#abbe will help
windows98-fr · 2 months
Oh no way? The dragons they promised to “break the line-art” and “use different body shapes and types due to not wearing apparel” are quadruped with wings yet again?
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lockedtowers · 3 months
seeing ppl in the tags super used to the j/apperwock(y) in b/urton's alice and then getting mad at how 'ugly' the s/yfy version is is absolutely hilarious to me bc the s/yfy version is literally just lifted from the original illustrations
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kairoscelrosis · 1 year
i just want to sit in my cozy kitchen and eat mango pudding with my girlfriend is that too much to ask
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theodorevg923 · 2 years
How the fuck do you draw abbs-
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lacroixwh0r3 · 10 months
In a Good Way
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Farmer!Abby Anderson x Housewife!Reader
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Summary: You help Abby relax after a long day on the farm.
Warnings: SMUT!! a little bit of fluff, oral (a recieving), fingering (a recieving), hair pulling, kissing, mommy kink, orgasm denial, petnames, switch!Abby, switch!reader, squirting, spit, overstimulation, and a lil degradtion
Song inspo: Kingston by Faye Webster
A/N: I tried to keep it sweet and cute and then I just completely went off the rails with this...oops!
Also I hit 700 followers on here...wtf thank y'all so much! it is so amazing to be able to share my stuff on here.
And ofc, like, share, reblog, and comment.
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Abby had finally finished up the last thing she needed to do around the farm before she headed back home. When she looked at the time on her phone, she realized that she was going to get home early.
As soon as she pulled up to the driveway of her home that she shared with you, her excitement grew. Abby knew that you were most likely cooking some delicious meals for dinner as well as dessert to have afterwards. She hated having to leave you all alone in the house while she was away working. Every morning at 7 a.m., she got dressed for the day, and you would lay in bed looking and beg her to stay even though you knew she couldn't. She would tell you how much she wishes she could, then place a soft kiss on your lips and make her way out the door.
Oh, but the look on your face when she got home made it all worth it to Abby.
When she left, you found things to do around the house to occupy your time. Some days you would clean around the house, make a quick trip to the local farmers market to pick up some things, read, paint your nails, or count down the hours until your wife got home.
You have to admit that it was sometimes lonely when Abby wasn't around, but you didn't really mind it. She tried to encourage you to go out and make some friends, but you refused. You were never good at making friends, and you were okay with being alone. Being alone allowed you to have time to do whatever you wanted without being judged by other people.
Abby calls out your name but gets no response. However, she did hear the sound of soft music playing from the kitchen and you singing along beautifully. The smell of whatever you were cooking made Abby extra hungry as she tiptoed her way to you.
"I didn't know that I was capable of being happy right now, But you showed me how"
She stopped at the door and noticed that your back was turned to her as you swayed your body and stirred the pot.
Behind you, you could hear the familiar sounds of Abby's heavy boots coming up behind you slowly. You try to hold back a giggle because you know she is trying to scare you. You could feel her body close behind you as you kept on moving your hips softly to the beat.
"Hey, baby," You say with your back still facing her.
"How the fuck do you do that? I can never get you," Abby playfully scoffs as she brings her hands onto your hips and presses her body onto yours. Both of you were now swaying together to the beat of the song.
"Because I know you and all your tricks, abbs," You chuckle. "You can never scare me." Abby lets out a soft hum as she kisses the back of your neck and up to the back of your ear. You leaned your head to the side, allowing her better access as your body relaxed into hers and your eyes closed.
"You make me wanna cry in a good way"
"I missed you so fucking much, baby." She whispers into your ear. You shivered as Abby's hands began to move toward your stomach, pulling you further into her hard body.
"I miss you too, sweetheart," you breathe out dreamily. You had missed Abby so much today that all you wanted to do was stay in her arms forever. "I was thinking about you all day." Abby places a kiss on your ear.
"Mm, yeah? My beautiful little wife was thinking about me today." You didn't even realize that you still had the wooden spoon in your hand until you dropped it into the pan of mashed potatoes. You spin around and wrap your arms around Abby's neck, as one of her hands is now sitting low on your back and the other is placed in the middle of your back.
All you could do was stare into her eyes before you began to speak. "You don't understand how much I think about you every day, darling," you confess to Abby as you place a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. "It's been a year since we got married, and I still can't believe you're mine, Abby." You tell her breathlessly. Her freckle-covered cheeks turned a deep red as she blushed.
"Baby, I should be saying these things to you," She tells you as she brings her face close to you without any hurry. "Beautiful." She whispers before her lips fall on yours.
The kiss was soft. Neither of you rushed it, as you both took your time and savored each other. You were addicted to the taste of Abby's soft, pouty lips and the taste of her mint chapstick that she always put on.
"You weigh just as much as me, don't you I can feel it when we touch"
Your hands grip the back of her neck as the other tugs at her messy blonde braid. Abby moaned into your mouth as you kept tugging and as she leaned in, making you bend back a bit. You feel her hand, which was placed on your lower back, now go down to your ass. Abby kneads at it as she continues to kiss you.
A minute later, you both pull away from each other simultaneously, breathing heavily.
As you both stare and caress each other, you give her braid one last tug as you stand on your tippy toes and go to kiss the bottom of her chin. Her fingers were still kneading into your cheek. "Why don't you go take a shower? Dinner should be ready as soon as you get out; is that fine with you, baby?" You ask her as you rub the back of her neck.
Abby gently nods her head as she replies, "Okay, baby. Thank you so much." She leaves one last kiss on your head as she gives your ass a quick slap and makes her way out of the kitchen.
All you could do was bite your lips and shake your head while observing her ass and thighs in her tight cargo pants.
After Abby's shower, she somehow convinced you to ditch dinner and sit with her for a little.
"Baby, I'm not even that hungry, honestly. I just wanna hold you." She says as she sits on the couch, pulling your waist so you can sit on her lap. Rather than sitting sideways on her lap, you adjusted yourself so that you were straddling her.
You knew she was hungry, she was just coming up with an excuse for you to join her.
"Abby, I know you're lying, babes." You tell her, looking deeply into her blue eyes as you push away some of the loose hair that came out of her braid. Her hands came up to your waist and held onto it.
Ugh, whatever, but I still wanna be here with you right now. I feel like we barely got to see each other this week," Abby confessed. You nodded your head and let out a hum, letting her know that you agreed.
Instantly, a thought popped into your head. "You know what, Abs?" You looked at her with bright eyes, seeing that she was already looking down at you with a curious look on her face. "You've been working really hard at the farm all week, and I think you deserve a break, don't you think?"
Abby briefly thinks about it: "Uh, I mean, I guess, sweetheart, but it's going to be really hard to find someone to take care of everything..." As much as Abby would love to spend the day with you, she knew that in order to get the job done the way she wanted it done, she was going to have to be the one to do it.
"Abby, please take the day off..." Your hand drops into your lap and slides up her shirt so you can feel her. "For me, baby," you murmur in a low voice. You observe her eyes as the soft look that was once there has quickly been replaced with a desirous stare.
"You slutty girl, you just want me to take off so I can have my way with you and make you cum all day, hmm?" Abby looked into one of your eyes, down at your lips, and back up to the other eye. All you could do was nod your head, unable to articulate the words.
Her words were vulgar, but she made them sound like the sweetest thing on earth with her soft voice.
The girl lets out a hum before she can say anything else. "Fine, I'll see what I can do." She places a quick peck on your lips and begins sensually gliding her fingers up and down your waist, inching close to your ass. You arch your back into her strong one, making your whole body tremble with nervousness and excitement. Your head started to feel fuzzy.
Even after years of knowing Abby and being very intimate with her, you still get nervous around her at times. It was easy for Abby to detect your nervousness without you saying anything. "Aww, am I making you nervous, my love?"
"You always make me nervous, Abs."
You nodded your head, leaned forward, and wrapped your arms around her neck. First you stroked the back of her head, then you pulled her braid down, making her head lean back into the couch.
You couldn't help yourself whenever she had her braid in. Something about the hairstyle invited you to pull against it, which Abby didn't hate. As a matter of fact, Abby loved it when you pulled her hair as she ate you out.
You bent your neck down and began to lick on the sensitive spot on her neck, making her grip your waist tighter and your hips thrust up to your clothed core.
"Oh, this feels so good, my girl." She whimpers softly. "You're making mommy feel so good."
Her words made you suck and lick her neck more. You wrapped her hair around your fist to help hold her in place. Abby trembled with pleasure as her throat released a sexy moan. With each suck on her neck, Abby could feel the sensation shoot down her body, making her clit throb.
"I wish I was fucking your pussy right now," she confessed. "I'd pound that pussy so good while you suck all down my neck." You could feel her throat vibrate with each word.
You continued your assault on her neck for a little while longer until you unwrapped her hair from your fist, stopped sucking, and leaned off of her body. She released your waist, stretching her arms on the top of the couch as she looked at you and bit her luscious lips. "Oh fuck me, baby. You look so delicious right now." You groan before grabbing her chin to look at her neck. The redish, purple hickey on her neck caught your eye. "This will let everyone know you're mine. You're my wife only, right?" You asked her possessively.
She nodded her head as soon as you asked her, "Forever, I'm forever yours, baby. Only yours."
"Good." You say as you place a quick kiss on her lips.
You never doubted Abby's loyalty at all; she never gave you any reason to question her—you just liked hearing her tell you.
"You want me to go up the stairs and get the strap, baby?" She asked. You shook your head at her, causing her to slightly frown.
You absolutely love it when she fucks you with the strap, but tonight you wanted it to be all about her. You wanted to show her how much you appreciated her.
"No, I wanna make you feel good, my love." You tell her before pushing yourself off of her lap and sitting down next to her. You were balled up into her side; your feet were folded up on the couch, and your right hand sat on her lower stomach. You noticed that her pants sat low on her hips—she didn't have on her underwear, and your fingers were just a couple of inches away from her pussy.
"Can I make you feel good?" You whispered to her as you looked up at her to see her already looking at you. Her eyes gazed at you as she took in your appearance.
"Baby, you don't have to do that, you know," she pleaded, making you scoff at her.
Abby is a stubborn woman; she's always so hard to persuade, even if you're practically begging her.
"I know, I don't have to do anything," you bluntly tell her, "but I want to."
The hand that once sat on her lower stomach was now gathering the spit from your mouth and about to slip into her pants before you looked at her again. Abby sat there agape with anticipation, ready to see what you were going to do. "Is it okay if I touch you, baby?" You asked her before touching her.
She wildly shook her head until she realized that words weren't coming out of her mouth. "Y-yeah," She stammers.
With that, you slide your hands deeper into her pants, feeling the light fuzz of her hair, and dip your spit-coated fingers onto her clit. You feel her strong arm bring your body closer to her tense one as she shakes and gasps. She was already sopping wet without your spit.
Her eyes flutter closed, while yours are still stuck on her face. "You're so wet, mommy. Tell me when I made you this wet." You moaned out as you rubbed lazy circles onto her throbbing clit.
"When-" She tries to speak but is interrupted by her own moans. She bites down on her fist as she tries to gather her words and stop herself from moaning.
You didn't like that, though; you loved hearing her pretty moans.
"Put your fist down; I want to hear all your beautiful sounds. Now, tell me what made you so wet, mommy." She instantly dropped her fist as her grip on your shoulder tightened.
"When you-oh my god-when you licked my neck and gave me a hickey," she said as you used your middle finger to flick her clit back and forth in a fast motion, making Abby try to grab at your hand. She didn't know what she was feeling right now. She wanted you to stop, but she also wanted you to keep going. She wanted to cum and lose her mind at the same time.
As she inched closer to her release, she whispered, Don't stop, in your ear, but that didn't stop you from teasing her, so you gradually slowed your pace on her clit and completely stopped. Just as fast as the feeling came, it left just as quickly after you slowed down, making Abby narrow her eyes at you and snarl.
"Aww, you were gonna cum? Hmm, baby?" You tease her as you pull out your hand from her pants and stick your fingers into your mouth, tasting her saltiness. You made eye contact with her as you sucked on your finger.
"You're such a tease, you know that, right?" She breathes out.
You just let out a laugh as you popped your finger out of your mouth. Abby suddenly moved her arm around you and got off the couch, leaving you confused. She then began to strip herself of her pajama pants, leaving her nude from the waist down. You couldn't help but kiss her pelvic bone as she stood tall in front of you. You swipe your pointer finger through her wet slit, making her weak to the knees. Before she could go down, she staggered and grabbed your shoulder tightly.
"N-no touching yet, sweetie..." She scowled at you and said, "You're gonna get on your knees and eat my pussy like a good girl, okay?" You nod your head at her as your eyes trail up her body, stopping at her face. She released your shoulder, stroked your cheek, and faintly muttered good.
She sat down on the couch, scooting to the edge so that her bottom was halfway hanging off. She sat there with her legs wide open, practically inviting you in. You just sat there, taking in her appearance, until she snapped you out of it. "What are you waiting for, baby? Get on your knees."
Without any hesitation, you dropped to your knees and positioned yourself between her legs, just a few inches away from her pussy, which was glistening from her wetness. You gawked at the view in front of you as your mouth watered, still tasting her juices on your tongue.
"Are you alright?" she asked you, making you look up at Abby, who had her eyebrow cocked up with amusement. "You can have a taste if you want," she encouraged you. However, you didn't need much encouragement.
With that, you leaned forward, feeling the heat of her body as you got closer, and licked up her wet slit before wrapping your lips around her clit and sucking. Abby let out a gasp, holding her breath as she silently uttered, Oh my god, with a strained expression. She was about to reach for your head before she tried to grasp the cushion of your shared couch. You can hear her scratch at the polyester as her dull nails slide across it.
You dug yourself deeper between her legs, swirling and flicking your tongue around her clit. You could feel her arousal spreading across your face, including your nose. "Just like that, baby, keep eating mommy's pussy," she said, breathing hard. You felt yourself grow more and more greedy for her; you wanted to feel her against you, but you continued on pleasuring her. "You love tasting me, huh, beautiful?"
You loved it more than she could know; seeing the way she squirmed and moaned as you ate her out did something to you. It made you feel feral.
You let out a deep moaned around her clit, making her convulse at the vibrations. Abby's eyes squeezed shut as her jaw went slack before you released her clit from your mouth with a faint pop. You watched her sigh out as her eyes opened. She looked down at you with twinkling eyes and let out a chuckle. "Oh fuck, look at that messy face," she cooed at you. You licked up some of it that sat on your lips.
"It's so good, mommy," You moaned up at her.
"Yeah? Well, why don't you have some more?"
You nodded as you went back to licking her pussy. First, you nibbled at her lips, licking them and sucking. She enjoyed it for a little before she let out a frustrated grunt due to the lack of stimulation.
"Are you gonna keep teasing me, or are you actually gonna do something?" She said. You let out a soft laugh at her frustration, causing her to mutter fine as she grabbed onto the side of your head and shifted her hips so that your mouth went onto her clit. "Now eat." She demanded.
Right when she said that, your lips began to suckle on her pearl gently, making sure not to do too much. She pulled you in more as she grinded her hips, loving the way it felt when her clit when released from your mouth and sucked back in. You tuned out the sounds of your slurping as you were focused on making her cum.
"My good little slutty wife, look at you," she sighs out as you lap up her juices, "a-always taking care of me." You tried to keep your eyes open to watch her, but with her words and delicious taste, you couldn't help it.
You began sucking harder, making her body tense and her legs clamp around your head, but you quickly grabbed her inner thigh. You allowed your drool to flow off your tongue as you ferociously ate her cunt, making her more soaked.
"Gonna cum, baby! I'm gonna cum all over that pretty face." She moaned loudly, making you moan as well. "I'm cumming, oh fuck!" Her body was still tense, but now she was shaking—she cursed out and moaned your name as her cum gushed into your mouth. You swallowed it while some of it dripped down your chin.
You eventually pulled away from her pussy once her orgasm died down. Her breathing was loud as she lay there with her eyes closed, trying to catch her breath. Her loose strand of hair was stuck to her now sweaty forehead, looking beautiful as always. You just sat there between her thighs as you whispered, It's okay.
Finally, Abby took one last deep breath before opening her eyes, looking down at you, and letting out a chuckle. "I needed that," She said. Her hands rested over top of her t-shirt-covered stomach as she relaxed on the couch.
"I can tell, baby. You okay?"
"I'm more than okay," she said as she smirked at you, making you giggle. "Now can I fuck you? I wanna make you feel good."
"Nuh uh, Ms. Anderson, not tonight." You tell her as you place kisses on her inner thigh. Her body began to squirm, but she still kept her composure.
"It's actually Mrs. Anderson," she corrected you with her perfectly shaped eyebrow arched as she raised her left hand to show you her ring. "And why not, baby?" Her previous expression dropped quickly as she pouted.
"Because...I wanna keep tasting you tonight," you try to tempt her as you place your kisses closer to her pussy. It was working because she sucked in a sharp breath and bit down on her lip.
"You think you can cum one more time for me, mommy?" You asked her as you planted a kiss just above her pussy where the hair lay, on her soaking lips, and on her clit. She just nodded weakly as she watched.
You placed one more soft kiss on her clit before starting your attack again. You began to eat her out as if you were tongue kissing her plush lip. "Fuck, what has gotten into you, sweetie?" Abby moaned.
You groaned onto her pussy while bringing your fingers up to her pussy and teased her wet hole. You realized that you caught her by surprise because her body jolted. Once you slithered your finger into her, you began to move it in and out of her while servicing her clit with your mouth. You can feel her walls squeeze around your fingers.
"You're gonna make me cum already."
"Give-give me your hand so I can hold it while you make me cum," Abby sputtered out. You reach up, with your left arm resting on her thighs and stomach as our hands intertwine. Abby's stomach, as well as yours, flipped—there was something so mushy yet arousing about it. Seeing and feeling her finger rub against the ring she had given you did something to you. You move away from her pussy with your teeth lightly grazing against her clit. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her, then began to rapidly rub her pussy, making sure to focus on her clit.
"I-I'm cu-oh my god, I'm cumming." Her moans became uncharacteristically high, her legs got wider, and her grip on your hand tightened. Your arm began to ache as you continued your movements, but you had no plans on stopping.
"Cum for me, Abby; cum all over my hand, beautiful." You egged her on. You felt her squirm, trying to get away, but you pressed your wrist down on her stomach. Her face got redder and spread down to her neck.
"Shit! If you keep going, I'm gonna-" Her words were cut off as her eyes rolled to the back of her skull. Suddenly, her wet sounds got louder, and liquid began to gush from her, causing it to go everywhere. Down your arm, on your face, on your shirt, and all over herself. Some of it had even gotten on the couch, leaving a large wet spot, and on the carpet.
We're definitely going to have to get a new couch now.
"Oh!" You squealed out in surprise, continuing to rub against her clit. "You're squirting so much, baby!" It made you giddy that you were the one doing this to her.
Her body trashed around and trembled as she tried to speak, but she couldn't, so you decided that she had enough and stopped. You got off your knees and sat on the couch next to her before pulling her head into your chest. Her arms immediately wrapped around you. You could feel her quivering and breathing hard into your chest as you stroked and kissed her head.
"You did so good, baby," you murmured to her, rocking her back and forth.
You both stayed like that until she cooled down. You heard her say something, but you couldn't hear her, so you asked her to repeat herself.
"I can eat your pussy now," She said as her words were muffled into your chest.
"No, Abby. You need to rest."
"But I—" she tried to get out before you interrupted her.
You rolled your eyes. She was being stubborn again.
"No, plus you'll be home all day tomorrow, so you can do whatever you want." You smirked, making her smile into your chest, and said true in agreement.
It went quiet for a while until you felt Abby's breathing even out and her body slump against yours. She was asleep. You just shook your head, knowing she had been tired all along.
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narislvr · 6 months
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── simp!abby anderson drabble ₊˚ෆ
,, cws? none. pure fluff ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ ── 1.04k words.
,, abby x fem!reader ♡ / college au
ᝰ.ᐟ loosely inspired by this series' depiction of abby. | pt. II
she's so hollie col & taylor swift coded, fight me
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who was absolutely lovestruck for the pretty girl she'd bumped into on the way to their campus' library.
She had barely exchanged more than a few mumbled words with you, but she already knew she wanted to see you again.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who did in fact see you a few days later behind the counter of a less populated coffee shop in the westend part of campus. you looked so pretty she thought, and if it weren't for her usual reserved expression she was sure you'd see the hearts forming in her eyes.
"hello? you alright there?" you'd ask, brow raised as you tried to get the woman's attention from behind the counter.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who snaps out of her enamored daze only to meet the confused look on your face with a sheepish smile.
she should say something smooth. anything.
"you sell coffee here, right...?"
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who is awkward as hell and can't flirt to save her life as she's lived her life avoiding any chance of romance despite being a secret romantic.
your eye twitches at the question, but you smile at her anyways because.. well, just because.
"yeah, we do. what can j get for you?"
your number
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who makes it a routine to come in the three days of the week when she knew you'd be there. by the third week of her showing up, you couldn't help the small smile that settled on your lips as you handed the blond her usual coffee, your hand lingering a second longer as the feeling of her calloused fingers brushing yours sent a fuzzy feeling through your body.
she'd thank you with a small smile of her own before sitting in the table closest to the exit with a good view of you in the prep area and taking slow sips of her drink as she'd take subtle glances of you, admiring the way you hum ever so quietly to yourself as you worked.
after a good hour of subtle glances and pretending to focus on whatever text book she brought in that day, she'd leave, but not before leaving a tip folded neatly in the napkin as you went to wipe down her table.
'have a great day and thank you for the coffee. it was delicious as usual :)'
you can't help but shake your head, cheeks flushing ever so slightly.
it was a simple black coffee, nothing special.
and yet she was always so greatful.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who after a month, slowly begins to talk to you, less awkward than her initial approach once you started initiating conversation and light banter.
God, if you looked pretty from afar, having you close to her, talking to her, made every last bit of her resolve melt. especially when you looked at her, chin resting on your palm, with those bright curious eyes of yours.
"you actually owned horses? That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to ride, but I've never had the chance to."
she'd chuckle, feeling her heart flutter as she flashes you a charming smile.
"I could always teach you, y'know?"
God knows she hoped you weren't kidding when you giggled and accepted her offer.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who, now comfortable enough to, would tease you whenever she'd catch you stealing glances at her arms whenever she came in from her morning run.
"I can feel you staring, hon," she'd quip, catching you off guard and stiffling a laugh as you quickly denied it.
she made sure to wear more tank tops and compression shirts, stretching out her arms every now and then, knowing well she'd have your full attention then.
"you're always welcome to touch, you know."
"I am not doing that, abbs." you'd respond, heart racing as you rejected, what was to you, the offer of a life time.
"suit yourself," she'd snicker, earning a playful shove.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who after four months of playful visits to your job, finally asks you out, hands sweating as she leans against the counter of the almost empty coffee shop.
to her surprise, you agree, and she can't help the wide grin that spreads on her face as you accept.
"we could go out for coffee or something. I know of a good coffee shop around here we could try out. The barista is pretty cute too."
"I'm not going on a date to my work place, Abby." you'd say, eyes narrowed as she only laughs at your response.
"was just a thought. how about dinner next week? there's a place about thirty minutes from here I'm sure you'd like."
"sounds like a plan."
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who picked you up the following week, a charming smile on her face as she held open the passenger seat door to her pick up truck, complimenting you with awe in her voice before driving off.
soft music could be heard playing in the background as the two of you spoke of anything and everything.
you were so caught up in the conversation, you didn't notice where you two had parked until the rumble of the trucks engine finally shut off.
it was then that you noticed the scenery before you, a nice grassy area overlooking the mountain campus of the school you two went too.
"found this place while on a run a month back, it's pretty, huh?"
you could only hum in response, still in awe as you got down and followed abby to the bed of her truck where the two of you would eat takeout from a place she knew you liked.
amidst the pretty scenery, she could only find herself looking at one thing.
that being you.
It was cliché, but from what she had learned about you during the time she had spent getting to know you through small talk and banter, she knew it was something you liked and that's what mattered.
and what wouldn't she give to continue seeing the look of pure adoration on your face as your hand found hers, pinkie locking with hers as you two look at eachother in silence as the nature's ambience and soft music from her radio play in the background.
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lakesbian · 5 months
attention everyone we have reached my personal favorite Line in worm
I stepped toward Sundancer and offered a hand to help her up.  She flinched away. Oh.  My hands were bloody.  I dropped the offered hand to my side. “Let’s go,” I suggested.
there are a lot of good Lines in worm, and while i will acknowledge that many of them are sort of objectively more powerful culminating moments than this one, this one is still My Personal Favorite. Oh. My hands were bloody.
it's been obvious through the early arcs that taylor has a lot of repressed anger: she beats the shit out of rachel, even after being bitten. she outright admits to the other undersiders that she hasn't taken subtle revenge on the trio at school because she's afraid she would take it too far/it would obviously be her. she is, initially, unnerved by violence: she's a bit scared by the gun present in the loft, it creeps her out that brian knows every way to break a person's body, she feels guilt about the idea of any civilians being hurt during the bank robbery. but she still beat up rachel, and she still shoves bugs up the wards' noses during the robbery, and she still gleefully rides rachel's dog and laughs and hollers from the joy and the adrenaline rush of victory afterwards.
the expression of this repressed anger thru violence escalates further when her concussion leads her to slapping emma in the mall. in the principal's office, when it's clear that nothing she or her dad says will garner help with the bullying, she shouts and slaps papers off the table and asks what would happen if she brought a knife to school. after she and her dad leave the meeting, she calls lisa:
“Hey.  How did it go?” I couldn’t find the words for a reply. “That bad?” “Yeah.” “What do you need?” “I want to hit someone.”
lisa invites her to a raid on the ABB so she can do that, and it's soo. Sooo Very. to watch how she cuts loose on it. she's so angry rachel notices it in how she's standing, and she's still confused about how rachel noticed. she's a confident leader when the fight goes crisis mode, she responds to rachel bucking against her orders by consistently shouting at rachel to "NOT fuck with me right now," she acts nigh-suicidally aggressive during her fight with lung, and she snarls "don't fucking underestimate me" when she takes him out using a caterpillar dipped in newter's blood.
all of this happens in relatively subtle increments. she doesn't notice how she progressively becomes comfortable expressing herself and taking charge instead of withdrawing or acting insecurely during the course of the mission. she doesn't notice that she's not horrified by dealing with newter's wound or seeing the sniper's broken leg. back in unmasked society, she was forced to consider how many of her aggressive actions were the result of the concussion loosening her impulse control--here, she repeatedly yells at bitch without a second thought. it's a place where her violence and anger isn't only acceptable but necessary. the circumstances normalize her outbursts and comfort with violence to her, leaving her blind to how alienated and dissociated and repressed and traumatized and furious and just Fucked Up she has to be to face down lung and then dig his eyes out.
when she says that she "doesn't believe in eye for an eye," in arc 4 alec asks her why the fuck she's a supervillain. his implicit assertion is clear: being a villain is, for him, about taking your revenge for being hurt out on whoever you can manage or justify, even if they're not the person who originally hurt you. and taylor thinks she's not doing that. but hey: she goes beyond just "hitting someone" and into literally taking lung's eyes as a culmination of the cathartic violence she's been engaging in as recompense for how she was mistreated earlier.
and the person who serves as a more "normal" reference point for how far taylor just escalated is sundancer: horrified by the idea of having to use her sun to hurt people, shocked by how casually violent taylor has been, flinching away from taylor when she turns to sundancer after committing that violence & tries to offer sundancer help.
because, oh. her hands are bloody. she hadn't even noticed how bloody they were getting, but they are.
deeply evocative one-line reminder of how taylor has changed in these first five arcs, without even noticing. and the best part is that, while the imagery of "oh. my hands were bloody" does convey that change in an incredibly brief and powerful way, the fact that taylor is saying it still means even she hasn't really realized. she thinks it's mainly just about the superficial, literal blood on her hands, and not the metaphorical blood on her hands that sundancer is disturbed by. it's good.
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urrockstar-xe · 7 months
starstruck - p.parker x fem!reader
posted nov 7th, 2023 10:15 pm
my silly little imagine i wrote today just for you silly little guys
summary: after a nasty run in with the Rhino, Spidey goes to his favorite civilian, who happens to be good with bandages, but not great with science.
reader is implied to be bad at science and thinks Midtown High is a nerd school, reader is also implied to know spidey fairly well atp
part two :)
wordcount: 1.2k
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the sound of "thwips" and wind coming from outside your window mixed with the usual city noise that served as your own personal lo-fi as you studied.
A sudden knock on your window caught your attention, grabbing you away from the task at hand. a bird, you assumed, turning back to your laptop and trying to find the point you left on, right, essay, you begin typing again,
in the early- thump thump Thump
three more rapid knocks on your window. Okay, not a bird.
but a spider.
you groaned, moving your laptop to your nightstand and standing from your warm bed, hissing at the cold hitting your bare legs, and cursing yourself for not doing laundry when the sun was out.
You walked towards the window, opening your curtain to reveal the familiar mask of New York's very own superhero. 
“spidey, we talked about this” you spoke in a sing-song voice as you pulled your window open, another hit of the cold wind hitting you as Spiderman stumbled into your dark bedroom. Laughing quietly and breathlessly as he did so. “Need your assistance,” he groaned once more, sitting on your floor and watching you through his mask as you closed the window. 
“You're hurt?” you moved to turn on the lights, cringing at the sudden brightness and then wincing at the sight of Spiderman’s side, “what the hell did you do?” 
“I fought a giant rhino” his response was too quick to be one of his usual snappy jokes, causing you to give him a confused and mortified look in response as you hurriedly dragged the first aid kit out from under your bed, 
“Don't worry about it- hey, wasn't that in your bathroom before?” he asked, before taking another deep breath and turning his gaze to your ceiling. “yeah, moved in here after you fought that lizard guy” you mumbled back, focused on getting out the proper supplies
or at least what you thought was the proper supplies
“hey aren't you cold? why aren't you wearing pants or like a onesie or-“ 
“Oh, you mean like yours?”
“Alright, touche”
You can’t help but laugh at the stupid word exchange the two of you had as you watched Spiderman peel off the top half of his suit, careful to leave his mask untouched and you respected this as he was vulnerably showing you a different side to the hero already, allowing you to see what most couldn't which was most definitely the rocky side of being New York’s Spiderman and definitely not his abbs (though you appreciated those too)
“By the way, not that I took what you said seriously or anything or that it hurt my feelings but, this is a suit, not a onesie,” Spidey said through small gasps of pain, leaning his head back into the edge of your bed as you cleaned the gaping stab wound in his side. 
“I’m sorry” You're not sure if you meant the onesie or the pain he was in but either way worked at this moment as just his shaky breaths alone made you feel guilty
Spidey stayed unusually quiet as you cleaned him up, so far having avoided stitches pretty well as you topped it off with as much bandaging supplies as you had. 
He groaned once more, before picking his head back up and looking back at you as you stood up and made your way to your desk, carefully picking up the roll of paper towels that you were previously upset at yourself for leaving in your room after cleaning this morning, although now that feeling was replaced with gratitude as you used a few sheets as a barrier to not get blood on your doorknob-
“Hey, where you goin'?” you turned your attention back to the masked vigilante who was just bleeding out on your bedroom floor. “Just to the bathroom, to clean my hands, why? Is there more?” You asked, panicked you’d have to go rummage through every cabinet in your house for more bandages. 
“Just be fast okay? Don’ wanna be alone' ' His voice sounded weak and barely audible which honestly made you panic more as you nodded in response, leaving your room to not only wash your hands but also grab a water bottle and the package of bread from your counter.
Quickly you examined the bread, searching for any sign of mold as you walked back into your room and sat across from Spiderman, setting your new items down and opening the water bottle.
“Let’s make a deal, Spidey, you drink this and you eat some of this bread at least one piece and I’ll turn around so I won’t even see a little of your face” You began negotiating, Spidey responded by lifting the bottom half of his mask to just barely above his nose, taking the water bottle with shaky hands. 
You stilled, watching him take a drink and then quickly looking down and fumbling with the packaging of the bread when you realized you were just staring at Spiderman’s lips.
Thankfully though, he ignored it, instead deciding he had the energy to tease you about something else, “bread? Just plain bread?” 
You scoffed, taking out a slice and handing it to him, watching him to a bite.
“you get what you get and you don’t throw fits” you scolded the way you did the little boy you babysit occasionally, earning a choke in response before another quiet chuckle,
okay so he’s not all lost, good. 
You sighed, putting your hand on your cheek for a second and realizing just how warm you had gotten, “listen, you wanted me back fast and this was the only thing I really had in my kitchen right now so-” He cut you off before you could finish your explanation, “thank you, I don’t know what I’d do without you”
I don’t know what I’d do without you, These words that Spiderman just said to you rang in your ears for a few seconds until you sighed once more, nodding. “Although some pizza-” You groaned as he began talking, earning another more lively chuckle in return, a lingering smile on his face, this time you allowed yourself to stare, having never seen even the smallest bit of his face let alone his smile. It's nice.
“What is?” he frowned in confusion, you felt your face heat up once more. “Your smile it’s nice,” you explained, earning a nod of thanks in response as he bit into the slice of bread. He hummed as if it was the best thing he had ever tasted before once more leaning his head back into your bed.
You tried to ignore the way he looked like this, he’s injured, take a cold shower.  “So, what now huh?” you asked quietly, suddenly anxiously aware that other people lived in your apartment.
“Oh, my bad, I’m so inconsiderate- I-I’ll get out of your hair, your family is asleep and it’s school night I- my bad, I’m sorry” You watched as he stood up incredibly unstable as he did so, “hey, you don’t have-” “thank you, for you know, lettin me stain your nice carpet” he joked meekly, letting out a weak laugh as he gasped once more, struggling to put on the remains of his mangled suit, 
“Okay, Jesus, c’mon Spidey, let me help you with that” You mumbled, standing up and doing your best to help him into the top half of his suit and then watching him shove on his left glove while the other hung in his mouth.
He tried to talk, words muffled by his glove but quickly released as you took it from his teeth, causing his attention to fall completely back on you as he stopped his actions. “See you around?” He said, in an attempt to sound normal and not in immense pain. “Be safe, Spidey, don't really know what I’d do without you” You threw his words back into his face in a soft tone, gently pulling his mask down over his nose and mouth. 
“Of course,” he responded in a similar tone, almost starstruck as he put on his right glove, thanking you quietly once more before limping back out onto the fire escape outside your window, not sparing a second look as he swung into the noisy city and out of your quiet and now rather lonely room.
After cleaning up the mess you had made, you quit studying for the night, no longer able to focus with the image of Spiderman’s smile stuck in your head, you settled for bed.
But you didn’t get to sleep for another few hours.
After spending a few unfortunate hours in school the next day you had finally been free to go home and take a nap but of course, not before meeting the tutor your counselor had found for you, a student from the fancy school not too far from yours, Midtown High but of course you and your friends just considered it the school of nerds-
“Hey, You Y/n Y/l/n?” The voice that You had thought sounded awfully familiar took you away from your thoughts as you turned around to see who you assumed was Peter Parker, your tutor. “Peter?” You ask with a friendly smile, holding onto the straps on your backpack.
He looked almost starstruck before he shook his head and gave you a similar polite smile, “Nice to meet you”
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keerysfreckles · 7 months
safe haven - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
summary: mike schmidt's next door neighbor seems on edge when she knocks on his front door. the reason being remains unknown, until mike orders a pizza and lets the scared girl stay the night.
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of an abusive and toxic relationship, slight cursing
michael schmidt wasn't used to any of his neighbors knocking on his door. the only interactions being simple waves while getting the mail, or nods of their heads when they drive by.
mike instantly recognized his next door neighbor as he opens the front door. he's seen her plenty of times before, but the two haven't spoken to each other.
he notices her shaken up appearance, as her loose t-shirt hangs off one shoulder, and the grey sweatpants on her hips are barely tied. her hair is down, but the baby hairs by her forehead are erratically skewed.
mike's simple gretting takes the girl out of her trance. she kept looking between mike and her own front door. she fiddled with her hands before responding.
"yes, hi, uh- look i know we've never really talked before, but can i please stay here for an hour? two at most," y/n pleads, her eyes never faltering from her front door, with worry filling her pupils.
mike nods, before opening his door so y/n can walk inside, "are you alright?"
y/n's fast to shake her head, "no, um- no not really."
mike doesn't think he's ever seen her like this. "do you want something to drink? or a snack or something?"
"just water, please," y/n shuffles awkwardly by the kitchen counter, as she watches mike grab a glass and fill it was tap water.
y/n's grateful once the cool liquid flows down her throat. all of the screaming she had just done really did some damage on her throat.
mike couldn't help but notice the small bruises covering her wrists, and the giant red mark on her neck as she tilted her head back to drink the water.
"do you want to talk about anything? you seem on edge," mike offers, as he leads the two to the living room. he sits on the couch, and y/n sits down beside him.
just as y/n opens her mouth to respond, abby comes running down the hallway, a notebook in one hand and colored pencils in the other.
"who are you?"
abby's bluntness throws y/n off gaurd, causing her to laugh. she can't even remember the last time she laughed.
"abbs, this is our neighbor, y/n. she's gonna hang out here for a bit," mike tells abby, watching as she sits at the coffee table in front of the couch.
mike and y/n both turn their attention to the tv, which is playing reruns of a sitcom. they both felt it wasn't the most appropriate time to talk about y/n's situation while abby was in the room.
"what are those marks on your wrist from?" abby suddenly asks, catching both adults off gaurd.
"oh, uh, they're from bracelets i had on earlier. guess they were too tight." mike took notice of the way y/n's voice shook at the end of her response.
"hey abby, why don't you go back to your room and draw something for y/n. yeah?" mike offers his sister, who nods in return, before she walks down the hallway back to her room.
"you don't have to talk about anything by the way. i'm not gonna force you," mike spoke softly, not wanting to scare y/n more than she already was.
y/n's knee started to shake and her voice wavered as she responded, "my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend now uh- he got too much. everything was fine until last month when he started to get aggressive."
mike's eyes slightly widened.
"at first it was only verbally. but when i came home last week, he hit me because i stayed late at work. i tried to tell him why, but he just wouldn't listen," y/n's eyes started to water as she remembers the events that took place.
"today was just so bad. i had to get out of there before he did anything worse," y/n finally looks up at mike, and sees nothing but sincerity in his eyes. her heart slightly sped up at the fact someone was actually listening to her.
"so you came here to get away from him?" mike concluded, causing y/n to nod.
"you can stay here as long as you need to okay?"
y/n nodded once more, thankful for mike's proposal. however a harsh knock on the front door caused her head to turn quickly, and michael stood from the couch. "probably just some solicitors. i'll get them to leave."
y/n stayed on the couch while mike opened the door. his heartrate picked up once he was met with a taller man, with a scruffy beard and dark curly hair. he seemed to have a glint of hatred in his eyes, and mike could only guess this was the person y/n was hiding from.
"can i help you?"
"you haven't seen y/n around, have you? she ran out a bit ago," the man explained, seeming way too calm about the situation.
mike shakes his head, "nope, haven't seen her today."
y/n's heart races as she listened to their conversation from the living room. she can't help but worry he's going to come inside and take her back to the toxic home she just came from.
y/n picks her head up at the loud noise, and stands up abruptly from the couch once she sees mike stumble back from her ex-boyfriend pushing the door open.
"you bitch!" he screams, instantly grabbing y/n's wrist, making her yelp out in pain. "i told you not to leave! and you come over here to whore around with him?"
*brad let go," the only three words y/n manages to get out, as she's more focused on planting her feet to try and make her unmovable.
brad only pulls on y/n's wrist harder, and slaps her cheek with his empty hand. y/n cups her cheek in shock, as brad pulls her out of the house and into mike's front yard.
mike follows the two, and jogs over to brad and pushes his chest, causing him to let go of y/n.
"y/n get back inside, lock the door," mike orders. y/n's quick to run back inside as she watches mike tell brad off through the window.
a few minutes pass and mike knocks on the front door. y/n of course lets him inside his home, and as soon as he closes and locks the door y/n wraps her arms around his waist.
mike's shortly taken aback before he holds onto the poor girl. he hears her start to cry, as her body starts to shake. mike holds y/n's head to his chest and he gently sways the two side to side.
"you're okay. you're safe here," mike whispers against the top of y/n's head. "do you want to stay for dinner?" he offers, of course wanting to do nothing but cheer the girl up.
y/n pulls back from the hug and wipes her tears, before nodding her head.
mike's quick to dial the local pizza shop as y/n sits back down on the couch, her hand immediately goes to her wrist and looks at the new bruise already starting to form.
mike walks down the hallway to abby's room, for two reasons. he first asks if she heard any of the yelling, to which she responded no since she had her radio playing. and secondly he asked if she wanted to join him and y/n in the living room and have pizza soon.
y/n watched as both mike and abby walked out of the hallway. mike sat beside y/n on the couch and abby sat at the coffee table again, as she continued to work on her drawing for y/n.
"are you cold?" mike asks y/n, seeing the goosebumps covering her arms. she simply nods, and mike leans forward and removes the dark grey hoodie he was wearing. y/n couldn't help but look to his stomach as the movement of him taking the hoodie off cause his shirt underneath to lift. he smiled as he handed her the article of clothing, and couldn't help but feel his heart warm at the sight of his hoodie covering y/n's torso.
a half hour passes, and mike seems to notice how a weight has lifted off y/n's shoulders. y/n and abby have been in a deep conversation about cartoon characters. the conversation however is cut short when the doorbell rings, making y/n jump from her spot on the couch.
mike reaches forward and places his hand over her knee, causing her to look at him. "it's okay, it's just the pizza."
the reassurance calms y/n down, and mike walks to the door. he pays the pizza delivery boy and places the greasy pizza box on the coffee table. he's quick to get paper plates for the three of the them before he sits back down besides y/n.
the trio enjoy their meal together, and abby starts asking y/n questions. like where she's from, where she goes to school, what her favorite color is, and a plethora of other random questions.
after the three finish dinner, mike and y/n are captived by a movie that was now playing on tv. abby was busy adding the finishing touches to her picture for y/n, and was excited to give it to her.
y/n looks down and sees abby handing her a colorful piece of paper, "is this for me?" abby nods.
y/n looks over the paper, seeing three people resembling mike, abby and herself. the figures seem to be outside as they're together in a grassy area with flowers surrounding them.
"i love it abby," y/n smiles, "i'll keep it forever."
two hours pass, and after another movie plays, abby had fallen asleep with her head on her notebook, her right hand still gripping a red colored pencil. mike only laughs, before he shakes abby's shoulder to wake her up.
"i'll be right back," he states. y/n nods as she watches mike lead abby to her bedroom to put her to bed. y/n looks at the clock placed on the wall and sees its nearing eleven pm.
y/n leans her head back on the couch, and can't help but let her eyes close, as sleep takes over.
mike whistles while walking back into the living room, after saying goodnight to abby. his whistling is cut short when he looks at the sleeping girl on his couch. he chuckles at her positon. she's now in a curled ball, as her arms are crossed over her chest.
mike turns off the tv, and grabs the blanket draped over the arm of the chair from across the room. he places the material over y/n, before leaning down and kissing the girl's forehead. he wanted to make sure she knew she was always safe in his home.
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animekpopsimp · 7 months
I didn't mean it (Mike Schmidt x reader)
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The front door of Mike's opened and as you turned your head you spotted him making his way inside with a tired expression on his face.
"Hey, how did work go?" You asked, a small smile appearing on your face as you stood up and walked over to him. To your surprise, he pushed past you, mumbling something under his breath. Watching him walk over to the couch, you sighed. Mike shrugged off his jacket, plopping down on the couch.
"What's wrong?" You asked, you knew he had been stressed lately. Mike remained silent, worrying you even more. Making your way back over to the couch, you sat down next to your boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Though, the moment you did, Mike shoved your hand away. You stared at him, stunned.
"It's nothing" he mumbled audibly this time. You sighed, locking eyes with your stressed boyfriend.
"I don't believe you, now tell me what's going on" you insisted. Mike had never been that good at expressing his feelings, but he was usually willing to open up to you.
"I told you it's nothing" he said once again, raising his voice slightly. You tensed for a moment and stood up from the couch. You made your way toward the front door, deciding to come back tomorrow. However, as you reached your hand out to open the door, Mike said something you didn't expect.
"We're not a charity case" he spoke, causing you to turn toward him with wide eyes. You were too stunned to say anything as you processed his words.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked as Mike stood up from the couch.
"Abby and I aren't a charity case. You don't have to help us just because you pity us" Mike spoke, looking upset.
"Mike, you know I don't see either of you as a Charity case. I help you because I care." You said, trying not to get emotional.
"I don't know if I believe that" Mike muttered,
"Mike, I know you're stressed but-"
"you don't know anything!" Mike's loud voice suddenly echoed off of the walls. You jumped back, almost falling to the ground. Regaining your balance, you tried your best to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.
"Fine" you spoke after a moment, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I'm going home" and with that, you made your way out of the house. Mike watched you leave, sighing to himself as he made his way to his bedroom, unaware of the fact that Abby was awake to hear the whole thing.
The next morning, Mike woke up with a sigh. Making his way out of bed, he walked down the hallway toward Abby's room. Slowly pushing the door open, he spotted the little girl slowly opening her eyes.
"Morning Abbs, it's time for breakfast" he spoke, walking over to the side of the bed. Abby looked up at him, a small frown appearing on her face. Noticing this, Mike frowned as well.
"Are you and (Y/N) breaking up?" She suddenly asked, Mike was silent for a moment, sighing to himself.
"Why do you think we're breaking up?" He asked,
"I heard you two fighting last night. I don't want you two to break up" the little girl spoke, sitting up in her bed.
"Fights happen, don't worry about it. Now let's go eat breakfast" Mike told her.
"Ok" the little girl spoke, standing up and making her way to the kitchen. Mike turned to leave before he suddenly noticed a piece of paper sitting on his sister's desk. A drawing of three stick figures. Him, Abby, and you, all standing in front of a house with smiles on your faces. Mike stared at the picture, a frown appearing on his face. Ever since the two of you had started dating, Abby had become attached to you. He felt bad about snapping at you, but he wasn't ready to face you. Mike sighed to himself, going to make breakfast.
You arrived home from work, letting out a tired sigh. The fight you had with Mike still weighed heavy on your mind. Shrugging off your jacket, you suddenly heard your phone ring.
"Hello?" You answered,
"(Y/N)?" You were surprised to hear Abby on the other end of the call.
"Abby? Is everything ok?" You asked her, becoming concerned.
"Mike is really upset, why did you two fight?" The little girl asked. The way she spoke broke your heart. You had no idea she had heard you and Mike's fight.
"Abby, it's complicated" you tried your best to explain the situation.
"Mike's really sorry, I wish you two would make up" Abby told you.
"Look Abby, I gotta go. I promise everything will be ok" you spoke, hoping you could cheer her up.
"Ok..." Abby replied. The phone call ended and you sighed. After a moment, you grabbed your jacket and exited the house.
Mike was snapped from his thoughts when he headed a knock on the door. Glancing at Abby, who sat at the kitchen table, he made his way to the door. Opening it, he was both surprised and relieved to see you standing there.
"Hey..." He said, feeling awkward. You smiled seeing Mike standing there,
"hey....I came to say I'm sorry." You said, a small smile on your face.
"I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that" Mike told you.
"I-I didn't mean it, what I said. I feel like shit for taking things out on you. I know you care about me and Abby" he spoke. You didn't reply, simply pulling your boyfriend into a hug. A small smile appeared on his face as well, wrapping his arms around you. He rested his head on your shoulder as the two of you stood there for a moment.
"Do you want to come in?" Mike asked.
"Of course" you said, making your way inside. Abby stepped into the living room, a smile on her face.
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redskull199987 · 7 months
i have two so I'll probably send them separately, but at the same time I feel like that would be a lot of notifications (also fem reader please); #1 is giving mike schmidt head under his desk while he's at work and stuff , #2 is like playing with mike's hair and stuff to help him sleep and cuddling with him , and #3 is mike bending reader over his desk and going to down because he's had a pretty bad shift and needs to relieve stress. you can just do one or all, it's up to you
First of all, this is only one of these three requsts, the second one to be precise. The others will follow of course, don't worry. Until then, I hope that you enjoy this one. I had lots of fun writing this:D
So hear my Voice, remind you not to bleed
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request Word Count:1.3k Warnings:tooth rotting fluff,kissing and hugging, that’s all, slight movie spoilers Summary:You knew that your Boyfriend had trouble falling asleep, so you did everything you could to help him find his way into sweet sweet dreamland…
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You felt like shit. At least, that was the short version. And the longer one wasn't even that much longer. To put it simply, you had an awfully long week. And that was probably an underestimation. 
You fought murderous animatronics, a creepy dude in a bunny costume, a feral cupcake and after all that shit, you barely escaped with your life. And while you were fortunate and had only obtained a few minor scratches and bruises here and there, Mike had a few life threatening flesh wounds and Vannesa was lucky to be alive at all, after her father had stabbed her.
Your Bones ached and your head was pounding, as you finally made your way home. Unfortunately, you couldn’t just ask your Boss to give you a few days off because you had several Animatronic-induced wounds scattered over your body. Heck, you were happy you didn’t just lose your job after not showing up for three days in a row. 
All you could do was tell them that you got involved in a car accident and that you and your boyfriend had been in the hospital for a few days. Much to your favor, they believed you and the fact that Vanessa was still in the Hospital only backed up your little lie.
Your Mind was still racing, as you reached your little Home. It was already dark outside, as you stepped into the comfort of your Apartment. You saw Lights coming from the Living Room and the Sound of the TV slowly made its way into your Brain and pushed away the gruesome memories of the Pizza-Plex.
“Mike?”, You shouted into the darkness,”Abby? I’m Home.”
You didn’t receive an answer, so you quickly discarded your shoes and Jacket and walked into the Living Room. Only now, you noticed Abby sitting in front of the Sofa, drawing with her Crayons and listening to the sound of the TV.
“Hey Abbs.”, You smiled and leaned down to greet the little Girl. She practically beamed at you and gave you a small hug.
“Have You eaten yet? Where’s Mike?”, You quickly asked again as you rose back to your feet.
“Yes, we had Spaghetti with meatballs.”, Abby stated happily,”And Mike said he was tired and went to sleep already. He told me I could stay up for a little bit longer:”
“Okay then.”, You mumbled, gently running a hand through Abby’s Hair,”I’ll go join your Brother in Bed. Don’t stay up too late, okay Love?”
Abby nodded at you profusely before turning her focus back on the Half finished Drawing in front of her. You looked at her once more, before deciding to finally go see your Boyfriend in your shared bedroom. You knew that he was always tired. Even before you started dating. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
 But after recent events, his insomnia seemed to get severely worse. He could barely fall asleep anymore and even if he did, he’d be awake again a few hours later, jumping up with heavy breaths and a sweaty forehead. You always tried to comfort him and be there for him, but you still felt like you weren’t doing enough. Like, you should do more. But you didn’t know how.
With a sigh, You slowly pushed your bedroom door open. You were surprised as you realized that the lights were still on and Mike was sitting in the middle of the Bed, still fully dressed.
“Mike?”, You asked with furrowed brows,”Are You okay, my Love?”
He didn’t answer you at first. Only as you got closer and sat down next to him, he looked at you.
“S-Sorry, must’ve been lost in my thoughts again. I didn’t notice you coming in.”, Mike explained. His voice was raspy and tired. With a soft smile, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly:”It’s okay, don’t worry. You wanna go to sleep?”
Mike only gave you a nod and got up to change into his sleeping attire,which consisted of a Shirt and some sweatpants. You quickly followed him over to the wardrobe and before he could pull off his hoodie, you carefully hugged him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love You.”, you uttered against his skin. You could see how the hair on the back of his neck stood on end and the shiver that went down his spine.
“I love you too.”, Mike answered, taking a hold of your hands and turning around in your embrace. For the first time today he gave you a smile. A lazy one, but you saw that it was genuine. You quickly leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek, before you connected your lips with his in a tender kiss. You felt his hands wander to your waist and he pulled you closer. Warmth radiated off of his Body, while his lips worked against your own in passion.
As you finally parted due to the lack of oxygen, both Mike and you were panting against each other's lips. It was quiet for a few minutes and no one said anything, while the two of you just enjoyed each other's company.
But then you reached for the hem of his hoodie and as Mike realized what your plan was, he obediently raised his arms, so that you could pull the hoodie off of his body. After you let the Hoodie fall to the Floor, Mike grabbed the Hem of your sweater and the two of you repeated the whole action, but with your roles reversed this time. 
It didn’t take long, until you were both in your sleeping attires after you lazily helped changing each other.
With a drowsy smile, You grabbed Mike’s hand and pulled him back towards the bed. You had of course noticed that his expression wasn’t really the happiest, as he was afraid of having nightmares again. He had told you about them. It was always the same. He saw Abby, Vanessa or You getting stabbed by William Afton and there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t move or scream. He just had to witness it.
“Come here.”, You mumbled and held out your hand as you saw that Mike was hesitating to lay down. His gaze wandered from the sheets to your face and it seemed like the soft smile you gave him did the trick on him. He gently grabbed your hand and let himself be pulled down by you. As his head was laying comfortably in the crook of your neck and your hands were slowly brushing through his hair, Mike let out a deep sigh.
“It’s okay. I’m here with you, Mike.”, You mumbled into his ear. You felt how his arms slung around your waist, pulling you closer.
“I know.”, Mike muttered under his breath,”You’re here.”
He took a deep breath in again, before you finally felt his body relax against yours. You quickly grabbed the blanket, pulling it over the two of you.
“Just concentrate on my voice.”, you said, soothingly rubbing his back with one hand, while the other still brushed through his hair to calm him down,“Listen to my voice. You’re not alone. I’m here with you.”,
“You’re here with me.”, Mike repeated quietly. You only nodded and continued to mumble sweet nothings into his ear. And within Minutes, you felt his grip on you loosen ever so slightly, while his breath became more even.
With a soft smile, You kissed the crown of his head once more, before also letting your eyes fall shut. If Mike could sleep, you could sleep too. And if he woke up, You would wake up too, no matter what.
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prettiestdolliestgirl · 4 months
Overwhelming ecstasy
pairing: mike schmidt x afab!reader
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tags: 18+, soft dom!mike schmidt, sub!reader, loss of virginity, slight age gap (reader is 24 and mike is 27), masturbation, grinding, size difference, piv, creampie, kind of wholesome(?), aftercare
synopsis: you’ve been dating Mike for a couple of weeks now after being friends for years, you haven’t had sex yet but tonight Abby is sleeping over at a friend’s house and you and Mike are finally going to have some time alone.
-> inspired by the song jupiter by flower face
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the three of you are standing on the porch of Mike and Abby’s house, hugging the little girl as her friend’s mother is waiting for her to get in the car.
“you can call if you need anything okay? shelly’s mom has my number, you can ask to call me anytime and i’ll come pick you up whenever you want” Mike tells his little sister, kneeling in front of her to hug her.
“i know! can i go now?” Abby says as she tries to pull away from her older brother’s hug, eager to leave and have fun with her new friends.
“yeah of course…” Mike answers.
as Abby lets go of her brother’s embrace, she turns to you and hugs you tightly. you hug her back and can’t help but feel grateful to have both her and Mike in your life. you met Mike as a little girl, both your parents and his were really good friends, and both of your families used to have weekly dinners and go on trips together. of course, that was before the incident with Garret. you’ve always been extremely close to him, helping him as much as you could throughout all of his hardships. you always knew there was something more, even when you were just a little girl, you knew Mike was the one for you. for years, you were pining in secret, desperately hoping one day he would notice that your feelings were more than platonic. miraculously that day happened, two weeks ago, you promised Abby to sleep over and watch movies with her. you told Mike to get some rest while he could as you took care of Abby the whole night. you both had a lot of fun and even though Mike was in his room trying to sleep, he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your giggles echoing throughout the house. when he woke up the next day, he knew he wanted to be with you, he never felt that way about anyone before.
in the morning the day after you and Abby’s girl’s night, Mike made the first move. you both bantered as usual but you felt a strong tension that was not there before, that’s when he kissed you for the first time as you were making Abby’s breakfast. you were extremely surprised, after years of desperate devotion to Mike, you had started to lose hope that things could escalate further between the two of you. but they miraculously did and even though you were itching to ask what might have made him suddenly express his attraction to you, you preferred to stay quiet so as not to ruin the moment.
tonight would be the first night you ever spent alone in the house together. as Abby is approaching her friend’s mom’s car you both wave, “have fun Abbs! and don’t forget you can call whenever!” Mike yells out as she is now already in the car. the mother inside the car waves as she leaves their driveway. mike is pretty anxious to let Abby sleep over at someone else’s house. he is extremely protective over his little sister which is linked to his little brother’s disappearance but Mike talked to Shelly’s mom enough times to feel like Abby will be safe and well taken care of there.
mike lets out a big sigh as the car is now out of sight and looks back at you. “just us” he says with a slight smirk.
“just us” you repeat with a soft smile.
the both of you go back inside of the house and you decide to get yourself a glass of water. you can’t help but apprehend tonight, you knew things would probably escalate and get intimate between you and Mike but the thing is you’ve never been intimate with anyone before. despite being 23, you never really felt that kind of attraction for anyone, well anyone other than Mike. men often try to get their way with you when you go out to bars or clubs with friends but you never felt an attraction strong enough to actually go through with it. you’ve kissed a guy in high school but that’s about it, you never really understood how to touch yourself properly either so you never had an orgasm before. you often talk about it to your friends and honestly feel like you’re missing out. despite your inexperience, you still want to try your best and make Mike feel good, he works so hard, he is under so much stress, you want nothing more but to help him relax. Mike had that energy, he had something that made you feel protected as if he was in control of everything happening around you, and sometimes you imagine what it would be like for him to control you.
you’re sitting on the couch watching a TV show, not really paying attention to it, instead, you’re thinking about what might finally happen tonight.
you stayed up late at night ever since you hit puberty, thinking about Mike and his calloused hands, his beautiful brown eyes, and his husky voice keeping you up at ungodly hours, just fantasizing about finally getting close to him.
as your college is close to Abby and Mike’s, you have been spending a lot of time with them lately and your dreams about him have become more and more frequent. just thinking about it was making your cheeks all shades of pink. you turn your head to see Mike watching the TV, slouching on the couch, his hands resting on his stomach. you’ve always been attracted to him, but something about him tonight was driving you insane, maybe it was the way his black sweatshirt hugged his broad shoulders or the simple look of his relaxed body but whatever it was, it was making you feel helpless.
you look at Mike sitting next to you and speak up “I think i’m going to take a shower, is that okay with you?” you ask him. “yeah yeah no problem” he says looking back at you, not noticing your flustered expression and the slight red tint on your cheeks.
you got up and got your night dress from your bag and the underwear you had meticulously prepared two days ahead. for your first night together, you opted for a white ruffle nightgown with lace details and a small baby pink bow sitting on its low-cut neckline. your set of underwear also matched your nightgown and it made you feel pretty and comfortable.
you kiss him on the top of his head and proceed to head to the bathroom to take a shower in a desperate attempt to cool yourself off. you undress slowly and get in the shower, the warm water hitting your skin. you get soap everywhere on your body and begin to clean yourself up but can’t help feeling aroused at the thought of your hands being Mike’s, cleaning every part of your body. slowly and hesitantly, your hands travel down to your lips. As you slowly caress the slit, you move your fingers closer and closer to your clit. you begin to feel nice but as always, you’re blocked, you can’t seem to know your body well enough and can’t seem to ever get to your climax. after a while, you get quite frustrated so you turn off the water and decide to get changed. you slip in your underwear and then in your short nightgown, your breasts slightly spilling out of it.
you head back into the living room and find Mike in the same slouched position as you left him. he turns his head to you and you see his gaze slightly change. ever since you moved near his house for college and you’ve been spending more time around at the house that time spent together helped Mike slowly realize that he had feelings for you that went further than a simple platonic bond.
whenever you laughed or played with Abby, he could feel his heart melt. but as he grew up with you, he never really saw you in a sexual light, he knew he was extremely attracted to you but he never really thought of you that way, except since you had started dating. mike felt a bit awkward about it and you two never really talked about it before so when you hugged him a bit tighter than usual and he felt your breasts pressed against his chest, Mike couldn’t help but excuse himself to release the pressure it had caused in the bathroom.
you and Mike never really talked about having sex or sex as a whole, but both of you somehow knew it was going to happen tonight.
you feel your cheeks getting really warm as you feel his intense glare on your body. you sit back on the couch, right next to him and an awkward silence fills the room for what feels like 5 whole minutes. suddenly, you suggest “we could watch a horror movie?” locking eyes with him.
“yeah that would be really fun” he says, followed by an attempt to clear his voice.
you chose the Blair Witch Project as neither of you had seen it before. Mike gets two beers from the fridge and you get blankets to snuggle on the couch. you switch off all the lights and sit next to each other as the movie starts. you love horror movies, you always did but that didn’t exempt you from getting scared when watching them. the lack of light in the room and the loud volume of the television made it impossible not to jump at every single jump-scare. Mike sensed that you were getting quite scared so he placed his hand on your thigh, showing you that he was there and that everything was okay. a jump scare had you by surprise and made you, almost instinctively move closer to Mike’s side. Mike then offers to move even closer “come over here” he says in a soft voice as he helps your body to his lap. you sit on his lap, your head sitting on his shoulder, his chest facing your back.
Mike is holding your body as you are both watching the film, as you get scared you bury your head in his neck until whatever’s scaring you on the screen is gone. another jump-scare makes your whole body twitch but as you do so, you proceed to get higher on Mike’s lap, now sitting directly on his crotch. as your nightgown is pretty short, his jeans are in direct contact with your underwear but you are so caught up with the movie that you fail to notice it. Mike on the other hand couldn’t think about anything else. slowly he felt a bulge growing in his jeans. he didn’t know what to do and the fact that you kept moving around wasn’t helping his case. the movie was close to its end, but Mike don’t think he could wait until then.
slowly and with care, Mike tries to move his hips in a desperate try to hide his bulge from you. it doesn’t, actually it does the exact contrary as his sudden movement snaps you out of the movie’s tension to another tension, the one growing inside of Mike’s jeans. you feel extremely flustered as all of a sudden you catch Mike’s move as one to make you notice his bulge instead of him trying to hide it from you so you decide to be brave. you sat up on his lap, pretending to be particularly intrigued about the end of the movie, and began to gently grind on his lap. you feel his bulge getting bigger under the weight of your body. Mike calls out your name softly, and you look back at him. he gestures to you to move your body to face him and so you do.
you’re now facing him and you smile looking at his face which is only softly illuminated by the television. the movie is now ending and the credits are starting to roll but neither of you move. mike pulls you in for a kiss and you reciprocate, as you do, you can feel Mike melting into the kiss.
his bulge is twitching as you slowly go back to grinding against it. you can’t help but comment at the size of it “what the hell” you murmur almost talking to yourself. mike slowly chuckles at your comment and asks you “do you want to see it?” with a slight smirk. you nod shyly while looking away from him, feeling quite embarrassed. you had no idea of what you were supposed to do or say as you’ve never been intimate with anyone before. you get off his lap and Mike gets up, turns on a small light, and turns off the TV. your eyes follow his every move while you are still sitting on the couch. he sits back next to you and asks you “do you really want to do this?”. you nod again but mike objects “speak up.”
“i… i want to see it mike.” you say shyly followed by a loud gulp. “good girl” answers mike.
mike gets up again, and stands in front of you. he takes a long time to unbuckle his belt, your eyes are glued to his big calloused hands as they’re removing his jeans’ button. as you see him go for the zipper you quickly stop him by grabbing his wrists. you look up at him through your eyelashes and bring your face closer to his bulge, you then start to take the zipper in your mouth and meticulously bring it down. mike slightly chuckles as he finds you trying to take the lead quite endearing.
mike lets his jeans down leaving him in nothing but his boxers. you’re now face to face with his erect member, you have never seen one in real life before and you can’t help but feel impressed.
you look at it, motionless for a couple of seconds before finally caving in, bringing your fingers to mike’s bulge. you touch it hesitantly, tracing its length with a soft touch. mike winces “f-fuck”, you can feel him twitch under your fingers. you don’t know how to interpret his grimace, “did i do something bad? i’m sorry i just really wanted to feel it, i should’ve asked…” you say looking up at him, quickly removing your hands from his body. Mike catches your wrist and pulls your hand back on his crotch “please, don’t stop”.
you obey and draw circular motions on his tip. you look up to see Mike’s eyes rolling from pleasure, this motivates you to be bold. you bring your face closer to his still-clothed bulge and timidly start to kiss and suckle the fabric of his boxers.
Mike needs more but he wants to treasure every single second he has. as he looks down at you, he can’t help but let out a groan of pleasure at the sight. his eyes wandered lower from your face to your breasts. he can’t help but think about the amount of times he grew semi-hard just at the thought of them. your nightgown’s low-cut neckline left little to the imagination, your breasts spilling out of it. he gently cupped your face with his hands and kneeled to be face to face with you, you looked at him with a confused look for a second but he quickly pulled you in for a kiss. the kiss was sloppy and needy, he pulled away and traveled down to your neck, suckling and biting your skin. he stopped to take in the scenery before burying his face between your breasts, kissing and cupping both of them with his hands as he performed circular motions on your nipples with his thumbs through your nightgown. you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, bucking your hips for any friction.
mike sees how desperate you’re getting and decides to help you out. he steadily removes your nightgown from your body, reviling your matching underwear set “you had it all planned didn’t you?” he says with a slight smirk forming on his face. you can’t even say anything back as all you can manage to word is incoherent babbling mixed with moans. mike then proceeds to sit next to you and tugs your body on top his his. as you’re sitting on his lap, you hurriedly move your hips up and down, grinding sloppily on his clothed member, trying hard to feel him through your panties. “mike… mike this feels… feels so good” you sound like a mess, moaning and panting while trying to form half a sentence. mike puts his hands on your hips, guiding you as you grind on his throbbing member. « fuck baby if you keep going like this I might come in my boxers » Mike remarks as he groans loudly.
“Mike, I am ready, I want to feel you” as soon as the words left your mouth, Mike freed his cock from his boxers, ready to do just what you asked him to. you let out a small gasp at the view of his girthy member, this turned Mike on even more which he didn’t believe could be possible. Mike helps you remove your panties and you can’t help but feel embarrassed as you are soaking wet. Mike loves it, as you were trying to hide your face with your hands. he gently pulled your hands away « be good for me, let me see your pretty face as I make you cum ».
Mike glides on his hands and guided it to your cunt, the sound you make as his fingers find your clit are almost pornographic. when Mike pulled his hand away you cried out from frustration, he guided his fingers to your mouth “now lick it.” he ordered. you obeyed and tasted yourself while he watched with an intense glare. as you were done scrupulously licking every drop of your liquid on his fingers Mike asked you “are ready for me baby?”. you nod vigorously. he teased you by brushing his tip against your clit which made your body jolt in pleasure. « tell me if it hurts alright? » he says as he knows it is your very first time, you look up at him and kiss him as a way to tell him to keep going. he finally gave his first thrust, his cock stretching you for the very first time. it felt really weird at first but after a few thrusts, you started to get acquainted with the feeling and getting more and more into it. « baby… you’re so tight, feels so fucking good » Mike vocalizes his pleasure as you’re loudly moaning, getting closer and closer to your climax « Mike I’m going to… I need to… ». he suddenly speeds up his pace, until you both came in unison.
you pull away from him and sit next to him, still panting « I’ve never felt anything like this before ».
« neither did i » he echos as he turns to face you, looking at you lovingly. he gets up and gets you one of his t-shirts to put on and gets you a glass of water. « you did so well baby » he murmurs as he kisses your forehead and places the glass of water on the coffee table in front of the couch.
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A/N: aaah okay this was my very first fanfic and I was extremely nervous to post this but I have been obsessed with Josh Hutcherson for months now, more particularly with Mike Schmidt he honestly awakened something in me! I have been using tumblr again for a few months now and I’ve been loving it, it feels like such a safe and cool place to hang out! i really missed it! i didn’t really proofread and english is not my mother’s tongue so I am sorry if there is any grammatical errors in this! also I love flower face so much and this song has been on repeat for months it’s sooo good!
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g0ry0re0 · 4 months
"Valentine", Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's, 2023, Film) - Imagine
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Description: You and Mike take the day off for Valentine's Day, spending quality time with one another. / Mike Schmidt x GN!Reader
General Notes: Established Relationship (reader lives with Mike and Abby), Gender Neutral Reader (no use of Y/N), Pure Fluff, Second Person POV, Takes Place After The Film's Events (no mention of movie plot, mostly just mentioned for the character and relationship development), Set In The Movie Year (2000), Brief Scene With Abby In The Beginning, Lots Of Physical Touch
Author's Note: The song choice is soooo not original lol, but I love Laufey and had to do something really cute for Valentine's Day (song is linked at the bottom of the post). This was also heavily inspired by a tweet from @/whycraves on twitter (screenshot at bottom of post). Also, my best friend, @anal-spaghetti-monster (I'm sorry lol) helped me choose the gif for Mike! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The morning before posting this, I read @sleepyhutcherson's Mike Schmidt Valentine's Day prompt and noticed a lot of similarities. I just want to throw it out there that this is purely a coincidence and that I reached out to her to confirm that posting this was still okay. Besides that, check out her work as well, as she did an amazing job with a similar prompt!
Word Count: 1,693 Words
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"Alright, Abbs, you got everything?" Mike turns around in the car seat to face her.
Your car is temporarily parked by the elementary school curb with a handful of others, you're sitting in the driver's seat and looking back and forth between your boyfriend and his younger sister. This was one of the rare days you and Mike could drop her off at school together, as you had both taken the day off work. The three of you spent an easy-going morning together, not as hectic as it usually is when trying to get ready as fast as possible for work and school. Mike in particular had woken up early and made a small breakfast for you and Abby. He woke you up with coffee and Abby with the promise of bacon, causing you both to rise quickly out of your beds and immediately join him in the kitchen. The time was spent enjoying each other's company and getting ready leisurely before heading out the door.
Abby rolls her eyes playfully and smiles. "Yes, Mike."
You smile as well and add, "Sounds like something you should've asked before we even got in the car. Definitely not when we're already at school."
It's Mike's turn to roll his eyes, but he quickly looks back at Abby.
"And you have your...love- heart candy letter things for your friends?"
"They're Valentine's Day cards, Mike! And, yes," she shakes a pink and red decorated, emptied-out, tissue box filled with cards and candy. "I have them right here."
Before Mike can even think about a response, Abby opens the car door excitedly and jumps out, shouting her goodbyes while running to the school entrance. Mike tries to yell something out the window about staying safe and paying attention to her teacher, but Abby is inside before he can try. You laugh while putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking lot, Mike still flustered and slightly worried.
"She- she didn't even...I didn't get to-" Mike stutters out, speechless.
"Mike," You laugh again. "She's excited about Valentine's Day and seeing her friends. Can you blame her?" You glance at him, smiling before turning back to the road and continuing your short drive home.
Mike grumbles unintelligibly and looks out the window, but still grabs your free hand that's set on the center console and squeezes it lightly.
Getting out of the car causes a harsh chill to run through your body pulling your jacket around the front of your torso while closing the car door. Mike pulls out his keys and quickly opens up the front door, both out of anticipation for your day together and to get you both out of the cold as soon as possible. You rush in side by side, slightly stumbling and sighing as the warmth of your shared home dethaws your frozen bodies. Mike locks the door and watches you fondly as you remove your scarf, your gloves, your coat, and finally your shoes, leaving them by the front door. Not going unnoticed by you, you smirk while walking towards the living room.
"You're staring again, lover boy." You comment teasingly, walking around the couch and plopping down.
Mike blushes, a little embarrassed, but smiling at the nickname. He removes his excess layers as well, following you to the couch shortly after. He sits directly beside you and wraps one arm around your shoulders, the other snaking around your front, then burying his face into your neck.
A muffled, "I can't help it," vibrates against your neck while Mike rubs his thumb along your hip.
You lean into Mike's embrace, laughing a bit at his breath tickling your neck. He pulls you closer and starts peppering kisses along your neck, the act of affection making you giggle as you lightly try to push him away playfully.
"Mike, come on." You whine, weakly pushing at his face this time, trying to turn him away.
"What? I can't kiss you, my love?" He speaks against your throat again, his smile causing his stubble to scratch your skin a little bit.
You resign, defeatedly leaving your hands to rest on his chest and sighing out of fake annoyance. He leaves quick, gentle kisses along your neck, collarbone, shoulder, and trails up your jaw. Getting closer to your lips, he brings his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, He finally presses his lips against yours sweetly, the most innocent of kisses, Mike's signature. He was pouring every ounce of his love into this one kiss, taking his time, lips moving slowly against yours. His thumb now softly grazes your cheek as he pulls away a few minutes later. He's got kind of a shy look on his face when you open your eyes.
"I got you something...for today." He whispers, glancing up from your lips to make eye contact.
"You did?" You inquire back, looking up affectionately, but feeling a slight twinge of guilt. "You didn't have to do that."
Mike gives you one final peck on the lips before pulling away. He stands up, grinning.
"Gimme one sec- " He says right before turning and walking down the hallway to your shared room.
You both had anticipated spending the day together, but you didn't expect any gifts. You loved Mike to death, but sometimes you never knew what to expect from him. All that really mattered to you was spending time together, which you didn't get to do often despite living together. If you were lucky, you got to spend time with both the Schmidt siblings, like this morning. Today was about you and Mike, though, and all you wanted to do was cuddle and talk each other's ears off until you couldn't think of anything else to say. Lost in thought, you barely notice as Mike walks back to you, holding a small object. He sits back down next to you, bringing your attention back to him. His body facing you, he smiles nervously and rubs his hand on the back of his neck.
"It's not much, but..." He trails off, holding out the item and presenting it to you.
You look down and your heart melts. In his hand is a cassette tape with your name scrawled on the front. You beam up at him while grabbing the tape, and then you look at your name written in the center. You can tell Mike put a lot of effort into printing your name as nicely as his hands allowed him to, noticing also the miscellaneous tiny, slightly sloppy, hearts surrounding it. You hold the cassette to your chest and look back up at him.
"Michael Schmidt, did you make me a mixtape?" You ask playfully.
He loved hearing you say his name. You can see a light blush spread across his face as he smiles shyly, his hand still anxiously messing with the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I tried- well, it's got, like, songs that remind me of you and stuff. Songs that remind me of us," he stammers, bashfully looking down at the tape. "Do you like it?"
He looks back up at you hopefully, using his other hand to nervously pull at the bottom of his shirt. You smirk and stand up, still clutching the cassette to your chest.
"Well, let's see..." You trail off, teasingly, walking across the living room to the cassette deck near the entertainment center.
A familiar song begins to play and you smile softly now. You turn towards Mike and walk back to the couch, standing over him. He looks up at you quizzically before you reach your hand out to him.
"Wanna dance?"
He looks slightly relieved and grabs your hand, standing up and pulling you to the center of the room. One pair of hands intertwined, his other on your waist, your other on his shoulder. You stare at one another lovingly, almost sickeningly sweet the moment being shared. The tempo of the song didn't matter, you both slowly swayed back and forth, taking in the tranquility of the scene. You squeeze his hand and he squeezes back, rubbing his thumb over yours.
"No one's ever made me a mixtape before," you comment distractedly, most of your focus being on Mike's puppy dog eyes that you loved so dearly. "it's definitely worth however much time you spent on it. When did you get a chance to do this anyway?"
A lopsided smile appears on his face.
"A little too much time," he laughs a little. "And I put it together while you were sleeping the other night. Though, most of the time I spent was thinking of songs to put on it. That took me a few weeks."
You move the hand that was resting on his shoulder up to cup his cheek. Mike leans into your touch and closes his eyes, humming in contentment. You lean forward and capture his lips in a quick kiss, his eyes fluttering in pleasant surprise, kissing you back. You pull away, using the hand holding his face as leverage to start peppering kisses all over his face. You go from the corner of his lips, to his stubbled cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his chin, and finally back to his lips. He smirks knowingly and opens his eyes to look at you.
"What are you doing, love?"
"Paying you back for earlier," you smirk back at him, pinching his cheek before resuming your hand's previous position. "And for the amazing Valentine's Day gift."
You take both of your hands now and place them on the sides of his face. His eyebrows furrow but he's still smiling, both of his hands now placed on your hips to keep you both balanced. You start placing soft, quick smooches everywhere now. Rapidly placing kisses all over his face, causing you both to laugh, smiling against his skin. Your laughter in unison with the music playing sounds like heaven to Mike, knowing that moments like these are rare. Though treasuring the moment, both of you feel tenderness in knowing more memories like these will happen as your merged existences face what everyone craves more of, time.
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Divider: saradika and saradika-graphics on tumblr
Gif: charlie-eppes-blog on tumblr
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withlove-amber · 4 months
He Did The Thing
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gibbs x reader
“I’ll be right down Abbs.” Gibbs said, snapping his cellphone shut. As he made his way to the lab, he had started to wonder where (Y/N) had gone. She briefly mentioned something about going to see Abby for an update on the current case, but that was 20 minutes ago. He didn’t quite catch what she was saying, as he was on the phone with Ducky about an update on the case as well. The first thing he heard as he stepped off the elevator was (Y/N) asking Abby, “Did he do the hot guy thing where he puts his hand on the small of your back to get through a crowd?” “YES” the forensic scientist replied. “I don’t know what it is about that certain gesture, but when someone does it-” (Y/N) was interrupted by Gibbs asking, “What you got for me Abbs?” as he handed Abby a Caf-POW.
(Y/N) was starting to blush, and part of her hoped Gibbs didn’t hear the conversation, but the other part of her hoped very much that Gibbs heard the conversation. She’s had a crush on her silver-haired, steely-blue eyed boss, since she started working for team Gibbs as the new probie. But now, as a full-time NCIS Special Agent, she felt that having a crush on her boss maybe isn’t the best. But there’s something about the way his vivid baby blue eyes stare into (Y/N)’s when he’s talking to her, or maybe it’s how softly he speaks to Abby compared to the rest of the team. The ‘ding!’ of Abby’s computer brought (Y/N) out of her thoughts, and back into reality. Abby shared the new update, and Gibbs and (Y/N) went back upstairs to the bullpen to share Abby’s update to the rest of the team. 
The next bit of the workday seemed to go agonizingly slow. Half the team was waiting for someone to call them back, and the other half went through evidence and bank records. At a certain point, Abby called everyone into the lab, asking for help. She needed extra hands to help with something, and wasn’t sure who could do what to help. It felt a little crowded in the lab with everyone being there, but (Y/N)’s thoughts abruptly faded away when she felt Gibbs’ hand on the small of her back, while trying to navigate through the crowd. She wondered if he overheard the conversation between herself and Abby, and the smirk on his face confirmed her thoughts. After that flirtatious gesture, she started to wonder if there was a chance he felt the same. And the way his beautiful blue eyes stared into hers across the room, gave her a little more hope that one day there could be something more between Gibbs and herself.
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seattlesellie · 11 months
i want abby to shove her fingers in my mouth when i talk too much 😇
- 🪻
mmhm, u really get me ♡🩷💕 p.s don’t like don’t read <3
˚୨୧⋆。 she’d be sitting on her black leather work-chair, attentively reading through some paperwork. she’s been stressed out— like, really stressed out, and you could tell by the way her eyebrows furrow together, and by the thin line that forms right in between them. she taps on the wooden table three times before flipping a page, and hums quietly, followed by a hushed mumble.
you waltz in the living room and you’re giddy and scatterbrained, and as much as abby loves it, as much as abby loves you— she can’t deal with it right now. she has to work.
you sit on her lap— and she has to suck down on her creeping smile because she’s busy. she’s busy and the little wiggle that you just did when you sat right on her thigh isn’t helping at all.
“was thinkin’ sushi for dinner?… or…” you gush before stopping mid-sentence. you begin toying with her neatly done braid, and continue. “ooh! or maybe you could cook me something?”. abby doesn’t respond, and abby smells of pine and citrus and it makes you dizzy, and it distracts you from your famished thoughts, so you kiss her right beneath her earlobe. she hums, and roams her eyes over the paper. she’s not reading anymore— you always render her a mess.
you remove your soft lips from her skin. “or we could order some takeout?… or i could cook for once and make us super delicious mac and—“
“baby, i’m working” she sounds so serious, but she looks so… amused. you can tell she’s biting on her cheek, you don’t need to mutter a word when she looks at you like that. “mhhm… you smell so good…” you murmur, and your eyes widen. she really does. “mhm…” she nods her head, and straightens her back. she has to keep working and you on her lap like that? again, not helping.
“i’m just starving…” you rub her shoulder whilst readjusting yourself on her lap. she looks so incredibly sexy with her eyes all focused like that. also, you really are starving. when you plant a little kiss on her cheek, she knows you’re energetic and you’re not going to stop. she slowly caresses on your stomach, upwards to your chest. “an— and yesterday you said you’d…” her hand is right beneath your collarbone now, making you slightly shiver. she traces little circles the more upwards she goes, “you’d— uhh… cook for me, s’—“ her thick digits are on your chin now, merely hovering above your lower lip. “so, you should keep your promise an—unghh!“
it takes you by complete surprise, and you don’t even have time to react before her fingers enter your soft lips. the saliva is pooling down on the bottom of your mouth and you can taste her flesh,, salty and abby. “abb— uh” you try and mumble but it’s incoherent and messy and slobbery. you can’t really see her face, but abby’s grinning.
“i told you i’m working, sweetheart”. when your mouth closes around them, she shoves her fingers in deeper, nearly making you gag but not quite.
“are you going to be quiet, or am i gonna have to keep ‘em there?” abby mutters sternly. she clicks on her pen two times before you answer. “mmh auhg—bby”
she sighs deeply, and ts’ks. abby shoves them in deeper and you can’t help but suck. “thought so” she says, and you smile sheepishly, as a small droplet of spit runs down the corner of your lips. she moves backwards, takes you by your chin and makes you face her. “are you liking this?” she smirks, furrowing her brows. “mnuh—uh” choked up, you lie and shake your head.
“oh baby… but i think you do…” — abby likes it just as much, you can tell because her thighs clench.
“i’m keeping ‘em in there, babe”, her words are stern but laced with honey, they come out soft and airy.
you nod your head, slowly, looking at her through wet eyelashes, and teary eyes. when your head budges, she stirs her fingers as well, as if she has taken over your movements.
“say yes abby” she commands.
you can’t— though, you can’t speak with her fingers down there.
“es— awhbby”
“aww…” she coos, and wipes a tear that fell down on your cheek. you almost gag, but she’s ever the sweetheart and pulls them out for a mere second, before shoving them back in— startling you.
“that’s what you get for being so damn distracting” she’s so smug.
when abby goes back to her paperwork— she realizes she just made it worse. she couldn’t focus before and she sure as hell can’t focus right now.
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narislvr · 6 months
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── simp!abby drabble p.2 ₊˚ෆ
,, cws? none. pure fluff ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ ── 750 words.
,, abby x fem!reader ♡ / college au
ᝰ.ᐟ continuation of this post !! -> pt III
₊˚ෆsimp!abby who can't help but fall in love all over as you doze off in her arms.
abby's not the type to fall easily. whether it be from the fear of getting hurt or her own stubborn want to focus on building her career and herself, romance just hadn't been a critical necessity in her life. but in the rare chance she does, she falls hard.
she had convinced you to spend the night at her dorm room, her roommate had gone out for the night leaving the room to her disposal and what better way to end the night than to have you wrapped in her arms?
you had protested at first, not wanting to keep her from being well rested for the annoyingly early class she had the next morning.
but fuck, the way she looked at you with a pleading glint in her eyes followed by the gentle kiss to the corner of your lips as she promised this would only help her rest better, had you giving in with a defeated smile.
strong arms wrapped around your waist as she buried her face into the crook of your neck, breathing in the remnants of the soft vanilla scented body spray while you quietly spoke about something she wasn't entirely paying attention to.
not that she didn't want to pay attention.
she just couldn't.
how could she when the woman of her dreams was laying beside her? on her bed, back hitting her chest as you wore one of her old Bruce Springsteen t-shirts in order to not wrinkle the pretty top you had been wearing earlier. (in reality she just wanted to see you in her clothes, but she wouldn't admit it when you jokingly teased her about it.)
It just all seemed so surreal to her.
Like, how in the world had she gotten so lucky?
sure, she had always cringed at the "lesbians move fast" stereotype finding it rather silly and unsenseicle, but in that moment she completely understood why.
as your voice became nothing more than a sleepy mumble, abby couldn't help but imagine future mornings where you two would be in the same position in your shared bed, under the roof of your own house, a dog laying at the foot of your bed as she talked about her day, you humming in response as you turned to face your then wife, cutting off her ramble with a tired kiss.
was she getting ahead of herself? Oh definitely.
and yet she couldn't help but long for that future to come true.
she’d only known you for a little over five months, but she already knew she wanted matching stockings by the fireplace, stolen kisses under the first snow, the smell of morning coffee, your charming smile as you woke up beside her, and she hoped you wanted that too.
the thought of all that alone was enough to send her into a lulling sleep. the best she's had in a while honestly, and she'd use that the following morning with a playful "I told you so" as she poked fun at your earlier hesitancy of staying over.
"thought your first class was at seven, why the hell is your alarm on for five?" you groan, woken up by abbys morning alarm as you turn to face your equally tired and sheepish girlfriend.
"morning run, hon. It's a good way to start the day," abby would hum, placing a sleepy kiss to your forehead in apology.
there was no morning run that day however, as she instead decided to sleep in another hour and set another alarm to get ready for class later.
“text me when you get to your dorm, alright? I’ll let you know when i get back from my last class so we can have lunch together.”
“i will, don’t worry, abbs. see you later then?”
she would rather spend the day cuddled up in bed with you, but alas, she couldn’t be too greedy, so instead she nods. her hands come up to caress your cheeks gently, pressing yet another kiss to her forehead as she smiles down at you. she only pulls away as you tease her that she’s going to be late, and even then, it was begrudgingly.
as she leaves the building, she can’t help the dopey smile on her face as the cool winter air hits her skin.
god, you had her wrapped around her finger and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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