#a thousand summers
helloescapist · 11 months
hiya! im the anon with the spider mother ask! i've read it like 10 times now, it's so goood - i love the name chinatsu and its meaning (a thousand summers), referencing the reader's desire to give spider mother as long of a life as possible. In fact, it kinda reminds me of a quote from the movie "A Monster Calls", where the (dying) mother of the mc says "I wish I had a hundred years, a hundred years I could give to you."
speaking of which, why did the reader have to die 😔 now I'm sad lmao
at least chinatsu is safe and alive (for now). I headcanon that she was found by lady Tamayo and turned into a human alongside Nezuko
Hello Vee!
I am SO SO happy to hear you loved it <3. Ah brought my heart so much joy!
For a moment there, I lived in fear that I had exposed you to Sunrise Countdown Arc spoilers, and I nearly cried! *phew*. But for anyone who *may* not know, I'll do a see more.
*clears throat*
So, just like you may have seen in my Parallel Paths shorts for Gyutaro, for some requests, it's easier for me to create a character to depict and allow it to gude me to its story. [I sound cracked I know...]
Anyways, for this character, she was so heavily based off of the tales of Ubume. A good portion of the Japanese depictions arose during 1185-1603, following the Heian era in which Muzan was a human. Because of this, it felt fitting as a woman who knows of Muzan's weaker points, much like Kokushibo. For me, it made more since to her to have been created during this time frame... which means, I think she would have at best lived like Yushiro.
I ADORE the idea that Chinatsu being forced from her side as a latch ditch effort, to be found by Tamayo, oh my heart. Especially with the line you shared from A Monster Calls-- perfection. Which to me, proves the fem!Uppermoonreader's sacrifice, that much more important. It signified how much she cherished Chinatsu, that for her, the little demon was not "Spider mother," but her own daughter. The truth of her maternal love the reason why she would be willing to sacrifice everything if it just meant her child had a chance. If she had been saved by Tamayo, I think the reader still would have died, or been forced to live like Yushiro... living after her child had passed would have only been a crueler fate (at least to me).
Also, I admit, I tend to lean towards angst endings. 😂 I'm a guilty shit. I'm sorry lol.
buuuuuut--- just think... in the modern world, perhaps they've been reunited. 🥺 I wonder if I can find time in my schedule to write.... no. no... maybe? Maybe. Thank you for the ask <3
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youhavethesun · 15 days
one thing about me is that i’ll EAT UP younger siblings as narrative foils of the protagonist’s innocence every damn time !! the desperate protection of this version of themselves that isn’t corrupted/damaged, a version of themselves that can still be saved.. AHHHHHHH
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fictiongods · 2 months
You meet a girl. She’s traveled across states just to meet you. She makes a show of it too, she makes sure you know she’s there before ever introducing herself. She tries to get along with your friends. Your mom. Your kinda dad. And even your sister, when you later remember.
She tells you stories that you know are fake to sound cool, but you won’t challenge her on them. You guys don’t hit it off right away, but there’s something there. You and her are intertwined. Connected. She gets through something, it pushes you to do the same. You don’t know why. The universe didn’t want it, you barely want it. But there the girl is anyways, and there you are.
You start going out at night. It’s dark, emotions and adrenaline are high, and she’s saying all these things, these things that you definitely can’t think about to hard. Your friends think you have a boyfriend. You say she’s not really, but you are going out tonight together. You guys do that a lot.
But then she sees you with a guy. She’s angry. She feels cheated. Dumped. You didn’t owe anything to her, but you apologize anyways. You go down and say you’re on her side. That she can trust you, because you care. She doesn’t buy it.
You invite her to Christmas, she lights up brighter than the damn tree when you open your door, and you guys are good again. Bump in the road, but you’re fine. You guys start really hanging out. She makes sure you know that you and her are special. Different, somehow. No one else is like you guys. The chosen two. She says you’re better. She believes that makes her better too. She comes to your class and draws a heart, and you not only skip that class, but you skip a very important test that you were panicked about earlier. But…she’s here now. What can you do? She wants you to let loose. She wants you to lean into your temptations, into your urges. You do it. She keeps throwing her arm around you for some reason. That didn’t have anything to do with your urges, but you notice that. You rush into things because she did. You steal because she told you to. You take what you want because she did. You get caught together, and are arrested. But it’s fine, because you’re with her and together you got out of it. You start to believe that it really is her and you. Just the chosen two.
Then she gets into trouble. She accidentally kills someone. You were with her. She completely shuts you out afterwards. You are left to think after all this time of her saying you guys are connected, that she doesn’t care about you. You are left to believe that maybe she never did. She pins that murder on you. But she’s your friend. You won’t give up on her.
From what you learn, she tries to hurt your friend. The one you’ve known for a decent amount of time before her. A friend you love. But still, you refuse to give up on her. You get your boyfriend to try and help her. He makes it worse. She runs away to hide.
You find her. You call her your friend, but she seems upset by that. You don’t know why. She tells you you’re the same. But…you’re not her. You can’t be. She likes violence. She likes to be overly sexual. She wants stuff you would never want. You punch her in the face. She smiles at you. With pride and bravado, she calls you her girl. You get attacked again by threats the world believes you and only her were destined to stop. You save her. She saves you. You again, reinforce the fact that you will not give up on her. Everyone else has. Your best friends, your kinda dad. You can’t tell your mom about her, she doesn’t really understand, and your sister, well, she’s too young for stuff like that.
You thought you saved her. You thought you helped her. You thought it was her and you again. The chosen two. But she betrayed everyone. She betrayed you. You plan. She thinks she brings your worst fear back. He was too good at being that fear. You learn how angry shes been. How lonely. How sad. How jealous of you she’s been. It doesn’t change anything. You give her a little of that betrayal back. A little of that trickery. She kisses you on the forehead. You’ll later give one back.
She’s turned. The one girl in all the world like you, and she’s turned against you. She’s decided to work with the enemy. You steal her knife. What was hers is yours. She tries to kill your boyfriend. She’s never liked him. You’ve never known why. She tried to sleep with him. She knows it would be the closest she’d ever get to being with you. She tried to do this before. She asked you about it. Only she knew you didn’t get it anyways. That was the problem. You never did.
You guys fight to the death so you could save him. You try and kill her with that knife you stole. Before she makes a scar, before she leaves you, she smiles. You’ve become her. Everything she wants.
She comes to you in a dream. Hers, or yours? it doesn’t matter. What’s her is you after all. It’s so soft there. She’s smiling, you’re smiling, but you don’t really understand, because it’s so violent out there. She cups your cheek, as tender as she’s ever been, and you awake.
You press your lips to her in the spot she once did for you, and now you understand. You are like her. That kiss is recognition. A thank you. A silent confession. She never knows. You never tell her.
You move on. You get a boyfriend. He doesn’t get you, not like she did. She wakes up. You know what she did. How she hurt you. Your friends hate her still, and you…can’t. You defend her.
You try to find her again. You do. Shes mad again. She hates your boyfriend. She’s bitter. She’s telling you about the dreams she’s had. You were there.
You’ve had dreams too. They were always so soft. Even when mixed with violence, it was soft there with her.
Only that delicacy doesn’t extend in the real world, only in your bubble. She ties up your mom. You hope your sister wasn’t home. You miss it, but she talks to your mom. She says how mad she is at you. How hurt she is. How she feels she got dumped by you. You stop her and save your mom, and you fight again.
You tell her you don’t think about her. That you’ve forgotten her, just like she thinks. But in truth, you can’t stop thinking about her. She haunts you. In your thoughts, in your actions, in your words, she’s there. Because, everything that is her is you too, right?
She steals your body. You have hers now. What was yours may now be permanently hers. Your friends can’t tell it’s her. She fools your mom, your friends, your sister, and your kinda dad. She fools your boyfriend. She sleeps with him. She tries to be close to you again through him.
You find her again. She’s crying then. She’s hitting you in her body. She speaks words of destruction and detestation. She speaks words that will be yours in a time to come. You don’t know if she knows if it’s her or you. Maybe she fooled herself as well. She leaves your body and you leave hers. You feel what she felt. You clutch…your heart? Her heart? You try and hold it close. You try and tear it out.
She runs again. She’s gone, you’ve lost her again. You hate her for that. You miss her for that. You loath her for that. She’s the mirror of who you were. She’s the mirror of the you you might have been. She’s your mirror. It’s shattered, it’s broken, and it’s you.
She comes back after years of departure. You’re still bitter. She’s cracking jokes. She’s learned. She’s reformed. And you? You wonder if that’s true. You fight to the end of the world with her. This time, she’s on your side. She listens to you. She follows you. Everything she’s done is because you told her to. She did what she’s always wanted for you, and when you got hurt she said she’s never wanted it.
You find a weapon that’s yours. You can feel it in your bones it’s yours. You take it to battle. You save the world in that battle, and you hand that weapon to her in moments you believe to be your last. She can take it because, what’s yours was always hers too.
Do you get it now? It is a love story, and it always was.
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just remembered that i can draw literally whatever i want forever
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torqxx · 2 months
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stares at you
this is a permanent wip. i am never gonna finish this
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anistarrose · 2 months
My current version, of my ever-evolving theory, on what constitutes "aromantic stories" is that first off, there's absolutely a wide spectrum between 1, "this is explicitly undeniably about aromanticism," and 2, "there sure is a noteworthy amount of aro subtext, but representing aros clearly wasn't the author's intent." But the spectrum is best completed not as a straight line, but as a triangle, where the 3rd point is "the story probably wasn't created with aromanticism at the forefront of anyone's mind, but was created with subverting particular expectations related to romantic relationships in mind." And in my experience, a lot of juicy aromanticism-related experiences that are underrepresented in their own right can lie in that third option, regardless of whether the characters are aro-spec or allo or kind of whatever you headcanon.
So, what does make a story on this spectrum "aromantic?" IDK, I wouldn't necessarily include all or most of the firm 2s (unintentional subtext) under the aromantic story mantle. But when you get into the gray areas that inch a little closer to 1 and 3, let alone the gray area between 1 and 3 where intent is ambiguous but ultimately may not matter, it makes sense that different people will have different takes.
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cleolinda · 1 year
When I was a child in the '80s, I absorbed some kind of cultural truism that disco was ridiculous, embarrassing, cheesy, a cultural relic to be mocked at every turn. Remember, I'm under ten years old at this time, and I still manage to get this impression. There was another, milder sea change when grunge overtook the hair metal of the late '80s, so I never questioned the idea that disco should be dead and buried. We like silly things, I thought in my 13-year-old wisdom, and then we get over it.
Then I saw The Last Days of Disco (1998) while I was in college, and suddenly I realized that disco was fun, and it was like—it was in the roots of—music I already loved. And the end of that movie also—hints? tells you? I can't remember how explicitly—that disco didn't just fade like most trends; it was killed off.
I watched a lot of VH1 in those days, the late '90s, with a little TV sitting on my tall university-issue dresser, its corner overlooking my computer desk while I struggled with piles of assignments. This was the heyday of Behind the Music, so it was great background TV. And then one day (1999) they ran a Donna Summer—the "Queen of Disco"—concert special. The video up there is the song that immediately became my favorite of hers. It’s just instant serotonin to me, any version of it. I bought the whole VH1 album on CD, and "This Time I Know It's For Real" may genuinely be one of my all-time favorite songs, now, still, more than 20 years later. You can hear the original version (1989) here (the backing instrumental that I just found today is lovely), but the live version ten years later, the video up there, has a really special comeback—joyous, gracious survival—energy to it.
Watching the whole concert, I got it. Why the fuck did I ever think disco wasn't amazing? It was always the kind of thing I loved; we had all just been pretending that it was embarrassing glitter trash.
And then I found out why we were pretending. From densely-footnoted Wikipedia:
Disco Demolition Night was a Major League Baseball (MLB) promotion on Thursday, July 12, 1979, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, that ended in a riot. At the climax of the event, a crate filled with disco records was blown up on the field between games of the twi-night doubleheader between the Chicago White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. Many had come to see the explosion rather than the games and rushed onto the field after the detonation. The playing field was so damaged by the explosion and by the rioters that the White Sox were required to forfeit the second game to the Tigers. [...] The popularity of disco declined significantly in late 1979 and 1980. Many disco artists carried on, but record companies began labeling their recordings as dance music. [...] Rolling Stone critic Dave Marsh described Disco Demolition Night as "your most paranoid fantasy about where the ethnic cleansing of the rock radio could ultimately lead". Marsh was one who, at the time, deemed the event an expression of bigotry, writing in a year-end 1979 feature that "white males, eighteen to thirty-four are the most likely to see disco as the product of homosexuals, blacks, and Latins, and therefore they're the most likely to respond to appeals to wipe out such threats to their security. It goes almost without saying that such appeals are racist and sexist, but broadcasting has never been an especially civil-libertarian medium." Nile Rodgers, producer and guitarist for the disco-era band Chic,
(who survived the disco era to make half the music I loved in the '80s)
likened the event to Nazi book burning. Gloria Gaynor, who had a huge disco hit with "I Will Survive," stated, "I've always believed it was an economic decision—an idea created by someone whose economic bottom line was being adversely affected by the popularity of disco music. So they got a mob mentality going."
The DJ who ran the whole thing, Steve Dahl, complains that it was VH1 itself—you know, those Behind the Music specials I was watching—circa 1996 that labeled the whole debacle as bigotry when it so totally was not, you guys, and he is so tired of defending himself. But I'm gonna tell you, Steve, I don't really care. Maybe Disco Demolition Night was your fault; maybe you were just a part of something so much bigger and uglier that you couldn't see the whole size of it. Can you draw a direct line from the weird bigoted vitriol directed at those dance records to Ronald Reagan, elected the very next year, not giving a single fuck about the AIDS crisis? You probably don't want to, but I will.
And I don't care because I can look around the U.S. right now and tell you, nearly 45 years later, people are trying to demolish a lot more than disco. The Club Q shooter was sentenced to life in prison just a few hours ago. It's Pride Month, and we're all sitting here holding our breaths. That's a terrible way to end a post about a beautiful happy song I love, I guess, unless you turn it around and say, that should have been the whole point of this post in the first place. Listen to this song and think, people wanted to destroy this music, this sound, this joy for some reason. They want to stop people from just living their lives, from dancing. And yet, disco is still here. It was there in 1979, and it was there when Donna Summer released this song in 1989, and it was there when she returned in 1999. The Queen of Disco passed away in 2012, and it's still here. I feel a lot of joy when I listen to this song, but I don't think I'd ever thought about it being the joy of grooving with something just because it’s beautiful, the joy of just being here, still.
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paramooreee · 2 years
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THOUSAND MILES Miley Cyrus • Backyard Sessions • 2023
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sracha · 9 months
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save me vampire rosebird…vampire rosebird save meeee 🩸
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mumblelard · 3 months
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the neodymium microcosmos or the anticipation of received forms
last week was the seventeenth anniversary of my first post in this place and after three thousand one hundred thirty-seven posts, i am pretty sure i'm still not doing it right
my kids and my girlfriend came over friday night and we drank pink lemonade tequila spritzers and ate pizza and shared this week's stories. it was a really nice night
yesterday, a cover of thirteen by big star came on the radio, and i was barely able to explain to cassidy how that song always makes me cry just before i lost my voice
last night i dreamt of quitting, i dreamt of a magazine cover with red stars on a blue field and no words, and i dreamt again of walls filled with pastel fauna absent menace or comfort
today, i am spending the day with finn and fall and they have surprises in store!
this week spans bloomsday, the solstice, the full moon, and midsummer
i'm spending next weekend in the mountains up near the gorge and my anticipation grows
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alatushours · 2 months
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headcanons of the strawhats having a pool party :) au where the devil fruit users can swim, no jimbei bc i’m only on zou arc <\3 def will elaborate on this later with a longer fic hehe wc 298
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in the scorching heat of summer, the strawhats figured they need a way to stay cool while at sea.
which is when franky reveals the project that he’s been working on for the past few weeks: adding a pool to the sunny! he built it so that it’ll rise out of the ground on the lawned deck and fill up with water when it secures
of course everyone is thrilled and luffy immediately announces a mandatory pool party. ten minutes later, they’re all in their swimwear and the chaos begins
ussop, luffy and chopper are already splashing around in the pool; the latter two are forced to wear floaties by nami since 1) chopper is too short in the four-feet deep pool, and 2) luffy, to put it simply, cannot be trusted in water…
nami and robin are sunbathing on the lounge chairs with their bowls of fresh fruit and magazines, lifting their sunglasses once in a while to giggle at the rowdy boys.
sanji serves pool refreshments, mixing up cocktails for the ladies (and trying to get a peek at them in their bikinis)
brook acts as entertainment, playing summer tunes while franky operates the mini water slide at the edge of the pool
meanwhile, zoro is minding his own business, doing laps around the pool and then getting out of the water for a break, until sanji decides to “accidentally” trip him back into the pool…
that’s when ussop pulls out his stash of water guns, and things actually get crazy. before long, everyone is wet and shouting and even the ladies decide to join in on the fun
i’ll elaborate on this at a later date but for now let’s just say at least they found a way to cool off, yeah?
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© alatushours 2024. please do not copy, modify, or translate my work in any way, nor upload to any other platforms. in the meantime, if you enjoyed, please like, reblog, and consider leaving a follow! it helps a lot ♡
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hunterrrs · 1 year
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his hot girl summer continues
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whatwouldmickeydo · 1 year
Thinking about them having a summer reminiscent of season 2 except they’re married and they’ve got money and there’s no more hiding and they’re fucking IN LOVE
Jumping on each other’s backs as they head home from a family barbecue, tipsy and feeling silly as they yell the partially remembered lyrics of the song stuck in their head from the radio
Going out to the late night pizza joint down the street because one of them got a craving, sharing a drink while hanging out on the curb scarfing down a slice, pizza grease staining their shirts as they knock shoulders
Racing each other down the street, laughing and hooting wildly before collapsing in an alleyway, giggling into kisses and wandering hands finding their way up each other’s shirts, rings glinting off the light of the street lamp
Playful arguing in the car, no destination in mind but just wanting to get out of the house, windows down and a rare summer breeze ruffling their hair
Sneaking into the movies to cool down for old times sake, Ian halfheartedly protesting because we’re adults now man but giving in without much of a fight when he catches sight of Mickey’s smirk and the way he pulls him forward by the loop of his belt buckle
Hanging out on their porch with a blunt and the AC blasting, making fun of the people they see passing by on the street, giggling like little idiots as they make up dumb backstories and fake names
Spending a lazy day at the pool with the rest of the Gallagher’s, making out in the water for a bit before being roped into playing chicken, Franny and Liam perched on their shoulders laughing wildly
Wandering around the end of summer carnival, lips stained red and blue from the snow cones, hands wrapped around each other’s shoulders as they watch the fireworks
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thelasthippie · 2 months
Thousand souls, thousand Hearts. ☮️💟✌️
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torqxx · 3 months
more 1KS yanqing fanart bc i am normal (lying)
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1ks yanqing you will always be famous
i have a draft that just says "yanqing is not my favorite character" 😕
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Battle Of The Bridges: Round 4!
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Cruel Summer
I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby comin' home from the bar (Oh)
Said, "I'm fine," but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (Oh)
And I scream, "For whatever it's worth
I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
He looks up, grinnin' like a devil
Death By A Thousand Cuts
My heart, my hips, my body, my love
Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch
Gave up on me like I was a bad drug
Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club
Our songs, our films, united we stand
Our country, guess it was a lawless land
Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand
Paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans
My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust
Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up
Gave you too much, but it wasn't enough
But I'll be alright, it's just a thousand cuts
🌁Please reblog!🌁
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