#abadas seren
loublu8 · 6 months
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Happy Princess Peach Showtime day! drew some of my comfort chars cosplaying in some of the game’s outfits, I won’t be playing as I’m broke so you guys have fun
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abadoobedee · 9 months
Hello Abadabas! I haven’t seen your show befors, so tell me about yourselves!
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backbreak · 3 years
Warning. In 3 minutes a portal will open up and dump a bunch of characters out, then close back up. Dont worry, the portal will reopen in a week. Before that happens can you take care of them? I might as well tell you there names. Mokey, Grooby, Dilan, The Abadas(Hari, Seren, and Ela), Trollface, Skid, Pump, Mr Game And Watch, And Brum(The Car). Mkay? Alright see ya. (Oh and the portal dumps them on the most good looking character.)
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W H A T?????
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wisdomrays · 5 years
O Lord! I am determined that I will not sacrifice my freedom to anyone but You and I will not fall in humiliation before anyone or anything. I turn to You fully intent on servanthood and worship; my eyes are fixed upon You and no other. I am filled with a desire for submission and prayer. Resolute to distance myself from anything other than You, I wish to always stand opposed to all that You do not like or want.
How would you comment on the Qur’anic verses "You alone do we worship . . .” (1:5) and "This is the Book: there is no doubt about it. A perfect guidance for the God-revering, pious, who keep their duty to God” (Baqara 2:2).?
In this phrase, the object pronoun “You alone” (iyyaka) is placed before the predicate. This implies a very subtle point: “O God, we wholeheartedly proclaim, acknowledge, and confess that it is only You, and none but You that we turn to, bow before, and seek comfort in. We believe that by Your side alone we can attain serenity and peace.” Another point to note here is the tense; instead of abada, which is the past tense, in this verse na’budu is used for “worship”, the same root in the present. In the past, abada connotes “we did, we made, we performed, etc.” Such a tone, however, would in a way be contrary to the nature of worship, for it sounds like an accomplishment, which implies pride, as if the worshipper fulfilled something all by himself or herself.
The present tense form of na’budu implies that the task is not yet finished, which renders such a misinterpretation impossible. Meaning “we worship,” na’budu refers to the intention and determination to acknowledge the eternal impotence and poverty of humankind before His Presence. This can also be paraphrased as follows, “O Lord! I am determined that I will not sacrifice my freedom to anyone but You and I will not fall in humiliation before anyone or anything. I turn to You fully intent on servanthood and worship; my eyes are fixed upon You and no other. I am filled with a desire for submission and prayer. Resolute to distance myself from anything other than You, I wish to always stand opposed to all that You do not like or want. My intention is my greatest worship; I hope that You will accept my intention as my worship. I plead for Your favor, not in proportion to the number of things that I have done, but to those I have intended to do.”
In this phrase, na’budu, “we worship,” also emphasizes that the worshipper is not alone with such thoughts. Hoping that all others are thinking in the same vein, the worshipper proclaims, “In making this request, I am in full concord with all my fellow worshippers.” Through such an indisputable alliance, the worshipper is empowered with confirmation and testimony, and thus he or she turns to the presence of the Almighty Lord Who meets all needs. In this manner, they can relieve themselves of evil involuntary thoughts, and they can enact a complete form of worship toward the Perfect Divinity.
Perfect guidance
This is the Book: there is no doubt about it. A perfect guidance for the God-revering, pious, who keep their duty to God. (Baqara 2:2)
“Guidance,” in this verse is in the infinitive form. Since the infinitive is a verb form, like in other languages, in Arabic it expresses action and engagement; therefore, it implies that individuals cannot find guidance, or, ultimately, the main goal to which it leads, without having exerted any effort. The word also ends with a tanween (indefinite noun-ending with letter nun); a rule in Arabic grammar suggests that if a concept is used in the indefinite/unconditional form, then its perfect meaning is intended. Therefore, there is no doubt that this book is a transcending divine guidance for the pious. It is perfect guidance for the pious, as it is they who are free from the slightest skepticism, and it is they who are ready to comply with both the injunctions of faith (sharia al-garra) and the principles that are in effect in nature (sharia al-fitriyya). The pious are disposed to acknowledge the truth, and since they are not prejudiced, such perfect guidance can be viable for them alone (with the above-mentioned condition that they have to exert effort).
Nevertheless, there is another use of “guidance” at the end of the same page in the Qur’an in the following verse: “Those (illustrious ones) stand on the true guidance from their Lord” (2:5). Here “guidance” is in the form of a verbal noun (while the infinitive form implies human responsibility, the verbal noun is God’s creation). That is, it is a kind of actual guidance God bestows upon His servants, whomever He will, without the intervention of any cause-effect relationship. As far as we can deduce from the conditional in “for the God-revering, pious,” how one attains such guidance is by attaining a true level of piety. Faith and knowledge of God are the first level of ascending on this path, the last being the pleasure of God Almighty. Finally, as clearly expressed in the verse, only those who can live up to such guidance will attain salvation.
It can be derived from the context of this last verse that guidance is dependent upon God’s having created it. However, the behavior and preferences adopted through the exercise of free will are necessary if such guidance is to ensure safety and comfort in this world and if it is to become a means of salvation in the hereafter for humankind.
To conclude, the first “guidance” is a cause and the second is a blissfully granted result. Both are an answer to the prayer of “Guide us to the straight path” in (1:7), while serving as guidelines for those on the road.
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siriussims · 5 years
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History of the O R C
Large, burly, and always willing to fight, the orcs are well-known throughout the realms. They are one of the more versatile races, and can be found in almost all major cities. But that had not always been the case.
The orcs were originally from the Burning Wastes in the south. They were roaming the savannas and plains, setting up their hoods and dividing themselves in their tribes. They were an aggressive species, and inter-tribe fighting were a common sight. ‘Survival of the fittest’ was the only human saying that the orcs could get behind. 
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But in the beginning, inter-species fights weren’t the only thing keeping them in the Wastes. Their feud with the humans are rooted deep in their culture, and it all stems back from what they call ‘the Dark Days’. The humans, wanting to get to the precious black liquid gold that could be found by digging on the plains, hunted the orcs almost as a sport. 
It was a bloodbath, and since humans in general has a slightly higher intellect over all, they used traps and schemes to lure the orcs away, significantly reducing their numbers. The humans’ forces were so strong that all but five of the orc tribes were left standing, pushed to the centre of the Wastes. It seemed like all hope was lost. 
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It was then that an orc called Hragran Beastcaller set out to find something to help their quest in beating the humans. He travelled far, and it wasn’t until one night, after he had set up camp in the Forest of the Lichen. As the embers of the fire were dying, he suddenly realised he wasn’t alone. A pack of Dire Wolves had encircled his camp, but Hragran stayed calm, and befriended the pack. This was the start of what now seems as normal as a djinn hating the cold. 
The Dire Wolves became the companions of the orcs, and with their help they pushed back the humans, and reclaimed their lands. With the mines left by the humans, the orcs could gain access to the black liquid gold, and their power and influence across the realms grew quickly, and within a couple of generations they were almost as populous as the humans and the elves. 
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However, their culture of fighting has remained, if now only for sports (and, occasionally, for the position of chieftain of the tribes). The orcs are a very hot-headed species, and fighting often occurs over the most simple of things. Jumping the queue? Not in orc territory. Complaining that your java is cold? You better run for your life!
The Ferocious Five (which is what those original five tribes are now called) now rules the Wastes. Any smaller tribe will answer to one of the five, and the Chieftains meet at regular intervals in the City of Kharzug to discuss recent events and tribe matters. The city is controlled by the Bladefury Tribe, which is also the biggest.
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By where the Burning Wastes meets the Serene Sea, the Stormblood Tribe controls all the seafaring import and export, and are known for their fishing methods. The Ironrage and Brownmane Tribes are great riders, and on their Dire Wolves ride through the plains hunting the wild abadas and patrolling the borders. And lastly, by the canyons to the west the Bloodscream Tribe built their cities on the cliff walls, where they use goblin inventions to patrol the skies. 
And from these five, all today’s orcs stem. It is one bro-hugged, fist-bumping family, that by the slightest provocation will jump into a fight. 
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loublu8 · 5 months
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Drew my comfort characters from children’s media playing in a jazz band! Pippen as the singer (because singing is a character trait of her’s), Oona on the drums, Isabella on the bass, Seren on the trumpet (cause of that one Abadas episode) and Nina on the sax (cause of one random gag in the Game Catchers episode Scavenger Hunt where she finds a saxophone, can you tell i’m hyperfixated on these shows?)
This was supposed to be done for International Jazz Day but I got the idea for it and realised that’s what day it was the night before, so here it is two days later. Very proud of this piece, I think Seren on the trumpet the best one I drew.
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loublu8 · 4 months
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Seren’s “quiet” serenade to the stars. This would probably wake up Ela and Hari, so she tried to find a spot in the garden where they wouldn’t hear her.
Very proud of this piece, plus I actually attempted shading for once!
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loublu8 · 4 months
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Seren just kinda staring into space. First time doing something like this, Abadas had scenes where the characters would explore “the real world” (or in other words, a CGI version of the real world) so I really wanted to do a drawing like that. I studied how the shading worked in those scenes so this is fairly show accurate. The background image was taken by me by the way!
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loublu8 · 7 months
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Drew Seren for the first time in a while, now with a couple changes to her original design
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loublu8 · 10 months
A Very LouBlu08 Christmas: Day 4 - Seren (Abadas)
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Seren’s arrived! She was supposed to put the star on the tree, but as her name is Welsh for Star, she misheard her instructions and she uh, put herself on the tree. Wopps. (Fun fact: I did Seren in Inkscape, as I made vectors of the Abadas trio back in October and wanted to save some time by not needing to colour and also to make things more show-accurate. (something that’s been a myth for my little challenge thus far. I would make vectors of every 2D character I’m doing but that would take ages so nah.) The tree was done in Ibis though, mostly for consistency with the rest of the props and scenery.)
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loublu8 · 11 months
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currently workin on a vector because of course i am at 1:46am
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abadoobedee · 9 months
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Ela (somewhat peeved): What took so long for you to notice? Seren: I didn't even check the settings! I just thought it would have been on already! ------------------------------ okay asks should be on now! sorry about that hahaha i blame seren. she's the one usually overseeing the blog. - Louie
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loublu8 · 11 months
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Merry Halloweenmas.
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loublu8 · 11 months
was bored, made a wallpaper of Seren from Abadas
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abadoobedee · 10 months
Ela: Hello? This keyboard thingy workin? Okay! Hey there, I'm Ela! Seren: Oh, hi there! I'm Seren! Hari: Hello! I'm Hari, and we're the Abadas! Ela: Seren found this computer thing ages ago and we decided to start a blog! Seren: Feel free to ask us anything! Hari: Just not anything mean though... Seren: Alright, now we wait for people to send us questions!
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loublu8 · 3 years
Hey there, i’m Louie, or LouBlu08 on the interwebs, or LouBlu8 here because LouBlu08 was already taken. Welcome to my tumblr, home of reblogs, fanart, or general fanboying over kiddie shows
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As of editing this post (February 2024), I’m 16, I'm a boy, I'm from the UK, and I'm autistic. I mostly care about Bubble Guppies, The Game Catchers, Abadas, Balamory and Me Too! (as in Me Too! the CBeebies show), Corn & Peg, Vida the Vet, and various other things. I love me some nostalgia, mostly late 2000's and early 2010's. I'm free to have questions asked too!
This is a SFW blog and most posts are kept to being PG. I'll put tag warnings on sensitive subjects (i.e coarse language, swears, violence and stuff like that) so if that ain't your thing then you can just filter them out. I don't post NSFW cause... well I don't really care for NSFW stuff and I'm a minor. More info like my special intrests are on my carrd. Please don't use my art for NFT's or feed them into an AI dataset. You can share my art if you let me know before hand. Sorry but I don't take requests and currently I don't take commissions. Reblogs are appreciated. TAG SYSTEM:
#louie's collection o' art
#louie's stupid clips
#louie's random ramblings MY SIDEBLOGS:
These are home to fan comics/my OC's.
@theholidayspirits - My original characters, ghosts who spread holiday cheer for every holiday. Work in progress! @abadoobedee - Ask blog for the Abadas.
@gogogogetter - Go!Go!Go sideblog @superserenandfoxgirl - An Abadas webcomic centered around Seren and Ela's superhero-sonas. Work in progress.
(blinkies by me, isabella userbox by @/sweetpeauserboxes)
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