#a matter of convenience
lyinginthesnow · 21 days
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thinking abt that line in dundee when logan says shiv makes boogie men out of the clothes she dumps on her bedroom floor. always has.
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artgletic · 9 months
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case study of the self-identified god
#obsessed with the fact that rain world is a game about survival#yet every character we meet has the express goal of trying to optimize killing themselves#every creature in game seems perfectly content fulfilling their role in the ecosystem no matter how many cycles they do the same thing#(rly obvious with gourmand's entire route. guy who lives their life to the fullest without the slightest hint of resentment)#it was really only the ancients who thought they were above it and thought of it as something to escape from#5pebbles is so interesting because the only reason hes “”“godlike”“” is because of his vast knowledge. if he was in any slugcats shoes he#would die instantly which is ironically what hes been trying to do this whole time#this comic was kind of exploring the idea of awareness (divinity) as something that drags down ones enjoyment of life (walking).#if 5p would humble himself down enough to walk around like any other creature#he would a) be much happier in life and b) achieve the ascension he's been gunning for for millennia like all the slugcats did#but he never will.#getting rid of all his work on the problem or even his awareness of it entirely#would just be a trick of convenience that steals away his godhood#and him calling himself godlike is kind of a cope LOL#a cope being faced with a problem he was never meant to solve#a cope being faced with what he did to moon#a cope being faced with the rot inside him#oh well.#anyway fuck 5 pebbles i hate that guy#rain world#rain world fanart#rw five pebbles#rain world five pebbles#rw gourmand#rain world gourmand#five pebbles#rain world void worm#rain world ancients#also JUST KIDDING ilu 5p. you suck but i💛u
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sysig · 5 months
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Strictly professional showering (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Alphys#Gaster#''Do Monsters even have showers-'' shhhhhh. Let me have this#Lol#And to think I made this because I Actually wanted to draw him miserably taking a shower!#Probably unsurprising but this was a shower thought lol#I knew as soon as I started thinking about the differences in Snowdin vs. Hotland's temperatures and what that might do to the water-#It was too late! I had to make something about it all my doodles are secretly just a way to smuggle unrelated headcanons out lol#Pipes bursting in Snowdin probably would be a problem for at least like kitchen sinks :0 Need reinforced cold-proof pipes haha#I haven't gotten to Hotland in my current playthrough but there was also the water cooler wasn't there!#Only Waterfall convenient to take showers in lol#ANYway so distractable lol#Gaster doesn't feel even a little bad asking favours lol casually waves it away as ''It needs to be done so it's fine''#Aren't you worried about being an inconvenience! No he's not lol#And obviously Alphys doesn't mind hehe ♪#Alphys is the best because basically no matter where you drop it in the timeline she's always going to be awkward and thirsty lol#They've known each other for a few months? They've known each other for a few years? Alphys will still swing-and-a-miss lol#She's really cute heck I gotta practice her more ♫ Curves! Love drawing curves#Really what were you expecting - why would he come out before he's dressed? This isn't his house it's not like he can just wander around#He brought everything in with him that he needed! Silly#If skeletons are fluffy do you suppose they shed? Would she find skeleton fuzz on one of her towels?
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leikeliscomet · 7 months
As much I as love Martha's S3 ending, how it means so much to me on a personal level, the whole "Martha Jones is so strong she doesn't need the doctor" has never sat right with me. Her strength should be praised, but the only reason Martha was strong is because she had no other choice. It was be strong or let Ten keep putting her down across time and space. It was be strong or let Joan Redfern be racist to her. It was be strong or let the Family of Blood murder everyone. It was be strong or let her family get tortured. It was be strong or let the Master kill you for fun.
Martha doesn't need the doctor because she had to outgrow him for her own wellbeing, not because she inherently cares less about them compared to everyone else.
Had she been treated with kindness and grace like every other companion, she could have "wanted" him like the others. It's wild to me how in a show about the magic of space and time the first Black companion's main thing has to be... that she doesn't have to have any of it apparently. This othering dressed up as a compliment of how unique she is. You don't set someone on fire then congratulate them for putting out the flames.
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tblsomedoodles · 11 days
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I'm sorry, but i saw this slogan online and knew my cringe son would wear it.
ANYWAYS! Ninja Club is now onto the second round of @tmntseparatedaucompetition so you should vote! : ) (poll found here!)
(edit: Forgot to add the slogan ref. so here's a link.)
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novantinuum · 21 hours
steven quartz universe is a wild character because never before have i simultaneously had various facets of imagined scenarios in my head where a character is either: cis+, nonbinary, a trans boy, OR a trans girl before
like you could genuinely go ANY direction with this character and still come up with a satisfying and interesting bit of character work for Why gender is the way it do be
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aimasup · 3 months
sure i COULD ramble about how ai is one of the multiple things that check all the marks of humanity's seven deadly sins but would that be extreme
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^^^ possibly insufficiently educated
#the pride the hubris of believing you can do better than innovation and nature by playing god and not in the fun way#the lust it's being used for in so many awful cases#the sloth the way its encouraging everyone to check original sources less before believing anything. Also to not take time to develop skill#the greed its being used for profit without consideration for ethics or fair labour#gluttony. we always have to be faster. shinier. better. no matter if it ends up being less convenient or wonky#the wrath it sows in between people creating more differences to be frustrated over. more hatred#the envy how it takes and takes. always trying to be as clever as the best humans. as beautiful as a real forest or sunset.#do you think the ai wants itself#if this were a scifi movie would we be the bad guys#but this is not a movie and the ai cannot love us. so we cannot love it. and there's that#my post#personal stuff#thinking aloud just silly yapping n jazz 没啥事做就这样咯~#( ̄▽ ̄)~*#when i was in primary school our textbooks for chinese had short stories and articles to learn about#there was a fictional scifi oneshot about a family in the future going to the zoo#the scifi zoo trip was going great until the zoo's systems went offline for a moment#and it was revealed that all the animals roaming in their enclosures were holograms#the real ones went extinct ages ago#when the computers came back online the holograms returned and there they were#honestly at first I thought it was a bit exaggerating#but I still think about it once in a while
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dragongirltongue · 7 months
Why do you sign your posts with an image? It's fairly large and disruptive on mobile
It's part of my brand and the followers who regularly talk to me love it.
Plus I've already reduced my typing quirk as much as I would rather double down on it at all times I think it's fair I get to keep my signature.
also given that this is my house and yall are the guests here you gotta deal with my weird wall decor <3
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oceandiagonale · 5 months
Generic Protagonist Masterpost
Part I: Contains Intro, SWSH run, General Worldbuilding
Part II: Contains PLA Run (Hisui Arc), non-plot-posts that I like
Part III (You Are Here)
Contains: the aRRRc, Ultra Flare Finale, Paldea(?)
The aRRRc (Reunions, Redemptions, and Reminders) 
reference of guzma's aprons lol
Part 1: Hiding in Po Town
Title Card
time travel has left me a sad and lonely man
normal times at the shady house: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5, plumeria outfit ref, part 3.75, part 3.8
cyrus and his little buddy
getting over it challenge level impossible: part 4, part 5
before he returns there's a bit: part 1, part 2
gee it's great to be back home: part 1, part 2, vidya meme
Part 2: Taking Care of Business
they say you can never go home again.
only semi-related; maybe they're right...
(In the meantime 1) (Flashback in the meantime)
Sycamore time!
Part 3: Well Well Well, If It Isn't Mr. Consequences!
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 4 months
i already have so many gripes with the original show and how they handle aang’s character arc and his relationship with katara/how they disserviced her by putting her in that relationship and i don’t trust netflix to fix ANY of that in the slightest, in fact i think they’ll probably make things i actually like about the original even worse and the actors are so young too oh my god Kiawentiio get behind me and it’s gonna be another horde of new fans rehashing the same tired old discourse i cannot do this again helpppp
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iguanodont · 1 year
I’ve seen your birg art a lot and I love it so much! You even inspired me to start my own alien worldbuilding project. But even after seeing your many birg drawings, I still can’t get a handle on their anatomy… do you have any posts that break down what their bodies look like/how they function?
I am assuming you mean external anatomy, correct me if I’m wrong and I may consider a more comprehensive anatomy post in the future. In the meantime, here are some posts that you may find useful.
Some sketches of birgs at various angles and positions here
A drawing of a birg’s skeleton here
An animation of how their jaws move here
Animation of how they breathe (slightly outdated but good enough) here
And some fresh sketches just to give you a convenient overview of their joint positions and examples of hand motion.
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tswwwit · 10 months
Dipper has at least ONE super-extra-long reincarnation with Bill after being bitten by a vampire.
Bill's absolutely thrilled about this development! Dipper, though - he's way more grumpy about this lifetime, what with needing the special sunscreens and not getting to eat garlic bread.
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gideonisms · 3 months
tbh I am kinda hoping in 10 years they will invent a new gender and it will somehow feel perfect and I'll psychically know how to present as that gender and everything will be great and I'll never feel out of place in my life or my clothing again and everyone will understand my whole deal immediately upon seeing me <- delusional
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Part of the reason I think people are under the impression that punk and, by extension, anarchy is at the core just animalistic, primitive rebelling against everything is that so many people can't imagine a work without systems of power and even oppression. A "better world" can't exist without these systems of power, so any attempt to go against it will be seen as a fruitless endeavor... we already live in a wonderful system, you see, why would you rock the boat by suggesting that we could do better for others?
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swatato · 10 months
I refuse to believe a damn thing I’m seeing thanks <3
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spop stans: catra is just a child, she's not responsible for her crimes!
also spop stans: catra is such a sexy milf she absolutely tops adora their sexual tension is off the charts i want catra to step on me
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