#booze babe; (ic)
57sfinest · 1 year
kim is such a funny little guy like he emphasizes how little the rcm salary is when you ask about it (5500 reál annually- 460/mo) but here he is with his nice electronic sports watch and his little instant camera and his fancy revolutionary cosplay for plainclothes and he's living in the GRIH which can't be cheap and he's got his fancy little mnemotechnique notebooks which are like the moleskine of elysium i guess and his fancy little ballpoints that he does NOT want to share with you which i bet is because they cost him like a week of salary. and this is the rcm he's not getting stipends for supplies or watches or housing or probably even the gas for the kineema. poor as fuck but he is going to buy himself his little treats god damn it. if he lived in our world you know he'd be out getting himself a $9 vanilla soy milk half caf dirty chai iced latte every morning on the way to the station and eating instant noodles every night to claw out room in the budget for it
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misfxts · 6 months
@brutus-the-robot-chef || X
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"Yeah, I remember. You were super excited when you found out that they were open and ready to take--"
Hold on... putting two and two together here..
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"...Brutus is there a fucking live goose in this apartment right now?"
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brutus-the-robot-chef · 4 months
Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
"M-my...my girlfriend's pretty cool."
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eddiesxangel · 6 months
Kiss Me Underneath the Mistletoe | Mechanic!EddieMunson x Friend!Reader
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Cw: Eddie and you share your first kiss. Fluffy goodness. Implied smut (Mentions of a car accident but no injuries) Eddie and the reader are both in their 20’s. Use of nicknames for reader. GN Reader :)
WC: 1.5k
The party was in full swing when you pulled up to Steve’s driveway. Eddie offered to pick you up because your car was still at his shop. Your card had gone into a tailspin on some black ice and got stuck in a ditch a few days ago. You were okay; only some minor damage to the bumper had to be fixed. Thank god you had your mechanic friend's phone number memorized.
“There you are!” Steve sounded exasperated. There were about fifteen cars parked outside his house, and music and laughter filled the home. It was warm and comforting, but Stevie looked stressed.
You really had only been half an hour late. You had to rush home from work with no car, so you had to take the bus, which took ten times slower. Only to get ready, and then you and Eddie had to rush to the bakery before they closed for the evening to pick up the Christmas cookies you promised to bring tonight.
“Sorry Stevie, I had to pick up the goods.” you wiggle the box of Christmas cookies you had picked up. And Eddie wiggled the bottle of bourbon in his hands to show you brought gifts.
“Yes!” Dustin said as he zoomed past you, swiping the sugary treats out of your hands.
“Hey!” You placed your hands on your hips.
“Sorry! But can’t wait any longer! You’re late enough; we only get these once a year.” Dustin was not sorry.
“Whatever, just save me at least one” you giggle.
“I’ll sneak you some, don’t worry,” Eddie whispered in your ear as a fantasy of his lips touching your neck comes to the forefront of your mind. Your body shivered from the proximity, and only Eddie noticed. He knew he got you. You would be his tonight whether you knew it or not.
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The night continued without a hitch; dinner was excellent, and there were games, music, and many more drinks afterwards.
There were a lot of people here you didn’t recognize. Mostly Steve’s coworkers from the office. You had gotten separated from the group when a few of them cornered you with the most god-awful conversation about trades and charts and who knows what.
You finally spot someone out of your group, thankfully Eddie, who can read your face better than anyone. You made the save me eyes, and he beelined to your rescue.
“Hey, there you are! I need your help in the basement. Steve needs us to bring up more booze.” he rests a hand on the small of your back.
You quickly and politely excuse yourself from the conversation, and as soon as the basement door closes, you let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god! I don’t think I could stand another moment; I don’t know how Steve does it!”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll always be here to save you,” Eddie smirks, his big hand still on your lower back, guiding you toward the cold cellar.
“Oh, we are actually getting drinks?” You question.
“Yea, babe, what did you think we would be doing down here?” he playfully wiggled his eyebrows before passing you a smaller case of beer while he took on the heavy load. You were a little disappointed; you thought you might get some alone time with Eddie before returning to the party.
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You make your way back up to the sounds of cheering and laughing, unsure what’s going on. You both make it into the kitchen, restocking the cooler and fridge, oblivious to the crowd following Steve, who came running in, waving around some green and red plant while simultaneously spilling his red cocktail on the floor.
“Kiss!” Steve pops up behind you and Eddie, startling you both.
“What the fuck, man”—“You scared me!” You both say simultaneously.
“Too bad, you gotta kiss,” he says, wiggling mistletoe above your heads. You scan the group behind Steve; all your friends stare at you like zoo animals.
“Wha-” “Come on-“ you and Eddie were cut off.
“My party, my rules, you’re standing under the mistletoe. You gotta kiss,” he smirks like he knows what he is doing. It wasn't a secret to your friends you had a crush on Eddie.
“Steven!” You scold. Did you want to kiss Eddie? Yes. Did you want to do it forced in front of all your friends?! No.
As you stood your ground, it became more apparent that Steve wasn’t leaving until Eddie planted one on you.
You look to Eddie to gauge his feelings, but his poker face is not helping.
"You really don't want to kiss me that bad, sweetheart?" he raises a brow to you. Maybe he had read your situation wrong.
"What? No. Yes. No! I just want-" You were cut off because you heard your friends begin to chant behind Steve’s stupid, smug face.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!”
“Fine!” You succumbed to the peer pressure. You turn and grab Eddie’s head in both hands, pull him down, and plant one on him.
If you were paying attention, you would have heard the cheers from your friends. A minute later, you would have heard the gags and them scurrying away when Eddie stuck his tongue in your mouth. You would have heard Steve mumble “atta’boy” before leaving you two alone, but you didn’t hear anything other than your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
All of your senses were consumed by Eddie. His mouth was soft and gentle like he didn’t want to break you. He tasted like cranberries and bourbon. His tongue broke through, and you let out the slightest whimper as your hands moved from his cheeks to his waist…. His tight little waist that you have been drooling over since you saw him in that tight black tank top with his coveralls hanging off his waist, sweat dripping down his chest and grease-stained skin. When you walked into his work for the first time all those months ago. He was pure sex appeal that day, and you hadn’t seen him the same way since.
Eddie’s hands crept up from the waistband of your pants, slipped up under your shirt and grazed the soft skin of your back. Goosebumps spread throughout your whole body as Eddie continued to pull you closer to him.
You could have been there for a minute or an hour, you didn’t know, but the moment finally broke when Dustin walked back into the kitchen for those special cookies you’d brought.
“Oh my god! Get a room” he rolled his eyes, and the two of you broke apart, not realizing you were sucking face and feeling one another up in the middle of Steve’s kitchen like you were two teenagers.
A rush of blood spread across Eddie’s face. His lips were just as red as his cheeks. Your face was also just as hot. You could feel the rush of blood travel up your chest to your throat and across your cheeks as you took in what had just happened.
An uncomfortable giggle left your lips, and Eddie swore he heard angels singing. A smile broke on his face, and you felt at ease.
“You wanna get out of here?” Eddie reaches out a hand. You grab it while frivolously nodding your head. Eddie pulls you through the crowded house, trying to slip past everyone.
“Get it, Eddie!” “That’s my boy!” “Finally!” “About damn time!”
All your friends shout, and you hide your face in Eddie’s chest while he pulls your coat out from the closet.
Eddie giggles as Steve approaches the both of you, blocking the door.
“So when’s the wedding? Do I get credit? Or does Eddie? 'cuz he asked me to set up this elaborate ruse?” he wiggled his eyebrows at the two of you.
“What?” You looked at Eddie, and he chuckled uncontrollably.
“I’m going to have to cut you off, man. No more Christmas cocktails for you.” he swiped the crystal glass from Steve’s hands and chugged the rest.
“Hey!” Steve drunkenly protested.
“What’s he talking about Ed’s?” You giggle.
“Ol’Eddie here asked me to help divide a plaaaaan to get yo-” Eddie cupped a hand over Steve’s mouth and smiled at you with the biggest grin that said he was guilty.
“Real smooth, Munson,” you playfully roll your eyes.
“It worked, didn’t it?” He stepped closer and lifted your chin up to him. He was so cocky, but it made your stomach do a summersault at his touch.
“Ok, turtle doves, get out of here already and make a little drummer boy,” Steve winked.
“Ew, you're gross Steve! Ed’s right, no more cocktails for you.” Robin grabbed Steve by the arm and whisked him away while you and Eddie giggled out the door.
“So you’ve been wanting to kiss me?” You bite your lip as he opens the passenger door for you.
“Yeah,” he sighed as he pushed up against the car while looking into your eyes.
“You know you didn’t need to drag Steve into it” you giggle.
“Well, where’s the fun in that baby?” He whispered before leaning in to kiss you again. Your body felt it was on fire even though it was below freezing outside. You didn’t care. Eddie’s warmth was enough, and his warmth was indeed the thing that kept you warm for the rest of that night.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 10 months
Little White Lies—
Quinn Hughes x reader
Request: Quinn bringing his gf to the golf course to tag along with him, his brothers, and their dad. His gf pretended to be bad at gold for his sake…lol until they told her maybe she should go get an ice tea at the country club. But she decided to give them a run for the money…the Hughes Bros vs Quinn Gf and Jim. Jim even said he will invite her out to golfing with his friends… lol Jack even offered to bring her against Trevor. Quinn’s Gf def hustled them.
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Off-season was coming to an end, meaning that the Hughes family golf tournament was in full swing.
Quinn had invited his girlfriend out with them for the first time. She wasn't invited out the past two summers that she'd accompanied Quinn to Michigan for the summer season, so she was excited and ready to play some golf.
Quinn grinned as she stood on the grass, her little white lulelemon skirt accentuated her thighs, her tanned shoulders on displayed, and hair was pulled back into a loose bun making his breath a little jagged and his head dizzy.
"Have you ever played before?" Jim asked as she stood next to him on the grass. Y/n took a practice swing, her form perfect as she held her pointer finger up to her lips, motioning for him to keep it a secret, "Ahh I see." "He gets competitive, I don't wanna burst his ego," she shrugged and sat next to the older man on his cart, sipping a Long Island Iced Tea as she watched Luke, Jack, and Quinn approach the cart.
Jack grinned, "Last game of the year, this decides who the best golf in the fam is," he mused, arm wrapping around his oldest brothers neck as his smirk grew, "as we all know I won last year, I'm feeling a two-year streak coming on." Quinn rolled his eyes and dipped out from Jack's hold making the younger brother trip from not having something to support his weight anymore.
"Don't listen to him, I have a feeling the title is all yours babe," the girl smiled innocently as Quinn melted into her hold, arms wrapped around him as she placed a kiss on his cheek. Quinn turned his head and pecked her on the lips, "You taste like rum," he whispered as he kissed her again. "Booze is the only way I'm getting through this day, and the heat," she said with a smile.
Jack groaned, "Stop being in love and lets get going!" "Okay okay," Quinn said, watching the pout on her face grow before he kissed it away, "lets go," he whispered.
Seven holes in and Y/n was putting in the least effort she could, not only was she not wanting to mess with the Hughes family tourney, but also golf was so disinteresting to her.
Quinn smiled at her as they arrived at the eighth hole, his hand on her thigh as she stared out of their cart to his brothers who were arguing in the other one, Jim driving with the most annoyed look on his face as his competitive sons bickered amongst themselves.
"Are you bored, love?" her loving boyfriend asked as they parked. "Am I doing that bad?" she asked, feigning innocence as she finally looked at him, brows pulled together with concern as he made a face that told her the answer, she was horrid. "Let me play this hole, and if I'm bad, I'll just go the bar and sit the rest out," she said with a grin. "I'm not saying you have to stop playing, you just look bored." "I know," she kissed his cheek before hopping off of the cart and pulling out her preferred club.
She let Luke go first, then Jack, and then it was her turn. Y/n turned and looked at Jim, winking at him before taking a deep breath and placing her feet in a better position, "I feel I might be getting better," she mused, Jim held back a chuckle as she swung her club and hit the ball.
The golf ball landed perfectly on the green as she turned around with a grin to look at all of the Hughes boys, a devious look on her face, many jaws dropped. "What?" she asked, dropping the bimbo act. "Your form was perfect!" "You just- have you been fucking around with us?"
The girl looked at Jim who looked thoroughly impressed, Quinn's brows were furrowed, "I thought you hated golf?" "I do," she shrugged, "doesn't mean I'm not good at it, Dad put me in lessons when I was in highschool," she said before taking a sip of her drink. "I feel betrayed!" "You'll live." "I don't think I will! I could've had you as a partner in the tourney against Brady and Matty instead of Jack!"
His girlfriend shrugged, "Speaking of tourneys, I'm gonna need you to partner with me tomorrow when I play against Cole and Trev," Jack said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her into his side as she groaned. "I should've stayed at the bar," She looked to Quinn to get him to help her get out of it, but instead he shrugged with a smirk and looked down to his feet, ignoring eye contact. "Help your brother-in-law out!"
Quinn's face filled with amusement as she agreed returning to her boyfriend's side, "Are you mad?" "Of course not," he smiled as his arm wrapped around her, watching as Jim started to line up his club with the ball, "I'll try to get you out of that game tomorrow." "No I deserve the karma for lying," she said with a laugh, looking up at Quinn's crooked smile, her face broken out into a blushing mess as she stood on her tiptoes and pecked his lips lovingly, once, twice, and a third time before she was cut off. "Enough!" Jack screeched.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
rooster loves to make you blush!! when he bends down to kiss your cheek in greeting, his favourite thing is to murmur the dirtiest of things he wants to do to you and to watch pink blooms on your cheek and you hide your face into your hands and throw yourself into his chest
Usually you meet Bradley and his friends at the Hard Deck, but tonight it's closed for maintenance, so you're at a smaller joint down the street. It's got all of the booze but none of the beach, so you slip through a packed floor to find Bradley.
He sees you first, notices your bright shirt and jams his handful of darts into Fanboy's chest. The man narrowly avoids a needle to the nipple, and angrily informs Bradley that he needs to be more careful with his darts.
Bradley pays him no mind as he elbows his way through the crowd to join you, grinning beneath his aviators when you nearly run into him.
"Hey, sweetheart," He greets, that subtle rasp in his voice that you love listening to, "You made it!"
"I did," You grab his hand to steady yourself in the cramped space, looking warily over your shoulder to make sure you don't bump into anyone, "I thought I was gonna have to crawl through the crowd for a second."
"Oh, yeah?" Bradley laughs, leaning in to kiss you. He goes for your cheek, one because he knows you're a little skittish about PDA, and two because if he kisses you for real, he'll never stop, and you'll be jostled through the crowd.
"I'd love to see you down on your knees," Bradley presses a kiss to the apple of your cheek, then murmurs devilishly in your ear, "I could probably see up the back'a that little skirt you've got on, babe."
"Bradley!" You hiss, cheeks flaring with heat as you cling to the front of his shirt, "Don't-! We're... there's people around!"
"No one can hear me except you," He laughs softly, sticking a slightly wet kiss to your jaw, "Come on, baby, let's go join the group."
You're not ready for him to move yet, still frozen where you stand. When he tries leading you away your knees nearly give out, and he catches you around the waist with an incredulous laugh.
"Got your knees weak, baby?" He smirks knowingly, "Or are you just trying to get into my arms?"
"Don't do this here," You beg pitifully, pleading for mercy with your shiny, nervous eyes, "What if someone sees?"
"You'll be alright," Bradley soothes, pressing what's finally a chaste kiss to your forehead as you regain the strength to move yourself, "Now come on, baby. Let's get you some ice water for those burning cheeks of yours."
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ifimdreaming · 1 year
Can we go now?
Luke Hughes x Reader || angst, some fluff
summary: Luke brings you to a dinner party filled with misogynistic men and bad booze, and feels really bad about.
author’s note: this is very rushed but i hope you enjoy it anyway! love you
word count: 1.0k
“how much longer lukey?..” you grab onto his arm and lean into him, quietly asking into his ear. “I know… i'm sorry, it’s only been a couple hours babe..but we can leave if you really need” He replies kindly, knowing how much you both hate dinner parties like this. 
It wasn’t often that your boyfriend invited you to these events so you just nod in response, knowing he needs to be here for work and, also, not wanting to be the one to make him leave early.
Normally it isn’t too terrible, and there are moments for you two to sneak away from crowds and quietly sit together at a table and just enjoy the night. But tonight was different, it was non stop talking and mingling, Luke trying to be as professional as possible around borderline rude men making bad jokes and slightly misogynistic comments, not caring that you are standing right there.
 And for the most part you were doing your best fake smiles and laughs, but the comments just kept getting worse and worse as the conversations progressed.
 After having dinner and moving outside for watered down cocktails, you go to refill your drink, needing an escape, and leaving Luke with a group of mostly strangers for a moment. Looking over at him from the bar, you can just tell from his face that he is getting tired and probably more and more irritable as the time passes. 
A moment later you feel a small brush against your back as you’re sitting at the bar and a hand rests against your thigh. “Ok i’ll have a drink and then we’re out of here” Luke sighs out as he takes a seat beside you. He rests his head in his hand, closing his eyes for a moment and you reach up to comb your fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
“Ok…just please promise me you won’t get sucked into another endless conversation about the playoffs again?” 
“trust me, i wanted out of that conversation just as much as you did” he retorts back defeatedly. You both knew your moods were worsening when you started to get nippy and sarcastic with each other. 
You sit in silence for a moment while Luke is finishing his drink and you start to swirl the ice in your empty glass, needing to finish your drink even if it was the worst cocktail you’ve ever had in your life.
“Im really sorry i dragged you here, i just hate coming to these things…thought it would be at least a little more bearable with you around…” he looks down, “i didn't know it would be this…shitty” he begins to rub his thumb over your thigh slowly and you can tell by his tone that he truly feels bad about tonight and how everyone was treating you, knowing there are so many other things you two would rather be doing on a friday night.
“luke im just thankful we get to spend time together tonight” you start, “i'm glad you asked me to come with you” you say reassuringly. 
You look up at him with a small smile and place a gentle kiss on his lips, he leans in and brings a hand up to your face, cupping your jaw. You pull away and press a few soft kisses on his cheek, making him crack his first smile all night.
Just as Luke finishes his drink, you see two men walking towards the both of you sitting at the bar and you nudge Luke’s arm to warn him, not wanting to get trapped in conversation again. 
Luke quickly swivels on his seat and goes to stand up, grabbing your arm to help you down from your stool. He places some cash on the bar beside your empty glasses and you start towards the door, opposite the people walking your way.
“Luke Hughes! If it isn’t the newest new jersey devil!” a man in a dark grey suit and receding hairline creeps up behind Luke, “How bout’ we have a drink outside!” he says almost demandingly. 
“Sorry we’re actually heading out-” you try to interrupt, getting tired of staying quiet all night.  “Oh it will just be a minute” the man insists as he steps forward placing a hand on Luke’s back to nudge him towards the patio outside where more people were. This causes your hand to disconnect from Luke’s as the man begins speaking to Luke, completely ignoring you. 
“Actually she said we’re leaving” Luke defends, grabbing your hand and moving past the man. 
“Nice meeting you” he says sarcastically as we start to walk away and you swear you hear the man cursing under his breath at you as Luke pulls you by the hand, angrily marching towards the exit. 
“yeah this fucking sucked. no one’s treating you like that ever again.” he says as you make your way to the parking garage. “hey ..lukey…” you say and he turns around to face you as you’re both standing by the passenger side of his car “i'm so sorry about them” he says and crashes his lips on yours, his hands on both sides of your hips as he walks backwards, your back leaning on the side of his car as he makes out with you. 
You reach your hand up and run it along his chest and he leans down to place kisses across your neck. He places his hands on either side of your face and looks at you, “promise ill m-make it up to you..” he says remorsefully, hoping this night hasn’t upset you too much.
 “-Baby! Its ok! Its not your fault” you reassure through giggles and his eyebrows relax after seeing that your mood has lifted. 
“Honestly i’m just glad we’re finally leaving” his hands are still on your face and you grab his wrists, bringing them down, “Can we go now?” you say smiling at your sweet boyfriend as he looks back at you with loving eyes. 
“Of course”
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jollyreginaldrancher · 4 months
Realistic Yellowjackets X reader hcs
• Natalie would Dutch oven you
• Van would make you sit through really shitty movies
• Taissa would eat your fucking dog
• Jackie would steal all your goddamn hoodies
• Misty would be chill but your shit would occasionally go missing and she'd always be the one to find them. Which like, okay, get your validation but don't make me late for my grandma's birthday party, she's turning so so old and doesn't have the time to wait around for me to find my keys.
• Nat would have rank breath from all the smoking and the alchohol.
• Van would also have bad breath unfortunately, because her diet mostly consists of funyuns and Cheeto puffs. Her mom doesn't cook and nobody taught her so she mostly gets junk food to fill in the gaps in her meals. She practically sweats McNuggies.
• Lottie would spend so much time using her gentle giant powers for the good of womankind that she would constantly flake on you. "Babe, you missed our wedding" "I had to get this kitten off this tree"
• Natalie would also have a sadistic streak with certain things that don't really matter. Not like consent or anything fucked up like that, but she would tickle you until you cried and maybe even pissed yourself a little. And she would have no boundaries. Like she would follow you to the bathroom like a cat from the first date and she wouldn't take the hint that you need privacy to change your tampon. You'd be trying to hint that you want her out by saying "I need to change tampons" and she would start rooting through her pockets for one because she'd think that's your way of asking for one. Bless her, she's a himbo.
• Laura Lee would drag you to so many church events -as a friend- and unintentionally tease you constantly and be so damn innocent in public that you'd think you're going crazy.
• Shauna wouldn't let you out of her sight. She would be so possessive and suspicious for the drama. She would broach the subject of three ways or opening the relationship and you would think she's asking because she has feelings for her best friend but it's a trap.
• Mari thinks she's funny but her jokes just come off as mean. She's even more vicious when stressed. You'd take her ice skating and her skates would snag and she would curse your mother.
• Natalie also smells but less like funyuns and more like cheap booze and cigarettes. She also doesn't wash her face and while you're not materialistic her beauty is a fluke. She'd be walking around all winter with chapped lips, trying to kiss you and scratching the shit out of your thighs with them.
• Taissa constantly trying to beat you at shit would get really fucking annoying. She would turn random shit into a game too just to get an extra W on you. She'd be like "race you to the curb" while crossing roads and making you sweat and you would say you don't care but she's lowkey just trying to get you to be rougher with her in a roundabout way. She'd be so indirect it would piss you off.
Like "what do you want for dinner babe?" And she would tell you to pick and just shoot down all your suggestions before just settling on the same thing she always picks.
• Jackie would fill your social calendar to the brim. You'd call her, asking her to *1996 equivalent of Netflix and chill* and she'd be like "you mean you're not coming to the party? And you would have to check your calendar only to find out it was an impromptu thing that she didn't even ask you to, because she just assumed you were coming.
• Shauna would complain about other people constantly but still act friendly with them for the most part giving you mixed signals. Like, "babe, do we hate them or not?". It's complicated though. It's always complicated because she lives for the drama tbh.
• Misty's autistic hyperfixations would take over her life and sometimes she would simply stop existing for all intents and purposes. You'd run into her at the grocery store as you're about to hang up missing posters and she'd be sporting the biggest eye-bags and when you'd ask her where she's been she'd go into detail about niche fandom info. Like how fucked up the Hiro episode of Thomas the tank engine is.
• You would be exhausted all the time from all the self defence classes you would need to take to fight off Lottie's other suitors.
• Taissa would definitely bully you like she's not the biggest nerd on the team. She would pick on you for your lunch box meanwhile she studies religiously before every test and one time she stressed so bad before a test that she threw up.
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ghouljams · 3 months
Ghoul ghoul ghoul, idk if you've listened to the new Hozier song "too sweet" yet but I'm having some SEVERE brain wormies and I need them out before they consume me. It's just ugh- At first I was like- oh man, this is totally a Ghost song and it could still kinda be a Ghost song. But then Hozier himself dropped from the clouds and slammed my head into the radio and that's when I realized, this isn't a Ghost song. No no. This is a Price song. I could see this as him rejecting a much younger person.
He likes you, he does. You're this sweet, young thing who's just fallen head over heels and he's flattered. Really! But... you're too young. Too sweet. Maybe one day when you've grown up a bit more, gotten some more life experience or maybe never. In truth, you may never be bitter enough for him. He needs someone that's aged like him, someone who can match his stride. Just AHHHHHHH it's so Price coded I swear I'm gonna cry.
- 🦈 anon
All day baby, we're on 48 hour Unreal Unearth Unheard lockdown. I'm studying these songs like I'm a gonna write a thesis on them. "Too Sweet" is a Ghost song baby, but it can apply to Price as well. Here's my interpretation of it. I was going to include how it relates to the boys but uh... this got long...
I don't think it's about a younger partner at all, I also see this as a song more about the narrator than the subject...
Diving in with Verse 1
It can't be said I'm an early bird It's 10 o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well? You keep tellin' me to live right To go to bed before the daylight But then you wake up for the sunrise You know you don't gotta pretend Baby, now and then
Our subject is a morning person, they're up early while the narrator is sleeping in. The narrator clearly doesn't sleep well, for one reason or another, they even ask how the subject sleeps so well. But then we get this line that defines the whole song.
"You keep tellin' me to live right"
The subject isn't just an early bird, they're the sort of person who sees this as a health issue. They go to bed, sleep well, and wake up with the sunrise to enjoy the day. By contrast the narrator goes to bed in the wee hours of the morning and is clearly living a life that isn't healthy in the subjects eyes.
But the narrator also doesn't believe that the subject is truly the healthy person they "pretend" to be.
[Pre-Chorus] Don't you just wanna wake up Dark as a lake Smellin' like a bonfire Lost in a haze? If you're drunk on life, babe I think it's great But while in this world
Here the narrator describes his nights spend out in the darkness partying. Lost in a haze of booze or drugs, he says it's great that the subject is "drunk on life" but he'd prefer to get "lost in a haze." He questions why the subject wouldn't want to join him in this lifestyle, we go into the chorus with the understanding that the narrator is "enjoying" life through his unhealthy habits.
[Chorus] I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me I take my whiskеy neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for mе You're too sweet for me
He takes his whiskey neat, which gives this wonderful impression of masculinity and sounds very clean, but in reality he may as well be pulling straight from the bottle. Whiskey neat just means no ice, no nothing to distill the liquor down. Then he takes his coffee black, again we get this sort of rich bitterness, but he contrasts it, he drinks it in his bed at 3. There's no good 3 at which he's drinking black coffee, pm or am.
The narrator lives his life in bitterness, in unhealthy habits. Of course his subject is "too sweet" for him, they're healthy and seem happy. In contrast the narrator doesn't seem happy so much as he feels pre-destined to this life. He doesn't want to change his habits because this life feels almost deserving to him. He's lost in the haze, he's taking pulls straight from the bottle and waking up late in the day only to do it all over again.
[Verse 2] I aim low I aim true, and the ground's where I go I work late where I'm free from the phone And the job gets done But you worry some, I know But who wants to live forever, babe? You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate The rest of you like you're the TSA I wish that I could go along Babe, don't get me wrong
Oof verse 2. This is where I think we really see where the narrator sees their lives diverging. "The ground's where I go" his life is going downhill, he's headed for an early grave, but he can't divert the arrow. He is forced to lower his aim because this is the cycle. Hozier himself said this song was meant for the circle of gluttony, and I hear it. The idea that his consumption, his over consumption is going to kill him one day.
And he tries to justify it! "I work late... the job gets done" he's away from his phone, the subject can't reach him, healthy habits can't reach him. But he deserves to let loose, because he's getting the job done. He sees this as a freedom, as a reward, and yet he knows it worries the subject, but by his own words "who wants to live forever"? If he's already destined for the grave why shouldn't he enjoy it?
Contrasted again by the subject. "You treat your mouth as if it's heaven's gate" he sees the subject as preachy, they keep trying to offer him salvation he doesn't want, and the words hit him as almost fictitious. He's so deep in the hole that even the hand held out to him seems like it's coming from heaven, so far is he from his baby. "The rest of you like it's the TSA" regimented, the subject has rules that they follow dutifully, they have a routine, they're strict with what they let through their filters. And the narrator wishes he could go along with it! He admires it, but for one reason or another he can't.
[Pre-Chorus] You know you're bright as the morning As soft as the rain Pretty as a vine As sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel Maybe I'll wait Until that day
Ok this is the part I think makes people imagine it's about a younger person. The lines "If you can sit in a barrel/ Maybe I'll wait" people think is about aging, but I disagree. I think it's about embittering the subject. Grapes are sweet, wine is dry and bitter, it's hot in the blood. The narrator is saying that if the subject can grow to be as bitter (and alcoholic) as he is then maybe he'd be able to stick to them.
BUT in the background going to the chorus we hear church bells, we hear wedding bells. The narrator is vividly in love with the subject even though they're such opposites. I think he wants the subject to save him, but he can't find the strength to ask. He's telling them that he loves them, they're all these wonderful opposites to him, but they don't understand his bitterness for one reason or another. He can imagine a future with them, he can hear the wedding bells, but he can't stop pushing them away. He knows they're right, knows they're good for him, but he's not ready to be saved yet.
[Chorus] I'd rather take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me I take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
This last chorus really seals it for me. It's so powerfully sung, again the narrator is justifying his lifestyle to the subject, but it's more desperate. He's trying to convince himself as much as them. The wedding bells ring, the narrator pushes this too sweet person away because he knows he's bad for them. He wants to make them bitter, he wants to make them more like himself instead of changing his habits, and he knows that's wrong. It's a declaration, "You're too sweet for me" find someone else, find someone that doesn't drink from the bottle, that can wake up with you and go to bed with you, find someone that doesn't want to ruin you the way I do.
I think the fact that the bells ring all the way through the end of the last chorus lines signals that the subject sticks around, that they're determined to help the narrator, and finally when the song ends (rather abruptly) the narrator gives in. His life of debauchery ends, and that pretty thing, soft as the rain, is no longer too sweet for him.
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babelovesjosephine · 23 days
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Ah, his name was Kevin, used to smoke fags outside the seven eleven, got picked on by that black boy Beven, probably while your Mommy was feeding you Devon. Any way Ice House wrote most of it down the back of Feld land and Kevin slept all the way through it, so behead me a Goose now you're on the Booze me and this guitar will soon be in your Local Bar, just come as Babe, smoke ya Sage and read from your page, I ain't no Paige but Babe you really pay a good wage, love from the I in Field, wield it yield it, for those that Feld like they yell, just calm down and support generation X and good old fashioned sex.
#Emily Feld61
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augustinewrites · 2 years
45 with suna pls 🙏🙏
45. "we shouldn't do this" but they do so anyway
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there’s a random reality show playing when someone knocks on your hotel room door.
you ignore it, at first. it’s 11pm, an hour past the team’s scheduled lights out. you’re already comfy, having showered off a weekend of back to back matches and bundled under the comforters. whoever needs you can grab an ice pack and wait till morning.
but whoever it is knocks again, a little more insistently this time. rolling out of bed to grab your hoodie before padding over to peer through the peephole. you roll your eyes when you see who it is, and rin’s leaning against the doorframe, grinning down at you as you open the door. his cheeks are flushed, shirt untucked, and his hair slightly unkempt. the faint scent of booze tells your he’s been drinking, yet his gaze remains steady and fixed on you.
your heart flutters, and you turn away, hoping to hide the blush creeping up your neck.
“i knew you’d still be up.”
“i was about to head to bed, actually.”
rin scoffs at that. “doubt that. mind if i come in?”
he’s not really asking for permission, brushing past you before you can reply, flicking on the lamp and kicking off his shoes before making himself comfortable at the foot of your bed.
“what are you doing here, rin?” you ask, shutting the door behind him before joining him on the bed.
“you mean you weren’t expecting me?” he teases. “don’t play coy, babe, i think we’re past that.”
it wasn’t entirely unusual for him to come to your room during out of town games. though usually he came under the guise of minor medical attention. like stiffness in his neck or a problem with his shoulder.
what never changed is that he always stayed after, lingering for as long as he could before lights out. you’re not sure why he did that, but you weren’t exactly complaining either. you enjoyed talking to him. the two of you talked about real shit, going back and forth for hours about politics and feminism and all the other isms you couldn’t name at the moment.
“well, you seem medically fine, if not slightly intoxicated,” you tell him.
rin sighs deeply, dramatically, before flopping back into your bed to stare at the ceiling. “well i’m not.”
so you lay next to him, the two of you rolling over so you’re face to face.
“cause see, there’s this girl.”
that was…not what you were expecting. but rin’s always been a chatty drunk. “oh?”
“yeah,” he nods. “but i don’t think she knows how much i like her.”
“do i know her?” you ask, heart aching as you file through a list of names in your head, shifting away from him. “if you like her, you should just tell her. no use in keeping it a—”
“it’s you, idiot,” he huffs, catching your wrist. it takes your brain a moment to catch up as he gently presses his lips to your palm. “i’m trying to tell you i like you.”
the relief that washes over you is instant. “you like me?”
“with all my heart,” he grins, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you close.
you can’t help but wrinkle your nose. “that’s so sappy.”
“ah, you love it,” he whispers, gaze flicking to your lips.
“rin,” you warn. “we shouldn’t. motoya’s going to wonder where you are if you’re not back in your room—”
he kisses you to shut you up, and you relent, giggling against his lips and gently kissing him back.
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annieqattheperipheral · 11 months
I don’t know if Auston attends many weddings tbh, he seems pretty quiet every off season. He only hangs out with his family and his Arizona friends in the summer. I only remember seeing him at the Kadri wedding (like 2017-18?) and one pic of him at a wedding in the summer 2019 his friend posted and that’s it. That’s a low number considering how many friends he has in the league/hockey world
And that right there makes me wonder about Leafs culture yet again. Yes they all love and respect each other but they're quite silo'd from each other eh?
Ofc i get wanting to draw a line bw work and personal. And aus right to do whatever he pleases in his off time
...but when you've got schenn coming in and setting up a full team dinner on an away game for the first time ever in this core's history. That's heartbreaking shocking facts. They're lovely and cordial and playful n whatnot like u are with coworkers u don't hate.... But when push comes to shove literally that is why they don't stand up for each other on the ice.
Like ok let's use the best example possible: matthew tkachuk. Dude shows up to Florida and immediately takes out the trainers for a meal and barky like ohhh helllsss yea this dude gets it. He gets team vibes. That's how they pushed n pulled each other to the SCF. That's how Calgary made anything happen despite the cruelty of sutter littered all about.
And ppl want Aus to be CAPTAIN????????? bffr
I had to spell it out bc acronyms just ain't enough in these trying times
Another example on a smaller scale-- willy hosting away game dinners for the Swedes. Those blond bitches are BONDED. Looking out for each other on the ice. Crying and weeping and cradling and walking each other out of arenas after getting traded mid practice
I'd rather have willy or mitchy as captain over jt or aus. I think u plop that level of responsibility at his feet mitchy would be like omg Steph babe pls setup team events for me?? U make cocktails right? Just booze us all up and take us ax throwing or whatever. And he'd worry his cute ass off about his little creatures
Or willy as captain?? That boy looks chill but he is dedicated and focused on every task and he would whip up a Google shared spreadsheet and calendar with his little round wire specs on and get everyone on the same page. And then he'd show up last to every one of his events ofc but dw its all setup by vendors & ready to go
... sigh. Ok lmao that got long.
MLSE wants everyone to stop focusing on the core? Well how about you give them a reason to care about anyone besides themselves
They have the skills. They've always had the skills. They need the culture
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misfxts · 5 months
@valiant-au-save-slot-a || x
Ichisada responded with a restrained grin at Crowley's chipper tone, still processing the fact that she nearly had a meeting with god himself, but otherwise she seemed perfectly fine! Strangely, Crowley's firm grip on her arm was grounding.
She looked continued to look up at the hole in the plywood as the workers scurried around and began damage control, only when Crowley spoke up again and released their grip did she come back to reality.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good. Don't worry about it." She rubs the spot where Crowley gripped her, looking at Crowley up and down. Wait a minute.. "Your uh.. your eyes.. have they always done that? The ringlet things."
She motioned to her own eyes.
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crownmemes · 7 months
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InspiroBot Sentences
(Sentences from InspiroBot. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Being feminine doesn't mean that you are not a murderer."
"Your future is a fucked up joyride."
"A bottle of booze a day keeps the visions away."
"Murder is an irrelevant obstacle we should all be debating."
"Stop sharing quotes, unless you want to become hated."
"Love is exactly like the Spanish Inquisition."
"I bet you're the kind of guy who makes girls want to hang themselves."
"You need to leave the country."
"We have the power to make authority figures realize their own mortality."
"The fact that you're sexy doesn't mean that you're talented."
"There are beautiful girlfriends, and then there are your girlfriends."
"A philosopher is a loser with a cool title."
"Getting stabbed is very demotivating."
"You really are a human being. Sorry about that."
"There’s no 'i' in 'stupidity'."
"Being a clown? Well, that's your problem."
"Beware of women who think you're hot."
"Being old doesn't make you not a babe."
"Wishful thinking is existential dread’s bastard child."
"Confronting who you really are as a person is essential in order to learn to be yourself."
"You're as perfect as a puppy."
"Don’t forget that some people will love you no matter what."
"The human brain can be an unpredictable mystery ride."
"Emotions are trying to exploit your brain."
"You’re almost as inspiring as a biscuit."
"Stop being sexy."
"If one wants to become rich, there is one safe bet: be born rich."
"Your family should make an effort."
"Being grumpy is not really helping."
"You really are a narcissist. Embarrassing!"
"You are being weird."
"Being poor is not really helping."
"Why be boring when you can be overwhelmingly well-dressed?"
"Every human being deserves some ice cream."
"You're mildly amusing."
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guttedwhxre · 2 years
─ 𝐒̲𝐈𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐈̲𝐍𝐆𝐒 ❞ billy loomis and stu macher
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tw: insults, use of the word ‘bitch’
author’s note: tldr, is billy being a shitty bf and stu fixes the problem as always. to the anon who requested jennifer check dubcon, it’s coming soon i promise bub <3
“billy can you please let this go-” you turn from the popcorn on the stove as billy leans over the kitchen island, stu nearby in the living room with the steadily dwindling first bowl. this was the sixth time billy had brought up a fleeting conversation you’d had with a guy when leaving work today. your boyfriend had happened to see you smile at a dumb joke he had made when he came to pick you up that day and hadn’t let it go since. billy has never liked the guy, always insisted he was plotting something for some reason. billy is sneering at you, hands braced on the island as he leans in closer. 
    “i’ll let this go when you stop being such a fucking bitch-” as soon as the words leave his mouth you turn away, turning off the stove and stomping out of the kitchen. stu is turned towards you, worry on his face as he watches you grab your coat and bag for your now very abruptly cancelled sleepover and storm out the door. you refuse to let him speak to you like that. just because he’s feeling especially angsty over some nobody doesn’t mean he gets to talk to you, one of the few people who truly loves him, in that way. 
    “nice going dickhead,” as you leave stu glares at his partner, quickly standing up and moving to grab his car keys and jacket. “i’m gonna go fix this. you stay here and cool off, get over yourself, whatever the hell you have to do,” he’s out of the door before billy can even respond, jogging after you down the driveway. billy stays in the kitchen, unmoving as he watches stu head out of the door. 
    the upside to all of this, is when billy really fucks up you and stu still have each other. you feel his warm hand clasp your shoulder and you sigh, looking behind you to meet his worried blue eyes. you smile slightly and shrug as stu’s lips purse. 
    “sorry,” you say. “couldn’t stay there. not gonna cry over it either, if he wants to act up he can,” you scoff, thinking back and trying to push down whatever feelings may be welling up in your chest. 
    “hey,” stu cooes, pulling you to his chest. you go willingly, settling against him with a happy sigh. “let’s go get ice cream or booze or something,” he smiles that goofy smile. “give dickwad in there some time to calm down. up to you if you wanna get him something or not,” he leans in, whispering. “i say fuck it - he should just watch us eat and drink everything we can carry,” the blonde breaks into giggles and you can’t help but follow along, taking his hand and dragging him down the driveway to his car. once you get in he kisses you, still full of laughter and love. you go and get your ice cream and drinks, mercifully getting billy a vanilla cone and a six-pack of his favorite beer. 
    when you and stu get back the house is quiet, the movie the three of you had debated heavily about was sitting on the coffee table, accompanied by the one and a half bowl of popcorn. billy is nowhere to be seen though, and you set his six-pack down with a sigh, turning to stu is holding his own chocolate cone along with billy’s. he looks at you with one of fleeting annoyance, before calling out to the brunette.
    “billy? we’re back!’ footsteps come from the staircase. billy rounds the corner and seems to let out a sigh of relief, walking over and reaching out. he stops though, looking away, and frowning to himself. 
    “i-” he pauses. “i shouldn’t have said that, it was shitty of me,” his arms drop. “but that guy, he’s up to something babe i swear-” stu groans from behind you, shoving the vanilla cone at billy.
    “yeah, yeah, to be totally honest i kinda agree with you but we don’t call our partner a fucking ‘bitch’ over it! it’s us against the world blockhead,” you love when stu stands up for you. fighting a smile, you fold your arms and try to still appear angry. “what’s the magic words? come on, say em’ and i’m sure they’ll forgive you,” stu gestures towards you, and you lock eyes with billy. 
    “i’m…sorry. i’m sorry, okay? it was fucking stupid of me to say that, especially since you and stu are the only people i have in this world,” billy’s a pitiful sight, as you now see how red his eyes are. he runs a hand through his hair, the silence thick. 
    “you’re forgiven,” you say, nonchalantly. billy smiles, coming close to kiss all over your face and pull you to his chest. 
    “i don’t deserve it baby, really. come here stu,” stu’s face breaks out into a big grin, rushing over to crush the two of you to his chest. “stu, watch my ice cream man-” blatantly ignoring the brunette, stu brings the two of you impossibly closer while giggling uncontrollably.
    “nah. you don’t deserve it anyway.”
xoxo, babe 💋
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SCP(L): Super Crappy Pickup Lines
Ignoring the very anomalous charges under our care, the Foundation is a lot like any other office. There's the office brown-noses, the snitches, the useless, the know-too-much types, the overachievers... and the flirts. Some of us have game, some of us couldn't find games in a toy shop. Here's some of the worst. Triggers: adult content, bad puns.
"That an anomalous sword in you hand 076-2 or are you just happy to see me?" Only Agent Dimitriov can try this and live. Anyone else is just going to become a red smudge on that sword.
"Good thing I'm certified in handling incendiary weapons, as you're smoking babe."
"Hey, sexy mama. Wanna see a naked Mole Rat?"
"Are you a memetic cognitohazard? Cause you keep running through my mind all night."
"Hey, are you a pneumohazard anomaly? I ask, because you take my breath away in that dress."
"You had me at 'cheesecake'."
"I don't know just what it is about you, 173... but I just can't take my eyes off you in that blue dress." That... was weird. Usually CLEF flirts with the Staring Statue, hearing a D-Class say that stuff was scary.
"Better get the MTF up here, that ass so fine shorty bends reality."
"I would bring you the skulls of every enemy of yours if it makes you smile, my (untranslatable)." Huh. Kinda romantic for Big Brother.
"The stars in the night are insignificant compared to those residing in your eyes, my dove." Okay... not going to lie... that was smooth as silk. No doubt about it Iris... Viktor is a keeper.
"The only thing blacker than your coffee preference is your soul. We should have dinner soon."
"I'd breach containment for you. I'd face the Hard to Destroy Reptile for you. I'd even remove a water bottle from your junk, again. I'd do anything for your love... except face the Ethics Committee again. I'm sorry, but you need to buy your own booze tonight, Ben. Bad enough they threatened me with the Red Right Hand after the last incident."
"Dyo, you may be a 'bad guy', but it doesn't make you a bad person. Thanks for telling Lenny the Letch to eat a bag of zombie dicks. Wanna grab coffee?"
"I've got the worst headache in history, 049... and I think a hug from you might be the best cure."
"Hey, can my eel slither in your pond?" That earned a slap from the Water Nymph. I'd have slapped him too.
"My anomalous ability? I made you come with just two fingers."
"I gave up a kidney for you. If that's not love, Charles, tell me what is."
An ANTI-pickup line: "Are you with the Church of the Broken God? Because you're really starting to grind my gears."
"Why yes, 999... that IS a mammoth ice cream sundae with your name on it, and everyone is ALWAYS happy to see you. Wanna play Among Us and chill?"
"Are you a Bixby? Because you're so fine it challenges my notion of reality."
"Of course she's Thaumiel, she's so fine even the Shy Guy stares as she passes by. So what? I'd still suit up to tap that heavenly fineness."
"You look cold, Dr. Iceberg. Maybe a hug would warm you up."
"Doctor, if I said you Light up my life would you be mad at me?"
"I'd gladly be your dinner if I get dessert first, Kuhmiho." Okay, D-2984 must not have been around pretty girls much.
"That a new dress, Dr. Myriad? It looks great on you, but it'd look better on my chair."
"I've got a couple bottles of your favorite wine, a few antimemetics... what say you and I get out of here and not make memories?"
"Oh, sweetie... 343 did his finest work when he made you."
"106... that a Marshall, Carter, & Dark thug? Aw, thank you, sweetheart! I got you one too. Happy Valentine's Day, Larry!"
"Hello, 049. Wanna play Doctor?"
"You're like an annoying TikTok music video, I close my eyes and I hear your voice. You, uh... doing anything tonight?"
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