#aaaagh my heart is bursting
kakushino · 9 months
Might make a fanfic for you and @depressedhashira for funsies 🤭
I'm touched- I- I have no words, I-
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holykillercake · 3 years
Barrels, Bets and Balls
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pairing: Zoro x Drunk!Reader
word count: 1.9k
summary: The Straw hats are presented with millenary rum from an Ancient Giant Tribe and, well, no one is giving you that anymore. 
higlight:  ¨And then you said ¨maybe I should wear your underwear.¨
warning: Don´t read and drive. 
notes: HOLD MY BEER! Hi, guys! This was a lovely request from @roronoatrash for a drunk s/o! I have to say this is my first time writing a drunk character so I´m a bit nervous hahaha I really really hope you like it! Have fun and drink responsibly! <3 @vemuabhi​
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Agh!¨ you mumbled when you tried to lift your head from the pillow. It felt like the Thousand Sunny had run over you a thousand times. 
¨Regret ... mhbeh ... thing...¨ your mouth was so dry that talking became almost impossible.  
¨What´s that?¨ Zoro asked, definitely amused by your deplorable state.
¨Hmmm... I don´t... regret... anything.¨
¨Of course you don´t. You don´t remember anything.¨ he shifted on the bed, making it look like a black hole was opening in the mattress. ¨Here, take this.¨ He handed you something.
¨I don´t need your pity... ma-marimo.¨
¨This is not pity, Y/N. This is a painkiller. Come on, you´re gonna feel better.¨
When he helped you to sit on the bed, you noticed something stuck to the window, preventing the sun from entering and blinding you. The greenette removed a few locks of hair that laid plastered across your face before helping you with the herculean task of taking the pill.  
¨If the stupid cook is not dead he must have made coffee.¨ he stood up, grabbing your slippers and placing them in front of you. 
In the meantime, your mind tried to gather whatever useful information you had to understand what had happened, but everything was a void blank. 
¨You ok?¨ he asked, hand on the doorknob. ¨Do you want me to bring it to you?¨
¨No, it´s ok...¨ you pinched the bridge of your nose, making one last effort to remember at least a crumb of the previous hours. You were fast to give up, though. ¨What happened?¨ 
¨Uhhh, you got drunk and passed out.¨ he said like it was no big deal. 
¨Hmm, ok...¨ you took a few seconds to digest his words ¨but when you say ´you´ you mean ´you me´ or ´you guys´?¨
A chuckle left his mouth ¨Come and you´ll see.¨ 
The sun shone high in the sky, forcing you to wince back into your room like the time you had your shadow stolen. You stumbled and lowered yourself to the floor, crawling away from the light. 
¨You go!¨ you said dramatically, covering your eyes ¨Run away and leave me! Tell everyone... that I fought until the last moment!¨
Zoro scoffed at your poorly performed scene, walking closer to you and squatting, back turned to you. ¨Hop, soldier. We don´t leave nakamas behind, right?¨
Your cheeks reddened with his gesture, and you hid your hungover smitten smile on the crook of his neck. ¨Hold tight, Y//N.¨
Oh, I will. Ouch, my head!
As soon as you reached the main deck, your eyes widened, ignoring the bright sun, and your mouth fell in a perfect O. 
¨Oh my freaking... what happened here?¨
If it weren't for the countless barrels, you would have easily thought that you had been chewed up by a sea king. 
The Straw Hats were scattered across the deck, mixed with garbage, blankets, and rolls of toilet paper. Their unorthodox positions would definitely grant them a stiff neck.
Zoro carried you to the kitchen where you found Usopp and Chopper talking at the kitchen table.
¨... like I fasted in a desert for forty nights, and then I survived... a buster call. And like... all of the battleships were pointed at me. And I was catching fire before that.¨ you heard Usopp whine to the doctor, who wrapped some bandages on him. 
¨Oi, who made coffee?¨ Zoro asked purposely loud.
¨SHHHH!¨ you and the sniper hissed at him.
¨Sanji did.¨ Chopper answered ¨Oh, Y/N, how are you feeling?¨
¨Like my heart is beating in my head.¨
¨At least there´s a heartbeat.¨ the swordsman replied, putting you close to a chair so you could take a seat. ¨Hm, Chopper, I saw the cook dead outside.¨
¨Yeah, he made coffee and then passed out again.¨ Chopper discreetly pointed at Usopp´s bandages. 
¨He passed out and spilled hot coffee on me!¨ he roared, stopping midway to whine. 
¨But you two look pretty good, though.¨ You referred to Chopper and Zoro. 
Not Usopp, definitely not Usopp. 
¨Night watch. I didn´t drink last night.¨ the doctor sighed, relieved. 
¨And I can handle my alcohol.¨ the greenette bragged, placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of you. 
¨What happened anyway?¨ 
¨Oh! You don´t remember too, Y/N? That millenary rum was really strong!¨ Chopper asked, fascinated by the effects of the beverage. 
¨Millenary rum?¨ 
¨Yeah! It was a gift from an Ancient Giant Tribe!¨ 
¨Giant tribe?¨ you kept repeating every word he said, double-checking to see if you were not hearing things. 
¨Y/N, what´s the last thing you remember?¨
¨Hmm, let me see...¨ you rested your elbows on the table, hands covering your eyes. Wow, even thinking hurts.
¨I swear to God, Tony! When Luffy falls into the water, you can not jump after him!¨ you yelled, panting from climbing back to the ship and soaking wet of salty water. 
He pouted and whined. You only called him ¨Tony¨ when you were upset with him. 
¨So-Sorry Y/N... AaaAgh...¨ his voice trembled, and you couldn´t help but soften a little. 
¨Ugh, forget it.¨ you laid down on the grass and sighed, the reindeer on your belly ¨Are you alright, Chopper?¨
Zoro emerged a few seconds later, carrying Luffy on his shoulder. 
You had engaged in a fight against some bandits who were causing trouble on an island called Gran Brabados. From what you could understand, they were descendants of the Ancient Giant Tribe who emancipated from Elbaf after years of conflict. 
¨I don´t wanna be rude, but¨ Usopp spoke to one of them ¨I thought giants were warriors. Like Broggy and Dory. Those guys fought for over 100 years!¨
¨Well, most of us are, but some are not. That's why we left Elbaf.¨ the giant said ¨We're not interested in war, we're interested in rum!¨
All of you stopped for a second, wondering if you heard the same thing.
¨Eh?¨ you spoke.
¨We don´t make war! We make rum!¨ he threw his huge hands in the air, chest puffing out of pride.
¨Oi, really? Give us some!¨ Zoro immediately threw Luffy on the floor and ran towards the giant. Next thing you knew, the giant burst into laughter. 
¨Gabababa!¨ he hunched as he laughed ¨Sorry, but tiny people like you can't handle it! Gababababa!¨
You were not sure what offended you the most, he calling you all, who just saved their asses, weak or having to dodge the huge drops of saliva that came out of his mouth. 
After insisting a lot, he ended up giving in, presenting the straw hats with barrels and barrels of millenary rum. Yeah, millenary. Rum distilled for one thousand years, or at least that is what he said. 
The celebration didn´t take long to begin. Because Luffy had decided to set sail that same day, you would all be bathed with a pleasant sunset as you partied.
¨Wow!¨ you shouted after chugging the first tankard. ¨Oooohh, this is good booze!¨ you shook your head, already feeling the kick. 
¨Girl, you should go easy on this. It´s super strong.¨ Franky said, making you scoff at him, possessed by some waspish Viking demon.
¨And here I thought you were hard-boiled.¨ 
¨O-Oi, Y/N...¨ Usopp said, worried, sipping his drink. 
¨Haven´t you learned anything with Tom-san?¨ you clicked your tongue ¨Meh, I guess I´ll be the one making things with a DON around here!¨ you chugged more of the rum. 
The shipwright glared at you with a red beam coming out of his left eye. You remember questioning yourself for a second. Maybe you had said too much, but it was just for a brief second before you insulted someone else. 
Back at the kitchen table, flashes of the events from the last night began to pop in your mind. Guilt and embarrassment gushed over you, making you twist and cringe. 
¨And then you said ¨maybe I should wear your underwear.¨ Chopper shivered as he quoted your words.
¨Nooo...¨ you cried out.
¨It gets worse, Y/N.¨
¨What?! How?!¨
¨Because after that,¨ Zoro started to speak, and you saw him struggle to stop a smile from cracking. That was not a good sign. ¨you said "your balls are so small Robin could have grabbed them with one hand!¨ 
The men laughed and slapped the table as you looked for a place to bury your head or a knife to stab yourself in the heart. 
¨WHY DIDN´T YOU STOP ME?¨ you yelled, pulling your boyfriend by the collar and shaking him. 
He placed a hand on your forehead, a silly thing he did every time you got too nervous. ¨Oi, you´re a big girl. You know what you´re doing.¨ 
¨Noo, obviously I don´t!¨ He smiled. 
He would not be the one to tell you, but he did have to stop Franky from Radical Beam-ing the hell out of you several times. For some reason, you were very keen on insulting the cyborg's masculinity. 
Another thing he wouldn´t tell you was that he didn´t touch the rum in the last night. He decided to remain sober and look after you, making sure you would not kill someone or get yourself killed. 
However, despite all the trouble you gave him, he recognized your strength. Straw hat after straw hat, you managed to defeat everyone in a stupid drinking contest. 
The biggest achievement was to drag Luffy into the game since he dislikes the taste of alcohol. When he denied being part of it, you teased him by saying,¨I think you are just scared, Luffy. You know what, maybe I should be the Captain of this ship! Maybe, I will be the Pirate King!¨
That was about the sixth punch Zoro took for you. Or because of you. 
The darker the night fell, the wilder you all got. And then insults began to come from every direction to every direction. You were arguing, then laughing, then crying and apologizing. If it wasn´t for Zoro, Chopper would have had a heart attack. 
¨Nami, you thief! Give me back my queen, or I´ll be forced to shoot a Bidori Moshi at you!¨ Usopp yelled, holding a bunch of cards in his hands. 
¨Oi, Usopp! How dare you speak with a lady like that?! I´ll kick you in the face!¨
¨Bring it on, Sanji! I eat eggplants like you for breakfast every day! AND IT´S GOD USOPP FOR YOU!¨
¨Zoro...¨ Chopper cried, falling close to where the swordsman was sitting. ¨W-What are we going to do?¨
¨Uh? Ah, sit back and relax. You know these guys, they are ju-¨
¨Y/N-san, may I see your panties?¨
¨Well, too bad for you I´m not weari-¨
¨OI! Y/N!¨ Zoro dashed over, throwing you on his shoulder. 
That was about the first punch Brook took for you. Or, again, because of you. 
And then, as the number of biological hazards began to decline, managing the situation became easier and easier. Chopper took care of the fallen drunken, and Zoro threw blankets over them.
In the end, it was you and Luffy. You were still arguing about the things you said earlier. Both of you were exhausted but didn´t want to give in. The argument only ended when you withdrew your words, saying that he would be the one to become King of the Pirates.
Luffy fell dead asleep immediately, and Zoro took the cue to approach you. ¨Hey, Y/N. Our time, let´s go?¨
You turned to him and nodded, red cheeks and tired eyes. He had to scoop you up and carry you back to your room since your legs were not part of the equation anymore, and you would let go and fall every time he tried to carry you on his back. 
¨Heeey, you´re not drunk!¨ you whined, almost falling asleep. ¨Why aren´t you drunk?¨
¨Cause you drank everything.¨
¨Noo, I can find s´more.¨ you uncovered yourself, trying to get out of bed.
¨I bet you can.¨ he said, covering you again and pulling you closer.
The warmth of his body, altogether with his hand gently rubbing your back, made your system shut down. 
¨You know... I can kick your ass... in a drinking contest...¨
¨Yeah,¨ he chuckled ¨I bet you can.¨
That was definitely not true, but for you, well, for you he could pretend it was.
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years
Devils of Remnant
Prologue- Red Like Blood
Ruby groaned and gasped. Her body was covered in bruises and scratches. The brightness of the room was murder on her blurry vision. In front of her stood a sinister figure. She couldn’t make out exactly who it was, but the sound of her voice made Ruby’s blood run cold.
Cinder: You’re awake. *chuckles* Excellent.
Ruby: *pants* Cinder. Ugh... figured you had something to do with this.
Cinder: Now, now. *strokes her cheek* Is that anyway to talk to an old friend?
Ruby: Some... friend you are.... *groans* Shackling me up like this... not exactly good hospitality. The least... you could do is... offer some snacks.
Cinder: *sighs* You haven’t changed since Beacon. It’s almost a pity that I want to kill you.
Ruby: So what’s *cough* stopping you?
Cinder: The Demon Queen herself. She wants an audience with you personally and, unfortunately, that means I have to keep you alive. However...
Quick as a flash, Cinder stabbed Ruby in the stomach with a flame dagger. The searing pain made her scream and Cinder smiled sadistically.
Cinder: I can still do this! *twists the dagger*
Ruby: AAAAGH!!!!!!!
Cinder: That’s it, scream for me. *twists more*
Ruby: AAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!! Ah! *pants*
Cinder: *removes dagger* Sweet music to my ears.
Ruby: *pants* Hehe... I think you should... branch out... to other genres. Try pop... it’s less intense. Hehe.
Cinder didn’t take kindly to her remark and slapped Ruby across the face hard. She then grabbed the top of her hair and pulled on it tight, causing Ruby to wince in pain.
Cinder: You’re beginning to wear on my patience, you brat. One more quip like that and I’ll put another dagger into your heart.
Ruby: *soft chuckles* Awww, and after everything we’ve been through? Breaking my heart like that is a cruel note to end on. Hehe.
Cinder had reached her limit and angrily plunged the dagger straight into her victim’s chest. Ruby screamed in agony as the dagger went deeper into her heart. Finally, the screaming stopped and she fell unconscious. Cinder stared at her, her fists engulfed in angry flames.
Cinder: You are seriously annoying. *leaves the room*
Suddenly, Ruby’s hands began to twitch and her eyes shot open. Her hair changed colour from black to burning red. Her eyes shifted from blue to silver and from her back burst open a pair of jet black, angelic wings. With a mighty pull, she broke free from the chains that held her.
Ruby: *pants* And you, Cinder, are a life saver. *pulls out dagger*
All her wounds healed instantly and with a mighty punch, she broke the door of her cell. If the Demon Queen wanted an audience, she’ll get one. Summoning her sword, Crescent Rose, Ruby raced out of the cell, ready for the conflict ahead.
Ruby: Let’s rock, baby!
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Know Your Enemy: Side AC vs DB Pt. 2
A night out in Chuuko soon turns to one of disaster for two rivaling teams destined to collide. As they meet face to face, pride seems to intervene.
Seiichi: *whispers* Uuugh! Is this joker for real!
Seiichi: We were supposed to find someplace to eat! Not do whatever this is!
Woman A: It’s such an honor to meet you Hiroshi-sama!
Woman B: I can’t believe it’s him! We’re big really fans! 
Hiroshi: Fufufu, the pleasure is all mine fair ladies. ~ It is quite the honor to meet all of you this fine evening. ~
Woman C: Woooow~ He really is like a prince! 
Woman D: I think I’m in love! 
Seiichi: Are you kidding me?! Oi Hiroshi! C’mon let’s just get outta he—
Younger Woman E: Hey! You’re Seiichi Asagao aren’t you? 
Seiichi: ! ! ! 
Younger Woman A: I’ve seen him around before. He’s a real cool street artist.
Woman B: Wow really! Hey can we get your picture?
Seiichi: I-I-Uh! T-That’s not really a big deal! There’s way too many girls here! [quickly puts his hood up]
Woman D: Huh? Are you ok? You’re all red?
Younger Woman C: Wait, if the rest of the Alley Catz are here then Emiko must be too! 
Woman C: Really! Where is she! 
Seiichi: That’s it! I can’t take much more of this!
Hiroshi: Now now, everyone settle dow—HGH! Oi! Seiichi! What do you think you’re doing?!
Seiichi: Run! [pulls him along and they start running]
Woman A: Hey where are you guys going!
Woman C: They’re leaving? Wait for us!
Crowd: [squeals and chases after them]
Hiroshi: Just shut up and run!
Natsuki: Nope. We’re not going in that direction.
Haruto: Eh? Why?
Natsuki: Going over there increases the risk of us bumping into more of those crazed women.
Haruto: (raises brow) How do you know? We’ve never even been here before.
Natsuki: (Sarcastically) Look at the buildings, taller buildings are subject to hold more people, as impressive as they may look, I am not willing to get trampled for that sake of your instant gratification dearest brother of mine.
Haruto: Then what do you propose oh smart one?
Natsuki: (thinking) It wouldn’t hurt to simply have a look around.
Haruto: (grins) Sorry to burst you bubble man, but I don’t think you’ll find any critters to dote over in here.
Natsuki: I will wack you.
Haruto: [hands in surrendering gesture] Gotcha. Just sayin’.
continue walking
Haruto: . . .
Haruto: Hey Natsu?
Natsuki: Hm?
Haruto: Don’tcha think Ko-chan looked kinda lonely? 
Natsuki: Not sure. As long as he has what it takes to bring us through the matches, then he’s fine.
Haruto: (grins) Don’t worry, I got plenty of energy to carry all of us through!
Natsuki: I’m not worried, and keep in mind you have your dance rehearsal in a few days.
Haruto: Thanks for the love bro.
Natsuki: (Turns away with a slight blush) The curses of being older. . . at least this is uncommon.
Crowd: [squeals 😆]
Hiroshi: Well this is certainly exciting isn’t it!
Seiichi: This is all your fault you crazy Womanizer! If they want you they can have you!
Hiroshi: It’s not just about me now!
Seiichi: Who cares, keep running! Here! [skids across the sidewalk] Around this corner!
Hiroshi: Right!
[they quickly turn and keep running as the crowd passes them]
Hiroshi: Did we lose them?
Seiichi: I don’t know! But I’m not gonna stooo-aaah! Hey!! [trips]
Haruto: ACk!
Natsuki: Oh. It’s you two
Seiichi: Aaaagh~ whaaat? O-Oi watch where you’re going freak, we got places to be!!
Hiroshi: Enough Seiichi, they’re gone. Now since you clearly lack manners, I shall be the one to ap—oh. Why it’s only the little mocking birds from before.
Natsuki: And what exactly do you mean by that? You showy rooster.
Seiichi: Rooster? Pffffffft—!
Hiroshi: [smirks] Hmph. Nothing at all. And do shut up Seiichi.
Haruto: Okaaayyyyyy. Maybe we should save our breaths? Even I don’t wanna see Ko-chan upset.
Seiichi: Ko-Chan? Oi, ain’t that the beanpole that was creeping around Emiko earlier?
Haruto: Hey! Ko-chan doesn’t creep!
Seiichi: Tch, you sure? Looked more like a prideless pervert to me.
Hiroshi: Hmmm, you have a point. The boy appeared to have no sense of dignity at all. 😏
Haruto: What the hell?! How can you say that about him?! Kosuke’s not anything like that, you edgy teen and fancy pants!
Natsuki: Let it go, Kosuke can defend himself. On the other hand, I’m  not so sure about Harajuku’s own childishly ditzy leader being able to lift a finger.
Seiichi: Oi! Emiko’s way stronger than that piece of scrap you guys drag around! I’m sure you’ve heard about her on the streets yea?
Hiroshi: Seiichi. That’s enough.
Seiichi: What?! What do you mean that’s enough! I’m not done yet!!
Natsuki: Listen to your guardian. Let’s go Haruto (turns to leave)
Hiroshi: As expected. C’mon Seiichi, let’s leave the dog and his master alone. I don’t think he can keep him at bay for very long. He might run off into the street and get lost.
Seiichi: Tch, whatever.
Haruto: Owowowow! Natsu! My wrist! My wrist!
Natsuki: (mumbling). . . What. . .?
Natsuki: What the FUCK did you just call my brother?!  Mic activates
Shut your little mouth you fucking sick tick! As if it wasn’t torturous to listen to your shtick You’d better run off, because I’m at my limit. If you dare say word, then I’ll make you go squish!
[loud blasts sound]
Seiichi: Whoa! Ha ha!!
Hiroshi: H-Hgh!! Now we’re having fun!!
Hiroshi: You ready Seiichi?
Seiichi: Oh you don’t have to tell me twice old man!!
[Mics activate]
A disheartened little cuckoo tainted by dull and fatuous laws! Watch as he flies into the fray of deadly smiling jaws~
Jabber Jabber Jabber with your self-centered blabbering! Your idiocy’s a crime against our kaleidoscopic society!
Now that’s going too far.
Says you, sadist Ladykiller.
On the brink of insanity! Drop dead on Harajuku’s toxic thriller!
Haruto: (huffs) Guess we’re throwing hands. You good Natsu?
Natsuki: Just start.
[Mic activates]
Just a fair warning here, close your eyes! You don’t haveta listen, but you will go blind!
I don’t play with minds, just physical suicide! Coming from a nut house, you’ll be tossed to the side!
Now where to start? Should we just strike the heart?
Go for an arteriole, watch them lose their fake twinkle.
Seiichi: Agh!! Damn!
Hiroshi: Aaaah!!
[the dust clears, Seiichi & Hiroshi appear somewhat unfazed]
???: Another fight? Just what do you men think you’re doing?
Haruto: (whispers) Huh? Natsu whose this big busted lady? Ow!
Natsuki: (hisses) That’s Kadenokoji Ichijiku. Show your respect!
Seiichi: S-Sh**!! It’s the crazy lady!!
Hiroshi: Watch your tongue!
[they both bow]
Ichijiku: Hmph. Both your Divisions hold a very small record in outbursts such as this. Although I can’t say I’m surprised coming from such barbarians.
??? + ???: R-right! We’re so sorry ma’am!
Seiichi + Hiroshi: Emiko??!
Haruto + Natsuki: Ko-chan!/Kosuke. . .
Ichijiku: I hope I make myself clear. Since you two were not here to witness the event I can’t particularly say all of you are at fault. But if I hear one whisper of a fight between your Divisions outside of the battle you will all be disqualified!!
Ichijiku: And. I expect better leadership from you young lady. This is what happens when you surround yourself with pigs.
Emiko: . . . Yes, ma’am. . . .
Ichijiku: Speak up!
Emiko: Y-Yes ma’am!
Kosuke: R-right. . .
Ichijiku: Now. Leave the premises immediately. Before I change my mind. [she walks away]
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🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other selfshippers!
OOOH BOY OKAY Well if you've been watching my blog for the past, idk, two weeks then you know that a certain omnipotent bastard has been on my mind constantly 🥺👉👈 SO IT'S TIME FOR ME TO SCREAM ABOUT Q AGAIN!!!
Okay I just. Ohhhh there's so much I absolutely ADORE about him and yet at the same time he makes me want to bury my face in a pillow and just SCREEEEAM with how much he absolutely flusters me so much like WHY.... DOES HE HAVE THAT POWER OVER ME GGRRRR 😳😳 I literally am rewatching an episode wif him in it as I write this answer and like.. fuck there's just SO MUCH ok ok let me try to list off just the two main things I like about him the most before I go insane
• Okay ONE, of fuckin course I have to admit that I really love his personality. Thats exactly what flusters me so much about him is that he's just SO INCREDIBLY arrogant and deceptive and self-important and dare I say... dominant 😳 Just the way he fuckin acts is like you immediately KNOW that he thinks he's the most important person not just in the room but in EVERY room, he's so full of himself (and the worst part is its JUSTIFIED cuz of his powers like that is NOT FAIR AAAAGH)
• Second is that despite, or maybe even because of, his arrogance and omnipotence, he can be so incredibly childish, especially when something doesn't go his way, and I can't think of a more perfect example than when he loses his powers in "Deja Q". He is just CONSTANTLY complaining about everything in that episode and it is SO FUCKING FUNNY but also.... kinda cute 🥺🥺 Especially when he gets all pouty oh my GOD I swear he has the best sad puppy-dog eyes I have EVER SEEN and I absolutely adore it so much like... GOSH HE CAN BE SURPRISINGLY CUTE 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
Okay this has gone on long enough but before I go please just look at his smile with me like ohhhhh my God my heart is BURSTING OVER HERE 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 6 Part 1
Phew! After a short break, we are back. I have had a successful day’s NaNo-ing, and this entire chapter is queued up and ready to go, so let’s do it.
This is largely based on the unfilmed episode 3 bookshop scene, set in 1800, that is available in the script book. A lot of the dialogue is taken from there, although there are some twists!
Also, I did some minor edits to the last two parts, because I set up a subplot and then ground to a halt trying to write it, so I’ve taken it out for now.
Warning for a couple paragraphs of homophobia via analogy.
Link to the next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 6
AD 1800
A.Z. Fell & Co. stood before him on the street corner like an unwrapped chocolate box.
The door handles were polished bronze. A placard in the front declared that the grand opening was the coming Friday. He already had some marvellous ideas about opening hours.
He pushed open his front doors and strolled inside his new shop.
It was perfect. Just a few little jobs here and there. He summoned a stepladder and picked up the nearest armful of books. This, he would do without miracles. His shelving system would be both gratifying to himself and utterly incomprehensible to customers.
While he worked, the shop bell dinged.
“I’m afraid the shop will not be open until Friday, good people,” he called down. “But we will be having a grand opening immediately after lunch.”
The voice of the Archangel Gabriel said:
“We aren’t here to buy books, Azir -”
He broke off.
Zadkiel froze.
The hardback in his hands almost toppled to the floor. He shoved it into place and jammed his right hand in his pocket, hiding the gem on his finger from view. Luckily, his sideburns concealed the serpent-shaped gem under his ear.
He aimed a smile at his visitors. Gabriel was not alone. He and Sandalphon blinked up at him. Gabriel was impeccable in dove grey, Sandalphon frumpy in beige.
“Gentlemen,” he trilled. “A pleasure to already receive some interest. Mr. Fell will be delighted.”
“Uh. Good.” Gabriel eyed him like he was a woodland creature that had turned up somewhere unexpected. “Who are you?”
“Ezra Crawleigh. I’m Mr. Fell’s assistant. How do you do?” Zadkiel held out his right hand without thinking. He yelped, grabbed the nearest shelf, and toppled off the stepladder, which broke his fall in the loosest possible sense.
“Are humans normally that size?” Sandalphon asked Gabriel in a carrying whisper.
Zadkiel leapt to his feet, dusting off splinters. Sandalphon gaped. It was possible he’d just forgotten to close his mouth.
Gabriel coughed. “Sir, we are here to speak with... Mr. Fell, was it? Is he about?”
“He’s in the back. Please, make yourselves at home. Not that at home,” Zadkiel said sharply as Sandalphon picked up a book and sniffed it.
Both angels stared at him.
“Sorry! Everything’s new, that’s all. It’s like Christmas morning, you know, before the kids start screaming and the wrapping gets everywhere. It’s great that you’re here.” His smile probably looked a bit nauseous at this point. “Just a moment...”
He edged towards the back.
“Oh, Mister Fell! You have esteemed guests!”
He tried to stroll to the back room. Definitely no running. Nope, none of that.
“That human’s a bit… off,” said Sandalphon.
Gabriel agreed. The man had a very strange walk. It was sort of… swingy.
Also, his angelic senses all agreed that the man didn’t really feel human. There was nothing celestial or infernal coming off him, which would normally indicate a human, or possibly an animal, Gabriel wasn’t the best at identifying those. But the lack of an unearthly aura didn’t feel exactly neutral. It wasn’t as if that quality was lacking, more like it was… canceling itself out, somehow. Like opposites laid on top of one another. But that wasn’t possible.
Gabriel put it out of his mind. Impossible things were, well, impossible, and thus not worth acknowledging. As an Archangel, he didn’t believe in unknown unknowns.
Zadkiel, meanwhile, made it to the door to the back room, fell through it and split apart while saying “Aaaagh,” as loudly as he could get away with.
Crowley stared at Aziraphale, wide-eyed. He flapped his arms and mouthed, “Get out there!”
“Where will you go?” Aziraphale mouthed back.
“I’ll hide! Keep them talking!”
“Pardon? Didn’t catch that?”
“Talking, Christ, Aziraphale - oh, blehhh -”
Aziraphale reappeared in the shop as if given a shove in the back. He waved to the men-shaped beings across the room.
“Gabriel - hello. Sandalphon - it’s certainly been a while.” He picked his way towards them. “Listen, if it’s about that business in Paris, um, it wasn’t my miracle…”
Sandalphon still looked baffled, but he usually did, so there was no reason to panic on that account. Gabriel frowned.
“I have no idea whereof you speak, oh Angel of the Eastern Gate.” The frown lifted slightly. “We are here with good news.”
“Oh! How lovely.” Aziraphale came to a halt. A tiny round table piled with books separated him from the two angels. Some good news would go down a treat after the scare he’d just had.
“We’re bringing you home.”
Aziraphale stared.
“Promoting you back upstairs,” Sandalphon added, helpfully.
Something wrenching and painful happened to Aziraphale. Hopes he had never voiced, even to himself, burst and shrivelled up like sickly pods under the glare of the sun.
“I’m opening this bookshop on Friday,” he said, small-voiced. “If Mr. Hatchard can make a go of it, then I think I can really…”
“It’s an excellent idea.” Gabriel clapped his hands together. “Whoever replaces you down here can use it as a base of operations.”
“Use my bookshop?”
Gabriel’s smile turned flinty. “You’re being promoted. You get to come home.”
“I can’t imagine why anyone would want to spend five minutes longer in this world that they had to,” Sandalphon said.
“Aziraphale has been here for almost six thousand years. We must applaud such devotion to duty.”
There was a box in Gabriel’s hands.
“And it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”
The box opened to reveal a medal.
“I don’t want a medal,” Aziraphale said.
“That’s very noble of you.”
Aziraphale swallowed and met Gabriel’s eyes. The diamond was hard and searching and reflected nothing back at him.
Gabriel knew. He probably didn’t know what he knew, but that didn’t matter. Aziraphale had strayed, and he was being gently, lovingly forced back into the flock, where they could keep an eye on him. His lips felt numb. For some reason, they were still moving.
“But only I can properly thwart the wiles of the demon Crowley.”
Why. Why did he have to mention Crowley? Nothing he could have said would be worse.
Gabriel’s eye widened. “I do not doubt that whoever replaces you will be as good an enemy to Crowley as you are. Michael, perhaps.”
Aziraphale thought a very faint noise came from the back room. He hoped to God he had imagined it.
“Crowley’s been down here just as long as I have.”
Through flood and cave and lakes of wine. Through three thousand years of silence. Through everything.
“And he’s wily, and cunning, and brilliant, and…”
My other half.
For an instant, his heart stopped entirely.
Gabriel waited for the pause to become sufficiently uncomfortable. “It almost sounds like you like him.”
Aziraphale opened his mouth and tried to pull something up. A deflection, a lie. Nothing came. He stood sweating in the silence.
Gabriel crossed his arms. His expression was not triumphant, only terribly knowing.
“Where is your assistant?”
“The man with the walk. Is he still around?”
“Erm. He’s gone to lunch.”
“It’s eight a.m.”
Aziraphale’s mind swore loudly and then erased the memory of having done so.
“He keeps strange mealtimes. He’s a very… singular man.”
Gabriel leaned towards him. He looked oddly conspiratorial.
“Can I have a private word? In your back room, perhaps?”
This was it. Gabriel knew about Zadkiel. He knew Crowley was in the back. Maybe if he and Crowley ganged up, they could take him down… and then what, impersonate him to Sandalphon? What was wrong with him, he was an angel, angels didn’t attack their bosses, not unless they wanted to plummet into a lake of boiling sulphur at any rate -
Gabriel swept past him and headed for the back without permission. Aziraphale bobbed along behind him.
The little stockroom was empty. Aziraphale wanted to cast an eye around for Crowley, but held himself in. He stood to attention before Gabriel.
Gabriel looked down at him. He snapped his fingers. Aziraphale almost flinched. Then he realised Gabriel had performed a miracle to soundproof the room.
“Listen. Aziraphale. Can we talk?”
Aziraphale gave a squeak.
“Here’s the thing. I’m concerned for you. Six thousand years - that’s a stretch. It’s bound to have an effect on an angel. Maybe they’d start to get… overly attached? To someone on Earth that they shouldn’t?”
Aziraphale’s heart rate reached a fever pitch.
“Your assistant,” Gabriel said.
He gaped at Gabriel.
“Now, obviously it’s happened before,” Gabriel went on. “The whole Nephilim thing, you remember that, you were there. Of course we made sure that no offspring would ever again be possible between our kind and humans, and not a moment too soon. Wow, was that ever disgusting! But, I suppose, if one were that way inclined, it would still be possible to develop certain feelings, a preference for one human in particular, say? And I need to make it plain that that is totally and one-hundred percent not allowed. Under any circumstances.”
Aziraphale’s mouth made a few shapes.
“Right you are?” he managed.
“Any. Circumstances.”
The diamond shone, menacingly.
Aziraphale fought down an urge to laugh hysterically.
“Yes,” he choked. “Yes. I - I see. Well. Thank goodness you arrived and - and set me straight. Not a moment too soon! Of course, I would never - but if I had - I would certainly feel my, er, preference dissipating.”
Gabriel clapped him painfully on the arm.
“Good man. So, you can just tidy up down here, and then come back to Heaven with me and Sandalphon.”
The air of giddy relief evaporated on the spot.
“We’re… going right now?”
Gabriel screwed up his face.
“Well, you know what? I might squeeze in a visit to my tailor first. Give us a couple of hours.”
Aziraphale nodded mutely. Gabriel waved.
“Catch you later.”
He swept out of the room. Soon after, the shop door slammed.
Aziraphale tiptoed to the door and checked they had both gone. He could feel no pulse of celestial energy in his shop. No angels here.
He closed the door and sagged against it.
A tiny black snake crept out from behind a shelf. It turned back into a full-sized Crowley. He dusted his coat off, frown lines deep between his hat and sunglasses.
“Well, then.”
“I could use something strong,” Aziraphale muttered.
“No time. You’re about to be press ganged back Upstairs.”
“So it appears.” Things were dire if Crowley’s first reaction to hearing bad news was to skip the drinking. “And replaced by Michael, apparently.”
Crowley shook his head vehemently. “No chance. Michael’s a wanker. Sit tight, angel. I’ve got a plan.”
Before Aziraphale could react, he snapped his fingers and vanished.
(link to next part)
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acephysicskarkat · 4 years
IUDEX GUNDYR: First I don't get to fight the boss, and then a xenomorph gets loose. This is just like when I worked in retail.
VORDT OF THE BOREAL VALLEY: See, that was painless! ...For me.
CURSE-ROTTED GREATWOOD: Aaaagh no I got sawed in half!
CRYSTAL SAGE: You think there might actually be an industry in this special effects business.
DEACONS OF THE DEEP: I don't trust anyone who's standing in the street screaming about monks.
ABYSS WATCHERS: Oh, God, they're unionising!
HIGH LORD WOLNIR: This is the problem with having bones!
CARTHUS SANDWORM: That's what it's designed to do; what it actually does is suck.
OLD DEMON KING: I'm gonna say it, and then I'm immediately going to burst into flames.
PONTIFF SULYVAHN: Anyway, five hours, two fire crews, and one apologetic phone call to the bishop later, I finally made bail!
ALDRICH, DEVOURER OF GODS: I would like to attempt to cast Mend on the orphans.
YHORM THE GIANT: The thing is I always do Let's Plays with Ellen, Andy, or Jane, and they never ever do what I suggest because they're bad ideas.
DANCER OF THE BOREAL VALLEY: Corazón, stop looking!
CONSUMED KING OCEIROS: Barkeep! Another round, and no poison in it this time, you rascal.
ANCIENT WYVERN: Can't do this in GTA.
NAMELESS KING: I haven't got a plan, but that's never stopped me before.
TWIN PRINCES LOTHRIC & LORIAN: You want to give up just because it's hard?
SOUL OF CINDER: My bones ignite.
SISTER FRIEDE: This is a mercy killing. Please cooperate.
CHAMPION'S GRAVETENDER & GRAVETENDER'S GREATWOLF: I do this with a heavy heart and a clean conscience, because you're all doomed.
DEMON IN PAIN & DEMON FROM BELOW: "Better out than in" doesn't apply to organs!
HALFLIGHT, SPEAR OF THE CHURCH: Hi! Health inspector. This is for coughing in the soup.
SLAVE KNIGHT GAEL: Well that was going really well until it ceased to go well.
DARKEATER MIDIR: I look up, see it's all the regular bullsh*t and go back to sunbathing.
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The Power of Love
So I wrote a thing for my Marvel si and Loki and it turns out things go different when I’m writing the story she’s there
Desdemona stood hand in hand with Loki as the ship took off from the rubble and dust that once was his home. Her first trip to Asgard and it ended in its destruction. She wished she could have seen more of the place where her love grew up, but it was too late for that now.
Loki spoke up. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth?”
Thor replied. “Sure it is, the people there love me.”
Loki asked, “Do you think it’s a good idea for specifically me to go back to Earth?”
“Probably not. But don’t worry brother. I have a feeling everything will be fine.”
Mona squeezed Loki’s hand reassuringly, and he smiled at her. Despite his misgivings, he knew that she would always believe in him and defend him no matter what. She loved him regardless of what anyone said, and for that he was endlessly grateful.
Just then, a shadow fell over the trio. They looked up and saw a gigantic spaceship looming over them. Loki and Mona exchanged a worried look just before the vessel shot a laser at them, blasting a hole in the ceiling of their ship. They all fell to the ground as the shot hit, and they saw figures rushing out of the larger vessel, floating through the space between the two ships and landing inside the one that was transporting the Asgardian refugees. They started taking out all of the survivors as one of the attackers, a tall, thin, blue alien with no nose, spoke over the chaos. “Fortunate Asgardians, listen to my words and feel grateful, for you have been chosen to be given mercy by the Children of Thanos!”
Loki leaned over to Mona. “Do not move.” He said under his breath. She shut her eyes, pretending to be dead as a monstrous purple alien lifted Thor by his front armor plate. Thor groaned in pain as he was dragged over to the center of the ship. Loki stood, facing the creature.
“It’s the Space Stone or your brother.” It spoke. “I assume you have a preference.”
“I do.” Loki said evenly. “Kill him.”
Mona heard Thor’s screams of anguish and struggled to not jump up and save him. She trusted that Loki knew what he was doing, but hearing such a dear friend’s screams of pain and not helping him took all her self restraint.
“That’s enough!” Loki called out.
Thor’s screaming stopped. “The Space Stone was destroyed when Asgard fell.” He said.
“That is not true.” Thanos said.
Loki pulled out the Tesseract. “Loki…” Thor said.
Thanos took the Space Stone and put it into the glove on his hand. There was an explosion and a burst of smoke, and Mona took a peak and saw Loki in front of her, concealing a dagger behind his back. “I, Loki, Prince of Asgard, rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, Odinson, do hereby pledge my undying loyalty to you.” He was saying to Thanos.
Just then he pulled the dagger out from behind him and lunged at Thanos’ throat. Thanos clenched his fist and Loki’s hand froze just before the dagger broke skin. “Undying? You should choose your words more carefully.” Thanos said. He grabbed Loki by the throat and lifted him off the ground.
“You… will never… be a god…” Loki managed to say in between gasps of breath.
Mona looked on in shock. The man she loved more than anything in the world was dying before her. All of the love she felt for him, for Thor, for the people surrounding her that were once living, breathing beings who were now lying dead beside her, surged through her, pumping through her veins, making her heart race, shooting straight up into her brain. The purple diamond in her tiara shone brightly, and she swooned as her body became enclosed in a blinding light.
“What-?” Thanos exclaimed, shocked. In his surprise, he dropped Loki to the ground, where his body lay unconscious.
Slowly she was lifted off the ground as pure white light beamed out of every pore on her body. The long light blue gown she wore disintegrated as her body turned into pure light. She began spinning quickly as a new outfit regenerated onto her body. On her feet came light pink ballet slippers, the ribbons crisscrossing over her ankles and tying themselves in a neat bow on the backs of her legs. Then a light purple skirt spun around her, sprouting from her waist like the petals of a flower and finally coming to rest halfway down her thighs. A white blouse with a purple collar covered her chest and torso, and from just below her collarbone bloomed a great pink ribbon. Long white gloves appeared on her hands, starting from her fingertips and spreading upwards past her elbows, ending halfway between her elbow and her shoulder with a pink trim. Shining golden bracelets formed around her wrists, and white heart-shaped earrings formed on her ears. Rose pink eye shadow dusted her closed eyelids, and light pink lip gloss applied itself delicately to her flower bud lips. Finally, as she stopped spinning, a giant pink bow appeared behind her, it’s long ribbons shooting out from the small of her back and fluttering behind her like the branches of the cherry blossom trees in the spring. Along with that came huge white feathery wings, like an angel’s. When she opened her eyes once more, her once deep brown eyes shimmered light purple, and her raven hair, which had been pinned back before, flowed freely behind her in shining ebony waves. She floated gracefully back down, her feet landing delicately on the ground below her.
She stood before them, her stance poised and strong as she proclaimed, “I, Arabella, patron goddess of Shinobu, protector of its righteous princess, Desdemona Gabriella Angelina Esmeralda DeRenaldi the First, command you now to cease!” Her lilting, singsong voice had completely changed, now booming and authoritative. She was now Arabella, the ancient goddess whose spirit inhabited the gem in the tiara her mother gave to her just before she died.
Thanos’ shocked expression turned into a menacing grin. “You’re too late now. You can’t stop me. I already possess two of the six infinity stones, and there is no force more powerful in the universe!”
Arabella’s expression and tone remained unchanged. “You are wrong, Thanos. There is a force far more powerful than the infinity stones. A force that has existed since before the dawn of time, that is stronger than the force needed to spawn an entire universe, stronger than the force needed to spawn thousands upon thousands of universes. And that force is the power of love!”
Arabella spread her arms out in front of her and from her fingertips appeared a staff made of glowing white light. It spun in front of her, faster and faster until it became invisible to the naked eye, turning into a circle of pure light. From that circle shot out a massive ray of light straight at Thanos. He clenched his fist and a force field formed around him. The ray of light rammed into the force field, seemingly stopped in its tracks. But after a few seconds, one beam of light shot out from the giant ray, breaking through the force field and running Thanos straight through his stomach, narrowly missing his heart. His followers gasped as he cried out in pain.
“AAAAGH!!!” Thanos collapsed to the ground, clutching his sides. His eyes were wide with shock, his mouth agape. “How… How is this possible? It can’t be! My children, we have to find the other infinity stones! There’s no way she can be more powerful than all six of them combined!”
All together Thanos and his followers retreated back to the ship they came in, and it sped away, leaving the damaged ship floating aimlessly in space. Arabella collapsed to the ground as light from her tiara enveloped her again. When the light faded, Desdemona lay on the ground, wearing the same light blue gown she was in before. She sat up, holding her head and moaning, before looking around her. “Loki!” she immediately crawled over to where the god lay, cupping his face in her hands. “Loki! Please, please wake up!” tears filled her eyes as she waited for any sign of life in her one true love.
For a moment, he lay still. Then slowly, his blue-green eyes opened. Upon seeing Desdemona’s face, the corners of his lips turned upward. But then, he winced in pain.
“Loki! Thank heavens you’re alive!” Mona stroked his hair gently. “I was so scared! I thought I was going to lose you!”
Loki slowly reached up and took Mona’s hand in his, placing it on his chest. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a strained, hoarse noise. A shocked expression crossed his face. Then, tears filled his eyes as he realized what had happened.
“Oh, Loki…” Mona pulled him into an embrace as he cried softly into her shoulder.
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celestivbys-blog · 6 years
Chapter 1: Forgotten?
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A Picture when Pile, with her dogs, coincidentally meets Ucchi
As soon as Pile enters her home, she’s greeted by 2 toy poodles that were standing, jumping and softly barking.
“Aww you guys ♡, hihi”, says Pile as she lovingly hugs them.
Right after, she heads straight to her bedroom and decides to lay her bag on the bed.
                        She looks back and gazes upon the clock
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 ‘It’s 9:15 p.m. already? Wow, I didn’t expect it to be that late...’ Pile has thought to herself,
 but then she blinks quickly in realization-
 “HOLD ON! That’s still, in fact, early for me! I have no bedtime!”
 As Pile sorts out her bag, unexpectedly, a light shines out of nowhere in the side pocket, causing her heart to skip a beat.
She places her right hand on her chest and lightly sighs as she realizes right away that it was her phone.
 “There’s A LOT of notifications. How’d it get to such amount? Have I not checked my phone?- Oh that’s right, I had set it on silent since I had a live today~ must have forgotten.”
 She sits down on the side of her bed and scrolls through all of her missed notifications.
 You can see how much happiness she’s filled with, as she laughs and smiles, reading through all of her birthday greetings.
 But when she looks up at the ceiling and sighs in a sign of disbelief, right there and there, the atmosphere has changed its mood.
 She looks back at her phone for about a minute without saying anything, nor having any facial expressions.
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‘Everyone seemed to have greeted me, and the only ones who haven’t are those in-
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  Her eyebrows furrow.
 ‘Mimori is the only one who has tweeted me a birthday greeting, but still....’
 ‘They couldn’t have forgotten, could they? Are they planning a surprise perhaps?...No, that can’t be the case since I have no plans with them, nor was I invited to anything.’
 “It’s 9:38 p.m. already....Last time we chat was 3 days ago....”, Pile’s voice shifts to a nervous tone in the latter, “and I don’t even want to remember what it was about (•~•) ....”
The birthday girl grips her phone with her left hand, while she rests her chin on the palm of her right. Her mind is piled up with so many questions, choices, and decisions, as she asks herself of what she must do.
  ‘Shall I remind them?’
Her eyes are now starting to shift to different places…
‘Or maybe at least give a clue about it?- ’  
 “No No No, that’s not you Eriko! That’s a bit selfish of you...Is it even a selfish act though??
Gah, I don’t even know anymore…Why am I so desperate?”
 The μ’s girls are very precious to her. Well, LoveLive! is the main reason as to why her career as a singer became successful.
Poor girl, her mind rambles on several ideas, options, and disagreements. And after the live she just had today, and with all these thinking, she just got her brain all worn out.
“Aaaagh”, she lays herself on the mattress, covering her eyes with the back of her right’s forearm.
Flashbacks then come to her mind of each of her Love Live! μ’s colleague’s birthday celebration. Last that has come in was Kussun’s, she felt a bit jealous as to how grand of a surprise it was. But even so, she lightly smiles as to remembering those moments.
 “They just can’t forget…I had a live show and the fact that Mimori tweeted me, how could they not be informed that it’s my 30th birthday…”
 The light brunette is now filled with negative emotions such as sadness and disappointment, but actually it is more on confusion and disbelief.
 She wants to cry them all out but decides to not to and tries to recall all the positive episodes that have happened today. It is her birthday after all, she does not want to end this special day with such negativity.
9:24 a.m.
 Pile opens her eyes halfway. She tries to recollect herself as she sits up, pulling her knees close to her. She hugs em and rests her chin on top.
 After about 3 mins, she notices that she did not change clothes from yesterday’s live and the fact that she did not take an evening shower, she rushes to the bathroom to freshen up.
 As Pile prepares her breakfast, she hears a familiar ringtone coming from the living room.
 ‘Who can be calling?’
 As she glances over her phone,
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her eyes widen and immediately answers the call-
 “AH! Pai-chan, you seem hyper first thing in the morning....
By the way, that’s the 100th time you’ve screamed my name whenever you answer my calls.”
 “Really Suzuko? Out of all the numbers, it just had to be 100?”
 “Hehe....Yes. ANYWAYS, could you make me matcha green tea? I’ll be there in a few seconds-“
 “Wait, WHAT?”
 “Bye Pileeee”
 Mimori hungs up
 ‘Huuuh?! In seconds?! How close by is she???!’, Pile thinks out to herself as she prepares the necessities for the requested tea.
 Even with the certain amount of confusion going about in her head, Pile’s mood has certainly shifted to excitement.
Ding dong
And there she goes dashing down the entrance hallway. Her footsteps can be heard by her friend waiting outside; she too was also a member of Love Live! μ’s.
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A Picture of Mimori and Chocolat-chan
“Eh? Do I look like a ghost to you?”
 “Why a ghost?”
 “Because your face said it all when you burst opened the door.”
 “Yes Suzuko- OF COURSE NOT. Since when was someone happy seeing a ghost?!”
 “Uhm...ghostbusters, hehehe”, Mimori grins to her answer as Pile’s face turns into someone annoyed or unamused. ( ^∀^)/(−_−;)
  “Then maybe I am a ghostbuster, and that means to say that you DO look like a ghost.”, Pile says in a sarcastic tone.
 “Correction.... A beautiful ghost“, says Mimori in reply with her signature Mimo wink at the end.
 “Haha, funny-“
     The kettle begins to rustle, alerting Pile.
 “Oh! That’s for your tea!”, Pile runs back and asks Mimori to close the door for her instead.
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  As Mimori rests herself on the couch, found in the living room, she unleashes Chocolat in order to play with Pile’s dogs.
 “Su-chan, why are you here anyways?”, Pile approaches with the tea Mimori asked for.
 “Well, I wanted to hang out with you in the mall. I decided to fetch you instead of meeting you up there.” Mimori takes a sip and places the tea on top of the wooden coffee table in front of them.
 Pile’s eyes starts to widen, because the first thing that comes into her mind is perhaps a birthday surprise.
 “But why inform me in matter of seconds before your arrival?”
 “Not buying that...”
 “Fineee...it was your birthday after all. You had a live show yesterday and I was pretty sure that you’d be busy and tired for the day. But really, I wanted to surprise ya of my visit. I want to celebrate your birthday, just you and me, like last year when we did with mine.”
 “You shouldn’t have informed me then, that way it would’ve been more of a surprise... Plus, after your call, you had me more confused than being surprise-“
 “No. You were mostly excited than being confused AND surprised.”, Mimori smirks. Embarrassed, Pile looks away from Mimori and acts like Maki by saying her famous line, “Nani sore, imi wakannai!”.
 Pile then thinks to herself,
 ‘Could the rest of the girls be waiting for us in the mall to surprise me? They must’ve tasked Mimori to fetch me.’
 “Are you really trying to act like Maki-chan? Hehe, can’t forget about μ’s?”, asks Mimori.
 “OF COURSE NOT!”, Pile abruptly shouts in a way that caused Mimori to flinch.
 “Woa, Pile...a-are you alright?”
 She then returns to her normal self when Mimori asked her the question.
 “Oh no. I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to...”
 “It’s fine, I just didn’t think that you would react that way.”, Mimori smiles in order for Pile to calm down.
 “Right...Well, imma dress up now.”, Pile stands up and heads straight to the staircase.
 “Don’t wear anything formal by the way, I am not treating you to a very grand restaurant or anything.”
 “Awww whatt...Yea yea I know, and besides- I had planned to wear my Nishikino Maki Animal Hoodie.”
 “Why not the jersey one like mine?”
 “I don’t want to be matchy-matchy with your Umi Jersey Jacket. I just want us to be wearing something similar in concept.”
 Mimori takes a sip off her tea.
 “Pfffft...matchy-matchy? Yours doesn’t even have the exact same design as mine. You’re just shy because we would look lik- HEY! WAS I TALKING TO NO ONE?!”
 ‘Hmph she left me, and now I feel embarrassed because it looked as if I was talking to MYSELF.....
 Although Pile,
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  that was the first time I’ve heard you reply in a very sharp and serious tone, and yet the topic was about μ’s….Did something happen...?‘
 “I’m done!”
 The lady that was left alone raises an eyebrow, “And you’re not sorry?”
 “Sorry for what?”
 “For leaving me while I was talking? Never mind then...hmph!”
 “Wait I did? All I heard was “pffft”, then I thought you were gonna pout and force me to follow what you want, so I left.”
 “Amazing Pile, simply amazing”, Mimori slowly claps.
“Don’t worry Su-chan, I know your style heh.”
 Pile winks back at Mimori and heads down to the entrance hall, where her shoe room can also be found. But then a loud scream is heard,
 “Su-chan, what’s the matter?!”, Pile runs back.
 “Oh! Sorry, sorry...
 Chocolat-chan ran and bumped into the coffee table, and then the tea spilled onto your floor. I’m really sorry.”
 “Oh no, it’s okay, I’ll clean it up. This will also serve as my apology for leaving you.”
 “No no, I’ll also help clean….
  BUUUuuT, since you didn’t want to be “matchy-matchy”, at least let me be the one to choose your shoes.”
 “Uh- is that necessary?”
 “That will serve as your apology instead, hihi”
 “ I trust you for choosing my shoes, but I want to pick for myself.”
 “Aw c’mon, pretty pleeeeaaaseee?” Mimori does the puppy eyes since she knows it is irresistible, especially to Pile. And now Pile tries to look away, closing her own two eyes, but still opens one of them afterwards. Mimori is still doing it, and no matter what Pile does, she cannot find herself to say no.
“Mmmmmm...I should’ve seen this one coming...”, Pile lets out a sigh and smiles back at Mimori.
   “Fine, you go pick. Just make sure it’ll match the hoodie I’m wearing.”
 “Yey,  hehehehe.” Mimori claps with her fingers rapidly as she goes to the shoe room.
 “You really do act like a pre-schooler sometimes...well, most of the times.”
 Mimori replies while looking back, “We both do… everyone in μ’s in fact.”
  “Yea...”, the dark brunette looks at her dear friend with concern but shrugs it off before she notices.
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