#aaaa guys make me stop
allmyandroids · 4 months
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pillowenvelopchair · 11 months
Hey guys!! this is just my insane ramble on Still Waters Run Deep that's made by the lovely @un-local. I've had so so sooooo many thoughts about this fic and I decided to try and put it all coherently in a post :)
Probably not a lot of new insights, just many, many rambles
Magdalene analysis and her view on Rogier + some other stuff
Magdalene, at the start of the story, is aimless and refuses to follow any line of Grace, putting off whatever it leads to and going in the opposite direction. Yet Grace is fickle, and it all eventually converges, so she gives in. (aaaand a life-changing partnership ensues)
She wants out of the competition of becoming Elden Lord, and she wants nothing to do with it. Someone else to take lordship is what she wants. Magdalene, in her eyes, is not worthy to take the throne. But Rogier on the other hand…
Rogier is, quite literally, built different. He thinks differently compared to Magdalene (a STR vs INT user difference lol). He’s able to pick out all the details that she would miss. Be able to extrapolate and examine it all and be able to learn from it. Magdalene can't do that.
It's basically:
Rogier: says some fun facts about the most random thing in the room, saying all the history behind it, and what the tiny details could mean Magdalene: yeah, that's a rock.
So instead, she becomes a tool for Rogier to be able to use, because that's the least she can do for him.
“She can already feel the faint grin forming on her lips at the thought. She never wanted to be Elden Lord. She’d finally picked up and followed grace to... to get away, with no idea what it called her to do. When Melina told her where it led her, she felt only dread. But Rogier... To save Those Who Live in Death... Two birds, one stone. She meets his eyes, and doesn’t look away. In them, she doesn’t see pride, or avarice. She doesn't see a man who wants to rule the world. Not at all. The path forward is clear now.” -Chapter 22
For once, she really sees a light from the dark future she sees. She's hopeful that she won't have to take the throne, that Rogier can burden it instead of her. He's worthy in her eyes and because of that, she devotes herself to him with all she can do. (Ah but… I believe Rogier wants her to be Elden Lord? Not sure but her not wanting to be Elden Lord doesn’t quite fit with what he has planned)
Magdalene really holds onto Rogier, and his guidance (a comfort wizard, if you will). And so the idea that he won’t make it… that she’ll be left alone with Grace again, forced to join back into the competition for lordship... It's sickening to her. So she really clings to him, desperate to not be left alone with a destiny that she despises.
Magdalene is always pulled into different directions. Grace pulls her to one but she pulls herself to the opposite one. Fia and D are both on extreme sides of the spectrum on Rogier's survival, and Magdalene is caught right in the middle of it.
But for her, Rogier will survive, he has to survive otherwise... that light, that small hope she has will all fade into obscurity.
Ghosts from the past (Lorens and Ida)
I absolutely love how something, or rather, someone haunts both of them.
Lorens had been the catalyst of all of what Rogier does now. Why he’s so desperate to save those who live in death. He's literally devoted his body and mind to Lorens just to see him alive (maybe Rogier's devoting all of himself to finding a solution to death because he wants it to come back to the old times when it was just him and Lorens in the Rise, or maybe not!! I'm just rambling lol).
Every thought of Lorens is painted with a sort of bittersweetness to it. From Rogier's perspective, at the very least (I'm super curious as to how Lorens would view Rogier but we'll probably never get it because... you know...). He's almost obsessed with him, and it's all pretty unhealthy lol.
Magdalene, who’s haunted by Ida who's probably a sort of lover that hadn't been fully brought to fruition. Different opinions on what they have had made Magdalene leave with (from what I have seen at least, we have scrapes of her, people! I can't wait to see more of Ida though)
Now with Ida... Magdalene absolutely shakes herself out of every thought she has about Ida. Spurning every single thought or imagination she has of that woman.
"Nausea comes in waves. Fever. She can feel delirium taking her—she’s convinced she’s submerged in the very waters of creation, for a while. She vividly feels herself sinking deeper and deeper into a current; cold and dark and inescapable. As it pulls her down, she’s overcome with the instinct to breathe it in— Against her temple she feels a hand, with gentle fingers dragging softly through her hair. Suddenly, every layer of the dream collapses in on itself, and she jolts awake with a gasp.  Here, in Liurnia, she hauls herself up, rubbing at her face. Even the memory is a shock of cold water to her. She’s a woman haunted." -Chapter 23
(I just really love this part- I can't help it)
I think it's also really interesting how Magdalene leaves Ida due to their differences in what they have (?) while Rogier just absolutely hangs onto Lorens no matter what, despite him being... er... him. Not so sure about his personality with the small flashbacks we get of him but he’s probably not good for Rogier.
In short, Rogier venerates Lorens, while Magdalene absolutely rejects Ida. (Opposites!)
Rogier’s overthinking
Also found it interesting that when Rogier thinks he really thinks. He's a professional overthinker, even in the past
"He thinks of the labyrinthian etiquette, the way he’d triple-check every sentence for a double meaning. The secrets, the ruthless political schemes. It all felt like a spider’s web to him. He’d learned the game, and he played it well, but it had been nothing but paranoia and misery for him. Just like it was for everyone else." -Chapter 17
It's what's kept him alive (Ch. 17), and what's been able to pave the way for his findings Yet, it’s also his curse. He tries to pick out every detail that he can and think of every possible reason or motivation. Every single outcome he just needs to know so that he won't get caught by surprise again. He needs to be in control of the situation, he needs to be the master of the chessboard.
Oh and once this guy spirals, he really spirals. He starts thinking and looking at details, rewinding every single thing, every interaction, and trying to label a reason for every little thing. Yet... something emotional seems to break the surface of the water.
I personally think that he was raised to overthink. He was a noble after all, and he dealt with politics. He truly needed to check, double check, triple check, every single sentence and word in case it would have a double meaning. "He’d learned the game, and he played it well" (Ch. 17) . Getting worse after Lorens' death, being fooled by "Only a cut." (Ch. 25) and seeing the aftermath of it.
He can't not do it because if he doesn't, and he gets surprised it would break him (or at the very least, freak him out).
ALSO!! Rogier hating on "saccharine conversations" (Ch. 17) good lord. This guy cannot be real with anyone. Rogier refuses to show vulnerability because:
1. He was raised like that (the whole attachment theory thing) 2. He will absolutely break if he does
Do you guys remember when Fia tells Magdalene that "dear Rogier began to weep as he spoke" (Ch.14)? Fia saw through Rogier's walls through the cracks and he just absolutely breaks down. (Get yourself a man who, after "embracing" tells you all about this thing he's obsessed about and then cries because of it)
It's a mortifying ordeal, that someone's able to see through the walls you've meticulously put up. It hits something deep within that he’s tried to bury.
Despite the walls he puts up people other than Fia see through them. Magdalene (Ch.7) was able to see through the small cracks that have broken, and Roderika... hoo she really hit a nerve didn’t she? (But it also hit one of her nerves too, Rogier vs Roderika am I right?)
Chapter 17 analysis
Also, while we’re on the topic of Roderika, let's talk about chapter 17! Seems I have a lot to talk about.
I absolutely love this chapter so much, it gives us so much insight into Rogier's backstory and the way he thinks. His noble background really shines through here, with how he acts with Roderika who is a fellow ex-noble too.
"His grin is wide and carefree, but it rather feels like he's baring his teeth.  There’s no room for your pity here." -Chapter 17
This guy cannot accept any sign of sympathy/compassion with anyone. It's all pity to him, and he absolutely hates pity. Once Roderika starts to console him too it sickens him and it makes him bare his teeth like an animal, his baser instinct showing just a little bit.
He’s probably bore his teeth to other nobles in the court, or whatever meetings they have with one another. Small threats that get the message across by a vicious smile, is something he is all too familiar with.
I also think that it's a little bit funny how he gives advice to Roderika but then is also a little bit of a hypocrite about it
“It’s hard, to leave it behind. But the old world will keep its claws in you, if you let it.” -Chapter 17
Rogier while it's not his past life that he's stuck but rather, he is stuck on Lorens. Even though Rogier is no longer Lorens' student, even though Lorens is dead, he still has his claws on Rogier. It's his entire motivation, why he's in a "pathetic" state now. He isn't letting those claws go, he lets them dig deeper within him, and they dig in deep.
“You already have it within you," he says. "They were only trying to bury it.” -Chapter 17
Rogier immediately buries his own emotions in this interaction when Roderika tries to console him lol. Just based off of him being an ex-noble and his whole family thing, it's well established that he is very much used to burying it all down his gullet. I mean, is it really Rogier without emotional suppression?
Also Rogier tends to close off all the matters that relate to what he feels in his dialogue both in game and in SWRD. This guy cannot let out just a slight moment of vulnerability
A Color Theory Thing on my read on Rogier's garb:
Rogier, with his background being grounded in nobility has suppressed his baser desires in exchange for meaningless political schemes that have only brought him misery. Yet after coming to these lands, he finds himself with Lorens.
He wears a Raya Lucarian Robe and it has red on it. It's a sign of baser instincts being shown for once. He has grown an infatuation with Lorens despite being his student.
Yet, Rogier is still mostly blue, and he still suppresses that baser desire that he’s developed, that infatuation for Lorens. He never once builds up the courage to be able to tell Lorens what he feels. He would always bury those feelings down, and as a result he can't let go of it. It's far too deep to be buried back up.
But once Lorens has died, Rogier changes too.
He exchanges those garbs for yellow and turquoise (I think?). He's a mix of colors and beliefs.
He still has the blue in the turquoise, which symbolizes calm, intelligence, and emotional control (you can’t spell Rogier without emotional control) But turquoise isn't just blue, it also has green.
Green represents growth, life, and new beginnings. This is a new beginning for Rogier, who's set out for a new goal, to be able to save those who live in death (and perhaps give them life? Not so sure on that but in SWRD that seems to be the case with Lorens).
It's balanced by yellow. Creativity and originality, he's almost the only person we meet who wants to save TWLID. Not only that but yellow also symbolizes illness, which could be a foreshadowing of what happens to him later in his life.
It's not just sickness though, yellow also symbolizes deception. Rogier lies, but I necessarily think he's someone who is always deceptive. He's more like the type of guy who would lie so that an encounter would go well or not hurt someone else's feelings. I think he's like that from that whole ex-nobility thing he's got going on. Political schemes and lying through a smile is something that he's familiar with. (It also doesn't help that he keeps being emotionally suppressed too lol)
Cowardice is another. Rogier is scared to tell anyone about his emotions, to take that risk of being honest with someone. His background in nobility and his family definitely doesn't help either.
Rogier had been too scared to be true to Lorens and tell him his feelings, and because of that, he would never be able to. I feel like he's avoided it even more afterward. He refuses to take that jump of being honest with someone, whether it's about his emotions or his ideals, he doesn't let them go.
But when he does? With D, it completely breaks off everything they've had. Everything that they could have been.
"Beguiled fool. A rotten, sick bastard. Fouled by them. A wicked, two-faced user. Heartless. Loathsome parasite. How could he? Were they not supposed to set this crooked world straight? Profane. A perversion of honor. A madman." -Chapter 5
“Get out of my sight.” “I’m sorry.” He’d said, and he was. But Darian’s lips curled back, and he jerked his head away and locked his eyes on the horizon. His jaw twitched, in the moment he took to reply.  “Don’t talk to me.” There was nothing he could do to fix this. To undo his mistakes, to spare Darian his intentions." -Chapter 5
It's all gone because he had been honest about his goals (presumably). This experience probably strengthened that emotional suppression so as to not be hurt/caught by surprise.
So when Magdalene, someone who wholeheartedly accepts his ideals and sees his side for once, he's cautious. He can't believe that someone can genuinely agree with him because all the times that he has been honest, he's been punished for it. (though, he reminds himself that she's not like that)
In short, this guy's a mixed bag. A mixed bag with problems
(basing this off of the Elden Ring color theory video, it was an absolute joy to watch)
[EDIT]: idk what to call this section but he seems to seek out some form of approval. Lets see how that ties in with his grief!
"He still doesn’t understand why. What did he do, specifically? Or was he just past his usefulness? Deemed unfit to rule? He never truly wanted to rule as Lord, but to be cast aside so indifferently—it had shaken him.  Every now and then he fumbles with this, again and again, but he knows. He does. He knows that grace has forsaken him for good reason. He’s a heretic. An apostate. He who does not obediently bow before a faltering, decrepit Order, so ill-equipped to handle the world as it is. " -Chapter 5
"All these years. Couldn’t change a thing. Rather pathetic, I’d say—what a fool, thinking that this crooked world could be made right by mortal hands. Sure, deathblight. Truly, a fitting end for a worthless, rotten bastard." -Chapter 12
Now, speaking from some personal experience, being raised in a family that's of nobility and expects so much out of you from a young age definitely breeds some kind of self-worth issues that really stick with you. Especially if you haven't had anyone to truly support you.
Because of that, I believe that Rogier, in a way, is trying to prove his worth. But not to the Order, I think that he's in some way trying to please Lorens. Even in death.
He puts everything into his studies of Death, searching and scouring for scraps of information just to give him a single lead on anything, and for what?
"Its fulfillment will be a selfish act of altruism. These crooked lands will set right, by his hands, for a reward of nothing at all. But make no mistake: he needs another day. And another after that, and another after that. He needs his questions answered with questions, he needs his notes corrected in an unreadable hand, he needs to hear one more “Well—” followed by the most opaque, convoluted tangle of sentences ever constructed. There’s no reward he seeks, but the warm smile of cold gray eyes and a scoff about just what he’s wearing nowadays. " -Chapter 19
Rogier devotes himself to saving TWLID (saving Lorens, in reality), but it's not because it's all for selfless reasons, he seems to want things to go back to the way things used to be. Back at the Rise, with just him and Lorens once more.
I don't think Rogier ever accepted Lorens' death. He's determined to bring back Lorens, desperately trying to find a solution to bring him back no matter what.
And it’s quite hypocritical isnt it? That Rogier wants to change the Order to be able to sort of… revive Lorens from Death. To go back to the old times that they both had had.
This guy refuses to grieve and is searching (desperately) for a solution for a dead man who's probably not even good for him. Get this man some therapy
This entire post's summary is just me going:
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Anyway, that's all for my crazy rambles! I can't wait to see how SWRD will progress, and how everyone will intermingle and grow with one another (Rogier and Mags)!!!! :0)
Have some doodles + a WIP that I'll probably never finish as a treat for reading this! (Mag's torso was wayyy too long on the second one oops)
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(bonus boggart because I love him)
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averlym · 1 year
any chance you'd ever give us some blonde Anne content? (perhaps Parrlyn since Sydney has decided that Cathy is canonically queer coded)
<wheezes> she's WHAT
(yes. omg yes yes yes adding it to the list rn please?)
thank you anon
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trollbreak · 10 months
Laying on the floor in a splat emoji
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astrxealis · 2 years
ffs eternal wind came up while i'm listening to music and all of a sudden i'm smiling
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anantaru · 8 months
aventurine smut headcanons pretty please miss yoru <333
cw. [ex]plicit, dom aventurine, rough, a little filthy, fem! reader
a/n. i couldn't stop typing aaaa I love this man, he is so attractive guys giggles
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without dissembling the obvious, aventurine was crazy, because he could go on for hours and hours if you wanted him to, always seeking for more.
he was insatiable, uncontrollable when he first sinks himself into your heat and moans out embarrassingly loud to show you what exactly you're doing to him.
his head falls back when you watch him gulp down the assembled saliva in his mouth, his adams apple jostling as he presses his slicked cock back into you, greedily stuffing you full.
this time, it's faster, weaved in need, and aventurine tends to ask you too, wants to know if it feels good as you nod at him weakly, arching your back just enough to keep his cock slotted where it was while sensations race back through your quivering skin.
you were swarmed on how good it felt, speechless as your mouth hangs open the moment he finds a good pace for the both of you, thrusting deep and deep and deep into you, claiming you with the thickness of his girth.
"show me how much of a messy girl you are," only aventurine could say something this filthy with a casualness in utter contrast, particularly while placing his hands under your hips to arch you the way he had found to be the most immaculate— so he can feel you tighten, wrap and suck on his shaft with your warm, wet cunt engulfing him fully.
"f-faster," you babble, "go faster," and he chuckles at your sweet eagerness, "surely that's what you need, sweetheart?"  as he raises an eyebrow before burying his face into your hair, a groan ruminating over the thin layer of skin on your neck as he does exactly what you told him to do.
and remember, he was seriously crazy, his cock remorselessly whacking your insides, rubbing without surcease over your sore walls like he knows you needed him to.
messes of spit ooze down each corner of your mouth as you're being practically thrown back and forth the bed, your jaw slacked open as you attempt to moan out something, anything would do, but the continuous blows and pressures on your pussy had suddenly taken over your bodily functions.
"you're close, i can feel it," aventurine slurs messily into your mouth before lapping through your lips with his tongue. he did it so eagerly he almost missed and hit your chin a little, the notable, coarse sounds of your pussy being filled and pleasured adding to the sensation.
"i just need you to hang on, yeah?" the wanton knots in your lower stomach untwisted a whole lot quicker than he'd originally expect them to, but undoubtedly, he doesn't mind watching the fruits of his labor glow into a flowering fancy.
who would've thought that aventurine would make you cum that fast? naturally, he did. he expected it.
that's all that can happen when you take into account just how thick his girth would push through each crevice of your walls, at once and immediate— his temperate shaft crossing your creamy walls like he was trying to corrupt you.
pop, and the knots in your stomach begin to explode, and all you can do was cry out through a strained jaw when he fucks you through it, your addicting juices gushing over his shaft and pelvis, filthily dribbling down his balls as you claim him with your arousal, the white substance clinging on his skin like the sweetest, stickiest honey.
"oh my," he sighs dreamily, "you're way too generous, dear," a satisfied grin glittering over the small dimples on his cheeks.
such excess of your fluids have certainly hugged his ego tight, aventurine will make sure to never forget savoring this moment even in his memories and dreams.
the sheer feeling of his hands meeting your body brought forth additional sparks of emotions that pressed to the surface of your skin, changing the temperature of your complete frame.
your pussy squelches and throbs around him obscenely loud, the only reason for it being just how helplessly wet he made you in this short period, granted that you knew that he'd fuck you the entire night if you so desired it.
and oh, how well he fucked you, how desperately he massages your juices over your walls like he saw it as a sick challenge to unravel you faster each time.
hot to his movements, you tiredly wrap your arms around him while laying all but spent against the bed— but aventurine doesn't stop here, while naturally, his thrusts had switched into deep grinds instead, a level slower, but still being able to feel up your staggeringly hot splotches.
for one searing, hot second, he listens to your tremulous heaves. his hand slides from your hips to your face as to drag his thumb over the tears coated cheeks, holding you delicately in clear contrast to his rough demeanor in bed.
"you're so pretty, fuck, so damn pretty," aventurine spills his deep feelings for you into this, into the jellylike utterance of his words— and do not misunderstand, because he was still crazy, touch starved of you.
but now, his touch was tender, cushiony as how you'd imagine clouds to be.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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minswriting · 3 months
Min!! Congrats on 900 followers! I love your work so so much, you inspire my work, you are so incredible and talented - I love you i love you i love youuuuu!!!
I have come with a dirty request. I would like season 3ish Spencer, being taught by reader how he should touch her since he’s not that experienced and then Spencer flusteredly being like ‘could you show me how you touched me last time so I can remember how to do it myself’ AAAA just like something about TEACHING that SOB that knows everything itches something deep and horny in my brain. Xoxo 🧸
AHHHH THIS IS SUCH A LATE RESPONSE IM SO SORRRYYYY however i love this request so of course i will write it. my apologies for being so slow with stuff lately guys. life be getting in the way 😔😔
nsfw | mdni | spencer reid x reader | fingering (f), squirting
your relationship with spencer was still relatively new. you guys had been dating for about a month or so and have only done a few sexual things to one another. he had watched you get yourself off before, taking in the movements of your fingers at the different parts of your cunt. and he desperately wanted to make you feel good too.
so, one night, after spencer had gotten home from a case, the two of you were sat on his couch, watching some old movie. and he just looks at you randomly and goes “can you teach me how to please you like you do yourself?”
it caught you off guard for a moment. you didn’t comprehend his words right away but the moment you did, you couldn’t help but smile. “is that what’s been on your pretty mind tonight?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend.
spencer simply pressed his lips together in an awkward smile, nodding his head. “uh…yes?” he said, sounding unsure.
“of course i can teach you,” you exclaimed.
which led to the two of you on the couch as you sat in between spencer’s legs, back to his chest, with your pants and panties off. your legs were spread and you held spencer’s hand in yours. “firstly, you take your finger and you spread the wetness around.” you said softly, bringing his hand down to your pussy and guiding his pointer finger up and down your slit, spreading the wetness around. “it’s not a necessity but it helps just lubricate everything.”
“you’re so wet,” spencer whispered in awe as he gently moved his finger up and down you slit.
you let out a breathy laugh, nodding your head. “for you? always.” you replied. you then guided two of his fingers to your clit. “this, this is the-“
“the clitoris, a sensitive area located on top of the vulva. it’s a primary sensory organ of female sexual response,” spencer interrupted, going into factual mode for just a moment. without thinking about it, he began rubbing your clit gently.
you let out a soft moan, your eyes fluttering shut. it never failed to turn you on when spencer spewed random facts. it also very much helped that he was a quick learner because your brain always went to mush when your pussy was being played with. “y-you just keep doing that for a little while,” you stuttered, holding onto spencer’s arm as he rubbed your clit.
spencer didn’t say anything in response as he just looked at you from over your shoulder. tentatively, he leaned his head to your shoulder blade, kissing your skin gently. the action sent shivers down your spine as he began kissing towards your neck.
after a few minutes, you had decided that you needed to be filled, grabbing spencer’s hand and stopping his movements. “now, you’re going to insert a finger,” you brought his fingers to your hole, grabbing his middle finger. “this one,” you exclaimed. “you’re going to insert that finger inside,” you whispered.
“like this?” spencer asked as his digit slowly entered inside of you. your walls fluttered at the intrusion, clenching around his finger. “you’re so tight.”
“mhm,” you said before swallowing. “and now you gently thrust it in and out, slowly at first before adding a second finger. and if you curve your finger,” spencer did just that, causing you to jolt and let out a moan. “that is the g-spot.” you whimpered.
“so if i do this,” he began thrusting his finger in and out of you gently, making sure to make a “come here” motion with his finger inside of you. “it’ll feel good?”
you moaned, nodding your head. “very good,” you replied.
spencer simply moved his finger in and out of you at a slow pace, making sure to graze your sweet spot each time. he couldn’t help but press himself against you, his cock so hard from touching you. after a few minutes, he added a second finger, moving his fingers at the same pace.
“f-faster, please,” you whimpered.
and spencer complied. he began moving his fingers faster, hitting your spongy spot each time. “like this?” he asked hotly into your ear.
“just like that,” you moaned, throwing your head back in pleasure. “oh my god.”
the room was filled with the sound of spencer’s fingers moving in and out of your pussy. the noise just getting wetter as his fingers began squelching. and without any warning, you squirted around his fingers, whining and moaning in his arms. “oh fuck,” you moaned out.
it didn’t take a genius to realize you had squirted for the first time. spencer smirked to himself, unable to help it. “that good, huh?” he asked a bit smugly as he continued finger fucking you so good.
you whined, nodding your head. “so good, spence, oh my god,” you replied. you could feel the heat tightening in your abdomen as your orgasm approached. “so close, so close.”
spencer let out a soft moan as he could feel his cock twitching in his pants from this whole scenario. he continued working his fingers inside of you, determined to make you cum.
and with a choked moan, you began cumming. you arched your back against spencer as your thighs clenched around his hand. you let out a high pitched moan, toes curling as you came. and spencer just watched it all as he fingered you through your orgasm.
without any warning, spencer shuttered as he came in his pants from the sight of you cumming on his fingers. “o-oh,” he moaned, ropes of cum painting his boxers and pants.
and when the both of you came down from your highs, spencer pulled out his fingers and the both of you breathed heavily, leaning back to relax. after a few minutes of silence, you spoke “i have never squirted before,” you said in disbelief.
spencer hummed, smiling goofily at you. “glad to be your first then.” he replied, kissing the back of your head.
“and i can’t believe you came in your pants.” you replied.
“oh shut up.” spencer exclaimed.
it was safe to say that fingering you quickly became spencer’s absolute favorite thing in the world.
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sexilene · 1 month
LENEEEE stepbro!john b???? 🎀🎀🎀
OMGGGGG! i haveee an ideaaaaa!!! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ SMUT!!! ignore any misspellings lol
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“m’not whoring around or anything… it's just protection!!” you cry, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. much to our dismay your stepbrother, john b, found your birth control and he’s not thrilled about the idea that his little step-sis is “running round the cut, getting her tiny pussy filled with other guys' dicks”. you reach for the pills that are held tightly in your stepbrother’s hand, only for him to reach the hand way above your head and walk straight to the bathroom.
“do you bring boys in here? into the house?…do i not give you everything you need? hmm?” he disappointedly sighs, not even looking at you as he opens the plastic and aluminum packet.
“no!! i promise i don’t, please just give it back!” you continue to cry, embarrassed, trying to reason with him to give them back to you.
“hm no, you don’t need these, bub.” he taunts, dumping the little pills in the toilet and flushing them faster than you can plead for him to stop.
“go sit on the bed and wait for me, i need a minute.” john b sighs and puts his hands on his hips like he’s disappointed.
“you're so mean ta’me johnny.” you sniffle, wiping the tears from your eyes as you turn to go back to the room like he told you to.
after a painful spanking, he manhandled you to be face down ass up with your cheek squished against your pink pillow, drool evident on the cloth as your stepbrother stretched out your little pussy on his massive length. his strong hands gripping onto the sides of your hips, doing all the work by slamming your ass against his pelvis.
“hurts!” you whine, wanting to crawl away from him but also sooo far gone, so dumb you really can't focus on making full sentences let alone moving.
“you wanted to take birth control like a big girl, you gotta take it like a big girl.” he tuts.
“jombee you didn’t- put a condom!!!” you mumble into the pillow, “don’t cum inside me please jombee please.” you plea, but unfortunately nothing can be heard except for the low grunts of your stepbrother, the sound of skin slapping skin and the wet sloppy squelching of your hole.
“you’re gonna get me pregnant…” whining, you try your best to muster up some energy to crawl away from his thrusts. but the attempt was fruitless because your stepbrother's grip was just too strong.
“that’s what m’doin bub.”
“you can’t!!”
“can and m’gonna, what’s everyone gonna think when they find out your big stepbro put his little baby in you hmm?” he taunts, smacking your pore little sore ass, making a loud crack sound.
“no more stupid boys chasin' you around that’s for sure…should’ve hidden the pills aaaa-lot better baby,” john b pauses his thrusts and you think that for a second he’s decided you’ve had enough of this punishment when he reaches hand over to your face, slipping his thumb into your mouth for you to suck.
“needed that hmmm?” john b coos, making your pussy still pulsate around his dick,
“mmhm!” you moan as he’s slipping his glossy and slobbery digit out of your mouth and leaning back to continue to pound you into the mattress. as he’s back to thrusting into you your cries and whines start back up, even more so when he slips his thumb covered in your saliva into your ass.
"no!! no more!" you scream into the pillow.
“aaaalmost there baby, almost done…” he grunts, smacking your ass again, this time giving you two harsh smacks. "stay with me sweet girl." he watches as your cunt stretches around him and how your ass jiggles with every thrust, and you just know he’s going to knock you up tonight and there is nothing you can do but take it, helplessly. ᡣ𐭩
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the-karma-cafe · 8 months
Thursdays | Arthur Morgan
(also posted on ao3 under same username)
in which the boys are curious where arthur runs off to every thursday night (ITS FOR SEX)
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song is Moonshadow by Cat Stevens ! spoiler they be fucking :/ i be making them fuck for real (oh no aaaa no arthur dont have sex with me no aaa that would be terrible i would hate that)
Javier’s eyes track Arthur as he slinks away from the campfire, tuning out Sean’s boisterous storytelling. He knows the gunslinger is readying his horse to leave. He also knows he’ll be gone for a couple of hours, returning around one or two in the morning to slump into his bed after everyone has gone to sleep.
How does Javier know?
Surprisingly, Arthur is a creature of strict routine, and he does this song and dance every Thursday night—without fail. 
Javier furrows his brow, unable to quash his curiosity this time. What on Earth could he be going off to do so regularly? He never came back with meat, so he wasn’t hunting. He couldn’t be off robbing, because when he got back, he didn’t drop anything off at the contribution box. Oh, Javier, maybe he was planning to do so later on? Ah, ah, ah! What do we know about Arthur? Ever the routine-man, he donates to the camp box the second he enters camp, no matter what he just got back from. It’s always the first thing he does. Can’t be shoppin’, ‘cause it’s too late for that. Can’t be killin’, ‘cause he comes back clean. 
A cuff round his shoulder roused him from his thoughts. “Javier! Didja hear me?” Sean said, drink emboldening his speech (not that the Irishman needed much encouragement). 
Javier ignored him, glancing over his shoulder. Sure enough, Arthur was on his horse, trotting away from camp, everyone else none-the-wiser.
“Hullloooo??” Sean needled, pushing his side into Javier’s. 
Javier looked over to Lenny and Charles sitting across the campfire from them, and felt a spark of inspiration ignite within him. He leaned forward, beckoning them closer with his hand. They looked confused, but crossed the clearing anyway, kneeling in front of his and Sean’s log. 
“What is it?” Lenny prompted, his voice hushed. He could always trust Lenny to be discreet.
“Yeah!” Sean added, much louder. ...He could’ve guessed. 
He lowered his voice, smirking conspiratorially. “Where’d Arthur go?”
Sean and Lenny frowned, caught off-guard by the question, but Charles inclined his head in understanding. “I didn’t think anyone else noticed.”
“Noticed what??” Sean whined, leaning in closer to Charles. “Don’t be keepin’ secrets, now!”
Charles rolled his eyes, waving his hand to shush Sean. He nodded his head to Javier. “Arthur’s been leaving every Thursday night.”
Sean scrunched his nose. “So what? Art’ur leaves all the time!” Lenny nodded along.
Javier shook his head. “But Thursdays are different. He leaves around 10PM, comes back around 1AM. Why the same amount of time?”
Sean was quiet for a moment (if one could believe it), before jumping up from the log, his beer bottle sloshing in his hand. “Let’s go find out!!” he whispered loudly, grinning from ear to ear.
Javier couldn’t help but mirror his expression. He was hoping he wasn’t the only one this curious about it. He felt a thrum of excitement run through him. He pushed up from the log, Lenny readying to follow him.
“Guys,” Charles interrupted, stopping their walk to the horses. “Arthur’s entitled to his privacy. We should let him have this—whatever it is.” 
He should’ve expected this from ever-noble Charles. Sean began to argue, but Javier cut him off, knowing he wouldn’t win against Charles. “It’s probably nothing.” he retorted, trying not to feel guilty under the other man’s pointed stare. He turned away, making for the horses anyway. “I’m going. You don’t have to.”
“Wouldn’t miss this fer the world!” Sean laughed, immediately tagging along. Javier fought the triumphant grin pulling at his lips. He heard Lenny awkwardly shuffle behind them, some whispered apology to Charles.
He mounted his horse, waiting impatiently for Sean to struggle onto his own. His eyes searched the growth around the camp, hoping to find an indication of where Arthur ran off to. He could track, but Charles was the expert. It would make things much easier to have him with them…
The man in question’s voice came behind him. “I’m only tagging along to make sure you don’t ruin whatever Arthur has going on.” He turned to see Charles mounting Taima, disapproval marring his proud features. 
Javier grinned in spite of it. “Excellent! Vámonos!” he cheered, leading the search brigade with Charles by his side, the other man’s trained eye focused on the ground. Lenny followed behind them with Sean drunkenly pulling up the rear. Charles looked as though he wanted to stop him from coming, but seemed to decide against it, knowing the stubborn man wouldn’t listen to a word he said.
Charles followed Arthur’s trail down the left path from camp, past the trees, past the tracks, until they arrived in Valentine. Javier felt giddy. 
Charles stopped them in front of the saloon, hopping off his horse to hitch her, the rest of them quickly following suit.
“The saloon?” Sean whispered, creeping up the steps to peer through the building’s windows. Lenny followed behind him, and the two poked their noses over the ledge of the window, trying to sneak a glance within. Charles walked over to join them, and would have looked less suspicious if not for the two idiots in front of him crouched like children. 
Javier approached the window opposite them, casually leaning to the side of it to look in. Not that his subtlety helped him, as again, he was across from three grown men cartoonishly trying to peek inside as well. 
He spied a couple of men that looked like Arthur before finally seeing actual Arthur at the bar. He wasn’t hunched over it, like some of the other patrons were, and instead was looking around at the other people in the saloon, as if searching for someone. What could that be about? He wondered.
Before he could think on it further, Sean strolled into the saloon, Lenny in tow. Charles shared a knowing glance with him before following them in. 
Sean beelined for Arthur, and soon they all surrounded him, clapping him on the back.
“You’d go to the saloon without inviting yer favorite drinking buddy?” Sean accused, roughly pushing at the man’s shoulder. 
“My favorite drinking buddy, huh?” Arthur echoed, his voice not reflecting what Javier knew to be embarrassment on his face. Arthur slumped over the bar, tugging the front of his hat further over his face. 
Sean gasped. “Drinkin’ with me’s a treat! Ye should be so lucky!”
Javier nudged him from his other side. “We were wondering where you headed off to all the time. Had we known it was just the saloon we would not have bothered!” he laughed, waving the bartender over. He would buy him a drink to apologize.
“You too, Charles?” Arthur asked, sounding betrayed. 
Charles sighed, apologizing. “I was trying to get them to leave you alone, Arthur.” Javier couldn’t help but think the man didn’t put up too much of a fight. 
“Well,” Arthur cleared his throat. “‘F that’s all, you can all head on back to camp, I’ll be back soon.”
Sean scoffed. “Why d’you want to be rid of us so-”
A guitar strum floated over from the back of the saloon, and he trailed off. Arthur buried his head in his arms, the tips of his ears red. Javier cocked a brow, looking over.
“Miss me, y’all?” a pretty woman at the back of the room called out, guitar in hand. A couple of cheers and whoops came from the crowd, the saloon filled with noise.
The boys grinned knowingly. 
“Not. A goddamn. Word.” Arthur groaned, his voice muffled by his arms. 
Sean barked a laugh, clapping the man on the back. “Ohoho, ye rascal, we shoulda known ye’d try ta keep this beauty ta yerself!” He wolf-whistled towards the performer.
Javier grinned toothily, leaning in to tease Arthur. “You could have told us you were only leaving to see about a girl, Arthur.”
Arthur pushed up from his slump, nursing his whiskey miserably. “Like you would’ve let me hear the end of it.” He grumbled. Javier pushed his extra drink over to the man, giggling like a teenager. Arthur the Stoic, red-faced and shy about a singer. He never thought he’d see the day!
The woman, having finished her introductions while they teased Arthur, began to sing. Javier watched Arthur turn himself slightly to watch her.
Yes, I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Arthur couldn’t help the dreamy smile that twisted his mouth, watching her. She looked so content, fully in her element up there on Valentine’s tiny lifted stage. The piano man to her right had abandoned his duties to drink at the nearest table.
And if I ever lose my hands
Lose my plow, lose my land
Oh, if I ever lose my hands
Oh iiiii-iiiif, I won't have to work no more
Her southern accent colored the lyrics, guiding the notes up and down as she pleased. The patrons knew this song, and sang along with her every now and then, but none followed the exact way she sang it, allowing him to easily follow her voice amidst the noise.
And if I ever lose my eyes
If my colors all run dry
Yes, if I ever lose my eyes
Oh iiiii-iiiif, I won't have to cry no more
Sean stumbled into the fray, caught in some dance with a couple of other patrons, breaking his trance. Arthur dragged a hand over his face, hoping he didn’t look as foolish as he felt. 
Yes, I’m bein' followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Most nights, he would allow himself to indulge in the fantasy. Convince himself she was singin’ for him, that when they locked eyes across the saloon, she had the same look in hers as he did. 
And if I ever lose my legs
I won't moan, and I won't beg
Oh, if I ever lose my legs
Oh iiiii-iiiif, I won't have to walk no more
He downed his drink and reached for Javier’s—anything to give him an excuse for the way he was lookin’ at her. Having them with him just dragged him back to reality: he was just another face in the crowd to her, and even if he did catch her eye, she would just think him old and sour-faced, and leave it at that. 
And if I ever lose my mouth
All my teeth, north and south
Yes, if I ever lose my mouth
Oh iiiii-iiiif, I won't have to talk no more
He took another deep drink, feeling that familiar haze begin to set in on the edge of his vision. 
Did it take long to find me?
I asked the faithful light
Oh, did it take long to find me?
And are you gonna stay the night?
This would be the last time he let himself come here on a Thursday night. He was just torturin’ himself, thinkin’ of things that would never be. Head in the clouds, like Micah would say. Christ, he was glad they didn’t think to bring him along.
I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin' and hoppin' on a moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
The drink crept into his heart. If this was his last night here, with her, he might as well fool himself one last time, the drink said. What’s the harm? One last time can’t hurt. It wheedled, and he knew he’d be miserable come morning.
Moonshadow, moonshadow
Moonshadow, moonshadow
He leaned to his right, seeking Javier’s weight to nudge him for another drink (least he could do for ruinin’ his fun), but felt only air. He frowned, glancing around for the others. Sean had dragged Lenny into his drunken dance, Javier was speaking with some well-endowed woman in the corner (who seemed very pleased to have his attention), and Charles… his frown deepened, squinting at the blurry crowd. He couldn’t see Charles. Knowing the women of Valentine, he was likely cornered somewhere, politely refusing their services (although for a man like Charles, perhaps it was free).
Arthur grunted, turning back to his empty glass. Figures that his friends would quickly find company at a place he frequented, and he was left miserable and alone. He plucked his hat off his head, raking his other hand through his hair. He was sure he looked a mess—no wonder he was by himself. 
“Hey, cowboy.” a voice came from his right, startling him from his wallowing. He turned, and felt his heart jump to see his singer leaning against the bar next to him. 
Her eyes were bright, her face flushed. She seemed out of breath from her performance, but pleased, satisfied with how she had done. 
He gaped like a fish. Say somethin’, goddammit!  
She smiled, shifting her eyes to his glass. She pointed at it lazily. “Be a doll and get me what you’re havin’?”
He nodded dumbly, gesturing wordlessly at the bartender. Seconds later, a replica of his drink sat in front of her. She thanked him and brought the glass to her lips. He knew he looked ridiculous, eyes trained on the way her lips parted, the amber liquid gliding into her mouth, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away.
She set the glass back down, giving him a teasing smile. “You mute?”
He shook his head—then inwardly smacked himself for yet another wordless response. “No.” Christ, you can do better than that.
She giggled, and he thought he might die. “What a scintillating conversationalist you are, Mister…” she trailed off, tilting her head. 
“Morgan.” he provided. His mind caught up to the conversation fast enough to ask for her name in turn (he deserved a pat on the back for being so quick-witted). She gave it, and he almost sighed aloud. She had a name she introduced herself with to the crowds, but he suspected it was a stage name, and he had been correct. Her real name was a privilege to finally learn. 
He repeated it back to her, experimentally rolling it on his tongue. She grinned. “Sounds nice when you say it, Mr. Morgan.” 
“Arthur,” he corrected. “‘S just Arthur. For you.” He coughed, turning to order another drink, just to have something, anything , to distract him from the weight of her gaze on him. “I mean, if you want. Morgan’s fine too.”
“Arthur,” she purred. He felt faint. “I like that more.” His next drink arrived and he immediately buried his face in it, unable to meet her eyes. Christ, he was like a teenager. He inwardly scolded himself.
She carried on, oblivious to his inner turmoil. “I see you here a lot, Arthur.” she gestured over her shoulder to the crowd. “First time I seen you bring friends, though.”
So she had seen him in the crowd all those times? He squashed the thought before it ruined him. He laughed, shaking his head. “Bastards invited themselves.” He chanced a glance at her, her attention on the crowd instead of him. He eyed her drink, already half-empty in her hand, before looking up, up, to the curve of her chest, the proud slope of her neck, the strands of hair falling loose from her updo, her lips, her nose, her eyes… he forced himself to look at the crowd instead. “Don’t you have some adorin’ fans to go talk to?”
She turned her head to look at him, but he kept his eyes focused ahead. “I thought I was already doin’ that.” she sidled closer to him, nudging her shoulder against his arm. Warmth radiated off of her. “Unless you’re not one of my adoring fans.”
Arthur felt heat creep up his neck and he shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” she echoed, amusement coloring her voice. “I don’t think you’ve missed a single one of my performances, Arthur Morgan.” he felt a shiver run up his spine. “If anyone’s a fan, it’s you.”
He pulled the lip of his hat down over his eyes. “Maybe.” Guilty as charged.
She laughed, and rounded to his front. She flicked up the front of his hat, and his eyes met hers. He stilled, entranced. There seemed to be a glow about her, some hazy halo enveloping her body. How much had he had?  
“You won’t admit it?” What had they been talking about again? He tried not to focus on their difference in height, how easy it would be to scoop her up, his hands so large on her hips… 
“Well?” He flexed his hands, trying to reign himself in. Her face was expectant: eyebrows raised, pretty lips pursed. 
He shook his head. Couldn’t this woman see he couldn’t think straight? 
Apparently that counted as an answer and she scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes. “You embarrassed?”
Yes. Why did she think he was, again? He sighed. “I’m sorry, miss,” he tried her name again, wanting to say it over and over. “I believe I am too drunk for this conversation.”
She grinned in understanding. “Why don’t we talk someplace quieter, make things easier on your poor head, hm?” 
Someplace quieter? His mind echoed, while his body nodded dumbly, stumbling behind her. She took his hand in her own, leading him up the stairs. His eyes were trained intently on their hands, her hand small, warm, in his, her fingertips roughened from guitar strings. 
What was she doin’, touchin’ a man like him? He couldn’t bring himself to pull away, as much as he knew he should. It felt nice, to indulge. The hazy shroud around his vision encroached further inwards, tunneling his view.  
“Here,” she said, so softly he almost didn’t hear. She pushed open a door, leading him inside and shutting it behind them. It was suddenly much quieter. He breathed a sigh of relief, some tension leaving his set shoulders.
“Nicer up here, isn’t it?” she prompted, releasing his hand. He ached at the loss. He dragged his gaze up to watch her dance over to the… bed. He gulped, valiantly fighting off the thoughts that sprang up at the sight of her. 
“Mhm.” He didn’t know what to do with himself. He stood awkwardly where she had left him, staring dumbly at her. What the hell was she thinkin’, bringin’ a man like him up here, alone with her? She could get herself hurt, or worse. He frowned. She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. “I shouldn’ be up here with you.” He shook his head, forcing himself to look at the ground. “Ain’t right. You shouldn’ trust me.” his words slurred, but he hoped she was taking him seriously despite it. 
“Why not?”
He groaned. God, her voice. He buried his head in his hands. “I ain’t. A nice man, miss,” he spoke her name again, and god, hoped she couldn’t hear how he loved to say it.
He felt her hand on his arm. When had she gotten up? She was so warm. He lowered his hands, chancing a look into her eyes, hoping he was strong enough to resist their pull. 
Christ, of course he couldn’t. She looked up at him through her lashes, stepping closer, their bodies almost touching. He breathed in, unable to bring himself to look away this time. She smelled like the alcohol everything smelled like in the saloon, but a sweet undertone ran beneath it. He was reminded of the saccharine scent of canned peaches. 
Her hand smoothed down his arm to his hand, lacing their fingers together. Her other reached up, up, and palmed his cheek, her touch gentle like she was approaching some wild horse. He leaned into it before he could stop himself, his stubble scratching against her skin. 
“How ‘bout,” she started, her voice soft and quiet, “I decide that for myself?”
His eyelids felt heavy, and he felt himself forgetting what she was even responding to. His free hand began to move of its own accord, bumping into her thigh, smoothing up to her hip. He looked down. Just like he had imagined… 
She moved, and his gaze shifted to her face, slowly nearing his. His breath hitched. This was some sweet dream. He would awaken in his tent, frustrated and wanting, would take himself in his hand and relieve himself to the sight of her like this in his mind’s eye. He would wait until next Thursday and slink back to the bar, eager for more. Her lips touched his and he sighed into her mouth, whiskey on his breath. He would stay asleep forever, if he could, lips pushing against hers, nipping at her soft skin, tonguing past it. 
She parted from him, gently, as if to not scare him off. He breathed heavily, eyes lidded, vision tunneled onto her mouth. She started to speak, but he cut her off, pushing hungrily into her, cupping his hand around the back of her neck. He had waited so long, so long. He would take it, even if it wasn’t real. 
She gasped into his mouth and he almost moaned at the sensation. God, what a privilege to finally have her all to himself. To have her in front of him, touching him, kissing him, instead of with her crowd, Arthur by himself at the other end.
Her knees buckled, falling back onto the bed. He huffed, breaking from her. He thrust his hands beneath her thighs, hearing her squeak in surprise. “Easy, girl.” he muttered under his breath, picking her up and tossing her into the pillows at the head of the bed, following soon after. 
He climbed onto the bed above her, and stilled, looking down at her. Her hair had spilled out of its updo, hair piece having been discarded… at some point, perhaps before they had even entered the room? His memory felt hazy. She looked up at him through her lashes, her lips parted, chest heaving. His eyes softened. “Yer beautiful, miss,” he whispered her name. 
Her cheeks flushed prettily. “Thank you, Arthur.” she breathed. She tilted her head up slightly, her eyes slipping down to his lips. 
He reached out, taking a piece of her hair between his fingers, twisting it around. It was soft. Of course it was. It was devastating how perfect she was. “I liked your song, earlier.” he mumbled, focused on her hair. 
“I… I’m glad.” she whispered, her hand winding up his arm, to his neck, to his head, to take off his hat. She placed it down somewhere, and her hand soon wound its way into his hair, her short nails scraping at the back of his head. His eyes slipped closed, humming at the sensation. “I was hoping you would be here, tonight.”
He blinked open his eyes just enough to see her face. “What?” he asked, his voice gruff. 
She averted her gaze, blush deepening. “Been lookin’ forward to seein’ you at my performances.”
He scoffed. Now he knew this was a dream. “Uh huh.” He leaned in, burying his nose in her neck. “You don’t gotta lie t’me.” He turned, placing open-mouthed kisses along any skin he could find. Her breath hitched in his ear. 
“I-I’m not.” she insisted. He hummed, laving across a section of skin before taking it between his teeth, sucking slightly. She held her breath for a second, forcing out her next words. “I been… been dreadin’ the day you stop showin’ up,” she breathed out, “and I’d have missed my chance.” 
He parted from her, pulling back just enough to meet her eyes. They were lidded, but earnest. He felt his heart flutter in his chest. “I counted at least ten other men better-lookin’ and closer in age t’you. Yer tellin’ me not one o’ them caught yer eye?” 
“‘S that really so hard to believe?” she palmed his cheek again, stroking it with her thumb. 
“Yes.” he laughed dryly, but leaned into her hand all the same. 
She brought up her other hand, cupping his face. “Look how sweet you are, baby.” she cooed, bringing his face closer to nuzzle her nose against his. “What a cutie-pie!” she teased.
His eyes softened, tracing the features of her face. He wished he could pause time, sketch her in his journal. He’d just have to memorize how she looked, and try his best to replicate it later. Once he woke up, of course. From this dream.
She connected their lips and he groaned, not expecting the sudden contact again. Her hands moved from his face to wrap around his neck and scratch at his shoulders. It felt like she was sucking him in, how truly he could not pull away. 
He rubbed his hand up her thigh, pushing up her long skirt. Her skin was smooth under his rough hand, moving up to grab at the soft flesh of her ass, squeezing and pulling her up towards him. She arched slightly, and he grabbed his other hand behind her waist to pull her closer, closer still. 
Her breasts brushed against his chest, her nipples stiffening through the thin fabric. He nudged her head to the side with his nose, moving to kiss down her neck. She sighed in his ear, her hands busying themselves with his arms and shoulders. Drink made him sloppy in his movements, his tongue wetting her neck and chest as he made his way down to her breasts. He didn’t bother to tug the fabric down, instead mouthing over her nipple through the fabric, flattening and swirling his tongue into the mound. 
She whimpered, her hand moving up to tug at the hair on the back of his head, her other moving down to tug her shirt down under her tits. He parted from her while she did so, unable to help the smirk twisting his mouth at her desperation. 
“You like that, doll?” he muttered, taking in the sight of her bare breasts, her shirt bunched up underneath them. 
She stuttered out a response, arching up towards his mouth. Seeing her like this sent a surge of confidence through him. She was his. No one else downstairs got to see her like this. Just him. Only him. He brushed his lips against her nipple, watching her try to push into his mouth. 
He smiled against her, and she whined, tugging his hair. “Don’t tease me, Arthur.” she breathed. Fuck. He took it into his mouth, his hand encircling the other, twisting and toying with it. He would give her anything she wanted if it meant she would say his name like that again. 
He dragged his mouth down, not missing the soft moan she gave at the loss, cool air ghosting over her wet nipple. He kissed down her stomach, moving his hands down underneath her thighs, pushing them up, up. 
He bunched her skirt around her, and pulled back. His eyebrows jumped up his forehead in surprise. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He looked up at her. 
Her face was reddened with embarrassment, her hands covering her cheeks. 
“Care to explain this?” he teased, running his hands down her thighs, closer, closer. 
She bit her lip. “I…” she looked away. 
He tilted his head, indicating he was waiting. 
“I… did say I was hopin’ to see you tonight, didn’t I?” she laughed breathily. 
His chest rumbled in approval, looking down at her exposed cunt, already wet without him touching it. “All this…” he drawled, glancing up at her, “for me?” 
She nodded, hiding slightly behind her hands. 
“Too kind to me, sweetheart,” he lowered himself, breathing her in. He kissed her thigh, feeling her twitch. “You shouldn’t have…” his breath ghosted between her legs, and she shuddered, anticipation building. He placed a few more open-mouthed kisses inside her thighs, feeling her arch into him, growing desperate. He took pity. 
Gripping her soft thighs in his hands, he licked one long stripe up her slit, gathering her wetness onto his tongue. She gasped, tightening her legs. He forced them open, holding them up. “Be good, princess, or I won’t be good to you.” he admonished, kissing her thigh. 
She shuddered. “Shit, yes, sorry yes, please, I’ll be good, please,” she breathed, trying to wiggle closer to his mouth. 
“Good girl,” he praised, flattening his tongue against her clit, lapping at it softly. She cursed, her hands fisting the bedding. He laved up her slit, once, twice, three times, before closing his lips around her bud, lightly sucking it in and swirling his tongue around it. 
“Fuck, Arthur,” she gasped, and he groaned against her, working his tongue inside of her, circling the entrance before pushing in, lapping up at her walls. He smoothed his hand up her thigh, reaching her clit with the rough pad of his thumb. He pressed gentle circles into it, his tongue spreading into her. She hissed, bucking into his ministrations. 
He pulled away, sliding his thumb down from her clit to her entrance, gently working his way inside. 
“Arthur…” she whined. 
“Yeah?” He teased, mimicking her tone, pushing his thick thumb further inside of her. 
She moaned, pushing herself onto him. “Arthur, please, I need more,” she breathed, meeting his gaze. “I need you .” 
He felt himself throb against his already-strained pants. He cursed under his breath, moving to unbuckle his pants. In his tunnel vision, he didn’t see her move from her position on the bed. 
Her hand came to rest over where his struggled with the buckle. “Let me, baby.” she cooed, moving his hands away. He blinked, letting her move him, watching her smaller hands undo his belt, working his pants down, taking him… oh. She took him out, palming his length. Shit, it looked bigger in her hand. Or maybe he hadn’t been this worked up in awhile. She ghosted her hand up and down, barely fluttering her thumb over the tip. His breath hitched, trying not to buck up into her hand, and failing, miserably. 
She grinned, looking up at him through her lashes. He reached out, stroking her cheek with his hand. “Hey, girl.” he breathed shakily, her hand jerking up suddenly. 
She giggled. “Hey, yourself, handsome.” 
He flushed, suddenly embarrassed to be on the other end. He looked away, only for a moment, before feeling a warm wetness engulf him. He gasped, whipping back to look down at her, half of his length having disappeared into her mouth. “Shit, darlin’,” he cursed, his accent dragging at the words. He bucked up into her lips, smoothing his thumb across her cheek. 
She hummed, the sound sending vibrations into him. “God, sweetheart, you’re bein’ so fuckin’ good to me right now,” he hissed, his hand reaching underneath to cup her jaw, squeezing it and guiding himself further in. 
She opened her mouth wider to take him. “Christ, you’re perfect,” he groaned, feeling her tongue slide up, her hand taking what her mouth couldn’t. 
She pulled off of him, kissing his tip, pumping her hand over the slick she had left. His breath shuddered. She smiled up at him. “You want more?” 
“God, yes.” he pushed her back onto the bed, muscling her onto her stomach, ass in the air. She squeaked in surprise, and he palmed her ass, squeezing it open to get a better look. God, she was practically dripping for him. He bit his lip, groaning. He rubbed himself up her slit, gathering the wetness there, rubbing it onto himself. “All this for me, darlin’?” he whispered, squeezing her hip. 
She wiggled herself back, trying to take him in. “Fuck, Arthur, it is, please, just fuck me already,” she whined, his tip sliding just past where she wanted him. 
“If the lady insists,” he teased, aligning himself with her, before softly, gently, pushing into her. 
She turned her face into the mattress, moaning, grabbing at the covers. “ Jesus, Arthur.” she groaned, her words muffled. 
He pressed in further. Halfway. “Can’t hear you, doll.” It was taking everything in him to go so slowly. 
She turned her head to the side, pushing back to take more of him in. He hissed, his hands twitching on her ass, squeezing her. 
He let out a breath, finally fully seated. He didn’t want to hurt her, he couldn’t. He gyrated against her, desperate for some kind of friction. A whine built in his throat. “Can-” 
Before he could ask, she forcefully pushed back into him, and he cursed, abandoning all hesitation and fucking into her. She cried out his name, arching against him. She was so tight and hot around him, her ass bouncing back against him with every thrust. It was all he could do to keep himself standing, his vision focused solely on where their bodies met. 
“Ar-thur,” she gasped, her breath shuddering, “God, God, you’re so big Arthur, Jesus Christ,” she moaned, her words starting to devolve into sounds with no meaning. 
He kept himself rooted deep within her, barely pulling out before slamming back in again, and again, and again. Her hands grasped for purchase anywhere, everywhere, on the bed, moaning noises that almost sounded like his name, pushing back into him with every thrust. 
Shit. Shit. He screwed his eyes shut. He wasn’t sure he could last much longer. 
“Miss,” he breathed her name. “I, shit, I-” he grabbed her thighs, his fingers bruising in their pressure, forcing her back into him. 
She whined at the pressure, growing limper. 
“Fuck! Fuck,” he yanked himself from her, grabbing at himself and finishing on her back. 
She had collapsed into the bed, giving a small satisfied moan. He breathed heavily, immediately grabbing a towel from the closet and cleaning her off. “S-Sorry, Miss.” he caught his breath, “Should’ve grabbed the towel before doin’ that on you.” He discarded the towel, placing a small kiss on her back, then immediately wondering if that was too much.
“What?” she said, muffled a bit by the covers. She turned, pushing herself up to sit and look at him. She frowned, reaching out and cupping his cheek. “You’ve got nothin’ to apologize for, cowboy.” Her frown twisted to a smile, “I oughta be thankin’ you for such a nice time.” she teased, pinching his cheek.
He suddenly grew bashful, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’ know about all that, but I definitely am thankin’ you.” Her face was flushed, her eyes bright, her lips slightly swollen… he had so many things to remember for his journal. “Best dream I’ve had in awhile,” he mumbled, moving to get under the covers. 
She joined him. “Dream?” she laughed, “You still drunk enough to think you’re dreamin’?”
He shrugged, opening his arms. She shifted into them, laying her head on his chest. “Could be stone cold sober and still think this was a dream.” He pecked her head. “I’ll miss you in the mornin’, girl.” 
She snorted, but snuggled into him anyway.
─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
Arthur groaned, the light only hitting his closed eyes, but giving him a headache all the same. His back didn’t hold the ache it usually did, though, laying on this terrible cot. It was the small victories, he guessed.
He thought back to his dream last night, and sighed wistfully. What he would give to have that right now, his cock painfully hard this morning. He forced himself to sit up, rubbing at his eyes. 
A hand reached across his stomach, ghosting against his length. He jumped, looking over to his side. “Well, good morning to you, too.” she yawned, lightly playing with him, a teasing look in her eye. 
He blinked. He squinted.
He rubbed his eyes again.
“Holy shit.”
─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
The woman placed the guitar against the wall, happily engaged in conversation with some of the patrons closest to her stage. “Excuse me,” Charles butted in, stealing her attention from them. 
She turned to him, confused, but polite. “Yes, sir?”
He smiled kindly. “I’m sorry, Miss, but could you do me a favor?”
“Depends on the favor, don’t it?” she laughed.
He nodded in understanding, and pointed to Arthur, hunched over the bar. “Do you see that miserable man over there?” She looked, and stiffened in recognition. “He has been coming to this saloon every Thursday night, just for you.” he turned to her. 
A blush painted her cheeks. “You’re kiddin’.” she laced her fingers together nervously. “He’s never said anything to me.”
Charles shook his head. “My friend—he is shy with women.” he leaned in conspiratorially, “Especially women he likes.” The woman’s blush deepened, her gaze darting over to Arthur. He straightened up. “All I ask is that you talk to him. I’m afraid my friends and I have ruined his Thursday, and I’m sure that would cheer him up.”
She looked up at him, her eyes dancing. He could tell why Arthur was so taken with her. “He sounds sweet,” she spoke softly. “I would love to.” 
He thanked her, watching her make true on her word and walk over to Arthur. Charles noted his reddened ears and fumbling fingers and smiled. Hopefully, this would make up for it.
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writingstoraes · 1 year
princesses 👑
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!wife!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au (purely ig hehe)
notes: charles p1 in fp3! lets hope things go well from here on out :D lmk what u guys think!
about: charles as a girl dad, literally that's it
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liked by ynleclerc, landonorris, carlossainz55, and 1,204,221 others
charles_leclerc One of the best things during race weekends: my two princesses get to come with me ❤️ It's a different kind of peace when I know the two of them are up in the garage with their all-out support for me.
ynleclerc she's brought her lucky charm for you, which is her teddy bear 🧸
charles_leclerc My two lucky charms are already with me, amour
gaslydrivez leclerc fam so adorable
carlossainz55 Please, we know Emma only wanted to come because she wanted to see her favorite uncle, aka me 🥱
pierregasly You're not her favorite uncle? alexalbon23 Yeah cause it's me
scuderiaferrari The Ferrari princesses ❤️
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liked by charles_leclerc, pascale_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 231,445 others
ynleclerc emma wanted to bake yesterday because apparently, she wants her papa to be in a good mood today so he can win the race. now i wish i hadn't mentioned to charles a boy hugged emma at pre-school cause he frowned after that 😆
charles_leclerc It's too early for hugging? I thought I had like a decade left before I have to deal with that 😕
ynleclerc he's her friend and they're children? charles_leclerc I can't hear you right now
arthurleclerc Now I want some of those too :( Nothing for her favorite uncle?
ynleclerc cha ate them all, sorry 😬
hamiltenn Charles is totally such a girl dad it's so cute
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and 1,391,220 others
charles_leclerc I told your mama I wanted to enroll you in Taekwondo lessons. I changed my mind 🤣
landonorris I've taught her well
charles_leclerc This is why you haven't been called up to be her babysitter carlossainz55 Lol deserve, Lando
ynleclerc one kick suddenly changes your mind? 🤨
charles_leclerc Surprisingly, she kicks really well
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liked by pierregasly, lorenzotl, scuderiaferrari, and 341,048 others
ynleclerc emma, who is not the biggest fan of mornings, woke up really early today to make sure her papa had the best birthday. we went out to buy him flowers and baked a cake 🎂
pascale_leclerc Papa's girl ❤️
ynleclerc i'm afraid she's the biggest one 🤣
lilymhe Tell Emma I miss her! When do I see my baby girl?
ynleclerc how about... later? lilymhe Alex is starting the car as we speak 😆
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liked by ynleclerc, pascale_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 1,532,395 others
charles_leclerc Le plus joyeux des anniversaires à ma petite princesse ❤️ The happiest of birthdays to my little princess.
Please stop growing too fast; Papa's not yet ready to race boys so they can stay away from you :) You remain my princess forever and ever.
ynleclerc race boys??? sorry what?
charles_leclerc How are they going to prove themselves, then?
lestappenorris i love girldad!charles 🙉
scuderiaferrari Happy birthday, Emma! 🎁
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liked by pierregasly, lilymhe, maxverstappen, and 256,283 others
ynleclerc emma's philosophy lately: when mama says no, papa will always say yes. now i'm not surprised why she is such a papa's girl; she's charles princess through and through 🫶
charles_leclerc I do not always say yes
ynleclerc i said no sweets and you were feeding her brownies? charles_leclerc She forced me...
carlossainz55 You should get your payback by having a boy next and then make him a mama's boy 🤣
ynleclerc you make some interesting points charles_leclerc Hello?
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liked by ynleclerc, arthurleclerc, pierregasly, and 1,230,492 others
charles_leclerc Forever my princesses ❤️ Two of the greatest blessings I've ever gotten.
sainzhero live love leclerc fam 🫶
scuderiaferrari Our favorites! 😍
carlossainz55 Ask Emma what she thinks of my gift
landonorris You sent her one, too??? pierregasly Why are you guys mooching off of my gift idea charles_leclerc Emma's favorite uncle is Lorenzo. carlossainz55 WHAT alexalbon23 Ok now I feel betrayed 🤨
luverrari MY PARENTS (literally)
ynleclerc love u both so much :)
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy
notes: it's been a while i think since i did one that's purely insta posts, it's faster to make lolol but I'm not used to it anymore anyway lmk what u guys think <33 happy quali and thank u for reading hehehe
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gavisfanta · 5 months
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summary: youre pedris gf and are traveling with him for the psg game
a/n: im sorry but these are so fun to make 😭
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i was reading on the plane, second pic is what I was reading, third pic is me sleeping (no clickbait)
liked by pedri, menshealth and 1,729,542 others.
pedri: ...
menshealth: best book on the planet 💪💪💪
random: is she traveling with barca to paris?
random: ig so
random: this is so mean actually
random: cry about it
random: frrrr
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@mikkykiemeney (my love) and me enjoying our love in the city of love, dont know who the third guy is, he randomly photo bombed us
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,668,018 others.
pedri: babe.... stop these photos.....
random: LMAOOOO
random: why are they in paris?
random: love the duoooo 🫶🏻🫶🏻
random: PUTA BARCA
mikkykiemeny: Mi amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️
pablogavi: that guy on the third pic be looking hot who is that
random: lets gooo we're gonna beat psg
feeeeeeeerrrrrrr: you cut me out of the picture😞😞😞
fcbarcelona: always with us 🫶🏻❤️
raphinha: i think the guy on the third picture is the pilot of the plane
random: why is she so mean
random: i love you for doing Pedri dirty
frenkiedejong: our women got stolen
pedri: justice for us
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knew that paris copied us
liked by pedri, jkeey4 and 2,183,017 othes.
pedri: 😍😍😍
random: so prettyyyy
siramartinezc: welcome home 😁😁
random: Why she so funny
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liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 1,991,772 others.
comments have been limited...
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pov: you just gave the most jaw dropping assist but you gotta play it off cool
liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 1,629,991 others.
random: Hala Madrid
pedri: ❤️❤️
frenkiedejong: hey thats me!!
fcbarcelona: Our magicians 🎩 🫶🏻
mikkykiemeney: our one night stands😝😝
yourinsta: frrrr
pedri: babe seriously.
frenkiedejong: hey....
random: the pic of pedri lmaoo
random: Psg easy winn barca no chance
random: we finally have them back
random: Pedri is so fineeeeee
pablogavi: When do i get my appreciation post????
yourinsta: as soon as you play, promise
pablogavi: easy game
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and my man, thank you to my man 😘❤️
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,729,681 others.
pedri: de nada amor ❤️
random: AAAA
random: the flowers. im dying.
random: im actually so jealous.
pablogavi: fine i mean i can be your passanger princess too
random: actually that car is so cool
random: how to sign up to be pedris girlfriend
random: REALLL
ferrantorres: and again i get no credit for heloing him with the flowers
pedri: cr to ferran
yourinsta: ferran you only think about yourself
pedri: yes ferran think about others too
ferrantorres: what....
pedri: you egoistic.
yourinsta: HAHAHAH
random: shes allowed to drive his car.... 😞
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hot girls support red bull, anyways MAX FOR THE WIN. HE HAS DONE IT AGAIN.
liked by pedri, maxverstappen1 and 2,829,729 others.
random: why she just spawning everywhere
random: whats max doing here
pedri: hot guys get forced to support red bull because of their girlfriends
random: LOOOL WHAT
random: Shes so iconic
random: Ferrari deserved the podium
random: not our fault if they cant build cars
random: ateee
random: lewis for the win
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car appreciation post (plus the man driving it)
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 982,829 others.
pedri: ❤️❤️
yourinsta: dry ass comment
pablogavi: damn
pedri: my bad, i love you my wonderful girlfriend the love of my life please marry me in that car
yourinsta: okay!! 😁😁🥰🥰❤️❤️
random: i want pedri as a boyfriend
random: awww the flowers
random: I would do anything to have a car like that
pablogavi: always flexing that damn car
yourinsta: gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
random: PEDRI IN A SUIT?
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achromaticegoist · 2 months
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ALSO THE ENDING??? WHAT THE--THERAPY? NO BRCUASE THIS IS ACTUALLY SOME MESSED UP THERAPY SHIT. That is NOT how you try and heal someone holy fucking hell. Guy is getting more and more broken
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
Laying on you vs you laying on them
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Him laying on you
More often than you think.
Shigaraki is always doing something, be making a plan, overthinking something or even playing lol. His brain never stops.
So, as all human beings, he needs a break, something that could take his mind out of this cruel reality he has to live in.
He often finds himself laying on your thighs as some sort of escape of reality. He can simply just close his eyes and pretend that nothing is going on for a sec just for his head to finally quiet down
He is thankfully for it, but doesn't show it.
But the little sigh he always let it whenever his head hit your lap is already enough.
You laying on his lap
Not as often but still happens
Especially before the whole story of the paranormal liberation front.
Whenever he is playing on his switch he allows you to crawl on him to rest there.
Is like his personal lucky charm. He swears that everytime you lay against him whenever he is playing something, he always wins or has a higher score than before.
Won't scratch your head though... the fear is always there even with gloves.
Don't blame him, you all know what he went through and cmon I this guy is dating you is because he feels SOMETHING for ya.
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Him laying on you
It happens as often as he says how much he loves heroes-
Seriously though, it would take a long ass while to make this fella have any sort of contact with you, imagine something as intimate as that.
Kai is a very reclusive man, so for him to show any signs of "vulnerability" is a dangerous thing. So with this, plus his things with touch, it makes this way too much difficult to deal with...
But, if you are patient enough... there will be a time he will trust you enough to do that. And trust me, at first it won't be a pretty sign.
For him to lay his head on your lap it would mean he is done, absolutely done with everything and he needs to just let go for while. Allow his walls to crumble down.
Might let a tear or two escape his golden eyes but you won't see it thanks to him being turned away from you but also with a death grip on your thighs.
After this, Chisaki will have a lot of trust on you and your relationship will surely make a lot of upgrate. But again, it won't be often this guy allows himself to do that since he is "the man of the relationship and he need to be the one providing you comfort".
You laying on his lap
Again, it will take a while, but not much compare to him laying on you though.
Won't take too much but again, it must be on a point where he is comfortable enough for you to touch without immediately getting killed by his quirk.
Kai takes pride on whatever thing he does it well, so at the moment he notices he is one and only one who could provide you some comfort he is very ... pleased.
At first you will feel his muscle on his (big) thighs tense and contract a bit at the sudden contact before a sign will leave his covered lips as he stares at everything else asides from you with a faint blush on the tip of his ears.
With his gloved fingers awkwardly patting gently on your head as he asks what happened and if he could fix it.
He is trying. Just have patience with him.
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Him laying on you
Aaaa Dabi. The cat man.
He would only do this on a very intimate level since you know... gotta keep the bay boy act for everyone to not mess with him nor his plans and all.
But when he is comfortable enough he will do it without regrets or shame.
Enough to just enter the room you are in before falling with his face in the middle of your chest while groaning from the day he had.
Is not often, but is not like Kai in this case.
He just... feels better when he is the one holding you. But he never denies when is a chance where you can just comb his inked hair (or white, it depends on what time you are honestly) and just whisper sweet nothings to him.
Seriously, he is like a cat that way.
If you move he will growl though. You are stuck with him until HE is satisfied.
... I hope you até and went to the bathroom before this man laid down on you. Because he sure as he'll ain't getting up.
You laying on him
He feels better than him laying down you.
Is more comfortable and is like having a weighted blanket on him.
Brings him joy, no jokes.
Might be on his lap or chest he doesn't care. He has that smirk of pure content on his face.
Will scratch the back of your neck and I swear the God he is the best of it enough to bring you to a putty and moaning mess (not in that way you fucking pervert)
Unless you want him to
Much like him laying on you... he won't let you go.
He is like a leech the moment you just TRY to move.
I'm talking about all of his four limbs just circling around your body and clinging onto you enough to not let even air pass through the both of you.
I live for soft clingy dabi I'm sorry.
"Touya pls-" you will wheeze out and he would only chuckle and nuzzle on you
What an ass. An loveable ass.
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
Rabbit I'm begging you to do stalker headcanons with Mh or EMH guys (you don't gotta ofc! But w o ah)
AAAA IM SO HAPPY U LIKED THEM !!!! I WAS RLLY HAPPY W HOW THE TOBY ONES CAME OUT :)))) also,,,, watch me hit u w ALL the guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (nsfw can come later if u wish fishy, i skipped it cus this is alr a super long post BFJSJFNJS) (also i got to use my rainbow dividers i have saved up cus there's so many ppl YAYYYYYYY)
Stalker!Brian Thomas / Hoodie / Tim Wright / Masky / Evan Myers / HABIT x gn!reader headcanons :)
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Brian ;
ok we know Brian likes to record
so expect there to be at least one camera on you a majority of the time
sometimes he'll leave it in a tree or placed just right behind a fence post, zoomed in on your bedroom window so he can document you and your routine even when he's busy
he's so thoughtful 😸😸😸
definitely the type to perfectly curate a "meet-cute" for the both of you, writing down the coffee place you stop off at on mondays for a pick-me-up, the stores you go to that have your favorite brand of something, he calculates his every action with you long before it's happened.
he knows what he's doing is wrong, but unlike Toby, he's not exactly ashamed of it. if anything he likes the added excitement that you could still find him out
this is one of the times him and Hoodie kind of blur together a little bit, both in morals and actions
Brian is fully willing to do whatever it takes to keep eyes on you and to keep you under his thumb and his alone; it doesn't matter who gets in his way
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Hoodie ;
also a big fan of recording, but tends to get much more risky with it
likes the feeling that you might catch a little camera that's nestled in between some trinkets and books or a pile of blankets you keep on your couch
he is a creepy creeper . he wants to watch EVERYTHING
gets his feelings hurt when you close your curtains cus you feel eyes on you (you're right, but still :(()
it takes a lot to deter him from doing everything in his power to keep watch over you
he's not even sure of his own motives, really. sure, he wants to keep you safe and make sure no one else is watching you, but most of the time he's just there to watch.
you're like a doll to him, something to entertain him.
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Masky ;
this isn't even part of this i just wanna say the vibe for stalker Masky (and just him in general tbh) for me feels a lot like the intro to My Meds Aren't Working by Dystopia . very slow, calculating, stuck in your own head but still zeroed in on one thing
and it's you ofc !!!!
i think Masky is one of the more scarier guys to have stalking you on this lineup honestly. hot? yes absolutely. terrifying to see constantly out of the corner of your eye, sitting at the bus stop outside your job, standing in the parking lot of the gas station by your apartment complex and staring up into your window? YES VERY
he's haunting. he doesn't go up to you, will go completely brick wall at you if you try to come up to him, and you can never tell what emotion is going on behind his eyes. the few times you've walked closer to him, likely on the street in the earlier stages, he looked hungry. like he was waiting and watching for your guard to be down to do something.
if he knows you'll be out, he'll get into your house to steal some of your clothes- likely your underwear (creepy crawler) and a sleep shirt
you will never see him without the mask on. point blank. not to smoke, eat, anything. he is not human or himself when he's around you; he needs to absorb everything about you.
i don't think of him to be the type to film you, would rather be there in person 24/7. it feels more personal to him.
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Tim ;
one of the few guys that feels guilt about what he's doing- he knows how scary it is to feel watched all the time. how awful it is to find out you were right.
he’s embarrassed of himself; he’s prided himself on being stoic and independent for so long that this sudden urge to love you and watch you and know you gives him waves of shame
watches from afar, would definitely try and avoid letting himself get too close to you in person. he’s ashamed of it, but he can’t help himself- he needs you, even if at a distance. 
steals clothes you’ve slept in so he can try and satiate his yearning to be close to you without actually needing to be so vulnerable, with you or anyone
his near dependency on you reminds me of It Will Come Back by Hozier, his obsession is fed by breadcrumbs from the few in-person up close encounters he’s had with you. smiles when he comes into where you work, nervous little waves when you catch him looking at you at the store, soft 'excuse me!'s when you pass by him
you drive him up a wall (lovingly)
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Evan ;
Evan feels guilty, but for the ‘wrong’ reasons
i say ‘wrong’ because he’s more concerned with you inevitable introduction to the whole Habit mess, not with the morals of stalking and obsessing over you
despite his guilt, he can’t get enough of you. his persistence rivals Brian's; it’s almost immediate that he tries to get you with him
latches onto you for fear of you leaving- honestly less of a stalker and more on the obsessive side. not good at keeping his hands to himself. 
you might be one of the only cases where he tries to bargain and/or work with Habit, in an attempt to keep you safe or keep you near him out of desperation if you're not listening to him when he tries to convince you to stay with him essentially 25/8
touchy obsessive little critter . give him what he wants before he goes sicko mode (being 10 feet away from you at all times)
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Habit ;
does not hide himself AT ALL
will actively be letting you know he's watching
seeing him behind you in mirrors, rabbit motifs everywhere, a random blood splatter in plain sight that no one else seems to see.
he watches, he knows, and he learns
what things make you the most paranoid, all the ways he can slowly introduce himself in a more. friendly light to get you to trust him. to love him.
he's what's best for you, whether you like it or not. it just might take some time for you to get there
ironically for him, think 'The Best Is Yet To Come' by Frank Sinatra. it's just a matter of time before things get so much better. for the both of you, of course!
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wonton4rang · 4 months
i freaking love your writing aaaa 🫶🫶
im kinda biased here but leehan doing sumn under the table or blanket and continuing conversation like the menace that he is 🤭
also rlly honored to have been ur first ask 😚
stoooooppp, you're so nice :(( i'm glad that you like my writing and tysm for being my first ask, it was greatly appreciated <33
and you are not biased !!! i am honestly the same so we are kinda sharing one braincell tbh, the leehan brainrot is rEAL. hope you like this!
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i feel like it would happen when you too are hanging out with the other guys, you dressed up so prettily since it was a big night for sungho, he just got that promotion that he wanted for years. it was a celebration! but leehan just couldn't wrap his mind over the fact that YOU had to dress SO cute AND hot when sungho was nothing more than a friend of YOUR boyfriend leehan. was he jealous? yes. not because he saw sungho as a menace but more because everyone was looking at you whenever you laughed or said the most basic things, being pretty obvious that they just found you as beautiful as he did. but what actually made him grin a little bit with disbelief was the way you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and looked down while laughing, were you really flirting back? "y/n, what's up with you?" he whispered to your ear, his right arm grapped around your waist before you asked him what he meant "what's so funny about what riwoo said?" you were not stupid, not even a little bit, so you backed up to look into his eyes, suddenly all the fun left your body when you were just met by his blank stare. "he has a great sense of humour, baby, nothing personal" excuses was all leehan heard coming out your mouth so he just ignored your words, his free left hand (that was not around your waist) going up your tight instead and making you panic when he looked back to the front, joining the conversation with the boys while his fingers dangerously ghosted the front of your underwear. and he was kinda rough the moment he threw your panties aside and entered a finger without warning. "fuck, leehan" you called under your breath so the others couldn't hear you but leehan ignored you again and just moved his finger, joining another one after a few seconds; it was so embarrassing to be feeling this good while your boyfriend fingered you right in front of his friends, just under the table, the blanket being the only thing keeping the obscene action covered as the table was made of glass. "stop it" your hand went to grab his but you wished you didn't say or did anything when he finally payed attention to you again. "did you say something, baby?" he would ask you, accelerating the movement of his fingers, not being in and out but now just curling them up inside of your cunt. "guys, i think y/n wants to say something" you just couldn't believe it, he was such a bitch, such a tease, and well shit, you were up for the challenge. your pussy clenched around his fingers and your cheeks flushed when he laughed at you being so nervous, and how could you not be when all the other boys were looking at you in expectation. "c'mon, baby, tell sungho what you wanted to say" leehan better sleeps with an eye open from now on, his fingers not stopping at all when you tried to gain composure and smiled to the party boy "i'm so happy you g-got this promotion, sungho, you definitely deserv-" but your words got lost when your boyfriend got his finger's pace faster inside of you "you deserve it, congratulations" and you thanked god for letting you finish that sentence without moaning in front of all of them, certainly traumatizing woonhak if it happened. the boy sitting next to you just removed his fingers from your pussy and laughed a bit at how wet you were and the pout you made by not being able to come, he leaned in to your ear and whispered "next time you make me feel like this i'll vent you over the table and fuck you in front of them" you were kinda mad, yes, but tbh your pussy throbbed at the thought. maybe leehan wasn't the only one that was kinda crazy.
and there goes again another leehan thought again of my system, it's like a plague, they just keep coming back 😭
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aestheteangel · 5 months
Synastry aspects that I personally don’t like.
before i start please read that I am not an official astrologer so take this with a grain of saltttt too haha. Just for fun.
North node square north node ( I’m sorry but each one lives in a whole different worlds, completely different perspectives, mindset, somehow not letting each other move to the next step)
Chiron in 7th house overlay. ( now Chiron isn’t always bad, but there’s kind of.. pain it gives , it’s not any better in other houses, but I’m saying romantically, there could be hurt during the marriage... if you want Chiron overlays in synastry please lmk)
Pluto/Uranus in 12th house overlay. ( now Mose of y’all know 12th house overlays arent so good eventually, but i think Pluto or Uranus being there could be harsher than any other planet , could indicate so many things, one of them unpleasant endings in the relationship, finding truth about something suddenly, betrayal..in worst cases you won’t be able to forget each other )
Saturn 8th house overlay. (Sure y’all know why..)
Mars conjuct Mc/10th house. ( uhhhh it just don’t give me nice vibes when both are seen in public eye. Could be arguing in public a lot, the mars person makes it hard for the 10th person to forgive them. Works even in composite chart )
Mercury square Saturn. ( a lot of judgements and misunderstandings)
Chiron opposite asc/Venus.
Saturn opposite Neptune. (Broo)
Moon opposite moon. (Now tbh Im not really sure of this one since nobody complained about it and it could indicate “slight” emotional understanding difficulties with each other that can also cause attraction. But I’ve seen this aspect with some couple that really can’t stop hurting eachothers emotionally . )
Another moon aspect, ofc moon is the first thing you should observe In synastry s, it simply represents how each other’s emotions play with the other. now moon square moon. Obviously most of y’all know why, literally each one is on different page when it comes to how they view emotions which makes it pretty hard to understand each other’s feelings with the square aspect. ( believe it or no I have this one with my man, even knowing it I’m still with him lol. yes the attraction is definitely there due to other loving aspects and also with this one, it gives attractive energy yes. but still, he don’t understand my emotions and my point of view, struggles with analyzing me sometimes or what I even think , even when I try my best to throw him an obvious sign about something, without me speaking, he don’t get it where everyone else does same goes for me 🤣😭. he sometimes thinks I mean something the opposite of what I meant. Bottom line is with this aspect you need to speak each other’s feelings and what you want to tell the other cause it’s way too impossible to understand eachother with no words spoken. 😓 AAAA THIS IS THE ONLY STRUGGLING PLACEMENT WE HAVE AND ITS NOT EVEN A SIMPLE ONE)
Mars in 5th house, ( Now this is NOT a red flag, bUTTTT i always read about this placement represents a “not lasting relationship “ and tbh every fling I had I had this placement with, literallyyyy very guy I used to dm or talk to even for a couple of days, attraction at first but then boom, you din yourself not talking to them anymore for god knows what reason lol, so there’s something interesting about this placement. 🤔🤣 ( pink for flings 🤣)
Mars 1st house.... ( uhh you know what? Wait for part 2 😛 )
But before part 2 I’ll make my next post positive I promise, I didn’t even want to write red flags placements because it shouldnt be taken seriously haha. So next post will be about .. hmm wait , what you guys want it to be about?
Synastry observations
Natal chart observations
composite observations
Solar return observations
— Y’all literally if u find one of these placements in your synastrys it’s totally okay lol, I have multiple of these w my man and tbh some of them don’t really play this negative way for us, but i just did them for fun , ofc don’t take these TOO seriously 🥰
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