#nina game catchers
loublu8 · 6 months
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Happy Princess Peach Showtime day! drew some of my comfort chars cosplaying in some of the game’s outfits, I won’t be playing as I’m broke so you guys have fun
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gummi-stims · 9 months
do a board for nina the unicorn from the game catchers (rainbow-themed stuff with one or two outdoor/playground games influences) please!
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I had never heard of this show before, looked it up and it sounds so adorable!
🌈- x -🌈
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beglamorous · 1 year
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My favorite character from The Game Catchers is Nina! I love her shrill voice! It’s very energetic!
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lauras-happy-place · 10 months
Can you do boards for some of my comfort characters, Oona from Bubble Guppies, Raymond from the CBeebies show Me Too and Nina from The Game Catchers?
I posted the Oona one! Maybe I’ll do more from your list later :)
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Cinquième partie | 20 juin 2022
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« Le gain est devenu la fin que l’homme se propose, il ne lui est plus subordonné comme moyen de satisfaire ses besoins matériels. » ― Max Weber, L’Éthique protestante et l’Esprit du capitalisme
Abordons de front le problème : bon an mal an, l’assiduité des membres de la Ruppert Mundy’s Revival aux joutes de leur propre ligne semble emprunter le chemin cahoteux d’une pente descendante, et à cela nous pouvons convoquer plusieurs raisons (bien sûr, l'infinie guirlande des variants, mais encore).
C’est-à-dire qu’un ramassis de ses joueur.ses :
1. ou bien sont inscrit.es dans plusieurs lignes de balle parmi lesquelles la RMR occuperait le dernier rang dans l’ordre des priorités intimes de leur cœur :
a) La Manna préférerait arbitrer « les meilleurs joueurs de la province », dixit lui-même (que répondre à cela, je vous le demande ?) ;
b) En cas de maladie, Guindon prendra plutôt ses Sudafed pour sa ligne du dimanche ;
c) Les Berthiaume-Brouard et LeRoy se présentent néanmoins, mais avec un chouïa moins de stamina que lors de leur match de la veille ; etc.
2. ou bien se sont concupiscemment reproduit.es, puis invoquent maintenant d’obscures raisons familiales pour se faire porter pâles :
a) Thibodeau a négligemment contribué à engendrer un marmot-Martre ― grâce te soit rendue pour la relève, Capitaine, mais on t’attend sur le terrain ;
b) Le Retour de Poulin a négligemment contribué à engendrer, et d’un seul jet, DEUX marmot.tes jumeau.lles, dont la trouble allégeance reste néanmoins à confirmer ;
c) Un certain « Pat Evans » (?) a négligemment contribué à engendrer un marmot avant de disparaître dans les limbes, mais qui se souvient encore de ce joueur aujourd’hui ; etc.
3. ou bien, en dissolvant le LFCD, ont fait capoter la légendaire rivalité de jadis, qui galvanisait les troupes et suscitait à coup sûr une adhésion spontanée.
Dorénavant, la dynastie des Martres doit tolérer la chambranlante équipe du Nina-Simone de Beauvoir, dont le télescopage onomastique s’avère aussi peu convaincant que les performances sur le terrain. Résultat : une compétition sans grande conviction qui ne rameute plus les contribuables financiers de la RMR, dont le taux de participation réelle évoque plutôt celui d’une élection législative française : en ce 5e match, sur les 24 membres réguliers de la ligne, seuls 11 étaient présents (45,83%).
Dieu merci, nous pûmes commodément compter sur un contingent de 4 suppléant.es, et ainsi réussir, moyennant quelques aménagements, à jouer une game à peu de choses près digne de ce nom (à 8 contre 7).
Cependant, il conviendra de préciser que le famélique NSDB s’arrogea les 75% de ce repêchage : en réalité, près des 43% des 7 membres de l’équipe furent constitués de pur.es étranger.ères. Fun fact : c’est ainsi que le NSDB put récolter sa première victoire de la saison (tirez-en les conclusions qui s’imposent, et parlez-en aux jambon.nes de la CAQ).
En effet, grâce aux flèches courbes et à l’attrapé rugissant de Mick, aux simples chirurgicaux de Delphine (parfois pile au milieu de 3 défenseurs localisés dans un rayon de quelques mètres) et aux nombreuses contestations-de-jeu-par-appel-aux-règlements de Fred ― et malgré la remontée tenace de 10 points des Martres ―, le NSDB aura enfin su approcher son devenir victorieux tant espéré.
Mais que vaut cette victoire arrachée grâce à une clique de mercenaires ? L’appât du gain serait-il dorénavant plus important qu’à force de travail, l’érection d’une grande équipe ? (Oui, j’ai fait exprès de choisir ce mot pour taquiner le vernis féministe du NSDB.)
En ce sens, l’exemple du quatrième suppléant (échoué chez les Martres), un migrant français inopportunément vêtu du maillot du Montréal Football Club, se révèle autrement plus inspirant. S’étant candidement présenté au parc Laurier en ignorant tout ou presque du jeu de balle molle, Thomas le footeux hexagonal dut apprendre : a) les règles ; b) à catcher avec un gant ; c) et surtout, à la swigner proprement. Car même vêtu de l’aura d’un scintillant uniforme idoine (parlez-en à Alex), la bonne réussite d’un swigne de balle exige la maîtrise d’une foultitude de micro-détails et de mises en relation d’angles de parties du corps, souvent imperméables à qui voudrait s’y essayer avec excès de désinvolture ou fougue naïve du néophyte.
Pourtant, après deux présences au bâton sans même toucher la balle, et trois dizaines de conseils ― dont ceux de Manu, qui a même littéralement empoigné la jambe du Français pour réorienter son pied vers le droit chemin ―, les rudiments s’enchaînant aux rudiments, Thomas parvint à claquer une fausse balle ! Puis… l’inattendu coup sûr.
Un Max Raymond s'est même violemment ému de constater que l'Étranger n'avait mis que 4 présences au bâton pour concrétiser ce qui de son côté lui avait pris 4 longues années...
Voilà la vraie éthique du travail, loin du capitalisme. Voici le vrai grand rêve de la balle molle !
― Bouchard
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doddleland · 7 years
20 questions tag ,,
tagged by @yellowpinkkirs​ , thanks sm ♥ !!
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better
(btw since we have two not one inhabitants of this blog we’ll out a slash between our answers;)
Name: max / nina
Nickname:n/a / nope
Zodiac sign: aquarius / virgo
Height: like 5′9ish / like 5'8ish
Orientation: its pretty muddled rn / pretty gay
Nationality: murican / merica
Favorite Fruit: hearty durian / any berry
Favorite Season: winter / winta
Favorite Book: enders game or catcher in the rye / ari and dante discover the secrets of the universe or holding up the universe
Favorite Flower: carnation / night syrius
Favorite Scent: chrysanthemum tea / snow
Favorite Color: violet / violet
Favorite Animal: mouse / my cat
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: tea ftw / hella tea
Average Hours of Sleep: 7? / 6-7
Cats or Dogs: cats / cAts
Number of blankets you sleep with: one / uno
Dream Trip: NotEurope / anywhere but europe
Blog Created: septemberish / <–
Follower Count: 1765 holy mcchristface / mcchristface indeed
also sorry for the hiatus? it might be permanent,,,,,,,,,
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nspx · 8 years
Tumblr user Nina nspx’s star wars fic rec vol. 2
An anon asked me for an ahsoka/anakin fic rec and i accidentally deleted the ask (i’m dumb!!) BUT because i love ahsoka and i love anakin and i love their relationship and how they helped each other, i’m gonna do a completely separate fic rec for the anon (i hope u see this lmao sorry for deleting the ask). 
but anyway, since the last time i did a rec i had 22 bookmarks on ao3 (i did the last one on october 19th 2015?? how time flies) and now i have like 80+, i decided to do much more than just an anakin/ahsoka rec, but a general star wars fic res
DISCLAIMER: none of these fics feature anakin/ahsoka in a sexual relationship because i am Not About That BUT they do feature other pairings. anyhow. 
These are fics u need to read. need to. sorry, i don’t make the rules. this is gonna be so long. i’m sorry (not)
A River Flowing by Barkour
A shadow has left the force, but other threats remain as Padmé and Anakin prepare for the birth of their child.
Part 2 of Peachy
The only issue i have with this fic is that it hasn’t been updated in forever. It’s so good tho!! i’m pretty sure i read this one at least four times. anakin doesn’t go evil (which is something the anon asked for!! here u go) but not everything is perfect - duh, it is a star wars fic, we don’t know what happiness is here - and AHSOKA IS SO WELL WRITTEN!! so good. it also dives into life after the jedi, being a civilian, being dirt-poor and living on coruscant and ALSO!! padme/ahsoka is well developed in this. so good. so great. 10/10 must read
Assassination Attempt No. 23 by pieandsouffle
Tatooine's only senator (or, indeed, one of the only people from that desert planet who is capable of reading and writing, or actually understands what the word 'politics' means), Anakin Skywalker, seems to be one of those rare individuals who attract bounty hunters like flies zero in on a bantha corpse.
The senator!anakin au. what more do u need in life? shenanigans ensue
Old Shadows by Sildae for Windona
Ahsoka asks Anakin about his past after the events on Kadavo and Zygerria.
My babies. My poor heart. 
Obi-Wan and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad (Life) Day by wreckageofstars
It's Obi-Wan Kenobi's life day, but good luck telling the galaxy that.
Anakin and Ahsoka are little shits. obi wan and padme are drinking buddies?? sign me the fuck up. the end
hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au) by QueenWithABeeThrone
the one where Obi-wan falls off a ship and gets the Winter Soldier treatment, Anakin doesn't fall to the Dark Side but still loses his limbs, Ahsoka can fly with a one-of-a-kind wing-pack, and Padmé gives birth to twins and a Rebellion.
angels choking on their haloes QueenWithABeeThrone
Anakin hadn’t been lying, when he said he could never kill Obi-wan like he was being asked to, no matter what Obi-wan’s become.
or: Mustafar, in reverse.
Part 1 of hold on to me, 'cause i'm a little unsteady (ws!obi-wan au)
GO READ THIS. it’s unfinished (hasn’t been updated since early 2016, i weep) BUT. still worth a read. really worth it. the second part of this verse ends on the nastiest, most delicious cliffhanger. I WEEP
and hey, a honorary mention, since i haven’t actually read this fic but it was in my ao3 history 
Perturbations by the_dragongirl
Anakin makes a different choice, the day Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order. His actions will determine which of the many possible points of balance in the Force will become the new equilibrium
Part 1 of A Shift in Equilibrium
this has a lot of kudos so?? what the hell. give it a read and tell me what you think
this is it for the anakin/ahsoka part of the rec
Fundamental Force Carriers by tanarill
The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past.
The past wasn't at peace with him.
Part 1 of Probability Matrices
honestly, this fic is just SU CH a delight. it’s well written, it’s got some real cool science facts for your everyday nerd needs BUT IT’S ALSO THE CRACKIEST CRACKFIC TO EVER CRACK. like. vader dies and goes back in time and he’s got 0 fucks to give about the jedi’s opinion?? he’s here to make things right whether the jedi like it or not??? such a funny, amazing fic. 12/10 on this. nice. 
Echoes of Mortis by wreckageofstars
Post-Mortis Arc AU. In a universe where the Father failed to take away Anakin's vision of the future, the Hero With No Fear struggles with the knowledge of what he will become and the knowledge of who, exactly, is responsible. Drastic steps are taken and in the process things go a little bit...sideways.
tbh. so good. also a post-mortic fic (i’m a hoe for mortis). i won’t say too much about this one because i don’t want to spoil anything. i was on the edge of my seat while reading this fic AT ALL TIMES. AT ALL TIMES. I HAD TO READ THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE READING ON TO MAKE SURE ANAKIN WOULDN’T GO ALL EVIL. i was so pleasantly surprised. it’s just so - poetic. anakin really does a lot of growing in this, i think. brilliant fic 
those immortal dead by notbecauseofvictories
I care more for that long age which I shall never see than for the little of Time that I hold
Padmé Amidala is forgotten, not gone.
This is a five times padme amidala’s legacy lived on, basically. it’s got poe in it as well!! and rey, my daughter. what more do you need from a fic? so well written, so poignant, so beautiful
Palpatine Ad Portas by izzythehutt
When the Emperor Palpatine moves the Empire Day Celebration to Naboo, Darth Vader is forced to confront a past he had thought better buried and forgotten. Admiral Piett becomes the reluctant confidante of the monarch, caught in the middle of a deadly Sith cat-and-mouse mind game. Meanwhile, the young Rebel who blew up the Death Star returns to his mother's home world to pay his respects on the anniversary of her death--unaware of his father and the Emperor's presence on the planet and the very grave danger he is in.
Part 2 of In Loco Pirates-Verse
fucked me up really bad, tbh. vader goes to naboo. luke is there. it’s brilliant, but so painful. read at your own risk (but do read it)
Hello From the Other Side by DarthNickels
Kylo Ren is destined to take up the mantle of Vader. The Force can be incredibly literal.
MY FAVOURITE IMPERIAL OFFICER PIETT IS IN THIS!!! and he hates kylo so much, he thinks he’s such a pale imitation of vader, he’s so disgusted by him. i live for it. 10/10
The Sith Who Brought Life Day by ophelia_interrupted for Binder-lover
An Imperial officer loses a bet and has to get Darth Vader a present for Life Day.
i feel like this is such a star wars fic classic that everyone’s already read ages ago except me. the style on this feels really like. (don’t judge me if i’m way off on this lmao) catcher in the rye. reminds me old american classics. that type of feel. it’s so good!!
Into the Archives by skygawker
After hearing the legend of Darth Plagueis the Wise from Palpatine, Anakin decides that his best chance to save Padme is to break into the restricted Holocron Vault of the Temple Archives to search for information about Plagueis. Predictably, all does not go according to plan. Revenge of the Sith AU.
My tiny son anakin is such a mess in this. and you can tell this is au because anakin and obi wan actually talk about anakin’s feelings?? what?? what are those?? anyway. so good. it hasn’t been updated since feb 2016 but like?? my fics havent been since july 2015. figures
for a hundred miles through the desert by wreckageofstars
[“There's no water, on Tatooine,” Luke said finally. “I mean, no large bodies of water, like you have on other planets. Pools, lakes. Oceans.”
“Well, yeah,” Han said, eyebrow raised at the sudden change of subject, tone still sharper than he meant for it to be. “Place is a dustball. So?”
The kid still wouldn't look at him.
“So,” he said, face carefully blank, like it so often was these days, “I never learned how to swim.”]
Han has a hard time coming to terms with Luke's fall to the dark side during Dark Empire; so does Luke. 
This is some serious EU shit, but it’s pretty good on its own as an AU scenario. I LOVE the meta on this. love
and rise, rise in the desert sand by hollytrees
Padmé and Anakin keep in touch after TPM.
(Or, the author has started writing Fialleril's Pen Pals AU, possibly because they hate themselves.)
THIS ONE IS SO PAINFUL AND HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!! it’s got one chapter but it’s so worth it
Never Heed by dogmatix, norcumi
The Sith Emperor is dead.
A clone visits one more pyre in his long life.
Part 4 of Ghosts of 66
This is Rex coming to Vader’s pyre. fuck mE UP. like HONESTLY. THERE’S ONE BIT IN THIS THAT MAKES ME WANNA CURL UP AND CRY EVERY TIME. actually two bits. three bits. the whole damn story. anyhow
Mercy is the Mighties' Jewel by akathecentimetre for TheCrackedKatana
They've chased each other all over the world - yet somehow, they will always end up here. Modern-day spy!AU with illustration by JakartaInn.
The Obi-wan and Ventress spy au of your dreams. what more do i need to say?
to lie with your soul in the grave by plinys
Poe casts a glance at the door, he can see their mothers through the semi-transparent glass, it’s too quiet to hear them talk, but he knows whatever it is it can’t be good. The kid sitting next to him seems to have the same idea.
“So, who talks first?” Poe says, breaking the silence between them.
Tbh.. don’t judge but when tfa came out i liked kylo (i’m more.. conflicted about him now) and i read a lot of kylo fic in that time period. i was never a reylo, so i read a lot of other kylo fic, which was mostly either kyhux or kylo/poe WHICH THIS FIC IS ABOUT. THEY KNEW EACH OTHER GROWING UP. THEY WERE IN LOVE. all i remember from this fic is that it’s so well written. give it a read if you’re into this sort of thing
I read like three more kylo/poe fics that are also very good, so. anyway. here goes
saying that I love him but I know I'm gonna leave him byselenedaydreams
“This could be us one day.” Poe whispers half to himself as he finally turns towards Ben, finding a curious expression on his face. “This could be us.” He repeats, this time with more excitement. “You and me. Pilot and copilot. Traveling the universe together.”
Poe has never seen Ben smile at him the way he’s smiling now but Ben’s reaching for his hand and lacing their fingers together so it must be good. “Together.”
Lost To Me by red0aktree
Poe met Ben Solo when he was too young to even know what it meant to meet someone.
Poe met Kylo Ren years later.
Separating the prince of the First Order from the boy he grew up with proves more difficult than the pilot could ever imagine.
Melting Away by SF2187
Before he was Kylo Ren, he was in love with the best pilot in the Republic.
what i like about these fics is that (from what i remember) they don’t erase the fact that kylo is a raging asshole now. nice
excavate me (from all the girls I've tried to be) by Shadows_of_a_Dream
“Rise, Skywalker.”
“I told you,” Rey hisses through gritted teeth. “He’s gone.” Like everyone else. Like all the girls I’ve tried to be. Like all the girls I might have yet become, because I’m going to die alone on this unknown sea.
The mask returns his lightsaber to his belt. And like a crashing wave, like a renewed flame, like the weight of a planet falling squarely upon her shoulders, the mask looks at her and says, “I was talking to you.”
Part 1 of I never asked to tread the skies (but if I shall, I suppose I'll fly)
This one is so... intense. so intense. and so good. 20/10
need somewhere to begin by doubtthestars
Anthology of the War
1//The first time she officially meets Poe, she divulges secrets that aren't hers to tell. 2// If he had been born in any other family, Ben Solo would have been a soldier. 3// When she sees Rey, Leia only has a brief moment to reflect on all of their wrongs.
Read. That is all.
Trial by nymja
Kylo Ren kneels in the snow before her.
“Do it,” he demands.
Rey breathes in through her nose. Her hands are shaking. Her blade starts to burn the skin of his exposed neck. Do it for Han.
Luke takes Rey to face The Cave.
Part 4 of Do or Do Not
So cool.
Lessons Learned by nymja
“You’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t learn patience, first.”
“I’m the strongest knight here!”
The Jedi looks around the room, eyeing the skull of his grandfather with pointed distaste. “Yes, well. Good work.”
Part 1 of The Sad Grandpa Trilogy
Forceghost!obi-wan is so disappointed in kylo. it’s great. READ THE WHOLE SERIES BECAUSE IT’S GOLD!! it’s so good!! the next one is about rey and forceghost!anakin in the desert and that fic is so interesting because in it, anakin isn’t really as much of a grandfather figure as he is a friend figure and one of his corporeal forms is a warning to rey. like a mirror in the force (to her, to ren, it’s so brilliant). honestly i could talk forever about the next fic in this series because anakin is SO WELL WRITTEN. SO WELL WRITTEN. 
tbh @fialleril​‘s Double Agent Vader verse gets the biggest shoutout (love u fia you’re my inspiration) for sheer amazingness. i won’t list any of the fics in the verse because u need to read all of them. yes, all of them. get to it
ACTUALLY. you should read all of fia’s work. all of it. (on the offchance that fia actually reads this, i can’t wait for anabasis i am so pumped)
ALSO!! another must read is @phil-the-stone‘s pocket full of sand 'verse. it’s such an Iconic piece of star wars fanfiction!! like bye, everyone needs to read this
ALSO another one of hers because?? why not. nursery ‘verse!!! i’m so heart eyes over nursery verse. i’m forever flattered because some of my headcanons are in this!! best thing i’ve ever done. (phil writes mostly b99 and ouat now, but still check it out, her writing is so good)
other fandom must-read authors include:
irnan (all of their work, i’m not kidding, writer goals)
frodogenic (they wrote darth vader’s limplet and other hilarious fics, honestly, star wars humor at its finest)
a bunch of others, though you might find more in my previous rec 
Now. Since we’ve come to the end of this ridiculously long rec, it’s time for me to shamelessly plug my own blog. you can find more tumblr fic in my tag here, you can find my writing here and on ao3 *whispers* leave me a comment, you can find my bookmarks here (and find fics i did not include that are also very good)
have fun reading!!
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samuelpboswell · 7 years
Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing
TopRank Marketing evolved from PR to digital marketing agency in the mid 2000’s, right about the time our new VP of Operations got into agency project management.
Twelve years and multiple advancements from a creative agency Director of Production to Senior Director of Operations later, Katie Uphus has now joined the team as Vice President at TopRank Marketing.
Talent is what makes our agency magical for our B2B clients and we’re excited to bring Katie on board. Her experience developing teams, coordinating workflow and marketing operations will help us establish the framework for an environment where each of our team can become the best they can be in their respective roles.
At the same time, we’re focused on optimizing how our teams work together in order to deliver the best possible solutions for our clients and a satisfying work environment for our professional team of smart, creative and results-focused marketers.
My co-founder Susan Misukanis and I are committed to supporting the team at TopRank Marketing with the best talent we can find. We have 5 new team members joining the agency in November and several more Account Managers, Content Marketers, Social Media Specialists and Influence Marketing Specialists to be added through the rest of Q4 and into the new year. Here is a list of our open positions.
As part of Katie’s introduction to the TopRank Marketing community, I’ve asked her to share a little about herself from background to thoughts on the industry to my favorite social network word association game.
What is your background working in the marketing agency world?
For the past 12 years I’ve been at StoneArch, a Minneapolis health and medical marketing agency, where I served in various management and leadership roles. Prior to that, I spent nearly 10 years at Optum. In the early days, when Optum was an employee assistance program, I was a counselor and management consultant, and eventually moved into marketing and product management.
What do you love most about digital marketing?
I like that brands are being pushed to create better and more meaningful experiences for people–beyond the usual “hard sell,” and actually finding ways to be useful to people.
What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned when it comes to managing marketing teams?
Good collaboration comes when each individual from each discipline understands and appreciates the value of the other’s contribution. With clear guiding principles and some form of process or structure to guide the work, smart individuals can make big things happen.
It’s still early days in your time with TopRank Marketing, but so far, what excites you the most about the agency?
TopRank Marketing is ahead of the curve in the content marketing space–real thought leaders in the world of influencer marketing. They are their own, best case study for how to do it right….not the typical “cobbler with no shoes” scenario. There’s a real sense of excitement and curiosity on the team–they inspire and energize each other!
What are some of your overall goals for 2018?
My main goal will be to optimize the efforts of all the smart people of TopRank. They are doing amazing work; I can help bring greater alignment between people and systems and processes to support growth. In order to do this, it will be important for each team member to explore and develop their own professional identity and goals; I want to help with this. It’s the most exciting aspect of the work for me.
Now for some fun questions:
Where would you go on a dream vacation?
My adventuresome mom, Rose, traveled the world and would come home with stories that were so enchanting and thrilling to me. In particular, I was taken by the way she described Portugal–the feeling it evoked in her–homey and foreign at once. The treacherous driving and the blue, blue water; the caves where they made wine and whiskey, and the pottery, of course. The warm, welcoming people. The patrons playing the piano in the basement pub of the ancient palace where they stayed. It’s been on the top of my list ever since she came back. I hope it’s exactly as she recalls.
What is your favorite band, book and movie?
Music: Nina Simone is my current obsession. I’m a big Lucinda Williams fan…and I have a deep love-hate for Dylan. Favorite book might still be The Catcher in the Rye. Movie: Muriel’s Wedding always lifts my spirits, if I make it through the end.
What do you love most about Minnesota?
The month of October is magical to me. And family, of course: ten of my eleven siblings live here in Minnesota–several recently returned after many years away. I left for a few years too, after college–to Alaska then the San Francisco Bay Area, both of which l still have a great fondness for, but Minneapolis is home.
What brings you joy?
Young Joni’s clam pizza and Indeed’s Peach Bum IPA at the moment. The many lovely children in my life.
Let’s play word association. I’ll list some social networks and you share the first word(s) that come to mind:
Facebook – Russian trolls
Twitter – Donald Trump
LinkedIn – Impressively less spammy these days
Instagram – Fun and personal visual storytelling
Snapchat – Are they profitable yet?
YouTube – My go-to for cooking tutorials
Pinterest – Great for big life moments
Tumblr – Meme generator
Reddit – Same as above
Google+ – Never bothered
WhatsApp – Free calls to my sister in England!
Flickr – GenX Instagram
Thanks for playing along with my questions Katie and welcome to the TopRank Marketing team!
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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages http://www.toprankblog.com/2017/11/welcome-katie-uphus-vp/
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loublu8 · 5 months
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Drew my comfort characters from children’s media playing in a jazz band! Pippen as the singer (because singing is a character trait of her’s), Oona on the drums, Isabella on the bass, Seren on the trumpet (cause of that one Abadas episode) and Nina on the sax (cause of one random gag in the Game Catchers episode Scavenger Hunt where she finds a saxophone, can you tell i’m hyperfixated on these shows?)
This was supposed to be done for International Jazz Day but I got the idea for it and realised that’s what day it was the night before, so here it is two days later. Very proud of this piece, I think Seren on the trumpet the best one I drew.
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unixcommerce · 7 years
Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing
TopRank Marketing evolved from PR to digital marketing agency in the mid 2000’s, right about the time our new VP of Operations got into agency project management.
Twelve years and multiple advancements from a creative agency Director of Production to Senior Director of Operations later, Katie Uphus has now joined the team as Vice President at TopRank Marketing.
Talent is what makes our agency magical for our B2B clients and we’re excited to bring Katie on board. Her experience developing teams, coordinating workflow and marketing operations will help us establish the framework for an environment where each of our team can become the best they can be in their respective roles.
At the same time, we’re focused on optimizing how our teams work together in order to deliver the best possible solutions for our clients and a satisfying work environment for our professional team of smart, creative and results-focused marketers.
My co-founder Susan Misukanis and I are committed to supporting the team at TopRank Marketing with the best talent we can find. We have 5 new team members joining the agency in November and several more Account Managers, Content Marketers, Social Media Specialists and Influence Marketing Specialists to be added through the rest of Q4 and into the new year. Here is a list of our open positions.
As part of Katie’s introduction to the TopRank Marketing community, I’ve asked her to share a little about herself from background to thoughts on the industry to my favorite social network word association game.
What is your background working in the marketing agency world?
For the past 12 years I’ve been at StoneArch, a Minneapolis health and medical marketing agency, where I served in various management and leadership roles. Prior to that, I spent nearly 10 years at Optum. In the early days, when Optum was an employee assistance program, I was a counselor and management consultant, and eventually moved into marketing and product management.
What do you love most about digital marketing?
I like that brands are being pushed to create better and more meaningful experiences for people–beyond the usual “hard sell,” and actually finding ways to be useful to people.
What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned when it comes to managing marketing teams?
Good collaboration comes when each individual from each discipline understands and appreciates the value of the other’s contribution. With clear guiding principles and some form of process or structure to guide the work, smart individuals can make big things happen.
It’s still early days in your time with TopRank Marketing, but so far, what excites you the most about the agency?
TopRank Marketing is ahead of the curve in the content marketing space–real thought leaders in the world of influencer marketing. They are their own, best case study for how to do it right….not the typical “cobbler with no shoes” scenario. There’s a real sense of excitement and curiosity on the team–they inspire and energize each other!
What are some of your overall goals for 2018?
My main goal will be to optimize the efforts of all the smart people of TopRank. They are doing amazing work; I can help bring greater alignment between people and systems and processes to support growth. In order to do this, it will be important for each team member to explore and develop their own professional identity and goals; I want to help with this. It’s the most exciting aspect of the work for me.
Now for some fun questions:
Where would you go on a dream vacation?
My adventuresome mom, Rose, traveled the world and would come home with stories that were so enchanting and thrilling to me. In particular, I was taken by the way she described Portugal–the feeling it evoked in her–homey and foreign at once. The treacherous driving and the blue, blue water; the caves where they made wine and whiskey, and the pottery, of course. The warm, welcoming people. The patrons playing the piano in the basement pub of the ancient palace where they stayed. It’s been on the top of my list ever since she came back. I hope it’s exactly as she recalls.
What is your favorite band, book and movie?
Music: Nina Simone is my current obsession. I’m a big Lucinda Williams fan…and I have a deep love-hate for Dylan. Favorite book might still be The Catcher in the Rye. Movie: Muriel’s Wedding always lifts my spirits, if I make it through the end.
What do you love most about Minnesota?
The month of October is magical to me. And family, of course: ten of my eleven siblings live here in Minnesota–several recently returned after many years away. I left for a few years too, after college–to Alaska then the San Francisco Bay Area, both of which l still have a great fondness for, but Minneapolis is home.
What brings you joy?
Young Joni’s clam pizza and Indeed’s Peach Bum IPA at the moment. The many lovely children in my life.
Let’s play word association. I’ll list some social networks and you share the first word(s) that come to mind:
Facebook – Russian trolls
Twitter – Donald Trump
LinkedIn – Impressively less spammy these days
Instagram – Fun and personal visual storytelling
Snapchat – Are they profitable yet?
YouTube – My go-to for cooking tutorials
Pinterest – Great for big life moments
Tumblr – Meme generator
Reddit – Same as above
Google+ – Never bothered
WhatsApp – Free calls to my sister in England!
Flickr – GenX Instagram
Thanks for playing along with my questions Katie and welcome to the TopRank Marketing team!
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®, 2017. | Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing | http://ift.tt/faSbAI
The post Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
The post Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing appeared first on Web Design, Hosting, Domains, and Marketing.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2hcS9y3 via IFTTT
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Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing
TopRank Marketing evolved from PR to digital marketing agency in the mid 2000’s, right about the time our new VP of Operations got into agency project management.
Twelve years and multiple advancements from a creative agency Director of Production to Senior Director of Operations later, Katie Uphus has now joined the team as Vice President at TopRank Marketing.
Talent is what makes our agency magical for our B2B clients and we’re excited to bring Katie on board. Her experience developing teams, coordinating workflow and marketing operations will help us establish the framework for an environment where each of our team can become the best they can be in their respective roles.
At the same time, we’re focused on optimizing how our teams work together in order to deliver the best possible solutions for our clients and a satisfying work environment for our professional team of smart, creative and results-focused marketers.
My co-founder Susan Misukanis and I are committed to supporting the team at TopRank Marketing with the best talent we can find. We have 5 new team members joining the agency in November and several more Account Managers, Content Marketers, Social Media Specialists and Influence Marketing Specialists to be added through the rest of Q4 and into the new year. Here is a list of our open positions.
As part of Katie’s introduction to the TopRank Marketing community, I’ve asked her to share a little about herself from background to thoughts on the industry to my favorite social network word association game.
What is your background working in the marketing agency world?
For the past 12 years I’ve been at StoneArch, a Minneapolis health and medical marketing agency, where I served in various management and leadership roles. Prior to that, I spent nearly 10 years at Optum. In the early days, when Optum was an employee assistance program, I was a counselor and management consultant, and eventually moved into marketing and product management.
What do you love most about digital marketing?
I like that brands are being pushed to create better and more meaningful experiences for people–beyond the usual “hard sell,” and actually finding ways to be useful to people.
What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned when it comes to managing marketing teams?
Good collaboration comes when each individual from each discipline understands and appreciates the value of the other’s contribution. With clear guiding principles and some form of process or structure to guide the work, smart individuals can make big things happen.
It’s still early days in your time with TopRank Marketing, but so far, what excites you the most about the agency?
TopRank Marketing is ahead of the curve in the content marketing space–real thought leaders in the world of influencer marketing. They are their own, best case study for how to do it right….not the typical “cobbler with no shoes” scenario. There’s a real sense of excitement and curiosity on the team–they inspire and energize each other!
What are some of your overall goals for 2018?
My main goal will be to optimize the efforts of all the smart people of TopRank. They are doing amazing work; I can help bring greater alignment between people and systems and processes to support growth. In order to do this, it will be important for each team member to explore and develop their own professional identity and goals; I want to help with this. It’s the most exciting aspect of the work for me.
Now for some fun questions:
Where would you go on a dream vacation?
My adventuresome mom, Rose, traveled the world and would come home with stories that were so enchanting and thrilling to me. In particular, I was taken by the way she described Portugal–the feeling it evoked in her–homey and foreign at once. The treacherous driving and the blue, blue water; the caves where they made wine and whiskey, and the pottery, of course. The warm, welcoming people. The patrons playing the piano in the basement pub of the ancient palace where they stayed. It’s been on the top of my list ever since she came back. I hope it’s exactly as she recalls.
What is your favorite band, book and movie?
Music: Nina Simone is my current obsession. I’m a big Lucinda Williams fan…and I have a deep love-hate for Dylan. Favorite book might still be The Catcher in the Rye. Movie: Muriel’s Wedding always lifts my spirits, if I make it through the end.
What do you love most about Minnesota?
The month of October is magical to me. And family, of course: ten of my eleven siblings live here in Minnesota–several recently returned after many years away. I left for a few years too, after college–to Alaska then the San Francisco Bay Area, both of which l still have a great fondness for, but Minneapolis is home.
What brings you joy?
Young Joni’s clam pizza and Indeed’s Peach Bum IPA at the moment. The many lovely children in my life.
Let’s play word association. I’ll list some social networks and you share the first word(s) that come to mind:
Facebook – Russian trolls
Twitter – Donald Trump
LinkedIn – Impressively less spammy these days
Instagram – Fun and personal visual storytelling
Snapchat – Are they profitable yet?
YouTube – My go-to for cooking tutorials
Pinterest – Great for big life moments
Tumblr – Meme generator
Reddit – Same as above
Google+ – Never bothered
WhatsApp – Free calls to my sister in England!
Flickr – GenX Instagram
Thanks for playing along with my questions Katie and welcome to the TopRank Marketing team!
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing | http://ift.tt/faSbAI
The post Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing posted first on http://ift.tt/faSbAI
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christopheruearle · 7 years
Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing
TopRank Marketing evolved from PR to digital marketing agency in the mid 2000’s, right about the time our new VP of Operations got into agency project management.
Twelve years and multiple advancements from a creative agency Director of Production to Senior Director of Operations later, Katie Uphus has now joined the team as Vice President at TopRank Marketing.
Talent is what makes our agency magical for our B2B clients and we’re excited to bring Katie on board. Her experience developing teams, coordinating workflow and marketing operations will help us establish the framework for an environment where each of our team can become the best they can be in their respective roles.
At the same time, we’re focused on optimizing how our teams work together in order to deliver the best possible solutions for our clients and a satisfying work environment for our professional team of smart, creative and results-focused marketers.
My co-founder Susan Misukanis and I are committed to supporting the team at TopRank Marketing with the best talent we can find. We have 5 new team members joining the agency in November and several more Account Managers, Content Marketers, Social Media Specialists and Influence Marketing Specialists to be added through the rest of Q4 and into the new year. Here is a list of our open positions.
As part of Katie’s introduction to the TopRank Marketing community, I’ve asked her to share a little about herself from background to thoughts on the industry to my favorite social network word association game.
What is your background working in the marketing agency world?
For the past 12 years I’ve been at StoneArch, a Minneapolis health and medical marketing agency, where I served in various management and leadership roles. Prior to that, I spent nearly 10 years at Optum. In the early days, when Optum was an employee assistance program, I was a counselor and management consultant, and eventually moved into marketing and product management.
What do you love most about digital marketing?
I like that brands are being pushed to create better and more meaningful experiences for people–beyond the usual “hard sell,” and actually finding ways to be useful to people.
What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned when it comes to managing marketing teams?
Good collaboration comes when each individual from each discipline understands and appreciates the value of the other’s contribution. With clear guiding principles and some form of process or structure to guide the work, smart individuals can make big things happen.
It’s still early days in your time with TopRank Marketing, but so far, what excites you the most about the agency?
TopRank Marketing is ahead of the curve in the content marketing space–real thought leaders in the world of influencer marketing. They are their own, best case study for how to do it right….not the typical “cobbler with no shoes” scenario. There’s a real sense of excitement and curiosity on the team–they inspire and energize each other!
What are some of your overall goals for 2018?
My main goal will be to optimize the efforts of all the smart people of TopRank. They are doing amazing work; I can help bring greater alignment between people and systems and processes to support growth. In order to do this, it will be important for each team member to explore and develop their own professional identity and goals; I want to help with this. It’s the most exciting aspect of the work for me.
Now for some fun questions:
Where would you go on a dream vacation?
My adventuresome mom, Rose, traveled the world and would come home with stories that were so enchanting and thrilling to me. In particular, I was taken by the way she described Portugal–the feeling it evoked in her–homey and foreign at once. The treacherous driving and the blue, blue water; the caves where they made wine and whiskey, and the pottery, of course. The warm, welcoming people. The patrons playing the piano in the basement pub of the ancient palace where they stayed. It’s been on the top of my list ever since she came back. I hope it’s exactly as she recalls.
What is your favorite band, book and movie?
Music: Nina Simone is my current obsession. I’m a big Lucinda Williams fan…and I have a deep love-hate for Dylan. Favorite book might still be The Catcher in the Rye. Movie: Muriel’s Wedding always lifts my spirits, if I make it through the end.
What do you love most about Minnesota?
The month of October is magical to me. And family, of course: ten of my eleven siblings live here in Minnesota–several recently returned after many years away. I left for a few years too, after college–to Alaska then the San Francisco Bay Area, both of which l still have a great fondness for, but Minneapolis is home.
What brings you joy?
Young Joni’s clam pizza and Indeed’s Peach Bum IPA at the moment. The many lovely children in my life.
Let’s play word association. I’ll list some social networks and you share the first word(s) that come to mind:
Facebook – Russian trolls
Twitter – Donald Trump
LinkedIn – Impressively less spammy these days
Instagram – Fun and personal visual storytelling
Snapchat – Are they profitable yet?
YouTube – My go-to for cooking tutorials
Pinterest – Great for big life moments
Tumblr – Meme generator
Reddit – Same as above
Google+ – Never bothered
WhatsApp – Free calls to my sister in England!
Flickr – GenX Instagram
Thanks for playing along with my questions Katie and welcome to the TopRank Marketing team!
Gain a competitive advantage by subscribing to the TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.
© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2017. | Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing | http://www.toprankblog.com
The post Here we Grow Again: Welcome New VP Katie Uphus to TopRank Marketing appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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giantsfootball0 · 7 years
Justin Verlander brings World Series hope to Astros and city of Houston
This story appears in ESPN The Magazine’s Oct. 2 MLB Playoffs issue. Subscribe today!
Aug. 31, 20,000 feet above Texas
All the navigation instruments indicate that the Astros’ team plane is back over Texas and, at long last, approaching Houston. But below, all anyone can see is water.
Anxious players and coaches retreat from the windows and sag back into their seats. After several minutes, they try again to sight land, pressing their foreheads against the top of every window. Nothing has changed: water, everywhere.
From his seat in the emergency exit row near the middle of the plane, outfielder George Springer says it looks “like we’re over an ocean somehow.” No one speaks.
Flying back from Tampa, Florida, where their home series against the Rangers had been relocated due to Hurricane Harvey, the Astros sit together for the final 30 minutes of the flight, staring down at the colossal swath of destruction left behind by one of the worst storms in U.S. history.
Seated in his usual spot in the front right seat of the plane, manager A.J. Hinch checks the map, the TV and the internet. Then he checks again. “They all said we were over land again, except we weren’t — the water, it never stopped, nothing was spared,” he says. “I took a picture on my cellphone and I’ll keep it forever. That was our first bit of reality.”
General Manager Jeff Luhnow was desperate to deliver a savior to Houston. With an Aug. 31 deadline to finalize playoff-roster eligibility hours away, Luhnow and owner Jim Crane suddenly found themselves on the edge of a potential blockbuster deal — the chance to land 2011 AL Cy Young winner Justin Verlander.
As Luhnow put it to Hinch in Tampa, the feeling around the Astros had become “pretty bleak.” Injuries and a lack of action at the July 31 nonwaiver trade deadline had sent the young and explosive team into a deep August funk. The Astros had lost 14 of their last 25, and when Harvey hit, the streaking Indians had already begun chopping away at the team’s overall lead in the American League.
Hinch was back at home with his wife, Erin, and two teenage daughters when the flurry of texts began. He’d gotten off the team plane and into his car, then struggled to find his way back to his neighborhood, his normal exit blocked by flooding. Hinch and Erin caught up about the storm and the trip they were taking downtown the next afternoon to visit evacuees at the George R. Brown Convention Center. He hadn’t given much thought to the trade deadline. He was actually texting with his coaches about college football when he noticed a call. It was Luhnow with news about the prospect of acquiring Verlander — a last-chance effort for the Astros to upgrade their roster for a legitimate run at the World Series. “Disbelief is the wrong word, but I was shocked, definitely,” Hinch says. “I knew right then I wasn’t going to bed any time soon.”
Aug. 27, Houston, 12:15 a.m.
With floodwaters pushing past the sidewalk and the giant old oak tree out front about to give way, Katie Bracamonte calls to update her husband, longtime Astros bullpen catcher Javier Bracamonte, who is riding out the storm with the rest of the team in Anaheim, California. “The water’s coming,” she tells him. “Be safe,” they repeat to each other. A few hours later, the water inching closer, Katie and her two groggy daughters pile into a closet for safety after a string of tornadoes threatens the area.
Sitting in the dark, Katie notices her half-asleep teenager clinging to something in her hand.
“What’s that?” she whispers.
“It’s a Sharpie,” replies the girl. “We’re supposed to write our names and Social Security numbers on our arms … so they can identify us.”
Similar stories unfold across Houston. Houses with 14 feet of water in them. Storm surges so strong they swept away huge concrete traffic barriers like twigs in a stream. Neighborhoods hit with such destruction and despair that people nail their house keys to the front door with notes that read: “You can have it.”
Jaelyn Bracamonte, daughter of bullpen catcher Javier Bracamonte, collected donations before Houston’s first game back home. Michael Starghill for ESPN
HINCH COULDN’T BELIEVE what he was hearing. The Astros had been pursuing a deal for Verlander, the Tigers’ ace, since July. And now, with 45 minutes until the roster deadline, the negotiations had heated up once again. Luhnow would call Hinch, say things are looking promising, then hang up. A few minutes later he’d call back, say the deal was likely off, then hang up again. Twitter was going nuts.
With every new update, the mood in the players’ group-text chain shifted wildly. A series of sad and angry GIFs were followed by a long string of smiling-face-with-waving-hands emojis. There are unconfirmed reports of a cat GIF, or three.
“A move like this can make good teams great and great teams legendary,” says Astros lefty Dallas Keuchel, who was critical of the front office’s paralysis in July. “So it was like putting something big on your Christmas wish list as a kid. You didn’t want to get your hopes up too high.”
In between calls, Hinch nerded out with pitching rotation combinations. By his estimate, Verlander’s last 10 starts were some of the best of his career. His résumé would also instantly double the postseason experience of the Astros’ starting pitching staff. But there was more. “Credibility, presence, I mean, just listen to him, look at him, talk to him,” Hinch says. “Verlander is as big of a potential impact as we could possibly imagine.”
The two teams were in agreement on the major components of the deal — Verlander and $16 million in exchange for three of the Astros’ top prospects — but they had reached an impasse on granting Verlander full no-trade rights and, especially, voiding the option year (2020) in his contract. It seemed like a small price to pay after what Astros fans have endured during a rebuilding process that included 502 losses from 2010 to 2014. “If I was an Astros fan in 2012, I wouldn’t want to come to the park either,” says Keuchel, who was a rookie that season. “It was awful.”
Finally, before going back to the Tigers one more time about voiding Verlander’s option year, Luhnow and Crane discussed the third party in the negotiation: Harvey. “It led to the last concession we needed to get the deal over the top, wanting to give something back to this city in its time of need,” Luhnow says. “Our fans have supported us through thick and thin, and there was a lot of thin in there. We wanted to repay the favor. It’s not always about something more than baseball, but this time it was.”
A minute after the deadline, Hinch’s phone buzzed. He read the text from Luhnow and, without saying a word, turned the phone toward Erin.
WE GOT HIM, it said.
Aug. 26, Anaheim, 4 p.m.
As the storm continues battering Houston, the Astros are 1,500 miles away, trapped in Anaheim. Hinch glances in the clubhouse and sees Jose Altuve, his second baseman and American League MVP front-runner, staring at the Weather Channel.
Altuve’s wife, Nina, made the trip to Anaheim, but the couple’s infant daughter, Melanie, is back in Houston with family. A few minutes pass, Altuve watching the radar, its purple and red and orange blobs pouring 50-plus inches of rain onto Houston and everywhere around it. Nearly broken, Altuve walks over to Hinch.
“How long am I going to have to play like this?” he asks.
No one knows. The next day, they finish out a 2-1 series against the Angels, but catastrophic flooding prevents an immediate return home. Instead, the Astros fly to Dallas, where they wait for word on where they’ll play the Rangers. They’re only 240 miles away and they can feel it. As time wears on, the Astros begin considering something along the lines of a humanitarian-driven clubhouse mutiny.
“There’s just such a detachment and isolation from what had actually happened,” pitcher Charlie Morton says. “You feel guilty that you weren’t there to do something.”
Altuve, Morton, pitcher Luke Gregerson and others begin planning a mission to reach their stranded families. Renting a helicopter is discussed. There is also talk of buying inflatable rafts in Dallas, packing them into rental cars and driving as far south as they can get before ditching the cars for dinghies.
Once word begins trickling back in that Melanie and others are safe and dry, for the most part, the plans are put on hold. But not the guilt. That remains.
The post Justin Verlander brings World Series hope to Astros and city of Houston appeared first on Daily Star Sports.
from https://dailystarsports.com/2017/09/22/justin-verlander-brings-world-series-hope-to-astros-and-city-of-houston/ from https://dailystarsports.tumblr.com/post/165621332346
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sheree2284129-blog · 7 years
Discover The All-natural Method To Eliminate Fleas And Always keep Them Out Without Using.
For folks that reside in affection, pet dog names or even endearment are important in the connection. Nina Ottosson is world popular for making the most challenging as well as heavy duty pet dog playthings, which target their intelligence rather than their energy. Some honors are actually for a particular year-- as an example, a dog with WW-91 facing his title was the World Champion (Top Male or Female in Type) at the yearly FCI World Dog Display in 1991. My pet dog strokes the flooring in some cases as well, but I do not think he is actually retarded- he instantly receives a whole lot more intelligent when there's a cookie in the room. Find them amongst the right now 52 Pets of the Week (DOTW) I or amongst 27 DOTWII discovered on The Dividend Dog Catcher costs website. I had to always keep reminding myself as I read this that you just weren't talking about my dog. If you can not choose which direction to go, cost-free play or competitors, let your pet do the talking. You could bring in the inappropriate decision, but its never a bad one if you keep all of them each exciting for the dog. In a questionnaire through mobile pet dog application Klooff, certain canine types are actually most likely to bring in participants of the contrary sex compared to others Guy kept in mind that they evaluated women with Chihuahuas as dumb, simple and also warm; while girls claimed they viewed men with bulldogs as one-night-stands. Therefore, the physical and also unstable qualities of a professional pet will definitely be actually a blend of the traits of the parent types. Stuff up a Kong and leave it around, add playthings, or engage your canine in a game of retrieve.
Brushing will not get the inside of your dog's teeth in addition to the outsides simply due to the fact that it's more difficult to get the brush on the inside of the teeth - unless your canine is actually really participating. Simply put Yorkshire terriers offer for sale" in Google.com and also see what advertisements are actually presently out there (or even whatever species from pet dog you specialize in). Regardless of 'successful matching' on what the writers look at crucial variables, an individual who is actually eager to walk a pet dog at least two times a time is actually most likely to obtain a canine than one which observes that devotion as too challenging," said Stefanick, that investigates illness avoidance and also was actually certainly not associated with the study. Although our team really feel that the most ideal answer to handling breeding is simply liable dog ownership. If an unfamiliar person approaches or there is a trespasser attempting to crack into your residence, your pet woofing can alert you. The designers recognized that something must alter, or web internet users would no more use their search engine. My pets referred to as Goodie after a canine my papa as soon as had, also due to the fact that he's thus sweetened and lovely. Contenido Programado: páginas que sólo kid accesibles a través de enlaces producidos por JavaScript, así como el contenido descargado de forma dinámica a partir de los servidores internet a través de soluciones de Flash Ajax. Feel free to take note that the directions for the cart are actually for a dog that examines regarding 15 pounds. You will usually need to make your canine readily available for at click the following post very least 2 reproducing treatments, and also are going to be paid out a singular expense once the ultimate breeding treatment ends. They?re likewise really good watchdogs similar to its moms and dad kinds yet at the same time you should teach the dog in order that this does not dive at unfamiliar people. He thoroughly examined my unsatisfactory pet Lucy and stated that she possessed a tear in her anterior cruciate tendon or ACL.
0 notes
bookjawn · 7 years
Ep 48: The Stinging Shame of Public Humiliation
Getting in our themed issue just under the wire, we are talking about YA as a genre. 
Books Discussed: 
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour
Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by A.S. King
After Alice by Gregory McGuire
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle
Going Bovine by Libba Bray
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Bridge to Teribithia by Katherine Patterson
My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts
Conduct Unbecoming by Randy Shilts
The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America by Michelle Tea
Rent Girl by Michelle Tea
Valencia by Michelle Tea
Remember Me by Christopher Pike
Rabble Starkey by Lois Lowry
Sati by Christopher Pike
Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Me and Early and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
The Hunger Games by Susan Collins
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsca
Buck by M.K. Assante
The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
The Raven Series by Maggie Stiefvater
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson
It's Raining Racist Authors, Time To Get an Umbrella
Big announcement about our two lady book club coming soon and the theme for next month is queer lit!
Book Jawn Website
Book Jawn Twitter
Book Jawn Tumblr
Book Jawn Facebook
Theme music written exclusively for Book Jawn Podcast by Joe DeGeorge. Visit him at joedegeorge.com and tell people about him!
Art by Ramsey Beyer, see more of her work at everydaypants.com
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loublu8 · 1 month
Tumblr media
Another little Nina drawing, just wanted to draw her in the rain. I’ll probably be drawing her and the other Game Catchers a lot more in the coming days.
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