#aaaaaa its so perfect
falloutcoys · 11 months
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A commission of Parker and Faroe at the park, by the lovely @samglyph! It's for my little 'verse I'm working on and Sam captured how I imagined them so perfectly. Highly recommend working with them!
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cerubean · 2 years
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words can not express how much i love this daycare im working on
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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@stormbornpirate asked: 12 - Make a gifset of my favorite promo from my favorite wrestler.
kip sabian at countdown to all out 2022
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I commed my (unfortunately great) friend @n0phis to draw me a brad bakshi + his bugs icon for tumblr and ao3 and here's the final result >:))) pls don't steal I just had to show it off in full detail because it's PERFECT
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
Don’t you just kinda wanna go insane thinking about how it took years for Shane Dawsons youtube career built on blackface and pedophilia and other “edgy jokes” to get “canceled” but then some hardly semi popular marginalized creator who makes all their money online makes a tweet that’s offensive if you dig deep enough and they get instantly shit on and deemed as irredeemably harmful and no amount of apologies will ever make up for the irreparable damage they have caused to marginalized communities everywhere? Is this really truly how you want to live life and support your community or are you just a dickwad who thinks anger automatically=activism?
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arnoldrimsy · 1 year
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whalesims · 1 year
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mxnyxxngx · 1 year
petition for succession s4 to just be set in the roy siblings childhoods with sadie sink as shiv, noah schnapp as rome, and asa butterfield as ken
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cuteteacakes · 2 months
I got back late, Ethan (dog) made me walk him late even though I left him for two hours, I had to put clothes in the wash and dryer late because I have no clean clothes and take a shower late. It's late. And I have a morning shift tomorrow. -3-'
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skyeateyourdonuts · 2 years
mashed potatoes 🥣 yes exactly
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guideaus · 2 years
i wanted to return something from uniqlo, but it says i have to pay for shipping and i don't feel like it anymore :/
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
The Lorax:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
It had a very big impact on meme culture. And a really catchy soundtrack. Plus it has the silly sexy green man. What more could you want from a film.*
The Once-ler and the let it die song. This movie is glorious.
It is legit the mother of all great animated movies nowadays. From Mitchells vs the machines to the new mutant mayhem movie! The plot is so good and you can really see character development from almost all of the characters, plus the designs are BANGER.
BRO THE ANIMATION IS SO SICK. The amount of sheer effort put into this movie is insane. The character growth was so amazing to watch and such a great movie to analyze. Best scenes are obviously the leap of faith. Actually gorgeous. And also the scene where aunt May sees Peter b after her Peter died. Her “you look tired, Peter” is just so heartfelt
Where the hell do I even start. The visuals are incredible and the plot is engaging. Every scene is perfect.
This film has EVERYTHING. Humor, action, inspirational scenes, kickass music, absolutely killer animation, an art style that is an homage to comic books, loveable characters, a talking pig, DR OLIVIA OCTAVIUS, I could go on
This is the best superhero movie ever made, the leap of faith is one of the best movie scenes of ever
The animation style is better than all the others, and makes the movie funnier too! The representation is also good, and the romantic storyline isn't too prevalent in the movie. Probably the best animation Marvel has made. My favorite scene is when the villains show up to Aunt May's house -- its my favorite fight scene!
I’m sure this movie’s been submitted already because it’s arguably the greatest animated film of all time. I have a personal connection to it because I saw it in theaters on opening night with my late father, and we both loved it and I still do. The animation is revolutionary and it’s one of the only 3 movies that make me cry.
gsksvbsvsbsvs I love everything about it, I love the animations, the story, the soundtrack also the style of animation AAAAAA its so beautiful its art it belongs in a museum i get goosebumps everytime I rewatch it
It’s just so good. All the characters are amazing and I love Miles dad. It’s hilarious and sparked my love for spider-man. It’s such a sweet movie about finding yourslef and has such a powerful message. I totally recommend it so I’m not adding spoilers, but like. Ohhhh, it’s so good.
Interesting villains, well-developed character arcs, a fresh take on Spider-Man, unique use of animation, funny, good use of multiverse that adds to the nature of the story being told, complicated character dynamics
It's the best animated movie because A: it takes one of the most well known comic characters of all time, kills him off in the first few minutes, and then shows you every cooler version of him. B: Has a large amount of representation in its main cast, considering that they're all versions of Spiderman, and that requires a white guy by default. C: everything in it is so well done I can't pick a favorite scene, but the most iconic is the jump off the skyscraper window.
The animation is incredible, the movie has so much story and heart, and there’s a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. And the soundtrack slaps
This is probably the best animated film I've ever seen. The animation is definitely the highlight, the way they blend comic book art styles and 3D animation is an absolute joy to look at and is so overwhelmingly creative, every frame of this movie is gorgeous. The impact this had on the industry is undeniable, as we start to see more and more movies getting more creative with their animation styles. It's not just the animation though. All of the characters are entertaining, all of the jokes land and the story is really well done. It leaves me blown away every time I watch it.
This movie kind of changed the western animation industry from the ground up. Apart from being expertly written, funny, and heartfelt, it is also stellarly animated, with a unique visual style that takes direct inspiration from the comic books it adapts and mixes 2d- and 3d-animation in a way and to a degree that hadn't really been seen before in western mainstream. Its critical and monetary success paved the way for mainstream 3d animation to open up to new and excitingly stylised movies that were like a breath of fresh air between the generic Pixar-style animation that had been the largely unchanged norm in the industry since Toy Story circa twenty years earlier**. ITSV divides the screen like panels on a comic page, it uses dots and lines for shading and gradients, doesn't shy away from lowering framerates for stylisation, and makes liberal use of onomatopoeia, both to comedic and dramatic impact. Impact frames and SFX are often hand-drawn and stunningly colourful, and even the simple dialogue scenes astonish with an expressiveness and realism in their depiction of emotions that makes me rewatch a two-second scene of Miles laughing fifteen times in a row. My favourite scene has to be the What's Up Danger scene, the emotional climax of the movie. Set to an absolute banger of a song, it is the moment the entire film has been building up to. I won't spoil anything plot-wise in case you somehow haven't seen this movie, but both from an emotional and a visual standpoint it is Fucking Dope. Conclusion: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is my favourite movie of all time and I could talk about it for hours. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Thank you.
Have you SEEN the Whats Up Danger/rising and falling scene? it's a work of art that makes me fall in love with storytelling all over again whenever I see it. Also the impact that it's had on animated film is absolutely being felt at current, if incrementally. Incredible film.
It has an amazing art style based on comics and mixed up due to genre differences. It's really fun and the characters are great, even the side ones. The story line is great and I love Miles and his family.
*Mod note: errr, quite a lot more than memes and music actually
**Mod note: amen
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merakiui · 2 months
A long time ago, back when i was a teenager and still a wattpad girly, I read this one really good story called "Family Comes First" about a family of cannibals that lives in the middle of nowhere. They only keep boy children who are born, no daughters. Whenever a boy turns a certain age (I think 21 but I cant really rmbr), the father goes out to the nearest city, interviews girls under the guise of offering them a job, and kidnaps the best one as a birthday gift and bride. The mother-in-law teaches the new girl how to be a good wife (cleaning, cooking that strange meat, etc.), and the husband is otherwise responsible for his wife, to the point of selecting and laying out her clothing every morning. The ultimate honour is to birth a son, and so the husbands are CONSTANTLY trying to get their wives knocked up. I can't help but imagine Jade and Floyd in a story like this, it suits them perfectlyyyyy
In the book, one of the boys ended up catching feelings for brother's wife (the main character) instead of his own, and it causes fights serious drama in the family. This works so well with the recent ideas about Jade stealing Floyd's cute little wifey except it would be even better for them because they're twins and Jade can pull all his nasty tricks 😭 maybe when she finally gets knocked up with a son, they won't know who it belongs to, because he looks just like his daddy, but the potential daddies look the sammmeee OTZ
Oh oh oh and imagine if reader tries to escape and the family decides to let her try. Let her have fun. Hell, they even join in on the fun. She was blindfolded when they brought her and she's never been out of the house before, so she doesn't know her way around the woods, whereas the men in this family have been hunting humans for sport and food in these woods for generations. Now she's lost in the dark forest with daddy leech and the tweels rapidly closing in on her. She's going to be taught a lesson after they drag her home. After all, she lost the game, and losers never get rewards >_<
OHHH!!! Omg that concept is perfect for the tweels!!!! And they would absolutely draw out the chase in the forest just to scare you even more. Maybe then, after spending an entire day and night being hunted like a wild animal, you'll learn your home is with them. There's no point in running from your family, after all.
Hehe running from the three of them and you injure yourself, so now you're even more panicked because what if they can smell the cut on your leg? What if they can hear your pained grunts as you drag yourself along, limping through the forest? >_< omg and it doesn't matter who finds you; it's going to be frightening either way. Floyd who drags you out of your hiding place by the ankles, or Jade who stands over you as he patiently waits for you to take notice of him. Or Papa Leech wrapping you up in big, strong, scarred arms to carry you back to the house. Maybe you're kicking and screaming all the way, and it's useless to struggle because there's no one else out here for stretches. Just you and your family, who care so very much for you. You should be grateful! Mr. Leech's sons fight over you to be named your husband. Aren't you lucky to have the two of them? Most of all, aren't you lucky you're alive and not on their murderous menu?
AAAAAA and Papa Leech picks your clothes for you going forwards! They were far too patient and lenient with you before, far too forgiving. Now you're living under a new schedule, a fresh set of rules. Your clothes are selected for you, and your meals are prepared in advance (gone are the days in which you were given choices; each meal is healthy and has properties meant to boost your fertility). When you aren't learning to be the perfect housewife, you're getting bent over every possible surface and bred by the twins. Or if the twins can't behave, then maybe Papa Leech ought to knock you up instead........... thinking thoughts.
In conclusion, the entire family is crazy and you're stuck with them forever. orz
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thechaoticplayer · 4 months
Hi you lovely person! May I please request smut where you help Hex 'relax ;)' because this poor man is so stressed and depressed. Being the student council therapist is a hard job after all! :( also the brainrot has been real since he talked about how men need to moan more during sex- Thank you!
Summary: Hex Haywire, the student council therapist, always seems so exhausted after doing his job. So you decide to help him "relax" in his office. Contains: NSFW content, praising, a blowjob, fucking in an office where anyone could walk in at any time but who gives a fuck, relaxing Hex haywire, some fluff at the end, none of my works are proofread so yeah sorry if theres mistakes MDNI or dont I dont give a damn
"Darling," you start, shutting the door softly with a click behind you. "You seem stressed. What's wrong?"
Hex rubs his temple with a drawn out sigh. He seems more stressed than usual. Which was usual and at the same time, unusual. Shouldering many people's pain is a rough job, but he looks completely drained. You couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like, being in his shoes.
"Nothing baby, just..." Hex pushes up his glasses, but it's still lopsided. "A long day, that's all."
You navigate around the wide mahogany desk and he turns his chair towards you, arms extended. You smile gently and climb into his lap, arms around his neck. Hex buries his nose into your neck, inhaling your scent.
You run your fingers through his hair. "How about I make you feel better? Relax?"
Hex looks up, studying your face. A smirk tugs at his mouth. "What are you suggesting?"
You can't help but smirk back. "An efficient relaxing method perhaps."
"Feeling shameless today, hmm?" Hex squeezes your waist with a soft chuckle. "I'm not opposed to it, but are you sure?"
"Isn't that my duty? to take care of my stressed boyfriend?" You reply, sliding off his lap and kneeling on the floor, your hands on his belt. Hex gazes down at you, his eyes seeming like they're glowing. Glowing with need. "Just sit back and relax, and I'll take all the stress away."
You unbuckle his pants and unzip, his cock straining against the cloth. You take it out of its restraints, your hand around his member.
"Don't be afraid to spit on it baby," Hex says, voice deepening as he watches you. You do so without hesitation. "That's my girl."
You rub your thighs together, gathering friction for the growing heat between your legs. Your hand goes up and down Hex's cock as you look up and watch his eyes flutter closed, mouth parted slightly.
"Just like that..." he murmurs.
You lick a stripe from the base to the tip and Hex shivers slightly. As you travel up, you take the tip into your mouth and suck lightly, earning a breathy moan in response.
You stop halfway of his cock because holy shit it was big and there was no way in hell you could fit it all, so you stroke the lower half. While hollowing your cheeks, you suck hard and Hex's hand grips your hair.
"Fuck, that's good," he pants, moaning softly. "Keep going keep... mm..."
You trace a vein with your tongue as Hex pants above you, a hand covering his mouth as he struggled to keep a low volume. He praised you constantly, making you moan against his cock. The vibrations make his cock twitch. Hex could feel himself getting closer but he wanted more.
Hex, with his grasp on you, pulls you off his cock with a pop. Breathing hard, he stares you in the eye. "Ride me."
You scramble up to your feet without pause, getting on top of him as Hex assisted discarding your underwear. His hands finding home on your hips as you slowly lower yourself onto his length.
You both release a moan once he's sheathed inside your warmth. The stretch hurts so good. Your walls hug his cock perfectly, and it made him hungry to feel you even more.
"Can you move sweetheart?" Hex rumbles in your ear, nails digging into your skin.
You nod obediently, raising your hips up before slamming back down.
"Fuck!" Hex exclaims and you bite your lip to keep quiet. You rise up and down and his head is thrown back. "Just like that! God, you're so fucking perfect-"
Your tits bounce up and down, your legs quivering as you rode him hard. Hex adjusts himself so he can rolls his hips into you and you let out a moan, pressing your mouth against his neck and biting down.
You could feel him moving inside you, his cock ramming into you and hitting the spongy bit inside. Hex's noises loud in your ear, his breaths ragged. You had to grab his biceps for stability, afraid you'd fall off from how rough you two were going.
"I'm close baby, 'm close," he breathes against your skin, licking from your neck to your ear and sending shivers up your spine.
"Me too," you gasp, the heat pooling in your lower stomach. You feel yourself squeeze around Hex's length and he groans at the feeling.
"Cum with me love," Hex rasps. You nod earnestly as the coil in you grew tighter and tighter and-
A strangled noise rips from your throat as Hex's seed coats your walls, your own cum envelopes his cock. Hex groans loudly, digging his nails so deep it was sure to leave small crescent shape Mark's for the next few days.
You press against his chest, shuddering from the hard orgasm. Hex wraps his arms around you and you feel his fast heartbeat matching with yours as you rest in each other's embrace. Both heartbeats slow down in tandem, and Hex is practically purring as he holds you.
"How was... that? Do you feel relaxed?" You ask, a bit tired to get off him and it appeared he was also not willing to pull out of you so soon.
"That was perfect love," Hex says, and you can feel his voice rumble deep in his chest. he gives you a brilliant smile, kissing you affectionately. "Thank you so much. You never cease to amaze me."
You cup his cheek and he leans into it. Giggling softly, you return the kiss on his forehead. You also fix his lopsided glasses. "You're welcome, darling. Anything for you."
Hex cuddles against your chest and you laugh. He mumbles compliments and a soft but discernable, 'I love you' and your heart swells. You bury your face in his hair.
"I love you too."
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Constantly torn between writing a character to be just a nice guy and writing that character to be the most fucked up creature in existence
#the klock keeps ticking#like theres a line at some point where you cant make this all one guy but you just. really want to#like yeah lets say we got some fucked up guy who tries really hard to be nice and sweet despite the horrors#but you know what if i want him to get kinda bitchy too cuz how can i expect him not to be? hes been through some shit and hes only human#but how bitchy can i make him before he just kinda becomes an asshole#i guess though people are pretty complicated so sometimes its just kinda like that#i must once again hail rebecca gales as the character ever like girl shes sooooo#shes so genuinely sweet and caring and attentive and shes so bitter selfish and jealous#shes gotta make like the biggest effort to be nice and simultaneously the biggest effort to be mean#its just so refreshing to see idk someone who is generally a good person but shes really fucked up about it#like this doesnt come easy to her! everything in her wants to act like a petty child!#and she does! shes really fucking immature and she thinks shes above it all when shes the worst out of everyone!#and thats just such a nice thing to see just a very human character#and shes just like me for real aaaaaa god like guys this freaking character has helped me cope so bad#like shes not a monster shes just. a person having a bad day and not coping very good#yeah this post wasnt even about her but I made it about her now ive just been thinking about rebecca a lot lately OKAY#we cant all be perfect sometimes we just gotta be rebecca at least im brave enough to admit it#anyways i have pretty similar tangents about ryuki shin marianne shinjiro and junpei
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528-hotline · 9 months
Hi! Can you write something like semi-public sex with matthew with him coming inside you? And he let you walk without panties so everyone can see his seed dripping by your pussy into your legs🫣
semi-public sex. with matthew !
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pairings | dom!matthew x fem!reader
warnings | SMUT, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, dacryphilia, slight degradation, manhandling, slight public humiliation, usage of pet names (baby, princess), matthew stuffs your panties in your mouth :3
word count | 1.7k
a/n 💌 i wanna kiss ur brain anon <3 this is so AAAAAA i enjoyed writing this that i got carried away and went a little overboard… 🫣 anyways, i hope you’ll enjoy <3
your self-control was losing its composure.
you mentally slapped your brain for being such a menace for being turned on by his veiny hands and everytime he flexes his biceps. what’s even worse is that he decided to wear a tight black shirt, making his upper body more detailed. you can clearly see his chest through it, which is why it’s one of your favorites on him.
you and matthew went on an park date, it had different stalls of food and other stuff. although you were having a good time trying new food and buying random trinkets, you’re distracted and you keep glancing on your boyfriend, making you feel more lost in the thought of him fucking your insides because of how attractive he is today.
after quite some time, you and matthew decided to sit on a bench for a while to rest a bit from walking.
perfect timing.
you leaned on his shoulder and he leans back, putting his head over yours. you (innocently) put your hand against his thigh, drawing small little circles in it. “you seem a bit down today, you okay? you didn’t really have to agree to go here if you wanted to stay home,” matthew assures you in a soft tone. you love this side of him but you badly want the other side of him instead.
“‘m good baby, i had a good time here... it’s just i have a little problem…”
“oh no.. what is it?” he asks innocently, as you move your hands up his thigh, rubbing his crotch lightly.
“mmm, want you cock in me right now…” you whimpered in his ear, continuing to touch his jean-clothed cock, as you attempt on trying to flip his switch. “p-please, been wanting it since we got here… been a good girl too..”
he chuckles as a response, making him clench his jaw. he grabs both of your thighs, putting it over his thigh, running his fingertips up and down. he tilts his head down to whisper, “here at the park? baby wants to be risky, hm?” you nodded eagerly, biting your lip.
“i’ll give you risky, you naughty girl.”
you both stood up the bench, matthew grabbing your wrist, leading you to a secluded area with full of trees. both of your tracks stopped at a humungous tree, enough to cover both of you away from people.
both of you scanned the area to look if there would be people around. when the coast was clear, matthew grabs your waist, pulling you into a steamy kiss. he grabs one of your breasts, massaging it through his palm. tongues swirling at each other, breathlessly pulling out afterwards.
he turns you around, facing the tree, as he pulls you closer to him, feeling his hardness down there. as he plants kisses on your neck, both of his hands went underneath your top, as he flicks both of your tits with the tip of his fingers teasingly, instantly hardening in just one touch. the tingly feeling traveled down your pussy, making you more aroused and wet all over your panties.
“mhm, fuck… please,” you whined as you readjusted your position, sticking your lower body more on to him as you put you arms and hands on to the tree to maintain your balance. you stick out your ass even more to grind on his hardening dick. the friction between his dick and your pussy made you clench in and out.
matthew had the perfect view and access to your pussy, as you were wearing a skirt and panties, with side ties. a wet patch already formed all over your panties, he then teases you by rubbing his thumb all over you clothed clit. “m-matt… please, can’t take it anymore… n-ngh…”
“you planned to wear this, didn’t you?”
“i-i really wore it for you just in case,”
“well, if that’s the case..” he hikes up your skirt even more, he unties both sides of your panties and an enormous amount of your accumulated wetness welcomed his sight.
“now be quiet and be a good fuckdoll for me,” matthew whispers behind your ear, as he stuffs the panties you wore in your mouth to keep your whiny little mouth shut.
he pushed down his pants and his boxers halfway, pulling out his hardening cock. he teases your slit, feeling your wetness all over. his cock goes over your clit, rubbing his tip aggressively over it, producing absurb wet noises.
“shit, you really kept it in…” matthew slides his fingers on your slit to gather some of your wetness on his fingers as he rubs your clit agressively with ease.
“h-hng…!” you squirmed helplessly, closing your thighs and eyes rolling back from the pleasure, “such a noisy slut… you wanted to be in this situation but you can’t be quiet.” he stops rubbing your sensitive clit, replacing it with a slap. the overwhelming feeling made you jump a bit in your position and hold on more to the tree for stability as you were almost losing it.
matthew pries open your pussy as he starts to put his cock inside slowly. you had to shut your eyes close and you had to bite down the panties that were balled up in your mouth to keep yourself from squirming so loudly from the pleasure.
because of how wet your pussy is, matthew instantly slides himself inside without a warning. you were taken aback by how deep he instantly went, quietly whining from the sudden feeling. “fuck, you’re so wet.. my cock went in just like that…”
he thrusts in slowly to adjust in a little bit, letting himself lost into the warm, tight feeling of your pussy. he pulls you back, grabbing you by the neck. “such a perfect little hole just for me to fuck…”
you whined from his words, as you bounced yourself in his cock even faster, “ah, you want me to go faster?” you nodded eagerly, he then shoved his cock even deeper. you let out a muffled groan, you swore that your eyes rolled back so much from resisting your composure.
matthew’s thrusts were even faster, as the skin slapping became more prominent. “s-shit, you feel so good baby…” moaning in your ear as the grip on your waist tightens.
tears started to form in your eyes as your walls keep clenching from the overwhelming lust slowly taking over your whole body.
“so tight, keep clenching just like that…” he groans near your ear. he starts rubbing your clit aggressively making you clench even more on to his dick, “h-hmf!! n-no!” you moaned over the panties, throwing your head on to his shoulder as tears were trickling down your face.
he quickly covers your mouth, his eyes darkening from your sudden action. he stops rubbing your clit and he slaps it instead, making your thighs quiver. “keep making noises or i’ll never let you cum. understood?”
even if you want to moan so bad, you had no choice but to follow him. you nodded, and after that, pace was even faster than before. what’s worse is that he was hitting the same spot repeatedly, and you had no choice but to let out soft mewls and cries from all the pleasure.
“fuck, such a pretty cumslut crying over my cock… you’re almost there?” he whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine as the pleasure’s almost taking over your body.
you nodded, as he thrusts in to you in an inhumane speed. he lets go of your mouth as he grips both sides of your waist as if his life depends on it. his strength took over him that your feet starts to lift off the ground, making you arms lean on to the tree, carrying you like a ragged doll, thrusting his cock in and out of you like there’s no tomorrow. he throws his head back, sending himself over the edge, an indication of an orgasm nearing. “i-i’m cumming princess… u-ugh…”
you mewled from the immense amount of pleasure that you’re feeling as the tight coil in your stomach was about to burst. you gave up from keeping your noises in, quietly whining out of desperation as your pussy clenched his dick so tightly from the fast pace. your mind was in a haze, you were completely losing yourself as your orgasm is approaching.
“f-fuck…!” shots of warm liquid went in to your cunt, also you cumming at the same time. you cry out of pleasure from all the overstimulation and the warm feeling, your pussy never felt this thrilled and full. he pulls out his dick away from you, his cum, mixed with your own, trickling away from your pussy.
he pulls back his pants quickly, and he notices a continuous stream of cum coming out, he then gathers up all the cum that been flowing out using his fingers.
“keep it in, you cumslut.. or i won’t fuck your pussy even more once we get home,” you nodded aggressively, mewling while he fingers back both of your releases that’s been dripping down your thighs.
“good girl. now, i’ll have this, baby. you wouldn’t wanna wear this anymore since it’s wet, right?” he fishes out the panties off your mouth, he then folds it up, stuffing the wet underwear in his pocket.
“w-what…?! how am i–“
“since you want your filthy little cunt to be fucked so bad, you walk without your soaked little panties.” his sentence leaving you dumbfounded.
“b-but there’s a lot of people…”
“well, that’s the point of your punishment, doll. to let everyone know how much of an impatient cumslut you are,”
“now walk.”
you had no choice but to walk without your panties. you had to clench in your pussy as much as you can to prevent his cum from leaking out.
the 5 minute walk to the parking space felt like torture to you.
it was difficult to hold it in because your thighs and legs felt like jelly, and all your remaining strength is giving up on you as you’re using it for trying not to unclench your cum-filled pussy. and everytime his sticky cum starts dripping from your thighs, you try to pull down your skirt, but matthew miserably swats away your hand.
“don’t even try to fucking hide it, you little slut.”
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