#abbey road header
moo9395 · 2 months
My Ghosts headcanons
I've had these sitting in a google doc for ages so I might as well hand them over.
I've split them into stuff that 'could take place in canon' and 'modern au' stuff
Fluent in multiple languages (kind of canon but whatever)
He has a PhD in astrophysics 
He gets migraines
He’s a teacher (this is quite popular), Headteacher humphrey is cool as well
Failed his driving test 4 times in a row
Coffee gives Humphrey headaches so he drinks more of it. 
She was a girl guide (me coded) (Credit to @kingofthefrogs swapped au for inspo)
Welsh (me coded)
Can be heard on a spirit box (Credit to kingofthefrogs)
Likes Call the Midwife.
She is a Nurse or Doctor, possibly a paediatrician. Haven’t seen this done yet but I think it could be fun given her fascination with Maddocks’ injury.
She loves iced coffee.
He is scared of dogs (channeling me right now) Dante is a weird exception to this that Fanny often complains about but secretly is proud of.
He can experience temperature as a ghost. (Credit to Ailendolin) He is susceptible to heat stroke and sometimes gets a cold, especially after going in the lake.
He's left handed
He is dyslexic and/or short sighted. Bonus if he refuses to wear glasses. Double bonus if this gives him constant headaches.
Studied abroad in Holland for 2 years and developed a weed addiction, he moved back to the UK to get over it
Coffee gives Thomas headaches so he doesn’t drink it. 
Incredible at Netball (she's such a netball girlie) she plays wing attack or centre
He has reading glasses.
Scared of chickens (Alektorophobia) (Inspired by @upsetslingshot on ao3)
Cap was in army cadets (me coded) and loved it.
He's claustrophobic, he was in life and the fact that he died while struggling to breathe has worsened that.
He’s basically blind without his glasses. (like Velma type blind)
Road rage.
Has hemophobia (fear of blood)
Julian was in army cadets and hated it.
Multi Character (mostly modern au stuff):
Thomas, Fanny, and Mary love watching Downton Abbey. Thomas is a passionate fan of Edith, Mary likes Sybil, and Fanny is a big fan of Violet Crawley (as she should be).
All autistic (Julian and Robin AuDHD).
Cap, Thomas, Mary, and Julian are cat people
Pat, Robin, and Fanny are dog people
Humphrey and Kitty passionately refuse to pick a side.
Thomas, Cap, Pat, Fanny and Julian are tea people.
Humphrey, Kitty, Mary and Robin are coffee people.
Robin and Humphrey as siblings/ twins.
Thomas and Kitty met in school. Thomas was being picked on and Kitty defended him.
Julian and Robin met in Cambridge Uni, Robin was doing an astrophysics PhD, Julian was doing his classmates a masters in politics.
Cap and Fanny play badminton together.
They have a group football team (more on that later)
Mary and Robin hooked up once (I know its canon but I love when it also happens in modern au's)
Hogwarts houses:
Hufflepuff - Humphrey, Pat, Mary
Gryffindor - Robin, Julian
Ravenclaw - Fanny, Thomas, Kitty
Slytherin - Cap
I'm very willing to elaborate and hear other opinions on this.
Mario Kart mains:
Robin - Bowser
Humphrey - Shy Guy
Mary - Yoshi
Kitty - Daisy
Thomas - Peach
Fanny - Toadette
Captain - Luigi
Pat - Koopa Troopa
Julian - Donkey Kong
The football team (my pride and joy):
Robin - goalkeeper, he once scored from a goal kick
Humphrey - defence, very good at headers (lol) but is frequently injured mainly due to being clumsy
Kitty - defence, she gets very invested in the game and will break knees (while apologising) 
Cap - defence, it took him a while to pick up the sport but he’s thriving, works very well with Humphrey and Kitty
Thomas - surprisingly good left winger, other teams generally see him (being himself) before the game  and write him off as a weaker player - he loves proving them wrong
Fanny - right wing, her and thomas make a weirdly good duo, she's absolutely incredible at penalties 
Pat - central midfielder and the team captain (Cap conceded that maybe Pat was a little bit better than him at football and should take the lead ‘just this once’)
Mary - Striker, really strong with both feet, closes her eyes when she takes a shot but somehow is still usually on target 
Julian - Striker, solid player but is frequently sent off for inappropriate celebrations
I had way too much fun re-reading these.
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selliho6530 · 13 days
Wait oh em gee I just wanted to tell you that your header for the beatles drowning in Abbey Road is so cute I'm gonna cry😭
Thank you❤️
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tassomatto · 2 years
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famouslayouts · 5 years
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please like or reblog if you use/save.
by; bella - @jkookbssett
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #1: Starfire
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Comics in 1986: "Let's begin our new series with Starfire battling Apartheid!" Asshole Fans in 2019: "Comics should go back to the good old days when they weren't political!"
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Really, M&M's? Everyone? Haven't you heard about Apartheid?!
So far the craziest thing about this comic book to modern audiences is how boring M&M colors were in 1986. I suspect I don't have the maturity to comment on a story about Apartheid. Oh well! Let's do this! The story is called "Black and White" because, you see, Apartheid was about how whites and blacks experienced two disparate South Africas. It's also a play on how "black and white" is a way to describe issues that have easily recognizable positive and negative sides. It's probably racist that we automatically assume the black side is the negative side. Maybe that also plays into the title! Chess pieces are black and white too so maybe the title alludes to chess. Maybe something about pawns versus the gentry. Marv might even work in some bits about The Beatles seeing as how they're using that zebra crossing on the cover of Abbey Road. Starfire has just returned from Tamaran where she married that dweeby Prince Karras guy. He was Tamaran's version of Terry Long. I'm surprised more panels didn't show Starfire and Donna in the background giggling and holding their index fingers and thumb a teeny, tiny distance apart. Starfire didn't spend eighth grade on Earth so she never learned Earth geography. So instead of flying in from space and looking at Earth and going, "Okay, that's New York right there!", she winds up in South Africa. I bet she came at Earth upside down and got confused. It's easy to get confused in space where up and down don't exist in any objective way. Starfire descends upon a group of black people chanting "Informer" at a woman they eventually soak in gasoline and light on fire. Holy fuck! This comic book just got more real than all 114 issues of New Titans I just recently reread! Except maybe that part where Raven raped Starfire during Starfire's wedding. That was pretty heavy. The white police arrive to commit some justice. Unless I meant "racism" instead of "justice." Sometimes, living in America, it's hard to see the difference.
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I bet this guy has a MAGA Twitter account.
How many of your racist family members often bring up black on black crime when discussing gun control or cops shooting unarmed black men? How many of those idiots don't think they're being racist when they bring up that argument and just think they're being logical? It's fucking racism, dudes. Cops killing unarmed black men has nothing to do with black men being killed by criminals who happen to share their same skin color. Nobody ever talks about "white on white" crime. That's just crime perpetuated by criminals against innocent people! But somehow a black person shooting another black person belongs in some kind of special category? Of course a black person is probably going to be the victim of a black criminal because America had this thing called white flight. It caused places to become poor black neighborhoods because white people couldn't handle having even one black neighbor. So people and businesses moved out, local governments ignored infrastructure of those areas (or purposefully simply just built freeways straight through them), and constantly sent the police in to hassle innocent people just trying to live their fucking lives. Systemic racism (and racists!) segregated the races in a fairly efficient manner. So when a black criminal looks for a victim in their neighborhood, of course they're going to almost certainly find a black victim! That's simply crime, not black on black crime. Maybe I would think differently if anybody ever at any time in any of these debates brought up white on white crime. Y'all realize that's the most prevalent crime there is, right? Which means whites are the biggest criminals of all. If you're, you know, going to argue that way, you stupid racist asshole. Plus saying black on black crime is just a way for people to intimate that most crime is caused by black people. "Even though they keep criming us whites, they still have time to crime up their own people!" This comic book taught me that South African police would use purple dye in water cannons to stain people during protests so that they can be identified later as people who participated in the riot that totally didn't erupt later due to the police being overly aggressive and also racist. Wolfman says people "affectionately" called it Purple Rain which led me down a rabbit hole to figure out which came first, the racist ploy to arrest as many people as possible or the Prince album. Apparently the dyed water was named after the Prince album. That's probably why it was an "affectionate" sobriquet.
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I'm a little bit worried that Wolfman is about to "both sides" Apartheid.
Starfire winds up with the South African police who tell her all about how terrible South African blacks are and how she's going to get a medal for helping quell the protest. They also call the woman who burned to death a bitch so I'm getting the feeling that they're not really interested in any kind of justice or peace. It's quite possible that — hear me out on this — they just want to oppress the black citizens and make sure they know their place. But I don't want to jump to conclusions! I should wait until I hear their arguments in a frank and logical debate. "Please, white South Africans, explain to me how South Africa needs your violent tactics and racist attitudes to maintain peace and order. Also explain how peace and order aren't different from justice for everybody. I might be convinced to stop calling you racist if you debate well!"
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This guy doesn't realize how true it is that he's teaching these black South Africans how to behave.
It would have been easy to read this, at one time, from a privileged position as a citizen of America and think that the white South Africans in this story were caricatures of racist monsters, playing up their terrible qualities to get the reader to sympathize with the plight of the black South Africans. But these caricatures of despicable and horrible systemic racism using tactics to dehumanize a segment of the population are absolute mirrors of Trump and his deplorables. "They're animals." "They're not like us." "They do not think." "They are like children." "They fight amongst themselves." "We are just securing the peace." "This is God's country." "They need to be taught how to behave." "Their flagrant disregard for the law must be stopped." And all of these statements are simply excuses to treat certain people as less than human. "They get what they deserve." I'm so fucking disappointed in so many Americans right now. Starfire is completely confused by everything she's seeing. In her confusion, some journalists get her to sort of say she's for Apartheid. Uh oh! The Teen Titans are going to get worse press than when they destroyed New York City while arguing with their parents about their curfew.
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Starfire's response is me on Twitter every fucking day.
The South African leader, Racist McRacisthole, tells Starfire not to worry about the journalists because they're always asking terrible questions and lying about how awful everything is. But Starfire is all, "Just because I have big hair and big tits and my ass is hanging out, don't think I'm a fucking idiot! Not that I'm trying to say people who look like that are idiots! But I know terrible people like you, Mr. Racisthole, think like that! So I just want you to know that I see you! I see what you're doing and how you're trying to snow me with all this fucking dehumanizing garbage! You remind me of the Gordanians!" Then Starfire gets so angry and delivers such a passionate speech that her nose falls off.
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"I'b not gobing do libben do yub liebs aby lobber!"
Starfire declares she never cared for politics and tells Governor Racisthole that she's leaving. But instead of going, "Good! Stop interfering with our terrible government!", he says, "I won't let you leave which will probably cause you to stay and help the oppressed!" Starfire hears a prisoner screaming in pain before she leaves and decides to stick around to help him. While doing so, she realizes that maybe she show these government officials real power! No, I don't mean she's going to flash her tits. Jesus. Some of you comic book nerds just don't stop, do you?! Sure, DC panders to your boners by putting Starfire in her underwear. But you do have the choice to stop being such creepy little fucks, you know?
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Imagine reading this and instead of thinking, "You tell 'em, Starfire! Way to go!", you think, "Virtue signaler."
Starfire has some more thoughts from 1986 for us here in 2019. She just won't stop!
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Virtue signaler!
I swear the rest of this commentary can just be scans of Starfire saying important shit.
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I mean, if this 1986 comic book is an example of older comics that Comicsgaters want to go back to, I'm fucking up for that shit.
In the next panel that I'm not going to scan because I'll never finish reading this comic book if I scan every fucking panel, Starfire says, "Unwittingly, my father helped ruin our world by caving in to our enemies rather than fighting for what was right. I won't do that here on Earth. I've got to care." I should probably send that panel to Nancy Pelosi. Starfire frees all of the political prisoners and escorts them back to where they're forced to live outside the city. She tries to figure out what Apartheid means and Father Nelson Mandutu, the rebel leader the police have been searching for, tells her, "Ah, I see — you are trying to make sense of madness." It's as good a reason to dismiss people always pressing you to debate their terrible ideas and worthless topics. How can you win a debate against twisted logic and racist madness? Just ignore them when they call you a coward or an elitist when you refuse to debate. I was always taught that the best way to get shit off of your shoe is to scrape it off, not to get in an argument with it. Starfire follows Mandutu around for the day except for the one moment when he's kidnapped. When she goes to rescue him, she destroys an armory and discovers that Father Mandutu has been killed. BY HER! And there are cameras rolling! Totally not suspicious or anything! I bet we discover she was framed next issue! That's the kind of intelligent speculation you get from a Grandmaster Comic Book Reader like me. I can't be fooled even by the most subtle of plot twists! Teen Titans Spotlight #1: Starfire Rating: A. I should probably apologize to Marv Wolfman for all the insults I've made about his Teen Titans books. This was a well-written infotainment issue putting precisely the right character at the heart of an international travesty. And I thought a story about Apartheid was going to be boring! It's almost as if I forgot that every panel would have tons of side boob! Oh no! I just realized I'm one of those creepy little fucks!
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clearskiiess · 5 years
Random numbers for the music ask thing: 14, 17, 5, 3, 42. Also just noticed your blog's header image, it's really cool! I dig it
14 - do you play any instruments?
yea !!!! the drums. and the guitar a bit as well
17 - do you listen to more sad or happy music?
well happy music i prefer lolol
5 - what’s an album you prefer to listen just straight through instead of shuffled?
probably any pink floyd album,, or abbey road !
3 - what are your top five bands?
obvi first the beatles, then queen, pink floyd, motley crue, then the who.
42 - do you listen to jazz?
oFC !!! miles davis is the shit. 
ask me music questions! <3
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find A Song that delves into the dichotomy of love and addiction and its effect on mental health, battling with the idea of wanting to change but finding it more comfortable to stay in the same spot
Matt Portland - The Wind Hit Hollow
Matt Portland, a young songwriter from London, is certainly one to watch over the next few months. After releasing the two lead singles, ‘South Destruction’ and ‘Secondary’ at the end of last year on Soundcloud, he now delivers his full debut EP ‘The Wind Hit Hollow’ on all platforms.
The EP fits perfectly with his last two releases. With the rich sounds of strings, prominent piano and huge reverbs, the EP similarly drew inspiration from the ballads of the late 60’s and 70’s and the soundtracks from that era, attempting a modern take on the Wall of Sound. Lyrically the EP delves into the dichotomy of love and addiction and its effect on mental health, battling with the idea of wanting to change but finding it more comfortable to stay in the same spot. This theme is carried throughout the 5 songs and is best illustrated in the title track which has a more optimistic thought of one day it will happen. Each song gradually builds with the introduction of strings, backing vocals and percussion. Morricone style guitar drones feature heavily across the EP, layered with haunting harmonies that build the feeling of angst throughout. Portland continues to build the soundscape by adding and removing instruments, keeping each section distinct. The final track ‘South Destruction’ wonderfully closes the EP and encapsulates the overall feeling of regret, temptation and the longing to go back.
Matt is a solo artist who writes, produces and plays every instrument on his songs, recorded in his small home studio. He picked up his first instrument a little under 3 years ago and began writing shortly after. His songwriting style draws from a wide range of musical and literary influences. Musically he pulls from the pop music of the 60’s and 70’s, from the huge reverbs of Abbey Road to the rich strings and piano ballads of Hunky Dory and Lennon’s Imagine LP. Influence also draws from writers such as Bukowski and Burroughs. (press release)
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kawaiiwombatmaker · 4 years
Guitar Rig 5 Presets
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Presets here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1j2C840OiJoMFFNb1ZJM2tEN1k?usp=sharing. Guitar Rig 5 Hambucker Pack For Twin Guitars. 20 (10 double) Presets For Double Tracked Guitars. “Most of the time you’ll see billions of presets (mono presets, that is) made for only one guitar. But this pack takes things to another level. This Guitar Rig 5 Metal Presets Pack is made of a left and right side. Guitar Rig 5 Pro delivers 54 meticulously modeled stomp boxes and effects, from legendary foot pedals to complex studio tools. Downloads, Banks, Patches, Presets, etc. GUITAR RIG PRESETS ONLINE IS THE PERFECT SOURCE FOR GUITAR RIG SOFTWARE USERS TO IMPROVE SIGNIFICANTLY PLAYING PERFORMANCE. NI Guitar Rig Software user! Now it`s possible to get thousands of Guitar Rig Presets from one place, instead of searching them one by one all over the web.
• Multi Interface - Multi interface support, you can use USB/COM port and any other popular repair boxes on the market. • Free Update - Update will be delivered to users for FREE. • Modular - With modular applications system, allows us to deliver new module fast. • Rich set of Features - Designed for easy to use and with support for as many features as possible, while still being fast and reliable. • Regular Update - Fast and regular update for HOT solutions and bugfix.
Guitar Rig
Note: In order to load a preset in GUITAR RIG, it is necessary to have all components installed which are used by this preset. If a component required by the preset is missing, it won't work. Kubota serial number decoder. A large variety of GUITAR RIG user presets is available under the following link. To import a preset or bank. This manual covers all elements of GUITAR RIG 5 in detail. In the Sidekick preset window is the pull down window where Add Bank can be select- ed.
byNative Instruments
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Summary of Contents for Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5
Page 1 Application Reference..
Page 2 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre- sent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media.
Page 3 Contact Germany Native Instruments GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30 D-10997 Berlin Germany www.native-instruments.de Native Instruments North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028 www.native-instruments.com © Native Instruments GmbH, 2011. All rights reserved.
Page 4: Table Of Contents
Loading and Saving Rack Presets ........29 4.1.4 Importing Presets ........... 29 4.1.5 Exporting Presets ............ 30 4.1.6 Saving New Rack Presets .........30 4.1.7 Tags on Three Levels ..........32 4.1.8 Tagging Presets ...........33 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 4..
Page 5 Plug-In Location ...........54 7.1.3 Setting Up a Guitar or Bass Track ........54 7.1.4 Synchronization ...........55 7.1.5 Total Recall ............ 55 Automating Parameters ...........55 7.2.1 The Automation List ..........55 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 5..
Page 6 Menu Bar ............68 File ............... 68 Edit ............... 69 View ..............69 Help ..............70 10 Audio and MIDI Settings .......... 71 10.1 Audio ..............71 11 Keyboard Shortcuts ..........74 GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 6..
Page 7: Introduction
Welcome to the GUITAR RIG 5 Application Reference! About this Manual This manual covers all elements of GUITAR RIG 5 in detail. If you want to get deeply into the software, this is the document to refer to. The following documents are also available: ▪..
Page 8: Safety Considerations
For your protection, set all output levels to a minimum before using GUITAR RIG 5. Gradually raise the volume controls while mu- sic is playing to set the desired listening level. If you experience any hearing problems or persistent ringing in the ears, consult an audiologist immediately.
Page 9: User Interface
Global Header The Global Header (visible both in Standard view and in Live view) assembles the main input and output controls as well as the system performance display of GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG Global Header GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 9..
Page 10: Input And Output
▪ The Learn function automatically sets the optimum threshold. Double click the threshold knob and do not play your instrument for some seconds: GUITAR RIG 5 analyses your signal and sets the threshold just above any residual noise.
Page 11 You might need to disable some components or turn off high quality mode to save CPU power. Then re-activate the audio engine by clicking the Power button. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 11..
Page 12: Live View
Live view. It hides the Rack and instead puts the most important perform- ance features into a clear layout. The Live view is perfect for on-stage use, consolidating the following elements: ▪ Global Header ▪ Current Preset List as defined in the Preset Browser GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 12..
Page 13: Toolbar And Rack
Toolbar and Rack If you are in Live view, please return to Standard view by clicking on the LIVE button to continue our tour through the user interface of GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 13..
Page 14 Preset List, even if it is not visible, by clicking on the Up/Down arrows. Save makes changes to the loaded preset permanent, overriding the stored settings ▪ with the current ones. Factory Presets and User Presets are now stored in separate folders. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 14..
Page 15: Virtual Rig Kontrol
The Rack holds all the components that are processing your sound — giving a clear over- view of the signal flow. It is the heart of GUITAR RIG 5’s functionality, and is incredibly easy to use. See section ↑3, Components and the Rack..
Page 16: Sidekick
↑8.1.3, Linking External MIDI Controllers to the Virtual Rig Kontrol details. SideKick About a third of the user interface is occupied by the SideKick, a multi-functional area on the left hand side of the screen. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 16..
Page 17 ▪ The Preset Browser (1) allows filtering of all available Rack Presets on three levels; you can organize your presets and perform a text search to easily find your presets. See section ↑3, Components and the Rack on working with presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 17..
Page 18 ▪ The Options screen (3) serves to configure external controllers and their assignments, as well as preferences such as the window height, the path to presets, and other de- tails. See section ↑8, Options on setting up MIDI controllers and other options. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 18..
Page 19: Components And The Rack
Components and the Rack Building a Rack from Scratch On the first start, the Rack of GUITAR RIG 5 is empty. You will hear dry, slightly pre-am- plified guitar sound when you play: an invitation to try out the various components for yourself.
Page 20: The Component Pool
3.1.2 Setting Up an Amp The fastest way to start designing sounds with GUITAR RIG 5 is by adding an amp to the Rack. If you want to quickly create a guitar sound, try the Jump amplifier. ► Drag the amp’s icon from the Component Pool to the Rack. You can also double click the icon.
Page 21 Mics, Control Room, Control Room Pro, and Matched Cabinets. Another option is to use the pull down menu included in the matched cabinet. Here you will see the full list of available cabinets. You can also use the plus/minus tabs to toggle through the list. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 21..
Page 22: Basics For Rack Building
The audio signal runs through the chain of rack modules from top to bottom, except if you are using special tools that create parallel processing paths, like the Split. See the Compo- nents Reference for details on these tools. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 22..
Page 23 ▪ If you don’t want to replace another component when using Drag & Drop, make sure you drop it beneath the other components, which is indicated by an orange line in- stead of the rectangle. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 23..
Page 24 ▪ The On/Off button allows for true bypassing of the module — no power is con- sumed when it is turned off. ▪ The (Minus) button minimizes the module’s display. ▪ The triangular arrow toggles its expert panel, if available. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 24..
Page 25: Working With Presets
Controllers), which is indicated by a small padlock symbol. These will not be affected by controller assignments stored in a Rack Preset. GUITAR RIG 5 ships with a huge amount of Rack Presets of any style, and you can easily create more as you see fit.
Page 26: The Preset Browser
Working with Presets The Preset Browser The Preset Browser The Preset Browser Click on the Browser button to open the Preset Browser — a powerful tool for finding and organizing all your Rack Presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 26..
Page 27: Tags And The Preset List
Clicking on the column headers will sort by the according values, first ascending then de- scending. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 27..
Page 28: The Search Engine
The new search engine will help you to quickly find a particular preset by entering part of its name. The search bar, situated between the Preset Browser and the Preset List, is al- ways ready to process your requests. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 28..
Page 29: Loading And Saving Rack Presets
Rack or at the bottom of the SideKick. 4.1.4 Importing Presets There are two ways of importing presets into GUITAR RIG 5 — either of them can be the most convenient way to go: GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 29..
Page 30: Exporting Presets
The Preset Browser ▪ When you drag and drop preset files into the Preset Browser, they will be copied to the Sounds folder of GUITAR RIG 5 and get the tag(s) that were selected before. ▪ After selecting from the GUITAR RIG 5 menu, you can copy presets to File >..
Page 31 User saved presets are marked with a user icon inside the preset lists. Custom presets can be spotted in GUITAR RIG 5 by just looking at the preset lists.To delete a pre- set, right-click (ctrl-click) on it in the Preset List and select..
Page 32: Tags On Three Levels
No preset will be harmed by deleting a tag — all presets are still in the Preset List when no tag is selected. ► To delete a preset, right-click on it in the Preset List and select Remove from disk. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 32..
Page 33: Tagging Presets
Any preset can carry an unlimited number of tags! Adding tags to presets works simply with drag and drop: ► Click on one of the presets in the Preset List and drag it onto one of the tags in the left column of the Preset Browser. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 33..
Page 34 ▪ After removing all tags from a preset, it is still available in the Preset Browser when you de-select all tags. ▪ To really delete a preset, highlight it, right-click and select Remove from disk. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 34..
Page 35: Preset Info Page
After selecting one of the tags, the Preset List will change showing all the pre- sets containing this tag. Deleting a preset from the Preset List will remove the cur- rently selected tag from it. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 35..
Page 36: Component Presets
Working with Presets Component Presets Component Presets GUITAR RIG 5 comes with plenty of factory presets for components, providing a timesav- ing alternative to dialing in classic sounds for each component by hand. 4.3.1 Basics A Component Preset contains the settings for a single component. After selecting an item of the Component Pool, press the Presets tab: a list of available Component Presets is dis- played below in the SideKick.
Page 37 Component Preset anywhere into the Rack. Component Presets and the Rack Each rack module displays the name of its current Component Preset in a small box on its left hand side, the Component Preset Display. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 37..
Page 38 Once you have found a good setting for a component you use regularly, you will want to save your own Component Preset. To do this you will want to create a Bank. The Banks are user-defined categories where Component presets are stored. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 38..
Page 39 ► From the component pull down menu choose Save as → The new preset will be titled New Preset until a title is chosen. ► To save any changes to the preset currently displayed, select Save from the component menu. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 39..
Page 40 By clicking on the column headers of the list of Component Presets, you can sort it by List Number (#), Name, and Rating. Save a quality rating with each preset by clicking on one of the 5 stars right beside its name. This can always be changed later. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 40..
Page 41: The Rack Tools
The Rack Tools Tapedeck Pre The Rack Tools The following sections will introduce you to the Rack Tools of GUITAR RIG 5: Tapedeck Pre and Post, Tuner and Metronome. Tapedeck Pre The Tapedeck Pre Rack Tool Tapedeck Pre is the tool for playing back and recording audio at the beginning of GUITAR RIG’s signal chain (except when..
Page 42: Recording
Recording your guitar will pick up the processed sound, just as you hear it at the output. Use Tapedeck Post if you want to record your guitar part with the actual GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 42..
Page 43: Interaction With Tapedeck Pre
The Rack Tools Tapedeck Post sound, e.g. for using it ”outside of” GUITAR RIG 5. Files you import and play back will not be processed, which makes Tapedeck Post ideal for playing drum loops and your own backing tracks. Its controls are similar to Tapedeck Pre, except that it has no Transpose (TRANSP),..
Page 44: Tuner
-1. TUNE FORK produces a reference tone. To select its pitch, click on the note field to the ▪ right and drag up or down, or click on the Arrow buttons. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 44..
Page 45: Metronome And Synchronization
▪ sound: The current tempo is stored with the Rack content when you save a preset. In this setting, the Metronome loads the tempo information when you load a preset. This is useful for preparing presets with synchronized effects e.g. for a live show. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 45..
Page 46: Preset Volume
▪ Use the crossfader to switch between the Dry signal and the Wet (affected) signal. ▪ Use the slider to control the volume level of the wet signal. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 46..
Page 47: Master Fx
▪ Configure your Master FX chain from factory or user presets. ▪ Click on the (cross) to empty the whole Master FX section. ▪ Click on the arrow to minimize the Master FX section. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 47..
Page 48 Tools section of the Component Pool. New Banks may also be created similarly to other Component Presets. Just as the other Rack Tools, the Master FX can’t be selected or highlighted. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 48..
Page 49: The Rig Kontrol
RIG 5. Nine freely assignable switches and an expression pedal are at your disposal right after connecting it. Note that you can use the Rig Kontrol to control GUITAR RIG 5, even if you do not use it as your audio interface. For detailed information about the hardware and how to use the integrated audio interface, refer to the Hardware Reference.
Page 50: Assigning Functions To The Rig Kontrol
If you operate a switch or the pedal of the (physical) RIG KONTROL, both the Virtual Rig Kontrol and the assigned function will react to it. The label of Switch 1 is dragged onto the Volume I knob of the Plex. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 50..
Page 51: Configuring Assignments
Kontrol. Click on the arrow button to reveal the assignment, then click on a label or switch on the Virtual Rig Kontrol to select it. The functions assigned to this particular control are now shown in the expert panel. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 51..
Page 52 ▪ The left bracket defines the value mapped to the controller at zero; the right bracket defines the value mapped to the controller at maximum. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 52..
Page 53: Assigning Functions To External Controllers
Rack. If the external footswitch you are using is “on” only while pressed (instead of switching be- tween “on” and “off”), activate Toggle mode in the context menu of the according input. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 53..
Page 54: Using Guitar Rig In A Host
Setting Up a Guitar or Bass Track To setup a track to be processed by GUITAR RIG 5, just create an audio track and insert GUITAR RIG 5 as an effect. The audio track will hold the bare, unprocessed signal and your sound will be routed through GUITAR RIG before reaching the output stage of your DAW.
Page 55: Synchronization
(because it works both with audio and MIDI), you should use it as a signal process- ing / effects insert. 7.1.4 Synchronization If you want GUITAR RIG 5 to be in time with your host, remember to turn on Ext mode in the Metronome (see section ↑5.4, Metronome and Synchronization). This will turn off the speed setting of GUITAR RIG and use the host’s tempo as a master.
Page 56: Automating Parameters In Apple Logic Pro
In the View menu, turn on track automation for the selected track, so you can see what you are doing. Change the track to Latch Touch mode Start playback. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 56..
Page 57: Sidechaining
In GUITAR RIG 5, a Sidechaining control is available in the Envelope, LFO, Input Level in the Modifier section and in the Stomp Compressor, Tube Compressor, and in the all new Fast Comp from the DYNAMICS section.
Page 58: Options
TAR RIG 5 reacts to MIDI Program Change messages regardless of assignments: They switch presets within the current Preset List. Controller Assignment the Easy Way The quickest way to control any knob with a MIDI device is provided by its context menu: GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 58..
Page 59: Setting Up External Midi Controllers
(instead of switching between “on” and “off” each time you press it), this will be the be- havior of the assigned parameter as well. If you want to change it, activate Toggle Mode the Menu of the according controller. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 59..
Page 60: Assigning Functions To Controllers
0), the right one the value mapped to the controller at maximum (MIDI value 127). ▪ As switches are either on or off, the brackets can be used to define the difference be- tween the actual knob positions they trigger. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 60..
Page 61 The Controller menu Even if you prefer drag and drop, the menu is necessary to assign functions that are not controlled by any rack module, e.g., switching presets. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 61..
Page 62: Linking External Midi Controllers To The Virtual Rig Kontrol
8.1.3 Linking External MIDI Controllers to the Virtual Rig Kontrol The Virtual Rig Kontrol is a perfectly integrated component of GUITAR RIG 5, sporting pre-assigned functions for many presets and a convenient display for all its assignments, especially in Live view. If your external MIDI controller features a comparable set of con- trols, it can make sense to map it to the Virtual Rig Kontrol and then use the latter for assigning functions instead.
Page 63 “off” as soon as it is released. This can be very useful when triggering effects. In GUITAR RIG 5, each controller input can be set to work in “Hold mode” via its context menu to reflect this difference. Just right-click any label of the Virtual Rig Kontrol, or click on Menu in any entry of the MIDI Controller list to call it up.
Page 64: Preferences
In most cases, turning off Hold mode will enable them to work in the other mode as well. Preferences Under the Options tab, click on Preferences to configure GUITAR RIG 5. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 64..
Page 65 Options Preferences The Preferences Menu It offers the following settings: Window Height: Use this control to set the height of the GUITAR RIG 5 window. You can ▪ choose among . The actual dimensions in pixels (given in Small Medium Large brackets) depend on the physical display resolution of your monitor.
Page 66: Rig Kontrol 1 Support
8.2.1 Rig Kontrol 1 Support The earliest Rig Kontrol can still be used for controlling GUITAR RIG 5, with the natural limitation of having only one audio input channel, of course. The second channel trans- mits the unit’s control signal and is therefore not available. To activate Rig Kontrol 1 com-..
Page 67 Options Preferences Left channel blocked by Rig Kontrol GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 67..
Page 68: Menu Bar
File Menu Bar GUITAR RIG 5 is designed in a way that — once set up — you will hardly ever need to use the Menu bar. Most functions are easier to access another way, as explained above. How- ever, it may be necessary to change the 'Audio and MIDI settings..' in standalone mode.
Page 69: Edit
Activates full screen mode, giving you the maximum possible resolution - extremely useful in Live view. Press ESC or F4 to return to normal mode. Hide/Show SideKick Hides or shows the left area of the GUITAR RIG 5 user interface, where Preset Browser, Components Browser and Options are displayed. Hide/Show Live View..
Page 70: Help
Open Manual.. For access to all available manuals, navigate to your language. Visit GUITAR RIG 5 on the Web.. Your permanent bookmark to the GUITAR RIG 5 website, where you find product-related resources, news and entertaining extras! Visit the Knowledge Base..
Page 71: Audio And Midi Settings
Choose the correct type of driver for your audio interface. Using ASIO (Windows) / CoreAu- dio (Mac OS X) is strongly recommended. Device Select your audio device from the list. If it doesn’t appear, check if it is connected and its drivers are properly installed. GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 71..
Page 72 SideChain function, this is the place to go. The left column shows the available channels of your audio interface. The entries in the right column are GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 72..
Page 73 The left column shows all available MIDI devices , sorted by Input and Output. The entries in the right column are actually menus. By clicking on them, you can turn them on or off. Mind that any devices you want to use to control GUITAR RIG 5 have to be activated (turned On) under Input.
Page 74: Keyboard Shortcuts
[Delete] Edit Select All [Ctrl]+[A] [Cmd]+[A] View Hide/Show Hints [Ctrl]+[I] [Cmd]+[I] View Full Screen [F4] [F4] View Hide/Show RigKontrol [F3] [F3] View Hide/Show SideKick [F2] [F2] View Hide/Show Live View [F1] [F1] GUITAR RIG 5 - Application Reference - 74..
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jobinterviewghost · 5 years
Here are 9 gigs not to miss in Melbourne this February
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From experimental pop bravado to avant-garde metal, Melbourne has you absolutely covered with all the talent you need to fill your February calendar. Here are a few of the essential acts checking out the city in the coming month.
J.I.D-- February 5, 170 Russell
Every track that J.I.D gets on ends up being an immediate classic, with the rapper/singer/songwriter paving his own method the field of hip hop and rap.
googletag.cmd.push( function() googletag.display(' td_teads'); );
Head along to acquire some clarity towards who is the hottest on the scene today, and witness one of the very best live performers around.
J.I.D-- 'Never ever'
Pennywise-- February 6-7, Forum Melbourne/Chelsea Heights Hotel
Formed in 1988, Pennywise is a famous punk band that truly needs no intro.
The group have actually generated a global following through their ruthless riffs and melodic, high energy sound that fuses together components of browse punk and blistering hardcore.
Come on down to see how the group have actually solidified their place in punk history, and witness timeless anthems like 'Fuck Authority' and 'Brother Hymn'.
Pennywise-- 'Bro Hymn'
As It Is-- February 15, Stay Gold
Formed in 2012, this British-American rock band have been knocking it out of the park now for quite some time.
Every riff is electrical, every lyric is punching and the stage presence? Merely unbelievable. Prepare to mosh, and ensure you wear plenty of black, due to the fact that this show is going to get heavy.
As It Is-- 'The Reaper'
The Beatles: Abbey Road Live-- February 19, Frankston Arts Centre
This year saw a supergroup formed of Australia's most popular
ARC, a supergroup including Kram (Spiderbait), Mark Wilson (Jet), Davey Lane (You Am I) and Darren Middleton (Powderfinger), brought their undying love for The Beatles to the stage for ARC Presents: The Beatles' Abbey Road Live. The extravaganza was such a roaring success that the performers have actually chosen to bring it back for another victory lap.
Kram on the Difficulty of Recreating Abbey Road Live
Scorpions & & Whitesnake-- February 19, Rod Laver Arena
Whenever you consider classic difficult rock acts of the '80s, it's nearly difficult to go past the likes of Whitesnake and the Scorpions.
With the former being formed by Deep Purple vocalist David Coverdale back in 1978, they were home names thanks to iconic tunes like 'Here I Go Once again' and 'Is This Love'. The latter helped put German rock on the map with traditional tracks like 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' and 'Wind Of Modification'.
Now, their specific powers are set to combine in a huge method when both acts head down under for an enormous double-header trip in February.
Whitesnake-- 'Here I Go Once again'
Pentatonix-- February 20, Margaret Court Arena
Pentatonix is an American acapella group characterised by their pop-style plans with singing consistencies, basslines, riffing, percussion, and beatboxing. They produce cover variations of modern-day pop works in addition to initial material, and create a few of the most amusing videos you'll enjoy in a long period of time.
Inspect them out in a live setting, where they put their singing chops to operate in a show that is even more impressive in the genuine than in any video they have actually ever developed.
Pentatonix-- 'Bohemian Rhapsody'
Dorian Electra-- February 27-28, Gasometer Hotel/ The Employees Club
Dorian Electra makes music that defies gender norms. In the previous year, their work has actually acquired a queer cult following and a quickly growing global fanbase, as well as crucial praise from Pitchfork, Billboard, Paper Magazine, The Fader, Gay Times, The Guardian, and more.
Each single is high-concept, extravagant and purposefully crafted. It just makes good sense that Dorian is playing The Workers Club in Melbourne, offered the shimmering success of their single 'Career Boy'.
In between the Buried and Me, February 29, The Corner Hotel
Progressive metal. Technical death metal. Progressive psychedelic. These are all terms that have actually been used to explain the experimental and compelling music of In between the Buried and Me.
Head along if you want your soul crushed and your spirits raised in among the most effortlessly enthralling shows heading to Sydney in 2020.
Between the Buried and Me-- 'Celestial Body'
Tiny Meat Gang-- February 29, Palais Theatre
Tiny Meat Gang is an American music duo consisting of Cody Kolodziejzyk and Noel Miller. They launched their very first comedy EP Bangers & & Ass in 2017, and now they're heading for Melbourne.
Head on down for a night of laughs and ridiculousness with the young boys, who never ever stop to become viral sensations with every brand-new hit.
0 notes
ssfoc · 7 years
Hiii Sea! I don't know if you have talked about this but I still find really interesting the album artwork Harry has for Harry Styles. There's no name, no logo, you can't see his face. If you are putting out your first album, it makes sense for you to put you highly recognisable name next to your highly recognisable face. Do you think he wanted to kinda distance his household name from his album? I'm sorry if this has been talked about a lot or something. I recently (finally!!!) got my vynil! xx
Yay for getting your vinyl!
Neither the SOTT single cover nor the HS1 cover have words, and neither show his face. 
Here’s Sign of the Times:
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And here’s Harry Styles:
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I did a search for iconic album covers without words, and there are in fact a few, including ones by his favorites The Beatles and, famously, Pink Floyd. I tried to avoid album covers with any words at all (for example, The Beatles White Album has the band’s name on it, and The Eagles’ Hotel California has the album title on it).
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From top left, clockwise: Paul McCartney, McCartney; The Beatles, Revolver; The Beatles, Abbey Road, and Beck, Sea Change.
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From top left, clockwise (all Pink Floyd): Pulse; Dark Side of the Moon; Animals; The Division Bell
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From top left, clockwise: Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here; The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Electric Ladyland; Pink Floyd, Atomic Heart Mother; Coldplay, A Rush of Cold Blood to the Head
The fact that the covers lack words may be a statement about both aesthetics and meaning. It’s interesting that Harry’s social media accounts now also do not show his face in any frontal view. Here, Instagram icon:
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Twitter header:
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I can think of a few things that help to interpret the images– again, only my opinions.
First, in his television ad, Harry presented an image of traveling from darkness toward light, of coming out of water. His first single was named “Sign of the Times” and featured an image of him immersed in water. I think they point to a metaphor of rebirth and baptism, of trying to have a second life. 
The image of the album cover reinforces this feeling, Compared to the album covers for One Direction, which were designed to deliver images of the boys conjured by 1DHQ (teen heart throbs, scamps, goofy lads, sexy rock ‘n rollers), this image of Harry on his debut album is decidedly more mysterious– more feminine, more vulnerable, more ambiguously gendered, more–like the pink water– opaque, unidentifiable. Everything about the album cover steers away from aggression and violence, and toward peace, softness, calmness, and contemplation, underscored by the most highlighted object, a lotus blossom pendant. 
This aesthetic carries into the other album art:
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Harry’s radio interviews during his promotion also emphasized this protean quality. He emphasized that he didn’t want to tell people what to think about his music, even if he had a specific meaning in mind, even if the song was based on specific personal memory or experience. He wanted the songs to be open to interpretation. 
Some critics pointed out the weakness of vague lyrics on some of the songs on this album. Harry tried so hard to be everything to everyone, they said, that he ended up being bland and unfocused, frustratingly clichéd. A song universally praised for its lyrics was From the Dining Table, not coincidentally a song based on other people’s experiences. 
The promotion also emphasized the quality of trying to be everything to everyone. Even the sales slogan says he’s always available, everywhere, to anyone:
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The message is that Harry is open not only to his One Direction fans, but to a whole new fan base, to everyone. He no longer wants to be the face that sells the music (although, with a face like his, how could he avoid it?); he wants the music to sell itself. Therefore, it was disappointing to see, during promo period, old stunts being used to sell the album. If Harry’s team were consistent to the vision of his album art, it would feel confident enough to let Harry and his music be the focal point. He has an excellent product. Let old tactics go by way of old album covers. Let the aesthetic of the new album cover wipe the slate clean. 
38 notes · View notes
android-for-life · 7 years
"It’s Beatlemania in Google Earth"
The Beatles' eighth album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, first hit the record stores in June 1967. The album was created at Abbey Road Studios and features classics like “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” and “With A Little Help From My Friends” in addition to the title track. Fifty years later, Sgt. Pepper remains a fan favorite, and is being re-issued with new mixes and tracks. Today on Google Earth’s storytelling platform, Voyager, we’re celebrating not only this beloved, influential album, but the whole of the Fab Four’s monumental contributions to rock ‘n’ roll.
The global Voyager tour highlights significant moments and places in The Beatles’ career. Their journey starts at Liverpool’s iconic Cavern Club, and ends at Strawberry Fields in New York’s Central Park, where a black-and-white tiled memorial honors the life of John Lennon. You can also fly to the Hamburg nightclub where the band performed almost nonstop for 48 days; the New York theater where they made their historic first live TV appearance in America; and India, where they experienced spiritual awakenings in the Maharishi’s ashram.
Join the Fab Four as they tour the globe with Google Earth’s Voyager.
Header image courtesy of Local Guide Austin Ayodeji
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
0 notes
android-for-life · 7 years
"It’s Beatlemania in Google Earth"
The Beatles' eighth album, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, first hit the record stores in June 1967. The album was created at Abbey Road Studios and features classics like “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” and “With A Little Help From My Friends” in addition to the title track. Fifty years later, Sgt. Pepper remains a fan favorite, and is being re-issued with new mixes and tracks. Today on Google Earth’s storytelling platform, Voyager, we’re celebrating not only this beloved, influential album, but the whole of the Fab Four’s monumental contributions to rock ‘n’ roll.
The global Voyager tour highlights significant moments and places in The Beatles’ career. Their journey starts at Liverpool’s iconic Cavern Club, and ends at Strawberry Fields in New York’s Central Park, where a black-and-white tiled memorial honors the life of John Lennon. You can also fly to the Hamburg nightclub where the band performed almost nonstop for 48 days; the New York theater where they made their historic first live TV appearance in America; and India, where they experienced spiritual awakenings in the Maharishi’s ashram.
Join the Fab Four as they tour the globe with Google Earth’s Voyager.
Header image courtesy of Local Guide Austin Ayodeji
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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