#aaaaaaaa i wanna handfeed them...
mochinomnoms · 8 months
So we have the tweels taking care of the reader
But consider the reader taking care of the tweels
Reader getting up before the sun does to make them breakfast
I LOVE IT IT'S SO CUTE I wanna baby them and live all domestic like~
You're trying to get up from their grasp to bring them breakfast in bed, like a sweetheart. But Jade has his arms wrapped around your waist and head in your neck, while Floyd is hugging your hips and snuggling into your belly, legs tangling up with yours. You're effectively trapped. It takes some maneuvering, and giving Floyd a pillow to squeeze. Jade does wake up when you just manage to get Floyd to curl in Jade's side, still hugging the pillow. He asks what you're up to, a bit upset as he's not a morning person at all, and he just wants you to be at his side when it's so early. You managed to assure him that you won't be long and lull him back to sleep.
It takes about half an hour to get something going, a simple breakfast with some savory mushroom congee for Jade and waffles with syrup and toppings for Floyd. You even managed to make them lattes with very shitty foam art! Getting back into the room quietly enough to not wake them is a mission in itself, but you somehow manage, noticing that Floyd had moved to splay himself over Jade, a hand over his brother's face. After taking a quick picture, you carefully place the tray of food on the nightstand, crawling on the bed to the twins to carefully shake them awake. Their morning has a delightful start as they curl around you as you hand feed them bits of the breakfast. Floyd at least, Jade is still not a morning person and content to cuddle into your side while Floyd happy feasts.
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