oogaboogaspookyman · 6 months
Might be me looking too much into it but like. The cat segment from Lacey's Petshop HAS to mean something
Under the cut lies my ramblings that make no sense whatsoever prolly (i checked the og Petshop video to see what happened and refresh my memory so i didnt get anything wrong, and i still doubt myself lol)
Y'know how cats are portrayed as autistic creatures here? Strong senses, doesn't like noise, doesn't like too much touch, hangs out by existing in the same place as another, got their own body language aaaand are pretty much independent tbh?? Also they're deeper than what people say they are, they don't bite your hand for petting their belly all like "AAAHAHAHAHHA GOTCHA WAHAAA BITING YOU BITING YOU FOR BEING AN IDIOT YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP AAAHAHAAA‼️‼️‼️‼️" but because like. They Fucking Trust You To Not Touch Their Damn Belly And They Bite Because Bitch What The Fuck It's The One Thing I Told You Not To Do.
So in Petshop, the cat skeleton blocks the way forward because it's angry at the bird for taking it's skin, and that's the task you're given: retrieve the cat's skin
Two things here: the cat is portrayed as an autistic creature, being mighty different than the loyal often submissive dogs that are just pretty simple creatures, pretty much the neurotypical animal, and the cat's dialogue...
I have been hurt so i will hurt others!!!!
We'll get into that later...
The whole cat and it's apparent relation to autism gives me a deeper look into the possibility of Lacey or Rocío being autistic. This also gives a deeper look into the abuse of Lacey: the ableism. She was discriminated shamelessly, seeing how low they go with their vile abusive tendencies, possibly even by others OUTSIDE THE HOUSEHOLD.
So she's been stalked (and killed in the game Wardrobe) by her stalker, mistreated by the customers in Diner, sexually abused by her uncle, hurt time and time again by people around her inside and outside the abusive household physically, emotionally, mentally, and even so far as discriminated, and the breaking point was her little dog Puddles, being killed by the same uncle who is now dead, hidden under her bed...
Let's go back to the cat's dialogue, shall we?
I have been hurt so i will hurt others!!!!
The cat was chasing a bird it found and it costed it's skin, stolen by the bird, and now it's moody as hell because of it
It's been hurt before, and with how it's been treated it's first reaction to being met with Lacey is to hiss, to go on the defensive.
To be aggressive.
So this might give a look into the future of Lacey (if there IS a future seeing as Rocío put herself in the game):
Lacey is gonna get aggressive first thing the moment someone gets close to her. Because she's been hurt, so she will hurt others as revenge for it.
Lacey really needs a break, she really does...
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luvrxbunny · 6 months
not horny!
tips on how to start caring abt life again guys? could really use some help 👍🏾
i miss my old school
i miss my old friends
i miss who i was
i never wanted to go to college
i hate it
it’s making me hate everything again. it’s too stressful and it’s killing me i hate it i hate it i hate it
i csnt sleep anymore but i can’t gather motivation to do the work that’s stressing me because i know i’m gonna fail anyway
and my fucking mom thinks that all i need to do is stop saying “i hate college” and i’ll stop hating college??? or here’s a crazy idea!! maybe i just fucking hate college
i hate everything i hate life aaahahaaa like ppl say it gets better and it does but then it just gets bad again
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sneakykinkylinky · 7 years
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saltycathy · 5 years
A poem she’s never going to read
every day, every hour, every minute, wasted existence starved of many things, is this even living?, what's the point of life if you cant flourish every minute, every hour, every day, dreaming of when ill meet you the perfect someone to fill the holes in my shredded heart, do you even exist?
Hello? hello? where are you? I need you, more than ever. I would rather starve for 10 days than live like this; without you. Can you hear me? can you see me? are you out there? please be real. The romance, the affection, the comfort, the proof that I matter to someone.
I wrote a song about you, but you'll never hear it. I drew some art about us, but you'll never see it. I made the bed for us, but you'll never feel it. I cooked dinner for you, but you'll never be here for it.
You deserve to be real, but I guess it was never meant to be.
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mmmairon · 3 years
I love your artwork and seeing so much Diluc stuff from you is literally feeding me. You make Diluc BIG and that's so sexy of you on god.
AAAHAHAAA welcome to my madness… but seriously thank u so much … my buff diluc agenda only goes so far bc ppl seem to enjoy it and support me 🥲❤️❤️
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rebuilding-paradise · 2 years
Chili, holding a picture of Madeleine: "I MEAN LOOK AT HI-"
Espresso, deadpan: "smash."
Chili: "w-whhahahat!?-"
Espresso: "what? Weren't we playing smash or pass?-"
Chili: "W H E E Z E - AAAHAHAAA-"
@i-live-in-spain-without-the-a @kaylikestodrawlittlenightmares
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shraqsmuses · 3 years
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"Oh. Looks like I already screwed up.
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"That's such a me thing to do, huh? Aaahahaaa~"
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askgentlebraixen · 4 years
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finduilasclln · 4 years
Aaahahaaa! Someone saw The Old Guard! It's amazing, isn't it? So many tropes, an established gay relationship. A BAMF!black woman. I swear to god I had the song when she goes to save the others stuck in my head for DAYS. And the van scene, omg, I cried, so fucking romantic T-T Can't wait for Netflix to continue this o.o
IT IS SO AMAZING OMG! I loved it so much! I watched it last night and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I just love all the characters tbh. Yes, obviously also Joe and Nicky with all my heart! Like, omg, they’re perfect. It’s everything I’ve always wanted to see in a movie. *heartseyes* 
Is there going to be a second movie? Is there? OMG that would be awesome!! So awesome! 
Also, I have to say this... as a Belgian, I am so stoked that Matthias Schoenaerts has such a big role. So proud. :) 
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moonwalker101 · 3 years
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Aaahahaaa not in good place emotionally. Most likely still crying. Decided to color what I was feeling. All I felt I want was a tree. I call it tomorrow’s tears
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doctor-marshall · 4 years
fuck you bich!!! aaahahaaa,h,haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! FUcka you- UpsaFucking BitchhhhhhaahaaohoohoadgsFUck
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emsylcatac · 4 years
The cheese on Adrien's knee, for some reason I think its cute 😂 mainly cause Plagg is probably there :D if only Marinette asked why there's camembert there 👀 I want to see his answer 😆
It IS super cute! (despite the fact that cheese on bed is.. Eww)
You can probably imagine Plagg grinning at the camera and attempting a ‘peace sign’ but failing for lack of fingers. Or sticking his tongue. This is why kwami can’t appear on camera: too much cuteness to handle.
Marinette wouldn’t dare asking for the camembert but she would try a new weird recipe of macarons camembert flavoured. I want to see Adrien’s reaction then. But if she asked his answer would probably be something like “Ooooh aaahahaaa decidedly, this poltergeist really likes to prank me ahhahahaaa!”
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shinondraws · 5 years
Ever since I made the decision to change the course of my life and seek out a position where I would have a more chill job and hopefully more time to dedicate to art I have been low key freaking out from time to time.
It helps when I focus my thoughts and think of it as a way to start shaping my life into something I can be happy with and as a chance to start exploring the possibility of doing art for a living. 
It’s just that when I think of maybe doing concept art or creature design or whatnot I’m like “am I delusional??”. I know nothing about what it would be like, I don’t know if it will work out. I know it’s just my mind that prefers to stick with familiar things. My mind keeps telling me to be diligent and responsible and throwing that out of the window is just horror.
Hahahaaaa aaahahaaa ha ha ha this is fine
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combustible-lemons · 7 years
I’m FINALLY getting around to watching fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood and... I know i’m gonna be severely disappointed because i’ve been spoiled already but why don’t roy and hawkeye just fuck already jesus CHRIST
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revelation29 · 4 years
Jérôme de Warzée - Le Mariage Homosexuel
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misfxts · 5 years
What are the siblings up too today?
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“Mmmwah! Mmmwah! MMMMMMMWAH!”
Ichi is pecking Osamu’s face over and over, with exaggerated sound effects...
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“Aaahahaaa! Nii-san! N-Nii-saaaan stop! Ahahah!! T-That tickles...!!”
Osamu struggles out of his big sisters grasp. But you know he is loving the attention.
So...general wholesome siblin’ goofin’ then. Nice.
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