#a lot of people abandoned them/unfollowed them on ig
thedreadvampy · 3 years
taken from @totopopopo
Why did you choose your URL? I legit could not tell you that with any precision, I've been using it so long. Vampy was a nickname I took on at like. 13 in like 2006 on an old roleplay forum bc my friends used to mock me for being awake at the point friends in the Western US were going to bed late. TheDread...I mean it's a Princess Bride reference for sure, it definitely went 'there's no Vampy username available on X platform so let's try TheDreadPirateVampy' but idk when or how I lost the 'pirate'
Any side blogs? A few! Obviously there's my art blog @ongoingart, but there are a bunch of weird and abandoned ones uhhhhh there's @rotefashion which is where I collated visual inspo for my MA, there's my Trauma Blog which I only give the URL out by request and my Sexy Stuff blog which NOBODY gets the URL for, there's @transexclusionaryradferengi which I largely made to keep Arguing With TERFs off my main, there's some I made at uni in like 2013 (@invisibleladycock started as a NSFW art blog but ended up just being me and my pal shooting the shit, @whatasillyoutfit was a daily outfit blog I quickly abandoned, and then @hellacollective and @chooseyourownsmut were collaborative projects with uni pals) and so on.
like I never delete things and I've been on here for like 10 years so. BUT. ongoingart and very occasionally rotefashion are the only ones I've used in years.
How long have you been on Tumblr? Too Bloody Long
Do you have a queue tag? I never learnt to queue and I'm not starting now you will get flurries of uncurated Content and you'll damn will like it.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? God I really don't know stop asking me to remember things
Why did you choose your icon? I did Pride makeup for like the first time in my adult life and I really liked it. also my old photo was me at like 16 and very steampunk and it kinda. no longer represented my vibe. idk why my icon has always been a photo of me, I'm just That Vain ig.
Why did you choose your header image? It is one of the paintings I'm proudest of and I just. I really leveled up on light and atmosphere in that one. again. vain. (also until last year I was mostly Robin Hobblogging on here so 🤷‍♀️)
What's your post with the most notes? Extremely the Blobbyland one it has literally like. 28k. then the Piggate one which has like 10k. basically my notes always have a few people in them saying 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ENGLAND'
How many mutuals do you have? How all I meant to know this? (and honestly given how much my social circles have changed while I've been on here I can't keep track of who's still active anyway)
How many followers do you have? 1541 because you bitches can't follow instructions and keep me at an even 1500. also that's Too Many Followers and simultaneously like is it idk what classes as a lot.
How many people are you following? Like 430 I pretty much only ever unfollow people of they make me actively angry to see them and even then I often don't like. I barely use my dash so 🤷‍♀️
Have you ever made a shitpost? I will direct you to my 3rd and 5th most popular posts which I call the Ragging On Toryboy Elias diptych. is that shitposting? what qualifies as shitposting?
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? CHRIST have I like I swear I don't go out of my way to start shit but I seem to be everyone's Discourse Mutual all the same. anyway I mean obviously there's the Stuart Semple thing the TMA discourse the Pride discourse etc but tbh mostly I get anons so idk. which blogs I'm beefing with or how many of them there are.
How do you feel about the 'you need to reblog this' posts? Fuck off no I don't performative bullshitttttt
Do you like tag games? YES I CRAVE ALL INTERACTIVE CONTENT but in practise all my tags are boring
Do you like ask games? I LOVE TO BE TALKED TO
Which of your Tumblr mutuals do you think is famous? idk like all my art mutuals are more popular than me. also probably @alientoastt and @milfkarlmarx on pure mechsfandom clout
Do you have a crush on a mutual? no half my active mutuals are Children no offence. and also I don't do a lot of crushes and them I do have I save for irl pals 🥰
tagging @milfkarlmarx @silly-slacker-person @trisshawkeye
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
Its p much giving a homewrecking and boomers hate their own spouse vibe but ok ig
Look, if you have issues w ur relationship w ur parents, or with your significant other, and the jokes make you feel unsafe, that's okay. That's actually totally fine, and it's completely normal, we all have family trauma. I'm being serious. But it's actually a lot healthier to avoid content that makes you uncomfy than it is to externalize that and send anonymous "reads" to random people when they say things you don't like. I always encourage people to either unfollow or block me if my space makes them unhappy, and you are no exception. If the jokes make you queasy, abandon ship! No shame in that. Just please don't think I'm going to feel even an iota of shame or guilt when you're projecting like this. I wish you peace and growth always.
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topconfessions · 3 years
Is not that bigbang is inactive hahaha is because the one( like me) that came to your blog regularly know you have a lot of old tea of bb member before so why ask the same question all over again?? We talk about everyone here not just bts and actually bts question started just this year xd I love your page giirl keep doing your thing (:
RIGHT!!! EXACTLY!! This page was going to be dead and terminated long ago. Choi seunghyun is just not a celebrity worth having a sole dedication to anymore cause this grown man gives us NO fucking content to work with. We can't sit here and talk about TOP all day everyday when there is nothing else to discuss about him. Same with bigbang. They are all cut from the same cloth and have nothing to offer for blog discussion and debate. I don't care if they have activities going on individually which I doubt Minus GD in his fashion bag and his comebacks he's always working on, they arent the type of idols that make it easy to discus them.
Tbh bigbang is over. There, I said it. That anon was just trying to slight me / us, but probably doesn't even keep up with bigbang religiously like fans do with the new groups. They're just a hard group to support and write about unless you have an obsession / attachment to them. Nobody is checking for bigbang seriously anymore until they comeback and do a serious comeback.
Play stupid games? Win stupid prizes. BTS has replaced BIGBANG in this generation and soon BTS will be where BIGBANG is and a new IT boyband will take BTS place of current blog gossip.
Besides like I said, what could we talk about that hasn't been discussed already with bigbang? They aren't even relatable as people any more. I'm close to unfollowing TOP for good cause he's annoying as shit and needs to make a tumblr instead of treating Instagram like it. Him and bigbang dont fuck with each other like that. I actually believe an old psychic long ago who said GD talked him into this mess with getting on insta and allowing him to slowly unravel with this type of posting.
Nobody who truly cares about you as a friend is going to allow you to humiliate yourself and look stupid. Money or not. You can have your own life / career but still check on the welfare of your former co workers / friend and advise that he delete or leave insta for a break. TOP IG isn't what it used to be but its more of a quiet version of the chaos and its a turn off. This is a man none of is can meet. Bigbang is a group none of us would ever bump into or remotely see from the stands somewhere. I don't care for BTS like that but whenever they come to America there is a slight chance and if you go to the right clubs or areas in Korea you may spot them.
New blog readers are opinionated and think I 'll take some shade to heart. Us old heads don't give a fuck lmao. There is something called an "archive"!! Go to the archive and look up all the past bigbang asks / confessions.
Plus It's wise from a promotional standpoint to venture out into general idol and celebrity confessions to keep the longevity going. This blog would have been dead like every other bigbang blog had we just focused on TOP or bigbang alone. Daesung fucking MIA and offers nothing (yea yea Daesung fangirls I said what I said.) GD lives like it's still 2012-2014 dating someone who was barely 12 when fantastic baby first dropped, TOP is a failure who squandered all of his opportunities and is not living up to his full potential abandoning all the things he claimed he was so passionate about just to live semi privately and fuck around on insta / mingling with queer white rich art community and fake rich Korean friends. He could have been a serious actor by now with at least 7 -8 films under his belt and had a more refined career. He ended up proving the naysayers right that he was pretentious. I want to love TOP but I personally can't stand the immaturity. Just post a written statement on insta saying you unofficially quit the industry and "fans" shouldn't look forward to anything as you trying to live life now not working in entertainment. Plus he's gay and at this point he has nothing to lose by coming out. He needs to. Taeyang is a wet blanket to me. Sweet and wholesome guy but that's it. He squandered his potential and talent just like TOP. He is not as mature and we'll rounded as we pushed to believe. If he were he would have utilized his name value and money well by buying his way out of the contract and going independent to release new fresh music and actually tour here in America. That never happened and probably never will. I low-key believe marrying sorta side lined that for him as well. He knew of burning sun and stayed with the company regardless. Seungri is well Seungri. The group was petty for ragging on him every other variety show trying to drop hints he was invovled in messy shit instead of literally asking him to leave the group early so his actions wouldn't reflect on them. Just a very weird dynamic and I know although Seungri would want to make amends and be accepted, if I were him I wouldnt want to work with bigbang anymore even if they are more popular. Either way it with your chest or leave it on the playground. I objectively think Seungri was the salt & seasoning to their music. Without salt or an extra kick ot seasoning food can be high quality all it wants to be. But food will lack something and many will notice. That's how I view Seungri at this point.
Bigbang can be so likable together but they apply themselves everywhere else but to the fans these days. So there is nothing more to talk about other than theories on bigbang.
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notquitetwilight · 4 years
I feel like i have no right to complain about the pandemic. I am healthy and safe as is my family, i still have my job and am able to work from home and i spent my time and vacation days BC (before corona) mainly at home so it's not like my life changed a lot.
So many are suffering and i feel like a spoiled brat bc i want to go to a mall again and just hang out. But on the other hand im so burnt out. Having to stay on top of all the rules and regulations, more work than ever (i work for the government and our job is giving the affected employers money so they can keep their employees. So if there's a massive lockdown like rn we're spiralling into madness since so many people depend on us), not being able to see and talk to your coworkers and feeling incredibly lonely plus the fear of catching/infecting others. It's important to stick with it and i'll continue to follow the rules but a part of me is absolutely done. And im still so mad bc if we had continued the hard lockdown and people werent so selfish maybe we'd be better now.
Im full of rage and i want to beat all those anti maskers and conspiracy clowns up. But i cant bc lockdown. At least now it's very clear who to kick out of your circle.
First of all, I completely agree RE kicking people out of your circle like I’ve unfollowed some amount of people during this thing and eventually just had to all but abandon my time on ig bc I got too pissed off at seeing so many act as if there’s no pandemic. You ever think ab how Miss Dula Peep made a “stay at home” video to promote her album then continued to travel around the world like mad????? 💀 on that note here’s a fun tweet I saw
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Second, and I say this as someone who’s been made unemployed 3 times during this pandemic, everyone who is following the rules has every right to complain. It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy or you haven’t directly lost anyone or you’re still in a job etc. All we are hearing about is death and disease, we can’t do as many of the things that bring us joy, we can’t see the people that we love, we can’t properly support those who have lost someone, there’s little to no variety in our days, there’s no clear idea of when things are going to be better on a global scale. We have never experienced anything like this before and I don’t think we’re built to retain this much unrelenting bad news 24/7. It’s making life worse for those with pre-existing mental illnesses while causing mental illnesses in those who’ve never experienced them before the virus. Don’t invalidate how you feel just because others have it worse. Like I said before, we’re allowed to be sad and angry and grieve normal life while doing our part to lessen the grieving of people. That doesn’t make you a spoilt brat, it makes you human. 💞
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boughtwithaprice · 3 years
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I Kissed His Books Goodbye
Kae Salonzo Perez- Dilla
April 30, 2021
It was in 2019 when one of my favorite Christian authors shocked the Christian world by announcing his separation from his wife. It was Joshua Harris, the famous author and pastor who wrote, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and "Boy Meets Girl" which sold millions of copies since their publication in the 90s and made him like a Christian celebrity. I was totally heartbroken when this news popped on my IG feed. A year before this devastating news, I came across Joshua Harris on Facebook and YouTube where I learned about his recent project at that time which is also the reasn why he resurfaced. He was on some documentary film of some sort where he reevaluated his very own books mentioned earlier. I have also watched his TED Ed segment where he apologized for the lives destroyed by his book. He said that he was too young when he wrote his famous books. I was puzzled at that time which led me to do more research a.k.a stalking. I am a good stalker, you know. Kidding aside! So, from there, I started stalking the Harris couple on their social media accounts. I will not forget feeling that something was already off from their relationship since they are both absent from each other's daily activities. I do not know if that is just normal with other people but to me, it isn’t. Also, it struck me that Shannon and the Harris daughters "appear" to be highly modern and very much "in the trend" kind of way when it comes to their clothes, music, and social media posts. Given that they are in the limelight of conservative believers, this is a diversion. I was not a diehard fan of Joshua Harris and so I do not really know what happened to him after writing his books, after getting married to the girl of his prayers, and after pastoring a mega church for 17 years. However, I suddenly recalled an information he disclosed in one of his books. It was about Shannon whose inches close to starting her music career but then converted to her newfound faith and so this dream career of hers was aborted. This, I strongly recalled when I found lots of her IG post informing the world that she is about to release her music albums -which her songs don’t have the slightest expression of her love for God. For a preacher’s wife, for a Christian woman, so to speak, her recent project gave me another major what-in-the-world-is-happening moment. These findings surprised me! That's why I'm not really taken aback when Joshua Harris announced that he and his wife, Shannon, are eventually divorcing. Perhaps something bigger is afoot since then.
 I know I am very late to make a fuss about Joshua Harris and his chosen path today, but I just want to express my thoughts since I kept seeing him lately. I was instantly reminded that I followed him on IG! And now I think about unfollowing him so I would be free from another stress. So, following his separation from his wife in 2019, more of his announcements on the social media just got more terrible as time pass by. He then denounced his Christian faith and joined an LGBTQ parade publicly. What worst could happen now? He has been posting his personal criticism on “Christianity" and against people "in the faith" with the notion of man's freedom being suppressed by God's will.  He makes obedience to God appear so vexing and that it’s the very thing that stifle man from enjoying earthly pleasures. He just twisted the truth about ‘love the sinner but hate the sin’. God is angry at the wicked every day and so we were all once hated by God until he shows us His grace (Psalms 7: 11). But tolerating a sinner could never equate to any form of love. Unless man sees himself as a sinner, he will never repent and seek God. Harris has numerous posts about this particular topic! As I see it, one could assume that it is his way of answering back to the spiteful comments he keeps on receiving from the Christian group. He’s making the believers look like a group of unbelievable people for hurting him with God’s truths. The truth will surely hurt him.
 There is no denying of the fact that Joshua Harris is still a hot issue among Christians today.  Every time Christians talk about relationships, Joshua and his books are brought into place. Before the declaration of his newfound path away from Christ, his books were said to be the "Bible" of Christian romance. Decades ago, Joshua and his books were often referred to when Christians tend to look for godly relationships to pattern theirs. I personally and seriously took note of the contents of his books since I was in a relationship when I read them back then. Just like the other Harris loyalists, I would always mention his name and the things I have learned from his books when giving advice to my friends both in and out of the church during girl talks. It's such a shame that I have to evaluate my old self and admit that I have passed onto others the words of Harris more than God's.  This, I humbly ask forgiveness from the Lord. And so, fast forward to the present time, look at how events have turned now. No one knows what really happened between Joshua and Shannon, but I'm pretty sure that whatever hit their relationship is a reflection of their individual relationship with God which have finally come in fruition in time. The book of Jeremiah says in chapter 7 verse 24, But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward. Whilst spending years and years of their life in the ministry, I could not help but wonder, was God really there "in" them? Frankly, although no man is in the position, it’s hard not to question their salvation thinking about what happened to them.
 Joshua Harris have said in an interview that he excommunicated himself from his church because he failed to follow the standards required by the scriptures. In his words, he sounded like he was the victim more than the traitor. To add, one of his videos on YouTube showed live reactions from the offended readers of his books. I personally think that was a clear picture answering the question of why he ended up retracting his beliefs in public. He responded to those people in oppose to what Christians should be doing when being persecuted. He wanted to please them so bad to the point where he just decided to abandon his post, leave his God or god and follow them as if that was the best decision to reach out to them. His mindset is just so disappointing. At some point, did he blame God for earning his haters? Is that why he went after people he doesn’t personally know and has no relationship with God? Was he supposed to reevaluate through the Bible or through people’s lenses? How many were Christians in that pool of readers? It was just necessary to apologize for the wrong points that resulted to misguided readers, but why leave the faith? It’s true that it takes lots of courage to face the music but I don’t see the part where leaving your faith is a new definition of bravery.
 When a Christian is found to be challenged, he ought to thrive. What happened to standing fast in the faith written in 1 Corinthians 16:13? But instead, Joshua Harris allowed the enemy to overpower him. He heard the wrong side. Well, to start with, he's probably not a genuine Christian. We don't want to judge him but again, we have been warned in Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;  A Youtuber also commented that a Christian should never find his life in the Lord burdensome. Sadly, Harris has put down his cross, got tired and stopped following the Savior. A believer's walk with Christ was never promised to go through an easy road but we will always find ourselves consistently rejoicing in His grace despite the way.  Otherwise, those who are just pretending to understand the gospel will soon be revealed and will simply walk away because they were not meant to be in the fold of Christ in the first place.
 Just recently, not only Harris have denounced his faith in Christ. There were others. Although this is not new anymore because there were others even before Harris’s time, but in this age of social media, issues like this have great impact in the Christian society perceived in various wavelength. And this case has left Christiandom a question-- what do we do with the learnings gained from such persons? It is fitting to know where the line should be drawn when reading Christian books. The Lord has commanded us to daily seek Him in prayer and in the scriptures. Even the prophets enquired and searched diligently (1 Peter 1: 10). Hence, to check if the materials we read carry God’s truth in them, they must be aligned to what the Bible says. God’s words should affirm the ideas being offered to us by other books whether they appear new or not. I believe that the things I learned from Joshua’s books really helped me assess my former relationship and double check if it indeed glorifies the Lord. But I do not give credit to the author because most of the concepts of the godly dating he presented were extracted from the Bible and were inspired by the people around him that were ‘in Christ’, and Lord willing, still walking with Him until now. Joshua Harris have miserably left his once professed faith and no wonder when ‘his followers’ do the same too. The Lord only revealed the impending danger of following leaders and prominent individuals with such devotion that should only belong to God. We should be vigilant and be fully aware of where and with whom do we pour our faith into. 2 Peter 3:17, KJV: "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness."
 The books written by Joshua Harris have heavily influenced his Christian readers. However, more than those pages that illuminated his beliefs before, what would really speak for himself is the life he chose to live today. I have kissed dating goodbye long time ago, not because of his books, but because God has been gracious to me and provided me a godly man to marry. I won’t recommend Joshua’s books but I will be keeping them. If people see them on my shelf one day, I know significant lessons could be drawn from them --more than courtship and dating, but particularly about a Christian’s walk with Christ.  
  We are in the end times and we are witnessing the falling away of man as said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. But by God’s grace, His true children will persevere until His glorious return. The sad story of Joshua Harris just proved that our God is a perfect God who is solely worthy of receiving man’s adoration and trust. Not that He needs any of it, but it’s just crystal clear that no one else does. And that no earthly relationship should we model ours after except that of Christ and His love for the church which we could learn nowhere else but from the scriptures.
 Isaiah 40:25-31 
To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. 
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth. 
Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God? 
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 
He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 
Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 
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daesungindistress · 5 years
I'm so disgusted that Seungri's stans are stalking Jiyong's private ig to see his likes just because they want to make their own narratives on why Jiyong is still supporting Seungri. This whole idea of 'Jiyong would rather die than to abandon Seungri' that Seungri's stans so desperately try to spread is disgusting. Every day I see Seungri's stans using Jiyong to make Seungri look pure and innocent. But the most vile part is that they're okay with throwing Jiyong under the bus.
I feel really sorry for Jiyong stans not supporting Seungri right now for this exact reason. Given how rabid the Nyongtory / GRi crowd is known to be, it’s no surprise that they’d drag Jiyong through this right along with him, expecting so much of him – demanding it, even. Our fearsome leader will surely save his precious panda from the big bad justice system uwu. Nah fam. Seungri got himself into this mess; it’s no one’s responsibility to get him out of it but his own (along with, again, his no doubt well-paid lawyer). Also your ship’s not real, you guys. It never was.
Daesung, at least, has always seemed fairly wary of Seungri, even at times uncomfortable (a dynamic which I’ve always found fascinating and have written about on this blog at length over the years). And DaeRi was never a popular ship to begin with so thank goodness people aren’t turning to him in droves to do anything about it. Though I suppose if he had a public IG, things could be different…
On the topic of using the other members to make Seungri look better… yeahhh, no. Just stop there. Fans have brought up TOP’s marijuana scandal and Daesung’s car accident, pointing out that we supported them through those, so why not Seungri through this? Do not try that with me. Do not. This and that are not remotely the same.
Anyway, by Jiyong “still supporting Seungri” I take it you mean that he hasn’t unfollowed him. Have any of the members? It wouldn’t surprise me if they haven’t. I mean, I’ve had falling outs with friends and didn’t rush to unfollow them on Facebook or other social media. Just didn’t feel a need to cut them out completely; ceasing to interact with them directly while still occasionally passively seeing what they were up to was enough for me. (Come to think of it, I haven’t unfollowed Seungri yet either… lol I’m not very active on my other SNS accounts besides this one and hadn’t even thought about it tbh.) Anyway, not everyone uses SNS as some kind of soapbox to announce their loyalties to the world at large. Don’t read too much into it.
As for cutting ties with him, which was mentioned in a previous ask… I want to direct you all to this write-up by someone else, which explores how the others in BB might handle their relationship / friendship with Seungri going forward. Actually, I’m just gonna copy and paste the text here, but here’s a link to the original in case anyone wants to see the question that prompted this answer (all of this person’s responses are excellent by the way, I highly recommend reading through them):
“I suspect I am in the minority among ot4 stans in that I am a “never say never” kind of person, and will not resent the guys if they choose to remain in seungri’s life. For redemption to be possible at all seungri will need positive role models who care about him around, and I think it’s ok if ot4 wants to be those people. As we process our anger towards seungri it’s important to remember that he is someone that ot4 cared about, a lot. Maybe what’s unfolded here has left them sufficiently betrayed or angry that they want to cut him off, but maybe it didn’t. Or maybe they feel betrayed right now, but they won’t forever. or maybe they’ll try to be a force for good in his life at first but then give up later because he’s not getting it. As a rule, I’m uncomfortable with onlookers expecting redemption, but then criticizing the very people trying to make that redemption possible.
As for actually welcoming him back into BB? I agree with you there. I don’t think I could support BB with him back in the group.”
I personally see this as a mature and fair approach to the situation. Just something to keep in mind. So don’t be alarmed or upset, you guys, if the others don’t trip over themselves to unfollow him on IG or whatever. Seungri’s been with them through so much and for such a long time; he means a lot to them, and if it was hard for us to let him go, how do you think they feel? I honestly believe at this point that the curtain has drawn on his role in their lives in public. I don’t see them sharing the stage with him again. But in private… who’s to say? If it’s in their hearts to try to help him onto a better path off the clock, let them.
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elenatria · 6 years
i totally understand people getting angry because chris cancelled but uh you know what annoys me is that like you said evans cancelled too, other actors like ruffalo cancelled in cons before too and people get pissed yeah but you don't see this getting to the point of calling them selfish with big egos and conspiracy theories. And I think that's because who does that are always that part of the fanbase that is mostly Hiddleston fans and love to shit on chris (and thor) for everything he does +
cont. just to at the same time praise tom. I had to unfollow many blogs already because of this. They love hiddlesworth but they’re always saying how chris is not humble or good actor or polite like tom.I don’t understand how they can love a pair but hate one of them.
Let me tell you this one thing, if I had bought those Ace Comic Con tickets like  I wanted to, months in advance, daydreaming about it for ages, then YES, I’d be super super pissed at Chris. Maybe I’d take it personally even. Money isn’t easy to come by. Tom is perfect, and I’m sure I’d have lots of fun going there even without Chris (I mean Seb and Anthony?? C’MOOOON) and meeting other fans,  but for the first few days after the cancellation I’d be super pissed that he stood us up. People bought VIP tickets for him and Tom, know what I’m saying? VIP tickets. I’d be like, there goes my planning, there go my vacations. Hell, even now, from the comfort of my laptop, I feel like my vacations were kinda ruined lol, I was waiting for that Hiddlesworth reunion sooooo bad and I know of people who were counting on it for inspiration (YES, it’s a big deal, it’s what drives us all). 
But if people get generally pissed at Chris, from their keyboards, without  having bought those tickets then sorry, that’s entitlement right there. 
And another thing, sure I’d vent on the social media about it. But I would not go to Chris’ IG or twitter or whatever to nag him. People have been tagging him with complaints on twitter, dude. When I nag to someone it’s only when I want to make things right, what’s the use of doing that if there’s no solution to my problem? OH RIGHT, I can always guilt trip a celebrity and feel better about myself because all that bad energy MUST go back to the person who caused it, instead of withering away. Sure it will solve my problem, it will make Chris change his mind, change his plans and go to that con. Absolutely.
Someone in my previous anon asks  mentioned that Evans’ fans knew from the start he might not make it because he had the play. So they knew that and they were expecting him not to come and they forgave him.
Still, he cancelled the Ace Comic Con. He agreed to it then cancelled it. So I can imagine people buying tickets just for him, in hopes of seeing him even IF they knew he was busy. If Evans KNEW he was busy with the theatre, how come he agreed to go to Ace Comic Con? Oh wait, is he still playing? Do we even know that?
So what it comes down to is that either 1) Chris is a big fat liar or 2) he hates cons and likes toying with his fans or 3) his crew doesn’t know how to schedule his work and apperances.
So you’re telling me that people DID get pissed with Evans and Ruffalo cancelling…! Ok I didn’t know that. 
Lol, if I talk about that part of Tom/Loki fans who hate on Chris I’ll be making an “us and them” statement again, won’t I? :-P Oh hell, let’s make that statement again.
If we exclude those rightfully outraged people who kinda lost their money on Chris, also those who got angry without attacking him, then yes, there’s a big part of Chris/Thor haters who will hate on Chris no matter what he does. Yes I do believe he should have been more careful with his scehduling, two cancellations in a row don’t make him look good. 
Still, I’m not convinced that some part of the fanbase is not here to shit on Chris just to praise Tom. I’m simply not convinced. Maybe it’s the same part of the fanbase who dragged Tom for Hiddleswift. They didn’t like Taylor (yeah I didn’t like her either) so they dragged Tom for it.
“I had to unfollow many blogs already because of this. They love hiddlesworth but they’re always saying how chris is not humble or good actor or polite like tom.I don’t understand how they can love a pair but hate one of them” - Lol I think I know some blogs like that, I unfollowed a couple of them too. 
And I understand your frustration, “they love Hiddlesworth but I don’t understand how they can love a pair but hate one of them”. 
People are very VERY complicated, aren’t they? :-P
I have an interpretation for that, not that I know what they’re thinking, but here’s my two cents. They love Tom more. They like how Tom indulges them. They don’t like change or chaos, and between Tom and Chris, Chris is the agent of chaos, not Tom. He’s the one who’s unpredictable, maybe he has a crappy crew who doesn’t  know how to schedule his work, he does dangerous sports like surfing (Tom doesn’t) so he’s bound to get injured, also yes, having a family IS chaos. Once he was having a trip on the Himalayas with Elsa and although his body wasn’t adjusting to the temperature change he insisted they kept going. Elsa noticed how he wasn’t breathing properly when he was sleeping and she slapped him out of it, practically forcing him to abandon the trip and… not die.
You see, Chris is chaos itself, Tom isn’t, and people don’t like chaos. People like predictability and comfort zones.
And you expect entitled fans to like Chris?… You must always remember that there are fans who think they own celebrities, and they think they own Tom. This is why they dragged him for Taylor, he wasn’t doing what they wanted him to. He was chaos for one moment in his life.
So what I’m saying is, Tom is easier to own because he does everything people expect him to (and kudos to him because he’s a great professional).
But you simply cannot own Chris. Chris has a different way of life, a different agenda, and people simply cannot live with that. Because comfort.
As for “hating one part of the Hiddlesworth pairing”, let’s just say that some people like to use Chris as Tom’s dildo. They like the chemistry (Tom doesn’t have that chemistry with anyone else), Chris is cute and close to Tom (Tom never stops reminding us how much he loves him) and they want to wax poetic about Tom, so they use Chris as their proxy. Same goes for some Thorki fans who hate on Thor (YES IT HAPPENS). They pick favourites and that’s fine, at the same time yes, how can they possibly hate one half of the pairing? Well, it’s because they like comparisons, and some people feel they’re only just as good as their idol (Tom), and if their idol is not “better than anyone else”, then he’s no good, know what I’m saying? Insecurities.
Chris doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone (unlike Tom who cares a lot about what people think), so how can they possibly relate to that?
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violetsystems · 3 years
I am about to pay two hundred fifty dollars for a professional website where no one from my old job dares to interact with me. It feels kind of like ransom. I have been able to hound people for references. Mostly for jobs that never call back for them in a second interview. I post stuff on there but people just pretend I’m invisible. I like tumblr because it is less invasive privacy wise even if you have to block some weirdos occasionally. This place is always Wild West meets quiet diplomacy. I may have unfollowed some accounts by mistake. Just interact and I probably will follow back. I’ve “networked” with some people on LinkedIn but it’s mostly people just lurking. After eighteen months you’d assume someone would be honest and ask what has been going wrong in a professional context. It’s just all ghost. Like sometimes I feel like I’m being deliberately hidden or buried by the algorithms. That’s not a healthy way to be thinking after surviving a life crisis nobody wants to acknowledge. Two hundred and fifty dollars a year to maintain an employable presence on social media. My previous employer destroyed my identity cutting off all my email without warning. No Facebook. No instagram. I notice a couple of people on here from back when I posted on IG. That account is totally burnt. Same with twitter. Never made new ones. This is basically my only social media outside LinkedIn. I have a Tiktok but that is deactivated. Deactivated Twitch because nobody watches me do anything except bots. I still have everything posted to YouTube and may continue to post Magic videos when I’m bored but really kind of futile. Nobody buys anything from my bandcamp any more and I don’t really feel motivated to make any more music at all. The rest of anything I have ever posted in the last two decades wasn’t just zeroed out. I can’t log back into Google to delete a lot of it so it’s property of theirs forever thanks to my old job. Decades of my life frozen and stolen. Probably best to leave it all behind I know. But now people think it’s funny or my “thing” to be ignored and forgotten. I guess i say it because tumblr is the only place that feels human to be anymore. Regardless of how many accounts might just be the same. If you are feeling lonely or mentally abandoned don’t discount the community on here. You people have done wonders for my mental health. Aside from all the homestuck content. jk
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bdblady · 4 years
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Hey everyone! ✨ I know I’ve been posting sparingly lately and to be honest that’s because of a couple of things. One, is because I’ve been sick off and on over the last few months. With the last five weeks having me recover from pneumonia, then bronchitis & now lung lining inflammation. While fighting a chronic sinus infection on top of it all. I’ve also been having a hard time getting my #mycolonus #seizures & acute #migraines under control. My neuro left in January, and the practice let trying to lure me into their office by saying he was still working there. After having met some of the doctors there in passing, I don’t feel I can trust any of them so I’m having to find one elsewhere. ✨ Secondly; there’s been a lot going on in my house and in June or July we welcomed abandoned 2 week old kittens into the house. We’ve hand fed and nursed them every since! They are now three thriving, loving, wacky, little girls! ✨ ✨ Third; I genuinely hate that I have to post a pic or a gif in order to share a message with you! I’d much rather be able to pick a background, write my message and hit send, or when I have a photo to share share that with a caption. ✨ All that said, I noticed when I started becoming active again on #instagram that I have nearly 3,000 people I’m following, yet I have only 650 so followers... with that in my mind I thought it would be a really good idea to go through my list and for lack of better term cull it. ✨ If you like my content, please comment below 👇���� with your IG tag so that I can make sure that you don’t get unfollowed by accident! ✨ Remember I virtually always F4F unless I think you’re a bit or something! ✨ ✨ ✨ Love, BdBLady ✨ ✨ ✨ #instagram #update #followforfollowback #unfollow #tag #medicalupdate #chronicillness #chronicpain #invisibleillness #fibromyalgia #degenerativediscdisease #sciatica https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7NapTFHmt/?igshid=o9n6drsedkae
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