#a plate with a single pea.
this cookbook is so unhinged
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trashhumanbeing · 5 months
POV: You are a Single Pea on a Plate
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seadragon1012 · 6 months
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Ok so I decided to try to find the original plate used in the single pea on a plate recipe and I think I’ve found it
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I couldn’t find an exact match but the
International tableworks heartland 7774 is pretty close. I don’t know if it’s photoshopped or physical modified or I just can’t find the blank version.
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I don’t know if the fact the pea plate version is missing a house is relevant or what but it is interesting.
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jgracie · 4 months
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girl dare i say jason grace he is all i can think abt right now
YESSSSS OMG!!!!! the second pic especially omg i just KNOW whenever u guys r all eating a meal tgt he fusses over ur daughter eating more than he eats himself 😭😭 even when she reaches a point where she can feed herself he’s still like what if she feeds herself too much and chokes and dies 😫😫😫 even tho the pieces on her plate r MINISCULE cz he’s always insisting u chop them too big 😒 and ur all jason calm down just eat it’s ok!! but in the end he ends up sitting her on his lap and feeding her himself and then if she’s still hungry he starts feeding her off his plate too 😭 jason grace u have so much love in ur heart it’s unbelievable
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pastelalleycat · 6 months
the welcome home logo itself looks like the Single Pea On A Plate and it makes me want to chuckle so badly but also i don't think it's a coincidence
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indecisive-dizzy · 6 months
drag Eddie but it's the Princess and The Pea is the funniest thing to come from this update <3 /hj
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yayahsblog · 4 months
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I really love them,PLEASE ADOPT ME YOU 2🗣🗣
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usernose · 5 months
I'm putting a single pea on a plate into a pic of my comfort otp (iykyk)
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victor-the-vampire · 6 months
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The pasta box had peas on it. It had to be done. This was super fun to do! Just slapping tapes and stickers on and going with it. And utilizing the box was fun too! All in all a fun exercise!
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wuzhere75 · 5 months
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I realized midway through drawing this it would have been a lot funnier if I used Barnaby’s pipe instead I’m so fucking mad
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fudge24-7 · 6 months
Hey can anyone tell me how to find the secrets in this update? I'm pretty stumped
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phantomram-b00 · 6 months
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robfozdarling · 6 months
After the update, I have come to realize. I relate Eddie a lot more than I would have thought.
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alyimoss · 7 months
the past like hour of my life has just been me rocking back and forth clutching my head mumbling to myself "single pea on a plate. single pea on a plate. single pea on a plate" i dont think im ever going to recover from this guys
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wolflover33100aj · 7 months
I was cackling along with Night Mind during the Welcome Home update stream when he got to the cookbook
Those hot dog jokes took me out!
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mobileleprechaun · 6 months
The Pea
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I'm very hung up on the symbolism of this dish, particularly with how it pertains to Eddie and his episode of severe emotional distress.
Eddie was all alone in his post office when we found him. Although he refused to state this outright, it was clear he was feeling excluded and forgotten by his neighbors. We have often seen him pushed to the margins of the community, only sought out for his utility to the others.
Barnaby openly delights in scaring and tormenting him, Howdy overworks him without sparing a second thought to his needs, Julie only calls upon him when she someone who's easy to drag into a game, Sally refuses to address him by name and treats his attempts at social connection with disdain, Wally and Poppy only have fleeting interactions with him, and Frank hides his burgeoning fondness behind a facade of cordial indifference.
The pea is alone, too, isolated on the stark white backdrop of the plate.
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"Take care not to place them too close together." Even if there are more "peas" at this party, Eddie sits alone in Home's chair, denied the basic creature comforts of intimacy as he watches the others mingle.
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The pea is also a pittance to Eddie. It is presented to him right after Sally's single, small attempt to show him goodwill, which she only bothers to do because it's a holiday.
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She still does not address him by his name. The gesture, the pea, and the seat are all mere crumbs – too little, too late for a neglected outsider who struggles to make sense of the lonely, awful torment of his life in this Neighborhood, one which he cannot properly articulate for fear of sounding ungrateful.
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Home stares him down from his lonely seat. Its presence is monolithic and ominous, a towering figure that only makes him feel more small and alone.
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Is it intruding on his mind on purpose, trying to hurt him? Personally, I don't think so, though it still remains to be seen. His words to Frank at the end are telling, though. "I want to go home."
Whether it means to or not, Home torments him with its very being. It's both the elephant and the room. Eddie is an outsider. Eddie can't remember where he's from. Eddie sleeps in a post office after thanklessly running himself ragged every day. Home is the very reason for this holiday, and Eddie is homeless. It's staring him down because it's a symbol of everything he aches for, but cannot have.
Eddie is the single pea on Home's plate. Take care not to place him too close to anyone else.
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