot of beauty in the natural world, but his idea of what's natural is skewed somewhat by the uh, Curse. He once fell through some algae into a deep body of water and had a very fun memento mori experience as a kiddo (beautiful golden sunbeam shining onto a silty skull)
He got the name Loam very young from his interest in both his parents' work, which lead to him learning about soil types and uses in gardening and construction aklfhglskg. Loam was important for both jobs so he (in guess-what-I-just-learned little kid fashion) told everyone who would listen about it. The association STUCK and he's Loam now :].
His birth name is actually Rahara! but that's secret knowledge only his bestest friends and Tzip and some scarycool important NPCs know.
He loves beasts and magic and plants so much. And on the flip side he also loves and is fascinated by architecture and engineering. He never got any like, higher academic schooling or whatever, but had many many different apprenticeship type training relationships from his parents, other tradespeople in the city, from the senior rangers etc etc.
Small break to plug @jawsandbones lore packets for the Quarter Cities (including Tilden), Scarabae, and the overall campaign setting!!!! I'm just gonna talk about stuff without adding too much context of my own because AAA WORD COUNT!!!
The hole in Loam's ear was brought about by a shit ass Tilden local trying to tear his earring off him, since he'd bought it from a foreign merchant from a city Tilden/the Quarter has historically warred with. Loam's always been open minded and deeply curious about other cities, due to how isolated the bog is. Any visiting merchants are sources of wonder!!!! Even though he only bought the one hoop earring from the Quietus merchants (Mirjam and Mihail, mother and son!), after the ice was broken he stayed by their stall the rest of the day and talked about all kinds of things, and befriended Mihail!
Loam trained as a ranger as soon as he was old enough to do so!!!! He saw it as the next logical step past what his parents would be able to show him and was incredibly eager to get hands-on experience in the wilds. He met his first ever boyfriend among his peers there!!! Bragi... he has had many lovers and situationships in Tilden since, BUT only recently feels comfortable trying monogamy again after meeting Tzipporah.
Bragi unfortunately died badly to a creature in a traumatic backstory incident that left young Loam super fucking bereft and hyper aware of how easy it is to die. (Big monster attack + group of trainee rangers accompanied by a few more senior rangers + chaos and bloodshed. Loam carried Bragi to safety and tried resuscitating him but he was already gone. The experience made him uncomfortable with the idea of being in a defined, monogamous intimate relationship for the next like. 19 years. He felt like he got ripped in half!)
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After the ranger's guild recovers from THE CREATURE ATTACK, Loam meets his close friend, Reece, a fellow ranger and Kenku (she looks like a masked shrike)!!!
He gets his septum pierced by the same visiting merchants from Quietus a few years after Bragi's death. It's a very important moment for him, where it feels like he can finally start to let himself change and grow beyond that event. He also spends more and more time in the city, away from the more rural/overgrown districts, and chases a love for the arts and partying and people, where he meets Kallirhoe (human, not a even a classed bard but like. an indie musician. an eboy if high fantasy had eboys. a tattooed twinkish fellow. you know the type)! They are very good friends who also have sex. Many days spent waxing poetic about THE BIG WIDE WORLD and how they'll never get to see it. (Spoiler: He sees it)
Loam gets into tarot as a hobby, and makes his own deck in a very scribbly freehand style with ink and charcoal!!!! he's slowly replacing them with more Worldly artwork - the deck he left home with was very. Tildencore
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Many good years of being a party girl who has to go work a construction job tomorrow and then go be a ranger at 6. A rich and storied life. AND THEN THE GAME TIMELINE STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A path Through the bog has recently finished being built by Dagda, the Southern representative to the other Quarter Cities, making more trade possible overland, and making local tensions go even crazier. Also there are strange Awful Huge Scary Monsters appearing WORLDWIDE, so the Directions and the Three Kings of Scarabae and the remote island of Geest (ADRA'S HOME!) and the mysterious magical Widow's Wood are all like "STOP WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RN". Trials are held in the Western city of Dina to appoint FOUR TEAMS OF FOUR to help defend against the new threat. Loam is like. Well I've gotta fucking do that. I've got to try. If I'm not chosen, at least I've set foot outside. He has a fight with his mom about this, because she is terrified she will lose him, like she lost her mother in a previous conflict when Scarabae was occupying the Quarter, before Loam was born. He stands firm and his dad has his back, and ultimately he leaves with both their blessings, but his dismissal of his mom's feelings weighs heavy on him the longer he's away from home. (He has a big cry and reconciliation about this when he is next able to come home.)
I'm clapping and cheering and skipping joyfully because now he HAS MET HIS BESTEST, DEAREST, CLOSEST FRIENDS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD: ADRA ILSA AND TALEE!!!!!!! I have to be so careful now because we have no joke hundreds of pages of notes. I cannot read that shit on google docs mobile app. We are approaching session one hundred and fifty of this game. They love each other so fucking much. THEY ARE THE INFORMATION GATHERERS!!! A PARTY OF SLEUTHS!!!
He also has his meet-cute with Tzipporah at the trials, which in hindsight is hilarious, because of the whole, "Tzipporah was sent to the trials as a spy (by the very people responsible for the giant awful monster crisis) and immediately pegged Loam for an easy mark to get information from" thing. And he was 100% correct. But a lot has to happen before that gets revealed. They took a nice night walk and write each other big long letters. And Loam tells him soooooo much <3
At one point while exploring a wizard tower he attunes to a lightly cursed ring and forgets what his parents look like, like their likenesses are Gone from past and recent memory. Which is a big thorn of homesickness that he writes to them about. He has a big cry and stares at them both for a LONG time when he next sees them.
Also they save an orphaned Kenku from some bandits and now Loam has a little shoulder-sniper named Bubby. We have a son. A perfect little crow son who is really good at killing, with arrows. He hides things in Loam's hood regularly
Other major things include ummm umm Loam's TWO deaths, one during a dungeon-rescue type scenario in a room that was Flooding and full of Phantoms and also a charmed Druid (Feyan, good friends now) wildshaped into a big scary water snake. He was hurt bad and (comedically) levitated so he wouldn't DROWN but then got Phantom Speared right through the torso. Second one was because Tzip's evil half brother Vences was like, mad at him for being a good influence on Tzipporah and interfering with the spy duties. Chill touch so no healing + dagger in the ribs! Ow. Also the reveal that Tzip was a spy was happening like, simultaneously here so we were yowling and screaming. (Well. Talee and Co had their long time hunches about this. Loam and I had turned a beautiful blind eye to all suspicious activity)
ANYWAY HIS DEATH SCARS LOOK LIKE A COMET ABOVE HIS BELLY!!!! The spear scar made a patch of his fur turn white (front and back), and the dagger scar is its crude tail!
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I am skipping over so many plot revelations i. This is just the Loam Cut. and it's not even all of it.
His buzzcut was for emotional superstitious reasons!!! He cut it after Death 2 and Tzipporah getting taken against his will back into Evil Gang. Loam's mom has a lock of his hair at home now. ALL THIS TO SAY TZIP IS OKAY, NO LONGER SPYING, WE RESCUED HIM AND RIPPED A MASK OFF HIM AND SAVED HIM FROM GETTING HIS MIND EXCAVATED ! SO LOAM IS GROWING HIS HAIR OUT AGAIN!
The deaths of his close friends and their allies have also been. insane for him to process. To return someone to life in this setting u need to like. entreat a Titan. plead on the deceased's behalf and offer something up for the chance to revive them. (NO player spells like revivify. house rule) So interacting with these entities he sees as like Both forces of the natural world AND of huge religious/cultural importance regionally. And to have their requests be HEARD? He loves magic he loves Titans. And the plot is unfolding in such a way that scares me so bad. He loves his titan (The Curious Spear) SOOOO MUCH he has like the foundational belief that it can see through his eyes. Even if not true it motivates him to always seek understanding of strange new things.
Oh my god I didn't even talk about his multiclass into druid. He's a druid also. Circle of the Stars!! As a navigational point. He loves them. He loves space. He loves geography and regional interpretations of constellations. He used to just do freehand observations but truly became dedicated to charting the skies of every place the party travels to, after Tzipporah gifted him a grid-lined journal <3 <3 <3 STARRY FORM!!!!!!
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His awe and inspiration and hunger for knowledge is the well he draws magical power from. My Boy is thematically bound up in the soggiest parts of this earth and also the unknowably distant stars above and I'm normal about it (lie) (There is a new and scary Third Thing rising which is the space between. I <3 Void). I know i draw him beige and green but his like, character colour theme is. Dusk to me. Gloaming. When the world is lit like a dream <3
In summary. In conclusion. He and Adra and Ilsa and Talee (and the rest of the Four of Four) are trying to prevent Global Disaster of an existential scale never before seen and are being very brave about it.
Loam wants to understand everything about Everything. Because understanding is love. Unfortunately there are hostile resentful and vengeful forces making this hard to do. Most recently by saving a city we Unmade a magically sustained centuries-old library. And we haven't had time to like fully let that sink in. Because of the horrors of war and being Four of Four means responding to emergencies and protecting cities as best we can against a foe that was forgotten by history until like, 10 months ago. Less, even. I hope this is anything. I hope u are his friend now too because he is yours
good lord how could i forget. His gender is male in such a way that he does not give a shit about it. He's one of the girls. He's genderless. Like a knight. His sense of identity is built on Living Laughing and Loving.
his personal goals are 1. to uncurse the bog in such a way that the wrongs committed by Tilden historically are brought to light and righted, 2. to get super married to Tzipporah and build a house together, and 3. to somehow, eventually, through great teamwork and effort, cure(?) the dreadful lingering soul plague on the island of demeter. HUMBLE! OH and to make a finished star chart covering the entire planet. humble.
thank u for reading here are his current stats
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Stress Brawl was such a fantastic episode. Really elaborating on Hiromi's character. Hamster and Gretel at the very least is pretty good on building on previously established lore. It's satisfying when a typical joke gets referenced in a new context.
Seeing how Hiromi's reputation as a nice person, and her involvement in several activities actually stresses her out really added a layer of depth to her character. Hiromi was also established to have a more subtle cynical side that was annoyed by people's dependence on her. So it was good to see that expanded upon more as something that she represses.
Hiromi could very easily have been Kevin's "Nice but quirky" love interest but she's more than that and it's good to see. Not that Hiromi was ever that, but as she was quickly established as a character who existed beyond being Kevin's love interest. But seeing her continued development as a full fledged character raises the show's quality all around.
I think Hiromi serves a rather important anchoring role to the story as a well developed character who isn't involved in the superhero stuff or the Grant-Gomez family. She informs a lot of the high school setting and the stuff that goes on there. When it comes to saving the world type shows I find a well developed civilian cast is critical to giving the stakes weight. Her relationships with both Kevin and Fred also helps round out both characters by giving them someone who isn't each other to bounce off of.
Seeing Fred of course simply being Hiromi's friend and trying to support her is good to see. Not to mention how the fallout from her and Kevin's failed date was handled. Kevin has already been established to be a very stressed out person. Just he has a superhero little sister to deal with rather than a heap of extracurriculars. So it's interesting to see how they both had sort of similar reactions to their disaster date. Maybe one day they'll get together and be stressed about stuff together.
But for now Hiromi and Kevin is doomed by their inability to get on the same page. It's not Kevin's fault. It's not his fault he's got a part time job as a superhero coach and that his identity was revealed to an evil villain trying to take over the world thus making it impossible for him to commit to things or be honest about himself. It's not that Kevin didn't do anything wrong per se. Because a fake date was not the way to go. But he didn't have bad intentions. Usually fake dates are terrible because they're done out of an intent to manipulate the other person's feelings. But it was consensual on both members of the fake couple. And Kevin was doing it not to make Hiromi jealous in hopes of getting together with her, but to help them move on from the incident... which wasn't what she actually wanted. But Kevin genuinely had Hiromi's best interests in mind.
I don't think Hiromi is completely blameless in this either. Her refusal to talk to Kevin, instead just letting it go without any sort of catharsis left him unsure on how to actually proceed with their relationship in the way she wanted. But it's not her fault her crush stood her up with an empty explanation. Hiromi showed that she feels underappreciated, and she does deserve to have a boyfriend who actually makes her a priority. How could she know Kevin was literally kidnapped from their date.
But their relationship simply cannot proceed unless Hiromi finds out about Gretel's secret. And honestly, I suspect it's only a matter of time. This show isn't exactly stingy on the reveals. Though, even if the reveal happens, it won't necessarily fix everything. It's very possible Hiromi could still be hurt by Kevin (and Fred!!!) keeping a secret from her despite them being friends (I mean, Bailey knows). But only time will tell with how this plays out I suppose.
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year2000electronics · 11 months
i'm pressing u, please elaborate if u haven't already. like i'm 90% sure i know what u mean and agree w u but i wanna hear ur thoughts
OK so like i was talking w my friends about this but like. i used sonic 2 as an example. there are a lot of deleted scenes in sonic 2 where adding them to the movie does not change the canon of the movie. ie there's a character (wade) who gets his car stolen and we hard-cut to him in his garage with a bike. it's always going to be implied that wade is using his bike for the weekend, but there's a deleted scene that actually tells us he is fixing his broken bike, he lives with his mom, and likes ants on a log. so accepting that deleted scene as canon doesnt actually change the game. its dubiously canon because its not in the final product but still exists in the same universe and doesnt contradict canon.
look at like, kingdom of the sun vs emperor's new groove though. none of the deleted songs in kingdom of the sun were able to get into emperors new groove because that would destroy the tone and lore of the movie. snuff out the light is about yzma wanting to bring about an eternal night, but it can't be added to the movie because in emperor's new groove, yzma doesn't WANT to do that
so like. two types of deleted scenes. ones that you can add to canon without meddling with them, and ones where they cant be canon or else things would be worse or itd meddle with canon
and thats why i take the full streams as having a deleted scenes esque canonicity, because there is information in them thats just like. basic gags. bubby has an ipod. tommy says they fucked up the billboards. gordon's suit j- uh- nevermind.
but then you see in stuff like the commentaries that, like, some stuff was consciously LEFT OUT because it made canon worse or make less sense. like wayne cutting out his actual response to dr coomers 'what if it was fake' question, and wayne having to cut moments where he talks directly to chat and the science team responds to the chat dialogue (ie. cutting out the context of 'gordon, i need spices')
tldr i dont automatically accept the full streams as canon specifically because there's a 'final product' that exists in the edited videos, so im more inclined to not pay attention to full streams information because a lot of them had a very good reason for not being included. but also a lot of them were cut for scene so id be willing to slot them into my belief system
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
In the Deltafell AU, Are Host and Mike a couple while having Tenna and everything?
omg the Fell AU... Literally, my friends and I were literally talking about it just days ago LOL And then I briefly spoke about it in another Deltarune AU server... Is the call coming from inside the house or is this Ask a coincidence?
But I haven't worked on my take of it ever since I made Tenna, so it still only includes Mike and Host and no one else hahaha
Though I have been quietly rotating the idea of a Fell Klieg lately, but this isn't about him
For a recap of where I last left in my Fell take... Watch out I'm about to jumpscare people with the old art so I'll hide it under the Read More.
Content Warning, it's old art where Mike looks skinny, though in the context of this AU, that would actually make sense... hm
Also warning for the edginess that's expected of Fell AUs tbh :'D I like horror stuff... And weird robot gore
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old art old art ew scroll up ew aNYWAY
Uhh geez yeah Host never even got a finished Fell design, I wanted them to look a lot more femme than vanilla Host but I never truly found a proper direction for it
Mike is Mike, he's still tiny, and I couldn't get him not to wear pink so he settled on a fashionable hot pink instead, but that's beside the point
Recap of these two is that their meeting and backstory might have started the same as their vanilla counterparts. But the difference is that rather than Mike staying a broken mic with a broken body that didn't work, they uh... Found an alternative solution.
All the Microphone Darkners are detachable from their bodies, so Host being the silent terrifying behemoth they are, took matters into their own hands. Mics are such a common darkner type, who would notice if a few of them were to start going missing?
When his body was to start giving out, Mike would gladly use himself to lure his fellow mics to Host, posing as a helpless Microphone being chased, only to watch as his loving spouse would… What's a nice family-friendly way to describe the act of forcefully ripping those mics off of their bodies and killing them? Hands that hold Mike with such care, just as easily crushing those like him… All so he can get a new functioning body to hold them with…
Truly, is this not what love is? I feel like no matter the AU, M&H will always be a couple, no matter what… I feel they'd find each other in every universe...
Characterization-wise, they're both a lot more villainous, naturally, neither hold any remorse for the lives taken so that Mike can continue to pilot bodies that simply do not belong to him…
Somehow the knowledge that Host can very easily kill him is not lost on him, if anything, I think he finds that to me the most compelling part of it all… Host on the other hand, too loves their wonderful husband… And much like their vanilla counterpart… They will not hesitate if someone dares lay a hand on him… They simply have little care for morals in the Fell AU
The overall lore of their vanilla counterparts has evolved a lot since I last worked on the Fell AU, not to mention all the adjustments that had to take place when Tenna was added to the timeline and a lot of things had to be shifted around… They went from "Just some guys" to "Dark World leaders" so that's ever so slightly different
I did not consider how Tenna would function in this AU, or if he's even viable at all LOL I don't really have a Cable AU Fell Spamton to work off of, since his presence does end up defining how Tenna feels about Mike and his own presence in the world.
But at the same time, imagining M&H as that trope of the evil villains that are just the nicest parents ever is very fun to imagine hehehe
Vanilla Tenna is a bit wimpy no matter how tough they try to seem, and I image Fell Tenna being a bit more assertive or even hostile hehe
I feel like they'd either be super chill about their parents' habit of just killing mics (And using their power as Dark World Leaders for other purposes) and not care, or they're actively against it… I'm inclined to believe the latter since Tenna's thing is also being an awkward opposite of his parents, but him being against their villain acts also makes me wonder about how M&H would feel in this AU. I can't imagine them resenting their own kid, even as edgy villainous versions of themselves…
I'm also unsure of how/if the Flower Shop Tenna storyline is even a thing in this version of the AU or not. Tenna's disappearance affected the vanilla universe so much, and I feel like Fell M&H with a missing kid would very much go on a killing spree to find him LOL
I don't know! These are just random brainstormings and what ifs… Maybe if I ever feel inclined to do anything with this AU again, I'll try to concept a Fell Tenna hehehe
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paullovescomics · 5 months
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FCBD 2024, Part 5 of 5
Spider-man Ultimate Universe - This is not the same Ultimate Universe we saw years ago, but an entirely different one. Some powerful time-traveller has manipulated history to remove superheroes, and install a secret ruling elite of supervillains. Except he missed a bunch of superheroes, both in recent times and in the past, because here we have Spidey, Iron Man, Cap, and Doctor Doom. They're trying to find one of Cap's buddies from WWII. So that's another hero that this hero-erasing big bad failed to erase. This hero is held in a bunker that's filled with costumes and corpses of other heroes and villains. Where did these come from if they were prevented from arising? Clearly the blurb at the front of the comic left out a lot. When there are already so many alternate versions of superheroes running around, and status quos changing frequently, it's honestly hard to get excited about another alternate group of characters.
Blood Hunt - I like vampires, so we're off to a good start. The vampires have a plan that involves exploiting some Marvel lore and some characters who aren't seen too often. That's cool. The last page suggests it's not afraid of embracing a little camp, which suggests fun. Blood Hunt seems promising. The second half is about Jubilee dealing with the new status quo for mutants after the fall of Krakoa. I have to admit I can't be objective about this because I have seen the X-comics change their worlds and go to new interesting places only to come back to the same old thing over and over again. And here we have Jubilee watching the Xavier school get rebuilt for the 947,000th time. And mutants are again a persecuted minority who have to stay hidden. Of course they can make good stories out of this. I would prefer to have sense of progress or the X comics (and superheroes in general) that lasts more than a few years.
Marvel Voices - The first couple of stories here feel new. They are short vignettes that serve as introductions to Pavitr Prabhakar, the Spider-Man of Earth 50101, and Ghost Spider, aka Spider-Gwen. They're light, fun stories. The other three seem to be samples from upcoming issues. There's one about a character called Muzzle who I'm not familiar with. They're part of a gang of principled criminals, and get into a scrap with an unidentified version of Spider-Man. (I'm not up to date on Spidey comics.) Is this another alternate Earth? I can't tell. Then there's a few pages of Gambit fighting people. The sample is too short to convey anything meaningful about the story it's taken from. That's also true of the last sample, in which a literally nameless, mythological-looking guy is pounding on the shield around Wakanda, and Shuri is preparing to fight him. It's two pages. There are ads for other Marvel Voices series that look cool, but I hope there is more to them than what we see here.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Now for an entirely different kind of mutant. "Who Is…Nightwatcher?" Based on their general shape, I'm betting Nightwatcher is one of the turtles. But who knows. This one pulls a neat trick, where the narrative boxes don't match what we're seeing in the panels until a reveal at the end which puts them in a very different context. I get tired of characters narrating and commenting on their own stories through narrative boxes (just plain narration is often more efficient and more clear), but this put it to good use. Nicely done. This does make me curious about what has been going on over in IDW's version of the turtles' world. The second story is a fun one with the old school turtles and Master Splinter called "Splinter's Day Off".
Sorry if I was picky or generally a downer about the Marvel ones. It's still early as I write this, and maybe I am too uncaffinated or grumpy for some as yet undetermined cause. Feel free to take those reviews with a grain of salt, and as always, your mileage may vary.
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
List Of My Characters, Haphazardly Sorted
The following page will be a list of all of the characters I am open to being approached about for RP, questions, or interactions, divided into categories to try to make the list easier to sort through.
First, my main!
Shio - Female - Identifies as a Kojin, Warrior of Light. My canon WoL. All over my blog. She’s snarky, strong, studies the cultures and languages of everywhere she meets, always eager to make friends and only has a harsh word when she feels taken advantage of. Accordingly, dislikes the Scions, who she feels take advantage of her. Loves fishing.
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Further categories can be found beneath the read more! Not all of them have screens yet, but I will be adding more screens as my energy permits!
Basic Concept Characters - This category is for characters who are pretty basic, easy-access characters - ones that won’t require a huge amount of context or lore knowledge to grasp.
Conroy - Masculine, gender apathetic - Viera Archon of Aetherology, lives in Sharlayan. Very soft spoken, teaches people who can think "outside the box". Cannot cook. Has loving family.
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Brilliant Caladium - Female - Roegadyn, adventurer. Blessed with the Echo but choosing not to overreach her limits in heroing. Does small scale jobs and tries to get other WoLs to relax and pace themselves. Jovial, friendly. Very fit.
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Ava - Female - Viera brawler, adrenaline junky. Occasionally makes out with Sadu. Born in Rabanastre, was part of the Dalmascan Navy before Garlemald invaded. Has travelled the land since. Mainly wants to get in fights and find her family again.
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Gologa - Male - Hrothgar soldier, was at Bozja when it got nuked, old and haggard and scarred. Can't use magic. Recently adopted a Garlean toddler. Very taciturn but very physical and practical.
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Statera - Female - Miqo'te engineer, student of Conroy. Likes to tinker with machines in very reckless ways. Probably needs a few lectures on workplace safety. Very gung-ho, big hyperfocus energy.
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Omikhle - Male - Lalafell, once was an infamously powerful black mage, made a deal with a demon for long life, now is a full time healer teaching students in Sharlayan. Brusque, rude, will set unruly students on fire.
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Nith - Androgynous Agendered - Viera Ronin, wandering the land going where there are things to fight and teaching samurai arts to fellow travellers. Has no interest in politics, always interested in a drink and to hear tales of far off lands.
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Ban - Male - Roegadyn ex-pirate, once cannoneer on the ship Thal's Mercy, now works a quiet life as an attendant at the Bokairo Inn. Very pragmatic, very rough spoken but ultimately kind in his recent years.
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Gloyn - Feminine, gender apathetic - Viera botanist, was once a Warrior of Light but didn't like hurting people and so retired from it after some very unpleasant shenanigans. Took up healing and botany. Very short attention span, very bubbly personality. Likes glitter. Cannot hold still.
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Odori - Female - Miqo’te singer, dancer, and entertainer. Hingan-born, spends her life travelling the world. Flirty, sultry, happy, and unusually tall. Enjoys being unexpected.
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Khusel - Feminine Gender Apathetic - Xaela, left the Steppe after some familial clashes. Now wanders around, doing odd jobs. Travels a lot, kind of useless - vibe of “rat that went through the washing machine’s spin cycle.”
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Alatyr - Male - Hrothgar, middle-aged traveling merchant. Travels the star over with a caravan of goods, always happy to buy or sell whatever is needed. Very relaxed, very calm, very friendly, very soft. Often found with a local beauty in a tavern, pub, or inn, drinking and smoking and laughing.
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Blooming Arrowroot - Feminine gender apathetic - Roegadyn, full-time miner. Has two loving parents who she insisted should be able to retire, as such, works six days a week dawn to dusk to provide for herself and both of them. Permanently tired, very overworked, and can be found on her weekly days off drinking cheap swill in the Drowning Wench. Wishes she had the time or money to go see a play.
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Unique Concept Characters - This category is for characters who I have come up with one or two unusual traits for, that come up commonly in their interactions and stories.
Amis - Feminine gender apathetic - Au Ra songstress, mute Qalli, writes music for a living in Radz-at-Han. Very short and explosive temper, communicates exclusively via music. Best songwriter you've ever goddamn heard of.
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Lihtbryda - Female - Roegadyn mercenary, has a weird condition with her aether that makes her physically hot to the touch. Wants to save people and make friends but is very emotionally starved.
Saltsong - No Gender - Sea-deity given form, shapeshifter, usually takes the form of a coral-horned Xaela woman. Size shifter. Is the spirit of the ocean with all that entails.
Galdra - Feminine Gender Unsure - isn't sure what race she is, suspects artificial lifeform. Every time she dies, she wakes up again in the ruins of Nym. Has become blasé towards danger and death. Cordial but distant, has memory issues.
Acras - Female - Xaela, cursed by a Voidsent into becoming a vampire. Hedonistic, enjoys high society events, travels a lot. Likes to have blood from willing donors.
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Amga Qestir - Feminine Gender Apathetic - Xaela, completely mute Qestir. Travels the world, despises civilisation. Friendly and gregarious, welcomes anybody to their campsites as they travel the world - as long as they do not speak. Lives off the land, and travels to everywhere on the planet, with the exception of any kind of town, settlement, or city.
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Lore-Dependent Characters - This category is for characters who I have written to try to explore some particular facet of the FFXIV lore or story. Spoilers for the MSQ will inherently exist in this category.
Orinitt - Male - Dwarf blacksmith, had the Stoneblight that made him lose sight in one eye, shenanigans got him to the Source. Now lives in Limsa and is determined to become the best smith in two worlds. Alcoholic. Rivals with Gerolt. Very very grumpy.
Taraine - Genderfluid - Elezen knight, noble and heretic, lives in Ishgard. Extremely cruel and sadistic, incredibly angry at the Church and the Temple Knights, spent her life during the Dragonsong War undermining them. Now that peace has been found, does not trust the Church, is trying to find her new place.
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Surya - Androgynous Agendered - Viis singer, lives in Eulmore and literally sings for their supper. Has no interest in anything beyond the now, wants to help people relax. Hedonist, kind, but uninterested in the long term.
Nehir - Male - Garlean deserter, son of Gaius. Was a sas in the Garlean army, posted on the walls at Ala Mhigo before deserting in disgust at Zenos's disregard for the men under his command. Believes in the Garlean message, hates the colonialism. Wants to help uplift people. 
Blaidd - Male - Elf Werewolf, given the power of the wolf by the Shadowkeeper on the First, then was stranded in the Void for years. Managed to get out to the Source, now lives in the wilderness in isolation, very uncomfortable in society. Has a very feral wolf side, keeps very tightly controlled most of the time.
Reson - Male - Viera escaped experiment, was in Garlean captivity for many years. Likely not his real name. Has the Resonant but can't control it, experiences physical agony if someone lies aloud near him. Very quiet, very distrusting. Has prosthetic legs, ending in hooves.
(Shadowbringers Spoilers) Amaurotine Characters - This sub-category is for Amaurotine characters I have created, who are by nature related to another character.
Thalassa - Female - The Amaurotine whose Sundered soul would become Shio. Once a Word of Mitron, designing microbiology for aquatic biospheres, she was given the responsibility of the Seat of Azem - against her will, but she took the duty seriously.
Kolokasia - Female - The Amaurotine whose Sundered soul would become Brilliant Caladium. Nobody of any particular important position or prominence, a mere florist in the Unsundered World. Collects flowers, and gives them to people who she likes.
NSFW Characters - Most of the characters listed above can be found at @the-lustful-kojin​ for NSFW content! However, there are two characters who are inherently NSFW in some fashion - be it violence, dark themes, or erotic content. They will be contained on their own blogs, which will be linked here.
Elucia - Gender N/A - Voidsent (succubus), mainly tries to seduce people and eat their aether, as well as keep their head down and not get slain by a hero. Very sexual, shapeshifter. Is NSFW for sexual and erotic themes, as well as violence. ( @thedemonelucia )
Nahla - Female - Elezen pirate, quartermaster on the Scorpio Siren. Is not nice. Is very ruthless. Never raises her voice. Mainly wants to keep sailing free. Hates chains. Is NSFW for reasons of torture and other dark themes, both in her backstory and her current actions. ( @quartermasternahla )
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ANALYSIS #1: 03/06/24
My first specimen, and what a nice find. I had quite a lot of fun going through this list, and I hope you're able to find something valuable within my research, #1. I know I certainly did myself while investigating.
What exactly was inside that list you gave me again?
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Ah, yes. You gave a hearty dose full of useful information. Many great places for analyzation.
Why don't we start off with the data I've gathered on your background then, hm? 
Context is always the first step into investigations like these. And yours seems rather intriguing..
Let's address the elephant in the room first: your parents. My god, do they seem horrific.
They clearly didn't care for you, or at least not in the way you needed to be cared for. Violence has definitely plagued your home, whether it be verbal or physical, though I'm leaning more towards verbal in this instance. Anyone who's said "words don't cut" has clearly never stepped near your family. I can imagine the scars are unbearable. Hell, it seems like even the smallest things can take you back to that wretched excuse of a home, and it makes you feel pathetic. It's not by the way, in case you were wondering, but me saying that will never be proof enough, is it? I know you're smart (something I'll expand on later). I know that you recognize that all your reactions to these memories are completely valid, but it must be hard to believe in your own thoughts when they've been pushed down by others over and over again, right?
The saddest bit is that I think deep down, you do want to love your parents. You yearn to feel the kind of affection you've seen in all your favorite shows. You want somebody to pick you up off the street and care for you unconditionally. You never wanted to feel this kind of pain from them.
It seems your parents weren't the only harsh parts of your life. You've lost unbelievable amounts from your childhood as well. Maybe you've lost everything. It's why you pay so much attention to the small things in life. Not because you want to, but because you need to. You wouldn't have anything if you didn't take the time to enjoy the little details in life.
Adding onto this loss, I feel like abandonment might play a role in this specifically. You've been abandoned and you want someone to truly care for you this time. To remember you and keep remembering you.
You yearn to do more with your life. Something is holding you back. It could be your self doubt, or your values, your loved ones, maybe the entirety of the world itself. It's hard to pinpoint, but something has held you back. I can feel how close you are to cracking. And I think you should keep in mind that cracking isn't as bad as people might make it out to be. Remember, we wouldn't have glass paintings without picking up our broken pieces.
All in all, I can confirm one thing: There are people in your life that you're still restraining screams from. Parents are obviously one of them, as stated before, but I feel like there's more. Much more. Maybe old friends, partners, it could be anybody, really. All I truly know is that your screams could leave a cave echoing for years, and I think your heart has been a replacement for that cave for far too long. It's not fair. It never will be. You and I both know that an eternity of screaming could never make up for the damages you've been dealt.
Now, I know I've left a lot of these threads untied, but trust me, we're getting there. Now that context has been provided, that gives us room to determine what exactly your true issues in life are. What's really been weighing you down? How exactly does your brain function with all of this in mind?
You don't trust yourself. Maybe you've hurt someone before (or believe you have) and it has never left you since. Maybe it's just the fact that you've grown up in such vicious conditions that you're afraid you'll unknowingly do the same to the people you truly love. You will do everything in your power to make sure you never hurt anyone like the way they hurt you, even if it means destroying yourself.
Sometimes you wonder if destroying yourself would finally get you the help you've been waiting for all these years. Nothing seems to have worked in giving you the aid you need, so clearly there's something you're missing, right?
It's either that or you find the quickest way to forget everything. You want to forget everything, don't you?
It's why vulnerability is one of your greatest fears. True vulnerability. You've never shown a single soul what you are when completely defenseless. Or maybe you have. Maybe it was the last time you ever did. Either way, there is a reason that nobody has seen you without a mask on. Some may have seen you with thinner masks than others, but nobody has seen your true face. You want to show them, but it's too much to bear. Not only for you but for what you believe others should not be burdened with as well. You'd rather drown in yourself than risk drowning another.
It's thoughts like these that consume your mind when at your lowest. 
Do not fall for their deception.
And I have all the proof I need to show how these thoughts could never be more wrong.
You care. You genuinely care. You care for strangers that  you'll most likely never come across again in your life. You know this and you choose to care anyways. You are one of the few who still wears a tender heart on their sleeve, and you wield it as if it were armor. Choosing to stay kind in even the harshest situations, even when rage feels like the only thing you know. I know you want the world to feel your wrath, and trust me, the world knows you could end her. It takes a hero to manage such a beast. Take pride in that.
You seem highly intelligent, or at least highly emotionally intelligent, which is one of the most for-granted and powerful type of intelligence people can have. People might not recognize it at first, but you're able to understand others in a way that most cannot. Ironically, "empath" is a term that could genuinely suit you, despite the amount of jokes surrounding it. Because in all honesty, you are the exact type of friend that everybody needs. It's just a matter of whether or not they deserve your kindness.
Adding onto this, you're very protective over the people you hold close to you. You're protective in a very special way though. Instead of jumping into battle, you fight on the sidelines, away from the crowd. And once you get the chance, you heal as much as you are able to. Not only are you protective and loyal, but rational and understanding. That doesn't make you any less fierce. It makes you much stronger than people even realize. 
Honestly, you've always been a soldier. A fighter. You've been fighting your whole life and I can just imagine that it still feels like the war has only begun. Remember these battles though, and I mean every one. The ones you've won, and the ones you've lost, because frankly the outcome doesn't matter. It's the fact that you survived and kept fighting that matters. Not only that, but the fact that you're able to still care for the world after all it's done to you? That's how the finest weapons are made.
Also, a fellow analyzer I see. That's always a plus in my books. Welcome to the team.
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts there and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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brownfrogs · 2 years
so Hanzo and Cole set up this agreement to help each other out and scope out different information, at first there is a hesitance bc Cole knows the Shimada Clan does /a lot/ more than just robberies so he is naturally hesitant to make this alliance.
the adding of ashe could give such a fun scene of Hanzo being like a little jealous and asking like, fine purely for 'business reasons' you don't have any romantic relations I should know about… And Cole is like ... Ashe??? and just laughs at him. Hanzo just blinks and is like ??? very obviously missing the context maybe thats the lore drop of them growing up together and some fun stuff but both are like dating?? never.
maybe they used to perform together in deadlock (maybe deadlock was a band of sorts who would sneak into events under cover as the entertainment.) and her and Cole often were talked about as a duo when in reality Ashe was who taught him to play guitar or smth sweet like that
oh and they absolutely have some intimate moments here and there. but later on we see Hanzo getting badly affected by the clan. Maybe this is where we see a Hanzo & Genji divide starts to happen. Hanzo is like venting about Genji going off and just being human and Cole is like don't yall think the clan shouldn't be getting you into this shit, like theft is one thing but (not sure what the crime is yet, maybe some sort of displacement of famous performers, thats how we loop around with singers and such) xyz is a whole other.
but the story arc would see the corruption of the clan happen before us, we have like some super sweet moments of Cole comforting Hanzo when he breaks apart from being overwhelmed with responsibility and realising that maybe, /just maybe/ he shouldn't have to have the weight of this entirety crime syndicate on his shoulders.
like i imagine they both have their own limits about whats morally correct or morally grey if anything but i think the corruption would take it too far for both of them, this could be genji being exiled or something similar
so i could see them bounding together against both of their organisations and thats when we get the yeehan dynamic in such full so when we do have our OW police and detectives coming in at first it's definitely hostility but then its our anti heroes working against the police bc they won't handle the missing subjects with enough care
like theyd only care about arresting the criminals not getting back the ppl whilst Hanzo and Cole are like no we need our people. they matter.
also i could see them both truly indulging in casual intimacy that isn't limited to threatening grabs and shoves.
like being held??? being simply /held/ when they are in an industry so rough and tough and having the most gentle hug and soothing lullabies would truly be healing for them
Ugh I honestly don’t have much to add to this bc this is already so perfect.
Cole saying him and Ashe practically raised themselves in this cruel world but made it on the other side. Maybe not so different to Hanzo and Genji.
Knowing that Sojiro gets assassinated, I like to think it left a power vacuum over to who will get his districts/finances/weapons, since Hanzo wasn’t established fully yet. The elders stepped in to fight off the Hashimoto claiming territory outright, but they felt Genji was out of control and needed to be leashed in by Hanzo. They manipulate him into thinking Genji is feeding the police information or something similar to make him turn on his brother. But thankfully Cole is there to instill some sense into him enough to break through that control. And also just be a comforting shoulder to lean on.
I LOVE CASUAL INTIMACY BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM. (I honestly think of this art piece all the time bc of it) Hanzo and Cole facing each other as they talk softly of things, legs touching, Cole placing one of Hanzo’s bangs behind his ear, Hanzo squeezing Cole’s knee. Cole dressing Hanzo in his expensive suit, tying his tie, fixing his cufflinks. Hanzo getting Cole new cigars and carrying a lighter just for him to light without as so much a word. Allowing themselves to be vulnerable and comfortable with each other in a world that would punish them for it? Incredible.
Then the kidnappings start happening yes, and maybe Kiriko’s dad is the latest one (instead of a swordmaster he could be a musician) and Kiriko asks for their help along with her little crew to get justice. So they can be in full swing along with the rest of their people and have a nice satisfying ending haha
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theherds · 2 years
Random Bella Sara Thought #1:
Brioso is the son of Allegra.
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For a bit of background info Allegra (pictured right) is the Countess of herd Airistos. Brioso is the Page of herd Airistos. While looking through my cards I noticed that Brioso looked quite similar to Allegra. Now of course there are horses that look similar in Bella Sara most of which are the regular horses and those from the earlier series with alot of pure black horses for example. However, Brioso has quite a unique design that even stays fairly unique today. Before the card series Sunflowers and especially Moonfaires came out there were few fairy/insect winged horses. Maybe a few scattered about.
Now looking through the fandom I actually found that apparently Dewsparkle is his mother as it was shown in his stable. For context each horse has a picture of themselves in their stable. The foals will have pictures of their family assuming they have any. The wiki acknowledges that this relationship seems odd. Now obviously there can be simple explanations like maybe the people working on the game thought it would be funny. Maybe it was mistakenly put in there and they just left it. Whatever the reason let’s look way too into this. The series does have its own lore and story but it’s a bit odd at times and can be blurry or confusing as it’s at times inconsistent and there isn’t as much as you would thing.
So, why is it weird that Dewsparkle is Brioso’s mother?
1. Brioso is a butterfly winged horse while Dewsparkle is a dew pony.
2. Brioso looks nothing like Dewsparkle. Now realistically a child will not always look exactly like their parent or have their exact attributes as that’s not how genetics work but Brioso does not share any similarities in appearances to Dewsparkle at all. When looking at the foals of Bella Sara most will look something like their parents and have obviously similar attributes. We don’t know who the father of Brioso is but having zero traits from the mother is still odd.
3. They’re in different herds. Brioso is in herd Airistos while Dewsparkle is of herd Sunflower. As Brioso is still a foal it’s odd that he is part of a different herd as foals are typically associated with the same herd as their parents.
4. Let’s talk cards. Brioso was introduced in Royalty and hasn’t made any other appearances. Dewsparkle was introduced in Bella’s Ball as a promo card and reappeared in Sunflowers. Allegra also first appeared in Bella’s Ball along with her husband Rodrigo. Allegra would reappear in Herds of North of North but her husband would not make a reappearance. Brioso never appeared in Bella’s Ball. So they can’t even be related via cards. Part of me wonders if they meant to put Allegra’s picture instead and just didn’t care to change it or didn’t want to.
Now let’s take a look at all 3 horses. I’ve also added Dewsparkle’s Sunflower artwork and the Adventures artwork for the three adults as I think it shows what they’re meant to look like really well.
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As you can see Brioso looks nothing like Dewsparkle. However, he looks a lot like Allegra. Both have dark brown coats and a black mane and tail. While not exact their wings have similar color and pattern. They both sport golden horns as well, just not in the same shape. Last but not least they also both have brown eyes. In relation to Rodrigo there isn’t nearly as much apart from the brown eyes and golden horn but Brioso does have a darker coloring on his legs, this can also be seen on Rodrigo.
It’s true that Dewsparkle also does have darker legs but that’s really the only thing. Brioso has wings and a horn while Dewsparkle does not. They’re entirely different species of horses. Dewsparkle’s eyes are blue/green while Brioso has brown eyes. Their colors do not match and Brioso has a short coat while Dewsparkle has a longer one.
So let’s get back to the theory.
I theorize that Brioso is the son of Allegra. At least biologically. As he looks very similar to her and their both from the same herd. Now let’s add to the theory of why Dewsparkle’s picture is up there and not Allegra’s.
1. Allegra gave him up. Brioso looks a bit older than a young foal so maybe Allegra gave him up when he was born. Maybe a reason was because she was too young. Rodrigo may be her husband but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had other relations. Maybe she fell in love with another stallion before Rodrigo and had Brioso. Maybe it was a fling with some random stallion. Maybe she cheated on Rodrigo and that’s why she got rid of Brioso. Now assuming that Rodrigo is there father then I would maybe say they were just too young to take care of a child. In any of these scenarios Dewsparkle becomes his adoptive mother. Maybe she was a friend of Allegra’s and agreed to care for him. Or maybe she found him abandoned and took pity on him? Maybe after some time he returned to herd Airistos as maybe he didn’t feel like herd Sunflower was for him. Or perhaps he learns of his origins and returns to find his parents.
2. Brioso has a bad relationship with his mother. The reason I don’t say parents is there isn’t too much evidence that Rodrigo is the father but it is very much possible. Maybe she had Brioso with another Stallion but ended up marrying Rodrigo. While the hierarchy and nobility of the herds doesn’t seem to be exactly like it in our world it could still be a tight situation with her being a Countess. Wether he had a bad relationship with his mother or both his mother and his father maybe he turned to Dewsparkle as his mother figure. Maybe she was a friend of Allegra who would help watch and care for him or maybe he just happened to meet her one day. Either way maybe because his relationship with his mother wasn’t so good he chose to put Dewsparkle’s picture on the wall rather than his mother’s or parent’s to show feels more like family than his own biological mother.
Anyways that’s just my stupid little theory that went on for way too long. I’m personally gonna headcanon that he is the son of Allegra but was raised more or entirely by Dewsparkle. I haven’t yet decided tho if I shall include Rodrigo as his father and if I shall go with his mother gave him up or his has a strained relationship with her.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Was ranting about this in passing to friends the other day about how most people are so literary-deaf that they cannot accept that an aspect of a story is canon unless they tell it to them straight, but I think the importance of understanding the subtlety and environmental layout of Hollow Knight's story is that it is fundamentally one built around the concept of silence. The main character does not have a voice, and so there is no central narrative to tell the tale of their past or the kingdom that made them; the most important details that we get are most often visual, sometimes with a small placard that indicates what the Knight must be thinking when encountering it. Further context is added with the dialogue and thoughts of other, speaking characters, but those are details that only highlight certain elements within the story, they don't give the bulk of the information. More often, we are shown scenes or stumble across events that evoke a visceral, wordless reaction within us, and allows our minds to connect the dots on our own, without the aid of an internal dialogue. There are some changes to the screen cards that might indicate the Knight's thoughts changing on their journey- from Millibelle the Banker to Millibelle the Thief, the Last Stag to the Old Stag, the Soul Master to the Soul Tyrant, Broken Vessel to Lost Kin- but those are few and far between. Because the core experience is one focused around learning the story of the Knight and their sibling through their eyes, the literal shadows left behind of much more glorious characters who left even more glorious messes.
And I think that's important to understand, because dismissing these evnvironmental cues on account of them not being clearly defined or up to interpretation undercuts the fact that a very core theme of the main character's journey is about their silence, and about the assumed lack of agency that gives them. That the vessels have no voice to cry suffering is a core aspect of their characters, along with the assumption that they are empty of emotion, a hollowed out shell to be filled with the life of greater, more vengeful beings. That concept of hollowness is flawed, and so too is the concept that the vessels themselves are voiceless- because they do indeed have a means of telling their story. It's just one that requires you to look instead of listen, and to not speak over what you see, or value the words of other people over the impressions of their own. Which is very much what many tone-deaf theorists do, by taking the words of the npcs and lore tablets as literal instead of the tonal amplifiers that they are. The bulk of the story is shown, not told, and is no less clear or credible for it.
Idk. I just think that there's a lot to be said about the fact that the most valuable bits of lore from a story about voiceless beings come from emotionally impactful visual scenes, and not from any moments with written lore or heavy dialogue. The story of Hollow Knight follows the tale of a character who is incapable of speech, and is silent to match. There's a certain sort of visceral beauty to that just gets completely butchered when lore theorists try to argue that written or spoken aspects of the story should be treated as absolute fact while ignoring everything that was shown, not told.
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funnylittlefella · 3 years
My problem with the fashion in miraculous.
Part 1 Marinette.
This is going to be a long rant on why I don’t like the fashion in miraculous, which seems very negative but it’s probably just me over analyzing everything.
In 2015 Miraculous: tales of ladybug and chat noir was released, at the time there were already other rivaling cartoons (such as Star vs the forces of evil, Steven Universe and Gravity falls being the most popular ones) What made Miraculous stand out from other cartoons that were aimed for kids/preteens was the 3D animation, this made the show quite popular, especially since Disney's new 3D animated films such as Frozen, Tangled and Big Hero Six was quite popular especially on tumblr (because of the re-colours and redesigns of Rapunzel/Elsa and whoever else into a hipster or some other god awful fashion trend from 2010-2016)
Miraculous is STILL airing today meaning that when I was in grade 6 I was watching it, now I'm in my last year of highschool and we are finally seeing development in the show (sorry) however we have not seen any character changes in clothing which I know we don't see much but I feel as if Marinette wears the same 4 outfits and I WOULD LOVE to see a storyline where Marinette is maturing and decides to change her hairstyle and her clothing choices.
Lets analyse Marinette's everyday outfit.
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Marinette wears a white singlet top(tank top?) with a black outline/trim, on the singlet top we see a flower design that appears to be a cherry blossom or lotus. Over the top of the shirt she wears a dark grey blazer jacket with a white inside with pink polka dots, she sports this same material but inverted so it is pink with white dots on her purse. For the bottoms she wears hot pink jeans which appear to have the same polka dot pattern on the cuffs as the jacket she wears, the jeans also have some weird ripped/line structure too them which has been added with a white stitching. She wears baby pink ballet flats with a slight heel and black lining and a bow.
I don’t really like this outfit, it’s very boring and I think that Marinette being an aspiring fashion designer would wear something bold that shows off her skills and her own personal style. I also believe that Marinette would be on trend, while being ladybug could potentially leave her with not enough time to come up with new designs, I think it would be a good concept for Marinette to be wearing a new design once in a while. (Even though I know it will be the same polka dot,baby pink, flower fabric that marinette seems to have 10000 yards of.)
For example, in Gravity Falls Mable would wear a different sweater each episode (don’t quote me on that I could be wrong)
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Mabel wore the same structure of outfit each episode yes, but it was new each time. And while I wouldn’t consider this the height of fashion, it suits Mabels personality and shows that she is different from the other characters who wear the same outfit every episode.
Mabels constant changing of sweaters shows the chaos of her character, you never know what to expect with her, which is why she played a vital role in Bills plan, she was unpredictable and let her ego and own happiness succumb to her chaotic actions.
This would be an easy concept to implement into miraculous and would fit with the context, perhaps Marinette would make a new piece of clothing to wear each episode, it could start off with smaller accessories that slowly develop into larger pieces. If Marinette is sad, it could reflect in the item she chooses to make.
However that isn’t the main problem of the outfits, my problem is that I hate them, I’m not judging you if you like them in any way,shape or form, but personally I cannot see a normal teenager wearing these outfits, there is only few characters whose outfits actually make sense.
For example, Marinettes outfit feels more mature, as if she is working in an office, this does not fit her character at all, and while the colours are bright, the structure and presentation of the pieces gives off the boring dull feeling of working in an office and makes her look much older.
Now here is what I would’ve liked Marinette to wear each season. (considering the dates of releases)
Season 1 2015
In season one we are introduced to Marinette, considering Marinettes age 13. Bare with me, I understand these years are arguably the worst for fashion.
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The reason why I picked this outfit is because it reminds me of Marinette, Taking inspiration from 2015 trends, we see Marinette following basic trends such as off the shoulder and denim materials, however, I believe she would add her own style by adding the polka dot pattern to the inside of the jacket (like her original blazer) and the skirt. This look is generally what I would consider to be basic Marinette, she could wear this throughout each season since it is a outfit that could fit into any time frame (2000s-2020) with a few alterations.
Season 2 2016.
2016 was also not a good year for fashion but oh well I digress. This season we get to meet new characters, including new miraculous wielders and love interest. This is also when we get a Marinette birthday episode shower her growth symbolically or whatever.
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I decided to add ‘edge’ to this outfit, since we do see Marinette get hurt in a few episodes and struggle with having to choose the right people to wield a miraculous. on the left, I chose a bomber jacket since they were incredibly popular at the time, and dark heels to show Marinettes change, however underneath she wears bright pink jeans and a white turtleneck, this is to show that she is still soft and caring.
Season 3 2019.
this is where it gets much better since the trends and fashion were actually really good this year. We see a lot of important points in this season, we get backstory about characters, learn more about the Miraculous lore, AND we see Marinette be very mature and put Adrien and Kagamis happiness over her own.
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This is how I think Marinette would dress and yes they are 4 very different styles, but I think that she would want to show variety not only in her work as a designer, but also as a person, Marinette wants to grow.
Anyways that’s all for now, yes this post is very much all over the place and I start point and leave them without conclusion, but it was fun for me.
EDIT: in my research I decided to change my idea lol, Marinette doesn’t wear the item she makes because it’s too expensive to have a character wear a new outfit each episode, but instead we just see her making a new item.
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bethanygabrielleart · 2 years
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back again with a couple more @campweehawken character au designs!!! this time for Esther and Liv including a color variant for Esther
if u again would just like to enjoy the art as is, feel free, below the cut im gonna add character info required for rp!
Esther Sephtis: girl on the left! she's based on her mainverse/twitter self. you can find her twitter here for extra context/vibe on the character: @purplerosedes. she's got a lot of lore from the Riverview universe but just know she's basically a special kind of ghost. she has powers relating to projecting sadness on others (think blue diamond in su), projecting calming auras, and dreamwalking/dream interacting. kinda trying to keep it mega on the DL that she's magic and Dead as to not scare kids or expose magic. she's the girlfriend of Johnny Bosteau (see @rv-at-camp-weehawken). she wears these sunglasses All the time. do not take them off. very very very very ill advised. also refuses to get water on her exposed body. also extremely ill advised. anyway, she's gonna be your camp nurse, taking a vacay from her normal duties and exploring new places. not very well-versed in modern lingo and might take things too literally. just be patient with her. she's a bit old-fashioned and well-meaning. very motherly. she might partake in other activities but being a nurse is her main task so she'll try to be available the whole time for that
Liv Stacey: the goth gf you want but will never have. she's just rollin around checking out what to do for the summer and decided hey let's take a camp job to shake things up. no declared role at the camp specifically (yet). very snarky but does have a soft spot if you can ever reach it. really good at music and is a graffiti and tattoo artist normally. might participate or cause pranks on kids and staff alike. she has no allegiance to anyone but herself. keeps wondering if something Weird will happen at the camp like her horror movies. Do Not Take Off Her Blue Necklace Or Else She Will Drop Kick You. it's keeping something under wraps. man, liv is a good swimmer too, wonder if thats linked to anything. liv also has a twitter but this is based on her before she takes guardianship over a different character named Tess, so dont worry about her yet: @mermaidgoth
EDIT: I changed my mind like the little whacky funky gal i am and added tess to the camp! see her here!
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raisans-art · 3 years
What the Fuck Are these Characterizations: The Essay
Full warning: This is only concerning Tommy's stream made today, 4/29/2021. I know Ranboo has streamed after Tommy but I haven't watched that.
On with the essay.
A lot happened.
Tommy tried to kill Dream, Dream actually killed Ghostbur, Wilbur is back (pog). It's a lot. A lot of plot and a lot of emotions. I will preface this with the usual "holy hell these people are pretty damn good actors for having no formal training as far as I'm aware." They get their emotions across very clearly and that's kinda why I'm making this in the first place. The way some of the characters acted in Tommy's 4/29 stream is a bit odd in my opinion.
Now, I will concede that I have not been diligent with the Dream SMP lore. I've been given broad strokes and have seen various clips but I have definitely not been on top of it. I may have missed streams entirely and you all more avid fans may be able to name scenes that I haven't seen that rationalize some of these reactions that I will be criticizing. If you can, please do so! I'd love to start a dialogue over this!
So, how I'm gonna break this all up is to take a look at Tommy, Wilbur, Ranboo, and Awesamdude and how their CCs characterized them during the stream. I'll sing praises where they are due and point out my criticisms where they arise. Then, I will try to surmise some meta as to why I think these characterizations came to be in the first place.
Tommy, to me, has the best characterization in this. CC Tommy clearly has a very good sense of what he wants from his character and has been playing into that line of thought from the beginning of this whole debacle.
Tommy is scared, paranoid, and pissed off. Ever since he left the prison he avoids taking damage like the plague, rambles indecisively, is easily sent into a panic, and is hypersensitive to the people around him. He panics when he sees weapons out and one crucial thing that he made clear from the start was that he wants Dream dead.
Straight out of limbo, Tommy concludes that Dream needs to die. From there he plans this whole mission with Ranboo, Tubbo, and Ghostbur to get in and kill Dream. He says that Dream can't keep living with this power at his fingertips, and from before his final death, Tommy clearly wants to be rid of his abuser, adding a personal layer to his plan. Tommy is stubborn and determined since the beginning, sacrificing his life and disks for L'manberg and refusing to believe that his home is gone until the place is blown to bedrock. Of course, he would stick to his plan to a T.
Now, is this a smart decision to sneak into the highest security area in the entire SMP? Fuck no. It's a stupid idea. Even if Tommy hadn't messed up, Sam would've seen Dream die to a floating axe and kept Tommy and Ghostbur in that containment cell. It would've been a one-way ticket, especially given what we see of Sam in this stream.
But this all makes sense for the character CC Tommy is playing. Tommy isn't thinking about how smart of a decision this is and he hardly ever does when he takes action. He shoots from the hip, takes his first instincts, and acts on them.
It's easy to draw a clear line of progression of Tommy as a character from season 1 to this moment in season 3 and past Ghostbur's death. His hyperventilating as he tries to get his plan to work after it failed, Trying to save Ghostbur from what he went through, lashing out at Sam, and yelling at Wilbur. All of this in line with who Tommy is as a character and how events have changed him. This is a good characterization.
Wilbur has changed a lot since we've seen him last, both alive and dead. Since he's been alive, Wilbur has changed his tune from "I want to die" to "hell sucks, mate." What's particularly interesting is that this sentiment that he has from being alive carried for a long time into his limbo, as evidenced by his appearance in the season 2 finale on the bench. He wanted to "stay dead" at that point. Since we've seen him in limbo, he's gone from content in his situation and understanding why he's there and that he's there forever.
Now we have Revivedbur. Revivedbur is ecstatic to be alive again. He goes from numb to embracing feeling again. The fandom once thought that Revivedbur would be annoyed with or hateful towards Dream for bringing him back turned into joy and reverence. This is quite a drastic leap. Bad characterization.
But it isn't.
I have seen one clip from Ranboo's stream on 4/29 and that is Ranboo telling Philza that Wilbur is alive. In this bit, after mentioning that Wilbur has been in limbo for a perceived 13 and a half years, Phil says "13 years is a long time to be away... he almost certainly isn't the same person... people can change quite a lot in a single year, two years, three years, four years, even five years, Ranboo."
Wilbur has been gone for 13 years. He's been in the same place with no change other than Tommy for 13 fucking years. That's 13 years where we heard from him 2 times. We know virtually nothing about what those 13 years were like for him, but from what Wilbur has said, it was torture to him. He was stagnant, stuck in a fucking tube station for 13 years, unable to leave no matter how hard he tried.
We know so little about how his time in limbo changed him because it's such a long span of time with radio silence. I dare say this is fucking great characterization.
This is where I start having some issues, and this is where I have the least amount of context. From what I've seen, Ranboo is little miss angst who forgets things and is constantly on the verge of having a panic attack (hyperbole). From what I have surmised of his character in various contexts, serious and dramatic scenes and domestic ones, Ranboo really cares about the people around him and is scared of himself and his mind.
So why is it that he straight up just sneers at Tommy, saying "the hell did you do?"
I'm really just focusing on this because it just seems really off to me in the context of his character. Ranboo was in on this plan. It's pretty common knowledge that the only person with revive powers is Dream. Ranboo doesn't know everything that happened within the prison, sure, but why is he so quick to assume that Tommy was the root cause? Is it because he's been hanging out with the world's 2nd biggest Tommy hater, Niki (the character for clarification)? I honestly don't know where this jump-in assumption is coming from. Given what I understand of his character, this line and the implications I'm getting are just a bit out of character. Feel free to explain why I'm wrong because I am not in this loop whatsoever.
Sam is where I have the biggest issue. How does a man go from living on an isolated island in grief over a death he could've prevented if only he had been quicker, to yelling at that same formerly dead person that he was at fault for the death/revival of another person?
Now, one thing that is strengthened by this characterization is Sam's dedication to the rules. He has his strict protocol and he is not going to let that slip up for anything. He wants to keep Dream in prison and never let him out.
But I'm just having a hard time grappling with a man so quick to blame himself last time something like this happened being so quick to place blame on a child he, from what I've seen, had a good relationship with. It feels like I'm missing something here.
Yeah, Tommy broke into the prison, but why is Sam's first thought that Tommy was trying to break dream out? This harsh turn on Tommy just doesn't come across right to me.
Why Did This Happen?
I do think there could be a meta reason as to why these don't land right to me. These two characterizations are centered around Tommy. How people are reacting to Tommy's actions. Tommy and Dream are the head of the prison stuff right now. at least as far as I know. I'm not sure if Wilbur has come back on as a writer yet but last I heard it's still Tommy and Dream handling their shit. With the writers in mind, I wouldn't put it past them to decide to add more conflict with Tommy and other members of the SMP right now. The Egg is a bit busy with other things, Jack is just running the hotel, and the Syndicate doesn't really have any qualms with Tommy on any level that they would act on. It could be the writers trying to add conflict to the prison storyline by generating conflict between Tommy, Ranboo, and Sam with Wilbur being a fuckin wild card.
I don't know mate, I just wanted my thoughts out there and maybe be fucking pounded into the ground by people more knowledgeable than me.
Have a dialogue with me I'd love to debate. (All friendly debate please I don't feel like taking this too seriously it is Minecraft roleplay after all.)
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bronyinabottle · 3 years
This is something of a follow-up to my thoughts on the movie. My thoughts on the movie were generally positive. Though much like the movie itself, the positive thoughts were on what it’s doing on it’s own merit as the start of a new generation of pony media. As someone who had followed Generation 4 from all the way in the middle of Season 1 to the ending of Season 9, the connection the G5 movie makes with the previous generation in the opening scenes are enough that it’s necessary to give a perspective from a G4 fan’s point of view. Again, I do want to say that G5 will be within it’s right to not have to answer so many plot things at once and try to stand on it’s own by exploring the characters and this new Equestria first.
That said, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the longer none of the questions G4 fans will have are answered. There is a huge elephant in the room with the unanswered questions from G4. And It is Hasbro’s fault in the first place for telling us it’s the same Equestria, There will be fans that are annoying about it from multiple angles, and there will probably be times where people who just want to enjoy G5 on it’s own just outright snap at anyone who wants their answers about what happened in between G4 and G5. Even if the person who asks the question is just genuinely curious and not being demanding there be answers. This is just the kind of thing that all fandoms that have timeskip sequels, especially ones where it overrides a happy ending where discussing with other friends can get dicey.
Until we get an official answer from the show itself, we can only theorize with each other. Though theorizing about a happy ending override, regardless of how long it’s been and/or how sensible the theory is can start some heated discussions, Cause many were content with the happy ending of the original. While no realistic story ever has a happily ever after, a story within a fantasy land such as MLP’s can be an exception.
Let me give something of a comparison by bringing up another show. Avatar: The Last Airbender is perhaps my favorite show of all-time. And while it’s true I didn’t like the sequel series Korra as much as A:TLA. It wasn’t because of some happy ending override with at least half of the main cast from the previous series deceased. The Avatars themselves are just as human as the other characters in the world. Avatar’s still a fantasy world when all is said and done, but the way the world building is done still made it feel like it it was possible for the world to be in danger again by the time the next Avatar is grown up, most known Avatars had challenges they had to face. The Avatar series blends some form of realism but still manages to provide a fun fantasy world. It’s a case where it’s believable that the main legacy of Aang’s time as the Avatar aside from defeating the Fire Lord where he created Republic City would have it’s own fair share of problems that would be left to his successor to solve. Aang in turn was finishing the war that Roku failed to stop. So while I have my criticisms about Korra, none of those are related to the way the world is after the timeskip. It reasonably makes sense in the context of the Avatar universe.
In contrast, there isn’t much we know about the past of G4 and it’s a much more idealistic setting then in Avatar. Yes, ponies die with what I assume are human-esque lifespans for the exception of the Alicorns. But Friendship is Magic is a setting where the power of friendship is literal magic power that can save the day even when things look bleak. As a result it can get very sappy, but FiM is the kind of show you watch to put a smile on your face rather then go to for a multi-faceted plot. Most episodes of FiM are the kind of thing you see in a lot of other shows. But what brings most of it’s fans back even for the most overdone plots is the characters and their interactions. FiM’s lore is a lot less straight forward, and sometimes may feel not as consistent given there were so many different writers over the long span of time. That said, there is something about the series that sort of ties in heading into G5 and that’s G4’s history, and especially Alicorn lore. We don’t get a lot of either even back in G4, as the most we get is the founding of Equestria was through the Hearth’s Warming Eve story, and the knowledge that Alicorns like Celestia and Luna are at least older then 1000. Which is a huge gap compared to the Avatars that no matter how powerful, have similar mortality to our own. Throughout G4’s time, the debate about Alicorns have raged throughout the whole time even before things got really heated upon Twilight becoming an Alicorn in Magical Mystery Cure. Some went with Celestia and Luna being the only immortal Alicorns while Cadence and Twilight were somehow lesser Alicorns that aren’t immortal but maybe at least still a longer lifespan then their normal pony friends and family. Though as of Season 9, that may be turned on it’s head when in The Last Problem. Twilight eventually grows to Celestia-size as Celestia and Luna even retire to let Twilight succeed them. If Twilight is somehow a lesser Alicorn, why did she grow to Celestia’s size? Why did Celestia and Luna retire in the first place if they knew Twilight will not be as long lived as they are? Perhaps part of the reason G5 has as many questions as it does is because G4 itself created questions it never promised to answer.
That said, the implied length of Celestia and Luna’s rule still presents G5 with a problem that will be asked everywhere. Even if we go with the possibility that most of the Mane 6 have passed from old age, you still have to answer something about Twilight. If Twilight is also dead, how long did she live? Did she at least have an over-1000 year reign as Celestia did? Was perhaps Luster Dawn chosen to be her younger co-ruler if Luster herself ascended at some point? The kind of things that might actually force G5 into a corner when it comes to Alicorns despite the fact G4 never had to, especially now that Sunny may have just become one herself. This is once again, another of the traps Hasbro put the writing team through by having them put it in the same world. G5 thus not only adds questions about what happened in between the Generations, but also now has to inherit what remained unanswered in G4. That is a VERY tall task on a team that will likely just want to do their own little fun pony show. It’ll raise expectations too high, and there will be annoyed fans regardless how they spin it. Which could have all been avoided if they set it up that this was an entirely new world, or made G4 a fictional story (With all the references to it being mainly merchandise for a really meta look at things) in the G5 universe. You’d still have people complaining about it not being as good as G4 probably, but the approach they went with added more gasoline to the fire whenever G4 Vs. G5 debates happen in the MLP fandom. And inter-fandom generation fights are never fun, just ask the Pokemon and the Sonic fandoms how that turns out (Even though there’s no Generation number count for the Sonic franchise. You could say Gen 1 of Sonic was the classic era. Gen 2 was the Sonic Adventure Era. Gen 3 was the “Dark Age” Sonic 2006-Sonic Unleashed era. Gen 4 the Sonic Colors and Generations era. and Gen 5 the current Sonic Forces and Team Sonic Racing era. And then of course there’s also the different TV shows and comic books that also have their own fans that can be at each other’s throats).
There isn’t going to be an easy solution to something that will no doubt have fans on the edge on their seat even if they will be left to hang on that edge for a longtime before G5 starts to give some answers. I think I’ll at least bring up 3 things that will probably be part of the discussions of just what happened between G4 and G5
(More after the break)
With G4 being considered Ancient Equestria. It’s probably safe to assume this is at least 1,000 years after G4. And 1,000 or more is a really, really, long time. Where anything could of happened, including *GASP* a villain actually winning at some point (Or at least, did some lasting damage even if they were ultimately defeated). Though I think even with that possibility, there has to be a sense that the villain didn’t defeat the Mane 6 while the other members aside from Twilight were still alive. If Twilight was at some point defeated. Perhaps the villain struck when Twilight was most vulnerable. You could also have it that Twilight somehow sacrificed herself to defeat a large threat. She saved Equestria one last time, but at the cost of even her long-lasting alicorn life. With the populace left on their own to continue life without Twilight, but the loss of their longtime leader too much for Equestria. Thus a slow decline happened.
As for who the threat was it’ll probably be a while if we ever know. Perhaps the real Grogar showed up at some point and was truly a harrowing threat to deal with. Or something entirely new. Maybe it wasn’t even a villain, but a catastrophic natural disaster. Whatever it is, if this is the case. We’d have to deal with the sad thought of something being too much for even Twilight to handle
This would basically be the cliche sadfic ending. Where after everyone of the Mane 6 has passed. Twilight just never felt the same afterward. Though I do feel like there is the slight counterpoint that maybe Twilight would still have Celestia and/or Luna (maybe, again we’ve never ever gotten full confirmation of how long Alicorns live. Just assured that it’s more then 1000 years) and she’d most certainly still have a full grown Spike and any of her friends descendants. Death is always a sad reality, but you have to wonder if Twilight would have prepared herself by the time that comes. Twilight would have not gone as far as she did without the rest of the Mane 6. But while I’m sure it would be a tearjerking moment, it’s not like Twilight wouldn’t have other friends she made throughout the generations. Celestia and Luna also must of gone through the same thing living for more then 1000 years, yet they seem pretty fine. So while the subject of “immortality blues” is prime for sadfic material in the fandom. It feels like there’d have to be more nuance then that, if this were the reason the time between G4 and G5 led into each other.
Supposedly, this theory is picking up some form of steam. To the point that a head canon is rolling around is that it was actually Twilight who sealed the magic away in the first place for one reason or another. Essentially making Twilight, in a huge plot twist, a villain in G5 or at the very least someone who took the magic with them into some form of Limbo very similar to Starswirl and the other founders during the Season 7 finale. I… personally don’t know how I’d feel about that. They’d have to be very careful with the execution of such a twist. And I’d want more nuance then simply Twilight getting sad about the deaths of her friends. At the very least, it’d likely eventually get to a point where this villainous incarnation of Twilight is reformed and probably becomes a recurring character from then on. But the writers will have to tread very carefully if this is the direction they take.
Perhaps this last one really gets into a more desperate side to deflect any possibility that the ending of G4 could of deteriorated into what the world becomes at the start of G5. I know there will be plenty that will be too frustrated with the lack of satisfactory answers that they annoy people in the comment sections, getting into situations where sometimes the only answer to those people will be others that just want to watch G5 as a fun show with a “cope”, “read a history book”, or “deal with it”. But honestly, there can be a case here. As I mentioned in my thoughts in the movie. There are visual details on characters and/or lore that while they may seem minor, to the point that even if they do ever answer important questions such as what caused magic to disappear and/or what happened to Alicorns like Twilight. That the staff may ignore completely because they think it’s too small of a detail to bother including. But the most nitpicky fan can and will latch on small excuses into why it can’t be the same.
Let’s begin with the one-sided Cutie Mark. Again, while it’s true that previous generations made this a tradition. And it was only on one side on the G4 toys as well, as the actual reason it was on both sides in the G4 show was because it was easier for the flash animators. That said, it’s still a big pony design inconsistency. Because regardless of it was only to make things easier, it became a staple because of how long G4 lasted. So it was still so weird to see early screenshot and artwork of G5 characters with grown ponies with no mark. When that wasn’t possible in G4, as it turned out it was because the one-sided cutie mark returned. But one side as opposed to both sides is still a significant difference. Similarly, the horns and wingtips being a different color then the coat may also be a significant difference. Of course I know it can be just waved off as art style difference, as the art direction is no longer based on what Faust wanted the ponies to look like. It’s still plausible enough for someone to discredit it as truly in continuity with G4. Cause even for those that are on the side of “More then 1000 years is a long time, anything could of happened” it’s a lot harder to argue against inconsistencies such as cutie marks only being on one side unless they switch gears to the meta explanation of “G4’s double sided cutie mark was not intentional, at least at first”. But from what most people saw in the G4 show, G4 ponies had marks on both sides. And the G5 ponies don’t. It’s again, quite nitpicky. But it’s enough to start a case that at the very least, the ancient past of G4 is not 100% the same G4 we saw in the show.
Speaking of not the same G4 we saw in the show, another possibility is that G5 actually came out of an alternate timeline. Where perhaps the last two seasons did not happen. If perhaps it’s a timeline where major events in the show either ended anywhere between the end of Season 4 or the end of Season 7, then it starts to feel a little more possible. (Supposedly, the tree of harmony in it’s Season 9 form that might counteract it. But then again it had none of the treehouse architecture and was all wood. Which ironically may lead into it leaning more that the G4 show isn’t the same continuity). If the events of the Friendship School nor everything else that leads to the ending we saw in The Last Problem. It’d be a lot more palatable because the pretty much implied world peace ending with non-ponies in the mix included is discounted. There’d still be questions even in this scenario, like did Celestia and Luna still retire in this timeline then. And regardless if they did or not, the show would still be burdened with the question of what happened to the Alicorns. But it’d at least solve the most pressing question with the peace of The Last Problem being squandered. Because perhaps in this timeline, the Mane 6 never went that far. Perhaps it would imply some sort of indirect failure in that case. But this is perhaps a scenario they had a similar foreign policy as Celestia did. Not really hostile to anyone, but not intervening even in ways that could be helpful. Heck, if we go far enough in saying that G5\s G4 (As confusing as that may sound) was different from what we saw in Friendship is Magic, what if there were differences even early on for one reason or another? With how vague the connection is, we only know that the Mane 6 were friends and Twilight still became a princess at some point. From there. potentially a lot of other things may have gone differently other then that.
Again, saying G5 is a completely different universe/timeline is probably always going to sound like a desperate way for people who cannot possibly believe the ending of G4 eventually led to the start of G5. And I’d understand why that’ll annoy people who just want to watch the G5 series on it’s own merits. But it really wouldn’t be entirely the fans to blame for that attitude. G4 lasted a whole decade, many got attached to the characters/world we saw that had about the happiest ending it could possibly be. It should naturally make people unhappy that in a few ways it’s stomping over a happy ending for this fantasy world that many watched to escape from the realities of the real world.
Even with the long time allotted of 1000+ years or more, that’s made complicated by the implied long lives of the Alicorns from G4. Only opening up that can of worms further by seemingly making Sunny an alicorn. There’s a debate on whether this form is permanent, but if it’s NOT permanent. That arguably adds yet another addition to the list of reasons it may fall out of continuity. The only time we had a temporary Alicorn transformation (outside of Animation errors, or dream sequences like Big Mac’s) was when Cozy was an Alicorn after receiving some of the magic from Grogar’s bell. But even in that case, Cozy’s wings were not more like a glowy hologram like Sunny’s wings seem to be. And even if it is permanently on Sunny now, the design for Alicorns is too different. Adding onto the one-sided cutie marks, and different colored wings and horns. So the G5 writers may actually be stuck in a lose/lose situation when it comes to Alicorns after the ending of the movie. I think whether Sunny is permanently an Alicorn or not, they may not elaborate enough about it. And it’ll be among the headaches in the comment section (Though may at least be a reprieve from the political discussions G5 are going to have on occasion I imagine.)
Hasbro chose to try to say this is the same Equestria, and a new show needs conflicts to solve. But from the perspective of some G4 fans… it forces a world they loved, to get torn down into arguably a more divided world then even the Hearth’s Warming tale. Which said tale seems to have been implied to be from before Princess Celestia and Luna were around (Based on the lore of the unicorns being the one to raise the sun and moon) and thus yes. Somehow, if everything that happened in G4 is canon to G5. Then the world peace in The Last Problem in just a thousand years or so become worse then even Celestia’s sole rule.
I’ve mentioned before, you can try to point to World History to point why this is a realistic take. But again, we don’t have an ancient civilization from 1000 years ago that we look up to as the pinnacle of peace in the world (Like I said, the Golden age of Ancient Greece and/or Rome still had slavery and brutal wars). That has literally never happened. What was shown in the Last Problem very much looked like it was that for Equestria. I feel it’s a terrible interpretation of time, especially in regards to the context that the leaders of Equestria tend to live for at least more then 1000 years to imply things would just go backward like that.
The movie on it’s own merits is a good start for the generation, though at the same time. It’s going to have some hard questions that’ll often be no-win situations for the writers. They can choose to ignore the G4 questions, understandably trying to tiptoe around as many cans of worms as possible which would allow them to do whatever the heck they want with G5. Maybe even getting a few stragglers frustrated with no answers to just shrug and continue watching anyway if the show entertains them enough. Or they can certainly try to at least give some answers on the biggest questions (What happened to the magic, and/or what was the fate of G4’s alicorns) but risk having an answer that just adds even more questions.
The movie is a decent start for a new generation if you only view it as a pilot for a new series, but if you view it as a sequel to Friendship is Magic. There are certainly problematic issues with that currently. Maybe the special in Spring, or the eventual Series will cover some of this but it does leave fans waiting a while for answers that they’re not promised to get, or at least not as quickly as they’d like. Remember when I mentioned that I may view some of this similarly to how I was about Starlight Glimmer after her sudden redemption at the end of Season 5? With many questions I wanted to know about Starlight before I could really accept her as a recurring character? (And not really fully coming into terms with her until I expanded on her myself in a story for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle) This may be how I have to view the connection of G4 and G5.
They can go one of two routes: At least try to give as much of a clear explanation as possible. Even if it’s one that doesn’t exactly answer everything, at least giving a good try may help with those who have questions remaining in relation to G4. If instead however, they go the Season 6 Starlight route of just about ignoring all the questions fans have, it’ll make things frustrating for many. At least with Starlight, she wasn’t the major focus in every episode. That said, Season 6’s job was to endear us more to her reformed character. Now with G5’s setup, it may be running well into a corner where they must try to answer what happened in between G4 and G5 or else you end up making a lot of fans lukewarm or worse to your series. Starlight’s reformation and then lack of ability of Season 6 to explain more about Starlight to us was a divisive moment. And G5 involving G4 brings over the same kind of feeling but on a larger scale because now it’s in the very premise of the generation’s plot, it’s less avoidable compared to one character. Because even when it comes to episodes that will not further the plot and it’s just a fun friendly moment between the members of the mane 5, this movie is how they met and thus the not fully explained premise would always be looming over like a large shadow. It probably doesn’t help that they’re basically starting with a reformed Starlight-esque moment when it comes to introducing it’s premise AND on top of that something similar although certainly with at least a lot less backlash then with Alicorn Twilight since it came so soon. Though I do have to think there will be people who think this was way too soon to be ascending Sunny, since at least we got to see Twilight’s journey to Alicornhood (Even if you weren’t a fan of the episode she ascended in). Sunny arguably does earn her Alicornhood through implied years of working to unite the ponies. But it can still feel too soon when you had 2 1/2 seasons worth of episodes before Twilight did, while Sunny did so within one movie.
Someone’s ultimate thoughts on G5 might end up being what they are looking for in this new generation. If they’re looking for just about everything new. The movie provides plenty of that with new characters, new locations, and a more modernized world compared to G4 Equestria (Even if G4 Equestria had it’s own fair share of electronics it looked like, such as video game machines). If you’re in this for the G4 references. Aside from the very beginning of the movie, you’re kind of stuck doing a where’s waldo for most of the movie. And no guarantees you’ll get much more then that later. As I said in the trailer thoughts, the G4 stuff could very much be just Hasbro trying to bake it’s cake and eat it too. With a world that feels like it should be it’s own thing, but they didn’t want to commit entirely to that. So they shoehorn G4 in as the ancient past without giving a proper explanation to how point A (the end of G4) got to point B (the start of G5). It’s only been about a week since the movie premiered, but there is just so much to digest. And for those looking for answers to the G4 elephant in the room, may feel like they get nothing but metaphorical tummy aches for a long time.
I’ll end this off by having a message to both people who already feel like they’ll be fans of G5, as well as people like me who were fans of G4 and have concerns about where G5 may be doing to it’s legacy.
For the G5 fans, as I mentioned in the trailer thoughts. I still hope that it turns out ultimately good. I don’t know where things will go from here but the G5 movie taking in context that it’s basically a really long series premiere, had some genuinely enjoyable moments. At the same time, I hope anyone in the G5 fanbase can try to understand why G4 fans have the concerns that they do. I’ll repeat, G4 lasted a decade and was the absolute peak of MLP’s popularity. There will be a lot of people attached to that world, and understandably upset about the implication that it got torn down into how the world is at the start of G5. If they’re really annoying about it, I can understand why you couldn’t hold the urge to snap at them to “Get over it” just try not to snap at the ones who are just asking curiously. I’m personally not going to spam comment threads with “THIS DOESN’T FIT WITH G4!” or “HASBRO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE”, but I would be lying if I were to say I’m not just as curious about what those type of fans want to know too.
And as for G4 fans like me, if G5 ever upsets you in some fashion. It’s ok to stop watching and just stay quiet whenever you find yourself in a conversation about G5 and only participate in G4 matters in the fandom. This is a natural evolution of a fandom’s lifecycle where eventually a direction a franchise is taken to a place some others don’t like. So you’re only left to mainly talk with those who prefer an older generation and/or incarnation. Just because G5 has started and even though Hasbro says it’s the same world as G4. You can still do G4 content by itself and ignore G5. If you still have the inclination to do stuff with G4, do it. Generation 5 is not stopping people from still drawing the G4 characters, or writing more stories about them, or even if you don’t feel you’re that creative. Support artists who are still drawing G4 ponies, and/or rewatch some of your favorite episodes of Friendship is Magic that give you a smile. MLP has lasted since the 80s, and while for the most part to Hasbro it’s to sell toys. Toys, and the shows surrounding them’s purpose is to make the people watching or playing with them smile. From the little girls in the 80s to the much more diverse both gender-wise and age-wise fandom that came out of G4. The cute ponies are supposed to make us happy, and it’s ok to get back into a comfort zone if perhaps a different part of Ponies don’t give you the same feeling or even upset you in some way. Also as a vice versa to my message to G5 fans, try as best you can not to provoke those enjoying G5. If the G5 movie and/or episodes makes them as happy as your favorite G4 episodes/movies you should let them be. Many of us had to deal with that crap just for daring liking a pony show at all early on in the fandom. Try not to add to the toxicity as best you can. G4 is not going to be forgotten, the fact Hasbro decided to try to make it in the same universe actually has the side effect of making sure of that. Cause maybe you have fans that enter the MLP franchise through G5 curious about what happened in the past. And thus, they can be led to watch the previous generation. New G5 fans could potentially also become new G4 fans and friends. In other words, friendship… is still magic!
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cyanroads · 3 years
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I posted 1,214 times in 2021
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#i loved when the mods announced scott was there after he left and i had to be taught how to mute channels because general wouldn't fucking
My Top Posts in 2021
For all the New SolidarityGaming (Jimmy) fans coming from MCC Pride. Here are some Series of his you should watch
XLife Smp
Top Comment Series
3rd Life Smp
Empire Smp
And if you can watch 100+ episodes of a series, his Evo series is AMAZING! (Grian is also in this series)
184 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 16:07:16 GMT
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It better be Jimmy
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It is Jimmy, Let's GOOOOOOO!!!
And Jimmy's taller than Scott, idk why, but I like knowing people's heights, and Scott's like 6ft, so Jimmy's probably about 6'1
193 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 16:02:49 GMT
In fWhip's new empires video
Scott: You just killed him (Jimmy)!
fWhip: He attacked me first!
Scott: But it's Jimmy! You know he can't defend himself!!!
See, someone understands that Jimmy can't defend himself and he needs all the help he can get
276 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 16:27:26 GMT
Quick question for @inthelittlewood or anyone who knows if he's said anything definite about this. Does your LL episode make Listener!Martyn Canon. Or is it just referencing the fact that in Evo both you and Jimmy were like "candidates" for the Listeners because you two were the first to be informed about them. Just need to know for Evo lore reasons
500 notes • Posted 2021-11-26 16:18:41 GMT
I'm just gonna say I'm not gonna use #stayontumblr
Not because I'm an anarchist (well I am an anarchist), but I'm not doing it because I'm not ashamed of anything they see. They've walked into our territory. If they see some stuff like the fish fuckers. They came here. We've always been an organized mess. And also I say a lot of things that sound weird out of context, but I'd actually be quite proud if a cc saw one of my posts and actually liked it (like me Evo/Empires Crossovers, or when I added up all of Evo length.) I work hard on some shit and I like it when people see it. Even if they do see some of the stuff that's not too flattering
518 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 17:57:35 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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