killerpancakeburger · 5 months
Going freaking insane over all the french news channels somehow all agreeing on the fact that all minors (under 18) are delinquents in the making, that 10yo are outside at night terrorizing old folks and that the only solution is a curfew for them only.
Like, fuck, I don't even like teenagers. I didn't like em when I was one and I still don't, but if you treat someone like a criminal only because of his age, you’re wrong and shouldn't be a mayor.
Fuck (bis), but if *I* could understand on my own at the tender age of THIRTEEN that some youth have NO CHOICE but to hang out outside, not to terrorize adult passerby, but because they don't have the luxury of a garden and a large house to spend time in, why can't YOU, as a journalist, a mayor or a politician, do the bare minimum of research expected for you job and realize it too!?
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naninadz · 2 years
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found that one utahraptor reconstruction I did and touched it up
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akindplace · 1 year
I’m facing the end of this year with the lyrics “I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me” by the mountain goats playing on loop in my head, I guess
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russellius · 2 years
GEORGE: And us? 3 milliseconds?! Christ... Alright. Points are tomorrow.
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davifransarts · 3 months
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kaurwreck · 4 months
Hello, i feel like you'd be very interested in this topic---i just wanna say, the real Yosano's life was quite bitter and very dispiriting, T- T she was exiled from infancy and was only removed from the prison of neglect when her father mistook her large forehead as a sign of intelligence (her father, was apparently an ardent believer of eugenics and wanted to produce superior human beings) and she was sent to school only @ the age of three.
It kindaaa made me think of how BSD Yosano was drafted from the candy shop because, too, of a sign of something valuable and special---the real Yosano was only noticed by her father when she seemed indicative of intellect while BSD Yosano was chosen specifically due to her potential to be of use i am biting my fist!! i am about to SCREAM!!
Also her father (the real Yosano) inherited a confectionary shop and i think it was mentioned in the manga that she (BSD yosano) was drafted from a candy shop, so i guess it's not too far fetched to assume, if we try to parallel them, that the candy shop BSD Yosano was taken from to serve the military was actually run by her family---she was taken from her family, however, the author Yosano didn't have a particularly strong familial love due to the neglect and indifference of her family and servants to her so it made me think that BSD Yosano saw being chosen by Mori as a chance to finally be acknowledged and be seen as someone who is capable of something bc the real Yosano's father looked down on her because she is a girl and even left their household for a week upon knowing that the child Yosano's mother gave birth to was not a boy AAAAAAARGHHH am only at the beginning of this biography book (Janine Beichman - Embracing the Firebird_ Yosano Akiko and the Birth of the Female Voice in Modern Japanese Poetry-University of Hawaii Press (2002)) but AHH it's making me feral!!
Also if this ends up being annoying or something ur not interested in please feel free to ignore my ramblings/gen issoki
This isn't annoying at all! Nurture your heart and tenderness towards Yosano Akiko as you move through her life; there will come a point at the very end where it may feel like she's betrayed you (or at the very least, she may leave you feeling conflicted). But I think compassion can (and should) remain constant, even where our opinions, complaisance, and favor need to be pliable and subject to revision.
I didn't know much about her early life before, so this was really informative and well received. Her parents' neglect and abandonment contrasts starkly with how fiercely she loved and supported her own children. I think, knowing this, I have an inkling of understanding into how the principles she held at the end of her life could have become so different from the principles that defined her early career.
Those are also very on-point parallels to bsd!Yosano, and add nuance to the circumstances that brought her to Mori. I agree that the parallels really emphasize how important Mori, his affection for her, and his faith in her competence were to her; which is why he was so capable of destroying her sense of self when he prioritized her skill over her humanity.
Thank you for sharing the title of the biography you're reading; I look forward to seeking it out!
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trash-llama · 11 months
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Kurt: OMWOMWOMW WHAT DO WE DO? We have to teleport, but how? The M key doesn't go to the hospital!! AAAAAAARGHHH!!
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persephinae · 6 months
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Me, trying to undo my mistakes: CTRL Z!! CRTL Z!!! AAAAAAARGHHH
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fullmetalgirl98 · 1 year
Quite sad about the sudden and unexpected news regarding the cancelation of the 3rd D.R.B.
Honestly? Idk what to think.
I'd like to think it's all been plotted from the start, that's all functional to the development of the events and that nothing bad occurred to the authors, the seiyuu, or anyone involved into the project. But I'm so confused by all the theories and the comments I'm reading on Twitter and below the video recently released AAAAaaarghHH!!
I can't fully catch what's going on, my Japanese knowledge is not so advanced to let me understand the situation to the fullest. I'm so frustrated agdjakslala I'd simply want to know what the motivation of all this fuss is.
Why announce the 3rd D.R.B, genetering hype in the fandom, just to nullify everything 2 months later?? And what's this "OFF the hypnosis microphones" stuff I'm reading about???
This is why I think it's all been plotted from the start. The only logical thing I came up with is the following: an attack on the government.
If you think about the logic behind the 3rd D.R.B ... There's no good strong motivation to start another one. The relationships between the main characters have been (more or less) solved in the last drama tracks, so why would they have to challenge each other again?
That's why I thought something may happen in the background... Like Nemu regaining part of her consciousness and starting to think that something is off (like... What if she allied with her brother, moving from within, for example?), or Ramuda plotting against the Kotonohato proposing Samatoki and Jakurai to team up with him to overturn the government and put an end to this distopic regime, idk... Something of the sort.
We'll be able to see more of Rei's role as the "mastermind" or more of Dice's involvement as the "key factor" leading to Otome...
The implications of this line of thought would be many and very interesting, imo
I really hope this is the case...
And you? What's your opinion about this announcement?
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daburuwosagase · 1 year
infinity nado forcing me to spend hours figuring out videosubfinder again. I finally got less garbage results but now I can't generate txtimages out of them!! aaaaaaarghhh!!!!!
it's not even an issue of the sub language, I just can't figure out the right settings again
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eskrimcukulat · 2 years
Aaaaaaarghhh gabisa tidooor
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that-cheer-up-anon · 4 years
Okay that video of that white lady pouring nacho cheese on her kitchen island countertop is still making me angry holy cannoli
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sebstanaddict · 2 years
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wolffyluna · 2 years
Oh no.
I think I'm developing a new Blorbo.
Which isn't in and of itself a problem. It's just that this new Blorbo is Ouyang from She Who Became The Sun. You know, a canonically horrible person from a tiny fandom.
I keep wanting to go "Look at him, isn't it he neat?" I want to re-read the bits of the novel with him in it, even though I just finished the book a few days ago.
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
Me and my stupid brain, at 4 in the morning:
*thinking on that egg inclusion explanation image*
Nonethless what our outer appearance may look like.. be we light, dark or inbetween colored... Inside we are all the same. Human beings.
..... .
But why do have those eggs different colors tho? Is it a hint to what the mother hen was colored? Is it about its race? Is it something genetic? Or do they just lay them random colored like mood balls? Or could it be about the food? (going on like this for some time) .... AAAAAAARGHHH BRAIN U LIL ASSHOLE LET ME SLEEP GODAMNIT, I DONT WANNA LOOK IT UP NOW I WANT SLEEP U SHIT! (ಥ_ಥ)╬ pls.
No thoughts
only Egg
Mood ball eggs sounds hilarious though XD
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A Mermaid���s Kiss
A Mermaid’s Kiss
Benny Weir x Reader
Prompt: Heyyyyy I saw you were asking for requests for Benny and I’ve loved him forever askjdhalsaldj could you pleeeeeease write a fic with Benny x a mermaid reader? You can do whatever you want with it! Thanks so much! I love your writing!!!
Note: I was watching H2O, so here we are *shrug* I ALSO love Benny.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 2k
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Benny Weir was perhaps the nerdiest guy you knew. He loved Star Wars and video games and he was always hanging out with his nerd friends. And it was for that reason you harbored such a big crush on him. There was only one problem: you were a mermaid and he had no idea.
“Really. Benny. You have a crush on Benny.” Erica rolled her eyes, obviously not amused. Sarah was sitting next to her, grinning, obviously amused. “(Y/N) let me tell you something. You’re a cheerleader. And Benny is…”
Erica pointed over to the table he, Ethan, and Rory were sitting at, where they were laughing and mimicking fighting with lightsabers.
“Benny is Benny.”
“I think it’s cute.” Sarah tilted her head at you. “Plus, Erica, you’re a Dusker. Doesn’t that give you some sort of nerdy fangirl cred?”
“It’s different.” Erica shook her head. “Benny, Ethan, Rory…they’re mega nerds. You could do sooooooooo much better than—”
Erica was interrupted by the voice of your favorite nerd. “Sarah, Erica, sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask (Y/N) something.”
“Yeah?” You asked, confidence you were sure you could thank your mermaid ancestors for welling up inside your chest. Most teenagers, when faced with their crush, would melt into a puddle, but being a mermaid granted you certain perks, one of which let you embrace these fuzzy feelings rather than letting them control you.
“I…so, uh…well…” Benny scratched the back of his neck and looked back to Ethan, who motioned for his friend to get on with it, nodding encouragingly. “Can I take you out sometime? There’s this n-new movie that’s out and Ethan said it’s lame, which leaves me with Rory and I don’t want to be stuck in a theater with—”
“I’d love to go to the movies with you, Benny.” You winked and smiled, and his jaw dropped, but he quickly recovered, smiling brightly. “I’ll bring my big purse so we can sneak in candy.”
“Sweet! I’ll pick you up at eight?”
“It’s a date.”
“This is not happening. This isn’t happening. There’s no way that this is happening.” Benny paced through his room, panicking as eight o’clock drew nearer and nearer. Ethan was sitting on his bed, flipping through some comic book while his friend had a near-existential crisis.
“You asked her out. Yes it’s happening.”
“Should I change my shirt? Does my hair look okay? What time is it—”
“You should probably go pick her up soon.” Ethan checked his watch. “You look fine, Benny. Besides, Sarah told me she likes you. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Right, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s the prettiest, most perfect girl in the whole—”
“Just go already!”
“Right. You’re right.” Benny sucked in a nervous breath and walked out the bedroom door. It seemed like only minute later that he was standing on your front porch, holding a bouquet of flowers he had summoned, something tropical and sweet-smelling. There were perks to being a spellmaster, he supposed. And then, after straightening his shirt, he rang the doorbell.
It was your mother who answered, taking one look at the young spellmaster in front of her and grinning brightly. “You must be Benny! It’s so nice to meet you. Come on in, (Y/N) should be just about ready.”
“Thank you, Mrs. (L/N).” He stepped over the threshold. Your house wasn’t quite what he expected. Tucked away into the spooky little town of Whitechapel, your home screamed ‘beachhouse.’ There were seashells sitting on every surface, fishing nets and paintings of the sea covered the walls, and tropical flowers similar to the ones he was holding were growing in planters tucked away into the corners of the room. “Woah, I love your house.”
“Thank you. When we moved here, I knew I’d have to make it feel more like home.”
“Where are you from, originally?” Benny wondered, looking around. He remembered that you’d moved to Whitechapel in middle school, but you never really talked about where you came from before.
“Sleepy little beach town down south.” Your mother told him. “I thought I’d never leave, but then I ended up meeting (Y/N)’s dad and—”
“Mom, don’t bore him.” You laughed, walking down the stairs. You were wearing a casual dress, just something cute that didn’t make it look like you had put too much effort into it, but Benny still looked up at you with all of the stars in his eyes. “Hi, Benny.”
“H-hi, (Y/N)…wow, you look great.” He held out the bouquet. “These are for you.”
“These are so pretty! Thank you.” You took the flowers and then handed them to your mom, who had her hand outstretched for them so she could put them in water. “Well, I’m ready if you are.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. (L/N), I’ll have her home by eleven.”
“Have fun, you two.” Your mom watched as you and Benny walked down the front path and got into his car. She smiled. She knew Benny would be good for you.
Once the movie ended, you and Benny walked out of the theater talking a mile a minute, very animatedly about how much each of you had enjoyed it. More than the film, though, you’d enjoyed spending time with your favorite nerd.
It wasn’t until you got to the parking lot, under the bright full moon that you realized there was a problem. The problem was: you’d forgotten there was supposed to be a full moon.
“Aaaaaaarghhh,” you groaned, your knees buckling as you stumbled into the nearest source of support: Benny.
“Woah, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“Not…exactly…” You could already feel the tickle of scales forming on the sides of your legs. “We need to get to your car.” You looked up at him and made eye contact, your irises glowing blue. “Now.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Benny didn’t hesitate to scoop you up in his arms, carrying you as fast as he could back to his car.
The inside of your thighs burned, each one aching for the other, but you held them apart. If they touched, it was all over for you. It hurt, scales spreading further and further until finally, Benny set you in the passenger seat and closed the door behind you, racing around to the other side to get in. Once you were in the privacy of his car, you gave into the plead deep within yourself, and let your legs touch. Instantly, they took on the form of your large and powerful tail. Relief flooded your veins and you exhaled.
“What the fuck?!” Benny exclaimed, eyes wide as he stared at your tail. He looked up at you, calming down a bit when you giggled at his reaction.
“I’m a mermaid, Benny. I kind of thought that much was obvious.”
His eyes narrowed and he thought back on all of the times he had suspected something was different about you. There had been a few, admittedly, but he’d kind of deduced you were a werewolf or something, not a mermaid. “You know, I did have a few theories, but none of them had you pegged as something this cool. You’re okay though, right? It doesn’t…hurt?”
“I’m fine now, but the sooner we can get me back to my pool at home, the better.”
“On it.” Benny shook himself out of the initial shock of finding out that his crush was a mermaid and shifted the car into drive. A few minutes later, he pulled into your driveway and got out of the car, walking around it to the passenger side. He opened your door and looked down at you, thinking. There had to be some strategy to this, he figured.
“It’s heavier than it looks.” You warned him, flapping your fin as you said it. “And it’s a little slimy. Sorry if that’s gross.”
“It’s fine. I think we’ve handled worse in our days of fighting the undead.” Benny chuckled and slowly approached you, asking permission with his yes. You nodded, inviting him to attempt to carry you out to the backyard. He hooked one arm around your back and the other around where your knees would be, by his calculations, trying his best to make sure you were balanced. The last thing he wanted to do was drop you.
So, carefully, Benny lifted you out of the car, stumbling a bit as he adjusted to the extra weight, but then continuing to the fenced-in yard slowly but surely.
“Wow, my hero.” You teased, playing with his hair.
“Any day, milady,” he replied. Luckily for him, your father was on the other side of the gate, and he opened it for the struggling teenage boy.
“Haven’t we been over this, (Y/N)? I thought we said no dates on the full moon.” Your father, who was fully human, but had married your mermaid mother, chastised.
“Listen, I forgot. Also, Benny is a spellmaster so it’s not like we blew some big secret.” You told him.
“Nice to meet you, sir.” Benny readjusted his grip on you, his arms straining from having to carry you for so long.
“That’s a relief.” Your father exhaled a sigh, letting Benny pass so he could lower you down into the pool. As soon as your tail hit the water, you felt a million times better, and you gave it a victory lap, racing around the edge a few times before settling down. Your mom was over in the shallow end, sipping on some wine. After so many years, she wasn’t even fazed by the power of the full moon. You, however, a relatively young mermaid, were very much affected by it.
You swam over to Benny, who was staring at you wide-eyed with a giant grin on his face. He knelt down beside the water, taking off his shoes before he sat on the edge of the pool, letting his feet dangle.
“Seeing you like this…it just makes sense, you know? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.” He said, still smiling down at you.
“If I look super happy, it’s not because of the water or the moon. It’s because you’re here. I was getting sick of hiding this from you, I just…didn’t know how to tell you. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m not mad, just surprised is all. This is probably the coolest way this night could have ended. Thanks for going out with me. I really had a great time.”
“So did I.” You pulled yourself up onto the edge of the pool so you were sitting beside him. “Thanks for not freaking out.”
“Of course.” He chuckled to himself, staring at his feet as he gently kicked them in the water. He noticed that your father was on the other end of the pool, lifting your mother out of it.
“I’m going to take a bath, honey, but you two have fun.”
And then it was just you and Benny alone in the backyard with only the moon and stars to keep you company.
“Hey, so…I…really like you, (Y/N). A lot. I have since…well, since you moved here, and I was wondering if maybe—”
You cut him off with your lips, a hand rising to frame his cheek. He faltered against you, caught off guard, but not disappointed in the slightest. His lips gently moved against yours, taking advantage of the opportunity. When had he ever thought he’d be sitting there kissing a mermaid? Not in his wildest dreams. But he certainly wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
When you pulled apart, he murmured, “woah…” grinning that adorable grin of his. “I just kissed a mermaid…”
“Yeah, you just kissed a mermaid.” You giggled and raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to do it again?”
“Well, well, don’t mind if I do.” He leaned in and captured your lips once more, a little bolder this time.
And that was how you spent the night, under the bright full moon. Although you didn’t tell him, kissing Benny felt pretty magical too…
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