#aaaaaaaand blocked
muddyorbsblr · 1 year
i wonder which part of "if you don't like the content then don't interact with it" is so difficult to understand 🙃🫡
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first-only · 2 years
Can I ask, what are 'tankies'?
generalized and simplified, people who think the USSR (and other commie regimes) did nothing wrong and was an actual utopia instead of a genocidal regime. the amount of unironic lenin and stalin and other literal war criminals with more blood on their hands than basic decency stanning i see on this website is. worrying. communism was and is an authoritarian regime, that took "political prisoners" and sent people to "work camps" for 'crimes against the people' also known as listening to western music. it controlled/s free speech and thinking. it killed my grandparents.
wrongthink and not heartily supporting the party and its leaders was/is an actual crime that people got punished for. what westerners and deluded americans call communism positively is actually social politics under democracy, not authoritarianism under a ""progressive"" hat. they've ironically fallen under the american propaganda that 'welfare is communism' but decided to stand on the other end without educating themselves (and no the manifesto is not education, nothing in it was actually employed. real world history is important here. for a nation obsessed with using the right words not to offend people they sure do love parading around the names of genocidal regimes that are actual triggers for many a eastern european and other victims of the regime. but we arent people they care about when they're talking about politics, are we). anyway, 'tankies' usually refers to the people that /do/ actually know about the regime and its leaders and /still support it/.
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chryssikyu · 2 months
Alright, I hate Canon Sylus, so from here on out, I will be strictly talking about Fanon Sylus. These are my headcanons, I'm posting them incase anyone else may feel the same.
Also if somebody can tell me how to collapse this, or "read more" I will edit it
He's still the leader of Osiris- or whatever. But the way we met is different.
He saw us fighting and fell in love, wanting a woman who could keep up with him.
The way we interact is like a more rowdy Gomez and Morticia Addams.
He says one thing.
We shoot back.
And we're just a menace of a couple.
I think threatening him would be his turn on.
Imagine staring into his eyes with a crazed look. Hand around his throat pressing- not choking him. But just enough pressure to keep him there.
"I won't hesitate to slice you neck to navel, fishing around your insides, pull out your still beating heart, and eat it in front of your eyes."
Sylus, staring breathlessly at you, not because of your hand, but because of your words.
He mutters.
"O h m y g o d ... . . Marry me~"
We either talk to eachother like Derek Morgan and Penelope Garcia, sexually tension flirting.
Or we talk about how we'd kill him. And he wants to hear more.
Mephisto is like a child with divorced parents. One week he's with Sylus, next week he's ours.
ALSO! Crows know how to talk like Parrots!
So imagine MC secretly teaching him how to talk, but it's the same as parrots!
"Whatcha doing? *kissy noises* Waaaaaaah."
And idk bout yall, but I desperately wanna hear a Crow singing that Earth Wind and Fire song XD
We hand him back to Sylus and he calls us frantically.
"What the hell did you do to my bird?"
Meanwhile you just hear loud rhythmic cawing in the background.
Sylus tends to treat us like a kid, then changes his tune when he senses our blood lust.
I have a reoccurring scene in my head of MC accompanying Sylus to a meeting with a different mob family.
MC stands behind him while He sits across the other boss.
The boss has his eye on her, and suddenly states.
"Quite the beauty. To solidify this union, why don't we trade?"
Intrigued, Sylus makes a noise, inviting the man to continue. The boss points a fat, bejeweled finger at MC.
"Gimme that one~" You can see the lewd, disgusting thoughts in his eyes as he licks his lips.
MC is disgusted, Sylus however chuckles.
"Sure, why not~?"
Before MC can day anything, he adds-
"Treat him how you do me~"
She grins widely, showing her canines. Agreeing, she saunters over to the other boss, before fully round house kicking him across the room.
"He told me to treat you the same as I do him. But he would've been able to block that easy~"
Cracking her knuckles, she approaches the trembling figure.
"After all, I train with him regularly~"
If I think of more I'll make a thread.
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doom-dreaming · 9 months
High Flakes Combat
“Blue Lead,” Linda’s whisper cuts across TEAMCOM, crisp and several degrees colder than the icy landscape. “Hostiles approaching your position.”
Fred, tucked behind the trunk of a towering pine tree, exhales a slow, measured breath. Waiting. Listening. Without his motion tracker, only the crunch of footsteps in the snow—and Linda—could tell him when their opponents were closing in.
There. Fifteen meters out. He motions to John, positioned behind an adjacent tree. On my signal.
…ten meters…
Cover me. Go high.
…five meters…
John nods. Fred tightens his grip on his weapon.
As one, they pivot, breaching cover. Fred drops to a knee, attacking swiftly, before their adversary has a chance to retaliate.
The snowball hits Ash directly in the center of his chestplate. Active camouflage flickers briefly, then recalibrates, as the young Spartan crashes dramatically to his knees before sprawling backward, motionless.
Fred doesn’t let the theatrics distract him. The other two had to be nearby and the round wasn’t over until— A snowball whizzes past his head, followed by a sharp curse—out loud, close. He catches a shimmer of white on white as Olivia leaps to find cover and “reload,” but John is faster.
The snowball hits her thigh before she can complete her maneuver and she slides to a dejected halt in a snowbank. “Dammit! Mark!” she calls out. “You’re on your own!”
Fred doesn’t hear a verbal response. He knows he won’t, Mark’s too good to give away his position— Thwap. Fred’s vision goes fuzzy and white as Mark’s snowball connects with his visor, splattering on impact. Fred groans and flashes a red status light across his team’s HUDs. He’d be out until the next round.
“He’s on the move!” Linda barks over the comms.
Fred folds himself cross-legged into the snow and wipes his visor clean just in time to see Kelly bounding over a nearby ridge, clutching a snowball in each fist.
“I’ve got him!” She goes streaking across the snow toward a barely-visible figure—also sprinting.
Mark wouldn’t be able to outrun Kelly—a fact Fred knew the S-III was well aware of—but he was certainly trying his best.
Kelly nails Mark with both snowballs, one in the shoulder, the other in the back. He stumbles just enough that Kelly’s momentum sends her into him at full force. The clack of their colliding armor echoes like a shot as both Spartans go tumbling to the ground, sending up a minor flurry in their wake.
“Aaaaaaaand match!” Roland’s voice rings out over the simulation deck, followed by a buzzer. “Blue Team takes the win!”
“Again,” Olivia grumbles, pushing to her feet and dusting snow off her armor.
“It’s three against four,” Ash reminds her, still lying on his back a few feet from Fred.
Olivia crunches her way over and offers him a hand. “Can we make Kelly sit out the next round?”
“If you’re not having fun, leave,” John quips.
“Or maybe you should switch Kelly to our team and see how it feels,” Livi bites back, helping Ash haul himself to his feet.
“Fighting over me?” Kelly rejoins the group with Mark close behind. “I’m flattered.”
Fred chuckles. It was good to see Olivia trading barbs with John. The Gammas had warmed up to him quickly—and he to them—and it wasn’t hard to understand why. Fred was sure the S-IIIs had given him some new streaks of gray hair, but at the same time, they made him feel younger. He hoped they were having the same effect on John.
“So…” drawls a familiar voice, raised just loud enough to carry, “this is the reason my fireteams can't train today? A snowball fight.”
Every Spartan in the simulated snowscape whips toward the entrance. Commander Palmer stands at the far edge of the scene, arms crossed. She looks odd and out of place, a lone figure in a techsuit against the stark white surroundings, but no less intense than usual.
“Thought we’d try something different from the typical drills, ma’am,” Fred coughs. He’s not sure why he feels guilty; they’d requested the time and blocked out the schedule and followed protocol…even if they hadn’t said precisely what they’d be doing…
Before anyone else has a chance to speak, a snowball goes sailing over Fred’s shoulder, on a collision course for Palmer. She’s too far away to hit, but the aim is dead-accurate and it lands with a wet plap several yards directly in front of her.
Even at this distance, Fred sees her eyes narrow. The vague guilt solidifying in his gut crystallizes into ice. He knows who threw that and he’s already, reflexively, preparing for the necessary damage control—and for Linda, no less. Kelly he was used to, but Linda?
Palmer shifts her weight and fixes the seven of them with a hard stare that lasts long past the point of being uncomfortable. “Don’t go anywhere,” she eventually orders, leveling a finger in their direction. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.” Without leaving any opportunity for rebuttal, she turns on her heel and swiftly disappears from the deck.
Immediately, Linda’s status light starts blinking rapid-fire green across Blue Team’s HUDs. Kelly follows suit.
“Really?” Fred grumps over TEAMCOM.
“Can you blame her if it worked?” Kelly retorts.
“Yes! You’re making an assumption and setting a bad example.” He switches to his helmet’s speakers. “Gammas, don’t throw things at your commanding officers.”
“Unless you’re sleeping with them,” Kelly adds, with enough tact to keep the comment on Blue Team’s private channel.
Another green light from Linda.
Fred willfully ignores both of them.
“...we’re not in trouble, are we?” Ash removes his helmet and shakes out his hair. “To be honest…I don’t know what just happened.”
Kelly seats herself on a tree stump, legs akimbo, smugness oozing from every seam of her armor. “Palmer’s getting suited up to come play with us.”
Ash seems unconvinced but Mark shrugs. “She’ll balance the numbers. We might even start winning.”
Only Blue Team can see—and appreciate—the red light John flashes in silent response.
As threatened, Palmer returns exactly ten minutes later, fully armored aside from the helmet tucked into the crook of her arm. “Okay, here’s the official story.” She strides up to the group. “We’re running an unorthodox but fully sanctioned training exercise all day.”
“I’ve cleared the schedule and put out an open invitation,” Roland chimes in. “As requested.”
Palmer nods her approval. “Figured I’d let you have your fun on the condition that the rest of us could get in on it too.” She raises an eyebrow. “Sound fair?”
“Fair enough,” Fred answers, echoing the array of green lights on his HUD. “Alright. Ground rules—we’re running blind for this, Commander. No motion trackers.”
She looks pleased. “I like a challenge.”
“If you get hit, you’re out for the round,” he continues. “Once you’re out, you can’t help anyone still standing. Round ends when a whole team goes down.” Fred nods toward the ceiling. “Roland’s keeping score.”
“Huh,” Palmer hums. “So you knew about this, too, Roland?”
“I…was informed the exercise would require a scorekeeper instead of a handler,” the AI answers, somehow managing to achieve the verbal equivalent of tip-toeing. “And I volunteered a mere fraction of my copious attention to the task.”
Palmer just rolls her eyes.
Ash clears his throat and steps forward. “If you wouldn’t mind, ma’am, we’d greatly appreciate it if you joined our team.”
“They’ve been wiping the floor with us,” Olivia adds, somewhat ruefully.
Palmer looks back and forth between Blue Team and the Gammas with a hint of a smirk. “Well.” She slips her helmet on. “Allow me to level the playing field.”
And indeed, the tide began to turn. Quickly. It wasn’t that the Gammas couldn’t hold their own, but Palmer was a different flavor of ruthless and even numbers did make a difference.
Kelly, as Blue Team’s sole survivor, was in the midst of a valiant stand, but she was up against Palmer and Olivia and they were going in for the kill. Up to this point, Kelly had been relying on her speed to evade them, but Fred doubted that would be able to carry her any further.
Palmer and Livi split around the back of the snowbank Kelly had hidden behind, falling into synchronized step with each other, timing their paces perfectly. Palmer’s boots fall heavier and louder, covering Olivia’s near-silent glide around the other side.
The strategy is obvious, at least from Fred’s position of passive observation—Palmer would draw Kelly’s attention, Olivia would come up on her flank and take her out. And it would work, too…on anyone less observant than Kelly. Fred has a feeling she’ll see right through it. But one of them was going to hit her either way, so it didn’t really matter as far as the outcome was concerned.
Surprisingly, a third option presents itself. Fred realizes after a few seconds that he’s been holding his breath, expecting Kelly to explode out of the snow and make a run for it, but…she doesn’t.
Palmer reaches the other side of the snowdrift and slows, confusion evident in her body language. She paces around the area, making sure not to stay still for too long, obviously reluctant to let her guard down completely. Fred can see the hazy mirage of Olivia’s SPI suit still moving in with careful deliberation.
There was no way Kelly could have moved. She hadn’t had enough time. More importantly, she would’ve been spotted if she’d tried to flee, so why couldn’t—
Palmer disappears. One second, she’s standing on the other side of the snowbank, visible from the waist up, and the next second she’s gone. Fred can’t see much of anything, but there are sounds of a scuffle and the blur of camouflaged armor as Livi sweeps in to assist with whatever the hell had just happened.
Barely a breath later, Roland announces the end of the match. “And Gammas-Plus-Palmer emerge victorious! …or should I say Olivia, specifically, seeing as she is the last Spartan standing. You know, you really oughta come up with a better name for your team—”
There’s a burst of indignant exclamations and flustered cursing from Palmer. She reappears only to rip her helmet off and kick some snow back in the direction from which she’d escaped.
Olivia removes her own helmet; Fred is surprised to see her laughing. “She got you good!” There’s a giddiness in her voice that Fred’s never heard before, but she seems to remember who she's talking to a moment later. “...ma’am.”
Kelly pops up beyond the ridge. She remains helmeted but Fred knows there’s a shit-eating grin on her face just from her posture alone.
“What happened?” He shouts the question out loud.
“She buried herself in the fucking snow and pulled my legs out from under me,” Palmer growls as she trudges over.
“And then I hit Kelly point-blank in the face!”
Olivia’s gleeful comment is backed by Kelly’s laughter over TEAMCOM. “Worth it.”
“Hey!” A different voice cuts into the conversation, once again pulling everyone’s attention toward the entrance. “Heard there was some kinda free-for-all goin’ on in here?” Gabriel Thorne stands flanked by the rest of Fireteam Majestic, all in full Mjolnir. “Got room for another team?”
Palmer waves them in. “Come on up, Majestic. We’ll get you briefed on the rules.” She sighs and fits her helmet back on. “Hope you’re ready to get your asses kicked.”
An hour later, after Majestic had carved out a few victories of their own, Crimson shows up. Rules are recounted, home bases are realigned, play resumes. Within another two hours, there are four more Spartan fireteams on the field. Alliances are formed, both openly and secretly. Several hours are devoted to building snow forts. Play evolves. Forts are defended and captured, sabotaged and reinforced.
And then Lasky arrives.
“Captain on deck!” Roland bellows.
The silence that blankets the simulation deck is instantaneous and absolute. Nobody moves. If the snowballs already in flight could have frozen in midair, they probably would’ve. Instead, they land in a chorus of muffled thwumps.
Lasky stands there for a few seconds, small and unimposing by the distant doors, sporting his trademark expression of beleaguered amusement—presumably at being called out. “Don’t stop on my account,” he eventually says. “I just wanted to watch. …unless there’s a team looking for a liability,” he jokes with a self-deprecating chuckle.
Everyone on the field exchanges glances and shrugs. A sea of status lights blink across Fred’s HUD—most amber, some green. Finally, someone from Crimson waves Lasky over. “We’ll take you, Captain!”
He seems genuinely surprised by the invitation, but begins the trek across the snow. “Try not to kill me, alright?”
That draws laughs from most of the Spartans, but it’s John who actually banters back. “No promises, sir.”
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grecoromanyaoi · 3 months
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aaaaaaaand im blocked.
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superstarzolar · 3 months
hey, fritz! I love your art and was wondering how you shaded your art because the lighting and colors are really nice, I also use Procreate and do an overlay with dark purples for shadows, and was wondering how to shade somewhat like you do!
(keep up the incredible work, the fandom page is so cool)
this is a somewhat lengthy tutorial cuz my shading is a multi-step process so……. under the cut it is!!!
i use [what i like to call] grayscale shading, where you block out the shadows/highlights in grayscale. i use this to better differentiate the values in the lighting and get better contrasts [and all that other technical artist mumbo jumbo]
[i’ll also be using a pisspoor sketch of my fnac puppeteer design for this so…… ya]
[colors are also shown on the side as they become relevant]
obviously step number 0 is ur base colors . nothing too outrageous here .
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1st , i put a gray overtop the base colors [not on the same layer(s), obviously]. this color acts as the base value in the steps to come, and i usually use a gray in between pure black and pure white.
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2nd, i go overtop that other gray layer with another, more darker gray. this one is the closest to pure black out of any other value in the shading .
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[these nexts steps assume that you know what angle your lighting is coming from]
3rd, i erase all parts from the dark gray layer that are in the light. [i know jack shit abt lighting and so i just eyeball it and pray, but using references also works].
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4th, i take a gray in between the initial midtone-gray and our darkest gray and rim the edges of some of the erased bits and/or scribble in blocks of color on parts that are close to, but not directly in, the light.
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5th, i get a gray tone lighter than the initial base color and use it to highlight the parts of the drawing that are nearest to the light source.
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6th, i take another gray tone, one that’s now in between our darkest gray and the one we picked in step 4, and scribble it around the edges of areas completely in shadow. this is supposed to be some sort of reflective light, but honestly idfk what im doing.
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[these next steps use the gradient map feature on procreate, but im sure manually picking colors is fine too]
7th, i use the gradient map feature on procreate to automatically assign colors to the previously gray values. for this example im using the present Mocha gradient, but any other gradient will do
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8th, after settling on a gradient that matches the mood/color scheme/setting of the image, i set the layer to multiply and fuck around with the opacity until im satisfied with how it looks.
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additionally, you can add an overlay layer and airbrush the lightest areas with a similarly light color/the darkest areas with a similarly dark color.
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aaaaaaaand that’s it for a shading tutorial. being so fr i don’t like how some of my shading looks sometimes and im working to improve it but this is how i do it currently !!!!!
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Non-Binary Vox headcannons because it's Pride Month and I am ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!
Like I've said before, in my headcannon Vox is AMAB non-binary and is okay with basically any pronouns/gendered terms
That being said he isn't really a fan of it/its just because(I am projecting this headcannon is entirely me projecting) he already has some w e i r d feelings about basically being an object, w/ the TV head and all, and finds them dehumanizing
It took them awhile to get comfortable with using femme-adjacent terms because, despite genuinely liking them, the toxic masculinity of a repressed queer person from the 50s could probably power an entire city block-(assuming homophobia still exists in the Hellaverse? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't but still)
Also the misogyny. I know very little about the 50s, but from what I DO know, misogyny was running fucking RAMPANT back then
That being said, the only person that Vox still doesn't allow to use femme-adjacent terms on them is Val, because Val is. Himself. And makes it really fucking weird-
This moth has MISOTHYNY /ref
"You can refer to me as a woman when you start BEHAVING YOURSELF >:("
Otherwise though Val is actually very supportive of Vox's identity because. It's Val. No way in HELL that man is any type of queerphobic hAVE YOU SEEN HIM!?!?!?!?
Part of why she chose the name Vox when she was establishing herself in Hell is because of the enate enby urge to name yourself some random, cool sounding word
Doesn't matter wether you've realized it or not, the desire will Always Be There
Velvette's the one that told Vox about the concept of non-binary after they went on a drunken rant about their Weird Gender Feelings while the two were hanging out
Also hopping on a hc trend I've seen a couple times- Vox's demon form is sexless, which is part of what really got him thinking about his gender in the first place
Like they had never really considered they could be anything but a man before, but the lack of any real defining masculine features besides their voice caused some really conflicting feelings-
Honestly I think Vox probably has a LOT of really conflicting feelings abt her demon form in general but that's kinda off topic
The reason they had never considered being anything but a man is because they had never actually had the words to describe the feeling of not being a man OR a woman before, and found it easier to just dismiss any thoughts along those lines as insecurities(something they already have a plethora of) & lean harder into their masculinity to cope
But then he died, and all the features he was using as a safety net got stripped away, forcing him to confront all the Weird Gender Feelings
Except not really because they just ended up pushing them down for several more decades lmfao
She generally prefers presenting more masculine because it's what he's the most used to + it's good for brand consistency, but she's DEFINITELY experimented with more femme presentation before
Vox's appearance is very dependant on how they want others to percieve them rather then what they actually want to wear at any given moment. Anything they leave the house wearing is specifically calculated to keep up their image, so that kind of experimenting is just limited to the comfort of their own home.
Aaaaaaaand that's all I got for now. This headcannon is very special to me(because I am projecting. This is, at it's core, me projecting. The only parts that aren't projecting are the bits that are reliant on the cultural context Vox comes from and them being AMAB-), so I'll probably talk about it again. Eventually. But for now these are the thoughts I've actually managed to put into words lmao
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mac-audcheese · 9 months
La la laaaa I’m gonna present u guys my modern fashion ideas for mystreet cus I CAN :)!!
Aph first ! She’d be cool girl y2k face
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(second isn’t crazy y2k but ykwim) def crop tops, statement belts, and some light scene jewelry
Garroth next, he’d def dress jock but when mf wants to dress up, he serves (thanks to laur)
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Guys PLEASE let him serve please i think he'd look amazing
Omg Dante Dante I love him he’d dress block/primary colors even as casual fs trust me guys
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This is because of his hair I loooove the combos
Nana obv would be so croquette she’s absolutely the one wrapping her food in ribbons (also y2k)
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Now this may be a lil controversial but I think katelyn would like doin some blokette like look at my visions
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Let me dream guys cmon,, also shed be the Adam Sandler lesbian TM to make it better
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travis, honestly, he'd rock streetwear and probs like a skater look
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idk i'd let him look cool guys he can be cool
now lucinda's is nonnegotiable a boho look you can't take this from me it IS her y'all
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aaaaaaaand the finally for today: Laurance, who's totally alt maybe ?? honestly they could do whatever style he wanted
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whatever the trans masc's are into these days
anyways erm these are just my personal thoughts/interpretations, i'll probs do a part two soon cus i love shit like this and i have a lot more thoughts teebeeh
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spidrgrl · 1 month
Heyyyyyyyy (inscribed with nonchalant and cool aura), this is my silly lil intro post cause why not? dw it's not long!
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I'm Vriska ::::) I'm almost 8 sweeps (I'm 17 years) old!!!!!!!! I'm a part of a system that's bodily 16 tho I use any pronouns except he, but mainly she/her
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aaaaaaaand I made this blog just to yap about stuff. I'll post doodles and rambles mostly. Also: if you have questions, puhLEASE ask!!!!!!!! I love an excuse to babble on about nonsense muahaha
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Feel free to read my dni if you wanna but you don't have to! Intro done >::::)
YOU ARE A MEENAH OR DOC SCRATCH FICTIVE. I'm sorry, obviously not all of you are the same as your source, but I couldn't handle interacting with you guys.
YOU ARE A PROSHIPPER OR SUPPORT THEM. If I ever unknowingly engage with you PLEASE BLOCK ME. My system has a LOT of trauma regarding proshippers and proshipping, and unlike some in our system, I'd rather not interact with you guys even to debate or try and reason. I might post about proshipping only to talk about our experience with it and to warn others, that does not give you any right to tell me that "not all proshippers are like that" and other stuff.
YOU DON'T SUPPORT FREEING PALESTINE AND CONGO. I'm not going to waste my time talking to you if you don't see the genocides literally happening in front of your eyes.
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anyways bluh thanks for reading till the end you're so sigma
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For T/A, how does A tell T about her kinks? How does he take it when she comes clean?
WELL she tells him after they uhhh hook up and it gets kinda kinky, so she's already given him a little taste of what her preferences are. it's kinda hard to talk her way around snapping out of her afterglow and into action when T mumbled into her boobs that he was hungry. and going to raid the kitchen of the place she's house-sitting and bringing back several kinds of junk food with her. aaaaand straddling his chunky hips and insisting on (consensually) hand-feeding him and tipsily telling him how good he's being and how soft he is until he's flopped back burping and groaning against his pillow and the sheets are full of crumbs. aaaaaaaand getting off with him again after that because holy fuck, she may have decided to be upfront about her kinks from now on but (a) this is not exactly what she had in mind but also (b) HOLY FUCK, THIS IS SO HOT?
T feels very similarly. they wake up tangled together in the dorito-y sheets the next morning and he remembers what happened last night and is INSTANTLY turned on. he's done plenty of stuffing on his own, even if he hasn't called it that in so many words, but not like THIS. not with someone hot spread over his lap petting his hair with one hand and cramming oreos in his mouth with the other and telling him that he's doing so good, he's being so good for her, god he's so big and soft. he hastily scuttles out before he can somehow embarrass himself over this. then he doubles back and leaves a note making up some responsibility so he doesn't seem like an asshole. instead he goes back to his aunt's and jerks off in the shower for like 45 minutes replaying last night in his head.
ANYWAY A has made this pact with herself that she's going to be straightforward about this stuff but she's also promised herself that she isn't going to Get Attached (tm) so she figures, whatever, it's low stakes telling this guy and also she is not beating the allegations here. a regular person would have brought MAYBE two kinds of snacks back to bed. not seven! she has a shift with T at the ice cream shop later that day and they kind of stammer and blush around each other until he says "last night was fun" in the most casual way he can manage and she exhales like "YEAH IT WAS FUN IN A NORMAL WAY RIGHT?"
T has been thinking about how not normal this was and how fucking stellar it felt and how the entire thing has been playing on an extremely horny loop in his brain since he left her bed. T is making bargains with god or whoever that he will do literally anything if he gets to feel A's body weight on top of him again, pinning him down and gently but firmly pushing food into his mouth until he literally can't anymore. no way is he letting this go undiscussed. he waits a tasteful couple of minutes before continuing, "you do that kinda stuff often?"
and A has made this stupid STUPID pact with herself and she told herself that she would Just Tell People, What Like It's Hard, and so she grits her teeth and gets the box cutter so she can funnel some of her apprehension into tearing up cardboard boxes instead of, like, spontaneously combusting. "I mean," she says, plunging the blade into the first unlucky box. "not as often as I want to, I guess."
T's like, excuse me, please elaborate here, and she doesn't give him a moment to cut in before clumsily rushing out the spiel she's been obsessively rehearsing in her head since her own shower after he left in the morning. she explains being a feeder and tells him it basically amounts to wanting to feed her partners and thinking it's hot when they gain weight and he barely blinks.
T has been around the block a few times. he's seen a lot of porn. he gets the unique eroticism of real-life jiggle physics. he's appreciated a big belly or two. he's, uh, gotten some ideas from some gainer videos. he is not phased by any of this In The Least. if anything he's thrilled that that means what happened last night is probably still on the table for the future. he's like, "okay, when do we start?"
they start in the walk-in freezer, falling into each other to make out so enthusiastically that they kind of forget they're at work for a bit. she's got him pressed against the cold metal wall, hands gripping his chubby sides as he hefts her belly in one hand and buries his other hand in her hair. and they take a LOT of ice cream home from work that night.
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thessalian · 4 months
Thess vs First Forge
Forbidden West-blogging returns! The last few days have mostly been using the interactive map I found to go trawling for data points. Not enough spoons to do much hunting, besides a Stormbird and Dreadwing combo up in the mountains, which was depressing because I was looking for Apex and did not find Apex. But today, I sort of multitasked my hyperfocus between a text RP scene and noodling around the Forbidden West.
Okay. I have a lot of data points. I think I can save some of the rest for whenever I'm supposed to trip over them in quests. Now. Time for hunting.
Google-fu tells me thaaaaat ... well, that you stand a better chance of getting an Apex machine during the in-game night. Well, there's supposedly a shiny new Dreadwing spawn point right at a campfire I passed when I was finding firegleam as per Sylens' bloody orders. So as it's in-game night, let's try there.
...And there it is AND IT SAYS APEX!
......And its scrambler field is basically right on top of the spawn point and now I am discovered. Fuuuuuuuck.
Okay. Okay. Back to campfire. Over to Thornmarsh. I have my shiny salvage and all is good.
Now, lemme upgraaaaaaaaade ... and I need more Apex Dreadwing bits. Well, night isn't over and shit respawns fast.
Lemme see if I can dodge around the perimeter of that scrambler field.
Huh. It ... was hanging upside down there, just like an actual bat. That's really cool. Or would be, if it wasn't trying to EAT MY FACE.
There. Okay. That should do. Back to campfire, find a shelter, upgrade.
Aaaaaaaaaand now I need Slitherfang bits. Fuck Slitherfangs right in the ear. I guess I should probably start the whole AETHER deal.
...Lemme do First Forge first. Maybe I'll get lucky. Lemme talk to Erend.
Oh, good, you found coordinates-- wait. You're coming too?!? Okay, you have very good reasons for wanting to, so sure. But if you fuck up my stealth I am going to be very disappointed in you.
Huh. I had the nearest campfire, even. Good. See, this is why I go all over the place getting campfires. Makes getting to actual spots for quests so much easier when the time comes.
Okay, Erend. They've got door guards and--
Wait. EREND wants to pull a SUBTERFUGE?!? Oh, this is going to be hilarious.
.........On one level, it's kind of nice that the door guards are smart enough not to buy that. On the other hand ... well, fuck. We're in, anyway.
Why is there nothing that's going to give me some damn cover in this cave?!? Fuck you, Asera. Right in the ear.
Yes, Erend. I am still actually really damn good at this. Get better every day, in fact. Sorry I'm not letting you get all that much use out of your hammer.
Did ... did you just hand me precision ammo? You are now my hero.
Okay, so she ran off aaaaaaaand ... there's another door.
Which ... shut ominously behind us. Hope I got everything worth getting in there.
Why do you just happen to have explodo barrels on that bridge? More to the point, why didn't you wait until we were on it to blow it up, if you want us dead so badly?
Thanks, Erend. To you and to your hammer.
Lady, if you want tripwires, try to have them be a little less obvious, okay? That kind of shit works on machines, not people.
Outside? Okay-- aaaaaaaaand that's the cave mouth blocked. What've you got for us, Asera?
...Clawstrider? That's it? Fuck off, Clawstrider. POONK.
And Asera has ... quite the health bar. But I'll just be over here. POONK. POONK. POONK.
And that's the end of you. Yeah, head on back to the Base, Erend. I have looting to do.
Huh. Asera keeps a diary. "Dear Diary, my culture is sexist and my dad's a jerk and so I want everybody to burn". Also, Sylens, you are a shitheel.
Now, there's supposed to be another data point up here. Since I'm in the area...
Got it. Now ... there's that settlement that's been outright taunting me. And it's ... way below me. I wonder...
Glidiiiiiiiiiing ... and in I go. I'm not really supposed to be in here yet, but fuck it. I want to read about the people who blew up Yosemite.
There is something WRONG with these CLIMBING POINTS.
*checks Google*
Oh. There'll be a quest here later. Hopefully I'll be able to do what I need to when the quest is active. Which it won't be until I do the quest for AETHER. Okay, okay, I go.
(I'll be given a Slitherfang to hunt anyway.)
Hi, Dekka. Look, I--
No, but--
Oh, fine, okay, I will go and talk to Hekarro. Also I will get these data points and--
Oooooooooh, this is the Ten. Joint Task Force 10. I guess that makes more sense, given that they wouldn't have had a clue about Zero Dawn, GAIA, or GAIA's subordinate functions. Still, I guess it works to an extent anyway. GAIA and her subordinate functions were what JTF-10 were fighting for. Also, coincidence to a point, but narratively speaking, even what seems like a coincidence in the story may not be a coincidence to the writer. Anyway. Sorry. I am a nerd.
Hi, Hekarro; I--
Wait. Wut.
So from being thrown into a fighting pit by the Carja, I have to protect one? Hoboy.
And you want me to play diplomat? Look, I remember Tekotteh was an asshole at your Embassy thing; why are you expecting me to--?
Look, all I want is to dig around your basement; that stuff's worth nothing to you but could help me save the world so-- waitWUT.
You ... know what's down there?
You ... don't know exactly what's down there. But at least you used what little you did see to some good use. Knowing how to fight machines is important, at least until we get HAEPHESTUS under control. So I do all this and you let me look in your basement?
...Okay, fine. I will meet your Kotallo. I will just pick up some campfires on the way--
Oh. Hi, Vetteh. You are currently on the receiving end of a Rollerback pummelling. Gotcha, fam. POONK.
Aaaand your friend Littay is in equal trouble. Off I go.
If you ran into Thunderjaw territory, lady--
Oh. No, okay. Just ... over to there somewhere. Let's go--
Spikesnouts, Burrowers, and an Apex Clawstrider. Lady, you did get yourself into a mess. Lemme see what I can do. POONK. POONK. POONK.
Okay. I have saved you and hopefully you've still got salvage worth the name. I gotta go yell at some Sky Clan, okay?
(Why can't I give these people some of my meat and plants? I am swimming in edible things! Why can't I give them to hungry people?!?)
Right. I think that's about enough of that for one day. Tomorrow, I will finish the quest for AETHER. Promise.
Honestly, I'm hoping I can go to sleep. But some of the downstairs neighbours are watching what I presume are sports of some kind because the cheering has been ... very, very loud. Ugh.
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birlwrites · 2 years
[spoilers] the noble and anciente house of rosier<3
as requested on ao3 by people who wanted spoilers afhslghsljfhgsjkdhfj - i'll be tagging this type of post as 'atfhv spoilers' so you can block (or search for) these posts as desired!
if you do NOT want spoilers about what's going on with evan, then do not click the read more. i'm not going to fully unpack it because i do want to leave some things to be discovered, but it's going to be a LOT of information way before you'll find it out in the story
okay, with that disclaimer, hERE WE GOOOOOOOO
okay SO. this might not make sense if you haven't read chapter 27 of ttdl. i mentioned in the comments that i think now people have enough information to potentially call evan out on a very specific lie, which was......... a true but slightly misleading statement
so here's the thing: that lie is not a lie evan ever told us, because regulus told it for him way back in chapter 6:
The Rosiers are one of very few Dark families that claim not to have a family magic. Evan insists that for them, practicing Dark Arts is really more about being friends with the right people. He attends every meeting of Regulus's Dark Arts study group and spends the whole time chatting with the other members instead of working on anything. The other Dark families are collectively skeptical about whether the Rosiers really don't have a specialty or whether they're just pretending, because they're one of the oldest families in the network—they've had generations upon generations in which they could have developed a family magic. And maybe there is a specialty. But as far as Regulus knows for sure, Evan's practice of Dark Arts extends only to flipping through Regulus's books sometimes and pointing out spells with funny names.
now, regulus *is* aware that this might not be true, but frankly, he doesn't devote a lot of mental energy to it, because he has a lot of other shit going on and evan just doesn't seem to. care that much? about practicing dark arts? (which renders his interest in joining reg's side a little unexpected, hmm??)
let's get into the lie. as you've probably guessed by now, it's about the rosier family specialty, which absolutely does exist and has been cultivated for centuries to be as subtle as possible, much like the family image. evan's used it before - evan uses it a LOT, actually, although there are a lot of details about its use that i'm not going to get into on this post (feel free to ask if you want the whole rundown on how it works but this post is really about evan not the family magic).
but the first time evan uses it really blatantly in front of regulus is in chapter 27, and here it is:
He trails a hand along one row of books like he's looking for something, speaking faux-absentmindedly, but it doesn't stop almost every person in earshot from looking at least vaguely interested. Some people even blatantly look up from what they're doing. Evan has distinctly become the center of attention, without even needing to talk particularly loudly.
aaaaaaaand some more:
Regulus is interested despite himself—he knows Evan is making all of this up, and yet something about how he's saying it makes Regulus want to know more, as if this is real information that Evan is sharing with him.
regulus is interested despite himself. he KNOWS it's fake, but the magic evan is using is catching regulus along with everyone else in the room. regulus just doesn't notice it happening. (this is a little bit of an unusual use for the rosier specialty - it's not out of the ordinary, but it's very blatant compared to how they normally use it)
as for what type of magic it is....... you know how regulus is good at runes because he learned them very young for the black specialty? yeah<33
okay now go reread chapter 12 and take a look at how long it takes for regulus to start telling evan things
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rakkiankh · 1 year
You ever just read one of the most wholesome fic in the entire ship tag, it's in character, it makes you tear up, you absolutely want more so you click on the author, they have a crazy amount of fics for that ship, and you wonder "wait, why haven't I read the shit out of all their stuff yet if they're this prevelant?!" And then you click on it aaaaaaaand it's porn. Just a shit ton of porn. And the whole time you're scrolling you see so many kinks that you know are on your block list and you're like.
guess that answers that
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ctorres74 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Aaaaaaaand blocked.
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rainchyna · 2 years
‘ young little lady’ AAAAAAAAND YOUR BLOCKED.
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pixelmain · 10 months
What’s your Minecraft play style?
Me personally I tend to run around aimlessly, attempt to build just to tear it down and start over again (usually because it’s one block off) aaaaaaaand just mine out entire chunks for what should be a big underground base woth farms but honelsty? Never usually ends up being anything…. Though I do feel satisfaction from seeing a whole chunk too to bottom empty.
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