#aa writes
caramelfuzz · 1 year
Sick S/am W/inch/ester
Hi friends, I’ve finally decided to post one of the S/am fics I’ve been working on. I’m like a decade too late with this fandom, but I can’t help myself lol.
This fic is... it’s weird lol. Pls don’t judge too harshly, I thought up the idea when I was moments from sleep a while ago and have since run with it. This is part 1 because I haven’t quite figured out an ending I’m happy with.
It’s been a hot second since I’ve done any real writing so if anyone has any critiques on the style, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ve done a lot of rping recently and I fear my writing style reflects that. 
It all happens in a flash, literally. One minute, they’re sitting on their beds bouncing theories off of one another, and the next there’s a blinding light and a force sends Dean sprawling backwards. His first thought is that there was an explosive hidden somewhere, given how far the impact has sent him, he’s clear across the room. He takes stock. Nothing feels broken, but his ears are ringing and he’s sore all over. He pushes himself to his feet and does a double take. The room is gigantic or, rather, he’s small. He looks over to Sam’s bed and sees his brother on his feet. The ringing in his ears clears out and he can hear Sam calling his name frantically and cursing to himself. 
“Dean? Damn it, Dean! Where did you go?”
Dean runs over to him, shouting.
“I’m right here, Sam!” 
His brother looks around wildly, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. 
Sam’s eyes widen in horror, 
“Dean, are you invisible? Are you a ghost? Did something vaporize your body?!”
Dean rolls his eyes. 
“Damn it, no Sammy. Look down!”
Sam’s eyes drop to the floor and lock in on Dean, his gigantic younger brother drops to his knees, relief clear on his face. 
“Dean? What the hell happened? You’re like four inches tall!”
The laughter that rolls out of him is relieved, though still genuine. If the roles were reversed, Dean would certainly be laughing at Sam. 
Dean smacks him on the knee and Sam sobers a little. He lowers an open palm to the floor in front of Dean. 
“Sorry, sorry. Here, let me help you onto the bed so we can talk.”
“I don’t need your help to get on the bed, jackass. I’m not a toddler that wants ‘uppies.’”
Sam snorts at this and stands, taking a seat on the edge of the bed again.
“Then be my guest, dude.”
Challenge accepted. Dean starts to scale the comforter and after a few minutes he’s making pretty good progress. That is, until a sudden jerking of the bed threatens to shake his grip loose. He gives a startled yell and looks at Sam accusingly.
“You trying to make me fall and break my neck, bitch?”
Sam looks apologetic, rubbing his nose sheepishly. He looks stricken by the accusation, it’s obvious he didn’t mean to shake the bed like that. Whatever. He focuses on climbing the rest of the way up and sneers at Sam victoriously. His little brother smiles back at him, face genuine. Damn it, Sammy, so damn wholesome. 
“So, what the hell happened to me and how do we fix it?” Sam shrugs, reaching a hand up to rub his nose again. Dean’s eyes narrow. He knows what that little twitchy thing his brother’s nose is doing means. 
“Hh… Hih’XTSSHh!” Sam holds his nose in a death grip to stifle the force of the sneeze, but the action still makes the bed jerk and knocks Dean off his feet. So that’s what happened while he was climbing. 
“Bless you, Sammy.” 
Sam brushes off Dean’s concerned tone and sniffles a few times before speaking. 
“While you were busy climbigg, I did a little research.” 
He motions to the computer perched on his lap. Damn, the explosion must have only affected Dean since the laptop is still in one piece. Maybe it knocked Dean off of the bed because of his decreased size. 
“And? Did you find anything?”
Sam shakes his head apologetically. 
He sniffles and clears his throat, then continues.
“No reported cases of people getting shrunk. This must be special just for us.” 
Dean gets the gist. 
“A witch, then?” 
Sam nods. 
“Damn it! Who knows when she planted whatever the hell she planted to cause this? It could be anyone!” 
Dean stomps his foot and Sam just nods sadly, then knuckles his nose. It’s getting pinker, and because of his current height, Dean has a good angle to see that Sam’s nostrils are a little damp. Great, just what he needs. He’s been shrunk and Sammy is coming down with something. 
Ever since their run in with the striga Sam’s immune system has been shot. He gets sick a lot, to the point that Dean’s banned him from interacting with any children at all and has taken to carrying hand sanitizer and tissues on his person. 
He’s gotten a little less strict in the last few months, Sam’s allowed to come with him to interview witnesses again, even shake their hands, as long as he uses a lot of hand sanitizer afterward and doesn’t accept any food or drinks if they’re offered. His brother still gets sick though, even when he wasn’t allowed on interviews he would get sick. 
Dean’s made him start taking vitamins, though he hasn’t made much of an effort to change their diet. It’s hard enough to afford vitamins on their “salary,” buying healthy food on a regular basis is next to impossible. 
Still, it’s only been a month since Sam’s last cold and now Dean has been shrunk and he knows Sam is going to insist they fix it before he rests. 
Dean doesn’t voice his concerns, but he fixes Sam with a worried look. 
“So, a witch. Guess we need to figure out who we managed to piss off. Well, who we managed to piss off more than usual I guess.” 
Dean nods, trying to think back to their last several hunts. If the witch is smart, she’d hex them in a way that wouldn’t go off immediately, so it really could be anyone. Hell, it could be someone they pissed off months ago. 
Sam’s breath hitches and Dean crouches low, gripping onto the blanket as best as he can while he waits for the inevitable. Sam’s a big guy, and his sneezes match his size in their violence no matter how quiet he tries to make them. 
“Heh! Heh’ESSCHH! Hih’SHISHhH!”
He tries to keep them contained, he really does, but Dean is still thrown off balance by the force of them. 
“Bless you, Sammy.” 
Sam fixes him with a weary look. 
“Dond’t say it.” 
“I wasn’t going to say anything. Why don’t you put that big brain of yours to good use and figure out who the hell did this to me so we can fix it?” 
The and I can take care of you is left unsaid, but both brothers know it’s implied. As much as he complains about being smothered, Dean has seen how terrible Sam feels when he gets sick these days. Damn striga just had to have the last laugh. 
An hour of fruitless research and ten Sammy sneezes later, Dean’s stomach starts to growl. 
“Why don’t you go get us some chow and we can keep researching later?”
He suggests, and Sam nods. His brother gets up and tugs on his jacket, rubbing his knuckles beneath his nose. 
“Get me a burger, Sammy! And some p-oh, maybe no pie actually. It’d just bum me out not to get all the flavors in one bite.”
Sam gives him a half amused, half sympathetic look and walks out the door.
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Regressuary day 2!! <3 - Bonanus
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st4ngray · 2 months
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Flowey collective [part 2] cause I still desperately need him to explode /affectionate
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rendevok · 11 months
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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skizabaa · 9 months
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"It's a lovely night in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, and you are a horrible goose."
One of the most unique, silly and joyful fics ive read, it's been an instant favorite! Fanart of the lovely Untitled Goose Fic by the wonderful @eyndr-stories!
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magpie-trinkets · 2 months
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continuing that "maya tries to contact claire" post, i present you the post-Spirit of Justice follow-up
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anglioby · 3 months
Me, an ace attoreny character, dying, laying on my stomach with hand drawn out, writing on the ground name of a person, who so did not kill me just to fuck around a bit
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ladyofthecreeddraws · 16 days
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"Oh, love...I'm merely waiting until you're happy."
Yeah listen man, this crossover is a thing now because dreamstat can't stop spitting bangers and this line's been haunting me for a week.
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u3pxx · 6 months
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these are drawn in like 10 seconds but if i'm not too careful i might accidentally combine all my interests and destroy the space-time continuum
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wulleooo · 1 month
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Doodles i made instead of studying
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wispscribbles · 8 months
Hello I just wanted to put an ask in and let u know that I really love your works! Ur one of my favorite fic writers and u inspire me a lot :D
thank you so much friend :''D Your support and comments are so so appreciated, can't believe you stand by me even after the Toast... incident. The inspiration absolutely goes both ways, because idk if I'd still be writing if I hadn't been met with so much support from folks like u <3 also- small ghoap for u
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caramelfuzz · 1 year
Allergic J/onathan B/yers
Here is some allergic Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things for @sleptwithinthesun, who was having a hard time a while ago and wanted to see stoncy finding out Jon is allergic to cats. I had a bit of a hard time including all three of them in this and then I had to go and add a fourth person as well lol, so hopefully it’s coherent. 
The fic is in @sleptwithinthesun ‘s Chicago au where Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan live together and are dating (and Steve and Nancy both have the kink). All characters are over 18.
“Hh! Hh’NGKT!” 
Jonathan sneezes for what feels like the fiftieth time that evening. He, Steve, and Nancy are visiting Robin’s new apartment and he’s been sneezy since setting foot in it. He reaches over to pet Margot, who has been waiting patiently for him to pay attention to her again. Robin’s cat is gorgeous and Jonathan is enamored. Nancy and Steve have started talking about getting a cat of their own after seeing how much their boyfriend likes her. 
He sniffles and wipes his nose on his wrist self consciously. 
“Are you coming down with another cold, Jon?”
Jonathan’s face heats up a little at the way Nancy bites her lip when she asks the question. She and Steve love it when he’s laid up with a tickly cold. They never seem to catch it from him, which is honestly a bit annoying. 
“No, these feel di-hh-different. Not like cold sneezes at all.”
He scrubs his buzzing nose with his knuckles in an effort to stave off more sneezes. 
“Oh, but your face is getting red, baby. Do you have a fever?”
Steve makes a strangled sound and Robin gives him a look of confusion. Nancy knows what she’s doing to both of them, Steve especially. 
Jonathan leans away from her and rubs his nose more. 
“M’fine, Nance.” 
“Margot is worried about you too, look!”
Robin is almost crooning as they all watch the cat saunter closer to him, rubbing up against his arm with a purr. His shy smile fades as the omnipresent tickle in his nose suddenly spikes and he’s forced to turn away from the cat to sneeze into his elbow again. 
“Hh--hihh! Hhh’ISSCchh’uh! Hh-ESSCHuu! HH’EKSCHH!”
Steve gets to his feet and hurries to Jonathan’s side along with Nancy, pulling tissues out of his pocket. He presses them against his boyfriend’s twitching nose, a hardly perceptible shudder of excitement coursing through his body. 
“Blow, Jon. You know you won’t stop until you do.” Steve’s voice is soft and Jonathan does as he’s told. Steve and Nancy know a scary amount about his sneezing habits, so he’s inclined to trust them.  
Robin eyes the trio worriedly. 
“If you want to go lay down or something before dinner you can, Jonathan. Margot would keep you company.” 
He smiles and shakes his head, once again running his fingers through the cat’s soft fur.
“I’ll be finde, Robin, but thank you.” 
Steve frowns and presses a hand to Jonathan’s forehead. 
“You don’t feel warm, but you’re getting congested. Maybe you should actually go lay down. The food should be ready in like half an hour and we’ll come get you.”
Jonathan looks between the worried faces of his partners and sighs, coughing softly into his elbow. 
The cat scampers down the hallway after him, followed closely by Steve and Nancy.
“Be right back, Robin!”
Nancy calls over her shoulder as they leave their friend sitting alone in her small living room. 
Jonathan is well versed in Steve and Nancy’s caretaking habits at this point, so he gets straight into bed and waits for Steve to tuck the blankets snugly around him, kissing his forehead. Nancy ruffles his hair and kisses his forehead as well. He smiles at their affection, but the smile fades as he has to whip to the side to sneeze more. His eyes are watery and itchy and what started as a small itch in the back of his throat has progressed into something that he can’t quite categorize. 
His partners leave the room and shut the door, prompting Margot to dash to it and meow. 
“I’b sorry Mbargot. We’ve been banished for now.” 
He croaks. She turns around and slinks back to the bed, looking up at him from the floor, tail swishing behind her. She wants to play. He reaches a hand down and starts to pet her, then he sneezes, flushing when he sees the cat puff up a little in surprise. 
“Sdff, sorry girl. Mbaybe I am sick.” 
Margot mews adorably and jumps onto the bed, sticking her face in Jonathan’s. That’s when all hell breaks loose. His nostrils are flooded with a horrible tickle and he doesn’t have time to even think about stifling before he’s launched forward with four consecutive sneezes. He barely has time to breathe in between them, and they’re louder than his normal sneezes. His partners’ ears are already fine-tuned for any sign of sneezing or sickness from him thanks to their shared preferences, but there’s no way anyone would miss this even through a door. 
Margot hisses and leaps off of the bed again. Soon Steve, Nancy, and Robin have barged into the small bedroom. Steve and Nancy’s hands are all over him, helping him sit up and cupping tissues to his face. 
Robin takes one look at his watery eyes and starts shooing the cat out of the room. 
“Shit, I should have noticed earlier. Jonathan, I think you’re allergic to cats.”
She says apologetically. If his eyes weren’t already filled with allergic tears, Jonathan may have gotten a little misty eyed at the words. 
“Wh-hh! TkscHhh! What?”
His voice feels wrecked from all the sneezing, and he leans heavily into Steve as his boyfriend pets his hair. 
“I think you’re allergic to Margot’s fur.”
Robin repeats sadly. Jonathan’s face falls.
“Oh, that’s sad.”
Nancy coos and cups his cheek with her hand. 
“Aw Jon, I’m so sorry baby. Maybe we can get you some antihistamines before we visit her again. I know you really like the cat.”
He nods tiredly, eyelids drooping. He feels exhausted after spending half the night sneezing. 
“I think we’ll have to take a rain check on dinner tonight, Robin.”
Steve decides as he helps Jonathan to his feet. The woman nods, following the trio to the door.
“Feel better, Jonathan. Hopefully you and Margot can hang out for shorter periods of time in the future.” 
He gives her a small smile and a wave as they trudge to their car.
Steve deposits him in the back seat of the car and Nancy slides in beside him to take over keeping him upright. She strokes his hair and he droops further against her. Nancy kisses his cheek and whispers into his ear. 
“You were really sexy tonight, Jon. Maybe we should visit Robin more often.”
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Regressuary day 1!! - Bonanus
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muzyoshi · 1 year
Miles Edgeworth's Secret
This post is purely for documentation purposes, and also to inform anyone who may not be aware. This post will contain SPOILERS for the end of Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations, so proceed with caution.
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During Case 5, Bridge to the Turnabout, while playing as Edgeworth, you are presented the opportunity to peer into Iris' heart. Specifically in regards to a secret she is withholding from Phoenix, someone she was romantically involved with. During which, if the player fails to present the correct evidence specifically for the second Psyche-Lock, an interesting conversation concerning the nature of secrets occurs.
I have seen talk of this dialogue, but no footage or screenshots, so I took the liberty of getting them myself. The full conversation and my further thoughts will be found under the cut.
You MUST present incorrect evidence during the second Psyche-Lock. This dialogue is laughably easy to miss, which is why I could find zero footage of it. (Sorry if the formatting for this sucks)
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(Interesting to note: the music stops playing here.)
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Incidentally, Iris' secret is that she developed romantic feelings for Phoenix while dating him in college (disguised as her twin sister). Edgeworth affirms her thoughts, confirming that he does indeed have a secret of similar nature deep within his heart and soul; "It takes one to know one." It cannot be said what exactly this secret of his is, but every real plot point behind Edgeworth has been more or less resolved by this point in the series. He found his path as a prosecutor, the truth behind his involvement in the DL-6 incident was concluded, so... What's left? Reading between the lines, this only really seems to lead us to one answer. It has something to do with romantic feelings. I truly can't see it being anything else, even with a critical mind.
Just mere moments ago, Iris had inquired as to what Edgeworth and Phoenix' relationship was. Edgeworth (famously) responds that Wright is a "dear and indispensable friend". Wonder if Iris gleamed something deeper from that comment, then? ;P Keep in mind: she makes these comments directly because Edgeworth avoided presenting Phoenix Wright's profile.
"he just like me fr" - iris probably
Now, just for completion's sake, let's see what happens when you present Phoenix's profile and break the Psyche-Lock.
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I have a lot of thoughts regarding this string of text from the two of them. This is a huge reach from an admittedly shipper-crazed brain, but aren't Edgeworth's retorts here... interesting? He does not know this girl, but he knows that the two of them are important to one another. We can assume it's likely that he is pushing for this for Wright's sake, rather than Iris'. At this point it's fair to say that Edgeworth has some basic understanding of her secret (the feelings, at least), and he doesn't benefit from her telling Phoenix her secret. So why is he adamant that she does it? Especially when he's, apparently, holding a secret of similar nature himself? Projecting, perhaps?
"But it's pointless..." "Why would you say that?"
Why indeed.
(EDIT) I was thinking about this feverishly, and I had another thought. What if the "darkness in his heart" and his "secret" has something to do with jealousy? Still in context of romantic feelings... it starts to make sense that this could fit into the puzzle as well. By this point it was already established to Edgeworth that Phoenix and Iris share an intimate connection of some kind, and with all of this pressuring (including the words the two of them share before Edgeworth leaves the Detention Centre), it sort of adds up. "Uncovering the truth" in order to "get rid of the deep-seated darkness in [his] heart" - could this refer to closure? As in, if Iris comes forth to Phoenix Wright with her secret, and there is some level of reciprocation, would this make Edgeworth's own secret/feelings "pointless" to confess? I wonder.
One last note I'd like to make is that this is the first time we view Edgeworth through the 'protagonist lens', and that a great deal of care was put into having the player truly feel like they are Miles Edgeworth in this moment. His mannerisms, choice of words and thought patterns are decidedly very different than Phoenix's when you are in control of them, as I'm sure most people would agree. Therefore, I feel comfortable proposing that a lot of what he says here isn't filler, and in fact is very deliberately worded.
I think this post also deserves a spot here.
Diehard Narumitsu/Wrightworth shippers are likely already aware of this conversation's existence. However, due to the circumstances necessary to see it, I wasn't able to find any screenshots. I hope this was interesting to read, at least... Thanks for reading!
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rendevok · 11 months
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“Take my hand�� pages 5-11
1 - day 2 - truth - 3
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lomltrentarnold · 11 months
caught you staring — trent alexander-arnold ₊˚ෆ
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based on these gifs by @lexqa &lt;3
warnings : no smut but it is a lil suggestive ;), trent’s a walking thirst trap, reader is kind of horny 🙄, teasing, some dirty jokes
hana notes : this was just stuck in my head i hope yall like it &lt;3 /MAIN MASTERLIST
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You should’ve looked away. You really should’ve. But your eyes wouldn’t let you.
Gaze glued to how his muscular back was moving, how fucking broad and big, he has gotten. It put you in a bit of a frenzy. Filthy thoughts clouding your mind as the memories of last night came flashing back.
Thank god you listened to him when he told you not to leave any marks. Because that would’ve been embarrassing. But also, you knew it would’ve fuelled your ego.
He started to slowed down his pace, you weren’t really paying attention to what the person was talking to him, all you could think about was how delicious he looked.
Trent could feel your stare the second he started on the treadmill, so it was no surprise when he turned around he was meet with your half lidded eyes, all dark with something he’s all too familiar with. He tried to hide his smug smirk, but you a glimpse of it and that only filled you more with need.
He hopped off the treadmill, eyes stuck on your lust filled ones, as he walked over to you. He reached over to take the water bottle beside you. Purposely leaning close, as his hand rests on your thigh. His musk and cologne all overpowering your senses. He is overpowering your senses.
He took the a big gulp of the water, making your eyes flickering down to his throat. His hand reached out and you gave him his towel. “Thank you, sweetheart.” he rasped out, the stinking smirk turning into a full blown smile when he see you shy away from the pet name.
He stood tall in front of you as he started to wipe his sweat, on his face, his throat, down his abs. He knew exactly what he was doing.
You were glad the coaches and other staff were discussing amongst each other so they don’t see the sinful act that your boyfriend is putting on.
You hate him. You really do.
“I hate you.” you muttered out, tongue poking the inside of your cheek, trying to fight off your smile. Cause although you know he’s teasing you, you didn’t mind the free show.
He raised his eyebrows, shocked and pleased at your sudden response. He smiled, before licking his full lips as you stare him with narrow eyes.
He leaned his face close with yours, completely disregarding your personal space. His minty breath fanned over your cheeks, nuzzling his face in between your shoulders blades and jaw before pressing a kiss onto your now heated skin. “Tell me that again tonight, baby.” he whispered, lips grazing your ears. He absolutely loved riling you up.
You could feel your skin heat up even more as your palm started to sweat. Trent stood up to his full height when the staff calls for him. He nodded his head before picking up his shirt and your stuff. He pulled you up, arm circling around your waist, pulling you to his sticky chest, but you didn’t mind.
“Is that a promise?” you whispered, eyes flickering to his lips.
He nodded, as his pupils dilated and he look as if he was in a daze. You didn’t even do anything but he swear he falls in love with you more everyday.
He looked back at you, eyes round and mischievous making you kissed your teeth when you realised his implication. “I truly do hate you.”
He smirked, it was just too easy, “Love you too babe.”
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reblog to support!
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