#a moonless
stagnation-if · 7 months
Just found this and I'm already SO looking forward to it!! A question of purely intellectual curiosity: how much of an a-hole arrogant Greek-god-style deity can the MC get? Somehow Seth is really giving me vibes of those vaguely psychopathic, no I mean morally ambiguous G/god(s) that are the norms in ancient mythology, and I've always been a fan of "we bring out the worst in each other" messed-up relationship dynamics ... in fiction only of course!!
Also, sorry in advance if this is spoilery or you don't feel like answering, in which case feel free to ignore! Just curious: what would be your personal "favorite" MC type for each of the ROs? (Not necessarily most healthy or the one you most approved of, just "favorite" in the sense that you personally find interesting/like to write.) For example, I'm all for opposite attraction, so I'd probably play a mortal-despising MC when romancing Dawn, a cinnamon roll MC when romancing Vex, and a laid-back and humorous, wow-technology-is-so-fun-I-want-to-die-in-VR-who-cares-about-revenge-YOLO!! MC when romancing Bruno ... if any of these options are possible, of course haha. But I'm really curious about what combination you personally enjoy writing!
Again, so hyped for the game!! Really looking forward to where you'll take this story!!
Thank you for your kind message🫂💕
How much of an a-hole arrogant Greek-god-style deity can the MC get?
MC can be so stereotypically dickish honestly😭 I love those options so much, it makes for an interesting + very angsty route hehe
Somehow Seth is really giving me vibes of those vaguely psychopathic, no I mean morally ambiguous G/god(s) that are the norms in ancient mythology, and I've always been a fan of "we bring out the worst in each other" messed-up relationship dynamics
Exactly! He's really assumed and embraced what it means to be a God. If I ever write his povs (I've a few plans) you'll get to see what I mean! I think his inner monologue is very interesting.
what would be your personal "favorite" MC type for each of the ROs?
THIS! Okay I agree with the opposite-attraction sentiment lgwkkgsk I'll try to give a bit more variety for people who aren't into it as much^^
Dawn- she's mean but it's very easy for her to pity MC and feel bad for them. I'd really feed into the rivals dynamic and try to get into her bad side kgskkf just proving Dawn that Deities are entitled.
Bruno- MC who really feeds into the worshipping dynamic. This man is on his knees and willing to kiss the ground MC walks^^
A- I like the past friends over the lovers dynamic personally. Just MC agonizing over the fact that they're reuniting with who looks like their friend, but oh no now they're having feelings for them😔
Vex- Vex is very protective so I think soft MCs would mesh really well with them.
Eris- fake dating fake dating! Also a MC who distrusts VR and shows Eris how real dreams are. I think grumpy MCs with a secret soft side would mesh well with her, especially knowing how flirty she is (and how she has a secret soft side too^^).
Seth- I like really upbeat, energetic MCs with him. Just:
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ivynightshade · 2 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am tired of making a religion out of my suffering’.
[text id: my bones whimper at the thought of what could have been. / what could have been if i was not born in a grave?]
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moogleboogles · 6 months
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my first piece of art for 2024 everyone
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halfassedtea · 3 months
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Delicious in Hunger, Fear and Meshi, Dungeons in Fear, FunMeshi etc.
I think I want Cahara and Laois to meet so badly.
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+ Moonless steak prospect
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cydroud · 7 days
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Fear & Hunger version of this meme with Enki and Moonless 😫😫
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punksalmon · 5 months
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assertment of doodles for a post ending-F AU that lives in my head in which ragnvaldr and enki escape the dungeons with the girl to become the weirdest nuclear family that Oldegård has ever seen. all of them are fucked up (including the dog). i'm very normal about it.
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moonmarbled · 20 days
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ghostmysterlos · 10 months
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Binky Moonless
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soochiiba · 11 months
More silly little art before progressing deeper into Ma'habre
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Got the S Ending for Cahara and currently on my 10th save throwing hands with the new gods.
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livfordoodles · 7 months
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Chaotic funger doodles ✨
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sh0wbagz · 2 months
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Funger magma w LooovePudding on twt!!!!
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stagnation-if · 7 months
Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
She owns a car that she unironically calls Babygirl and that she loves more than anything.
She's also a bit of a reckless driver.
Dawn can't cook.
She's in her mid-twenties and was practically raised by her sibling Vex.
Most of their modifications prior to becoming a law enforcer/cop were taken care of by Dawn.
Her distaste for divinity is a bit spoilery but it isn't exactly new.
Dawn is a bit of a scaredly cat but she's also really good at forcing herself to do things that terrify her kfkskf
A few examples of this include street racing, waking MC up, being a hacker...
Bonus: he's a huge Eris fan lol
A and Dawn are friends and coworkers!
They work at the Speakeasy which is basically a bar where you don't order alcohol (you also order alcohol but ykyk) but VR.
A basically runs the place, though.
A's relationship with VR is really weird lol they use it from time to time and enjoy drawing whatever they see.
They're really good at drawing! It's not a major passion of theirs but it's something they enjoy and it relaxes them.
A loves cutesy things and tends to paint over the very cold and 'boring' designs of technology devices.
Dawn just calls it vandalism.
Vex and Dawn were never the richest people.
Their parents weren't really in the picture either so it's always been up to V to take care of their sibling.
Vex embodies the spirit of a mother and a father at the same time lol.
But they really give me tired dad™ energy tbh.
Vex loves taking care of their body (they don't enjoy making Dawn take care of herself that much tho).
Because of their many many body modifications, V is considered a cyborg.
Some of these modifications were a necessity. Others were V's choice^^
Eris became famous through her music when she was 16-17.
It's been a little more than ten years ever since.
And she's still a major example of a contemporary musician everyone knows and loves.
Eris also acts and models. She's beyond busy all the time.
Most don't recognize her when she's wearing one of her wigs tho lol
She's also a bit addicted to VR.
He really likes it when people touch/braid his hair🏃‍♀️💕
Seth isn't really bothered by change if you know what I mean?
He's readily embraced the future as a means of self-preservation.
But the Seth you'll meet in the past loved loved loved his sword.
(The one he kills MC with gkskgkd).
Seth is really good at math^^
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ivynightshade · 2 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i mother it, the absence of her ii. i was hard to bear from the very start.’
[text id: my sadness is a fire that i built to keep my hands warm on lonely nights. // art by sivan roshianu // i keep my misery bared between my teeth. i refuse to let her leave. / i am nothing without this obsession of mine.]
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awetfrog · 10 months
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he's just after your wj (worm juice)
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velvetchaika · 1 year
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The Lady with the Dog
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ran196242 · 2 months
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"S Endings."
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