#a rav and cosmos for you
blighted-lights · 3 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY❗️❗️❗️my gift to u hehe
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brooklynisher · 1 month
After the space man killed my boyfriend, he took me back to his place and then made out with his best friend
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She's a little more amused about it than he is
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broxina · 10 months
What are your completely unrealistic desires for the upcoming album?
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gh0stgr1nder · 3 months
love thinking up the most nothingburger headcanons ever
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ramenwithbroccoli · 8 months
not blaming the Astronaut tbh. if cosmica asked me to come with her i would do the same <3
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💥 rav-the-amazing
well, that's another thing off my to do list
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#ravdoesthings #my stuff
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🐋 JumboTheGuardian
Here's a list of reasons why so-called "Commander Cosmo" is problematic, and why you shouldn't support him under any circumstances
Read more
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💫 SpaceG reblogged
💫 SpaceG
Omg just found this new band they're so cool sjxjejfjjwjxjejdjdjejcje
💫 SpaceG
I hope they're popular and will have a concert in some location near me soon
💫 SpaceG
I am going to eat the whole of space
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🍏 applejuiceisbetter
What do you do when a guy W.I.N.K.s at you??????
#hes so cute
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🦖 dinotown reblogged Dwightgeneer
girl from my job just called a sky shark "homicidal blahaj"
#girl what
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🍏 applejuiceisbetter reblogged
🍏 applejuiceisbetter
I don't care I'll get hate for this, biting is not a valid love language.
💫 SpaceG
I said i was sorry
🍏 applejuiceisbetter
No you didn't!
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💥 rav-the-amazing reblogged
💥 rav-the-amazing
alright, i'm bored
Don't you dare, mortal!
💥 rav-the-amazing
boo 👎
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☕ W.I.N.K.theSpaceJunk
Hey Girl are you the Apple on my eye. Cause you keep the Doctor away everyday. in Space.
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holographic-mars · 4 months
okok so this isn't exactly coswave related, but i love your soundwave sm. would you happen to have any hcs about soundwave and ravage and their dynamic?? btw i love your art and im eating it nom nom
YES LETS FUCKING GOOO you have no idea how much I love soundwave and cassette relationships so THANK YOU FOR ASKINGGG
Cassette and carrier dynamics are very unique and fluid depending on the mechs involved. Every carrier has a different dynamic, so it’s not always a “parent/child” “boss/grunt” or etc etc kinda dynamic.
The relationship between cassette and carrier oftentimes transcends our understanding of relationships.
For soundwave and his cassettes, the dynamic is very very close and friendly! They love eachother and protect eachother but there’s no designated caregiver—the role is often stepped into, so it’s very malleable and sort of depends on the circumstances. With that being said though, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a subtle hierarchy.
Soundwave was found by Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw in the Dead End and the four (Rav and the birds were already in a mutually beneficial arrangement) eventually formed a very strong bond. Ravage is kinda the head honcho—she’s not the boss per se (that title affectionately goes to Soundwave) but she ensures safety and security for the pack. Ravage’s approval is generally a MUST for anything to happen.
Soundwave rarely goes anywhere without Ravage. If Soundwave is present, it is an almost guarantee that ravage is somewhere close by. If Ravage isn’t available, Buzzsaw and Laserbeak will be (note: rumble and frenzy also have a strong bond with soundwave but they tend to be more independent from the carrier. They still love and protect eachother, but they’re speciality is more like the horrible roommates who help soundwave blow stuff up).
Ravage is a very tactile mech, believe it or not. She’s either wound around soundwaves ankles, perched on his shoulder, or in his lap. Touch was grounding for Soundwave during their time in the Dead End and old habits are hard to break (ie ravage refuses to stop).
Ravage grooms like a cat. She’ll wrestle soundwave to the ground to groom her face. The birds aren’t safe either. She’ll grab them out of the sky and sit on them to groom them. Rumble and frenzy are about the same size as Ravage (she’s a big girl) so she tackles them easy. Nobody is safe.
Soundwave has cat tendencies bc of ravage. His tape deck whrrs when he’s happy/content and it resembles a purr (he learned early on that it’s a calming gesture and an easy way to calm ravage down, later learning that it works for the other cassettes as well. Now it’s more subconscious than anything else). They also headbutt to show affection—a rare occurrence outside of their cassettes—but they’ll bump their head against the birds if they’re on her shoulder or gently headbutt one of the twins after a particularly difficult battle.
If Ravage is pissed off she gets petty. She’ll hide your stuff, she’ll tear stuff up, try to ‘accidentally’ trip you, etc etc. and honestly Soundwave can also get petty. They’re no better than she is. When they get into arguments it’s horrible for everyone around.
Small coswave note: ravage knew soundwave had a crush on cosmos before soundwave even did. She stalked cosmos obsessively and made note of every little way he acted around soundwave. Only the best for her kit (don’t worry, she begrudgingly approved eventually)
That’s all I can think of right now but yeah they mean. So much to me. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I LOVE THESE AND ENJOY YOUR ART MEAL EEHEHE ❤️❤️❤️🛸🛸
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I did a little Frantic Fanfic session with @bookwermthings and @calmedgoose-blog yesterday!!! Here’s how the two fics I started turned out 💖💖💖
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TITLE: too good to be true
FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: ravaxis starburner, commander cosmo
WRITERS: summer, goose!, bookwerm
Rav stumbled through the door of the fancy space party he had been invited to. And by stumbled, it was more of a... saunter vaguely downwards. He quickly righted himself, adjusting his cloak and scanning the room for familiar faces. As he observed the situation, he noticed an odd shadow in front of one of the windows. Wait, was it... oh, it definitely was.
"Commander Cosmo?" He asked, smiling lopsidedly as the galactic figure turned to him with a start, clearly not expecting to be noticed.
"Ravaxis Starburner. What
are you doing here?" Commander Cosmo looked more confused than anything. Rav was slightly disappointed not to see a smile on his old friend's face.
"What, not happy to see me?" Rav teased, smiling big and throwing his arms out for a hug. Cosmo looked uncomfortable and backed away slightly.
"Look man, you can't be here...", Cosmo reluctantly replied, unable to peel his eyes away from the floor. Rav's smile dropped and his arms fell to his sides.
"What.. What do you mean? You'
re not happy to see me? We're friends, aren't we?"
Cosmo flinched, and Rav wanted to cry.
"What's wrong, old pal?"
"You're dead, Rav."
What? This has to be a joke.
"You have been for a long time."
Cosmo never made jokes like this.
"You keep showing up in my life at different points, always having forgotten that you've died."
No, he'd been invited to this party! ... hadn't he?
" This is an especially inconvenient time. I'm getting married in six minutes. I love you, Rav, but it's time to move on."
Rav fell to the floor sobbing.
Cosmo placed a hand on his shoulder.
I'm sorry.
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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TITLE: the sounds of yesterday
WRITERS: summer, goose!, bookwerm
The Jon fell to the bottom of the stairs with a crash, trying to scramble back up before the heavy door closed loudly. He turned around slowly, grateful for his glowing eyes that lit up his surroundings despite the dark. He shivered as much as a robot can in fear, tensing when he heard loud, clanging footsteps.
"Who... who's there? I'm the mayor of Biscuitville, and... and I'll get my guards to come get you! Now, please don't hurt me..." he said, putting up his fists like The Spine and Rabbit used to when they'd argue. Gosh, how he wished they were here. He didn't worry as much with his older siblings.
Eventually, the clanging footsteps came to a halt, before a tall automaton rose from the shadows and into Jon's vision. At least, into his vision before he was tacked into a hug.
"HI I'M ZER0!!! ITS SOOOOO GOOD TO HAVE A NEW PERSON DOWN HERE!!!!!! It get's lonely..." The robot said, turning deathly serious at the end before his childlike demeanor came back.
The Jon smiled, happy to meet his other sibling
immediately jumping in to match his energy, The Jon wrapped his arms around Zer0.
"Hi Zer0!!, I'm *The* Jon, distinguished mayor of biscuit town.", The Jon pulled away from the hug and grabbed his suspenders, putting on the best mayorly smile he could manage.
"Wow! Thank you for your service." Zer0 responded with a salute. The Jon wasn't entirely sure he knew what a mayor was, but that wasn't important for an automaton anyway. He saluted back then quickly shot his hands to his sides, as a way of showing Zer0 he could stop.
"Things have changed around here..." The Jon looked around curiously at the familiar yet different surroundings.
"Oh, yes! We have all the musical advan
cements that one might want for a basement, I believe. At least, I thought I believed that. Well, um. Want a tour?"
The Jon thought about it for a moment. It was nice to meet a new automaton.
"I suppose so!"
Zer0 took his arm and led him around the small dark little area. There was a polished cinder block in front of them.
"This is my sitting step. It's where I sit and um, think."
"Ah," said the Jon carefully.
There was a really old television set up against the wall. It was plugged in, and static played on its screen.
"This is my super ultra HD surround sound TV!"
Zer0 chuckled.
"Get it?"
The Jon did not in fact, get it. What he was getting, however, was sad.
there was a scrap of fabric nailed to the wall. It could have been red, once.
"This is my stage curtain!" said Zer0. "It's where I practice all my singing and dance routines. Want to hear?"
Now this The Jon understood!
"I'd love to!" he said.
Zer0 sang Lyin' Awake, and as he did, The Jon felt tears come to his eyes. HOw long had this robot been down here?
Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.
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steambot-sparky · 2 months
Most underrated Vice Quadrant songs:
1. The Vice Does Tight
2. On a Crescendo
3. Steam Junk
4. Starburner
5. Progress and Technology
6. W.i.n.k. The Satellite
7. Burning in the Stratosphere
8. Fire Fire
9. Sky Sharks (feat. Prof. Elemental)
10. Daughter of Space
11. Star Valley Night
12. Commander Cosmo
13. GG The Giraffe
14. The Pulls
15. Soliton
16. Where I Left You
17. Over The Moon
18. It’s Cosmic
19. Hold Me
20. The Speed of Light
21. Rav to the Rescue
22. Starlight Star-shine
23. The Space Giant
24. Oh No
25. Necrostar
26. Whale Song
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owlhari · 10 months
there's a reddit thread out there where bunny says that when four was hit by the blue matter beam, he time traveled and ended up with rav, who helped train him to become commander cosmo. by the time he saves dwight in the song, he's already been cosmo for years.
and i think rav and cosmo has a deeply homoerotic relationship in those years they spent together. it wasn't romantic but it was incredibly gay. only after vice quadrant do they realize they're in love with each other.
also rav is trans and extremely buff thank you for your time
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lesbian-nautica · 2 years
cheetor/ravage hc pls pleease pleeease
Catboy boyfriends 🐈😺 ❤️
Cheetor doesn't like it when people dismiss him for being young, Ravage hates it when people dismiss him for being a cat, and there was a time that they had a pretty nasty fight followed by the intense realization that they were not actually mad at the other catboy. They went to cat therapy with Dr. Glit
Cheetor prefers being a cat, just by a tiny bit, so getting to just. Be a cat is great.
"I'm tired. Carry me?" And its just a cassette held gently in the mouth
They meet up in a place they refer to as "the litterbox" because they both think this joke is stupid and the place is a super decrepit shitty building. If anyone else ever referred to it by that name they would tear the building down, but it's perfect climbing real estate.
They are a more casual thing. They know each other well enough to know that they just aren't really ready for or into the idea of living together, and they both have busy lives, so they meet when they can.
IDW Cheetor does consider joining the party bus that is the lost light, occasionally.
Earthspark Cheetor as a cool new Terran that meets Ravage and they fall in cat love and this is how we get more cassette content in ES
Cyberverse Ravage straight up ignored the border and would just. Jump it and go bring his big cat bf a dead robomouse.
Can you fuck ing imagine a beast wars ravage. Can you.
IDW Ravage au where he doesn't die and gets torn in half and then goes "I need to get my life together" and moves to sanctuary station permanently and Cheetor also moves there for another reason because Cybertron is hell and they don't even realize the other is on the same ship for a WEEK. it takes Cosmos directly asking point blank like "i thought?? You two liked each other?? Are you fighting" for them to notice
If Rav is being moody and hiding in Soundwave Cheets sometimes will go loaf on top of the dock and lock all the cassettes in. Soundwave does not move him, he is a cat owner and has the curse of being a sentient bed now.
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cleverthylacine · 1 year
Before I answer, which Wave? I think you probably mean Soundwave but you could have also meant Shocky.
OK this is anon so you won’t know I asked.  I’ll just have to do both.
Starscream/Shockwave: maaaybe? could be fun! Mad science love affairs are always fun, and you know that each of them has at least one angle, usually more.  I would like to see this in a fic. I’m particularly fond of Shockwave discovers An Emotion fics so I am all for it.
Starscream/Soundwave: NOPE
This is almost NOTP for me, but it’s not as much of a NOTP as Cosmos/Soundwave is, so at least there’s that for ya?
First of all...Ravage/Soundwave is my OTP, except in Cyberverse where there’s no evidence Ravage ever existed. Now, Soundwave has two hands (and an immense number of cables even in G1 where you only see them a couple times). But I prefer that his other hand be attached to either Jazz or Megatron.
If they do it in Earthspark I will be very disappointed unless it’s a “Soundwave has two hands” situation involving both Ravage and Starscream.  I don’t know enough about ES Starscream to have an opinion on whether he is good enough for my space husband, but...Ravage/Soundwave is my absolute OTP, and in Earthspark, they have shown us all the cassettes giving up on Soundwave except Ravage. I know that it’s probably not going to happen because idiots will consider it bestiality despite the fact that she’s smarter than Bumblebee is, but that doesn’t mean that anything which replaces it will be easy for me to love.
In Cyberverse, Ravage doesn’t exist, but in Cyberverse, Starscream is the absolute worst, and Soundwave is as always the king mech of my heart. Plus, Soundwave and Hot Rod have hearts in their optics even at first when they’re still annoying each other, so in CV I ship Hot Rod/Soundwave, and yes, Soundwave has two hands, but CV Starscream is a Quint collaborator who tried to destroy their universe.  I like Starscream generally, but not this one.
In G1, I can’t see it.  Soundwave is deeply loyal to Megatron and Starscream keeps trying to murder him.
In Prime, people who write this are almost always Megatron haters and Autobot stans. And they make Soundwave helpless, which I hate. Megatron is pretty gross in TFP and he’s terrifying, but he respects Soundwave and they’re obviously very close. Every Starscream/Soundwave TFP fic I have ever read involves Megatron raping them both and usually getting one of them involuntarily pregnant, at which point they flee to Optimus and his amazing Autobot healing spike.  Gross. This makes me puke.
Megatron is an asshole when his brain is on dark energon, but he loves Soundwave at least as a friend, and since he was an ex-gladiator turned freedom fighter, I really don’t see Megatron raping anyone ever. Addictive, hard drugs make you do worse things than you’d ordinarily do, but usually they only make you do things completely outside your moral compass if you’re desperate to get them and someone else who has them is making you do that thing.
Ravage is canonically dead in TFP, but I like to think that Megs and Sounders both loved her and that this might even be part of what’s making Megs so whack, although he’s clearly not over his divorce from OP.
Anyhow, it’s possible that I could like this maybe if the people who wrote it weren’t always trying to make me pity them both and worship OP’s dick.
In IDW1, even Riptide, who is not on anyone’s top 10 IQ list, has managed to notice that Ravage was in a messy triad with Megatron and Soundwave and that Ravage is being forced to make a decision that Ravage does not want to make or acknowledge. The way Rav and Wave met in IDW is super romantic, and nothing shouts “broken triad” like telling your lover to go murder the other third of your triad when that person betrays you both and also you want to know which of you two she loves most.  Meanwhile, I don’t see enough interaction between Starscream and Ravage to have any basis for shipping them.
In TFA Soundwave is robot Pinocchio and not really Soundwave so who cares?
In the UT Soundwave is a Unicron agent and Starscream is desperately trying to be good so I don’t see that happening either.
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brooklynisher · 8 months
Day 19: Vice Quadrant
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I love gay people
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you-know-yeah · 2 years
Imagine: Cosmo decides to take you back to the ship and decides to share you with Rav. They tie you up and take turns absolutely destroying you. By the time they're done, you're a sweaty, over-stimulated mess, and Rav can't help but comment on how darling you look. You were absolutely ravaged by the space cowboy and the commander and have bruises and bite marks littering your skin. (Ok ill stop for now lol)
Can you read my mind or something
Cosmo seems nice from the start, all gentle touches and soft kisses when you two finally start doing the deed. Then he surprises you with his immense strength, tossing you into the bed and tying you up before grabbing your hips and pulling them to his own like you weigh no more than a feather to him, biting hickeys and bruises up and down your neck and torso. He, very obviously, gets first dibs on you and by the time he's done with you, you think you'll need at least 5 hours of bed rest before even thinking of standing up. He'd fuck your hole like it was his job, hard and fast in a way that makes you wail. He makes you cum at least twice before he does, his body burning hot as he works through his orgasm.
Then there's Rav. He's a lot more gentle than Cosmo, but he's way more intense. He knows all the right spots to rub, all the right spots to lick, and all the right spots to bite to turn every sensation you get up to the max. His thrusts are more deep and precise, stealing every bit of air that might have been in your lungs. He leaves you half out of your mind with pleasure, gasping for breath as you try to get your mind working from your amazing orgasms.
And then they team up on you. They flip a coin (naturally, these two men are dumbasses) and Rav gets to fuck your hole first while Cosmo holds you, biting more and more hickeys up and down the back of your neck and shoulders as you moan and cry. Then, when Rav cums, they switch, Cosmo ramming into your poor, abused hole over and over again while Rav finger-fucks your mouth, stroking your sensitive neck and murmuring absolute filth into your ear that you can barely hear over your own moans and the sound of sex. "Oh, don't you look darling? So pretty, covered in Cosmo's and my cum~ Oh, you take us so well, even though we had to tie you down. I don't think you would have lasted this long if we hadn't, doll~ You like our cocks in you, fucking you so well, don't you~? So darling and sweet~"
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gh0stgr1nder · 3 months
uhhhhhhhhhh that vice quadrant thingy you mentioned earlier? idk
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okay i have 2 explain some stuff first . blue matter is something peter walter 1 discovered , it's very important to the spg universe(s) . it's the thing that powers the robots. it has the capability to open rifts in space and time and it has before .
The thing that starts up the whole story is 2 characters from the becile family (which i havent explained yet) basically kidnapping rabbit to experiment on her blue matter core . 2 other characters (guy hottie(thats his actual name) and peter walter 2) break in to try and stop them, but a blue matter explosion fragments space and time , creating 2 universes . universe prime and universe omega . the explosion also sends a beam of blue matter into space .
universe prime
in universe prime , the blue matter beam hits peter walter the 3rd(refered to as IV from now on)'s space ship . he gets hit directly in the chest , the beam turns him into commander cosmo , granting him superhuman abilities (seen in the song Commander Cosmo) . he saves earth multiple times because hes been basically forced into this superhero role . he gets depressed and decides to trap himself in a star until it kills him . he goes into a rift in space (the achilles rift) and is brought to universe omega . his storyline continues in the universe omega section later dont worry about him for right now
a young peter walter 6 (refered to as VI from now on) starts working on the W.I.N.K project , a satellite built to find habitable planets (seen in Steamjunk) .
22 years later , the robots (the spine , rabbit , hatchworth) find W.I.N.K crashed near walter manor . he tells the robots about the green apple planet he found but lost because the space giant took it . they get VI to turn him into a spaceship and they go back into space to find the planet .
they go into space and find the space giant with the planet . the giant turns out to be a spg fan , they play some songs and he challenges them to a guitar duel , during the duel he just kinda shrinks down . into nothing . they get the planet back , W.I.N.K brings them home but decides to go back and live on the planet .
universe omega
before everything about commander cosmo , in this universe the blue matter beam doesn't hit IV's space ship . it barely misses , the crew starts studying the blue matter , and it leads to a domino effect on earth and humans make insane progress in technology , as seen in the song Progress And Technology (see what i did there. hehe) . the blue matter beam instead hits a russian space probe with human dna on it , creating cosmica/the daughter of space . cosmica finds IV's ship , and accidentally destroys it in her curiousity . she rescues IV from it , he's known as just the astronaut from here . they also fall in love btw theres like 5 love songs in the album abt them
back to commander cosmo . he seals himself in a dying star called the necrostar , accidentally bringing it back to life . just under 100 year timeskip , ravaxis starburner (character that hasnt shown up before hes new . hi rav) blows up the necrostar to free commander cosmo .
the astronaut and cosmica have been destroying moon bases and spaceships together . with help from a space militia , commander cosmo kills the astronaut and gets cosmica to realize Hey you cant let your boything kill people . it ends there but it DOESNT later on a fragment of the necrostar finds the astronaut's corpse and merges with it , creating the necronaut . the album then ends there for real this time . :3
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pumpkindogart · 6 years
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Happy birthday @qpid >;33ccc
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Hello! So, I am not entirely sure about this ask, but here we go! I was wondering if it would be possible to see some Ravaxis Starburner X commander Cosmo? They are honestly my main focused ship right now lmao. I love reading your fics, and I can't wait for more.
OH MY GODS I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! You've been waiting abt 2-3 weeks!! Finding the right thing to go with this was difficult, but it's here! No tws other than referenced alcohol so read and enjoy!!
“Just pretend to be my date for one night and then Bam! We’re scott free!” Ravaxis Starburner exclaimed, crookedly grinning at Commander Cosmo as he searched through his closet for a suit.
Commander Cosmo felt the nebulas on his face darken from purple to more of a plum colour as he gaped at the space cowboy. “I’m sorry? Your solution for you being an outlaw on three different worlds is to go to one of their fancy parties with me as your date?” He growled, frustration and flusteredness bubbling up in his chest and curling around his throat.
Ravaxis nodded, humming a tune as he continued searching through his closet. “I gotta pick something up for a trade I gotta make and it’s only found on those three worlds, so I have ta go back. If I show up alone, they’ll either kick me out or behead me. If I show up with you, however, they’ll let me be. Ooh, do ya think they’d grovel if you got upset?” Ravaxis explained, a devious grin growing on his face as he started to go off on a tangent.
Commander Cosmo repressed a shiver. He quite liked where Rav’s head was at the time, having it cut off would be… not preferable. Commander Cosmo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok, ok. I’ll do it,” He said, his frustration bleeding into his voice.
Rav popped his head up, a look of shock crossing over his face before one of mischief quickly replaced it. Cosmo quickly found himself regretting his decision.
“Do I really have to do this?” Cosmo asked, sitting in the cockpit of The Alexander as Rav was trying to tame his unruly wolfcut.
“Uh, yeah! You agreed, and now you must face the consequences,” Rav sang, peering into his small, handheld mirror as he brushed his hair.
Cosmo sighed, straightening his suit and checking his watch for the umpteenth time. Why he had agreed to go with Rav to this party, he didn’t know. He had agreed, and now here he was, halfway to Solas IV, dressed in a formal suit and trying his best to keep the nebulas on his face from bursting into bright pink.
The planet came into sight just as Rav finished messing with his hair. “Alright! Let’s go!” He said, buttoning his coat and turning around.
Cosmo almost had a heart attack. “What did you do to your hair?!” He cried.
Rav’s hair was puffed up every this way and that, making him look like a very disturbed bird or a ball of hair. “Whaat? I did my best!” Rav groaned, shooting the spaceman a look.
The blue matter in Cosmo’s chest swirled around, making the galaxies on his face shift from purple to blue and red. “Come on, let me fix this,” He said, trying his best to keep the nebulas on his face from darkening or turning pink.
Rav pouted but let Cosmo manipulate his hair, fluffing it this way and that, smoothing and combing ten different ways at once. When Cosmo was done, Rav held up his little handheld mirror and gasped. His hair looked less like a bird of paradise and more like actual hair, styled amazingly. “Wow… Cosmo, where did you learn this?” Rav asked, inspecting himself in three different ways.
Cosmo felt the nebulas on his face pinken, despite his best efforts. “We-Well, uh, when nobody wants to cut your hair, you gotta do it yourself and know how to make it look good,” He explained, wincing internally at his stutter.
“Mhm… Anyways, we’re beaming straight into the party, so prepare for that!” Rav said, grinning and pressing a button, putting his mirror back into his pocket.
Cosmo frowned, feeling the familiar feeling of the transporter start to take effect. “Wha-”
The next thing he knew, he was standing in a ballroom, Rav at his side. It was open air, the marble roof held high over their heads by pillars of a matching make. Two sides were closed off, meeting at a ninety degree angle. “I told you to give me a warning before you do that,” Cosmo growled, the nebulas around his pale eyes darkening as he tried to control the nausea that always came with using the transporter.
“I did! What’re you talking about?” Rav teased, straightening his tie and shooting Cosmo a grin.
Cosmo sighed but let it go; arguing with Rav would get him nowhere. “I’ll go to my guy and get the thing- you can either come with me or just wander,” Rav said, fluffing his hair as his dark eyes scanned the ballroom.
Cosmo found himself staring at Rav, inspecting the dark colouration around the spaceman’s eyes that mimicked eye shadow and admiring the look it gave him. “-osmo? Cosmo?” Rav’s voice snapped him back to attention, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, I’ll just wander until you need me,” Cosmo said, trying to preserve whatever courtesy he had left.
Rav shrugged and wandered off into the crowd, his green skin quickly swallowed up by the light blues and yellows of the world’s inhabitants. Cosmo quickly found the bar and snagged a glass, doing his best to remain inconspicuous. If anyone saw him and knew who he was, they would probably throw a big fit and get everyone focused on him.
He wandered to an open area near a wall. It was draped with beautiful blue and purple coloured cloths, some diamonds sprinkled in here and there to reflect stars. Cosmo held back a smirk; it was like a little corner designed to hide him.
He stepped into its shade and let out a breath he didn’t know he had been hiding, the tense cerulean and orchid purple swirling off of his skin and deep blues and indigos emerging, small stars twinkling in the void. His shoulders relaxed and he closed his eyes, revelling in the peaceful corner. Cosmo liked space, he always had, but having space on his skin had been a bit too much at first. Now… now he was grateful for it. It reminded him of Rav a bit and of his love for adventure. However, this wasn’t the adventure he had in mind.
“Did we invite the invisible man to this party or are you just hiding?” A sultry voice crooned somewhere to Cosmo’s left.
Cosmo frowned, disappointed that his peace had been broken so soon. He opened his pale, empty eyes. They glowed in the low light of the ballroom, some orangish clouds floating onto his skin. “Can I help you?” He asked politely, trying to maintain his professionalism.
The lady gasped, her black eyes going wide and her face blushing a rich blue. “I-I apologise, I didn’t realise I was interrupting,” She said, smiling regretfully.
Cosmo saw right through her. She knew what she was doing, and this was just part of the plan. Still, it would be rude to snap. “No, you weren’t interrupting anything. Still, can I help you?” He said politely.
“Well, my friends and I were wondering if you would like to dance? You seemed so lonely over here,” She crooned, gesturing to a group of high-status looking women by one of the massive poles holding the roof up.
Cosmo internally groaned. High-status people wanted to dance, and refusing would be especially rude. Thankfully, he had an excuse. “I already have a date, thank you,” He said, doing his best to keep the raspberry coloured nebulas from emerging onto his face.
The woman giggled. “Nonsense! Come on, you must dance with us!” She insisted, grabbing Comso’s hand and tugging it.
Cosmo reluctantly let her pull him over, dead sinking into his stomach. What would Rav think? Those raspberry nebulas finally emerged onto his face as he desperately tried to reason with his thoughts. He was just very motivated! That was it!
He failed to convince himself it wasn’t because of his gigantic crush on the cowboy, because that was it. He was brought back to reality when someone tried to drag him out onto the dance floor. “No thank you, I’d rather not,” He said, trying to keep his growing temper in check.
“Come on, live a little!” She laughed, tugging at his arm yet again.
Cosmo felt his anger begin to sizzle beneath the surface of his skin, angry red clouds beginning to bloom on his hands and the clouds around his eyes darkening. “I said I’d rather not,” He said, his voice hard.
“Bu-” “Peter! There you are!” Rav’s voice came, cutting off the lady.
Cosmo felt his anger dissipate and his cheeks turn bright pink. That was the first time Rav had called him by his first name. Oh no, he's hopeless. “‘Scuse me ladies, just gotta get to my man. Are you having fun?” Rav said, sauntering over and squeezing between the women to snuggle up to Cosmo’s chest.
Cosmo felt like his heart was going to explode. “I-I, uhm, y-yes? Ye-yes, I think so,” He stuttered, frantically looking away from Rav’s dark eyes.
“You’re his date?” One of the women asked, her scepticism dripping from her voice like water out of a leaky faucet.
Rav grinned, snaking his arm around Cosmo’s waist. “Yep, I’m his date,” He said casually. Cosmo felt like he was going to die.
“Prove it!” One of the ladies cried.
“All right,” Rav said, and then the next thing Comso knew, Rav was kissing him.
Ravaxis Starburner was kissing him. Cosmo’s eyes widened and he froze, his heart beating fast and a meteor shower shooting across his cheeks. Rav pulled away, a grin on his face but a dazed look in his eyes. “There, that enough proof for you?” Rav asked, turning back to the group.
They grumbled, but the ladies dispersed back into the crowd. “I’ll meet you back at The Alexander,” Rav said before there was the transporter’s usual flash of blue and then he was gone.
Cosmo shot out of the side of the building, provoking a few screams from its inhabitants, but he didn’t care. Rav had kissed him. Willingly. He broke through the stratosphere and let out a whoop of joy into space, grinning like he was a teen again. His crush had kissed him.
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